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September 30, 2021 o Even residents (foreigners) of

this country enjoys these rights

Today we have been taught about arrest, search
and seizure operations by Sir Pagatpat. He told
us, among other things that search and seizure, Section 1, Art III of the Constitution
will make you a full pledged agent, and that it is
the most fulfilling activity for an agent. It is an
activity where you will feel the rush. You will o Due process. – hear first before
feel the safety of your co-agents on the line; you condemn
unlike when in your in the comfort of your
office o Agent must not be judgmental;
should not pre judge his case;
Also, I have learned that there is a lot of
preparation involved before one can operate. o Equal protection of the laws. –
We have to do surveillance. Protocols, set of treat all individuals in the same
standards; procedures or rules to follow; manner under the same
rationale. And that any self-respecting conditions and circumstances
institution must have standards; otherwise, it
will be chaotic. The protocols are in place for o Some of our progressive
the safety of the agent and the accused or the
brother would often invoke
subject. That is the paramount consideration.
these 2 protection clauses.

o You will avoid lawsuits

3. Right to be heard
o In order to have successful
operation and prosecution of o We issue subpoena, so that the
cases (if it is properly done, the subject can present his
evidence will be acceptable in evidence
o If he wishes to invoke his
o Having it uniform (procedures) constitutional right to remain
throughout the country silent; we have to respect his
(regions); so that supervision right.
and control on the part of the
management will be much o We should not compel / force
easier, and agents will be our subject to divulge
evaluated properly. information he has, when he
invokes his right to remain
Here in the Bureau, you are silent.
rated not only on the number
of cases you filed, but also all o May appeal to the Department
the aspects or methods of of Justice for petition for review

4. Sec 2 Bill of Rights

2. Basic rights in our Constitution o We want to have a lawful

o No unreasonable search is
allowed 6. Right to be informed of his right to be
silent; and the right to be informed such
o There would only be a valid rights
search if there is a warrant
issued by a judge after he 7. Right to competent and independent
determined probable cause counsel, preferably of his own choice

o As a person in authority, you o Co-agent who is a lawyer is not

cannot just barge inside the independent
house or confiscate the o Classmate in the College of Law
personal effects of somebody is not an independent counsel
o Do not call for the PAO
o You cannot by your own o Call the IBP so they can send
discretion enter into another’s someone to assist in the legal
house, even if you are already service. – IBP is an independent
an agent. association of lawyers, and they
will qualify under this
o You have a badge, you have a requirement.
gun; not a license to enter o These rights cannot be waived
another’s property without unless in writing and in the
warrant. presence of the counsel

o You cannot just barge inside

someone else’s premises 8. Custodial investigation
o Person suspected of committing
o 100 raging bulls; show your a crime is being investigated by
badge law enforcement agencies

o Be careful. You have to respect 9. Right to remain silent

these very fundamental rights. o Subjects have certain rights;
Becoming law enforcement and one is the right to remain
officers, does not clothe us the silent
right to barge in without the o Not to give or sign any
statement, affidavit or any
o search warrant issued by the paper; not to divulge any
court. information.

o Either with warrant or

warrantless arrest, you have to
5. Illegally secured conversation. – recite this right (right to be
cannot be used; in fact, the recording silent)
can be used as evidence against you.
o Taking of photograph and
o Privacy of communications and fingerprint are mechanical and
correspondence shall be inviolable not incriminatory on the part of
subject (name, age, date of o When in his presence, the
birth – data which are not person to be arrested has
incriminatory on the part of committed, is already
subject) committing, or attempting to
commit an offence;
o These can be obtained or asked
from a subject o When an offense has been
committed, and he has personal
knowledge of the facts
10. Give him time to choose his counsel indicating that the person to be
arrested has committed it; and
11. If the officer fails to inform the suspect (HOT PURSUIT OPERATION)
of this right (right to counsel), the
officer must say it. o When the person to be arrested
is a prisoner who has escaped
12. Right against the use of torture, force, from a penal establishment

