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Siena College Inc.

Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity




A Thesis Proposal

Presented to the College Department of

Siena College Inc., Quezon City

In Partial Fulfilment

of the Requirements for the Degree of

Bachelor of Secondary Education

Major in Values Education



Siena College Inc.,
Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity

Table of Contents


Introduction------------------------------------------------------------- 1

Statement of the Problem ------------------------------------------ 3

Conceptual Framework --------------------------------------------- 5

Significance of the Study ------------------------------------------- 6

Scope and Limitation ------------------------------------------------ 7

Definition of Terms --------------------------------------------------- 7

2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ------------------------- 12


Research Design-------------------------------------------------------- 26

Study Locale-------------------------------------------------------------- 26

Population and Sampling---------------------------------------------- 27

Research Instrument---------------------------------------------------- 29

Data Gathering Procedure--------------------------------------------- 30

Statistical Treatment of Data------------------------------------------ 31

Bibliography-------------------------------------------------------------- 34
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Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity




"He said to them, "Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature"

(Mk. 16:15).

The new evangelization is a duty of all Christians in the Church to deepen faith, believe

in the Gospel message, and spread it across the world. The focus of New Evangelization is

to call all Catholics to be evangelized and go forth to evangelize (Jackson Advocate, 2014).

As Jesus said in the Gospel of Matthew (Mt. 28: 19-20) "Therefore go and make disciples of

all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you

always, to the very end of the age." Over the years, this is the response of the Church to

make the Church and its people to be connected and to receive the newness of the Gospel.

The birth of the internet gave an avenue for New Evangelization to take place, in the

context of social media. Social Media is an online platform that enables various users to

connect and interact virtually in various ways and manners. Among the most famous social

media site used worldwide is Facebook. As Facebook further develops and increases its

audience, the Church started to use this platform to reach a wide number of audiences. Over

the years, "Social Media" became an impetus to New Evangelization specifically with the use

of Facebook. This is the most common medium used to reach a wide audience of believers.

As the Catholic Church adapts to the changing world, traditional evangelizing methods are
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Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity

greatly enhanced with social media use. "The wise and constructive use of social media is

an important means of New Evangelization" (Martin, 2014) This medium is accessible during

this generation for everyone, and most of all, it is free to use as long as the users have

internet access. Many social networks have emerged in the last decade and continue to grow

and expand. Among all these social media sites, the most used and notable website used is

"Facebook". Facebook has become the largest social networking site in history. Currently,

this network is being used extensively by Catholics: Pope, Cardinal, Bishops, Clergy, and the


At the onset of the year 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic led most people to use and

spend their time mainly on Facebook. This allows most social media evangelizers and

aspiring ones to utilize their time to create content to evangelize and catechize. To proclaim

the Gospel through the new media means not only to insert expressly religious content into

different media platforms but also to witness consistently, in one's digital profile and in the

way one communicates choices, preferences, and judgments that are fully consistent with

the Gospel, even when it is not spoken of specifically (Pope Benedict XVI, 2011). Due to this

new normal setup, the Catholic Church, specifically the priests and the faithful, would have

to adjust their means to evangelize the people of God without violating the IATF protocol and

use Facebook as a medium for evangelization, knowing that there is plenty of content that

Facebook offers to its users. By all means, the Church wisely uses the power of social media

to reach more wide audience to spread the Gospel throughout the world, to what the apostles

did thousands of years ago. According to St. John Paul II says in his encyclical "Redemtoris

Missio", "Faith is strengthened when it is given to others!"

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Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity

In view of the foregoing, the researchers aim to explore the effectivity of Facebook as

a new tool for evangelization to the college students of Siena College Inc., Quezon City, AY


Statement of The Problem

The study will aim to assess the effectivity of Facebook as a new tool for

evangelization to the college students of Siena College Inc., Quezon City, AY 2021-2022.

Specifically, the following questions will be systematically answered in this research:

1. What is the respondents’ demographic profile in terms of:

1.1. Age;

1.2. Sex;

1.3. Year Level;

1.4. Course/Program;

1.5. Internet Connectivity;

1.6. Frequency of Facebook Usage?

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2. To what extent do respondents use Facebook to access:

2.1. Social Media Evangelizers; and

2.2. Catechism Vlogs (Video Logs)

2.3. Catholic Facebook Pages

2.4. Webinars

2.5. Online Recollections

2.6. Live Streams

2.7. Infographics?

3. How effective do respondents see Facebook's catholic pages and posts as an

instrument in:

1.7. Deepening one's faith;

1.8. Re-evangelization;

1.9. Transmission of Faith; and

1.10. Faith Experiences and New Encounter with Christ?

4. What suggestions and recommendations can be made to enhance the effectivity of

Facebook as a tool for New Evangelization?

 Who is your favorite social evangelizer? and why do you like them?

