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EEE1001 - Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering- Embedded Lab

Class Number - VL2020210104211

Slot – L15+L16
Name – Saloni Agarwal
Registration No. – 20BIT038

EXPERIMENT – 1 Date: 30 September 2020

Analysis of DC Circuit using Mesh and Nodal Analysis

Aim: To analyse a DC circuit using Nodal Analysis and Mesh Analysis.

Apparatus Required:
S.No Component Part in Value Path in the directory
1. DC voltage source 100V PSPICE\SOURCE\VDC
2. 5 ohms
3. 10 ohms
4. Resistors 20 ohms PSPICE\ANALOG\R
5. 25 ohms
6. 50 ohms
7. Ground 0V Place >> Ground
Analysis Type: Bias point
Kirchhoff’s Current Law – Nodal analysis
At any node (junction) in an electric circuit the total current flowing towards
that junction is equal to the total current flowing away from the junction

Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law – Mesh analysis

In any closed loop in a network, the algebraic sum of the voltage drops (i.e.
products of current and resistance) taken around the loop is equal to the
resultant e.m.f. (voltage rise) acting in that loop.

Circuit analysis using Nodal analysis

Node Voltages: VN1, VN2, VN3

Branch Voltages: V1, V2, V3, V4, V5
 Branch voltages in terms of node voltages:
V1 = VN1 – VN2
V2 = VN2 – VN3
V3 = VN2
V4 = VN3
V5 = VN1 – VN3

Branch currents: Ix = Vx/Rx

Where x = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

At Node-1: Since voltage at node-1 is known, the nodal equation at that node
is not required.

At Node-2: I1 = I2 + I 3
(VN1 – VN2)/R1 = (VN2 – VN3)/R2 + VN2/R3
VN2[1/5 + 1/20 + 1/25] – VN3[1/20] = 20

At Node-3: I4 = I2 + I 5
VN3/R4 = (VN2 – VN3)/R2 + (VN1 – VN3)/R5
VN3 [1/50 + 1/20 + 1/10] – VN2[1/20] = 10

Node Voltages:
Branch Voltages:
V1 = VN1 – VN2 = 16.667 V
V2 = VN2 – VN3 = 0V
V3 = VN2 = 83.334 V
V4 = VN3 = 83.334 V
V5 = VN1 – VN3 = 16.667 V

Branch Currents:
I1 = V1/R1 = 3.332 A
I2 = V2/R2 = 0A
I3 = V3/R3 = 3.332 A
I4 = V4/R4 = 1.667 A
I5 = V5/R5 = 1.667 A

 Circuit analysis using Mesh analysis

Loop currents: IL1, IL2, IL3

Branch currents: I, IR1, IR2, IR3, IR4, IR5
IR1 = IL1 – IL3
IR2 = IL2 – IL3
IR3 = IL1 – IL2
IR4 = IL2
IR5 = IL3
VRX = IRX RX, where x = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
E = R1 (IL1 – IL3) + R3 (IL1 – IL2)
R3(IL1 – IL2) = R2 (IL2 – IL3) + R4 IL2
R1 (IL1 – IL3) + R2 (IL2 – IL3) = R5 IL3

Loop Currents:

Branch Currents:
I1 = IL1 – IL3 = 3.334 A
I2 = IL2 – IL3 = 0A
I3 = IL1 – IL2 = 3.334 A
I4 = IL2 = 1.667 A
I5 = IL3 = 1.667 A
Branch Voltages:
V1 = I1R1 = 16.67 V
V2 = I2R2 = 0V
V3 = I3R3 = 83.35 V
V4 = I4R4 = 83.35 V
V5 = I5R5 = 16.67 V

Experiment Procedure:
1. Create the given circuit diagram in new project file using the general
2. Replace the default component value and source value as per given circuit
3. Create the New simulation profile and set analysis type as Bias point
4. Run the simulation and note down the readings in tabulation.
5. Compare the simulated results with theoretically analysed values.
Nodal Analysis Mesh Analysis
S.No. Theoretical Experimental Theoretical Experimental
Parameters Notation analysis values analysis values
values values
1. V_N1 100 V 100 V
2. Node V_N2 83.334 V 83.334 V
3. V_N3 83.334 V 83.334 V
4. V_R1 16.67 V 16.67 V 16.67 V 16.67 V
5. V_R2 0V 0V 0V 0V
6. Branch V_R3 83.334 V 83.334 V 83.35 V 83.35 V
7. V_R4 83.334 V 83.334 V 83.35 V 83.35 V
8. V_R5 16.667 V 16.667 V 16.67 A 16.67 A
9. I_R1 3.332 A 3.332 A 3.334 A 3.334 A
10. I_R2 0A 0A 0A 0A
11. Branch I_R3 3.332 A 3.332 A 3.334 A 3.334 A
12. I_R4 1.667 A 1.667 A 1.667 A 1.667 A
13. I_R5 1.667 A 1.667 A 1.667 A 1.667 A
14. I_L1 5A 5A
15. Loop I_L2 1.667 A 1.667 A
16. I_L3 1.667 A 1.667 A

 The given DC circuit is analysed using nodal and mesh analysis
 The analysed values of node voltages and loop currents are verified with
experimental values.

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