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Let’s Check

Activity 1. Now that you already understand the basic concept of diversity and its
dimensions, let us try to check your understanding thru this exercise. Select the letter of
your best answer.

1. According to Marilyn Loden, ________________dimensions of diversity

represent the core of an individual’s identity and are essentially unchangeable.
a. Primary
b. Secondary
c. Tertiary
d. Primary and secondary

2. __________is a way of thinking that involves ascribing specific behavioral traits

to individuals because they belong to a certain group.
a. Discrimination
b. Prejudice
c. Stereotyping
d. bias

3. According to Marilyn Loden, all of the following are considered primary

dimensions except?
a. Age
b. Sexual orientation
c. Gender
d. Religion

4. _____________is a way of behaving that involves treating others differently and

usually negative because of their group membership.
a. Discrimination
b. Prejudice
c. Stereotyping
d. Bias
5. _____________is a way of feeling that involves having preconceived ideas or
negative attitudes about others because of their group membership.
a. Discrimination
b. Prejudice
c. Stereotyping
d. Bias
6. Which of the following refers to a kind of diversity related to one’s race or national
a. Ability
b. Ethnic
c. Socioeconomic
d. Cultural

7. Which of the following refers to a kind of diversity related to one’s learning style,
mental health or physical disorders?
a. Ability
b. Ethnic
c. Cultural
d. Socioeconomic

8. What is diversity?
a. People of different ethnic backgrounds
b. People with different abilities
c. People with different sexual orientations
d. Differences of all types

9. What is one way to have students appreciate their own identities?

a. Have them do self-portraits
b. Have them look up the definition of diversity
c. Have them read newspaper articles
d. Have them interview a classmate

10. How can making a chart that identifies different students’ strengths help promote
diversity in a classroom?
a. None of the answers are correct; teachers should never make a public display
of students’ abilities.
b. It helps the students appreciate the range of abilities in the class and identify
classmates they can go for help.
c. It helps students appreciate the range of abilities in the class and identify
classmates they should emulate.
d. It helps teachers identify whether a class consist mainly of achieving or non-
achieving students who need help.
11. What is the best way to initially approach the topic of diversity?
a. Sharing personal experiences and inviting students to do the same
b. Watching a video on diversity
c. During the history lesson on the Civil Rights Movements
d. Discuss it in front of the class only.
12. What is the best approach to conversation on cultural diversity?
a. Avoid them, it is easy to upset a student and have their parents call the
b. Wait for the student to question a student who is different from himself about
their culture
c. Proactively; let the students know it’s ok to talk about diversity, ask questions,
and share their stories.
d. T back to school day, after parents sign an agreement that it’s ok for their
child to learn about different cultures.
13. Which of the following is not a step in implementing a zero-tolerance policy about
insensitive conversations and actions?
a. Explain what culturally-insensitive behavior looks like
b. Be firm and consistent when enforcing the policy
c. When a rule is broken, have a conversation with the student why his behavior
was inappropriate
d. Instruct students to enforce this same policy to their families at home.

Let’s Analyze

1. Make a short reflection on how well you know about yourself. What do you
like about yourself? What do you want to change?

 I am 80% sure that I know myself and that the remaining 20% is the
ability that I don't yet see. I like myself because I'm calm in every
situation to think clearly and provide clear answers to the problem. I
also fancy myself is I'm very understanding of other people. If
someone has a grudge against me, I will leave it on the lord and
pray for them not to be ill. I want to change about myself because
I'm so lazy and always procrastinating things, but I love myself
2. In Loden’s diversity wheel, how do the aspects of primary dimensions
affect your secondary dimension? Elaborate your answer.

3. What is/are the best things to consider in choosing appropriate materials
for your lesson? Expound your answer.

4. In your own way, how are you going to promote fairness and equality
inside the classroom differences? Elaborate your answer.

5. One way to address diversity inside the classroom is to teach all kinds of
students and students learn in many different ways. Give at least three
different ways to teach a lesson. Describe each.
In a Nutshell

After understanding the diversity wheel of Loden. Let us see how well you know
about yourself, your strengths and abilities. Place your name in the center circle, then fill
out each bubble with a descriptive word or phrase that finishes the following sentence:

I am…

I am open I am I am moody
minded. understanding sometimes

I am so full
I am calm in Thom Irvin T. Cervantes of energy
every situation
Your name

I am I am very
positive I am
always sometimes
Instructions: Please encircle the answer under each item that best reflects your thinking.
1. What era believes that helping people with special needs is an occasion in
winning one’s salvation?
a. Greek/ Roman Era
b. Old Testament
c. New Testament
d. Renaissance

2. This Era believes that “Once disabled, always disabled”.

a. Greek and Roman Era
b. Era of Renaissance
c. Middle Age
d. Old Testament

3. During the Middle Ages people with disability were treated badly. Which of
the following is not included in such treatment?
a. Used as servants or fools
b. Era of Ridicule
c. Dwarfs were used as clowns
d. Disability is less a fault or an evil sign

4. Special Education in the Philippines formally started by establishing the

Insular School for the Deaf and Blind in Manila currently known as?
a. School for the Deaf and Blind.
b. Institution for the Deaf and Blind
c. Insular School for the Deaf and Blind
d. Deaf and Blind’s Institution
5. It is an act declaring August 1 of each Year as White Cane Safety Day in the
a. RA 6759
b. RA 6795
c. RA 9567
d. RA 9576

