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Niles Daily Star



Restaurants see regulars return
as restrictions loosen P2

Coming in
Niles Service League Bundle A Buddy
fundraiser returns Monday P4

Lions Club to host St. Patrick’s Day

dinner to-go fundraiser P5

Niles Township, parks board consider
revitalizing trailhead on Ontario P6


Former physician sentenced to 10 years
for criminal sexual conduct P10


Niles High Schoool graduate retiring Friend of the court can

suspend DNR licenses for
from American Airlines after 50 years missed child support P8

Barbara Burton Mickie Lundy
Viola Clark Michael D. Shibinski
Martha Fee
Tracy Keck Sr.
Dixie Krueger
Danette Lovelace P20
Two teens injured in shooting at Niles hotel P10 Niles hires French to replace Sassano P16 Students unveil interactive museum P11

Holding court
Page 2 • Saturday, March 6, 2021 Niles Daily Star

Local restaurants see regulars return as restrictions relax

By CHRISTINA CLARK resolution making March Restaurant Month in Berrien County. Since the pandemic started, restaurants have
been shut down to indoor dining completely at times,
NILES — Tuesday morning, a couple walked into leaving workers in a challenging spot with employment
Prime Table Restaurant in Niles. Though masks cov- and regulars without their normal visit for social inter-
ered their noses and mouths, the crinkles around their action and a hot meal.
eyes gave away their wide smiles. Now, with pandemic restrictions loosening, local
Bill Giannakakis, one of the establishment’s owners, restaurants are ready to welcome back their beloved
recognized them and ushered them toward a table of regulars.
their friends who were already seated and awaiting The dining room at Prime Table Restaurant, at 1915
their arrival. S. 11th St., Niles, has tables removed and every other
Across the street at Plaza Restaurant, servers like Ce- booth blocked off with a table plant to signify that it is
celia “CG” Sanchez can spot their regulars pulling up out of service for the time being. The sounds of conver-
in the parking lot and get the tables ready and coffee sation, clinking of dishes and the smell of coffee fills the
poured as they walk in the door. restaurant with a familiar setting many knew regularly
This is a slice of Americana — one that this time last year.
sometimes includes the apple pie. Karen Martindale, a regular diner at Prime Table
There is community created with- Restaurant, said the owners’ personal touches keep her
in diners and restaurants that and her husband coming back, despite the COVID-19
many have missed through- pandemic.
out the sporadic shut “The owners, Nick, Mary and Bill [Giannakakis], treat
downs and capacity you like you mean something to them,” Martindale said.
limits during the She said the fun holiday decorations remind her of a
COVID-19 pan- more “normal” time.
demic. “The owners are always smiling, and they share
In Niles, themselves,” Martindale said. “It’s very important. Se-
March 1 through nior citizens visit and need the smile. You forget for a
March 7 is Niles while what is going on in the world.”
first Restaurant For Martindale, her weekly meal at the restaurant is
Week. On Feb. usually filled with personal touches from joking with
25, the Berrien the servers to being able to forget, for a little while, oth-
County Board er stresses in life.
of Commis- “They’ve taken time to know you and remember the
sioners passed a little details,” Martindale said.
Niles Daily Star FOCUS Saturday, March 6, 2021 • Page 3

The staff at Prime Table Restaurant are dressed in St. Patrick’s Day green, awaiting customers. (Leader photo/CHRISTINA CLARK)

Bill said the ownership and staff have tried to adapt eryone was. After a while, she said she saw some of their
throughout the shifting landscape of the past year. As the long-time regulars start to become depressed without their
restaurant approaches its 28th anniversary in April, Gi- normal routine.
annakakis said he is thankful for the staff and customers “Our regulars have met others here and become friends,”
who have continued supporting them through this past Rule said. “They meet here. It’s like their country club. For
year. those three hours in the morning, that’s their booth.”
“We have staff that has been with us, not just years, but “They hold court,” added Rule.
decades,” he said. “The people up front and in the kitchen, When the restaurant was able to reopen the dining room, SEMCO ENERGY ASKS
they have all stuck with us through both shut downs, which Rudolph said it was like a reunion. CUSTOMERS TO KEEP METERS
in turn gives the customer who comes in on a regular basis
the same experience.”
Rule and Rudolph said the customers worry about one
another, and now that the dining room has been reopened,
With the implementation of the spaced-out dining room will ask for updates on those they have not seen in a while.
and addition of carry out and curbside service, Giannakakis For server Sanchez, the depression for many of the reg- During the winter, here are a few ways to help protect
said the restaurant has continued to serve many of its regu- ular seniors has been noticeable. She has been a server in gas meter equipment and gas appliances to avoid a
lars in one way or another. The second epidemic shut down Niles for around 20 years, and just more than nine at Plaza potentially hazardous situation or service disruption:
of restaurants spanned over the winter holidays, which he Restaurant. She sees how important it is to regulars who • Clean and repair leaky seams in your gutters and
said made things difficult for the staff. stop in for a piece of pie and a cup of coffee for a half an downspouts to prevent melting snow and ice from building
“It was hard because it was right before Christmas. They hour. up on the gas meter or pressure regulator.
depend on the money,” Giannakakis said. “Better days are “Even just getting a cup of coffee and having a half an • Never allow snow to cover your natural gas meter or its
coming. We are doing well. The customers and staff have hour of social interaction with somebody makes a huge pressure regulator or block your appliance exhaust vents.
returned.” difference in somebody’s day,” Sanchez said. “Especially for • Please use caution when shoveling snow, plowing or snow
The owners of Plaza Restaurant, at 1976 S. 11th St. in a lot of the older customers who don’t have family around blowing to avoid piling snow against the natural gas meter,
regulator or appliance vents.
Niles, Tricia Rule and Julie Rudolph, know their restaurant here. They don’t have anyone looking after them.”
well. Both took over ownership of the restaurant nearly 11 She would see some regulars for every meal throughout • Clear a path to the meter free from snow and ice
for easy access.
years ago, and prior, they had both worked there for more the day.
than 10 years each as servers. “If they’re not in, you wonder if they’re OK. You worry. • Remove soft snow build-up gently, using only a broom
or your hand rather than a shovel that could damage
Rule said after the first shut down in March 2020, some of You make a phone call to make sure they’re OK, whatever the meter.
their regulars seemed confused and lost. it takes,” Sanchez said. “You don’t want to go to their house
“We had an older senior who came in twice a day during and interfere or overstep your boundaries, but you also • Do not try to remove ice or frozen snow from the natural gas
meter pressure regulator or piping. If you find your meter
the shutdown when we did carry-out, and would try to come want to make sure they’re OK.” or pressure regulator covered in ice or frozen snow, do not
in and take a seat,” Rule said. “He was confused. We had to The sense of community she has fostered and seen creat- attempt to remove the ice or use de-icer. Contact SEMCO
keep telling him we could get him something to-go, but we ed within the restaurant has become even more important ENERGY Gas Company, toll free, at 1 800 624 2019.
weren’t open in the dining room. He didn’t understand.” throughout the past year.
Rudolph said there were others that would sometimes “Some of these customers I’ve been serving for literally 20
forget they were closed and drop by, wondering where ev- years,” Sanchez said. “It’s a small community.”
Page 4 • Saturday, March 6, 2021 GIVING Niles Daily Star

A warm gesture
Niles Service League’s annual Bundle-A-Buddy fundraiser kicks off Monday
By CHRISTINA CLARK due to the pandemic, Martin’s Supermar- ket’s put fundraisers on hold. In lieu of host-
ing the fundraiser, Martin’s contributed to
NILES — A local group is looking ahead the Niles Service League until it could host
to make sure students have the winter gear the annual fundraiser again.
and clothing they need. The fundraiser is traditionally a cash col-
The Niles Service League Bundle-A-Bud- lection, asking for $1 at checkout. Dona-
dy fundraiser kicks off at the Niles Martin’s tions will be accepted through March 28.
Supermarket, 720 S. 11th St., on March 8. The Niles Service League has been doing
Soon, cashier stations will have the colorful this fundraiser for more than 15 years, ac-
Bundle-A-Buddy mascot taped all over as cording to Brown.
donors contribute to the cause. “The Niles Service League is a group of
The cashiers will be in a friendly com- women that raises money, and all of the
petition to raise dollars for the fundrais- proceeds go to the children of Niles, Bran-
er, which helps provide coats, hats, boots, dywine and Buchanan Schools,” Brown said.
mittens and clothing to Niles Community This year marks the league’s 88th years in
Schools, Brandywine Community Schools Niles.
and Buchanan Community Schools stu- “We haven’t been able to do any fundrais-
dents in need. ing this year because of COVID-19. Usual-
“Even with COVID-19 and virtual learn- ly, we do a Color Run and things like that,”
ing, the need remains,” said Becky Brown, Brown said. “We have been doing every-
president of the Niles Service League. “It thing virtually.”
was down a little bit this year, but we still The group is looking for more women to
gave away 33 brand new coats, 14 pairs of volunteer this year.
snow pants and 38 pairs of boots. We also Those interested in volunteering, or who
provided two children with glasses. We get have questions about the Bundle-A-Buddy
whatever the schools call us and need.” Fundraiser, should contact Niles Service
The fundraiser usually happens in the fall, League President Becky Brown at becky.
with winter on the minds of many. This year,
Niles Daily Star GIVING Saturday, March 6, 2021 • Page 5

Lions to host St. Pat’s drive-thru

By CHRISTINA CLARK home to pick up their meal and have a nice, sit down meal when they get there,” Flenar
BUCHANAN – The Buchanan-Galien Lions Included in the meal will be corned beef
Club is serving up a St. Paddy’s Day meal for and cabbage, a baked potato, carrots and a
the first time this year. dessert.
Jerry Flenar, board member of the club, The meals are $10 each. Preorders are
said the chapter wanted to try something strongly encouraged and can be placed by
new to get people out to show their support contacting Alice Kring at (269) 695-3000, or at
of the Buchanan-Galien Lions Club. Red Bud Insurance at 110 Main St., Buchan-
“We’ve done corn and sausage, but never an.
a corned beef and cabbage,” Flenar said. “We The event will be a drive-thru pickup from
thought, with COVID, we needed to start get- 3 to 6:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Buchanan
ting out and getting people back out.” Area Senior Center, 810 Rynearson St., in Bu-
The money raised from the event will go chanan.
back into the community. The club recently raised almost $1,000 at a
“We sponsor some little league teams and silent auction it hosted. The Buchanan-Galien
soccer teams,” Flenar said. Lions Club also hosted a virtual trivia night
The Buchanan-Galien Lions Club also that had 65 participants.
sponsors eye exams and care for people in the “It was a fun night,” Flenar said.
area, including students of Buchanan Com- The club recently began meeting in person
munity Schools. The club is involved in spon- again. Members, and those interested in be-
soring events throughout the area as well. coming members, can attend a meeting at 6
“We just felt like it was a good time of the p.m. on the second and fourth Thursday of
year, and St. Patrick’s Day is midweek, so peo- the month at the Buchanan American Legion
ple can work and then come by on their way Hall, at 403 E. Front St., Buchanan.


