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CHAPTER 1 If children live with ridicule, they learn to feel shy.

If children live with jealousy, they learn to feel envy.

History teaches that society benefits from teaching children to be more respectful of others; If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.
and that even reaching just one child can produce profound world changes. If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.
- Nathan Taylor- If children live with tolerance, they learn patience.
If children live with praise, they learn appreciation.
Teachers and Parents: Agents of a Child's Complete Education If children live with acceptance, they learn to love.
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
In the academe, we know that a student has learned when there is a change in If children live with recognition, they learn it is good to have a goal.
behavior. As educators, we constantly strive to impart knowledge to our students. We know, If children live with sharing, they learn generosity.
however, that it is not enough to just educate a person. Equally important is how that If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness.
person relates to others. Educators hope that their students will be knowledge-able to make If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
sense of the things and events that are happening around them, make critical (and even If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn respect.
unpopular) choices, and have the courage to act out their decisions. If children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves and in those about them.
If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live.
The education of children does not only rest on the school and teachers. Recent
studies have shown that parents and the home environment are very critical in the A very important aspect of education and formation is the 'learning experience.' By
formation of children. The parents are truly the equal partners of teachers and the school. learning experience, we mean the whole array of the learning process. We do not just refer
No parent desires to have a child that is the bane of the society. Every parent hopes that his to specific strategies, motivations, or one-shot outreach activities. We include in the learning
or her child will significantly contribute to the community and the society through their experience all the factors that contribute to the education of the child. It is a tall order
careers and stances. This drives parents to teach, discipline, correct, and empower their considering that there are numerous variables beyond our control. However, it is also
children at the home environment. empowering for we take responsibility and act upon those things that we can control. We
then consider those things within our power and circle of influence for we know that they
Teachers and parents therefore go hand in hand in the complete education of young significantly impact the education of our children. We can take advantage of significant
people. With this in mind, certain questions beg to be asked. How can educators move from learning experiences by asking "How can this event or situation be a learning opportunity for
simply transferring knowledge to being effective classroom facilitators who empower my students?" "What values can I impart to my students through this learning experience?"
students to discover new knowledge? How can educators evolve from just "talking about and "How will this learning experience affect the complete education of my students?"
values" to becoming paragons of values? Has can parents effectively reinforce the values
witnessed by their children from their teachers at school? How can parents and teachers The Learning Experience: Goal, Agents, and Tools
take advantage of their unique relationship to as to effectively educate young people?
Stephen Covey, author of Seven Habits of Highly Effective people and an expert on
The poet Dorothy Nolte in her poem "Children Learn What They Live" (1972) gives leadership, said that we must "begin with the end in mind." That is, prior to executing our
us an obvious but often overlooked idea: plan of action, we should have drawn first our desired goals or outcomes. It is only in this
If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn. context that all subsequent actions become purposeful. The education that we provide and
If children live with hostility, they learn to fight. the learning experiences that we immerse our students in should be toward the formation
If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive. and production of responsible, value-laden, and God-fearing people. It is safe to say that no
If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves.
educator or parent would want to see a knowledge laden young person turn into a Chapter Five concludes the study. It gives the readers compelling reasons why we
dishonest, disrespectful, and selfish adult. should continue to positively mold the young people. It shares some lessons and reflections
on how parents and teachers need to understand the learners so that they can effectively
Rath et al (1996) noted that "several kinds of problems children often exhibit in teach them the right values using creative strategies.
school and at home are caused by a lack of values." While this might seem like an obvious
conclusion, what cannot be denied is the reality that teachers and parents (the agents of a As you read this book, I recommend you to pause when you encounter important
child's complete education), constantly face difficult challenges in the arena of value lessons that parallel to your current situations. Try to savor the moment as you digest each
formation. Sometimes, a very intelligent child turns into a nuisance of society. As agents of parcel and segment that speaks aloud to you. Grab the opportunity to reflect and see how
positive change, we need knowledge that will help us clearly identify our educational goals this message can help you better understand the children entrusted to your care and thus
as well as gain the tools that will help us attain those goals. be able to use the new knowledge that you picked from this book. I hope that as parents
and educators, we may be inspired to plant and nurture "value seeds" to the young learners.
This book is intended to be a tool for educators, parents, guardians, and all those We have to plant values in our family or school garden. If we plant values, it means that we
who love to impart right values to young people. It aims to shed light on how young people have to take care of the seeds and weed out unnecessary t hogs. With this, would like to
learn, what are the different factors that affect the learning process, and how to teach share a short story by Brian Cavanaugh 0.9%). According to him, "if nothing of value is
values to young people through creative techniques and strategies. Chapter One discusses planted, nothing of yak, will be harvested. And so he suggested the following:
why parents and educators most give special consideration to the teaching of values. The
'end in mind' is the formation of the heart of young people. For in the heart lies the A family or a school, like a garden needs...
foundation of a person's actions. Our ideal then is the formation of a person's "good • Time, attention and cultivation
character." • Sunshine of laughter and affirmation
• The rains of difficulties, tense moments of anxieties and serious discussions on important
Chapter Two explores the primacy, dimensions, and principles governing values. It matters
describes the "value of values" and levels the ground where we can see the realities that our • Areas of hardness to be turned over like bitterness, envy, anger, hurts
students are constantly grappling with.
This family garden must plant rows of...
Chapter Three focuses on the many dimensions affecting learners. It describes the • 5 rows of P's: perseverance, politeness, praise, peace-making and prayer
different issues that beset young people and how they respond to such circumstances. It • 4 rows of "let us": let us be faithful in word and deed, let us be unselfish, let us be loyal, let
aims to correctly profile learners, identify which values need to be addressed, and highlights us love one another
positive values. It also presents the different learning theories which sheds light on the • 3 rows of squash: squash gossip, squash criticism and squash indifference
cognitive and behavioral dimension of the learners. Likewise, looking at the effects of media • 4 rows of "turn up": turn up on time for family and school, turn up with a better attitude,
to the learners, it will better help parents and educators to understand their realities and turn up with new ideas and the determination to carry them out, and turn up with a smile
thus take advantage of media in inculcating positive values.
May you have an enjoyable and successful planting of values. God bless!
Chapter Four details the specific strategies a parent or educator can use in teaching
values. The proper strategies and their correct implementation allow us to attain our goal of Fides Antonio- del Castillo
value formation. Common typology of teaching strategies as well as assessment activities
will be shared in order to devise various strategies in developing the learners' behavior.

