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1. He took a very........approach to management.
A. science B. scientific C. scientifical D. scientist
2. Steve can't get a job, he's anything.
A. trained B. prepared C. done D. accepted
3. All members of the team have trained in first.........
A. help B. assistance C. offer D. aid
4. She has one of the most........minds in the country.
A. brilliant B. lit C. light D. shining
5. Jane is very.......for her age.
A. experience B. mature C. innocence D. skill
6.........has a debate attracted so much media attention.
A. Sometimes B. Often C. Usually D. Rarely
7. Power is the hands of a small elite.
X. concentrated B. densed . C. confirmed D. fixed
8. Stress and tiredness........your powers of concentration.
A. infect B. affect C. influential D. affluent
9. My salary isn't enough for us to........on.
A. stand B. pass C. live D. merge
10. Most pop music is influenced, to a greater or lesser........, by the blues.
A. rate B. degree C. surface D. level
11. He a car accident.
A. wounded B. injured C. die D. bled
12. What have their researches.........
A. said B. pronounced C. shown D. stated
13. his wife and family is touching.
A. carelessness B. devotion C. heart D. mind
14. He has sent a specimen to the........for analysis
A. school B. hall C. room D. laboratory
15. The campaign is intended to........the public to respect the environment.
A. teach B. educate C. complain D. make
16. Watching television can be very.......
A. educational B. educating C. educated D. education
17. Further details can writing to the above address.
A. obtained B. acquired C. learned D. studied
18. The universities have......, thus allowing many more people the chance of higher education.
A. enlarged B. widened C. expanded D. opened
19. My grandfather..........against the Fascists in Spain.
A. fought B. shouted C. cried D. hit
20. There is little prejudice......workers from other EU states.
A. for B. with C. against D. to
21. When I met Tom yesterday, it was the first time I...............him since Christmas.
A. had seen B. have been C. saw D. see
22. We missed the ferry. the time we arrived at the pier.
A. went B. was going C. had gone D. has gone
23. Margaret didn't remember what I......her the day before.
A. would tell B. had told C. had been told D. told
24. He'd just finished doing his homework when you arrived,......?
A. wasn't it B. didn't he C. wasn't he D. hadn't he
25. "Last month, the oil prices went up again by 20 percent."
"That was the third price increase since the prices........twice before thai
A. have been raised B. had been raised
C. have raised D. had raised
26. I intended to write to you several times, but something always......
A. interferes B. has interfered C. interfered D. was interferiru
27. "Martha failed biology."
"She almost never studied,......?"
A. doesn't she B. does she C. didn't she D. did she
28. Sue......the trip the other day.
A. loved B. love C. is loving D. was loving
29. "Did he answer the letter?" ~ "As soon as, he......down to answer it."
