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"He broke the law."

"Petitions do fuck all but it's Sunday and I'm half cut so why not. He
"I've done everything the government has wanted me to do Staying
"He preys on the vulnerable and now wants to put us in danger of e
"Brian tamaki is a hypocrite"
"I’m sick of people blatantly not sticking to the rules whilst I work o
"For risking further outbreaks of covid after all the effort to contain
"I play by the rules and expect others to do so also."
"Brian and his church are scammers and they preach hate."
"He needs shtting down."
"Brian Tamaki is an idiot and needs to be bought to justice"
"Fairs fair."
"This protest was illegal!! Even though he ‘discussed’ making sure e
"He's a faux religious leader who steals and broke the law again. An
"There needs to be real repercussions for breaking the law, (not a s
"It was held against the law so they should be charged."
"Nikki Newton-Cross"
"He and his puppets on strings don't speak for me! The entire orga
"We all want out of lockdown and he has jeopardized this. Anyone
"We are at level 3 lockdown and no gatherings..this is a law breakin
"He’s a Moron"
"Auckland is doin it tough! 98% of us are Doin what is asked of us. H
"He’s an idiot"
"Every one else is towing the line why shouldn't this group of peop
"I think Brian Tamaki and his wife are the 666 told in revelations. Th
"He needs to be jailed and destiny church closed."
"100% this man is evil. Get him charged"
"The rule breakers need to be accountable"
"This man is insane in so many levels, apart from that he jeopardizi
"No body is above the law"
"I like many Aucklanders have done everything to help stop delta fr
"Hes a piece of work."
"Rules are rules"
"His selfish bastard!!!"
"They broke the law."
"Why should 1 person get away with agitation, by winding up so m
"It’s blatantly breaking the law putting us all at risk when we have b
"He’s an idiot who puts himself and his beliefs before the good of h
"Somebody needs to be held accountable and obviously it should b
"The devil made me do it, Brian"
"I think the loss of revenue is driving this, not concern for parishion
"Linda Russell"
"I am signing because he broke the law."
"He broke the rules that we all are required to abide and he put ou
"He is an idiot"
"Such a dangerous man undoing so much good work endangering t
"Tamaki is a parasitic scum bag."
"His disregard for the sacrifices Auckland has made is so arrogant."
"Im signing because brian tamaki has caused small businesses and
"Brian Tamaki’s behaviour was criminal and illegal"
"Religious phyq wits breaking the law should be treated like all phu
"No way him and his croonies get away with this."
"It was illegal and should never have happened. No one else is allow
"Why should he get special treatment?"
"What he’s done is clearly illegal and detrimental to us all"
"He actively and publicly broke the law. He has no concern for the h
"Disrespectful to those making sacrifices in Level 3."
"Joellene Cossey"
"This "man" is not above the law and must be arrested. He is a crim
"Remove his "Church" status while you're at it."
"Selfish git!"
"Selfishness beyond belief- charge him and the rest of his henchme
"To let this man get away with a premeditated, organised and illega
"I'm signing because this man is a dangerous egomaniac"
"He didn't obey the rules"
"He is evil and repulsive."
"Enough is enough! Putting lives and livelihoods at risk in a despera
"This protest was a blatant disregard of the rules to keep people sa
"A very greedy, selfish and uncaring conspiracy theorist"
"Because he broke the health orders for having a group of more th
"Totally agree he should be prosecuted and anyone proven to have
"This was so wrong. now people will say if its good for him its okay
"He’s a fuck wit and thinks he’s above the law !"
"at 77 and taking care to do everything right. how dare this self infl
"What he did was so wrong with putting everyone at risk with Delt
"He organised an illegal event. He must face the consequences"
"he is putting everyone everywhere at risk of further lockdowns an
"I did not stay at home for weeks so he could do what he likes. One
"I am signing because he is a complete idiot, and I have enough of s
"Hes endangered NZ"
"He not above the law and he needs to be shown that in no uncert
"Yes ... charge to the absolute MAXIMUM!!"
"He broke the law and should be charged like any other person wh
"We are all citizens of NZ and good citizens abide by the laws and r
"He’s a piece of shit !"
"Because he flouts the law all the time and never gets charged. Thi
"He is a danger to the rest of society trying to do the right thing and
"He needs to be charged"
"This man's actions have the potential to help spread Delta and pre
"It was L3 and Brian had organised an event of more than 100 pple
"One rule for all of society."
"I think what they did was wrong."
"The actions instigated by Brain Tamaki goes against everything we
"I totally object to mass gatherings instigated by people who don’t
"I’m signing because of this groups breathtaking selfishness and rec
"Tamaki broke the health orders for gatherings of more that 10 peo
"He broke the law. Charge him. Charge him good."
"Break the law, endanger others comes with consequences"
"He is a leach off society.. bludger Jesus juice conspiracy nut job.. d
"Guy is an absolute muppet. His actions are pathetic and risk keepi
"A gathering of the size attending Brian Tamaki's rally in Auckland d
"He is letting a country of 5million down"
"He is a dangerous man"
"I object to one rule for us and another for Tamaki. Also he is puttin
"I'm sick of other morons keeping us in lockdown indefinitely, espe
"I feel strongly this behaviour should not go unpunished."
"His display of unchristian behavior is mind boggling. Destiny Churc
"Disgusting what he did and a slap in everyone face"
"Protesting is wrong and dangerous in level 3 and 4"
"This is absolute bullshit"
"He has let down the whole country"
"It's my duty as a citizen"
"He was insane to do this."
"Why should he get away with it!"
"It was illegal. He didn't follow the rules he agreed to with Coster. P
"What's their proze for protesting the lockdown? More lockdown. M
"Everyone should be treated equally by the law"
"I want justice to be done."
"This man deserves to be prosecuted along with every person that
"I want to get out of lockdown asap and the protests have put this
"No-one is above the law."
"He thinks he is above the law, please show him he is not. How irre
"It's outrageous that this man feels so entitled that he is above the
"Bad enough you allowed this event to happen, it would be disgusti
"It was an illegal gathering and put millions of people at an increase
"Susie Ingledew"
"Because it’s bloody wrong when we are doing the right thing, peo
"Brian Tamaki is a tool"
"He is a selfish man who has broken the law. Undoing all the work N
"Because he thinks he's above the law"
"This individual is not above the law. So many people have given up
"This is a pandemic, rules are there for a reason, to save lives, Brian
"He is a danger to society and vulnerable people. A false self procla
"I’m in Australia and would love to come home to see family. Idiots
"He is dick head and only cares about him self"
"I want out of lockdown and these idiots are seriously putting our c
"One rule for everyone"
"he is a bloody dickhead"
"It's not ok to cause unrest"
"Brian Tamaki is a self centered narcissistic arsehole who should be
"Gemma Thomas"
"He has no medical background and is spreading potentially deadly
"Jesus wouldn't break lockdown."
"He’s broken the law and needs to be punished"
"He clearly broke the law and put the whole region at risk. He is a d
"He has it all wrong"
"Brian Tamaki is a dirty disease spreading scourge on society who b
"Because he's a dick and putting at risk the lives of thousands of kiw
"We don't need another cult."
"It's something that should never have been able to happen. This c
"Annie Watson."
"He needs to be accountable"
"He broke the law. No one else gets away with breaking lockdown
"I'm appalled that this kind of behaviour has been tolerated given h
"He's immoral and irresponsible!!!!"
"Brian Tamaki endangering community"
"The lockdown being extended because of these selfish idiots could
"This idiot should not get away with this. The rest of NZ works hard
"Brian Tanaki is a piece of shit that has put public health at risk and
"He should be held accountable just like everyone else."
"Brian Tamaki is not special. He broke the law and incited others to
"The whole dose idiots accountable and protect the community the
"Cause I amSick and tired of idiots stopping us getting out of lockdo
"He is putting people at risk, if it was me, I would be in gaol and cha
"It wasn't a protest, if was a recruitment drive. He doesn't care who
"Putting many others at risk yesjail him getting of to lightly"
"We don't need parasites like Brian Tamaki stopping the rest of getti
"He’s a criminal"
"I’m signing because this protest broke Level 3 restrictions! I have s
"The only reason he wants to get his flock together as he is running
"Wasn't right time or place he has put many more people in dange
"He's a danger to society!"
"This guy is toxic - able to sway others with his ill- informed opinion
"I was under the impression that during level 3 we were not allowe
"The guy is a menace to society"
"carmen bidois"
"Brian tamaki is an Idiot! Stupid bastard!"
"Throw this snake oil salesman and his hideous wife in jail and mak
"He needs locking up"
"He's an idiot"
"What Nrian Tamaki did was illegal and immoral He should not be a
"He is endangering others"
"He is an idiot and should be held responsible for"
"Covid rules are for everyone in Auckland.Who does he think he is,
"He's the NZ version of Trump and Jan 6... convinced a group of peo
"Brian Tamaki is a cancer on our society."
"Brian Tamaki has broken the law."
"Level 3 and these idiots run a protest. They need to be arrested."
"He’s pure evil masquerading as a good guy."
"This was very silly"
"He put lives I danger"
"I can its my right and no one can take that from me. Play hard with
"I've stayed home for weeks doing my part, we all want out of lock
"I am signing because he preys on vulnerable needy people he is ev
"He’s a cunt"
"A public health response is not a conspiracy nor is it out to maim y
"‘Religion- lol’ is not exempt from the law"
"I'm signing because this man is dangerous"
"Cos hes a menace to society"
"This is deliberately flaunting the health order that is in place."
"He is an arrogant person who thinks he can do what he wants."
"His actions are discussing"
"I strongly object to this putting us all at risk"
"The man is delusional and dangerous"
"I believe that the illegal and unethical protest , organised and run
"An absolute idiot, if anyone gets covid from this event and dies do
"This is a complete idiot and gets away with far to much!"
"Brian Tamaki souls be jailed"
"He thinks he is so above the law. This is so wrong he shouldn't be
"An lawful assembly under current health order."
"Accountability is important."
"Totally agree."
"False Prophet needs to face the consequences."
"He's a dick!"
"He's an idiot!"
"He is a dangerous person. A devil in sheep’s clothing. Exploiting th
"What he did was illegal and he thinks he is God and above the law
"He creating a public menace to the rest of Auckland by having this
"He can’t flout the rules…if he can why shouldn’t we?Because he is
"He broke the law with disregard for the lives of others."
"He’s a criminal"
"He's a tit"
"Tamaki needs to be made an example of for brazen breaking of th
"Have him charged and put him in prison for 5years. Shut the doors
"He needs to be held accountable for his actions."
"He clearly, intentionally broke the law."
"He was told the rules and did not make sure they were followed …
"Disgusting act"
"So many reasons why he needs to be charged and prosecuted and
"I feel for all the people in Auckland doing it hard and he is endang
"There should be consequdnces for public endangerment...they arr
"He’s a d**k!!!!!"
"Using his position of power to share mis-truth is not ok. Calling for
"He is a giant asshole and spreading misinformation should be illeg
"He is absolutely out of line doing this"
"Why should this man be above the law?"
"Because the law applies to everyone and hes a twat "
"There needs to a consistent response for blatant disregard of Covi
"Because I want normal life back real soon!And with idiot criminals
"It was totally immoral and irresponsible! And so unfair to everyon
"No excuses for this! We all want our freedom but not this way!!"
"Broke level 3 lockdown rules blatant disregard for the rules and w
"I object to his treating COVID as if it doesn't exist. He claims throu
"Of the irresponsible behavior by a so called "leader". Brian's action
"Hes a dick"
"Disgusting behavior, very selfish to the community"
"Breach of level 3"
"He broke the law and he’s a criminal"
"He is letting Auckland down not following the rules"
"He is devils advocate"
"Brian is a terrorist"
"I am furious with this man and his church embarrassing true Christi
"The guy is a total wanker and deserves to be financially charged as
"This is completely hypocritical considering they took the wage sub
"I'm a doctor and don't want to lose my patients to Covid.This guy i
"He should be helping his flock not risking their lives"
"he breached public orders and is negatively influencing the vulner
"I am also fed up with lockdown but Brian Tamaki's protest amount
"Consistency is key."
"This man broke the law and incited others to break the law. He ris
"He is using his power to put vulnerable people at risk."
"We have all been.doing it hard with lockdowns and to think that th
"He broke the law and will do so again unless he is punished, prefe
"Hes a dickhead who put lives in danger"
"Because he put together a protest flaunting and breaking level loc
"He should be charged how bloody ridiculous to have a protest whi
"He is not us. I dont want NZ to behave in this self entitled way. Tam
"He broke the law"
"Brian Tamaki demonstrated harmful and dangerous behaviour by
"One rule for ALL!!!"
"He should be charged every Aucklander wants to get out of level
"The covid rules should apply to everyone, just because they are a
"No responsible leader should do what he did - he showed scant re
"He broke the rules and encouraged others to do so too"
"Unfair to all people who have done the right thing. Unbelievable t
"There is no place for double standards in New Zealand especially w
"Brian Tamaki dhoukd be held accountable"
"The law should be the law for everyone."
"Paul Smith"
"Tamaki is a law breaker. He leads others to law break. He cares no
"I want to"
"Brian Tamaki broke the law plain and simple"
"Diane oneill"
"One rule for all."
"James Talagi"
"Respect the rules Brian. You are way out of line"
"We all need to follow the rules"
"Religion doesn't make you better than everyone else and being re
"If I have to stay home on minimum money... so should he and his
"The man is a dangerous fool"
"He needs to be punished putting us all in danger"
"He organised a large, public gathering in a level 3 lockdown, which
"I one of the 5 million doing the right thing"
"He is no different from the rest of us although he may think he is.
"Brian Tamaki’s actions are criminal. While the majority in Auckland
"There should be one law for all and this man purposely broke it en
"Brian tamaki is a fuckwit."
"Jody Nicholson"
"We are held to ransom by these extremely arrogant , vindictive ,p
"I agree"
"I'm signing this petition because we all have a responsibility to eac
"This man and his church has put the rest of auckland in jeapody fo
"Auckland is in level 3 he should know better than to hold a public
"Brian Tamaki organised and encouraged people to attend a mass g
"Not right"
"Off with their heads"
"Why does he or anyone that attended think they can just do as the
"I have not been able to work until level 2. And if this make us in lo
"Its time he is held accountable"
"People need to have consequences for their actions. Especially wh
"Liz Earth"
"He's an absolute twat, throw him in jail."
"I think he is a disgrace to the name Christian"
"We are doing what we should be doing to keep us & everyone saf
"This man is an absolute gooseball, he's literally killing people"
"This man should be charged with crimial neglece"
"It's illegal, unethical and just plain wrong"
"Brian tamaki is a disgusting human"
"brian tamaki is a con man who steals from the most vulnerable an
"I am signing this petition because Brian and his thoughtless gang h
"He’s a fucking idiot!"
"Brian Tamaki is not above any other citizen as far as the law goes,
"I an against the protest that happened on Saturday organised and
"He is a dangerous idiot"
"The protest should have never gone ahead"
"This makes a mockery of everyone who has done the right thing a
"Brian tamaki I's an irresponsible selfish idiot"
"He’s a idiot and look at the amount of sheep that follows him! He’
"He incited people to break the law!"
"I can't stand his policies or his hypocritical ways"
"I am signing because Brian Tamaki was the ringleader in encourag
"He’s committed an offence"
"What he did was illegal."
"What he has done is wrong!!!! He should be punished like everyon
"What he did was outrageous"
"Fraudulent poser"
"This guy is the opposite of everything he pretends to stand for and
"Brian Tamaki is a divisive spiteful person who needs to learn he is
"Because I am sick of covid and people of don't listen"
"Blatant law breaking should be punished."
"He is a giant arsehole. Oh and he broke the law and encouraged o
"He's playing with the lives of people for his own selfish gain"
"Tamaki is a fraud."
"This protest action was driven by false information by people who
"The moron needs to be stopped"
"Tamaki a danger to Aotearoa NZ"
"He has crapped on all the lost income and weeks of businesses be
"These people are not following NZ law.discusting! !!"
"He broke the rules, spreads misinformation and hate and takes ad
"The Police stood by and watched. Where did ths directive come fr
"His actions are despicable . Make an example"
"Brian should not be allowed to flout Public Health Orders without
"should be consistent message same for all"
"He is endangering all of us."
"They need to do their bit"
"He reckless, arrogant & despicable behavior is terribly approhenda
"Because he is an arse"
"There appears to be NO consistency with the police when it come
"It was level 3. Should never have happened"
"These rule breakers need to be punished. I am so sick of obeying t
"He's a fraud. Using the church so he can get away with it."
"Because I am digustedin the actions brought on by this man"
"He spread false information. He's a lair and a manipulator."
"He needs to be in jail and fined. His so called church needs to be c
"He needs to be held accountable for his actions endangering the li
"He’s dangerous"
"Brian broke the law"
"He and his followers broke the law on a grand scale.. why are ther
"Happy to take a Government payment, doesn't want to follow the
"One rule for all.Get vaccinated PLEASE"
"This man is a pariah - a charlatan. His congregation are likely to be
"Because it's a slap in the face to Auckland and Nzer's.......absolute
"Because there should be consequences for actiins"
"This grifter needs to follow the law."
"It is a travesty that he should invite people to break the law with n
"This is not one rule for one and one rule for the other"
"I do not want my taxes going to a fraud"
"Because he’s a fucking idiot"
"Insitigators and manipulaters of fear and misinformatuon must be
"The world is crazy enough right now, without the added insanity o
"He is breaking the law and inciting others to do so.He is putting pe
"He’s garbage"
"Because I have stuck to the rules and need to get back to work."
"He should be procescuted for breaking the rules that the rest of A
"Brian Tamaki deliberately breached the L3 restrictions and potenti
"He's putting us all at risk, and should not be above the law."
"We can't have rules that only apply to some and not others, espec
"Selfish act!"
"What a stupid idea"
"He has broken the law by organizing this protest and has put alot o
"This man and his ignorant followers are parasites holding the rest
"because this muppet has organised an illegal crowd gatherings ."
"Tamaki needs to be charged. The same rule needs to be for all."
"He is an idiot"
"When you do wrong, you suffer the consequences."
"He doesn't care for anyone except for himself, his so called church
"I vehemently condemn Brian Tamaki's actions to lead a 2k strong-
"Discussing behaviour! He needs to be charged for disobeying the L
"He is,a irresponsible muppet, who has no ones welfare at heart, ju
"Totally irresponsible but then again you just need to look at his tra
"He openly broke the law and encouraged others to do so"
"There is a difference between individual choice and fear mongerin
"After all our hard work staying home during lockdowns doing wha
"This man is dangerous."
"Arrest him and charge him. How dare he organize something so ill
"He is putting people lives in danger. And costing nz $$."
"I m a concerned NZ resident"
"This is an incredibly selfish thing to do, Particularly when the whol
"He needs to be arrested and charged with incitement. He invited f
"It's unfair and this has most probably had an effect on the covid sp
"He has to be held accountable for what he has done"
"David Te Kanawa Auckland New Zealand"
"Brian Tamaki did not make sure the people attending his protest w
"He needs to be arrested and charged with incitement. He invited f
"What he done was absolutely wrong.."
"He needs to be punished for breaking the rules"
"We are all working hard to save lives, and making massive sacrifice
"The behaviour of Destiny Church and its leadership is disgusting an
"I'm signing this petition for so many reasons. His protest putting p
"He is an irresponsible muppet who has no ones welfare at heart o
"I'm signing because this is a blatant breach of the current situation
"He is an arrogant man who has put others at risk. His messages ar
"What the the hell have we been in lock down for if these idiots do
"This was so wrong. That he is spreading misinformation and dange
"The protest was selfish and irresponsible"
"This man thinks he is beyond the law. He encourages individuals t
"He should abide by the law"
"Misinformation and scaremongering is harmful to everyone"
"He broke the law and encouraged others to do the same. Despicab
"I really don’t believe we should be in this situation where we’ve ha
"This guy is toxic and needs to be stopped. They are more of a cult
"We, the great nz public hounded 2 people from Auckland who we
"He needs to be charged for his behavior putting Aucklanders at
"Brian Tamaki is a danger to society"
"Because he put us all at risk. He certainly shouldn't have any rights
"This was not OK, and the police should have stopped it."
"I'm signing because Jacinda Adern is incompetent and continues to
"He broke the law and should be punished."
"Hes an idiot"
"I disagree with his selfish intentions!!!"
"<a href="" rel="nofollow">Neil.perv
"Brian Tamaki should be held accountable"
"He broke the rules! Why should he be above the law"
"Hes the biggest loser!!!!"
"We have missed family funerals, my father has been put into dem
"He should be charged!!!"
"He's broken the law. He should be punished. It's pretty simple."
"This man is dangerous to the community"
"The rules were broken.Look at Sydney & Melbourne to see what h
"This guy’s a dick. And a dangerous dick. Amene ma amene!"
"False citizen kiri Deane"
"Tamaki is a shyster and a disgrace. He should be charged for dog w
"Antivaxxers put us all at risk."
"He's an idiot and needs to be held accountable for his stupidity"
"He's an ifiot"
"He is a bad influence and knew what the penalty was - did it anyw
" Agree"
"Why is there one rule for idiots like this and another for law abidin
"He should be charged for this scam ,also seize his assets for evadi
"He is putting nz at risk"
"His move is a slap in the face of all the hard work we in Auckland h
"It is an absolute slap in the face to accept covid relief wage subsid
"He is putting children and vulnerable people af risk.that are not ab
"I’m angry and very sad that he gets away with this when I have do
"This guys sucks big time"
"He does as he pleases like all the other gangs and their members"
"Because he broke level 3 rules plus put people lives in risk"
"Have another go at Brian, Hannah!"
"Brian tamaki is an idot"
"Such a dick move Brian Tamaki! Not only the gathering at the prot
"Why should the rules be different for a selfish prat like him! Disgu
"The organising and staging of this protest march was irresponsible
"How can a con man like this man spread so much unrest with inco
"he should be fined !!!"
"Why should this man get away with flouting the rules when we are
"He provided an excuse for all the selfish people in our city to unite
"For the past 7 weeks we in Auckland have been sucking it up and s
"Tamaki only has self interest at the heart of what he does"
"He has slapped me and my family in the face. We have sacrificed,
"We are in a level 3 lockdown and this hui he had could potentially
"Tamaki is a dangerous predator on the weak vulnerable and easily
"Because this is totally unacceptable behaviour"
"This man is a national security issue"
"Billy Nicholson seven hills , Australia"
"Because the demonstration could cause a major covid outbreak"
"He is so full of kaka"
"He has no respect for mz let alone auckland and tye situation its in
"This person needs to follow the rules or face penalties the same a
"Organising a public gathering during a lock down is arrogant, irres
"This man is a danger to the health and safety of the people of Aote
"Total idiot.Should have been arrested last lock down for leaving Ci
"He has encouraged a super spreader event! Wreckless defiant self
"He has breached a legislative requirement. Fullstop"
"Protests like this put people at risk"
"NZ currently has regulation that govern what we can do in differen
"We all need to do our part to keep Auckland and New Zealand saf
"Brian Tamaki is breaking the law! He is also contravening the UN H
"Brian tamaki is a selfish, delusional arse who endangered the lives
"He needs sorting big time!"
"This behaviour is illegal so prosecute"
"Doing this while in level 3 taking no respnsiblity for the possible sp
"He tramples on my rights as someone who has been fully vaccinat
"He should not ruin the hard work that we have done to protect 5 m
"Because he is not above the law like everyone else in Auckland !!"
"This guy is a parasite and needs to be held accountable for his acti
"He was a idiot selfish and dnt care bout anyone besides himself an
"Maui Jan Young"
"No-one is above the law"
"It makes a mockery of all we have been trying to achieve"
"Brian Tamaki is a fraud and needs to be held accountable for his re
"He's a complete twat who's put at risk everyone's hard work."
"He is not a new Zealander in these covid times"
"Him and his followers broke Covid-19 level 3 rules"
"He is a hypocrite. Taking the Covid handout, but rallying against it
"This man calls the government tyrannical & taking people's freedo
"His disregard for others safety"
"There needs to be rules applied here immediately to communicate
"He is an evil man who used his influence to cause others to break
"It’s not ok"
"Brian Tamaki should face consequences for his part in the organisa
"It’s time for everyone to be accountable"
"We have all been doing our part. Idiotic protest lead to us being in
"Its not OK"
"This guy is a law unto himself Dangerous guy and if he’s not punish
"He is a disgrace and has put Auckland and the country at risk. The
"He puts us all, and our efforts, at risk."
"What he did was illegal. He is irresponsible. He should be charged
"We need to stop people like this every one else is following the ru
"This man has no respect for the law or people's health."
"He is not above the law."
"Nobody is above the law"
"He put Auckland at risk!"
"He is putting our lives at risk."
"This amounts to treason in my book. Reckless and selfish"
"He is flouting the rules, no cares about the rest of Auckland puttin
"He's subject to all restrictions and laws as we are."
"That protest clearly broke Level 3 restrictions. If the organisers do
"It was a disgraceful thing to gather in lockdown"
"It’s not ok to float the lockdown laws. Everyone in Auckland are m
"He needs to be arrested for putting lives in danger."
"Brian tamaki needs to be held to account for his actions, especially
"His action disrespected all the hard work Aucklanders have done t
"He is a tosser. No respect for anyone"
"I am sick and tired of fake "religious" people spreading misinforma
"Because he’s a conman and a danger to society"
"He goes to far."
"Unlawful gathering"
"uphold the law"
"Because he broke the rules"
"It was illegal and immoral."
"I’m am signing this because this man should not be above the law
"One set of rules for EVERYONE..."
"This man has no right to place North Islanders in a further lockdow
"the rules apply to all of matter how high and mighty his lord
"He needs to be held accountable for his actions"
"Hell yes, charge him 100% God ain't gonna help him this time but
"We need to hold him accountable for his actions"
"His actions are Dangerous"
"His actions will cost lives"
"One rule for all!"
"He needs to be and if not the police and government loose lots cre
"Absolutely disgusting. He should be charged!"
"Brian Tamaki broke COVID restrictions and like others who did so,
"I don't agree with his flagrant disregard for the law. The fact that s
"His eyebrows are offensive"
"he's a selfish arrogant pratt"
"The mass gathering he organised contravened the health regulatio
"Labour government are to weak and worried about hurting feeling
"This guy is garbage"
"He was very irresponsible and blatantly having no regard to the la
"Because Brian Tamaki has just extended lockdown for weeks beca
"So upset. Will these people that attended the protest today be cha
"The man is an idiot!"
"Broke the law"
"His actions were irresponsible, dangerous, illegal and ruined the h
"These are not the actions of a responsible leader. He unveils himse
"Brian Tamaki is a fuckwit"
"I want the country to be able to move out of these lockdown safel
"This man is an idiot. If these events cause more outbreaks children
"I’m signing because Brian Tamaki is a con artist and general scumb
"hes a dick"
"He needs to understand he is under the same laws and restriction
"Tamaki is selfish!"
"Freedom? That's a paradox within an irony. They are struggling wi
"Bishop John used his hold over his "faithfull" and others we shall c
"As a citizen of Aotearoa/NZ I find it deeply concerning that an indi
"He thinks he is above the law and does not value protecting peopl
"He's deluded"
"Hes a moron and this is outrageous"
"Brian Tamaki is a parasite..."
"he is putting the country at risk !!!"
"Breaking covid restrictions is illegal. Deliberately flouting covid res
"This behaviour is just not acceptable."
"This man has put many people in a perilous situation. He needs to
"Brian Tamaki is not a bishop and he is not above the law."
"I think it was a blatant flaunting of the rules that most kiwis have b
"Tamaki must be charged"
"Selfish human being"
"He needs to be charged"
"All individual s trying to cross boarders are charged,breaking the la
"Leading people to break the lockdown rules."
"This is the opposite of what Jesus would do - and a blatantly crimin
"He has not followed covid 19 rules"
"We should abolish the police force, they're anti-left/academia/lgb
"He needs to be prosecuted for breaking the law!"
"This is a disgusting abuse of the power he has as a spiritual leader.
"Not in own bubble massed gathering most without masks.Why sh
"One rule for all...."
"Absolutely not abiding to Aucklands Level 3 Lockdown requiremen
"Yes he should be accountable for holding that protest with all his f
"I've been stuck at home in lockdown for 7 weeks and this numpty
"Brian Tamaki has flouted the covid rules and encouraged others to
"I believe Brian should be held to the same standard of accountabil
"His actions are not in the best interests of Aotearoa"
"Billy TK was, why not Tamaki?"
"This organisation is totally blushing off the rest of us hard working
"He’s an irresponsible idiot"
"Being vaccine hesitant is no excuse for breaking the law"
"Brian needs to account for his actions"
"Andrea Cousens"
"The man is a despicable human beingWho preaches alot of crap/k
"He broke the rules and should stand up a be a man and take his pu
"He organised an illegal meeting he should be charged"
"It's an absolute insult to those of us in Auckland who have sacrifice
"He is endangering the New Zealand public"
"BT is inciting hate and division in the middle of a pandemic and no
"He is nothing more than a gang leader and as such should be dealt
"I believe in democracy my grandfather fought for and how it’s bein
"I want to travel to Australia to see my son"
"Because what they did is like kick in the guts of those people like u
"Tamaki is a dangerous hypocrite who needs to be stopped!"
"He & his associates should be arrested & heavily fined for their bre
"He broke the law and endangered many people, lots of whom are
"What a shocker! Causing more risk for all of the rest of us!"
"Brian Tamaki is putting NZ at risk because of his conspiracy theorie
"What he’s doing is wrong!"
"Brian Tamaki is a moron"
"Because Brian Tamaki Deliberately and Intentionally held a meetin
"He's only thinking of himself very selfish."
"The protest / gathering has the potential to continue to keep me a
"Total dickmove. This government needs to grow a pair and make a
"No one should be exempt from the rules."
"He broke the law. He endangered us during a health crisis"
"Putting people at risk"
"Brians actions were totally irresponsible during a pandemic"
"He's a fucking twat"
"He broke laws which puts the whole of Auckland if not NZ at risk. I
"Brian Tamaki has put us all at risk of more Delta cases by organisin
"He's a dickhead"
"TamakI is an idiot, a hypocrite and he broke the law"
"I dont like is inmaure behavior"
"He didn't have the right to protest and should be charged accordin
"He's a false prophet. But mostly he's just a money hungry dick."
"The selfishness and ignorance of this gathering has jeopardised all
"I agree"
"he needs his action dealth with"
"Brian Tamaki has put the entire country at risk for his own persona
"This man is evil, he needs to be put in jail."
"Good for nothing"
"Every body has.had a gut.full of this clown thinking he can please h
"Signing because no one is above the law."
"Tamaki lives above the law thinks he can do what he likes"
"He has broken every rule and put all of nz at risk, lock him up and
"There should not be two laws - one for Brian Tamaki (nil police int
"He should be charged."
"This so called Christian leader has so little regard for the law that h
"His behaviour was is irresponsible. As a church leader he has put a
"He has a total disregard for those of us trying to do the right thing
"There is a lockdown and he has put everyone’s health at risk . Idio
"I'm signing because the same rules should apply to us all."
"Brian Tamaki broke the law and put people's lives and livelihoods
"I believe Mr Tamaki should be charged"
"Totally irresponsible. We have done the hard mahi and this clown
"He thinks he's a law unto himself, time he learnt he isn't."
"Sanctimoniously breaking the rules, and keeping Auckland in lockd
"No one is above the law"
"He should be charged like anyone else would have been."
"Laws need enforcing."
"The rules are for everyone.+ he's at best a deluded manand at wo
"He has put everyone at risk for his idiot practices"
"He has put peoples lives and livelihoods at risk..."
"Brian tamaki is a misogynistic, homophobic narcissist who cares fo
"Despicable behaviour that puts other people at risk and undoes al
"I'm sick of these rule breakers. They need to be held accountable"
"Brian Tamaki broke the law."
"He is a dick head who needs to be charged"
"Because we need to protect his congregation from his dangerous
"He has total disrespect for rules and the well-being of others that
"This person put Auckland into possible longer lockdown in level 3,
"Biggest low life f-wit who flouts his over inflated ego and takes wh
"This dickhead put all our lives at risk!"
"I’m sick of being in lockdown but I’m not breaking the rules and or
"Brian Tamaki has proven that he’s a hazard to Auckland and shoul
"Nobody is above the law and certainly not for something that cou
"He's a disappointment to our country ripping the tax system off an
"We must unite against covid 19"
"Charge him like any other member of the public would then lock h
"You can’t have one rule for 5 million people and another for this o
"He needs to be brought to justice specially if it turns into a super s
"The guy needs sectioned ASAP"
"Brian Tamaki has broken the Covid level 3 rules and should be cha
"He's an idiot"
"This guy is a menace to society - greedy - takes from the vulnerabl
"I agree he should be charged for breaking the rules."
"This individual is undermining the efforts of New Zealanders in bea
"Brian is a dick"
"Don't let him believe he is above the law!"
"This blatant disregard for level 3 lockdown level puts all of us at ris
"Because the law is the law and the govt is showing weakness and
"Lance Stephenson"
"This man does not care about anyone but himself..he's selfish and
"Janette Holder"
"This idiot and the rest of his followers have put us all at risk. All ou
"He is undermining all our hard work.... And clearly breaching the la
"I’m sick of living in covid lockdown while others play on a different
"Breaches of health order and reckless endagerment to others"
"He is only thinking of him, no one else but him and his belief, don'
"Enough said about this person. Not worthy of any comment."
"T Rima"
"Who does Tamaki think he is. Mister high and mighty. No way."
"Tamaki needs to be prosecuted for encouraging & inciting a large
"Brian needs to go to prison And Destiny church to loose there tax
"He needs to be accountable"
"There’s a public health crisis. This type of behavior is irresponsible
"He is a hypocrite!!!!"
"It is cruel and unacceptable for anyone to purposefully organise ill
"have brian tamaki charged for breaking lock dowm rules"
"Needs to be held accountable otherwise more events like this will
"I'm sacrificing my business to protect the country and then people
"He needs to be stopped and made to pay for his selfish actions wit
"Why is he considered above the law - why have we given him a pla
"Janet Wallace"
"He’s a parasite"
"He had a key role in organising a mass breach of covid lockdown l
"We have all had to go through these lockdowns and this charlatan
"This and the inconsistent prosecutions are outrageous"
"His church should be taxed its not a CHARITY it's a business for Go
"He needs to be called to account for his behaviour."
"Tamaki is a narcissistic predator, taking advantage of other people
"This is insanely nuts"
"He doesn’t care about the law and is just doing it for the money an
"Hes endangered many lives! Gets away with it every time!"
"He should be held accountable for endangering lives."
"He should be held as accountable as anyone else breaking lockdow
"Nobody is above the law."
"The protest was unacceptable. Most of us are doing our part to ke
"Selfish act. Undermines all of us doing the mahi and staying home
"Jacinda said his protest was illegal. He should be arrested."
"If I can’t break the rules , how can he ?"
"Tamaki is irresponsible"
"Tamaki’s actions undermine our health response leading to longer
"Absolutely disgusting to organise this when so many Aucklanders
"I'm signing this petition because it is very sad to see such people fl
"It was so irresponsible holding it and so many didn't follow the lev
"Why does this STUPID STUPID person still exist ? He broke the law
"Brian Tamaki and his followers broke the law"
"His actions were irresponsible and selfish."
"He's a bad man."
"We are not allowed to gather under Level Three, these people hav
"He broke L3 requirements"
"These people need to be charged with their failure to be accounta
"The idiotic actions of this person undid the efforts of so many and
"I'm signing because the government needs to stop being "kind" an
"Brian Tamaki is an absolute idiot!! He's a fraud, a conman & a very
"They should be held accountable."
"He broke the law"
"What has occurred; Brian Tamaki organising a mass demonstratio
"No one should be above the law, or think because they're doing "s
"Brian Tamaki and his church are a bunch of idiots!"
"Destiny and City impact church should give back over $1mil in wag
"Brian Tamaki needs to be brought to account for his unlawful actio
"We are in the middle of a pandemic and no one should be jeopard
"Rules are rules"
"This is so wrong. He needs to be prosecuted."
"It was wrong"
"Tamaki's disregard for New Zealanders needs Tobe challenged. He
"I’m signing because he is a dickhead"
"I'm signing this because Brian Tamaki is an idiot."
"He us a false prophet, misleading and stealing from the weak."
"He is a risk to public health."
"He’s a dick."
"This is disgusting behaviour from a supposed leader"
"The idea of Rights has indeed been bastardised by the selfish. Hum
"And tax him as well. He and his supporters are not part of our team
"He has put everyone at risk and he does not care."
"Greedy, egotistical, narcissistSave our communities even if they ar
"Break the rules, pay the penalty!"
"We all matter and we all have rights equally."
"I believe he has broken lockdown rules"
"because his inciting crowds to meet is putting everyone at risk"
"The level 3 lock down law has being broken putting others at risk"
"Brian Tamaki is putting me in danger, shame he cannot act more "
"He’s a drop kick who thinks the rules don’t apply to him or his follo
"Throw him and all his followers into the old mt eden prison until c
"I'm signing because anyone who is in breach of covid restrictions s
"He broke the law. Lock him up"
"Because of his inconsiderate actions. He thinks he a law to himself
"This fuckwit puts all our freedom and health under even more pre
"Im signing this because ,All involved were in breach of the current
"He is a drop kick."
"It’s absolutely insane that no one has been held accountable for th
"I'm signing this petition because Bruan Tamaki organised a protest
"He’s a muppet and put thousands of lives at risk"
"People have fought and struggled and missed funerals, missed the
"He has broken the law. He must be held accountable for his action
"He thinks he’s above the law. He denies Covid vaccines, lockdown
"What he did was dangerous and illegal"
"He is putting many people life at risk."
"His actions were deliberate, planned and harmful to many others.
"Create a better world for tomorrow … move on"
"The government sets the rules we follow them. If you don’t like th
"He broke health laws during covid alert level 2. He encouraged oth
"F u Brian tamaki"
"Most of NZ has abided by the rules but this idiot thinks he can do w
"This makes a mockery of the whole reason we had a lockdown."
"Hes doing it for political gain I believe"
"I can't believe he hasn't already been charged for inciting these pr
"Tamaki is an irresponsible tosser who is only going to get people s
"Brian Tamaki and his followers have knowingly put others at risk."
"He broke the law and has put thousands at risk. Period."
"I am an Auckland doing my part and his behaviour as a 'leader' is j
"People like this ruin it for those who have done the hard yards ..."
"why shouldn't he and his followers be charged when people trying
"This incitement is putting people's lives at risk and in violation of C
"Equal laws to all. Fine him."
"I'm absolutely livid. For 7 long weeks I have not earned a dime or
"Brian Tamaki is not above the law and is a danger to New Zealand
"No more than 10 at a funeral/wedding. No social events in level 3
"The man is dangerous to our society and he's a leech living off the
"He's a selfish, arrogant man and should be subject to the laws of t
"I’m doing my part staying home and being vaccinated."
"He has potentially fucked the country further."
"Hes a fool who thinks he can rule the country with him money gra
"He is not above the law. Charge the sucker already."
"Let's be looking at Peter Mortlock and his role too."
"He has put the whole country in jeopardy thru his stupid actions a
"Its illegal under current law.. fullstop"
"He’s a bloody idiot"
"I hate Brian Tamaki"
"A g kelly,"
"They were disrespectful, arrogant and selfish breaking rules while
"Because what he did was unlawful. He seems to think that he is im
"I really dislike Brian Tamaki and his cult Destiny not a Church they
"Because he's a hypocritical prick who doesn't deserve wage subsid
"This man is a charlatan and a threat to the public safety"
"It's totally wrong and unfair that this happened"
"Pretty simple.......he broke the Law ......oh and he's a Tosser"
"Tamaki is putting our whole society at serious risk. He is a threat to
"We have all sacrificed so much and then this idiot does this and w
"I'm signing this petion because the law applies to everyone. Akl is
"Send him to jail"
"He should be complying with level 3 rules"
"How can someone just be allowed to get away with this. Makes a
"Chris Tukerangi"
"The protest was illegal under Level 3"
"Brian Tamaki’s Freedom gathering was an illegal pro-Covid publici
"He went against the current health guidelines to keep Auckland sa
"Brain Tamaki is a creep, he has no regard for those that have sacri
"This man broke the law and has endangered many lives with his p
"He’s a dick"
"Because he follows his own greedy agenda and not the people of A
"He’s vile"
"This man is not above the law despite his beliefs. He and his prote
"Brian Tamaki has ignored restrictions for Auckland to limit spread
"I abide by the rules - why shouldn’t they."
"Anti-vaccers are dangerous to society."
"People should be held accountable & yeah lockdowns have their d
"As a leader of a Church he must set the example to the congregati
"These people are holding NZ to ransom.They are deliberately brea
"Arrest this idiot. Throw him in jail and make an example of him. It
"No matter the reason for the event. No event over 10 people in att
"Northland is cut off from our whanau in Auckland and all he and th
"The man is a total imbecile and not a man of God as he states."
"It’s totally wrong that this man can put all our lives at risk for his o
"He broke the law and incited others to do so."
"To compare a vaccine mandate to the holocaust is just disgusting!
"The Tāmakis and the Mortlocks have a powerful influence and the
"I would like to stay safe because I am working in old age home."
"He's a con artist"
"You don't deserve freedom when you took hostage of other peopl
"I'm not on an ego trip!"
"This man shouldn't hide behind his religion and should put others
"Cause he's a idiot plus a superspreader"
"Arrogant, ignorant and totally irresponsible. Plus a slap in the face
"All involved breached the current level 3 rules"
"Brian Tamaki runs a cult, pure and simple. He requires his follower
"He is a fraud and should be jailed."
"Brian tamiki is a snake oil sales man.. He put people at risk for pur
"He broke the law"
"He should be charged, no special treatment should be given"
"He's an idiot and should be held accountable"
"Brian Tamaki has shown no respect for the Auckland community a
"Actions have consequences."
"He is a criminal."
"He broke the dam law"
"Brian’s disgusting behaviours and he’s a cult leader!"
"Because I think he is a piece of work and should be taken down"
"I'm tired of Tamaki telling me I shouldn't have freedoms he deems
"He's a bloody idiot!"
"We do not need so call leaders like this undoing all the sacrifices e
"People who break the rules need to be held accountable. ALWAYS
"I'm signing because I am appalled that a rson in any position of po
"He’s another idiot breaking the law. Charge him he thinks he’s abo
"He clearly breached the rules and other people are getting arreste
"He is a real danger to everyone ."
"He purposefully endangered many lives."
"He is not above the law"
"He broke the law, the covid restrictions, probably created a super
"I agree that Brian tamaki and associates breach the Covid regulatio
"Brian tamaki is a dick"
"Foolish man abusing his power and leading his flock astray. What i
"To expose people out into the public KNOWING we have a life/dea
"He is an idiot and I do not believe in what he did"
"He’s a knob."
"He is a complete idiot"
"Brian Tamati broke the law, plain and simple. Investigate his scam
"Why do you let him get away with this shit . Pay the price like ever
"Because he and Peter Mortlock and their churches need to be shu
"The country is not his to run."
"This idiot should not be able to get away with breaking covid rules
"There should be accountability"
"He is reckless and irresponsible"
"Brian Tamaki and his wife are fraudsters and scammers who need
"He and all those attending should be fined for putting everyone at
"This man is a stain on this earth"
"He’s a selfish idiot!"
"He broke the law and should be charged"
"It's not right. Broke the law and put us all at risk."
"Brian Tamaki should be charged for breaking the laws of Level 3 an
"The rules apply to everyone"
"I feel so concerned for friends and family in Auckland and to see th
"He's an idiot."
"I want my Christmas holidays with family I have not been able to s
"This guy is risking other peoples lives and its just not good enough
"I hate this ass hole."
"He needs to be stopped"
"Aucklandwrs have done it hard enough. Hes making it worse."
"Because his callous actions jeopardise our society and health"
"Mass gatherings should be punished in the current covid outbreak
"So many reasons but ultimately the complete selfishness of this gr
"He’s a tyrant"
"He needs to obey the laws of the land"
"We all need to be responsible about stopping Covid spread."
"He us abusing his position of power over the weak and vulnerable
"This man is a danger to Aotearoa. He is an aggressive, maniacal dic
"Disgusting behaviour"
"I think we all need to get vaccinated"
"He broke the Covic Safety guide"
"He is inciting noncompliance of vaccinations and not respecting lo
"This is completely unacceptable!"
"He broke the law. The prime minister said so in a press statement.
"He has broken the rules and he doesn't care! He is a law unto him
"He should not be able to get away with this as he is just misleadin
"The self appointed Bishop is leading his brethren to apocalypse an
"He's a criminal grifter"
"Because morally the protest was wrong"
"He is setting a dangerous example and is leading others"
"What he did was illegal..simple"
"Fuck this selfish prick and his mob."
"Nicky de Graaf"
"I think what he did is totally irresponsible"
"one rule for him and another one for everyone else"
"Idiots like this guy are going to force us to stay locked down for lon
"Tamaki flagrantly put the rest of the citizens of this country in dan
"I'm over Tamaki thinking he's some self appointed God of the nati
"If this entitled muppet and his henchmen can throw a tanty every
"Laws apply to all"
"I want normality and cockwombles like this make it less achieveab
"Brian Tamaki is a parasitic fraudster who broke the law and instiga
"Im sick of being penalised for ‘obeying’ and nothing happens to th
"hes not above the law, so yes charge them all. mind the police co
"His actions places thousands of people at risk"
"It's not okay"
"Marion hardiman"
"His actions are outrageous. As small business owners here in Auc
"Under Alert 3 this is Illegal. Please lay charges. An self proclaimed
"Same rules for all. NOBODY should be exempt, no matter how imp
"He needs to pay for his stupidity and his church closed down forev
"I'm protecting my whakapapa"
"We were so close!!! We did what was asked if us and kept to our b
"This guy is a fucking idiot and needs locked up"
"He's a disgrace and I'm over being in lockdown due to stupid peop
"Because for some reason we have to sign a petition to get him cha
"He is a leech, that preys on the vulnerable."
"I would like very one to get vaccinated And to lock him up"
"I want to see my family just as much as the next person but I don’t
"I disagree with Tamaki's eyebrows"
"BRIAN Tamaki needs to be held accountable when most Auckland
"Breaking Lockdown guidelines"
"Stupid selfish behavior when the rest of Auckland follow the rules
"I find Brian Tamaki's actions absolutely disgusting, the idea of prot
"Brian Tamaki is spreading mis information about covid vaccininatio
"Brian Tamaki is a low life who is driven to prey on the vulnerable t
"He committed an act endangering health"
"Shona Bain. Change the idoit. Plus his followers."
"This action was reckless, selfish and endangered the wider commi
"He broke the law at level 3 and by doing so puts more people at ri
"He should be charged as anyone organizing this type of event."
"Inciting stupidity needs to be recognised as an offence. This man a
"Every person knows by now what is expected of them to help stop
"A person in this position of influence should not be acting like such
"Brian Tamaki should be held to the same standards as everyone el
"People like him should be in prison, full stop!"
"He is an idiot"
"He broke all the rules regarding level 3"
"I want everyone to be safe from covid"
"endangering all our lives"
"Fuck Brian Tamaki"
"No one is above covid and no one person should put others health
"Rules are rules... we are all sacrificeing so much for the good of all
"May justice prevail."
"Hes a fuckwit..."
"I care about the vulnerable getting covid"
"Brian Tamaki needs to be held to account for his reckless behaviou
"He needs to be stopped!! So irresponsible he needs to be charged
"Tamaki is a charlatan & fraud. Nothing he does has anything to do
"Hes a grifter"
"Brian has put Aucklanders at risk"
"Brian Tamaki breached the Health & Safety Act during Level 3 Lock
"This fool needs to be charged and taught a lesson that he isnt abo
"NZ Police must act - he and his followers broke the law"
"The man has no thought for anyone who is suffering the affects of
"Tamaki, Mortlock and associates have endangered New Zealand’s
"Because he endangered are chances of moving to level 2 .He is a d
"Brian Tamaki is putting our lives at risk"
"It was illegal and should be charged the same as anyone else brea
"I don't like twats"
"This man is a parasite, praying on the weak and needy"
"Because he needs consequences for his actions"
"Anyone flouting the law should be fined no matter who they are. S
"He has put all of Auck at more risk!"
"Brian Tamaki has an unhealthy influence over his followers and his
"I’m so upset as people can’t travel out of Auckland to supporting
"Like the majority of people in Auckland I want to make sure our vu
"No one should be above the law."
"I’m signing because the law should apply to everyone."
"Tamaki is a public menace"
"He has compromised all the restrictions we have had in place for t
"Brian tamaki incited people to break the lock down laws that we h
"So many people have sacrificed so much. It needs to be the same
"He broke the law and potentially could have prolonged the lockdo
"I'm signing this because he has not considered the consequences o
"Aucklanders have made too many sacrifices to have a very selfish
"It was illegal"
"He is not helping NZ get through tough times he is putting lives at
"This man encouraged and incited the public to break the law. He i
"This behaviour is abhorrent"
"Super spreader of misinformation"
"The truth is out there. We need people to follow Govt advice. Get
"He should be charged and have the book thrown at him. He has ri
"I think he and his wife should be thrown in jail"
"To keep nz safe."
"His leadership ridicules our governments decisions and endangers
"Encouraging people to break the rules will lengthen our lockdown
"Hes a homophobic piece of shit and held a super spreader event d
"He put to many lives at risk."
"He's a clown"
"If its illegal its illegal end of, this parasite thinks he's bigger than th
"Tax churches while you're about it!"
"Brian Tamaki is a cult leader bleeding off the poor."
"because he had perposely flouted the law for a political statement
"It should be one rule for all!"
"His self serving hypocrisy gives religion a bad name and he broke t
"This is a dangerous man who preys on the vulnerable"
"He deserves it"
"He flouted lockdown rules and invited others to join him"
"I'm signing because his actions are reckless, hypocritical, and anta
"This is NOT OK..Cmon ppl sign away..."
"I feel he put all of us at risk and should have to answer for breakin
"He is breaking the law and potentially undoing the work that the r
"That idiot shouldn't get away with it! He broke lockdown rules bef
"He needs to be charged"
"Because he’s an idiot"
"Just cos I can, and these muppets have no idea of what's going on
"The South Island has been in level 3 and 2 for some time, due to th
"One rule for all of us - people are losing their livelihoods over the l
"BRAIN Tamaki is a dickhead"
"That man need to be held accountable !"
"One rule for all"
"His dangerous & arrogant attitude is putting some of our country's
"They engaged in illegal behaviour that requires consequences"
"What he did put people at risk"
"He broke the law"
"He not only broke level 3 lockdown rules, but is encouraging peop
"Tamaki is an idiot"
"He is hurtful, predatory and purely ego driven"
"I'm doing everything thats required of me to keep myself and othe
"Should be held accountable"
"His actions are putting peoples lives at risk."
"He should be locked up"
"He has put my family and Country at risk."
"He's a Fuckhead"
"Because his actions were irresponsible."
"I'm signing because he risked putting the country back into level 3
"Because he is selfish"
"Anyone else would have been arrested."
"He’s an idiot putting other NZers at risk"
"The law was blatantly broken, the risk to people's health and the e
"Brian Tamaki has clearly violated level 3 gathering restrictions and
"Because this vile person is not above the law."
"He really is a money hungry dickhead!"
"Broke the level three rules and compared our director of health to
"Brian Tamaki basically runs a cult and masks it with Christianity, pr
"I don’t agree that someone flouting lockdown rules should be allo
"I'm signing because he encouraged people to break the law along
"This selfish deluded pompous conman shows NO respect for the e
"He is endangering the lives of innocent NZ'ders"
"Tamaki is a criminal, and not just for this particular act, but this is
"I believe this man makes a mockery out of the laws of the land. He
"He broke the lockdown law and may of put people at risk for covid
"He is directly attributed to future deaths"
"Those of us that are vaccinated and obeying the rules continue to
"It breached the rules and didn't follow rules everyone else gets ch
"Hes a piece of work - Selfish Loser."
"Brian and Hannah and their bunch of closed minded people have b
"I believe he should be fined"
"If it's good for the auckland couple to get charged it's good enough
"It was illegal"
"Brian Tamaki and his Henchman wife are out of control ... in fact t
"He broke level 3 lockdown law."
"What an absolute fucking sausage"
"He shouldn’t get away with it. He’s a danger to us all"
"He is putting lives in danger by getting away with breaching lockdo
"Brian has indangered many lives of innocent people."
"He & his followers were given guidelines he had agreed to & didn’
"These clowns have very selfishly ignored current public health ord
"Its just dumb, not even telling people to.mask up."
"He deliberately encouraged people to break the law"
"He needs to be jailed for deliberately risking the health of NZ unde
"Entitled Parasites"
"He should not be exempt from the rules ! And his careless ignoran
"I am currently in lockdown in Auckland and flagrant breaches such
"Why should Mr. Tamaki be above the law...."
"he is risking all of us in NZ , he will stop us going back to L1 and wo
"Auckland people are over the lockdown now. If he isn't charged, o
"People have been charged with breaching Lockdown rules, by not
"Why should he be immune from prosecution? He is a self aggrand
"He needs to be charged"
"Charge them all, and then funnel the money back to those who ha
"My rights at all costs, to hell with other people's rights to health. N
"He and the other organisers need to be arrested, charged with the
"because I don’t believe what he’s doing"
"He is not above the law. He is Disgusting"
"This man encouraged thousands of people to gather, thereby jeop
"His protest had the potential to cause a super spreader because th
"He's putting at risk Aotearoa"
"This kind of thing has to be stopped, and one way to do it is to, at
"I'm for the right to protest, but what he did was dishonest and in b
"In the meeting he had with the police commissioner before the pr
"He is everything about humanity I hate"
"Putting everybody at risk mongrel"
"HES our my very sick son at risk"
"I have shut my business, done everything asked of me only to be t
"Brain Tamaki should be fined for the protest."
"I don't agree with what he has done."
"Come on NZ police he needs to be held accountable close the chu
"He's breaking the rules and could cause more lockdowns over nz w
"These people just make me feel sick and they call themselves Chri
"He broke the law & Jacinda & the cops are happy to sit back & do
"He’s a menace to society!"
"He has jeapordised all the hard work that Aucklanders have put in
"If Brian is so upset with the governments handling. Why did he an
"Tamaki is a dickhead"
"He has put many people at risk by his stupidity"
"Im signing because the guy has total disregard for law and believe
"Selfish behaviour, only care about themselves."
"He is putting people's lives at risk. What an idiot"
"I care about our community"
"What Mr Tamaki did was to insight people to break the Covid regu
"He has encouraged people to protest against a lawful health depa
"He put many people at risk going ahead with the lockdown protes
"I am sick of being in lockdowns due to people who don't follow the
"I agree with the purpose of the petition"
"Inciting rule breaking with the complete disregard for public healt
"Be Kind & help protect each other. COVID doesn't care about prot
"He is a crook and preys on the weak minded....!"
"Time for this charlatan to get what he deserves."
"I am posted at the lack of respect shown to the rest of aickland giv
"The law is the law and should be applied evenly to all."
"I’ve done everything asked by the Govt to do what I can to get rid
"Brian Tamakis an Idiot ..."
"It is not fair on everyone else who is doing It hard but still followin
"filthy grifter."
"I've seen others be charged for less for "inciting riots". Brian Tama
"Because him and the other church leaders involved are dickheads
"We don't need another cult."
"Others are sacrificing their freedoms and these law breachers are
"I am sick of being in Lockdown in Auckland... doing my share... and
"Fuck the prick, trash ass peace of shit"
"He needs to be properly punished for his behaviour"
"He is endangering the health and livelihoods New Zealanders, parti
"We have all been good staying at home to stamp out covid so we
"He thinks he's God and above reproach.He's a charlatan and a fake
"This organised gathering contravened Public Heath Orders and con
"I don't want to go back to level 4 because of this egotistical fool"
"NZ need their freedom not a virus"
"The law applies to everyone!"
"Tamaki is a public menace"
"It is unacceptable the Brian Tamaki is flouting the regulations arou
"This damages the efforts of all the thousands of people who are d
"Charge him!"
"We have all sacrificed so much. His behaviour feels like a spit in th
"We are trying to keep Nz safe and he is acting irresponsible. He is
"Hes broken the law He is not above the law and his arrogance co
"he's a dumb fuckhead."
"He put my family and friends at risk. Simple as that."
"Fine him for his actions. They were unfair for many New Zealande
"The man breached a public order everyone is working together fo
"This idiot is a law unto himself and he needs to be stopped. He wil
"It's the right thing to do. The organisers & attendees of this gather
"Others who have flouted lockdown rules have been named, sham
"I'm signing because there should be consequences for anyone who
"Absolutely inane, dumb dick.Rules are for all, not just those who a
"He needs to be accountable for his stupid actions"
"How gross"
"He is not above the law. And his actions will have Terri consequen
"Because he is as bad as Bully TK Jnr.and his illegal protest when he
"Its illegal and he should be charged"
"Its obvious..the man has broken the law and put us all at risk."
"This guy broke the covid rules and incited others to do so is a terro
"I’ve busted my ass to do the right thing in lockdown. My stepdaug
"I'm absolutely disgusted by his arrogance and total disregard for o
"Because Brian Tamaki is a tool & not a very sharp one at that."
"Because on Saturday this man insulted all of those citizens who fo
"He is not above anyone else,its illegal.who do they think they are.
"Brian Tamaki broke the law and put our lives in danger he is disgu
"The law should apply to rich people as well as the poor."
"He deserves it,"
"Because he is a money grabbing grub that prays on people's belief
"The man is a fool who consistently goes against the law. He is a la
"He sees himself above the law, unfortunately he gets away with it
"This was a selfish act and has jeopardised the entire country! The
"The country was outraged over the couple breaching the borders
"He's a grifting scumbag."
"Lack of action will make a mockery of the rules most of us choose
"Tamaki is a muppet!"
"He has put many lives at risk AND broken the Law, he doesn't dese
"I am signing because life of people are exposed to risk by the prot
"We need protecting against Delta! This cult leader is potentially ki
"Charge this clown, he isn’t above the law!"
"He's a law breaker, we need to treat him as such, else he will be a
"Us responsible citizens wear masks social distance so one day we c
"He is a wanker and a physco"
"Fuck him"
"I sign Danny Gordon"
"Its vip that everyone is vax & wearing masks so why are certain gr
"Because what he did was wrong"
"He should be charged"
"Tāmaki and his ilk blatantly broke covid laws and could very well h
"We need to have social responsibility and stamp out the virus. Se
"He has broken all the rules"
"Brett Corrigan"
"Brian Tamaki put his ego ahead of our safety."
"Breaking rules"
"Because he doesn’t care about the rest of us."
"Blatant law breaking & needs to be punished otherwise what mes
"Nicky Third"
"He's a dangerous man."
"He’s an idiot,!"
"He’s a menace and danger to society"
"How dare Brian Tamaki think he is above the law? What an arroga
"He thinks he is above everyone else and rules don't apply to him.
"Because Tamaki and his acolytes have out lives at risk with his dan
"100% should be charged"
"I'm signing because I would like to be able to see my family. Its idio
"He broke the law…simple. Others have been charged for violating
"He is putting people at risk by holding that rally."
"sumia quazi"
"Simply not acceptable: freedom of speech has a limit"
"Tamaki continues to aggravate me"
"Because the clown is a joke and his nonsense he preaches is bullsh
"Tamaki broke the law"
"He put 2000 lives at risk "
"He committed a crime. Hold him to account."
"He is a catalyst to so much suffering to come because of his action
"The sooner people stop being a dick like Brian, his brainwashed gr
"What he did was wrong & should be held accountable"
"We are following the rules to get out of lockdown and tools like Br
"He is a dick"
"He is an absolute idiot!! Uncaring for the rest of NZ."
"This guy is the biggest con-artist in all of New Zealand and he shou
"Rules are in place for everyone’s safety and those that not only br
"Hes a joke"
"This man is an idiot who should be held accountable for his action
"This is flouting lockdown restrictions and should be acted upon"
"I’m signing because this guys a fucking money stealing numpty cun
"Yes lock him up"
"He needs to be accountable"
"Why is it okay for this man to hold a mass protest, but others who
"I have no problem with people holding different beliefs and having
"Broke the law duffer the consequences"
"The gathering showed reckless disregard for both the spirit and th
"BT is deplorable."
"Because he is a menace to society"
"The man is a law unto himself"
"He's an idiot."
"what he organised (the protest) was illegal and endangered the liv
"He is wrong."
"This hurts so much when so many are giving up more than they ca
"This event seriously risks undermining the concept of the team of
"He (and his associates) are inciting his mindless rabble, by spreadi
"One law for everyone not one law for us another for them!!"
"It's not all about you, Brian"
"Everyone should follow the same rule no matter your status"
"He is the devils advocate"
"It's about time this con artist had action taken against him. He has
"This guy thinks he's really special and above everyone else. His fol
"There should onky be one set of rules. If you break you have conse
"He's a selfish manipulative arse"
"I support people having different beliefs and having a right to expr
"Every one should tell these dictators in every country. We are not
"This is someone who prays on the innocent and creates division an
"This act is foolish and incredibly selfish"
"Brian Tamaki needs to learn to take responsibility for his words an
"Because he's a dick and broke the law"
"It is a deliberate breach of restrictions, and completely irresponsib
"He broke the law"
"I find this MAN Dangerous and his RELIGION a scam.he is defraudi
"He needs to be charged . Why are there different rules for him & m
"Tamaki was scurrilous and undermining the health of NZers. We m
"He and the other churches should also pay back the tens of thousa
"While we’re all doing our bit to protect our country, he’s being a c
"Accountability is needed"
"Brian Tamaki is a fraud, charlatan and conman. Traitor to New Zea
"He's a right cunt."
"He held an illegal protest putting others at risk and not enough is b
"It’s illegal, these rules are in place to keep everyone safe, if people
"He's a dick and a selfish prick"
"He needs to be called out"
"Brian Tamaki is a sanctimonious man who’s narcissistic rhetoric w
"This person is creating s unrest in the community with his wrong in
"Brian Tamaki needs to be in jail."
"Hes thinks he is above the law"
"He has put so many lives in danger, and broken the Level 3 rules."
"He is a ridiculous egotist."
"Spread your legs not the virus. Churches are hospitals for sinners l
"I am signing this because what he did was stupid and hopeless. W
"As have many other Aucklanders, I have complied with the Health
"He went out and using keywords such as “get arrested” to incite s
"While the majority are busting their gut and some are going out o
"Yes... 3 days out...of lock down.. He knew .... he's a pansy etc........
"the wolf in sheeps clothing"
"Tamaki is a muppet who's so ridiculous he's appointed himself an
"I feel that his actions have undermined all our efforts to stop the s
"I am unimpressed with this behavior and having a rally when we a
"5000 cases in 4 days in Melbourne after protests and parties. Its d
"Trish Goodwin"
"Brian Tamaki needs to know that he us not above the law. He nee
"Law was brokeen"
"A level 3 lockdown is for everyone!"
"Not ok as everyone else has played there oart"
"Auckland is doing it so tough, but they are still trying with all they
"No one is above the law"
"He has absolutely no care for the safety of the people at large. He
"Most useless person ever who is so egotistical maniac only cares a
"My business is fucked from this lockdown and this freeloading non
"Enough is enough"
"If the police want people to have faith in their institution, we need
"I'm signing because it's the only form of counter-protest available,
"He broke the law and put many at risk"
"joy bullen"
"Ignorant and selfish behavior impacting on so many."
"Because this guy is a muppet"
"Why should he be aloud to do what he wants and the rest of us ar
"He's a psychopathic menace"
"We are being crippled here in Alberta by absolute idiots like this d
"I believe he has been totally irresponsible and he should be charge
"No one should be above the law."
"Hamilton has just gone into Level 3. If People were continue to org
"I spent my time locked up to help NZ and this man does what he w
"These people need to adhere to the laws of the land, not hold mas
"He is putting New Zealanders at risk. Auckland council should tres
"Self entitlement, arrogance"
"He is a nasty piece of work. He takes advantage if vulnerable peop
"Rules are rules! Most Aucklanders have been following the rules a
"He needs to be locked up. Destiny Church should be paying taxes.
"How did Brian get those manicured eyebrows in level 4/3? Though
"Selfish and illegal. Indeed a slap in the face for all of us making sac
"I am signing because he broke the law. He placed peoples lifes in d
"We leave it at gods alter,he says he's a man ov god,we will find ou
"I just hate his dumb face and want to see him burn."
