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Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút

Tổng số câu hỏi: 62
Phần 1: Phát âm
Chọn 01 trong 04 lựa chọn có phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với những lựa chọn còn
lại. (1-4)
1. A. pension B. impulse C. pursue D. assume
2. A. chimpanzee B. bachelor C. charcoal D. archeology
3. A. accredit B. spectacular C. majesty D. saliva
4. A. mayor B. quay C. prayer D. layer
Phần 2: Trọng âm
Chọn 01 trong 04 từ đã cho có cấu trúc trọng âm khác với các từ còn lại. (5-8)
5. A. interchange B. infamous C. contributory D. undercurrent
6. A. culminate B. negligence C. diplomat D. intriguing
7. A. amiable B. differential C. photogenic D. quintessential
8. A. compromise B. picturesque C. European D. guarantee
Phần 3: Từ hoặc cụm từ đồng nghĩa
Chọn 01 từ/ cụm từ trong 04 lựa chọn có nghĩa gần nhất với từ/ cụm từ được gạch chân
trong câu hỏi. (9-11)
9. A judge came in for a great deal of criticism for giving a man convicted of armed robbery a six-
month suspended sentence.
A. aroused B. voiced C. received D. expressed
10. Although the governor claimed credit for the fall in the unemployment rate, it was really
brought about by several fortuitous trends.
A. simultaneous B. consecutive C. coincidental D. trivial
11. Management’s insensitive handling of redundancies has left a bad taste in the mouths of
many long-serving employees.
A. put a tremendous strain on C. given a large amount of bitter food to
B. created a negative impression on D. aroused heated controversy among

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Phần 4: Từ hoặc cụm từ trái nghĩa
Chọn 01 từ/ cụm từ trong 04 lựa chọn trái nghĩa với từ/ cụm từ được gạch chân trong câu
hỏi. (12-14)
12. Peter works out on a frequent basis and maintains a balanced diet, which explains why he is
A. relentless B. fragile C. supple D. sluggish
13. The device is very sophisticated and should only be operated by someone who is familiar with
A. advanced B. crude C. makeshift D. archaic
14. When John was caught red-handed speeding, he made an attempt to circumvent the law by
offering the policeman a bribe.
A. violate B. reject C. observe D. decline
Phần 5: Hoàn thành câu
Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn để điền vào chỗ trống trong mỗi câu hỏi.
15. The museum is being fully _____ in time for the city’s anniversary celebrations.
A. renovated B. nurtured C. resided D. inhabited
16. Despite all his _____, Bill agreed to the plan in the end.
A. pluses and minuses B. bits and pieces C. pros and cons D. ifs and buts
17. The new assistant manager was given the cold _____ because of his new dress code policy.
A. head B. eye C. shoulder D. leg
18. _____, watching our every move.
A. Stood a tall man at the back of the room
B. A tall man at the back of the room stood
C. Stood at the back of the room a tall man
D. At the back of the room stood a tall man
19. The manufacturer will probably recommend that the product _____
A. be withdrawn B. would withdraw C. being withdrawn D. will be withdrawing
Phần 6: Điền từ
Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn để điền vào chỗ trống trong đoạn văn. (20-

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Dream job?
A holiday company is advertising a 'dream job' as a waterslide tester providing someone with the
opportunity to earn £20 000 a year. The advertisement joins a list of job offers which just happen to
be (20) ______ by a detailed press release. Remember when a job as the 'caretaker' of one of the
world's most beautiful island paradises (21) ______ the news?
Charity worker Ben Southall reportedly (22) ______ 35000 applicants and, even before he was (23)
______ as the winner, the head of Tourism Queensland said the stunt had (24) ______ the
organization £55m. One airline passenger who complained about the quality of the in-flight food
was given a job as a taster by Virgin Airlines, although it is perhaps a (25) ______ of opinion whether
that meets the criteria for 'dream job'.
The holiday company says that shortlisted applicants will be taken to a water park to (26) ______
who gets the job and that the successful candidate will (27) ______ slides based on the 'adrenalin
factor', as well as share their experiences via social media.
20. A. attended B. supplemented C. combined D. accompanied
21. A. made B. filled C. attracted D. involved
22. A. challenged B. overcame C. beat D. opposed
23. A. awarded B. announced C. stated D. claimed
24. A. earned B. gained C. acquired D. profited
25. A. case B. matter C. sense D. point
26. A. influence B. elect C. figure D. determine
27. A. value B. rate C. regard D. qualify
Phần 7: Bài đọc
Đọc đoạn văn và trả lời 8 câu hỏi kèm theo. (28-35)
Artist Susan Shepherd is best known for her flower paintings, and the large garden that surrounds
her house is the source of many of her subjects. It is full of her favourite flowers, most especially
varieties of tulips and poppies. Some of the plants are unruly and seed themselves all over the garden.
There is a harmony of colour, shape and structure in the two long flower borders that line the paved
path which crosses the garden from east to west. Much of this is due to the previous owners who
were keen gardeners, and who left plants that appealed to Susan. She also inherited the gardener,
Danny. 'In fact, it was really his garden,' she says. 'We got on very well. At first he would say, "Oh,