 Do you find Catechism Vlogs effective in learning about the teachings of the

Catholic Church?

 What is your favorite Catholic Facebook Page? Why?

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 Do you think Facebook is an ideal platform for evangelizing?

Conceptual Framework

This study is centered on the effectivity of Facebook as a new tool for evangelization

as shown in Figure 1 below. Facebook is the independent variable that consists of Social

Media Evangelizers, Catechism Vlogs/Videos, pages, and posts that affects the New

Evangelization in terms of deepening of one’s faith, a new encounter with Christ, the

transmission of faith, and re-evangelization among the respondents as the dependent




 Social Media Evangelizers  Deepening of one’s faith

 Catechism Vlogs/Videos  New encounter with Christ
 Catholic Facebook Pages  Transmission of faith
o Webinars  “Re-evangelization”
o Online Recollections
o Live Streaming
 FB Posts (image,
infographics, trivia’s)


 Age
 Gender
 Year Level
 Course/Program
 Internet connectivity
 Usage Frequency
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Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

The moderator variables are the respondents’ age, sex, year-level, course/

program, internet connectivity and usage frequency respectively. These variables act as

go-betweens which may affect both Facebook usage and the New Evangelization.

Significance of the study

The result of the study will be deemed essential to the following;

The respondents. To bring them closer together as Catholic youth, stay in touch as the

body of Christ, and deepen their faith and let them be motivated during the pandemic.

The Catholic Youth and Parishioners. To spiritually uplift and involve the message of

Christ's love in them, to help enlighten and deepen their faith, believe in the Gospel

message, and go forth to proclaim the Gospel.

The Catechists and Lay Ministers To assist them in evangelizing people who cannot

be reached in person, and to bring the message of Christ's love into the palm of their

hands, as the new evangelization calls every Catholic to renew their relationship with

Jesus Christ and his Church.

The priest and seminarians who deliver online evangelization. To help them make

community available without parish walls or gatherings through various mediums such as

live streams, podcasts, and virtual meetings.

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Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity

The other Religion and Sects. To be enlightened and gain knowledge about the New

Evangelization, also to further clarify misconceptions about the teachings of the Catholic

Church through the help of social media platforms specifically on Facebook.

Researchers. This study will further broaden their perspective about using social media

platforms to evangelize people and know how effective it is in every individual who is

exposed to this.

The Future Researchers. This research will suggest additional research opportunities

related to the research. This may also serve as a useful resource.

Likewise, this study of Christian vocation and mission of evangelization and apostleship

is the point of realized commitment among Christians to take part in forming a culture of

synodality through an empowered and engaged presence in social media. This would

allow the researchers to evaluate if the chosen medium of evangelizing in the Church is

effective and can be recommended for continuous use.

Scope and Limitations

This study will focus on the assessment of the effectivity of Facebook as a new tool

for evangelization. This study will be limited to the college students of Siena College Inc.,

Quezon City, for AY 2021-2022.

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Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity

Definition of Terms

For clarity and better understanding, the following terms are defined as how they

will be used in this study.

Catechism Vlogs/Videos. It refers to a series of video posts on the internet about

thoughts or experiences and topic discussion about a religious instruction manual,

typically in the form of questions and answers are recorded, to teach the young, win

converts, and testify to the faith.

Catholic Facebook Pages. It refers to a Catholic website wherein posts and videos are

uploaded on Facebook.

Church. It refers to the assembly of the dispersed children of God brought together in

the unity of the Trinity by the blood of Christ; an assembly celebrating the wondrous deeds

of God (Catholic Dictionary of the Liturgy, 1989).

Deepening of one's faith. It refers to a level of humility that allows people to believe

that God knows so much more than we do and that he can teach us about ourselves,

him, and how to support others.

Evangelization. It refers to the carrying out of the Church duty of proclaiming the Gospel

of the Lord according to the signs of the time. It is said to be "the communication of the

Gospel of Jesus Christ."

Facebook. It refers to an online social networking website where people can create

profiles, share information such as photos and quotes about themselves, and respond or

link to the information posted by others (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2021) .

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Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity

Faith. It refers to realizing what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen (Hebrews


FB Posts. It refers to public messages sent to a user's entire Facebook community or a

single person's profile page (or "wall").

Gospel. It refers to one of the four New Testament books Matthew, Mark, Luke, and

John that tell the story of the life of Jesus, written to spread the Gospel (Good News) of

Christian salvation (Webster's International Encyclopedia,1991).

IATF. International Automotive Task Force (IATF 16949:2016 October 2016) A task force

that is responsible for monitoring the health protocols that are imposed to ensure the

safety of the citizens at the time of the pandemic.

Image and Infographics. It refers to photographed, painted, sculpted, or otherwise

rendered visible physical likeness or depiction of an individual, animal, or object used to

convey religious messages or to evangelize.