- Niles Scream Park seeks was the place was for them for guaranteed Berrien County. emergency room care, the center provides
- new nonprofit organizations earnings and no startup costs. “This grant opportunity was open only clients a welcoming environment where
o NILES — The Niles Scream Park, one Anyone can volunteer from within an to community foundations, and we want individuals can develop a recovery plan and
of Michiana’s most popular autumn organization. The park will find a spot that to do everything we can to bring additional connect to services.
destinations, is currently seeking to recruit works best for the organization; there are resources to help in Berrien County,” said BCF “Because Berrien Community Foundation
- new community nonprofit groups to assist various personnel needs including parking President Lisa Cripps-Downey. “Lives are sought out this grant, we will be better
- with putting the “care in scare.” lot attendants, metal detectors, survey takers, saved, and families are helped when people equipped to work with people in crisis at the
The Niles Scream Park is a nonprofit etc. The park’s greatest need is for volunteers are able to access professional resources and moment they wish to seek help,” said Mike
community project that uses approximately to whom they provide a costume and face counseling services for drug addiction. It also Pioch, Interim CEO for Community Healing
- 150 to 200 volunteers per night to staff paint, then hide them in the dark to scare the allows our hospitals and law enforcement Centers, which oversees Carol’s Hope.
its various attractions. These volunteers “yell’ out of paying customers. agencies to focus their time elsewhere. We “Sometimes, even a 15-minute wait to speak
represent more than 65 Michiana area For more information, please email niles@ are so grateful to the Community Foundation to a peer counselor can mean the difference
e community and school organizations such of Southeast Michigan for making these between a substance abuse user getting into
- as Boy Scout groups, church youth groups funds available.” treatment programs or continuing with their
. and booster groups for colleges and high BCF awarded $60,000 grant to The grant will help reduce the harm caused harmful behavior. We are extremely grateful
schools. Since 1996, more than $2 million has combat drug overdose epidemic by drug addiction in two ways. First, it will to BCF for pursuing this grant opportunity.”
been donated to local and national nonprofit BERRIEN COUNTY — The Berrien increase remote and immediate access to Even amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the
- organizations, as well as the Niles Scream Community Foundation sought – and won – addiction intervention specialists throughout nation’s overdose epidemic continues to be a
- Park funded college scholarships for students a $60,000 grant to help in the ongoing fight Berrien County, officials said. Second, it will leading cause of death for Americans. More
” at Niles, Cassopolis, Brandywine, Dowagiac against drug abuse. help reduce overdose deaths by educating than 72,000 Americans lost their lives due to
- and Edwardsburg high schools. The Niles BCF is one of 10 Michigan foundations to the community on the availability and use of overdoses in 2019, making it the worst year
Scream Park has often been called the “Mini receive the Michigan Harm Reduction Project free naloxone, known as Narcan, kits. in the nation’s decades-long drug overdose
o United Way” as it continues to channel grant from the Community Foundation for This work will be executed by Carol’s Hope epidemic. Overdose fatalities in Michigan are
funds to assist other nonprofit groups in the Southeast Michigan. Berrien Community Crisis Intervention Center. Carol’s Hope is among the highest in the nation, behind just
o community. Foundation will partner with Carol’s Hope a 24-hour crisis intervention facility that nine other states. Preliminary data from 2020
y If a nonprofit organization in the Crisis Intervention Center to increase provides a supervised, supportive setting suggest that the COVID-19 pandemic has
e community is seeking to raise money for their access to vital, drug-addiction intervention for individuals with substance use and only exacerbated the trend, both locally and
. group, Scream Park officials said the park and overdose prevention services in co-occurring disorders. An alternative to nationally.
Page 6 • Saturday, March 6, 2021 LOCAL GOVERNMENT Niles Daily Star

Parks board proposes new trailhead for RV Trail

Ontario Road entrance would for the pavilion’s location. The pavilion’s
cost was estimated at $65,000.
include shelter, parking, water “If I was putting an investment into one
pavilion for the township, I’d tell you it
would get used the most back here,” Ring-
By CHRISTINA CLARK ler said, indicating the portion of the Indi- ana-Michigan Trail that runs by the town-
ship building on Bell Road. “If you had a
NILES TOWNSHIP — A new trailhead pavilion to put up in the township, I would
is in the early discussion days for the In- say it would have more value to be back
diana-Michigan River Valley Trail over the here than versus down at the trailhead, not
next year. that it wouldn’t be nice.”
Jill DeLucia, chair of the Niles Charter DeLucia said the parks board will be ap-
Township parks board, presented a plan plying for a grant through the Michigan
to the board members Monday evening in- Department of Natural Resources. The
cluding a pavilion shelter, 10 parking spots grant, if awarded, would fund 75 percent
and a water source to the IN-MI Trail as it of the amount needed, leaving 25 percent
comes to cross Ontario Road in Niles. for the township to fund. DeLucia said the
“It’s a good place to have a trailhead. It parks board would discuss what amount it
affords more parking spaces than available would be able to put toward the trailhead
at any other location of the trail,” DeLucia of its annual budget, which was said to be
said. “That’s the goal, to make it an actual about $15,000.
trailhead. Trailheads generally have sev- The Ontario Road Trailhead is center to early discussions between the Niles Township Parks “We hope to be able to do some fund-
Board and Trustees. The proposed plan would include a pavilion, water source and parking
eral of those things. We have a seasonal raising, because some local foundations
for pedestrians using the Indiana-Michigan River Valley Trail. (Leader photo/CHRISTINA CLARK)
restroom. Next, we would like to create a contributed to the original building of the
place to park and some shade.” trail,” DeLucia said. “We think that they
DeLucia said many people run the trail was completed in 2019, DeLucia said the DeLucia said. “We looked at other trail- might be agreeable to make it more wel-
and ride their bicycles on it. She thinks hav- trail counters at Darden Road showed the heads, like the Pumpkin Vine Trail out in coming to people.”
ing a pavilion shelter would be a positive, volume of people using the trail doubled. Goshen, Indiana. I’ve ridden [my bike] out At the board meeting, Ringler noted
as it would provide shelter for residents to The increased volume proved to DeLucia east and looked at those trailheads.” that grants tend to be awarded in late
rest under or take refuge from unfavorable there was an increased need for parking, The cost for the features at the potential December. The township would be on
weather. as well. Ontario Road Trailhead would total just the hook initially for the cost, if the grant
When the section of the trail running be- “We used a lot of feedback we got from a over $165,000. were awarded, and reimbursed from the
tween Niles Township and the city of Niles survey when we made our five-year plan,” Treasurer Jim Ringler voiced his concern grant award.

Niles Township board considers full-time firefighter applicants

Board members approve state-outlined poverty forward with the tests, [the safety
committee] will keep the board up-
During the meeting, the board
passed the poverty guidelines resolu-
erty being requested to be exempt
due to poverty income guidelines.
guidelines, purchase tractor attachment for trails dated.” tion for 2021. The applications must be filed
Treasurer Jim Ringler also updated According to Clerk Terry Eull, the before the last day of the board of
By CHRISTINA CLARK be left by acting chief Tim Jesswein, the board members that Jesswein is state of Michigan sets the guidelines. review. as his contract is being negotiated getting quotes for new firefighting The guidelines outline who may be Niles Township is hosting its first
for the fire chief position. The board gear for the department. considered for a tax exemption. meeting date for board of review on
NILES TOWNSHIP — Poverty voted to hire Jesswein on Feb. 16, Ringler said the items were likely Resolution 21-05 states the total March 10.
guidelines for Niles Township were though contract negotiations con- the “highest priority items” for the taxes owed must be at least $500 for This year, a family of four meets
adjusted and accepted Monday eve- tinue. department. Jesswein got the equip- a person to be considered for an ex- annual poverty guidelines at an in-
ning by the township board mem- “All eight of them are existing ment cost quoted and was forward- emption, as well be the owner and come level of $53,000.
bers. Members also discussed and township [department] volunteers,” ing the information to the board occupier of a property where the ex- The board also approved the pur-
approved a tractor attachment pur- Eull said. members. emption is requested. Steps are laid chase of a Trailblazer tractor attach-
chase, and discussed the hiring prog- Eull said Jesswein will be moving “We’ve got two weeks to look at it,” out in the resolution, including filing ment to be used in trail maintenance.
ress for a full-time firefighter hire. forward to ensure the applicants can Ringler said. a hardship exemption application The piece attaches to an existing
Clerk Terry Eull said the fire de- pass the physical agility test required. The amount of 26 sets of turnout with the assessor or board of review, tractor, and helps in trimming back
partment has eight applications for “We know these men. It’s all men gear was quoted around $80,000 for having the deed, land contract or evi- overgrowth of brush and branches to
the open full-time firefighter that will at this point,” Eull said. “As we move the department. dence of property ownership of prop- keep a trail clear.
Niles Daily Star LOCAL GOVERNMENT Saturday, March 6, 2021 • Page 7

Berrien County courts to enter

Mapping out a plan phase three of reopening
Commissioners discuss latest epidemic order, push for regional approach
e Planning Commission to host public hearings if approval given to move forward By CHRISTINA CLARK appointment only in the buildings,
- By CHRISTINA CLARK can voice what they would like to Categories within the master at both courthouses,” Smietan-
- see more or less of in their com- plan, according to the Niles City ka-Haney said.
- munity. website, include: transportation BERRIEN COUNTY – The Ber- The Berrien County Juvenile Cen-
a NILES – At Monday evening’s “We can go on record elevat- and street design, public services rien County courts will be entering ter will be allowing a few individuals
Niles City Council meeting, ing the concerns of constitu- and facilities, parks and recre- phase three of reopening beginning for therapeutic and case manage-
k council members will vote on ents,” Correa said. “It’s really up ation, natural resources, historic Monday. ment appointments. Video visits will
whether to approve or reject to people to speak to their city and cultural resources, neigh- During the Berrien County Board be maintained until further orders
the City of Niles Master Plan. If ward representatives.” borhood and housing, economic of Commissioners meeting on from MDHHS are received.
- approved, the current, proposed If the Niles Master Plan is development, and land use and Thursday, Carrie Smietanka-Haney, “The current state guidelines state
n version may be viewed by the approved, there will be a pub- zoning. Berrien County trial court adminis- the return to full capacity is phase
public, where city residents can lic comment period including Features in the Niles com- trator, gave an overview of what will four, and that is not until the nation-
t give feedback and their own rec- public hearings scheduled. munity, including the “urban be changing with the Berrien County al pandemic is declared over,” Smi-
ommendations before the plan Information will be sent out forest,” where trees are inten- court systems. The commissioners etanka-Haney said.
e is adopted. through utility bills, the Greater tionally placed throughout the also passed a resolution to approve She said the courts anticipate
t According to Planning Com- Niles Chamber of Commerce, neighborhoods and downtown, an agreement with Lake Michigan being at phase three for quite some
mission Chair Rodrigo Correa, the city website, Mayor Nick are an example of just one of College for use of an event space to time.
e the number one priority with Shelton’s Facebook page as well the many features noted in the host a COVID-19 vaccine clinic, and At the end of the meeting, the
the city’s master plan is to define as radio spots and public no- master plan. discussed steps moving forward for commissioners reviewed the latest
- what the city should look and tices placed in newspapers to Correa said the plan has the urging Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and MDHHS order that began on Friday,
s feel like 10 years from now. reach community members power to “augment our people.” the Michigan Department of Health which includes increased restaurant
If approved, the draft of the who would like to view the doc- Public health is a factor to many and Human services to utilize a re- and bar capacity to 50 percent, an 11
y Niles City Plan will be available uments and weigh in with the decisions within the plan. gional approach to COVID-19 re- p.m. curfew and expanded gather-
- to view on the Niles city website, planning commission. The last update to the master strictions. ings outlines.
at the Niles District Library and “[We will] send copies to plan was made in 2013. Smietanka-Haney said with phase “I was encouraged there was some
at the Niles-Buchanan YMCA. contiguous local governments, “We want to help make our three of the reopening plans for the motion that had been made in this
e While the planning commis- Berrien County and the Berrien city more healthy and more pro- Berrien County courts, more in-per- most recent order. I was discour-
sion’s job is not to approve spe- County Planning Commission, ductive,” Correa said. son services will be available. aged to see an extension from what
cific businesses, but rather to the Southwest Michigan Plan- The Niles City Council meeting “We are going to be allowing walk- was supposed to be [ending] March
e ensure the builders and owners ning Commission to get their will be hosted virtually on Zoom in filings at that time. We won’t be 29 with the current orders, to be ex-
are working within codes, Cor- reviews,” Correa said. “We try at 6 p.m. on Monday. The link allowing general walk-in questions tended out to April 19,” said Com-
rea said the master plan’s input to create harmony between to join is available on the Niles or comments,” Smietanka-Haney missioner Teri Freehling. “[What]
period is a time when residents municipalities.” city website. said. “We have added a few addi- I would ask this board to perhaps
tional hearing types to be in-person, consider, and to have a discussion
though if individuals would prefer to on, is a process of writing another
participate by Zoom, we are happy communication, a letter or resolu-
to do so.” tion, that urges the state and our
She said the courts will begin governor to give us clear metrics [on
jury trials again on March 15. The this decision making].”
d courts will follow a similar format as Chairman of the Board Mac Elliot
to what was followed last fall, with agreed and said the board would
large jury selections being hosted do some preliminary work to send
t at the Niles courthouse in the north another communication out in the
n portion of the building. weeks ahead.
Misdemeanor, civil and family cas- “I think it is best to keep this at
es will be hosted at both Niles and St. the forefront and to press for an
- Joseph courthouse locations. explanation as to how these deci-
Some payments and other ser- sions are being made, and to ask
- vices that have been challenging for some rationale for not employ-
- to manage remotely will also be ing a regional approach,” Elliot said.
. allowed in person, while the build- “One size does not fit all. What’s go-
ings will remain closed to the ing on here isn’t necessarily what’s
k general public. going on in the southeast corner
o “We will be working with our of the state or some other major
partners to allow some [people] by population center.”
Page 8 • Saturday, March 6, 2021 HEALTH Niles Daily Star