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it's not worth it" to some of the things I wanted to put in, but when I said I wanted to paint them, he
recognised what I had in mind.'
Susan prefers to focus on detailed studies of individual plants rather than on the garden as a whole,
though she will occasionally paint a group of plants where they are. More usually, she picks them
and then takes them up to her studio. 'I don't set the whole thing up at once,' she says. 'I take one
flower out and paint it, which might take a few days, and then I bring in another one and build up
the painting that way. Sometimes it takes a couple of years to finish.'
Her busiest time of year is spring and early summer, when the tulips are out, followed by the poppies.
'They all come out together, and you're so busy,' she says. But the gradual decaying process is also
part of the fascination for her. With tulips, for example, 'you bring them in and put them in water,
then leave them for perhaps a day and they each form themselves into different shapes. They open
out and are fantastic. When you first put them in a vase, you think they are boring, but they change
all the time with twists and turns.'
Susan has always been interested in plants: 'I did botany at school and used to collect wild flowers
from all around the countryside,' she says. 'I wasn't parti-cularly interested in gardening then; in fact,
I didn't like garden flowers, I thought they looked like the ones made of silk or plastic that were sold
in some florists' shops - to me, the only real ones were wild. I was intrigued by the way they managed
to flower in really awkward places, like cracks in rocks or on cliff tops.' Nowadays, the garden owes
much to plants that originated in far-off lands, though they seem as much at home in her garden as
they did in China or the Himalayas. She has a come-what-may attitude to the garden, rather like an
affectionate aunt who is quite happy for children to run about undisciplined as long as they don't do
any serious damage.
With two forthcoming exhibitions to prepare for, and a ready supply of subject material at her back
door, finding time to work in the garden has been difficult recently. She now employs an extra
gardener but, despite the need to paint, she knows that, to maintain her connection with her subject
matter, 'you have to get your hands dirty'.
28. In the first paragraph, the writer describes Susan's garden as
A. having caused problems for the previous owners.
B. having a path lined with flowers.
C. needing a lot of work to keep it looking attractive.
D. being only partly finished.

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29. What does the word 'this' in the first paragraph refer to?
A. the position of the path
B. the number of wild plants
C. the position of the garden
D. the harmony of the planting
30. What does Susan say about Danny?
A. He felt she was interfering in his work.
B. He immediately understood her feelings.
C. He was recommended by the previous owners.
D. He was slow to see the point of some of her ideas.
31. What is Susan's approach to painting?
A. She will wait until a flower is ready to be picked before painting it.
B. She likes to do research on a plant before she paints it.
C. She spends all day painting an individual flower.
D. She creates her paintings in several stages.
32. Susan thinks that tulips
A. are more colourful and better shaped than other flowers.
B. are not easy to paint because they change so quickly.
C. look best some time after they have been cut.
D. should be kept in the house for as long as possible.
33. Why did Susan enjoy studying wild flowers at school?
A. She found the way they adapted to their surroundings fascinating.
B. She used the lessons as a good excuse to get out of school.
C. She was attracted by their different colours and shapes.
D. She wanted to learn how to make copies of them in material.
34. How does the writer describe Susan's attitude to her garden?
A. She thinks children should be allowed to enjoy it
B. She prefers planting flowers from overseas.
C. She likes a certain amount of disorder.
D. She dislikes criticism of her planting methods.
35. What point is Susan making in the final paragraph?

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A. It's essential to find the time to paint even if there is gardening to be done.
B. It's important not to leave the gardening entirely to other people.
C. It's good to have expert help when you grow plants.
D. It's hard to do exhibitions if there are not enough plants ready in the garden.
Phần 8: Hoàn thành hội thoại
Chọn 01 lựa chọn đúng ở mỗi câu hỏi để điền vào chỗ trống. (36-40)
36. Sam: “Let me carry the bag for you.”
Susan: “__________”
A. If you don’t mind. C. You’re very welcome.
B. Don’t mention it. D. I’d love to.
37. Customer: “I’d like to try on those shoes, please.”
Shop assistant: “__________”
A. Thank you so much. C. Do you like them?
B. Are they black? D. What size are you?
38. Jean: “I can’t thank you enough for your support.”
John: “__________”
A. I’d rather not. C. I accept it.
B. It’s my pleasure. D. I don’t mind.
39. Thomas: Isn’t she glamorous?
Kevin: “Yes, ____________”
A. I am having chest pains. C. She took my breath away.
B. She stole my thunder. D. She stole my emotions.
40. Mary: “Oh my god, the projector doesn’t work. How can I give the presentation now?”
Peter: “__________”
A. You’re always putting your foot in it.
B. You’re forever putting all your eggs in one basket.
C. You should keep your ear to the ground.
D. You need to get your foot in the door first
Phần 9: Sắp xếp hội thoại
Chọn 01 lựa chọn là trật tự đúng của các lượt lời trong hội thoại đã cho. (41-45)