A. reads / sits B. has read / is sitting
C. read / sat D. had read / sat
30. How long ago......the Second World War?
A. was B. happened C. occurred D. took place
II. Find a suitable word for the sentences below. One example has been done for you.
0. A. Are you interested in geography lessons?
B. She's got a degree in geography.
C. Kim knew the geography of the building and strode along the corridor.
1. A. They......dogs to sniff out drugs.
B. They......teachers in that college.
C. the gym for two hours a day.
2. A. Technology in this field has......considerably over the last decade.
B. He has......a great deal over the past year.
C. She has......into one of the country's finest actresses.
3. A. It's extremely......for it to be this hot in April.
B. It find such loyalty these days.
C. On the......occasions when they met he hardly even dared speak to her.
4. A. She has a great......for music.
B. The watch was a......from my mother.
C. Thank you. for your generous.......
5. A. She gave up German in order to......on her French.
B. We need to......resources on the most run-down areas.
C. I can't......with all that noise going on.
6. A. What made you decide on a vet?
B. She started an English teacher.
C. He is playing the best tennis of his......
7 A. It's......for me to be there before eight.
B. It' prove.
C. 1 find lie to her.
8. A. Don't be...... - come and say hello.
B. She was ask anyone for help.
C. As a teenager I was painfully.......
9. A. Small birds......mainly on insects.
B. They......on burgers.
C. You can't......on forty pounds a week.
10. A. She has Biochemistry from London University.
B. I agree with you to certain.......
C. To what......can parents be held sponsible for a child's behaviour?
III. Supply the correct form of the word in bole.
1. We need to be more......about this problem. SCIENCE
2. Few candidates had received any training in...... MANAGE
3. This book requires a great deal of....... CONCENTRATE
4. He tried to overcome his....... SHY
5. the job left her with very little free time. DEVOTE
6. He spoke in an......voice. EDUCATE
7. Patient education minimize the risk of a second heart attack. IMPORTANCE
8. inner-city areas may be cationally disadvantaged. LIFE
IV. Read each numbered sentences. Then circle the letter of the sentences whose meaning is similar.
1. When I got home, the show started.
A. First I got home. Then the show started.
B. First the show started. Then I got home.
2. When I got home, the show had started.
A. First I got home. Then the show started.
B. First the show started. Then I got home.
3. By the time he retired, he had appeared in ten movies.
A. First he retired. Then he appeared in ten movies.
B. He appeared in ten movies. Then he retired.
4. He had written 10 novels by the time decided to give up writing.
A. First he gave up writing. Then he wrote 10 novels.
B. First he wrote 10 novels. Then he gave up writing.
5. He had already got a job before he started his own business.
A. First he started his own business. Then he got a job.
B. First he got a job. Then he started his own business.
6. My mother had got a fortune before she got married to my father.
A. First my mother got a fortune. Then she got married to my father.
B. First my mother got married. Then she got a fortune.
7. By the end of the film, he had gone.
A. First the film ended. Then he went.
B. First he went. Then the film ended.
8. When I went to bed, I had turned off the lights.
A. First I went to bed. Then I turned off the lights.
B. First I turned off the lights. Then I went to bed.
V. A journalist is interviewing a successful businessman. Complete thel interview. Determine the correct
order of the sentences in parentheseM and use the past perfect to express the event that occurred first.
Interviewer: Can you tell us something about you?
Businessman: Well, I (0. grow)...grew...up in a poor family in Vietnam. We (l. not have).........enough food to eat
and clothes to wear. So, you see, I (2. have).........a difficult life before.I (3. become).........successful.
Interviewer: How did you become successful?
Businessman: Well, I was in such a hard situation that I ( 4. decide) leave my city to go to Ho Chi Minh City.
Interviewer: How (5. you can).......afford to go there?
Businessman: I (6. save)........some money before I actually (7. go).......there. 1 (8. run)........errands and (9.
try) save some.
Interviewer: What (10. happen) you when you (11. be)........there? Without money, how (12. you
can)............ survive?
Businessman: After I (13. ask)........a friend of mine there, I (14. take)........a coach. I (15. not eat).........on the
coach at all. Someone sitting next to me (16. offer) a slice of bread.
Interviewer: And (17. your friend help) when you first went there?
Businessman: Oh, yes, he did. Actually, he (18. arrange)........the job for me before I (19. arrive).........
Interviewer: How long (20. you work)....... with the first job?
Businessman: For two years. After that I (21. decide) use the money I (22. save)........from working to start
my business, a very small business.
VI. Complete the sentences, using the correct past tense of the verb in brackets.
1. Linda no longer owned a car. (sell)
2. Susan looked pale when she arrived for the exam. She.......too hard. (study)
3. The boy's knee was bleeding when he arrived home. He........ (fall over)
4. I invited Sue to the party but she couldn't come. go somewhere else. (arrange)
5. Christ bought a loaf of bread and took it home, but (already / buy)
6. I was annoyed when someone bought those shoes in the shop window, because I.....for them. (save up)
7. The guide offered us tickets for a musical, but (already / see)
8. I knew I recognized the town square. I........there before. (be)
9. After Richard had finished work, he.........home. (go)
10. By the time the firemen arrived, the fire....... (go out)
VII. Correct the sentences if necessary. Tick (√) any which are already correct.
1. Before he left school, he had said goodbye to all his friends. .......
2. After doing his homework, Joe had gone out. .......
3. When I reached home my friend had phone me at once. .......
4. After she run all the way home, she had felt quite exhausted. .......
5. Before Dora had done the shopping, she visited her friend. .......
6. When the programme finished, I switched off the television. .......
7. After buy the tickets, we went to the cinema. .......
8. Before I finished my exam, my father bought me a new motorbike. .......
9. It's a nice pot of flcwers. I have just arranged the flowers a few minutes ago. .......
10. We watered the garden after have planted the seeds.
VIII. Choose the correct tense (simple past or past perfect).
When I (1. go) London last autumn for a job interview, I (2. not be).......there for six years. I (3.
arrive).......the day before that interview, and (4. spend).......a happy evening walking round thinking about the
good times I (5. have).......there as a student.
