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Students Learning Style and Learner Interests/Strengths/Weaknesses Academics Socialisation

Code Gender Style Environment Interests Strengths Weaknesses English Maths Science Behaviour Friends
S.A M Visual Knowledge  Enjoys school  English  HASS B B C S.A is a very well- S.A has a tight
Centered  Playing Soccer  Math behaved student, friend group
 Board Games  Science always respects which includes
 Playing with  Writing other around roughly 5
Friends  Spelling him and will students and
raise hand when will always
wanting to ask a play with these
question within students at
the classroom. lunchtime.
K.B F Visual Knowledge  Reading  Reading  Science C C C K.B is a well K.B is friends
Centered  Colouring  Writing  Health behaved student with a lot of
 Technology  Spelling most of the time, students but
 Math can sometimes when her
 English get distracted friends are
and play with playing with
objects within different
her desk. students she
Behaviour tends to
towards other become upset
students is very with this
good and will situation.
always ask
students what is
wrong when
they seem upset.
T.C F Visual Learner  Playing with  P.E  Reading D D D T.C behaviour T.C doesn’t
Centered friends at  Spelling within the have a set
lunchtime  Writing classroom can be friends group
 Completing  Science poor at stages, and she tends
Puzzles  English she is low in to hang out
 Colouring many of her with different
subjects and students at
because of this lunchtimes and
she may loose within the
interest very classroom.
quickly as she
everything is too
hard, this allows
her to continue
to distract other
students within
the classroom,
through constant
talking or
playing with
different objects.
K.D F Auditory Learner  Playing Soccer  Spelling  English D C D K.D is a very K.D has a tight
Centered  Playing with her  Math  Writing quiet student, friendship
friends at  Science her behaviour group who she
lunchtime. within the will play with
 Colouring classroom and at lunchtime
outside the and whoever
classroom is she sits next to
amazing, she is a in the
very kind classroom, she
student, who is will get along
willing to help with them
anyone in the easily.
Z.G M Visual Learner  Playing with his  Math  Reading D D D Z.G is a Z.G doesn’t
Centered friends at  Writing nonverbal have particular
lunchtime  Spelling student who friends but all
 Enjoys Music  Science tends to get students will
and Dancing  English frustrated at let him join in
 Colouring himself when the and play with
work seems to them at
be too hard, and lunchtime if he
this could cause asks.
his to start
yelling and
banging his desk.
When he enjoys
the task he will
complete the
work no trouble.
B.G M Visual Assessment  Playing Sports  Math  HASS C C C B.G is a very well B.G has a lot of
Centered  Colouring  English behaved student friends that he
 Enjoys coming to  Writing who always plays with at
School  Science respects other lunchtime.
 Writing Stories  Health around him. He
is a pretty quiet
students in the
classroom but
enjoys talking to
his friends.
H.H M Auditory Knowledge  Playing with  Reading  Health C C B H.H is a well H.H is many
Centered friends.  Writing  HASS behaved student friends, he will
 Reading  Spelling most of the time play soccer
 Science  Math but can have his most lunches
 Science moments when with the same
he doesn’t want students and
to be at school, always seems
this will cause to get along
him to start with these
calling out within particular
the classroom students.
and distracting
S.M F Auditory Learner  Reading  Math  Reading D C D S.M is a well S.M has only a
Centered  Playing with  Writing behaved student, limited amount
friends  Spelling she is very quiet of friends but
 Drawing  Science and causes no will always
Pictures.  English distractions hang out with
within the these
classroom. particular
students every
day within the
classroom and
at lunchtime.
P.M F Auditory Assessment  Reading  Math  Music C C C P.M behaviour is P.M is friends
Centered  Writing  English  HASS very good; she to a lot of
 Playing with  Science always shows students.
friends  Spelling respect to all Around the
 Sports  Writing teachers and playground at
students within lunchtimes she
the classroom. is playing with
She is always different
willing to help students most
other students of the time.
within the
classroom if they
are struggling
with a concept.
R.M M Visual Learner  Writing  Math  English D C C R.M is a R.M doesn’t
Centered Sentences on  Science  Spelling nonverbal have many
iPad.  Health student who is friends and
 Math well behaved enjoys playing
 Playing Soccer within the by himself at
classroom most lunchtime, but
of the time, if he most days he
is struggling with will join in
a concept rather playing
than putting up different
his hand to help, games with
he will just sit students at
and wait until lunch.
the teacher will
come over and
I.O M Kinesthet Learner  Colouring  Math  Spelling D D C I.O is a student I.O has friends
ic Centered  Puzzles  Writing who is well that she will
 Board Games  Science behaved most of hang out with
 Playing with  English the time but can at lunchtime
friends have moments most days,
where she sometimes she
doesn’t want to will like to be
complete any by herself but
work and will the majority of
put her head on the time she
the table and will will be with
need constant her friends.
reminding to
complete her
work until she
will sit back up
and complete her
M.P F Visual Knowledge 
Enjoys school  Math  English B B B M.P is a well- M.P doesn’t
Centered 
Completing  Science  Spelling behaved student have a great
activity  Writing within the class. number of
workbooks Sometimes he friends, but he
 Playing Soccer will get does hang out
 Colouring frustrated when with several
he doesn’t students from
understand the the class. At
work, but he lunchtime in
won’t distract which he plays
others around soccer with.
him during this
L.P F Kinesthet Learner  Reading  HASS  Spelling D D D L.P is a very L.P has small
ic Centered  Walking around  Writing quiet student friends’ group,
with teachers at  Science within the and she is very
lunchtime.  Math classroom, her happy when
 Colouring  English behaviour is very she is hanging
good and will out with her
always raise her friends and
hand if a playing games
question needs inside and
to be answered. outside of the
She is always classroom.
very polite to
other students
within the class.
L.R M Auditory Learner  Reading  Math  Spelling D C C L.R can get L.R has a small
Centered  Enjoys School  Science  Health distracted within group of
the classroom friends that she
 Board Games  Writing  HASS and will have the hangs out with
tendency to at lunchtime.
always hop out
of her seat and
walk around the
classroom. She
has to get
reminded to sit
in her seat
during class
unless instructed
R.R M Auditory Assessment  Reading  Math B B B R.R is a very R.R is friends
Centered  Writing  English well-mannered with a lot of
 Telling Stories  Science and behaved people as other
 Colouring  Spelling student within students often
 P.E  Writing the class. He is like to hang out
always respectful with him as he
to others and is very
willing to help welcoming to
other students different
around him if people.
they are
T.R M Visual Knowledge  Reading  Science  Health C C B T.R is a very nice T.R only has a
Centered  Playing with  Math student, but he small amount
friends  HASS often comes to of friends in his
 Science  English school very tired groups, but
therefore he will when hanging
lay down his out with these
head on the table students he is
and not pay always happy
attention in class, and has a smile
when awake is a on his face.
very well
behaved student.
D.S M Auditory Knowledge  Playing Soccer  Math  Science C C C D.S is a well- D.S has a good
Centered  Playing with his  English  Health mannered sized group of
friends student who is friends that he
 Writing  P.E caring towards will always
other students in play soccer
the class. with at
Sometimes he lunchtime.
may have the
tendency to call
out in the
classroom but
this is only a
minor issue, that
can be solved.

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