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41. a. No, let’s not. I’ve seen that film twice.
b. Yes, let’s. I like it much better.
c. What about going to the theatre for a change?
d. Shall we go to the cinema and see the film “Shrek”?
A. c – b – d – a
B. B. c – a – d – b
C. d - b – c – a
D. d – a – c – b
42. a. Is this the nearest station?
b. Go straight, take the second turning on the right, and it’s on your left hand side.
c. Excuse me, could you please direct me to the station?
d. There is a nearer one, but the train has already left, I am afraid.
A. a – d – c – b
B. c – d – a – b
C. c – b – a – d
D. a – b – c – d
43. a. No, I am totally serious.
b. I haven’t been to the cinema for ages.
c. There is nothing interesting.
d. Oh, really? Why’s that?
e. Seen any movies so far?
f. You’re pulling my leg, right?
A. b – d – c – e- a – f
B. e – b- f - a – d – c
C. e – a – d – b – f – c
D. f – a – e – c – d – b
44. a. Neither did I. Working all hours for next to nothing was hard, and some of the time I wasn’t
really sure I was up to it.
b. No, you are right. He stood by me all those years, and I certainly have him to thank for the
that now I am fully qualified.

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c. I remember old Wilson giving you a hard time when you got behind with work. But you
wouldn’t have made it without him, would you?
d. When you started your apprenticeship, I didn’t think you’d get through it.
A. a – b – d – c
B. d – a – c – b
C. d – c – a – b
D. c – b – d – a
45. a. Well, never mind. We’ll be back home tonight, and we can have a lie-in tomorrow if you
b. I spent most of the time tossing and turning, and I am really tired now.
c. I had a similar problem the night before last. I was wide awake for ages because I was
sick about work.
d. Did you sleep well last night?
e. I had a really good night, thanks. I fell asleep immediately. How about you?
A. d – b – e – a – c
B. e – d – b – c – a
C. d – e – b – c – a
D. b – e – c – a – d
Phần 10: Viết lại câu
Chọn câu đồng nghĩa hoặc cận nghĩa nhất với câu đã cho trong câu hỏi. (46-50)
46. It is obvious that we’ll have to work faster in order to accomplish the project on time.
A. It will be a long time before the project is due, so we had better take our time.
B. Even though we decelerate our progress, we can finish the project on time.
C. Meeting the deadline of the project is an impossible task no matter how fast we work.
D. There is no escaping the fact that we’ll have to work faster to finish the project on time.
47. No one but the experts was able to realize that the painting was an imitation, as it greatly
resembles the original.
A. It was apparent that only a person with great talent could fake a painting so successfully.
B. It was challenging for ordinary people to judge between the fake painting and the real one,
but not for the experts.

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C. It was virtually impossible for amateurs to realize that the painting was not authentic, though
the experts could judge it quite easily.
D. The painting looked so much like the authentic one that only the experts could tell it wasn’t
48. There had been prior warning of the flood; nonetheless, it came as a surprise to the dwellers
residing in remote villages.
A. Even though the flood had been predicted, the inhabitants of isolated villages were taken by
B. There had been warnings about the flood, so the people in isolated villages could not have
been surprised.
C. The flood had been predicted, so even those inhabiting isolated villages were well-prepared
for it.
D. The flood had been predicted; nevertheless, the people dwelling in isolated villages were
struck before they received the warning.
49. The Labour Party candidate is easily winning the election campaign.
A. The person representing the Labour Party is running away with the election campaign.
B. The representative of the Labour Party is going to any lengths to win the election campaign.
C. The Labour Party candidate leaves no stones unturned in an attempt to win the election
D. The person who represents the Labour Party is winning the election campaign hands up.
50. It is no exaggeration to say that there was not a single person in the audience who was not moved
by the sentimental play.
A. The play was so sentimental that there was hardly anyone in the audience who remained
B. To say that the whole audience was touched by the emotional play is just reflecting the truth.
C. That the play deeply affected practically the whole audience was exaggerated.
D. Everyone in the audience admitted that they had never seen such a moving play as this.
Phần 11: Kết hợp câu
Chọn câu đồng nghĩa hoặc cận nghĩa nhất với cặp câu đã cho trong câu hỏi. (51-55)
51. Women are more verbal than men. Men are more visual-spatial activities.
A. Women are more verbal than men; in addition, men are better at visual-spatial activities.