As I was walking by the Thames, I suddenly (6. see).......a familiar face - it was Sheilagh, the woman I (7.
share).......a house with when I was a student, and whose contact numbers I (8. lose).......after leaving London. She
(9 not see), so I (10. call).......her name and she (11 look)....... up. As she (12 turn)....... towards me, I (13.
realise).......that she (14. have) ugly scar on the side of her face!
She (15. see).......the shock in rhy eyes, and her hand (16. go).......up to touch the scar, she (17. explain).......that
she (18. get) where she was a journalist reporting on a war in Africa.
She (19. not be).......uncomfortable telling me this, we (20. feel) if the years (21. not pass)......., as if we
(22. say).......goodbye the week before. She (23. arrive) London that morning, and she (24. have).......a
hospital appointment the next day. The doctors (25. think).......that they could remove the scar, but she would have
to stay in London for several months. Both of us (26. have).......the idea at the same time: if I (27. get).......the job,
we could share a house again. And we could start by having a coffee while we (28. begin) tell one another!
everything that (29. happen) us in the past four years.
IX. Choose the right tenses (present perfect, past or past perfect; simple or progressive).
1. It is reported that a car (crash).......near London. According to eyewitnesses it (hit).......a big stone which
somebody (put).......on the road.
2. Halfway to the hosptial Jimmy (stop).......his car and (drop) a shop to buy some food.
3. I (do).......housework all day today. I (clean)......every room in the house.
4. I (lie) bed thinking about my classmates when my mother (come in).......
5. It wasn't surprising that she (start).......getting toothache. She (not be) the dentist for two years.
6. I (play).........a lot of piano recently.
7. When she (get).......home everybody (have).......dinner.
8. We (not see) for ages.
9. How long (you learn).......Spanish?
10. Paris (change).......a lot since we first (come) visit this city.
X. Complete the sentences, using the correct past tense of the verb in brackets.
1. Peter no longer phoned Mary. They.........goodbye. (say)
2. My neighbour didn't have any money to buy food. He.........all his money gambling. (spend)
3. The girl's arm was bleeding when she arrived at school. She................ (fall over)
4. I asked Mary to go with me to the club but she couldn't. do something else. (arrange)
5. I bought some liters of milk for my grandmother but my sister.........some, too. (already / buy)
6. I was disappointed when I didn't see tlfe dress I liked in the shop. to buy it for weeks. (save)
7. Mom gave me a ticket to the orchestra but (see)
8. I could easily recognize the man because I.........him once. (meet)
9. He went to bed after he.........a bath. (take)
10. Before he asked me to go, he.........someone else. (ask)
XI. Correct the sentences if necessary. Tick the correct sentences.
1. Before he had graduated from the college, he taught at a primary school.
2. When the concert was over, we came home.
3. After talking to her, I had phoned my father to pick me up.
4. When I saw you, I had been very surprised to see you in a black suit.
5. It is a lovely vase of flowers, isn't it? I had added some more roses to it a few minutes ago.
6. I cleaned the floor after sweeping it.
7. I was rather happy because I have passed my examination.
8. Before I left university, I had said goodbye to all of my friends.
9. After Joe had done his homework, he went home. .
10. When she reached the hospital, she asked the staff to come for a meeting.
XII. Some of the lines in this letter are correct, and others are incorrect. Put a tick (√) in front of the correct
sentences and correct any mistakes in front of the incorrect ones. Two examples have been done for you.
Dear Lee,
0..........arrived.........Thank you for your letter which arrives last week. I'm sorry
00.............√............I haven't written to you for years. I've been so busy nowadays
01............with my two children. Please don't be angry with me!
