Oct. 4 2021 Grand Forks Inn and Suites Demolition Agreement

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Grand Forks Growth Fund, a JDA

Staff Report
Growth Fund Committee – October 4, 2021
JDA – October 4, 2021

Agenda Item: Award Bid of Abatement, Demolition and Removal of 1210 North 43rd Street (Former
Grand Forks Inn & Suites) Contingent upon purchase of property

Submitted by: Brandon J. Boespflug Building Inspections Director/ Chief Building Official

Staff Recommended Action: Approve and award bid in the amount of $444,150.00 to Berger Enterprises
for complete abatement, demolition and removal contingent on the purchase of property.

Subcommittee Recommendation:

JDA Action:

At the August 2nd, 2021, JDA meeting a motion carried unanimously to move forward with the Purchase
and Authorization to Bid the Abatement, Removal, Demolition and Restoration of 1210 North 43rd St
(former Grand Forks Inn and Suites)
In the following weeks a Request for Bids was created by the Inspections Department and advertised on
the City Website as well as in the Grand Forks Herald. The initial Bid packet had 2 options. A. For a
contractor to do all Abating, Demolition, Removal and Restoration. B. The Contractor just to demolish and
the city to provide all other work.

During the first week of advertisement, City Inspections Staff received several calls from local contractors
as well as from those around the country relating that they would be unable to bid the way the options
were laid out. The consensus was that there where to many unknowns. After reviewing conversations
from contractors with staff, it was determined to add an addendum to the bid packet.

Below is a section that was added to the bid packet as an addendum. The full addendum and bid package
are attached for your convenience.


A. Alternate A is to be bid using the specifications laid out in this document.
B. Alternate A(1) is to be bid without any asbestos evaluation, removal & disposal.


A. Alternate B is to be bid using the specifications laid out in this document with the
following exception:

a. All items the Contractor is to dispose of listed in Section VII. A, shall be left on
the property site; whatever elements generated in the demolition work, the
hotel building & small shed, complete flooring, walls, foundation, all interior
content elements, and all miscellaneous items, including but not limited to;
utility structures, pipes, concrete sign bases, concrete parking bumpers,
signs, signposts, electrical poles, mechanical, electrical, plumbing related
items, air conditioning units, propane tanks, and other incidental site items.

b. The Contractor shall stack the different items in an orderly manner, where
determined by the Owner for the Owner to haul off site.

c. As much as possible, inert and non-inert items shall be stacked separately

on the site and protected with erosion control measures.

B. Alternate B(1) is to be bid without any asbestos evaluation, removal & disposal.


• Following the bid opening, City Staff performed our due diligence to identify what option to go with.
Conversations were had with the Public Works Department to determine if they would be able to
perform any of the alternates. The conclusion was that due to heavy workload as well as the city
not owning the right equipment, the risk to our own equipment as well as costs of renting, it was
not feasible to go with any of the options that required city departments to perform any of the


• Bid Tabulation Sheet

• Original Request for Bid Packet
• Bid Addendum
Building Demolition at 1210 North 43rd St. (#8018651)
Owner: Grand Forks ND, City of - City Engineer
Solicitor: Grand Forks ND, City of - City Engineer
09/22/2021 02:00 PM CDT

R.J. Zavoral and Sons, Inc. RTS Shearing, LLC L2 Contracting Lyle Wilkens Inc. Berger Enterprises

Alternate A-Base Bid $790,025.00 $0.00 $908,014.00 $846,000.00 $444,150.00

Alternate A(1)-Base Bid w/o asbestos eval $490,025.00 $367,570.00 $573,412.00 $546,000.00 $175,000.00
Alternate B-Base Bid with Exceptions $690,025.00 $0.00 $591,088.00 $846,000.00 $374,150.00
Alternate B(1)-Base w/exceptions w/o asbestos eval $390,025.00 $292,570.00 $267,321.00 $546,000.00 $105,000.00

Robinson Excavating's bid was not opened because it was missing the non-collusion affidavit
PROJECT # 8394

1210 N. 43ND ST.

Bids for a project for the City of Grand Forks – Hotel Demolition at 1210 N. 43rd St.,
Project No. 8394, will be received no later than 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September
22, 2021. For this project, bids will only be received and accepted via the online
electronic bid service through QuestCDN.com. To access the electronic bid form,
download the project documents and click on the online bid button at the top of the bid
advertisement page. Prospective bidders must be on the Planholder list through
QuestCDN for bids to be accepted. Project scope of work includes the following:

The Work comprises the demolition of the hotel building site including a minor
shed, utilities, parking lot lighting, and other miscellaneous items. Also, the Work
includes the testing, evaluation, and removal of all toxic and hazardous materials,
including but not limited to asbestos containing materials, lead, PCB's, and
mercury. The property is located at 1210 N. 43rdStreet, Grand Forks, ND 58203.

Each bid must have a pdf document (uploaded to Quest VirtuBid) which contains an
acceptable bidder’s bond in a sum equal to five percent of the full amount of the bid,
executed by the bidder as principal and by a surety, conditioned that if the principal's bid
be accepted and the contract awarded to the principal, the principal, within ten days
after notice of award, will execute a contract in accordance with the term of the bid and
a contractor's bond as required by law and the regulations and determinations of the
Grand Forks City Council.