13. We belong to a self-respecting 6. Exempted from arrest

institution, we do not use these
methods o Foreign ambassadors and other
diplomatic officials together
This is already punishable by law (Anti with their domestics
o Members of the Legislature
14. We do not do in the NBI the use of accused of light offenses when
force or torture to elicit information; we congress is in session.
can elicit information without resorting
to violence, intimidation; this is the o Arresto Mayor. – One month
measure of the caliber of the agent. and 1 day to 6 months

o When legislature is accused of

Rule 113 - Arrest murder, he cannot invoke this
because the crime committed is
1. Is the taking of a person into custody. not a light offense
The temporary suppression of one’s
liberty. Once arrested you lose your
7. Practical Side o Arrest
locomotion / mobility.
8. The persons arrested shall not be
2. Kinds:
subject of any greater restraint than is
o With warrant of arrest
necessary or his detention.
o Without warrant of arrest
9. Arrest is made by an actual restraint of
3. Order issued by the court the person to be arrested, or by his
4. Law enforcers usually perform submission to the custody of the person
warrantless arrests making the arrest.
5. Warrantless arrest. –
10. No violence or unnecessary force shall
be used in making the arrest; or by his
submission to the custody of the person person is already arrested or still at
making the arrest. large.

11. Lady accompanied them to the office. Be careful with your return to the court.

“Mam sa ayaw mo at gusto, dadalhin

ka talaga namin. Mas maganda Use of Body Worn Cameras
sumama ka, kung hindi bibitbitin ka
namin maiiskandalo ka lang.” 1. News resolution issued by the SC
2. Before we are free to serve warrants of
arrest without any body worn cameras
- Smart approach
3. Stringent requirement was a result of
the many controversies in the PNP.
12. Bring him to the nearest police station This is the contribution of the PNP.
or jail
o As a matter of practice, we also 4. In the course of the service of warrant
coordinate with the police of arrest, we are required to use BWC,
where operation is to be otherwise there will be legal
conducted. implications.
o Simultaneous coordination
o We bring the subject directly to 5. It is a Supreme Court resolution
the NBI office

6. Contribution of PNP made our life

13. Execution of Warrant harder.
o Execute the warrant within 10
days 7. Warrant of arrest. – while arrest may
o Make a report to the judge be held legal, the law enforcement
within 10 days after the officer will be held liable for contempt
expiration of such period.
o In case of failure to execute the 8. Failure to timely file affidavit will expose
dame, state the reasons LEO to contempt of court.
o Attach the booking sheet and
the report. Other warrantless arrest
o Make a return to the court 1. Arrest of undesirable aliens only in
within 10 days after expiration coordination of the BUREAU of
regardless if it had been served IMMIGRATION. We do not do it alone.
or not. Always in coordination with the Bureau
of Immigration.
14. Be careful, write PNP. Sometimes
subject is already arrested by the PNP. 2. Arrest as a consequence of warrantless
Before you prepare a return, ask the search of an aircraft, ship or any other
police station, if they acted on a moving vehicle
particular warrant, to know if the PNP
was able to arrest the person you are 3. Arrest as a consequence of a search
tasked to arrest – to know if such turned positive.
Service of Search warrants
simultaneously all over the country.
SEARCH WARRANT This cannot be done now. You have to
go the respective regional trial courts.
The possibility of leakage is very high.
1. Order in writing issued in the name of Court employees and law enforcers can
the PP, signed by a judge, … leak information.

2. Where to apply. – any court within So now we apply where the specific
whose territorial jurisdiction a crime RTC’s are located.
was committed.
Hope we can revert back to the
previous resolution allowing 2 courts to
3. For compelling reasons stated in the
issue search warrants all over the
application, any court within the judicial
region where the crime was committed
inf the place of the commission of the Regional Director
crime is known, or any court within the
Judicial Region where the warrant shall 1. If search warrant to be served is
be enforced outside the jurisdiction of regional
office, regional director cannot approve
4. If the criminal action has already been that.
filed, the application shall only be made
in the court where the criminal action is He will request from Director for
pending. Regional Operations authority to apply
for it.
5. EN bank Res 99-10-09 SC (January 25,
2000) DROS will issue document authorizing
regional office to apply search warrant
outside its jurisdiction.
o Heinous crimes
o Dangerous drugs
o Illegal gambling
o Illegal possession of Firearms
2. The warrant may cover: (1) the subject
of the offense, (2) proceeds or fruit of
No more executive judge (Manila or QC)
the offense, or (3) property used or
can issue this. This was revoked already.
intended to be used in the commission
You have to file it in the courts having
of the offense.
3. ____
Operations are somehow affected.