Region prepares for farm workers Health department expands

access to COVID-19 vaccination
with new COVID-19 precautions SUBMITTED

BENTON HARBOR — The Michigan Department of Health

March brings new vaccine priorities for food

and Human Services has announced the state is moving to the
next phase of vaccination as of Monday.

production, agriculture workers in Michigan

As vaccine supplies allow, the Berrien County Health De-
partment will expand access to vaccinations to adults over
the age of 50. Also on Monday, caregiver family members and
By CHRISTINA CLARK work within pandemic protocols. guardians who care for children with special health care needs According to Bae Schilling, of Schil- will be eligible for vaccination as well.
ling Family Farms, farm workers with To date, more than half of Berrien County residents over
SOUTHWEST MICHIGAN — In one H2-A visas will still be arriving to Ber- the age of 65 have received at least one dose of the COVID-19
of the actions the state of Michigan is rien County. Protocols have changed vaccine. With recent increases in vaccine supply allocations,
taking to enhance its COVID-19 vac- since last year. Berrien County Health Department anticipates being able to
On March 1, farm and food process- start providing vaccines to Berrien County residents who fall
cine equity strategy, essential food The Michigan Department of Agri- ing workers became eligible for the
and agriculture workers became eli- culture and Rural Development has COVID-19 vaccine in Michigan. (Leader
in this expanded eligibility group. Starting Monday, BCHD will
gible for the vaccine on March 1. sent out checklists to growers with photo/CHRISTINA CLARK) allow all adults over the age of 50 to schedule appointments
Michigan is one of the first states updated protocols for migrant labor when they are available. According to the CDC, nearly 80 per-
to prioritize agriculture and food housing. Included in the checklists farm workers,” Hendershott said. “We cent of older adults have at least one chronic medical condi-
processing works for the vaccine, are mitigation measures for hous- are trying to get ahead of the game tion, which further supports the early expansion of eligibility
according to InterCare Community ing such as spacing out beds within with planning, communicating and to all adults over the age of 50.
Health Center President Velma Hen- the living units, or placing barriers coordinating with growers on getting The Berrien County Health Department will not have a
dershott. between beds where spacing is not farmworkers coming here for care. pre-registration process or “waitlist” for this newly eligible
“Van Buren and Berrien are the possible. A COVID supervisor is to be We already have a ton of materials group. Rather, eligible individuals seeking vaccination ap-
largest counties that have farm work- assigned for each camp to help main- available for them now.” pointments should visit the BCHD website regularly, as infor-
er numbers and the highest labor tain information about occupants of Hendershott said southwest Mich- mation will be posted on the website directly when there are
camp licensing numbers [in Michi- the labor camps and ensure workers igan saw fewer migrant workers last appointments available for self-scheduling. Eligible residents
gan] as well,” Hendershott said. receive COVID-19 mitigation train- year, which was expected. With the are encouraged to check the website often as new appoint-
She said the center’s established ing, conduct reviews of conditions, citrus crop being hit with the freez- ment availability may be added daily and self-scheduling will
relationship with growers, workers do screenings and communicate with ing temperatures seen in Texas last be on a first-come, first-serve basis. People with limited inter-
and medical providers will help them the local health department. Per- month, she said those employed on net access are encouraged to call the BCHD COVID-19 hotline
move forward through the challeng- sonal protection equipment is also those operations might have had to at 1 (800) 815-5485 for further assistance in scheduling an ap-
es, especially as they seek to work required for the workers in migrant change plans this year. pointment.
with a minority demographic partic- agriculture housing. “We are expecting H2-A workers Adults over the age of 65 will continue to be prioritized for
ularly vulnerable to the coronavirus According to Hendershott, vaccine to return as well, and they too will vaccination, if they have not already received it. BCHD will re-
due to the nature of their work. distribution to agriculture and food be eligible to receive the vaccine per serve special appointment slots at upcoming clinics so those
Most of the farm workers have not production workers will be largely led the [state] guidance,” Hendershott over the age of 65 may have assurance that they will continue
arrived in Michigan yet, as spring and by federally qualified health centers said. “At least there is hope on the to receive opportunities for vaccination.
the planting season have not offi- like InterCare. horizon. Right now, people are more All eligible residents are also encouraged to explore vacci-
cially arrived. However, growers like “There is a lot of planning and concerned about the [coronavirus] nation through other vaccine providers in the area, including
Schilling Family Farms are already preparation happening related to variants, though. Nonetheless, the Meijer Pharmacy in Benton Harbor, Spectrum Health Lake-
learning what it will take this year to how we are going to vaccinate our vaccine brings a lot of hope.” land, and Rite Aid pharmacies around the county.
Niles Daily Star FEATURE Saturday, March 6, 2021 • Page 9

Coming in for landing Niles graduate retiring after

50 years with American Airlines
By CHRISTINA CLARK “When they called my name to come in, my that they went straight from a health scare to mom and my sister walked into the interview the airport.
with me,” Miller said. “The interviewer was so “[The flights to Hawaii] were the most won-
DALLAS, Texas – The first time Claudette impressed by my family wanting to be a part of derful, magical flights,” she said.
Miller stepped on an airplane, she was on her the process that he gave me a big envelope.” On her long flights to Europe and Asia, Mill-
way to the American Airlines Stewardess Col- The envelope contained hiring paper work er said the crew would schedule both rest and
lege 50 years ago. for her to complete. sight-seeing.
Miller said flying felt good to her, and it felt In January 1971, she was asked to go to stew- “On our long-haul trips to Asia, the layovers
natural to be on the airplane. When she began ardess school. were 48-hours. That was really a treat,” Miller
working on an airplane in flight, it took her a bit On her first ever flight, she flew to Dallas, said. “You could literally sleep all day the first
to get her “sea legs,” walking in the clouds, but where American Airlines Stewardess College day, then travel around the next day and sight-
she never had any second thoughts or doubts was located. She observed for the first time see. You could even go to different cities by train
about her career that took her from her family what a stewardess did. or by bus and still come back to your layover
home in Niles on adventures all over the world. After eight weeks in school, she graduated at city, get 10 to 12 hours of sleep, and come back
“I felt almost like an astronaut the age of 20 as the youngest in her the next day. It was a good variety of flying and
working in space,” Miller said. “I re- class. a good experience seeing the world.”
member thinking, ‘this is out of sci- “Everything with the airlines is Miller loved the adventures.
ence fiction,’ that you could get up based on seniority and age,” Mill- “I have always said, ‘I don’t know how this
and walk on an airplane.” er said. “We all got sent to Buffalo, little black girl from Niles, Michigan got here,’”
On April 1, Miller will retire from New York. We didn’t have a choice.” Miller said with a laugh. “Here I am, walking the
being a flight attendant for exactly After the first fuel crisis around streets of Rome where Romans walked centu-
50 years. She has spent her entire 1973, Miller transferred to be based ries ago. Here I am at the Taj Mahal, or at Lon-
career working with American out of Chicago. American Airlines don at Big Ben. Coming from Niles, I marveled
Airlines. She graduated from the flew only domestic flights at the at that time and time again.”
American Airlines Stewardess Col- time, and she spent 20 years based Now, based in Dallas for the past four years,
lege on April 1, 1971. Her career in the Midwest. Around 1990, when she decided it was time to retire. She is excit-
took her from Niles to destinations American Airlines acquired an ed, as she will retain travel perks after she has
all over the country and the world. airline that flew internationally, officially left the position. She will still be able
Miller graduated from Niles Se- she began working for the last 30 to see the world, when travel restrictions relax.
nior High in 1969. She still returns years of her career on internation- Through the COVID-19 pandemic, Miller
to Niles for the class reunions, but al flights. She met her former hus- saw much of what she loved about airline travel
in 1969, she was not sure what to do band, got married and had her two diminish. She said many of the manners have
next after graduating. children. gone out of air travel, as well as the connection
“I worked for a year at Simplicity “I always said this was the best with passengers she was able to make before
Pattern Company, folding patterns job to have for raising a family,” Mill- having to wear a face mask.
and putting them into the little en- er said. “Based on seniority, I wasn’t “We are all in this together. We are all in this
velopes,” Miller said. getting the premium trips during metal tube, and we only have each other to de-
One of seven children, Miller’s family arrived the week days. I was working most weekends, pend on, as was experienced during 9/11 [2001],
in Niles when she was two and a half years old. which was perfect because I was home with my when all aircraft had to be landed,” Miller said.
Her father worked for New York Central Rail- children Monday through Friday.” “All those passengers and the crew became one.
road. Her uncle and grandfather also worked Miller said she knew many flight attendants That’s what I feel has been lost during this pan-
for the railroad. who were able to go to school through the week demic, and this last year, is the comradery that
“Travel has been in my blood,” Miller said. and launch second careers. For a time, she lived we used to have with the public.”
In 1970, her brother went on a double date in California while commuting to Chicago by With the masks, she knows passengers can-
with his future wife. A woman in the other cou- air for her international flights. not see her fun facial expressions through the
ple was a flight stewardess for American Air- She said her children were raised being “air- presentations and interactions on the flights.
lines at the time, and he thought Miller might line kids.” Having speech muffled behind a mask is diffi-
be interested in the career. Miller decided to “They know their way around an airport like cult in the small environment as well.
fill out the application. By November, she was the back of their hand. They know how to navi- “You have to raise your voice in order to be
called for an interview in Chicago. gate European cities,” Miller said. “It’s just been heard,” Miller said. “Raising your voice was nev-
She remembers shopping for her interview a wonderful experience for them.” er a good thing towards a crew on a flight.”
suit in Niles in preparation for the trip. Her She remembers speaking with people who Still, when she looks back at her career, she
brother picked her, her mother and her sister had saved up their entire lives to go to Hawaii. said she never had any doubts about it.
up to go to the interview. Her mother did not She remembers seeing passengers still wearing “I just felt like that was where I was supposed
want her to go to Chicago for an interview by hospital tag bracelets, as they were so deter- to be. This is what I was supposed to be doing
herself. mined to get to their once-in-a-lifetime trips for a job, and it turned into a career,” she said.
Page 10 • Saturday, March 6, 2021 PUBLIC SAFETY Niles Daily Star

Former surgeon given

10 to 40 years for
criminal sexual conduct

NILES — A retired surgeon is heading to prison on crimi-

nal sexual conduct charges.
Berrien County Trial Court Judge Sterling Schrock sen-
tenced Norbert Schwer, of Berrien Springs, to a minimum of
10 years to a maximum of 40 years in prison Monday morn-
ing. Schwer previously pleaded guilty to first-degree crimi-
nal sexual conduct.
The charges stem from a July 18, 2020, incident, where
Schrock said Schwer unlawfully entered the victim’s home
and sexually assaulted the victim and tased them multiple
times with a taser. According to Schrock, the victim ran
towards the door in an attempt to escape before Schwer
grabbed them and prevented them from doing so.
“It is my most important task this morning to express my
deepest and most heartfelt regret for the criminal acts that
I perpetrated against [redacted] and for the terrible conse-
quences of these illegal acts,” Schwer said. “I wish to God
that I had the power to erase and undo all these unlawful
acts, and I deplore their consequences. Please accept my
most sincere apologies.”
Upon release, Schwer is ordered to spend the rest of his
free life on electronic monitoring and register as a sex of-
fender. He must also pay $258 in fees and costs.
A retired surgeon, Schwer had specialized in general sur-
gery for more than 30 years in the Michiana area. He earned
his master’s degree of divinity in theology at Andrews Uni-
versity before graduating from Loma Linda University’s
School of Medicine in 1988 with his doctorate of medicine. A male and a female are reportedly being treated for gunshot wounds sustained at the Quality Inn at 1265 S. 11th St. in Niles. Lt.
In other news, Roy David Floyd Jr., of Niles, was sentenced Michael Stanton, of the Niles Police Department, said a call came into the station at 10:20 a.m. Monday, reporting shots fired.
to two years of probation following his guilty pleas to larce- (Leader photo/CHRISTINA CLARK)
ny in a building and unlawful use of a motor vehicle. Floyd