Each bid shall also contain a pdf document (uploaded to Quest VirtuBid) of the license
or certificate of renewal thereof issued by the Secretary of State which will be uploaded.
Bidder must be licensed for the full amount of the bid. No bid will be read or considered
which does not fully comply with the above provisions as to bond and license.

The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids and/or to waive any
informality in the bids received and to accept any bid deemed to be most favorable to
the interest of the City of Grand Forks. The work, if awarded, shall be completed 60
days after bid acceptance.

Complete digital project bidding documents are available at

http://www.grandforksgov.com/business/bids-rfp/-fsiteid-1 or www.questcdn.com. You
may view the digital plan documents for free by entering Quest project # 8018651 on
the Project Search page and selecting “View Plans”. Documents may be downloaded
for $15.00 and bidders will be charged a fee of $30.00 to submit a bid electronically.
Please contact QuestCDN.com at 952-233-1632 or info@questcdn.com for assistance
in free membership registration, downloading, online bidding and working with this
digital project information. An optional paper set of project plans, specifications, bidding
instructions, and proposals may be seen at the office of Building Inspections
Department, (701-746-2631) 255 North 4th St., P. O. Box 5200, Grand Forks, North

Dakota 58206, or at the Grand Forks Builders & Traders.

Maureen Storstad
Director of Finance & Administrative Services


PUBLISH IN GRAND FORKS HERALD 9/1/2021, 9/8/2021 & 9/15/2021

PROJECT # 8394


To The Honorable Mayor and

Members of the City Council
255 N 4th St.
Grand Forks, ND 58203.

The undersigned herby certifies that he has personally examined the location and
construction details of work outlined on the plans and the specifications for project #
SITE, in the City of Grand Forks, ND; and has read and thoroughly understands the
plans and specifications and contract documents governing the work embraced in this
improvement and the method by which payment will be made for said work and herby
proposes to undertake and complete the work embraced in the improvement in
accordance with said specifications, and contract documents and at the following price:

Total Cost of the Project #8394 as Alternate A Bid* $_________________________
Total Cost of the Project #8394 as Alternate B Bid* $ _________________________

*See page 21 for explanation of Alternate A and Alternate B

The undersigned is duly and regularly licensed as required by code with the proper
Contractor licenses.

Signature of Bidder: ___________________________________

Name of Bidder & Title: ___________________________________

Name of Company: ___________________________________

Official Address: ___________________________________


Phone Number: ___________________________________

Email Address: ___________________________________


State of ____________ )
) SS
County of ___________)

____________________________________, being first duly sworn, on his oath says that

the bid above submitted is a genuine and not a sham or collusive bid, or made in the
interest or on behalf of any person not therein named; and he further says that the said
bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any bidder on the above work or
supplies to put in a sham bid, or any other person or corporation to refrain from bidding;
and that said bidder has not in any manner sought by collusion to secure to himself/herself
an advantage over any other bidder or bidders.


Subscribed and sworn before me this ______day of _________________, ____________.

Notary Public in and for the State of North Dakota,

residing at:


PROJECT # 8394


The Work comprises the demolition of the hotel building site including a minor shed,
utilities, parking lot lighting, and other miscellaneous items. Also, the Work includes the
testing, evaluation, and removal of all toxic and hazardous materials, including but not
limited to asbestos containing materials, lead, PCB's, and mercury. The property is
located at 1210 N. 43rdStreet, Grand Forks, ND 58203.

It is the City of Grand Forks intent to accept Bids for the Work listed in the

Bidding Procedures:
1. Any Bid received after date and time listed (Wednesday, September 22, 2021 at
2:00 PM) will be rejected and returned to the Bidder unopened. All questions on the
quotation form must be answered. Bid must be appropriately completed, signed,
and submitted on forms supplied by the City via the online electronic bid service
through QuestCDN.com.

2. Bid price will not be the only criteria used in the selection. The experience, service,
and completion date will also be considered.

3. All Bids must include the Alternate A, main bid total cost, and the total cost proposed
for the project as detailed using the instructions for Alternate B, as herein specified.

4. The City of Grand Forks reserves the right to waive any technicalities and/or
informalities, reject any or all bids, and to accept the bid that is deemed to be in the
best interest of the City.

5. Each bid must have a pdf document (uploaded to Quest VirtuBid) which contains an
acceptable bidder’s bond in a sum equal to five percent of the full amount of the bid,
executed by the bidder as principal and by a surety, conditioned that if the principal's
bid be accepted and the contract awarded to the principal, the principal, within ten
days after notice of award, will execute a contract in accordance with the term of the
bid and a contractor's bond as required by law and the regulations and
determinations of the Grand Forks City Council.

6. Each bid shall also contain a pdf document (uploaded to Quest VirtuBid) of the
license or certificate of renewal thereof issued by the secretary of state which will be
uploaded. Bidder must be licensed for the full amount of the bid. No bid will be read

or considered which does not fully comply with the above provisions as to bond and
license. Bidder must be licensed for the full amount of the bid.

7. The bid price shall include all “trade” contractor work required to complete the
project and those contractors must be properly licensed and bonded in the City of
Grand Forks.

8. Bidder shall guarantee the price for 30 days from date of bid opening. All work must
be completed 60 days after Bid acceptance.

9. For information regarding the bid specifications contact Bev Collings @ 701-746-
2631. All Bidders are required to complete a walk-thru on-site at 1210 N. 43RD St.,
before bid.