o Sworn application (prepared by

6. Make the operation nationwide, agent on case)
executive judge in Manila approved
search warrant. Now this cannot be o Deposition of Witness of
done. Application (statement of your
witness in the application for
search warrant; people who
have personal knowledge of: (1) In Manila it is the SD that
the items subject of the search authorizes the agent to apply
warrant; (2) where the items for search warrant.
are placed or kept; or (3) of the
crime committed In provinces, it is RD

o Search warrant. – searching If it is outside the AOR of the

question. There can be no region, then authority must be
search warrant without the secured from the SD (Service
personal appearance of the Director) Regional Operations
agent or his witness or Service
o Sworn Application. – it is an
under-oath application.
Subscribed and has to be
prepared in several copies.

4. Illegal online cock fight. – cockpit o W must be very clear in specific

arena. Agents were required to law that was violated
personally appear before a judge in a
question and answer proceeding. Not o Separate application for search
through zoom. It was face to face. warrant: one for illegal drugs,
and one for illegal guns.
With this kind of procedure, it is not
only what you say to the judge, but also It cannot be general in nature,
your demeanor. Convince the judge otherwise it will be invalidated.
that you have actual knowledge about
what you are going to seize. One separate application for
every violation.

5. Things to remember in applying for

search warrant
o Must be a law enforcer. – 6. Outside AOR (area of responsibility),
private individual cannot apply agents have to secure authority from
for a search officer. It (search the SD (Service Director) to apply for a
warrant) is addressed to a warrant.
peace officer, not civilian

o Agent need to present

authorization from Regional 7. Reminders
Director or Service Director that o Deposition of the witness must
they are authorized to apply for be in writing
search warrant. o If you think one witness is not
enough, produce more witness
Necessary authorization from and bring them to court
the RD or SD concerned. o Exact location of the place to be
searched must be determined
by photographed or sketches. – the actual occupants of the
for courts to have better property and/or owner.
appreciation of the place to be
searched Just establish later on that
o Deponent must be present in owner is aware of the activity of
court together with the the person in actual possession
applicant. or occupancy of the place.
o The place to be searched must
be sufficiently identified.
12. Background record check of subject
8. Agent can become RTC Judge in CEBU should be made.
o Sometimes subject already has
9. No amount of questioning can make a standing warrant of arrest; if
you falter if you have personal that is the case, you can serve it
knowledge of the item to be seized to the subject, and in plain
view, you can confiscate
10. Items obtained in test buy should be prohibited item in the area.
brought to court including certifications
from government licensing agencies o Now you can go to court and
apply for search warrant.
o Test buy, with certification from Because this time you are more
government agencies prepared because you had been
in that place.
o Selling an illegal firearm is
How to Testify in Court
already a crime. So, suspect
should have been arrested
already during that test buy. 1. Look dignified and respectable law
Prior verification with PNP 2. Documents must be properly arranged
divulged that it had no license. and in folders. (You must be ready with
your records by the time you are there)
It was reserved as evidence, 3. Approach the BCC politely and
and agent decided to secure introduce yourself and your purpose, do
warrant first so that other not go directly to the Judge. Be
firearms can be seized. respectful
4. Address the Judge as “Your Honor”
5. Never raise your voice and look at him
o in the eyes while answering his
11. The name of subjects / owner of the 6. Deponent / witness must be properly
property to be searched must be and thoroughly briefed about his
determined testimony and must appear neat and
properly attired in court.
o Actual possessor or occupant of
the property or place to be 7. Make sure you know the facts by heart,
searched. Apply warrant against especially material particulars like
address, date of incidents, names of
persons and their circumstances,
descriptions of houses to be searched o Don’t serve the warrant of
and articles or things to be seized. arrest without a case
assignment. Especially when
o Be sure to have your personal subject is known to you.
inspection of the place to be Complainant is also his relative.
searched (personal view or
surveillance) – general area
2. Verification of confidential information
8. Testify on facts only, never on law ,
since the judge is presumed to know
the law, unless the judge himself ask 3. Preparing the raiding team and
you to explain to him the exact equipment
provisions of law violated o Depends on: area
o Conditions
9. Be sure that your testimony will at least o Number of men
prove the existence of probable cause.
4. Application for search warrant
10. Politely thank the judge and he clerk of
court whether your application is 5. Submit Pre-operation report to OPCEN
granted or denied. and ODDROS

