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Ranque, Annedrhea M.

Bachelor of Science in Psychology Experiment no. 10

1. A convex spherical mirror with a focal legth of magnitude 24.0 cm is placed 20.0 cm to the
left of a plane mirror. An object 0.250 cm tall is placed midway between the surface of the
plane mirror and the vertex of the spherical mirror. The spherical mirror forms multiple
images of the object. Where are the two images of the object formed by the sherical mirror
closest to the spherical mirror, and how tall is each image?

When the object is placed between mirror and convex mirror:

2. A coin is placed next to the convex side of an thin special glass shell having a raduis of
curvature of 18.0 cm. Reflection from the surface of the shell forms an image of the 1.5 cm
tall coin that is 6.00 cm behind the glass shell. Where is the coin located? Determind the size,
orientation, and nature (real or virtual) of the image.

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