PROJECT # 8394


1. The Grand Forks City Council reserves the right to accept any bid or to reject any or all
bids or to award the contract for the work or purchase of the equipment on such basis as
the City deems to be in its best interest to do so.

2. The price in this proposal submitted shall include all items of labor, materials, tools,
equipment and other costs necessary to fully complete the demolition project pursuant to
these specifications.

3. Prime Contractors and Subcontractors may make appointments to discuss these

specifications with Bev Collings for the City of Grand Forks Building Inspections Office at

4. Workmanship throughout shall conform to the highest standard of commercial-accepted

practice for the class of work and shall result in a neat and finished appearance.

5. Final acceptance shall be determined by signed certificate of the City of Grand Forks
designated agent, preceded by an inspection of the installations by an agent of the City
with a Contractor’s representative.

6. Applicable State and Local Clauses:

Law Governing
All contractual agreements shall be subject to, governed by, and construed according to
the laws of the State of North Dakota.

Subletting of Contract
This contract shall not be sublet except with the written consent of the CITY. No such
consent shall be construed as making the CITY a party to such subcontract, or
subjecting the CITY to liability of any kind to any Subcontractor. No subcontract shall,
under any circumstances, relieve the CONTRACTOR of his liability and obligation under
this contract, and all transactions with the CITY must be through the General Contractor.

Assignment/Transfer of Interests
There shall be no assignment/transfer of interests or delegation of CONTRACTOR’S
rights, duties or responsibilities of CONTRACTOR under this contract without the prior
written approval of the CITY, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. An
assignment or transfer of interests which shall require approval of the CITY shall include,
without limitation, the occurrence within any six-month period of the transfer of a majority
ownership interest of the CONTRACTOR, such as a transfer of a majority of the
outstanding stock in the CONTRACTOR if it is a corporation or a transfer of a majority of
the membership in the CONTRACTOR if it is a limited liability company. A claim by
CONTRACTOR that CITY’S withholding of approval is unreasonable may only be

resolved by a lawsuit seeking declaratory relief or judgment, and such claim shall not
give rise to any action for damages, direct, indirect or consequential.

In the event any provision of the contract is declared or determined to be unlawful,
invalid or unconstitutional, such declaration shall not affect, in any manner, the legality of
the remaining provisions of the contract and each provision of the contract will be and is
deemed to be separate and severable from each other provision.

Regulatory Requirements
The CONTRACTOR shall comply with all Federal, State, and local licensing, training,
testing and/or regulatory requirements (including permits) for the provision of the

1. All work shall be in conformance as outlined below, following the Grand Forks
Construction Specifications, except as modified or supplemented by these Special
Provisions or as otherwise shown.

2. Bids will remain subject to acceptance for 60 days after the bid opening.

3. The Building Inspections Department shall be notified at least one week prior to start
of any work.

4. All work for this project shall be completed within 60 days from bid acceptance.

5. Contractor and all Subcontractors shall be duly licensed and bonded by the City of
Grand Forks, the State of North Dakota and any other regulatory authorities needed
to complete the Work. It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to maintain these
items at no cost to the Owner.

6. All work shall be in conformance with the City of Grand Forks Standard Construction
Specifications with updates through February 1990, except as modified or
supplemented by these Special Provision or as otherwise shown on the Plans. A
copy of said specifications may be purchased at the Grand Forks City Engineer’s

7. Contractor shall provide insurance meeting the City of Grand Forks Standard
Construction Specifications and as follows: coverage shall be increased to
$1,000,000 per incident for personal injury and property damage with an additional
$2,000,000 umbrella coverage. In addition, any and all subcontractors shall be
required to have the minimum insurance as required in these specifications.

8. The Contractor will be responsible for payment of any legitimate claims made by
other Contractors working within the area who have incurred a loss as a result of
Contractor’s failure to complete the work of this project by the specified completion

9. Contractor will not be entitled to any compensation for causes resulting in delays or
hindrances to the work. Extensions of time will be granted for unavoidable delays,
which in the option of the City Official are clearly beyond the control of the
Contractor, including but not restricted to acts of God, or the public enemy, acts of
the Owner acts of another Contractor in the performance of a contract with the
Owner, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes freight embargoes,
and abnormal and unforeseeable weather. The City of Grand Forks Official must
receive a written request for time extension from the Contractor not more than 20
days after commencement of delay before any time extension will be considered.
Requests made beyond the 20-day limit will be cause for denial. Any extension of
time will not relieve the Contractor or his sureties from their obligations which shall
remain in full force and effect until the satisfactory discharge of the contract.

10. A construction schedule and any required submittals shall be submitted to the City of
Grand Forks Official prior to scheduling the pre-construction meeting. The
construction schedule, showing the proposed start and completion dates of work. It
shall be Contractor’s responsibility to schedule the pre-construction conference.

11. Bid price shall be F.O.B. Grand Forks, ND. Any equipment or materials need to
complete the Work shall be complete and ready to operate at the point of delivery.

12. Mobilization, bonds, insurance, cleanup, and any other miscellaneous items
necessary to complete the project shall be considered incidental to the contract.

13. Access to property within the project area shall be provided for at all times during
the Work.

14. Contractor shall protect incidental or adjacent utilities and shall maintain continuous,
uninterrupted services to these services throughout the project.

