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The Phantom Prince

By Ryo Mizuno

Translated by Gilgamesh

Chapter 1

The knight's target was a huge wild boar, but it was proving harder than first imagined. Five of them, each
straddling war horses, were hunting a wild boar with spears in their hands. Smoke was rising. Sounds of hoofs
and the fury of the knights attempting to catch their prey could be heard through the trees.

“How brave.” Said Warren, King of Valis, the country known as the Holy Kingdom.

The person he spoke to was a young boy. Prince Ares, was the only son of the king, born ten years ago. Warren
had already reached the tender age of fifty before he was blessed with a child. The king squinted and stared at
the prince who nodded with a serious look. Hunting was also good training for warfare. The foundation that
protected the Holy Kingdom was the Holy Knights, and the king. Their mission was to raise the prestige of the
Supreme God Pharis and expel evil from the world. It required not only discipline of one’s body but also of
one's mind.

“Which one will you choose, my lord?” One of the knights asked.

The king received a silver lance from his aide and held it under his arm. The king and the prince were also
mounted on fine steeds.

“Be a good knight and find a saint who serves the Supreme God and take her as your wife. That way the
kingdom will receive the full support of both the knights and the sect.”

“I know, father.” Prince Ares replied.

“Good and you must never forget that aspiration.” Warren said, and encouraged his beloved horse to move.

Only one mounted knight remained as the prince’s escort while the other aides accompanied the king. Even
though he was over sixty years old, Warren's strength had hardly appeared to diminish.

“His Majesty has always participated in jousting tournaments since he became king. He was invincible in his
youth and even nowadays he sometimes wins the championship.” Said the escort knight.
Prince Ares was observing the hunt with a serious expression. This prince was sure of the greatness of his father
and the knight beside him, believed that the boy had inherited his father’s strength.

“As both a skilled warrior and a wise politician, King Warren is truly a respectable person. Please take a good
look at His Royal Highness.”

“I know, O'Donnell. You always say this.” Ares laughed innocently. “You know I’m studying and learning
martial arts to be a knight like my father.”

The Holy Kingdom of Valis was a country built on the faith of the Supreme God Pharis. Therefore the true
ruler of the country could be said to be the Archpriest of the Pharis sect. Secular matters were entrusted to the
king and the Holy Knights under his control, by the sect. Maintaining the security of the kingdom and fighting
foreign enemies was their main mission. Therefore, the throne was not hereditary either. When the King dies,
high-ranking priests of the Pharis sect hold a meeting to select the next king from the Holy Knights. Therefore,
Prince Ares had no guarantee of taking the throne in the future. It was more likely, as he was a prince, that he
wouldn’t become king, as the Pharis sect strongly disliked the idea of a hereditary throne. The King intended to
raise Prince Ares as a Holy Knight. To help him achieve that goal he entrusted his training to the guard knight
O’Donnell. Prince Ares had the potential to be a great Holy Knight. O'Donnell saw that quality and was
looking forward to watching the boy grow.

O'Donnell turned back toward the king and the other knights that were hunting. They seemed to still be
chasing their mark and had moved quite a distance away. Then suddenly, behind him, he heard a rustling noise.
It sounded as though something was moving through the long grass and shrubs of the dense forest. O'Donnell
looked back, wondering if it was a forest animal. However, when he found the source, his eyes opened widely in
astonishment. It was a huge humanoid monster, it’s whole body covered in black bristles. However, it’s head
was that of a bull.The monster was only a few steps away from the prince.

“Prince Ares!” O'Donnell shouted as loud as he could.

As he did he broke in between Ares and the monster to defend the prince. However, he hadn’t managed to draw
his weapon when he was hit by the monsters’ club. Severe shock and pain struck O'Donnell's shoulder. The
impact was so strong that it knocked him from his horse. The next blow hit the back of his head and his
consciousness began to fade to black.

“Prince...please run away!” O'Donnell shouted. However, he wasn’t sure if he managed to say the words aloud
before he fell into darkness.

Aroused by screams of terror, O'Donnell regained consciousness. He shook his head many times, as if he
thought he was dreaming and tried to clarify his consciousness. He felt a dull pain on his head and right
shoulder and his right hand wouldn’t move at all. O'Donnell looked around at the situation around him. The
guard knights were bravely fighting the monster. Immediately in front of O’Donnell, was the figure of King
Warren staring at something on the ground. He followed the king's peripheral and found what his eyes were
fixed on. It was a horrific sight to behold. The remains of the young Prince Ares lay in a motionless heap. His
head had been shattered and was no longer distinguishable and his abdomen had been torn, exposing his
internal organs. O'Donnell soon realised that the boy had been partially consumed. The bull-headed monster
known as a minotaur had a habit of feasting on human flesh. Just then, he heard the knights shout. They’d
finally defeated the monster. The creature’s entire body was cut and torn and it fell backwards in exhaustion.
Surprisingly, the minotaur was still breathing. The knights raised their swords all at once to put an end to the
murderous creature’s life.

