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Q1 - Week 4 – Day 2- MARKETING

Topic: Continuation of Marketing Research Process

Step 6: Determination of data access methods

o Person-administered survey – administered through face-to-face or
telephone interview.
o Computer administered – eliminate the need of time consuming
data tabulation as computers can generate this information in real
o Self-administered survey – respondent complete the survey on their
own, inexpensive and lack of respondent control.
o Hybrid survey – rather complex to develop and administer.
Step 7: Data collection form design

• Introduction – contains greetings, introduction, researcher

introduction and affiliation, purpose, and a statement assuring the
respondent confidentiality/anonymity.
• Screening – are series of question designed to eliminate
respondents who are not qualified to take part in the survey.
• Core – body of the survey questionnaire.
• Classification – question used to classify respondents into different
groups for stratification and analysis purposes.

Types of questions used in questionnaire:

➢ Categorical response question – answer options are

a. Dual choice – two choices of answer “yes” or “no”.
b. Multiple choice – three or more choices of answer.

➢ Open-end question – respondent can answer this question in

his/her own words.

➢ Metric question – requires respondent to answer using a

number on a scale developed by the researcher.

Step 8: Sample size and sampling plan determination

It is ideal to give questionnaires to every member of the target
population. This type of survey is called census. This are use when target
population is small.
Sample – representative portion of the target population.

Sampling plan – methodology use for sample size

Two types of method use:

a. Nonprobability sampling – all members of survey population do

not have equal chances of being selected to be part of the
sample. They are not reliable, and results are usually not
generalized to the population.

b. Probability sampling – utilize the principle of randomness, where

every member of the survey population has an equal non-zero
chance of being selected as part of the sample.

Types of nonprobability sampling:

• Convenience sampling – when researcher arbitrarily select
relatives, friends, classmates, etc. to be given survey question.
• Judgement sampling – the researcher gives questionnaire to
individuals who in his judgement, are qualified to participate
in the survey.
• Referral sampling – researcher ask initial respondent to
provide other qualified respondents for the survey.
• Quota sampling - researcher specifies the proportions of
various classification to be included in the survey.

Types of probability sampling:

➢ Simple random sampling – researcher select survey

respondents so that each member of the population has an
identical chance of being chosen to be included in the
➢ Systematic sampling – researcher select respondent using
sampling frame (list of all members), a random starting point,
and a skip interval.
➢ Cluster sampling – survey population is divided into
subgroups, each of which represents the entire survey
➢ Stratified sampling – survey population is divided into
subgroups, and proportional samples from all subgroups are
included in the sample using the principle of randomness.



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