"Unbelievable that this man can get away with breaking the law an
"I think his actions were counter-productive to our collective effort
"Egotistical maniac"
"Because I saw people up a friend's streets in Hamilton bunching to
"He is a greasy haired prick"
"This is wrong"
"Vanessa Kerridge"
"Dumbass decision. Definitely staying in level 3 cause of this
"This man is hiding behind his "faith" in order to make money and b
"This man and his wife, u d to cover of religion and, has done noth
"instigate a 'private prosecution' - go seek funds for a smart Lawyer
"This man has flouted the law and put people in danger"
"His "teachings" do not represent God. He has no right to keep his
"These idiots, Brian and Hannah Tamaki have completely disregard
"He compromised My rights to feel safe"
"He's a disgrace"
"He has put the whole country at risk. Should be charged with pote
"I'm over being locked down. People like this and his actions are pr
"He organized an illegal gathering during lockdown restrictions tha
"Unfortunately the right to peaceful protest isnt peaceful when it p
"The guy is a Muppet. Pays no tax and acts like a douchbag"
"Because this egomaniac needs to be stopped"
"Hes not above the law."
"Yes he needs to be charged."
"He broke the law and went against most of Aucklands wishes. The
"It's arrogant, selfish,"
"Since covid began I have done as requested and played by the rule
"This guy is a f****** dog that keeps playing up. Put him down"
"What he did was a disgrace, illegal and a huge slap on the face for
"All religious clubs should have same tax requirements as non relig
"Arrest him"
"Brian Tamaki and his organization have willfully and knowingly pu
"He’s a dirt bag"
"Jacqui Robinson"
"Damb ass"
"I value my life and the health of others"
"It’s an illegal gathering under level 3"
"Lock him up for good. Eveyone else is playing their part."
"Outraged by the wanton and shameful trashing of public safety an
"Everyone who attended the gathering should be required to self is
"Mr Brian Tamaki has placed all NZers at risk from Delta covid by or
"These men need to be charged for actively planning and encourag
"For my Immediate / Extended Whanau"
"Because it's just not right"
"Brian is an idiot who is for himself and doesn't care about others a
"I agree with the statement and want this man made to pay for his
"I've sat at home with my family of 5 only to have a person who thi
"Brian tamaki should not have a platform to allow him to put Auckl
"He put people in danger"
"He broke the law, simple ."
"Hes a d..k"
"It peopke like this that endanger the rest of the country. Prove tha
"Hes a danger to society!"
"Do the police as well for not shutting it down before it started"
"Rules are for everyone. Regardless of whether you think you are g
"Kiri Warena"
"He is evil"
"I dislike clowns."
"I work on the front line with patients and the deliberate flouting o
"This grifter and conman needs to be charged."
"Brian Tamaki is the least admirable human on the planet. He is a n
"It is important to me that the rule of law is seen to be applied equ
"This man is totally irresponsible and is putting people's lives at risk
"His actions are irresponsible"
"Lockdown rules are for everyone. The govt are too scared to do an
"I feel he should be charged, what a totally selfish and reckless thin
"He is putting my elderly relatives at risk."
"Brian Tanaki broke the law by hosting a gathering during an AL3 lo
"He broke the law and encouraged others to follow suit, endangeri
"These protests are so wrong, selfish and stupid, putting our health
"Tamaki. Deliberately put all of Auckland into danger by calling for
"He broke the law and put many people at risk"
"If he isn't jailed it becomes a precedent for anybody else to use in
"Because this guy needs to behind bars. He broken the rule well kn
"I am furious he thinks he is above us all and breaks the law"
"He is breaking the covid rules and he is manipulating the stupid."
"If you've broken the law you should have to deal with the consequ
"He broke the rules, and he knew it"
"Raewyn Boniface. Idiots are part of holding Auckland back from op
"Most are looking out for each other, this idiot thinks he can be the
"Because this man thinks he is a law unto himself with no regard fo
"Because Brian Tamaki and associates are putting all of NZ at risk w
"We have all done our bit to fight COVID why is it ok for this ridiculo
"It is utter ridiculous and heartbreaking to follow lockdown the rule
"Because he is flagrantly breaking the rules that others are working
"I have kept my family home and we are slowly going insane but w
"If you break the law then you face the consequences.."
"He is a prick instead of getting a prick.He's gonna kill his gullible fo
"Consequences to your actions"
"It's wrong and selfish"
"Brian Tamaki has risked NZers lives by organising an illegal gatheri
"This man has no respect for the law or safety of the people."
"It was wrong decision to make.."
"I’m signing because we all have had enough, but this wanker open
"We need a better explanation from the police."
"Brian Tamaki needs to be held responsible for his atrocious behav
"I dont like this persons selfishness,stupidity and irresponsibility"
"Everyone who helped organise this should be charge"
"He is a dangerous man child."
"He's actively trying to help spread covid. No doubt he has been va
"Two people who flew to Wanaka have been charged so this man n
"Brian Tamaki deliberately ignored level 3 lockdown rules by encou
"He is wrong to put his beliefs before the safety of the general pub
"Others have been arrested for similar offenses. Brian and all that a
"Brian Tamaki should not be ae to flout the rules, his freedoms sho
"I believe the actions of this individual goes against the safety of th
"I have sacrificed seeing my family and friends like the majority of A
"I'm signing because this type of blatant law breaking needs to stop
"He's a selfish arse"
"I am following the rules! Why should he get away with encouragin
"Other people have been arrested for breaking lockdown laws, wha
"Because of law breaking & stirring up people to follow him. This is
"We are all trying so hard. Except him.Thinks he is a law unto himse
"This man is a public danger."
"Tamati incited public disharmony and put all New Zealanders at ri
"He and his Church have put all New Zealanders at risk and think th
"One law for everyone"
"He's an idiot who preaches fake information to gain publicity"
"Brian should be charged for breaking lockdown rules"
"1 rule for all. They need to be law abiding citizens"
"So many (the majority) are doing the right thing and he thinks he a
"This was a clear and deliberate breach of a public health order putti
"After everyone’s hard work how the hell can you let him get away
"Why should he get away with this"
"Others have been charged for breaches; why not this man?"
"I truthfully despise this man and his holier than thou attitude. He i
"Natasha Moore."
"Charge him on my behalf. I'm trying really hard to protect my fam
"One rule for everyone."
"He’s a brainless self centre twit"
"I want the whole country safe. This means stay in your bubble and
"This is unfair"
"I dont agree with his behaviour"
"He is an egoistic self serving psychopath preying on the most vulne
"Rules are for everyone"
"By encouraging people to break the lockdown he has put the com
"Rules are for everyone"
"This is irresponsible leadership. Putting not only the population of
"He and his followers broke the law"
"If people knowingly break the law, endangering public safety, they
"The gathering was illegal and put us all at risk. We can’t have one
"As a so called leader he has put others at risk for his own selfish re
"Most people in New Zealand are making sacrifices to keep their fe
"Alanna Allan"
"Make him accountable for his negligence"
"Because he is a criminal"
"Hes not above the law"
"Simple, he has broken the law!"
"He thinks he can do what he likes and put others at risk."
"His influence has put a large number at risk of catching the Covid v
"I think he should show better leadership. He is suppose to be a go
"One rule for all of us. Its selfish, self-centered people like this that
"The same rules apply to everyone. I’m sad that he is using his posi
"To stop lockdowns"
"Strip the church of its tax free status too. They are using the churc
"I think leaders need to be more responsible."
"Brian Tamaki puts us all at risk by inciting protest action that he kn
"I am deeply concerned that a man of god sets out to put people's
"He just preached hate and division, not the first time we see guy a
"This idiot needs to be made accountable for his actions. He has ris
"Brian is wrong to lead people in Rebellion to the Government"
"Hes an idiot that needs to consider the great good of everyone & s
"His actions should have consequences or others will follow and fra
"If he isn't charged it makes a mockery of the law and all the hard w
"He's a idiot"
"He was irresponsible and spreading his anti vax views on the comm
"This man and his followers put my family's lives at risk willingly an
"The law should apply to all."
"Every New Zealander should abide By the same rules"
"I along with most of Aucklanders are doing it hard and this idiot is
"Hey broke the rules there should be consequences"
"There are rules, they deliberately ignored them and put people at
"He broke the law"
"Furious at this entirely selfish act - so stupid how does a protest h
"Rules are for everyone"
"Irresponsible leader of people..with little concern for people's safe
"This man is dangerous"
"Noone should be above the law or has the right to risk the health
"Illegal gathering.breached of Law"
"He is putting our country at Risk"
"Charge him!"
"This has endangered lives and more are planned across the countr
"He broke the law and fucked it for us all"
"He's not God charge him"
"I'm sick of people breaking the rules that impact on all of us."
"Because I’m absolutely sick of the government and authorities giv
"Hi distrespect for everyone else."
"What he has done is endangering others"
"He rounded his flock together and broke the covid restrictions.. sim
"This guy is a mongral"
"Destiny Church, and it’s leaders, have always been a problematic g
"It's morally wrong what he has done and put people at risk"
"he is putting my business at risk of closing again,"
"he broke the rules of lockdown he should do the punishment"
"He incited people to break the rules - we are all doing it tough tryi
"Ray Bennett"
"He is a disgrace, whilst the rest of do our bit his actions are for his
"God alone will not protect us."
"He should be arrested and imprisoned, and made to repay any mo
"He broke the law"
"He's a leader of many and has collected huge amounts of May dur
"Tamaki is undermining the stellar efforts of Auckland citizens"
"He is flaunting the lockdown rules, we are all trying to keep safe a
"Same rules for everyone"
"I am sick of people breaking the rules"
"Because its the right thing to do."
"Reckless idiot!"
"Because of the risk this event may have on NZ"
"If I did this I would be charged. Same rules should apply."
"He thinks he’s above the law….NOT!"
"He is irresponsible and dangerous. Plus why do we have to ask for
"Why should he hold Auckland to ransom for his own selfish agend
"His actions are illegal, selfish, and have compromised all the hard
"Fine his arse!"
"Brian assembled a mass gathering of hundreds of people, some no
"The rules and the law is for all."
"It’s actions like this that affect everyone trying to do the right thin
"A M H"
"He broke the law"
"Illegal gathering in pandemic . Broke lockdown rules."
"I am a doctor and I want to get out of lock down as fastest as poss
"We are all doing our part to help stop the spread including not see
"Brian Tamaki continues to promote fake news and endanger NZ liv
"This moron should be charged and put away!"
"I care about Aucklanders health"
"He has broken the law and he is not above the law anymore than
"This person's actions are inciting others to cause harm to Aotearoa
"Disgusting behaviour Has no empathy for anyone !"
"This man has broken the law."
"Because Brian is a scammer and rule breaker"
"He broke the lockdown rules putting the rest of nz at risk"
"He claims wage subsidies, pays no tax, and criticises the govt??? S
"Auckland people & businesses are struggling with this extended lo
"It's a global pandemic and he's out there breaking the rules. If we
"He is putting the rest of New Zealand at risk"
"He's a cunt"
"He an idiot. Putting people at risk..."
"I'm signing because Tamaki's protests put everyone in Aotearoa at
"Brian Tamaki is not above the law. And he’s not a real bishop, eith
"I can’t stand him and his arrogance"
"He breached the ministry of health restrictions and believes he is a
"I believe he should be held accountable"
"He broke the law and he encouraged others to break the law."
"There is no alternative law for godless charlatans. This was motiva
"He has broken the law by encouraging a huge gathering when he s
"He and others may feel they have the right to flout the rules most
"He is a dick"
"He is a narcisst who only cares about himself and he put the whole
"Beware of false prophets"
"Irresponsible behaviour and grandstanding for his own gains and n
"He wasn’t acting in best interests of anyone, other than himself."
"This man is a law unto himself and a danger to everyone else"
"It shouldn’t have been done"
"No one is above the law. This protest could easily become a super
"He is toxic and dangerous, preying on the vulnerable"
"Because Brian tamaki isn't god and is preaching BS. He is putting li
"While everyone in NZ is abiding by the levels for their areas, we ha
"He's a twat. Disrespectful of the terribly hard work the rest of the
"Cult leader!!"
"His actions were irresponsible and immoral."
"Absolutely, if the 2 that went to Queenstown are going to court ho
"What he did was treasonous to the whole of New Zealand who are
"Here we are trying abide by COVID Rules to stay in your BUBBLE, r
"How dare he endanger all that we have worked for over these lon
"This idiot has endangered us all and undermined our efforts for eg
"I’m signing because he thinks he’s above the law and bleeds every
"Not all gangs are flaunting the rules. We need not finger point. For
"Nobody seems to care about major breaches when its cult or gang
"Tamaki should have been arrested but it appears under this govt t
"This person is dangerous!"
"This has put lives and wellbeing at risk. Charge him."
"True that"
"Carole Dennison"
"Because he thinks he is above the law"
"He should face the same rules as everyone."
"The rules were broken"
"He should not of told his followers to protest. Brian Tamaki be a le
"He needs to be held accountable"
"I'm signing this petition because Brian Tamaki went against Auckla
"It was a totally selfish, attention seeking act, totally immoral."
"Completely arrogant total disregard for the people of Auckland"
"He abuses his power over his vulnerable followers"
"I so feel for all the other Aucklanders playing the game and doing
"What he did was illegal. There should be consequences for his acti
"The Police and Govt need to send a strong message that this kind
"Brian Tamaki's narcissism and money theft from vulnerable people
"I think he put NZ at risk after all Aucklanders hard work to stop spr
"Complete disregard for his own, his parishioners and everyone els
"brian doesn't know what an apostle is and he encouraged followe
"This idiot deserves to be taken out of the spotlight and treated like
"I don’t break the rules . They should be punished"
"He's an arrogant self entitled man"
"I'm digusted with the fact the police allowed this protest to go ahe
"He needs to follow the rules like everyone else."
"These people put lives at risk and! are breaking the law so must be
"I'd also like to know why the Police let this go ahead with no arres
"He broke the law !"
"Illegal and amoral action during Level 3"
"He broke the current lockdown law and is spreading harmful misin
"This egotistical behaviour puts us all at risk of further lockdowns a
"June Campbell-Tong"
"He broke the law and encouraged 1000 + to do so also putting us a
"He should be charged"
"This was so arrogant , thoughtless and with absolutely no idea of t
"One Law for All people!!!"
"People like him keep us in lockdown"
"I miss my family and friends! I'm doing my bit.. wish everyone else
"Tamaki represents the people who place personal glory above pub
"Irresponsible, So many are sacrificing so much this could potential
"Andrew Pahl"
"Disgraceful behaviour that is undermining our efforts and putting
"lock him up he's a fraud n a scammer !"
"he needs to be fined and taxed"
"I really want this country to be out of lock down and back to near
"The law pertains to all"
"Go hard and charge him he broke the rules"
"This so called Christian is a greedy individual who cares absolutely
"He is a thieving manipulative psycho."
"Couldn't agree more"
"He’s a doof"
"It was an illegal gathering & risked the entire country's efforts to c
"I'm an essential healthcare worker and see the effects of this virus
"This,is flouting the rules,which are put in place for our safety.Typic
"For putting NZ at risk. 郎"
"Charge Brian Tamaki"
"He is a fuckwit."
"He’s a complete tool and he’s not above the law."
"His protest made a mockery of the hard work Auckland has put in
"One People. One Law.."
"I am sick of this man taking advantage of people and tax payers"
"I would like to go to church too, I would like to see my church fam
"This was illegal under level 3 restrictions and was totally selfish!"
"He should be treated equally to anyone else because he put us all
"He is irresponsible"
"He did an illegal thing"
"He’s not the messiah…. He’s a very naughty boy."
"This is unacceptable"
"He put the safety of hundreds at risk by encouraging and speaking
"The same rules should apply to everyone. We've done our part, w
"It would never of happened. He also broke the rules trying to flee
"Fuck Brian Tamaki"
"Because he isn't above the law"
"This was a gross disregard of public safety measures which has en
"This man's irresponsible actions could well have jeopardized every
"Because he and his flock are endangering all our lives in New Zeala
"I'm signing this because of his illegal gathering in Auckland at leve
"This is a smack in the face for every decent New Zealander who ha
"He just a human like us y does he get special treatment. Every1 el
"He purposely broke the law!"
"He broke the law. No exceptions"
"He needs to be held accountable for putting everything we have w
"He broke the law, and with no regard for his community"
"I feel disgust that Brian Tamaki feels he has a right to disobey the
"“Influencers” like Brian and Hannah Tamaki should do the right th
"He's an idiot"
"When it comes to war agsinst covid there is no ‘freedom’ withou
"Brian Tamaki is a danger to NZ, and especially the vulnerable peop
"Just a few steps away from Jonestown - this guy needs meds!"
"Dont fine him as he will just get the church to pay it and then claim
"I want Tamaki Makaurau to get back to L2 asap. This idiot isn't goi
"I believe in vacinations"
"I’m signing because he’s totally disrespecting the safety of all NZer
"What he did was WRONG!"
"He shouldn't get away with what he's doing when everyone else h
"It is absolutely atrocious that this event was allowed to go ahead w
"This guy is a muppet...all our hard work potentially gone to waste
"He threw the rest of Auckland into a longer lockdown so so selfish
"He is a big twat"
"He needs to be stopped"
"He’s an idiot"
"I hate fuckwits"
"I’m signing this petition because what he has encouraged is irresp
"These people need to be held accountable for breaking the Covid
"I want to visit friends in Auckland. They have been following all the
"It had potential to set the whole fight against covid back hugely, a
"He broke the law and has put people at risk of getting COVID."
"He needs to be held accountable for his actions just like everyone
"Arrogant creature, ruining everything for nz"
"Brian tamaki is a idiot"
"He is wrong!!!"
"His reckless and selfish atitude towards the general public must be
"I'm signing this petition due to this Idiot being a irresponsible so-c
"This is disgraceful. He needs to be charged."
"He broke the rules... none of us would get away with it."
"they are putting easing of restrictions at risk"
"I'm doing the right thing for Auckland, and it's tough. Really tough
"The selfless, responsible acts of an entire country are now dangero
"He's a fucking idiot"
"highly irresponsible whilst covid is in our city"
"He has no respect for the law"
"This man is arrogant and thinks he's above the law, which he brok
"Outlaws need to be held to account."
"I believe in the power of respect, and his actions are not respectfu
"We are all struggling with this lockdown and others have been cha
"Idiot move mr tamaki"
"What a disgrace!"
"Fine the fool!"
"One rule for all"
"One fool can destroy everyone future."
"He put all the hard work of every new Zealander at risk."
"He put people in harms way."
"This guy makes me want to vomit. He's a law unto himself only for
"He is coursing more problems with his selfish ways"
"Stupid decisions, believe what you want, but do it at home and do
"Why should Government and Police be scared of numbers in gath
"What he did was illegal and undermined public safety."
"Others have been unable to grieve with loved ones, be with their h
"There are NO exceptions for anyone. We must all follow the respe
"This man is putting the rest of us, who are trying hard to kick this v
"He's breaking the law and he's a complete wanker"
"Consistency needs to be kept. This was a blatant flouting of the la
"He has broken the law and impacted every single New Zealander a
"This man is delusional and needs to be accountable for his silly acti
"He should abide by the country lockdown rules other people are h
"He needs be accountable"
"What Brian did was irresponsible"
"It is unacceptable that he puts so many people at risk"
"No one including this self appointed bishop, no one is above the la
"Simple - he has broken the law. Why has he not been arrested alre
"I believe all nzers have been working hard to beat this virus. A few
"He has no respect for anyone or anything. Needs to be held accou
"Law is Law, no one is above the Law"
"He knowingly broke the law"
"Book them all it's an utter disgust to the human race that are tryin
"This man incites public disobedience"
"Simple, he was not abiding by the law"
"He broke the law, and there are precedents for his arrest, e.g. Billy
"He is flouting the rules, claiming wage subsidy when they are tax e
"Its illegal"
"If he can blazingly break laws with no consequences why cant othe
"He is a criminal who scams people out of money. His protest pit m
"He had more people than was allowed and not all of them wore m
"We want a resemblance of our lives back, by tamaki holding this p
"He is not above the law, he is not above anyone, if any of his follow
"Broke the law, plain and simple."
"He should be held accountable."
"He is a criminal who scams people out of money. His protest pit m
"He needs to be charged! Our freedoms and routines have been se
"Brian Tamaki is a selfish bellend. Throw him in prison"
"This guy is a rip off fuckwitt"
"We help us to have a great summer! We have all done so well to s
"This fraud will cost people their lives. Thousands of people are ma
"For the health of the nation, and to prevent him from holding any
"All my family has stuck to the rules to keep each other and the cou
"Don't wanna state the obvious...Brian is a tool"
"Not obeying the rules, why should they get away with it."
"Brian Tamaki broke the law and has endangered the safety of a lot
"He is an idiot and jeopardises the team of 5 million!"
"Don't want a vaccine that's has been rushed out of lab! Lol I was to
"He did wrong"
"No thought for whanau"
"I’m signing because he very consciously incited protest against life
"No one is above the law, especially someone who is a leader of pe
"He blatantly broke the law with his gathering and should be held a
"He acted irresponsibly and against a health order putting hundred
"He's putting everyone's health at risk.With a strain on our health s
"This is irresponsible behavior and he should be fined for breaking
"He should not be above the law! Perhaps he could volunteer for a
"He’s an idiot and stopping us all from seeing family both here and
"We all did our part. Wether we liked it or not. Then all of it for not
"It's irresponsible and harmful what he does."
"False prophets shouldn't be assited in spreading lies."
"He needs to be held accountable for his actions."
"He needs to be held accountable and taught he is not above the la
"Because Brian Tamaki constantly undermines the efforts of actual
"This person' grand standing is jeopardizing the health and wellbein
"Police should also be charging them for traffic offenses. In the me
"Marlene Lamb"
"Throw him in jail and make him pay tax arrears for his "church" wh
"Convict him, so many people missing out on funerals to farewell th
"He is a bigot and putting the country at risk"
"This protest went against everything everyone else has been sacri
"Brian Tamaki and his followers are not above the law."
"He needs to be arrested and to be jailed too."
"So many people are suffering because of the lockdown but we are
"This behaviour is not acceptable."
"Hey broke the law and should pay"
"He’s a danger to our health."
"Science explains but for stupid people they need a proper leader w
"These people should not get away with breaking the rules. They p
"What he did is illegal & inflammatory & goes against the greater g
"Brian Tamaki is a criminal"
"Rules are rules. Dont let power get to your head Brian."
"Brian has put all of new Zealand at risk."
"his arrogance puts the safety of others and the hard work and stru
"how dare he put the rest of us at risk, after all our hard work"
"This entitled cult leader broke the law.."
"He’s is totally selfish to everyone else doing to right thing"
"Psychopaths shouldn't hold positions of power or influence. This is
"It's idiots like this that is keeping families apart... I can't see my ch
"Brian Tamaki is putting the country at risk. Why should he get awa
"Just as we are getting to the tail of this outbreak this narcissistic gr
"This man organized an illegal gathering under level 3 rules and is in
"Insiting a mass gathering is entirely irresponsible at this time in NZ
"Mr Tamaki is not above the law, he should be jailed."
"No leader should be invoking public protest. No sense of social res
"Why should he get away with this. Why can't others do the same t
"Because he is a that!"
"Because people are doing as they are asked to and staying home,
"For such a public figure to do this is despicable. No thought or con
"I believe this behaviour is so evil that it should be prosecuted to th
"This man is dangerous causing people who followHim to break rul
"He has put his ego and selfishness above the health and safety of
"he is a selfish as wanker who thinks rules don't apply to guys as co
"Filiga Cameron,He didn't support the people's efforts and the gov
"Stop this kind of activity in covid 19."
"This guy has been out of control for years and spouting his vile opi
"Also include Leo Molloy and the other churc too"
"Protest was illegal and broke all Covid rules.. we follow rules … all
"Whot does he think he is, how dare he put all of us in jeopardy jus
"His behaviours are idiotic"
"For a so called mam of God his aim here is to be in the public eye a
"He's not above the law."
"TAMAKI is wrong"
"Because he should be charged for organizing this and putting New
"This is the very reason we still have Covid in the community. Idiots
"I would like to see NZ ers able to travel and work in their own coun
"Because he broke the law there not two rules because of who you
"This action is selfish and thoughtless about the lives of others. Com
"why should he get away from being charged, when others that bre
" about kindness,love and care for others which Bris
"He broke the law and needs to be held to account"
"The rules were blatantly broken by the organising body and they s
"I am appalled & disgusted by his & Mortlocks arrogance & selfish b
"He is an idiot and his sheep are just as bad"
"Brains actions impact everyone in NZ. He is taking away our freedo
"Tamaki's actions are a slap in the face to everyone who is doing th
"He is outrageous and should be locled up"
"Because he has a total disregard for the health & safety of not onl
"Brian Tamaki endangered the people of NZ"
"He is putting everyone in danger with his ideology and lack of resp
"Tamaki did not show any concern for the fellow New Zealanders b
"I'm signing because he preys on vulnerable people."
"Brian Tamaki is a poopyhead"
"This should never have been allowed to happen"
"I am sick of miss information, people not following covid rules an a
"Totally idiotic! Agreed 100% he needs to be sorted out"
"Brian Tamaki is breaking the law and setting dangerous precedent
"He is part of the issue"
"He is not God but thinks he is. Funny that the Hells Angels were su
"The creature broke the rules and put lives in danger after stating t
"Massive breach putting lives and welfare of others at risk. He is ha
"This man has put more of us at risk and possibly creating a super
"He broke the law, we are in lockdown. I have a business that cant
"This man is dangerous and shouldn't be able to get away with end
"Self serving disregard for public health is bad enough. Inciting othe
"Any one who deliberately organises events that can devalue the e
"This kind of behaviour is totally self. They should all be held accou
"If its good enough for all that's broken lockdown rules he can also
"Brian Tamaki' does more damage than good and takes advantage
"He's not thinking about the bigger picture ie, the community!!"
"I’m loathed to find the words … shame on you Brian Tamaki and s
"We need to get out of lockdown for our sanity and our businesses
"Tamiki is an irresponsible egotistical arsehole and leech."
"As a professed christian and leader of the flock, he needs to obey
"This is not what NZ needs right now and we must think of each oth
"He should be punished for his actions!"
"He insighted civil disobedience !!"
"Idiot! Perhaps he is concerned about his reduced income!"
"He has put all of us at risk and he preys on the vulnerable."
"No words really for how idiotic this man is."
"Jeopardize public safety"
"We as a family are disgusted with this idiot of a self inflicted so cal
"I'm not allowed to gather in that number, nor is he,"
"He needs to be stopped"
"he's a dick head"
"Because we should all behave accordingly in this pandemic"
"As an Aucklander following the lockdown rules, this really is a 'slap
"Brian Tamaki is only thinking of himself. We need to work togethe
"This idiot knows how to lead the lost causing problems for all, nee
"He is a self entitled idoit that just put all Aucklanders hard work in
"I believe this man regularly takes advantage of vulnerable people
"I totally agree that this man and those that supported him should
"His actions are putting all New Zealanders at risk."
"He's a idiot"
"Hes in idiot and doesn't give a Dam about anyone but himself"
"Im signing because Brian Tamaki put all our lives in danger.."
"He's no different to any other law breaker and should no better,he
"He thinks he's above the law."
"We all have to remain in level 3 what gives him an exemption from
"I'm one of the 5 M. working hard to get us through this even tho I
"He risjed the lives and livelihoods of all Aucklanders and he should
"Nobody's religion should exempt them from the consequences of
"We are all in this together and people like this have no respect for
"Mike Edward's"
"Because he will take the goverment subsidy but wont protect othe
"There should never be one rule for some and another for others. I
"I do not like one rule for one and another rule for others"
"He is a PRAT!!"
"This man must be charged with incitement to break the Covid law
"They have gone against the rules in place and gone against the he
"Rules in this country should be the same for all and he is putting o
"I want this poor excuse of a human to be treated like any other br
"He needs to be charged for this as everybody should be doing thei
"I don’t normally sign these things but it’s an outlet to vent of how
"He needs to be held accountable like everyone else"
"He a idiot"
"He is putting the children of NZ at risk by inflating his ego. He is an
"I am tired of this man doing what he likes and getting away with it
"I believe Brian Tamaki has done a great disservice to Aucklanders
"I want NZ safe from idiots"
"He is a selfish self entitled prick"
"The protest was a breach of the law in so many ways and this man
"This man is putting our Maori whanau at risk for his own purpose.
"He is a tax dogging lying c--t"
"This will go on forever if people like him aren't charged for endang
"These dickheads seem to think they are immune and can do what
"Who does this guy think he is to flout the rules and put Aucklande
"Because what those ppl did was beyond selfish it was a disgrace"
"He broke the law and he is not above it even though he thinks he
"He thinks he is above the law. Police and the authorities showing i
"Plain and simple he broke the law"
"Clearly inited others to break rules"
"I believe in the freedom of speech but oppose anyone breaking lev
"Hes not special and needs to be punished like anyother person ho
"He's an irresponsible idiot"
"These people especially this fool should know better. He is in a po
"I totally agree this is an illegal protest. Maybe also because he's a
"Consequences for actions"
"The self interest of this man is NOT more important than the best
"He may have kept those of us following the rules into a longer lock
"Total arrogance and risking the rest of Auckland’s health"
"This should be a criminal act"
"He broke the law"
"He has risked the health of everyone in NZ"
"Rule breaking by him and his followers is not acceptable."
"Bill him higely"
"Everyone should obey the law"
"His actions will cause Covid Delta to spread further in NZ, damagin
"Ngaire Frost"
"His behaviour is not becoming of a leader, and our country deserv
"He broke the law, simple! He coerced others to do the same."
"I think he is totally irresponsible, egotistical, selfish and a , totally s
"What he did was illegal and a public health risk"
"The Tamaki’s care more about money than people, and that’s not
"He's a massive knobhead"
"As i have worked all the way through this just chucks it back in you
"When 90% Aucklanders made sure they didn't breach the law, this
"This arrogant and dangerous cult leader should not be above the l
"Hes an idiot!!! And all involved should be charged protests haven'
"While he has every right to his opinion, having a protest rally while
"I believe that he should be prosecuted What he did was unbelieva
"It is so wrong that we in the South Island are still in level 2 because
"He blatantly broke the rules, and may have put the health and we
"He has put the whole of the country at risk."
"His actions are totally selfish and irresponsible!"
"The law must be applied to everyone."
"One rule for everyone, he is a bad person who believes he is abo
"Brian Tamaki is a very selfish man. He takes money from the poor
"If I did that I would be prosexuted"
"He’s a cock and should be charged. He put his own ego before eve
"He's a criminal in more ways than one"
"Unfair. Self-serving. Destructive"
"This man needs to be arrested for breaking the law and risking Au
"He could have used his influence for the greater good. Selfish"
"The rules are to keep us safe and for us all to keep"
"Totally agree to apply the law to BT actions."
"It was an incredibly selfish act by an extremely selfish man. He sho
"It is not only illegal it is morally irresponsible for a person in positio
"He is putting everyone at risk and the bulk of the Auckland commu
"He doesn't care about the children that will suffer"
"Hes putting everyone at risk"
"He is a selfish man organising this during a pandemic."
"Because he's a dick"
"Because I'm sure his protest will end up spreading more covid and
"Brian Tamaki should be charged with reckless endangerment of lif
"This man thinks he is above the law, his arrogance is beyond belie
"Tamaki and his followers selfishly put the lives and health of count
"The Law applies to Mr. Tamaki as it does to all Kiwis. Should he an
"Fucking arrogant prick"
"The protest was about his power to influence tge vulnerable naive
"Truthfulness benevolence forbearance ❤  "
"This muppett needs to be in prison."
"It was illegal"
"He has endangered the health of people and the possible econom
"most Aucklands giving up so much to follow the rules and this man
"He put my health at risk"
"This idiot is harming good kiwis with his lies AND taking there mon
"This is so wrong, is probably increasing the spread of covid and Au
"Reckless acts need to be punished"
"This guy thinks he’s above the law while making money using the
"It infuriates me that the vast majority of NZ'ers are trying very har
"He isn't obeying the rules"
"This man thinks he is above the law."
"He put so many peoples lives at risk"
"I'm sick of NZ Police picking and choosing when they'll uphold the
"It's disgraceful. He wants us dead"
"He is a dickhead"
"Should be one rule for all and he is ruining it for the law abiding Au
"Why should the self centredness of a few impact the hard work of
"I am border worker who has worked hard to help protect this coun
"Brian is a con man"
"So damn dangerous Tamaki"
"This man is a law unto himself and needs to face the consequence
"Rules are rules no matter who u are!!"
"I believe in vaccination"
"He is a human and should be treated like one who broke the law"
"Charge the idiots"
"He broke the law and should pay for it. He us undoing all our hard
"This man thinks he is above the Law ."
"It is not right that we play by riles but he does not and get away w
"Due to him being an idiot and not considering health and safety."
"This is revolting selfish behavior"
"The small group of people protesting at the kennedy point Marina
"Most of us are trying to do the right thing to curb the virus, even t
"This man has deliberately undone all of the hard work we have do
"He broke level 3 rules. I'm doing it for everyone complying with lo
"The man is dangerous and no one holds him accountable. It’s time
"Brian Tamaki is not the only instigator in this. Charge all organisers
"He broke the law, he is not above it. We all have to do our part to
"No one should be above the law. People should be entitled to sha
"Everything about this man is a disgrace. Throws the hard work of N
"He did a wrong thing"
"I believe this is a criminal action endangering the lives of others"
"He is an embarrassment to New Zealand"
"This guy has no empathy for anyone ,only thinks he's a leader for
"He's running a cult, not a Church."
"Because of his willfully selfish thoughtlessness and hypocrisy in ha
"He's free has of a gang not a church - and he's endangering the pu
"He cant get away with what he above us all樂dont think s
"Raewyn King"
"Hes selfish to others health"
"When everyone else in N.Z is trying hard to follow the rules to ma
"Be broke the law."
"Aucklanders are doing it hard for the rest of the country. Religious
"Because he has brazenly flouted the very foundation of what NZ is
"Tamaki putting the freedoms of others at risk after all that has bee
"He is a fk idiot and needs to be shut down. God is not gonna help u
"I am angry about Brian’s behaviour in organising this rally snd the
"He deliberately put people at risk. He should have to pay business
"This man is a law unto himself. There must be some police action o
"The guys believes he's above the law"
"He's an idiot."
"Selfish is a understatement. The nz Police should also look at how
"He’s a selfish idiot"
"He's a dick and putting everyone's safety at risk, and why should b
"He broke the law"
"He has completely insulted the rest of Auckland and the people do
"Regardless of peoples views L3 restrictions are L3 restrictions. Thi
"While we have been willing to have people arrested and taking th
"Definitely, this man is selfish for his own corrupted gains - he is no
"Brian Tamaki needs to be charged. Whether he is pro or anti vacci
"its the right thing to do. Public Health and Safety rules over Covid1
"The Apostle Bishop is spreading the virus to get on TV. He needs to
"Robert Robinson"
"He blatantly ignored the level rules and put so many people at risk
"It is totally irresponsible to have a large gathering while many othe
"He poses a genuine risk to our health. And he's an idiot."
"He thinks he is a law unto himself in far too many ways"
"Of his arrogance - thinking hes more important than any other Au
"I totally disagree with Tamakis actions."
"He totally disregarded public safety and needs to be held accounta
"Blatant breaking of the Level 3 restrictions must carry consequenc
"There are many situations where surpressing descent is against th
"Put everyone in danger, he has just put us in a even longer lock do
"He broke the law and incited others to do the same. Normal decen
"He should be charged for endangering others lives and the Govern
"Charge this man, he’s abusing his position as leader of his church a
"One for all, all for one"
"Morons who organise self promotional protest against a virus nee
"It is unfair to the rest of us that follow the rules and want lickdow
"It's only right,why should he get away with it"
"Hes just a bloody idiot like his followers"
"He is not above the law and the safety of others!"
"This guy is a menace to society, he does what he wants whenever
"He’s putting everyone at risk"
"Same as everyone else has said. He shouldn’t be able to do it and
"People didn't adhere to the appropriate Covid level 3 restrictions."
"He applies for a Wages Subsidy and then does this, wow. He need
"He is a bad person and a traitor to all the people trying to make ou
"He needs to be held accountable"
"He needs to learn that he’s not above the law no matter what he t
"I have friends who could not attend parents funerals and this idiot
"They are not obeying level 3."
"Defies belief that this was able to happen in the first place....."
"Tamaki and his screeching wife need reminding they are not abov
"Arrogant pricks like Tamaki who put themselves up as leaders and
"Desrae Garratt"
"He broke the law"
"I'm signing because I cant believe the stupidity of some people. W
"People need to listen to what people in authority are telling us it’s
"It was against the law aswell as all concern for our community."
"He is a twT"
"He is not above the law"
"I agree that Brian tamaki should be charged"
"This is not OK when other people are doing their best to stick to th
"Illegal and utterly immoral!"
"Absolute egomaniac nutter!!!"
"The potential for a super spread is totally avoidable. He would hav
"He is putting our lives at risk"
"This guy is putting the whole country in danger. We have sacrifice
"he is no man of God, he is an idiot"
"I got a slap in the face"
"There are a lot of people struggling with lockdown restrictions and
"He needs to be held accountable for his actions."
"He has blatantly broken the current Health Response Act order for
"We are in lock down for a reason, it’s affecting all of NZ. Why does
"Brian completely disregarded the level 3 lockdown rules that the r
"We are all over being locked down but having an event in Aucklan
"Because what he did is dangerous to the rest of us who are abidin
"How dare he put everyone in danger just for his ego"
"This dangerous man needs to be shut down. Might be a good idea
"Why should we all adhere to the rules and he doesn't. Lock down
"I’m sick of rules for some and not others. Tax the churches too"
"His actions will endanger all of us"
"He’s and idiot and has to be stopped"
"Its bang out of order he aint above the law"
"This guy is an asshole"
"This arrogant man has to be stopped ."
"Because Brian Tamaki is undermining and jeopardising the hard w
"This man is a danger to the health and economic future of our cou
"I am appalled at the self centred self absorbed Brian Tamaki and h
"I definitely believe he has incited this protest and put NZS at risk 
"No one is above the law. He is irresponsible"
"Super spreader"
"His action is helping to spread covid and as a result is holding the s
"Law is law and Brian Tamaki breached Health orders enduring our
"Just b/s this was not keeping my family safe thinks he is above the
"Nobody should get away with breaking the rules and endangering
"I think he was very careless and irresponsible. Risked lives"
"Charge him with reckless endangerment, inciting riots, breach of r
"I don't believe in how he did this"
"He flagrantly put Auckland at risk of a longer lockdown which puts
"I am paying by the rules why should he get away with it!"
"He's putting everyone at risk"
"The country has been doing its big to stamp out Covid, and Brian T
"I am disgusted in the display of ignorance shown by Brian Tamaki
"Because he is a narcissist who is not concerned about peoples wel
"We can't let celebrities be getting away from breaking the law"
"What he did is bloody disgusting."
"He is trying to undo all our hard work"
"Discussing show"
"What he did was wrong."
"danger to our health and well being."
"I'm appalled at his arrogance and selfishness, while the majority o
"I agree that people should be held accountable for their actions e
"He’s an irresponsible dickhead"
"Brian Tamaki is clearly a conman driven purely by cynical greed an
"I’m signing because what he instigated is wrong and It’s against th
"The rules apply to everyone"
"Brian Tamaki is evil and needs to be held accountable for his selfis
"Brian Tamaki illegally held a protest in Level 3. It's as simple as tha
"What this embicile has done has put Auckland in further jeopardy
"I am signing because what Brian has done is a total mockery of the
"Its the right thing to do"
"We are in lockdown "
"What he did is irresponsible and is in breach of the current rules.
"Brian tamaki has breached the covid level 3 conditions and has pu
"He is dangerous"
"No one is above the law"
"It is so disrespectful to all Aucklanders, not Christian at all, we nee
"I think he needs to be taken down. What a stupid thing to do in th
"He needs to be held accountable"
"What he did was illegal!"
"He blatantly broke Alert Level 3 rules"
"I don't believe that he was entitled to break the law for his own Eg
"It was totally irresponsible for the Tamakis to hold this protest. An
"Why are Maori allowed different rules to Kiwis"
"He's in a position where people listen to him. He should be aaham
"I am so annoyed with this man’s selfish actions"
"What give so called figure the right to encourage and risk the lives
"Unfair on good citizen"
"He should be held accountable for his inconsiderate and illegal acti
"This man broke the law and put lives at risk"
"Flagrant violations of law should't go unpunished. P.S Strip their ch
"He is totally irresponsible and makes a mockery of the effort the in
"It is not right to incite flouting the law go unpunished"
"He's a wnaker"
"No one should be above the law, especially in these times of heal
"Jo Wharakura"
"We are all suffering because of these idiots, cut their benefits and
"Break the rules, face the punishment!"
"I strongly disagree with this cult"
"This idiot seems to always think he is above the law. It's time he w
"He's a menace to society and his followers are gullible sheep."
"He is wrong wrong wrong"
"Hes a bloody idiot. Stay home. Be safe. No large groups. Why shou
"Because he should be charged puting peoples lives at risk."
"The fact that he gets any air time or media coverage is appalling.
"He's putting his ego before the helath and safety of everyone else
"I am so angry - this won’t be effecting his livelihood . Just gives lice
"Yes, should be charged!"
"Because what he does is just plain wtong"
"I am a health worker we expect leaders to lead responsibly"
"I feel sad for people who cant even have proper funerals but the la
"What he did was wrong and sends thee wrong message to people
"Brian Tamaki’s rally was an insult to all of us who were locking dow
"Tamaki broke the Level 3 Health Order law. We all have to respect
"ARROGANT GIT, who does he think he is endangering everybody e
"What he did was illegal, so why should he not be prosecuted or jai
"I'm signing because he deliberately broke the law, involved others
"Theses people what freedom? From where I'm sitting they have al
"Absolutely disgusting he and all those people putting our country
"Total disregard for anyone else, we're trying to do the right thing &
"He broke the rules"
"He is a arrogant fool."
"Actively flouting the law to disrupt our nationwide effort to fight C
"He has put Kiwis lives at risk for organizing this self centered prote
"I'm signing because no one should be above the law, especially wh
"He broke the law and preys on vulnerable oeople"
"He has no right to endanger the freedoms of all New Zealanders fo
"Because he's put lives at risk something we all been working hard
"It's not fair to those of us doing our bit to keep ourselves & others
"Tamaki has flouted the law and considers himself above the legal
"He is spreading dangerous misinformation"
"I'm a New Zealand er. Team of 5 million, stronger together."
"Tamaki is a hypocrite and has run a super spreader event with no
"Lock him and his followers up"
"I am angry that this man broke lockdown rules to spout forth his v
"This is disgraceful, he needs to be charged!!! We are all trying to d
"This is careless and stupid and putting people lives at risk"
"He's a total dick head"
"He's an utter ignoramus and fool."
"Brian Tamaki is not above the NZ law"
"Absolutely disgusted with Brian Tamaki. I wonder how many of his
"He's a dick"
"He threatens all of NZ's health"
"He is a cunt"
"The team of 5 million have been let down,due to his actions"
"He endorsing evil"
"He's put his ego ahead of new Zealanders safety!"
"His behaviour was irresponsible and could have endangered New
"The protest was uncalled for and he has put others at risk and pro
"I think they put Aucklanders at risk"
"It's so wrong what he did."
"He broke the law"
"Brian Tamaki is undoing the hard work most of the people in Auck
"What he did was illegal, why is he treated different from anyone e
"Because he is putting peoples lives at risk0"
"This man is dangerous"
"He broke the law"
"It was absolutely disgraceful what Brian Tamaki did. He needs to h
"Can’t believe anyone would take him serious!! So dangerous"
"I've been following the lockdown rules without complaint"
"He broke the law & it's that simple!"
""Bishop" Tamaki used his power and influence to further his powe
"He broke the law simple as that"
"The prick should be LOCKED UP"
"I find the illegal protest totally irresponsible!"
"Who is he to put us all at risk!"
"People cannot meet up at all . We must stay home"
"The people who organised this event are dangerous charlatans pre
"Tamaki thinks he is over and above the law. He and his idiot follow
"I'm signing bcos he needs to be punished for not respecting gover
"I am signing this petition, as Brian Tamaki has blatantly encourage
"He broke the law"
"Tamaki needs to be held accountable for the illegal protest on Sat
"I not happy with double standards from police"
"Because Brian Tamaki is a danger to public health."
"One very selfish man!"
"Endangering the public"
"The rules apply to EVERYONE, not most. Others are prosecuted fo
"If anyone else had organized this they would have been charged .E
"Brian's an idiot, putting alot of people at risk and not helping the w
"This was so wrong we are all wanting to come out of lock down bu
"He is a idiot."
"Kātahi ko te 嵐matua ko ia. Anei ia e whakapoua tana ngākau ki te
"He will be the reason Auckland doesnt come out of lockdown"
"He’s an idiot"
"He needs to pay for his actions"
"He is an Egotistical twat that is putting lives of New Zealanders in d
"He is a twat"
"Lock Tamaki up in the same cell as the Wanaka couple. No mass g
"Because ..irresponsible egotistical too many reasons to list"
"He has put Auckland in jeopardy"
"Its not fair ,,we are all doing our but in Auckland,,why can't they."
"Sick of the law not being followed applied to this guy."
"He is blatantly trying to cause unrest and create division.Also, the
"He was selfish. As Aucklanders we are sacrificing so much potentia
"Even if you are against vaccination no one has the right to gather b
"Its disgusting what he has done."
"We are told to stay home, not gather, wear masks and can't see w
"This person's selfish attitude has the potential to keep Auckland in
"This person is putting the community and our country at risk , this
"I’m signing as a front line worker ( oncology nurse ) and Mum to a
"I am absolutely furious that this was allowed to happen when so m
"He needs to be stopped"
"So many of us have done all we can to stop the spread of Delta an
"I think this man is driven by money. When there is a Lockdown, hi
"Charge him of breach of the health act under Covid"
"Because it was illegal why should he be different"
"We have all worked so hard and over 7 weeks in lockdown is a ver
"Because people are making huge sacrifices to keep their families s
"Peter Mortlock and City Impact Church also encouraged their mem
"His actions show he doesn’t care a fig about the well being of peop
"I am signing this petition because this man thinks he has the right
"Bruce Carbines."
"He jeopardizes every single person in Auckland, and beyond, by hi
"He doesn't care about peoples lifes"
"He's mixing church and politics, maybe he should also be paying ta
"It's against our laws"
"Brian Tamaki is not above a 6 week long and counting LOCKDOWN
"This is a blatantly stupid and disrespectful act when the rest of NZ
"Auckland wants to get out of lockdown and can't when selfish peo
"He is endangering this country by organising these protests but so
"Families throughout Auckland have followed the rules even thoug
"Mr Tamaki believes he has a Carte Blanche from God to pick and c
"I’m signing because he broke the rules. Others are being prosecut
"He’s a danger to himself and his community."
"Not only should JT be charged - so should all who attended! Auckl
"He broke the law"
"Tamaki must be held accountable for breaking the rules."
"Rebellious leader"
"I care about keeping all our country of nz safe from this horrible vi
"Brian Tamaki is a law unto himself and needs to be held accountab
"No way should this event or any other like it take place under lock
"His stupid antics could extend lockdown and kill people"
"He needs to held to account for organising the event which was in
"His actions were, and are unacceptable. He thinks he is above the
"He's a clown."
"The law is the law and they are flaunting their own agenda. Stay a
"Religion doesn’t put you about the law"
"Illegal activist"
"...of all the Aucklanders making sacrifices for the rest of us. Thank
"He is putting all of N Z at risk"
"He committed the offence."
"Get rid of the charitable status of his ‘church’"
"We Have been doing the right thing for 7 weeks and now because
"That’s bloody stupid we are all doing it hard in Auckland and then
"Because Brian is the biggest parasite in New Zealand! Expecting hi
"Tamaki's actions are illegal and he & followers should be made acc
"Brian Tamaki should not have organized this under level 3 lockdow
"He's an egotistical idiot."
"Selfish obnoxious prick"
"Because he's a piece of shit"
"He is a selfish idiot."
"He needs to be jailed for putting the public at risk. Hardly any of h
"Why should he take advantage of the system on one hand and end
"I think he should be jailed people like him are ruining it for all of u
"He is a selfish moron."
"New zealanders have got behind having to go into levels we have
"Who does he think he is"
"Rules apply to ALL for the safety of ALL."
"He is insulting the million plus Aucklanders who are obeying the lo
"How is this guy not in prison?"
"He has put peoples lives at risk and broken the law. He should be c
"This idiot should not be allowed to put us all at risk and avoid the c
"He is a threat to our people and as our leader said, his drawing of
"A man of his influence should be leading people to safety not putti
"The system is completely unfair on who is being charged and who
"He is not thinking of a greater good sadly and has the financial sta
"You can’t fix stupid."
"He is a dangerous tosser"
"He thinks he’s above the law and God will protect him! Let’s hope
"This was a selfish act: he spoke on the minority not the majority an
"Broke the law te numbers and distancing risked tread spread of th
"Does he think he is above the people Some can’t say goodbye to lo
"He’s broken the law !"
"He's a cult leader,and feeds on the vulnerable"
"Laws apply to ALL of us or none..."
"No one is above the law and his god won’t protect him or us from
"Because he’s a dick head"
"This guy is an idiot! Maybe he should build his own hospital to tak
"He needs to come to terms if what he did, put the public at risk of
"We need to make people accountable for holding NZ back from be
"What he organized was illegal"
"If the majority of Aucklanders can abide by the level 3 rules and gu
"Putting lives at risk."
"He broke the health order / laws"
"This man is a danger to society."
"Why should he get away with it"
"Hes an idiot ."
"He is a complete idiot and has put Auckland in a horrible position
"Words fail me! - am utterly disgusted at the arrogant selfishness o
"Everyone needs to be treated evenly, all border breaches have be
"This guy broke the law - charge him like anyone else."
"He encouraged people to break their bubble and protest possibly
"Blatant disregard of community rules and enticing followers to blin
"I am signing for the principal of of this ,we have all been trying our
"Gavin Smith"
"The destiny church is one tool used for undermining the health an
"What an idiot!"
"Because this was a pre meditated breach of the law which the vas
"No one is immune from both this virus, and the law."
"I'm sick of seeing this sanctimonious twat misleading those who d
"Because this was an obvious breach of the public health order."
"What he did with his group was so wrong."
"We all want out of lockdown but not by putting people at higher r
"He's a liar as well, we all got to do this together, he is a fraud bet t
"HIs actions are a danger to public safety"
"He is putting lives at risk, however he is happy to put out his hand
"So frustrated at this kind of behaviour and the leave behinds that
"This was wrong"
"His blatant disregard for Covid restrictions is arrogant and incredib
"This protest was illegal and was reckless putting people health in j
"Tamaki is a dick!"
"Must be one rule for everyone"
"Everyone should be held accountable for their actions and abide b
"Putting all of New Zealanders lives at risk and their lockdown for n
"This guy is is a absolute can not print the rest of my comment
"He broke the law hence should be charged. Our present govt is fai
"The did not wear masks or keep social distancing as he agreed. Bro
"Im signing this because if any one else had done this the law woul
"We are doing our bit to get out of lockdown but this self entitled s
"this is blatant breaking of rules to line his own pockets and boost h
"he needs to be brought down to size/earth."
"Tamaki flagrantly disrespected community safety on Saturday in a
"Life must get back to some normality and lockdowns are not the a
"He should be charged"
"He's an arrogant idiot, who only cares about himself."
"Brian Tamaki should be showing leadership by setting a good exam
"He claimed well over $100,000 in wage subsidies aswell. Textbook
"People are doing what needs to be done. We dont like it but are g
"He should not get away with putting lives at risk and for blatantly
"He is risking the lives and livelihood of aucklanders"
"It's not because he is a Maori, it's because he thinks he is above th
"Sick and tired of idiots who think it is quite OK to break the law."
"Take this Apostle Bishop Egg! "Thanks to God's grace and to the w
"People in Auckland have done it hard for 7 weeks and he has prob
"He broke the covid restrictions"
"Everyone else is trying to do the right thing and yes he needs to be
"He is peddling dangerous nonsense."
"Putting NZ at risk ar level 3"
"It was a breach of lockdown and other people have been charged
"HEs a fake"
"He needs to stop getting away with this shit"
"He's broken lockdown rules and should be charged."
"Tamaki broke the law."
"The health of Aucklanders is being risked by Brian Tamaki flouting
"He’s an asshole"
"He is putting Aucklanders at risk"
"I don't want innocent people tp die."
"He is breaking all the covid rules by holding his demonstrations. H
"He’s asshole."
"It's not only Brian Tamaki that should be charged, but as the instig
"Dave McKinlay"
"He is self serving and putting our vulnerable at risk"
"He needs to be arrested"
"Brian is an idiot"
"We all need to follow the rules or people have lost homes and bus
"D.W. Murphy"
"What he did and encouraged was totally against the law and is the
"I'm so angry that this has happened, Brian Tamaki needs to be ch
"Brian Tamaki is a public health risk."
"One law one rule for everyone"
"This guys a prick"
"He flouted all the rules,and possibly will keep Auckland in further
"They broke the law. Do your job."
"Who has the right to organize s protest in a countries pandemic."
"Everyone that attended the event has put us all at risk and pretty m
"Because he is a hypocrite only interested in money he can fleece R
"This chaps disregard for the law the well being of people is treach
"He should be!"
"Selfish stupid choices affect the entire population"
"Tania Lasenby"
"we don't want to encourage stupid, dangerous and selfish behavio
"He broke the rules and should be charged as should have all the p
"He is only interested in his own selfish self, living the high life and
"He is risking people's lives and breaking the law."
"He incited civil disobedience."
"The rules apply to all of us and he's the last person who should be
"It is criminal!"
"The rule of law must be maintained"
"He should be arrested for not abiding by the rules which we are al
"If other people get charged or arrested for breaking rules while in
"It's unfair and he should be held accountable."
"It was completely selfish and its not going to make a difference, he
"Why is this vile piece of rubbish allowed to do exactly what he wa
"He inciting people to break the COVID regulations and endangerin
"He should be charged and made an example of."
"We are all worried about people's safety."
"This protest should of been stopped"
"We need to have a tough stance on those flouting the restriction
"This is a clear breach of Level 3 regulations. He should be held to a
"That protest was all about heightening his own profile and nothing
"I have obeyed every restriction in this Auckland lockdown, and tot
"People who willfully promote large gatherings during a pandemic
"Everyone has been suffering for the greater cause. It only take on
"Because he has put the rest of the cou try at risk. Idiot"
"He thinks he is above the laws of our country and blames everthin
"He s accountable under the law, not above it."
"I don't think the police or the government have the ability to do an
"I'm disgusted in the police response to this covid spreader."
"He's a dick"
"Like many other Aucklanders we have stayed at home and obeyed
"This guy is a total hypocrit, encouraging everyone to ignore the re
"I am in Auckland following the rules"
"He doesn’t represent me as an Aucklander. He teaches fear and ha
"This muppet needs to be served Gods wrath! Or the devils."
"Concerned for our country"
"He needs to be held accountable"
"I'm signing because there was more police deployed to break up p
"Spreading mis information, endangering general public."
"I disagree with them breaking lockdown rules"
"People should be more considerate with this virus"
"Stupidity at its finest"
"I've done the hard yards to get rid of this virus and to see this guy
"All New Zealanders are doing their, best to get rid of covid. And h
"He is an idiot and should not be causing trouble"
"He's not considering the rest of new Zealand we were so close to c
"Putting lives at Risk"
"He is causing others to break manadatory rulr"
"It's amazing how people have different perspectives on this issue.
"What he is doing is criminal. Endangering public safety, further ha
"I care about the vunerable people of NZ"
"It's just plain wrong."
"He acted selfishly amorally and outside the interests of his fellow h
"I am tired of being cooped up and not seeing my family around the
"Cos this is just ridiculous"
"Brian Tamaki should be imprisoned. Our government is glorifying h
"He has broken the level 3 rules that the rest of us have been sticki
"Hoping he gets convicted and required to serve home detention w
"He is risking lives and the economy"
"He sets the wrong example for personal gain and above all has pu
"He insited a rally, thus breaking the law and putting Aucklanders a
"Im disgusted with this"
"I feel that a leader who breaks the cover rules needs to be set a ex
"Rules around lockdown apply to everyone and he was the main or
"He is a crook, needs to be charged"
"Soooo wrong, needs to be prosecuted"
"He’s a fucken predatory retard"
"This should never have been allowed to go ahead. It is absolutely u
"Brian Tamaki is an idiot and putting Aucklanders at risk"
"He is disgraceful and broke the law"
"He broke protocol and encouraged others to do so"
"Thou shalt not be a plonker"
"The dick is putting all NZ at risk."
"Because he's a arse"
"Because he is putting us at risk that will effect people's lively hood
"He is such a hypocrite!"
"Because, he's a duck and does his own thing his own rules ,putting
"Tamiki and his family are parasites using Christianity to thieve from
"He needs to feel the long arm of the law for endangering public sa
"that's so wrong and he needs to be held accountable !"
"Brian Tāmaki is a fuck"
"Because he is only out for his own agenda, he doesn't care about a
"It is not ok to have blatant disregard for public safety and having t
"Tamaki broke the law and should be charged."
"Why should he be able to think he's above the law and putting the
"When a dangerous cult leader can get away with this..."
"Brian Tamaki is putting lives at risk by his irresponsible actions"
"One law for all."
"Because we are in lockdown and he doesn’t the right to gather, ju
"Why has he not been charged??? Anyone else would be? Why did
"This protest was a slap in the face to everyone that has played by
"He has put simply at risk and broken the law doing so."
"I be am over his attitude. Last year he did as he pleased. He’s brea
"Aucklanders have worked so hard for so long. This was an extraord
"Brian Tamaki is in breach of the current regulations covering group
"You break the rules you do the time "
"Why should he not follow the same rules as the rest of us?"
"Misinformation shared at this rally should be deemed illegal, and t
"Regardless of beliefs, he broke the law. Anyone else would he ave
"He should be charged as he not only broke lock down rules but inc
"I am signing this as Brian Tamaki displayed a major lack of judgem
"Blatant breach of covid level 3"
"This gathering was well over 100 people which is in violation of Le
"I believe he has endangered Aucklanders for the aggrandizement
"Brian Tamaki is risking the health of all of us, and particularly the v
"Why should he put other lives at risk"
"He is a dickhead and has compromised public safety and everythin
"People from parts off South Auckland were COVID has the highest
"Because this guy is a twat why and who makes him think he is abo
"irresponsible idiot"
"I’m a business owner who is following the level 3 rules which is pu
"He is so false and is about fleecing money from his followers"
"This was in level 3 with id breaking the law.Arrest him and charge
"Brian Tamaki thinks he is a law un to himself."
"By organising this protest he has potentially extended the lockdow
"He needs to be held accountable just like everyone else who bree
"He is a disgrace and has put everyone else at risk. Selfish ego."
"He thinks he is a law unto himself!!"
"He has blatantly broken the covid lockdown rules."
"Same rules for all"
"He needs reigning in!!! "
"He committed an offence by blatently ignoring lock down rules"
"he thinks he's above the law"
"He needs to take responsibility for inciting 2000 people to break th
"I'm sick of these selfish minority groups risking the freedoms of all
"He has absolutely no respect for anyone or anything. He would be
"I'm doing it for the team of 5 million! Enough of people like him"
"Nature doesn’t care what we believe. Listen to the science."
"He has no consideration for others. Just a trouble maker with a pe
"He’s not superior but is treated as such"
"What an utterly ignorant act to gather such a large group of peopl
"Pays no tax, takes Government handouts. Just your genuine douch
"We have all been put at risk of staying in lock down longer."
"Very unchristian thing to do, put people in danger and ruin busine
"He's putting people's lives at risk"
"This man does a lot of illegal and unmoral things under the umbre
"I resent subsidising his lifestyle"
"Against all this rubbish. Obviously does not care about people's sa
"There are not different rules for the entitled."
"With all that Auckland and NZ has endured, to see this ILLEGAL an
"A narcissistic oxygen thieving conman who uses religion to prey up
"He’s not above the law!"
"Dianne Page"
"He is an idiot and should not be above the laws that everyone else
"He blatantly said all were wearing masks when they were not and
"I'm signing because he is making a mockery of the rules and puttin
"Everyone must obey the rules during COVID 19.The court must act
"He thinks he’s above the law, needs to be bought down a peg or 2
"Leanne Edwards, Waikato."
"This man is a danger to our society with his views"
"There ‘s the law, and it’s for everyone."
"He is a high profile person who should be leading by example and
"Maek hunt"
"We are all working hard to protect each other this loser is endang
"We are all trying to do what is asked, they are not!"
"Rules for everyone"
"He has no interest in the Health and Well being of his Whanau or o
"I'd like to see him FINED! Hit him where he cares the most his wal
"As usual " Egotist Tamaki " giving two fingers to the majority of thi
"Because of complete disregard for fellow New Zealanders snd bus
"I'm signing because Brian Tamaki should not get away with breaki
"Because he organised a large gathering during level 3 putting peop
"We are not meant to be having gathering. If I can't see my family w
"It’s the right thing to do"
"People like him are keeping Aucklander's and the rest of New Zeal
"How selfish and irresponsible can you be. You call yourself a leade
"This was disgusting behaviour during a pandemic."
"Tāmaki is a criminal"
"tamaki is a traitor to nz, a lot of kiwis have sacrificed a lot and this
"He breached regulations"
"Hes putting the whole country at risk...."
"He could be the virus"
"Brian is not above the law. Inciting this type of stupidity endanger
"I'm sick of this Man taking the piss out of humanity"
"The arrogance of this man and his organisation is appalling!"
"He needs to go to jail"
"He's a idiot not thinking of anyone but himself he doesn't care abo
"They all need to get the jab or get a heavy fine ,, and they will hav
"He's a very bad role model for the people who believe in him..."
"This behavior and lack of enforcement sends the wrong message t
"I care about the spread of COVID-19, & the apparent protection fr
"I have never agreed with anything coming out of his mouth especi
"He should have to comply with the rules if everyone else in auckla
"I'm signing because these people don't give a shit about everyth
"Him and his ideals are belittling all that people on Auckland and th
"Total disregard for the sacrifices made by aucklanders to control t
"He needs to be held accountable for endangering so many people
"I have sacrificed so much over this lockdown but not only that bot
"Laws need to be enforced, no matter who breaks the law!!!!"
"This is why the the country is still in level 3 because of bloody idiot
"Brain Tamaki deserves to be arrested for flagging all public health
"I'm signing because he us more interested in his pocket and not N
"Accountability is key."
"Law should apply. Make an example of him and his protest."
"The rules should apply to everyone not selectively, all attendees to
"Attention grabbing creepy man"
"What he did was just disgusting. Aucklanders are doing everything
"If anyone else had organized this and participated, they would be
"Because Brian Tamaki broke the law and contravened a Health Or
"He is not part of the team of 5 million."
"This leader of a death cult needs to be imprisoned immediately to
"I agree with you Glenn public safety first"
"Because he broke the law...pretty simple really...everyone else is e
"Others get in trouble for breaching lockdown guidelines, why shou
"He is putting all of NZ at risk , mainly Aucklanders"
"I'm signing this petition because he encouraged a huge gathering d
"He is all for himself instead of the wider community."
"His rights to personal freedom are imposing on everyone else’s rig
"I don't get to break the rules so why should he."
"We need to continue positively supporting each other to combat c
"Everyone is trying g to stop the virus"
"I believe he has put all Aucklands hard work at risk and he encoura
"All of us want to be out of lockdown, now he and the other organi
"He isn't above the law, so why was he not arrested?"
"He incited people to go against the rules in level 3"
"Mr Tamaki has clearly committed a heinous crime."
"Who do they think they are..fine the lot.."
"If others are getting prosecuted for breaking the law, he should to
"This is so unfair my family is in hospital and I can’t go near them !!
"He is putting all Auckland in lockdown longer and should be follow
"No one is above the law."
"He’s such a twat…potentially will blow it for Auckland."
"IT is just not right"
"He broke the rules and encouraged others to as well."
"I think this was so irresponsible. Here a lot of the country are getti
"He broke the law"
"Brian is a law unto himself & needs taking down a peg or two. Putti
"It is totally unacceptable to disregard lockdown level rules and to
"Mahabat Rasoul"
"This type of egotistical behaviour needs to be stped."
"He disregarded the health and safety of a nation."
"Pure scum."
"Because he is dangerous to us all not just the people he brain was
"Hes a scam"
"What he did was wrong. The one who put up this post knew the a
"Because he is being arrogant & has comprised the majority of Auc
"Despicable man, arrest himself."
"Individual choice is one thing. Pushing the anti vaccine barrow to t
"He shouldn't be above the law. He incited an illegal protest at the
"What he did was wrong and selfish"
"Why shouldn't he be, why should he get away with it. Giving the w
"appalled by such miss use of his platform"
"Don't tempt me! It was a completely unethical, illegal and willfully
"Blatant rule breaking, puting peoples lives at risk is not on."