15. The City of Grand Forks must approve all pay estimates for construction contracts
before payment can be made.

16. All work shall conform to the applicable provisions of the current codes, as adopted
by the City of Grand Forks.

17. All removed equipment, materials and associated components as specified shall be
completely removed and properly disposed by the Contractor or detailed in these
specifications. Proper disposal shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.

18. All costs for material and labor to furnish and install these items shall be included in
the bid item.

19. All elements, items, or property damaged due to the Contractor’s construction
methods shall be properly repaired to the property owner’s satisfaction and by the
Contractor at no cost to the owner.

20. Contractor shall use the designated staging area and access areas. Care should be
exercised to ensure that all staging and work areas are kept in a safe manner and at
the end of each workday these areas shall be cleaned appropriately.

21. Before submitting a bid, each bidder shall read and make familiar with the
specifications and him/herself prior to bidding as to existing conditions, and the
quantities of materials to do the work, and shall also familiarize him/herself of the
limitations under which the work is to be performed, and shall include in his bid a
sum to cover the cost of items necessary to perform the work as set forth in the
proposed contract documents. Also, an on-site visit is required prior to submitting a
bid. No allowance will be made to a bidder due to the lack of a site examination.
The submission of a bid will be considered as conclusive evidence that the bidder
has made such examination.

22. Site visits shall be scheduled with Bev Collings from the Grand Forks Building
Inspections Department at 701-746-2631.

PROJECT # 8394



A. The Work comprises the demolition of the hotel building site including a minor
shed, utilities, parking lot lighting, and other miscellaneous items. Also, the Work
includes the testing, evaluation, and removal of all toxic and hazardous materials,
including but not limited to asbestos containing materials, lead, PCB's, and
mercury. The property is located at 1210 N. 43rdStreet, Grand Forks, ND 58203.


A. Conform to all applicable regulations for proper disposal of debris. Comply with
applicable codes and regulations for demolition operations and safety of adjacent
properties and the public.

B. The Contractor is not to initiate any work until receipt of notification to proceed
from Owner.

C. To minimize dust and debris due to demolition work, the City requires the use of
a temporary water service which shall be installed by the Contractor, but water
usage will be paid by the City. Caution should be used in inclement weather that
may result in ice, flooding, sedimentation of public waterways or storm sewers, or
other pollution.

D. Use of explosives, burning or other unapproved method, not outlined in this

document, are not permitted in the performance of this Work.

E. All Grand Forks City permit fees will be waived but Contractor will be responsible
for applying and obtaining all permits including those of sub-contractors.

F. Contractor is responsible to comply with applicable code requirements of City,

State and Federal Government laws and regulations that pertain to the Work.

G. The project site must be maintained safe and secure at all hours of the day or
night by the Contractor, by providing, erecting, and maintaining temporary
fences, barriers and/or other security devices. These security items must stay at
the property until which time the City Official determines is appropriate, will be
leased, or turned over to the City for ownership. Also, precautions shall be made
to avoid all access by the general public, worker safety during the project, and to
prevent uncontrolled collapse of building when being demolished.

H. Confine Work effort to within the property line limits. The Work shall be done in a
manner to minimize the interference with adjacent properties and their
operations. Do not close, obstruct, or interfere with streets / sidewalks, public
and private entrances and exits without prior approval for the City of Grand
Forks. Contractor shall obtain written permission from owners of adjacent
properties when any disruption is expected.

I. The hauling route determined by the Owner will be strictly followed. All traffic
control items shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Any damages, debris
control, or other issues experienced while hauling will be the responsibility of the

J. Leave site in a secure and clean condition, ready for redevelopment as specified

K. Prior to site clearing and overall demolition work appropriately detailed

documentation of existing conditions of the property trees and plantings, and
adjoining property construction, shall be obtained that might be misconstrued as
damage caused by site clearing. Initiation of the Work means acceptance of
existing conditions.

L. The Contractor shall be responsible for all damage or injury to property of any
character during the prosecution of the Work, resulting from any act, omission, or
neglect in the manner or method of executing the Work, or at any time due to
defective Work or materials. This responsibility will not be released until the
project has been completed and accepted.

M. When any direct or indirect damage or injury is done to public or private property
by or on account of any act, omission, or neglect, in the execution of the Work, or
in consequence of the nonexecution thereof by the Contractor, Contractor(‘s)
shall restore, at Contractor(‘s) own expense, such property to the condition
similar or equal to that existing before such damage or injury was done, by
repairing, rebuilding, or otherwise restoring as may be directed, or Contractor(‘s)
shall make good such damage or injury in an acceptable manner.


A. The locating, coordinating, and disconnection of all utilities is the responsibility of
the Contractor. Manage the work with utility companies by notifying all before
starting any work, comply with company requirements. This includes not
disrupting public utilities by closing, shutting off, of any existing utility branches or
take-offs that are in use, without obtaining the proper permits and at least three
days of prior written notification to Owner. All City permit fees will be waived.

B. Locate, identify, and protect all utilities that remain, from damage. Accurately
record actual locations of utilities remaining by horizontal dimensions, elevations
or inverts, and slope gradients.

