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3.15 : Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks interaksi
transaksional yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait pesan
sederhana lewat telephone( taking simple phone message) sesuai dengan konteks
4.15 : Menuliskan kembali teks pesan sederhana lewat telephone terkait tempat kerja dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan secara benar dan sesuai
konteks dunia kerja.

Taking Simple Phone Message

Taking simple phone message is something that is important and useful in every language. At home or at
work, we might need this skill when we receive a call on the phone and need to pass the message for others.
The social functions of taking simple phone message are to ask and give information in simple messages by
telephone to develop interpersonal communication with others.

I. Making a Phone Call

These expressions are used when we make a phone call:
 Hello,My name is Fernando, I would like to speak to Mr,Ricardo,please.
 Hello, i’m Alex from spears advertising, may i speak to Mrs.Windy?
 Hello, this is Adam, calling from DX corporation, could I speak to the sales manager, please?

II. Answering a Phone Call

In answering a phone call, we should use a polite words. We could say:

 Good afternoon,................(nama instansi), can I help you?

 Hello,.................(nama instansi), How may I help you?

 Good morning,............(nama instansi). My name is Vanessa, what can I do for you?

 Hello, ......... (nama instansi). How may I direct your phone?

III. Taking a Phone message
Pada saat penelpon tidak berhasil menghubungi orang yang dimaksud, kita sebagai penerima telefon
harus memberi tahu bahwa orang yang dituju sedang tidak dapat menerima telepon, kita bisa mengatakan:
 I’m sorry, Mr.X is on meeting at this moment
 I’m sorry, Mr.X is not in today
 I’m afraid Tika is not in the office this time
 I’m sorry, i’m afraid he is not able to answer your call, he is busy right now
Setelah memberitahu penelpon bahwa orang yang dituju penelpon tidak bisa terhubung, kita bisa
menanyakan apakah si penelpon ingin meninggalkan pesan. Kita bisa mengatakan:
 Would you like to leave a message?
 May I write down your message?
 Would you like me to tell him/her that you called?
 Can I take a message?
 I’ll tell Mr.X that you are called

IV. Holding a Line

Ungkapan ini digunakan saat meminta penelpon supaya menunggu atau menahan panggilan. Kita bisa
bilang :
 Could you hold the line?
 One moment please, i’ll check if he is available
 Just a moment please
 Could you hold on please?
V. Connecting a Phone Call
We can say:
 I’ll put you through (saya akan menyambungkan anda)
 Wait a minute, you will be to extension...... (tunggu sebentar, anda akan disambungkan ke saluran......)
 Sure, I’ll connect you to Mr.X now (tentu, saya akan menyambungkan anda ke Tuan X sekarang)

VI. Leaving a Phone Message

We can say:
 Can you tell ......... (nama orang yang dituju) that I called?
 Yes, would you tell him ............ (nama penelpon) called?
 Please tell........(orang yang dituju) to call me at... (kontak yang bisa dihubungi)
 Please tell him/her...........(pesan yang akan disampaikan)
 Let him/her know that.............(pesan yang akan disampaikan)
 Could you remind him/her about..............(pesan yang akan disampaikan)

VII. Dialogue Example of taking simple phone message:

Receptionist : Good morning, this is Happy Marketing. How may I be of assistance?
Mark Smith : I would like to speak with Mr.Clarke,please.
Receptionist : May I ask who’s calling?
Mark Smith : This is Mr.Smith from the ACE solutions company
Receptionist : Mr.Smith, i’m afraid the line is engaged at the moment. Can I put you on hold?
Mark Smith : I’m afraid I have to go now, and I really needed to talk to him on an urgent matter...
Receptionist : Would you like to leave a message?
Mark Smith : That would be great. Please tell him that we revised the terms of the contract and that we sent
the document 2 days ago through e-mail. He needs to check it as soon as possible and then get
back to us. If he did not receive the e-mail, please tell him to call my secretary and she will
re-sent it.
Receptionist : Duly noted,Mr.Smith. Could you give me that phone number,please?
Mark Smith : Yes, it’s 043-865-4821
Receptionist : Thank you very much, Mr.Smith. I will make sure Mr.Clarke gets your message as soon as

Quote of the day:

Jadilah orang baik, meskipun
kau tak diperlakukan baik
dengan orang lain.

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