“Stop!” Suddenly, the voice of the king was heard.

The knights look back at the king in a confused manner.

“Hurry up and treat the prince.” He said.

“The prince is alive?” O'Donnell asked in a surprised tone.

It was clear that Prince Ares wasn’t alive and there was no priest of the Pharis sect at hand to perform the
miracle of resuscitation.

“I’m afraid, Your Highness…” O’Donnell began.

“Take him back to the royal castle.” The words of the king had an indescribable power that silenced his men.

O'Donnell spine ran cold when he saw what the king was staring at. He realised that the king was no longer
looking at the prince's corpse. His sight was now fixed, beyond the knights, at the injured monster that lay
dying. And in the eyes of the king, he saw that a light of madness had been lit.

“Fight it!” O'Donnell broke down.

“Don't you hear my command? Hurry up, and aid the prince…”

While looking at each other in a bewildered fashion, the guard knights began to move toward the monster and
obey the king's command.

“What are you doing?” O'Donnell called sharply. “Isn't that His Highness in front of you my lord?”
O'Donnell's words surprised the knights and made them tumultuous.

“What did you say? The king ordered us…” One of them replied.

Ignoring their protest, O'Donnell looked back at King Warren who nodded slowly.

“You have to throw away the monster's body!” The king commanded, motioning to the disfigured corpse beside
him. Then he pointed at the wounded Minotaur. “Take the dying prince to the castle to be treated as soon as

It was at that moment, something snapped in O'Donnell's mind.

Chapter 2

Fahn’s name was announced by the guard as the heavy double doors in front of him began to open with a loud
clang. Fahn, the Holy Knight Captain of the Kingdom of Valis, escorted a woman in a bridal costume that
stood by his side. Fahn himself was also dressed in smart attire. The woman’s name was Flaus. She was both a
priestess dedicated to the Supreme God, Pharis, and a trained warrior. A servant of God who is trained for
combat is called a Warrior Priest.

Religious sects are usually organisations independent of the kingdom they are based in. Conversely, they don’t
receive protection from the kingdom. Therefore, the various sects founded the Warrior Priest corps for self-
defence. However, in the case of the Holy Kingdom of Valis, the kingdom does play a major role in protecting
the Pharis’ sect and upholding their doctrines. Despite this, it still sends members of the Warrior Priest corps to
protect temples and followers of Pharis that are located in countries other than Valis. It is also to defeat those
who were considered evil by Pharis' doctrine.

Seeing Fahn and Flaus, the knights and maids gathered during the audience and whispered loudly to each other.
Many of the people in the hall didn’t know what was about to transpire.

“What is all the commotion?” The owner of the throne, which was set upon an elevated height in the innermost
part of the audience chamber, stood up.

King Warren I of Valis laughed joyfully. However, there were dark blue rings around his eyes. No one in the
court knew that the king was afflicted with an incurable disease. However, he was over seventy years old, so the
question of selecting the next king was inevitable. It was the utmost concern of the court of Valis. And the most
influential candidate was the Knight Captain, Fahn, who entered the hall.
“Prince Ares will be twenty years old this year. He cannot return to the royal castle because he is still training,
but I thought it would be the ideal time to send him a princess.”

“A Bride…” The court was abuzz again. “To that prince?” Their hushed voices reached Flaus's ears.

“So you will be the bride? Come on, come nearer to me.” King Warren gestured to Flaus.

Flaus nodded and slowly moved forward, paying extra attention to the hem of her outfit.

“Smile.” The knight who took Flaus' left hand whispered.

Flaus was not in any mood to appear happy, but due to the situation, she was forced to appease the court and

“I am the bride of Prince Ares.” She said, secretly detesting herself for distorting the truth.

As Flaus and Fahn quietly proceeded to the front of the throne, the old face of King Warren lit up with delight.
However, Flaus could see the madness in his eyes. It had been a decade since his only son, Prince Ares, had been
killed by the bull headed monster while on a hunting expedition. It was then that the king went mad. In his
madness he deluded himself into believing that the minotaur who killed the prince was the prince. The corpse
of the true Prince Ares was abandoned where it lay, and the dying monster was taken back to the royal castle
and received generous nursing care.

This unprecedented incident shook both the court of the Kingdom of Valis and the Pharis sect. There was even
a movement to abdicate the king organised by the sect. However, the court, who knew the king's personality
and his good head for politics wouldn’t accept that he was unfit to rule. At one point, it was said that an evil air
flowed between the court and the sect. The battle between the two bodies that served as the foundation of the
Kingdom of Valis would be shaken to its core. A division between the two would mean weakening the kingdom
and both the court and the sect wanted to avoid that. After a long debate, the decision was made to build a
palace to confine the monster. A fortified palace was built on a section of the delta at the mouth of the Fargo
River, where the minotaur was placed. The palace was guarded by the guard knights who accompanied the
prince when he was killed. Unsurprisingly, the King did not disagree with this decision.