"Tamaki is a blight on humanity. The only reason he is protesting ag
"Hes an absolute idiot putting lives at risk during lockdown he shou
"This man needs to be charged with reckless endangerment"
"Using a Pandemic and putting the vulnerable at risk is no way to p
"He was out of his bubble"
"His actions affect how many people are affected by Delta and the
"His actions endangered all New Zealanders, and was a blatant den
"He’s a false prophet who brainwashes his followers"
"Because I'm sick of people like him getting away with behaving ba
"He and they broke the law and put others health at risk!"
"It's not acceptable for an individual to use his religious influence w
"He’s an egotistical arsehole who has no respect for what the rest o
"What he did put the entire country in danger!!"
"Disgusted that you have not been confined in some way already."
"The laws should be upheld"
"Brian tamaki is a danger to public health"
"It was an illegal gathering and he was preaching the wrong inform
"He’s putting people’s safety at risk and will keep NZ in lockdown e
"He is not above the law. This is organized crime, and anyone else i
"I'm also angry this man flouted the rules in level 3 that all of us in
"He's a con man"
"I'm signing this because this action was totally selfish and carried h
"It’s right to do so."
"He is the organizer of an event. That encouraged people to break
"Totally disgusted, just to fulfill his ego. Selfish git"
"Blatant floating of current covid lockdown laws and encourageme
"Such a long lockdown is no good for anyones mental health and th
"I'm signing because Brian Tamaki is not only breaching the restricti
"I have children."
"Very selfish"
"Brian Tamaki is putting our families at risk."
"He's dangerously disobeying the law."
"He's dangerous. He sucks money from his congregation. His churc
"I want Brian Tamaki charged over his illegal protesting!"
"He is a public health risk"
"He broke the law"
"He broke the rules in a massive way and needs to be held account
"One rule for all. Enforcement is required."
"I have been staying home with my baby in hope that lockdown wil
"He thinks he is a law unto himself. He's caused great disruption in
"hes an absolute bible bashing fuckwit"
"He has broken the law"
"No one is above the law. He broke several and is just disgraceful"
"Why should he get treated different"
"Yes charge him and fallowers"
"He’s put all Aucklanders at risk and blatantly contravened the rule
"We cannot reward people who ignore the law"
"This was a gross disregard of public health measures and the orga
"He clearly broke level 3 rules it's not one rule for Brian tamaki and
"Lockdown is for everyone"
"This man is a disgrace and he can't just get away with all the bullsh
"It's not OK to stage a potential super spreader event and put peop
"If everyone followed the rules, we would get our freedom back. In
"It's disappointing that someone with his influence has been floutin
"I’m signing because Brian Tamaki has abused the immense power
"He’s willfully endangered public health & shat on Tāmaki Makaura
"Everyone is doing their best to stop virus and this filthy rich scum
"Mass gatherings put us at risk and should never have been allowe
"This event put those most at risk even more vulnerable."
"His ego is stopping people from having a life saving vaccine."
"I'm signing because this brainwasher is dangerous. Encouraging pe
"He doesn't care about anybody them himself "
"I believe we need to keep our country safe from COVID"
"He's a dangerous idiot"
"Brian Tamaki has flouted the rules since day one, he is actively enc
"He should be charged."
"He's a stupid man who only thinks of himself"
"So wrong!"
"He should face charges just like anyone else would."
"It was a platform for people to push their anti Vax views. Not help
"Who does he think he is"
"Egotistical dick. Compromises the weeks and weeks of hard work a
"The guys a Twit and a law unto himself he broke the rules and put
"Irresponsible actions of a person in a leadership position."
"Brian Tamaki behaviour is disgusting. He is placing peoples lives at
"Covid response needs to be by all nzers"
"I am signing because it is infuriating seeing an egotistical fool putti
"He is not a spiritual leader, his actions consistently show he is moti
"He is twisting the truth and preying on the vulnerable"
"This Apostle or Bishop flaunted the rules .he has no respect for sci
"he and she etc etc etc - are dicks - horrible angry people."
"The only way out of this is to keep steering the course. Rule of law
"What he did was disgusting and disrespectful to every New Zealan
"His ignorance and arrogance puts at jeopardy all the sacrifices Auc
"He has broken covid rules. Other people get charged so why not h
"Brian Tamaki should be charged with irresponsible,idiotic and selfi
"He sucks!"
"Dangerous man, playing God with vulnerable peoples lives. Feel f
"He needs to be locked up.Words fail me .Hes a absolute half wit"
"I'm angry this was allowed to go ahead. But particularly angered b
"He deserves to be charged"
"He incited people to break lockdown laws"
"Because I don’t agree with their protest"
"This was a selfish act"
"He's broken the law & put so many at risk.."
"Hes not above the Law ...."
"Everyone knows the rules and I'm sick of entitled people who thin
"I consider this man's actions irresponsible, with no regard for publ
"He's a selfish con man"
"Because we should all be following the rules. He is not above ever
"His actions are unacceptable and reckless."
"He thinks he's a messiah and preachers false material he is a dang
"I hate hypocrisy"
"He has put as all in danger. Most people are following the rules fo
"He is not above the law"
"People should be held responsible for their actions when they deli
"He is flouting rules that endangers most of NZ"
"This man is an egotistical selfish man. He is brainwashing young f
"I am a health care professional on the front line. I am also extreme
"The actions of the protest put us all at risk."
"This gathering should not have been allowed in level 3."
"This unholy self appointed bishop needs to be charged like all othe
"Because I think Brian Tamaki behaved not only illegally , but also c
"Hes an idiot"
"To shut this dick and his cronies down."
"He's all bout himself and no body else this mam made bishop it's a
"Yes diffently charge him what a bloody idiot he is and his follower
"He should not be allowed to wield power over his ignorant followe
"This is a blatant breach of the standard that has been prescribed b
"Brian Tamaki and other fascist money grabbers need to be held m
"We weren't allowed to have a funeral for my wife's grandmother y
"He's a selfish crook who should be locked up"
"Because he is an asshole"
"Tamaki failed to comply with a polite request to respect the war m
"He’s an arse wipe"
"Brian Tamaki is not showing christian values and doesn't care abou
"He broke the level 3 lockdown laws and incited others too the sam
"He needs to be made an example of"
"Can't stand him and his beleives"
"This man need to be held accountable."
"Because it was illegal and detrimental to the whole of NZ"
"He broke the law."
"He broke the law !"
"Signing this as there is now so much known about COVID and it's s
"The Destiny Church 'protest' in New Plymouth involved screaming
"Needs to be charged"
"The media need to ignore him, the Police need to arrest him."
"He is putting the whole community at risk."
"People can't bury their loved ones and this clown thinks it's ok he'
"He is reckless and his delusional ramblings put others at risk"
"Been locked up for 7 weeks and going crazy all for nothing becaus
"We’re all trying to get out of level 3 lockdown by doing our part an
"He doesn't think of any one else but himself. He is putting us all a
"He is a fucking retard.. And pretty much a cult leader.."
"Hes an idiot making his people march with a lockdown Going again
"I'm signing because fuck Brian tamaki"
"He should be held accountable for actions and his idiotic, selfish a
"I’m signing this due to the simple fact this man broke the law & in
"Not applying to the rules , which now puts everyone at risk."
"Because people will die because of him who believes he is God. He
"selfish inconsiderate act by a ego driven person ...he needs to be c
"It's no more than reckless endangerment. How was he allowed to
"Alyse Boaz"
"Why should he get away with breaking the lockdown rules when t
"There should be consequences for breaching the Covid rules. If tho
"I think its disgusting that he hasn't been charged, we don't need p
"One rule for allNot rules for some and rules for others"
"We need to all look out for each other and not encourage others t
"Why should he be exempt !!"
"He is endangering Aotearoa through his law breaking actions and
"His actions are selfish and threatening the lives of all New Zealand
"Brian Tamaki needs to held accountable, his influence and stupidit
"The Apostle should not be above the law. He lied to police about P
"Shouldn't be allowed to happen"
"He has put people's lives at risk."
"There needs to be accountability for mistruths, misinformation an
"Leanne Simonsen"
"Because he broke the law… if I did that I would’ve been arrested o
"Aucklands Covid lockdown level 3 is for everyone to abide by inclu
"Blatant disregard for public safety and the covid level rules and go
"Tamaki's selfish actions are potentially going to cause a spike in Co
"Some Religious people think they are above the law. He used his p
"So we can just get thru all this as fast as we can with out It spreadi
"This protest could cost the lives of hundreds of people"
"This f___ w_t needs to be made accountable for inciting illegal ac
"Illegal and stupid"
"The rest of Tāmaki Makaurau have been trying our absolute best t
"I am discussed that he thinks he is above the law. We shouldn't let
"Brian Tanaka has no respect!!!!"
"It’s his Brian’s livelihood over peoples safety"
"Everyone else has to follow the rules. and do"
"He s ambitious ignirai and selfishness can actually physically cause
"This man's ego has threatening the well being of the whole of Auc
"He is a super spreader!"
"He needs to be stopped before he is the cause of a super spreader
"Broke promise to have masks.And Brian is just a sick."
"The law is the same for ALL New Zealanders"
"Anyone else would have been arrested! Why not him?"
"Tamaki is flouting the present rules and regulations required to ke
"I’m signing because as an auckland resident we are all doing it tou
"He and Peter Mortlock (city impact church, who should also be ch
"What he did was clearly brake the law. He should prosecuted just
"I'm signing because organising a super spreader event in the midd
"The protest was illegal and morally wrong!"
"This is so wrong!!!"
"It is not OK. He should be charged for breaching the regulations an
"Selfish and arrogant decision putting lives at risk...not very Christia
"He should be treated like any other law breaker"
"This man’s “philosophy” is dangerous, selfish, and narcissistic."
"Need to be convicted."
"He broke all the Covid lockdown rules"
"He needs to be held accountable"
"Should be fined"
"Because he committed an offence. 1 rule for all!!!"
"He is an idiot!!!!!"
"This man is in a position where he can spread positivity about the
"He is a repeat offender"
"He is an ass."
"I want all of the organisers prosecuted. Tamaki is one of 4."
"Pure selfishness"
"What he did was illegal, and he should be charged."
"Signing because this idiot does not deserve to be out in society. Th
"Enough is enough, charge them."
"He broke the rules , because he's selfish and no respect for all the
"What an arsehole"
"A greedy self appointed Cardinal whose is only interest is himself s
"With his selfish decision, he has risked people's health, life and fur
"Because the Tamakis took advantage of many people, broke the la
"We all obey the rules (and pay taxes unlike churches) to try and ki
"This is unbelievably selfish to do this at a time when the majority o
"He’s a con man and a liar and now he’s put the whole country into
"I’m concerned for nz and I’ll not concerned for Brian fucking tama
"Brian tamaki is a maniacal self centered criminal."
"How come that he was allowed to go ahead organizing and executi
"These people are not good examples!!"
"He is a law unto himself and has now given the potential to spread
"No-one should be exempt from laws designed to protect public sa
"Because Aucklanders have worked so hard to keep each other safe
"He is a fear spreader and has broken lockdown rules endangering
"100% should be charged! If people breaching the boundary are ch
"He's an idiot whose attitude will cause unnecessary harm to those
"We have worked so hard to help with this lockdown. And trust all
"He's a idiot who thinks he can get away with anything. If this was a
"I’m signing because this man thinks he is above the law, like every
"He is just thumbing his nose to all the people in auckland who hav
"How is this guy still even a thing?"
"He has broken the law end of story"
"He needs to be held accountable."
"Goodness knows what planet he's on, stupid words come out of h
"He is a f***ing knob for potentially screwing all the hard work of a
"They are Muppets and just going to hold us all back from seeing o
"He broke the law and manipulated others to do the same."
"There seems to be one rule for one and one rule for others I don
"I think he should be prosecuted"
"He paid for and organised an illegal gathering."
"It's necessary to make an example of those who flout the rules"
"Idiots like Tamaki should be held accountable for putting others at
"Appalled at his stance.Typical behavior of this man seeking stardo
"He’s a dick"
"I’m signingb because vulnerable people are being misled by a ma
"He put people around risk of catching Covof"
"Public safety was compromised."
"I'm signing because no one, (and here I mean no one) should be a
"He always holds a protest gathering a couple days before he think
"Entitled Much. What makes him and his Church So Special. One Ru
"He brings the church as a whole into disrepute. No other church I
"Brian Tamaki is flouting the law blatanlty and he is settign a terribl
"Brian Tamaki put every NZer at risk with his selfishness. That cann
"These gatherings endanger public health"
"His church is not a church, it's a cult, he should be jailed for floutin
"Everyone who breaches should be charged - even hypocritical par
"This man thinks he’s above the law, he needs to be shown otherw
"It’s not okay to gather"
"Public safety should supercede this clowns lust for the spotlight"
"I am sick to death of this attitude than is filtering into our country
"He is a liar and a bigot and a smarmy surgeon on society. He's not
"Such a selfish act! We all want out of lockdown and this does not h
"Brian Tamaki is a massive wank sponge"
"He thinks he is above the law and doesn't really think of the comm
"The rules apply to all"
"He should not be encouraging these actions while we are in crisis!
"I think this man is dangerous. Despite my belief in freedom of spe
"He & his cohort should be arrested for deliberately breaking lawfu
"Who does he think he is - God?"
"I'm signing this petition because regardless of FAITH or BELIEFS. W
"Religion poisons everything"
"He has put us all at risk by hus actions."
"He and his followers broke the law and endangered all"
"Absolute arrogance and self promotion!"
"Brian Tamaki did not obey the laws of NZ and should therefore be
"Tamaki and his followers have broken the law, thereby putting the
"What he did was wrong"
"All those involved in organising this event should be charged"
"Imprisonment for all law breakers. No one above the Law."
"He needs to be held accountable to the same standards as everyo
"Hell yeah charge all 4 organizers."
"He’s a gob!"
"He is a clown and putting all of us at risk. We all want to go back to
"Putting peoples health at risk. Very selfish to ignore covid regulatio
"Because Brian Tamaki is not above the law and the rest of us have
"This guy has no morals, like leading the sheep to slaughter. He has
"This egotistical con man needs the book thrown at him.."
"Because while theres a whole lot of Aucklanders doing their part,
"We all wants to be free but he started something like this it will aff
"This was so wrong to jeopardize so many people in the covid pand
"Clear breach of Alert Level 3 rules. Abusing his position of authorit
"His decisions are dangerous to the public"
"He needs to stop, he is a manipulative fool to our people. Don't lis
"He had put the whole country at risk."
"He has put many Aucklanders in jeopardy by his selfish arrogant st
"He needs to be told he can't do this crap! It's Illegal! And that idiot
"This guy is a self absorbed idiot who thinks only of his ego and ban
"He needs to be held accountable for his actions, just like all the ot
"He is going to cripple our country and spread the virus. He is selfis
"Brian Tamaki is a dick"
"He's a scamming pos and now he's potentially put thousands of pe
"Brian Tamaki is not above the law."
"Because I do not agree with what he is doing. The government is d
"This man is putting thousand of lives at risk. Jail tamaki"
"He has put public health at risk."
"His behavior is reprehensible"
"He is breaking the rules of covid."
"Fuck that guy"
"What makes him so special"
"You selfishly did not take health and safety measures to protect yo
"A church leader should obey the laws. Not do his own thing and lie
"He and his followers are putting our population at risk"
"He’s a idiot!!!"
"He’s risking our health and breaking the law publiclh"
"Brian is a Sociapath thriving on power and control. Who finds way
"Auckland people are doing as they are told and trying really hard t
"He should be in jail"
"He’s a dick"
"Because he is an idiot putting the whole country at risk. Literally b
"Because he has put as all at risk"
"If the cops were outnumbered at the protests, perhaps the fire ho
"his protest have put Aucklanders and NZers at risk of covid"
"Tamaki broke lockdown rules"
"He should never have been allowed to have this protest when Auc
"Because I just can't stand this guy he's an asshole"
"Brian Tamaki is danger to society"
"This was a shambles, totally against the rules with very little social
"Brian tamaki is a socially irresponsible, self anointed narcissist. The
"Police need to take action im sick of people that think thety are Go
"It's a discrace if he had been any one else they would have been a
"I believe the actions of protesters to be applying lyrics self centere
"Because he is a fraudster amongst other things"
"No one likes being locked down...but this idiot is determined to le
"Brian Tamaki claimed that we are all in jail with no freedoms due t
"He is only focused on himself, not the greater team"
"I believe there should be consequences for his actions."
"I'm signing because this idiot thinks he is always above everyone e
"1x rule for all??"
"It's ridiculous how a few extremely selfish people are prolonging t
"The illegal protest organized by Brian Tamaki clearly went against
"Brian Tamaki needs to be held accountable for his actions while th
"Be a good example that is what a good leader should be , not doin
"The gathering was illegal. Tamaki and Co. need to be stopped from
"Public risk.... he is not above the law."
"This man needs to learn that he is not GOD!!"
"Because Brian Tamaki broke the law making us all vulnerable. We
"He risked the health of others and is full of misinformation about v
"Because he is not above the law"
"He broke rules"
"The safety of my whanau the community Auckland and New Zeala
"He wants to now He is a bloody idiot and all that were three to"
"The blatant hypocrisy of the police, sending 20 officers out to Pūti
"Trevor Schwass. Who the hell does he think he is. I cannot believe
"blatent disregard for the rules putting more people at risk"
"Thinks he God and above NZ laws"
"We are all in lockdown because if covid and we all have to do man
"No one in my eyes is above anyone else and all rules should be ap
"Because your a selfish git"
"tamaki s gathering was totally unlawfulhe is a criminal"
"Because he's an absolute knob...Screw everyone else selfish prick.
"We all need the vaccination to keep NZ Safe"
"People have been unable to gather to bury their dead along with m
"No one is above the law and this makes a mockery of those doing
"This ma’s disregard for the health and safety of others. He is abusi
"he should but so many lives at risk , They shouldn’t be there"
"Brian Tamaki has put others at risk in a lockdown what is worse is
"We are frustrated for those Aucklanders who are doing the right t
"Because one law for all. Not a separate law for an influencer of a c
"It is not okay to put others at risk."
"He has put many lives at risk, he could of had a protest set ip on m
"We are one country with laws for all. This protest showed a self rig
"He is entitled and what he did was illegal. We are all suffering so m
"His "law" is not above the laws of this country.....he needs to be h
"That is putting everyone at risk,, so irresponsible."
"Unacceptable to have one rule for some & another for the rest of
"Im against what hes doing"
"This guy is a false prophet. He's all himself and his family wealth.
"Totally irresponsible"
"I am signing this because he broke protocol laid down by ministry
"Cause he's a dick"
"He needs to be accountable for his actions. Breaking level rules wh
"No words needed….."
"He risked public health"
"He thinks he is above all laws. He has now possibly exposed more
"And also arrest him for the state of his eyebrows."
"We are all in this together, and looking after the whole country is
"Other people who have done the same got arrested and charged..
"He broke the law and encouraged other people to break the law a
"Destiny Church and Brian Tamaki need to be shut down and Brian
"Brian is a total douchebag"
"Most Aucklanders are doing their best to slow the spread of delta.
"Because Brian Tamaki broke the lock down rules and thru his actio
"He organised a super spread event with no thought for the safety
"Hes a fucken twat!"
"This man is a danger-noodle. He needs to be stopped"
"Brian Tamaki puts vulnerable lives at risk by encouraging mass pro
"Because I think it is highly inappropriate and being inconsiderate t
"I'm against this guy"
"He disobeyed the rules and should not be exempt. He is putting n
"Tamakis a moron and should be held accountable."
"Because it was illegal for anyone except essential business worker
"This guy is a joke."
"Narcissist in position of power, taking advantage of vulnerable peo
"Simple he is breaking the law."
"Terrorist Act in my opinion"
"No thought for the rest of auckland"
"Because he broke the rules"
"This was a planned and deliberate act of defiance by Tamaki. Time
"He should have been arrested along with all the other protesters!"
"So his criminal act that betrayed all of us does not go unpunished"
"he deserves to be prosecuted"
"Illegal activity that adversely affects all of us, here's hoping your d
"Because he is a idiot"
"He has clearly broken the law, and is out there intentionally acting
"This guy broke the law set down for all newzealanders at level 3 .w
"He should be locked up for this"
"This man was morally wrong to do what he did he deserves to be c
"The man led others to break public health laws"
"It was illegal and the law exists."
"He has compromised everyone else that are doing the right thing.
"Hes an egotiscal atsehole."
"I can't be one rule for one and a different rule for others."
"Hes using this as a platform to promote himself. Also puts others h
"He is a danger to our society and blatantly urges insurrection. Besi
"He shouldNot be allowed to put Auckland at riskOrganising aSupe
"We are in LOCKDOWN due to a PANDEMIC. A get together protest
"arrest the lost of them! why has police not acted sooner"
"Brian Tamaki is a fuckwit!!"
"We need a consistent approach to public health measures designe
"I'm not doing these hardyards for this egocentric brainwasher to d
"He needs to know he is not above the law, put him away!"
"He simply needs to be stopped."
"He organised and hosted an illegal protest, therefore he should be
"He is a cock head"
"Unlawfully organised event - disobeyed government- he not above
"I’m so over his blatant rule breaking and what’s more encouraging
"He is disgraceful holding this protest and putting other NZ at risk!"
"I'm very angry that Mr Tamaki organized an illegal event when Cov
"It’s disgusting that he chose to put our country at risk"
"People throughout NZ have made the sacrifice. For one individual
"So many others have suffered and obeyed the rules despite their f
"Speaking as a faith leader who has scrupulously followed covid gu
"Thinks he's a law to himself! Needs charging, it's been a long time
"This idiot is a law unto himself. Time to stop the tail waging the do
"He needs to be held accountable, like everybody else"
"Illegal activity and if people cannot attend a funeral then this shou
"There should be one law for all ."
"Because I want to see the bastard punished for endangering the in
"Fuckn safety first grrr"
"This was a very selfish and ignorant act. Shame on him."
"I’m signing because people have been charged in Christchurch wh
"Selfish inconsiderate. Indescribable really"
"Because I think Brian Tamaki is deluded and irrelevant to most of n
"Inciting public disobedience during a pandemic is morally bankrup
"It wasn't just Auckland - there were other gatherings in other plac
"Hes such a fraud that needs to be stopped."
"Brian Tamaki is a fraud who abuses his position of power over less
"No one should be above the law"
"It isn't the first time that Brian Tamaki has flouted Covid restriction
"We are supposed to be a team of 5 Million ... His arrogance will ha
"He is a criminal and needs to jailed. Let's see how the lord will help
"I'm very annoyed that NZ Police stood back and virtually condoned
"I think the protest was ridiculous & Brian Tamaki instigated it."
"It's illegal and immoral. Its reckless action that's against the good o
"Destiny Church has charitable status. Seriously? Tax them and spe
"Who does he think he is. A blatant flouting of the law!! He has to b
"I'm signing because I am disgusted that a self-made leader can sho
"He has no regard for the 7 weeks everyone else has spent in level
"I’m really pissed off that they put so many people at risk and didn’
"Why does Brian Tamaki (Destiny Church) think he can put Aucklan
"These protests are illegal."
"He's a complete arse and is not above the law."
"Brian Tamaki is not above the law and by going ahead with his so c
"He is breaking the law!!!!"
"Because he needs to be held accountable"
"What he did is incredibly stupid and selfish and he thinks the law d
"He needs to be stopped."
"He is uncaring and broke the law."
"One law for all !!!!!!"
"The narcissistic un-Christian selfishness of the man and his followe
"Brian Tamaki thinks the rules that apply to everyone else don't ap
"I’m not a selfish git who wants followers over public safety and I’m
"What happened on Saturday was Dusqusting and 100% illegal curr
"He steals from the poor and gives to himself. Protest outside his c
"Tamaki has officially broken the law !"
"This man is, and his wife, are the lowest of the low and should be
"protect others"
"My family have been unable to see our Mum while she is ICU dye
"An irresponsible church leader. Should be encouraging his flock to
"This is not OK - Aucklanders are suffering this is SO selfish!!"
"He’s a public menace!"
"This was one of the most careless acts in today's situation. Disresp
"I believe his jeopardizing not only his followers but also the whole
"Mr Tamaki is misleading people and making life hard for those o
"This idiot needs to be stopped"
"This rally was held during Level Three Lockdown and the Police sh
"Because this man is preying on human ignorance and fear. His mis
"This man has but all of Auckland at risk. This is not the first time an
"He broke the law he needs to stand accountable for his actions"
"Of disgustingly moronic behaviour"
"Brian Tamaki should be treated the same as anyone else breaking
"He's not above the law"
"Brian Tamaki is a public menace"
"Tamaki is a crook."
"Aucklanders are doing the long haul in lockdown for a reason and
"I think this guy should be charged as he broke the covid rules,if he
"He needs to stop"
"Thug behaviour"
"Sam TeWake Jenny TeWakeSelfish Pig lock him up"
"THis guy needs to be held responsible for his Actions!!!"
"he's dangerous."
"There should be the same rules for all. Destiny church and Brian T
"Terry Johnson"
"He's irresponsible"
"Sally pokaia"
"Thug behaviour"
"I am tired of those with an entitlement mentality and a selfish app
"Tamati. Is a law breaker"
"Brian Tamaki cares nothing about people, is an egomaniac AND br
"It's unbelievable that Aucklanders are making sacrifices and this lo
"He is an idiot and 2000 more as bad they should all be charged ho
"It's unbelievable that Aucklanders are making sacrifices and this lo
"He is not above the law the rules apply to everyone including him
"I don't like him he's a bad man and I don't like what they did on Sa
"Nobody is above the law"
"This individual and hundreds of his followers are actively continuin
"because there's no space for dickheads in a Covid environment, w
"Brian Tamaki is/was not thinking about peoples well being.. th mu
"He thinks he’s above the law. And NZ needs to make an example o
"Tanya Lee"
"Aucklanders have made so many sacrifices to get Covid under wra
"Not taking police action against these rules breakers sets a danger
"I'm signing because this man needs to be held accountable for his
"Nobody should have the right to disregard health directives and la
"I dont appreciate public ignorance of others safety"
"Because he’s a narcissist who dosnt give a rats arse about anyone"
"I believe he has his own personal interests at heart. Inciting a riot
"He incites cult behaviour."
"He's a cunt"
"Brian Tamaki is a danger to all NZ'ers, he incites and encourages il
"He put everyone in Auckland at risk of getting covid he was spread
"This is not OK I want to see my Grandchildren why should the rule
"Im furious at the arrogance of this man"
"I do not believe that prosperity theology is a reasonable thing, and
"He’s a fuckwit"
"I'm sick if this self promoting egotist using vulnerable people for m
"Tamaki is inciting others to ignore the public health of the nation.
"What he did contravenes the health order"
"This put all New Zealanders at health and financial risk."
"It's wrong"
"Disgraceful laws and Rules are for all to abide"
"I have the right to"
"He put peoples health at risk for his own ego."
"His not above the law."
"Bloody idiot obviously doesn’t give a stuff about his Tamariki"
"We are all trying so hard"
"Why should He get away with it! Who does he think he is, with m
"What a load of selfish pricks. He should be fined for every single p
"He broke the law. Risked a major covid spreading event."
"I wonder if his followers understand that the wealth they have giv
"He broke the law"
"He's a crook."
"Illegal protest risking the lives of law abiding citizens."
"Brian Tamaki and his followers are putting all of us in jeopardy! All
"This was despicable to encourage people to gather in this way."
"He is endangering our country to this damn covid.IDIOT."
"The right to protest should not be given priority over risk to lives -
"Totally agree with David Plummer. This is a cynical, irresponsible m
"He deserves punishment"
"He is just not a nice person every time I hear his name it’s omg wh
"Good for one good for all. He instigated that protest and knew the
"Endangering people and speading false information"
"Because if he's not charged then it makes a mockery of lockdown
"Brian Tamaki’s actions are harmful to society as a whole. He is del
"He's a total dick"
"Loved ones are dying alone and Brian Tamaki is flouting the rules i
"he broke the law. he endangered people."
"Everyone is trying to free Auckland. Fines are given to all those tha
"He and the others broke the law!With an additional risk to others
"Atrocious, selfish and unsafe act. We have seen similar events bec
"He needs to be jailed"
"Stop his bad influence. One nation same rules applies to all"
"He's dangerous"
"He broke lockdown level 3 rules"
"So over this man!"
"I disagree with his actions."
"this man deliberately defied what the rest of us have been trying s
"We all isolated for 6 weeks. He’s not special and he broke the rule
"He's selfish and put the whole country at risk with his super sprea
"Charge him for his reckless behavior and endangering people he h
"Absolutely ridiculous he’s gotten away with this .. so far."
"Because I agree 100%"
"The absolute downright disregard for peoples health and thinks he
"this is wrong and he has also been claiming wage subsidy when im
"He says that God will protect them. Have he not read the Scripture
"Brian Tamaki has selfishly encouraged his 'followers' to breach cov
"He has jeopardised everyone's hard work at trying to contain the v
"Brian Tamaki and his gang is not above the law."
"It is outrageous that this man can seemingly do as he wishes while
"I'm signing because the protest was illegal, immoral and irrespons
"Brian Tamaki needs to have some form of punishment! He broke t
"He's a muppet"
"Selfish prat"
"He has broken the law and endangered us all."
"I am against this."
"He needs to be held accountable for his actions after he’s put the
"Brian tamaki is an idiot."
"He thinks he's a law unto himself. We are all doing it for our count
"He is not a real pastor."
"He needs to be jailed and destiny church closed."
"He knowingly broke the rules and put the rest of NZ at risk."
"Digusting behaviour"
"I agree"
"He’s not above the law and potentially has put us at covid level 3 l
"Brian should be held responsible for unsafe measures in Level 3. W
"Disgusting behaviour"
"He not caring a stuff about other people its just all about him !"
"He has broken lock down rules & put a lot of people at risk. Who d
"He has such a disregard for everyone's health and safety and defin
"He broke the law he is not the law"
"The mental anguish he has caused throughout the country is huge
"He's an ignorant selfish fool who has no regard for others safety o
"Malcolm udy"
"For those who have tried so hard in Auckland to protect our childr
"His was an illegal and irresponsible act."
"This self-serving man and his wife need to be held to account for e
"This guys thinks he's that man ad can't b touched well hopefully
"It’s absolutely ridiculous that he organised a protest during level 3
"It's irresponsible, Thoughtless & disrespectful behaviour (to be nic
"We all need to do our part to keep loved ones safe and what Brian
"K R McDowall"
"The man is not god even though he thinks he is."
"It's the law not to gather in mass,Brian is not the law"
"He’s an idiot."
"This is a blatant disregard of the law by a group that think the law
"Totally irresponsible"
"He has put so many lives at stalk"
"Hes a thug gang member, crook, tax cheat and an all round arseh
"He is a dickhead"
"I believe no one person has the right to put the rest of us at risk be
"It’s a blatant attempt to break the rules and endanger people. He
"He is an idiot . We need to keep NZ safe"
"Many people in Auckland and the whole country are doing our pa
"What they all done puts everybody at risk and they think they are
"He’s an idiot"
"he has broken the covid border restrictions and he also needs to b
"This guy is a predator and broke the law in a blatant way. He is a t
"He broke the law therefor should be punished to the full extent of
"He is a dick"
"He is dangerous putting peoples well-being and lives at risk"
"Hes a risk to public safety"
"He is a destructive liar misinforming vulnerable people and putting
"He is a threat to public health"
"This guy is a dangerous criminal , it is as simple as that."
"He's an ego maniac who puts lives at risk."
"This maniac needs to be stopped. How many people will he be allo
"He’s a fuckwit"
"There needs to be be one law for all in NZ and we must stop makin
"Brian Tamaki has compromised our potential lockdown till Christm
"I AM SINGING BECAUSE i want to stop this stupidity!"
"Man has no sense of responsibility....totally ego and money driven
"Because the lockdown rules were breached putting lives around ri
"He is breaking the law. As a religious leader he should be thinking
"I feel if nothing is done Brian tamaki and other law breakers will co
"I love my nanny"
"I’m signing because of the shocking display and lack of thoughtfuln
"Brian Tamaki is not an exception to the rules or law."
"This is NOT OK!"
"He is endangering our lives & livelihoods."
"He broke the rules and put so many lives at risk. Disgusting behavi
"Very selfish move."
"Theresa Katene-Nuku"
"Putting everyone at risk by flouting the rules n risk of a super spre
"I don't like lockdown either that's why we shuld do our best to me
"Because of the rally that happen on Saturday about being against
"I believe Brian Tamaki put the Auckland community and the entire
"One rule for one another rule for another don't know what's wron
"He is dangerous"
"The police and Government are jellyfish on this issue"
"Most of us are doing all we can to stop the spread of the virus wha
"Because everyone is trying to keep Covid out of the community an
"This guy's just a crook in every way"
"Because he thinks he can do anything he likes , putting people at r
"He should not have breached the rules."
"This is a public safety issue and has nothing to do with "freedom""
"There needs to be a cost to such deliberate, flagrant violations of t
"Why is it someone this toxic enjoys tax exempt status?"
"it's so wrong a d self serving"
"He is dangerous and I’m sick of people getting away with putting o
"Brian Tamaki broke the law."
"Charge the whole lot of the ignoramus idiots."
"Hoping he and his ilk are held accountable for endangerment of o
"He thinks he's a law unto himself. Therefore his congregation do w
"because he is a nitwit"
"He's putting people's lives in danger with his idiocy"
"The self entitled behaviour of this man is doing great harm to tāng
"He needs to go!"
"It will turn out to be a super spreader."
"Because he broke the law and we should have a different set of ru
"Because he's an idiot"
"After all the hard work and sacrifices of the team of 5 million and t
"This muppet endangered Auckland into going to alert level 4.He d
"Arrogant idiot does he not realise he is making things worse. I do n
"This guy is a fucking twat putting people at unnecessary risk"
"There are legal ways to challenge the system and this is/was not o
"What’s fair for one idiot is fair for all idiots"
"Why does the anointed one get to strap on his chaps and go hog-r
"Tamaki needs to be taken down with such blatant disregard for sa
"I am signing because of his totally irresponsible actions"
"I’m signing because this lout has flaunted all guideline pertains to
"Brian Tamaki is a cunt"
"If you don't penalise him for blatantly breaking the rules, then you
"He broke the law and encouraged others to do so too."
"He's a danger to himself and others."
"Maria mulvihill"
"Because his microbladed brows errrk me! And because he is an op
"He is endangering lives and prolonging the lockdowns."
"This criminal is stealing money from the poor and promoting ignor
"He's a fuckwit"
"His followers are some of the ones most at risk to catching covid a
"How can he be allowed to do this when Auckland is on level 3?! It'
"All the hard work Auckland has done and this man has personally
"Denise Barrell"
"The blatant disregard for everyone doing the right thing in Aucklan
"No exceptions."
"Brian Tamaki is irresponsible and selfish, putting the rest of the co
"Inciting a public gathering in Covid level 3 is illegal so this should n
"The man is a moron and hes put us all at risk."
"He put all of nzi n jeopardy. Lock him up."
"His actions and those of his followers are so selfish and egocentric
"This man is all about his ego and not about public safety. The rules
"I disagree with his blatant disregard for the safety of others & brea
"I disagree with this especially as he manipulates the vulnerable an
"They broke the law and it is a disgrace"
"He did wrong"
"He and his followers have no regard for the law"
"This man is a public danger"
"Why are there double-standards - He should be charged - Someon
"The police were collecting a lot of information during the protest.
"Brian Tamaki and followers have put themselves above nz laws an
"The police must show consistent law enforcement and protect the
"Nobody should be encouraging hoards of people to breach level 3
"This man is a danger to society"
"Brian Tamaki put all of New Zealand at risk. Definitely needs to be
"Religion should not be exempt to the law"
"It is an arrogant act of defying the rules"
"Need to be punished whoever violated covid19 rule and regulation
"Ignorance such as this will prove our undoing. Fine him heavily and
"It is wrong that the authorities allowed him to do this, when the re
"Anyone, no matter how ‘important’ or ‘not important’ participatin
"I don't like what Brian Tamai did, and I have signed the petition. Bu
"He publicly flouted lockdown procedures. He knew that many peo
"Because he is an ignorant law breaking tosser."
"I dislike Brian Tamaki"
"It's not about their right to protest but the timing for this protest s
"I'm signing against people like him damaging and and colluded wr
"He is a fool"
"Tamaki blatantly broke the law. He thinks he is above the law in N
"That is NOT ok."
"I am disgusted at the lack of respect for society's health."
"He's a charlatan, and grifter, as is his friend Peter Mortlock from C
"He has no thought for the future of our people and country - He is
"He's a dick."
"Being a narcissistic megachurch leader and grifter should not place
"He needs to be accountable for his stupidity"
"No one is exempt from laws that protect public health & safety pr
"I believe that expressing love to our neighbour's requires us to be
"Absolutely outrageous behaviour from someone who is listened to
"This man and people like him, are idiots and clearly do not have co
"He risks others lives, not his own"
"Breaking rules"
"He is not above the law, the Police should be charging him, he is a
"It’s wrong"
"He broke the law and endangered public health, potentially settin
"Ann Twentyman"
"Signng because it’s wrong he should be fined for his actions"
"He is jeopardizing Aucklanders mental state of mind with his actio
"He should be charged putting the rest of NZ at risk."
"I am appalled that this event took place led by a so-called man of G
"I believe this person is a risk to the community through his mistrut
"Selfish act"
"Because he wants to flout the laws, protest covid while collecting
"Tamaki should be arrested and charged. This gathering has the po
"What's the point of the law if it is not upheld? Hundreds of police
"Because this mans behaviour will cause Auckland to remain in lev
"This dork needs to be held to account"
"This isn't fair to those who are doing the right thing. Charge him fi
"He’s not above the law he MUST be charged"
"He need to get a grip on reality it is because the likes of him this co
"What he and others have done is illegal and he thinks other peopl
"This man is not above the law."
"Fxck that dog cunt. I want to see family out of auckland but I can't
"Hopefully it will be a deterrent to others who choose to put every
"He needs to be held accountable for putting the New Zealand pub
"He putting us all at risk"
"We are all doing the right thing by staying home and getting vaccin
"His lack of respect to the greater community by, at the very least,
"Be a responsible human for a change. Stop being an arrogant self
"This lowlife thinks he is above the law. The fact that the police hav
"Plain bloody selfish."
"Justice for all"
"Brian Tamaki and his followers broke the law. At the expense of th
"I hope they throw the damn book at Brian Tamaki, and anyone els
"I agree that no matter want. Covid regulations must be followed b
"because he broke the rules, while other Aucklanders are following
"He broke the rules ."
"Risking public safety"
"He broke the law, it’s outrageous & selfish. Sickening this sort of b
"This guy should be charged, thrown into prison and have his churc
"Aucklanders are doing their bit with another lockdown, businesses
"I am following the lockdown rules to protect those who are vulner
"It was wrong"
"He has broken the law and put the health of New Zeala ders at risk
"It is wrong he needs to get charged heavily"
"This mouldy cabbage of a man deserves to atone for his stupid pro
"He acted against the law. He endangered NZ citizens. With no tho
"One rule for all!"
"Love they neighbour by putting them first! No place for selfish peo
"the grift is blatant, at this point."
"He shows no thoughts for otho"
"He should not be above the law"
"Hes not special."
"We all have a responsiblity to work together to together to eradic
"Because Brain Tamaki did set up illegal protest against covid 19 loc
"I obey the rules so should they for everyone's wellbeing"
"It was selfish to encourage others to ignore the level 3 restrictions
"He exploits people for his own gain!"
"I don’t think it is fair that all of Aucklander’s get blamed for the sp
"He thinks he’s above everyone, he needs to go to trial."
"Brian Tamaki has broken a law that is designed to protect all NZer
"I think his actions are selfish and put the Country at risk."
"We are all trying hard to follow all the lockdown rules except this
"This guy and his wife are delusional and don't care about anyone e
"I like everyone know have diligently followed the rules…"
"Brian Tamaki is destroying the enormous efforts we’ve all put in"
"Not only this breached level 3 guidelines, but also level 2 gatherin
"His actions were unlawful and immoral and they can cause huge d
"Brian tamaki is a absolute idiot."
"Because brian tamaki is a dick and could now cause auckland to ha
"Because of the flagrant disregard for the public good displayed by
"It isn’t fair to keep us in lock down when people like this aren’t stic
"Yeah nice one. Probably just created a super spreader and sent Au
"hes playing god"
"It puts everyone else at risk of getting covid and makes it difficult f
"We are doing our bit what makes him so special. This is NOT OK. H
"He's a dick"
"I want to be covid free"
"Im signing because Brian Tamaki and his flock of sheep are overtly
"This type of 'christianity' should be outlawed as it plays to the less
"He’s planning the next event on 16th October.. he won’t stop!!"
"Im signing this petition because I have family and friends who are
"It was wrong. So many people attended and many did not follow t
"What he did broke the law."
"He's and idiot"
"I'm signingthis because his action can lead to more people catchin
"This is not the first time he's broken lockdown rules and he seems
"I'm signing this because he needs to be accountable for his actions
"He deserves to be punished"
"He broke the law."
"Corruption 101….."
"I believe that any so called leader in a position of influence who is
"I have been at home for the last 7 weeks and I don't want to be at
"He is a dick"
"Brian Tamaki needs to be held account for endangering lives and m
"Selfish man and his associates/followers who went to this protest.
"What he did was morally wrong and very disrespectful to the Auck
"Totally irresponsible in a pandemic."
"If you break the law face the consequences."
"The campaign itself says it better than I ever could: "Brian Tamaki
"He and his friends are blatantly and knowingly breaking the law. A
"Brian Tamaki jeopordised the safety of all Aucklanders by hosting
"He should be held to account for not adhereing to Lockdown rules
"Because this was a provocative action to see how far he could pus
"His actions were unlawful"
"Brian clearly broke the law"
"This grifter needs to be accountable for his reckless actions"
"We are a Team of 5 million. Everyone has to make the effort to ke
"This was incredibly irresponsible and so unfair to all those who ha
"Hes a trouble maker"
"No- one is above the law. Even a (self- ordained? ) Bishop!"
"He's a cult leader, not a pastor. Even if he were, he still broke the
"Because Brian Tamaki should be held accountable for his reckless
"Because he is being not responsible for the safety of others, he en
"Brian has breached the law and has put more people at risk"
"This man has put everyone at risk, he broke level 3 rules and gathe
"Tamaki has contravened a Section seven Medical notice, as well as
"Blatant disregard for human life."
"He's evil."
"Hes an idiot"
"Breaking the law"
"Ridiculous behaviour."
"He is putting our lives at risk!"
"He's profiting from covid and putting nz in danger"
"I want to record my disappointment in his self-centred behaviour
"An embarrassment to us maori who are doing the right thing!!!Th
"Gatherings like that can turn out to be Super Speaders."
"Brian is a muppet"
"He has jeopardised everything we as a nation have worked so hard
"Brian Tamaki knowingly breached restrictions and should be accou
"Shut it down."
"Everyone should be held to the same rules"
"I need to go and be with my poor sick mum who needs my suppor
"He has broken the law and enticing others to do the same"
"Brian Tamaki is a criminal."
"He did a bad thing and needs to get in trouble"
"Brian Tamaki is a charlatan, His actions have placed my family into
"Tamaki's an idiot"
"His actions and those that followed him were/are putting others a
"A dangerous man who is misleading his followers."
"No one in AKL wants to be in lockdown but the vast majority of us
"He should be prosecuted"
"Brian Tamaki is a parasite who is trying to keep us all in lockdown.
"He is not beyond our laws …. Everyone is making sacrifices to try a
"Coz crazy people like him are stuffing up this country"
"This person does everything in his own best interest (not that of h
"We all have to pay the price of his and others irresponsibility. AND
"This fool flagrantly lied to the police about complying with NZs CO
"He is a danger to the general public"
"Im signing this because Brian Tamaki and his congregation has flou
"His demonstration numbers breached the rules for maximum peo
"He is Idiot"
"Like everyone else ,I have been in lockdown stayed in lockdown!!!
"It's not ok."
"Selfish, entitled, narcissistic and illegal actions by certain factions
"Needs to be charged like others have"
"He's a tosser"
"he’s breaking the law"
"Everyone has to follow the same rules"
"Why should they get away with it while others are doing what's ne
"He broke the law and jepodised the health and saftey of people"
"I am absolutely disgusted by these actions and something needs to
"This person does everything in his own best interest (not that of h
"Hes a disgrace to nz and needs to be shut down"
"He is a danger to people a when he uses his position to inveigle ot
"He broke the law. Why have laws if breaking them has no consequ
"This individual is not above the law. His actions are selfish, divisive
"He needs to be charged for his actions."
"He put so many people at risk. The Team of 5million have had eno
"This man should be held to account for his disgusting display of ho
"It is morally and legally wrong for the "church" to endanger the he
"I'm signing this because I want to keep my country safe. This man
"Nobody is above the law!! Everyone there that day should be char
"We as Auckland's are doing our best to adhere to what we’ve bee
"I think this idiot should be locked up. He has always been fool how
"Anyone who is actively not following the covid 19 rules is delibera
"I want Auckland to come out of lock down and these protests are
"Why should everything my family and I have sacrificed go to waste
"Brian Tamaki is not above the law. No-one is above the law."
"I am signing because I am discusted that a so called man of god,ye
"that idiot is putting our freedoms at risk not getting them back."
"He deserves to be charged !"
"If anyone else did this they would have been arrested"
"He is risking undoing what we have all stayed in lockdown for. He’
"I would like to see my family some time soon and this brainless idi
"This guy is an asshole and needs to pay"
"This protest promotes false information and is selfish. Get vaccina
"Completely broken the rules while we’re all staying home as told.
"He's nothing but a Thug"
"This man used his power and personal influence to endanger lives
"Because he should be charged with breaking the law."
"I value the wellbeing of nz citizens."
"Absolutely charge him - this was morally and socially wrong to hol
"It's not ok"
"Stupid behavior"
"He has got to be more responsible"
"Brian Tamaki is spreading misinformation and putting us all at risk
"This should not have been permitted by the govt."
"We need to work together to keep everyone safe. Getting upset w
"He's dangerous"
"His behaviour is disgraceful and illegal and puts vulnerable commu
"I think he needs to obey the law just like everyone else"
"I live in Parnell when the protest was held. People without masks
"There shouldn’t be one rule for him and another for those of us in
"He is trying to bend the rules for own benefit"
"Tamaki is very dangerous - watch his sermons and be shocked. Be
"Brian Tamaki is NOT above the law!"
"Because he needs to be stopped and locked up"
"I am a health professional . I am vaccinated to protect myself and
"We have to start being openly angry. At some point, be kind, beco
"He's a dangerous jerk"
"Throw away the key, he continues under he's own rules and for so
"This lack of response by the authorities is disgraceful."
"We need to act responsibly to protect our community, no matter y
"Should be charged for f as I long to social distance, crowd size too
"Hes an idiot"
"Charge him ,who is he to get away with this . Absolutely shocking"
"Brian Tamaki is a disgrace to New Zealand"
"I have family waiting for urgent surgery which can only be done in
"He is an uncaring ferile man.No qualificationsJust a big headed ego
"He and his victims of his hype are dangerous and stupid and Auckl
"He is breaking the law"
"I am frustrated that after doing everything right the March happen
"Brian Tamaki is totally irresponsible and has put his own interests
"Health and safety of the general population should have priority o
"It seems one rule for all except Gangs, Bullies, Rabble rousers and
"He should be accountable for his actions. Lockdown rules are for e
"We all have rights but have to realise the collective rights sometim
"What he did was dispicable"
"He's an arrogant douche. Think about all the thousands of dollars
"This guy's is such a walker. He is putting all of NZ at risk"
"He’s an idiot, a total hypocrite, oh yes he will accept handouts und
"Its not okay for anyone to have different set of rules when others
"The organisers put Aucklanders' efforts to contain the spread of th
"This man is putting the community’s physical and mental health at
"He has broken major bubbles and has put Auckland at risk again."
"Because he knowingly put others and Auckland at risk. We are all
"He broke regulations. He was aware of the requirements for holdi
"Blatant disregard for the laws and public safety"
"He is to be at his home .No authorised travel to an event ."
"One rule for all. No one should be above the law."
"He has put the safety of others at risk and broken the law."
"Fuck Brian."
"Such an incredibly selfish, arrogant act"
"To do nothing is to send a dangerous message that egomaniacs lik
"If you're going to make lockdown laws, apply them consistently. T
"We r suppose to be a team of 5 million, we too want to b free to m
"I am disgusted"
"Tamaki is a disgrace and a danger to Aotearoa"
"There needs to be a clear consequence for Tamaki and his support
"It's unbelievable and shameful that this happened because Brian T
"He and his followers are a pack of idiots"
"He has put us all at risk of a longer lockdown."
"What right has he got to be treated differently to anyone else"
"Why have rules if there are no consequences for breaking them."
"He is irresponsible"
"Brian Tamaki is an absolute idiot. How dare he undermine the har
"Public safety was put at risk thr"
"Brian needs to grow up and stop being part of the reason for conti
"This is what will keep Auckland in level 3!!!"
"I'm signing because he's a terrible person in general"
"Everyone needs to follow the bloody rules!"
"He is a conman who has put the whole of Auckland if not the who
"Cause this cult leader goon needs to be shunned for forever."
"Brian Tamaki could help the NZ vaccination cause instead of hinde
"He broke the covid health laws"
"The problem is not the restrictions but people not following them
"What he did was irresponsible as a leader within the community."
"Their decision to protest may have single handedly under minded
"He is a twat"
"This religious nutter must be held to account."
"The complete disregard this so called "leader" has for the law and
"Anyone who breaks the rules gets charged , so should he"
"This was a bloody irresponsible selfish thing to organise . What giv
"What he has done is wrong. We are doing the right thing by isolati
"Causing the spread of covid and endangering everyone. Dick."
"The arrogance and entitlement of this man are despicable and anti
"Because he is not above the law"
"1 rule for all this 8sputtingnz at risk"
"Puts everyone in jeapody...look at what's happened in NSW!!! Loc
"This should never have been allowed and morally wrong to allow t
"He has undermined everything Auckland is trying to do to fight Co
"He says we are vaccinated and in our bubbles so are safe and shou
"They guys a manipulative piece of s**t that doesn't care about an
"If people can be charged for crossing the border and risking the “r
"I cant even put into words how angry I feel about what he has don
"Tamaki shows an arrogant disregard for the rest of NZ in everythin
"He is a complete moron spreading covid so we suffer more. Why d
"He should have the same consequences as every other Kiwi who b
"It is a joke that has hasn’t been charged yet!"
"It is disgusting that we are all doing our part and the rest are putti
"Tamaki has put all Aucklanders at risk of an extended lockdown w
"Because his ego is putting a lit of people at risk"
"Good one BRIAN..give yourself an uppercut for putting us at risk"
"I'm signing because his followers will believe in him and therefore
"He is a serious rule breaker"
"Businesses are closing down, people are loosing jobs because prot
"One should put duty to others before personal rights - this man an
"He is an irresponsible human being who is not above the law."
"he needs jail"
"It’s a disgrace"
"hes a twat"
"It's a breach of the law"
"He needs to pay for a disgusting act When Aucklanders are trying
"He put us all at risk of death by Covid."
"We have done our bit to try and keep Covid contained. This undoe
"Bryan needs his head pulled in."
"He broke the rules and encouraged others too after all our hardwo
"This should not have been allowed to happen."
"My sisters doing lockdown alone in Auckland doing her part and th
"Brian tamaki is dangerous"
"This person is a danger to the public"
"He is nothing but an anarchist, pretending to be a church leader.
"He is using his followers for his own selfish needs. He is irresponsib
"The police are our only legal avenue for justice. If you do not act to
"He's a fuck wit"
"There not supposed to be gatherings of that many people under l
"Bloody egg!!"
"It's unfair what he has done"
"This useless prick is a grifter a disgusting weasel praying on the we
"He needs to be arrested and his followers also fined for flouting th
"he's a muppet"
"Ego before health ...."
"Brian Tamaki is a massive egotistical douch bag."
"He is endangering people health and influencing others and jeopa
"Brian Tamaki needs to be held accountable for his actions. If the P
"He needs to be held accountable for being an idiot"
"Julie Cufflinput a lot of people at risk and illegal"
"One rule for all. Isn’t it an offence to disobey pandemic rules? I tho
"Hea a twat and risking the whole country"
"Consequences should be placed on Brian Tamaki for using his influ
"The actions of this man, are a slap in the face for all Aucklanders w
"I think it wrong that he can get away with it when so many are stru
"He's putting all of new Zealand at risk"
"This was a supremely arrogant and unkind act, putting all of us wh
"I would like to see the police actually uphold the laws in this count
"I feel the same"
"Irresponsible & selfish"
"People like Brian - people in positions of power need to be held ac
"Brain tamaki is a fuckwit"
"Despise the fact that a church is using their platform to rabble rou
"He breached the rule"
"So irresponsible, especially when others are sticking to the lockdo
"He needs to be held accountable"
"Mr Tamaki’s protest was a flagrant disregard for public safety, pur
"Same rules for everyone. He broke covid restriction he should be c
"Because Mr Tamaki broke all the rules"
"Tamaki is irresponsible and thinks he is above the law! While most
"He is a idiot"
"I'm signing because Brian is a fuckwit who should've been locked u
"nobody is above the law, he should be charged"
"He has jeopardized the safety and economy of New Zealanders"
"This man is so dangerous. Religion shouldn’t be above the law. He
"This behaviour is jeopardising the health and economy of the who
"He broke the law"
"I strongly oppose getting an exemption for a group meeting then fl
"In Australia Tamaki would be jailed for treason, why not New Zeal
"He deserves every thing he gets. Dick"
"If it's good for some people to get charged then it's good for all"
"Brain Tamaki 's only interest is his own ego and he show cased th
"I'm signing because I'm fed up to the Back teeth of The self appoin
"Why is he allowed to break the law and put us all at risk? He shoul
"Such events are harmful from a social cohesion and a safety persp
"I believe BT is either cynically or at best misguidedly fomenting be
"Irresponsible.Dangerously, inciting illegal behavior"
"Why has he not been arrested yet. Why do you need a petition to
"His activity endangers new Zealanders."
"Because he broke the law and put peoples health and lives at risk.
"because he is an idiot"
"I cried from sheer sadness, anger and disbelief when I heard abou
"He broke the rules and places everyone at risk"
"A friend buried her husband, ten people only. Tamaki cannot be a
"Anyone who doesn't believe a vaccination won't get us out of rest
"Brian Tamaki is a irresponsible egocentric idiot and should be pros
"After weeks of lockdown and putting the effort in this complete id
"That deranged egomaniac needs to shut the hell up! Charge him -
"A stint behind bars for his total disregard of the efforts and sacrific
"This man needs to know he is not above the law. Anyone else in h
"Fine him"
"It's not ok that he should not face consequences for his reckless be
"He quite happily took the govt subsidies multiple times! He knew t
"He needs to catch covid"
"It is not ok for him to think he is above the law just because he is a
"I am signing cause the guy is a dickhead if someone gets COVID-19
"We want to be able to return home to our family in NZ. This idiot a
"What he did was irresponsible and endangered and public"
"No excuse. He's letting the team down. Putting all of our lives, bui
"I'm sick of antivax people putting our vulnerable people at risk. Th
"I think Brian Tamaki should be charged and locked up for what he
"Because he is basically an activist and doesn't care about the Auck
"Brian Tamaki is a disgrace. Lock him up."
"Because he is the Devil"
"He is breaking the law and shouldn’t be treated any differently to
"We are doing the hard work while idiots like this break the law"
"I strongly disagree with his actions"
"This guy is a joke... But sadly nothing he is doing is even slightly fu
"A so-called religious leader refused to do as required by his govern
"I am sick of idiots like this. My family in Auckland want to be allow
"Brian Tamaki should've also been charged for fleeing level 3 lockd
"He’s put a lot of people at risk & should have encouraged staying a
"Tamaki is a selfish egotistical maniac putting others at risk. He nee
"Everyone is accountable for breaking the rules!"
"He’s breaking the kaw"
"What Tamaki did is selfish and wrong on all levels"
"Following the rules is important because it keeps us all safe. Our d
"He should be arrested and fined"
"Mr Tamaki and his fellow organisers need to be most definitely he
"Charge him for it. What a selfish arsehole."
"What he did could potentially put a lot of peoples health in dange
"It's not fair on the people who stick to the level 3 roles, he's not go
"Brian Tamaki is a bigoted homophobic, two faced con artist that u
"He is a dick putting so many others at risk."
"Lock him up. He is a disgrace."
"He needs to be held to account for his actions."
"He is holding a illegal gathering during a covid lock down"
"So unfair! Most people are doing their bit but not this clown and h
"He is not for Keeping the majority safe he is dangerous"
"What he did was illegal"
"It was totally ridiculous to allow him to organise a rally when the r
"I am equally as upset with the Police for not doing anything, but go
"The whole incident is outrageous u"
"He has endangered many fir his own personal agenda"
"I don't agree with his actions and think that he should be treated t
"He's a crook, taking advantage of gullible people"
"I believe he is passing on misinformation and putting everyone at
"Covid restrictions are there to try to protect everyone - including T
"Because he's dangerous nutcase"
"This grifter has much to answer for. Furious on behalf of Auckland
"I had better not write what I would like to say"
"Totally unacceptable"
"He did a deliberate premeditated unlawful act. Is he above the law
"None of us want lockdown but it is providing the platform to get u
"He thinks he's above everyone else in the country doing their bit"
"Not sure why a petition should even be required as if he's broken
"You break the rules you should be fined. Simple."
"He has put us all at risk"
"This man is disgusting, is putting Aucklanders and the community
"1. He broke the law most people are trying to adhere to in a covid
"He broke the law; as simple as that."
"Something needs to be done about this incredulous individual"
"They dare endanger us. This threat to our lives is real."
"We all need to do our part to help get out of lockdown and have a
"He needs to be stopped."
"Brian Tamaki is an absolute disgrace to New Zealand and a money
"I believe that the police will be working on charging Tamaki. They
"He needs to be held responsible for this and putting lives at risk"
"Self serving religious nutter who risked a super spreader event to
"We need to be able to have the opportunity return to our family in
"we are in lockdown, so have to obey the rules, he sure doesn't"
"Hes an ignorant idiot. Rules are there to stall the spread."
"This man appears to believe he 'IS' God.... rather than 'SERVING' G
"Encouraging people to congregate and discouraging vaccination w
"Public safety is my first priority"
"This fake lying profiteering person needs to be made accountable
"I am fed up with doulbe standards"
"He should be leading by example and should be held accountable"
"Brian is not an apostle, he is just another self-absorbed narcissist!
"He needs to be stopped"
"Why is he any different!"
"I signing because they have not kept to the law"
"He is a Traitor to Nz"
"I agree he should bechargef"
"Auckkanders are doing ther bit to contsin the virus. Brian has disre
"Friends in Auckland are doing the right thing to return to normal, a
"This man has put lives and livelihoods in danger."
"I'm signing because that was a dick move"
"These people need to brought to account"
"He seems to think he is beyond the law and does not have a sense
"He's a idiot"
"Because he’s a criminal"
"Brian Tamaki is a threat to the whole country and it's freedoms"
"No one is above the law"
"Why does he think he is so special to be able to do this, while the
"I don't agree with brainwashing"
"We're in level 3. The rules of level 3 should apply to everyone."
"1. Sick of idiots.2. Wish to travel.3. Jail the lot."
"I do the hard work & loose thousands, he just stuffs it up to pampe
"Abhorrent behavior, prosecute."
"Anyone as stupid as he should be arrested for such a stupid idiotic
"He is a fool that takes away from the rules set in place for everybo
"How selfish and arrogant to put so many in danger."
"Hi ego is outrageous and he has NO respect for anyone who doesn
"He's a moron"
"Brian put the safety of fellow Kiwi's at risk. He is a muppet who ne
"He needs to be taught a lesson, zero tolerance."
"He should be held accountable fir breaking the law"
"We’ll end up like Melbourne"
"We have rules for everyone. Not just particular people."
"He’s an idiot"
"Brain Tamaki broke the law"
"Not the right time."
"I’m signing because all laws should be applied equally. Tamaki has
"He broke the law - simple"
"Cause he a right dick and shouldn’t get away with the shit he dose
"the law has been broken"
"He’s put all of Auckland in danger, while everyone else adheres to
"Just because Tamakus "church" is not getting as much of a tithe as
"They are worried about their rights, but what about the people wh
"I'm signing because while the rest of us can't attend funerals for lo
"I'm signing because I want lockdowns to be a thing of the past!Tho
"I disagree with his selfish behavior"
"He is a fuck wit and deserves to be charged"
"Brain Tamaki should be charged"
"He should rather use the power he has to affect positive change a
"This is a pandemic, we have rules . Most of NZ are abiding , then
"Everyone should be treated the same!"
"His actions may result in increased Covid infections which result in
"This man is a danger to NZ!"
"Brian Tamaki's only interest is his own ego and he show cased this
"Brian Tamaki does not respect the wishes of the majority of our pe
"Suzanne Cline"
"Why should he be exempt when we are all making sacrifices."
"I'm signing because all of these people did not respect my health
"Morons like this shouldn’t be A. Putting our lives at risk and B. Ma
"No regard for the financial cost to Auckland with lockdown putting
"They need to stop breaking the rules"
"If you're sick of lockdowns you should be doing the right thing to s
"His actions are selfish and so are his followers. They all need to be
"Throw the book at him!!!!!"
"Hes put more people at risk of catching the covid"
"For a person that seeks to remove gay rights Brian Tamaki has no
"Brian Tamaki has broken the law and should be punished. He has a
"He needs to be held accountable"
"He is not above the law and has to be held accountable for his acti
"One rule for every body"
"Just another entitled cult leader fleecing sit followers. He needs to
"This was illegal and dangerous, with huge possible negative health
"The law should apply to all"
"This guy thinks he's above the law and can apparently break these
"He should be charged as he has broken the rules around lockdown
"Everyone is following the rules…. staying away from our family and
"I feel for all the Aucklanders who have endured this last seven wee
"He's put the whole country at risk"
"The arrogance and behavior of this man is unspeakable - he repre
"Charge this criminal now and if one case of death occurs directly li
"If everyone needs to follow the stay at home order then that mea
"Should definitely be held accountable"
"He has broken law along with others. He is putting lives and livelih
"I want him to get charge"
"He is nothing but a liar and thief, now a rule breaker effecting thou
"Yet another money grabbing publicity stunt by this blot on the lan
"Because this is putting people's life in danger and Brian is a danger
"He is NZs worst NZer"
"Becuase he is a gigantic dick"
"He acted illegally and in the process endangered the lives of other
"This man is a menace."
"Tamaki is putting the lives of thousands at risk. Not to mention the
"He's a false prophet"
"He needs to be stopped"
"He isn't the law"
"It’s terrible what he did"
"Oxygen thief"
"This man has no respect for people."
"It's for the good of the whole population that we should comply w
"Everyone needs to follow Level restrictions to be fair to everyone
"No one is above the law, not even you Brian Tamaki! Is this how so
"Philominna Akaruru"
"He is an idiot"
"I am signing because he is an idiot and may have prolonged Auckla
"It’s not right"
"He's an idiot"
"Such a selfish act affects us all and we have the most of us complie
"He is laughing in the governments face and clearly breaking restric
"He is a dangerous cult leader that has just put a lot of new Zealand
"This guy is irresponsible on so many levels. They could have had a
"He has completely undermined everyone's efforts and sacrifices fo
"Destiny church is praying on the people that can least afford his tit
"He's a fool and breaking the law."
"He has caused the potential for many to be infected by covid & br
"Everyone is working hard to beat this virus. Anyone else caught br
"He should be treated the same as anyone, and hes a cock"
"He needs to be held accountable for putting people at risk, not jus
"It's needed!"
"False Apostle parasite"
"Totally irresponsible and illegal....anyone else breaking lockdown r
"He's an idiot telling lies."
"I disagree with the protest this should never have been allowed"
"Nothing but a brainwashing cult leader cunt! Fuck tamaki and fuck
"Because he broke the law and is an evil manipulating money hung
"It is a legal requirement for everyone to be in lock down - everyon
"As he’s broken the law. If any other people where to do as he has
"He is an idiot and put the lives of law-abiding Aucklanders at risk!"
"He's a Dusgusting pig"
"It was illegal and needs consequences."
"Most people in Auckland are diing the right thing and he was callin
"His outlook is what will keep nz in lockdown. The unfortunate peo
"This guy is so self entitled. The rules apply to all!!!"
"Lorna squires"
"This guy is a self entitled dick!!"
"I am so angry at this situation and at everyone involved. I want to
"I am sick of the arrogance that the rules dont apply to us all."
