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*olitiog-] 1) Incach of eon questions ony oneep on incorrect. Setecs th ° correct. Select the 1, Power sharing: is correct option, 8 00d because: (a) It increases the con tlie, between social Hroups (h) Heensures the instability of politi (©) Iereduces the possibility ‘al order OF conliet between social groups (d) It leads to violence 2 Which two languages are generally spoken in Belgium? (a) French and English (b) Duteh and English () French and Dutch (d) Dutch and Sinhala 3. . Which of the following is an example of horizontal sharing of power? (a) Powe aring between different states () Power sharing between different organs of the government ©) Power sharing between different levels of the government (@) Power sharing between different political parties ti Lankan Tamil’ refers to which of the following? (4) Tamil native of the country i (b) Tamil whose forefathers came from India in the colonial period ©) Both (a) and (b) (a) None of these government is called: Division of powers between higher and lower levels of gover Horizontal distribution ©) Parallel distribution © Vertical division 6. 10. 11. 12. 13. Modern democracies muir based on the horizontal pow jovernment, local bodies te # (a) Central government § (b) Leg (c) Among diff ture, executive, judiciary vent social fFOUPS ups (a) Among different press" ‘west share in population of §; est 5 pop pn Of Sri Lan Which major social grouP eonstituted the Ia (b) Sri Lankan Tamils (a) Sinhalas (c) Indian Tamils (d) Muslims ment adopted a series of yp, the democ! d governn ablish Sinhala supremacy (b) Federal Government In Sri Lank: measures to (a) Community Government (©) Majoritarian Government (@) Prudential Government largest population? roups in Belgium has the (a) None of the abore Which of the following ethnic g1 (b) Flemish (c) German (a) Walloon x sharing is called checks and balances’ Which one of the following systems of powel q (a) Horizontal distribution of powers (b) Federal division of powers (©) Separation of powers g different levels of government (vertical division of powers) (a Power shared amon; Power is shared among different political parties that represent (a) different candidates (b) same ideologies (0) different ideologies and social groups (A) none of these Which one of the following was not a demand of the Sri Lankan Tamil 2 (a) Recognition of Tamils as an official language (b) Regional autonomy (c) Equality of opportunity in jobs (d) Reservation of seats in Parliament Community Government is: (a) A general government for the entire country (b) A government elected by the people belonging to one language community (©) A social division based on shared culture (@ A government which literally means ‘by the people’ - government in In 4. i ¢o Provincial Government fen career 0) Community Government (@ None of these 15. How many times was the constitution of Belgium amended between 1970 to 19 (a) Once (b) Twice () Thrice (a) Four times 16. In which continent is Belgium located? (@ A (b) Europe of (@) None of these 17, What is the percentage of Tamil natives of Sri Lanka? (a) 25% (b) 18% (© 13% (a) 33% 18, The term ‘Elam’ stands for: {@) Government —_(b) State (c) Country (d) Political party 19, What is the percentage of Sinhala speaking people in Sri Lanka? (a) 58% (b) 74% (©) 65° (a) 82% 20, Name the linguistic group that is dominant in Belgium. (© British (@) German ) French (b) Dutch (a) (a) © ) @ 3 ©) Tel (@) Bleed © begs @ (10 @ Ih @ m: @ i) ad) 1B @ (165 &) 1% © (18 © 1. @) 20.) i Fill in the Blanks Filli ill in the blanks with appropriate items: 1. Sri Lanka emerged as an independent country 1" the year -. 2 Sinhala was recognised as an official language of Sri Lanka in an act pa: ssed in ful in 37 : + . . The minority . __ speaking community was relatively rich and powe Belgium. division. 4, + The sharing of power at different levels of overnment 18 called . 66 a Scleneay a in a good example of power sharing among dif government in Belgium is 2 8 leroy social groups. aring is th a every spirit of arianism led toa Civil War in... 6. Power sh lected by people belonging tone, 7. The Principle of Majorit ernment in Be Jgium ise _. power sharing 8. The Community gov community. at in Belgium is an example of ~ an example of power shating 9. Community Governme! ans of the Government place, ar Placed a State Assemblies are 10. Indian Parliament and ion of power, different org: nt powers INOS 5. Community 6. democracy 8, language 9, horizontal 7. Sri Lanka 10. vertical 11. horizontal JIL. True or False Statements State whether the following statements are True or False: 1. Most of the Belgians speak French language. 