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No. of hours 3

Mode of delivery Synchronous and Asynchronous

1. Define globalization.
Learning 2. Identify the signs of globalization.
objectives 3. Explain the effects of globalization on communication.
4. Write a reflection on a video clip about communication and technology.

Suggested Suggested
Tasks/ Activities Tasks/ Activities
(Perform task
Brain Starter/
provided in this
Activity 1 module)
(Perform task http://www.globaliza
Activity 2 provided in this
module) globalization/

(Perform task
Activity 3 provided in this
(Perform task https://www.youtu
Activity 4 provided in this
module) 7Xr3AsBEK4
(Perform task
Activity 5 provided in this
(Perform task
provided in this
Activity 6 module)
Teacher & students go online
to provide feedback on Google Meet
Feedbacking Session student outputs and give (link will be provided
time for questions and by the teacher)
Please check/ visit your LMS or Google Classroom for the announcement on
Submission of
the submission of your outputs. You may also reach your teacher through
contact number ___________________.

1) The online tools and resources for synchronous and asynchronous tasks to be used shall depend on the agreement between the
teacher and students. The online platforms above are only suggested. Teachers are given the liberty to choose tools which best
suit the learning environment and resource-capacities of the learners without setting aside the competencies expected for the
General Direction:

Visit our digital learning platform for the instructions

on the online tools to be used and the mode and
deadline of submission of your activities.

Activity 1

What do you know about globalization? Write your ideas inside the thought bubbles.

Activity 2

Click on the link and read the article about globalization to find out whether your ideas
are close to facts about it.

Activity 3

What have you found out? Answer the following questions:

1. What are the signs of globalization?

2. Why is technology considered the main driver of globalization?
3. Do you agree that technology allows poor countries to develop their economies and raise
their standard of living? Why/ why not?
4. Were your thoughts about globalization confirmed or validated by the article?

Activity 4

Does globalization have an effect on communication?

Before you answer this question, watch Sherry Turkle’s talk about communication and
globalization through the advent of technology.

Click on .
Activity 5

Here are some of the key points in Sherry Turkle's talk. Do you agree or disagree to these? Tell
why you do or don’t in 3-4 sentences.

1. [Fast forward to current times] We’re letting it [technology] take us places that we don’t want
to go.


2. “Being together while not being together…”


3. People are afraid of conversation because it’s in real time and you can’t control what you say,
you can’t edit/delete/retouch


4. Human relationships are rich and messy and demanding, and we clean them up with
technology. When we do, we sacrifice conversation for mere connection.


5. We expect more from technology, and less from each other.

We learned in the first chapter that communication is the transmission of ideas and emotions
between or among persons with the use of verbal and non-verbal cues. With the shrinking world
brought by advancements in communications technology, people can now engage in communication
situations beyond borders in real time. This phenomenon is strengthened by globalization.

Globalization is the process of interaction and integration between people, companies, and
governments worldwide. It is primarily an economic process of interaction and integration that's
associated with social and cultural aspects. Globalization has affected us in numerous ways especially
with how we communicate.

Globalization relies on media as its main conduit for the spread of global culture and ideas. The
relationship between globalization and media must be unraveled to further understand the
contemporary world. Lule (2014) describes media as “a means of conveying something such as a
channel of communication”. Technically speaking, a person’s voice is a medium. However, when
commentators refer to “media” (the plural of medium), they mean the technologies of mass

Connecting with people on the other side of the world is now much easier than it was a few
years ago. Satellites, fiber-optic cables, and internet make it effortless to share information with those
in different time zones and locations. Global communication is directly affected by process of
globalization, and helps to increase business opportunities, remove cultural barriers and develop a
global village. Both globalization and global communication have changed the environmental, cultural,
political and economic elements of the world.

Increased Business Opportunities

Many companies today hire employees that are located in other countries. Using
communication vehicles such as video calling make it simple to converse with colleagues across the
globe, almost making it feel as if they are in the same room. Technology also makes it easier to
connect with suppliers and customers all over the world, and to streamline those relationships
through improved ordering, shipment tracking and so on. With this kind of communication
technology, many businesses are able to take advantage of opportunities in different countries or
cities, improving the economic outlook on a global level.

Thanks to global communications, information itself can be transferred as a valuable business

asset from one country to another. This has the effect of making everyone's operations more modern
and efficient, regardless where they are located.
Fewer Cultural Barriers

Many people perceive culture to be the root of communication challenges. When people from
two different cultures try to exchange information, the way they speak, their body language or their
mannerisms can be interpreted differently by the other person. The way people approach problems
and how they participate in communities is all influenced by culture.

Globalization has made it possible, for example, for someone in Japan to understand how
someone in the U.S. goes about their day. With television and movies, cultural barriers are becoming
less prevalent. Being able to communicate effectively and frequently with colleagues or friends
across the planet helps people understand each other’s cultures a little better.

Creation of a Global Village

You’ve likely heard of the phrase "global village," coined by theorist Marshall McLuhan.
Affected both by globalization and global communication, the global village is created when distance
and isolation no longer matter because people are connected by technology. Wide-spread telephone
and internet access have been life-changing for many people across the world, especially those in
developing countries. Many are now enrolling in universities across the world without having to leave
their desk chair. Virtual assistant jobs are becoming commonplace, where employees from
developing countries work with companies in North America or Europe, providing administrative
support and other business services that can easily be conducted over the phone or via the internet.

Globalization and global communication have made it easier to see people on the other side
of the world as a neighbor, instead of a stranger from a faraway land. There is so much knowledge
about other countries and cultures available online, that it’s no longer a complete mystery.
Activity 6

Write a 5 paragraph critique of Sherry Turkle’s talk. Here are the guidelines:

1. Write a summary of the key points you have taken from the talk.
2. Discuss the points you believe are good points.
3. Indicate and discuss some points you think can be contested or questionable. Justify
your claims by citing ideas of experts that relate to your stand.
4. Make your conclusion precise and clear.
5. Observe the conventions of good writing.
6. Cite properly.

Scoring Rubric:
For Writing Activity (Reflection Paper)

Content - 40%
Organization - 30%
Relevance to the topic - 20%
Grammar & Mechanics - 10%
Total 100%

Ahmed,Anam(2018).Effects of Globalization on Global Communication. Retrived from Retrieved on May 3,2020.
Lule, J. (2014). Globalization and the media: Creating the global village. In M. Steger,P. Battersby, &
Siracusa (Eds.). The SAGE Handbook of Globalization (pp.383-378). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Suny Levin Institute. What is Globalization? Retrieved from

Retrieved on May 2, 2020.

Turkle, Sherry (2013).Connected But Alone.Retrieved from

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