“The prince has gone on a training journey, and he will not return to the royal castle until his training is
complete.” The king had stated and continued his kingly affairs just as he had before.

There was even debate in the court about whether the king was actually insane. With the exception of the
prince, the king looked quite normal. And talk of the prince as a hot topic quickly faded. The prince was in
training, so there would be no need for anyone to meet with him, not even the king himself. Therefore, the
madness of the king was never a public problem. However, it was the letter written by King Warren that
requested for his son’s bride to be a member of the Pharis sect that brought the matter to a head.

The letter had arrived around ten days ago. This event once again brought the madness of the king to the
forefront for the sect. Thus, the decision was made to exterminate the monster in the detached palace on the
delta. This time, Valis's court did not object. And after discussions between the two, it was decided that one
person from Pharis's Warrior Priest corps and one person of the order of Holy Knights would be responsible for
the task. The Knight Captain, Fahn, and the Warrior Priestess, Flaus, were chosen for that mission. Flaus was
dressed in a bridal gown to convince King Warren that she was a simple priestess and to prevent the motivation
to send another bride to the palace.

“Oh, you really are beautiful. The prince will be happy too.” The king’s temper faded and he nodded repeatedly
in satisfaction.

Flaus wasn't happy when he said she was beautiful. She was the bride of a savage monster, even if it was a ruse.
When Flaus thought about it, she felt nauseous because of her disgust with the situation. She barely managed to
suppress it with her willpower.

“I would like to depart immediately to visit the palace.” Flaus said with her eyes aimed at the floor, like a shy

“There is no hurry. You will stay in the castle tonight and heal your tiredness. We have to hold a feast for the
knights.” King Warren said warmly.

According to the doctrine of the Supreme God, it was a sin to lie. But because it wasn't a lie that hurt others,
Flaus convinced herself that it would be fine, but it still wasn’t a pleasant feeling.

"Well ... I would like to see the prince as soon as possible." Flaus nodded. However, her heart was screaming with
anger and shame.

“Very well and be sure to give my regards to the prince.”

“I understand.” With the sense of security that she was released from the court, Flaus finally regained her smile.

The guard proudly announced their departure and with that, the audience was over.

Chapter 3
The Fargo River Delta was large enough to accommodate the entire royal capital of Roid. However, other than
a small number of fishermen's huts, it was almost a wilderness. When the Delta Palace was constructed, the
fishermen were ordered to relocate, so that only the prince and the palace guards remained. Those same knights
that had been posted at the palace, should have received the order to evacuate by now. When Fahn and Flaus left
the audience chamber, they boarded the carriage they had prepared and headed to the port. There they hired a
small boat and departed for the delta.

“You had me worried for a moment.” Fahn sighed.

During the audience with the king, Fahn could feel Flaus’ anger rising. He was seriously concerned that she
wouldn’t be able to stop herself from speaking out.

“I'm not good at acting.” Flaus said, stunned. “According to Pharis's doctrine, lying is a sickness!”

“You’re right, I'm sorry.” Fahn bowed obediently. But even when he apologised, Flaus still looked confused.

“The true sickness is the monster that lives in this palace. Let’s provide the cure.” She said fiercely.

Fahn nodded and turned his gaze to the distant palace. It was a building similar to a stone fortress. It didn’t look
like a prison. Perhaps it was because Fahn knew why it had been constructed that he couldn’t view it any other
way. It was then that he heard a sound behind him, so he looked back. The Pharis Warrior Priestess had casually
stripped off her bridal gown. Fahn caught a glimpse of her smooth white skin that resembled a polished seashell.
Her short, golden hair that had become dishevelled reflected the sunlight as it began to sink into evening. Her
eyes shone the colour of the sea in summer and were imbued with a hidden determination. There wasn’t an inch
of fat on her toned body that had endured years of combat training. Her supple limbs had grown like young
cedar trees. However, her chest and waist appeared soft.

Fahn knew his eyes shouldn’t linger on his companion. However, almost as if he were obsessed, he couldn’t
divert his gaze. At that time, Flaus noticed Fahn's line of sight. But the saint of Pharis didn’t appear to be
Fahn finally managed to break from his trance and turned his head away in shame. He could hear that she was
changing into her battle outfit.
Fahn himself was already wearing plate armor and had a sword on his waist. He’d also taken a shield that was
smaller than usual. It was an armament better suited to travelling on foot.

“Sorry to keep you waiting.” Flaus said from behind Fahn.

Looking back, Fahn walked in front of her and knelt on his knee and made the sign of the Supreme God in
front of his chest. “I have a confession.”
“What do you confess?” Flaus curiously inquired.

“I had impure thoughts.”