2, Community government is elected in Belgium. 3. Sri Lankan civil war ended in the year 2009. 4. In Sri Lanka, the policies of the government sought to ensure the dominance of the Sinhala-speaking majority. 5. Tamil is the official language of Sri Lanka majority. 6. Power sharing increases instability and divisiveness. 7. Civil war is a violent conflict between opposing groups within a country. 8. European Union’s headquarters is at Brussels. 9. Power sharing is bad for democracy. of government. 10. Bureaucracy is a pi 2. True 3. True 4, True 5. False 1. False 9. False 10. False 6. False 7. True 8. True IV. Assertion 22 aan Nand Reve: ason ype Questions si sti Y io ie sane labelled Reeay CONSist Of tro op a r ne othe: ane ‘eason (R), Select 1, Glements—one labelled A ; codes (4) (©) () and (Ad) as given belgg TEC! answer to these qua eet A) and ww: juestions from th A and R are true a n the (a) Both Sand R are ‘ue and Ris the coreet r A are tr ‘Xplanati (o) Both A and R are true and R is not —_ mation ofA (c) Ais true but Ris false, rrect explanation of A, (@ Ais false but R is true, he Sinh i government by virtue of their ite community sought to secure dominance over 2, Assertion (A): There was a tensiy ran tensi " ve communities in Belgium, ion between the Dutch and French speaking Reason (R): Economic disparity and lack of power sharing model was the basic cause ° . Assertion (A): Power sharing among different organs of government is known as horizontal distribution of power, Reason (R): It allows different organs of Government placed at the same level to exercise different powers. 4, Assertion (A): Power sharing is good. Reason (R); It helps to reduce the possibility of social conflict aL (a) (a) 5. (a) (b) V. Matching Type Questions 1. Match the following items in Column A with the items in Column Band choose the correct answer from the options given below: Column B () Dutch-speaking people in majority (ji) Dutch-speaking people in minority (iii) Majoritarianism (iv) Secular State - (b) (A)-Civ), BO, (Ot, ow (@ (A)-Giv), BE), (-(, OD Column A (A) Brussels ®) India (©) Belgium (D) Sri Lanka (a) (A)-Gi), (B)-(iv), (CO, D)-CD (©) (A)-liii), B-@, (Civ), D-H n below: ty Column items i oe options five joltowine vor trom O fol sw e ot an ree mmunity gove i) € me etterent ‘ ved m0! shar 2, ( power © anment ij) Separation of powe, ) Pow cof gover’ overnments (ii) Ser powers organ® jamons 6° " ehared Power sh + Coalition goven 0 en Jovels : (iii) Coalition government adi , differe™ iby d or shared © Pow (iv) Federal government social groups a os ared by twoor™ ore, (py Power political pa ; (i), D-H) (b) (AG), (BGI, (C00), D) fi co ert. BO ( J peti AHL, BH OHO. Wty (0-0 AH): (Be), VI. Case Study Based Questions Case Study - 1 Read the following extract/sou’ “We need to give more power to the panchayats to realise the dream of Mahatma Gand and the hopes of the makers of our Constitution, Panchayati Raj establishes true democras It restores power to the only place where power belongs in a democracy—in the hands the people. Given power to panchayats is also a way to reduce corruption and increas administrative efficiency. When people participate in the planning and implementation developmental schemes, they would naturally exercise greater control over these scheme: This would eliminate the corrupt middlemen. Thus, Panchayati Raj will strengthen t foundations of our democracy.” 