"For some who gives the NZ Government the fingers. Could put the
"Law is the law and Brian has completely disregarded the rules feel
"People who flout & encourage others to flout the rules need to fac
"He could be the reason we have more cases"
"He's a idiot putting lives at risk"
"Because he broke the rules. What makes him so special."
"I support free speech, but this is NOT the way to protest. I hate th
"He should be charged for more than he’s received in wage subsidi
"The only public event he should be involved in is his own public flo
"He’s arrogant and a Hippocrate"
"Set an example"
"I disagree with his actions"
"Tamati thinks he is above the law. If he is right (which I doubt) tha
"There should be no large in person gatherings/protests at Level 3.
"The rules apply to everyone and if they aren’t going to be enforce
"It’s people like him, who are driven by greed, who are going to stu
"No regard for all the sacrifices other New Zealanders have made"
"Breaking the law is not above tis idiot."
"It is time Tamaki was closed down. He preys on and brainwashes t
"He is putting not only my kids n mokos but the rest of new Zealand
"We are all in this and he has broken the rules and involved his "flo
"This guy is a C’zeront"
"he doesn't represent Aucklanders and he has breached lockdown
"There should be the same rules for everyone"
"It is completely stupid and he should be charged! He should also h
"He is put all of us at risk"
"The world simply does not have any more space for the inflated eg
"It needs to be demonstrated that flouting the Covid laws has cons
"We shouldn't have to be here doing this, should of been done on S
"This man is a danger to society!"
"I care about the safety of our community"
"It was a breach of the law, he knew this and did it anyway."
"Brian Tamaki is selfish and has no consideration for others but his
"It was against the law. So many people are abiding by the rules. I
"This man endangered all of New Zealand, he should be held accou
"He's a bloody Nob and should never have gone against our level 3
"I believe he has put other New Zealanders at risk"
"I disagree with the way Brian Tamaki has encouraged people to br
"Karma don't miss"
"This bloke is a conman and a danger to the gullibles of NZ."
"He should have to pay for putting others at.risk"
"People like him are absolutely ruining it for the people that are do
"A perfect example of defiance by a person who should lead by goo
"He is overstepping the boundaries of what a church leader should
"Everyone else is doing their bit and he is praying on the weak and
"He needs arresting"
"He is an idiot and shouldn't be allowed to influence people."
"Brian is an idiot"
"I am sick of idiots getting away with crap when my family can't bur
"I want him charged.."
"Shut this arrogant selfish malignant narcissist down and arrest him
"Its a slap in the face of law abiding citizens"
"I believe he broke the law and it's one rule for everyone"
"Brain Tamaki has a total disregard for all we are working hard to p
"Mass gathering...."
"Rules are Rules.. Do the crime, do the time"
"The protest was irresponsible and illegal under level three restricti
"One rule for everyone, what he did was illegal"
"Wearing masks and getting vaccines is about caring for vulnerable
"While the rest of us are doing the hard yards. He is ruining it for us
"He has breached his position of trust.Putting himself before the sa
"This man is a total fool putting so many peoples lives,at risk he mu
"He’s a law unto himself and needs to respect the masses."
"Massive fine! Putting lives at risk"
"Brian has put my family and friends at risk - charge him."
"People follow him and get infected"
"If "Churches" dont follow the law we are in a bad place. If they bel
"It's against the government legislation"
"Brian Tamaki,his wife and followers who broke the COVID rules on
"So wrong for a person who can influence others to be allowed to i
"the guy is so arrogant and self entitled why is he so special!"
"He has knowingly organized an illegal gathering endangering publi
"He's selfish, self absorbed, ignorant and doesnt care who he jeopa
"Because he organised public to break covid laws"
"Individual rights doesn't give people the mandate to act in a way t
"Brian Tamaki and his wife should be banned from having any positi
"endangering the most vulnerable at the time of national crisis sho
"No regard for nz ers safety. Arrogant law breaker"
"Double atandards"
"Rules are for everyone. Simple."
"It was totally wrong and put so many people at risk"
"Because this dog needs to be put down. Him and his wife are horr
"He is a community leader and leaders should be held to account. T
"I'm signing because he's an asshole  idiots like this need to be p
"It's about time we dont break the rules why should he be allowed.
"He and his ilk are a danger to public health. It’s despicable behavio
"He is a person of influence who broke the law and encouraged oth
"Brian Tamaki is a selfish git who has put the rest of Auckland at ris
"The man clearly broke the law and therefore him and hi followers
"He had no right to do what he did (and does)."
"This man is scum,he takes from the poor and makes himself rich,I
"I care"
"This guy is a psychopathic FAKER who squeezes money from the p
"I do not believe in him or his ways"
"Because no one likes the masks or the restrictions but we're doing
"This dangerous man considers himself above the law and he and h
"This was so disappointing. I am all for having your choice but I ask
"Because any Idiot even those such as Brian can see that the mass
"I don't understand why the law is holding back on this idiot."
"It was a selfish act that will endanger other people"
"He should be charged with manslaughter if even one death results
"no one is above the law. ignorant people putting all of nz at risk at
"He is an idiot, selfish & arrogant on matters relating to Covid & kee
"Not OK"
"I can't stand that man and what he stands for which is using the lo
"We are tired of these people flouting the rules and the law, we are
"He broke the law...One system of justice for all"
"No question he should have been charged on the day. Why should
"Brian Tamaki has put others at risk, broken the law and he should
"The rally was illegal and put 1.5m Aucklanders at risk of Covid-19.M
"Because I feel he has endangered the livelihood of New Zealande
"It was illegal."
"This person needs to show respect to others regardless of the fact
"This man is a public health hazard"
"This guy is selfish, incited a crowd to break the law and put the res
"Ignores laws and has too much influence over his sheep !"
"What he organised is just not ok!"
"Selfish action, has out the whole country at risk."
"This disgraceful arrogance will increase the need for lockdowns, d
"This guy is a fuck wit and something needs to be done about him"
"I fully support vaccination and lockdowns to avoid any chance of C
"It was an illegal activity."
"Hes breaking the law"
"NZ needs less it idiots like this!!"
"Brian Tamati threatens vulnerable people with the spread of covid
"He is everything a leader should not be, he represents everything
"I want out of the lockdown"
"He is an irresponsible idiot"
"This dangerous clown is claiming government COVID wage subsidy
"He and everyone else that attended that protest breached level 3
"They broke the law and are not part of the team of 500000"
"Using dangerous tactics for political gain."
"politicising the pandemic, scum."
"He is a danger to this country and its people. Egotistical tosser"
"He's a hazard"
"Brian Tamaki and his followers are complete idiots and will be the
"I'm sick of gang members, politicians and Brian Tamaki being abo
"He held a meeting in covid times throw the book at him"
"Brian Tamaki flouted the law by encouraging a gathering that coul
"We need to keep our community safe!!"
"His actions are basically treason during a time of National & Globa
"He needs to abide by the law just like the rest of us! Just because
"He and his minions were in clear breach of level3 rules. He should
"There should be one rule for all!"
"Yet another case of religion putting us all in peril"
"I'm discussed in this selfishness."
"He needs to be accountable for his actions and encouraging other
"The law applies to everyone."
"It is against health and safety regulations for groups of this size to
"He broke the law and needs to be held accountable"
"Dangerous tactics for political gain."
"He is not God, he has no right to be speaking on behalf of everyon
"He broke the law and responsible for possible spreading the virus.
"They should pay the subsidy back for their selfish actions"
"This was reckless and irresponsible"
"Tamaki's actions have endangered the health and safety of others
"Because it's illegal and a total kick in the guts to all of us following
"Hes a dick head save nz"
"BT is just a wannabee Gang Leader - Should be arrested - and his c
"He is just plain wrong."
"These people have no idea of the damage they are doing to hardw
"People like this can't be excused from the consequences of their a
"I believe this person needs to be taken to task after flaunting the l
"For risking public health"
"Tamak Makaurau does not want or nedd this tamaki."
"A blatant lack of following covid guidelines!"
"Appalled that he would put us all at risk. Charitable status of his bu
"He broke lockdown rules and needs to be made an example of"
"No-one is above the law. We're all asked to do our bit yet Brian Ta
"Sadly Bishop Tamaki now thinks he is god"
"I'm sick of shit like this"
"No one, absolutely no one is above the law and put so many at ris
"Brian’s Evangelism is a facade for fraud and greed. He is not beyon
"He's a muppet,"
"I think he was way out of line doing what he did.Auckland is going
"He threatened the safety of our whole country. Is this not terroris
"He is putting us all in danger. Such arrogance."
"Will this be rules for some and rules for others. If you or I broke th
"Rule should be applicable to All"
"I’m signing this petition due the protest being outside level 3 COVI
"I don’t anyone is above the law"
"Because he has put the health and welfare of the nations largest c
"I want him to be prosecuted for an illegal gathering and for jeopar
"It was totally irresponsible and so selfish"
"covid kills"
"This person is actively putting NZER's at risk by not following guide
"He needs to be charged"
"I am against Brian Tamaki and his disregard for the law and the liv
"The audacity of Brian Tamaki to jeopardize Aucklands health is dis
"Hes dangerous and selfish"
"Our society cannot allow two sets of laws. Police authority must n
"He broke the health laws and the rest of us in Auckland are playin
"He is a Dumb cunt!!"
"His only interest is propping up his own personal piggy bank."
"Flouting the law prosecute him and his like .."
"We all work hard to save lives and he goes and blows it with his no
"I am not happy with what he did putting as all in lockdown for long
"Dissagree with Tamaki actions"
"They should all be charged. Brian Tamaki though, above all, needs
"Nobody is above the law.Tamaki's actions are deserving of the big
"Plays by his own rules"
"He uses his church status for illegal behavior"
"Denying the freedom rights of the vaccinated"
"Charges need to be made. Rules for some and not others. This is n
"He should not get away with this."
"He’s an anarchist!"
"Of the danger!"
"This is not right for the rest of us doing the right thing!!!"
"His irresponsible, reckless and selfish behaviour has put Auckland
"He broke the rules he needs to be accountable"
"I want to go back to normal life .and this man ruined it for all law a
"This guy is sick in the head."
"Hes dangerous"
"Brian Tamaki is a very dangerous individual and needs to be held a
"I don't approve of what Brian Tamaki did"
"He is undoing all the hard mahi healthcare workers and officials ha
"He's a criminal."
"I am signing because he needed to know that he is not above the l
"He's an ego centric idiot who thinks he's above the law"
"Brian Tamaki needs to be made accountable for is actions."
"Getting away with breaking laws just empowers others to do the s
"This guy is despicable."
"Most of the 1.6 million Aucklanders are following the rules to com
"We have to lock this prick up now."
"I’m signing because any such protests could affect Akld moving do
"Its breaking Covid rules."
"Brian Tamaki is a Terrorist!"
"Breaking lockdown rules ruins it for the rest of the country and he
"Brian is a stain on humanity stealing from the poor and living in lu
"This cunt need to be locked up.or hung.fuckin muppet"
"They should all be prosecuted for breaking level 3 restrictions whi
"He is all of Auckland at risk and cares about nothing except his nar
"This man is a danger to public health."
"Title is so RIGHT! This egotistical plonker cares more for his public
"He thinks he is above the law they should all be charged"
"Signing in the name of law. We have to go together through this ti
"Very selfish"
"Because there seems to be one law for you and me and another fo
"Brian Tamaki thinks he is above the law and can do whatever he p
"Charge him. Convict him. You broke the law brian.You are not abo
"He should not be above the law"
"God made me do it."
"What makes him and the other 2000 people gathered so special, t
"One rule for all"
"He's an idiot"
"Everyone knew the rules. Everyone should be treated equally. He
"Absolutely disgusting. Shut him down!"
"We need to send this man a clear message that his actions on Satu
"I believe in the petition."
"Fuck this stupid cunt"
"I'm signing as if he is not charged we have double standards and it
"He is a meathead"
"Hes a dick and has absolutely no idea"
"He is reckless with other people's health and wellbeing. Only worr
"He broke the rules and doing so encouraged others to do the sam
"A large gathering is illegal"
"This person has put many more peoples lives in danger with his a
"Brian Tamaki of Destiny Church did wrong with his protest at this ti
"They should be held to account for what they did."
"Because this guy has no sense of the wellbeing of this country. Ou
"I think what Brian Tamarindo did was illegal and he should be char
"He jeopardise the efforts by all other kiwis to help to content the v
"This person has broken the law, and nobody is above the law."
"Putting the community in danger"
"Most of us are doing our best in the COVID fight but it is not helpe
"They broke the law on purpose"
"Tamaki is grossly irresponsible and needs to be made aware of it w
"We all have maKe sacrifices"
"Actions like this put us all in danger. Just look around the world an
"Law should be equal for all. Families wanting fresh air are asked to
"Because he is not following the protocols like the rest of us and I b
"This is Ego and civil disobedience. Nothing to do with Christianity"
"I can..."
"Naughty boy…"
"The mans an egotistical, money grabbing, vain and delusional pers
"He is a con artist"
"The problem with Brian's logic, is that if he is right he achieves not
"One rule should be for all!"
"This idiot is a menace to society."
"There needs to be repercussions for this fools dangerous and selfi
"I am disgusted at what happened. Brian Tamaki should be arrested
"I think it's illegal what he's doing"
"It is outrageous that we are stuck at home losing money every day
"Melanie Croucher This is a breach of the law, of which we are all c
"He is endangering our lives"
"Why should he get away with putting so many peoples lives at risk
"Only numpties put their own selfish wants before the needs of the
"He's a jackass and needs to be reigned in."
"Blatant breach of health order and misinformation to anti vaccina
"He is a threat to public health and safety by proposing his prepost
"One law got all"
"Brian broke the law. There needs to be consequences to his action
"It’s a slap in the face to the ones who have done the right thing"
"He broke Govt mandate.."
"Inciting people to join the protest was against lockdown rules"
"We've been doing the rules of Covid. And we have Destiny Brian T
"It was an illegal Gathering and if I had a party I would get arrested
"So selfish - Who does he think he is !!"
"He should be held accountable for his reckless"
"We would love to be free but people like this do not help"
"He is an egg and should be prosecuted"
"He is a dangerous conniving, selfish nutter who has put peoples liv
"He has put everyone at risk."
"Ireponsible, stupid person"
"He's a complete fuckwit"
"It's bad enough that he thinks he is somehow above the law and c
"We have been doing the right thing by our familis, work bubbles a
"It was an illegal gathering that could cause our health system to be
"If you go to the Covid-19 government wage subsidies - Employer S
"This was an organised unlawful activity. It may or may not be a sup
"Brian Tamaki is not a man of honour, nor a man of God. He is noth
"Brian Tamaki is an arrogant lawbreaker and cares nothing for the r
"We have been doing the hard yards in lockdown and are appalled
"He upto no good"
"The fact that he compared Ashley Bloomfield to Hilter in itself is ju
"The man is a public menace. Sponging off the followers of his cult
"It is disgraceful"
"I dont believe he should get off for organising this and putting us a
"We all have rights & millions have sacrificed alot to save many mo
"His personal beliefs are letting down the team of 5,000,000"
"I would like to go back to work to pay my bills"
"Brian is cancer is this country, this irresponsible rhetoric put every
"He needs to be prosecuted and he has let all law abiding Auckland
"He's an irresponsible idiot"
"It's bullshit that we are locked down and he can flout the rules wit
"He is dangerous and preys on the weak"
"He should be charged and our Govt is too soft"
"Unnecessary risk we don’t need whilst the majority of Aucklander
"He is to be held accountable for his actions. He is not above ANY l
"He should feel the full force of the LAW"
"Not only is he legally and morally wrong, he's giving real Christians
"I want to go back to level 1"
"Because of the safety of Aotearoa"
"He’s proven he cannot be trusted on this subject so let’s lock him
"A influential church leader breaking restriction rules and encourag
"Brian Tamaki/Destiny’s Church should be fined $4000 per lockdow
"Hes a cock and a fraud"
"Brian Tamaki is a fraud."
"We have rules and laws for a reason. Noone is above anyone else.
"Because he is a greedy non Christian. How can a man be so stupid
"Of the blatant disregard he has shown to his fellow Aucklanders"
"It’s so wrong he can do that when we are all obeying the law"
"Brian Tamaki needs to be held accountable for what he has done.
"He is seriously irresponsible flouting the law and putting other peo
"Tina Wilson"
"One day, God forgot to wipe. And Brian did arriveth. He is NOT th
"My wife told me I had to!"
"Nobody is against the law. Everyone else in Auckland and NZ are m
"I am horrified by this supreme selfishness!"
"This should not have happened in the current covid level"
"He is a selfish, shall we say individual, that is not the word I would
"What’s happening is wrong on so many basic human rights levels.
"This creature continues to risk public health and spread misinform
"Brian Tāmaki’s actions were deliberate and irresponsible, they ma
"People need to observe pandemic law.It is applied for a reason"
"He endangers other people."
"Does he have the right to jeopardies the lives and welfare of the m
"I rule for all."
"One rule for all. No exceptions"
"Who the heck is he to have privileges over everyone else in NZ"
"Because he deserves punishment"
"That guy needs to be stopped 臘‍♀️"
"he's a little bitch"
"Brian Tamaki is a moron. What makes this even worse is him and h
"It is so wrong what they did"
"Because Bryan is a bellend"
"Completely irresponsible action by a self promoting twat. We all n
"This is unfair to everybody who is abiding by the rules so that we c
"He is a bastard and ruining it for everone"
"Listen to the health experts. Vaccination means freedom!"
"Brian Tamaki broke the law and encouraged others to do so too."
"We need positive role models, not false prophets leading their lam
"This is so wrong. People need to stick together not pull apart."
"Make sure Peter Mortlock and City Impact Church are prosecuted
"Why does he think he has different rights to others. Stand firm NZ
"He broke lockdown rules and encouraged 2,000 others to do the s
"My friends in Auckland are struggling with mental illness due to th
"Brian tamaki is a narcissist and needs to be punished for inciting s
"He has broken the law and rules of lockdown. Selfish egotistical m
"God is GoodBrain Tamaki. You need to pray some more. Stop gath
"I am signing because I feel he has no right to encourage people to
"He should get off his high horse and get back to reality . He had pu
"Safety trumps politics"
"We as a family and small business owners have done everything b
"I believe that vaccination is the only tool to fight delta covid. I also
"He’s a bloody twit Shane on him"
"This man is a danger to the Aotearoa NZ public"
"He is in sighting people to disobey the rules."
"He's a scumbag"
"They all need fining"
"Why are some be charged and not him?"
"Everyone who attended the protest and breached the lockdown s
"He should be charged."
"He has broken the rules .Everyone is trying so hard and he isn’t"
"He needs to be charged"
"He’s a dickhead and this this just rediculous"
"It's not fair that he can do this. He only cares about himself not th
"Putting everyone at risk of spreading the virus. No respect for fel
"He is breaking covid rules ! And he’s a total dick"
"Fuck brian tamaki"
"He broke the law. Full stop. Not to mention he and everyone who
"I want to get out of lockdown"
"All the parties responsible for organising illegal gatherings during p
"He's breaching the lockdown restrictions anf need to be charged."
"Comparing Ashley Bloomfield to Hitler Is disgusting ,Mr Tamaki ne
"I live in Auckland and have sacrificed alot for everyone as have th
"We live in a democracy! Him & his followers are blatantly disobey
"The selfishness and stupidity of this man is unbelievable, he is wil
"This puts so many people at risk of contracting the delta virus"
"I agree!!!"
"He needs to be changed"
"I'm in Auckland and if more people get covid and we are stuck in lo
"He is a church leader and should not be encouraging people to bre
"He’s a knobhead"
"I am signing this because of their selfish actions. The country and i
"He needs to be jailed and destiny church closed down"
"Mr Profit needs to held accountable"
"I am sick of people refusing to get vaccinated for the good of all N
"Religion isn't an excuse to endanger others. Religion and personal
"Hes an idiot"
"This person has endangered our country"
"We have all done what asked of us, why was he allowed to put us
"He is dangerous and only out for himself, why should other people
"Brian has blatantly put everyone else at risk, could potentially exte
"Brian Tamaki needs to follow the rules or face the consequences.
"He broke the law,as did everybody else there...How dare they care
"This man blatantly and flagrantly flouted the law. He needs maxim
"He's a dick putting his church over the safety of all other New Zeal
"He says he is a man of God but he's more than happy to put the liv
"This is an egregious act by a man abusing his privilege in order to g
"All the organisers should be charged and forced to give back the m
"I've always been disgusted at Brian Tamaki's bigoted views and th
"He thinks he’s ancestors the law and he takes advantage of gullibl
"Brian Tamaki Is a dangerous coward who takes advantage of the p
"He created and promoted criminal activity deserves to be arrested
"He is a dickhead cult leader who needs locking up."
"I am a health professional that works at the front line helping to b
"Insulting to actual working NZ communities that are stuck at home
"Brian Tamaki has illegally put Aucklanders lives at risk with organis
"This guy is an idiot."
"He’s a Muppet that broke the law and needs to be made accounta
"Laws are made to protect the innocent and need to be upheld oth
"The laws apply to everyone and police need to harden up."
"Because no one is above the law and as an influential person (for s
"The rule of law should apply to all"
"Mr Tamaki and all those who attended his rally on Saturday 2nd O
"Brian & his followers acted illegally and irresponsibly, encouraging
"This man is actively spreading misinformation in the guise of Chris
"We want unity. This guy wants money"
"All covid law breaker need to be made accountable Status should
"This tossed is just a conman whose ego has passed all over the sac
"He has to be stopped as acting irresponsibly and risking the lives o
"He is a dangerous man he have to getting a sentence for his behav
"Brian Tamaki is a dangerous cult leader❗"
"He is an idiot and may well accelerate the overwhelming of our he
"No one should be above the law and he created a situation that co
"This idiot should be charged"
"Because it was not in the best interest of new Zealand"
"I want out of L3 but do so with the safety of all.Bloody idiot."
"He's putting children who can't be vaccinated at risk."
"I am very irate to think these ignorant people think it's all about th
"Brian Tamaki is not above the law."
"Total disregard for public safety"
"So many Aucklanders have done a great job trying to protect whan
"For breaching Level 3 rules and leading Level 3 lock down protests
"This person should not be allowed to flaunt the government rules
"Charge him and also start charging his , church’ tax!"
"He's a fuckin' donut"
"he is a danger to society"
"Brian Tamaki needs to arrested and held in remand until his trial in
"I’ve done my part, my expectations are you do the same."
"He is a cock"
"The selfish behaviour of those who gathered to protest in Aucklan
"Aucklanders are now in the seventh week of lockdown. Many of th
"Because he's a fuckwit"
"I'm intolerant of idiot's"
"I’m signing because this protest was unnecessary, dangerous in th
"I am signing this petition because rules have been broken. I myself
"IT is a grave danger, he lies gets government money, and lacks in a
"He’s trash"
"He is dangerous as a leader. This protest was an excuse for him to
"What occured was wrong and illegal and could well spread this ter
"This guy is a fraudster"
"Brian has disrespected the hard work we all have put in to stamp o
"He doesn't deserve it when everyone else is working hard"
"Whilst majority if nz are abiding by the laws..the gangs including th
"This guy is a total plonker who shows just how selfish he is. He nee
"This is man ego... nothing about God"
"He's a donkey dick"
"Who the hell does he think he is. He is a huge scam artist making m
"brian is scum thats why im signing"
"1 rule for all..."
"Brian T has taken actions that don't represent the majority of Auck
"Brian Tamaki broke public health lockdown restrictions for his own
"I believe that he has used his privileged position to put his followe
"Charge him Now !!"
"That mans a charlatan"
"It's wrong that hes used religion as a tool to misinform others, ask
"No person is above the law and this person who has strong influen
"Because laws were broken & consistency in this situation should b
"I've had enough of this bull!"
"This guy sucks and is a risk especially to the uneducated populatio
"He cannot get off scot free after such irresponsible actions!"
"He's a self-serving grifter"
"One law for all."
"He’s a fuckwit putting peoples lives at risk"
"L Pillay"
"He should be charged community has Scarified so much and Bus
"All the hard work we have done so far going in vain, very selfishne
"Agree, an irresponsible act"
"He deliberately broke the law and and incited others to do so"
"I believe that the safety of the community should be put ahead of
"Tamaki is a selfish thug who cloaks himself in the worst aspects of
"It is irresponsible and careless of anyone but himself. Seeker of po
"It is abhorrent and irresponsible to go against public health advice
"Fuck Brian"
"Brian Tamaki is an idiot"
"Because he's all about the money hs church is a cult as well he thin
"He believes he is above the law, we sucifice and he does as he cho
"Because police should not be handout fines for covid lockdown br
"He is risking lives - these laws are important and need enforcemen
"The rules are there for everyone !"
"One law for everyone."
"It is illegal.It is morally wrong.Is the opposite of the leadership we
"I think for personal public stunt on wrong cause, he should be cha
"He is getting out of hand and needs to be charged. As a Christian h
"The rules are for everyone. Brian Tamaki should not be exempt. H
"Everyone else who has broken lockdown rules has been charged, w
"No one is this special"
"This guy thinks he is a law unto himselfCompletely thwarted sny th
"This is illegal under L3 covid restrictions - they could have signed a
"Deliberately illegal act & a complete disregard for the common go
"He has broken the covid rules and put Auckland residents in dange
"He is arrogant and thinks he is above the law and puts Auckland fu
"It was so wrong hardly any of them wareing mask. People are lock
"People need to realise that protests like this could be the reason t
"He needs to be bought down a rung on the ladder. He believes his
"Hes a scammer and he shouldn't of done what he did hes a dick he
"Dick Head"
"Brian Tamaki put himself above the law and acted out of self inter
"Chloe mulvihill"
"Brian Tamaki and his wife are simply concerned about their tithe m
"I want out of lockdown and selfish people like this should be punis
"This is an errosponcable use of influence"
"He is a danger to society!!!"
"He's a dick"
"Brian Tamaki is a con artist ripping people off who can ill afford his
"I don't agree with his organising the protest"
"He doesn't care about anyone's safety and put others at risk"
"All for his own egoNothing has changed"
"Idiots like him are going to get people killed with the Delta virus, n
"No one is above the law. I"
"complete dickhead"
"Putting members of the public at risk just to further his own agend
"I am very angry!!!"
"He’s a dangerous man targeting vulnerable New Zealanders"
"Why should one be above the law, we all need to care about our c
"He is a false prophet."
"An example needs to be made of Brain."
"Out of touch. A tweet would've been safer, and more effective."
"I'm signing because no one is above the law. Not even Brian Tama
"the health and safety of people living in New Zealand was put at ri
"This is a dangerous man."
"Sadly this man does not represent the church or Christians in NZ.
"It was against covid level 3 rules."
"I'm ashamed that this man carries a Maori name, ashamed he has
"Blatant disregard, whether we agree with them or not, for the cur
"He is irresponsible, selfish and has jeopardized our communities a
"He is an egotistical dick head. This guy takes his flock for a ride wit
"He is a major threat to public safety"
"This man is a parasite who continually flouts the law, encourages o
"We have been locked down for 6 weeks, I have cancer and object
"He should be charged!! No except able behavior putting g us all at
"Level 1 for him and gangs. Level 3 everyone else. Over it"
"He's a selfish person who needs to be punished like anyone else"
"He's ruining it for the whole country"
"Money grabbing hypocrite putting the rest of us in danger for his o
"Hez an asshole"
"Lock this guy for putting everyone's livery hood at risk. There's bus
"He broke the rules charge him"
"The mans a parasite living of Whanau who cant afford to pay for h
"He broke the rules so should be charged. If it was anybody else the
"Rules apply to everyone, he broke them and put people's health a
"He went against govrernment policy and has risked other people"
"Tamaki is a self centered egotist and has put our city at risk."
"If even one person was infected at the protest, then this gives Cov
"No one should be above the law. He has put the community at risk
"I always think of the Phil Collins song ‘Jesus he knows me’ when I h
"Am sick of people not obeying the rules which would help us get b
"All our efforts may go to waste because of the disgusting behaviou
"If nothing is done about his rule breaking, or the rule breaking of t
"This is making mockery of Auckland’s lockdown businesses and pe
"B Tamaki misrepresents the issue of freedom and acts in his own v
"Fed up with the Government and police over this. So the police go
"For peoples lives & livelihoods & for NZ we all need to adhere to t
"It's despicable"
"This person is out of control and taking advantage of vulnerable pe
"Obey the rules"
"I cannot actually believe this clown has 2000 supporters"
"Does he think he is outside the law ?"
"Rules should be the same for everyone what makes him and the re
"What motivated Brian Tamaki's outrageous and arrogant action? W
"He shouldn't have broken level 3 rules and encouraged other to as
"Surely what he did is against the law, and if so he should be charge
"He's an egg"
"Because he and his wife use their power over others to make selfi
"He is selfish and conceited ! No thought for the safety of New Zea
"YES YES YES….. charge him and everyone else that went."
"He's a greedy dickhead. Money and ego over public safety. These
"Like all harmful parasites he should be treated like one."
"He is an idiot and he needs to be charged"
"As a leader in the community he has a duty to abide by the rules!"
"He broke the law that everyone in New Zealand needs to keep."
"of Tamaki's criminally irresponsible acts."
"I believe in someone's freedom of speech, but not during a pande
"Snake oil merchant"
"Because what he did was senseless and unlawful.I believe the pers
"He is trying to be above the law"
"Inciting/organizing this action was reckless, selfish and unlawful. It
"The event should not have been permitted in level 3 lockdown"
"Selfish people like Tamaki and his followers are preventing nz from
"I would say Give him a Big fine. But it will be donated money from
"I hate that this individual thinks he is above the health mandate th
"He has too muchHe has no concerns for the average NZ’er. A selfis
"The rules apply to everyone. That includes the Destiny Church"
"Most of us are knuckling down and obeying the rules. This egotisti
"There’s so many reasons I’ve signed this! But in simple terms it’s N
"He is an egotistical megalomaniac who is totally in love with himse
"He staged an illegal and potentially life threatening protest wuth a
"He needs charging in breach of section 70 (emergency legislation)
"We are all giving up so much to try and fight this virus and this ma
"The protesters are putting everyone else at risk. Brian Tamaki nee
"People like him pray on the weakness of other peoples to better th
"No it’s to ok on all levels..."
"He broke the law, doesn't pay tax and is a complete charlatan."
"He has put the lives of Thousands of New Zealanders at risk of Dea
"Just likes to be the centre of attention with no regard for others. W
"We need these clowns prostitute"
"Brian Tamaki is a dickhead"
"The man is arrogant"
"I’m signing because what he did was illegal! So many of us have be
"Judith simons"
"This was such a selfish act regardless of how he spins it"
"Totally agree with this. Why should he be above the law. He has p
"What gives him the right to threaten putting all of the hard work,p
"He broke the law."
"Im signing because he used a pandemic which has vunerable whan
"Is there one rule for Brian Tamaki and one for everyone else ? No
"Brain is a wanker"
"He should be changed"
"He broke the law and put all of us at risk"
"By encouraging an illegal gathering he put Aucklanders in further d
"most of new zealand are following the rules he shouldn't be gettin
"He is an disrespectful prick"
"I can't get into Auckland to see my sick mother or my son and this
"Disrespectful and arrogant."
"It was totally illegal and not ok!!"
"He’s a self righteous dick"
"A rather irresponsible person perhaps one day he would be appro
"He could've just held a service at church. Then they can all give the
"All the organisers of this event need to be held accountable and o
"It's stupid, totally irresponsible and disrespectful to the rest of New
"Bishop Brylcreem should be locked up for putting us all at risk bec
"He openly and willingly chose to risk the safety of his followers an
"because covid would kill me if i got it evan had 2 jabs"
"Same rules for everyone, stay home!"
"Seeing photos from the protest really made me think: 'I should vis
"What he did was reckless and could well impact on peoples health
"Hes an idiot and put peoples lives in danger"
"This is an irresponsible act, inciting others and delaying the road o
"People need to follow the rules."
"Sick of selfish self promoting people."
"Rules are for a reason."
"He thinks he is the Godfather and everyone will do as he says. He
"He's a disgrace! Some may argue that he does som much good for
"It’s despicable"
"He is a dangerous terrorist ruling people to disregard our governm
"He made a conscious decision to break the law, and encouraged a
"He is a conman."
"He's not special. Everyone is doing their part in this whole lockdow
"Tamaki thinks he's above the law which isn't the case."
"He and his followers have jepodised the whole of NZ and he shoul
"Holding this large gathering when Auckland has been restricted fo
"He's a twit."
"He broke the law and this should not be ignored"
"Brain is the devil "
"This man is an idiot"
"Spreading Covid spreads hospitalisations & death, vaccines protec
"Vax over 79% 15 yards from the goalpost.. and then .. stupid"
"He is breaking the law!"
"If it was anybody else they would get charged. Why the hell should
"Brian Tamaki has broken the law regarding gatherings of people. H
"Who does he think he is? He put people at risk and broke the kaw
"There can’t be one rule for most and another for him"
"A selfish act, he put the community at risk."
"He is a conman. IRD needs to investigate his finances and this croo
"Joanne Precious"
"He's a fuck wit"
"He is not the only one who takes this course. But if he is charged,
"Totally agree with Dylan Calder"
"It's not fair that others in Auckland were obeying the rules. And h
"This man is deliberately misleading his 'flock'. What right has Bria
"He needs to be held accountable"
"Brian Tamaki is the worst. Charge him. Also, make him pay taxes."
"Criminal clearly breaking the law, morals missing!"
"He has potentially contributed to covid spread , shown callous disr
"I believe he has broken our law."
"He has no respect for his fellow men, women and children. That i
"For the safety of elderly and vulnerable people."
"He is being anti social/national!"
"Christina Hall"
"I care about our at risk ."
"Stop him, definitely NOT OK!@'"
"Brian should not be able to get away with this!"
"Brian should not be above the law. Prosecute him."
"What makes him different then any of us, there is no I in we!"
"I'm signing because it's not right for a few to ruin the efforts of the
"Brian Tamaki has the power to do good and encourage his followe
"He is putting the rest of New Zealand at risk and disregarding publ
"The rest of us Aucklanders are sacrificing a lot to follow the rules.
"Because he has no respect or concern for any of us, he thinks he is
"He’s a public menace trying to promote himself above the law."
"His actions were despicable and a slap in the face to all New Zeala
"i have been given this oppotunity to have someone who has broke
"He needs to be held accountable."
"Hundreds of thousands of Aucklanders are becoming vaccinated a
"fuck this dickhead"
"A strong message needs to sent that Tamaki’s blatant and dangero
"Brian Tamiki is a money stealing knob"
"He thinks he can get away with anything and he does. We are talk
"A huge number of people are trying to do their best to keep peopl
"Vax 79% 15 yards for the goalpost of freedom - then stupid strikes
"These ‘leaders’ are spreading mis information to desperate congre
"Such selfish & irresponsible behaviour"
"He has flouted the rules after discussing it with police"
"Mr. Talking has broken the law."
"Their actions are BS.."
"The self-appointed Bishop is a disgrace!Some may argue that he d
"This guy is an utter dickhead"
"Because this dufuss has put so many people at risk"
"He's a Muppet"
"It is time to stop these peole who are defying the rules. How many
"He broke the health law so should be charged and the other 2000
"He's not above the law.. he's put the country at risk, the list is long
"This man has lead others to dangerous spreading event. Blood on
"People were put at unnecessary risk and the consequences could
"I follow the rules to keep people safe. So should he"
"Selfish. Irresponsible."
"This man is putting all in NZ at risk through the ongoing spread of
"Religion is no valid reason for arrogance."
"He broke the law, endangered the health of others, disrespected t
"He's a lowlife poaching conartist ego maniac who has put us all at
"I'm signing because he is NOT above the law. Auckland has done it
"Firstly I cannot believe this guy has 2000 followers but he is the m
"Terrible behaviour when others are suffering so much"
"He is putting Auckland and indeed New Zealand at risk of further w
"He should be jailed for life for playing with people's lives in the mi
"Go to hell Brian"
"All those that attended the protest are selfish and broke the law"
"I think his behavior is a blatant disregard to the health and safety o
"Total selfishness"
"We are privakeged in this country tongetvheslthcare and help. His
"enough is enough! We've been locked down for weeks now and i
"The manager of a pyramid scheme should not be allowed to ignor
"Hes an idiot!"
"It was very selfish and arrogant of this group to protest over 'our'
"He needs to be accountable for what he has done!!!"
"I'm signing because we as Aucklanders have done the right thing b
"He is not above the law & if cases spread because of his protest it
"Robin Hood broke a few laws, sure. But he stole from the rich and
"His actions, as always are selfish! Others who have broken the law
"I need a haircut and the linger Auckland stays in level 3 the longer
"The Life of Brian involved a public stoning… ."
"I am sick of watching this man abuse his power and think that he i
"He’s an idiot !!"
"This is a disgraceful act of pure selfishness and he needs to be mad
"Dennis karl"
"He thinks he is above the law and clearly does not care about the
"He cares for no one"
"He definitely needs to be charged. The lowest scum on earth. Than
"Stop being so selfish & potentially ruining my chance of seeing imm
"We don’t need selfishness to get us through this!"
"He’s a dick"
"He must be charged or it tells us all our sacrifices are all for nothin
"This man is an insult to Christians. His actions are selfish and convi
"He should be charged for this flagrant disregard of lockdown rules
"bcos criminals should be charge. period"
"Tāmaki is criminally endangering all New Zealanders"
"This man has, by his egotistical grandstanding, put all the hard wo
"This is shocking that this man has not been charged. No one shou
"Why does he think he is exempt from breaching and wrongfully in
"He is a law breaking man endangering the SAFETY of public lives ,"
"I am signing as this man is directng many vulnerable people to ris
"It was illegal!"
"I am immune compromised and I rely on people doing the right th
"He's a total idiot."
"I believe this man thinks he is above the law and can do as he plea
"Brian should not be above the law!! He put people in danger."
"He broke the law. He's not exempt"
"This is absolutely disgusting and breaches Level 3 restrictions in a
"Massive gatherings Covid Breach he should be jailed"
"Brian Tamaki has put General Public on health risk."
"It seems grossly unfair and biased to charge others for breaking th
"He needs to be accountable"
"The demonstration places law abiding Aucklanders at further risk
"He is a twat"
"He was flaunting the law and will cause more people to be at risk a
"Brian Tamaki sucks"
"I hate that bitch"
"Because Brian Tamaki is dangerous. Lock him up."
"I’m signing because my whanau are in Auckland doing it tough for
"I’m appalled that his “meeting” was allowed! Seriously??"
"I believe his selfish attitude has placed us all at risk ."
"I agree he should be put in jail fined and don't forget to throw awa
"All the hard work from people of Aotearoa and this idiot may have
"Brian Tamaki has knowingly and maliciously put the lives of the citi
"Brian should know better. He calls himself a man of God! He put e
"He's a selfish egotistical prick who thinks he's a law unto himself &
"Signing this as we all need to stay in our bubble as per Laws been
"He should be arrested.... encouraging people to gather in the mids
"Lock the egg up"
"We should all be doing our bit to save our nation from Delta taking
"A blatant breach of the laws bought in to combat covid. And used
"What he instigated was wrong during lockdown"
"NZs biggest Narcissist knows no bound"
"Unlawful crowd gathering not following rules of mask and distanc
"Rules are rules. Charge the fuckwits."
"Mr Tamaki AND Peter Mortlock deserve to be locked up for this. T
"This demonstrates a total lack of respect for the health and safety
"He broke the health law and put our lives in danger."
"What about all the Aucklanders who have followed the rules, He n
"I want people to do the right thing so that we can get out of this le
"Brian Tamaki talks about [QUOTE] “…Ashley Hilter… Ashley Bloom
"People have list their livelihoods and sacrificed much to keep Auck
"We have all made so many sacrifices to curb Covid. How dare he (
"He's an absolute Bellend... Who needs locking up!"
"He promotes his ego over public saftey."
"He needs to be accountable for his actions"
"This should never happen"
"He is an idiot"
"Brian Tamaki is an attention seeking narcissus. He steals from the
"This is incredibly irresponsible and selfish. Especially from someon
"This is so wrong something needs to be done"
"Because these people have no care for yhe rest of those who abid
"We shouldn’t let this cult leader get away with jeopardising the he
"This self serving man runs his own agender at the cost of everyone
"He’s a dick!!"
"The rules need to apply to everyone. My husband & I are fully vac
"This action was not helpful at all"
"Actively incited person's to break Covid regs.."
"What makes him and all his followers any different to anyone else
"He is a rule into himself and what he did was illegal and irresponsi
"This douchenugget is ruining it for everyone"
"I want to protect everyone for the future."
"I want lock down to end"
"I’m over people like thinking he is above everyone else"
"This is a con man seeking to deprive more vulnerable people of th
"He a total fool and has the ability to outright lie on National TV."
"The pastor of muppets deserves to learn that actions have conseq
"Putting Newzealand at risk with gatherings"
"My understanding is he has acted against the section 70 orders in
"I am a kiwi but now live in the US. I have seen direct results of COV
"He has put fellow Aucklanders at further risk of spreading covid b
"you all are fucking retarded Fascist dickheads"
"He should be charged for not following the rules and encouraging
"This thieving wanker should be jailed, him and his grifter wife shou
"I sign this petition because he is an oxygen Theif"
"This protest was in contravention to the laws in place preventing p
"He has put the nation’s health at risk and undone the hard done b
"It was irresponsible and selfish of John Tamihere to call this rally.
"This rabble rouser exerts a dangerous threat to established order
"He is Brainless Tamaki, no regard for life."
"No thought has been given to the overall safety of NZers his behav
"Not even Brian is above the law"
"Auckland has been doing the right thing and the heavy lifting on b
"He thinks he can do what he likes. He thinks he's above the law."
"Diana ortiz"
"This was a wilfully selfish act that has endangered hundreds of peo
"He is such a fraud"
"He’s putting my safety at risk"
"I’m signing because he dosnt give damn about Covid"
"This really upsets me when the rest of Auckland is playing by the r
"I think Brian Tamaki has incited citizens to break the current geakt
"This guy is a con man . Not interested in people only himself ..."
"I am signing because this guy broke the rules and should face the p
"He deserves to be in jail, he has ruined all of aucklands work and i
"I'm signing because this man is human garbage."
"Arrogance putting others at risk Tax him also!"
"He has broken the law and should be charged."
"His self centred dangerous entitlement is breathtaking."
"I'm signing because it's not okay to put so many at risk."
"Tamaki is a danger to the peace of Aotearoa, and to all of our well
"Fine him the amount he’s stolen from the government in claims an
"He is putting everyone, including his followers at risk. If he really
"This action was not onlyarrigant but dangerous with complete disr
"Definitely jail, very corrupt"
"It's uncceptable"
"Totally disagree with what they did. Very selfish."
"What he did was ILLEGAL and put ALL OF US at risk!! Can he also b
"I'm guessing the 'Lockdown' is disrupting his "Financial Take" from
"Disgusting person who thinks he is above the rules of everyone els
"Brian Tamaki is a LOSER!!"
"I'd use some bad language if I answered this question......"
"He is not a law unto himself!!!!"
"They have endangered our future"
"He is an egotistical muppet that endangers people's lives"
"I think what he did was so wrong. Selfish idiot."
"Disregard for spreading of the delta virus."
"Putting us all at risk with his big gathering while we're all in lock do
"Make an example out him, fine him for what he is worth oh he mi
"He contradicts what he preaches and as our PM said it was a kick i
"He push other in risk"
"No one should consider themselves above the law! If you allow Br
"No one is above the law"
"Because there are rules to keep everyone safe. So many people ha
"Brian Tamaki was reckless and irresponsible in his actions with his
"Carol Earnshaw"
"He is a law unto himself and put a lot of people at risk. He went ag
"Because he's put the health of people at risk"
"I miss my family in Auckland, it's not fair they have to suffer becau
"Most people in Auckland and across New Zealand are doing the rig
"Jailed and the $130,000 In government wages paid out needs to b
"I'm signing because the guy is a dumb ass for organising this, I resp
"He is putting the community and country at risk, he doesnt care be
"This man’s arrogance has put every person in New Zealand at risk.
"He is ruining it for the whole country rspi sucklanders. He is not a
"I'm signing because I'm over this idiot!"
"Brylcream Brian brainwashes many people and then extracts mon
"Tamaki broke the law"
"He don't think of others"
"We ALL need to do our bit"
"This protest should not have happened under level 3"
"A ridiculous abuse of our countries Covid protocol"
"We should all be protecting each other from Covid. This is not cari
"I can explain him in 4 words, He is a joke. He has ruined the work o
"I'm livid"
"Putting our community at major risk."
"Remove his charity status as well, why shouldn't he pay tax on his
"Weve been in lockdown for nearly two months people have lost jo
"It's people like him that are stopping us going down levels."
"He broke the law and needs to be held accountable"
"He thinks he is above us all. MONEY MONEY"
"Justice for all. He and his supporters broke lockdown rules and ne
"He’s flouted the law and put NZers a step backwards after allThese
"There is a total disregard for those unable to get into hospital if sw
"Imagine being this stupid :/ these guys, all these people, know not
"I think Brian Tamaki is selfish and irresponsible."
"Susan MokeSigning because he should be charged for illegal gathe
"Rules for some and rules for those who think they above law"
"He’s corrupt that broke the law. He should be protected from con
"I care about others"
"He is a complete waste of space"
"No one is above the law. He needs to be made an example so as to
"He's a fuckwit"
"Because he put all of our lives at risk"
"His ego puts all of Aucklanders in danger!!"
"Your ego and personal freedom is not more important than protec
"I have made many sacrifices for Auckland and New Zealand and ha
"Ann Harrison"
"Its discusting"
"He disregarded the law. Has no respect for anyone."
"This guy is pathetic"
"This was a blatant organized crime against the public of auckland.
"His arrogance has put all of Auckland at risk. He is entitled to his o
"The person responsible for influencing so many vulnerable people
"It’s illegal & wrong Everything we are trying to do in order to elimi
"✨ gays caused the earthquakes ✨ - Brian tamaki"
"It has potential to be a COVID super spreader, against our current
"Putting our communities at further risk"
"Because he put his ego over the safety of All New Zealanders and
"He is putting all the Aucklanders at risk"
"This 'so-called' protest was NOT a declaration of human rights but
"Brian Tamaki needs to be stop!!!!!!"
"He needs to be locked up, completely flouts all rules, doesn’t care
"He thinks he is God"
"He needs to be held accountable, and his scam of a church closed
"Tamaki is not above the law and needs to be treated as a regular c
"He is a man of Satan and colt leader who believes he us above the
"He needs to be charged... He should not be exempt"
"My heart goes out to the people of Auckland who have done the r
"This man is a public nuisance !"
"Hes a cunt!"
"I am signing this petition because I live in auckland and have had t
"We are in lockdown. Angry.."
"Tamaki is a scumbag who deserves to be thrown in prison"
"He's is selfish and only thinking of his churches coffers."
"Selfish man who thinks he is above the law. He is not, nor ever wil
"Lock him up"
"he's a self absorbed selfish prick who prob be the cause of more d
"He broke the rules!!! when people/business owners etc are doing
"Tamaki is a freeloader, he lives a very high lifestyle via the tax free
"Same law applies to everyone NO exceptions"
"Brian Tamaki is endangering public health and safety by holding th
"He should be charged for breaking the law, inciting others to brea
"We need to stay locked down"
"Brian Tamaki has broken Covid rules and unnecessarily put people
"He broke the law"
"No one should be above the law."
"Brian Tamaki openly defied a public health order and needs to fav
"I'm signing because Brian Tamaki is showing complete disregard to
"He broke the law & potentially created a super spreader event."
"This guy is a total dick and is putting the lives of people at risk"
"He's an awful human being, is against gay marriage and complains
"Why should he get away with what he has done. Anyone else wou
"This will make government and authority do something about this
"I am signing this petition as a concerned christian as it was a terrib
"He's an idiot. You break the law you should be punished for it."
"He is an idiot"
"The police should not have stood and watched this flagrant breach
"Because we are all doing the right thing by staying home!he is not
"This crazy person thinks only of his group and himself. What a very
"he needs to be accountable"
"We are a team of 5 million & don’t need a small minority ruining a
"His criminal action/s need to be addressed URGENTLY. He can nev
"Destiny Church should lose its Wage a Reparation and
"His selfish actions could jeopardize people's lives, Auckland's econ
"He is setting a bad example, while soo many people are doing thei
"He made the whole mess happen. So angry he put our nanny at ris
"He had an amazing opportunity to use this to get his “flock” vaccin
"Tamaki is taking the piss on society and brainwashing."
"I shouldn’t have to sign a petition — the police should be doing th
"He is arrogant & selfish ignoring PANDEMIC a man with little brain
"I want to go and see my fucking son and my mum but can't becaus
"He needs to be bought down a rung on the ladder. He believes his
"No one should be exempt from endangering our people like this n
"It was a slap from Brian Tamaki on the face of Aucklanders followi
"He has shown contempt for the safety of others to me its close to
"We all need to work together, not against each other"
"So many reason's but simply he should be treated like all law brea
"This was totally irresponsible."
"The law is the law - arrogance plays second fiddle - we have all do
"Brian Tamaki must be held accountable for his actions"
"Evrryone is equal he incited and organised an illegal rally and shou
"He's a hypocrite!"
"He is totally irresponsible."
"His behaviour is outrageous, people are Making huge sacrifices, an
"So many of us are going without by sticking to the rules and Brian
"I'm sick of law breakers. But, mainly I hate the prick"
"He is equal. No favours"
"Illegal gathering and risking spread of Covid as well as inciting peo
"Covid risks"
"It shows lack of leadership and is totally irresponsible for any lead
"Lock him up and throw away the key"
"His arrogance in thinking he is immune to rules enforced on every
"So many people have done the hard yards, and this dudebro think
"Words just don't describe the disgust i have for this man's actions"
"He is ignorant af and he is just being a selfish fking prick that need
"He put innocent lives in danger including his own followers.... Wha
"Aucklander are doing their part for the community. And no one is
"A rude gesture to all kiwis who have worked hard and suffered thr
"I’m signing because he purposefully broke the law and encouraged
"My retail clients are suffering badly. He enjoys tax-free charity sta
"It should be one law for all!"
"He is putting public health at risk"
"Yes, I agree. We would be charged. Why has he got the right that o
"This is not right - he should be held accountable"
"Many nzers including myself have sacrificed so much to keep delta
"No actions that have potential consequences like those Tamaki an
"He is breaking the law."
"You can not have different laws for different people!!"
"Everyone else is obeying the rules he shouldn't get away with it."
"We have sacrificed so much too be kicked in the head by this idiot
"...���'� �� �����!! �ℎ�� �ℎ��ℎ���!**�
"He broke the law"
"He needs to be treated like the criminal he is. He broke the law an
"Because "Tutangata" 藍"
"He was only doing it for financial gain. Lock him up"
"He's a dickhead only doing it because he's missing out on money f
"He has put us all at risk"
"Such an irresponsible and dangerous thing to do."
"He needs to be charged and felt with for putting the rest of the co
"He thinks he's above the law and is a danger to society. He plays o
"Clearly illegal behaviour for the Tamakis to be there, and were inc
"He thinks he us God ,how dear he plays with our lives. He has to p
"Brian Tamaki willfully coerced around 800 people to flaunt the Lev
"Down with this sort of thing!"
"We’re all following the rules and doing what we need to do to slow
"We don’t have a two tier society . Laws are for all of us not to men
"He’s a fool and deserves the book thrown at him"
"I don't agree on any of his views"
"He disobeyed the covid rules and put peoples lives at stake"
"Because people can't just decide to break the rules to suit their ow
"It's so wrong doing this when the majority are following the rules
"I am one of many doing the hard yards in Auckland. Too many peo
"It was illegal, simple."
"He has endangered all of us with his irresponsible actions and nee
"He is outrageous. This protest is illegal"
"Feeding misinformation to those who are already vulnerable with
"Brian is a hypocrite and abuses his followers trust."
"I’m signing because he has put Aucklanders at risk and just wantin
"He's wrong"
"He's a prick"
"The rule of law has been seriously undermined by this person and
"This idiot and his merry dipsticks need too be charged"
"He is happy to create risk for all"
"He’s a fu**ing idiot who can’t be allowed to endanger others."
"He is a complete idiotic speciman of a man"
"He broke the law and got other people to break the law along with
"no-brainer - told to keep gathering numbers down - what right do
"If the police let this slide, it’s game over for the masses bothering
"I'm sick of being in Lockdown, I want my life back!"
"He is a sanctimonious b>!!S^#!!er"
"He's a charlatan and a fake."
"It was wrong what they did purring all raise people ar risk ."
"He has blatantly broke the law by holding this meeting."
"...Let's be clear!! this shithead!**is "Gang Leader Brian Tamaki" #
"Graeme Franklin"
"He broke lockdown"
"The Flea is bleeding tax payers dry! Protest may have been peacef
"He's disobeying the law and put many people at risk"
"Brian Tamaki is a muppet and should be charged for his actions!!!"
"He is not god"
"No one should be above the law."
"He needs shot"
"Auckland has been in lockdown for weeks and doing it hard for all
"Because what he did put so many others at risk"
"I agree with the petition."
"This man needs to be stopped."
"I'm disgusted that he put NZ at risk"
"We need to do what is best for everyone in New Zealand. Unless w
"He called Ashley Bloomfield a Hitler."
"Signing because this guy needs a reality check"
"He needs to follow the law"
"He thinks he’s God and he’s Not!!!"
"he is no different to anyone else and should respect the public hea
"He's an idiot"
"This poor excuse for a human needs to be behind bars risking our
"He put auckland at risk thinks he is holder than thou"
"He broke the law and incited discontent towards the legally electe
"The likes of Brian Tamaki (and other self apointed mega church lea
"They broke the law and should be charged"
"I am signing to help the Aucklanders who have stayed on track. Th
"He incited people to break the COVID rules."
"He's a danger to the community."
"Typical attitude of an egotistical narcissist. Auckland is in trouble..
"People need to understand that extra ordinary problem need extr
"it's not ok to run against the tide of trying to get on top of covid 19
"I'm furious at this protest, and right before the announcement. Th
"He should not be exempt in fact he could potentially cause greate
"I believe his behaviour is neither Christian nor in keeping with Mao
"I disapprove of this man and his actions!!"
"It needs to be done.Also charge that useless police commissioner
"Arrest the lawbreakers, of course"
"I'm signing this because I have seen first-hand the damage and po
"It was irresponsible to encourage people to gather in large groups
"He's retarded!"
"This man's actions has put us all at risk"
"Muppets like him think they are above the law"
"He’s an idiot"
"I cannot believe the arrogance of someone who encourages his de
"Police should shoot Tamaki for inciting Biological Warfare"
"Totally illegal, inappropriate and likely to cause the spread of covi
"This man encouraged people to compromise the safety of the wid
"I’m signing because I want all of Aotearoa NZ to be protected from
"He is jeopardising our exit from lockdown"
"Fuck this guy"
"Not only charge him but companies should be able to sue him if h
"Because he’s a criminal"
"Brian Tamaki should be prosecuted, as well as any of those attend
"He has put public safety at risk"
"When most of us are doing our best. Mr Tamaki is risking lives an
"It should be 1 rule for all"
"He put a lot people at risk of contracting COVID 19 and potentially
"One of the reasons Auckland is still locked down. This egotistical c
"One rule for all!"
"We are all trying do hard by vaccinating and following the rules se
"This guy needs locking away from society"
"He is a prick! A selfish idiot that is only interested in self adoration
"He believes he is better than any other Kiwi, making money off the
"He had put lives at risk, absolutely idiotic"
"The way out of lockdowns Brian is vaccination, why not hold an on
"This person is a criminal"
"He's a numpty"
"Because he broke the rules. Arrest him."
"Brian is a money hungry manipulator who preys on the weak. He s
"Its a disgrace also an insult to all Aucklanders who stick yo the rule
"Why should he and his followers be allowed To get away with this
"He is an idiot a selfish idiot!!!"
"To stop further instances of this, the next one may well become a
"Because he broke the law. No gatherings means exactly that."
"It was not safe for anyone they just spreading the virus and nothin
"This was illegal and he should be charged accordingly. This was bla
"He needs to be held accountable for his actions this is not someon
"Naughty mummy's boy."
"Flouting lockdown rules should not be rewarded. This this type of
"He is a danger to others"
"I'm signing the petition b"
"I can't stand brian tamaki and everything he stands for. How dare
"He is compromising the success of the vaccination campaign and b
"This is the most ignorant, neglectful and abusive uses of religious p
"Brian Tamaki’s is not the Messiah - he’s just a naughty boy. He an
"He shouldn't be as free as he thinks he is"
"I have done all that is asked of me , my family and my Church, this
"He needs to follow the rules just like everyone else. Absolutely dis
"Because he broke the law. Seems one last for him a different one
"Most people in Auckland are doing the right thing and this clown fl
"I’m disgusted he feels he is above the law."
"He's a menace"
"Because he should be held accountable. If he doesn't then he will
"He's putting us all in danger"
"He need to be punished"
"臘♀️‍ "
"What an arrogant moron. Brian Tamaki needs to be locked up."
"This guy needs to be held accountable. It's disgusting to think he c
"Very wrong"
"he's wrong to do it and it's not fair to all the aucklanders who have
"Because this so called BISHOP Tamaki and his followers think they
"If others get charged over organized meet ups while at Alert Level
"idiot who thinks more about him self than people safety,"
"I would like to see Brian Tamaki charged for breaching a public he
"I believe no one is over the law, people don’t follow are answerab
"Brian Tamaki is not above the law, even though he seems to think
"This is not fair to everyone else who has worked so hard to get to
"Mary Walsh"
"He broke the Covid lockdown rules and incited other gullible/vuln
"Brian Tamaryl & all the other SUPER SELFISH EGOTISTICAL MOORO
"Rules broken."
"He's a dick"
"Brian is an idiot who is putting nz at risk"
"A complete prat with no regard for the law of the land and the po
"Tamaki needs to be held accountable for his actions and to ensure
"Each and every New Zealander must follow the rules and if they d
"It was a reckless act without considering the safety of people at la
"Like 97% of Aucklanders I have Locked Down, stayed home and wo
"I can not let a selfish public figure get away with putting people in
"Sheryll vink"
"I'm doing my part to save NZ and they aren't"
"He is NOT ABOVE THE LAW. An example needs to be set, and sent
"He is a D...HEAD"
"He is endangering the lives of many New Zealanders by holding a p
"Not like he doesn’t know he is breaking the rules, compulsive idiot
"Brian Tamaki and unmasked followers are a Group of selfish, entit
"He needs to be held accountable for any and all Covid infections re
"It will be harder for him to organise the two extra protests he has
"He sucks for doing that"
"Irresponsible & selfish actions that put our Team of 5 million at ris
"The rules are for everyone, not the elite few who think they can ge
"He put lives in jeopardy"
"Hes a bloody moron and should be punished for what he did on Sa
"Because this is the second time he has broken the rules."
"I hate douchbaggery"
"This "cult" leader blatantly disregarded the law and encouraged o
"I have obeyed the rules and been doubled vaccinated this lockdow
"He and his followers broke the law which most of us uphold and fo
"I'm signing because I work for Public Health and this TWAT has jus
"There can’t be one rule us and another for Brian Tamaki and his tr
"He is a power tripping fool who put thousands at risk just to boost
"He needs to be made accounrable"
"He’s a disgrace with zero regard for others"
"His behaviours during level 3 and misinformation is dangerous for
"It is wrong wrong. While the rest of NZ IS protecting the 5 million t
"I think Brian should be charged. He is a leader who is exposing his
"He should not have defied COVID safety requirements. It was an il
"This idiot has impacted negatively on the livelihood and lives of Au
"So much for being a Christian, guy thinks he shit doesn't stink and
"The rules apply to everyone and he should be complying and leadi
"He's an selfish ass who only has his own interests at heart. Idiot."
"Lock this idiot up..!!"
"Total disregard for the lockdown rules and potentially will cause u
"He is a fraud"
"He should not have organized a protest during lockdown"
"he broke the law"
"Hes disgusting risking lives only cares for himself"
"Why should he be an exception to the rule. He is playing with peo
"flouting current health orders and putting lives at risk is unaccepta
"He has an ego as large as the Grande canyon....UNTOUCHABLE
"Brian Tamaki is aiar and cheat and needs to be closed down"
"No true man of God would do this ... this man is fake. He acts like
"It was unfair with other people"
"He needs to be held accountable for his actions.This means he is n
"He's a numbnuts"
"Its dangerous and illegal to hold gatherings while covid-19 it here
"This idiot does not care for our unvaccinated under 12s. Lock him
"We have all made huge sacrifices to help stop the spread of Delta-
"This man is planning more protests, is advising his flock against va
"Brian Tamaki broke the law and risked the health of our communi
"Brian and his puppet's should all be taken down for being there du
"Tamaki is a selfish godless twat."
"Irresponsible behaviour, he should be setting a much better exam
"Selfishness breaking rules. Has an effect on all NZ. Vaccinate or be
"the law applies to everyone"
"He needs to be held accountable."
"Faith has its place and does not replace the hands and advice from
"He shouldn't be allowed to flout the rules when the majority of Au
"Brian is a mongrel"
"He's endangering innocent people for no other reason then his ow
"Breaking the law is no excuse. Needs to be set as an example"
"what he did was wrong we aucklanders put in all the mahi to stay
"Brian Tamaki is totally irresponsible. He and his followers are putti
"It's been said repeatedly that this was an illegal gathering why the
"He’s a fuckwit"
"He’s only doing it for the publicity"
"Absolutely unacceptable behaviour directing his gullible followers
"He needs to go..."
"So stupid and selfish act on Brian's behalf. What a total twat . Wha
"He I a danger to public safety"
"A disgraceful cult leader with severe delusions of grandeur put the
"Simple, he broke and encouraged others to break lockdown rules.
"People like this are only thinking of themselves and need to be he
"Everyone is trying to do the right thing to get on top of the COVID
"I’d rather deport him, but this is a good alternative."
"I want protection for all new Zealanders, so our families can come
"His views are self-serving and dangerous. He cares for nothing but
"I'm signing this because Brian is a dick 蘭"
"Why should he do what we cant"
"This man is a public nuisance."
"Law breakers should face consequences."
"We are all abiding..why does he feel he's the priviledged one,char
"We all need to help each other by staying positive about what lock
"Hes a dick"
"The tesm of 4998000 is more important than the team of 1998Ver
"It's deliberately breaking the law and endangering people."
"He is an idiot"
"Totally irresponsible, he thinks he is above the law"
"What Tamaki did was wrong and a slap in the face for everyone w
"I'm signing because he and his followers have broken the law."
"He needs to take responsibility"
"I know someone who knew him when young and he said at a party
"Brian Tamaki is a dick"
"He is doing huge damage and has no moral compass, he preys on
"Played by the rules for 6 weeks, my business has been 100% close
"He has acted irresponsibly and selfishly"
"It was a dangerous stunt, by a dangerous individual looking to rem
"He is holding us all to ransom."
"I'm signing because I'm sick of this idiot thinking he is a law unto h
"Disregard for the community as a whole. The most vulnerable are
"I am fed up with following guidelines only to have animals like him
"I heard he applied for Wage Subsidy. Lol. WHY?? Doesn't he get en
"because He is a Fuckwit"
"I have a brain"
"New Zealand and Auckland have given up so much to get on top o
"This is just not ok"
"Hes a dog and a cult leader,lock him up because he doesn't care a
"Brian Tamaki broke the law as well as his duty of care to his own c
"The Government has to be consistent. They can't lock us all down
"He is a danger to us all, he and his supporters included."
"He disobeyed the Covid rules and put Aucklander's lives at risk of
"This is a public safety issue"
"He's a dick head"
"This guy thinks he can do what he likes. He puts the public at risk.
"He is a stupid twat that has endangered everyone by doing such a
"I’m signing this because he put us all at risk with his stupidity"
"He's a danger to our nation and a liar."
"I have done everything the government asked of me. Stayed home
"He needs to be made an example of...they put up the fines to sho
"this guy's ego is bigger than a Mountain & it needs to be quarried
"He is not above the law!"
"Irresponsible action!! Endangering public safety!!"
"He's an idiot and needs to be held accountable"
"Tamaki is a parasite who could jeopardize Auckland's chances of g
"He deserves to be prosecuted"
"He no regard for public safety"
"It’s time he was made accountable for the lies and damage he doe
"This man is dangerous and should be held accountable. I am fed
"Because of his arrogant disregard for people’s safety. Though I wo
"He is holding us all to ransom."
"This kind of gathering will not help get Auckland out of level 3. If a
"This fight we have has potentially been for nothing thanks to the n
"He broke the law & put peoples lives at risk"
"Destiny is evil"
"He's an idot & deserves time in jail. He's put many lives at risk."