Not understanding what Fahn was alluding to, Flaus shook her head. But when she soon realised she blushed
and hung her head. “I'm sorry. I didn't have a suitable place…”

Having grown up in a rural countryside, Flaus didn't really care about getting naked in public. In the
countryside it was common to bathe in streams and wells.

“But I'm glad to see you as a woman.” Fahn’s words were honest.

No matter how much she served God, she couldn’t abandon herself as a woman. He now admired both her
power and her beauty. Fahn himself was known as the Knight Captain that all the priestess’ longed for.

“Come now, let's go!” Flaus reached out to Fahn, who was still kneeling on the ground.

Fahn accepted her hand and stood up. Then the two started walking side by side, toward the palace where the
minotaur lived…

Up close, the palace felt smaller than they had expected. It had been built by stacking large grey stone bricks.
There was a large wall with an archway that led to the front of the square building. The entrance had a thick
wooden gate reinforced with a number of iron plates attached.

Only a powerful bartering ram could destroy the door. That or a powerful spell of some kind.

“Let's enter…” Fahn signaled to Flaus and proceeded to the front of the gate. As the two approached, they saw a
figure standing beside it in the shade, dressed in the guise of a knight.

“Welcome to the Delta Palace.” The man said, slowly moved into the sun. The sun had already begun to sink
into the western sky, casting a reddish glow across the land.

“Sir O'Donnell?” Fahn said in a shocked tone.

“Indeed and you are Fahn, Captain of the Holy Knights.”

Fahn nodded slowly.

“This mission was left to me and Sir Fahn?”
Flaus went one step further and said in a questioning tone.

“Then you are His Highness's bride?”

“I had an audience with the king. I don't know how he was convinced but my mission is to defeat the monster
in this palace.”

“You are a brave bride.” O'Donnell said in a dry voice. “As you may or may not know, the interior of this palace
is labyrinthine as His Highness cannot be allowed outside. By any chance would you allow me to assist you?”

“That’s ridiculous-“ Flaus began.

“You have a strong will.” Fahn replied, cutting off Flaus’ words.

“Are you sure?” Flaus said in an irritated tone so that only Fahn could hear it. “Priest Genarto wants us to defeat
the monster in this palace.”

The High Priest wanted to make the Knight Captain Fahn's achievement of defeating the monsters in the
detached palace known to all.
Genarto was the most gifted at Holy Magic of the current sect. He was the only priest who could perform the
miracle of resuscitation. Even Archpriest Mayfer couldn’t perform such a blessing.

Three years ago, Genarto finally came to be appointed as High Priest due to his miracles of high virtue. This was
because Genarto was regarded as the most powerful person in the sect and that he promoted the reform of the
increasingly corrupt Pharis sect. However, there were few people who were aware of his efforts and far less
aiding him. On the contrary, the priests were mostly in danger from his drastic reform, even the Archpriest,

Genato needed a powerful collaborator to complete the reformation of the sect. If Fahn became King, the sect
would have to cooperate with Genato. Therefore, the high-ranking priests who feared the reform of Genarto
wished to make someone other than Fahn the king.
However, no one had acquired greater renown than Fahn. He had won the hearts of the public, a number of the
sect and the younger Holy Knights.

Fahn was said to be the "One Knight in a Hundred Years". Flaus thought that was exactly the case when she first
met him. For the Pharis sect, the eradication of the monster in the Delta Palace, which had been a long-standing
concern, would greatly increase Fahn’s chances of becoming the king. It would have been a powerful
achievement for the Captain of the Knights of the Guard had he had the opportunity to accept the task. But
that wouldn't be what Genarto wanted. As long as the court and the sect were two organisations, they would
not be spared from its politics.

As long as Genarto belonged to an organisation he knew that he had to learn to think politically in order for his
ideas to be realised. Fahn knew Genarto’s ideas. He was also a man who understood the politics of the kingdom.
Despite that he welcomed the cooperation of the Knight Captain of the Palace Guards.

“For ten years, he has had a tough mission. Getting rid of the monster would mean putting an end to that
mission.” Fahn said quietly, as if he had read Flaus's mind.

That was why he deserved to be the King Valis. As he was both a brave warrior and a wise politician. He had to
be, to ensure that someone who didn’t have those qualities couldn’t succeed the throne.

“Do you want me to cooperate?” O'Donnell asked once again.

“We will graciously accept your assistance.” Flaus replied with a light bow to the Knight Captain of the Palace

Chapter 4

The internal structure of the palace was maze-like just as O'Donnell had said. The passages and doors were
intricately intertwined, making the Delta Palace, which should not be so large, feel infinitely vaster. The high-
pitched sound of the three’s soles hitting the floor of the corridor echoed against the stone walls, making it
sound like more than a hundred people were traversing the maze. Stained glass was set in various parts of the
ceiling and walls, and the sunlight was tinted red or blue due to the colored glass. On occasion it would project a
fantastic green pattern on the corridor walls. Flaus felt like she was in a dream.