1. Who dreamt to give more power to panchayats? (a) Rajeev Gandhi reefpassage carefully and answer any four questions (b) Indira Gandhi (© Mahatma Gandhi (@) None of these 2. What does power sharing mean? (@) Division of power between ©) Division of power mi f the government ») Division of power he een some orga (© Both (a) and (by ‘Bans of the gov . all organs of the government (@) None of these power 5 — a at is the mai an { 3, What is a1 Purpose of giving 69 oT (a) To reduce corruption Power to panchayats? (© Both (a) and () (b) To increase administrative eficien oney on (@) None of th 4, Panchayati Raj establishes true demacr ese ‘acy as: (a) It gives maximum power to the executiy . . es, (b) It gives power in the hands of the peop) eople, (©) It makes judiciary more powerful, (@) It makes country corruption free will strengthen the foundation of our democracy. chayati Raj (=) Panchayati Rj (b) Central Government (c) State Government (a) None of these © i) © ©) @ Case Study - 2 Read the following extract/source/passage carefully and answer any four questions: “In the city of Beirut there lived a man called Khalil. His parents came from different communities. His father was an Orthodox Christian and mother a Sunni Muslim. This was not so uncommon in this modern, cosmopolitan city. People from various communities that lived in Lebanon came to live in its capital, Beirut. They lived together, intermingled, yet fought a bitter civil war among themselves. One of Khalil’s uncles was killed in that war. At the end of this civil war, Lebanon's leaders came together and agreed to some basic rules for power sharing among different communities. As per these rules, the country’s President must belong to the Maronite sect of Catholic Christians. The Prime Minister must be from the Sunni Muslim community. The post of Deputy Prime Minister is fixed for Orthodox Christian sect and that of the Speaker for Shi'a Muslims. Under this pact, the Christians agreed not to seek French protection and the Muslims agreed not to seek unification with the neighbouring state of Syria. When the Christians and Muslims came to this agreement, they were nearly equal in population. Both sides have continued to respect this agreement though now the Muslims are in clear majority. Khalil does not like this system one bit. He is a popular man with political ambition. But under the present system the top position is out of his reach. He does not practice either his father’s or his mother’s religion and does not wish to be known by either. He cannot understand why Lebanon can’t be like any other ‘normal’ democracy. “Just hold an election, allow everyone to contest and whoever wins maximum votes becomes the president, no atter which community he comes from. Why can’t we do that, like in other democracies Othe world?” he asks, His elders, who have seen the bloodshed of the civil war, tell him ‘ ° hat the present system is the best guarantee for peace... (by Acer (a) None of these ws (d) None of these (b) Ina rond accident (a) None of t hese (0) Both fayand O) doe anon have? governor (b) Coal government (a) None of these ition government yg ernment - “oa (9 Commits ET eof government should Lebanon have? ail, which type oF § : 5. According to Khalil. wh (0) Coalition government vernment oe Feder er nt (d) None of these erame () Community £0" (© 5. (a) hort Answer Type Questions vil. Very S become independent? 1, When did Sri Lank ion’. 2. Define Ethnic Comp’ 3. Between 1970 and 1993 how many times the constitution of Belgium was amends 4, List all the languages spoken in Sri Lanka. 5. Which two languages are generally spoken in Belgium? 6. When did Belgium gain independence? 7. Name $ : ‘ ame the principles of government that are followed in Belgium and Sri Lanke . Name the differc eligi SS ent religions that are in existence in Sri Lanka. . Whi z ich countries surround Belgium? 10. Which is the third type of third type of government practised in Belgium? 1. Why is power sharing good for democracies’ rer’ 12, Which type of ; y oliey ws | PONS) Was constitutionally adopted by the Government of Belsiv? 13, 8. Which country followed Majoritari rianism? LL sharing power S n |, Power shared among different organs of the gi sel il government? government represents which type of 15, What is the official language of Sri Lanka? 1, Sri Lanka became independent in 1948, 2, It is a social division based on similarities such as common ancestry, language, society, culture or nation. 3. The constitution of Belgium was amended four times between 1970 and 1993. 4, Sinhala & Tamil languages are spoken in Sri Lanka. 5. French and Dutch. 6. Belgium gained independence on October 4, 1830. It was recognised on April 19, 1839. 7. Principle of accommodation is followed in Beigium and principle of majoritarianism is followed in Sri Lanka. 8. Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Christianity exist in Sri Lanka. 9. Germany, France, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. 10. Community government is the third type of government practised in Belgium. 1 It reduces the possibility of conflicts. 12. Policy of accommodation 18. Sti Lanka 14. Unitary Government 1. Sinhalese is the official lanonage of Sri Lanka. Questions Choice multi!’ fyone opti oct. Select the Correct ony, iz ‘on is corr ,stions ° am? _ feature of federalism? ing is BO“ yernment. els of £0V ern the same citizens. Ineach _ Which of the ne (a) There are two OF mor () Different tit () Sources of ch level of g government are clearly specified. ach le can order the state government. revenue efor ea (g) The central €O" ernment “gerade unions come under (b) State List Education, fores (d) Residuary Powers (a) Union List (©) Concurrent List Which of the following is a example of holding together federation? (2) Belgium (d) Australia away from Central and Stat (c) USA (a) India e governments and given tole 4, When power is taken government, itis called : (b) Centralisation (c) Reorganisation (a) Decentral (a) Distribution 5. Which of the following is not a subject of the Union List? (a) Foreign affairs (b) Currency (c) Banking (d) Law and order g and orde; In local self. gover i : elf-government institutions at least one-third of all positions are rese" 6. for: (a) Men (b) Wome . 1 The number fats reserva (©) Children (4) Scheduled total seats? wtS Teserved for women in Panchayati Raj bod hat pat anchayati Raj bodies is what p= (@) One-fourth (b) One. & Wen ne-sixt Which peo states ndgo sixth (©) One-third (@) Half : ia (a) Democratic “ 4 ©) Secular (©) Welfare (a) All of thes? Wh ich of the following is not a Subject of the State List? (2) Foreign an ign affairs Wo (©) rigation (@ Agricul “ommeree ture earls 3 Consider the following statements regardi 10. oe edentifl garding language policy of Indian Federati a) Hindi was identified as the official language ‘ederation, (o) Besides Hindi, there are 21 other language recognized as scheduled lang. @) English can be used along with Hindi for official purpose, “_ Choose the right option from the following: (a) Land 3 (b) Land 2 (© only 1 (@)1,2and3 11, Anintelligent power sharing: mechanism: @) avoids conflicts () avoids unity (© helps in Majoritarianism (@) helps the richer section of the society . Which type of government does Belgium have? (a) Centrist (b) Unitary (©) Federal (a) Communist 13. Which type of government do Tamils of Sri Lanka want? (a) Federal (b) Unitary (©) Capitalist (a) Communist 14, Which of the following is true about the unitary form of government? (a) In a unitary government the powers are divided between the centre/union and. the state/provincial government. (0) All the power is with the citizens. (© Power is concentrated with the central government. (d) State government has all the powers. . Which of the following countries are federal? (b) Iran and United Kingdom (d) India and U.S.A. (a) Oman and Belgium (© India and China 16, How many levels of government are there in a federal system? (a) One level (b) Two or more levels (©) Depends on the government (a) Depends on the Constitution 11. The two types of federations are: (@) Coming together and sharing together ) Coming together and holding together (©) Holding together and sharing together (@) Sharing together and federal » The correct example of the ‘Holding togeth (¢ Sri Lanka er’ federation is: (@) China (b) India @USA {Math onions nd abe groasenanenre sinh ete fase 2 Senne gommicmncne cane iti Re niente we enattine avilcend Ae sear get apHetan™ sn: Crate gproncrvonnes Ay See qrveminons 2 Team pment Aa) Seo aff thaw eh ee seme sens A Beatie Aeitwdtinen anaes ee es (At Cheat pruh ite #5 Cvnatow of Bigriarie wating Ae Provilictun gutigtant ae Cann. BR Wit the ile Gang ne She shehinn uf ie Rho fw tag. soe Piva - 8 ¢ 3 enc eveewrer nee? oe € & 2 — 75° #overnment in metropolitan (b) Mayor (@) Municipal council ich votes for the election in Gram Panch: o Zilla parishad phe body whi van (b) Mayor: we oe (©) Gram sabha many seats are reserved for women in G How many for women in Gram Panchayat? (d) Municipal council 30. , (@) Fifty percent (b) Two-third (© One-third (a) No reservation ga, Who is the head of the Urban Local Government in metropolitan cities? (a) Sarpanch (b) Mayor (c) Mukhiya (d) Ward commissioner gg, Inwhich year a major step towards decentralization was taken up? (a) 1990 (b) 1991 (©) 1992 (a) 1993 33. Which of the following has special power in administering the union territories in India? {@) State government (b) Chief Minister (@ Central government (a) High court 4, The system of Panchayati Raj includes: 35. 