o Before launching an operation

Conduct of Operation (warrantless arrest, or service
of search warrant) submit a
(Choronology of events in an operation to report to aforesaid offices
search and seizure naming the participating agents
o Always furnish copy of pre
1. Case Assignment operation report to (1) ODDROS
o Never entertain a surveillance and (2) OPCEN; otherwise, it
or application for search will be a basis of
warrant without case administratively charged. If
assignment. You will be there are issues in the
administratively liable for taking operation, it will redound to the
cognizance of a case, without it submission of the pre operation
being assigned report. This is mandatory.
o Written order from your
immediate chief > case 6. Briefing of Team Member
assignment o Clear, simple and to the point.
o Without case assignment, you o Show the sketch, show the
are not supposed to act on it. pictures > familiarization
(location and subject)
o In emergency situations, you o Glance of the search warrant >
can act on it, but when you go o Creation of sub teams among
back, secure the proper case the team members [(1)
assignment. perimeter; (2) inventory, (3)
coordination with the PNP, 4. Usual Composition of the Raiding Team
safeguarding of evidence and
vehicle, 5. Assault team) 1. Team Leader. – he calls the shots and
coordinate actions
o “may aso ba yan”
o Most of the time it is the AOC.
o “subject is hardened criminal or
But there are times that AOC is
not the Team Leader (A more
o Always expect for the worst
senior agent takes the lead)
o Preparation must always be
o He is on top of the situation
“prepare for the worst
o You cannot relax
2. Assistant Team Leader / Assault Team
o Give specific roles or
o Team Leader cannot be (not
assignments for each agent
advisable to be) the Team
Leader of the Assault Team
7. Raid
o Only agents and special agents
3. Searching Member/s, not all team
can join raids. Others like
members should be allowed to search
Confidential agents, should not
to avoid embarrassing consequences
actively participate. Only agents
o Chaotic implementation of the
are sworn to perform this task.
search warrant if the search
CA are relegated to the task of
members are also the assault
guarding our vehicles,
safeguarding our equipment,
o It becomes a questionable
they should not be participating
search plus exposure to counter
in the: [(1) perimeter; (2)
actions from criminal elements
inventory, (3) coordination with
o Perimeter must be checked
the PNP, 4. safeguarding of
o Vehicles must be secured
evidence and vehicle, 5. Assault
team) o Members of searching teams
must be identified
o You should not be tempted to o If there are issues about lost or
allow assets to actively join you broken items, then the
in the raid. That will affect the searching team can answer.
integrity of the evidence. Resolution is fast. To have a
safe stance, we must have a
search team, they are the ones
o If defense is able to document
authorized to search.
that a civilian was able to
recover a particular evidence,
such evidence will be
inadmissible. It is violating 4. Inventory Member
certain rules in the Bureau and o Prepares the list of items seized
the order of the Court. o Specific, numbers, etc
o Provide a copy of your
o Search warrant is addressed to inventory to your subject
a peace officer, not a civilian. So o Secure his signature as proof
only them can be applicants for that he received his copy
search warrant. o See to it that he is signing there
as to have receive the items (he
was furnish copy of inventory, o It is your proof (to the subject
never as a witness to the and barangay officials) that you
proceeding of the raid) have duly informed your
o Include Certification that the subject of the due execution of
raid was conducted in a legal the search warrant by the Court
manner o It is part of the job of the
o No other items taken other that barangay officials that they
those listed. have to witness the service of
the search warrant
5. Support group, includes perimeter
2. NBI caps and jackets
o Someone who will coordinate o We do this because we are not
with the police like PNP and other LEOs who
o Notification is timed to avoid have uniforms
leakage and achieve complete
surprise. Without such o Immediate identification of the
notification, responding local public and other law
police authorities may engage enforcement officers, and
the raiding team in a mistaken friendly officers
encounter because the raiding
team was mistaken for robbery o Prevent fire encounters with
or kidnap gang. co-law enforcement officers