6. It is an act providing for the rehabilitation, self-Development and self-

Reliance of Disabled Persons and their integration into the mainstream of
society. Also known as Magna Carta for Disabled Persons.
a. RA 7276
b. RA 7277
c. RA 7278
d. RA 7279

7. Proclamation 361, declared every third Week of July as the National

Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation (NDPR) Week in honor of whose
hero’s birthday?
a. Jose P. Rizal
b. Andres Bonifacio
c. Apolinario Mabini
d. Antonio Luna
8. Which executive order mandates all government agencies, Bureaus, Offices,
Instrumentalities, State Universities and Colleges, Government Financial
Institutions and Government-Owned and Controlled Corporations to employ
person with disabilities whenever applicable?
a. EO 417
b. EO 437
c. EO 385
d. EO 232
9. What is the ultimate goal of Special Education?
a. The development and maximization of learning competencies, as well as
the inculcation of values to make the learners with special needs as useful
and effective members of society.
b. The integration or mainstreaming of learners with special needs into the
regular school system and eventually into the community.
c. To develop the maximum potential of the child with special needs to
enable him to become self-reliant and shall be geared towards providing
him with the opportunities for a full and happy life.
d. All of the above.

10. Which of the following does not belong to the basic philosophies of Special
a. have all the rights as normal children do
b. must not be isolated nor be looked down
c. must be treated as persons with disability
d. needs should be provided.
Let’s Analyze
1. Differentiate the treatment and philosophical beliefs of people to the persons
with disabilities then and now. Illustrate an example of differences.

2. Using the Venn diagram, compare and contrast these terms: disability,
impairments and handicapped.


Disability Handicapped
3.  Discuss the impact of American education system in implementing the
special and inclusive education in the Philippines.  
4. Among all the legal bases implemented by the government in support with the
development of Special and Inclusive education in the country, which do you
think has the greatest contribution and is benefited by persons with
disabilities? Explain your answer.

5. In your own opinion, what can you say about the development of special and
inclusive education in our country in comparison to other Asian nation?

In a Nutshell

Write your conclusion on the development of special and inclusive education in the
Philippines in terms of its historical, and cultural, legal and philosophical views of
education. Write your answer in the space provided.









Let’s Check
1. What are some ways to run a successful inclusive classroom?
a. Collaborate with other teachers and educate yourself
b. Use a variety of teaching strategies
c. Create an inclusive environment
d. All of the above
2. What is an inclusive classroom?
a. Place where very students participates
b. A place where the student population is culturally diverse
c. A place where students with and without disabilities work and learn
d. A place with so many teachers
3. One way to create inclusive culture is through building community. Which of
the following is not included when you build a community?
a. Staff collaborate with each other
b. There is a partnership between staff and parents
c. Students help each other
d. All local communities are sometimes involved in the school.
4. Dhexter is currently mainstreamed in the general education classroom. Which
of the following would you expect given his situation?
a. He would be placed in a classroom where extra assistance and
modifications are provided.
b. He would only be expected to learn the first five grammar rules of the
fifteen that the rest of his class learns.
c. He would be allowed to download pleasant music from the Internet to
help him concentrate.
d. He would register for classes with the rest of his grade.
5. Why are inclusion strategies used in special education?
a. To allow students with disabilities to keep pace with the rest of the
b. To ensure that students with disabilities have the time to complete
additional work addressing their specific issues.
c. To cut down on high truancy rates associated with learning disabilities.
d. To help students with disabilities develop life and social skills.
6.  You are a highly trained special education coordinator for a small elementary
school. How should you view the use of mainstreaming and inclusion for your
students with disabilities?
a. Either mainstreaming or inclusion will be necessary for all of your
students with disabilities depending on the grade level of each student.
b. Mainstreaming and inclusion are part of a group of tools you might use
for your students with disabilities depending on the individual student.
c. Inclusion should always be used, but mainstreaming has the potential
to harm students with learning disabilities and should be avoided.
d. Inclusion should be implemented for younger children, while
mainstreaming is more appropriate for older children.

Let’s Analyze
1. Education system in the country has full responsibility to ensure right to
education. In the process of inclusion, how do you use the data from the
assessments of your students? 
2. What professional development do you feel would be helpful in producing
inclusive policies in your classroom?

3. One way to evolve inclusive practices in your classroom is through classroom

discipline based on mutual respect. As a teacher, how would you deal with
the unruly learners in your classroom?
4. Discuss some social benefits of inclusion towards learners with difficulty
learning and general education learners.
5. What thoughts come in your mind with regards to the implementation of
inclusive education in the country? What means does the DepEd have so far
to support learners with difficulty learning?

In a Nutshell
Creating inclusive cultures, producing inclusive policies and evolving inclusive
practices have raised a lot of perspectives, arguments and ideas that will help
prospective teachers teach with quality once hired. In this part, you will be required to
draw conclusions, perspectives, arguments and ideas from the unit lesson. I will supply
the first item and you will continue the rest.

1. Inclusive education is without a doubt an ideal one. The downside of this system
is that the country has difficulty producing assistive technologies and other
needed materials for quality learning.

2. Inclusive learning is so important because all students can receive appropriate

educational programs.

3. Inclusive learning is needed in order so that the students can receive a

curriculum relevant to their need.



6. ________________________________________________________________

7. ________________________________________________________________

8. ________________________________________________________________

9. ________________________________________________________________
10. ________________________________________________________________

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