Final Paper Organizational Change and Development

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Assignment: Disney Case Study

Submitted to Hal Kingsley

Buffalo State College
For BUS369
Organizational Change and Development
December 2020

Alaza Williams

Walt Elias Disney he was best known for being the most famous for motion pictures and

Disney. Walt had started a small company with his friend Iwerks in 1922 where they started to

make animations and do-little cartoon drawings. But that was unsuccessful this caused the two

gentlemen to go into bankruptcy around 1923 Walt decided to make that change and moved to

California in where he gain success in his Alice film he reopen his business and started creating

other characters such as Oswald the Lucky Rabbit and the most iconic character he has ever

created Mickey Mouse.

The change and behavior of Disney is now the corporation is able to incorporate

technology compare to back then they are able to use gadgets to track what their customers are

spending in interested in. In the Interana Insights stated that “to get there, Disney launched the

My Magic+ program. The goal was to use it to “overhaul the digital infrastructure of Disney’s

theme parks.” It would change how they operated and how guests interact with them.” One of the

program’s biggest wins is the Magic Band, introduced back in 2013.” This was a change in

behavior being that the Magic Band allows parents to relax when their kids are stressing them

out how the band works is that once you arrived to Disney land or Disney World the band is

immediately activated where you find a bus in which someone will collected your bags while

you board the bus. Being that everything was already charged to the band then you are able to

request rides at the touch of your band being that the band is connected to your credit card. If you

want to make reservation at a restaurant there just tap the band, and someone will hold a table for

you. You can even give your children these bands and they can go into the gift stores and buy

toys or even food they can be out of your hair. In the past parents were probably exhausted with

running around the part trying to find their kid or their child asking for everything in the park not

having time to get on every ride at the park. Disney probably seen this as an issue because


parents wasn’t spending enough money at the parks. Just from that change Disney was able to

make a billion dollars just off the gadgets. But I do feel like this this can also be a backfire in the

company being that their so no limited to how much money your kid is spending being that its

hook up to the credit card.

Structural Change was one of the managements which has changed with Disney over the

decades in the Hollywood reporter blog Natalie Jarvey stated that “ Under a new structure,

Disney is creating Media and Entertainment Distribution group responsible for both the

dimensions and ad sales for all its content, including across streaming services including Disney

+.” Disney plus has about tons of Disney tv shows you watched as a kid and even movie and it

only cost 7 dollars a month. With Covid going on the streaming service happens to be showing

new Disney movies that would have been playing in theatres. Another is strategic management

being that the organization has begun to make improvements so gain another significant amount

of families that just wouldn’t be done. The organization understood that constructive thinking

had become important. The organization received a strong signal mostly on individuals that

perhaps the organization had begun for launch meaningless services. That organization

frequently performs poorly with businesses dealing among goods. So that competition that

provided the consumer with goods including services at a competitive cost relative to just the

market value this can create an issue with Disney. In where the company hasn’t yet focused here

the maintenance of developments and up to date techniques. The significant modifications by the

organization were very optimistic controversial. It was tough for the organization to retain its

presence, keeping a strong brand image quite precisely, including the qualifications and training

towards consumer trends and desires.


The sequence of change in Walt Disney would be the Disney logo which is the fairytale

castle that was influence by the castle from Beauty and the Beast and Cinderella, but Disney

incorporated the When you Wish Upon a Star from the film Pinocchio. It has change over these

past decades to match of the tone and structure of each Disney movie. For an example the Lion

king movie had the Disney logo in the beginning of the movie in which the logo had a black

backdrop and the castle was yellowish golden. Another example for the movie Inspector Gadget

the logos had the castle made out metal and bolts coming out the logo.

After reading Sharing the Magic Worldwide “Seven Technologies We Can’t

Wait for Disney to Bring to its Park stated that Disney is going to start using artificial

intelligence which will make the character such as superhero’s fly in the sky and even reenacts

scenes from the movies for the children. Living characters such as Finding Nemo and Monsters

Inc. which would be characters that are realistic like puppets that will interact with children

around the park. Gamification in which during shows that are going at Disney will give the

audience mobile device to be a part of the show in which it will turn your experience at the park

into a mobile game. Virtual Reality in which it will allow your kids to be a part of the movie or

even become a written in character.

I couldn’t find anything in regards of Disney having OD consultants, within the business

but I was reading into this article “Disney Should Hire Chinese Consultants for Mulan and

actually listen to them)” Which was speaking in regards of the movie Mulan animated was

released in 1988 was being turned into a live action people were mad and even drafted up a

90,000 signatures over issues in regards of casting. In employing Asian actors that are not

Chinese strengthens this impression which, it really isn’t griddle encounter has become an

equivalent picture. Even in the Korean culture, this is not similar to Chinses culture, is not at all


like the Japanese culture. Its indeed questionable by the google findings whether the corporation

generally needed expert consultants on this case on Chinese history of the Tang Empire in which

the Mulan story originated from.