02............Do you like the place where you are living? Have you started your
03 ...........course yet? Do your teachers given you a lot of homework?
04............I hope everything is not too difficult for you. Anyway, pleased.
05............remember to ask me for help if you think I can. And what aboim
06............Paris? Have you been to the Eiffel Tower yet?
07............You can never guess what had happened to me last week. I was
08............walking home when I see my house on fire. I saw a group of fire
09............fighters standing around my house and trying to control the fire
10............I was terrified and had screamed. Fortunately, there was not too
11............much damage after the fire. Nobody was in the house at that time
Now it's your turn to write to me! Enjoy life!
Best wishes,
XIII. Read the story and underline the phrases in italics.
It (0) was raining/ rained as we (!) drove/ had driven into Lorient. My three» friends had been visiting/ we're
visiting the town for the first time, but I (3) been/ was there before. In fact, I (4) had lived/lived there for five years
when I was 1 younger.
When the rain (5) stopped/ was stopping, we went on a boat trip up the river and back. After that we (6) had
started/ started looking for somewhere for lunch, when I suddenly a man ran past us and jumped into a car. "Look!"
I said to my friends. 1 'That man! He was one of my neighbours when I (7) had lived/ lived here!"' I I realized he
hadn't seen me, but I (8) recognized/ have recognized him. The car I went off at top speed. Just then the police (9)
arrived/ had arrived. '"Did you see 1 that man? He's just robbed a bank!" they shouted.
They didn't catch the robbers immediately, but I was able to identify the man I ; had seen, and the police'(10)
arrested/ had arrested him later. It was an exciting j day for us! x
XIV. Put the parts of this story in the right order.
A. We had never camped before,
B. Then it was time for supper -
C. At first it was difficult to put the tends up,
D. After washing up,we sat around the fire,
E. It was the best day I had ever had
F. so that took us a long time
G. The sun was shining as we reached the camp-site.
H. talking, singing and telling stories.
I. a delicious barbecue,
J. but we were looking forward to the outdoor life.
1 ................. 2.................. 3................. 4.................. 5..................
6.................. 7.................. 8................. 9...................10.................
XV. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.
Richard Marshall and his wife Elaine are retired. Recently they (1. move) a new house in Hexham, a town
near Newcastle, in the north of England. Richard (2. be).......born in Hexham, but Elaine (3. be).......originally from
Aberdeen, a town in the north of Scotland.
Gordon Marshall - Richard and Elaine's son was born in Newcastle but he now (4. live)....... with his wife and
daughter in Leeds, a town about 150km away, where he is now a teacher. He's also worked abroad, he (5.
work) a restaurant in France when he was younger.
Sarah Marshall - Gordon's wife has always wanted her own -business. Her daughter Rebecca (6. leave).......
school last year, and now they (7. be) business together. She and her mother have opened a new sandwich
shop called Crusts in Leeds city centre. It's the first time they (8. have).......worked together.
XVI. Put in the simple past or past perfect.
1. I was sorry that I (not reply)...........him.
2. Tim (not go) the party because I (forget) tell him about it.
3. She couldn't find the bag that I (lend).........her.
4. All the items we (order)...........were brought in, and some that we (not order)...........
5. They (never discover)...........where she (hide)..........the jewellery.
6. It was a man that I (never met)...........before.
7. When she came in, we all (know)..........who she was.
8. The film (already start)...........when I (arrive)...........
9. (do)...........before you (go) university?
10. No sooner........he (sit)..........down than the phone (ring)
XVII. Rewrite the first sentence so that the second one means nearly the same as the first one.
0. I told him off. Then I realized I was wrong. After I had told him off I realized I was wrong.
1. I worked very hard for the exam. Then I passed it.
2. First I considered what to study. Then I decided to major in Maths.
After .......................................
3. She wrote a letter. Then she went to bed.
4. He bought a cassette. First he checked the prices.
5. He took some medicine, then he felt a little better.
6. They argued, then they fought.
7. She went out for a walk. Then she had a fatal accident.
8. She decided to go away. First she faced the matter.
After ........................................