CHAPTER 2 Each person develops a unique set of values. This assertion rests on the unique life
experiences, influences, fulfilment of basic needs (food, shelter, security etc.), and people in
THE IMPORTANCE OF VALUES a person's life. However, all unique values can be grouped into categories.
Singh (2009) identifies 6 sets of values inherent to a person. These values are
Introduction captured basically from the various influences in the living spaces of a human person. these
values are individualistic, family, professional, national, moral and spiritual values.
We consider something as important when it has great significance, value, or
consequence. How do values then become important in our lives? There are many • Individualistic values refer to the inborn value of self-preservation. This means that a
definitions of values: "A value is a belief upon which one acts by preference" (Allport, 1950); person's well-being is of utmost importance. Every child starts with individualistic values. It
"A value is a conception, explicit or implicit of the desirable which influences the selection is in the nature of a child to want everything OF himself or herself and that everyone
from available modes, means, and ends of action (Kluckhohn, 1951); and "A value is the surrounding him (o her) are meant to serve his (or her) needs. The individualistic values can
object of a positive attitude" (Bulatao, 1961). While the terms used in the definitions differ, be considered as the most basic set of values.
there appears to be an agreement that values influence behavior. Values therefore are
irnportant in our lives because of their intimate link and impact to our behavior. Bulatao • Family values refer to values that stems forth from a person's relationship with his or her
(1961) declares "our values color our human acts and are reflected in every product of our family. The family, which is the basic unit of the society, pervades the value system of a
human soul." person with reference to closeness and solidarity, politeness, hospitality, and gratitude.