C. The sanitary sewer service lines shall be capped a minimum of five feet outside
the building’s foundation wall. They will be capped with concrete to seal pipe

D. Removal of three existing water services, two four inch and a three-inch service.
One water main is located in the street and the other two are in the berm area.
Removal shall be to the City main by utilizing sleeves per Grand Forks City
Code. This work must be completed by a ND State and City licensed Sewer and
Water Contractor. It is the contractor’s responsibility to contact the Water
Department for all water shut offs, to notify the neighboring properties, obtain the
required permits, and proper inspections. The water meters must be returned to
the Grand Forks City Water Department.

E. Remove exposed piping, valves, meters, equipment, supports, and foundations

of disconnected and abandoned utilities.

F. Remove water pipe, fittings, valves, hydrants, service leads, concrete vaults,
abandoned utilities, other associated appurtenances, and debris or encountered
along the route of removals in a manner that does not disrupt City water
distribution service and traffic.

G. Dispose of, or at Contractor’s option salvage, all other distribution system and
service connection materials off-site and in accordance with all applicable laws
and regulations.

H. Disinfection of water system is the responsibility of the Contractor. Flush and

disinfect system in accordance with Grand Forks City and ND State Regulations.
Submit documentation of testing.


A. Provide a licensed master plumber, who will be responsible for the proper
installation of the temporary water service system and is in charge of such work
per the requirements of the North Dakota State Plumbing Board. Provide
backflow preventive devices on temporary water supply.

B. The Contractor is authorized to have temporary water service to the site for dust
and debris control. All water usage will be paid by the Owner.

C. Notify Owner at least seven (7) days in advance of the time that service
connections are scheduled.

D. Disinfect and flush temporary water materials and hoses prior to the installation
of the temporary water service system.


A. Provide, erect, and maintain adequate barriers, fences, and signs.

B. Keep adjoining streets, sidewalks, alleys, and driveways in usable condition;

avoid adjoining property owner inconvenience insofar as practicable; do not
trespass on private property.

C. Confine Work and stockpiling to within designated areas on the property as

approved by Owner. Leave undisturbed all pavement and parking lot areas. All
pavement and parking areas are left in place and any damage experienced
during the demolition of the buildings and other site items is inconsequential.
Pavement and parking located within the property lines doesn’t have to be
protected but is not included to be removed.

D. Pavement removed beyond the property lines shall be replaced to the same
specifications as the adjacent removal at Contractor's expense. Disturbances,
breakage, or damage to areas not designated for removal shall be restored at
Contractor's expense prior to final payment.

E. Where abandoned pipes are to remain in place, plug all exposed ends with

F. Maintain proper positive drainage during Work operations and through



A. The Work includes the testing, evaluating and removal of hazardous materials
and toxic substances required by City, State and National regulations and laws.
Including but not limited to asbestos containing materials, lead, PCB's, and

B. Testing, evaluating, and removal of required hazardous materials is the

responsibility of the Contractor and completed under the requirements of the
North Dakota Air Pollution Control Rules and the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency; National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants regulations.

C. Removal of all materials identified by testing as hazardous and from the property
prior to other demolish work.

D. Disposal of all hazardous materials removed is the responsibility of the
Contractor and must be done meeting all the requirements of the North Dakota
Air Pollution Control Rules and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.


A. The Contractor is responsible for the complete demolition, removal, and proper
disposal of all the elements of the hotel building & small shed, complete flooring,
walls, foundation, all interior content elements, and all miscellaneous items,
including but not limited to; utility structures, pipes, concrete sign bases, concrete
parking bumpers, signs, signposts, electrical poles, mechanical, electrical,
plumbing related items, air conditioning units, propane tanks, and other incidental
site items.

B. Clear areas required for access to site and execution of Work. Any plant growth,
trees, grass and other type items are only to be removed if incidental to the
building removal. The Contractor may remove these items at their own cost but
not as part of the Work. If these items are damaged during the Work, it will be
inconsequential and not considered a damaged item.

C. Materials such as trees, vegetation, debris, trash and all other material identified
by the owner as unsuitable shall become Contractor’s property and shall be
removed from the site to the City of Grand Forks Landfill or other designated
disposal area. All “Tipping Fees” will be paid for by the Owner.

D. Contractor shall be responsible for complete trees that may be removed

incidentally with the removal with of utility services or removal of the buildings.
Remove stumps, main root ball, and root system to a depth of 48 inches.

E. Stockpile materials, new and excavated to be reused, at location is acceptable to

Owner. The location of staging and stockpiling materials will be determined at
the Pre-Demolition meeting by the Owner.

F. Stockpile and supply all additional materials in sufficient quantities to meet

project schedule and requirements. Stockpile materials on site in an area within
property line limits. Remove and dispose of legally from the site unsuitable,
excess material not being used.

G. Separate differing materials with dividers or stockpile apart to prevent mixing.

Stockpile in sufficient quantities to meet project schedule and requirements.

H. Do not stockpile wet material. Excavated wet material must be processed to

obtain optimum moisture content prior to stockpiling. Protect stockpiled materials
from inclement weather. If materials are left without protection and become
unusable due to moisture content, all costs associated with material replacement
or farming will be the responsibility of the Contractor.

I. Excavated topsoil shall be stored on site for reuse in surface restoration or may
be removed and replaced at contractor’s option. Topsoil shall be stored for reuse
in restoration or may be removed at Contractor option and replaced with suitable
topsoil when restoration is performed.

J. Stockpile subsoil to be reused in area designated on the property to depth not

exceeding 8 feet and protect from erosion.