Internet connectivity. It refers to how respondents link to the internet as this plays an

important role in the new evangelization.

Live Streaming. It refers to a type of broadcasting in which audio or video is aired live

over the internet and it provides a venue to accommodate religious and spiritual concerns,

especially using it in Facebook for online masses and online recollections/retreats.

Media. It refers to a communication system such as books, newspapers, radio, and

television (The New Webster's International Encyclopedia 1996).

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New encounter with Christ. It means allowing the Holy Spirit to come to one’s life and

experience Christ. As “Evangelii Gaudium” invites most Christians to have a renewed

and personal encounter with Jesus Christ.

Social Media Evangelizer. It refers to a person who uses social media to evangelize or

teach persons about their Catholic Christian faith.

Transmission of Faith. It refers to a fundamental act of the Church that leads Christian

communities to express basic works of faith, such as charity, testimony, declaration,

celebration, listening, and sharing.

Usage Frequency. In the context of the study, it is depicted as the number of hours that

the respondents use in browsing Facebook and their exposure to various contents that

are related to the teachings of the Church.

Webinars. It refers to a web-based seminar or other presentation that allows participants

from all over the world to see and hear the presenter, ask questions, and often respond

to polls.
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Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity




This chapter underscores the summary of some authors with significant writings,

works, or articles that complement the subject regarding the effectiveness of Facebook

as a new tool for evangelization. The said works of literature below will also give emphasis

and in-depth information about the variables presented by the researchers, especially

about the concept of New Evangelization, that has a significant implication to the study

being made.

Before the term “New Evangelization,” there was “Evangelization,” and it came

first. It dates back to the time of the apostles, when it was their mission to proclaim and

share the Gospel throughout the world. As time passed, the Church realized that there

was a need for “re-evangelization” of the faithful, because the faithful were gradually

forgetting the basics and essence of their faith. St. John Paul II coined the term "New

Evangelization" in 1983 during a speech to Latin American bishops, and it was eventually

adopted by the entire Church.

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New Evangelization

The term “New Evangelization” was first used by St. John Paul II in 1983 during

an address to Latin American Bishops and used by the whole Church later on. In the

encyclical “Redemptoris Missio,” St. John Paul II defined “New Evangelization” as a

process in which a call for the baptized Church members to deepen their faith and reach

out to other Christians in deep need of a new encounter with Christ. He describes it as

well as “where entire groups of the baptized have lost a living sense of the faith, or even

no longer consider themselves members of the Church, and live a life far removed from

Christ and his Gospel. In this case, what is needed is a ‘new evangelization or a ‘re-

evangelization.” (RM 33).

Many people perceive “New Evangelization” to use new modes of communication

such as technologies and social media. However, this term was used before the era of

social networking sites. Therefore, New Evangelization is a process by which taking the

initiative to bring Christ and his Gospel to other baptized Christian who have lost their

faith and find Christian faith as irrelevant in today’s world.

Evangelization. Based on the apostolic exhortation of Pope Paul VI "Evangelii

Nuntiandi (On Evangelization in the Modern World)" evangelization brings Jesus' Good

News into any human condition and attempts to convert individuals and community

through the spiritual influence of the Gospel itself This corresponds to participating in

Christ’s three-fold mission in the aspect of His “Prophetic Office”. "Christ . . . fulfills this

prophetic office, not only by the hierarchy . . . but also by the laity. He accordingly both

establishes them as witnesses and provides them with the sense of the faith [sensus fidei]
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and the grace of the word" (CCC 904). It encourages laypeople “to teach to lead others

to faith is the task of every preacher and each believer. (CCC 904)” In contrast, when

evangelizing it is a must that it would be directed to the name of Christ "There is no true

evangelization if the name, the teaching, the life, the promises, the Kingdom and the

mystery of Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God are not proclaimed." (Mt. 28:20)

Furthermore, “Evangelization is the task of the Church” (EG 111). Because in

reality, one of the goals of the Catholic Church brings the people of God towards Him.

The Church is “certainly a mystery rooted in the Trinity, yet she exists concretely in history

as a people of pilgrims and evangelizers, transcending any institutional expression,

however necessary. (EG 111)”

Deepening One’s Faith

Deepening one’s faith is a challenge for most Christians. For some become

stagnant with it, but also some become active when it comes to this. There are various

ways to deepen one’s faith. According to, to deepen one’s faith is done by

praying the Rosary, going to Mass often, reading stories of the saints, studying the

Church’s teachings, participating in retreats, reading the Scriptures. These are some of

the usual ways of doing it.

To deepen one’s faith and understanding about the Church through a modern and

digital medium is another way. Through the use of other platforms, it becomes more

accessible than before. In these digital human communities, the Church constantly calls

all Catholic faithful to present the Word of God diligently. “Christianity is a mediated
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phenomenon. There is no aspect of Christianity that can exist except as it is being

communicated” (Galang & Macaraan, 2021). For through constant communication about

Faith will further deepen one’s understanding as well.