36. 3 | Whi : a a hich period saw the rise of regional political partie (a) Village, state and union levels (b) Village, district and state levels (0) Village and state level () Village, block and district levels Subjects like computer software comes in the: (a) Union List (b) State List (c) Concurrent List (d) Residuary List In India’s federal system, the state govt those subjects which are included in the: (a) Union List (b) State List ¢ laws made by the centre and a state on a S| ernments have the power to legislate on all (c) Concurrent List (a) Residuary List In case of a clash between th subject in the Concurrent List: (a) the stale law prevails (b) the central law prevails (©) both the laws prevail (a) the supreme court decides . What is the third tier of government known as? (@) Village Panchayats (b) State government (© Local Self-Government (@ Zilla Parishad «sin many states of country? © Period ater 1990 (b) Period after 1980 © Period after 2000 (@) Period after 2001 76 40. 41. 42. 43. s 44, 45. a 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. d not includ (») Foreign affairs Which of the following #™ (a) Defence a (c) Police een to legislate o Which level of government in India the power to leg On the me ich level ‘ subjects? (c) Local Govt. (d) Both )&% b (b) State Govt. (a Govt. 5 veme a federation usually have? ent does Js of government d : (4) Multiple How many leve (¢) Three (a) Single (b) Two / jt st in India? Which of the following comes under the Union List in Inca () Agriculture (c) Banking (d) Trade comes under the State List in India? () Communications (d) Commerce (a) Police Which of the following (a) Defence (b) Currency Identify the Government that consists of two or more levels (b) Community Govt. (c) Unitary Govt. (d) Federal Go, (a) Local Govt. Who administers the whole district? (b) Mayor (@) Session Judge (a) Sarpanch (c) District magistrate Rural local government is: (a) Zilla Parishad — (b) Panchayat Samiti (c) Panchayati Raj (d) Union Cabinet Both the union and the state government can make laws on the subject mentiz under? (a) Union List (b) State List (c) Concurrent List (d) None of these Which of the following is not a subject of the Union List? (a) Foreign affairs (b) Currency (c) Banking (d) Law and order Who among the following is head of municipal corporation countries? @) Home minister (b) Sarpanch (©) Governor (a) Mayor one the seen ss the federal oe of government? Who among the following is called ae oe led head of the st (a) Chief Minister (c) Governor tate at the sate level ? (b) Speaker of Vidhan Sabha (d) Mayor led in the Concurrent List? © Police (@) Eduecatio” Which of the following subjects ig includ (a) Banking () Trade ome states W ted on the basi 1 7 is So Nasuage but to recoptnine difformng — _ pnino differwnee f @ Culture (b) Ethnicity (¢) Geograph * aul ofthe : sraphy gio The oii head of " Zilla Parishad is the: (9 Alor thong — (b) Preside {a Sarpaneh sident (©) Chai °) Chairperson (d) All of th anter 199% Belgium shifted from a unitary ¢ 0 0) Central government. (g) Federal government (b) State government ; (d) None of these the central government can pass on orders to the provisional or th the pnal or the: (a) Local Govt. (b) Central Govt. (¢) State Govt (d) None of th 7 one of these pefence of the country, foreign affairs, banking currency are subj currency are subj ‘44 included in the: 58. (a) State Lis (b) Concurrent List (c) Union List (d) All of these ( 3. b) @ BS © Ze @ @ oi © > &® @ 9%) @ 105 @ [IL @ 1 © @ itt © Hie @ bien ©) i7. (b) | 18h) @ (20) @ [2 w) [ae" © [28 G@) ah © (a2) | 26. (a) @ (28 @ | 289) © 30. © (b) 32. (©) © 84. (d) 385.) 