"The idiots will of spread more Covid"
"Brian Tamaki needs to be held to account for his irresponsible acti
"Why would you organise an event when we're in Level 3 lockdown
"we are all following rules to keep everyone safe and he has put all
"Apart from breaking the lock dow laws he is actively encouraging o
"Christian huh? Romans 13:1-2 says: "Obey the government, for Go
"He's a fucking penis head who needs time in jail to wake up!"
"He is an absolute dickhead jeopardizing the rest of us"
"He is a tool who should have been locked up years ago"
"I totally disagree with that event being held in level 3 lockdown."
"Lisa Hema"
"Brian Tamaki isn't above the law"
"ENOUGH!!!!!! this apology for a human be8ngcis not exempt from
"Charge him! He’s a absolute tool!"
"They broke the law. The worst thing is that the spineless police did
"We all need to keep to the rules to get through this."
"it is wrong to not abide by the rules that everyone else is sticking t
"He could undo all Aucklands hard work with this"
"This man has claimed over $100.000 in covid relief fund and can th
"Others were arrested why not him. What’s special about him? Bill
"Destiny church had no right to protest on my behalf.they have end
"Failure to charge a clear breach of the Covid 19 rules under the He
"He broke the law. He needs to deal with the consequences for this
"He and the stupid folk following him deserve to be locked up - jeo
"There should be no leniency for ideologies."
"We have been working hard to eliminate COVID-19 in Aotearoa. P
"So many selfish people calling themselves New Zealanders when w
"It violated level3 rules"
"I'm signing this because while the majority of people are suffering
"The man thinks he's above the law and should be held accountabl
"We need to all follow the rules, and achieve a high level of vaccina
"Prophet Jesus, the Son of Mary (aleihi salam) called for loving you
"I think he is a danger to our country and a very dishonest man ...D
"Rules apply to him too."
"This self-proclaimed apostle is an ignorant dangerous fool who ha
"This is incredibly bad that the police allowed this to happen. Why
"Deregister the charity status as well...what a joke"
"What he did was wrong"
"I got a message from god that Tamaki got it wrong - it’s not Destin
"he's a bloody idiot who should be locked up in jail"
"Absolutely disgusted at the total disrespect to all of those who are
"Completely irresponsible and dangerous"
"I think he is spreading false information and needs to be stopped."
"I'm signing because he is a lying charlatan, this virus is hitting Māo
"It’s irresponsible to encourage people to gather without proper co
"I want him charged as well as everyone else involved in this illegal
"He is putting all of us at risk and not keeping his own congregation
"I live in the SI and I can't operate my business in any other level ap
"For any one to entice people to meet as a group under level 3 is il
"His behaviour is madness. However, I’d bet he was careful to be m
"Think the actions of Tamaki n his followers were a blatant breakin
"He’s totally irresponsible "
"This object is a hazard to humanity."
"He did wrong and needs to pay for it."
"Support for my whanau"
"If this had been anyone else they would’ve been arrested so why s
"Appaling behaviour from these clowns"
"As a Christian, what he is doing is rebelling against authority and p
"He was Irresponsible and His protest was Illegal and Put Peoples
"He was absolutely wrong. Didn't give a dam about the ones who c
"Most of Auckland are doing the rightful path to stop covid.He has
"Darrel Bradley"
"He organised and encouraged other to be part of an Illegal protest
"His actions say that he feels above the law his actions if not prosec
"this protest of his was morally wrong and a insult to the people of
"I believe the NZ Police should charge this arrogant man as the org
"J Dennis"
"Absolutely disgusting human being. Putting the personal profits he
"True Freedom comes with responsibility - this narcisistic leech has
"I'm so pissed at these guys!!! I know he thinks he's God but this is
"This man thinks he's god and his god puts us all at risk."
"It is outrageous he feels he can act beyond the law. The police sho
"Should b jailed"
"Brian is a complete d#@khead, breaking Covid-19 rules"
"He flouts the rules under the guise of being a Christian. He is an ab
"Because he should be held accountable for his actions!"
"It shouldn't happened arrest him for breach of covid health orders
"I don't like Religious Crack Pots that only consider themselves, bef
"His behaviour in organising this illegal activity has caused a large n
"One rule for all! No special treatment for people who blatantly fla
"I’m a front line nurse and can’t believe the arrogance of this “ so c
"He’s an idiot compromising public safety. Selfish beyond belief."
"No religion says stay against the law and safety of others"
"He need to go in jail and get a big banana in the ass"
"Organising a super spreader event in the middle of an outbreak is
"I just can’t believe the ego of this person who thinks he is above th
"I am signing this because all 9 members of my family are immune
"Tamaki is a scum bag, charlatan, a very poor excuse for a leader."
"I care about my fellow citizens even if Mr Tamaki does not..."
"Who does he think he is? No more than a money-grabbing cult lea
"Against lawbreakers and morally a kick in the face for all auckland
"Take away charity status of destiny church and lock him up"
"He is not above the law, Auckland era are doing what they have to
"For public health and country economic"
"Because he has broken the Level 3 rules & jepodised other Auckla
"The guy is an irresponsible fool"
"Teresa Poh"
"Brian Tamaki is a vile excuse for a human being and does not have
"Because most of NZ is doing the right thing, and why do we have t
"He should be held accountable"
"He is not a role model"
"Tamaki has put Aucklanders in jeopardy by his attention seeking a
"You are selfish, You keep the people safe before"
"Brain Tamaki you idiot"
"I'm signing because I feel some sort of punishment should be give
"I’m over Destiny church doing horrible things - but this is the final
"Brian Tamaki is wrong to encourage people to break the rules and
"You can’t go round breaking the law when your putting the whole
"This is unacceptable behavior from someone who purports to be i
"I 100% agree Tamaki broke the NZ law"
"What he did was illegal !"
"People like him will spread Covid"
"He puts everyone at risk"
"The rules are set for public safety and on the best advice."
"I think it is a disgrace that this protest was even allowed. wake up
"I have grave reservations about Destiny Church and Brian Tamaki’
"Tamaki’s actions were irresponsible and destructive to a sensible C
"Totally irresponsible and shows a disregard for the safety of other
"He’s a bloody idiot"
"Just lost for words. How dare he organise an event like this where
"Because Brian broke all safety protocols by organizing a protest of
"This fuckwit needs to be held accountable"
"His actions were criminal. Everyone in Auckland are doing their bit
"Leaders like this are putting their power to an unsafe purpose, putti
"This self entitled creep is probably fully vaxxed. Bet most of the id
"I'm doing this lockdown by myself, the last thing I want or need ar
"He is a danger to the community!"
"Because hez justs put a lot of peoplez livez in jeopardy who da hel
"I live in southland and the impact on families and businesses has b
"Lock this non-Christian grifter up!"
"Most New Zealanders respect that we all have obligations to keep
"Brian Tamaki is a dangerous man. I believe he should be charged w
"He has endangered everybody in community."
"Brian tamaki is a crook"
"How dare he use 'God defend our free land'... Regardless of wher
"This man is an arrogant, irresponsible arsehole. He shouldn't be ab
"He has no respect for others ,"
"Such a muppet & so full of himself"
"De-Register his organization as a church or charity would be a goo
"Tamaki and his wife are spreading disinformation, which is the las
"In his position this person should be helping not hindering the wor
"Epidemics are a serious matter where the needs of the whole pop
"So much for Christian love and caring! This vain and stupid man m
"One law for all. This selfish man must be held to account for end
"I am signing because this guy is so full of shit."
"Wearing masks is mandatory"
"Brian Tamiki is risking the safety of the wider public."
"His actions are illegal and this jeopardises the lives of others."
"It's crucial to our retail businesses to be able to open. It's unbeliev
"This was such a stupid selfish thing that he did and a big slap in the
"Aucklanders have worked so hard for all of NZ to try and control C
"Brian Tamaki can't create his own laws. He flouted them openly so
"Destiny Church was all too happy to claim over $100k of the COVID
"Hes a leech!!!"
"Because I believe in the law and my fellow New Zealanders"
"Because this man is doing more harm then good."
"He doesn’t care about people"
"Stick to the rules"
"He shouldn’t be allowed to get away with large gathering while we
"I'm also asking that others at the top with Brian Tamaki be charge
"Unreal selfishness. It needs to end."
"This moron is acting not in a responsible manner but illegally!!"
"Hold him to account"
"He has put public safety at risk and delayed lockdown release."
"He shouldn't of broke the law!"
"he is a real risk to us and such a hypocrite - taking covid money an
"This guy and his cash cow church needs to be shut down and pros
"We all want to get back to some kind of normal and with this sort
"I want to get to auckland and see my kids. His actions will prolong
"I am sick of lockdown and he isn’t helping the situation."
"Linda McPhail"
"Unfair to aucklanders that keep to the rules"
"Selfish people spread Covid"
"We all have to live by the rules"
"He needs to be accountable for his actions"
"Maybe not quite a team of 5 million if you have to factor in self en
"A few should not have the right to jeopardise the majority safety."
"One group of people should not be allowed to ruin it for the rest o
"He's putting public, whole NZ residents in danger"
"This guy has fully broken the law insisting a big gathering of peopl
"He only thinks of himself... escaped out of Auckland 1st lockdown.
"Brian Tamaki is a public menace. Places his interests & greed abov
"People who break the law get charged!"
"Same rules for all of us 5 million, and those breaking the rules mus
"I think he needs to be charged and serve prison time"
"He's an idiot who only wants to get back to conning people in pers
"I am not in favour of what he did. Irresponsible!!"
"He is dangerous to public health."
"So irresponsible to do this to his own community let alone the res
"He can not, and should not risk the lives of the innocent at the exp
"Enough already! Unless the Government and Police actually DO SO
"If it's good for the goose it's good for the gander. I was spoken to t
"He should be charged"
"He's good for nothing selfish idiot and needs to be charged and jai
"He broke the law."
"As a community leader he should be encouraging people to get ba
"Its a blatant disrespect of the rules that puts people's lives a risk, w
"This man is the tool of the devil and actively works to undermine t
"He endangered the community with his egotistical self serving rhe
"I'm signing because he is a Dick and I don't like him. Is that good e
"Law should be same for everyone. If you break the law, you should
"Because look at him man iv hated him since the day he started"
"After all the hard work Aucklanders have done, being on lockdown
"This person should be made an example of, for being a complete
"He has contributed in taking our freedoms away, and extremely u
"He has endangered our health and economy.He is a terrorist. IMH
"Because this lunatic has been given too much say with no bounda
"Its was against the law that why."
"This man is possessed by the devil."
"Most of NZers have done the right thing, which is getting vaccinat
"Brian Tamaki is a crook and needs to be stopped."
"He is an absolute joke of a man"
"Absolutely irresponsible, he completely rubbish’s the sacrifices of
"I believe in Covid Level 3 safety precautions"
"He's a criminal encouraging others into criminal activity"
"He's totally WRONG!!!"
"We are all put at risk to satisfy one jerks ego :("
"Brian Tamaki is the devil in disguise lording over his scared flock . H
"Apparently some people are immune from the law"
"What he did was illegal!!!"
"Prosecute Brian Tamaki!"
"What makes this group think it’s ok to not wear masks"
"He is a law breaker and thinks he God......"
"He needs to be accountable for putting us all at risk, just to feed h
"Brian Tamaki is a fuck wit that has brainwashed so many people. W
"He has broken the law and us not above the law."
"Brian tamaki preys on the weak and vulnerable to make money to
"He’s an idiot"
"What a dick - give him a massive fine."
"He needs to be shut down and charged"
"why is someone so selfish?"
"He is an abomination. Calls himself a man of God.. RUBBISH. He sh
"If there's a lockdown, there are no church services. If there are no
"Brian Tamaki breaches the law and its unacceptable."
"I have sacrificed so much like the majority of New Zealanders over
"I'm signing this petition because this person/egoist should be mad
"Other Auckland citizens have done the hard yards and stuck to loc
"Why is his Evil self rewarded...a $$$ raising event for his church re
"Tamaki needs to be called on his attention seeking, dangerous acti
"He demonstrate no respect for law and keeping everyone safe. Se
"He need to be charged and locked up. He is dangerous."
"He needs to be told!"
"This guy is full of it and putting people's lives at risk!"
"Doesn't matter who you are, rule breakers should be accountable
"He needs too be held responsible for breaking the laws.."
"He is an idiot."
"He is part of the problem and not the solution."
"This was a totally illegal and stupid thing to do and to encourage v
"The man is arrogant and puts his needs ahead of the majority"
"For Not following the Level-3 restrictions. Thanks"
"We must enforce the law .. we cannot organise a picnic nor a bike
"We’ve missed out in important family events by sticking the rules
"Because it is selfish, irresponsible, attention seeking stunt, inhuma
"He is man with ridiculous ideals that ignores the law and his influe
"Don't agree with the gathering of so many in one place, in this unc
"He broke the lockdown rules and encouraged other to as well"
"We all have rights to be protected from this tricky virus. Unbelieva
"Brian Tamaki needs to be held responsible for organizing a rally th
"Tbh I jus really dislike this guy"
"The Police Commissioner should never have given Tamaki permiss
"Dean Mckissock"
"Because Brian Tamaki is the absolute worst of the worst, he encou
"Bishop Brian and his followers think the law doesn’t apply to them
"He's a dick"
"Charge him, what makes him different to the rest of us."
"He needs to follow Nz laws like all of us"
"I just dont like the guy "
"This affects my family, friends and all people. The countries that h
"It is wrong"
"What are we paying the cops for?"
"because tamaki has undermined the hard work put by Auckland to
"Because hes a dick who jeopardized all of Auckland's hard work of
"Brian Tamaki’s reckless disregard for public safety should not be ig
"Of his selfish stupidity"
"Brian Tamaki is putting the entire population at risk for his own eg
"It's not ok for him to endanger other peoples lives. Wait until thos
"Who does he think he is? Out there not wearing masks in Aucklan
"hes floughting the rules its not safe and hes put everyone at risk"
"The rest of us are doing the right thing by staying at home and getti
"He is breaking the rules"
"He puts others at great risk of Covid."
"I'm signing petition because his ridiculous behavior of self righteou
"I want to keep New Zealanders safe"
"He should be prosecuted for holding this illegal gathering and putti
"Hes a down right idiot"
"he broke the law by organising this protest"
"He is a dick head"
"This idiot was warned by commissioner Costner that as the organi
"Ironic that a “bishop” should preach that personal liberty is more
"He thinks he’s a law unto himself. He’s a mentally delusional huma
"His actions put people at risk and undermined everyone who is sti
"I'm signing because the mass gathering was illegal and irresponsib
"I'm signing because most of us are trying our hardest and this just
"Aucklanders have been doing the hard yards and following the rul
"His messages are not ok. I want to know why he and the gangs are
"He is bringing greater risks of lockdown to be extended and leavin
"Organising this rally was self-agrandising, selfish and despicable. N
"His is a false prophet!"
"He should set a better example to his followers."
"Because the riots endanger everyone else. They are so selfish not
"When NZ Police can go by boat from case filled Auckland to no cas
"He is a conman taking from the poor to live the high life"
"I care for the well-being of all New Zealanders"
"Iam signing this because we all are doing our share to keep this co
"We are all in this together."
"I definitely think he should be charged for the illegal protest. Every
"I dont agree with what he is doing"
"Was illegal"
"His actions have made me furious! I would like to be out of lockdo
"Brian tamaki needs to be held to account for jeopardising the heal
"He should be charged and made an example of..."
"He needs to be held accountable for breaching the covid health or
"This man does not live out the faith he professes."
"He is a fraud and narcissist who will use any agenda to get his nam
"He broke the law. And has endangered others lives by his arrogan
"Brian tamaki is wrong. He's put many thousands of lives at risk. Lo
"I agree with this petition."
"Firstly he is a money grabbing criminal taking from people who ca
"I believe it is disgusting that police have stood back so far, allowin
"Because he's a total wanker .."
"I'm signing because of his inflated sense of entitlement and total d
"This gang style "church leader" had ruined the effort done by all A
"He should know better"
"Brian Tamaki breached the law he was not wearing a mask in a pu
"He is irresponsible. Putting us all at risk."
"This man has intentionally Put other lives in danger"
"He is working against the well-being of the Auckland community"
"I want to keep my family and friends safe. He doesn’t deserve to c
"He’s a hazard to the rest of New Zealand!!! Stop false propaganda
"The lunatic knows no bounds. Has no regard for the health of his c
"He's an irresponsible idiot and should not be above the law!"
"In n"
"Jackie Dean I'm signing because this type of behavior is bullshit re
"Rachel Homan"
"There is a seperation between Church and State for this very reaso
"I am furious re Brian Tamaki & his nonsense but even MORE blood
"He is just doing the wrong thing for attention."
"He’s an idiot and what he did could potentially keep Auckland in a
"This was the most stupid thing to do danger people's lives. God no
"While I don't believe there was anywhere near 2000 people at the
"We want to get out of lockdown but People like Brian Tamaki are
"Sick of idiots staling level change"
"The self-serving rich dude only wants to send his collection plate a
"He and his ignorant 'tin hat' followers jeopardized the work and sa
"He's a covid spreader and a fraud"
"Iam signing this petition."
"This man is dangerous - shades of Trump!"
"The dude is a scammer pure and simple"
"He knowingly placed others at risk."
"He has broken lockdown rules"
"I get not wanting to enforce laws on the public for lock downs to t
"Tamaki is a danger to our society and need to be stopped from co
"brainless Brian Tamaki should be behind the bar"
"This guy is a tool."
"Though I don't think the Alert Levels are effective as a blank soluti
"I am signing this position because Brian Tamaki makes his money o
"Because a corrupt evangelical should be taxed. Just like the rest of
"If he is the cause for me being in lockdown longer"
"He acted and encouraged others to act illegally during Level 3. It w
"We all need to pull together to overcome The effects of COVID, no
"Fuck Tamaki"
"Janelle Wills"
"It's so wrong.. Shame on him"
"Brian is an Egotist"
"Brian TAMAKI is a law breaker , her and the other 3 organisers of t
"I do not uunderstand why the Police didnt just closed off the gates
"Because hes an idiot"
"Sad Mother and modern day robber"
"Needs to be held accountable and any funding he received under
"Because Brian Tamaki is endangering the lives and freedoms of all
"Brian Tamaki is irresponsible!"
"Entitled idiot… most of us have stayed home and done the right th
"He should be charged"
"He needs a consequence for blatantly breaking rules that the rest
"He should not be encouraging his followers to risk their health in t
"Flouting of the rules impacts on the entire country & could serious
"There's a high chance Parnell will become a place of interest with
"He broke the law and set and appalling example to the country"
"He's putting others safety at risk for his own selfish beliefs"
"Because this idiot needs to be held accountable."
"The man is out of control putting himself above everyone else bein
"The rules are in place to keep everyone safe. The rule apply to him
"He a bloody hypocrite and two faced untrustworthy"
"He needs to be stopped"
"One rule for all. This d!ckhead is not the exception to the rule"
"These bunch of morons can't hold the rest of the country for ranso
"I am fed up with idiots like this."
"He preys on vulnerability amoung Maori and pacific communities.
"One rule for all"
"Because he’s selfish!"
"This shameless grifter must be stopped."
"Brian, you talk about supporting the needs of your congregation a
"He's a moron & so are his coughs #values."
"I don’t think it was legal so he should be crashed for it!!"
"I’m signing because he’s a waste of space in today’s society and he
"Because his protest was irresponsible and we are all struggling. W
"Hes an ignorant moron with no sence for public safety"
"Promoting the so called rights of the individual in a time of crisis th
"NZ can only be safe for all of us if we all pull our weight. Our paren
"He should have been arrested on the way to the protest and the w
"This guy is a charlatan and public menace. Way more of a problem
"He has no consideration about the people who stick to the rules so
"I'm signing this petition because hes a super spreader in lock down
"A person should not be permitted to ignore the laws if the country
"Irresponsible twit"
"Because he only cares about him self not anybody else"
"He broke the Covid rules and the law"
"This idiot needs to be stopped. Remove church charity status and
"This was extremely disappointing to so many and y are these peop
"These bunch of morons can't hold the rest of the country for ranso
"Because everyone has to do their bit to keep all the public safe. Th
"He is not above the law."
"Because he’s a self entitled arsehole."
"This should never have been allowed to go ahead!!!"
"Brian Tamaki should be held accountable since he has appointed h
"Tamaki's arrogance, self-righteousness, and narcissistic self-belief
"A blatant disregard for public safety should be held to account"
"He has put all Auckland at risk. Absolutely ridiculous"
"Norma Woodhead. ."
"Brian and the Destiny Church leaders should be prosecuted. An in
"The irresponsibility of his actions have potentially endangered ma
"BT seems to believe his wishes & beliefs are superior to those who
"Conspiracy activist flouting rules endangering livelihood of Aucklan
"I'm signing because this person prays on the vulnerable."
"Douch bag loser."
"Risk of Covid spreading at this event"
"Tamaki is such a terrible role model"
"I am so unhappy about Mr Tamaki's behaviour"
"There was no reason for them to meet in person.So many other or
"This arrogance has just exposed people to a super spreader event
"His protest was illegal and put a lot of people at risk."
"Everyone needs to do their part. Slippery slope when laws aren't a
"This is horrendous behavior, actively putting our NZ public at risk."
"Please arrest him and the protestors before Saturday. We should n
"This guys a dick"
"I believe Brian Tanaki broke the law and put thousands of people's
"I have signed in because this Guy Brian Tamaki has been nothing
"It's bad enough that we are stuck in lockdown for 8 weeks. Brian T
"He and his wife run away in one lock down.In this current lock dow
"One rule for all"
"He needs to be charged he put the whole of NZ at risk."
"Brian Tamaki has undermined everything that Aucklanders have d
"How dare he compare this to slavery. He insults those freed from
"His selfish action was a public health danger"
"Everybody must follow the rules"
"He broke the rules!!!"
"He's an entitled idiot who thinks rules and laws don't apply to him
"We need to keep the community SAFE by rule of good governance
"Encouraging devotees to spread a disease that can kill people is th
"He had the ability to be a super spreader. Time will tell!"
"Brian tamaki is an absolute bigot and his mother should have swal
"These Self imposed Cult leaders have always been egocentric, it is
"I believe Mr Tamaki has endangered the NZ health and Economy."
"Most people have sacrificed so much, his actions are dumb and se
"I think what Brian Tamaki did was so wrong and he should be char
"Double standards!!"
"The rules apply to everyone!!!"
"Using his so called church to influence the meek"
"Arrest that flea!"
"The reckless endangerment of his congregation by Brian Tamaki is
"Blatant disregard for people’s safety and counterproductive to the
"He does so much harm in the community"
"Brian Tamaki is a risk to public health and a leech on the tax payer
"The man is a complete idiot."
"Lockdown rules need to be followed"
"He broke the level three rules"
"Aucklanders have given up so much to keep the rest of the Countr
"Absolute wanker....Three things that are massively wrong 1. The P
"Go home Brian. You are not on anyones team but your own. And p
"Complete ego tripping. Charge him!!!!"
"Brian is a dickhead"
"What he done is wrong"
"He and his follows believe they are a law unto themselves."
"He’s not above the law"
"He risks the health and safety of others"
"he's a public nuisance with no regard for anybody else but his own
"Gary Thompson"
"He's a thief and a scam. Who is he to think he can defy the law. W
"I’m signing here because he is wrong. Just another muppet puppe
"Ignoring public safety to gain publicity and increase his political pr
"There was a blatant disregard for the law, and it is just plain unrea
"The game and fortune of one person should not over ride the safe
"Heshould be charged."
"Bloody Grand Standing, Arrest and charge him do it on a Friday ca
"It was a blatant disregard for the rules and belittled the hard work
"he broke the covid laws, endangering all you stick to the rules"
"Tamaki is in the wrong and a law unto himself and a danger to his
"We have all suffered in different ways as a result of lockdown, why
"We all have to do our part to stamp out Civid and this guy thinks h
"He is irresponsible"
"Tamaki needs to be shut down, cancelled and prosecuted for dest
"Prosecute him and all the organisers, if nothing happens we will e
"He is a dickhead"
"Because Brian is a public menace and should be charged with reck
"He needs to go to jail"
"He's a fruit loop and this country has had ENOUGH! CHARGE HIM
"This idiot deliberately sabotaged Aucklanders hard work during Co
"I believe it was totally irrespondsible and I cannot understand why
"he is a dick not god"
"The guy has risked 7 weeks of lockdown for Aucklanders. I’m over
"He should be punishment as an example of what being studied ge
"He has jeopardized thousands"
"I'm signing because the guys a cock"
"Because he's a selfish asshole"
"He committed and incited illegal actions and should be charged."
"As someone who is immunocompromised, this kind of thing is rea
"Ego driven wanker, charge him with public endangerment"
"John pearce"
"I am signing this because Brian Tamaki and his followers that day b
"He broke the law and needs to be punished for putting us all in da
"I think he undid a huge amount of work Aucklanders have done to
"Another bloody power fiend, using a religious overtone to get mon
"Brian Tamaki is not above the law"
"Hes a dick"
"This chimpanzee took millions in hand outs from our government
"A flagrant breach of the law"
"People are getting charged for less he's no better than anyone else
"Tamaki needs to think of others not always himself, he has a famil
"Because no one is above the law"
"The guys an idiot , if he thinks he can beat Covid, let him be non va
"Because he is a homophobic piece of shart"
"Because he is an idiot not considering the general health and wellb
"Selfish greedy little man needs to be locked up."
"Dangerous behaviour. He should be prosecuted."
"This Nas"
"They are endangering the safety of others"
"Brian Tamaki broke the law and should therefore be charged."
"He encouraged minority to put themselves and the majority at ris
"This man needs to be arrested"
"Something needs to be done.He needs to be held accountable for
"I think encouraging people to attend and not social distance or get
"I’ve stuck to the rules and now this idiot can wreck everything we
"Fuck Brian Tamaki. This bastard said he hates the government, bu
"The rules apply to us all"
"He is a danger to New Zealand"
"I am not in Auckland but people like Brian Tamaki hold the whole
"He is very selfish and a leader of a group of selfish people."
"Protests like this going unpunished set an example for every NZer
"Words fail me. I don't know why he was allowed to hold the prote
"too dangerous"
"I think what he did is so disrespectful and I think he should be arre
"What he did was illegal and like anyone else he should be charged
"It’s just wrong and seems he thinks he is above the law."
"Why should he get away with it when the rest of us are sticking to
"He's committing wholesale fraud to become wealthy thru many pe
"It’s WRONG"
"Its bullshit"
"He broke the law and caused others too"
"This person has no self respect or have respect for wider Auckland
"Tahmina seddiqi"
"Because he broke rules"
"He is not above the law."
"Beryl Sweeting"
"This man has been ripping off vulnerable people for his own gain f
"Brian Tamaki is a narsasstic cult leader, he needs to be shut down"
"Tamaki: egotist, swindler, anti-vaxxer (science anyone?), narcissist
"It's Jacinda Ardern who should be charged and thrown in jail. The
"Because this is unbelievable anyone else and they would if been lo
"An outrage."
"I think a spell at Level 5 Mt Eden Jailhouse might be appropriate"
"This guy is a half whit and thinks he's above the law organizer of h
"The majority of Aucklanders are following the rules, blatantly givin
"I am sick to death of double standards and lack of accountability"
"One Law for him and one Law for others"
"This self appointed leader of the weak and foolish is only intereste
"This person and his cronies endangered this rest of us with their b
"Because everyone plays a part to keep everyone safe, people brea
"I think that was a very irresponsible thing to do as a leader of a ch
"He should be charged for not just organising but encouraging peop
"He's an absolute disgrace"
"Because Brian Tamaki broke the covid laws on Saturday and shoul
"Destiny Church should not be above the law and undo all the good
"Mr Tamaki is a complete public nuisance, a crank and disruptive m
"Public safety"
"We don't need his kind."
"I am disgusted he treat the people of NZ with such disdain after al
"Our doctors and nurses are already overworked and overloaded. C
"Idiocy of putting others at risk."
"I have the rights of afraid to die"
"He has no regard for struggling businesses"
"We need to learn to be part if a collective; its not about the self. W
"lol his eyebrows best joke Ive seen in years totally in keeping with
"I an sick of a few Aucklanders holding the country to ransom . if go
"His arrogance cannot be allowed to be bigger than covid 19"
"He broke the law & organised an illegal gathering putting Auckland
"All Aucklanders are trying their best"
"He’s a tool"
"He has broken the law and is a danger to the public of NZ."
"We all at home while that idiots tells people to go out"
"4 letters, one word. TWIT!"
"He needs 2 go 2 jail"
"I am GP and am deeply concerned about the irrational and harmf
"He needs to be shut down for his total disregard for all humanity -
"No- one is above the law"
"Tamiki preys on the weak and vulnerable with promises of eternal
"Because he abused his privilege to incite people to do the opposit
"What a joke, we are not behaving like a team of 5m now are we Ja
"Make him pay tax while you're at it."
"Bishop?! My arse! He's a slimy, exploitative grifter just like his City
"This is not acceptable and already looks like double standards. My
"He’s a dickhead"
"Brian is a fraud"
"Unbelievable that they did that in middle of pandemic arrogant pe
"Brian Tamaki is an idiot, putting the rest of Auckland at risk and lik
"Amen to this :-)"
"I hope this wasn't a super-spreader event. Follow the science folks
"He needs to be in Jail. Self righteous person misleading these poor
"He is not above the law!!"
"He is fake"
"Brian Tamaki and his followers have disregarded lock down rules
"What's contrite is the fear state he proclaims has been created by
"They broke the law"
"Tamaki is an ass."
"I was unknowingly walking in the Domain on Saturday and saw the
"He broke the law"
"He's a dick and needs to be taught a lesson "
"Because this self titled con artist has put a lot of Aucklanders in da
"People like Brian Tamaki should be called to account for holding e
"He broke the law and put our health at risk so needs to be held ac
"One law for all. Justice needs to be served as it is in the public inte
"Why should Brian Tamaki not get punished for holding such a larg
"Not a team player not part of our team of 5 million"
"Brian Tamaki floughted rules of lockdown who does he really thin
"I'm signing because, even as a Christian believer, Brian Tamaki doe
"Because Brian needs to be put in jails"
"Because I'm trying by best to abide by the rules to get outta lockdo
"He broke the rules. Put peoples lives in danger. Disregarded the he
"He's a idiot"
"He broke the level 3 rules regarding numbers allowed for gatherin
"I am signing because he instigated a protest that was illegal under
"It not fare we are doing the right thing and he not"
"I am furious at people not taking this world-wide pandemic seriou
"Brian Tamaki and his followers/cult are endangering my life, the li
"Mr Tamaki is a disruptive pest. He’s a criminal posing as a pastor. H
"We want everyone to be vaccinated to keep our families safe"
"Brian needs to be held to account. His behavior sends the wrong m
"For someone who claims to be a community leader, these actions
"He broke the law simple"
"He’s an absolute moron and should be charged for putting all the
"He is an idiot"
"He's a selfish Hippocratic,wearing a mask,he's probably had his va
"This idiot needs to be charged for risking NZ's safety during Covid-
"He is an arrogant despicable man! not a god or a self proclaimed a
"Because a motorcycle mob should be subject to the same laws as
"Because he's an idiot when almost everyone is trying so hard to do
"Am signing because his risking other peoples lives, he should be ch
"first of he should loose the tax free status"
"I think his actions were deplorable"
"He's a dick"
"Conning his feeble-minded followers for their hard-earned money
"I fully oppose Brian Tamaki & his cult, hes a IDIOT!"
"Not fair on other new Zealanders and Auckland people who are do
"How dare he endanger everyone but creating and encouraging an
"He broke the law and needs to be or let everyone else off as it wo
"He is not above the law and it’s time we stopped allowing those w
"This man is a law to himself and knows the rules around the differ
"Because he broke the rules pure and simple."
"This illegal and selfish gathering created risks that will affect us all
"These idiots are jeopardizing all the work that the majority of Auck
"I like many Aucklanders have done everything to help stop delta fr
"Broke the law regarding Covid, put everyone who's doing the right
"This man is a law unto himself, a complete nut job & a danger to a
"Totally irresponsible the guy is not above everyone else, NOT help
"I live in Te Tai tokerau. So many vulnerable and aged people that r
"He is a self righteous twat who thinks if only himself and the mone
"How dare he put us all at risk"
"Please reword this as some people are misreading this. We want o
"The man is a parasite of vulnerable people."
"He is a menace"
"This is not ok"
"This guy needs to be locked up !!!"
"He is wilfully breaking the law and encouraging others to do so. Ta
"He's a dick"
"He absolutely deserves it he’s poured water all over the hard work
"The police response was woefully inadequate and has just embold
"Im signing this as I believe community Leaders should not be enco
"He is totally irresponsible"
"Everyone else is behaving. He is trying to influence and take mone
"Everyone regardless of whether you want to accept it or not but th
"The law should apply to everyone"
"He has put New Zealand at risk for his own ego a total loser"
"The rules are there for public health and safety and need to be en
"Brian Tamaki is a conman and a fuckwit."
"I'm signing because of the total disregard for public safety he has a
"He needs to be held accountable for blatant disregard of the healt
"He broke the law."
"Just because..."
"He lives under the same rules as the rest of it.He organised it and
"He should be arrested like anyone else who breaks the law."
"this is appalling, with no interest for the greater good."
"He has put our communities at risk. Selfish man."
"I am disgusted by Brian Tamakis actions"
"This was a blatant breach of current guidelines we have been wor
"We've been lockdown for 50 days, don't wanna be wasted by him
"Of his illegal activity"
"Totally put SO many at risk with his irresponsible actions"
"Why should our vulnerable people be potentially exposed to this t
"I want lockdown to end."
"Just why would he risk thousands of lives like this. Needs to be rep
"He is an example of why people dont take rules seriously around l
"Hes a dick"
"I want too"
"The rest of us abide by the guidelines even though we are not Lab
"One rule, one people. We are all doing our bit, do yours Brian."
"He incited 2000 people to break the law. This is a hate crime and a
"He violated every rule just to show he has power. He has put his o
"I believe that the Tamaki's are the only ones prospering from a lot
"Why is there one rull for Brian Tamaki and another for the rest of
"He is selfish and misguided putting us all at risk"
"This guy needed a bullet in the mid 2000s."
"Coz he's not God!!!"
"Hes an idiot and needs to be punished"
"No one is above the law."
"They are all bloody stupid"
"I don't agree with what he is doing"
"This is jeopardizing all the hard work that Auckland has been doing
"This Dork is giving Dorkland a bad name"
"He should not be holding rallies or protests"
"What he has done has made all Aucklanders' efforts in vain."
"Public safety"
"Breaking the law and putting every New Zealander at greater risk
"He did fellow the Heath order!"
"He and Peter Mortlock both."
"he brain washs his flock to break the law under the banner of relig
"Clearly breaking rules and trying to affect others from a position o
"He is a danger to our health"
"Enough is enough."
"hes an ass"
"He's and absolute fuckwit, charge that prick"
"He's a idiot putting the people of NZ at risk."
"It was the wrong thing to do and there should be consequences fo
"Reckless disregard to humanity breaches Gods Law not just Sovere
"Robyn Sokolich"
"This guy is a fuckwit"
"IF he was only endangering his own life, no-one would care about
"Protesting lockdown may be his legal right but holding an event w
"Very annoyed!"
"He Broke the Law endangering others, he and his sham Religion sh
"This man has completely flouted the law, and put the community
"The church should not be exempt from illegal action. They are an
"EVERYBODY should abide by the Covid rules and Levels. Not doing
"This guy is menace to society!!...and sort ya eyebrows freak!!"
"He not only broke the rules, he encouraged others to do it. He is n
"He's a cunt."
"Parasitic conman"
"Brian Tamaki is causing the spread of an infectious disease."
"It was a rediculas thing for him to do"
"I want nz to be covid free"
"He broke the Law so Police need to send a clear message that acti
"What a horrific way to reverse any progress the lockdown may ha
"Idiots like this are putting innocents at risk and causing the Lockdo
"He's an idiot"
"It's ridiculous to allow these sorts of scammers free reign like this"
"I object to Brian Tamaki flouting the Covid rules, trying to influenc
"Brian Tamaki should be charged for his stupidity and disrespect fo
"i feel bad for Auckland being stuck in lockdown and this ego piece
"He’s a mongrel!"
"He should be!"
"He's using his status to ruin the country"
"Everyone needs to follow the rules!"
"I can see the potential for our healthcare system to be overwhelm
"What makes Brian Tamaki outside the law? He did a runner down
"He needs to be charged"
"I am fully against a protest like this."
"Should be locked up.He’s unstable."
"He has broken regulations. Totally unsatisfactory!!!!!"
"He’s out of control time to get some of the tax back he’s been let o
"I'm signing because I've stayed in my bubble to keep safe and not
"They have broken the rules and they should be held accountable f
"Tamaki is an absolute clown and leading destiny church conn-man
"RJ Mckellar"
"Tamaki is a dick"
"Police should charge everyone who broke social distancing laws at
"It is no use to keep the majory in lockdown and the police is allow
"I have a family in Auckland, who is fully vacinated, living by the loc
"He is in the way of reopening our country to the world"
"Freedom does not mean freedom of consequences."
"Brian Tamaki organized a super spreader event , he indangered th
"He hasn't put the health and safety of people first. He went agains
"No one is above the law. Break the law take the consequences"
"because as an aucklander im disgusted that we have been doing a
"10 at a wedding, 10 at a tangi Charge anyone that protests and org
"If I have to obey the rules - so does he. What is Christian about sp
"We don't need any Trump-related problems in our country. Litera
"I'm signing because Noone is above the law and he had brazenly a
"Complete asshole"
"Because I care about the greater good. He only cares about himse
"Brian Tamaki broke the law and should be held accountable for hi
"Total disregard to any authority towards the recovery and health o
"We are trying to get rid of this disease and this protest made a mo
"Of the hypocrisy and greed of this man, any way he can squeeze a
"“We hate lockdown, so let’s be sure to risk creating an extension t
"This is not only breaking the rules but encouraging the team of 5 m
"Tamaki is an arrogant arsehole who cares nothing about "his peop
"Tamiki is a disgrace to New Zealand and is endangering lives. He d
"The protest was breaching COVID levels"
"Of his pure stupidity and selflessness"
"I'm apaulded this was allowed to happen. After the good people o
"Brian Tamaki should be accountable for his illogical beliefs. J"
"He breached Level 3 lockdown rules - illegal mass gathering!"
"It’s only fair he gets punished. He has a right to protest but at the
"This was a complete and utter breach of L3 lock down.We have all
"Illegal gathering"
"He broke the law. Simple"
"He thinks he has his own rules"
"Brian Tamaki has committed treason against the people of New Ze
""Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God th
"Destiny Church judges lgbt groups, and runs man up groups that in
"He is selfish and so are his followers.Such a Stupid Act!"
"An illegal protest and no mask wear"
"I'm signing this as NOT charging him sends a clear message to the
"Hes a fucking idiot"
"Because he thought of himself before everybody else"
"I appreciate police caution at not wanting to alienate anti-vaxers b
"Why should one person and their narcissistic ego jeopardise innoc
"While he was supposedly “only one speaker” at the rally, his warp
"The guy is self absorbed douche canoe living a high life of his follo
"Because he is a idiot"
"I'm doing the right thing"
"I want out of lockdown. I’m sick of people like this piece of shit thi
"Because he thinks he's all that"
"He breached the lockdown and jeopardised the public."
"He is so arrogant. We are all trying to help contain this virus and h
"We don't need self proclaimed 'apostles' that have absolutely no m
"Appalling behavior considering the sacrifice of the majority of NZ."
"It is scandalous that this numpty put, not only his paritioners, but
""Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God th
"Tamaki is an entitled narcissist taking money from people who don
"He put peoples health at risk. And he didnt care about the conseq
"Illegal gathering we need to make a stand and set an example. If h
"I disagree with what Brian Tamaki did, putting proles lines at risk b
"He's an idiot trying to sabotage all the good work aucklanders hav
"He needs to be held accountable for his actions."
"He’s not above the law."
"Him and his followers are putting Auckland abs our communities a
"It shouldn't need a petition to get the Police to do what they shou
"Its wrong"
"He’s a selfish prat"
"We were in level 3 restrictions"
"He has no concern for endangering already vulnerable people, thi
"Brian Tamaki is happy complain about lockdown whilst simultaneo
"I am signing because he broke the rules"
"By definition Brian Tamaki is a cult leader: a small religious group t
"I want my freedom back but not the way this guy is doing it."
"Tamaki needs to downsize to a more modest home and sell all his
"I don’t like the guy"
"Brian Tamaki is breaking level 3 lockdown and leading others to do
"I am amazed that someone can use his influence so negatively."
"Why should others be charged and not this person"
"Should include Impact church leaders too!"
"Cause he is a fuckwit"
"Because he has no regard for the people who have been trying rea
"This guys an idiot"
"Velma Donaldson"
"One rule should apply for all, and the consequences for one shoul
"He broke the law and should be charged especially because he wa
"This guy is an idiot and has no respect for others and the long lock
"He broke the rules"
"I believe this man is targeting vulnerable people with misinformati
"Because he is selfish and had no thought about the rest of Aucklan
"Brian Tamaki thinks hes a law into himself and has created a super
"I’m signing because all should have to follow the rules, he has blat
"He is an idiot. He hates everything we are."
"He should of been put in jail a long time ago"
"Because it was illegal doing what he did"
"He is putting people lives and business in danger....who does he th
"He put others at risk who trust and dont trust him. He broke the la
"This guy is a tool! Any other organizer and person would of been a
"Brian Tamaki I'd a self appointed bishop, and he likes to make the
"This gang of non-christian people is getting out of hand. Close them
"He's an egomaniac criminal and needs to be held to the same stan
"Because I care about the collective good in the fight againat covid"
"Need to take a stand against behaviour that threatens local econo
"This was so wrong on all accounts. He thinks he is above the law a
"Raewyn Mack"
"How many people have died because they think Covid is just a hoa
"He must face the consequences of law breaking being the organize
"He is subject to the law not above it"
"He broke the law. Everyone else would be charged"
"Because he is spreading dangerous misinformation and inciting cro
"He endangered fellow New Zealanders by ignoring health restricti
"Brian Tamaki wants the lockdown lifted as it's probably interfering
"He thinks he can do what he wants and his sheep will follow, putti
"He broke the lawHe has lead a protest that endangers Aotearoa.H
"Brian tamiki is a self absorbed prick and an insult to the rest of NZ
"Charge him and all his followers who where there on the day."
"There should not be one rule for some and another rule for everyo
"Danger of spreading the virus within crowds and vexatious misinfo
"Tamaki's uninformed spouting endangers everyone"
"A public menace supported by his ignorant followers to undermin
"Not fair to the rest excluding the odd 2k who had joined"
"Brian Tamaki is no messiah! He is just a naughty little boy!Irrespon
"He should be encouraging people to behave and get the vaccine- n
"He was contriving a public health order!! Everyone else would be
"Keeping our country safe is paramount"
"I want to see Brian Tamaki held to account for his selfish and irres
"Selfish Act and putting us all at risk."
"Hes an idiot"
"The Government never follow through on laws they have made an
"Someone needs to stop this man"
"Because he making our whole country unsafe with his lies!!!"
"He is a self centered man.trying to force his idiotic ideas on to oth
"I’m signing this petition you did this before when he went to the S
"He’s not the Messiah…"
"this reeks of hypocrisy and is an insult to the efforts everyday auck
"The law must be upheld no matter who you are"
"He needs to be put in prison for running a cult"
"For obvious reasons. Why should Brian Tamaki get away with this
"Rules are for everyone"
"If it's good enough for others to be charged with flouting rules the
"Why should the Tamakis who are leaders in their community not
"Real churches should be about sharing the Gospel, spreading the w
"When they argue about personal freedoms they are not talking ab
"The world does not need the types of him and his hypocrisy "
"We need to actively discourage the arrogant selfishness of this ma
"He should be charged like anyone else who breaks Covid related la
"Brian Tamaki needs charging"
"what he did risks the health of nz"
"Hes an idiot"
"I do not approve. They have put to many lives at risk"
"putting the public in danger for no good reason."
"The actions of Brian Tamaki and associates are wrong. They deserv
"Bruce Wakefield This is a total abuse of religious freedom in a lib
"Because he's only thinking of himself, and putting everyone at risk
"the guy is a narcissist who preys on the weak using the bible as his
"He thinks he's above the law"
"What he did was illegal"
"This ridiculous stunt has put so many kiwis and businesses in dang
"lockdown protests are extremely unproductivethis ain't it chief"
"This Noodle needs to be prosecuted. It is a slap in the face to us ho
"Tamaki is an evil, irrelevant, thieving wannabe. It's past time he fa
"This was a blatant misuse of New Zealand civil rights law."
"Hes a deluded idiot who should be sent to India with his un vaccin
"He broke the rules. He is a self appointed nothing. He has put peo
"The should be prosecuted. They broke the regulations and they pu
"It's time to stop the minority loudmouths trying to hold the major
"It's the right thing to do"
"He has the right to protest but not put public health at risk. There
"I totally disagree with this pricks selfish behavior "
"Extremely disappointing, entitled behaviour."
"Absolutely disgusting and illegal. I am shocked he has not been arr
"He should follow the rules just like everyone else."
"He's a bad person who thinks he is above the law"
"Hes definitely flouted the law and looks like hes going to get away
"He has put other aucklanders and possibly the rest of the country
"Brian tamaki broke the law"
"He's an idiot"
"What he is doing and continues to do is wrong."
"He broke the covid 19 rules of level 3. This deserves a charge"
"He makes a mockery of how hard Auckland residents have tried to
"We are trying to get out of this lock down not stay in it"
"I think he is a disgrace and a criminal"
"He broke the rules. Most other people are doing their bit. It's not
"He has endangered lives and the economy by breaking the law."
"Brian Tamaki et al are manipulating people to break the rules for t
"No one has the right to put others in harms way. He instigated a p
"He does not understand the efforts we make to control the spread
"Almost all of Auckland are doing their part and I'm sure are pretty
"Tamaki broke the law and needs to be prosecuted."
"Hes a bloody idiot"
"He is breaking a public healh order and endangering the lives of th
"The rally breached the rules of Alert level 3, risking the health and
"Time to stop pandering to these clowns"
"Cause he is a piece of shit"
"He needs to be fined and jailed"
"This kind of behaviour needs to be punished"
"A brown"
"Diana Green"
"He's broken the law"
"An example need to be made"
"Who does he think he is, what a arrogant person"
"Brian Tamaki’s actions endangered the health of the people he infl
"We need safety among public.Everyone should follow the Governm
"Because l care"
"Over everything we have sacrificed during this lockdown I’m prett
"He is not God or above GOD"
"Total disregard for laws we have to keep us safe!!"
"We are supposedly all on the same team, wanting the best for OU
"Brian Tamaki thinks he’s above the law, HE ISN’T!!!"
"I am signing because I think he’s irresponsible and only thinks of h
"He's A real greedy prick and only really cares bout his pocket"
"He blatantly broke lockdown rules and incited others to do so too"
"The man is a tool!"
"Putting every new Zealanders at risk of covid and the long term im
"The safety of everyone is at risk by having someone like this, doing
"Because I feel that he is jeopardising all the hard work that the tea
"He broke the law and put people at risk of getting covid."
"It put every Aucklander at risk and has the potential to cause a lon
"Dangerous conman idiot"
"Irresponsible behaviour from an amateur brain washer"
"Totally irresponsible behaviour from a predatory narcissist. Shame
"Hes a con man"
"Why not, Social distancing should have been observed."
"Insighting people to break Level 3 lockdown rules, amongst other
"He is a con man"
"The Bible shows Brain Tamaki is disobeyed God.Romans 13:1-2 sa
"False information"
"What was done was illegal."
"Go hard Apostle Brian Tamaki all for our freedom"
"Brian tamale incited dangerous behaviour based on spreading mis
"Intentional spread of covid-19 and vaccination misinformation."
"He is endangering lives."
"I believe every one should be treated the same. The law says no b
"Why have rules if not everyone has to obey them."
"He broke laws of COVID which are all trying to follow. This defianc
"Some people like Brian think they’re above the law, and they’re ha
"Many, many Aucklander’s have done this lockdown hard, trying to
"It's about time this man is held accountable for his reckless action
"Brian needs to realize he is not above the law."
"This guy thinks he is above the law and is just a money grabbing se
"Karma for 666"
"I have my and my family's health at heart"
"Signed, no special right for them"
"Brian tamaki is a danger to society"
"He’s arrogant and has put us all in danger in a level 3 lockdown wh
"I think Brian Tamaki is only interested in making money. If his cong
"He is a false prophet who preys on the vulnerable spreading his m
"How can he be allowed to get a way with a blatant breach of the c
"He needs to be charged and fined for breaching the Covid alert Le
"It’s completely irresponsible!"
"What he has done is wrong"
"I'm signing because he broke the law and has put people's lives at
"He is a selfish ego maniac without any regard to public safety"
"We are in Level 3!"
"He should be fined for breach- $4000 for him and 100 per person
"Close him down, he is misleading and taking cash from some of th
"he needs to be taught a lesson for breaking the rules"
"He intentionally insulted Aucklanders and their lockdown efforts, a
"Brian is a dick"
"I am doing my best to comply with the Lockdown and find this eno
"He’s a twat"
"No one is above the law. It's people like him that is keeping us in lo
"People that break government direction need to be fined and/ or
"I’m unhappy Of his arrogance with his protest and undoing weeks
"He broke the rules and organized a protest against level 3 restritio
"This sort of elitist attitude is selfish and unfair to all New Zealande
"Cause what he did was wrong and he should get in trouble for this
"No explanation needed!!"
"He deserves to be charged. Unbelievable that he could get away w
"Jail him for inciting. Fine the others, chips should have video so ca
"Screw this geezer, what an idiot."
"Apart from him being a dickhead he needs to be made an example
"What he did was illegal so he should be prosecuted"
"He is having a tantrum because he is in lockdown. So why make it
"One law for all."
"He’s an egg and endangering the public"
"He is self centered self serving money grabbing piece of shit"
"This was nothing more than a reckless greedy grab for attention an
"Brian Tamaki has encouraged division and anarchy with lies. He ha
"Because he thinks he is above the law"
"Brian Tamaki is a dick head"
"He was inciting hate"
"Clearly illegal gathering organized by a con artist"
"Brian Tamaki broke the law and incited others to do the same. An
"This man is risking the publics safety, because of his own stupid be
"He broke the rules, should be charged"
"He broke the law by hosting this protest. He spit on all the hard wo
""I tell you, it is very difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of
"What he did was wrong and he should be arrested"
"What he instigated put so many at risk."
"His mass spreading of false news and should be charged like anyon
"He is an arrogant prick who would endanger lives to get his minut
"Stop calling or have others proclaim yourself to be a prophet."
"Because I think it is disgusting that this man thinks he is beyond th
"Tamaki is a thug and bully. He sinply broke the law!!!"
"He breached level 3 conditions and like others charged he and his
"Tamaki's actions show a selfish disregard for the health of other p
"I'm signing this because Brian is a scam artist."
"What he and his followers did is not right, responsible or acceptab
"This idiot has endangered New Zealanders with his reckless disreg
"Rules are same for all citizens"
"He has put all of the country at a greater risk, where his so called f
"He thinks himself and his followers are above the law"
"It's a criminal offense"
"Break the law, face the consequences - it sets a precedent for othe
"Endangering lives of new Zealanders.Leeching money from the ea
"Rachelle Stadler"
"He has broken the law, and encouraged his followers to endanger
"This requires punishment or others will do the same."
"This man is not a Christian, sad that he uses that label but clearly h
"1 month jail per person that attended. Is mote than fair. Or He has
"He should be charged"
"Those of us who are making a concerted effort to do the right thin
"I'm signing because I am disappointed that stupid seems to prevai
"He is intentionally putting people at risk of spreading covid"
"Brian Tamaki is a dickhead"
"Other people of NZ have missed out saying goodbye  to loved o
"I strongly agree with this, as he has endanged the country"
"I cannot let him get away with this blatant criminal behavior"
"Tamaki is a selfish trump like a-hole sucking money off already har
"he needs to be held in check."
"This fool has endangered NZ"
"what happened in the domain was led by a morally bankrupt idiot
"He thinks he’s above the law "
"Don’t do stupid things and call it the God’s way."
"Cos the guys is a dickhead, and thinks he is god himself and above
"A rebrobate"
"It is nothing but anti-social and selfish behavior."
"He's blatantly broken the covid rules."
"He has potentially ruined all the hard work we have done by stayin
"I BELIEVE he encouraged people to flaunt the rules and ignore pub
"Because brian is a nasty peice of work who picks the poor and mo
"It was not the right thing to do. Don’t like the man"
"People are going through the worst times of their lives yet still abi
"This guy is not above the law and should follow the rules like every
"He's a danger to public health"
"Wrong that he is not charged others have been for breaking the R
"He is just a fool what about all the people foing everything right. C
"I have done my bit for the country to have it all undone by the like
"He thinks hes some God and Doesnt have to abide by the rules,"
"He needs to be jailed for breaking all the rules while others suffer
"Abuse of restrictive behavior is being flouted. It is totally unaccept
"The guys a bloody idiot"
"The same rules should apply to everyone. The prime minister said
"He broke the rules along with everyone else that attended. He is n
"It was an extremely foolish thing that Brian Tamaki did. He has a c
"He's completely in the wrong with absolutely no consideration for
"Hes an arrogant individual who things hes above anyone else..not
"We are all in this together, not taking Govt subsidies and then pro
"He is not above the law."
"irresponsible and likely super spreader event"
"Might aswell go back down to lvl 1, no point protecting ourselves a
"he’s an idiot"
"Because if i did this id get arrested or fined, fairs fair , one rule for
"Brian Tamaki has risked tbe lives of New Zealanders ."
"law is law and know one is above it."
"Flagrant disregard for the safety of others and the law"
"Not fair for the rest of New Zealand that have been doing there pa
"He's endangering the public and his arrogance is astounding"
"He's an idiot that simple "
"He called for this to happen not caring about anyone else health. Y
"He needs to be fined BIG, TAXED, AND REMOVED."
"He absolutely needs to be held to accountable for his illegal action
"I, like most Aucklanders, have done my bit, got vaccinated and abi
"No one is above the law, no matter who or what they think they a
"Mr Tamaki is the person responsible for this illegal rally."
"Brian Tamaki is a danger to public health and decency"
"It was a message that they don’t care about anyone but themselve
"The gathering should not of happened"
"Not only is this endangering the lives of thousands but he's perpet
"This is not on, the country is suffering and these people do not car
"This man is a danger to New Zealanders."
"Charge him!"
"I believe Brian Tamaki is a fraud and should be charged over this i
"The gathering should not of happened"
"Fuck evangelists"
"He broke the lockdown rules clown!"
"Penny faalavaau"
"Strip him of tax free status. No regard for nz only himself"
"While myself and my children can't have their dad with us in Auck
"Lawlessness should not be tolerated."
"He needs to be made accountable"
"fuck brian tamaki"
"Abide the law"
"Obvious reasons!"
"I'm signing because I want to keep people safe"
"He’s an irresponsible idiot and should not get away with his action
"Crucifixion is what he has earned for this crime against our people
"The guy's a jerk"
"Yes ,Owen Campbell"
"Because this was a blatant disregard of the Auckland rules and all
"Lyn HarrisWe have done 7 weeks in lockdown and he has taken to
"He’s a ball bag and so are his brainwashed followers"
"…….. his selfish, egotistical persona. No doubt missing out on $$$ a
"He broke the law. We can’t have rules for some and not others."
"This guy is a fukwit"
"He obviously has no concern for the rest of NZ and only wants to p
"His selfish actions have jeopardised the sacrifices by Aucklanders a
"Didn't he also receive over $100k in subsidies?"
"Selfish act"
"He should be charged"
"Public Health comes first."
"He is endangering peoples health"
"He's an irresponsible git!"
"He encouraged people to attend an event which being held was ag
"Makes a complete mockery of the sacrifices the rest of New Zeala
"He is leading people into false hope"
"he is a law breaker that only thinks of Tamaki first. He has slappe
"I am a dairy farmer from the Waikato and rely heavily on my Auck
"Why should businesses suffer during lockdowns because there are
"He's an idiot.. plain and simple."
"He doesn't deserve any support at all."
"Because he shouldn't hve breaking the rules"
"Because so many people have given up so much to keep all of New
"What he did was absolutely disgusting! How can he get away with
"I am angry that Brian Tamaki is providing leadership which is coun
"I believe he crossed a line on human decency by organising this pr
"Brian Tamaki is a charlatan who thinks he is above the law. He sca
"It's simple, he should be charged because it was an illegal gatherin
"If they hold gatherings in level 4 or 3 they should be charged fines
"He should not be allowed to protest when we are in a pandemic, n
"Everyone needs to treated the same"
"Hes a fucking idiot"
"He's reckless, dangerous, and does everything for his own agenda
"Sick of entitlement"
"No happy with what Btian Tamaki has done and doing."
"it’s arrogant, selfish people like him who keep the good folk of Auc
"Another wolf in sheeps clothing"
"Religious leaders are not exempt from New Zealand law"
"For the Aucklanders that are trying to do the right thing. It was sel
"Everyone has to follow the rule of Law"
"This was so wrong and do unchristian after most Aucklanders hav
"These people are ignoring the science and endangering themselve
"Brian Tamaki is a slimy little greaseball. He sits there taking obscen
"Because I'm disappointed that one man can put millions at risk"
"Sugga my gocka"
"There was no good excuse for flouting the rules and invalidating th
"The community has spoken and will not put up with his evil preda
"This is not acceptable and puts so many people and the country at
"He’s a cruel and narcissistic man without love for humanity"
"Worst New Zealander ever. Doesn't even deserve to live in our cou
"We must treat everyone equal at this time. Others have been arre
"It was totally irresponsible"
"Brian Tamaki is a selfish egotistical man who does not have any em
"He needs to be held accountable for his actions."
"This idiot thinks he is above the law! He needs to be held accounta
"The protest was not only illegal and but dangerous too!"
"There are consequences to irresponsible behaviour and this indivi
"He needs to be held accountable!"
"i wish the NZ police were scared of me like this i wouldnt get so m
"I'm signing because I am a Christian and am angry at Brian Tamaki
"New Zealand will never be safe when congregations like this don't
"Illegal activity should be punished"
"He is pratt"
"Self righteous self serving scum, If that was anyone else they'd be
"This is irresponsible bout people’s health at risk and is against cov
"Brian Tamaki us a dangerous nan who wants to play God"
"Throw the book at this filthy mongrel"
"He has broken the law and is working against the best interests of
"This absolute muppet putting our country at risk"
"He is an idiot charge him for that rally he had to help spread the v
"Put this gang leader in jail, and tax his cult too as he's no charity, a
"I'm signing because he doesn't respect anybody's life to live."
"He has no regard for anyone but himself . I hope he prosecuted."
"I am a fully vaccinated young adult, I’m at a low risk category and
"He broke the law. Charge him and take him to court!"
"We are all meant to be in this pandemic together. Brian & everyon
"One rule for gangs and Brian Tamaki and another rule for the rest
"Abusing his position, creating trouble and going against covid rule
"Everyone should abide by the rules and this behaviour will not tak
"What a complete disgrace for other people's lives"
"His actions was just a spit in the face of all of us kiwi's 1. For an ille
"Peter mortlock and Brian Tamaki should be prosecuted for this. BU
"It's just a slap in the face to everyone doing the right thing and all
"I believe than horrible man full of hate, should be accountable for
"Complete idiots need to face consequences"
"Because Brian is a self entitled twat"
"I am signing this petition because of his ordinary bloke breaking Co
"Because he instigated the protest and encouraged others to get to
"I’m signing because he’s stupid and he’s putting Aucklanders at ris
"This man is corrosive to our community"
"Actions taken by Brian and his followers have endangered the hea
"He is spreading cobid"
"Why would I not lock him up"
"Brian Tamaki's protest was totally illegal and irresponsible, this pro
"Beacuse he is not suppose to protest during the lockdown without
"I’m signing because he has broken the law regarding lockdown ass
"Im signing this because yeah he should be charge hes only thinkin
"Concerned for the safety of the people who attended and all of th
"He is putting Aucklanders at risk."
"This man needs to be accountable for putting people's lives at risk
"this man Brian Tamaki is an idiot"
"Anyone of those protesters could have had covid and rules are rul
"Why should Tamaki get special treatment"
"Everyone has worked so hard in Auckland to stop covid and this th
"He's putting our community in high risk of getting infected by Covi
"Couldn’t agree more. He put his own ego above others safety."
"Brian Tamaki and his cohorts are using religion to feed their greed
"Needs to be changed like any one else would, he's alaw under him
"Brian Tamaki is insulting the efforts of complying citizens during th
"This was an incredibly reckless and dangerous act by a person who
"He is influential and his words are incendiary. The mob that follow
"Sue HollandTamaki's protest was an irresponsible disgrace putting
"He should get charged"
"He has broken the law and abused his position in the community."
"Why should I do the right thing for nz while he gets away with this
"He is a danger to us all...and what he did is unforgivable..."
"While we've all been doing our bit, this cretin is flouting the rules
"This man is dangerous !"
"He is a con artist"
"He should be charged with the most serious offence they can find
"Mr and Mrs Plastic-fantastic have been allowed to think they are a
"A snake oil salesman who is not part of the he team of 5 million"
"BT is undermining the work of almost EVERYONE in Auckland who
"A gathering of this size was illegal at the time. He arranged it. He n
"What a idiot putting all aucklands hard work at risk. Charge him"
"Covid is stressful enough without this dangerous self serving perso
"This Parasite needs to held accountable for inciting a huge breach
"Its illegal"
"Fick him"
"I'm in lockdown in Auckland and want to out and about but it's thi
"He 7s putting lives at risk in the name of religion"
"Selfish; doesn’t even follow scripture; he isn’t above the law."
"What a dick, still praying on the vulnerable."
"I don't believe he acted in accordance with the law.And with total
"He is endangering our lives with his selfishness. He broke the law h
"I would like to see my friends and family who are locked down in A
"We’re all meant to be in this together. If people get fined for fleein
"He broke the rules."
"He's so out of touch with reality, that's why he thinks NZ laws don
"lock him & his followers up, let him get away with it & he will prov
"We’re all trying to get out of lockdown and we’re doing our bit in t
"When the rest of us in Auckland are making huge sacrifices re jobs
"He a dickhead"
"He shouldn't have put public safety in danger"
"he broke the law"
"Tamaki is a 'flake', & has been since day one. He imposes his nons
"Brian Tamaki's actions as an influencer were deplorable and displa
"He is breaking the law and risking other people's lives."
"He promised that the crowd would keep social distancing but did n
"one law for everybody!"
"I hate to see people being dragged down his rabbit hole. It's dread
"This guys needs to be locked up. Unfortunately he will just end up
"No person should be immune to the law."
"No one can break the law , simple No exceptions. Must charge him
"because Brian Tamaki and Company are putting all law abiding citi
"Laws shouldn't only apply no those who aren't wealthy and influen
"Putting new zealand at risk.idiot"
"I’m signing this because a lot of people are doing it very hard & he
"It's just so wrong"
"I did my part, he should be punished for not doing his"
"He needs to be held accountable,For many things!"
"Because He's a idiot, and the rest of us in Auckland have to do the
"Charge this person for putting public safety at risk!!"
"No one should be collecting government subsidies while at the sam
"He needs to learn that his actions have consequences that he cann
"We must all do the right thing and follow the rules. The action of t
"Brian Tamaki is not above the law, and is misleading the very peop
"he thinks he is above the law once again."
"Giving the power this idiot has over people is nothing short of dan
"He needs to understand there are consequences fine or prison"
"Just wrong!"
"This imbecile should be ashamed to call himself a Kiwi. This police
"He has broken the rules and the safety of 5 million"
"Brian Tamaki should be held accountable for his actions"
"My family have gone through a lot of pain to keep delta out and th
"I'm signing this petition because I feel it is so wrong in every way t
"Send him to jail"
"Tamaki endangers vulnerable people. No one asked to be locked d
"Mr Tamaki is not above the law. Surely there is provision under th
"One rule for everyone"
"I care for our people..."
"He is heard and admired by the most vulnerable, and evilly abuses
"This guy needs a tighter leash... he should be accountable like eve
"Because he and his followers think they are a law unto themselves
"He gives motorcyclists a really bad name"
"This guy is an IDIOT!! Wait till HE & his wife get Covid - then he mi
"Im staying home but really want to see my family and th"
"He doesn't speak for the majority, he's a danger to the majority."
"No one is above the law."
"He's put us all at risk"
"They put the whole of nz at risk and broke the law."
"It was illegal and morally wrong"
"Brian is not acting carefully when that is what is required of us."
