Towards A Generic Backup and Recovery Infrastructure For The German D-Grid Initiative

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Towards a Generic Backup and Recovery

Infrastructure for the

German D-Grid Initiative

Markus Mathes, Steffen Heinzl, Bernd Freisleben

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Marburg

Hans-Meerwein-Str. 3, D-35032 Marburg, Germany

Abstract. Grid computing is often used for conducting time-consuming

experiments that produce large amounts of data. Since existing backup
and recovery solutions based on GridFTP or RFT require in-depth knowl-
edge, they are not suited for scientists who are not Grid computing ex-
perts. Most scientists prefer an easy to use solution to back up and
recover their experimental results. The F&L-Grid project (a Grid pro-
viding services for research and education) is part of the German Grid
Initiative (D-Grid) and is aimed at the design and development of the
first generic backup and recovery infrastructure suitable for arbitrary
Grid environments. This paper presents the current status of the on-
going F&L-Grid project and outlines the generic backup and recovery
infrastructure in detail.

1 Introduction

Grid computing environments are heterogeneous collections of networked hard-

and software components located at different sites and hosted by different orga-
nizations. Resource sharing and problem solving across boundaries of individual
institutions are the main goals of Grid computing [1]. To enable users to access
these resources in a convenient manner using standardized interfaces, service-
oriented Grid middleware providing a Grid service stack that implements the
Web Services Resource Framework (WSRF) [2] has been developed. Examples
for such a service-oriented Grid middleware are the Globus Toolkit 4.x [3] and
Unicore/GS [4]. Typically, they provide functionality for runtime components,
execution and information management, security, and data handling. Using a
service-oriented Grid middleware, applications are composed of several Grid
services. A Grid service can be regarded as a small entity of functionality to
implement parts of the entire application. Large applications are broken down
into several Grid services which can be flexibly composed to form new applica-
tions. This allows recombining Grid services to different applications and thereby
reduces redundancy and increases flexibility.
Due to their computational power, Grid computing environments are often
used to conduct complex experiments, e.g. within high energy physics. Such
experiments normally produce large amounts of data. For backup and recovery
purposes, most service-oriented Grid middleware systems offer simple—often
Grid service based—tools. For example, the Globus Toolkit offers GridFTP [5]—
a command-line FTP solution for Grid environments—and Reliable File Transfer
(RFT) [6]—a service-wrapper for GridFTP. These built-in backup and recovery
solutions are often very complex and overburden scientists who simply want to
back up or recover their data.
This paper presents a generic backup and recovery infrastructure developed
within the F&L-Grid project. F&L-Grid is part of the German Grid Initiative
(D-Grid) [7] and includes the following project partners: T-Systems Solutions for
Research (SfR) and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) as service providers,
the German Research Network (DFN) as the network infrastructure provider,
and the University of Marburg as the service developer.
The main contributions of the F&L-Grid project presented in this paper are:
– The general requirements of backup and recovery solutions in the context of
Grid computing are investigated by the project partners.
– Based on the identified requirements, F&L-Grid proposes an easy to use
backup and recovery infrastructure applicable within arbitrary Grid envi-
ronments. Scientists are empowered to easily back up and recover their ex-
perimental results without intervention of an administrator.
– The proposed backup and recovery infrastructure uses an arbitrary commer-
cial backup and recovery solution as its backend to ensure reliability. The
details of the backend used are hidden from the scientist.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives an overview of
the D-Grid Initiative, discusses requirements of the backup and recovery solution
and presents its architectural blueprint. Section 3 presents implementation de-
tails. Further backup and recovery solutions for Grid environments are discussed
in Section 4. Section 5 concludes the paper and outlines areas for future work.

2 Design of a Backup and Recovery Infrastructure for

Grid Environments
The German Grid Initiative (D-Grid) [7] founded in 2003 is part of the e-Science
framework of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
[8]. The main objective of the D-Grid initiative is to build a sustainable Grid
infrastructure in Germany to enable e-science. D-Grid consists of several com-
munity projects and the D-Grid Integration Project (DGI).
The F&L-Grid project presented in this paper aims at establishing a generic
service-oriented Grid for research and education. The offered services are based
on the infrastructure of the DFN [9] that interconnects the universities and
research institutions all over Germany. In the current project phase, a service
for backup and recovery is developed. In the context of this service, some of
the research institutions act as service providers, others as service users and the
DFN acts as a mediator between the service providers and the service users.
In the following subsections, the requirements of service users and service
providers are discussed, pull-based vs. push-based and node-based vs. user-based
backup/recovery are compared, different backup strategies are discussed, and an
outline of the F&L-Grid architecture is presented.