“Doesn't it make you feel strange when you walk in the labyrinth?” O'Donnell, who was leading the group,
suddenly turned around and asked Flaus. It was almost as if he could read her thoughts.

“How do you feel?” Fahn asked quietly.

“It reminds me of the human mind. There are some doors that lead onward while others are dead ends. The
human mind is like a labyrinth don’t you think?”

“Come on, stay near me…” Fahn replied. However, Flaus felt like she understood the meaning of O'Donnell's
words. To someone unfamiliar with the labyrinth, it would feel disorienting. There was a strange atmosphere
walking in the dimly lit corridors.
“It was a dwarven craftsman from the south who built this palace. When asked about the purpose of the
building, he said that he didn't draw any plans. Apparently the king wanted to hide something within the
structure.” O'Donnell turned back and said as if he were speaking to himself.

The earth fae, the dwarves were excellent craftsmen and artists. It was said that their creations were instilled with
a magical power. That was why Flaus felt as if her head was spinning.

“Every time I enter this labyrinth, I think about many things. Such as if His Majesty really did lose his mind or if
he was just presenting to be mad…”

“He is definitely mad.” Flaus said flatly. “Otherwise, he wouldn’t have thought of building a labyrinth for a

“But His Majesty has ruled the Kingdom of Valis brilliantly over the last ten years, could a madman do that?”
O'Donnell said, glancing back at Flaus momentarily.

It was as O’Donnell said, except for the event around the prince, King Warren seemed completely sound of
mind. In fact, it was said that his rule had been solid over the last decade. Despite that, Flaus wasn’t convinced.
But who was more foolish, the king or the people he swayed?

The worst victims of the ordeal were the knight O'Donnell and the palace guards. But they didn’t seem to have
a grudge against the king. Was it because they were at his side when the prince was killed? Being loyal to the king
was natural for a knight, but was it really honourable to pledge allegiance to a mad king? Flaus was frustrated as
to what the guards should have done as knights.

“Valis is a Holy Kingdom. It is unforgivable to protect monsters.” Flaus expressed her disgust.

“To His Majesty, he's a prince. It's no wonder he built a palace for him.” O’Donnell said.

“But in reality…” Flaus replied.

“The reality for us here is different from the reality of your land.” O'Donnell's words held a mysterious power
which instantly forced Flaus to be silent. “I finally realised the truth this year, no reality is absolute. It seems that
the reality that you see and the reality that others see are subtly different. I think there are as many realities as
there are people. It seems the difference between madness and sanity isn’t so wide.”

A horrifying sensation ran down Flaus' spine in response to O'Donnell's words. Did this knight captain indulge
in such thoughts while working in this palace?
“I can’t accept that.” Flaus flatly told the knight captain. “The world ruled by the Supreme God Pharis in
heaven is the one true reality. The weak hearts of human beings only distort that reality. You must open your
eyes to that truth.”

“The great supreme god…” O'Donnell gave a dry laugh. “God would never be so cruel!”

“How dare you!” Flaus was enraged. She involuntarily looked back at Fahn who had been silent since they’d
begun. His face looked terribly nervous. Flaus had never seen him look like that before. He was trying to assess
the knight captain’s words.

“We've arrived.” O'Donnell declared in a strange voice.

Flaus turned her attention to the front.

“After we make a right turn at the corner, you will see a short corridor with a large double door at the end.
Prince Ares's room is in the back.” O’Donnell said in a strict tone.

“Finally!” Flaus called out to Fahn, while gripping the mace in her hand. Fahn nodded silently. His expression
was hard to decipher in the dark.

“Yes finally…” O'Donnell muttered as he pushed the heavy iron door.

The door opened inward, trailing along the ground with a scraping noise. The door made a loud crash as they
stopped. The entire palace seemed to shake as they did. The door had opened wide but the room was so dim
they couldn’t see anything.

“Any light?” Flaus said in the dimly lit room.

Suddenly a shimmering red light illuminated the room, as if someone had lit a torch.

Who on earth? Flaus wondered. However, O'Donnell went to the back of the room without any concern. Flaus
also tried to hurry behind him. However, her arm was grabbed and she stopped. It was Fahn’s arm that held her

“What?” Flaus whispered. But Fahn signaled at something with his eyes.

Fahn proceeded silently in front of Flaus. His right hand rested on the handle of the sword on his waist. The
room appeared to be some kind of a communal room for the guard knights. Desks, chairs, cupboards, etc. were
lined up as if they’d been enjoying a modest life down here. At the back was another large iron door. In front of
it, stood four knights. They were armed and equipped in the armour of the palace guard. One of them had a
torch in his hand. O'Donnell went to his colleagues, turned around and looked back at Flaus.

“What’s going on here?” Flaus asked.

O'Donnell hadn’t mentioned that he had fellow knights still in the premises. Flaus tried to take one step closer.

“Saint Flaus…” Fahn stops her again.