K. Remove surplus backfill materials from site. Contractor to bear all costs
associated with loading and hauling excess fill off site to the City of Grand Forks
Landfill or designated area. All “Tipping Fees” will be paid for by the Owner.

L. All excess or unsuitable soil materials shall be hauled and disposed of off-site by
the Contractor to the City of Grand Forks Landfill or other designated disposal
area. All “Tipping Fees” will be paid for by the Owner.

M. Stockpile excavated material in approved area and remove excess or unsuitable

material from site. Contractor shall bear all cost to remove, haul, and spread
excess or unsuitable excavated material off-site to the City of Grand Forks
Landfill or designated area. All “Tipping Fees” will be paid for by the Owner.

N. Material not indicated to be stockpiled or to remain as Owner’s property, such as

trees, vegetation, obstructions, demolished materials, and waste materials,
including trash and debris, shall be removed and disposed of legally off Owner’s
property. All “Tipping Fees” will be paid for by the Owner.

A. Backfill areas to elevations consistent with pre-demolish site conditions.

B. Systematically backfill to allow maximum time for natural settlement. Do not

backfill over loose, porous, wet, frozen, or spongy subgrade surfaces. Maintain
optimum moisture content of backfill materials to attain required compaction
density. Backfill areas to with unfrozen materials.

C. Each layer shall be reasonably level and uniform and shall be thoroughly
compacted with mechanical tampers.

D. Perform compaction testing in accordance with ASTM D698 and ASTM D2922.
All costs related to the testing is the responsibility of the Contractor. If tests
indicate Work does not meet specified requirements, remove Work, replace and
retest at no cost to Owner.

E. Verify sub-drainage, damp proofing, and waterproofing has been inspected.

Dewater excavations during backfilling at no cost to Owner.

F. Do not reuse excavated subsoil as backfill if wet unless material has been dried
to obtain optimum moisture content.

G. Compact sub-base to density requirements for subsequent backfill materials.

Identify soft spots; fill and compact to density equal to or greater than
requirements for subsequent fill material. Replace damaged or displaced subsoil
to same requirements as for specified fill.

H. Furnish imported borrow materials if sufficient suitable on-site materials are not
available to achieve planned finished grades.

I. Dewater excavations encountering groundwater as needed at no cost to Owner.


A. Material Source: Submit name of imported material supplier(s). Provide materials
from the same source throughout the Work. Change of source requires Owner’s

B. To ensure quality assurance, submit name of imported materials source. Provide

materials from the same source throughout the Work. Change of source requires
Owner’s approval.

a. Subsoil materials shall be an excavated material; imported borrow and

select or local borrow that is graded free of lumps larger than 3 inches,
rocks larger than 2 inches, and debris.
i. Type S1: Imported or Re-used; Fine sand and gravel, including fine
sands, sand-clay mixtures, and gravel-clay mixtures. Conforming to
ASTM D2487 Group Symbol GM, GC, SM, and SC.
ii. Type S2: Imported or Re-used; Inorganic clays, conforming to
ASTM D2487 Group Symbol CL or CH with liquid limit of 60 or less.
iii. Type S3: Unacceptable; All frozen material, vegetation, trash,
rocks, and concrete and bituminous chunks having a dimension
exceeding 3 inches. Also, includes silts of ASTM D2487 Group
Symbol ML or MH and CH soils with liquid limit over 60.

b. Aggregate materials shall be as follows or better:

i. Fine Aggregate (Type A4): Natural river or bank sand; free of silt,
clay, loam, friable or soluble materials, and organic matter; graded
in accordance with ASTM C33.
ii. Coarse Aggregate (Type A1): Well graded crushed stone or gravel
conforming to the requirements of ASTM C33, Gradation 67.

C. Fill below City streets and alleys shall be Class AA as specified in City of Grand
Forks Standard Specifications.

A. Contractor responsible for the protection of finished work. Reshape and re-
compact fills subjected to vehicular traffic before leaving the property.

B. Remove debris, junk, and trash from site. Remove from site all materials not to
be reused on site; do not burn or bury. Clean up all waste, spills, discharges,
and any debris that blow from the site or the Work process onto the public and
private properties

C. Restore items such as street signs, power poles, fences, retaining walls,
streetlights, and others, to a condition equal to or better than existed before

D. All damage done to streets, berms, etc., due to the Contractor's construction
techniques shall be repaired at the Contractor's expense prior to final payment.


A. Erosion control measures shall be established at the beginning of construction and
maintained during the entire length of construction. Areas which are subject to severe
erosion and off-site areas which are especially vulnerable to damage from erosion
and/or sedimentation are to be identified and receive additional erosion control
measures. Failure to implement the controls and practices outlined would result in
violation of the Environmental Protection Act and Clean Water Act and is grounds for
penalties. Contractor shall be responsible for maintenance of erosion and sediment
resulting from construction from the project limits. All land-disturbing activities shall be
coordinated and conducted so as to minimize the size of the area to be exposed at any
one time and to minimize the time of exposure. All land-disturbing activities shall also be
coordinated and conducted so as to minimize off-site sedimentation damage. Contractor
shall be responsible for periodically cleaning out and disposing of all sediment once the
storage capacity of the drainage feature or structure receiving the sediment is reduced
by one-half. Contractor shall also be responsible for cleaning out and disposing of all
sediment at the completion of the project. Additional on-site protection, in addition to the
minimum shown may be needed so that sediment is not permitted to leave the project
confines in areas subject to severe erosion, unforeseen conditions or accidents.
Contractor is responsible for removing the temporary erosion and sediment control
devices and verifying the cleaning out of all storm drainage structures, including flumes,
pipes, and ditches once final stabilization has occurred. Maintain temporary erosion
control devices until permanent facilities are constructed and final stabilization has
occurred. Inadequate maintenance or record keeping will result in deducts to be
determined in the field.