9. We read the books, then we wrote the assignment.
Before ......................................
10.She watched the film, then she wrote a report.
After .......................................

The End

1. B (scientific) 2. A (trained) 3.. D (aid) 4. A (brilliant)
5. B (mature) 6. D (rarely) 7. A (concentrated) 8. B (affect)
9. C(live) 10. B (degree) 11 . B (injured) 12 . C (shown)
13 . B (devotion) 14. D (laboratory) 15 . B (educate) 16. A (educational)
17 . A (obtained) 18. C (expanded) 19 . A (fought) 20. C (against)
21 .A 22. C 23.B 24.D 25 .D 26. C 27.d 28.A 29.C 30.A
1. train .2. matured 3. rare 4. gift 5. Concentrate 6. career 7. impossible 8. shy β 9. live 10. degree
1. scientific 2. management 3. concentration 4.shyness 5. devotion 6. educated 7. important 8. living
1. A 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.B 6. A 7.B 8.B
1. didn't have 2. had had 3. became 4. decided 5. could you 6. had saved 7. went 8. had run
9. had tried 10. Happened 11. Were 12. could you 13. had asked 14. took 15. did not eat
16. offered 17. did your friend help 18. had arranged 19. arrived 20. did you work 21. decided 22. had saved
1. had sold 2.had studied 3. had fallen over 4. had arranged 5. had already bought
6. had saved 7. had already seen 8. had been 9. went 10. had gone out
1. √
2. After doing his homework, Joe went out.
3. When I reached home, my friend phoned me at once.
4. After she had run all the way home, she felt quite exhausted.
5. Before Dora did the shopping, she had visited her friend.
6. √
7. After buying the tickets we went to the cinema.
8. √
9. It's a nice pot of flowers. I arranged the flowers a few minutes ago. lO.We watered the garden after planting/
having planted the seeds.
1. went 2. had not been 3. arrived 4. spent 5. had had
6. saw 7. had shared 8. had lost 9. had not seen 10. called
11. looked 12. turned 13. realized 14. had 15. saw
16. went 17. explained 18. had got 19. was not 20. felt
21. had not passed 22. had said 23. had arrived 24.had 25. thought
26. had 27. got 28. began 29.had happened
1. has crashed/ hit/ had put 2. stopped/ dropped 3. have been doing/ have cleaned
5. started/ had not been 4. was lying/ came in 6. have been playing
7. got/ was having 8. haven't seen 9. have you been learning
10. has changed/ came
1. had said 2. had spent 3. had fallen over 4. had arranged 5. had already bought
6. had saved 7. had seen 8. had met 9. had taken/ took 10. had asked
1. Before he graduated from the college, he had taught at a primary school.
2. √
3. After talking to her, I phoned my father to pick me up.
4. When I saw you, I was very surprised to see you in a black suit.
5. It is a lovely vase of flowers, isn't it? I added some more roses to it a few minutes ago.
6. √
7. I was rather happy because I had passed my examination.
8. √
9. √
10. √
1. √ 2. √ 3. give 4. please 5. √ 6. √
7. happened 8. saw 9. √ 10. screamed 11. √
1. drove 2. were visiting 3. had been 4. had lived 5. stopped
6. started 7. lived 8. recognized 9. arrived 10. arrested
1G 2A 3J 4C 5F 6B 7I 8D 9H 10 E
1. moved 2. was 3. is 4. lives 5. worked 6. left 7. are 8. have worked
1. had not replied 2. didn't go/had forgotten 3. had lent
4. had ordered/ hadn't ordered 5. never discovered/ had hidden
6. had never met 7. knew 8. had already started/ arrived
9. had you done/ went 10. had he sat/ rang
1. Before I passed the exam I had worked very hard for it.
2. After I had considered what to study I decided to major in Maths.
3. Before she went to bed she had written a letter.
4. After he had checked the prices he bought a cassette.
5. Before he felt a little better he had taken some medicine.
6. After they had argued they fought.
7. Before she had a fatal accident she had gone out for a walk.
8. After she had faced the matter she decided to go away.
9. Before we wrote the assignment we had read the books.
10. After she had watched the film she wrote a report.

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