Two teenagers injured in shooting

must serve 75 days in jail with credit for 53 days and is for-
bidden from contacting the two victims.
“I take full responsibility for everything I’ve done,” Floyd
said. “I wish I was a better friend to the people that were
friends to me. I’m ready to get my life back on track.”
Floyd was ordered to pay $821 in fees and costs and also
must successfully complete TRI-CAP’s probation program
at Niles Quality Inn hotel Monday
as a condition of his probation.
TRI-CAP is a Saginaw-based correctional facility with a NILES — A 17-year-old female and Stanton, the male and female were the general public.
drug treatment component. According to its website, res- an 18-year-old male were taken to the transported to an area hospital for A warrant was obtained to search
idents are sentenced to TRI-CAP by the court system be- hospital on Monday morning with treatment of their injuries. the hotel room, during the execution
cause they have not been successful in a community set- gunshot wound injuries. Kosten said the female had a gun- of the warrant, the handgun believed
ting while on probation or parole and would benefit from The Niles Police Department re- shot wound to her hand, and the to be involved in the shooting, along
a more structured environment. Intensive substance abuse sponded to a call that came in at male had a gunshot wound to his ab- with other evidence, was discovered.
counseling in a supervised residential atmosphere is avail- 10:20 a.m. of shots fired at the Quality domen. Kosten said investigations were on-
able there. Inn, located at 1265 S. 11th St. According to the officers, the inju- going.
Austin James Imus, of Niles, was sentenced to one year of Niles PD Capt. Kevin Kosten said ries did not appear to be life threat- The Niles Police Department asked
probation for fleeing/eluding third degree, a class E felony when officers arrived, they located ening. that anyone with information con-
that carries up to five years in prison. Imus was also ordered two people with gunshot wounds on Kosten said it was not believed any tact the department.
to pay $658 in costs and fees. the third floor of the hotel. other people were involved in the Michigan State Police are assisting
According to Niles PD Lt. Michael shooting, and there was no danger to with the case.
Niles Daily Star EDUCATION Saturday, March 6, 2021 • Page 11


Eastside Connections seventh, eighth graders

finish Black History Month virtual museum

By CHRISTINA CLARK virtual museum. same time, it’s my job to introduce my

. “[The students] were really excited to students to diverse authors and charac-
see everything come together,” Lamber- ters, so I was excited about the writing
NILES – The students in Shanna Lam- ton said. “I think it was hard for many of that Coates had done.”
berton’s classroom at Eastside Connec- them to wrap their mind around what I The “exhibits” take the users to each
tions School have wrapped up their virtual was envisioning, so this finally gave them room where they see portraits of each
museum project for Black History Month. the opportunity to see this project come person. The portraits can be select-
The virtual museum allows users to to life.” ed, as if the user were stepping closer
navigate through a “museum lobby” to Finalizing the project happened in two to an exhibit in a physical museum, to
eight different exhibits where they will be waves for the students and Lamberton. read more about what they are looking
introduced to black and African Amer- The first was to ensure the links worked at. The profiles include a portrait, birth
ican Civil Rights leaders, singers/song- and spelling, punctuation and grammar date and death date, if applicable, and
writers, athletes, abolitionists, political were on point, as Lamberton teaches what the person is known for. Some
figures, authors, actors and actresses and language arts. The second wave was to slides include video and audio links, and
leaders in their fields. see it from a student’s perspective. all have links back to the sources of the
Recent figures like ballerina Misty Co- “They would be introduced to people information for more reading.
d peland, actor Chadwick Boseman and in our history that they’d never heard of Lamberton said she sent the link out to
g Vice President Kamala Harris are fea- before and learn new things about our other teachers in her building, with the Shanna Lamberton, a middle school lan-
tured, along with past figures like author past,” Lamberton said. hopes of sharing the knowledge her stu- guage arts teacher at Eastside Connections
- School, worked with her classes through
Phillis Wheatley, musician Muddy Wa- In her classroom, Lamberton said she dents found and published. February to create a virtual museum for
ters, and civil rights leaders Malcom X leads by example. By doing so, she can “I hope that they gave their students Black History Month. The students learned
d and Martin Luther King Jr. are included in set clear expectations. time to check it out,” she said.
- about black and African American histori-
the museum. “I chose to do a slide on author Ta-Ne- The link to the virtual museum is free cal figures and leaders and put together
Eighty students in seventh and eighth hisi Coates,” Lamberton said. “I love and available to the public on the Niles exhibits on each one for the museum. (Sub-
grade participated in putting together the learning about different authors. At the History Center’s webpage at mitted photos)
Page 12 • Saturday, March 6, 2021 OPINION/EDITORIAL Niles Daily Star

Niles Daily Star GUEST COLUMN

Ambrosia Neldon Failure to pay child support could
result in revoked DNR license
(269) 687-7700

Rhonda Rauen
(269) 687-7711

here is no way around it — the pan- APRIL McKEE work for all parties involved.
CUSTOMER SERVICE & DISTRIBUTION demic has put our way of living as we is an enforcement In order to receive their license back, the
Donna Knight knew it in an upheaval. It has brought caseworker for Cass payer needs to contact their local friend of
(269) 687-7717 many changes to what was previously consid- County Friend of the the court and let them know about their
ered “normal,” including changes to how child Court. Questions or current situation. The caseworker will work
Nicole Craven
support orders are enforced. Bearing in mind suggestions for future with the payer on an obtainable agreement
(269) 687-7727
the impact the pandemic has had on both the columns may be sent to to bring the payer into compliance with their
payer and payee as well as on our ability to support order so the license suspension can
EDITORIAL safely pursue in-person support enforcement be lifted by the court.
MANAGING EDITOR measures, the friend of the court has contin- It is important to keep in contact with the
Sarah Culton
ued enforcing payment of child support by using and one tool stood out — suspending friend of the court if you receive a notice
(269) 687-7712
increasing its use of some different enforce- Michigan Department of Natural Resourc- that your DNR license could be suspended
ment tools. es licenses. The process of DNR license as there are penalties outside of the FOC
SPORTS EDITOR In the past, many child support orders suspension is not new. However, technol- that can be imposed for hunting or fishing
Scott Novak were enforced through in-person show cause ogy advancements have allowed for better without a license, including up to 90 days in
(269) 687-7702 hearings in front of a referee. With the public communications between the DNR and jail and/or fines up to $500 plus additional having limited access to the law and courts point-of-sale locations and made the process fines depending on the type of game that is
building because of COVID, we have not been for suspension of recreational hunting and acquired without a license.
Christina Clark able to hold in-person show cause hearings. fishing licenses simpler. These improvements To many living in the state of Michigan,
(269) 687-7720 However, a show cause hearing is only one of compelled us to move forward with pursuing hunting, fishing and the outdoor is a way of many enforcement tools available to the FOC DNR license suspensions. life and given the rural area that our coun-
to ensure a party is regularly paying child sup- Before suspending a payer’s DNR license, ty covers, the same is true. So much that
Max Harden port. Several other enforcement tools avail- the payer must owe child support arrears of the DNR typically sells more than 1 million
(269) 687-7706 able include calling payers directly to obtain more than two months of the monthly sup- fishing licenses and half a million hunting
a payment, intercepting tax refunds; inter- port obligation. If a payer meets the arrears licenses every year. Additionally, in 2020 the
cepting bank accounts; wage withholdings; requirement, we attempt to contact the payer DNR sold more than 200,000 off road vehi-
ADVERTISING placing holds on passports; and suspending by either phone or letter. When we reach a cle licenses and more than 150,000 trail use
MARKETING CONSULTANTS professional licenses, drivers’ licenses, and payer, we discuss their current situation and permits.
Jen Bounds
recreational licenses. see what agreement we can reach to prevent Will suspending DNR recreational licenses
(269) 687-7717
Over the course of the COVID pandem- the suspension from moving forward. If no make a difference in terms of the FOC receiv-
ic, we have increased our calls to payers to contact is made, we move forward with the ing regular support payments for families
Bill Mathews work with them directly to obtain voluntary suspension. Once the suspension has taken and children? It appears so, as our office has
(269) 687-7725 payments. We also started looking into other place, the payer can still contact us, and we collected more than $4,500 since starting to tools available to us that we could increase will discuss on a resolution that will hopefully suspend DNR recreational licenses in Novem-
(269) 591-6105

Published Saturday except holidays

when the postal service does not deliver
mail: New Year’s Day, Independence Day,
Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day at
Make your voice heard!
217 N. Fourth Street, Niles, Michigan, by
Leader Publications LLC. Periodicals paid
Letters to the editor can be submitted three ways:
at the Niles Post Office, 741 Broadway St.
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Established in 1886 • USPS 390-620 Letters must be no more than 300 words and contain only one author.
Niles Daily Star OPINION/EDITORIAL Saturday, March 6, 2021 • Page 13

d Trying something different


Calls for investigation

into nursing home
A t 10 minutes after 3 p.m. on a
sunny spring afternoon, Big
John Hudson stepped from the
Amtrak train and took in the ambi-
deaths intensifying
ence of his new surroundings. He was
about to embark on the next chapter
of his life.

John had lived at the Center of the
Universe for all of the 30 [brief] years he governor of New York is currently em-
of his existence. It was a pleasant, full, broiled in multiple controversies, one of which
yet predictable life — starting every is for the state’s intentional underreporting of
morning at Sarah’s Diner, and joined nursing home resident deaths caused by COVID-19.
by the usual members of the Circular An investigation by the state’s attorney general
Congregation Breakfast Club. How- (one that received bipartisan support) found New
ever, recently, he began to yearn for York undercounted the number of deaths in nursing
something different. Not something home facilities by more than 50 percent.
more meaningful, more exciting or
Michigan, at the direction of Gov. Gretchen Whit-
even more pleasant — just something
different. mer, or at least with her consent, was one of only a
After much thought and consid- few states like New York that brought COVID-19-pos-
eration, Big John decided the most itive people into
LARRY WILSON nursing homes
logical thing to do was take his prize The pattern continued. The town KIM LASATA,
is a mostly lifelong resident of Niles.
cow and relocate to a small Indi- was set up differently, the timing of as a matter of R, represents the 21st
His essays stem from experiences,
ana town. He toyed with the idea of compilations and recollections from the stoplights was different, even the policy. To date, District, which includes
moving to an equally small Nebraska friends and family. He cans on the grocery store shelves were 36 percent Berrien, Cass and St. Joseph
town, but worried that the population in different places. Everything was counties. She can be
can be reached at w of our state’s reached at (517) 373-6960
of a small town in Indiana is com- different. However, John’s prize cow COVID-19 or SenKLaSata@senate.
parable to a booming metropolis in didn’t seem to notice any difference at deaths have
Nebraska — and John didn’t want all all. The grass in John’s new backyard
occurred among
that big-city, Cornhusker, hustle and to toss his hat down on the big, round, was just as sweet as the grass in his
bustle upsetting the sensitivities of his communal table —just like at Sarah’s. mom’s backyard, back home at the nursing home
prize cow. But there wasn’t one. Instead, John Center of the Universe. and long-term care facility populations. Despite the
The sight of John and his cow found a long counter and a half-doz- Eventually, Big John Hudson came horrific statistic and months of frustration and ques-
strolling away from the train station en booths, with patrons keeping to to the conclusion that different isn’t tioning by Republican lawmakers and others, the
was something not often seen on the themselves or in small groups of two always better — it’s just different. He Whitmer administration has defended the policy.
streets of Hoosierville — but it had or three. started to yearn for the sameness he In September, when I asked the governor’s then-di-
been seen before. Therefore, it did not This wasn’t Sarah’s Diner. This was once yearned to escape. He wanted rector of the Department of Health and Human
cause much of a stir. To be clear, John different. the same street alignment, the same Services why it took so long to form a task force to
did not charge off on this adventure Back at the Center of the Universe, stoplight timing, the same cans in find ways to keep nursing home residents safe, he
all willy-nilly. Prior to his exodus, he John sold water softeners. When he the same places on the same grocery responded, “We were busy.”
got on Craigslist and found a small decided to do something different, store shelves, and (most of all) he
I hope Attorney General Dana Nessel isn’t too busy
house for rent, just outside of his he transferred to his new town, so he wanted the same friends every morn-
chosen new town. The advertisement could do the same thing someplace ing at breakfast. to respond to calls for an official investigation into
said that pets were allowed, and John different. His usual sales technique Fortunately for John, his boss liked the Whitmer policy, which have so far been ignored.
signed a lease, sight unseen. Likewise, was to visit a potential customer, his work ethic and ability to sell water Families deserve answers as to how and why they lost
his new landlord accepted John’s pet, test their water, and if it was hard, he softeners to folks that liked how their their loved ones in what was supposed to be a safe
sight unseen. Big John Hudson and would try to sell them a softener — hair and skin felt after a shower. environment.
his prize cow were ready for some- because that is what you need if you Equally fortunate, John’s landlord It is time that the governor’s party faithful recon-
thing different. have hard water. If their water wasn’t was quite willing to terminate his sider who or what is more important — politics or
The next morning, Big John eagerly hard, he would try to sell them a soft- lease — once he found out the nature people in nursing homes — and join in calling for an
entered the local diner, anticipating ener anyway — because it made their of John’s pet. Big John Hudson re- investigation.
joining his new neighbors in stimu- hair and skin feel good after a shower. turned home to the Center of the Uni- Even then, it might just be time, like in New York,
lating morning conversation — just The folks in his new town did not like verse, happy to have done something
for the FBI to do what state Democrats won’t: seek
like he had always done at Sarah’s. He soft water. They felt it wasn’t natural. different, and equally happy to not be
walked through the front door, ready This was different. doing it anymore. justice for Michigan’s nursing home victims of
Page 14 • Saturday, March 6, 2021 LIFESTYLES Niles Daily Star


