Ujian Tengah Semester Bahasa Inggris Program Studi Diii Keperawatan TK Ii Poltekkes Kemenkes Bengkulu TA 2020/2021

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TA 2020/2021


NPM :P05120220078

A. Choose the correct answer !

1. The police officer warned the crowd that he ……………… order shooting, if they created
a could
b would
c might
Answer : B. would
2. Passengers ……………… not smoke inside the bus.
a will
b should
c must
Answer : C.must

3. ………………. I have a word with you?

a will
b shall
c can
Answer : C. can

4. Parents ……………….. not accompany their children to the school.

a must
b can
c would
Answer : A.must

5. There was a time when I ……………… stay up late, but these days I go to bed early.
a used to
b ought to
c should
Answer : A. used to

6. The Principal said that candidates without hall tickets ………………. not be permitted
inside the examination hall.
a could
b would
c should
Answer : B.would

7. You ………………….. tell me. I know everything.

a must not
b need not
c cannot
Answer : B. need not

8. Even if he had come a little earlier , he ………………… have got a seat in the front row.
a should not
b might not
c would not
Answer : C. would not

9. This building _________ been built recently.

a. Has
b. Have
c. Could
Answer : A. has
10. I ______a great solution to this problem.
a. have
b. has
c. had
Answer : A.have

11. … …..car do you think is overpriced? this car.

        A. Which
        B. Whose
C. What
Answer : A.which

12………. will you pay off your student loan? next monday.
        A. Where
        B. When
        C. How
Answer : B.when

13……….. book is on the floor?

        A. Whose
        B. Who
        C. Whom
Answer : A.whose

14………… do you want to invite to your garden party?

        A. Whose
        B. Whom
        C. Who
Answer : B.whom

15… ……….do you earn from the business? one hundred dollars a month.
        A. How many
        B. How much
Answer : B.how much

16… ………did we meet for the first time? at the coffee shop.
        A. How
        B. Where
        C. When
Answer : B.where

17… ………did she cook for dinner? lasagna

        A. Where
        B. When
        C. What
Answer : C.what

18… ………does it take to be a gastroenterologist?

        A. How long
        B. How often
        C. How far
Answer : A.how long

19… ………does his face look pale? because he is sick.

        A. Why
        B. How
        C. What
Answer : A.why

20… ………is going to pick you up tomorrow morning?

        A. Who
        B. What
C. Which
Answer : A.who
B. Rewrite the sentences in Active voice.

1. The ring was founded by intan and santi.

2. Football is played by the boy.
3. The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.
4. The exercise is completed by the teacher.
5. The floor is cleaned by Aisyah.


1. Intan and santi founded the ring

2. The boys play football

3. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone

4. The teacher completes the exercise

5. Aisyah cleanes the floor

C. Translate into English

1. Saya akan menjelaskan bagaimana meminum obat
2. Saya akan mengajari anda cara menggunakan walker
3. Apakah rasa sakit itu terjadi ditempat tertentu dan dalam kondisi tertentu?
4. Bagaimana rasa sakit ini mempengaruhi kegiatan anda sehari hari?
5. Kapan pertama kali anda merasakan sakit?


1. I will explain how to take medicine

2. I will teach you how to use the walker

3. Does the pain occur in a certain place and under certain conditions?

4. How does this pain affect your daily activities?

5. When did you first feel pain?

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