"A menace to everyone with his wife in support both fools and don
"He needs to stop putting people at risk with his outraheous claims
"He flouted the law and thinks he is above. Put all those working ha
"He has broken the law"
"It was an irresponsible, reprehensible thing to do!"
"This was illegal"
"Brian Tamaki is a dumb wank"
"His actions risk the health of all New Zealanders"
"This is just a recruitment drive for Tamaki. What an arsehole!."
"Sean Hird"
"Idiots like this are holding the country to ransom"
"what part of highly contagious virus, easily spreadable, high fatalit
"He blatantly broke the law and has jeopardised everything that Au
"Freedom to protest yes, freedom to put others in danger, no!"
"Greedy greedy Brian Tamaki…"
"kelvin currie"
"He's an arsehole, has put all of NZ's lives at risk and potentially ma
"We want to stop the virus not encourage it with mass gatherings."
"Pointless having laws if not enforced."
"He needs to be charged for breaking the law, and also he is a terri
"This is literally an act of Treason. Who has delivered him Tamaki t
"Brian Tamaki is a monster who is using the system for his persona
"hes should be charged same rules should apply to us all"
"It was morally and ethically wrong encouraging people to gather d
"Using religion to bypass the law. This man who thieves from the p
"He has no right to get away with flouting the law that N. Zers are o
"These individuals must be held accountable. It was selfish and illeg
"This idiot doesn’t care about the rest of New Zealand. He only care
"He's an idiot"
"I'm a kiwi and am sick of his ego and stupidity. He needs the book
"I've got Vax I get tested still in lockdown cause idiots like him"
"He is a dick and wouldn’t be able to do anything"
"Not being considerate for the whole NZ and other’s health! It dam
"We were asked not to be in groups, he made the choice to disrega
"He encouraged and organised this event."
"Speaks for itself, surely he's not above the law."
"His comments are contrary to good ethics."
"He was so wrong to do this putting so many people at risk."
"Brian broke the law put him in jail "
"He chose not to follow thecrules and put the public at risk."
"He has endangered our health. Leading his ‘flock’ into an illegal su
"Absolute tool"
"This mans a domestic terrorist"
"What an absolute menace !!!"
"Tamaki and that crowd should not be allowed to thumb their nose
"Auckland couple publicly shamed and punished and this guys doin
"Breaking Covid19 lockdown rules should not be tolerated!"
"We owe this to the Auckland people doing the right thing!!!!! Bria
"I find the arrogance and sense of entitlement stunning.This man n
"I signed because brian tamaki put his ego first at cost to others we
"He broke the law and put all Aucklanders seven weeks sacrifice at
"Brian Tamaki is an odious creep and must be brought to justice."
"He is risking lives"
"Lock this mug up"
"He is a enemy for all people.."
"Totally Dissagree!! how dear he fuck it up for the reat of NZ!"
"Every one else is sticking to the rules what gives him the Wright to
"He is an awful criminal snd takes money from the poor . He’s a bad
"This hurts everybody and increases risks. This could set us back big
"He broke the law and should be jailed"
"He should not get away with his actions"
"He has no logical common sense, who does he think he is. His gro
"He's a goose."
"He is insighting mass public risk."
"He is a danger to greater New Zealand."
"He has endangered everyone by flouting the law and encouraging
"It's unfair the Putiki protesters have been continually harasses wh
"Every one who breaks the lock down rules should be fined!"
"Tamaki is causing the whole country to be put at risk with his arro
"He broke the law and put us Aucklanders at risk"
"Law is law and peoples lives are at risk, not just from covid but als
"People throughout Aotearoa are working so hard to eliminate Cov
"He should be locked up for blatant breach of laws creating additio
"At the very least they should have been vaccinated!!"
"He is a danger to society"
"His action beggars belief. He must be punished and stopped from
"I believe Brian Tamaki is deliberately endangering people over wh
"He broke the rules it's that simple. He shouldn't get away with bec
"He is the leader of a cult!"
"I'm signing because with events like this he is affecting so many of
"The pandemic response requires a country be united not divided b
"I want New Zealand to move on and get all the businesses back up
"Broke the lockdown rules and we will probably have to stay in lock
"Others are getting fines and dealt with for breaking the rules so w
"Very easy really, he broke the law."
"People and businesses have given up a lot to abide by the rules to
"I'm signing because ..we as aucklanders have to stay in our bubble
"The guy is the biggest hippocit I've ever seen"
"His actions are criminal"
"I'm signing because it is clear that self-proclaimed "Bishop" Tamak
"It is important to work together to get rid of COVID. Not focus on s
"Blatent disregard of public safety"
"I'm signing because of all the hard work that Aucklanders have do
"Brian Tamaki is a cancer on our society."
"I agree with what is said in this petition."
"Because I love NZ <3"
"He’s putting us all at risk"
"I’m disgusted that this demonstration was allied to go ahead. I fee
"1 . why on an area dedicated to those who gave their lives for real
"what part of "highly contagious virus, that has a high fatality rate"
"He's a fuckwit"
"I've got a message for Mr Tamaki ( not pastor or father just Mr ) ..
"The guys an idiot and endangering everyone else and causing extr
"Anyone putting the NZ people in any kind of danger due to miss in
"He wantonly breaks the law and endangers the health of us all."
"Because he is an arrogant wanker who only cares about himself an
"This man thinks he is above the law. Police should not be made to
"It’s the right thing to do"
"Because he deserves to be charged. He broke the law"
"He’s a cockhole ✌"
"I want to see him jailed and his so called "church" declared a crimi
"He’s a fuckwit……"
"Because Brian Tamaki put peoples lives at risk."
"The entire fabric of the justice system will crumble if it’s a one rule
"So he should ."
"because he needs to be accountable of his action..."
"He and his followers have no right to compromise the safety of ot
"He’s a complete arrogant arsehole who deserves to be held accou
"No one is above public safety - and the law, even a (self-ordained)
"Totally irresponsible actions of these people will keep Auckland in
"It appears Tamaki failed to read the room with this latest selfish, p
"We need to stick together on this."
"He is putting vulnerable people at risk"
"fuck him"
"Brian tamaki is a thief and a scammer. He is extremely irresponsib
"Deserves to be jailed."
"If I had to list every reason I was signing it would be far too long an
"Tamaki and his followers are letting the whole country down."
"He has flouted the rules every single lockdown and got away with
"This guy simply has no respect for his fellow man and certainly no
"No one is above the law. The potential impact on Auckland of his i
"I can't believe how selfish, uncaring this was. Not only does this je
"Brian Tamaki is a public menace. He should be locked up."
"This was a grossly negligent act. Putting the lives of many at risk. R
"He needs to be in prison.He also was paid over $120,000 in COVID
"The guy is a liability and a prick.His standing is above no one.Prays
"This kind of behaviour needs to stop! He gives Christianity a bad ra
"This guy is a fucking idiot n needs 2 b jailed, he's fake n does not k
"I can't believe a person could be so irresponsible."
"He is selfish"
"We are in level 3. U are not above the law."
"I'm signing because I am appalled that this so called Christian lead
"no double standards, one rule for all!"
"I think they're idiots."
"He has put New Zealand at risk, he should be held accountable"
"He is not above the law. He may have caused a lot of unnecessary
"He is simply broke the law"
"If the Wanaka couple are charged, So should he..... unless given sp
"No one should be above the Law"
"He is no above the law.He knew the consequences, but chose to g
"I'm disgusted at what he did"
"If I had organised a march I am sure I would be charged. Arrogant
"This man is a complete disgrace and a parasite. He is NOT above th
"There is only one game in town,one chance to deal to covid,vaccin
"Hang him!"
"This is so unethical and counter productive. Is he trying to hasten
"Because he has put the country at risk and added to the mental w
"The rules were there for a reason, why should anyone be able to j
"a wolf in sheeps clothing deserves to be charged"
"Nobody is above the law and nobody has the right to put others a
"I disagree with this group protesting & having a large gathering wh
"V irresponsible of them to hv this protest"
"I lost my brother in L4 and have abided by all the rules in order to
"It is unfair he done this and didnt follow the rules when everyone
"Briank Tamaki is an absolute fuckwaffle"
"He claims to be a public leader but doesn't have a brain cell in his
"He preys on the vulnerable"
"This self-anointed spokesperson for God compared hard working A
"Brian Tamaki is a selfish fuckwit"
"This person has put many lives, including those of vulnerable peop
"This man should not be able to expose his idiotic beliefs to anyone
"I have suffered through lockdown (like many others) for this prete
"Charge Tamati as he broke the lockdown rules as well as everyone
"I am signing because I think Brian Tamaki’s actions were totally irr
"He needs to be made responsible for his bad behaviour"
"The guy is a scab"
"He is dangerous "
"He needs to respect the rules like everyone"
"He should be held accountable for his actions"
"We are in Level 3. U are not above the law Brian Tamaki."
"He puts nz at risk郎"
"So selfish and irresponsible!"
"The powers that be aren't...the rest of us are doing what we shoul
"Tamaki is an idiot...Darwin theory can't happen fast enough to this
"This is guy is inconsiderate idiot he will take the wage subsidy but
"He broke the law"
"He is a cult leader and irresponsible idiot who unfortunately has a
"I'm signing because, Brian Wanker Tamaki need's to Pay the price
"Lots of people sacrifice their job and mental health to comply to lo
"This is despicable behaviour when the rest of the country are doin
"Jesus warns of Pharasees and hypocrites and false prophets in the
"Can we get him to pay Tax whilst we are at it? Scab."
"This individual has disregarded the rules around our covid respons
"I'm signing because this needs to stop."
"He's let us all down...such a,angry"
"The Life of Brian or, more particularly, Brian of Narcissism."
"Actions like this is stupid and puts the health of New Zealand at ris
"Working in Healthcare we are trying our best to keep our people s
"He's a menace and an idiot !"
"I want my people and whanau, mokopuna to be safe from this nga
"Brian Tamaki needs to be held accountable for deliberately floutin
"Hes not above the law. Inciting others to actively break the law. S
"Because it is idiots like him that are spreading the virus"
"He is evil should be charged & prosecuted for his behaviour No wa
"The guy is just putting everyone at risk, with no regard to anyone o
"He's a selfish idiot"
"His actions are appalling."
"I didn’t agree with what this Guy did . We are all staying home . W
"Hes a dickhead"
"Next time he has a protest, grab all the covid patients from Auckla
"With a new mokopuna expected any day now I'm furious with the
"No regard for others"
"this guy needs to be stopped, hes putting lives at risk!!!!"
"Brian Tamaki is a dangerous man , he is not above the law.If he is a
"He is a false prophet."
"Brian Tamaki is a twat"
"He has jeopardised the recovery effort and millions of people's fin
"This was absolutely reckless and selfish behaviour, totally unfair to
"He's a conman preying on the most vulnerable in our society."
"I am a christian and attend churchHowever i am fully vaccinated, w
"Minority groups should NOT endanger the majority through sheer
"People need to be safe"
"This idiot put people at risk!!"
"I think it is a total travesty that he is doing this. It is dangerous. H
"He disobeyed the rules. Too many people attended unprotected"
"He's a disgrace"
"Lock him up for being a ballbag!!! Dickhead!!!!"
"Stay home and think of others"
"I agree"
"i agree with this charge him"
"Lock him up ."
"I believe he has broken the law and put many lives in jeopardy bec
"He is breaking the law and putting peoples lives in danger."
"I want to see my grandchildren in Auckland....this guy has jeopard
"He needs to face charges for his actions....everyone else does"
"He is a sly grees ball..."
"This behaviour creates disharmony & actively puts lives (not just t
"What he did was wrong putting peoples lives at risk. Thinks he can
"I think he should be charged for his negative encouragement to fla
"He is breaking the covid law and risking lives."
"He's an idiot who cares for nobody but himself. He's fake as."
"It’s illegal and this man should know better than put vulnerable pe
"To stop people breaking rules"
"This is a criminal act , for publisaty"
"He comprised the city’s safety and no action was taken"
"He's a crook."
"He broke all the rules"
"Vaddhu Olagaaki Buddy Magana !"
"Signing cos Braindead Tamaki, his wife and all his fellow muppets
"He thinks he is above the rest of us. He is not GOD despite him thi
"I live in Papakura, Auckland, I adhere to covid laws and he blatantl
"He's an arshole"
"He is a charlatan. Him and his wife take $$$$ off the poor in their
"Tamaki cannot just do as he pleases."
"Just dont like the selfish attitude and sense of entitlement"
"He broke the law and needs to be charged"
"He has and is endangering the whole of NZ"
"He thinks he is a high being.. he's putting his congregation at risk,
"Brian Tamaki should be charged over inciting people to gather illeg
"What a bozo. He should be strung and made an example of."
"Tamaki should not get away with organising a protest when Auckl
"This is a good idea."
"Complete disregard for the health of "his church members", or the
"He is putting Kiwis life's at risk"
"If he isn't charged, how can anyone else be charged in future. It's o
"He worked the health and safely of others all for his own benefit!!
"He is a dick"
"It's the worst aspect of anyone, let alone someone who poses as a
"Because my freedom was compromised by this reckless mass gath
"It needs to happen."
"The protest he organised & held was so irresponsible & put lives a
"I believe the illegal activity Can potentially spread COVID and keep
"Other people are getting charged and putting nz life's at risk, he is
"I'm signing because I'm sick him breaking the rules while the rest o
"The man is an idiot and has jeopardized peoples lives"
"He put everyone in New Zealand at risk of COVID."
"The guy is a total fuckwit,con artist & a waste of space"
"Brian Tamaki is putting peoples lives in danger by doing this protes
"He broke the rules"
"Bring down destiny church!!"
"He's a false prophet & he disobeyed the law."
"False prophets and hypocrites is what Jesus warns about in the Bib
"He did this because of falling numbers in his congregation so less m
"Brian Tamaki led a mass gathering endangering the lives of many a
"Broke the law as it currently stands, so charge them all"
"He is crazy"
"A lack of enforcement will set a dangerous precident allowing peo
"Totally unacceptable, selfish and antisocial moronic behaviour. Ga
"Why should the rules only apply to some people? I am putraged o
"Scum bag with an ego"
"Brian's a prick"
"He’s undone all of the hard work Aucklanders have put into this lo
"I have followed the rules for the last 6 weeks and it fucks me off n
"He has broken the lockdown rule and has endangered the people
"This is wrong has put others at risk"
"He should be held accountable for his actions like any one else wo
"So many people thinking of others and doing it hard and then ther
"I do NOT condone Brian Tamakis actions. He should be charged"
"why wasn’t he 路‍♀️"
"He's not above the law, and Aucklanders are doing there best and
"He endangered others"
"What a dick holding what he did on Saturday"
"He is not part of the team of 5mil"
"Is in a clear breach of ethical conduct and may result in harm and
"The guy is a c*nt"
"We all have to do our bit to get over this and gatherings like this n
"This man is a cult leader and should not be above the law."
"Fed up with him breaking the law"
"He broke the Covid rules...all the rest of us have abide by the rule
"We want the same rules to apply to everyone in Auckland , he enc
"Was a selfish act"
"He thinks he is in charge and he is not!!!"
"Hes a bloody idiot"
"This is not us"
"If they break the law they should be made to pay the penalties. Ot
"He should be arrested He is putting all New Zealanders at risk"
"An absolute disregard for those that have been obeying the rules
"This man is a homophobic twat, he's done way more than just this
"He is a dangerous man and his followers are breaking the laws"
"He thinks hes above the law"
"This man-baby's public tantrum is going to directly impact the live
"Brian Tamaki should b charged as he had broken the covid rules. I
"Arrest this man. Risking all of NZ's health and future!"
"We must follow the rules to eliminate Covid"
"Because he's one big idiot"
"This was a blatant breach of the rules. This person needs to be hel
"I am signing this petition because NOBODY should consider thems
"This was an immoral act, its simply wrong and he should be held t
"I'm signing because he openly and blatantly flouted the law and se
"We can’t have people flouting the law with no consequences — ot
"His behaviour is totally irresponsible and detrimental to public hea
"He has jeopardized everything for our citizens who have done the
"All Auckland ers need to follow the rules!"
"Charge the prick"
"He is an immoral self centred money grabbing twat and needs to b
"Destiny Church don't pay tax but get subsidize from us who pay ta
"Brian Tamaki is totally irresponsible organizing events in the doma
"He’s an absolute idiot and this is why people arnt getting vaccinate
"It was dangerous and selfish what he did."
"A sickening Publicity stunt"
"This is not fear for those who stay in lockdown to keep safe"
"He broke the rules and should be accountable"
"He's a ballbag that needs to be charged for violating the health ord
"Under Level 3 guidelines you weren't allowed to meet in large gro
"He's a tool"
"He's an idiot and takes advantage of others."
"The law was broken and the public health and safety was put at ri
"He broke public health laws and also incited other people to."
"He is a charlatan, a con-man, a thief and a false prophet!"
"He's irresponsible and has put lives at risk"
"It was very irresponsible when we would like to go to level 2"
"Sh!t sandwich"
"This was a real breach of the lockdown rules and not fair on those
"He doesn't deserve to breathe, expose him to covid 19 and let's se
"Can't believe it needs petition - should have been stopped before
"Hes illegally done this ."
"Unbelievable actions and lack of respect for others. Totally irrespo
"paul maka"
"He is trash"
"He should do what he said he would do, mask an space"
"He is corupt"
"His actions are criminal and risk covid becoming out of control"
"I think it’s disgusting that some people, particularly high profile, fe
"I don't want my family and friends to get covid, and I hope he gets
"I’m disgusted with the selfish vile human being"
"Brian Tamaki is an idiot having the protest... because of them we c
"Too many people have sacrificed for the good of all to be undone
"All of us are making sacrifices and playing by the same rules, why s
"I believe in everyone being treated the same . We have complied w
"he broke the law, people been fined for lockdown regulations he s
"He has broken covid lockdown protocols, and has place the lives o
"He broke the law!"
"he is a conplete tosser"
"The law was broken, others have been prosecuted, one law for all
"It is imperative we keep Aotearoa safe. Brian Tamaki's incitement
"He's an ignorant prick"
"He needs to be gone"
"Hes an idiot"
"He is putting a risk the whole of New Zealand for his own purpose
"You break the rules, you suffer the consequences."
"He is lying to his followers."
"They need to be held accountable for putting everyone at risk and
"He's an idiot"
"Total disregard for all those in Auckland who have given their all to
"No one is above the law. Especially when everyone else is sacrifici
"Brian Tamaki and his cohorts are not above the law and they are g
"Tamaki is a fraud and exploited of the naive."
"He broke the law!!"
"I am so upset at this disrespectful behaviour. My Auckland family
"What makes him so special? Prosecution required."
"The rules are the rules. Everyone should follow them."
"Brian Tamaki needs to be made accountable for his actions"
"EVERYONE should follow the rules, no exceptions"
"By organising a huge event in Auckland as he did he has put the sa
"Tamaki is risking the lives and freedoms of Aucklanders. His comm
"I totally agree that he should be charged"
"He always gets away with everything charge him! Total scum"
"A very selfish and opinionated person.��"
"Rules are for everyone, why should the organiser of a high risk acti
"I believe he has acted recklessly and endangered others"
"He must be Charged like any one else would be."
"He is so self serving...clearly can't figure this out himself...maybe ju
"I can’t believe, grown adults could be so stupid. This is so crazy gat
"Brian Tamaki is an IDIOT!!!!!"
"It was selfish and dangerous as potentially could become a super s
"His deliberate, ignorant and unlawful actions endanger public hea
"A brainless showman."
"I have been living alone obeying all the rules just to have it thrown
"We need leaders to inform not disinform. He has done this to gran
"He in dangered peoples lives!!!"
"Whatever or whoever this scum bag claims is false. He needs to be
"He put everyone else at risk."
"I'm signing because this was a blatant disregard of the public safet
"He’s a selfish greedy little brat that belongs in th gutter"
"I believe lockdown rules apply to everyone. Protests are irrespons
"Also everyone that can be ID,d."
"He puts people at risk"
"His flagrant disreguard for the law needs to be dealt with - hard !"
"He broke the law so why should he treated like a celebrity?"
"There are laws put in place to protect us all and let us go down the
"That sort of risk is just WRONG, why did tamaki risk everyone?"
"It's outrageous that the same cult leader who simultaneously rece
"Total disregard for public safety"
"He is a moron who plays by his own rules...."
"Rules are made to make everything better.. if u not happy with rul
"Because this is an absolute joke that this was allowed to go ahead
"This guy thinks he can advocate a different set of rules to every ot
"Because I care about all people.If we don't change things then not
"This man is not above the law. Please teach him this by charging h
"Hes a pest!"
"This guy is a joke, complete slap in the face to everyone... Charge
"He has put the City of Auckland at risk."
"I disagree with what he has done and am pissed off with his arroga
"Riki Ah Kuoi - entirely inappropriate form of protest under the circ
"I don't like Brian or what he's done or stands for..he's an absolute
"This fool needs to be locked up to learn he can't do whatever he w
"He has no respect for anyone or his church goers to do this unlawf
"The man's a cunt"
"He needs to be charged to show this won’t be tolerated otherwise
"Even if he is an idiot he is also a selfish narcissist ruining everyone
"He’s broken the law....encourages arrogant behaviour, thinks he’s
"It illegal & wrong on every level"
"He is a dangerous con artist"
"He broke the rules an should be punished"
"No one in NZ is above the law."
"He is encouraging his followers to take actions that are dangerous
"This man is stupid and dangerous and putting peoples health at ris
"I have the right to my opinion...."
"I am signing this petition because the minority are disregarding th
"He shouldn't be allowed to be making his own rules, and then lea
"Encouraging his followers to break Level 3 rules."
"Most of us a doing the hard yard to keep Auckland and NZ safe an
"This guy is a thug"
"I Don't Believe in Him or his Crap Destiny's ch."
"I'm signing this because Brian Tamaki and his equally awful wife, a
"he’s a twat"
"Jail, and a fine. With all his members in church, who agree with h
"It’s a very irresponsible act of not only Brian Tamaki but his suppo
"He broke the law"
"Everyone else has done their bit during the lockdowns. This guy sh
"He's not helping all of the people who are locked down he is inciti
"The man is an idiot who is undermining the well being of the whol
"Absolutely ridiculous and irresponsible. How much did they take i
"I dont agree with Brians Tamaks actions He is the one breaking the
"Did he not take any notice of where this year's outbreak began? A
"Giving Brian Tamaki the green light to blatantly flout restrictions u
"What he did was illegal"
"Hes a knob"
"He should be locked up for his eyebrows at the very least"
"His leadership has proven to be irresponsible & not only a flagrant
"This gathering was unlawful"
"This should not have happened total ignorance and arrogance"
"Brian tamaki is a tax dodging, bible bashing penis lover"
"He is hurting people."
"He broke the law."
"i think its wrong and he should face what he did."
"What a selfish person. Does he think he is above the law."
"Irresponsible and against government pandemic health requireme
"People like Brian Tamaki need to be held accountable for their bla
"brian tamaki smells"
"He's put us at risk...."
"He should be in jail"
"He needs locked up"
"I care about the health and welfare of other people. This protest e
"Thinks he's above the law of NZ."
"If it's OK for them to do why do we have these lockdowns. Ok for o
"He wrong"
"This man is a public menace. Thinks he is God and above social res
"It was outrageous to hold the protest clearly in breach of level 3 ru
"The blatant disregard for people’s safety and breaking of the law i
"This guy is a moron and should not get away with all his crap Hes j
"He’s an idiot!"
"He is on an ego trip all right, and attention seeking.. he is breaking
"Not acceptable and putting us all at risk. There must be consequen
"Seriously all of Auckland has been under restrictions - for this to h
"He's an absolute fuckwit who has gone way too far this time."
"I'm glad I got absolutely destroyed by vaccine side effects just to h
"He brings shame on society, disrespectful to all"
"It’s the right thing to do."
"He is NOT above the law, so needs to be punished"
"He should be accountable for breaking the rules!"
"He's a dick!!!!"
"I'm sick of people spreading misinformation"
"Brian has endangered others lives by convincing others they don't
"Make an example of this fool, we follow the rules so should he"
"It's pricks like this who are the reason we can't do what we love"
"To encourage people to gather without complying with Level3 res
"This scumbag shouldn't be able to hide behind his fake church bul
"Bitshit Brian needs to burn in hell haha"
"Brian Tamaki is wreck less and dangerous and needs to be held to
"I’m signing because the actions of a few are destroying the freedo
"Brian Tamaki is filth and should not be able to get away with it."
"We have irresponsible fools here in Australia too. Goodness know
"He is a risk to health in Auckland"
"Because this man is a self serving dangerous idiot to both our heal
"For people’s safety"
"Pat Ffrlan"
"The rest of Auckland is doing their bit to save and help others in th
"What a great display of "Christian" concern for your fellow human
"Such behaviour shows a total arrogance and disregard for the safe
"He is putting us all at risk and bugger the police for letting it go ahe
"He’s a real out there such head who’s just hungry for money"
"He's not above the law and should be prosecuted."
"Organising and taking part in a protest in lockdown level 3 is not a
"I believe Brian Tamaki recklessly spread misinformation and endan
"I'm signing because I believe in the rule of law and abhor the entit
"He's breaking the law"
"He openly encouraged illegal behaviour and deserves punishment
"He can't get away with this"
"He broke the law."
"What makes Brian Tamaki and his deciples so special! If this was y
"The sooner the better"
"This is utter disregard for team of 5 million safety and those who a
"Hes put so many at risk"
"Organised disregard for other people’s health and welfare. It also
"Because I think the people who attended and organised this petiti
"Fed up of selfish people!!"
"Brian is inconsiderate of other peoples choices"
"Brian Tamaki's actions could kill people"
"Cbf bald phag burgers munch munch"
"That Tamaki is a disgrace to Christianity. He is a disgrace to Maori.
"He should be arrested purely fur the fact he instigated a protest in
"He put all of Aotearoa at risk with his selfish attitude"
"One rule for all."
"Because Brian is a uni cellular organism."
"He has broken the lockdown protocol,,and insighted others to do
"He's a complete risk to us all. He's deliberately trying to kill us for
"He was stupid"
"The organisers must be held to account for instigating this mass ga
"Brian Tamaki broke the law and encouraged the spread of Covid-1
"He is not helping every nz er he's selfish"
"Breaking the law in holding illegal gathering seems to think he is a
"An egotistical, selfish person putting everyone at risk. His "busine
"He and his brainless zombies have put auckland into jeopardy"
"No one should be above the law. Otherwise it's all a sham."
"Ridiculous and totally irresponsible. I wonder how much was taken
"Tamaki has broken every rule for safety. Needs to be legally put o
"He isn't above the everyday people and is putting citizens at risk"
"Tamaki is a parasite, and with this little stunt put a bunch of peopl
"He broke his promise to our police He is not above the law."
"Because this twat has simply BROKEN THE RULES!!!!!!!"
"Because of the law.he did something illegal.He organized an illega
"Be endangering lives"
"I don’t understand why he can break the law but others can’t. Pub
"It infuriates me that he thinks he is above the law and also influen
"It was a threat to our public safety"
"I believe he is inciting people to meet his own agenda. We should
"He's a cock"
"The Muppet, endangering peoples lives so people could hear is ran
"He's a egotistical maniac and is on another planet. Bloody twat"
"Everyone is suffering and your arrogance can and will have affect o
"Pastor of muppets.. what so called community leader would instig
"I’m sick of people like this ruining it for the rest of us that are follo
"He's letting down the "team of 5 million" He's letting go down bu
"Brian tamaki is stupid"
"I am disgusted how these people could break the covid restriction
"He needs to be held to account."
"1 idiot ruining all the hard work done by the rest of us"
"This was illegal"
"Because the great majority of ak are doing their level best to main
"He has/had put more lives in danger. Then charge the morons tha
"We all obey the rules, why shouldn't they....extremely selfish...."
"Brian Tamaki is perverting the course of Auckland’s lockdown and
"He broke the law."
"He is a criminal disguised as a bishop"
"The law should apply equally"
"His and his "church's" actions broke 'the rules' and ran a high risk o
"We need either a change in rules, or a change in government �"
"He clearly had total disregard for the law and has jeopardized the
"He is not above the law same goes for everyone, so there should b
"As much as I agree with your stand for Freedom and the fact that
"He deliberately took it upon his self to break the rules while many
"My heart goes out to Auckland right now and for those that are fo
"Hes a dick"
"I’m signing cause he broke the rules ❤️"
"There should not be exemptions for some people and not others!"
"It’s the right thing to do, no person is above the law"
"He thinks he is above the law"
"This guy doesn't know the difference between a Bible and a bettin
"The Police need to do their job on our behalf and charge Tamaki fo
"This was a brazen breach of level 3 and endangered law abiding A
"He thinks he's above the law and makes a mockery of those who d
"He needs to be held accountable for the possibility of people beco
"He put people's lives at risk for his own ego"
"You can choose not to be vaccinated BUT stay away from everyon
"He has to be stopped"
"I agree everyone must do their part to ensure we all can get back
"Because what he has done and is continuing to do so is showing ab
"I want to actually have lockdown levels change"
"He's a scam artist."
"He is putting NZ at risk"
"Brian Tamaki is not above the law. He needs a good lesson in stick
"I strongly believe that the rules we follow stringently around Covid
"He thinks he's outside the law. C'mon he's exactly the same as eve
"Hes an idiot putting people lices and livelihoods at risk"
"Brian Tamaki has broken the law. He may think that he is God and
"This should never have happened. Putting people at risk when so m
"I'm signing because people holding a mass protest while not socia
"He needs to be charged but should also be made to pay the health
"Brian tamaki has broken the lockdown laws and should face the co
"this guy broke lockdown and ‘slapped’ Aucklanders in the face to m
"This man's actions are selfish and deplorable. His behavior is an in
"Brian Tamaki is selfishly putting his ego above the safety of NZers"
"The majority of NZ are abiding with these rules. Even when grievi
"I agree with @Lyn Ferguson."
"Because this guy is an absolute Muppet, idiot, scaremonger and d
"Your hypocrisy here is showing Brian. Go get pegged mate."
"Dave bryant"
"Hes an egg"
"If others break covid laws and get charged by Police so should he a
"One law for all. This guy thinks he is a law unto himself."
"He is not above the law he broke it he should be charged and he p
"This idiot and his fellow organisers need to be made and example
"Due to it..putting us all at risk of the virus, his vulnerable followers
"He should not get away with this."
"I believe in the reason."
"He is an arrogant tool and threat to public health!"
"He is an irresponsible oath."
"Because he is exploiting his followers who are vulnerable and putti
"He’s not exempt, simple"
"This organisation has no regard for the people of nz and do not ag
"This is completely disrespectful and irresponsible. Keep your belie
"He must be held accountable fir his reckless disregard of public sa
"Brian Tamaki is the Devil In Disguise. I think he had to do what he
"This gathering was illegaland he has put public health and safety a
"Fuck him and the bike he rode in on."
"Because he’s a selfish man who is breaking the law"
"He is an idiot"
"He broke the law and put many people in harms way"
"One law for all"
"He's a false prophet just after profit"
"He has been the initiator of the gathering and shamelessly and sel
"Cheryl Smith"
"He breached all rhe lockdown rules."
"He has incited group gathering and been spreading misinformatio
"I think at level 3 his actions where against the law and could poten
"Because he's a dangerous man spreading lies to his zombie sheep
"He’s a absolute idiot. All about him, Covid kills, he doesn’t care"
"His actions were irresponsible and stupid and he should face serio
"The guy is an idiot"
"He's a bloody arrigant Idiot."
"What right has he got to compromise NZer's and protest with no m
"No room for these extremists in any civilised society"
"He was braking the law and encouraging others to do it .all the po
"This is the most selfish of acts by a Church 'Leader' this serious bre
"He is a muppet and wastes oxygen"
"This self serving opportunistic conman is only thinking of the mon
"Selfish and greedy Bishop Brian T needs to held to account"
"He breached covid rules"
"Brian tamaki needs to be stopped and held accountable for his acti
"Why should this man gave the right to ruin it for the rest of Auckla
"I am signing it as protest against Brian Tamaki's action."
"No one should be beyond the law, it’s time to bring Tamaki’s arrog
"He broke the law"
"I totally disagree with his abuse of responsibility, and to his incitin
"Brian Tamaki is a narcissist and a conman who is misleading the pe
"This is so wrong.... On all levels. And he should be made to repay t
"He and his church are terrible bring him down."
"He deserves prosecution."
"Just small minded"
"My family have been following the lockdown rules religiously, excu
"This egotistical moron would have got what he wanted safer and s
"I am furious that the majority of Auckland have given up so much
"Un necessary risk to the public that he organized"
"Brian tamaki needs to be charged."
"One rule for everyone no exceptions"
"If he and followers aren't charged,so shouldn't all others named"
"its not right they are able to break the lockdown rules and other a
"Because he has put all of Auckland/NZ at risk while we have obeye
"No ones above the law"
"puting country at risk"
"This was as stupid as it gets after all we been doing to stay safe so
"There cannot and should not be one rule for one and another for a
"He's a dick"
"He’s putting everyone at risk by doing it"
"Kore kore rawa e tautoko I tēnei tangata kūare x"
"what makes him think he is any better than everyone else. Time th
"It was demoralising and dangerous behaviour."
"If you don't pay taxes you shouldn't have a right to protest..."
"I'm signing because we have to work together to control this virus
"He is not above the law… he may think he is God but that does no
"Public safety was put at risk"
"Brian Tamaki has put Aucklander's at risk and been extremely irre
"It's the right thing to do"
"He needs to be charged. Everyone else is that break the rules."
"This idiot needs to be held accountable for his STUPID actions"
"I’m signing because Brian’s a nuk-at-all (someone who thinks they
"Action have consequences"
"I'm signing because I think this man needs to be held accountable
"Brian is a brainwashing fleecer of poor and desperate people, he c
"We are sick of being in lockdown and he is endangering lives and b
"They should be following the Level 3 restrictions"
"The man is an egotistical menace to society, is kidding himself tha
"I'm signing because "Enough is REALLY enough" of our society bein
"The guy is a conman."
"He’s a danger to public health"
"Also charge Mortlock from City Impact Church as well."
"He's misusing his position of authority that he has. He could be us
"Lack of respect for those who care."
"Because he is egotistical and putting other peoples lives at risk. No
"He is in a position to influence people and is causing people to be
"We need to keep ALL communities safe. I now reside in Australia
"Brian Tamaki has put everyone at risk."
"We are all struggling to get on top of this virus and he put all our e
"It was thoughtless"
"He broke the law among others and should be charged"
"Also charge Mortlock from City Impact Church as well."
"Maybe they think GOD will save them from the virus hahaha. SAD
"We want to get out of lockdown and events like Brian Tamaki orga
"They should all be charged"
"He is an irresponsible public figure"
"He is an idiot that has broken the rules & should be charged. Why
"Also charge Mortlock from City Impact Church as well."
"He’s arrogant, fleecing his followers, spreads discord and misinfor
"they need to throw the book at the clown, and lock him up"
"This guy needs to be stopped ! He's a risk to communities"
"He has broken the law and making a joke out of the government a
"It is disgusting this man and his followers feel they have the right t
"He needs charged. He's potentially putting lives at risk. He has no
"Disgusting! We have worked so damn hard and the actions of thes
"ismail davids"
"Irresponsible behaviour causing danger to the Aucklanders"
"He broke the law. We must minimise the risk of spreading Delta b
"I want to keep NZ and follow Covid guideline. I disagree with his se
"I'm signing this petition because I am sick of mis informed people
"putting themselves above the common good of the h
"He is so damned arrogant, hiding behind his so called religion. So u
"I am signing as all offenders should be charged. Not just those who
"Anna Allpress"
"It's wrong no mask no groups"
"He is a slap on every one who has followed the lockdown rules..."
"Brian Tamaki is a dangerous man who makes money off of his loya
"Totally appalled at his arrogance at ignoring the government and w
"Muppet charge him"
"I would like to see Brian Tamaki' prosecuted for his selfish and stu
"I can't understand why he hasn't been charged already."
"Common sense"
"It casue spread of the virus and deaths"
"He's a duck head."
"Nicky de Graaf"
"he willingly broke the law"
"Hes a muppet and influenced our well being"
"I am a Christian, and know that nowhere in the bible it says that yo
"Tamaki is a menace to public safety."
"This man is dangerous self centered idiot. Eiahing peoples lives."
"Destiny church leader needs to stopped at putting crap into peopl
"This idiot shouldnt be allowed to breathe"
"He is a criminal"
"Brian tamaki is a fucking shit cunt and should be prosecuted"
"I. Eli eve no one is above the laws of Aotearoa"
"That man needs to be taken away from the public for good."
"It's a minority of selfish people who think they have the right to co
"He is putting everything NZ has done at risk."
"Thank you for what you've given up Auckland. So sorry this twat d
"The entire country apart from this wanker and his idiot minions, h
"He's creating dangerous super spreader events. One rule for all pe
"Illegal gathering.....every Sunday given the tithing his followers are
"This idiot is a danger to NZ ELDERLY and humans . TOO self centre
"We need to work together to keep eveyone safe"
"He has broken the law and must be held to account"
"He encouraged the flouting of lockdown rules and encouraged his
"He should be held accountable"
"I’m not aloud to organise a gathering, why is he!!"
"What he did and promoted was selfish and ignorant"
"Because he broke the law!"
"I have a civic duty to be vaccinated and to expect that people beha
"He’s a stupid dick"
"This rally was illegal"
"Absolute muppet"
"Who is he? Making these rules to suit himself類"
"Acting disrespectfully under the specified restrictions. He is no diff
"Brian can speak for himself I do not agree with him....Less people t
"Hes a dogshit cunt"
"If it was anyone else, they would have been arrested! What make
"He needs to be locked up."
"Whānau first e Kare."
"He breached lickdown rules. He could have incited a riot!!"
"After all the work Aucklanders have done, this man thinks he is ab
"Irresponsible needs a criminal record please"
"Brian Tamaki is a cult leader and needs stopped."
"He’s a muppet"
"He broke the rules"
"This cult leader needs to be stopped. He's spreading miss informa
"This is shocking"
"He broke the law"
"I believe the law should apply equally to everyone"
"This selfish bastard needs to learn not to just think of himself whil
"Because he broke the rules blatantly"
"The audacity of that stupid man!!! He has undermined all the hard
"For breaking the lockdown rules , encouraging others to break it, r
"Brian Tamaki has flouted the law and should be held accountable.
"I am sooo pissed off mother f——"
"Absolutely crazy"
"Brian Tamaki is a fuck wit"
"I'm signing this for Auckland"
"No one is above the law to protect and care for each other"
"Others have been charged, he needs to be charged too"
"It’s unacceptable behaviour"
"This is a non excusable and blatant breach of Aucklands level 3"
"He needs to charged and stop thinking he can get away with every
"Brian Tamaki is an idiot"
"Very selfish person putting people in danger of getting Delta. He ju
"the same rules and laws should apply to everyone including paras
"He basically sent a huge slap in the face to rest of Auckland who a
"I'm sick of people making stupid comments re covid 19 causing the
"What are you saying?"
"He is not a christian and his eyebrows are disgusting ."
"They need to be held accountable!"
"This idiot is risking the lives and health of everyone"
"It could spread covid and it wasn't managed as agreed."
"He brought ke the law"
"He needs to be held accountable for breaking level 3 restrictions a
"For organising mass flouts of a law that is designed to protect us, B
"He needs to be held accountable, while the rest of Auckland have
"He is warped in many ways. Delusional and only thinking of himse
"He should have known that was illegal"
"He is an ass hole!"
"He is not above the law."
"Brian Tamaki is a fuckwit"
"Anti-establishment narcissist who should be treated like anyone e
"Brian Tamaki is a selfish prick and his leadership of this event shou
"Brian Tamiki arranged and supported an illegal act."
"Why did this happen? This man is not above the law even though
"I’m signing to charge this stupid"
"A big slap in the face for all fvus who have done the hard yards!! B
"What he did affects us all.."
"Brian doesn't understand that the way to end the lockdowns is to
"Along with charging him also fine him for running the protest, $12
"It’s one rule for some and other rules for everybody else. We all in
"He organized a breach of lockdown rules putting many lives at risk
"I am signing because no one is above the law. I believe that the De
"Same rules for all."
"He's a muppet...throw the book at him!!!"
"He broke the law. Sling him in jail!"
"What he did was wrong and obscene."
"The law was brokenAn example need to be set & lockdown rules u
"He broke the law so must be charged"
"He thinks he's above everyone else spreading lies"
"What a dick! Such a selfish act!!"
"He's a piece of s__t"
"He’s a scam artist"
"The level 3 rules apply to everyone"
"Organizing a gathering was illegal"
"Brian should be made an example of"
"I am signing because I do not agree how he is encouraging his chu
"Brian Tamaki has breached level lockdown rules."
"Because he thinks of him self ,and is a dick head"
"I think he is an arrogant man who thinks he is above the law"
"This was a balant breech of the rukwa we are all living under for p
"Beachside he broke the law, there should be no exclusion whatsoe
"This idiot is a do as I say not as I do person . He should be charged
"His arrogance put other people at risk"
"He is a dick and he didn’t follow the rules, putting all of us at risk!"
"What he did was illegal"
"One law for all that is why we live in New Zealand!!!!"
"Hoha with all this kaka"
"Aucklanders have been in lockdown for so long... Tamaki was so w
"He’s a F**k wit"
"This man needs to be held responsible for his total disregard for h
"No one is above the law...including this idiot."
"people need to be accountable for their actions"
"Signing this because what he did was wrong on so many levels! Th
"Brian Tamaki needs to be held to account for recklessly endangeri
"I object to this man being permitted to ignore the rules when busi
"Why should he be allowed to break the rules!"
"I am signing because not only was this blatant law breaking, but ca
"Because he breached level 3.Others are being fine or prosecuted a
"He should be charged with Anarchy, disgraceful"
"I object to his actions and do not like who he is."
"No-one is above the law. What right does he and his followers hav
"Sudeshna Chatterjee"
"Spreading the virus"
"All of us try our best to stop Delta, everyone needs to follow the ru
"This man is a criminal and should answer for his crimes the same a
"He is taking advantage of already gullible people"
"Brian Tamaki needs to be held accountable for his actions and for
"This opportunistic parasite should be dealt with with a heavy hand
"Rules are Rules"
"People cannot be allowed to spit in the face of us doing it tough an
"Sonya toohey"
"To keep community safe from COVID-19."
"This guy's the biggest plastic moari,who talks so much crap,and ge
"Breeching lockdown"
"Cult leaders deserve no special treatment, especially when they ar
"The law of the land got to be obeyed.BT cannot hid under his God
"Hes a fucking dickhead"
"Ain't it a church thing to abide by the law! Whats wrong not gettin
"Because what he did was criminal and against the law never mind
"This man and his followers should be charged with flouting NZ rule
"He thinks he's above the bloody law..lock the prick up"
"He knew he was breaking the law and encouraged his church follo
"Should not be allowed"
"He's potential risked the lives of hundreds of people so that he can
"Seriously, isn't it obvious?"
"I think he should be held responsible for his actions - do the crime
"One law for everyone. His followers need to know that the devil co
"He was inciting others to an illegal act with no thought for the gre
"He is responsible for the future deaths of people who listen to him
"It stinks how he cam believe he is above the law"
"Why should all others be prosecuted and he can get away with in-
"Breaking L3 restrictions on social gatherings and encouraging othe
""I'm signing this because" Brian Tamaki has proven himself not Jus
"How dare this DELUDED FOOL encourage anti-vaxxer idiots"
"At Level 3 Lock down this man illegally assembled, encouraged an
"You don't get to pick and choose which laws you follow. We are al
"He's putting ppls lives at risk"
"Put him in jail and make him pay"
"I want NZ vaccinated so we can get back to some normally plus op
"Failure to act is opening the door to events like the storming of th
"Because his rally makes us all unsafe"
"He needs to follow the law like the rest of us"
"Should be charged like everyone else. Brainwashing stupid people
"Brian Tamaki is a steaming pile of bat guano"
"The Delta variant will continue to spread because of illegal gatheri
"Of his ridiculous behaviour putting Aucklanders at risk and the res
"Dangerous and illegal, putting people in danger for his stupid ideo
"NO ONE should be above the law."
"What makes. him think he could do something like that .As a ensin
"he is putting us all at risk"
"He knowingly increased the risk of COVID exposure for Aucklander
"He is the reason so many people willing breach lockdown. He spou
"This guy’s actions screams selfishness, arrogance and utter lack of
"The man is immoral. Who does he think he is?we are all doing our
"Am fed up of people breaking the law"
"This idiot needs to be prosecuted.."
"Because Brian needs to be prosecuted"
"Charge him...fine him... hes just a person braking the rules be
"Also everyone who attended and did not wear a mask or keep soc
"This was illegal. He should be treated the same as other law break
"Hope he doesn't just get a fine, his cult will end up paying it for him
"I just can't understand why the police allowed this to go ahead in A
"Brian Tamaki robs his flock to line his own pockets. He's a crook"
"Brian Tamaki was wrong and put all of those people in danger"
"What he is doing to make people go against what the rest of the c
"Brian Tamaki needs to be held accountable. If outrage was directe
"He broke the law - if I'd done what he did I'd have been arrested.
"Follow the rules and do the right thing. Wear a mask, keep 2 mete
"Brian Tamaki deliberateky endangered the health of Aucklanders b
"Why hasn’t he been arrested already?"
"Both Brian and his wife should be jailed. No good fining him as his
"Also everyone who attended and did not wear a mask or keep soc
"Jail he preys on people. His a gangster. He is no man of GOD. I kno
"This stupidity endangers all of us."
"He's illegally endangering the health and lives of my family and fri
"He is not above the law and his irresponsible actions could have d
"This guy is an idiot"
"It's quite obvious. We are doing our bit but he's encouraging other
"Signing on behalf of those who can't get vaccinated yet."
"It was a total disregard of public health safety. Why should the res
"I’m signing cause he’s an idiot and if people keep listening to him C
"He is an ignorant narcissist who deserves to be held accountable a
"It shows complete disrespect for the efforts of Aucklanders"
"How can he get away with this?"
"The law applies to all and 2000 people organised to breach the law
"Fuck american style christianity."
"Putting everyone else at risk."
"This behaviour is criminal."
"They have broken the law and put everybody else at jeopardy,if th
"Carol Frost"
"He's a dick"
"How dear he put a public protest together under a oandemic"
"I don't like him putting our lives and livelyhood at risk by scare mo
"This is BS"
"in this case self entitlement equals dollars. The 5% of nz who thin
"He’s a complete egotistical wanker, hiding behind his church/gang
"He should be charged"
"He's a bloody ass wipe, putting pple in danger of getting covid 19,
"Tena Korua to Brain and Hannah Tamaki, I am writing to ask you to
"He's an absolute lunatic !"
"Tamaki and his cronies must be prosecuted. Mr Policeman do you
"jesus would be so so disappointed. what a SELFISH dingus."
"What he did was against the law and he was putting us all at risk w
"It's not OK."
"If I organized a group and didn't obey the rules I would be."
"He has broken the law and he takes money off the poor. A thief.S
"Brian Tamaki should not be above the law. By this unlawful protes
"He endangered all NZers lives by breaking the Covid rules."
"Nobody is above the law"
"He deserves to be locked up"
"What he did was disgusting, and his followers were stupid"
"Willful disregard for the law, his countrymen and the very War M
"He takes advantage of vulnerable people."
"The country doesn't need him and those who share his values"
"He’s a cult leader"
"He should not be allowed to get away with it. We are all doing the
"fck brian tamaki"
"He disregarded the law, misleads public, and risked the lives of ma
"He is trying to kill kiwis by not following Covid restrictions and enc
"His actions were damaging to the people of New Zealand."
"He broke the health orders and does it under the guise of freedom
"Lynette Syme"
"This Man and his dangerous agenda needs to have some boundari
"This man MUST be held accountable for his actions. I sincerely ho
"He broke the rules! Others have been charged with this , why not
"Tamaki’s actions were illegal."
"Brian Tamaki broke the L3 lock down rules."
"For all the people doing the right thing by being vaccinated to kee
"He put all of us in danger. He needs pay for it!"
"I am doing my best to try and control this pandemic and Tamati th
"He should follow the same rules as the rest of us. No special treatm
"This behaviour is selfish and no one is above the law."
"He needs to be accountable for his actions as levels 3 means he br
"We are keeping to the rules snd he is breaking them and jepodisin
"Marie Hamilton"
"It was completely unethical and deserves to be criminally charged
"He is arrogant and deceitful. I don't know how he can call himself
"This is the man telling his people not to get vaccinated...what an id
"I agree his ego has helped put people at more risk, christian or not
"He’s let aoteroa down"
"He's breaking the rules, he needs to be made an example of"
"He needs to be held accountable for his actions"
"I want to be able to see my family again "
"We are all suffering"
"This so called minister who thinks he is l god knows he has done w
"His mass rally puts all New Zealanders at risk of Covid. He’s breaki
"the man is a menace yet justice don,t seem to care maybe he is th
"He should be arrested"
"He deliberately put people's lives at risk"
"Hes just a big dick head"
"He's an absolute brain washing, ignorant lunatic !"
"He needs to be held accountable for this flagrant disregard for NZe
"He is a dick that is only worried about the lining of his own pocket
"This is religious harm people"
"He not only put himself at risk but every single person in Auckland
"Lock the prick up for being a selfish arsehole that puts us all at risk
"It should be illegal."
"He and his ilk are misguided, self- serving, not above the law & mu
"The arrogance of the man! Most people are making huge sacrifice
"Keep people safe,not juggle with people's lives."
"I am signing because this is an outright egotistical parade. Health a
"He has encouraged people to gather in large numbers, he should h
"The guy is a selfish idiot"
"Broke the law"
"I'm signing this because Brian tamaki has gone to far this time."
"He thinks he's above the law and putting lives at risk"
"Brian Tamaki has broken the law and should be punished."
"He is a risk to all New Zealanders with his irrational actions. God w
"And that City Impact church guy too"
"It is unacceptable for Brian Tamaki to allow a huge gathering to ha
"Hes a grub"
"Ady Atkinson .......... Pissed off  !!!"
"Brian Tamaki takes from the poor and lives in luxury himself with n
"No one is above the law"
"He is a law to himself charge him and jail him"
"Dangerous and doesn't care about others"
"Because Noone is above Covid rules"
"Self serving Selfish human being"
"Even though I'm vaccinated and followed all the rules. I can't trav
"Brian Tamaki is taking advantage of the vulnerable and exploting t
"I'm so sick of this self entitled dick getting away with this shit. How
"The people Auckland have diligently tried to follow the guidelines,
"Level three is Level three for everyone. A wealthy con artist has no
"He's not above the law"
"He and his followers could be responsible for extending the lockdo
"A complete disregard for our safety!"
"Total tosser"
"He’s a selfish idiot who has compromised the health of all Aucklan
"I believe this man to be extremely dangerous. His main concern is
"this guys and his nonsense need to be shut down. We should not t
"Tamaki has jeopardised our efforts to continue the virus. He claim
"I'm disgusted this rally was allowed to happen. We have obeyed a
"It should be illegal,we are trying to keep our love ones safe"
"The couple who broke lockdown rules are being charged , why is t
"He's a twat"
"Hes a dick"
"As a man of influence, he has no respect for the rules., unless they
"He is breaking the law and the health of everyone in New Zealand
"This man is embarrassing,lock him up he has broken the law,what
"Not only taking advantage of people through his cult to live a lavis
"Because he put people's health at risk. And he is a Dick"
"Because he is a wanker!!!"
"I am signing because I think he has to be charged."
"I am all for people having the right to protest, except when it's putti
"Brian Tamaki broke our level 3 lock down rules and the sad part is
"He is dis regarding NZERS for his owe glory...."
"Because he's a prick"
"I am signing this petition, as I was made redundant in July due to A
"Hes a dick"
"His self righteous, arrogance and primitive mind is a danger for ou
"Yes 120% agree. One rule for all. Lock them up"
"Selfish act endangering our vulnerable people in society."
"He’s caused the extension of an already long lickdown"
"HE's a LIAR"
"Your putting me and my family at risk here, follow the rules so we
"I don't agree that he Brian Tamaki should be allowed to get away w
"He has totally broken the rules."
"He went against the rules which others are abiding by."
"He thinks he's above the law with his stupid arrogant beliefs"
"He’s an absolute fuckwit. Lock him up."
"Brian Tamaki is a useless person, negatively influencing people, wi
"This guy is a seriously simple minded self agrandising public nuisan
"He’s putting us all in danger of the virus and longer lockdowns. He
"His leadership and actions are devisive and promote negativity tow
"I think ignoring public health policy endangers all New Zealanders,
"We all need to follow the laws and rules"
"Spreading misinformation about a virus is a crime"
"One Law!"
"I believe this action to the people who are trying to keep safe, is b
"While you’re at it, please charge his wife and all of those who parti
"He a serious risk to all Aucklanders. He promoted Anti Vaccination
"Beware of false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, b
"Needs to be made accountable for his illegal actions"
"I want freedom back... for everyone, not just myself!"
"How can you tell me I should maintain a social distance from othe
"Because Tamaiki has broken the rules that we as a nation are all a
"We haven't gone through all of this to have this clown wreck it all
"Iam signing this petion as lam so disgusted with this person's beha
"somebody has broken the law, and encouraged many others to br
"The man is an idiot"
"Destiny's Church needs closed, this is a sap in the face to all those
"Congrats Brian on reaching Asshole Level 100."
"He is putting the whole country at risk to get himself noticed.A ver
"So 'freedom' means the right to risk other peoples lives? Nope, no
"I want Brian Tamaki arrested and charged for breaching COVID saf
"So self entitled....郎"
"He undermined all the sacrifices that we have all made."
"I'm fed up with people who disregard others safety..."
"This man is an uneducated idiot. Dangerous!"
"Who dose he think he is"
"Charge this man he is no different to any NewZealander you break
"He broke the rules and thinks he's above the law."
"All this just to get his face on camera. Clearly doesn't care at all wh
"This man is dangerous. He must be stopped."
"Safety of all New Zealanders is more important than 1 narcissist. B
"He clearly broke the rules"
"He is a retard"
"Brian Tamaki's encouragement of illegal actions will likely cause m
"He has broken the law so he should without a doubt be charged!"
"Law stops chaos"
"Just another gang member holding the country to ransom."
"Lawyer Hannah Rawnsley and husband were charged with breach
"He is a law breaking tosser"
"Tamaki is a dick"
"He is encouraging disobedience."
"I do not agree that Tamaki was able to hold this gathering without
"Needs to take responsibility for his egotistical, selfish and dangero
"He should be charged with manslaughter"
"He will not abide by the law and needs to be held accountable"
"There is a consequence to his crowd gathering actions"
"He broke the law .. charge him"
"This guy is reckless and putting people's health and lives at risk."
"He he is not above the law and needs to be charged"
"Tamaki has broken the rules so needs to be removed from the cha
"I'm signing because this was a clear breach of the lockdown rules,
"Time to register this so called church as a domestic terrorist unit."
"He broke the law and put people at risk."
"Brian is a silly goose"
"He completely broke lockdown rules"
"Tamaki needs to be shown the same level of justice that the lockd
"They are obnoxious egotistical people that have brain washed goo
"Follow the rules or go to Jail"
"He should be held accountable for his illegal actions"
"He is a self righteous idiot who puts all of us at huge risk"
"I’m appalled that this man thinks he can disobey the rules and so c
"I think that he has broken the law and prays on people that are int
"Brian Tamaki broke the law with implicit intent to cause unrest at
"He blatantly broke the law and incited others to do the same."
"Charge this man he is no different to any NewZealander you break
"He is a law breaker and must face the consequences"
"I think he needs to be charged"
"This idiot must be stopped. He has flaunted the law far too many ti
"This guy is a criminal and willfully spreading ANARCHY in and throu
"He is such a fool ,every one should be vacanated to help every on
"Not having public safety in mind"
"I dont think it's right he can can do what he likes in lockdown."
"sharon horne"
"He organised and presided over an illegal protest."
"Because he's a dick"
"He shouldn't get away with breaking the law"
"Jenny Hunter"
"Thanks for bringing more germs into Auckland central dumb guy. Y
"It's a rule even for that dickhead"
"I cant stand Brian Tamaki Hes an arrogant egotistical twat"
"Brian is a dick and is costing us, bill him and his church."
"He believes he's above everyone else"
"It's completely irresponsible given the current situation."
"Hes a muppet and needs to be charged!!! His actions are screwing
"I believe he was wrong for holding the event and putting not only
"This is not for the good of the public this is for his own ego."
"This man needs to be stopped, he is a complete charlatan and stea
"BT is a self-centred, manipulative charlatan who exploits others fo
"This goes completely against all our efforts so far. Sad that some a
"He is destroying all the hard work that everyone else has done for
"Hes a con artist"
"You shouldn't be above the law just because you're rich. This man
"It was a stupid thing to do. It put people on danger and negated w
"He is insane"
"Diane Taylor"
"If anyone dies of covid in the next few weeks he should be charge
"Tamaki cannot be allowed to intimidate the police with his tantrum
"This is not about taking away our freedom, this is about looking aft
"I want freedom back... for everyone, not just myself!"
"Because I pay taxes so he can get free hospital care.Is he going to
"He flouted the lockdown rules. Auckland is trying hard but a prote
"He is a wolf in sheep's clothing"
"As a Kiwi living in Melbourne, I know what the results of this sort o
"His actions have endangered life and encouraged others to do so."
"Because this man needs serious help or imprisonment."
"Bloody stupid. Throw the book at him."
"The guys a fuckwit"
"This idiot is making a mockery of us all. There shouldn't be one rul
"This undermines everything that most of us have worked towards
"I’m sick of being held to ransom by churches and gangs"
"He’s a Sussy bakka"
"He's a duck."
"He is a danger to society on many levels, not just this one. But her
"He needs to be held accountable and he has long been a disgrace
"I don’t agree that he went ahead with it snd risked Auckland’s free
"This man and his preaching have no place spreading paranoia and
"Yasmin wicky"
"No one is above the law."
"Go for it! He needs to be taught that he can't do what he likes!"
"It was compulsory lockdown ie State Of Emergency"
"The great majority of us have abided by the rules to keep ourselve
"It's a slap on the face of Aucklanders staying home and following t
"He has broken the law and potentially risked further spread of Cov
"Because this man is not about the people, he is about his own ego
"I'm following the rules to get out of this situation sooner and then
"Because he think is above the law"
"He is a evil covered with a pastor sheepskin"
"Sick of selfish people who believe they above the law"
"It was an irresponsible act by an ego driven man. Also it happened
"He's misrepresenting the Christian faith and making it more likely
"This is disgraceful behavior and has put the whole country at risk
"Because this piece of scum thinks he is above the law."
"The guys a dumb ass"
"I am signing this petition because I want NZ to slowly get back to n
"His actions were wrong, let’s pull together and respect the law!!"
"This guy and his wife are parasites on society"
"Tamaki and his people put the entire country at risk, and didn't fo
"All he wants is attention. Give him some in court."
"Rules are rules abide by them or face the consequences charge him
"Hes a dangerous idiot"
"Because he's a muppet"
"We all are doing the right thing but not you"
"The man’s a dickhead, just get it over and done with instead of ma
"He broke the law - anyone else would have been charged by now-
"He should be penalised like the rest"
"He is Totally Selfish to the rest of NZ"
"He is an idiot"
"Not ok. Im a church goer and believer and its embarrassing to hav
"Too many people are being very stupid. This impacts the rest of u
"Why should the rules not apply to Tamaki? He leads just another g
"What ever happened to action reaction consequence"
"Endangering innocent people for the very possible spread of the c
"We should all be subject to the same laws and rules, no matter ou
"He broke the law wat about all the others that have been fined an
"He is a very dangerous individual, he needs to be stopped before h
"He broke the law!!!"
"I dislike the person!"
"In this pandemic period he is not following the government protoc
"He broke the law!"
"It's simple if they don't it gives licence to others to promote their s
"I don't believe that public opinion should sway police/court action
"I am a Christian and I absolutely back the right of government to im
"So all are seen and treated as equal"
"One rule for all"
"Hoha Hua Keep My Whakapapa Safe.."
"I dont need to say anything"
"He is spreading misinformation"
"Because he has broken the law and done the wrong thing."
"Does he think he is above the law already?"
"I though the police had a duty to charge and prosucute law breake
"Totally Selfish and self absorbed person"
"Brian Tamaki and all the idiots who attended the protest should al
"He has his own agenda and it threatens the rest of us"
"No protest or public gathering is allowed in lockdown 3"
"Sharon Clay"
"Gang funeral West Auckland, Bikers ripping up Queen St, Destiny G
"He is not above the law full stop . He is a conartist ."
"I’m signing this because they are selfish individuals who hold no re
"He’s a fraud"
"I am signing because Auckland has done the hard yards to keep us
"He’s an idiot only caring about his own agenda"
"There are many people who want to see their family members and
"Not complying with covid-19 restrictions for his anti lgbtq rhetoric
"he's a dick"
"He has no regard for the rules or the people he encouraged to his
"Brian is a crook, he will even Rob God!!"
"Brian Tamaki knowingly endangered all New Zealanders by floutin
"Brian Tamiki encouraged his followers to disrespect the rules and
"He is a cock"
"This guy needs taking down a peg or two, he's a major jerk."
"It’s the law."
"Brian Tamaki has had a destructive influence on the careful work d
"He is putting us at risk of getting covid 19. Stop making trouble."
"Auckland is In level 3, with no gatherings. And he has 2000 people
"Encouraging people to break the law when you're in a position of
"He puts his views above the safety of the majority."
"He is a twat"
"He shouldn’t be allowed to do this"
"Why should we follow the rules and he does not"
"We have a very weak police commissioner appointed by you know
"How was this allowed? He was directly going against the law. He is
"His disrespect for well being of others is intolerable. Others have
"I’m signing it because the guy is a gold plated wanker!"
"If Vax mandates for travel & workplace are in place..will there be v
"Blatant ignorance with a religious dildo isn't worthy of anything."
"Those abiding by the rules need rights as well. The right to be safe
"If idiots like this get away with breaking the rules then the rest of N
"The government and police can't expect people to take lockdown
"selfish and entitled act with no regard for others"
"He’s a complete plonked."
"What a shit thing to do"
"This is bullshit."
"Tamaki is a leader in a vulnerable community. He needs to be ma
"He is a public figure breaking the law and promoting his behaviour
"This is contemptible and not why we have all made such big sacrifi
"Brian is a tool and can't follow simple instructions to help the team
"he needs to cut down to size"
"hes an idiot and took so many risks"
"Of this selfish behavior"
"He should be prosecuted, he completely ignored the lockdown rul
"This man needs to be charged to the full extent of the law for orga
"He is not right"
"He thinks the rules don't apply to him"
"I'm signing this because this man is a threat to public health, a thre
"You're in the wrong place to start this bullshit"
"....this guy has always thought himself above the law. He lacks inte
"He's a fuckwit"
"He’s a liability to all his followers"
"Brian Tamaki is negating Auçklanders rights."
"He broke the law."
"He thinks he is above the law!!!"
"This is a disgrace"
"Because we are all in lockdown in auckland and he broke the rules
"My business continues to suffer while Tamaki continues to discour
"He put everyone at risk with this stupid thing he did. The arroganc
"He's a scumbag preying on the easily led"
"This protest is stupid"
"He's a dangerous, wannabe cult leader, conman. He's ruined thou
"This guy is out of control!!!"
"He left school in fourth form;unmarried father by 20. Holy as. Go
"Eileen Thompson."
"Brian Tamaki created a dangerous, high-risk potentially spreader e
"Brian Tamaki is not above the law. We have sacrificed a lot. Tamak
"Brian broke the law, disregarded COVID19 level 3 protocols when
"Becuase he break the rules"
"This is such a selfish act that should be held accountable!"
"Deborah Mcgranaghan"
"The arrogant attitude against the safety of his fellow New Zealand
"OMFG i only just got over him and his wife fleeing to Roto's when
"7 weeks in lockdown with 84% of Auckland having it's first dose in
"The right to protest is not challenged but the lack of responsibility
"I do not believe he has the right to be break the law. If he can, the
"Brian Tamakie is irresponsible for a supposed ‘leader’ and deserve
"Hes a walking, bullshitting petrie dish"
"One law for all in Aotearoa!"
"He's out of control"
"He is the lowest fom of humanity."
"Because he should be treated like everyone else"
"I do not care about Brian Tamaki’s own views but he committed an
"He is causing huge danger to the people of NZ. He is very self seek
"I run an essential services business in Auckland and egotistical pric
"He broke the law and gets away with it."
"Brian Tamaki is a Covid prick."