“L’eggo my Eggo” and grab hold

of Waffle’s leash. This handsome
2- to 3-year-old boy is ready
for adventure and fun. Waffles
certifiably has a zest for life and
loves to play with other dogs,
volunteers said.
He has a need for tennis balls;
they bring a smile to his face. Only
Jones 40 pounds, he is ready to pack up
Andrew Jones, 36, of Dowagiac, celebrated his birthday
Feb. 26. His family includes Miranda Barger, Abigail Jones, and go or enjoy a snuggle on a cozy
Isaiah Jones, Olivia Merkling and Baby Jones. The family blanket (with tennis ball, too). He
will celebrate with dinner and festivities to follow at Niles’ is neutered, and is current on all
Restaurant Week.
ANNOUNCEMENTS For more information, call
Berrien County Animal Control,
Manchester University announces fall 2020 dean’s list
NORTH MANCHESTER, Ind. — In fall 2020, 382 under- 9269) 927-5648.
graduate students who were named to Manchester Col-
lege’s dean’s list.
Two of those students are Niles natives Jora Barnes and
Carly Greaves. Barnes is majoring in criminology. Greaves

United Way invites community to

is majoring in English.
Students earning a semester grade point average of 3.5
or higher who have completed at least 12 semester hours

sponsor children to receive free books

with no more than three hours of Pass/Not Pass grades are
included on the Dean’s List.


• Sponsor a child for one
Smuda-Mejer SOUTHWEST MICHIGAN year, providing 12 books —
Veronica Smuda and Stephen Mejer, of Buchanan, are — March is National Read- $25
the parents of a daughter, Marlaina Mejer, born at 1 p.m. ing Month, and United Way • Sponsor a child for three
Feb. 17, 2021, at Spectrum Health Lakeland in Niles. of Southwest Michigan is en- years, providing 36 books —
Marlaina weighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce and was 19 inches couraging the community to $75
long. rally around early childhood • Sponsor a child for the
literacy by sponsoring 200 whole program, five years,
King-Rzanca children to participate in providing 60 books — $125
Mya King and Randy Rzanca, of Niles, are the parents of Dolly Parton’s Imagination United Way’s goal for
a daughter, Mayla Rzanca, born at 12:12 a.m. Feb. 21, 2021, Library for five years. propriate book mailed to lies, regardless of income. this March campaign is the
at Spectrum Health Lakeland in Niles. Dolly Parton’s Imagina- their home each month until However, the cost for United sponsorship of 200 children
She weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces and was 21 inches long. tion Library serves children their fifth birthday. This pro- Way to provide this program for the full five years.
Maternal grandparents are Jodi and Jerry King, of Niles. from birth through age 5 to gram not only affects kinder- is $25 per child per year. United Way offers spon-
Paternal grandparents are Sandra and Randy Rzanca, of help them develop early lit- garten readiness, but it also Everyone is invited to sors the opportunity to hon-
Niles. eracy skills, foster a love of makes a big impact on third sponsor one or more chil- or or remember someone
Maternal great-grandmother is Carol Wilson, of Debary, reading, and be prepared to grade reading proficiency. dren to participate in Dolly special in their lives with
Florida. enter kindergarten. Children DPIL is provided free of Parton’s Imagination Li- their sponsorship.
Paternal great-grandparent is Allegra Worcester, of enrolled in DPIL receive a charge to all children under brary, United Way officials To sponsor, visit uwsm.
Niles. specially selected age-ap- the age of 5 and their fami- said. org/DPIL.
Niles Daily Star BUSINESS Saturday, March 6, 2021 • Page 15

Berrien, Cass County businesses awarded

Michigan Small Business Survival grants
STAFF REPORT of up to $15,000 awarded to businesses that
have been partially closed, or otherwise are
CASS COUNTY — Southwest Michigan open and can demonstrate an impact. A
businesses received more than $4 million total of 5 percent of overall funding for the
in grants from the Michigan Small Business program was able to go toward administra-
Survival Grant Program. tive costs of the economic development or-

According to a press release from the ganizations administering the grants.
Michigan Economic Development Corpora- The State of Michigan appropriated the
tion, $4,150,000 was allocated to assist 279 funds through Senate Bill 748, signed into

businesses in southwest Michigan with the law by Governor Gretchen Whitmer, to sup-
retention of 3,819 jobs. port Michigan’s small businesses that have
In total, the MEDC distributed $52.5 mil- been especially impacted as a result of the
lion to more than 5,500 small businesses COVID-19 pandemic.
across the state. The Michigan Small Business Survival Local newspapers have the print and digital advertising solutions
“The Michigan Small Business Survival Grants program was administered by 15 lo- to help businesses bring customers back and quickly regain lost
Grant Program provides crucial support cal or nonprofit economic development or- revenue. Local newspapers’ reach across products has never been
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Gretchen Whitmer. “These grants, com- ministering the program for Cass and Ber-
bined with additional business relief efforts
offered by the MEDC, will create a strong
rien counties.
Cass and Berrien County businesses that
When it comes to delivering results
foundation for Michigan’s long-term eco- received grant funding include: for local businesses,

nomic recovery. As we distribute the safe • Wegner’s Lakeside Bar and Grill, 2628
and effective vaccine and work to end the Lake Shore Dr., Niles
pandemic once and for all, I will continue • Locri, 510 N. Front St., Niles
partnering with leaders across the state and
urging passage of the MI COVID Recovery
plan to provide relief for our small business-
• JT Motors, 2555 S. 11th St., Niles
• Hob Nob Bistro, 1109 S. 11th St., Niles
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es, protect public health and jumpstart our • Stoler/Kindt Associates, Inc., 21854 Lake Reach, Results, Solutions
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Find out more at or follow us on Twitter
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businesses that are fully closed, with grants • Innovation X, LLC, Cass County
(269) 687-7702
For more stories and photos


Div. All
Plainwell 7-0 7-0
Vicksburg 6-2 6-2
Edwardsburg 5-2 5-3
Three Rivers 5-2 6-2
Otsego 4-3 4-4
Paw Paw 2-5 3-7
Sturgis 2-5 2-6
Allegan 0-6 3-7
Dowagiac 0-6 0-9
Red Division Div. All
Buchanan 4-0 7-0
Niles 3-1 7-2
South Haven 3-2 4-4
Brandywine 2-2 8-2
Comstock 0-3 0-9
Berrien Springs 0-4 0-6
Schools Div. All
Bloomingdale 4-0 6-2
Mendon 3-1 5-1
Centreville 3-1 3-1
Marcellus 3-1 5-4
Hartford 3-2 5-3
White Pigeon 2-2 2-4
Bangor 1-4 2-5
Decatur 1-4 1-5
Cassopolis 0-5 0-5

Cody French has been named the new Niles varsity football coach. He replaces Joe Sasanno after five seasons with the Vikings. (Leader photo/SCOTT NOVAK)

French tabbed to rebuild program

Div. All
Otsego 6-1 6-1
By SCOTT NOVAK last season. He was also an assistant coach for cess in this competitive atmosphere and lead Edwardsburg 5-2 5-2 Shattuck at Elkhart Central and Seymour High Niles High School to championships.” Three Rivers 5-2 5-3
School, also in Indiana. Upton liked what he read, and so did the Paw Paw 4-3 7-4
NILES — Cody French has been given the “The first email I received from Cody Niles hiring committee. Sturgis 4-3 5-3
task of turning around the Niles football French stated ‘my passion, knowledge, expe- “In announcing our new football coach to- Plainwell 4-3 4-3
program. rience and coaching success have prepared day, I believe that statement is a very good Dowagiac 1-5 2-7
French, who was an assistant coach at me to be the next head coach of the Vikings, indication of the coach we will have leading Allegan 1-5 4-6
Elkhart [Indiana] High School in 2020, was an- and to help Niles High School compete for our program,” Upton said. “Cody realizes that Vicksburg 1-7 1-7
nounced as the Vikings’ varsity coach, replac- championships in the fall,’” said Niles Athletic he needs to increase participation numbers
ing Joe Sassano after five seasons. Director Jeff Upton. in Niles and get our student-athletes in the BCS
French, who played his high school football French went on to say, “Niles is located in an weight room so they can be properly condi- Red Division Div. All
at Gladwin High School under Coach Josh Sat- area, and plays in a conference, with high cal- tioned for success on Friday nights.
tuck, was the co-defensive coordinator and iber football. I have the vision, work ethic and
defensive line coach for Shattuck at Elkhart football knowledge to facilitate and guide suc- See FRENCH, page 19 See STANDINGS, page 19
Niles Daily Star SPORTS Saturday, March 6, 2021 • Page 17


Brandywine rallies to defeat rival Buchanan

By SCOTT NOVAK loss, said these are the types of nights his team needs to prepare
for the state tournament, which
NILES — After sweeping Berrien begins in two weeks. He also gave
Springs and Colon in the first two credit to the Bobcats for doing
rounds of the Brandywine Quad what they needed to do for the
on Wednesday night, the arch rival win.
Bobcats and Bucks turned their “You have to give it to up to
sights on each other in a key BCS Brandywine,” he said. “There
Conference. were some key match-ups that
Despite both teams having to didn’t go our way. We still wres-
give up points due to forfeits, the tled hard and still did what we
match was high-energy and in- could do on a shortened season.
tense. Buchanan had a chance to I think it will be a lot of fun in
get the win over Brandywine, but a couple of weeks at team dis-
the Bobcats rallied late, earned a tricts. No matter how it falls, it is
few key victories, and came away going to be a lot of fun between
with a 45-36 victory. us, Dowagiac [district host],
Brandywine improved to 12-6 Brandywine and Berrien.”
overall and 3-1 in BCS matches Going undefeated on the night
with three wins on Wednesday. Brandywine’s Kevin Roberts works for a pin during the Bobcats’ 46-36 victory over arch rival Buchanan on Wednesday. (Leader photo/ for the Bobcats were Allison Lau-
Trailing 30-9 after Buchanan’s SCOTT NOVAK) ri (103), Kaiden Rieth (112), Drake
win at 152 pounds, a pin by Jack- Heath (119/125), Hunter Health
son Starnes over Gage Hoskins in 160 pounds. Gavin Schoff followed Buchanan’s Mason Colglazier Coach Rex Pomranka. “We gave up (160), Schoff (171), McCullough
1:22, the Bobcats went on a roll, that up with a pin of Brayden Se- stopped the bleeding with Ben some points, but I am happy with (189) and McLaurin (215).
winning four consecutive match- basty in 1:03 at 171 pounds before McKee’s pin in 3:39 at 285 pounds, our young guys. We came out and Going undefeated for the Bucks
es, all by pins, to take a 33-30 lead Ivory McCullough pinned Alex which gave the Bucks the lead fought hard, even in the matches were Zach Weaver (2-0 at 125),
on the Bucks with three bouts re- Weinberg in 21 seconds at 189 back at 36-33. that we lost. I had it being 39-39, Frank Furst (130), Walker Bartz
maining. pounds to move the Bobcats to Unfortunately for Buchanan, it and we would have lost on criteria (135/140), Jackson Starnes (152)
Brandywine’s Hunter Heath, within three points. had to forfeit the final two weight [ forfeits]. The 215 match was big. I and Colglazier (285).
who earlier this year picked up Philip McLaurin capped off the classes, which allowed the Bob- told our upper weights we had to The Bobcats are back on the mat
his 150th career victory, got the streak of pins at 215 pounds with cats to pull out the win. pin out, and they did it.” Saturday as they travel to Bronson
pin parade started when he stuck his in over Dean Roberts in 45 sec- “I am pleased with our young Buchanan veteran Coach Andy for a quad. Wrestling is set to be-
the Bucks’ Andrew Ruth in 1:57 at onds. team,” said veteran Brandywine Riggs, while not happy about the gin at 10 a.m.