B. Access to the site is limited to the driveways located on North 43rd Street. No
construction traffic shall be allowed on the frontage road, on the north side of the site.

C. The bid item “Erosion Control” shall be bid for on a lump sum basis. The bid item shall
include payment for five inlet bags and any other necessary perimeter controls to control
sediment runoff from stockpiles. The bid item “Erosion Control” shall be bid for on a
lump sum basis. Bid item shall include costs of all permits, labor, equipment, and

materials to install, maintain and remove any necessary temporary erosion control
measures as on the plans and specifications and as required by pertinent laws and
ordinances. Bid item shall also include any administrative costs to prepare the necessary
permits, maintain documentation and prepare an erosion control plan, verify condition of
in-place systems and provide new or additional measures as necessary after each
rainfall event of 0.25” or greater. 20% of “Erosion Control” will be paid after the
installation of any temporary erosion control methods. The next 60% will be prorated
and paid on a monthly basis in accordance to the project schedule. Contractor shall
have up to date inspection records and all erosion control devices shall have been
properly maintained in order to receive payment. The final 20% will be paid when the
final turf has been established and accepted, and temporary erosion control devices
have been removed, in accordance with the erosion control permit.

D. Contractor shall have a copy of the SWPPP, copy of the general permit and inspection
records on-site or at a location immediately available at the construction site at all times.

E. Prior to scheduling the pre-construction meeting, Contractor shall submit a Storm Water
Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to the City to be approved by the City Engineer.
Contractor shall be responsible for payment of SWPPP permit fees. The SWPPP shall
conform to the standards set forth by the North Dakota Department of Environmental
Quality. No land disturbance activities or the pre-construction meeting shall take place
prior to the approval of the SWPPP. A copy of the approved SWPPP shall be always
available for review at the job site.

F. All best management practices (BMPs) shall be installed in accordance with the erosion
control permit. Examples of BMPs include, silt fence, straw or rock wattles, inlet
protections, erosion control mats, riprap, temporary seeding, mulching, winter
stabilization, rock construction entrance, etc.

G. Inspections shall be made by Contractor every 7 calendar days and within 24 hours of a
0.25” precipitation event. Deficiencies found in any BMP, shall be corrected by
Contractor immediately. A written log of the inspections and a detailed description of any
measures taken to correct noted problems must be kept in accordance with the erosion
control permit.

H. Contractor shall regularly maintain all BMPs. Trapped sediment shall be removed if
levels reach 1/3 the height of the BMP or fill ½ the capacity of a sediment pond.

I. All inlet protection BMPs shall be removed, and sediment cleaned out after 0.25” of
accumulated precipitation over anytime period. After cleaning has finished the inlet
protection shall be reinstalled in accordance with the erosion control permit.

J. Water from any dewatering process shall not be discharged directly into the city storm
sewer system, any inlet that leads to the city storm sewer system, or into a water of the
state. All water that is pumped off site must go through a dewatering bag or approved
structure before being discharged.

K. For the duration of the project, Contractor is responsible for limiting any mud, dirt, rocks,
or other debris from eroding or blowing onto city streets, sidewalks, or nearby properties.
Should any materials be eroded or blown onto city or private property, the contactor shall
take corrective steps and remove any material immediately.

L. Vehicles leaving the construction site shall not track mud, dirt, rocks, or other debris onto
streets. Should any materials be tracked, Contractor shall take corrective steps and
remove it immediately.

M. Contractor shall ensure that trash, debris, or any significant materials are properly
disposed of and are not allowed to enter any storm water conveyance. Contractor shall
have spill kits wherever any hazardous materials are stored.

N. Any portion of disturbed land or stockpiles that sit idle for seven consecutive days shall
be stabilized by temporary seeding, mulching, cat-tracking, or any other approved
method, in accordance with the erosion control permit. Costs are incidental to the
“Erosion Control” bid item.

A. Alternate A is to be bid using the specifications laid out in this document.

A. Alternate B is to be bid using the specifications laid out in this document with the
following exception:

a. All items the Contractor is to dispose of listed in Section VII. A, shall be left on
the property site; whatever elements generated in the demolition work, the
hotel building & small shed, complete flooring, walls, foundation, all interior
content elements, and all miscellaneous items, including but not limited to;
utility structures, pipes, concrete sign bases, concrete parking bumpers,
signs, signposts, electrical poles, mechanical, electrical, plumbing related
items, air conditioning units, propane tanks, and other incidental site items.

b. The Contractor shall stack the different items in an orderly manner, where
determined by the Owner for the Owner to haul off site.

c. As much as possible, inert and non-inert items shall be stacked separately

on the site and protected with erosion control measures.

A. References and sources to be utilized during the completion of the Work.
This is not to be considered as a complete list.