2.1 Requirements Analysis

The key requirements identified by F&L-Grid users and providers are:

– minimal invasiveness: The backup and recovery service should not in-
fluence already existing operational procedures at the sites of the service
– usability: Scientists should be empowered to easily back up and recover
their experimental results without intervention of an administrator or calling
a help desk, which is often necessary if a commcercial backup and recovery
solution is used.
– simple software rollout: The software required at the sites of the users
and providers should be easy to install. More precisely, a new version of
the backup and recovery client at the user’s site should be automatically
retrieved without user intervention.
– sustainability: The developed backup and recovery service should be usable
in the long term, i.e. beyond the project duration, and will be offered by the
DFN and the service providers.
– replaceable backup and recovery backend: The dependence on a spe-
cific commercial backup and recovery backend should be avoided, so that in
the future the underlying backup software can be changed.
– independence of the operating system: It must be possible to use the
backup and recovery service from different operating systems. Otherwise,
client for many different operating systems have to be maintained.
– support of multiple interfaces: The backup and recovery service should
be available from inside of the Grid as well as from outside of the Grid.

2.2 Pull- vs. Push-based Backup and Recovery

From the perspective of the user, backup and recovery can be realized in a
pull- or push-based manner. A pull-based backup and recovery approach uses a
predefined schedule to decide when to start a backup/recovery. For example, a
backup can be run daily at 01:00 AM since utilization is normally low at night. A
push-based backup and recovery is initiated by the user on-demand. For example,
a scientist can back up the results of an experiment after the experiment has
Since a push-based approach can be realized without further installation of
software on the client machines and without bothering an administrator for
installation and updates of the software, the push-based approach was favoured
by the project partners.
2.3 User- vs. Node-based Backup and Recovery
Many commercial backup solutions only support node-based backup and recovery
due to the fact that the file system may differ significantly from node to node.
The node-based backup and recovery strategy has a main disadvantage: a user
who moves between several nodes can only recover data from the current node
and not his/her entire data. To solve this problem, backup and recovery have to
be organized in a user-based manner, which enables cross-node recovery of the
entire user data.
In Figure 1(a), a node-base backup and recovery strategy is shown. User
1 and user 2 cannot recover their data after moving from node 1 to node 2
and from node 2 to node 3, respectively. Supporting a user-based backup and
recovery strategy enables recovery after moving from one node to another, as
shown in Figure 1(b).
Within F&L-Grid, a user-based backup and recovery strategy is realized.

(a) Node-based backup and recovery.

(b) User-based backup and recovery.

Fig. 1. Example of a node- and user-based backup and recovery strategy.

2.4 Incremental, Differential, and Full Backup

Several backup strategies can be distinguished: incremental backup, differential

backup, and full backup. A full backup contains all selected files. A differen-
tial backup contains all modified files since the last full backup. An incremental
backup only includes files that have been modified since the last full or incre-
mental backup.
In Figures 2(a), (b), and (c), examples for full, differential, and incremental
backup of four files are shown. The dotted squares are files modified since the
last backup, whereas the solid squares are not modified since the last backup.
The (yellow) filled squares are backed up files in the current backup iteration,
whereas the unfilled squares are not backed up in the current backup iteration.

(a) Full backup. (b) Differential backup.

(c) Incremental backup.

Fig. 2. Example for different backup strategies (dotted squares are files modified since
the last backup, colored squares are backed up files in the current backup iteration).

The main advantage of an incremental backup is a shorter backup time and

low memory consumption because only modified files are backed up. To recover
all files, the latest full backup and all incremental backups have to be recovered,
resulting in a long recovery time. Using a differential backup strategy, recovery is
much faster, since only the last full and differential backup have to be restored.
This efficiency is paid with higher memory consumption.
Within F&L-Grid, the project partners have agreed on a full backup per
backup iteration from the perspective of the fat client (see Section 2.6). This is
necessary since the fat client cache holds the user data only temporarily, making
a differential or incremental backup impossible for several backup and recovery

2.5 File Permissions

File permisssions for single users or complete user groups are handled differently
depending on the file systems (e.g. NTFS, Reiser, ZFS) and operating systems
(e.g. Microsoft Windows, Linux, MacOS) used. Consequently, a uniform repre-
sentation of file permissions is challenging.
F&L-Grid uses an intersection of information supported by widespread file
systems (e.g. file/directory name, creation date, last-modified date, file size, . . . )
to describe file permissions. All relevant file permissions are stored in the fat
client database (see Section 2.6).