As a new age dawns and change is dynamic within our society, many people will

have different ways of understanding and deepening their Christian faith, such

phenomenon also has an impact on deepening one’s Christian Faith, such as a

pandemic. Due to this most of the faithful can have an option to ignore the need to deepen

one’s faith and allow them to unknowingly experience acedia or spiritual sloth which is

something that most Christians avoid especially with the current situation or the

pandemic. Indeed, deepening one’s faith in the time of pandemic is a challenge to most

of the faithful. Deepening one’s faith in the context of the pandemic is somewhat a

challenge to the faithful, for the usual practices that can be done physically are now limited

or worst banned due to health protocols.

New Encounter with Christ

The fast pace of our world dramatically affects one’s search for Christ. People who

become agnostic or even cease to believe in Christ do not encounter Christ in their lives.

“Faith is born of an encounter with the Lord” (Bacani, 2013), yet as we progress, the laity

must also have a “new encounter with Christ”. According to Bp. Teodoro Bacani Jr. to

encounter Christ, one must submit themselves to Him and know Him. As Jesus makes

himself available in many ways to encounter him personally, He enlightens every person

coming into the world (Jn. 1:9). As St. John Paul II puts it, “…with man - with each man

without exception whatever – Christ is in a way united, even when man is unaware of it”
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(Redemptor Hominis, no. 14). Many Christians have this continuous eagerness to search

for Christ.

The word "new evangelization" refers to the peculiar circumstance in which the

Catholic Church currently finds itself. For most of the Church's existence, most of its

members lived in European countries where the Church was flourishing.

Transmission of Faith

“The Transmission of the faith is a fundamental act of the Church, which leads

Christian communities to articulate, in a strict sense, the basic works of the life of faith,

namely, charity, witness, proclamation, celebration, listening and sharing (Instrumentum

Laboris 92).” In reality, this does not only revolve in the sense of pastoral works and likes.

It is still related to how the baptized Christians will work on how will it be possible to share

in the “saving mission” of Christ. As St. John Paul II asks the lay people to recognize

“there must be no lessening of the impetus to preach the Gospel” to those who are far

from Christ, “because this is the first task of the Church”. (RM 14) To conclude, the

“Transmission of Faith” is true that fundamental act of the Church, that will be able to

deepen the roots one’s Christian aspect in life.


The need for “Re-evangelization” was also coined by St. John Paul II during II in

1983 during an address to Latin American Bishops. He perceives that there is still a need

for it due to the rapid changes in the Christian community. The need for “Re-

evangelization” was also raised by the Couples for Christ Foundation for Family and Life

(CFC-FFL) in a document that the organization created entitled: “Celebrating 500 Years
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of Christianity in the Philippines (1521 To 2021): A Proposal for the Re-Evangelization of

the Nation”.

According to them, “There should be a program that is effective in bringing people

into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The program should be replicable

throughout the parishes, to be conducted by laypeople under the guidance of the clergy.

The program should provide for an ongoing support environment so that the initial

transformation in Christ will deepen (CFC-FFL, 2021).” This document calls for

awareness within the Catholic Church in the Philippine context. “The Church is an

immense force for renewal in the world.” (Pope Benedict XVI, 2010). Indeed the Church

will be the impetus for the renewal of the world, and the Church also calls its members to

“re-evangelize” and be “re-evangelized”, for the there is indeed a call for renewal with

one’s relationship with Christ.


Facebook is an "American organization that offers online social networking

services," according to Britannica Encyclopaedia. It was founded in 2004 by Mark

Zuckerberg, Eduardo Severin, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes, Zuckerberg's

Harvard University colleagues. Facebook has now surpassed Twitter as the most popular

social media platform on the planet." Since Facebook is free and accessible to billions of

people worldwide, it has expanded and refined its functionality and functions over time.

“This network is heavily used by Catholics, including Cardinals, Bishops, Priests,

Deacons, Brothers, Nuns, Dioceses, and the general public. Fr. Frank Pavone, Fr. Mitch

Pacwa, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, EWTN, Scott Hahn, Johnette Benkovic,
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and many other well-known Catholics use Facebook to communicate with their flock and

audience daily. (M. Westen, 2013).

Since then, Facebook has become somewhat the “New Agora” as stated by

Galang and Macaraan in their article “Digital Apostleship: Evangelization in the New

Agora”, wherein the word agora originates in the time of ancient Greece, “where it is an

open space designed for gatherings and exchange” (Evangelidis 2014, p.351). In today’s

time, with the rise of the digital agora, social media platforms, in particular, also offers the

venue for the same purpose and Facebook is one of those platforms that allows people

to gather or even assemble to connect and gather new information. Even before the

pandemic, numerous organizations and religions used social media platforms, especially

Facebook, to accomplish their mission and advance their rich. As the Church becomes

faithful to her mission to read the signs of the times, the Church continuous to update to

reach the Christian community.