"He's flaunting the law and encouraging others to do so too. That's
"He’s a prick and thinks he can and get away with everything"
"I beli"
"Tamaki is a moron.He is arguing for the freedom to infect others w
"he needs to learn he is not god and is not helping the thousands w
"Hes a dick and needs to be charged with his wrong doing not fair o
"Melani Kirkwood-Kahi"
"Because he is spreading false information and misleading people i
"Because of his actions...other people are suffering but abiding by t
"It is unfair on New Zealanders who have adhered to the levels in o
"Estou ofendido com o ocorrido."
"His egotistical selfishness is a threat to our safety."
"Totally irresponsible"
"We have worked so hard to get this virus under control, and he ju
"He deserves to be prosecuted for his abhorrent behaviour"
"He is a public menace and should be jailed."
"Because he broke the rules"
"No one is above the law......This idiot needs to be held accountabl
"What was done is illegal & the law was deliberately flouted. There
"His actions are egocentric and contemptuous of the people of New
"He is an idiot and has no education but is a brilliant con artist. He n
"Follow the rules like everyone else. He needs to spend some time
"He is spreading propaganda"
"It's a criminal act and endangering good Kiwis"
"He is a danger to society"
"Selfish person of any community should be heavily punished"
"It is sad to see so many people following a charismatic leader who
"He is not above the law"
"This man uses religion for personal gain. He loves the limelight. W
"This man is leading us likeLambs to the slaughter! He needs to be
"He is just a nuisance to all New Zealanders only interested in maki
"Because he organised an illegal protest during level 3 covid"
"He has broken the law ... simple."
"Jail it"
"The people first"
"He’s a narcissistic scumbag and needs to be held accountable for h
"Other people have suffered to obey the COVID-19 Health Laws , th
"This is so irresponsible and gives Churches and Christians a bad na
"Rules apply to everyone."
"He broke the law!"
"He needs to take responsibility as he thinks he is above the law"
"Anyone else that organises gatherings in lockdown would be charg
"Lock him up he’s a theif"
"A rule is a rule for everyone. It's sad to see the helplessness of our
"Brian's a homo"
"This man has put my vulnerable family in Auckland at risk."
"Hi is an unscrupulous scum, feeding on the weak."
"I'm all for freedom of choice but who does he think he is. Dictating
"It affects everyone wanting to see their families and friends and ge
"We need to be a team of 5 million"
"I believe any one breaking laws associated with the well-being of t
"This guy doesn't think about the safety of the people whatsoever.
"Does this not epitomises what we have seen in history, a person w
"Because he's a dick... and he influences too many people, how are
"I could list a million reasons why I'd like to see this Pratt and his cu
"Sick of people who think they are above following the rules like th
"It is too selfish and need to be punished."
"Brian Tamaki broke the law"
"This guy is a terrorist and is only out for himself"
"He'snot above the law and he's happily created a potential super s
"I do not like his self righteous holier than thou attitude"
"He has broken the law and has put so many other people at risk of
"I am sick of his ignorance putting people at risk!"
"He has no morals at all and thinks he is a law unto himself in doing
"Rules are rules to help protect nzers"
"Its an outrage. About time people were made accountable. He is ju
"B Tamaki needs to taken to task and told he is not God and play by
"Idiots like this think they are above the law and doing stupid thing
"He is a low life"
"I'm disgusted of this behaviour. Everyone else is doing their bit to
"I believe this rally was wrong especially in lock down when most a
"This should not have happened People are losing there jobs and b
"He's an idior"
"He's a hypocrite and making our lives so so hard 蠟"
"I think that you owe it to all the people who followed the rules to
"He is an egotistic person who thinks he is above the law. His action
"Unacceptable behaviour putting others at risk"
"They should all be charged for breaking lock down rules"
"I'm tired of seeing horrible people take advantage of others when
"He broke the law."
"He is a just another jim jones manipulator of innocent people hom
"He is So wrong."
"Individuals who have breached lockdown rules have been fined an
"He needs to be taken into acctount for his action as does the Polic
"He's putting lives at risk"
"He deliberately flouted the law and got others to do the same. It's
"Hes a law unto himself!!"
"I’m signing because Brian Tamaki is a fuckwit"
"He is a misinformed idiot"
"They should be made accountable"
"We were in level 3. No gatherings and masks in public!"
"He is risking my family"
"He should be made accountable for breaking the lockdown law"
"... He is a dangerous idiot!"
"He's a dick"
"He’s put NZer’s at high risk of COVID community spread and has r
"Brain Tamaki blanetly broke the rule's and could have / may have
"He is a dick."
"He has no respect at all for the human race he just thinks of himse
"It was really irresponsible and he says he’s a leader of many"
"Just wondering why you cant respect or like these comments. Onl
"Safety is paramount and his action with his followers was wrong a
"He is not helping the vaccination program and putting other lives a
"He single handly has caused disruption in the eye of a level lockdo
"He's a dick. He's proven it time and time again. This latest stunt is
"He is promoting antivax"
"He thinks he is above the law, the tax IRD, the honest working peo
"He is endangering everyone on top of being an a hole"
"Because I hate the fucktard"
"He should be jailed, a fine is nothing to this evil man."
"Lynda Thomson"
"Selfish self entitled idiot putting the public at risk by organising thi
"Because he’s a disgrace. Putting millions of peoples lives at risk. Ab
"This man is an ignorant prat"
"Wasted our patience. We have adhered by the rules and this perso
"This guy is an idiot and is putting everyone at risk, being one of the
"This grifter has no right to endanger Aucklanders in such an egregi
"Absolute rebellion putting those who have worked and suffered h
"He is an asshole"
"Inciting an illegal gathering that could effectively endanger the live
"I am saddened by Brian Tamaki's actions. He Broke The Law. This h
"None of us are above the Law"
"This hypocrite has accepted covid relief money from the governm
"Brian Tamaki is a dickhead!"
"Brian Tamaki is a terrorist."
"If there are no consequences to his actions others will follow suit.
"The Police need to that laws are for all, not some. Breaches of the
"Because he broke the health order and needs to be held to accoun
"Brian Tamaki is a hazard to the New Zealand people."
"This guy will be the catalyst behind a huge Covid 19 outbreak. Fine
"What he did is illegal, I don’t care if hes a leader of a church he ne
"Not prosecuting for such a breach makes it impossible to enforce t
"Everyone of us is accountable. Sports people, politicians and evan
"He should go to jail.... bloody idiot."
"I’m signing because he is a selfish fuckwit."
"Tamaki should not be above the law"
"he's a dick"
"He should be prosecuted for enticing others to break the law. The
"This meeting put myself and my family at risk of great harm! He sh
"He should be ashamed of himself."
"This guy is an idiot!!!"
"How dare he think he can do this"
"It’s unacceptable and a slap in the face for Auckland."
"Brian is a dick"
"I agree!!!"
"Coral Shearer"
"Cos Auckland is in Level 3 Selfish. It’s time to Stand up against thes
"What a twonk"
"Religion is not a valid reason to initiate and promote acts of terror
"Destiny Church and it’s leaders are not helping the country only th
"This protest was dangerous in so many ways"
"We have been in lockdown for so long and the majority of us have
"I'm signing because I dont believe it is right to use public influence
"It’s not good enough that he thinks he’s above other people"
"The greater good"
"He has no concern for anyone other than himself and his power? A
"He is so irresponsible if there is a big break out then what he and h
"Absolutely appalling behavior"
"Totally outside the law and he is too arrogant"
"He's an idiot and thinks he's above the law!!!"
"This man is dangerous and must be stopped exploiting the vulnera
"Level 3 is for a reason.Can’t understand anyone holding a mass ga
"Biggest fuckwit in NZ"
"Undoubtedly undoing everything all the citizens of Auckland and t
"Lying, manipulating, scam artist, egotistical, waste of air."
"Crooked az"
"Why should all those people who went to demonstrate with Brian
"Because this isn't good for the country especially Auckland"
"By his reckless, selfish, attention seeking actions, not only has he j
"He a friggin idiot !!"
"He is endangering the whole country."
"I disagree that a so called religious leader can endanger the safety
"I see this as a manslaughter. No one has got right to put commun
"Unfair to violate health and safety guidelines."
"He’s a next level idiot"
"It was outside level 3 rules"
"BT is a bellend"
"I would like NZ to become strong enough to open our borders to in
"Breached lockdown protocol. Putting people and the country at ri
"Arrogant , above the law . Grow some balls Labour and charge him
"Tamaki is making a mockery of the lockdown that was legislated b
"He should be prosecuted"
"Brian tamiti needs to be charged for this offence. The government
"He broke the law jeopardising the people of Auckland who tried so
"He is just plain thoughtless and needs to be mafe accountable"
"He is a constant nuisance. He keeps spreading false rhetoric and fl
"He's a fuck wit"
"Dangerous and selfish act by Brian Tamaki"
"I think we should all be putting public safety first."
"The Man needs to be stopped!!"
"He needs to be held accountable for endangering people's lives."
"He is an odious person, a thief, liar and law breaker."
"Everyone else that has gone against the rules has been, he's a has
"The man is a dangerous idiot."
"Brian Tamaki is a moron that needs to pull his head out of his ass"
"He was wrong to break the rules , publicly and verbally abuse peo
"Its important for everyone in New Zealand as we are all effected in
"Putting everyone at risk"
"The event was a disaster waiting to happen.We are all doing the M
"He's a Dick."
"Yes your unique...just like meSo If I stay where I'm told then SO DO
"We can't punish some people for breaching lockdown rules and no
"He's a thorn in society's side"
"Brian tamaki is evil"
"We in Victoria Australia have been subjected to these atrocious pr
"Law for some but not all, I hope the police act soon"
"because the Guy is a self righteous fool"
"This lunatic should be locked up"
"We all need to obey the rules if we want to get out of this in reaso
"We all have to follow the rules so why cant he"
"Yvonne Watts"
"Vetri neelakantapillai"
"He is a fuckwit"
"Brian Tamaki is not above the law, and must be held accountable
"It's ridiculous that Brian Tamaki thinks he is above the law. He put
"Completely illegal act. Regardless of religious stance the book sho
"He is endangering so many people"
"Sorry NOT be allowed to slide on by."
"This is so unfair and should be punished for this."
"I want life to return to normal for my kids"
"How Many stick to rules in hope of going down levels yet this guy
"He is not above the law and he's a tool. It's about time he was held
"He needs to be more than fined as he has enough money to pay so
"We have to do whatever we need to keep this country and everyo
"So many other people have been charged for leas risky rule breaki
"I'm signing because the actions of this cult and their leader is obsc
"He's an idiot that broke the rules"
"He's a divider & a fear mongering twat."
"I can't believe this protest wasn't prevented before it happened. It
"I think he is disgusting organising this rally and disrespectful to Au
"This is blatant grandstanding from a known thug and con man"
"Many Aucklander have been supporting lockdown, going without
"This guy is a total wanker"
"I’m pissed off"
"His actions are disgraceful and put others at risk"
"He should be held to account."
"We are almost all doing what we have been told. I don’t agree wit
"I want to see this dickhead charged."
"I care about my fellow Kiwis, and Tamaki (and the police failing to
"Charge him, if you or I did it we would be charged. He has made a
"He shouldn't be above the law. Everyone else has to follow govern
"Everone else is trying to follow the rules so we can all be safe. He
"Hahaha. He takes his flock of 1,000 to an illegal event and in less t
"Because egotistical cult leaders need to be stopped"
"Because he should be charged. Mr Tamaki thinks he's a law unto h
"He needs to be stopped he is way to self entitled thinks he can do
"Brian Tamaki is an idiot and deserves to be charged"
"He's an egotistical idiot who thinks he is god"
"He and his followers are not above the law!!! His form of religion o
"its wrong they charge other people so why not him"
"Brian Tamaki needs to be held responsible for inciting anti-authori
"It was a slap in the face to the rest of us who are complying to the
"He thinks he above the law and on the same level as God. Idiot"
"He should be charged"
"This man is an egomaniac and is taking advantage of the weak and
"S. Sharman"
"Coz he needs a bullet in his head."
"The man's a dangerous effwit and needs to be brought into line.Th
"He’s an idiot. We’re trying to fight this virus not spread it. He is do
"I support the NZ governments response plan for COVID-19"
"The law needs to be applied evenly. He puts us all at risk"
"It was against the rules"
"He is irresponsible"
"Hes a nutbag"
"It’s not right! It’s a slap in the face for the rest of the country…"
"I’m very upset how this guy has organised this and it puts us New
"Take from the poor and buy a Tesla..."
"Spreading the virus"
"I don’t want a Covid super spreader."
"1 law for all! Seems to me there’s laws for everyone else and laws
"He has done something that put all Aucklanders at risk"
"I am signing because after 7 weeks of not being able to see my fam
"Do you remember he made a mockery of everyone in the last lock
"He is in a position of responsibility needs to look after his people n
"He destroyed all Aucklanders ‘ effort. So selfish guy."
"this man is a disgrace to any religious belief..and is not above the l
"Wanker is a decent word, it bounces off him, he wanks off his follo
"It's disgusting to even think that someone could organise somethi
"Total lack of respect for the rest of the country especially Auckland
"Gerda leenards"
"He calls himself a Christian yeah right! A money grabbing hypocr
"This keeps us in lockdown longer and could cost lives. Tamaki isn't
"I'm disgusted purely unchristian"
"He urged his followers to breach the government's covid restrictio
"Because he is a twat"
"He is not above the law."
"This is only about money - because at levels 3 and 4, he can't have
"What was he thinking??????"
"He broke the rule like always"
"He is taking money off innocent people"
"My daughter lost her job due to Covid and she lives in Auckland, th
"Because his reckless with no thought for others.."
"No one should be ‘above the law’. Brian Tamaki and his followers
"I'm covid smart"
"If they don't charge him, the whole lockdown is a joke."
"This action is irresponsible and selfish"
"Don’t much care for the man and his views he can keep his opinio
"Downright selfish behaviour after all the sacrifices most New Zeala
"He isn't above the law"
"I'm sick to death of his ego and his lies and his total BS."
"Its anachy"
"Jason Kelly"
"A dangerous and ignorant disgrace to NZ"
"Misinformation from cretins has no place in NZ."
"Because he broke lockdown rules and has potentially put us all at
"Because this selfish act of a few affects the many, and as an Auckla
"He's a bloody idiot and should be prosecuted"
"Because this guy gives Christians a bad name"
"These actions were selfish, dangerous and put the lives of others a
"because he out our country risk"
"I do not like what he stands for."
"He uses his religion to gain power over others, he needs to be stop
"He is stopping the country from opening up"
"He's accepted covid funding, yet breaks the rules??? Hypocrite of
"He’s a hypocrite"
"Malcolm Gayfer"
"I’m signing this because I think Tamaki thinks he’s untouchable an
"Everyone should be subject to the same rules....Brian Tamaki seem
"We are all making sacrifices to keep everyone safe. He is just gran
"Brian Tamaki is selfish and uncaring about the greater good. His ob
"He and his followers have insulted my family, my friends, my work
"This blatant disregard for public Health order goes against all the k
"We all need to stamp out this virus"
"what he allowed to happen is irresponsible and illegal."
"he's a self serving waste of air."
"I agree he is being a selfish asshole"
"The rules are for everyone"
"Terrible behaviour and unless rules are enforced then Jacinda is th
"Hes a drop kick. What about the other 5 million people following i
"Cos this guys an asshole. He’s a homophobe and and idiot and if th
"So disrespectful to the rest of the country. He broke the law and h
"The Le needs to be obeyed."
"Social cohesion is paramount at this time."
"Blatant breach of lockdown rules and risking public safety"
"He is a self entitled criminal! Total disregard for the city of Aucklan
"Loma van houten"
"It was clearly illegal in the present pandemic and he should be enc
"Putting lives in danger"
"He is a vile man who spouts messages of hate. My loved ones in A
"He and all with him broke the law... FULL STOP"
"This man is putting the whole country in jeopardy for reopening to
"Should be one rule for all"
"He’s an idiot cult leader"
"Because Brian Tamaki is a danger to New Zealand"
"I'm signing this to illustrate the size of the group representing the
"It's a selfish thoughtless act to not observe the easily followed step
"He needs to be held accountable for putting people's lives at risk."
"He broke the rules and jeopardize our health"
"It was irresponsible of him to go against the lockdown "rules""
"He's a reclass fraudster"
"They broke the law."
"Needs to be charged for breaking lockdown rules."
"I think he should be charged"
"He put others at risk"
"It’s ridiculous that a church that doesn’t pay tax can put its hand o
"People this selfish and, quite frankly moronic, should be punished
"Community service?!! U joking!!!! How about 6 months in jail, in a
"Brian Tamaki is a sinister conman and posed a serious threat to pu
"Brian Tamaki put all of us at risk."
"It's absolutely disgraceful that he should organize a mass gatherin
"Charge this cult leader! And lock him up! He doesn't care about Ne
"This man is dangerous"
"He is such a bad influence on nz"
"I beleive the people who attended are selfish and irresponsible. W
"He broke the rules for his own gain"
"This is why we are staying in lockdown"
"He is guilty of putting people at risk"
"What a joke"
"I'm signing because he's a bellend."
"We have all stayed home worn masks when going to the superma
"This behaviour is unacceptable from a leader who has such a high
"Self entitled people are endangering the rest of the population."
"because he thinks he can do as he likes he's wrong"
"That was so wrong the guys an idiot"
"I am signing this petition because Brian Tamaki deliberately encou
"Brian Tamaki is not a godly man, he pretends to be. If he was he w
"Tamaki is a greedy, self-serving false prophet!"
"This person has openly flouted the law, putting the general public
"He is irresponsible and morally wrong."
"He's a opportunistic asshole, who is now endangering the public"
"No one is above the law. We have worked too hard for this for too
"He sees God and preaching as a business to make money from, en
"He is breaking regulations"
"Sick of dickheads just ignoring everything we are trying to achieve
"The biggest scam artist spreading dangerous information."
"He's blatantly breaking the rules and can't be allowed to get away
"He’s just a wanker"
"He and his henchmen slapped everyone in the face with his arroga
"No respect for the vast majority of Aucklander who have adhered
"What's the point of a law if you don't enforce it? Money or positio
"He is putting peoples lives at risk."
"Brian Tamaki is am idiot"
"This was an irresponsible, selfish and idiotic. It is only right with al
"Because of his ego we are still inlock down arrogant idiots should
"As a so called Christian he should be setting an example to preven
"I believe God gave us a mind to know what is right and a heart to k
"He put the public at risk by creating a potential super spreading ev
"He broke the law"
"He thinks he's above everyone !"
"Its irresponsible of a "leader" to organise something as ludicrous a
"He needs to follow rules like the rest of us."
"I really cant write how I feel about this narcissistic idiot. I'll end up
"Creating lockdowns, vulnerable people at risk, failing businesses,
"He only cares about himself and hasn't respected the covid rules.
"Simply put, if he compares our lockdown to being locked up in jail
"Brian tamaki is a narcistic pos"
"One rule for all."
"He broke the rule"
"I've been at home for 7 weeks with 3 young kids and I'm not acting
"It's about time that Karma finally catches up with this man."
"I am appalled at the lies and disregard for law and fellow humans.
"He broke the rules and although he thinks he's gods appointee, he
"He is a dirty conartist"
"Everyone needs to be held accountable when they go againt what
"Should not have been allowed to have protest rally at all while co
"Rules should apply to everyone and not adhering should have its c
"Yes yes yes, he must be charges"
"He and his followers have broken the law, and are putting the rest
"We should all follow the rules together for the good of the countr
"he's a dick"
"inciting public disobedience is just another form of terrorism"
"I am not happy with Brian Tamaki thinking he is above the law. Als
"He's a dick"
"This dangerous megalomaniac needs to be shut down."
"He is an idiot.With his actions, if sends Auckland back into level 4,
"He takes advantage of vulnerable people who are easily swayed w
"He and his mob of "sheep" are selfish ignorant morons.. THE END!
"He is racist, homophobic, narcissistic, dangerous person who need
"I hope some gay earthquakes bring down his church"
"We have all worked bloody hard to do the right thing. We have all
"If everyone else has to follow the rules then why cant he .. if there
"The common good of all NZ people was placed at risk by this man'
"Everyone is meant to be in lockdown. B Tamaki is not above the la
"He is a grifting monster who doesn't care who lives or dies he just
"He broke the law deliberately and he is not above the law"
"Totally arrogant and irresponsible,an insult to the buble of 5 millio
"He needs to be held accountable absolutely!"
"He so against the government and the general population of NZ bu
"He is selfish and jeopardising everyone else doing the right thing. H
"Brian Tamaki is an idiot and should be charged."
"Brian Tamaki is a law breaker and put my whanau in danger"
"The man survives (very lucratively) from social gatherings. A pretty
"Responsible leaders should be just that and not flaunt Health & Sa
"For being a bloody idiot and putting people at rosk"
"This was completely irresponsible and has put vulnerable people
"Because he should not be above the law. He's anti lockdown but d
"He is an absolute flog and not above the law he is a terriorst and s
"He should have been arrested for that. Why did that not happen?
"Tamaki should be dealt with the same way others who flouted the
"He's an Idiot n I Hope the Lot of them get Covid n the Hospitals Tu
"Tamaki's arrogance and grifting needs to be held to account."
"Brian Tamaki has breached the law for restrictions with level 3"
"Why should the rules be different for this guy and his followers. Pr
"I'm signing because this kind of arrogance is endangering our citize
"It's not ok ... selfish to others"
"I think it irresponsible and a slap in the face to all aucklanders who
"It's dangerous that he thinks he is above the law. He puts people a
"What he did was wrong and has endangered nz citizens"
"It was an irresponsible and unlawful gathering."
"I’m signing because this was such a selfish act. I’m a Christian, and
"I'm signing because it is just plain stupidity what they did!!!"
"Totally selfish"
"Guy is a prick!"
"all the time my family and mist folk in the community is being pote
"Brian Tamaki thinks he's above the law,Hes a fake a liar and a thie
"His behavior is selfish and disgusting. Look at America and all the a
"Everyone who doesn't comply by the rules and guidelines should b
"I'm signing because he was spreading false information and break
"Brian Tamaki should be charged with inciting disobedience. The on
"He needs to be jailed, no respect for other people"
"Because Auckland has been following the rules and he has now pu
"He is putting peoples lives at risk…."
"Brian Tamaki is obviously not doing his best for Aotearoa. Treason
"This was a disgusting slap in the face to Auckland"
"He needs to be punished."
"Enough is enough. Tamaki needs to fall in line with other Auckland
"Auckland is doing this so hard, signing in solidarity"
"I think he needs to made an example of he's not above the law"
"Are you in hospitality and lost your income? Are you a medical pro
"He's evil. Only cares about getting more money. A parasite."
"He broke the law! Whats the issue? Book'm Danno"
"The man is a their and con"
"Because he's doing more damage to people's health by being arro
"The protest was a selfish and irresponsible ego driven debacle. He
"He endangers lives"
"It is narcissistic and disgusting. Disrespectful to all Aucklanders do
"Don't like him"
"Evil man"
"I don't condone egotistical idiots"
"He should be living with the same laws as everyone else! There sh
"Hes not above law !!!!!"
"He deserves to be punis8"
"This man thinks he is above the law"
"He is a leader in his church community, leading others to put othe
"He has put everyone at risk and broken the law. He should be pun
"I think what he did comprised us all."
"An awesome message about Covid from my pastor and the conspi
"I resent Tamaki putting us at risk of spreading Covid"
"He has badly let down his fellow Aucklanders and he has endange
"Fuck him for putting our hard work at risk"
"He needs to abide by the rules"
"I'm pissed off at this idiot and his tupid claims. Earthquakes caused
"I’m contributing because all my family and friends have complied
"We are all trying our best with Covid and the destiny church brain
"He is flouting the principle of lockdowmAnd encouraging others to
"He's risking our country for personal gain!"
"He is in a position of leadership and also a barefaced liar. He said e
"Completely irresponsible repercussions could devastate people’s l
"It was so wrong what he organized and incredibly selfish and also
"He is egotistical and arrogant"
"What he has done is just stupid and he could have just done it on
"He held a rally in the middle of a covid lockdown"
"Kay Livingstone"
"He was the organizer of a group larger than the legal limit of ten,h
"He's a tosser"
"He has a moral obligation to not be so stupid"
"It's right"
"I think Brian Tamaki should use his influence to educate and influe
"He and his followers broke the rules, pack of morons"
"Why should these people get away with not following the rules we
"I’m signing because his actions have put others Health at risk"
"He is a dick"
"I beleive this was not a good choice."
"So many people have been doing the right thing. He is a communi
"This man is selfish and causing harm and danger to his fellow Kiwi
"How damn arrogant! charge him and everyone else that can be id
"He's put our health system, economy and nation a risk."
"We all know what to do to beat it"
"Everyone needs to be held accountable"
"Because he never thinks of anyone but himself,,and what he done
"Janelle Ritchie"
"It's bullshit"
"New Zealand has incurred enormous debt to get us to this point .
"He is putting nzers in danger"
"Douche bag"
"He's a twat that put New Zealanders at risk"
"He only thinks of himself and the almighty dollar."
"He and his mates are wrong and beyond belief what the hell make
"Because this idiot does not care about anyone but himself
"This POS is a waste of oxygen and a real threat to humanity. Not to
"He has not followed covid protocol"
"This guy is putting all of us in danger of COVID. Enough of these an
"I see no reason this man should get away with breaking the law an
"Totally irresponsible and illegal"
"He broke the current covid protocols and this is about him and his
"We are under one single law.not one law for him and one law for
"I feel very sorry for those stuck in Auckland lockdown who are obe
"I am signing this petition because Brian Tamaki is a dick. Plus he is
"This person has put so many people in at risk.....a very dangerous
"This guy has made a mockery of the law, of the Police and the wish
"I'm signing because the rules apply to everyone no matter who the
"Brian tamaki is an idiot"
"He broke the restrictions, people have been charged for less. He p
"i disagree with him"
"I agree with this petition. Brian Tamaki has always flouted his own
"We are having to abide by rules and laws. He deliberately broke t
"Tamaki is a tool"
"Brian Tamaki is an idiot and a lawbreaker"
"Brian Tamaki lead an illegal gathering and should be held legally cu
"Romans 13:1-2 - King James Version13 Let every soul be subject u
"It’s ridiculously bringing people together during a pandemic."
"He needs too be stopped..your destroying loving families ❤"
"He's putting everyone at risk. Plus he's a fucking idiot"
"It the right thing to do"
"This was a dangerous thing to do plus against the covid rules.Why
"All other Aucklanders are doing the right thing, then he does this t
"to watch public opinion at work...fuck all to do with law though.."
"He doesn’t deserve to be in the position he holds. That demonstra
"This person action are irresponsible and he needs to be accountab
"He blandantly broke level 3 rules anyone else would be charged, n
"My son is 19 months old. He can’t get vaccinated and its people lik
"He is a complete moron"
"He needs to do the hard yards,he has very dangerous ideals , the I
"Because he was arrogant in his contempt for the five million"
"He deserves to be prosecuted"
"I cant stand him"
"Because I'm doing everything right and that is asked of me to keep
"He should be held to account"
"Everyone else in auckland has to abide by the rules. Why should th
"I believe that the current restrictions are in the long term best inte
"His behaviour is despicable ,totally unchrustian and he preys on th
"With the protest he significantly increased the risk of spreading De
"Also can someone make a petition to make him pay back all the go
"I pray for him that he finds the True God. That he stop teaching th
"His actions are totally irresponsible"
"Tamaki is a bloody idiot!"
"He is a wanker"
"Why are people paying money to share this petition? Where does
"The peacemakers help their neighbours, that is all New Zealanders
"This was meant to be a peaceful gathering of like minded people w
"Why wouldn't you?"
"I’m a Kiwi living in Adelaide; with voting rights in NZ. I'm concerne
"You can't fix absolute stupidity or breaching Covid Delta lockdown
"Brian Tamaki is a poor excuse for a so called Christian. He is hiding
"this snake oil merchant has put lives at risk with his protest"
"Robyn Hills it dosen't matter who you are we need to respect othe
"It was illegal And immoral."
"Make another petition to make him pay all the govt money back s
"Brian tamaki is naughty"
"Another trump"
"He is putting other people at risk of a serious illness on the back of
"Peter Pearce"
"He put the whole country in harms way with his selfish action s"
"Why should he get to gather socially and put us all at risk of being
"He needs arresting putting lives at risk"
"The police seems to be scared of him and his followers"
"He's a complete rule braker"
"Tamaki is a self-centred knob"
"There are rules in place for a reason, he is not above the law"
"He should be jailed"
"God maybe on your side Mr Tamati, however the Virus, does not d
"Brian T & his fellow protestors are setting a bad example. They sho
"he is a rule breaking bad attitude and full of himself"
"He is doing so much damage to all the hard work gone into educati
"The man is an egomaniac. So arrogant that he can’t see he’s killing
"I'm sick of staying home when I am double vaccinated (before the
"Laws are for all not some....."
"He a egg"
"Hes a idiot and doesn't care about the people!!"
"Brian Tamaki and his followers have display a great lack of conside
"Brian Tamaki is a conman who believes his own bullshit"
"I'm sick of people deliberately breaking and encouraging others to
"People are trying to get back to normal. This man is proventing tha
"Everyone has to flow the rules to protect our families"
"The Tamakis and all associates need removing from society."
"Brian Tamaki needs to be held accountable for his actions. He has
"One of the most corrupt individuals in New Zealand, definitely to b
"He dies not represent NZ ..Let alone Christian Believing people..D
"He is not above the law"
"Sandy Gordon Motueka"
"I don't want to end up in the same situation as UK and Australia."
"There is not one rule for everyone and one rule for another. Charg
"He needs to be accountable for his actions He acts as if hes GOD"
"1 rule for all"
"His act blatantly tore apart all the hard work that all Aucklanders h
"Your brake the law , you pay the price .Brian tamaki you fuel a fire
"He thinks he is better than the law of the land. Can him."
"Brian Tamaki needs to realise what he has done"
"He’s a dick"
"I am more of a Christian than Brian Tamaki and I don’t even believ
"He thinks he is above the law and his followers are just as bloody t
"These people had no right or any excuse to hold this event when e
"The guy is an idiot who is endangering the rest of us."
"The guys a fucktard."
"The man is a fake ."
"He’s an idiot, that should know better and all his followers."
"the level three rules have been broken and others who broke pub
"It was a stupid thing to do especially when most of us are trying ha
"Was illegal"
"Angry at illegal protesters"
"Irresponsible behaviour and the people circulating with donation b
"I bet he thinks his supporters will pay any fine. A jail term is warra
"he's a dick head only worry about the dollars he's loosing"
"He is breaking the law and is never held accountable for his action
"I feel Brian Tamaki should get six months jail for putting all Aucklan
"Signing because Tamaki is a muppet."
"He is an idiot untrusting and only cares about himself he ain't God
"Who does he think he is...."
"We have obeyed the rules and he blatantly broke them we sacrific
"He’s vile and entitled"
"What he did was WRONG"
"He has broken the lockdown rules and endangered public safety"
"Tamati is an idiot idealist"
"Tamaki is totally irresponsible asking his followers to risk COVID 19
"He has breached the COVID rules and encouraged others to do the
"Because Brian Tamskinis s danger to NZ's public health"
"This stupidity puts innocent lives at risk"
"Everyone needs to do their bit - especially leaders like this who are
"Because he has broken the law and it’s people like this that will sto
"Pay tax, stop the spread of covid, who are you to protest"
"He is an idiot and has put aucklanders at risk of a longer lock down
"He, his wife and follower's think their above the law and will conti
"This hypocrite needs to pay tax or shut up about "government con
"He’s a idiot."
"Broke the law"
"Because he’s a smeg head whose actions threaten the health and
"He organized illegal gathering"
"Brian is a fuckwit"
"He is just after money and doesn’t care who gets sick"
"He is putting our country, our people at risk"
"Who does this scumbag think he is."
"I’m signing as I believe his arrogant attitude & beliefs will cause m
"Narcissistic and entitled charge him. Why do people not in the spo
"I'm signing because of his irresponsible behaviour and his lack of t
"He broke the law with no respect for others. Other lives are now e
"So many people in Auckland are trying to do the right thing by pla
"He's put alot of people at risk just because of his ego"
"Who is this idiot, that he can do whatever he desires to do. Hes ok
"That prick thinks he is above the law and has no regard for public s
"I'm signing because I care for all my families, friends and everyone
"I don’t believe what he did was right. Was he just intentionally try
"Cause I can"
"Megalomaniac. That's all he is.Just another Destiny recruitment dr
"Brian Tamiki needs to face the consequences of him breaking the
"I agree"
"This scaremongering and complete disregard for people’s safety n
"He should be held accountable for putting the public in danger for
"He should not be above the law"
"I’m disgusted and disappointed by the fact that charges have not b
"They need to set an example. He broke the rules and not charging
"I am appalled at Brian Tamaki’s cavalier attitude towards the peop
"Why on earth was Tamaki's protest given the go-ahead in the first
"He's a complete twat and needs to be put in prison for good. Get r
"He broke the law yet again."
"He dosen't care about anyone apart from himself"
"One law for all."
"Tamaki is corrupt and has no regard for public safety"
"Reckless Stupidity"
"This was a self-serving, irresponsible and heartbreaking act that on
"What he is doing is putting all us to risk and provoking people to g
"He is a foolish man and a danger to the community. He should be
"He is a cult"
"Because he broke the law"
"He encouraged people to break lockdown, and not wear the prote
"Appalling. We will all suffer because of his decision."
"Not a United group"
"He needs to be accountable!"
"He is a dickhead"
"Tamaki is ignoring the lockdown rules putting all at risk . We must
"He is an idiot and should be charged"
"He deserves to be charged."
"Lynn Cicero"
"why should he get away with possibly ruining all the hard work the
"It is totally irresponsible of a church leader to incite public gatheri
"His actions are a terrible message for Maori and Pasifika. Paradoxi
"I don't want me and my family to be put at risk by idiots like this. I
"He broke the law."
"He is an absolute fool and should be stopped"
"He's and idiot and needs repercussions"
"Purely for the disrespect he has for other peoples live's.And trying
"He’s a nutter"
"We’ve all tried so hard to make nz safe. So disappointing Brian Tam
"He’s a fuckwit"
"Brian Tamaki broke the law organising this protest . I have lost my
"I want Brian to be treated equally, not like the self-entitled knob h
"Selfish moves by a selfish group!"
"He should be fined. Every single person there should be fined for
"He's not above the law."
"Stone age religious zealots can not make their own rules"
"Because the law does apply to himAnd he needs to me made an e
"No one is above the law .. individual freedoms become irrelevant
"As a Kiwi, I want NZers to keep our elderly relatives safe."
"The man is irresponsible and a bad influence"
"It was completely irresponsible and dangerous to hold this event.
"I think he is an idiot and should be penalized for his actions"
"He should not have been able to breach the rules and encourage o
"He is disrespecting the covid situation"
"He’s holding an illegal meeting"
"He has gotten away with too much for too long. Destiny is a cult, a
"It just flies on the face of common sense. Individuals would have b
"Like the banner says, this man's ego comes before anything else su
"He us a selfish prick"
"One law should stand for all, charge him for breaking the law"
"Brian is a cock."
"The unvaccinated are a threat to themselves and everyone else."
"Tamati needs to be brought to heel."
"He's just like other cults. Brain washing people."
"He is badly behaved"
"I am signing this because I care about the health and wellbeing of
"He is so wrong in doing this an idiot"
"For the sake of all NZ Aotearoa we must care for All of us. Togethe
"I'm signing cause this man needs to be stopped and arrested for c
"His actions are totally wrong"
"I'm signing becaue he is an egotistical idiot, who had blatantly disr
"The destiny church leader has put thousands at risk and broken th
"This slime has no morals or concern for anyone, only his bank bala
"He's a revolting man who should be fined and jailed."
"Everyone must follow the law and not take advantage of using pow
"This sort of thing happened in Sydney and Melbourne and look wh
"He is not above the law he doesn't speak for the majority who hav
"Fostering discontent and rule breaking at the risk of a nation’s hea
"How could this even been allowed - we all have to abide by the law
"My family is in Auckland and, based on my experience in the UK, t
"Deplorable lack of respect for the law and the health and safety of
"This is not ok"
"Somebody who defies all the steps taken to keep the country and
"Cheryl Griffin"
"Tamaki was being a total jerk and putting people at risk."
"The protests are illegal"
"There is one law for everyone. Brian tamaki is not exempt."
"Brian Tamaki needs to be told it's not OK what he's doing. "
"Brian Tamaki is a idiot"
"For his view on gay marriage. Fucken dickhead."
"What he did is reprehensible and morally wrong"
"Public safety"
"I think this protest was very irresponsible putting people at risk of
"Its simply wrong!"
"Loser & waste of space."
"Should not have happened"
"He needs to be demoted from his self proclaimed religious title"
"Enough is enough. If businesses are getting fined and loosing mon
"This man is a danger to NZ. He has to be make accountable."
"He was being very selfish and not thinking of everyone else in NZ"
"He shows no respect to the law in NZ and the rest of New Zealand
"Im signing this petition as a Brian Tamaki is exposing his followers
"He is an influencer of a very vulnerable group of people and he ne
"He is an absolute idiot and selfish just wanting publicity ."
"He's a idiot"
"I am signing because put others at risk and is a slap in the face for
"Illegal behavior needs to be dealt with for the safety of us all"
"I totally disagree with tamaki and everything he stands for"
"If we broke the rules we would why is he safe"
"I'm really annoyed that the government chose to allow this to go a
"The protest has put Aotearoa at risk of a severe outbreak! If it wa
"Totally agree"
"Because justice needs to be served!"
"Charge the idiot"
"He's a self centred, egotistic, selfish prick who cares only for himse
"He is a very dangerous man!"
"Because he is and idiot you thinks it is his god given right to flout a
"It’s so wrong when we are all doing our bit to keep NZ safe. Assho
"Because what he did was careless and putting a lot of lives at risk"
"Because Brian is a ballbag"
"This guy is inciting trouble against the lockdown that we’ve all wor
"This isn't/ wasn't right considering what the rest of NZ's are doing
"He's wrong"
"He is breaking the law, is socially irresponsible and is inappropriat
"He broke the law. Simple as that."
"There should be one rule for all."
"Should not be one rule for one and not the other. Showing to resp
"He broke the law, if I broke the law I would have to pay the price a
"These sort of people need to be responsible for their actions and n
"He broke the law by organising this event"
"After all this hard work of supporting emergency services, border
"It was nothing more than a fundraiser/recruitment drive for Bwya
"I'm in lockdown that prick isn't"
"That man stands for everything Jesus isn't and puts the church in a
"No brainer"
"This is not about God! This is about his ego and how much money
"New Zealand deserves better."
"He is a leader and should be making decisions for the good ofN Z
"I’m signing this petition because what he did was totally illegal."
"He broke the law, a total breach. Hit the church in the pocket to fu
"I imagine he wants the church to reopen so he can continue fleeci
"He needs to be held accountable"
"Brian Tamaki needs to be relieved of all his I'll gotten gains"
"Anyone else would get charged!!"
"someone just shoot the dumb cunt. problem solved"
"I think Brian Tamaki's actions are stupid & selfish..."
"This was a shocking time to be protesting"
"Let him burn."
"He's a dick"
"His actions are so damaging to vulnerable communities - its uncon
"If the couple who went to wanaka are getting in trouble they why
"Tamaki is a fuckwit and should be prosecuted for spreding lies"
"He should not encourage others to break the rule, he should be re
"He thinks he is above the law."
"It is dangerous and shameful behaviour for someone in a position
"We're all in the same boat, risking the same uncertainties and afra
"Freedom of speech is fine but potentially putting my family, my yo
"M V OHalloran"
"I believe Destiny Church is misinformed and putting others at risk
"The guy is not a Bishop. He is fraudster and a con man and if their
"I'm signing because, it was a slap in the face to the rest of Aucklan
"The second time Brian tamaki has been given free license to put k
"The guys a selfish idiot that's putting the rest of the countries at ri
"I oppose Brian Tamaki's irresponsible behavior"
"Why should he be allowed to get away with it?????"
"Brian Tamaki is an idiot"
"Hes an egotistical narcissist putting peoples lives at risk"
"Has to be stopped"
"I’m signing because that we Aucklanders have been locked up and
"Because people like Brian are a bad influence and quite detriment
"Leanne wilton."
"He needs to be part of the team of 5 million"
"Brian Tamaki should be charged"
"He has been breaching the lockdown rules."
"I am against promoting no vaccination, should be compulsory"
"Brian Tamaki is a disgusting man that preys on the vulnerable."
"It wrong what he is doing"
"These people are thinking of no one but themselves. They all want
"No one is above the law"
"He is a selfish idiot"
"These selfish dickheads are happy to cause harm to all Kiwis by no
"No one should be above the law at a time like this."
"Brian Tamaki broke the law."
"I’m signing this petition because what he has broken the laws of C
"Tamaki and his wife are just a couple of thieves that only care abo
"People who put people and community at risk should be punished
"He is just like the virus, indiscriminately destroying people lives !"
"He's an idiot"
"Brian Tamaki cares more about money than lives. He's selfish and
"He is an irresponsible charlatan who preys on the vulnerable and s
"Brian Tamaki thinks he’s above the law. He isn’t!!"
"A church should not get special privilege when others don’t!"
"He’s encouraging others to break the law and on doing so has pro
"Set an example"
"He is irresponsible, takes from the poor to enrich his own life, he b
"The organisers showed a complete disregard for the health and sa
"I think he should be charged. Why is he any different from other p
"Not fair...bloody idiot!"
"He blatantly disregarded the law"
"Because he's an absolute dickhead"
"After all we’ve sacrificed during lockdown to keep our each other
"He needs to learn a lesson. Charge him that's it."
"His behaviour is despicable!! We’re stuck inside doing the right th
"I’m signing because he encouraged people to flout the rules becau
"I am an Aucklander who has obeyed covid 19 rules set by the Gove
"The police need to be consistent when people break the health ru
"Selfish twit."
"One law for all."
"He is an idiot who should know better."
"He does not care about killing his flock of sheep only making mone
"It was an irresponsible slap in the face to all who are struggling an
"All the hard work aucklanders have sacrificed these past weeks an
"Even self appointed bishops have to obey the law"
"He needs to be prosecuted like everyone else"
"He needs to stop"
"Because this person is an idiot and a danger to the rest of nz."
"Such an arrogant move. He is NOT above the law"
"he needs to be taught a lesson last year he and his wife broke the
"He should be charged he has broken the law"
"Brian Tamaki has to be held accountable for flouting the rules and
"because he is a dick !"
"It’s just hard to fathom someone of such influence being so mislea
"Donna Inger What a absolute fraud"
"Keep it growing people"
"I'm signing because he broke the law!!"
"He's so wrong"
"All others that have broken lockdown rules have been charged. He
"Complete inconsideration to all NZ'rs"
"Hes a idiot and put Auckland in danger"
"Time to stand up and deal with clowns like him"
"I am signing this petition because I am disgusted by the double sta
"I'm supporting Auckland"
"I'm signing because he's a twat that's breaking the law and putting
"It’s so wrong and police should do their job and punish them with
"While small businesses suffer and rest off our kiwis doing the right
"Hes a predator that bleeds others."
"He knows the rules why does he think he is so special that he can
"He thinks he's above the laws of this country. They also need to st
"All of us should be held accountable under the same laws. Not rule
"He intentionally broke the rules, and is a threat to everyone’s safe
"Tamaki broke the rules, and damaged social cohesion. He needs t
"He needs to held accountable under the law."
"He needs be held accountable for his actions. Selfish greedy man"
"Tamaki's self interest and money are the only things he focuses on
"He's a scum fucket crim"
"Everyone needs to sign to keep our most vulnerable safe and to ge
"I don't think the police response is 'abysmal'; egomaniacs like Tam
"He broke the rule. He had thousand of people gathering which is i
"Brian Tamaki needs to have consequences. He is a petulent little e
"Guy is a charity and takes money then thanks he's above the law.
"What a hugely selfish, egocentric thing to do. Shame on you. No
"Was wrong in so many ways"
"I am signing because if he keeps influencing people we will never g
"He breached the Covid-19 rules. Everyone else has been fined, so
"Brian Tamaki and his friends had an illegal gathering and have put
"Im signing this petition because i want to know why he thinks its o
"His behaviour is unacceptable"
"Should be one rule for all"
"You shouldn't have to sign a petition to get this law breaker arrest
"Send him to prison not a fine. A fine is just saying anything is lega
"Because the lockdown level law was broken. B Tamaki and everyo
"He should be charged, he has held a super spreaders event and is
"He is putting other people at risk by his behaviour and encourages
"Brian Tamaki needs to be held accountable for his actions"
"I'm sick of Brian Tamaki getting away with his shoddy Christian rep
"Brian Tamaki is irresponsible and is doing vulnerable communities
"Breaches Lockdown rules"
"His cult members were out in force at the meeting collecting mon
"He needs to be stopped before lives are lost."
"This man has no regard for anyone but himself"
"He should be held accountable for this breach of the law"
"He and his flock are putting so many at risk of contracting Covid. H
"He broke the law. He is not anyone special although he thinks he i
"He needs to have some consequences for his ongoing antisocial no
"Not ok at all!"
"We've sacrificed so much over the past 7 weeks and this idiot has
"Because it's a blatant flouting of the law!"
"I don't want some a few stupid people destroy the whole country'
"This country has one law for all He and everyone there should be c
"It's not ok to endanger other people's health and to encourage yo
"Who the hell does he think he is, putting all our lives at risk. Shut h
"Everyone has to abide the law!"
"I don't like people who resort to political point scoring in a pandem
"I’m working my arse off at level 3 and these people along with this
"Brian Tamaki is endangering public safety with his COVID non- vac
"Vaccinations will give New Zealand security and freedom. Vaccina
"Illegal gatherings when most people are doing the hard yards!"
"This idiot is encouraging people to endanger the most vulnerable
"I'm signing because I strongly dislike anyone who does not respect
"He's a twat"
"He has put everybody's health at risk. The man is arrogant and an
"I am committed to supporting good science and NOT anything tha
"It's unacceptable for the police to not inforce level 3 restrictions"
"He did a ridiculous thing. Who does he think he is? God?"
"He preys on the vulnerable and reaps rewards from their generosi
"This guy needs to be sorted out once and for all. Why is he continu
"I'm not doing the hard yards for an idiot to stuff it up"
"He has made irresponsible decisions, that break the current gover
"I am signing this petition"
"Because we want to keep public safe"
"I want to go to the Domain with no mask & no consequences too b
"He is endangering our lives."
"All that guy ever does is complain!!! He is against....... You fill in th
"Jail is the appropriate justice for him. If they fine him he will just ta
"I’m signing this petition because I too want my freedom. But not a
"he reckons he is a man of God but with statements like that he is a
"Because Brian Tamaki is a brain washing wanker"
"I'm signing because the vast majority of New Zealanders are consi
"Like most Aucklanders i have tried to do the right thing & continue
"The church is not above the law. We're all locked down doing our
"I believe that Brian Tamaki is taking orders from the Southern Bap
"He’s guilty"
"I'm signing this because I believe what Brian Tamaki did is a crimin
"He should be treated the same as the rest of us and abide by the s
"Brian Tamaki thinks he is above the law. He isn't he is a dangerous
"What a jumped up idiot who loves power over his followers. The p
"I think the police need to send a message that this will not be tole
"I obey the laws so should everyone else or get prosecuted"
"Hes an arrogant, self important idoit"
"He's a dickhead."
"His selfish actions on Saturday putting Auckland atvrisk"
"Stopping the spread of Covid is central to our emergence from.res
"Rules are rules, and it shouldn’t matter who you are. If you break t
"Embarrassing citizen of New Zealand."
"Not cool Brian"
"This is wrong"
"Broke the law. Do the time."
"He's breaking the law"
"I'm signing because this guy is harming my people. His arrogance m
"We stand with the majority or NZ in pulling together and doing wh
"Putting rule followers in lockdown and letting rule breakers loose
"He supposedly is a christian man who should lead by example not
"We have all worked hard in Auckland and stayed at home and play
"He’s a self absorbed prat"
"He's a numpty who is not helping New Zealand stay safe."
"Jean Parker"
"Brian Tamaki is dangerous!"
"He should never have been allowed to do this"
"This guy and his followers should be locked up plus a fine"
"I'm signing because he is wrong"
"He is everything I hate about so called religion. He is not above th
"He should have done that."
"It was irresponsible to organise this protest in level 3. It’s puts all A
"He is inciting selfish behaviour and endangering general public and
"I'm fully vaccinated and follow the rules! I wear a mask and sign in
"because he is dangerous and stupid"
"Brian's a fuckwit"
"Hey needs to be charged like everyone else that has broken the ru
"He is a selfish git"
"These behaviours need consequences. We all must be accountab
"Such an idiot"
"Because he broke level 3 rules"
"Many many reasons…."
"Because he only thinks he is god, but he is not!!!!!!"
"We need to keep each other safe, not go protesting and getting cr
"He is putting the rest of NZ in jeopardy through his selfishness"
"He's an egotistical dick who thinks he's above the law. We need to
"Brian Tamaki is human detritus preying on the vulnerable, and he
"Evidenced based science shows that Freedom is more likely gained
"He is a selfish, aragont person. People like him are stopping other
"It would be a double standard for Mr Tamaki to be treated differe
"He has no respect for others"
"How dare you put all of NZ at increased risk for your own grand-st
"Brian Tamaki & his Associates should pay some how."
"He has put all of us in danger through his arrogance and stupityWh
"Mr Tamaki acted unlawfully and disrepected the entire nation. He
"Because he has no regard for the safety of other people and is just
"I'm signing in hoping that tossnut gets charged and thrown in priso
"Church needs to show support for the government"
"He was in breech of the law"
"It is a clear beach of restrictions under lockdown and the organize
"Flouting alert level expectations is not cool. We don't want to ove
"This guy has made a mockery of the law and NZ trying to contain C
"Allowed too much state power Dangerous as self appointed."
"I'm a small business owner who abides by the rules. This guy has b
"Obvious reasons. He is just a self absorbed individual who likes to
"He is an insult to Auckland and NZ. We have been through too mu
"He broke the rules"
"He is an idiot"
"6 mths in prison to think about his actions with His maker! Someb
"He is a lunatic. He has broken health and safety laws. Deliberately
"He broke the level 3 lockdown and thinks he can just do what he li
"We need to unite over the health of our country not over the tem
"The man is a danger"
"Hes an arrogant prick spreading lies"
"It's totally bullshit what he did, he shuld be charged with crime off
"People are losing their jobs and businesses are going under and th
"He should convince people to vaccinate rather than protesting loc
"He is a danger"
"He broke the law and endangered others as will as inciting his follo
"He's endangering the whole country and keeping the lockdowns in
"The guys a dumbass who fucks up everything for a lot of people on
"He has no right to do this! All for his own ego!!! Who the hell does
"He's an idiot"
"I am signing this because he is putting people in danger of"
"Don't agree with the protest he had at the weekend"
"Brian Tamaki is selfish and endangering our covid recovery"
"He’s an obsessed idiot"
"What he has done is put us all not just his cult like followers at risk
"Because he is a selfish person. Poor Auckland has got enough prob
"I have been told if you don't have anything nice to say shut up."
"Take action against such a selfish stirrer!"
"He deliberately encouraged people to break the lockdown that ma
"Brian Tamaki lies to people for his own gain. He is not above every
"He is a dropkick.He should know how much we need to follow the
"because Brian i is a parasite sucking on poor people with money p
"I don't agree with him"
"The guy is a tool. Whatever faith you choose that's fine but that do
"He's a bloody idiot."
"Brian Tamaki has no concern for NZ people"
"Thing is, he is clever and wealthy. Probably won't have a chance t
"Him and his idiots put alot of people at risk all for their own agend
"The "man" is a joke"
"Because he's a dick"
"He is an idiot!"
"Brian Tamaki is NOT above the law. He needs to be a leader, not c
"He is an arrogant ass who cannot break rhe law at whim"
"Can there be a petition to stop Peter Mortlock and City Impact Ch
"He is no different than anyone else."
"Selfish, idiots putting Auckland in danger like that . Not to mention
"There was no excuse for this behaviour and he should be charged"
"He is putting the whole country at risk. He is not above the law. No
"We're all doing our part and yet we have an idiot breaking the rule
"It was against the law"
"He has broken the law, that the rest of us a trying to abide by and
"Why the **** hasn’t he been already?"
"This greedy man has incited riot, endangered vulnerable commun
"I believe they were irresponsible."
"I think Brian tamaki thinks he can get away with breaking the law j
"Double standards. The last protesters were arrested for breaching
"I believe he is selfish and jeopardising all the good work that NZ an
"He's an idiot"
"He’s selfish"
"Nobody has the right (not even Bishop Tamaki with tattooed eyeb
"It's a complete disgrace. He thinks he is above the law Hello!! That
"Totally illegal, no respect for the law or other people's rights to be
"I’m fed up with this lunatic getting away with everything. He deser
"This man has no right to go against our public health measures an
"He is lack of awareness of public safety risk. Freedom is never mea
"If others can toe the line, why cant he? I'm sick of people flouting
"How can you trust someone who ordains himself as bishop just fo
"They have broken the law,shut them down and prosecute them bi
"because he's a fuckwit"
"apparently this Parasite has received over $ 120 000 from the GOV
"This shows being part of a church or gang you can walk all over the
"Hayim nachum"
"I believe Tamaki to be arrogant & I don’t believe he is thinking abo
"Tamaki is a knob and deserves justice"
"Laws are not only fir the poor."
"I'm double Vaccinated, I've done my best to help NZ get out of the
"It’s appalling that there’s one rule for him and one for the rest of u
"He’s such a hypocrite 郎"
"This parasite sucking money from people who can ill-afford it com
"What he did broke the rules and put others at risk"
"Tamaki is a false profit"
"he dumb"
"He’s spreading lies and endangering us all."
"He deserves to be held accountable for his actions."
"Jeff Anderson As a road cyclist I cycled through the demonstrators
"Brian Tamaki should face the consequences of his actions as these
"he is a crook"
"His only worry is himself, he has zero respect for anyone else"
"Because if anyone else did what he did they'd have been arrested
"I'm signing because this egotistic nutcase is a danger to society an
"Brian Tamaki is not above the law and its not fair on the rest of Au
"one rule for all i feel"
"He is a person who has a lot of influence over people. He should u
"Prosecuting Tamaki will discourage others from breaking the rules
"I'm disgusted at the actions Brian Tamaki has taken to undermine
"This person thinks they are above the law and is undermining all t
"We need to protect our vulnerable population ."
"He's crippling our efforts and bleeding money from a community t
"I agree to charge him"
"He had no right. No one is above public safety."
"He is a leader and should be obeying the rules and teaching all his
"He broke the law. He flaunts the law regularly. If he can do what h
"Tamaki has broken the law. He needs to be held accountable and
"Selfish doesn’t even start to cover it. This is not a Christian person
"He has no respect for the rules. He might want his freedom to mo
"He breaks the rules you should be reprimanded. Ignorance and ar
"Illegal gathering doesn’t matter who he thinks he is"
"Our Bible tell us to obey the laws of the land ,Tamaki twisted the W
"Businesses are struggling to stay open as it is, without this wreckle
"Brian Tamaki should be charged for arranging a public gathering w
"Because this guy is dangerous to the health of NZs"
"No 1 is above the law"
"Because of blatant disregard for the rules -"
"This man has flouted the law and put Aucklanders at risk from Cov
"I am apalled by his behaviour. He has insited others to follow know
"What he did was a deliberate act to undermine the entire populati
"We are working together to keep kiwis safe. This idiot is deliberate
"That's ridiculous"
"The rules apply to everyone"
"He has no regard for anyone but himself"
"He is not above the law"
"Some people believe they are above the law, and take advantage
"Needs to be brought back down the earth. Lock him up to. Don't ju
"One law for all not just some."
"Brian needs to be arrested for putting the public safety at risk"
"It is totally unfair that he thinks he's above the law. Everyone is str
"I'm signing because he puts our country at risk!"
"F this guy lol, get your vax, do it for everyone else"
"He's dangerous & puts all of us at risk"
"I want brian tamakl charged and locked up in prison for 30 years"
"It ain't right he gets away with it"
"BrianTamaki is a corrupt individual manipulating vulnerable peopl
"A menace to public safety"
"New Zealand does not need this guy to undo all the hardwork we’
"This guy is a hitler of our age.... put him in jail for a taste of what lo
"There is no Tyranny just a call to stay home and not spread a dead
"He chose to breach lockdown putting lives at risk and potentially k
"He thinks he can do what he likes. Jail him. Or put him in a place w
"He’s arrogant and thinks he’s above the law."
"Ruins it for others when everyone has been sticking to the restricti
"We were sick of this parasite before he encouraged several thousa
"I believe this act by Brian Tamaki has made a mockery of all of the
"Why wreck it for Auckland and greater NZ!!!"
"It's not fair, why do they get special treatment? There are people
"People need to get real"
"No-one is above the law. Actions have consequences"
"He is insignificant to 5 million."
"I'm signing this because the south island has been COVID free for m
"he should be penalized like anyone else would be if they broke the
"He broke the vivid law!!Lives could be lost!!"
"He's putting my family in Auckland and other parts of nz at risk. To
"Video footage of bike breaking the law and police watching."
"I'm here for nz...not for one race or people."
"He broke the rules, it’s illegal and he is damaging the economy by
"The law is the law, equality!"
"Check yourself before you wreck yourself...and others."
"He is a twat"
"He should be charged with the stupidity of it"
"I think he should be charged"
"Mass gathering are not allowed"
"He’s an idiot who’s put a lot of lives and the health system at risk.
"I'm signing because he had put so many people lives at risk by his
"I think he and the other "protesters" actually are secretly enjoying
"It's not ok."
"Destiny Church is a cult. Brian Tamaki is a plonker �"
"It was illegal! Why should he get away with that!"
"Please arrest him"
"He is a dick and deserves to be punished like anyone else would h
"He's worse than Hitler"
"If we Aucklanders are all 'doing what we are supposed to do' and n
"Hi arrogance and willful ignorance puts public safety at risk"
"Arrogance and selfishness on his part . Why does he think he has d
"If two people skipping to Wanaka were charged then where’s the
"H is not above the law"
"He puts us all at risk!"
"He's a menace to society and everything that's wrong with religion
"What he did was unfair"
"Am extremely happy that I, one of what I consider main stream NZ
"The selfishness of this man is unbelievable all for his own ego. Hes
"He is breaking the law"
"Brian Tamaki thinks he is above the law. He should be held accoun
"He is a thief who preys on vulnerability of some of our population
"As a cult leader that preys upon the vulnerable, endangering the l
"I’m signing this because I am over it. I am over hearing these privil
"He has broken the Covid Lockdosn rules."
"Most people keep to the regulations. Wht shouldn't he. My father
"Total asshat, should have been jailed years ago."
"Unsafe and risky. Slap on the surface of law obeying citizens."
"Gavin Kanongataa Patuki"
"It's just not fair!!!"
"He is a dick"
"i think it was very irresponsible of brian tamaki to organise this me
"Special treatment on 2 fronts, race and religion, wrong."
"This idiot will cause us to be in lockdown longer"
"Brian Tamaki broke the law after being warned. He continues to fl
"We obey govt rules"
"I don't believe he is cosher and it is wrong for people to worship fa
"Arrogant ignorant action of a selfish prayer."
"He broke the law and should be punished."
"Michael Wallington"
"This man has behaved shamefully. He thinks he is above the law."
"Im sick of people breaking the rules."
"He deserves everything he gets!Rules are rulesHe has endangered
"What gives him the right to get away with it vs any one else."
"Brian Tamaki is not above the Law"
"Brian Tamaki needs to be made an example of."
"His eyebrows are a crime against humanity! Shave them off as pun
"Charge him along with the gang members too.Fine them the maxi
"Stop playing God !Alot of people will die because of you !!"
"Don't need extra dramas. Throw him in jail‼️Use him to make a pu
"Hes an complete idiot."
"Absolutely fine this absolute tool.Wanting people to show up so th
"I agree, you have broken the rules and deserve to be charged just
"Tamaki is a dangerous man"
"He committed a criminal offence"
"Hes a dick"
"Brian Tamaki is a muppet...ego over safety"
"He needs to be held accountable"
"He's a dangerous greedy demagogue who's only interest is cash an
"He is risking all of us for his own ego"
"He has no regard for the safety of the peopleHez just selfish"
"This man needs to be locked up. He prays on the vulnerable and is
"The rules should apply to everyone!"
"An ex Aucklander wanting to see people back to normal and peop
"He is a dick"
"Everyone is accountable regardless of the perceptions of their own
"He not only risked lives he encouraged others to do so too !"
"The government shows weakness if they dont pull out rule breake
"He (and the other community leaders who had a hand in this prot
"No one is above the law. I’ve lived in lawless countries and do not
"This so called moralistic man of religion is a treat to the majority o
"He is a criminal and endangering law abiding New Zealanders."
"He is a conman scam artist and need to be charged for what he did
"What right has he to lead others astray, and follow in his footsteps
"It's about integrity and I'm seeing one rule for the rich and one for
"Safe of all people health over virus"
"Because he deserves to be held accounatable"
"This protest does not serve the community and its safety. It is irres
"He acted against the law - in a manner that was self serving. Justic
"I'm signing this because he is in sighting a riot against public healt
"His actions have put Aucklanders at risk by instigating a potential s
"Yep, when the rest of the country are abiding to the covid lock dow
"It's not fair"
"Deny ICU beds for the Brian Tamaki cluster. I nominate him for the
"He a cunt"
"There should not be anyone who feels entitled to break the curren
"I think what they did is totally wrong. Get the jab!!!"
"He’s a dick"
"Disgusting. ‘Apostle’ my ass!"
"He has blatantly flouted rules that most Aucklanders have been ob
"I'm signing because Brian Tamaki blatantly broke the law re lockdo
"What he encouraged/organized was illegal"
"Selfish, disgraceful man putting people at risk."
"No one is above the law, one rule for all, public profile should not
"He's a dick"
"I am so frustrated at the police and government tolerance of peop
"He should be accointable for risking all New Zealanders health! Its
"There’s no words for the stupidity of his actions!"
"Putting others at risk for his own narcissistic wants."
"Lockdown rules are for everyone. No exceptions for anyone. But t
"Because this virus is just so Deadly and so many people are obeyin
"He needs to be held accountable like anyother citizen would be."
"While the rest of the country abides by the instructions of our lead
"It’s a cult not a church, they don’t get special privileges above the
"David Sawyer Brian Tamaki should be charged"
"He needs to be held accountable for breaking the health laws reg
"No one is above the law"
"Never liked this man or what he stands for ��‍♀️He’s Brian wash
"As this man has the ability to influence many New Zealanders he s
"He also bragged about escaping lockdown last time and done a to
"Because he is selfish who will get people killed"
"Bloody dogs"
"He just doesn't seem to understand that this covid is a killer; of pe
"NZ is weak when it comes to charging people with an offence whe
"this is an arrogantly executed unlawful act by one who thinks he is
"What a poor example he showed the rest of NZ, while the rest of u
"No one is above the law in NZ. Time to face reality."
"It’s so wrong on so many levels"
"Because of prick like this I couldn't make it back for my mum's fu
"He is a oxygen thief"
"Come on people Hold this person accountable"
"People need to be held accountable when they break the law delib
"As a health professional I choose to understand the logic behind w
"He's a f'n idiot and undermining all the hard work the majority of N
"He's a dangerous liar"
"Brian is a rabblerousing wanker who makes money off the plight o
"It is unsafe and illegal to hold large gatherings at the moment."
"He needs to be accountable"
"What makes him and his party more powerful or better than anyo
"Businesses in Auckland are doing it hard with many not going to m
"The protest, besides being illegal, was morally wrong. Persuading
"Tamaki is a selfish egotistical narcissistic danger to all those in Aot
"Brian Tamaki's actions are treasonous. Actively promoting dissenti
"Nearly 100,000 signatures in only a few hours NZers won't put up
"He and his 2000 put us all at risk of staying in Lockdown."
"He’s a prick!"
"Because what’s the point of these levels and restrictions when peo
"It is outrageous this man does whatever he wants"
"Brian is an idiot, and does not deserve the platform he has, especi
"Tamaki is an idiot who only thinks of himself. Lockdown means no
"Because we should, as its dick heads like this that keep everyone i
"I care about not spreading the coronivirus and would love to be ou
"He is wrong!! One rule foe everyone!!"
"Brian Tamaki and his followers are selfish prices who are not think
"He is not above the law and needs to be treated the same as the W
"This protest endangered New Zealand"
"He put a country at risk for his ego"
"I'm signing because this guy is a parasite and need to be held acco
"What Brian Tamaki did was reckless, putting people's lives at risk,
"Because Brian Tamaki staged a protest endangering other people’
"Brian Tamaki needs to be accountable"
"I think he rips off the poor to feather his own nest. He has broken
"Same rules for all."