His eyes were trying to signal at something again. He motioned his chin at the Knights of the Palace Guard.
Flaus took a closer look at O'Donnell and his men and finally noticed the murderous air they emitted. These
knights intended to kill Fahn and Flaus themselves.

“I have no intention of damaging your honor.” Fahn called out in a pleasant voice in an attempt to appeal to the
guards. He’d probably been aware of O'Donnell's intentions for quite some time. “It is you who should settle
this tragedy. I will observe so that you can fight to your heart's content.” Fahn seems to know his words were
useless, his expression was filled with sorrow.

“We no longer wish for the honor of the hurt.” O'Donnell laughed. " “Our honor was lost ten years ago.”

“But you have been fully compensated. By engaging in this difficult mission for ten years. Both the knights and
the sect will have to admit that your honor has been restored…” Fahn worked hard to try and persuade the
knights. But his efforts were in vain.

“I don't care about honor anymore.” O'Donnell replied, refusing to accept Fahn’s words. “We just want to do
our job.”

“What do you mean?” Flaus asked while suppressing her internal rage.

The acts they were attempting were regarded as evil. To deceive others and try to take their lives was not how
the knights of the Holy Kingdom should be conducting themselves.

“I have not received any new orders from His Majesty. Therefore, we must continue to guard this palace.”

“The king will abdicate soon.”

“He hasn't abdicated yet.” O'Donnell said resolutely. “Our mission is to eliminate anyone invading this fort!”
With those words as a signal, the Knights of the Palace Guards that were lined up behind O'Donnell drew their
swords all at once.
“Are you insane?” Flaus's voice was trembling with anger.

“I already told you. No one knows what makes one sane or insane. Perhaps the nameless god of madness

“You dare speak the name of such an evil god!” Flaus' voice was so full of fury that she had to stop herself from
charging forward.

“We don't want to fight you.” Fahn moved to block Flaus, as if he had sensed her feelings.

“If so, leave this palace at once!”

“I can't...I believe that the existence of this palace is a mistake.” Fahn replied.

“Who sent you? Was it the rotten cult of the Supreme God Pharis, or the indecisive Chancellor?”

“I came to this palace following my own feelings.”

“And who authorises you?”

“No one has to.” Fahn answered, “If His Majesty refuses to listen to reason then I will do what must be done.”

Flaus doubted her ears. Fahn was declaring that he would kill the so-called prince and go against the king the
knights served. Fahn was in a senior position as the Knight Captain of the Holy Knights. The Knights of the
Palace Guard looked distraught.

“If you try to harm His Majesty…”

“I will deliver justice…” Fahn didn’t hesitate to interrupt O'Donnell's words.

“I see, you think it is possible to see that way? I never thought of it like that…” O'Donnell muttered shamefully.
“But it's too late!”

“You still have time. Correct your mistakes and put an end to the tragedy…”

“Draw your sword, Fahn! If you're a master of the sword, you will not lack for a shortage of opponents. I don’t
think you will find the Former Guard Knight Captain O'Donnell so easy to defeat!” O'Donnell screamed,
drawing his sword.
“Why won’t you see your folly?” Fahn pleaded.

“We are only fulfilling the mission given by His Majesty!”

“I understand…” Fahn closed his eyes for a moment and looked up at the heavens. Then he drew the sword
from his waist. The silver blade received the flame of the torch and was instantly dyed in blood. “I, Holy Knight
Captain Fahn, will deliver you to justice!”

Chapter 5

The moment the battle was initiated, Flaus ran as hard as she could.

“Get down!” She cried to Fahn.

Fahn followed the instructions and moved outside the room for a moment. Five knights rushed to Flaus. All of
them were quite old, but their movements were far from slow. While serving as guards for the palace, it was clear
that they had not neglected to practice swordsmanship.

“Pharis! Give me strength!” Flaus cried aloud.

As she did, her whole body was instantly wrapped in a pure white light, which exploded radially. The
approaching knights were blown away by the explosion of light. One of the knights fell and hit his head on the
door so hard that he collapsed instantly. Fahn jumped back into the room the moment the light had passed.
Then he struck one of the knights with his sword.
Fahn's attack was quick, he was called "The One Knight in a Hundred Years" after all. The opponent was barely
able to catch it with a shield, and completely lost his posture. Fahn seized his chance and thrust his blade into
the knight’s throat, piercing his jugular, killing him instantly. Flaus could hear Fahn chanting the name of the
Supreme God. It was a merciful death to be slain instantly.

There were three knights remaining. Flaus decided to deal with the knight that held the torch while Fahn
handled the other one. O'Donnell was behind him, watching his colleagues fight the followers of Pharis. He was
still honourable enough to allow them to fight their opponents one on one. Fahn chased his opponent in a
splendid display of swordplay, and finally found an opening, delivering a blow to the knight’s neck. His
opponent's head flew through the air like a ball. Meanwhile, Flaus had also defeated the knight who had the
torch in his hand. Her opponent's head had been caved in and he lay lifeless like a puppet whose string had been
cut. Fragments of his brain, mixed with blood, stained the room. Unlike the sword, a mace cannot be used to
kill in a benevolent manner. But Flaus didn’t feel guilty. The enemy definitely had murderous intentions. She
picked up the torch that had fallen to the floor, and held it overhead. Fahn would settle the last remaining
knight, Captain O'Donnell.

