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Grade I-II English Reading Time 1

Verbs Jesus stop a storm.

Know it Origin
Verbs are action words The New Testament
Examples of verbs Story
Do you know of the miracles Jesus performed?
Want to hear a cool miracle story?
Once, Jesus Christ was traveling through the Sea of
Galilee with his disciples. But soon a violent storm
engulfed them. Water filled the boat, and it began
Watching Cooking Jumping Singing
to sink. Jesus was asleep, so his disciples woke him
So Jesus woke up, stood facing the sea, and comm
anded it to be calm. And just like that, the storm
withered away! It is a very short bible stories for
Praying Reading Writing Smelling kids and it is easy for you to act out.
With faith in God, nothing is impossible.
Activity ONE
In the reading time encircle all the action word.
Standing Sitting Sleeping Playing
water. But the moment he took his eye off Jesus and
Reading Time 2 concentrated on the waves, he began to sink.
Jesus grabbed Peter and save him. Finally, the
Jesus walk on water.
disciples realized that Jesus was the Son of God. It
Story can be one of the best bible stories for kids to teach
about Jesus.
What happens when you throw a rock in the water?
It sinks, right? What will happen if you try to walk on Lesson
water? You’ll drown. But not Jesus!
Make God your focus, not your problems.
A long time ago, Jesus asked his disciples to wait for
him on the boat while he went up to a mountain to
pray. As the disciples waited for the boat for Jesus, a Activity TWO
strong storm blew the boat away to the middle of
the sea. The disciples tried hard to row the boat In the reading time 2, underline all the action words.
back to the shore, but to no avail.
The disciples were worried about Jesus and
wondered what they could do to get their master to
the boat. Suddenly, they saw a man walk into the Activity THREE
water! The disciples panicked, thinking that a man
Write what verbs are shown in the pictures.
was about to drown. But it was Jesus, and he did not
drown. Instead, he walked over the water and
reached the boat safely.
One of Jesus’s disciples, Peter, asked if he too could
walk on water. Jesus said yes, as long as he kept
Jesus as his focus. Soon, Peter too was walking on ____________ ____________ ____________
Reading Time 3
Jesus at the temple.

____________ ____________ ____________ Do want to hear another Jesus story? Here is a wonderful
one that you will surely love!
Once, Jesus went with his family to Jerusalem as a young
boy to celebrate the Passover festival.
But on their way back, Mary and Joseph realized that Jesus
was missing! Afraid for their son’s life, the couple returned
to Jerusalem and searched for Jesus. He was sitting there
____________ ____________ ____________ calmly, learning from the teachers.
The worried parents scolded Jesus lovingly and said, “where
were you son, we were looking all over for you.” Hearing
this, Jesus replied, “Why were you worried? Didn’t you
know I would be at my father’s temple?”

Activity FOUR
____________ ____________ ____________
Write down the action words in the story.
___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________
____________ ____________ ____________
___________ ___________ ___________
Activity FIVE
Write ten things that you love doing.
1. I love to _______________.
2. I love to _______________.
3. I love to _______________.
4. I love to _______________.
5. I love to _______________.
6. I love to _______________.
7. I love to _______________.
8. I love to _______________.
9. I love to _______________.
10.I love to _______________.

Activity SIX

From the Activity Five, list down the verbs that you

___________ ___________ ___________

___________ ___________ ___________
___________ ___________ ___________
Grade IV-VI English global warming . Burning of fossil fuels also
contributes in global warming.
Cause and Effect
There are many effects of global warming. It causes
sea level to rise, dhroughts, floods, species
Reading Time 1 extinction, glacial retreat and Artic shrinkage. These
would seriously affect agriculture and world
economic. It also increases death poll, extreme
Global Warming weather events, air tempereature and humidity.
Disastrous heat waves can occur if the temperature
By Muhammad Syahir bin Yaakop
keeps rising and number of disease-carrying insects
The Earth now becomes warmer. The ica at the Artic will increase as humidity increases.
is melting. The sea level is increasing dramatically.
An International agreement called the Kyoto
This problem occurs because of the global warming
Protocol was created to reduce the emission of
Global warming is the increase in the average
greenhouse gasses globally. Also, individuals are
temperature on Earth.
encouraged to use more alternative energy source
The mainly reason because of this problem happens such as solar and wind power. In conclusion,
because the abundance of harmful gases at the everybody needs to play a role to reduce global
atmosphere. It also stated that emissions of several warming as it is getting more serious. The Earth is
gases into the atmosphere, particularly carbon our home and we need to takr good care of it.
dioxide areone of the causes of global warming. The
gases traps heat emitted from the earth and this is
commonly known as the greenhouse effect.
Increase human population led to vast number of
deforestation and clearing of land for
industrialization. These results in fewer trees to take
up carbon dioxide during photosynthesis hence
Activity ONE
Write in a paragraph the cause and effects of global

Know it
Essay is a writing composition that usually deals
with single subject and has a limited view or
personal point of view.
Activity TWO
Write a simple essay about “What you can do to fight global Descriptive Essay- Describing one event.
warming?”. Use compound sentences.
Informative Essay- Presenting factual information.
Narrative Essay- Responding to a story.
_________________________________________________ Persuasive Essay- Convincing the readers.
_________________________________________________ Expository Essay- Explaining something.

Activity THREE
_________________________________________________ Write a simple Descriptive Essay about your Mom.

_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Know it _________________________________________________
These are five kinds of Essay
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Write a simple Informative Essay about yourself.
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ Write a simple Persuasive Essay about your favorite
_________________________________________________ food that you want others to like.
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Write a simple Narrative Essay about your favorite _________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Write a simple Expository Essay about the causes of
global warming.

Grade 7-10 English

Know it
Pronouns are any of a small set of words in a language that KINDS OF PRONOUN
are used as substitutes for nouns or noun phrases and
whose referents are named or understood in the context.

Examples of Pronoun
He She It They Them Us
We Our Himself herself
Ourselves His Her Themselves
Activity ONE
Write ten sentences and use a pronoun for
each sentences.
Activity TWO
2. Write three sentences per kind of pronouns.
3. Personal
5. 1.
6. 2.
7. 3.
8. Demonstrative
10. 2.
Interrogative By Darren Sardelli
1. Our teacher gave detention
3. To the fountains in the hall.
Relative She handed extra homework
1. To the work on the wall.
Indefinite We saw her point a finger
1. At a banner and a sign.
She said their bad behavior
Reflexive Was completely out of line.

2. The principal approached her
And said, “What is all this fuss?
I heard you tried to punish
2. All the tires on a bus.”
“You’ve made the teachers angry
Reading Time 1
By disrupting all their classes,
So if you want to keep this job,
The Silliest teacher in School
You have to wear your glasses!”
Activity THREE I am a global citizen
Write down at least five pronouns in the poem My ripples are profound
and indicate what kind of pronoun was it.
My demand can dictate if’s
1. ___________ ___________________
Enough to go around
2. ___________ ___________________
3. ___________ ___________________
4. ___________ ___________________
I am a global citizen
5. ___________ ___________________
Just one of billions more
Reading Time 2 Each with inherent value
Global Citizen From ape to seed to spore
I am a global citizen
I should have a care Activity FOUR
For every rock and animal Give a reaction about the poem “Global Citizen”
using at least five kinds of pronoun.
With whom this Earth I share
I am a global citizen
Each day my use impacts __________________________________________
The lakes, and streams, and oceans
My showers have a tax __________________________________________

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