ASTM C136 – Method for Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates.
ASTM D698 – Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil-
Mixtures Using 5.5 lb Rammer and 12 inch Drop.
ASTM D2487 – Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes.
ASTM D2922 – Test Methods for Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by
Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth).
ASTM D3017 – Test Method for Moisture Content of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in
Place by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth).
ASTM D2922 - Test Methods for Density of Soil and Soil-Aggregate in Place by
Methods (Shallow Depth).
ASTM D4318 - Test Method for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of
ASTM C33 - Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates.
Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge, Latest Edition, by North Dakota
Department of Transportation.

Standard Construction Specifications of the City of Grand Forks, North Dakota,

latest edition.
North Dakota Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road
and Bridge Construction, latest edition.

General Permit Authorization to Discharge Storm Water Associated with

Construction Activity under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System/State Disposal System Permit Program.
North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) Erosion and Sediment
Control Handbook – Latest Edition
North Dakota Department of Health (NDDH) – Division of Water Quality – “A
Guide to Temporary Erosion Control Measures” – Latest Edition
ASTM D 4355 – Standard Test Method for Deterioration of Geotextiles by
Exposure to Light, Moisture, and Heat in a Xenon Arc Type Apparatus; 2005.
ASTM D 4491 – Standard Test Methods for Water Permeability of Geotextiles by
Permittivity; 1999a (Reapproved 2004).
ASTM D 4533 – Standard Test Method for Trapezoid Tearing Strength of
Geotextiles; 2004.
ASTM D 4632 – Standard Test Method for Grab Breaking Load and Elongation
of Geotextiles; 1991 (Reapproved 2003).
ASTM D 4751 – Standard Test Method for Determining Apparent Opening Size
of a Geotextile; 2004.
ASTM D 4873 – Standard Guide for Identification, Storage, and Handling of
Geosynthetic Rolls and Samples, 2002.

(701) 746-2640
(701) 746-2631
Fax# (701) 787-3744
Fax#(701) 787-3741


Proposal/Project Number 8394

Proposal/Project Description: HOTEL DEMOLITION AT 1210 N. 43RD ST.


Please change the following:

On page #2 and Advertisement

The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids and/or to waive any
informality in the bids received and to accept any bid deemed to be most favorable to
the interest of the City of Grand Forks. The work, if awarded, shall be completed 120
days 60 days after bid acceptance.

On page #7


Bidding Procedures:
8. Bidder shall guarantee the price for 30 days from date to bid opening. All work must
be completed 120 days 60 days after Bid acceptance.

On page #9


4. All work for this project shall be completed within 120 days 60 days from bid acceptance.


PROJECT # 8394


To The Honorable Mayor and

Members of the City Council
255 N 4th St.
Grand Forks, ND 58203.

The undersigned herby certifies that he has personally examined the location and
construction details of work outlined on the plans and the specifications for project #
SITE, in the City of Grand Forks, ND; and has read and thoroughly understands the
plans and specifications and contract documents governing the work embraced in this
improvement and the method by which payment will be made for said work and herby
proposes to undertake and complete the work embraced in the improvement in
accordance with said specifications, and contract documents and at the following price:

Total Cost of the Project #8394 as Alternate A Bid* $_________________________
Total Cost of the Project #8394 as Alternate A(1) Bid* $ _________________________
Total Cost of the Project #8394 as Alternate B Bid* $ _________________________
Total Cost of the Project #8394 as Alternate B(1) Bid* $ _________________________

*See page 21 for explanation of Alternate A, A(1), B & B(1)

The undersigned is duly and regularly licensed as required by code with the proper
Contractor licenses.

Signature of Bidder: ___________________________________

Name of Bidder & Title: ___________________________________

Name of Company: ___________________________________

Official Address: ___________________________________

Phone Number: ___________________________________

Email Address: ___________________________________

Please document below any comments thought to be important regarding your above
Bids. _________________________________________________________________
Replace page #21

L. Vehicles leaving the construction site shall not track mud, dirt, rocks, or other debris
onto streets. Should any materials be tracked, Contractor shall take corrective steps and
remove it immediately.

M. Contractor shall ensure that trash, debris, or any significant materials are properly
disposed of and are not allowed to enter any storm water conveyance. Contractor shall
have spill kits wherever any hazardous materials are stored.

N. Any portion of disturbed land or stockpiles that sit idle for seven consecutive days shall
be stabilized by temporary seeding, mulching, cat-tracking, or any other approved
method, in accordance with the erosion control permit. Costs are incidental to the
“Erosion Control” bid item.


A. Alternate A is to be bid using the specifications laid out in this document.
B. Alternate A(1) is to be bid without any asbestos evaluation, removal & disposal.


A. Alternate B is to be bid using the specifications laid out in this document with the
following exception:

a. All items the Contractor is to dispose of listed in Section VII. A, shall be left on
the property site; whatever elements generated in the demolition work, the
hotel building & small shed, complete flooring, walls, foundation, all interior
content elements, and all miscellaneous items, including but not limited to;
utility structures, pipes, concrete sign bases, concrete parking bumpers,
signs, signposts, electrical poles, mechanical, electrical, plumbing related
items, air conditioning units, propane tanks, and other incidental site items.

b. The Contractor shall stack the different items in an orderly manner, where
determined by the Owner for the Owner to haul off site.

c. As much as possible, inert and non-inert items shall be stacked separately

on the site and protected with erosion control measures.

B. Alternate B(1) is to be bid without any asbestos evaluation, removal & disposal.

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