“As expected...we didn't neglect our training, but the difference in the qualities that you and I were born with
was too vast. You are heroes chosen by God, and we are ordinary human beings. So I can't protect the prince,
you have won. Ten years ago, if you were there, the results would have been different.” O'Donnell said in a
surprisingly quiet tone, looking down at the corpse of his colleague.

“Okay, now sheath your sword.” Fahn's tone was no longer a soft plea but a command.

Flaus felt that there was no room for sympathy, but Fahn, who was also a knight himself, could understand the
thoughts of the knight. However, O'Donnell slowly shook his head.

“I can't stop. Even if I'm alone, I'll carry out my mission. That's the mission of the Holy Knight.”
O'Donnell swung his sword and rushed at Fahn.

Fahn's expression had a look of indescribable sorrow. While holding the sword straight, he greeted O'Donnell
who cried loudly as he attacked. The two knight’s collided like lightning. Fahn felt a sharp pain in his head. The
whole thing happened so fast, Flaus wasn’t sure what she’d witnessed. Fahn had moved his body at the last
possible moment but O’Donnell’s blade still managed to leave a faint cut on his forehead. Golden hair fell to the
floor. Fahn slumped to the ground momentarily before finding his footing. The dull clanging of metal rang
loudly. O'Donnell's body was still but after a moment he slowly leaned forward.

“Sir O'Donnell…” Fahn dropped to one knee and called out to the Knight Captain of the Palace Guard in a
pained voice. “Why did you have to die?”

“What other way is there? Should a knight not fulfil his duty?” O'Donnell replied in a pained but strangely clear
voice. “This was the only way. If I had disobeyed my order I would have become the monster. I can die knowing
I served His Majesty to the end…” O'Donnell spewed blood as he spoke. “I didn't know if His Majesty was sane,
or insane? Who can judge such things?…”

Fahn gazed at O'Donnell, his eyes filled with an unparalleled sorrow. Even in his last moments he still only
thought of his duty.

“And have I been sane or crazy for the last few years? That monster didn't really seem to be His Imperial
Highness. Prince Ares was intelligent and gifted. If he were alive he would have been happy to be married to
such a beautiful Saint of Pharis…”
O'Donnell's hand moved slowly, as he spat out a plethora of blood again. He grabbed a key that was hanging on
his waist and reached it out to Fahn. Fahn nodded and received the blood-soaked key.

“Now put an end to this tragedy, Captain Fahn. It's your role. If you're the next king you must for the glory of
Valis…” Those were the last words that O’Donnell would ever utter. His life had expired but his face appeared

“Did these men just want a place to die?” Flaus asked Fahn. Flaus, who was not a knight, couldn't understand
their logic.

Fahn nodded in response. “They were already dead. They died ten years ago, when the prince was killed...but
the king's madness bound them to this palace, like the immortal undead. Once their madness was unraveled,
they wouldn’t have found any other fate.”

Fahn clasped the key he had in his hand and offered a prayer to the Supreme God. Flaus also made Pharis's sign
in front of her chest and prayed for the knight’s passing. The feelings of the knights were incomprehensible to
Flaus. It was their chivalry spirit that they bound themselves to, not the doctrine of the Supreme God.

After mourning, Fahn slowly stood up. His eyes met with Flaus’. The two nodded and headed for the back
door. Behind that door was the bull-headed monster, the Minotaur. Fahn inserted the key he received from
O'Donnell into the keyhole and turned it slowly. It made a louder noise than he’d expected. Fahn and Flaus put
their hands on the left and right sides of the double door and pushed them at the same time. The door opened

It was a seemingly empty room filled with a pale magical light. Bones of animals were scattered randomly on the
floor. The pungent stench was repugnant. The Minotaur was at the back of the room. When he recognised the
intruders, he barked with joy. Human meat was a delicacy it hadn’t feasted on in a decade.

“Charge!” Fahn and Flaus ran at the beast with their weapons raised.

Flaus noticed that time seemed to move in slow motion as the battle commenced. The two delivered justice to
the Phantom Prince that was a result of human madness. A result of the king's delusions manifested and
allowed to be entertained.

Chapter 6
“Your Majesty, it is I, Knight Captain Fahn.” After a deep bow, Fahn entered the king's private room.

Flaus, dressed in her priestess’s garments, entered the room one step behind. A bed with a canopy was placed in
the back of a large room with luxurious furnishings. Beside the bed was the Chancellor and the captain of the
Knights of the Guard, Dorros. There were also a few maids hurrying about the chamber. Incense was burning
and the room was filled with a fragrant scent, but it was mixed with a faint rotting odour. It must have come
from the king's body.