After reading “As out of state visitors flock to Disney World, experts worry it will cause

coronavirus to spread like a cancer” goes on by stating “While tactics are commendable, Yahoo

Life contributor Dr.Dara Kass says they’re not enough to justify reopening.” “Disney is doing

everything it can to keep people safe in so far as mandating mask, hand sanitizing, mobile-

ordering and partitions. These are all smart solutions for local businesses,” says Kass. “But this is

not a local business and so they’re providing an attractive nuisance for people to come a highly

infective state.” I do believe there should have been an intervention withing Disney in regards of

reopening the theme park there is not so much you can do in a theme park to promote social

distancing even if to theme park is location in cities that have the highest rate of covid. The only

thing the corporation did is tell people to wear mask and let go a few employees. But come on if

you’re a parent even if you tell your child to put their mask on you know they are going to take it


In my findings reading “Disney Logo and Its History” stated that the first symbol had

Mickey Mouse’s face on it. That symbol will consist to change the colorings while filmed,

because as symbols was still in the corporation’s television shows and movies. It really was a

distinctive style and a testimony to the technical progress which the corporation were producing

only at period in film. During 1955 however the design continued to evolve towards what is

really the foundation for both the corporation symbol that recognizes nowadays, displaying the

kingdom depicted throughout everything with the font text that says Walt Disney. The whole

symbol has been used till it stop being used around 2006 once the symbol everyone is seeing


currently because introduced by the corporation. The new symbol is depicting Cinderella

kingdom and it many magnificence. The symbol also could act as something of an advertising

for the Disney theme park and Disney world by making both symbols as well as the entry of the

amusement park appear unbelievably identical. Because every film opens with the symbol

depiction of Disney, tourists that attend several theme parks believe as if they’re walking onto

the movie.

One of their action plans was to Conserve Nature they were able to do this by using

resources and by reducing the influence the business may have their aim was to protect the

wildlife and be able to allow families to interact with families. In the Walt Disney Company, it

stated that “In 2014 we connected 13.4 million kids and families with nature experiences. We

accomplished this by creating opportunities for kids and families to connect with the wonder of

nature in our theme parks and resorts as well as though national and international philanthropic

support to nonprofit organization.” The company was able to reach their target being that they

were able to connect through the Castaway Resort and Animal Kingdom using the narrative to

link children with nature. Another action plan would be Environmental Stewardship in which

Disney wants to reduce the amount of resources the company is using to protect the planet in

trying to fix climate change. “In 2014, our total greenhouse gas emissions were 1.63 million

metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents. During the year we retired 531,970 metric tons of

CO2 equivalents from carbon projects located in the United States, Brazil, China and Peru. From

our 2012 levels, we have decreased our net emissions by 31% putting us on track to reduce net

emissions 50% by 2020.”

Disney vision process is that incorporates its action plan. That ensuing the corporation’s

strategy after distinguishing such claims, becomes universe but transparent throughout respect


including its organizational strategy. In Panamore stated that “Disney aims for leadership in the

global market for entertainment products. These characteristics satisfy some of the conventions

in writing corporate vision statements and helps focus managerial endeavors.”

After reading Disney Institute it stated “ Openly encouraging discussing the importance

of work life balance is one way leaders can demonstrates genuine care for their employees,

Urging staff to take breaks and use their vacation time is a great start but more importantly, by

modeling these behaviors themselves leaders will set a tone that a healthy balance is truly valued

and appreciated.”

The models were used at Disney was their main attraction places at Walt Disney such as

Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Hollywood Studios and Animal Kingdom which were all places which

are places that been since Disney first open at 1967.

The external and internal feedback at Disney would be the customer service each

employee has with the customers at Disneyland. As I was read “Customer Service 101: Why

Your Fellow Employees Might Be your Most Important Customer” stated that “At Walt Disney

Park and Resorts, we start by recruiting and hiring people with heart for service, because its

everyone’s role provide great service, not just the service department. Then, train everyone in the

same customer service values and framework.”

In my opinion the structure of the company is failing now with Covid going on the

corporation has lost about one billion dollars in the theme park had to close in January in China

because of Covid. They were not able to do productions when it comes to and they are losing

money in the ads also the corporation when paying thousands of employees even when parks all

closed. This is affecting the company spending thousands of dollars on employees and the

benefits they not even working. This is where the corporation responsibilities is failing the


corporation is even trying to skyrocket prices of the Disney Cruise compared to other Cruise

companies the corporation don’t believe the parks will be back to normal to 2023. They are

trying to shift everything to Disney+ the corporation predicted that around 2024 they will have

around 60 million people subscribing to Disney+ but this is also a risky plan to have being that

Disney stocks already went down 30 percent and Netflix is producing new movies and shows

that everyone wants to see. The obstacle’s that Disney had to work around on how they would be

able to make money with the Disney cruise not allowing people to board and the Theme Parks

can’t have a lot of people at once there. Its either they going to raise the prices of tickets at the

theme parks, food and toys (accessories) or work on the development of Disney+ how are they

going to get people to sign up and releasing new movies that was supposed to play in theatres in

the streaming service. This is going to have kids wanting their parents to subscribe to Disney+ to

maybe watch to new Mulan movie or Star Wars movie. I know from my experience I only

subscribe to Disney+ because of the new movies they were releasing compared to Netflix don’t

have movies I personally want to watch.



Interana. (2018, September 20). How Behavioral Analytics Changed Disney World Forever.

Interana Insight.

Jarvey, N. (2020, October 12). Disney to Reorganize, Prioritize Streaming in New Leadership

Structure. Hollywoodreporter.





Lang, A. (2020, July 21). Seven Technologies We Can’t Wait for Disney to Bring to its Park. Sharing the Magic Worldwide.


Jones, M. (2016, September 13). 3 ways the Live Action “Mulan” Film Could be a Hit, If Disney

Listen to the Advice. ColorWebMagazine.


Haglage, A. (2020, July 13). As out-of-state visitors flock to Disney World, experts worry it will

cause coronavirus to ‘spread like caner’. Yahoolife.




Jones, B. (2016, April 19). Customer Service 101: Why Your Fellow Employee Might Be Your

Most Important Customer. Disney Institute.


Jones, B. (2015, July 14). 7 Ways to Achieve Better Work-Life Balance. Disney Institute.

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