Facebook’s Technological Affordances. Facebook's technical capabilities

enable users to expand their social network interactions beyond friends and family and

even into their religious congregation. The editability, persistence, searchability, and

visibility of this SNS, in particular, enables people of faith to connect in ways that face-to-

face contact has not always allowed. The ability to edit Facebook messages, for example,

improves the engagement of people of faith by allowing them to craft strategic messages,

target the public, and accomplish clear communication goals through posted messages.

Users construct and recreate shared cultural and spiritual experiences using multimedia
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elements (photos, memes, gifs, text, and video) (Treem & Leonardi, 2012). Users can

archive information posted thanks to the technology's persistence feature. Users have

the power to freeze moments in time and share them with others. SNSs' searchability

removes the time and space constraints that often limit face-to-face contact, allowing

users to access archived information whenever and wherever they want it. This on-

demand retrieval process makes it easier to find the information searched and bring back

archived material. Visibility increases the likelihood that a wide range of people will see

the material (Boyd et al., 2011).

Facebook's technical capabilities have the potential to affect how and why people

of faith use the platform. Facebook allows for event recording, archiving, and even live

streaming. It also improves the content's visibility. For example, Harvest Ministries' 2011

outreach event, a three-day celebration featuring Christian music and messages,

attracted nearly triple the average audience since the event could be filmed, archived,

and even posted live on Facebook for the first time. A connection to the live stream may

is shared by individuals (Murashko, 2011). Similarly, Christ Fellowship, a Christian

ministry located in Texas, has created an "Internet campus" where it broadcasts weekly

worship services online and allows members to connect in a virtual environment

(Grossman, 2012).

Social Media Evangelizers

A lamp must be placed on a lampstand. The lamp represents the Good News of

our Lord Jesus, and we are challenged to spread it in whatever way we can. “Ever since

the internet first became accessible, the Church has always tried to promote its use in the
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service of the encounter between individuals, and of solidarity among all,” Pope Francis

said in his message for the 53rd World Communications Day. (Reyes Ilsa B. July 2019).

On this point, Pope Francis has been referred to as a rock star. His posts often

appear on Facebook and Twitter. The Vatican launched Pontifex, a Twitter account with

18 million followers under Pope Francis, during his papacy. It is a way of responding to

the message of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI for his exhortation to use social media

expressly for evangelization.

Catholic missionaries have already established themselves in cyberspace. They

are, however, pushed to do more. According to the 2019 Social and Hootsuite Digital

Study, 45 percent of the world's population uses social media, and the average internet

use is 6 hours and 42 minutes. “Internet users are rising by an average of over one million

new users per day,” writes author Simon Kemp, “with all of the initial ‘Next Billion Users'

now online.” (Reyes Ilsa B. July 2019).

Catechism Vlogs/Videos
The use of vlogs or the rise of vloggers is a trend nowadays. The word Vlog is a blend

of two words “video” and “blog”. The word “blog” is defined as a regularly updated website

or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, written in an informal or

conversational style. (Oxford Dictionaries). While the video is a recording of moving visual

images. To sum it up, vlog literally means, according to Oxford Dictionaries, is “a blog in

which the postings are primarily in video form.” As this form of posting or media arises,

the Church now uses this medium to catechize further and also to evangelize the faithful

and those of other religion as well. Most of the content focuses on the Church teaching
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and documents, which aims to teach and clear, well-known beliefs of the Catholic Church

and introduce new ones.

Catholic Facebook Pages

Catholic authors regulate these Facebook pages. These Facebook pages share

information about the Church and aim to evangelize online. As these authors or content

creators utilize their skills and knowledge “to reshape it and use it as means and tool to

evangelize and share the Good News that God became man, suffered, died, and rose

again to defeat death.” (Scheel, 2013) They are now apparent, especially in this time of

the pandemic, to nourish the Christian community's souls. Facebook pages allow

administrators to share stories and connect with people and this feature can be

customized with stories, events, and more (Newberry, 2020).

Webinars. Webinars are seminars conducted over the internet (Oxford

Dictionary), and these webinars are now popular and can be organized by various groups

of people through the use of communication platforms such as Zoom Meetings, Google

Meet, Microsoft Teams, etc. It enables the hosting of a virtual meeting without the need

to find an appropriate physical location. With a webinar, you can share your presentation

with an audience that is not physically present. (Barron, 202). With this, people from

Catholic Religious or even Catholic institutions use this method to organize a bible study

group or even a seminar or online recollections even at the comfort of one’s own home.

Usually, they live-stream these webinars through Facebook Live so that they can reach

more audiences other than those who are inside the meeting room or webinars.

