AOAC of Fi Cial Method 971.26

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43.1.02 acetone, shake, and let stand 2 min.

Pipet 10 mL extract into another

AOAC Official Method 971.26 100 mL volumetric flask, dilute to volume with acetone, and shake.
Color (Extractable) in Spices Transfer portion to cell and measure A at 460 nm against acetone.
Spectrophotometric Method C. Calculations
First Action 1971
Final Action 1980
To correct for instrument and cell variations, calculate correction
factor, If = declared A of NIST standard at 465 nm/actual A of NIST
(Applicable to capsicums and oleoresin paprika.)
standard at 465 nm. Redetermine If each time spectrophotometer is
A. Apparatus and Reagents turned on.
(a) Spectrophotometer.—Accurately measuring A at 460 nm; Range of A should be 0.30 to 0.70. Dilute extracts with A >0.70
with 1 cm stoppered cells. with acetone to 12 original concentration. Discard extracts with A
(b) Glass reference standard.—NIST SRM 2030 or 930, glass <0.30 and extract larger test portion.
filter with A certified by NIST in range 0.4–0.6 at 465 nm.
Aextract at 460 nm ´16.4 I f
B. Determination ASTA color value for capsicum =
g test portion
(a) Capsicums.—Transfer 70–100 mg test portion into a 100 mL
volumetric flask, dilute to volume with acetone, and stopper tightly. Aextract at 460 nm ´164 I f
Shake flask and let stand 16 h at room temperature in dark. Shake ASTA color value for oleoresin =
g test portion
flask again and let particles settle 2 min. Transfer portion of extract
to spectrophotometer cell with 10 mL pipet.
Determine A of extract at 460 nm, using acetone as blank. where 16.4 and 164 are extinction coefficients to convert to
Determine A of NIST standard at 465 nm. American Spice Trade Association (ASTA) color values.
(b) Oleoresin.—Weigh, to nearest 0.1 mg, 70–100 mg test portion References: JAOAC 54, 37(1971); 55, 428(1972); 60, 1(1977);
and transfer to 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to volume with 67, 414(1984).



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