Our lives are shaped by those who loved us, and by those who refuse to love us The family nurtures each individual in the best possible way that they know. In a
(Powell, 1975). Undeniably, we are molded by the people whom we have related with. Our family system, each member performs complementary functions in order to help each other
personal relationships (family, friends, teachers, neighbors) and the social consciousness succeed as a person. The parents ensure the continuity of the value and tradition they have
have significant contributions in our thinking processes, behavior, decision-making, as a family. It is important to take into consideration that both the mother and the father
preferences, and value system. carries with them different values and it is crucial to teach the right values to their children.
Singh wrote:
It is our human interactions that we are able to witness first – hand and imbibe the
correct (and incorrect) behavior responses to life events. From these learned behavior- "In the family system, the interest of each member of the family is protected
responses we draw out our preferred actions which in turn become guides for our behavior. through an unwritten law as love and trust alone governs the management of a family. The
Our derived values (values adopted from the people who have significantly influenced us) entire system of family value is maintained by tradition and trust. However, when family
and chosen values (those which upon our personal experience and introspection have found values are strong, it results in the reduction of individual freedom and decline in the
to be correct and true and thus have committed ourselves to) explicitly tell us who we are as individual values. Every person has to think for the family first and the self as secondary."
a person and pervades our human life. Understandably, values can change and be modified
depending on the person's experiences, influences, and life stage. Values can also be • Professional values refer to the values acquired from the different organizations and
appreciated as standards used in making a decision (Lynch, 1961). For example, a child who workplaces in the society. Man develops a set of values from the practice of his or her
grows up in a rural locality may form new set of values once relocated to an urban setting. profession. It is very important to understand that each profession has its own set of values
This is because values differ between funnily and generations, regions and cultures. which sometimes contradict the values of another profession. Yet, these values are
necessary to keep the professionals united and working together for the common good. An
example of contradicting professional values will be the appreciation for human life from an
educator's point of view against that of a law enforcer. While teachers will never promote
the killing of a person, a police officer will readily take a man's life given the necessary 2. What are your different sets of values? Can you identify the set of values that your
circumstances. Professional values may differ but it actualizes the mission and responsibility students are coming from?
of each person in the society. Filipino professional values such as social acceptance, 3. Can you identify significant values that you have imbibed from the family, school, and
("pakikisama," "amor propio," economic, security, "pagrnamay-ari") are discovered, learned, community? Do you think our sources of values come from one significant institution or a
and practiced while an individual finds meaning in the workplace. combination of the family, school and society?
Values Education
• National values are commonly codified in the national laws has to of a particular country.
These laws seek to grant equality and justice to all its citizens. The national values are In an attempt to respond to this challenge, a good number of schools have already
appropriated in order to protect the citizens by particularly emphasizing their rights and reviewed their curriculum and integrated values in subject areas. Value integration is a
privileges as persons. At the same time, each individual is tasked to love the, country her as commendable move to address the dichotomy between belief and practice.
a sign solidarity and patriotism. It is also important to take note that human values have a
social aspect. The government official who demands "porsiyento", the fireman or policeman Robb (1988) defines values education as "an activity which can take place in any
who extorts "tong" or "Iagay" for a ese service which is his duty, all contribute to the organization during which people are assisted by others, who may be older, in authority or
worsening graft and corruption. We are all responsible for one of another ("tayong lahat ay more experienced, to make explicit those values underlying the, own behavior, to assess the
may pananagutan sa isa't-isa") (Gorospe, 2011). effectiveness of these values and associated behavior for their own and others' long term
well-being and to reflect on and acquire other values and behavior which they themselves
• Moral and Spiritual values are ethical values which are naturally developed in each realize are more effective for long term well-being of self and others."
individual because we are created with dignity and respect for life. Every person desires to
be loved and be respected by other people in the society. The natural tendency to love and Values education is therefore a process by which a mature adult assists learner to
respect others discover, choose, and act with the goal of attaining one's personal well-being as well as that
moves us to practice these values. In addition, the belief of each Individual to a Supreme of the society. It must be made clear however that values education is not indoctrination. In
Being calls us to believe that we have a higher purpose on earth that each creature is fact, a successful values education program should develop critically—minded persons who
created with a purpose and that is to love and to share the beauty of life bestowed to US by are able to synthesize, see connections, evaluate arguments and then decide on the proper
God. Filipinos deep trust in God ("paniniwalo to Diyos", "bathala" or "Maykapal") basically course of action. In continuously choosing what is right and moral, the young person's
influenced by the Spaniards who Christianized the country. actions develop into good habits which then become the pillars of appropriate values.