Coaches dislike format changes for state tournament

By SCOTT NOVAK Instead of bowling separate compe- The MHSAA is using the new format titions to decide the finals qualifiers, in order for bowling centers to be able
all regional participants will bowl four to space out participants over twice as
NILES — As bowling teams are games on their designated day with many lanes. There will also be a limited
wrapping up their regular seasons, the their scores determining the qualifiers number of spectators allowed, which
Michigan High School Athletic Associ- for the state finals. will be based on the current Michigan
ation announced changes to the for- There will also be no Baker games Department of Health and Human Ser-
mat for the regionals and finals, which at the regionals. Instead, 20 regular vices guidelines.
begin March 19. games will be bowled, four each by five Niles Coach Jim Jaynes and Brandy-
Regionals will remain a two-day bowlers or subs. A bowler must roll wine Coach Pepper Miller are happy
event, but instead of the team competi- four games in order to qualify for the there will be a state tournament, but
tion on Friday and singles competition finals. not particularly thrilled with the new
on Saturday, the MHSAA has decided Two teams and 10 individual singles format.
Conner Weston land the Niles bowling team went 8-2 during the regular to have the boys compete on March 19 will advance to the state finals March
season after their win over Burr Oak. (Leader photo/SCOTT NOVAK) and the girls compete on March 20. 26-27. See CHANGES, page 19
Page 18 • Saturday, March 6, 2021 SPORTS Niles Daily Star


Niles rebounds after suffering first losses

By MAXWELL HARDEN Niles’ defense. The Vikings held some subs in.” South Haven to just two points in The Vikings move to 7-2 (3-1 BCS
the second quarter. Red Division) on the season and
NILES — The Niles girls basket- “We were focused on playing are currently in second place in the
ball team took care of business defense and boxing out,” said Niles BCS league. Johnson is proud of
Tuesday night against visiting coach Jessica Johnson. “We strug- how her players have stepped up in
South Haven. gle with boxing out, so this game the absence of junior forward Ama-
The Vikings used a 13-0 sec- gave us a chance to focus on that.” ra Palmer.
ond-quarter run to pull away from Tuesday’s win over the Rams was “They’ve come a long way,” she
the Rams and went on to win 51-24. Niles’ fourth game in five nights, said. “Everyone has stepped up in
Three players scored in double with the Vikings going 2-2 in the their own ways. Everybody appears
figures for the Vikings, led by Na- stretch, with losses to Buchanan to know their roles on the team
talie Lucero’s 12 points. Kamryn Friday and Mattawan Saturday be- and have stepped up in Palmer’s
Patterson and Alexis Rauch each fore rebounding with a 58-48 win absence. I’ve been really impressed
tallied 11 points while Sydney Skar- over Lakeshore on Monday. with them, especially after fight-
bek added nine. Up 32-8 at halftime, “I’m really proud of the girls for ing so hard against Buchanan, and
the Vikings led by as many as 32 always playing defense and being then we took a loss to Mattawan. I
points when a Patterson 3-pointer aggressive,” Johnson said. “I was wasn’t sure how the girls were go-
gave Niles a 42-10 advantage late in concerned coming into the game ing to bounce back from that, but
the third quarter. because this is our fourth game they bounced back, and we’re hap-
Jordyn Holland and Lexie Young in five days. I didn’t know how py about it. There was a lot of ener-
scored nine and eight points, much legs they were gonna have gy out there, which helps other girls
respectively, for the Rams, who for the game. I was happy to get on the floor. Tonight was definitely Niles’ Alexis Rauch tries to get to the basket against South Haven Tuesday night. (Leader
found tough sledding against a good start so that we could get a team effort.” photo/MAXWELL HARDEN)

Niles boys team snaps 21-game losing streak against Buchanan

By SCOTT NOVAK Vikings, which dates back Touhey said about 6-foot-7 cause that builds confidence.” Carson wasn’t able to move ken ankle. Young was averaging 16.5 to pre-COVID times. The senior Logan Carson. “That Bradley would finish with him or do what he wanted points per game after the Bucks’ first
last Niles win came on Jan. is a difficult matchup for us nine points, all on 3-point- with him. So, Murray’s contri- two contests.
NILES — The waiting is 7, 2020, when it defeated because of our size. So, for our ers. The Vikings were able to bution tonight was big.” Besides Carson, Buchanan got
over. New Buffalo. kids to continue to fight and spread the offense around The loss was the second 14 points from Gavin Fazi. Ma-
For the first two weeks “I am just so happy for our execute what we asked them as Adrian Thomas scores straight for the Bucks in Red coy West added seven points.
of the high school basket- boys,” said second-year Niles to do to neutralize Carson all 14 points, George Pullen Division action. Buchanan (4- Niles hosted Mattawan in a
ball season, the Niles boys Coach Patrick Touhey. “As the way to the end, I am just scored 12, while Mike Gil- 3, 1-2 Red Division) was edged non-conference game Saturday
team has been waiting for you know, it has been a long very happy for our boys.” crese added eight.” by arch rival Brandywine the afternoon.
everything to come togeth- time. We have had compet- The Vikings would hold Touhey said that a bulsk previous Friday night. Veter- The visiting Wildcats defeat-
er. The Vikings came close itive contests, and we have Carson to 15 points and only of the credit goes to the ef- an Bucks’ Coach Reid McBeth ed the Vikings 48-34. No further
to winning through the first had contests that were close allowed one other Buchan- fort his team put in to stop said the game was lost early. results are available. Niles lost
five games of the 2020-21 enough that we could get a an player to reach double the Bucks at the court’s of- “I think it was the first to host Lakeshore on Monday,
season, but could not quite win. But we were never able figures. Niles (1-5, 1-2 Red fensive end. quarter,” he said about the dif- 50-26.
finish the job. to close the deal.” Division) was able to do that “Two things help us ac- ference in the outcome. “We

Against visiting Buchanan Snapping the losing streak with their quickness and complish what we wanted didn’t match their intensity.
Friday night, Niles put a com- in itself was a big deal, but to athletic ability. tonight,” he said. “Our defense I don’t think my kids showed
plete game together as it got get it against a rival school “We wanted to spread was awesome tonight. Our up ready to play. We have to
off to a quick start, maintain like Buchanan, which is one them out and create oppor- rotations, our ability to rotate learn how to do that because, Continued from page 16
control of the game through- of the top Class B programs tunities by attacking space,” down and create traffic in the every night across the coun-
out, and held off a Buchanan in southwest Michigan, was Touhey said. “But, impor- paint, never let him [Carson] try, teams that don’t show up Brandywine 3-0 6-2
rally in the final minutes of even bigger as far as confi- tantly, when we attack, pull become comfortable. The in- ready to play get beat.” Comstock 1-1 8-1
its 49-46 BCS Red Division dence is concerned. up and shoot the 10-footer or ternational student [Murray Buchanan will play the re- Berrien Springs 1-1 3-5
victory. “Buchanan is a very good 8-footer or kick it out. Austin Allan] from Scotland did an mainder of the season with- Niles 2-2 2-7
The win snapped a 21- team that has a very large Bradley came up big for us. unbelievable job of hounding out its leading scorer Ryan Buchanan 1-2 5-3
game losing streak for the presence in the middle,” That is a big thing for him be- him. He has such strength, Young, who suffered a bro- South Haven 1-3 2-6
Niles Daily Star SPORTS Saturday, March 6, 2021 • Page 19

Continued from page 16
opposing head coaches, who were
extremely impressed by Cody’s or-
ganization, game plan and execu-
tion from his players.”
both the Elkhart Central and Sey-
mour programs with Shattuck.
At Elkhart Central last season,
the Lions were 9-1 and won the 6A
people in the hiring and the inter-
view process really stood out to
me,” French said. “It is very close to
home for me, so we do not have to
probably 50 players. You could feel
their excitement.”
French said that putting together
a coaching staff and getting players
French played college football at sectional championship. move right now. Through the pro- out and into the weight room to be-
“He brings to our community the St. Joseph’s in Rensselaer, Indiana. French was equally impressed cess of meeting the individuals on gin conditioning are top priorities.
drive to succeed, yet admits he has He spent five years at St. Joseph’s with how Niles conducted its job the hiring committee, and obvious- Sassano was 11-32 in five seasons,
much to learn and will always strive before beginning his high school search. ly the player meeting was awesome. including 1-6 in the COVID-short-
to improve. His references included coaching career. He helped rebuild “The quality and character of the There was a good group in there, ened 2020 season.

teams in, then spreading them wrapped up its regular season at
out and sharing lanes with other Joey Armadillo’s against Burr Oak
teams seems like more risk than on Monday.
Continued from page 17 reward as each team has kind of The Vikings defeated Burr Oak
been isolated together until now.” 27-3 to post an 8-2 overall re-
“First and foremost, I am all for Miller was happy the state put cord and a 6-2 mark, which was
the athletes to compete,” Jaynes something together for the stu- good enough for first place in
said. “During these trying times, dent athletes. the Southwest Activities Confer-
the athletes need to have some “Out of all the winter sports, ence’s South Division.
sort of normalcy.” bowling is the safest as far as not Niles swept the Baker Matches,
As far as his thoughts on the having physical contact with the winning 223-148 and 218-115.
format, Jaynes said, “I am sure opposing team,” she said. “I feel Andrew Jackson turned in the
many people in charge tried to they could make it safer by keep- top series with a 297. Nathan
maintain some kind of integrity ing the teams together instead of Ryman had the top game as he
within the changes during this spreading them out. I really do rolled a 243.
ever-changing year. Right away, not like the format, but if this is Brandywine results are cur-
no Baker competition and re- the only way we get to move for- rently unavailable. Check out
gionals, then reverting to a Bak- ward to finish the season, then I Saturday’s print edition, as well
er-rich format at the state finals guess we will take it.” as for those The Brandywine bowling team will wrap up the regular season at the SAC Tournament
seems odd. Bringing complete The Niles boys bowling team scores. on Friday. (Leader photo/SCOTT NOVAK)

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Page 20 • Saturday, March 6, 2021 OBITUARIES Niles Daily Star

Martha Fee Rosual “Andy” Brand, Rue- etery in Buchanan.

April 4, 1936 — March 3, 2021 ben Brand, Solomon Brand, In keeping with the
Mamie Bankston; her chil- COVID-19 guidelines, the
Martha J. Fee, 84, of Niles, dren, LeRoy Fee, Marshall gathering is limited, the
passed away on Wednesday, Fee, Cathy Hare, Ronnie Fee, State of Michigan requires
March 3, 2021, at her daugh- and Shirley Killion. all in attendance to follow all
ter’s home in Niles. Martha is survived by her guidelines including, social
She was born in Fayette, children, Brenda (John) Roos, distancing, mandatory mask
Alabama on April 6, 1936, of Niles; Archie (Katrina) Fee, and hand sanitizing. Brown
to the late James L. and Lily of Niles, Sammie Fee, of Niles; Funeral Home appreciates
Mae (Wright) Brand. nineteen grandchildren; a your assistance helping us to
Martha married Archibald host of great-grandchildren; keep everyone in attendance
Fee in Tupelo, Mississippi. along with a large extended healthy.
She worked in several fields family. Condolences, photos, and
throughout her lifetime; Funeral services will be memories may be left for
she was a cook, a taxi driv- especially cardinals. held at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, the family at BrownFuneral-
er, a home health-care aid, She was preceded in death March 9, 2021, at Brown Fu-
We’ll be there when you need us most and most recently a security by her parents; husband, Ar- neral Home, 521 E. Main St., Arrangements have been
guard. In her free time, she chibald Fee; siblings, Willard Niles. A time of visitation will entrusted to Brown Funeral
enjoyed crocheting, knitting, Pendley, Dempsey Pendley, be held one hour prior. Burial Home & Cremation Services,
and watching for red birds, David Pendley, Ruth Stough, will follow at Oak Ridge Cem- of Niles.