2.6 Architectural Blueprint

The architectural blueprint shown in Figure 3 reflects the requirements identified


Fig. 3. Architecture of the F&L-Grid backup and recovery service.

At the client site, the user requires the so-called job submission client to ac-
cess the backup and recovery infrastructure. This software is offered at a website
and can be obtained using a simple web browser. Subsequently, the user may
backup/recover a local file system or a remotely mounted file system.
The key component on the provider’s site is the so-called fat client. The fat
client permits access to the backup and recovery infrastructure and hides all
painful details from the user. More precisely, the fat client controls the commer-
cial backup and recovery backend, updates the fat client database, and manages
the fat client cache. As the backup and recovery backend, an arbitrary com-
mercial solution may be chosen, since the fat client uses a replaceable interface
to access the backend. The fat client database logs all information relevant for
accounting and billing purposes, e.g. how many backups a specific user has initi-
ated. The fat client cache is a local store for all backup and recovery data. The
commercial backend reads and writes data to the fat client cache, respectively.
All these steps are coordinated by the backup and recovery service.

2.7 Backup
A backup job consists of six consecutive steps, as shown in Figure 4.

Fig. 4. Processing of a backup job.

1. authentication/authorization: The user who wants to initiate a backup

process is identified and user rights are granted.
2. scan: The metadata (filename, last-modified timestamp, filesize, etc.) of all
files/directories marked for backup are read and merged within a list.
3. intersection: To avoid unnecessary data movement between the user and
the fat client, the intersection step removes all files/directories from the list
that have not changed since the last backup or have been backed up before.
For this purpose, already backed up files/directories for the current user are
queried from the fat client database.
4. copy: All remaining files/directories are copied from the user node to the
fat client cache using a secured communications channel.
5. backup: The commercial backup and recovery solution is triggered to back
up the files/directories stored at the fat client cache. After a successful
backup, the fat client database is updated to log the completed backup job.
6. cleanup: After completion of the backup job and logging, the fat client
cache is cleaned, i.e. the corresponding files/directories are removed and the
fat client database is updated.

3 Implementation Issues
This section gives an overview of the technologies selected for the implementation
of the backup and recovery service, explains how the backup and recovery service
can be accessed, and describes the processing of a backup job in detail.

3.1 Selection of Appropriate Technologies

Based on the identified requirements, the following technologies were chosen to
implement the backup and recovery service.
To fulfill minimal invasiveness, we have chosen Java Web Start for the re-
alization of the job submission client. A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is
installed on most computers nowadays, so that using Java does not induce the
installation of software on the client machine. Furthermore, it ensures indepen-
dence of the operating system. With Java Web Start, the software is downloaded
and executed automatically if a new version is released and its signature can be
traced back to a trusted certificate authority. Software updates are automati-
cally checked as soon as the software starts. This mechanism guarantees a simple
software rollout.
By using Java interfaces, it is possible to provide different implementations
using different commercial backends for the actual backup and recovery (e.g. IBM
Tivoli Storage Manager, EMC NetWorker), thus allowing a replaceable backup
and recovery backend. An easy to use graphical user interface enhances the usabil-
ity for the user executing the backup/recovery. To support multiple interfaces, a
generic interface describing the service has been designed from which a Web Ser-
vice Description Language (WSDL) [10] interface description or arbitrary other
descriptions can be derived. To ensure sustainability of the service, the DFN has
developed a business model settling the terms of use for the institutions using
and the institutions providing the service.
According to a poll conducted by the ZKI Arbeitskreis Netzwerkdienste [14],
41 institutions in Germany were asked which backup software they use. Since
66% of these institutions are already using IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM)
as their backup and recovery solution, our prototypical implementation of the
F&L-Grid backup and recovery service is also based on IBM TSM as backend.
Since IBM TSM only supports a node-based backup/recovery, our implementa-
tion provides additional functionality to permit a user-based backup/recovery.
Information required to permit a user-based backup/recovery, accouting, and
billing are stored in the fat client database. Therefore, the fat client database
provides a global view on the entire backup and recovery processes.
3.2 Accessing the Backup and Recovery Service

A user of the backup and recovery service requires the job submission client to
access the service, i.e. to submit a backup or recovery job. For this purpose, the
user browses a website that hosts the job submission client as a Java Web Start
application. Consequently, the user only needs to retrieve the job submission
client manually once. Subsequently, new versions of the job submission client
are retrieved automatically by the Java Web Start technology.
To retrieve the software, the user must authenticate himself/herself against
his/her home organization using Shibboleth [11] (authentication phase), i.e. the
user provides, for example, username and password to authenticate against the
Shibboleth Identity Provider of his/her home organization. Shibboleth is used
since it integrates well into the existing service portfolio of the DFN, which is
also based on Shibboleth.