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B. Women are more verbal than men; on the contrary, men are better at visual-spatial activities.
C. Women are more verbal than men, and they are also better at visual-spatial activities.
D. Men are not as verbal and good at visual-spatial activities as women are.
52. The legislation hasn’t been enacted by the parliament. It needs further discussion.
A. Due to the fact that the legislation has been discussed, it is going to be enacted soon.
B. The parliament hasn’t passed the legislation, for it needs to be discussed further.
C. The further discussion will make the enactment of the legislation impossible.
D. It will not be long before the parliament discusses and passes the legislation.
53. I tried really hard. I failed to catch up with the other colleagues.
A. Suppose I had tried hard, I could have caught up with the other colleagues.
B. Try as I might, I didn’t manage to catch up with the other colleagues.
C. I was superior to the other colleagues, and I left them behind.
I didn’t do my best; as a result, I was unable to catch up with the other colleagues.
54. Pat made many mistakes. His boss overlooked them and encouraged him to work harder.
A. It was the boss’s ignorance of Pat’s mistakes that encouraged him to make a greater attempt.
B. Pat was the apple of his boss’s eye, so he wasn’t penalized however many faults he committed.
C. Pat’s boss turned a blind eye to the myriad of mistakes he made and incentivize him to pull
his weight.
D. However many mistakes Pat made, he was still promoted because his boss was ignorant of
55. I don't know what made you think Adam was against our policy. Now, let me clear the air and
convince you that he's our most loyal supporter.
A. You seemingly questioned Adam's policy observance even though he is a man of his words,
which I can make evident.
B. You might be persuaded by somebody that Adam has staunchly backed, which can resolve
your uncertainty about his position.
C. Conscious of Adam's faithfulness, your agonies about his perpetration against the policy could
be shown to be ridiculous by conversing with me.
D. I will prove that he's the most true-blue to get rid of your skepticism about Adam's adherence
to the policy, which I have no idea where it started.
Phần 12: Hoàn thành văn bản

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Chọn 01 cụm từ hoặc câu trong 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn trong mỗi câu hỏi để điền vào chỗ trống
tương ứng trong bài luận đã cho (56-60).
At the beginning of the 20th century, a car was a luxury that many could not afford, but since
then, the number of vehicles on the streets of industrialized countries has soared. The simple fact is
that most urban areas were never designed to cope with such high levels of traffic. It seems ironic
that as car ownership has increased, (56) _____. Traffic congestion creates stress, pollution and
many types of problem. It is an issue that governments must address.
One approach that policy-makers could take is to (57) _____. In certain countries, (58) _____,
drivers are required to pay a toll once they cross the boundary of the city centre. In some cases, car
drivers are also restricted to using one lane only, leaving the other lanes for buses or taxis.
Unfortunately, there is evidence that neither of these measures has reduced traffic to any significant
An alternative approach would be to make public transport more attractive to potential
passengers. According to a recent online poll, it is inconvenience rather than cost which deters people
from using buses. (59) _____.
(60) _____. But in the long term, it might be a cheaper option than borrowing money to fund new
road-building projects. This is the strategy that I would recommend governments adopt.
56. A. the quality of city dwellers has, in some ways, diminished
B. there has been a sharp decline in the number of other vehicles
C. governments have taken no action to tackle the issue
D. the quality of people living in cities has been improved
57. A. move all the companies and hospitals out of the city centers
B. stimulate the use of public transport rather than private vehicles
C. raise taxes on car and private transport ownership
D. introduce more legislation regulating the use of private vehicles
58. A. therefore B. conversely C. for instance D. furthermore
59. A. Local authorities would need to take into serious consideration lowering bus fares.
B. Local authorities should provide certain kinds of commuters with reduced prices.
C. Local authorities should offer a wider range of bus routes and run more frequent services.
D. Local authorities would need to educate drivers and conductors to behave properly

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60. A. To sum up, despite all the efforts made by governments, the above-mentioned measures are
proved inefficient.
B. In conclusion, an improved public transport system would certainly require considerable
financial investment.
C. All things considered, it is crucial that money should be invested in building and widening
separate lanes for buses and taxis.
D. By and large, it may cost people an arm and a leg to purchase a new car or motorbike.
61. Viết một bức thư khoảng 150 từ dựa trên những yêu cầu dưới đây.
Recently, the principal of your school has decided to improve the school, and she wants to ask
students’ opinions. Write a letter to the principal of your school. In your letter, you should:
• say what you like about your school
• say what need to be improved
• explain why those improvements are necessary
Begin your letter as follows:
Dear …,
62. Viết một văn bản khoảng 250 từ về chủ đề sau:
Some parents think that students should study at a gifted (or specialized) school while others believe
that studying at a gifted school puts a lot of pressure on students. Write an essay of about 250 words
about the advantages of studying at a gifted school.

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