Michael David
Shibinski Barbara Burton, 84, of Dowagiac, died Satur-
day, Feb. 27, 2021, at her home. Arrangements are
July 12, 1949 — Feb. 25, 2021
in-progress at the Halbritter-Wickens Funeral Home
in Niles.
On Thursday, Feb. 25,
2021, Mike Shibinski, loving Viola Clark, 95, of Dowagiac, passed Saturday,
father, passed away in his Feb. 27, 2021, at Timbers of Cass County. Arrange-
home at the age of 71. ments are pending and entrusted to Brown Funeral
Born on July 12, 1949, in Home & Cremation Services, Niles. BrownFuneral-
Mansfield, Ohio, he worked
at French Paper Company
for 41 years. He lived with Martha Fee, 84, of Niles, passed away Wednesday,
his partner Kim Dailey, for March 3, 2021, at home Arrangements are pending
the last 10 years. and entrusted to Brown Funeral Home & Cremation
Mike had three daughters, Services, Niles.
Tricia (Karl) Dinda, Chanda his parents David and Anna
(Brian) Skalski, and Carrie (Beuila) Shibinski, and his Tracy Keck Sr., 78, of Niles, died Tuesday, March
(Seth Freyer) Shibinski. He brother, Jeffery Shibinski. 2, 2021. Arrangements are being made by Halbritter
also leaves five grandchil- He leaves his daughters and Wickens Funeral Home, of Niles.
dren, Grace Marie Dinda, partner with fond memo-
Brianna Paige Skalski, Isa- ries. Dixie Krueger, 78, of Niles, passed away Monday,
bella Alexandra Skalski, Ad- No services will be held March 1, 2021, at her home. Arrangements are pend-
ison Avery Krieger, and Bro- at this time, due to COVID. ing and entrusted to Brown Funeral Home & Crema-
die Michael Shibinski. Condolences may be sent to tion Services, Niles.
He is preceded in death by
Danette Lovelace, 57, of Dowagiac, passed Feb.
25, 2021. Funeral services were March 4, 2021 at
Shopping on a budget? Brown Funeral Home & Cremation Services. The fu-
neral video is available at BrownFuneralHomeNiles.
We can help! com.
Find the best deals each
Sunday in The Leader
Mickie L. Lundy, 70, of Edwardsburg, died Mon-
day, Feb. 22, 2021. The family will observe a private
remembrance. Arrangements entrusted to Wagner
Family Funerals, Cassopolis. Please share a memo-
ry or a message and read full obituary online: wag-
Leader Publications (269) 683-2100 • 217 N. Fourth St.
Niles Daily Star COMICS Saturday, March 6, 2021 • Page 21




Page 22 • Saturday, March 6, 2021 COMICS Niles Daily Star


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contain the numbers 1 through 9
wihtout repetition.





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washing,spring additional words per-week! tions, the 2021 Board of Review will be an “online only” virtual meeting or a taxpayer may
cleanups,trimming and Buy 3 ads, receive each 4th ad “write-in” their petition to Milton Township -- Attn: March Board Of Review @ 32097 Bertrand St.
FREE! Call
Put your ad here edging services 1-800-783-0267 Niles, Michigan 49120, to examine and review the 2021 Assessment Roll. The board will convene
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269-208-9838 Rustic Table and Chairs, MISCELLANEOUS mation concerning the online “Ring Central” meeting and any instructions on how to attend.)
PATCH between 2009-
989-923-1278 present? Did you suffer WHVWVDQGWRHTXDOL]HWKHDVVHVVPHQWV By board resolution, residents are able to protest
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Page 26 • Saturday, March 6, 2021 Niles Daily Star
Niles Daily Star CLASSIFIEDS Saturday, March 6, 2021 • Page 27
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
Services Services
Roofing and Guttering
Public Notices Public Notices
p y ( ) y
Public Notices
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instantly compare speed, makes it easy. FREE design 2003 Ford Vin #
pricing, availability to find the consultation. Enjoy your City of Niles Public Act 359 of 1941, as
1FTNE24L834C07328 amended, and Chapter 8, Ar-
best service for your needs. shower again! Call 2001 Chevrolet Vin#
Starting at $39.99/month! 1-855-504-0697 Niles Daily Star: ticle III “Noxious Weeds” of
1GNC518W81K265087 Mar. 6, 2021 the Niles Charter Township
Quickly compare offers from today to see how you can save 2001 Subaru Vin #
top providers. Call $1,000 on installation, BIDS/RECLOSER Code of Ordinances the own-
JF15F65651H758545 ers/occupants of the improved
1-844-290-4041 or visit Put your ad here properties within the Township
For viewing times and location shall cut weeds, grass and
GENERAC Standby cpmn contact RoadRunner Towing
call 269-591-6105.
Generators provide backup uncontrolled plant growth to
269-429-5080 PUBLIC NOTICE a height of not more than 10”
power during utility power The Generac PWRcell, a solar
outages, so your home and plus battery storage system. by May 1, 2021. The weeds,
Niles Daily Star: The City of Niles, Michigan, is grass and uncontrolled plant
family stay safe and SAVE money, reduce your Mar. 6, 2021
comfortable. Prepare now. reliance on the grid, prepare for issuing a Request for Propos- growth must be maintained
Free 7-year extended warranty power outages and power your Septic Tank Service PUBLIC NOTICE
DOV 5)3  IURP KLJKO\ TXDOL¿HG and/or cut to a height of not
marihuana businesses seeking more than 10” throughout the
($695 value!). Request a free home. Full installation services
quote today! Call for additional available. $0 Down Financing licensure within the City limits. balance of the year 2021 on
terms and conditions. Option. Request a FREE, no CITY OF NILES, MICHIGAN all improved property within
Deer Path Excavating INVITATION TO BID Request for Proposals the Township.
1-855-922-0420. obligation, quote today. Call
1-855-476-9698 Septic Repair and all other 34.5 kV RECLOSER Marihuana Proposers In default whereof, NOTICE IS
Having men’s health issues? Excavating needs!! INSTALLATION PROJECT HEREBY GIVEN that the Char-
Thanks to science, ED can be Put your ad here Please Call: 269-208-5180 &LW\ RI 1LOHV 'HVLJQDWHG &RQ- ter Township of Niles may enter
optional. Try HIMS. Connect call 269-591-6105. Sealed proposals marked “Bids tact: Sanya Vitale, Community the premises and cut the same
for 34.5 kV Recloser Installation Development Director as frequently as necessary
Project” will be received by the 4XHVWLRQV PXVW EH VXEPLWWHG during 2021 to comply with the
&LW\RI1LOHVLQWKH2I¿FHRIWKH electronically only, no telephone foregoing regulations and may
One solution for oxygen at Utilities Manager, 333 N. Sec- FDOOVDFFHSWHG
ond Street, Suite 201, Niles, Email: CommunityDevelop
charge the cost thereof against
the property owner and for col-
home, away, and for travel Michigan 49120 until 2:30 P.M. lection may place the amount
(local time) on Thursday, March The Request for proposals is upon the next tax roll of the
25, 2021 at which time and available on the City’s website Charter Township as a tax lien
Introducing the INOGEN ONE place the proposals will be pub- at: against the offending premises.
It’s oxygen therapy on your terms licly opened virtually and read TXHQWO\BUHTXHVWHGELGVBDQGB PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NO-
aloud for furnishing the City of proposals.php TICE that any owner in default
No more tanks to refill. No more deliveries. No more hassles with Niles with the following: of the foregoing obligation to cut
travel. The INOGEN ONE portable oxygen concentrator is designed 7KH DQWLFLSDWHG VFKHGXOH IRU shall also be subject to a civil
34.5 kV RECLOSER this Request for Proposal is as ¿QH RI XS WR  IRU HDFK YL-
to provide unparalleled freedom for oxygen therapy users. It’s
INSTALLATION PROJECT follows: olation. Such cutting obligation
small, lightweight, clinically proven for stationary and portable 5)3,VVXHG)HEUXDU\ VKDOOQRWDSSO\WR¿HOGVGHYRWHG
use, during the day and at night, and can go virtually anywhere The Proposal and Contract Last Date for Questions: March to growing any small grain or
— even on most airlines. Inogen accepts Medicare and IRUPVDVZHOODVWKH6SHFL¿FD-  vegetable crop.
tions under which the work will 3URSRVDO 'XH 'DWH 0DUFK  This notice is published in ac-
many private insurances! EHGRQHDUHRQ¿OHDQGPD\EH  cordance with said Public Act
examined at the Utilities Depart- and Ordinance by order of the
PHQW2I¿FH16HFRQG6W Submission Instructions Niles Charter Township Board.
Reclaim Your Freedom Niles, Michigan, 49120 where $SSOLFDWLRQV PDUNHG ³0DULKXD-
And Independence may also be obtained under the E\WKH&LW\RI1LOHVLQWKH2I¿FH Terry Eull, Clerk
NOW! Utilities link of the City of Niles of the Community Develop- 320 Bell Road
website at PHQW'LUHFWRUDW16HFRQG Niles, MI 49120
All bidders are required to sign  QR ODWHU WKDQ 7XHVGD\
they will comply with all Feder- 3OHDVH VXEPLW RQH   RULJLQDO Mar. 6, 2021
al and State non-discrimination DQG RQH   FRSLHV RI \RXU UH- CUT WEEDS
laws and regulations. sponse to this RFP. There are
Call Inogen Today To The City reserves the right to PHQWV IRU IRQW PDUJLQ DQGRU
Need to find
Request Your FREE Info Kit reject any or all proposals, to SDSHU VL]H 5HVSRQGHQWV PXVW the right employee?
waive irregularities in proposals DOVRVXEPLWDQHOHFWURQLFSGI¿OH
and to accept the proposal that, RI WKHLU SURSRVDO RQ MXPS GULYH
in the opinion of the City Coun- RUFGZLWKWKHLUSURSRVDO WE CAN HELP.
1-877-460-0206 cil, is most advantageous to the
City. Late submissions will not be ac-
Reach the county for less using Leader
Publications classifieds. Need a quick
quote? Submit your ad online at
No proposal shall be withdrawn
© 2020 Inogen, Inc. All rights reserved. MKT-P0108 after the opening of proposals 1LOHV'DLO\6WDU0DU Call 269-591-6105.
for a period of thirty (30) days RFP MARIHUANA PROP
Page 28 • Saturday, March 6, 2021 EDWARDSBURG ARGUS Niles Daily Star