Nowadays, webinars are held by religious institutions, especially the Catholic Church, to

organize a conference to address the needs of the Church and also to evangelize. These
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webinars became an efficient way to continue preaching the word of God despite the

current situation the whole country is into.

Online Recollections. During the pre-covid, recollections are usually done in

places far from the cities. Most of these recollections are usually done by Catholic

institutions and even other Christian denominations. However, as a result of the

pandemic, it is now conducted via the internet through webinars to avoid mass gatherings

and adhere to IATF protocols. These recollections are very popular, especially in the

Catholic Church during the Lenten season. But due to the new normal set, it did not hinder

other priests and parishes from offering their service to help the faithful contemplate and

reflect during the Lenten season. Usually, these are done through social media platforms,

Facebook, mainly to gain and invite more Catholics to join.

Live Streaming. The Oxford dictionary defines “live streaming” as transmitting or

receiving live video and audio coverage (an event) over the internet. Many people or

netizens that use “Live Streaming” the reason behind, according to Mayra Gomes, is that

live streaming is the next step in the evolution of live television. Live TV had such a big

influence because it provided audiences with up-to-date, insightful, and usable content.

Though it remains widespread, TV subscriptions have been declining since the advent of

online streaming.” It is true that through the use of live streaming, there is a possibility to

reach a broader range of audiences to share content. The reason behind why the Church

uses the internet and also live streaming because, according to the Pontifical Council For

Social Communications’ document, The Church and Internet, is that, “The Church's

interest in the Internet is a particular expression of her longstanding interest in the media

of social communication.” As live streaming can reach more audiences, the Church
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utilized it and a means to evangelize and catechize more people in likes of online masses

through Facebook.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, religious organizations used social media to

announce their faith and communicate with the congregation. The pandemic has

reinforced the utility of social media for religious celebrations. Though there are faith-

based social media sites, Facebook can also serve as a forum for these religious and

ethical matters. The Philippine Catholic Church has also used the internet for

evangelization and liturgical celebrations. Some also created their blogs, as well as

YouTube channels. Cardinal Tagle, one of the most respected and nationally recognized

Filipino Church figures, is also noted for his mysterious and charismatic social media

presence. His monthly section The Word Exposed presents listeners and audiences with

catechisms and biblical reflections in his various social media engagements.

Facebook Posts

It refers to public messages sent to a user's entire Facebook community or a single

person's profile page (or "wall"). It also comprises other media content like images,

videos, and infographics used for entertainment or educational use. Usually, many people

use this feature on Facebook to communicate or even to inform. But as other Catholic

users do, they used it to create content that gives instant catechesis through photos and


Infographics. An infographic is defined by Holsanova, Homberg, and Holmqvist

(2009) as a type of multimedia that typically consists of texts of varying complexity,

pictures, and graphic elements such as arrows and movement lines to explain the data
Siena College Inc.,
Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity


behind complex issues, cause-and-effect relationships, or process stages. It can help to

assess Facebook as a new tool for evangelization. According to Holmqvist and

Wartenberg (2005), research has shown that the usage of infographics has a significant

impact on the behavior of the reader, as infographics tend to catch readers’ attention and

enhance the reading of the related text. In this way evangelizing other people will become

easier. The growth of infographic use may be in part to the fact that “visually representing

data is easier to understand for simplifying relationships” (Wisniewski and Fichter,2007).

Bob Regan of Adobe Systems argues “Students are more comfortable experimenting with

visual images because they are often a regular part of their lives outside of school” (2008).

Because infographics frequently use arrows to depict links or processes, Mayer's

"signaling principle" comes into play. Given that the purpose of infographics is to

demonstrate relationships and data in an easy-to-understand way, they appear to be

useful in providing what Mayer and Moreno (2003) defined as meaningful learning.

Meaningful learning is described as a “deep understanding of the material, which includes

attending to important aspects of the presented material, mentally organizing it into a

coherent cognitive structure, and integrating it with relevant existing knowledge.”

Internet Connectivity

The word "Internet access" refers to how people link to the internet, ranging from

dial-up telephone lines to always-on broadband connections to wireless devices. Wireless

Internet access is the newest of these, having entered a small number of users in the
Siena College Inc.,
Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity


early 2000s. Broadband connections, such as DSL (digital subscriber line), ADSL

(asymmetrical DSL), and cable modems, were becoming more common, but only a small

percentage of Internet users used them. Only 6.4 percent of respondents had high-speed

Internet access, and 8.3 percent still used 14.4 Kbps cellular modems.

Since the dawn of the internet, access for the average user has vastly improved,

with faster data transfer rates and more space to handle special services like audio and

video. The first advances in the consumer industry were made in dial-up telephone

connections, with modem speeds rising from 14.4 Kbps to 56 Kbps. With the rise in

popularity of the World Wide Web and its ever-expanding stock of multimedia content, a

new demand for more bandwidth and faster processing rates arose in households and

small businesses, which were previously only available to large companies, universities,

and government agencies (, 2021).