86. Sb) ) 38 ©) (a) (40 (@ 4 @) AH) © 44 @ [45.0 @ 46 © 4 © 148 © @ 5 @ 51 © | 5% © 58 (@ 54.) @) © 3 @ 5% @ 58.) II. Fill in the Blanks Fillin the blanks with appropriate items: government has powers ofits own for which it is not Lina. _ system, State answerable to the Central Government. + : _.. federations the Central Governme nit tends to be more powerful than he official language in India. ‘has been identified as t he power tole islate Government has tl slat 4A < i spe onerding toour Constitutions, the ... residuary’ subjects. al ing the implementation of constitution perenne plays an important role in oversee) isions and procedures. number of probley ms andi 1 Government bodies are reson, itions in Local f all positions 7. At least ot women, ed 8. Sri Lank 2 olgium ha oreas Belgium is a unitary form of government whe Sri ‘ais aunita of government. anna evels of government ig cal) mei between higher and lower levels of g le 10. Division of powers ther languages recognised by our Constity ... other la ys el which the power is divide; tem of government in which th er is di be is a system twee v tt 2 iy i i e country? tral authority and various constituent units of the central ai 12. India’s official language is 1, federal system 2. holding together 4. Union 5. Judiciary 6. local 7. one-third 8. federal 9. 21 10. vertical division 11. Federalism 12, Hindi € State w IIL. True or False Statements nether the following statements are True or False: d languages in India, "s were created on 1. There are 2: schedule 2. New 3. Chin: a linguistic basis in 1965, ‘a is a coming together 4. Holding together feder: 5. Fede federation, ral Government has two or &- Sarpanch is the head of gram Panchayat, is included in the 2 is the hig ishest institut; 9. Different tiers of govey + National defence State List, 8. Gram Sabh ton of Panchayat; Raj in the rural area. “ament has its own jurisdiction, 10. Jurisdiction is the are; “Over Which, Someone h, 28 legal L authority. 1. True 2. False 3. False True 6. True 1. False z ae 4. False 5. True . True oro ASI, Assertio: on : n. and Reason Type Pe aes “8Son Type Questions é 79 owing questions consist of tivo re fal belted Reason (R). Select theeon ws (a), (O (c) and (d) as given below: ‘ments—one labelled Asser rect answer to these questing am ions from the ‘ th Aand Rare true and Ris the a) Be is the correct explanation of A. oth Aand Rare true and R is not t 1} B jot the correct ex, i explanation of A. @ As true false but R is true. but R is false. @ Ais L ‘Assertion (A): Banking is included in Union List. Reason (R): A uniform policy is required for this throughout the count: ry. Assertion (A): India is a federal country. Reason (R): In India power is divided between a central authority and various constituent units. ‘Assertion (A): ‘The Parliament of India usually changes the basic structure of the Constitution. Reason (R): India is a federal country. Assertion (A): Federalism i: between a central authority Reason (R): India is a federal n which the power is divided is a system of government i yuntry. and various constituent units of the cor number of states. country because it is divided into 7 @ Ge @ bese @ 4 0 V. Matching Type Questions e items in Column B and n A with the in Colum! tions given below: |. Match the following items from the choose the correct answer Column A Column (® Community Government ( USA (B) Coming Together Federation (ii) Sri Lanka (©) Holding Together Federation (ii) Belgium (D) Unitary System of Government (jv) India 7 - Go, B=). (O- odio ar @ arti, BO (@) (AC), (B)-(iv), ()-@, i) o-W wp (©) (A-Gii), BL), (Liv), DH Social g, clon, ay, ith the items in Col 4 2. Match the following ag Col ive below: umn y | choose the correct answeF SEA | (A) Union List (ii) Defence (B) State List (iii) Agriculture (C)_ Concurrent List (a) (Aid), (B)-Gii), OW (b) (A)-(iii), (B)-G), o-@ (© &-, B)-lid, ©-W (d) None of these 3. Match the following items in Column A with the items in Column B any choose the correct answer from the options given below: Column A. Column B (A) Delhi (i) Linguistic state (B) Andhra Pradesh (ii) Union territory (C) Jharkhand (iii) Based on geography (D)_ Uttarakhand (iv) Based on ethnicity (a) (A)-(@, (B)-(iii), (C)-(iv), (D)-Gi) (b) (Ait), (B)-Gi), (©), (D)-Civ) () (A)-@i), (B)-@, (C)(iv), (D)-Gii) (d) (A)-(iv), (B)-(), (C)-Gi), (D)-Giti) 4. Match the following items in Column A with the items in Column B ant choose the correct answer from the options given below: Column A Column B (A) Ui f Indi (A nion of India (@ Prime Minister (B) State 2 @) 8; cl (©) Municipal Corporation (ii we (D)_Gram Panchayat i Mens iv) Mayor (2) (A)-Gu), B-(, (C)-(ii), (D)~(iii) (b) (A)-Gi), (B)~Giiy, O-), D-H © AO, B-Gii), Civ), )-i (@ (A)Gii), (B)~Gvy, -0, 0) ‘, i -1 lowing extract/source/passa; ge carefully and an: swer the followin, ie ase study pod the foll esto" vernment is tl ent in demoer: tem of local gove is the largest experim: cy conduct. is pi e largest jocracy c js ne See end. Th “nere in the world. 