Hence, upon knowing the different sets of values that a person develops over time There are many agents of values education. Parents act as primary agents of values
in his life, it is important to acknowledge that in order to understand a person, one should education. Vatican II asserts the family as the domestic Church which "inculcates religious
know and therefore understand his beliefs and values. Each individual is formed by the beliefs, attitudes, morals, and social conscience." Monera and Marco (2006) add that the
different sets of values. Thus each person sees things according to their own belief and "modelling of parents are indispensable. The parents, in the, most fundamental function,
values (Thomlinson, 1953). Trying to find a common area of good understanding will help are expected to safeguard, reproduce, and transmit religious and cultural values."
two individuals create an excellent dialogue and open communication.
In partnership with the parents, school teachers (in loco parentis) also carry the
Questions for Reflection: immense responsibility of forming young people to become value-laden productive citizens
1. Can you come up with your own definition of values? Do you agree that values influence of the society. Newman and Blehl (1963) even go to the extent of describing an ideal
our behavior? education as "almost prophetic in its knowledge of history; it is almost heart-searching from
its knowledge of human nature; it has almost supernatural charity from its freedom from
littleness and prejudice; it has almost the repose of faith because nothing can startle it; it governments, arenas of power and other human exploits have brought numerous social ills
has almost the beauty and harmony of heavenly contemplation, so intimate is with the of which we are challenged to identify, correct, and fight against. Values education and the
eternal order of things and the music of the spheres." teacher must make the students discover that there is a way to make this world a better
place. Values education can be a tool in the dialectical process of finding solutions to social
ills where opposing orientations are appreciated in their mutual interactions toward
Teaching is a never, ending quest of helping learning achieve knowledge, skills and advancement or growth.
values. Hence, teachers should the first one to model good behavior in and out of the To teach values in these post-modern times is a necessity. If teachers are to form
school. upright persons who are actively involved in social change then they must rise up to the
challenge of becoming paragons of virtue.
Teachers are the best visual aid inside the classroom. Zulueta & Guimbatan (2002)
share the following desirable characteristics of a teacher:
Questions for Reflection:
• Emotionally stable and with sound mental health 1. In your opinion, is values education still relevant today? Why?
• Good physical health and dynamic personality 2. What are the most important values that we have to teach our students so that they can
• Creativity, resourcefulness and good countenance properly respond to the challenges brought about by globalization, secularization and
• Good grooming, good example in word and actions modernization?
• Has positive outlook in life 3. How can we effectively teach values?
• Friendly and sociable
• Firm yet has democratic leadership
• Encouraging attitude and morally upright

The Need for Values Education

It is very common (and understandable) for teachers to appreciate values education

as a tool to lessen or even eradicate behavior problems among students. However, values
education can be elevated to a much higher purpose. Through values education, we
empower students and help them address properly their personal problems even after they
have already left school. Dagmang (2007) explains that "students, when faced with personal
problems, usually go to familiar sources and non-traditional supports such as popularized
books, magazines, journals, friends, tv, internet, and some professionals." An effective
values education program however will make the student draw out from himself (or herself)
the necessary skills, tools, and solutions to his or her problems.

Values education will be futile if it ends with just the empowerment of the person to
solve his (or her) personal or private matters. It should also be seen as a powerful tool to
move the young (who will also be adults soon) to look and respond to the more serious
aspects of life and the many ills that plague the society. The world of the workplace,

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