Dowagiac man heading back to jail

Two others sentenced
through Adult Treatment
Court Friday morning
Leader Publications Contributor

man who cut off his electronic
tether last fall is going to be spend-
ing more time in jail after being
sentenced Friday in Cass County
Circuit Court.
Zachary Ryan Williams, 24, of
Cherry Grove Road in Dowagiac,
pleaded guilty to tampering with
electronic monitoring and was Zachary Ryan Williams Michael Fritsche Richard Owen Kapiszka Ingvar Korogodsky
sentenced to 330 days in jail with
credit for no days served. He must Defense attorney Robert Drake you’re going to spend a lot of time is your second felony conviction,” you to prison, I hope you keep that
pay $1,548 in fines and costs and noted that Williams has “a lot of behind bars. Subsequent convic- Judge Herman said. “You’re still in mind.”
$690 in restitution for the cost of business to unwind” with the other tions will increase your guidelines living in Edwardsburg with your “You need to get your act togeth-
the tether. charges he faces here and in other to a prison sentence. That’s just the mother. It’s time to grow up, act er,” he added. “You can’t change
Williams is currently on parole states. reality of it.” like a man, get a job and support what you did in the past, but you
from a 2019 assault by strangula- “He’s not going to just be walk- Two other area residents were yourself. Part of the problem is can move forward and change your
tion or suffocation conviction out ing out the door,” he said. ordered to complete the Adult that you have no responsibilities.” life for the better. … I hope you’re
of Ottawa County. Cass County Williams admitted that he has Treatment Court program as part Katrina Marie Rice, 41, of Les- serious about changing your life. If
Circuit Judge Mark Herman or- been wasting his life away the last of their sentence. ter Street in Dowagiac, pleaded not, prison is on your horizon.”
dered that Williams can serve his few years and making bad deci- Michael Joseph Fritsche, 32, of guilty to possession of metham- In other sentencings:
jail term in any correctional facil- sions. U.S. 12 in Edwardsburg, pleaded phetamine as a habitual offender • Richard Owen Kapiszka,
ity. “This is the first time that I’ve guilty to possession of metham- and was sentenced to three years’ 35, of South Bend, pleaded guilty
The incident occurred Sept. 21, gotten help,” he said. “I want to phetamine and was sentenced to probation, completion of the Adult to conspiracy to commit larceny
2020, in Dowagiac when he cut off move forward, I know I have a lot three years’ probation, completion Treatment Court program, cred- over $1,000 and less than $20,000
the electronic monitoring device of potential to do good things in of Adult Treatment Court, cred- it for three days served, one-year and was sentenced to credit for
and absconded from parole. By the my life.” it for nine days served, one-year license suspension and $2,628 in 86 days served and $1,608 in fines
time he was picked up by police Judge Herman called it disheart- license suspension and $2,628 in fines and costs. and costs. The incident occurred
in Dowagiac in December, he had ening to see what Williams has fines and costs. The incident occurred July 29, Aug. 3, 2020, in Mason Township.
amassed charges in Arizona, Mis- done with his life. He also had his probation con- 2020, in Edwardsburg where police Kapiszka also faces charges in In-
souri and Berrien County. “You seem pretty out of control. tinued and given credit for 12 days found drug paraphernalia includ- diana.
Assistant Prosecutor DeVante You’ve already been to prison,” already served for violating his ing a meth pipe, scales and meth • Ingvar Korogodsky, 33, of
McCullom noted that Williams at he said. “It’s disheartening to see probation from a 2018 conviction residue during a search of the Union, pleaded guilty to posses-
just age 24 has nine felony convic- what you’ve done. You’re certified for possession of methamphet- home. sion of methamphetamines as a
tions. as a nutritionist, you excelled in amine. “You are 41 years old, and this is habitual offender and was sen-
“I have some pretty big con- sports and academics but you let In the current case, police your third felony conviction, all for tenced to two years’ probation,
cerns,” he said. “He was given a your impulses get the better of stopped him April 30, 2020 in How- possession of meth,” Judge Herman credit for 46 days served, one-year
chance for freedom and he decid- you.” ard Township. A police search of said. “With these priors, your next license suspension and $2,268 in
ed to throw it all away by cutting “You can make changes, but you his vehicle found a meth pipe and conviction will lead to harsher and fines and costs. The incident oc-
off his tether. He used alcohol ev- need to get on board quickly,” the other items. harsher penalties. The guidelines curred Sept. 15, 2020, in Newburg
ery day while he was absconding.” judge added. “If you don’t change, “You’re 32 years old, and this today would permit me to send Township.


Niles Daily Star EDWARDSBURG ARGUS Saturday, March 6, 2021 • Page 29

District narrows search to two

Lewis Cass ISD board
interviews first round of
superintendent candidates

CASSOPOLIS — After nearly a full day

of interviews, the Lewis Cass Intermediate
School District narrowed its superinten-
dent search to two individuals.
Following interviews Monday, the board
of education selected Blake Prewitt, super-
intendent of Lakeview Schools in Battle
Creek, and Andy Hubbard, superintendent
at Hartford Public Schools, to move forward
to a second round of interviews. Whichev-
er candidate is chosen will replace current
Superintendent Brent Holcomb, who an- The Lewis Cass ISD narrowed its superintendent search to two candidates Monday. (Leader photo/SARAH CULTON)
nounced last fall that he intended to retire
effective June 30. confident that we will find the right educa- ucational leader is my mission, and educa- ISD position due to its rural, small-town feel.
Also interviewed during the first round tional leader after our next round of inter- tion is a people business. It’s about building “I think with me, the one thing you are
of interviews Monday were Jonathan Whan, views.” relationships, whether that is with your em- going to get is you are going to get loyalty
superintendent at Dowagiac Union Schools, On Monday, Prewitt began the series of ployees, your parents, your students, your and trustworthiness,” he said. “I feel the next
and Rusty Stitt, superintendent at School- interviews. A superintendent of seven years, community. That’s how you get things done step, and honestly the final step, in my ca-
craft Community Schools. he has previously worked in three different for the benefit of the kids. I’m excited about reer is here. This is the area that I am from.
“We interviewed four quality individuals ISDs, which he believed made him an ideal working here, the culture that has been cre- I feel I am a product of the area and want to
today who have done outstanding work for candidate for the superintendent position. ated and continuing to move that forward. give back to the area.”
students in their respective districts,” said He also comes with experience in special ed- Hubbard’s interview served as the last of Hubbard and Prewitt will return for a sec-
district board president Kevin Anderson ucation and career and technical education the day. Born and raised in southwest Mich- ond round of interviews next Tuesday at
following Monday’s interviews. “Our focus, programs. igan, Hubbard worked in Dowagiac Union the Lewis Cass ISD administrative offices,
as a board, has been to find the right leader “I’ve worked in a number of different dis- Schools and Cassopolis Public Schools be- 61682 Daily Road, Cassopolis. Hubbard’s
that will continue to move the LCISD for- tricts, from small, rural districts to more fore moving to the Hartford Public School interview will take place at 8:30 a.m., with
ward in the areas of student opportunities, urban and suburban districts, which allows District, where he has served as superinten- Prewitt following at 10 a.m. Interviews will
student achievement and working with our me to bring a variety of experiences to the dent for the past eight years. be open to the public, though access may
local districts to achieve those goals. We are table here,” Prewitt said. “My work as an ed- He said he was drawn to the Lewis Cass need to be via Zoom.

Cass County Board of Commissioners to return to in-person meetings

STAFF REPORT pandemic, commissioners had consistent practice among coun- Virtual meeting information cations for inmates.
been meeting via virtual plat- ty public boards. Some county for the public can be found on • In his public safety report,
CASSOPOLIS — After nearly a form Zoom. boards had been meeting in-per- the county’s website, casscoun- Cass County Sheriff Richard
year of only talking to each oth- According to the resolution son, while others hosting a virtu- Behnke reported that his office
er over a computer screen, Cass passed, starting Friday, county al or hybrid option. In other business: had received several calls of peo-
County commissioners will see meetings will be held in-person, The resolution was introduced • The board approved a reso- ple going through the ice over
be able to see each other in-per- with virtual participation from by District One Commission- lution to continue services with the past week. He reminded resi-
son. the public and any commission- er Ryan Laylin, and seconded ICS Solutions for inmate com- dents that as the weather warms,
During Thursday’s Cass County ers who are unable or unwilling by District Four Commissioner munications at the Cass County the ice on Cass County lakes and
Board of Commissioners meet- to participate in person. Roseann Marchetti. The resolu- Jail. In addition to the continuing ponds thins, increasing the dan-
ing, commissioners voted to re- According to commission- tion passed unanimously, with services with the company, the ger of activities such as ice fish-
turn to in-person meetings. Since ers, the decision to revert to the Commissioner Robert Benjamin resolution expanded services to ing. He urged residents to use
the beginning of the COVID-19 in-person meetings due to in- absent. include optional video communi- caution.
Page 30 • Saturday, March 6, 2021 EDWARDSBURG ARGUS Niles Daily Star

Pictured is Deputy Supervisor Brigid Forlenza. She worked with the ad hoc committee to get new dry hydrants placed in Ontwa
Township. (Leader photo/SARAH CULTON)

Increasing public safety

Ontwa Township The project began in 2018 when an
ad hoc committee was formed to de-
installs dry fire hydrants cide how to spend township funds
set aside for fire purposes. Working
with Kevin Marks, project engineer
By SARAH CULTON for Wightman, and Joe Bellina, chief engineer Cass County Road Commis-
sion, the ad hoc committee decided
ONTWA TOWNSHIP — Rural parts to install dry hydrants and chose their
of Ontwa Township and Edwardsburg locations based on recommendations
just got a little safer. from Edwardsburg Fire Chief Bruce
Ontwa Township recently complet- Stack.
ed phase one of its dry hydrant project “This was really a group decision,”
by installing two dry hydrants within Forlenza said. “This is what we kept
the township: one on the Christiana coming back to. It was a really collab-
Drive Bridge and one on the Redfield orative project.”
Road Bridge. Dry hydrants are typi- Forlenza said the dry hydrants
cally used in rural areas where munic- would not only be used by the Ed-
ipal water systems are not available. Ontwa Township recently installed dry wardsburg Fire Department but any
A dry hydrant is an unpressurized, hydrants on Redfield Road and Christia- department that needed to use them
permanently installed pipe with one na Drive to help increase public safety. in the area.
end below the water level of a lake or (Submitted photo) “We are excited about this,” Forlenza
pond. When needed, firefighters can said. “It’s always exciting when a proj-
use a dry hydrant to pump water from by providing additional resources and ect is completed.”
the lake or pond to fight a fire. close access to water to firefighters at- The ad hoc committee is current-
The dry hydrants were installed last tending to fires in rural areas. ly working on phase two of the proj-
week by Selge Construction, and the “We have a lot of places that are ect, and Forlenza said the township
project cost roughly $12,000. very rural in the township, which is 23 might install two more dry hydrants
According to Deputy Township Su- square miles,” she said. “We have a lot throughout the area.
pervisor Brigid Forlenza, the new dry of waterways, so this was something “We are looking forward to the next
hydrants will increase public safety viable we could do to address that.” phase of this project,” she said.
Niles Daily Star EDWARDSBURG ARGUS Saturday, March 6, 2021 • Page 31

Fun in the snow

y EPS foundation awards physical education teacher $2,500
They learned how to read a compass. They
learned how to problem solve when they
n are trying to make a map. They were able
- EDWARDSBURG — This winter, stu- to use teamwork, and they learned about
dents at Eagle Lake Elementary School things like wildlife safety and weather
g were able to trek through the snow and safety to ensure that when they do play
become explorers, thanks to a grant outside, they are fully prepared.”
f from the Edwardsburg Public Schools According to Wallick, her students were
- Foundation. as excited about the program as she was.
The EPS Foundation recently awarded a She said the program, which was complet-
$2,500 grant to physical education teacher ed in late February, was a success.
Amanda Wallick to fund a project titled “They loved it,” she said. “They just
“Winter Fun in Snow Shoes.” The grant al- had a lot of fun being able to experience
lowed Wallick to purchase snowshoes and something new. Being able to see their re-
” compasses for a five-week program that actions was awesome. I would say out of
gave students the opportunity to learn all the grades I teach at the building, only
- about the benefits of snowshoeing, winter about five kids have snowshoed before, so
safety and protecting wildlife. being able to see their joy and their reac-
s “I was very excited,” Wallick said of tion the first time they tried it, being able
- when she received the grant. “It was so ex- to accomplish something they have never
citing for me, and for the kids to be able to done before, was really cool.”
experience that.” Wallick said she was grateful to the EPS
Wallick said the “Winter Fun in Snow Foundation for the grant and hopes to
a Shoes” program built off of previous les- continue to be able to expose her students
- sons she had taught students while still to new experiences and fun programs.
allowing them to learn something new. “My goal as a PE teacher is to give the
- “I wanted to give the students a new kids these different opportunities,” she
- experience, help them enjoy exercise said. “It’s really cool to do all these differ-
while being outside and have them learn ent units that give each child their individ-
something that they can use for the rest of ual thing that they fall in love with. What
their lives,” she said. “They learned how to was cool about the snowshoes is that it
t do the different snowshoeing techniques. gave us another opportunity to do that.”
Edwardsburg Argus

public safety
Ontwa Township installs dry fire hydrants

Edwardsburg physical education students

learn to snow shoe thanks to grant P31

Multiple sentenced on drug charges

in Cass County Court P28

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