o Not only verbal notification but

a written notification addressed 3. Stationeries like inventory-certification
to the police that we will be forms, or at least bond papers and
conducting operation in their carbon papers on which to write
area. It is already prepared in inventory of articles seized and ball
advance pens.
o Simple but don’t forget them
o We give general description of
the area: Ermita, Manila (not 4. Vehicles
exact address) o Enough not only to carry person
o We provide them the plate but things seized, and to
number of govt vehicles (your transport raiding team and
discretion) – except drugs, we person arrested. In a clash, they
give it to PDEA plus the names whisk away casualties.
of participating agents; but for
other operations: baril, etc, we o You cannot afford to look for
do not do it. vehicle from the scene when
o Presence and participation of you are about to fall off from
official photographer the area
What documents and equipment to take
along: o You may be needing buses.

1. Search warrant. – bring the original o The more vehicles you bring,
search warrant OR a copy thereof the better. It discourages
counter action. The ability to
maneuver and respond back is
very limited. 8. Others’ bullhorn, axe, bolt cutter
o Through surveillance, you
would be able to know the
5. Radio transceivers special equipment that you will
o No substitute for this. The need at the time of operation.
capability of it cannot be o Modern arial drone; law
underestimated. In an enforcement drone. It has a
operation scenario, the team capability to traverse 5 Km
leader can direct simultaneous distance; lt can take pictures;
direction to the entire team can zoom in and identify plate
(sub-teams). His message can numbers at a distance of 1Km;
be heard simultaneously by the we have stock in the regional
members. The instruction is operations; purpose is for
very clear and timely to all surveillance where issue of
members of the team. safety and security of agents is
unwise that to introduce human
6. Handcuffs. – most effective to restrain body in the area is not safe, we
subject. will have to use the drone. It is
o Used when subject resist, already called an aircraft; and it
become violent, or attempte to is insured. Costs a million
o Use the Bureau’s authorized o Thermal camera would be
handcuffs attached to the drone to
o You can use 1 handcuff for 2 determine presence of human
subjects persons in the area.
o Your safety is more assured
when subjects are in hand cuffs. o Night vision goggles
The chance of escaping is very

9. Body worn camera. –

7. Firearms o Absence will not invalidate the
o Side arms are standard arrest but will subject
equipment implementing agent to
o One side arm (glock 40; one contempt of court.
galeal 5.56 cliber
o Bring short and long service o State the availability or non-
firearm during the service of availability of the body worn
search warrant. Purpose is camera right from the start of
psychological impact to your application of search warrant
o If they see LEO carrying o Request for authority to use an
superior firearm and superior ARD in the absence of BWC, at
number, they will not resist the inception
o Light machine gun, Sniper rifle
o Furnish occupants of our
o Evidence obtained shall be inventory sheet; as witnessed
inadmissible if search was not by the barangay officials; have it
accompanied by a BWC or ARD received by them (occupants,
owners); have them sign the
o Wag lumusob pag walang copies; their signature not to be
camera used as an admission that these
are the things seized because
o In addition to contempt of that would be violative of the
court, implementing a search right against self-incrimination;
warrant without BWC will make just that they were furnished
the LEO administratively, civilly copies of inventories
and criminally liable

