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Konveksi Paksa

Zuhriyan Ash Shiddieqy Bahlawan., S.T., M.T.


Rumus Empiris untuk aliran dalam pipa/tabung

q = m.Cp(Tb2 – Tb1) = h.A(Tw – Tb)
m = ρ.Um.A Konveksi Paksa
Untuk mengetahui apakah alirannya laminar atau turbulen maka Besarnya perpindahan kalor yang
dibutuhkan bilangan Reynold: terjadi pada suatu
penampang/saluran yang
berbentuk pipa/tabung dapat
dinyatakan dengan beda suhu
limbak (bulk temperature):

Dimana :
m = laju aliran fluida (kg/s)
Cp = Panas jenis (kj/kg.0C)
Tb = Suhu limbak
Tw = Suhu dinding
Um = Kec. Rata-rata (m/s)
μ = Kekentalan (kg/m.s)
ρ = Kerapatan (kg/m3)
Untuk Aliran Turbulen :
Pipa licin

Pipa friksi

n = 0,11 jika Tw >Tb
n = 0,25 jika Tw < Tb
diagram mody
Untuk Aliran Laminar :
Example 1
Air at 2 atm and 200◦C is heated as it flows through a tube with a diameter of 1 in (2.54
cm)at a velocity of 10 m/s. Calculate the heat transfer per unit length of tube if a
constant-heat-fluxcondition is maintained at the wall and the wall temperature is 20◦C
above the air temperature, all along the length of the tube. How much would the bulk
temperature increase over a 3-m length of the tube?

Example 2

Tubes with a diameter of 2 cm have a relative roughness 0.001 at a fixed wall

temperature of 90 0C. Water enters the tube at a temperature of 40 0C and the exit is 60
C. If the input speed is 3 m / s, calculate the required tube length.
Thank you

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