A month had already passed since the events at the Delta Palace. While Flaus and Fahn were gone, an
unimaginable incident had occurred. The demons, evil inhabitants of another world, were released from the
mountains of the Moss region, located to the southwest of Valis. The creatures were haunting the residents of
Lodoss, plunging the entire island into the depths of horror. King Warren was informed of the death of the
prince three days after the event. When the king received the news, he collapsed into the throne and could not
stand up again. His condition worsened day by day, and his demise was now only a matter of time.

“Fahn...?” The bed bound Warren called out weakly.

As he approached the bed, Fahn dropped to one knee and braced himself for the king’s next words.

“What is the situation of Moss?” The king asked in a weak voice.

Fahn reported on the status quo of the Moss region. The Moss region, where small countries were crowded, had
failed to unite against the demon threat. There were even rumours that one of the rulers of Moss was
commanding the demons.

“Really?” Warren moved his head and turned his exhausted gaze toward Fahn. “Even though the demons are
appearing from the shadows, you can't do anything like this...”

“Flaus is here.” Fahn said to move the king's words off the subject and to ease his pain.

“Oh, Flaus…” The king's face shone with joy for a moment. “Can you call her to my bedside?”

Fahn nodded, before looking back at Flaus, and giving her a visual signal. Flaus walked slowly and turned to the
king's bedside.

“Please cheer up, father…” She said with a smile.

“Oh, can you call me my father?” The color of blood returned to his dark, dry skin, betraying the king's delight.

As his eyes shone brightly, Fahn watched him with baited breath. King Warren closed his eyes, nodded many
times, and muttered something to Flaus. As she couldn't hear him well, Flaus deciphered the king’s words by
reading his lips. Flaus was surprised for a moment, and after a while, displayed an awkward smile. King Warren I
of Valis died in the middle of the night.
The next day, the King's demise was felt throughout Valis. And after three days of national mourning, a grand
funeral was held at the Great Temple of Pharis. Fahn and Flaus were dressed in mourning attire and attended
the funeral. Fahn had the role of escorting the casket. Flaus, as one of the King's relatives, followed by the casket.
It was almost evening when everything was over. After that, Flaus was invited to Fahn's mansion where they had
supper together.

“His Majesty also died in a difficult time.” Flaus said after dinner tea was served, breaking the silence which had
scored their meal.

“It seems that the next king will be decided after the battle with the demons. The knight who is most successful
in the coming battle will receive the highest recommendation.”

Fahn nodded quietly. “I pray that no one will lose their lives in vain.”

The Pharis sect was clearly thinking of competing with the Holy Knights. The priests didn’t understand their
mindset. But now, the unity of the Knights should be more important than the merit of an individual. While
the throne was vacant, Chancellor Galzac took over the monarch’s affairs.

“What did you say to the king that night?” Fahn asked Flaus, suddenly, changing the topic.

King Warren whispered something when he called Flaus to his bedside. Fahn was wondering what exactly the
king said. Flaus returned the cup of tea she had in her hand to the table. Fahn was still staring at her waiting for a

“You don’t have to tell me if you like, it's fine.”

Fahn quickly added in response to Flaus's embarrassed expression.

“He said only one word. I'm sorry…” Flaus said.

“Do you think the inhabitants of this land are mad?” Fahn asked.

“I keep on thinking of the words of that knight. The human mind is like a labyrinth... What defines madness?
And what defines sanity? No one may know the truth…” Staring at the faint steam rising from the cup, Flaus
continued to speak. “The Island of Lodoss, perhaps even the entire world is made up of people who are neither
sane or insane…”
It wasn’t just the human mind. The reality of Lodoss was just like a labyrinth. People didn’t know how to deal
with the situation. They were unable to find the truth. They hesitate to trust each other and unite. Perhaps
Lodoss itself truly was insane.

“This island is insane…” Fahn repeated to grasp the meaning of Flaus's words.

“If that's the case…” Fahn stared at Flaus's blue eyes. “What illusion does that insanity produce and who will be

Flaus shuddered. “I think we have to pray that such a tragedy will not happen.”

Fahn quietly closed his eyes and put his hands together at his chest. “Maybe all we can do is believe in ourselves
and fight for what we believe is right.” Fahn subconsciously clenched his fist.

“I agree.” Flaus just smiled and stared at Fahn. Seeing that smile saved him from caving to despair. “But it's not a
battle that has to be fought alone. I have Sir Fahn, Nasier, Fleve, and other reliable allies by my side.”

Fahn also smiled and nodded. At the same time, he remembered the face of the intelligent boy he met in Moss.
He felt encouraged knowing his friends would confront the insane world together.
No matter how deep the labyrinth goes, unless they gave up, they would eventually reach the exit.

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