o Will not render the arrest 15. Avoid unnecessary severity in

illegal, but fruits of incidental executing the warrant (search or
search cannot be used since otherwise). Avoid breaking doors and
there was no BWC glass. If you are not allowed entry, you
can break in.
10. Search only the place as directed, and o Cannot immediately be loaded,
seize only things mentioned in search since forest product. You can
warrant allow subject to call his lawyer
o Lawyer on loud speaker mode
11. Search only in the presence of lawful o We have a search warrant
occupant, or a member of his family, or issued by the Court,
in their absence, in the presence of two o Pag pinagbawalan na i-
witnesses of sufficient age and implement ang search warrant
discretion residing in same locality. ng lawyer ni subject, pati lawyer
bibitbitin – obstruction of
In NBI, we always request the presence justice
of barangay officials, for our protection o Drugs – di pede humaba ang
and security. They will be testifying in dayalogo; because subject will
our favor if we have peacefully be destroying the item to be
implemented the search warrant in seized
o TEAM – catcher
their locality
o Still part of the evidence
12. Conduct search at daytime, unless the
16. Composition of raiding team: 1 is to 6
warrant allows nighttime search.
ratio; the more subjects, the more
o Most judges indicate anytime of
day and night
13. Regional Director of the NCR
1. Witnesses’ presence at the conduct of
14. Issue or leave a detailed receipt for inventory only
things seized o Immediately after seizure and
2. In firearms, it does not require the o Prevent allegations that
presence of media or elected officials. It evidence were planted (frame –
is only in drug case that the presence of up)
the required witnesses must be o To lead searching team away
complied. from temptation. Human
3. If during the service of the search nature is frail enough
warrant, there is no need to conduct
the inventory in the place of arrest. You
would have to bring the evidence in the
office and have your inventory in the
office. Not in the place where seizure
and confiscation took place.

When there is strong resistance and ARREST YIELDED POSITIVE RESULT

firefight between LEO and subjects. It is
but normal that you have to assure the 1. Arrest of guilty persons found in
safety of your men before complying premises when search yields positive
with the rules. result
o Mr. Haw, you are under arrest,
EXEMPTION we are informing you that you
have the rights _______
4. CONSENTED SEARCH. – even if there is
no search warrant.
o Valid search
2. Return to office / headquarters with
things seized and persons arrested

5. Incident to a lawful arrest. – 3. Submit a post operational report to

6. Arrest as a prelude to the
4. Technical Verification of Things Seized
7. Life of a search warrant is only 10 days
o Submit to laboratory
o Exclude the first day, include o Firearm: make a verification
the last day first if licensed; and if licensed,
o Issued on Monday, first day is to whom it is licensed
Tuesday then count to 10 o It is possible that the firearm is
licensed to somebody else
o Passport: check with DFA if they
8. Violation of Domicile issued it
o Philippine money: request for
certification from BSP if these
9. In the presence of lawful occupant or are counterfeit
member of his family or at least two o If cellphone: subject to digital
competent witnesses; rationale forensic laboratory for
o Vehicle: check with LTO;
carnapped, registered, etc
o Vessel: check with MARINA
o AIRCRAFT: check it with CAAP;
hi jacked, etc
Rules, standards,

6. Photograph subject, fingerprint,

medical examination (assured of the
medical condition of the subject when
you brought him to the office), record

7. Interview / Interrogation of suspects

o Basic rule is to warn them of
their constitutional rights, and
to give them a lawyer
o Subject pag di pa
mahimamasmasan, kwento ng
kwento yan, take advantage of
it. He will tell you that he is
willing to cooperate, just for
him to be freed. But respect his
o Constitutional rights

8. Inquest
o Affidavit of arrest

9. Preventive detention
10. Return of Search Warrant
o Inform the court what
happened to the service of
search warrant
o Prayer that we be allowed to
take custody of the item seized
with the commitment that it
will be produced before the
court once it is required by the
o Judges appreciate an early

11. Preparation of case report

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