Internet connectivity also plays a vital role in this study because its implication

affects the target respondents for it is a medium where the New Evangelization now takes

place. If one does not have any access to the internet, this will have another implication

to the study being conducted.

Internet connectivity has always been an issue in many parts of the world,

especially here in the Philippines. The Philippines ranked 110th out of 139 countries in

mobile internet speeds in November, according to the Speedtest Global Index run by

American internet testing and analysis firm, Ookla. (Ibañez, 2020) After this survey, the

NTC (National Telecommunications Commissioner) reported that the country's download

speed in the country has already been fixed and improved. Therefore, internet
Siena College Inc.,
Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity


connectivity plays a vital role in this study because its implication affects our chosen


Usage Frequency

The usage frequency as used in this study is the number of times that an individual

uses Facebook. Based on the statistical data of, this year, Facebook’s user

population was over 800 million in Asia. As of 2019, there were about 74 million Facebook

users in the Philippines alone. Furthermore, as of 2020, it controlled approximately 93

percent of the country's social media market share. Filipinos rely on social media apps as

a key source of news and a product placement platform. With this data, it is clear that the

Church has a significant opportunity to reach a larger audience in evangelizing. It is also

essential to consider the usage frequency of the respondents in measuring the effectivity

of Facebook as a new tool for New Evangelization.

Siena College Inc.,
Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity




This chapter introduces, in detail, the research design, study locale, population and

sampling, research instrumentation, data gathering procedure, and the statistical

treatment of data, all of which are deemed significant in the validity and development of

this research.

Research Design

This study will use descriptive research method in attaining the research objectives

and in validating findings drawn from the survey. Data will be collected through a survey

questionnaire and an open ended questions from selected students. This approach will

be employed to determine the effectivity of Facebook as a new tool for evangelization to

college students.

Study Locale

The researchers will conduct this study at Siena College Inc., Quezon City. Siena

College Inc., Quezon City, is a private, non-stock educational institution located at 1105

Del Monte Avenue, Quezon City, Philippines. A home of Catholic Dominican Education:

Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity. It was established in 1958 by the
Siena College Inc.,
Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity


Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena, spearheaded by Mo.

Natividad Pilapil, OP, the then Prioress General.

In its unwavering dedication to the mission of the Church and the Congregation as a

collaborator in building the Kingdom of God on earth, the institution, in 2010-2011, offered

new Bachelor in Secondary Education majors; i.e., Math, English, Biological Science,

Physical Science, Special Education and Values Education At present the school now

opened various programs for the college department namely: Bachelor of Science in

Tourism Management, Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management, Bachelor of

Science in Computer Science, Bachelor of Arts in Communication, and Bachelor of

Science in Business Administration. This school year’s current dean of the college

department is Ms. Arlene Lozada Ong, CHP, MSHRM.

Population and Sampling

This study will involve all college students from different courses for SY 2021-2022.

There are 2 Bachelor of Arts in Communication (BAComm); 11 from Bachelor of Science

in Business Administration Major in Marketing Management (BSBA); 24 from Bachelor of

Science in Business Administration Major in Financial Management (BSBA); 2 from

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English (BSEd); 1 from Bachelor of Secondary

Education Major in Math (BSEd); 2 from Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in

Science (BSEd); 47 from Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Values Education

(BSEd); 2 from Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Religious Education (BSERE);

8 from Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management (BSHM); 3 from Bachelor of

Siena College Inc.,
Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity


Science in Hotel & Restaurant Management (BSHRM); 5 from Bachelor of Science in

Tourism Management (BSTM); 14 Master of Arts in Religious Education (MARE); and 16

Teacher Certificate Program (TCP), with the total of 130 respondents, all enrolled in Siena

College Inc., Quezon City in the current school year 2021-2022.

Table1: Total Number of Respondents

Course Number of Respondents

BAComm 2











TCP 16

Total 130
Siena College Inc.,
Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity


Research Instrument

In conducting the study, a survey questionnaire will be used to gather data from

the respondents. To collect data, the researchers' survey questionnaire will be divided

into three parts:

The first part will contain the respondents’ demographic profile, namely: age, gender,

year level, course/program, internet connectivity and Facebook usage frequency.

The second part contains the assessment to what extent the respondent use Facebook
to access, Social Media Evangelizers, Catholic Facebook Pages, Catechism Vlogs/Videos,
Live Streaming, Webinars, Online Recollections, and FB Posts (image, infographics, trivia’s)
of the College students.