3 anywhere Es Se eaegeeee ie about 36 lakh elected representatives in th sy r the country. This number is bi ‘ 3 is bigger than the enchay y ies i ne a a Constitutional status for local government has 1, This is the largest experiment in democracy. (@) Local Government (b) Central Government (@ Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these 2, How many elected representatives are there in panchayats and municipalities all over the country? (@) About 10 Lakh (¢) About 36 Lakh the local government to deepen democra (b) Official status (a None of these he world. (b) About 13 Lakh (d) None of these cy in our country? 3, What helped (a) Constitutional status (© Both (a) and (b) ent is conducted every where in t 4, This type of governm' (b) State government (a) Local government (a) None of these (0 Union government 4. (a) @ Case Study - 2 er the following sage carefully and answ R feud the following extract/source/pas stions: ut an. extraordinary experiment In The city has set up a parallel pling local jnhabitants t0 take to participate in 3 or what we cal nyone living 9 ffect the entire ie city called Porto Alegre in Brazil has carried 0 tive democracy. in : tains decentralisation with participa 1 Teal der ion operating alongside the municipal council, enabling * decisions for there eityr The nearly 13 lakh people A this city get f ny sector’ néking th i Wade e budget for thei i ity is divided into ma eir own city. The city ha, in which @ ds. tha fae sector has a meeting, like that of the gram sabha ieee sty, act €2M participate. There are some a eo discus ese ree ci te ae ae of the city can participate jn those meetings: The te tot kes @ final i 5 i ity tha ‘sign it these meetings. The proposals are put % the municipality eo ate in this dee oy cannot Di rxoredse OYORY yagy es for the benetit oF thy ap, Mi, and builders canny Oy About 20,000 people partic et method as ens that he mes AT M where rich people five, Bases now 1 stanosdwelters wither reset 8 rus taken pee 1 HOKE AEN Ky ake ; or a jar experiment 1 svotopmont of (heir lot In our own country, a similar par fe the love top HF Ha sain makings Ordinary people have participated in mak he city of Porto Alegre’ “sn « Nonval the 9 Ghane (hy South Abi ticipate in this decision-making exorcise 0110 CiLy Of Poy, How many people — Hof th ©) 80,000 (DAIL of these (a) 10,000 (b) 20.000 (o) 80,00 place in the state of 3 a decentralised experiment has tken ; 3. In India decentralised exp i cctiina fe) Ke (a) Tamil Nadu (b) Tel: bins OF Une yea sib, Ae The vse of the city of Porto Megre is discussed in the mes (a) budget (b) security (©) Both (a) and (b) (@) None of these: (b) © Ae w pe Questions VII. Very Short Answer 1. In which year were now state: 2. Which countries are holding 3. Which countries ar 4. Who leg 5. Who is ates on subjects Chat do not fallin the third list’? Mayor’ 6. Name some countries which are not federation 7. Wh is foder: Mm 8. Which subject falls under re iduary subject? 9. Which government has two or more levels’? 10. Which subjects fall under the concui TL. Who isa’ Wh: arpancl re two Gers of Indian Federalism? 13. What is meant by durisdietion? rederalls™ 1, New states were oreated on a linguistic basis in 1956 PO 9, India, Japan and Belgium 3, The USA, Switzerland and Australia. 4, The union government has the power to legislate on residuary subjects. 5. The head of the municipal corporation is called the Mayor. 6. China, Japan, Chile and New Zealand 1. . It is a system of government in which power is divided between central and st provincial governments. @ . Computer software S . Federal government. 10. Marriage subjects fall under the concurrent list. U1. The head of gram panchayat is termed as ‘sarpanch’. 12, (i) Federal government (ii) State government 13. An area over which soracone has a legal authority.

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