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Name: Azeneth Grace Villaruz

Professor: Vicente C. Garces Jr., Ed.D.

October 10, 2020

Advance Educational Sociology

Reflection Paper 01

The sociology of education focuses on how public institutions and individual experiences
affects educations and its outcomes (Marshall, 1998).
After the reporters presented their topic on advance educational sociology, I gained
knowledge and understanding on how sociology can be related to studying education. The
reporters stated that educational sociology includes “the study of factors relating to education,
such as gender, social class, race and ethnicity, and rural-urban residence”. I reflected that to
better educate and empower the society through education, it is imperative to consider and
understand what society we have, the culture, politics, and individuals we encounter in the daily
basis. I believe, once we understand the nature of our society, that we can really know how to
relate with what’s around us in a proactive and responsible ways.
I agree that society consists of diverse culture. And to live with this diversity, it is also
necessary to know the diverse culture and challenges we live with, locally or globally. This is, I
believe, to be aware of how to interact and relate with others and the community we live in.
Hence, I think, it is also important to study and examine the principles and theories related to
educational sociology as it affects us — the teachers and educational leaders.
In addition, as teachers and school leaders, considering that our society faces challenges and
issues that affects the means we promote and deliver education in an institutional way, conducting
research is relevant. Research on factors that affects education provides necessary data and
information to know the underlying problems that should be addressed. These systematized
investigations on society and education gives possible solutions on how to better understand the
society, on the problems the schools deal with the individual, group, community, and on how to
improve or innovate systems for the benefit of the individual and/or society.


Therefore, studying educational sociology encourages teachers and school leaders to enact
its goals to promote social values among individuals, guide learners to be responsible citizens,
awake individuals to social awareness, enhance understanding on the process of socialization,
and in general, to bring social welfare and social stability.


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