The third part includes an assessment of how effective respondents see Catholic
Facebook Pages and posts as an instrument in, Deepening One’s Faith, Re-evangelization,
Transmission of Faith and New Encounter with Christ. It also consists the open ended
questions about Facebook effectivity and enhancing it as new tool for evangelization.
Siena College Inc.,
Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity


Data Gathering Procedure

In collecting the needed data, the following scheme will be observed:

1. After receiving permission to conduct research involving all Siena College, Inc.

Quezon City students of the College department, the researchers will develop a

survey questionnaire based on the Statement of the Problem.

2. The researchers will subject the questionnaire for validation by three (3)

academician-missionary-catechists who have vast knowledge and expertise in

Liturgy, Catechesis, Theology, and Research, and have been in the teaching field.

3. Following validation, the survey questionnaire will be translated to Google Form

and will be posted online. The respondents will have two (2) weeks to complete

the survey questionnaire. A private messenger will be used to follow up the

response regularly. The data gathered are to be downloaded via spreadsheet after

the online response button is closed. These will be saved in Microsoft Excel format

for later tallying, statistical computation, analysis, and data interpretation.

Siena College Inc.,
Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity


Statistical Treatment of Data

In establishing clarity and validity of the results of the study, the researchers will

use the Relative Frequency and Weighted Average Mean (WAM). To systematically

present the demographic profile of the respondents, the researchers will use Relative

Frequency or Percent Share with the formula below: RF = F/N (100%)


RF = Relative Frequency or percent share

f = frequency

N = total number of respondents

The Weighted Average Mean (WAM) will be used to analyze and determine the

Effectivity Of Facebook as a New Tool for Evangelization, specifically for the Independent

and Dependent variables.

The formula is:

WAM = ∑fx/N;


WAM = Weighted Average Mean

∑fx = summation of the products of the frequency (F) and the scale

response (Weight)

N = total population
Siena College Inc.,
Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity


The researchers will employ the use of a 4-point Likert Scale with the following verbal
Value Verbal Interpretation

4 Always

3 Often

2 Sometimes

1 Never

The researchers will use the 4-point Likert scale. This scale assigned “4” as the

highest and “1” as the lowest. The verbal interpretation is as follows:

4 – Always 2 - Sometimes

3 – Often 1 – Never

Arbitrary scale points will be used to interpret the overall mean as follows:


3.26 – 4.00 - Always

2.51 – 3.25 - Often

1.76 – 2.50 - Sometimes

1.00 – 1.75 - Never

Siena College Inc.,
Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity



Basir, Zaldy Manaois. Understanding Christian Morality. 2003

Bacani Jr., Teodoro C. (2013) Faith and New Evangelization, Manila, Philippines: Gift of
God Publications.

The Holy Bible,The New American Bible (NAB). Catholic Biblical Association, Philppine
Bible Society , 2013.

Church Documents

Catechism of the Catholic Church. Manila: Catholic Bishops' Conference of the

Philippines & Word and Life Publication, 1994.

Documents of Vatican Council II. edited by: James Kroeger: Paulines Publishing
House, 2011.

Evangelii Gaudium. 24 November, 2013

Evangelii Nuntiandi. December 8, 1975.

Redemptoris Missio. 7 December, 1990

Electronic Documents

What is Evangelization? - Go and Make Disciples. United States Conference of Catholic

Bishops (n.d). Retrieved May 12, 2021.

What Is the New Evangelization? Ave Maria Press.

evangelization/ Retrieved May 12, 2021

What is the New Evangelization? The answer might surprise

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surprise-you/. Retrieved May 12, 2021.

Gomes, M. (2018, April 24). 5 Reasons Why Live Streaming Is So Important -

ManyCam Blog .. manycam.Com.

Westen, MEd, MTS, MA.Th. PhD , M. (2013). Social Media in the New Evangelization.
Siena College Inc.,
Passion for Truth and Compassion for Humanity


Galang, J. R. F., & Macaraan, W. E. R. (2021). Digital Apostleship: Evangelization in the

New Agora. Religions, 12(2), 92. . Retrieved May

12, 2021.

Facebook | Overview, History, & Facts

Britannica. . Retrieved May 12, 2021.

Catholic Q&A - Questions and Answers from My Catholic Life. Retrieved May 12, 2021.

"Connectivity, Internet ." Gale Encyclopedia of E-Commerce. . 15, 2021.

Reyes, I. On a Social Media Lampstand. World Mission Magazine.,2019.

Brubaker, P. J., & Haigh, M. M. (2017). The Religious Facebook Experience: Uses and
Gratifications of Faith-Based Content. In , & , Social Media + Society (Vols. 3,
Issues 2, p. 205630511770372).

What Is a Webinar (Definition)? +How Does It

31683. Retrieved May 12, 2021.

10 Best Catholic Pages On Facebook.

pages-on-facebook/. Retrieved May 12, 2021.

Unpublished Materials

Siena College Quezon City Student Handbook. 2018

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