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QUIZ DAY 7 – 4th BCOM July 3, 2021

Choose the best answer

1. Of the 5 policy types, the _____ type is important for BCOM as these are policies that govern
workplaces including the establishment’s goals, its operations, how the establishment will treat
its employees, and how employees will work.
a. Public
b. Social
c. Institutional
d. Health
e. Organizational
Correct answer: Institutional

2. The first step in policy development is problem identification.

a. True
b. False
Correct answer: True

3. _______ encompasses the choices that a society, segment of society, or organization makes
regarding its goals and priorities and how it will allocate its resources.
a. Policy
b. Program
c. Both
d. Neither
Correct answer: Policy

4. The way to implement a policy is through a program.

a. True
b. False
Correct answer: True

5. ______ focuses on malleable variables i.e. variables that are under the control of and can be
changed by the policy makers.
a. Policy and program
b. Program management
c. Policy research
d. None of the above
Correct answer: Policy research

6. The component/s of the cyclical nature of emergency management include:

a. Prevention
b. Preparedness
c. Response
d. Recovery
e. All of the above
Correct answer: All of the above

7. What is the changing role of the occupational health professional regarding managed care health
a. The role has shifted from payer to purchaser of health services.
b. The role is just cooperating with the managed care organization.
c. The role will be to cooperate with human resource management.
d. The role will shift to hiring by the managed care organization.
Correct answer: The role has shifted from payer to purchaser of health services.

8. Which of the following are core competencies of an OH Physician?

a. Identification and assessment of the risks from health hazards in the workplace.
b. Surveillance of workers’ health based on legal requirements.
c. Advising on the planning and organization of work including the design of workplaces
d. Formulation of OSH policies and management of OSH programs.
e. All of the above
Correct answer: All of the above

9. Which of the following attributes may be considered as core competencies of physician leaders?
a. Humility. Servant leadership, a model first articulated by Greenleaf, focuses on serving
the highest needs of others in an effort to help others achieve their goals.
b. Justice. The ability to treat all team members fairly and with respect.
c. Perseverance and fortitude. Toughness and tenacity to follow through with difficult
d. Innovation and adaptability. A willingness to engage thought leaders throughout the
practice or health system in seeking best ideas.
e. All of the above
Correct answer: All of the above

10. The main strategies in building a workplace health promotion program include the following,
a. Workplace Health Assessment
b. Planning the Program
c. Implementing the Program
d. Workplace environment monitoring
Correct answer: Workplace environment monitoring

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