3.3 Submission of a Backup Job

A backup job is defined by selecting all relevant files/directories using the job
submission client (scan phase). The backup job indicates the selected directo-
ries and files by specifying their filenames, the node name, the user name, the
last-modified timestamp, and the file permissions. This job object can then be
sent to the backup and recovery service inside a Grid service invocation or, for
example, as a serialized Java object, depending on the service interface. The
service removes all files from the list of filenames that have not been changed
since the last backup (intersection phase). This can be done by querying the fat
client database using JDBC. The modified list is returned to the job submission
client that transfers the files to the fat client via the secure copy protocol (SCP)
after initiating a secure shell (SSH) session (copy phase). In our prototype, we
use the Java Secure Channel (JSch) [12] library (that is also used by the very
popular Eclipse IDE) for SSH and SCP implementation. When the data has
been completely transferred, we start a TSM command-line client located on
the fat client to back up the data to a TSM server (backup phase). If the backup
has been successfully completed, the job information is logged in the fat client
database and the data is removed from the fat client cache (cleanup phase). The
file permissions are logged for each file as a plain string. Currently, UNIX file
permissions are supported as well as Windows’ basic NTFS permissions using
the cacls (change access control lists) tool of Windows.
The type hierarchy of backup and recovery jobs is shown in Figure 5. The
common characteristics of a BackupJob and a RecoveryJob are encapsulated
in an interface Job. Both specialized jobs use a FileDescription to define the
relevant files and directories. The JobSerializer is used to generate a Grid
service invocation or a serialized Java object out of the backup and recovery
Fig. 5. Type hierarchy of a backup and recovery job.

4 Related Work
To the best of our knowledge, there are no generic backup and recovery solutions
focusing on usability for Grid environments up to now. Consequently, work re-
lated to F&L-Grid reduces to standard technologies for data movement within
Grid environments: GridFTP, RFT, RLS, and OGSA-DAI.
Current service-oriented Grid middleware innately offers data handling func-
tionality. Based on this data handling components, research projects often build
proprietary backup and recovery solutions. Consider, for example, the Globus
Toolkit 4.x [3] that contains components for data movement (GridFTP and Reli-
able File Transfer (RFT)) and data replication (Replica Location Service (RLS)).
GridFTP stems from the widely-used File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and supports
the efficient, secure, and robust transfer of bulk data within Grid environments.
The Globus Toolkit contains a GridFTP server (globus-gridftp-server) and
a GridFTP command-line client (globus-url-copy) to host and retrieve data.
RFT is a web service based interface to GridFTP which additionally permits
scheduling of entire data movement jobs. The replication of data within Grid
environments promises increased efficiency. To manage all replicas, the Globus
Toolkit offers RLS, which is a simple registry for available replicas on different
sites. Using middleware-specific data handling functionality results in two main
1. the backup and recovery solutions can only hardly be reused,
2. in-depth knowledge of the middleware is required to use the backup and
recovery solution which often overburdens simple users.
OGSA-DAI [13] provides services to access data from different sources like
databases or flat files within the Grid. It also supports methods to query, trans-
form, and deliver data in different ways. OGSA-DAI can be used as a simple
backup service mostly for data replication but not for real backups leveraging
reliable backup and recovery software.

5 Conclusions
In this paper, we have presented a generic infrastructure for backup and recovery
in Grid environments. As part of the German Grid Initiative (D-Grid), the F&L-
Grid project determined the requirements for a backup and recovery service from
which an architecture for backup and recovery was derived. The infrastructure is
easy to use and applicable within arbitrary service-oriented Grid environments
and even for users outside the Grid. Scientists are empowered to easily back up
and recover their experimental data without intervention of an administrator. As
its backend, an arbitrary commercial backup and recovery solution can be used,
which ensures reliability of the backups. The details of the particular backend
used are hidden from the scientist.
In future work, we will support further file permissions including different
inheritance schemes. Furthermore, an accounting and billing component will be
developed that uses information from the fat client database to automatically
bill submitted backup and recovery jobs.

This work is financially supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education
and Research (BMBF) (D-Grid Initiative, F&L-Grid Project).

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