"He's a dickhead"
"It's wrong on so many levels"
"People that break the law need to be held accountable"
"I believe the rules should apply to everyone and that those in a po
"He broke lockdown rules"
"hes just a Low life thieving Prick."
"This is not ok..."
"I am from NZ and Tamaki is a twerp! A seriously questionable hum
"I’m signing this petition to stop an idiot from ruining everyone’s lif
"He thinks he is above the law of NZ. He should be locked up with n
"Cock sucker."
"One law for some and one law for others. Absolutely not on! As ch
"He's a dick and selfish"
"Because he is reckless, uninformed and a danger to the people wh
"What a fool."
"He should be mad accountable for his actions, Auckland needs to
"Anyone who puts their personal agenda of being in the public eye
"He is an idiot"
"Public Safety matters over EGO"
"People like this are holding us back. It's not fair that one egotistica
"This ignorant entitled behaviour puts everyone at risk and they do
"I want to."
"I'm absolutely sick and tired of Tamaki and his like. Mouths like to
"Brian Tamaki is a selfish egomaniac and this behavior is not ok"
"He needs to be made accountable for his irresponsibility"
"He’s a dangerous man"
"More of these morons need to be held to account."
"A selfish act that’s worsening a situation that’s cost New Zealande
"I'm signing because no one should have the right to flout the rules
"He’s threatening the lives of kiwis"
"he is an idiot"
"My health and family health come first"
"Brian tamaki is a wanker"
"He broke the rules, encouraged others to do the same, and put Au
"He is a ffing idiot!"
"The guys is a dangerous, irresponsible, narcissistic prick who preys
"Bcoz people like him only think of themselves"
"I want a safe NZ"
"He has endangered so many with his continued hateful misinform
"This guy needs to be brought down a peg or two."
"Brian Tamaki is ruining our chances to get out of level 3."
"I don’t want to xtended lockdowns from flouters"
"The rules are for everyone. Is he try to do a recruitment campaign
"He broke the rules. What allows him to get away with this protest
"He’s a dog"
"This man is an arrogant, irresponsible idiot!"
"Because this was a real dick move."
"Doesn't look good on the Police force for enforcing the rules for so
"Brian Tamaki is a hypocrite! If he was a man of religion he would h
"He is not above the law"
"He's a very poor role model and heshouldn't be allowed to have p
"No one wants to be in lockdown anymore. Christmas is coming an
"He's a hazard to public safety and needs to be put in his place. Let
"Something need to be done to this man. He's gone overboard and
"Because he leverages publicity good or bad for his own personal g
"He’s a bigoted, ego driven charletan who preys on our most vulne
"Sick of Brian tamaki"
"He endangered lives arranging this protest.."
"Tamaki is a thief & a liar"
"Everyone should follow the rules and keep safe for us."
"It is unkind to the Auckland population"
"He dosnt care about the lives of another person outside of his self
"what he did is down right disrespect to entire country."
"I'm signing because he is out of control. Seems to think he is a law
"He thinks he's above the lawWhat a f witt"
"So wrong"
"The behavior of this guy and his organization is disgusting!!So man
"This is the thin edge of the wedge."
"I disagree with his stance."
"Why should churches be allowed to take public money then put th
"This is not good! Completely flouting the rules."
"I played by the rules, so should he. Lock him up and throw away th
"Covid is a highly transmittable virus and mass gatherings like this s
"We all are trying to put an end to the current Covid outbreak and
"His actions are self serving. Keep N Z safe. If he can't respect that
"No one is above the law"
"Sick of people like him thinking they are better than others. Let sti
"He doesn't care about the safety of others, especially our vulnerab
"He's a cunt"
"Brian Tamaki staged an illegal protest and under law must face ch
"He an absolute dick head how can get away with it?"
"Not ok"
"The guys a fuckwit, as are those who cannot see past him!"
"Thugs like him need to be hold accountable for putting all of our h
"Total disregard for public safety in L3. Giving people a false sense
"This guy is everything that is wrong with the human race, hiding b
"Such a piece of shit"
"What he did was wrong."
"Cause he's a fuckwit"
"He's an arrogant idiot"
"I’m sick of him being above the law"
"I'm signing the petition because I believe Brian Tamaki wrongfully
"he put our lockdown recovery at risk and also the lives of us waitin
"It is wrong on all levels"
"Leaders spreading lies shouldn’t get away with it."
"The actions of the leaders, place many others at risk with no respo
"I'm signing because Brian Tamaki, did an unlawful protest with co
"If the protest was illegal then those who organised it should be pu
"He has no respect for his followers either just wants more money
"Many reasons, but basically his contempt as a so-called Christian t
"I care and he's all types of wrong!"
"He has encouraged public endangerment"
"I am signing this as how can some people be so selfish."
"They knew the rules and blatantly ignored them, they knew they w
"Rules apply to us all"
"This dick head should be in prison permanently for all the dodgy a
"I don’t want to see our hospitals inundated with Covid next week
"Selfish behavour these people need to be taken to task why let t
"As it says ‘ Ego over public safety’."
"This guy and his cohorts don’t give a toss about the majority doing
"I'm signing because it was a totally selfish display of not caring for
"He's an idiot"
"Brian Tamaki is a conman, and a stain on humanity. Prosecution fo
"It is about time the people causing the disruption to our society &
"He's putting lives in danger"
"He's takeing the piss"
"I believe he should obey the rules like everyone else"
"He allowed his followers to disobey health refs and endanger the
"Hes a Dick head. Braking rules thinks his shit doesn't smell idot"
"Brian Tamaki is a predatory influence on the people who follow hi
"Dumb thing to do! More chances off spreading infections!Also the
"Because he is using religion to corrupt minds and Think it's okay. H
"I believe"
"Whether you agree with the governments lockdowns or not the fa
"He’s broken the rules in a major way and spreading fear."
"Takaki is a con artist"
"We need to vaccinate, vaccinate, vaccinate, to enable our country
"Because why should he openly defy lockdiwn rules? And get away
"He has shown complete disregard for the law and wider communi
"Pastor Brian thinks he above the law and needs to be made aware
"Because Brian Tamaki is a Liar a Conman a Fraudster and a Muppe
"All NZ needs to be immunised ASAP"
"He deserves it"
"Tamaki is a self serving fraud"
"No one person is bigger than all of us"
"I hear a lot of talk about an individual's "human rights", in reality t
"Because he needs a clown for what he did"
"Brian Tamaki is irresponsible and causing Civil frustration"
"He needs to be in jail."
"Close his church and definately take away his charitable status for
"Charge Brian Tamaki and the other simpletons who were there su
"He is not God despite him thinking genus!!!"
"As a politician he has a responsibility to the safety of NZ citizens, t
"He's an oxygen thefts. He needs to be silenced ."
"Everyone else is doing their bit to get this outbreak under control,
"He broke the rules who does he think he is"
"He has no thought about anyone else bar his wallet. Bloody idiot"
"It is needed"
"For the well being of all law abiding New Zealanders, Tamaki sho
"It was treason, defiantly put others at risk for his own ego. Dick"
"He is deliberately putting people's lives at risk and other people w
"A leader such as he says he is, could be supportive of those less fo
"He’s risking peoples lives by advocating against vaccination"
"He & the others have broken the law & they are not above the law
"He’s a poaching parasitic con artist slathered in egomania"
"He flouted rules in place for the good of the country. You can't beh
"It’s wrong that he doesn’t get prosecuted"
"What he and his crew organised and followed through with was ill
"Brian tamaki is an ass"
"The guy is the shits"
"I'm signing because he has put everyone at risk by being a foolish
"Because I do not consider him a Christian, what he did was wrong
"Maximum penalty required!"
"He broke the rules"
"Apply the same rules to him as everyone else who has breached &
"He was disrespectful of the whole countries efforts"
"Totally irresponsible action by Brian Tamaki and his followers. Foll
"He’s an idiot"
"I'm signing because we all need to address this pandemic with the
"I feel for all New Zealanders doing the right thing for Covid, then t
"Need to set examples for all."
"Dont like him send to jail for 6 months"
"He should be charged"
"Because of double standards. The risk analysis of these actions are
"It’s a cult that misleads the poor and uneducated"
"He is a criminal"
"NZ Police should charge him for illegal and bracking COVid lockdow
"No one is above the law, even the pastor of muppets!"
"Destiny feeds Tamaki"
"It was not right what he did"
"He is a danger to society"
"Colleen Aldridge"
"This is a blatant finger flip to the law. Other NZrs get arrested for m
"Brian Tamaki is a lizard"
"Signing because he's a f$%ktard."
"Some of us are following the rules while idiots just fo as they pleas
"Because he’s scum and a criminal who takes advantage of the mos
"I believe that his 'leadership' has endangered both his followers an
"I'm signing because individual responsibility does not take precede
"I don't believe what he did in Level 3 Restrictions was ok!"
"Such disregard for social responsibility is unacceptable."
"I oppose Brian Tamaki"
"He broke the law"
"There has been a blatant disregard for public safety in having a de
"Because he is selfish and ruined all the sacrifices other Aucklander
"This man has narcissistic tendencies and an influence over vulnera
"It’s not right to insight protests during a national pandemic which
"Because he is a leader willing not to protect all off nz"
"Absolutely outrageous self-entitled behaviour. Aucklanders are do
"He has deliberately disregard the law and public safety"
"Im signing because he broke lock down laws when rest of New Zea
"He is an idiot, and needs to be in prison."
"This is not acceptable. Many of his church congregation are accep
"He’s a scum cunt"
"People need to be held accountable for flagrantly breaking the rul
"No body is above the law...he needs to be put in his place...prosec
"People are struggling to get through covid and this mans attitude i
"He’s not part of the team of 5 million."
"He broke the law and could cause the delta to spread"
"Some fullas just want a stage and a mic"
"He is not a scientist nor is he above the law we need to keep all th
"I'm signing to help show that stupidity isn't an option in these time
"All involved were in breach of the current regulations covering gro
"Kevin Foley"
"He should be putting other people before himself , taking care of t
"This man & his organisation are recklessly undoing all the hard wo
"Bishop Tamaki is no Christian."
"#herdimmunity team of 5million his behaviour was self serving"
"I believe this public gathering was illegal and wrong"
"He should be setting an example not (mis)leading his herd, putting
"I think justice must be served on those who dont follow the alert l
"I care about my fellow Aucklanders."
"Brian Tamaki is a bloody idiot"
"BT is a total idiot."
"This rally was blatantly put together by Brian tamaki and the desti
"He’s a plonker"
"The act was illegal. It was also inappropriate and putting others at
"He has no consideration for all the New Zealanders doing the righ
"He's spreading disharmany and should be prosecuted"
"He's a moron"
"I care."
"No regard for the wider community only his own pocket"
"I hate religious cults! What a dick!"
"As an influential leader, an example should be made in this instan
"Because this guys an idiot! He needs to be evicted out of our coun
"I'm signing because he broke the law"
"He should be punished for not following rules when everyone else
"I'm signing because if it had been me who did this I would be char
"He put a whole lot of people in danger with his stupidly"
"He has put our country at risk,traitor"
"Hes a dick"
"C j taylor"
"He is not helping this COVID Situation what a dickhead "
"Because I am trying to do the right thing to get us through, even th
"Brian TamAki has to respect"
"This narcissistic human animal needs to be brought to account for
"Brian tamiki is a fuckwit"
"I am a nurse and our health system can NOT cope with a mass rise
"Because it not only put a lot of people at risk it broke the rules of l
"I feel he had blatant disregard for the covid level guidelines and w
"Tamaki is morally bankrupt."
"The law should apply to everyone."
"He is a selfish money grabbing idiot ... if you follow his guide for hi
"Something needs to happen."
"He put all of Auckland at risk.. he's a leader and he put his followe
"Hes a clown and putting everyones safety at risk"
"He shouldn't get away with jepordising NZ safety"
"Because of the utter arrogance & disregard for people's health & w
"Because he thinks he above the compliance to the legislation durin
"He is Disgracefull"
"I want NZ to return to aime form of normalcy"
"A danger to the wellbeing of New Zealanders. Hold to accountabil
"One rule for everyone"
"He broke the law."
"I want to"
"An ignorant, selfish, solopsistic con-man."
"He gives a kick in the teeth to all the Auckland ers following the la
"Total disregard for the safety of others"
"The laws apply to everyone including religious groups."
"It's only fair to charge him. He broke the law."
"Brian is a charlatan and need to be charged."
"Why won't you"
"Hes breaking the law!"
"I have stayed home & had my 1st vax and wear a mask every time
"hate what they did !!"
"He needs to be held to account for this breach"
"I want tamaki prosecuted"
"It’s a shame a handful of people can be so selfish and undo all the
"Covid is spread by close contact, by keeping a distance from one a
"I’m all for freedom of speech but at least social distance and wear
"Tamaki is a disgrace"
"He is a narcisstic criminal"
"Brian’s protest gathering was illegal and unethical"
"Aucklanders have worked so hard and many have really suffered i
"He should be charged just like anyone else breaking the law"
"This is total disrespect to all those people who have saved all New
"This git is self serving self righteous wanker, who robs the despera
"I don’t like what Brian Tamaki does"
"I like most Aucklanders have made sure that we are following the
"This muppet needs to be held accountable"
"One rule for all...not seperate rules for Gangs an Tamaki"
"Not good for public"
"It's a disgrace that he promoted this rally when it was totally wron
"It’s outrageous that he thinks this sort of blatant disregard for the
"He is an absolute tosser, manipulative dangerous disrespectful hu
"He needs to be held accountable"
"He's a tosser and so are the rest of the people who attended."
"He put Auckland in danger with his foolish ego trip"
"I was deployed to Auckland MIQ for a month as a Registered Nurs
"This leader has encouraged people similar as Donald Trump to do
"He is putting everyone and everything we've done at risk"
"I believe he put the rest of Auckla d at risk"
"So who was the sound engineer that setup his PA system?"
"He has disobeyed the law. Others would be charged"
"One law for all"
"We are a team of five million, and then there is Brian Tamati and h
"This man thinks he is above the law."
"He is a money grabbing hypocrite"
"He has no morals"
"He is not above the law. An example is needed here the law applie
"A few idiots shouldn't ruin it for all of the rest who are doing our b
"He should not have done what he did especially during this awefu
"Brian Tamaki’s actions & protest are a slap in the face to all of us A
"He's a dangerous idiot."
"Because Brian Tamaki is a prick"
"Robyn Risi, and he should be jailed as well"
"Brian: Render unto Caesar........."
"This was an irresponsible act to risk millions of other lives to build
"He knew he was going against the health law. Selfish actions, whe
"Because he thinks he can do anything break rules. Thinks he above
"This guy needs to be reined in"
"He and his followers were very selfish an one eyed doing this selfle
"He’s a muppet!"
"Brian Tamaki is a dick! He is not above the law.He should be prose
"Tamaki is a dangerous charlatan preying on gullible rubes and pro
"He’s an idiot and has no regard for his parishioners or New Zealan
"It's illegal to mass gather and tamaki led these people to. Come o
"Such an idiot!"
"The Bill of Rights does not give any right to break the law. As the D
"Brian Tamaki is winning as he is laughing at the Government & Pol
"It was a stupid self promoting thing to do that is a big finger up to
"Brian Tamaki is a tosser"
"Because I can"
"Fuck Brian"
"This man's actions are irresponsible and criminal. He needs to be h
"Because he’s a farkin idiot!"
"Because Brian Tamaki is a dangerous man"
"He has broken the law and having all those people with out masks
"Because he’s an idiot!!"
"Brain Tamaki's church and ideology is dangerous to public health,
"Thinks he's God. Has an opinion on gay rights, equality etc. Who d
"He's an egotistical idiot"
"The Destiny church leader thinks he is above the law but he has bl
"There is one law for all"
"He gives religion a bad name"
"It was irresponsible to protest with Delta in out community"
"He's a twat"
"Breaking the law and getting away with it is not ok."
"Terrible to do that to people.. a superspreader event"
"He put me at risk and my family too. Same law for us all"
"I believe that it this, we should be “One for all & All for one” for a
"Team auckland has worked hard. Hes undermining all of us."
"Selfish. Think of the kids and the elderly!"
"he’s a horrible human"
"Brian Tamaki broke Public Health directive and should be prosecu
"He is an idiot"
"This is wrong"
"I'm signing because this self-appointed bishop (let's not forget) is s
"the rest of us have done the hard yards. Don't let this clown and h
"There are rules to be upheld, and what's good for one should be g
"He should be charged, no one is above the law."
"He broke the law!"
"Absolutely he should i think he should be held accountable."
"No one is above the law"
"Am disgusted with this man."
"He is a self righteous idiot that has lost touch with realism"
"It was highly irresponsible to hold such a thing in a pandemic that
"I'm signing this because BT broke the LAW and all those attending
"he is a wanker"
"He's an egotistical jerk who cares nothing about others"
"He's responsible for prolonged lockdowns with his irresponsible b
"He is not above the law"
"His once chance to do good and encourage vaccination! But no,en
"He is a selfish, egotistical idiot who does not care about New Zeala
"He does not represent God in anyway what so ever, he has got no
"He is a charlatan, preying on the vulnerable ."
"I support vaccination"
"Brian Tamaki has flouted Auckland Alert Level 3 restrictions rules!
"He’s in a position of power and should know better than endanger
"We are disgusted with Brian Tamaki's behaviour."
"Brain Tamaki has broken all rule'sWhy should he sit on the peddle
"He is careless and a con"
"he's influencing vulnerable people with misinformation."
"I want to protect my whanau"
"Hez a dick"
"He thinks he's above the law, and leads vulnerable people down th
"Media stunt without thought for consequences"
"He is crazy"
"Cos he's a dick who only wants to show boat"
"It's simply illegal. And dangerous. And selfish."
"Live by the same rules we do! You aren't God!"
"He will make most of people to go down unsafe."
"I don't like him and think he's a money sucking idiot"
"That was scum as When my ego is really high my self esteem is rea
"He broke the law and encouraged others to do so, maintaining his
"Brian Tamaki is an idiot and encouraging the bewildered"
"Brian tamaki is an egotistical ignorant fuckwit. NZneeds everyone
"He’s broken the law and health order and actions have consequen
"If the police aren’t prepared to prosecute the actual offenders, the
"Respect for lock down - control of the virus"
"He understood the potential danger a protest might pose to the h
"Susan Halliday"
"This guy has no values"
"This idiot should be locked up"
"This man is irresponsible."
"What he did is illegal, irresponsible, a real dick move and hes pote
"Tamaki is a thief and hes dangerous"
"I'm sick of him and his ego, thinking he can do what he wants and
"It's just not okay"
"He is a rule breaker and put thousands of people at risk."
"Outright blatant disregard for His fellow New Zealanders, we were
"He is a fuck wit"
"This sort of behaviour isn’t lawful why should people of higher com
"He is a dick"
"The guy is a complete moron and undoing all the hard work that t
"It's so selfish for him to think hes above the law when we are all d
"He is a twat"
"He has no consideration for anyone but himself putting everyone
"Because I'm not fond of gangs"
"Brian Tamaki is a corrupt and dangerous man"
"His actions highlighted his disregard for the rest of us including tho
"Brian Tamaki encouraged people to break the law and undermine
"Brian Tamiki is responsible for intentionally allowing many people
"Silly stunts that will toss us back into worse states in a pandemic n
"He has put people at risk."
"I am a health worker and his intimidation and lack of respect for h
"Can't stand this idiot"
"I believe he should be charged for inciting anti vaxxing"
"He needs to be charged as he broke the law. People who have peo
"It needs to be done he is not the law. Seems criminals in this Coun
"He has contempt for the rules... needs to think of others"
"I'm fed up with these jerks. Something must be done. They think t
"The rest of us are following covid rules so we can mive forward an
"Vaughan oshaughnessy"
"Sick of church's exploiting the rules, they should be as accountable
"The rules apply to everyone and should be followed by each and e
"He is a dangerous nutter!"
"I’m signing because I want him held accountable."
"This guy needs to be locked up"
"Wrong selfish prick"
"Hes a cock"
"He is setting a poor example and exploiting vulnerable people tha
"I'm signing because he broke the law and instigated mass assemb
"He grossly abused the laws of the day and the goodwill of the nati
"Barney Vincent Brian Tamaki is a dumb arese"
"Hes a idiot"
"Gerda Brown"
"He's a TWAT"
"Ignorance and arrogance is a dangerous combination, Tamaki has
"Can't stand crooks n con men"
"He is a hypocrite. Collecting government subsidies yet protesting a
"I believe that this cult, I do not see nor hear evidence of it being a
"I don't think the actions were fair on the rest of the country. I feel
"What he organized was wrong.No consideration for the well being
"Countries bigger than us have gone to hell for listening to the voca
"I'm signing because I live in Auckland and this person has endange
"Sick of people like Brain Tamaki not being held accountable for the
"Danagerous, self righteous arrogant behaviour,"
"Why should he be able to flout the rules while the rest of us have
"One rule for all."
"Maybe the Auckland business owners who are part of the destiny
"I care"
"The guy's a muppet."
"He's a dick"
"This was an appalling act by someone who portrays himself as a le
"John Fitch"
"I feel he not only wants the attention but probably hasn’t been ab
"No one is above the law. We need to prevent anarchy by making T
"He’s a fuckwit"
"The guy just broke all the rules while we all gave up everything for
"This was an absolutely ridiculously selfish thing to do. There is so m
"Absolute disgrace"
"He's a dead set muppet"
"Dougie Aldred"
"Dude is an asshole for putting people at risk"
"He blatantly broke the law should be charged by the police"
"He could've cost Auckland to go back to level 4. That shows his ign
"He’s a dick and has broken the law"
"He not only is associating Christ with breaking the law of the land
"I want to stay safe. I want everyone to stay safe"
"I am signing because Brian Tamaki made a mockery of all the peop
"Foolish behaviour"
"He is undermining the government and he is not above the law"
"Why should he be above the law. Loads of people have been charg
"He is an idiot"
"He think he has his own rules and I am disgusted that he gets awa
"Because he's an idiot."
"He is putting lives at risk. An idiot of note only thinking of himself"
"He's a wanker and a danger to the new zealand public"
"Throw the book at him!!"
"This is terrible behaviour from someone in a position of responsib
"The rules apply to everyone whether we like them or not"
"No one is above the law and he blatantly disregards the law of the
"False idol making false allegations. This man preys on the vulnerab
"This kind off behavior puts more people at risk off covid"
"This narcissist undoing all of the hard work from the public health
"He's dickhead and broke the rules"
"Because he’s putting the safety of all New Zealanders at risk!"
"Because he has put us at risk making us more likely to stay at leve
"There should be one rule for all."
"The fake bishop has no right to break covid regulations and potenti
"I think this was a very selfish move. Some Aucklanders are doing it
"No one should be above the law."
"You can’t expect people to follow the rules when people like this g
"Because he’s stopped me from Getty’s back to normal life"
"the law needs to apply equally to all"
"No one is above the law."
"He puts everyone at risk for his ego"
"For God’s sake charge this man."
"I am signing this because it's 1 law for everyone."
"What Brian Tamaki did is not biblically correct, you are meant to h
"This guy is a f*c*tard"
"He is a dickhead"
"Charge this prick. Not only has he put our countries covid strategy
"Having a protest that goes against Covid restrictions is not right."
"I'm signing because he is musinforming people about an importan
"Charge him. What a kick in the guts to NZers especially Aucklande
"Because...his book should say this... Romans 13:1-2 says: "Obey th
"I agree. Selfish. Thinks he's special. Arrest him and all other attend
"He's deliberately putting others at risk for genuinely no reason at a
"Idiot has Probably put the city into a longer lockdown"
"You can spot this conman from a mile away. The earlier we get rid
"The law is the law"
"When so many have sacrificed so much by staying at home, how s
"The man”s a fool"
"We have all been abiding by rules why should he be treated as spe
"He is f#$k'n stupid!! Cannot believe what he has been allowed do
"Because what he did was unlawful, pure flouting of the law, this co
"Brian tamiki is a psychopath"
"He broke the level 3 organising an all those wh
"This person has no interest in protecting our country from the pan
"We’re all making sacrifices, it was irresponsible to hold this protes
"Zero tolerance for such extremely dangerous behaviour"
"Rules are there for a reason. Mass congregation during lockdown
"He is a money grabbing sleazebag"
"I don't support Brian Tamaki's misleading of gullible and vulnerabl
"My son lives in Auckland."
"He is endangering the lives of the many and there livelihoods"
"If you break the law, you should face the consequences. He organ
"The rules are simple..stay the f$#k at home Brian !!"
"He is no different to anyone else in NZ and the law should apply to
"I'm signing because it's one law for all and how selfish and disgrac
"Signing as we all need to be mindful of each other in these abnorm
"He is a hateful man who has never faced repercussions for his sha
"Because it's my God given right to respect and honor the governm
"He’s a cunt."
"He broke the god dam law"
"A person in power should be seen to Set an example!"
"He incited breaking the law"
"He broke the rules should be consequences. Auckland is doing it re
"He is a selfish fraud"
"He is not a team player"
"Public safty"
"I am signing because he has put everyone e else at risk and should
"Susan Anderson"
"I’m signing because he flagrantly used his position to influence his
"He’s a dickhead"
"Idiot is endangering my whānau and all of our whakapapa in Aotea
"This should never been aloud to go ahead. What an absolute tosse
"He and his followers have added rrisk where there dodnt need to
"He’s making this lockdown meaningless when it is costing everyon
"Because Brian Tamaki's protest goes against the wishes of our tea
"His actions are inhumane"
"He needs to be stopped"
"He's dangerous"
"He is not a good leader and is a law unto himself and has broken t
"This gathering was illegal and selfish. Not to prosecute makes a m
"He is an idiot putting people at risk"
"The government can't turn a blind eye to this freak"
"Brian Tamaki is a danger to society and this protest proves it furth
"I want to see my family but am stuck in Auckland for the foreseab
"Have a look at Reddit and you will see he is listed as a charity but r
"He needs to be stopped"
"He needs to be stopped with the propaganda"
"Brian tamaki is a tool"
"Arrogant arse gets away with too much"
"It was a breach of Level 3 Covid conditions and has the potential to
"Cause fuck Brian tamaki"
"Police commissioner should be asked to resign and PM should add
"We should be staying home and not gathering in groups to protec
"This was NOT OK"
"Intentional stupidity needs consequences"
"He is a very selfish man"
"Inciting negative protest in the middle of a pandemic is not right."
"Appalled by the behavior and putting our business and personal fr
"Throw him in jail. This man has caused more damage than he is wo
"This self-entitled, self-appointed bishop (or is it Pope?) has misled
"These restrictions are there to keep us safe, protect the vulnerable
"Because he is a nutcase and thinks he's above the law, fine the sh
"He broke the law"
"Absolutely charge him along with fraud and extortion"
"Seems obvious to me that the law has been flouted. The worst pa
"Every person who was at the protest should be held accountable,
"That man is an idiot"
"He broke the Law."
"What an utter disrespect for all the long yards Auckland has put in
"Because he's a dick head"
"One rule for all."
"He's a risk to the health of New Zealand"
"He's breaking lockdown rules and putting the country at danger of
"He should be charged"
"He needs to be stopped,he thinks there is a law just for him and h
"I think he deserves to be charged. He is no better than the rest of
"He does not have the country's interests at heart only his own nee
"It was wrong and he needs to be punished"
"He has no regard for the safety of othets and constantly flouts the
"This is just not acceptable.!"
"I condemn this irresponsible behavior that put the Aoteaora in risk
"He’s dangerous in more ways than one and should be held accoun
"His actions have put us all at risk, there has to be a consequence"
"He blatantly arrogant and endangering the community at large wi
"Fxxk that poser."
"Too save lives & too get out of lockdown soon. This shit doesn't he
"This man is putting peoples lives at risk. How many covid cases wi
"He is an absolute disgrace and his greed far exceeds his humanity.
"I’m a health professional (pharmacist) AND a COVID vaccinator an
"Hes a egotistical spoilt brat"
"Tamaki broke the rules. Everyone is sacrificing alot whilst he and h
"Why don’t YOU IDIOTS Do this to your insane prime minister At le
"Why does he think he has more rights than the rest of Auckland. Is
"He is selfish"
"He is it twat, but most importantly his actions and those who blind
"The gathering was held in contempt of our law - and Brian Tamaki
"He broke the law !!"
"People like this put the rest of abiding citizens at risk with no care
"I don’t agree with his values"
"This guy must be charged and in jail. We shouldn’t even need to h
"He’s doesn’t care about the community, shellfish Hua"
"The safety of everybody is important"
"He’s an idiot"
"Selfish people are costing lives"
"He broke the law"
"Brian Tamati is a fucking idiot and so are his followers"
"The public and police deserve respect, he not be allowed to think
"Who does he think he is needs to be charged"
"He should be jailed. Just doing this for publicity to attract member
"He shouldn’t be beyond the law. His ‘church’ receives government
"In Christchurch we are at alert level 2 and taking better precaution
"His behaviour is putting so many people that believe in him in dan
"A selfish act leading robots"
"Tamaki is a duplicitous sod who preys on the terminally stupid."
"Make an example out of him."
"I'm signing because while majority of Aucklanders obey the rules d
"He's a clown that needs to be jailed and destiny circus closed."
"Stupidity needs to be followed up with responsiblity. Time to mak
"It’s disturbing they could get away with this yet any normal person
"I've signed because Brian Tamaki is a selfish, bully boy, running a r
"This man has broken the law and should be arrested"
"He's a power abusing person taking control of many"
"He is not above the law."
"We are all getting a bit fed up with these entitled twats thinking th
"The self righteousness of those that feel they have the power to p
"Because he is a doosh bag.."
"They need to be held accountable and be fined heavily. What they
"He is not above the law. He is endangeribg our communities. He n
"No comment needed, but the man is a moron and a public safety
"He should confirm"
"I'd be punished if it was me"
"He thinks he’s above the law"
"Because he was so irresponsible!!!"
"Jeopardise our Covid lock down for what. Stupid move"
"We are all doing our bitvand following the rules. So should he. He
"He and his henchmen are not above the law"
"I am also a KIWI"
"Just another publicity stunt, lost people following a fool who is lini
"He is a dangerous man and going to cost lives"
"Selfish and stupid!"
"He's an idiot"
"He’s a fuckwit"
"He should know better as a so called leader"
"I 5hink he has over stepped the line for human rights"
"He is breaking the covid laws and encouraging others to follow sui
"I want Brian to obey the same rules as everyone else. Unless of co
"He is not above the law"
"No one is above the law"
"they are scum"
"He had put proples.lives in danger."
"Illegal protesting"
"He should follow the rules like everyone else has too."
"He should abide by the law, as everyone else is required to."
"After all the good people of New Zealand and Auckland, in particu
"He’s a dick heaf"
"Tamari and Destiny church are corrupt."
"The rules were broken and risks were taken that could cost lives."
"He’s an arrogant egotistical idiot who prays on the disadvantaged
"He's an idiot and putting our country at risk"
"Because he's a danger to NZers"
"Brian Tamaki is leading his flock to sickness and death"
"Irrational and self centred behaviour based on self ego. Dumb"
"I'm signing cause the guys a selfish idiot."
"He thinks he's above the law"
"One rule for all!"
"Charge his wife as well!"
"Brian is ruining everything honest and hard working people have d
"He/they are putting us all at risk."
"The guy is a selfish idiot"
"The guy constantly flouts the law with total disregard for anyone b
"There should be no public gathering when in lockdown ... we are
"Brian is a burden to society"
"Rules are for all. We all want out of lockdown but don’t need idiot
"I disagree with him"
"No one should be above the law"
"He’s a fuckwit"
"Because he thinks he is above common decency"
"The govt needs to harden up and stop being run over by the dregs
"His actions incited people to recklessly disregard the safety of othe
"I've been following lockdown rules and don't see how people can
"All Aucklanders are playing by the rules - Brian Tamaki broke the lo
"The law needs to be enforced"
"He needs to be made an example of. Preying on vulnerable people
"If Tamaki dosnt get charged it sends message to all the anti-vaxers
"He’s a total narcissist who is only interested in self promotion & ha
"He's a dangerous, deranged, con man."
"this guy is dangerous and should not be treated differently to the
"So fricken selfish"
"That's illegal"
"I want to be safe, I want my family to be safe and I want my comm
"The event was illegal and dangerous and he should be punished"
"He broke the law, he should be jailed."
"He's risking public health"
"He broke the law, with complete disregard for not only public safe
"He broke the law along with many others. Simple."
"Why was this guy allowed to organise a massive gathering when in
"And also Peter Mortlock, who actively encouraged his followers to
"He has made a blatant breach of covid rules and if we all should be
"Gaza Bhai"
"He is intentionally putting people at risk and the protest fully disob
"The law is the law."
"He thi nks he's God & I want him to know that he's an idiot!"
"He has broken the law. Charge him accordingly. Philip Ansell"
"While many of us Aucklanders stay home, he puts us at further jeo
"I don’t agree with his breaking laws on public gatherings. He shoul
"His actions undermine the work of millions of people to bring this
"He should be in jail , basically brain washing people and takes ther
"This organised event could be the next super spreader. We do not
"He is leading people astray and causing our country more harm"
"He has no right to endanger innocent people with his view by enco
"Because he should know better."
"He needs too be held accountable, just like everyone else."
"He's a twat"
"We all want to get normality back and travel again. Vaccines work
"It’s against the law. This would be justice."
"It was stupid"
"He's a fuckwit"
"Brian Tamaki is an absolute twat."
"We have all tried to stay home and keep safe! What these people
"Ilka Sissingh"
"He's a twit"
"Je needs arresting"
"The risk that he has put those following him and all of NZ with his
"He broke the law and incited others to do the same."
"He's a con artist"
"That gathering was illegal and he was the organiser"
"Brian can't run by his own rules. Should be held accountable"
"Public health"
"He has put people at risk by being irresponsible."
"I'm signing because he's a arrogant dickhead who thinks he is abo
"You should be able to peacefully protest"
"He is leading a very bad example and the Police should have laid c
"He and his followers are making a mockery of all the efforts put in
"He's an arrogant f*wit. Me,me,me. Bugger anyone else. Tosspot."
"That guy is an ass. He thinks laws don't apply to him."
"The man is an idiot."
"Had 5 weeks in lock down and a clown could send us straight back
"It’s idiots like this who will keep us locked down. Lock him up - all
"He is an idiot"
"This man has accepted Government pay subsidies yet had the aud
"I'm signing this petition. Because I strongly disagree with what Bria
"He sucks, endangering the maori and Pacifica community by fear m
"Hes endangering my whanau"
"This should never have happened Ann"
"He's arrogant and thinks he's above the law...but he's not."
"This man does not represent me for anything. What sort of messa
"I'm sick of having multiple laws for multiple classes."
"Because he is a fucwit"
"He's an arrogant idiot...."
"He should be held accountable for his actions"
"He is a moron ....we will never get to level 1 with antics like that"
"He's a criminal, the PM suggested it was illegal plus he's an idiot!"
"The demonstration was illegal. He should be charged."
"Tamsin is wrong doing this"
"The guys a wanker"
"Because i believe he is putting Auckland /New Zealand at high risk
"He is a bloody conman"
"I believe the best way to defeat this pandemic, and keep everyone
"Irresponsible Activity"
"Tamarind is self centred and arrogant"
"He has broken HWSA 2015 as a PCBU not ensuring Risk was assess
"This is reckless and can't be tolerated"
"He dictates that he is a believer, but I feel that he has no faith in w
"Brian Tamaki thinks he is God so putting all the people at his gathe
"Because the man has no regard for the public saftey"
"Because people have to learn and keep everyone accountable"
"His behaviour is selfish and reckless and he needs to be held to ac
"Deserves jail & so does his pathetic wife. Vermin at its best"
"It is only fair"
"He has no respect for anyone apart from his followers and look ho
"He is risking my family's life..and yours."
"Because he is a danger to our community and should be protected
"One rule for all. This is not a lucky dip"
"This is immoral"
"He broke the law in couraged other to do the same."
"Hes a arrogant dick."
"He broke the rules and should be charged."
"His behaviour is appalling and a public health hazard!!!"
"He breaches the covid law. He didnt caare about the team of 5 mi
"Flagrant disregard of public health. And his I'll considered messagi
"Clearly lockdown rules have been breached."
"What an irresponsible thing to do - arrogant, self-righteous, unChr
"Public Safety is important. Using a position of power to influence p
"Hes a faggot"
"He broke the law"
"I’m outraged that so far there has been no repercussions from this
"Brian broke the rules . Brian is a loser. I don’t want people to be lik
"Lock him up and throw away the key. He needs to be held account
"Because i agree"
"He is not above the love"
"The guy is a black Klu klux bullshit artist who should be locked up"
"One rule for all. If he doesn't get charged, it sets a precedent that
"He's a parasite and needs to be treated as such."
"Brian Tamaki is using his position of influence to spread false infor
"Because this prick needs to be taxed, he also needs to pay back hi
"Because he is using this as a public stage to have his name in lights
"He is setting a bad example for many in these tough times"
"Do it!"
"Why should he ge the away with breaching could restrictions"
"He is an egotistical self centered idiot"
"Disappointing but not surprising"
"People like this knob head should be publicly flogged , give him 30
"The Police have an obligation to act - the law was broken, brazenly
"His has breached the government’s COVID 19 lockdown rules."
"He is an idiot and his actions are dangerous to society."
"He thinks he's above everyone."
"He is a mis-information spreading, money grabbing gronk, preying
"This guy needs to be locked up"
"He’s a Gobshite"
"Brian Tamaki breached lock down rules and needs to be discipline
"These selfish people make my blood boil!"
"Who the hell does he think he is! His protesting was unsafe and ir
"he's an idiot"
"His ego is bigger than his social responsibility to all and his descrip
"We the silent majority have to sit back and listen to these noise m
"He has broken the law..and rules"
"It was organised blatantly knowing those gathering would be in br
"It was illegal. Everyone has been charged in covid for breaking lock
"He need to be accountable like everyone else."
"Our huge collective effort is undermined by this abuse of power Ta
"He has stuffed up his beliefs & preaching.... the old saying “practis
"A very wrong human being."
"Brian Tamaki and organization blatantly broke covid lockdown rule
"I think the police must have realised it was going to go ahead no m
"His & his churches actions have undermined so much of Auckland
"Cause I am disgusted by the lack of action by NZ Police to engorge
"Hes immoral"
"Our healthcare system can’t cope with all of these dumb asses"
"I believe Brian Tamaki should be held accountable for this illegal p
"I dont like his ways"
"This is an absolute breach. We all want freedom however we are
"He is disgusting, we are all in this together and there is only one w
"He is reckless and self centered"
"He was warned by the police, he still chose to break the law, he pu
"This idiot needs to be charged. He is a covid spreader and thinks h
"He's a cockwomble"
"Brian is a douche sandwich"
"This guy is a total idiot."
"It was irresponsible. His ego got in the way of sensibility and pub
"Had enough!!"
"I, like most others in Auckland have been staying home to try and
"I beleve a self appointed " man of god" should suffer the full exten
"It was a clear breach of covid 19 rules"
"Because he broke lockdown laws while theRest of stayed at home
"I agree"
"Harmeet singh"
"We have all done our part and weather we agree with the lockdow
"This was both legally and morally wrong. So unfair to those sacrific
"This is selfish and irresponsible behaviour just feeding his ego and
"He and his wife should be charged for insighting a breach of covid
"He needs to be knocked back down. He is no more important than
"This creepy narcissist is scraping the barrel for yet another sickeni
"He's a dick"
"He blatantly broke the rules that apply to everyone. Thinks he is a
"The dickhead needs to be held accountable"
"He’s a muppet!!!"
"the guys a wanker"
"Dianne Blair"
"It's the right thing to do"
"He is not above the law."
"Utterly selfish ."
"A fraudster and complete conman who should have been arreste
"This numpty needs to be held accountable."
"Even though I think lockdown is too blunt an instrument for contro
"He broke the law, I can't work and if I did, I would be prosecuted,
"Lock him up!"
"I'm sure Brian Tamiki is vaccinated and he is deliberately breaking
"Brian has compromised the health and safety of all NZers"
"Because this is NOT OK (Scam artist)"
"This man has put people at risk"
"I'm signing because of his blatant disregard for the law and public
"I'm signing because he has endangered public safety and has prob
"He needs to be held accountable."
"Covid kills"
"No one should get away with flouting the law publicly like this and
"why should we all suffer because of one persons stupidity. who do
"Idiots like him stuff it up for everyone else meed to be held accoun
"He needs to show respect for all New Zealanders and be charged."
"He is putting my family at risk by spreading covid 19. If he or othe
"These lockdowns were put in place to keep us as safe as possible .
"Because B Tamaki has broken covid rule regarding gathering and h
"People like this are making it so hard for real business to survive b
"I'm signing because I support law and order. And criminal activitie
"He has no respect for everyone who has followed the lock down r
"I believe he is using the protest as a campaign stunt for his "church
"He’s a dick!"
"He did not respect and follow the NZ Covid-19 protocol to protect
"I believe hosting of an illegal event comes with consequences"
"If I had a dollar for every person Brian Tamaki has fooled into follo
"I'm sick of people gathering together in Ak and spreading Covid. Th
"I don't believe BT is an apostle and it's not ethical to encourage th
"He definitely needs to be charged for breaking rules and putting m
"He should obey the law. He ain't above God. And he should be se
"What he did was illegal, selfish and puts our normal health service
"The police need to make stand and charge this reprobate"
"It is all so wrong."
"What's good for one, is good for all."
"I've been struggling to keep my business going and my staff protec
"It's a disgrace that so many people have been subjected to the voi
"I'm signing because he deliberately put so many people in danger"
"He only cares about his bank account and ego!"
"one law for all, not separate laws"
"What he did is illegal as well as immoral"
"This behaviour is self-serving and irresponsible."
"He has pkaced us all in danger"
"It’s the right thing to do!"
"Rules apy to everyone"
"Stupid, mindless idiot!"
"He deserves to be charged for this irresponsible act."
"I think it is moraly simply wrong.Any religious reason not to get va
"This was a stupid thing to do, given how close we were to going do
"Signing because he went against the alert level rules and should b
"Put Aotearoa at risk"
"This guy is a dangerous and selfish chump."
"Selfish, self centered, arrogant pig. His actions could put the Auckl
"what he id was wrong!"
"It’s important for rational people to send a message"
"Selfish prat."
"He is preaching misinformation to gain support for his political age
"He's a dick!"
"Pure stupidity and what an ego never mind the rest of the poor au
"Nobody is above the law."
"He is in complete breach of our level 3 restrictions. Aucklanders ha
"Shelley williamson"
"Brian Tamaki is a Law breaker, with extreme ideals, Christianity do
"Margaret Ward"
"He is a Charleton!!!!"
"The guy is a criminal"
"Government to soft"
"He is a false prophet of a cultGives nothing to endear himself to th
"He is not above the law, nor anyone else when it comes to breakin
"He cannot flout the law and encourage others to do the same! It is
"Brian Tamaki is a public nuisance!"
"Tamaki has broken the law and deliberately misguided many peop
"He should be charged like any other person breaking g the rules. H
"Puts the whole country at risk and keeps us restricted for longer, w
"It’s not one rule for one and another rule for others"
"Tamaki put the rest of us law abiding citizens at unnecessary risk a
"Needs to be held accountable"
"Irresponsible behaviour during a pandemic. Puts people and NZ ec
"One Law for all kiwi - Keep AKL safe !!!"
"Every Kiwi should follows the rules regarding Covid-19 including B
"It is unfair to see everyone work so hard and continue to make suc
"He's spreading false news and putting people's lives at risk"
"He believes he is above the law, the police need to take action"
"Brian Tamaki is a law breaker and a dangerous person"
"I will never believe the right to "personal" freedom to go anywher
"This guy needs to follow the law like everyone else. This type of ga
"During COVID there is one legal law for all and no one is above it."
"We are all doing our bit. He is using his influence to do the wrong
"The law was broken and NZers put at greater risk of out of control
"disgraceful behaviour from a religious community leader"
"I understand people have the right to protest but they should hav
"Brains for shit you need to be fined or jail for this God wouldn't of
"Selfish and dangerous behaviour. Can't let him get away with it."
"He's an idiot, always thinks he is above the law. During this time w
"It’s wrong!!"
"Religious leaders have a responsibility to further the common goo
"This man is using christianity to brain wash, and control ppl. He is
"He’s blatantly endangered public safety, which will probably resul
"This event was in breach of all covid guidelines and has put lives in
"It’s wrong to have one rule for some and another rule for us. If you
"Blatant break of lockdown rules, set by government without any t
"Because this idiot has not put the New Zealand people before his
"Destiny Church followers are a seriously deluded group. BUT the b
"He is putting people at risk, not only from the virus but economica
"Jennifer maxwell"
"They blatantly broke the Covid rules. They are by in large a high ris
"He broke the level 3 rules Others have been charged why should h
"A message needs to be sent that behaviour like this is incredibly d
"broke the law - time to pay"
"Down with Brian!"
"He is an devil, not caring others but himself."
"Not far on the Auckland people trying to do their bit!"
"By having a protest they put the country in danger no masks publi
"This selfish man is breaking Level 3 lockdown rules and keeping m
"Fuck that guy!"
"Unacceptable show of arrogance."
"Because he broke the rules and should pay!!"
"Brian Tamaki is a massive bellend."
"He deserves to be charged, he has compromised the safety of eve
"I don't believe he should get away with this. He is putting the heal
"That was a totally irresponsible thing to do!"
"He's selfish and putting our country at risk"
"He should be charge he’s dangerous"
"What an idiot!!"
"Covid is real and they are breaking the law. He is using this as a pla
"What a joke complete disregard for anybody who lives in the coun
"He's wrong and a user"
"I was outraged at the danger he was putting people in."
"If a couple can travel out of Auckland and disregard the rules and
"He’s putting peoples lives in jeopardy."
"Tamaki appears to have endangered others by ignoring rules he ha
"He should be held accountable"
"He needs to be held accountable for his stupidity"
"He should be in prison"
"The guy is a total freaking nutjob who is putting public safety at ris
"Because hes a ruler breaker and ruining it for the people who do t
"His priorities are not about nz as a whole, shame on him"
"He put the country at risk and is not above the law."
"Colleen Howes"
"The actions of this individual are wrong."
"Because i think his actions are totally irresponsible and selfish."
"He's an idiot "
"It’s not fair the the rest of the county if that was someone else the
"Brian tamaki is wrong for putting the public in danger and he's ign
"He is an idiot"
"Brian a’hole Tamaki cannot get away with putting everyone’s life i
"He’s encouraged others to break the rules."
"Because he is a user and an abuser,he's a hypocrite.Hate what he'
"Lock him up"
"His little gathering is bound to set us all back again."
"Everyone needs to follow the required restrictions, even the self a
"So many of us are trying to protect others by following what we ne
"He thinks he is above the law"
"I feel Brian Tamaki has his own agenda and it is not for the safety o
"What he did was wrong"
"Because it was illegal and reprehensible behaviour."
"He should be charged he put my family at risk for his greed"
"He's a law unto himself and it needs to stop."
"COVID restrictions needs to be enforced and others need to be de
"This is a direct challenge to the campaign to safeguard the citizens
"Because he's an irresponsible git and needs to finally have some c
"He broke the law and put everyone at risk"
"He grossly disobeyed the law, risking public health. He could have
"Hes not compliant"
"It is wrong to spread coviSusan Amstad"
"I'm sick of his misleading statements that drag the ill-informed int
"We are trying to get our city out of lockdown and everyones freed
"Brian Tamaki is a crook."
"I agree that Brian is accountable for the breach of covid-19 rules.
"Because everyone needs to be one and work together to get this c
"Shame there are some rule breakers out there to ruin it for the ma
"No one else is allowed to break the rules, one rule for everyone, s
"These fools risked billions of dollars of sacrifice NZ is making in pan
"He broke the law and continues to ruin lives for profit while prayin
"He thinks he's above us normal people"
"There is nothing Christian in the way this guy acts, purely money g
"He's a dangerous man spinning his misinformation to the vulnerab
"Everyone should be held accountable for their actions"
"He is a selfish egoitistical idiot"
"He broke the rules. He thinks he is above the law"
"He is not free to harm other people"
"I'm signing because our freedom and rights stop when they endan
"Hi and his ego are not above the law, regardless how much mone
"Poor behavior on behalf of a public figure"
"Lockdown rules apply to EVERYONE. Brian and his followers are no
"He is an utter dickhead"
"Brian Tamaki let done the millions of people who have been strug
"Should lock this selfish prick up!How does the Government let this
"He thinks he is a law unto himself and shows disrespect. He should
"This is appalling that he’s got away with this."
"I am signing this because he needs to held accountable"
"Yep we nzrs have done the hard slogs of abiding by the rules what
"Needs to be charged, he thinks he's god when in fact he is the dev
"With eejits like this we’ll never get back to some semblance of nor
"He is out of line"
"He thinks he's above every one else and he's a dickhead!!!"
"I’m a NZer and this clowns arrogant breach is endangering my frie
"Unsafe practices. Creating chaos."
"Tamaki is just a prick with ears stirring up the nutjobs"
"Brian Tamaki has shown a totally selfish attitude and complete dis
"He should be made responsible follow the law. He should not get
"Don’t just charge - throw in prison!"
"I'm signing because if we have laws and rules and regulations that
"It's about time something is done about Brian tamaki,he gets awa
"I do not like the way some people are influenced by this fraudster
"He was being selfish to all New Zealand"
"I believe Brian Tamaki is putting New Zealand at risk."
"I believe in the cause"
"Because he held an illegal protest it’s all about his ego"
"Sick of there being no consequences for law breakers whilst Joe pu
"He isn't a team player and cares only about his own ego. Ignores p
"He should be charged"
"Selfish self centered waste of space."
"This dangerous idiot thinks he's above the law with his mindless c
"He's a twat"
"I value my family and friends and in fact all New Zealands Health"
"What he did was despicable. Charge him, yes, but a measly fine w
"I believe Brian Tamaki is not above the law."
"Tamaki. like many infamous religion for money conmen has not on
"It's just wrong"
"He was selfish to all of New Zealand citizens"
"He needs to be held to account for his gross breach of L3 rules."
"He broke the fucking law"
"This guy thinks he is above the law of both man and his gid"
"Breaking the rules put us all behind in getting out of lockdown res
"Tamaki is a lowlife who manipulates vulnerable people. He’s rotte
"Tamaki flagrantly ignored lockdown regulations"
"Selfish inconsiderate nasty person, only after power and wealth. T
"What he did was wrong and endangered people's lives."
"I want to prote t my family"
"He's a fucking prick"
"Cause the clown needs to pay the price for what hes doing Risking
"We all have the right to be safe and the rally showed a lack of resp
"He's a dick"
"Because it's disrespectful with everyone else this kind of thing."
"Tamaki's behavior is completely irresponsible and shows complete
"He thinks he's the man NOT EVEN!!"
"Hes a selfish self opinionated person...."
"You can't vacinate for stupid He's a charleton with some very igno
"Illegal gathering potentially a super-spreader of Delta. Hugely irres
"We are all working really hard to do the right thing, and then this f
"He is irresponsible and incited disobedience with public health me
"This man needs to be made accountable"
"Breaking the law in this way puts people's health and lives at risk"
"Because he is an idiot"
"<a href="" rel="nofollow">Mar
"This man has no respect for our community nor responsibility for h
"I agree"
"This is stupid, Mr Tamaki! Think of everyone!!"
"He's an ingorent person and doesn't deserve to be better then eve
"I’m signing because it’s the right thing to do!"
"He is stupid for organize such that protest. It is like murder."
"He’s a twat"
"Because he shouldn't be exempt from the LAW!"
"This guy is hurting so many people."
"We all want to be able to live a normal life without covid."
"I'd like to say the man is a lunatic, but I guess that's not P.C"
"Because he is dangerous"
"Brian Tamaki, Peter Mortlock and the rest of the idiots that encou
"My mum pass away in 2nd lockdown and I couldn't travel level 4 o
"Arrest the Fucker and charge him !"
"I'm signing in protest, this was not just "peaceful protest", this wa
"It's wrong what he did."
"Brian tamaki and his troops have no respect for the rest of NZ"
"Absolutely he is not exempt from the law"
"He is an idiot and bribes those in need"
"He is a complete and utter tool"
"Because He's not following the rules. I hope he gets covid and his
"Everyone should be equal!! All rules the same no one should be di
"Apeddler of hate speech, lock him up and throw away the key."
""I do not want covid to spread"
"This guy is a pos"
"He broke the law & encouraged others to do the same."
"I believe that he deserves punishment for his reckless behaviour"
"I'm signing because Brian Tamaki needs to be stopped. In excess o
"His ideas and influence are dangerous."
"We all need to do our part so we can keep our loved ones safe fro
"I'm signing because this gathering breached level 3 restrictions an
"I believe it was irresponsible organising this event, encouraging p
"Don’t agree with his actuons"
"This was a deliberate egotistical illegal action that makes a mocker
"I object to Brian Tamaki abusing his position of a self proclaimed b
"I signing because enough is a enough they should not be allowed t
"Deliberately breaking rules relating to Covid 19"
"I think it was selfish and irresponsible of Brian Tamaki to encourag
"He broke the law and encouraged others to do the same, put The
"It's obvious!"
"I feel sorry for all law abiding Aucklanders doing their best to kick
"His actions put a lot of people in danger. If these numbers spike w
"One rule for everyone"
"Tamaki is an idiot, he encouraged people to break the law, Auckla
"Happy to take subsidy but flout rules. Govt is not taking a strong e
"Steven Heoe"
"This man is a con artist"
"One nation, one rule. He blatantly ignored the rules & went again
"I am so upset that this person gets away with this gathering. As an
"Shane Quickenden"
"Many Aucklanders are doing the right thing - stay at home, masks,
"His act was totally selfish!!!!"
"He's a irresponsible"
"He’s a poor example of a leader and needs to learn there’s reperc
"His actions have brought great losses and disastrous consequence
"He and his followers are spreading false information which is cont
"The self appointed bishop doesn’t care about people, it’s all about
"he should have stopped it he obviously wasnt thinking of the peop
"I support the people in Tāmaki Makaurau who have had to sacrific
"His calling people to a public gathering went against safety guideli
"For Endangering Lives and breaching a Public Safety zorder."
"I object to Brian Tamaki putting the people who pay for his lifestyl
"Organizing this he should be done for murder or at least attempte
"Guy risked everyone s safety. Government is hopless and wont act
"He encouraged people to break the law!"
"The selfish entitlement of a few is ruining this country's safety!!"
"I'm from NZ and want my homeland to be safe for my family and f
"He's put vulnerable people at risk... disgusting self serving behavio
"Bryan Tamaki needs to be held responsible for his reckless actions
"I've nearly lost my business through all the lockdowns we've had i
"Hes a dickhead!"
"I hate double standards!"
"He isn’t apart of our team of 5 million"
"This was an illegal event and spread disinformation. What about t
"We think Tāmaki is mocking expert advice and disrespecting the m
"You really need me to give you a reason to arrest a man in blatant
"This is ridiculous he broke the law and you think 2 people flying to
"Brian Tamaki is an idiot"
"S Hertnon"
"That idiot breached the level 3 rules. Put other people in danger."
"He is in danger of making the lock down longer for small business
"He's a dick"
"What a bloody idiot. How dare he"
"join a gang or a church Level 1, everyone else Level 3. A joke. Gov
"I'm signing because if this man is not prosecuted he will continue t
"His actions could harm many people"
"He's an egg"
"He's a complete tosser and needs to pay for his actions."
"He has done this as his income has reduced significantly due to res
"Broke covid lockdown"
"He is a selfish egotistical dick"
"He broke the Law. It’s all about his ego and money to fund his mill
"The law is being applied inconsistently and they should be held to
"There shouldn’t be different rules for different people, that couple
"I'm signing this because of their blatant disregard for the health an
"No human is above the law. Clearly the rally was illegal."
"The prick should be charged just like everyone else would have ha
"Just one covid death in this spreader event and it is on the Bishop.
"He is a knob!"
"Nobody should be above the law!! Nobody! Not on and very selfis
"This man is a egotistical idiot that needs to be held accountable"
"He should not get away with what he did"
"I'm signing because I believe he should be imprisoned not a fine
"It was wrong"
"He is not above the law"
"I despise this man and his fake teachings. And the way he preys u
"Brian Tamaki continues to promou breaking rules and putting lives
"I think no one is above the law, his selfish need for attention could
"This is affecting us all. Who does he think he is??? Lock him and hi
"Brian tamaki you are killing the people of New Zealand. Shame on
"I'm signing as this man and organization should be charged and he
"A total disregard for community..."
"The guy broke the law"
"He can't be above the law"
"I dont agree with absord distruction Brain is causing auckland has
"Protesting because he can’t extract tithing while under lockdown i
"He created a super spreader event when everyone else is followin
"Public Safety"
"Carol & Les Leggett"
"The gressy fuck wit loser cult leader needs to be jailed and left to r
"I think it's ridiculous that he can blatantly disregard the rules with
"He needs to pay for his actions. This is about public safety, not his
"He thinks he's a law above everyone. He needs to be stopped"
"I think it should never have happened"
"Hayley Austin"
"Hi ideas are dangerous to the NZ public"
"To be honest it is selfish, this Covid is around us and it does not he
"He's a dick"
"I think this man needs to be held accountable for his irresponsible
"One rule for everyone"
"This man is a law unto himself and preys on vulnerable people."
"Everyone has a right to believe what ever they believe in, but once
"The man needs to be held to account for his actions and the action
"he is a fuckwit"
"He should be made accountable. If it was you or I would the powe
"He should be held accountable for calling people to gather during
"He encouraging vunarable people to do the wrong thing and clear
"what he done is absolutely terrible"
"Because what Brian Tamaki done is wrong he's breaching Covid lo
"One law for all, rule breakers should be made example of"
"No man is above the law of the land, nor is his voice more importa
"He sucks"
"Brian Tamaki is a dangerous ego maniac and the Destiny Church is
"He should be prosecuted"
"im signing because I think it was wrong and he's put people at risk
"Breaking law. Encouraging non compliance."
"Brian tamaki is a lying piece of shit criminal narrsicist asshole."
"Complete disregard for others"
"What a self indulged idiot he is! This risks public safety and he des
"He's endangered all of us"
"Because he is a fuck wit"
"It was a very unsafe to do , while we have covid-19 and putting ev
"He’s an arrogant man thieving off the vulnerable"
"I want him out of the team of 5 million"
"Safety first bro."
"One rule for all"
"M Owen"
"He is holding the rest of us to ransom"
"Nothing but a selfish money hungry asshole, pastor my arse
"He’s a fking moron"
"We're all abiding by the rules to minimise our time locked down, a
"He broke the law"
"Its wrong"
"He is a wank"
"Can't stand this arrogant bastard"
"The government talks about transparency. If he is not charged it m
"He’s putting us all at risk."
"I'm signing because he broke the rules and needs to be made acco
"I'm very angry that most of the people of New Zealand adhere to t
"This was absolutely wrong and has put both Auckland and the rest
"Lockdown means lockdown for every single person in tamaki maka
"Brian, what you did was at the complete disrespect to every perso
"This protest was an unnecessary risk to the health and economy o
"We have done the right thing over lockdown. Very upsetting to ha
"He broke the law putting peoples lives at risk. Is Brian Tamaki abo
"Because hes a narcissistic fraudster and spreads hate"
"He acted irresponsibility and against the law. He needs to be held
"He endanged public safety."
"Honestly, we all want freedom. This is nothing to do with freedom
"He's a cunt"
"This guy has put lives at risk , super selfish and unacceptable"
"Brian Tamaki broke the rules of level 3"
"Total disregard for AUCKLANDers. We are trying to do the right th
"He's a self entitled wanker!"
"Brian Tamaki needs to be held accountable for his actions in the m
"He needs to be held accountable for endangering many lives"
"He is a dick and should be charged!"
"CHARGE HIM!!! My friend couldn't say good bye to her husband b
"He deserves to be charged. All he's doing is trying to exert pressur
"Because I have the FREEDOM too!"
"While he discussed his right to free speech with police prior to the
"He's dangerous and needs to follow the same rules as the rest of n
"He’s a scoundrel . A PROFIT of some twisted form of religion . Thie
"Regardless of politics and his narrow-minded views, this was a del
"It is so wrong !!!"
"He's a frik'n twat."
"This guy is a menace, why he hasn't been dealt with before now is
"A selfish act!"
"Common sense!!"
"I agree he should be charged. He is not above the law. He was irre
"I'm over seeing people follow muppets like this"
"Because what he did put our vulnerable communities at risk. He n
"Brian Tamaki is a self-entitled wanker"
"This is a joke"
"Hes an asshole"
"They blatantly flout the rules."
"One man's ridicukous, selfish, maniacal and egotistical "religious fr
"Law breakers should be held to account"
"His actions were inexcusable and show no regard for the great ma
"He broke the law. While most NZ scarifice and do the right thing h
"How dare he put us at risk!"
"He's a fucking dick."
"Hes a wanker"
"Rule for one, rule for all"
"I followed the rules like any other law abiding citizen."
"I want to be able to travel overseas and see my family. An Brian Ta
"What he did was morally wrong and illegal."
"We should not have to sign petitions to have the law upheld. He b
"The vast majority of Aucklanders are sacrificing our “freedoms” be
"He is meant to be a community leader AB’s he is breaking the law
"Brian tamaki is an egotistical money grabbing fraud who preys on
"His behaviour is arrogant, dangerous and irresponsible. To ignore
"It’s unacceptable that this self entitled dickhead can get away with
"How can an organisation have charitable status when it’s leader sa
"Everyone over 12 needs a vaccine NOW"
"This man and his beliefs are horrendous and exploitative."
"I did my bit. This idiot should also"
"Organise illegal protest, make NZ dangerous"
"Want to get out if level life and this is stopping us. Plus this guy is a
"Dangerous idiot on a power trip"
"Brian Tamaki put his beliefs above the safety of all of Auckland"
"This ridiculous stunt put everyone at risk & shouldn't go unpunishe
"Wonder if he applied for the 4th wage subsidy…"
"Brian Tamaki is a ... (choose from options)... A. tosspot B. wanker C
"It's time people were held accountable for their actions! Charge B
"Deborah Bradley. Totally agree. This is unacceptable."
"Absolute selfish clown"
"This is flaunting the law & he thinks he is above the law. Same law
"Im signing because Brian Tamaki doesn't behave appropriately for
"6 month prison sentence sounds fair"
"He needs to face the consequences for breaking the law"
"He's a cock and needs locking up"
"He’s wrong to hold a protest during a lockdown with thousands of
"You are doing great in New Zealand but. Keep the family from this
"He's putting everyone in danger"
"These lunatics are an absolute disgrace"
"Brian Tamaki needs to be accountable for his disgraceful actions"
"The mans a dick"
"this kind of stupidity and religious drunk people are the reason tha
"He’s completely irresponsible"
"As a leader it was totally irresponsible of him to incite people to b
"I can"
"He should be arrest"
"Why should he not be charged for encouraging others to break th
"I'm signing because this is a secular country politically and Brain sh
"He acted against the law"
"Needs the publicity, running out of cash?"
"I’m signing because he’s a law unto himself and puts the country a
"I think rule Breakers should be held accountable especially celebri
"I want to keep NZ safe and ensure Noone else does this."
"He is a criminal, one rule for all"
"Brian Tamaki breached the covid laws, enciting others to do the sa
"Hes putting peoples lives at risk and abusing his powers of influenc
"As we are in Level 3 and gathering so many people was unaccepta
"That dreadful man has broken the law during lockdown. He has e
"I think Brian is fostering a division in our community based on his o
"They have put me and my family at risk for organising a potential s
"An example needs to be made"
"There should be significant consequences for him"
"So many of us have followed the rules, got vaccinated to ensure a
"The law needs to be upheld. He needs to be held to account."
"Because he s a dangerous man"
"He’s a money sucking jerk"
"I'm sick and tired of Brian Tanaki playing by his own rules when ot
"He put so many people in danger... just ridiculous. I can believe it
"The guy needs to be dealt with. Preferably locked up. Who does h
"I think the act was arrogant and disrespctful to the reat of the pop
"Im signing because Brian Tamaki needs to be prosecuted to set an
"Tamaki is an idiot & is risking my daughters health"
"He's just ignorant arrogant & he needs to know there is a justice s
"No-one is above the law!"
"I just don't like him so smug so hateful"
"He has broken the law and should face the consequences."
"He deserves to be punished for breaching the lockdown rules."
"P J Taylor"
"This virus is insidious and kills the vulnerable, young and old. The
"Disagree with his selfish actions"
"I'm signing because in his vanity, he has let down the people of Au
"He is endangering the health of all New Zealanders."
"I’m signing it because it’s bad for NZ virus controlling"
"While we’re at it, can we defund these self-serving morons by rem
"He is an egg for putting us at risk when he is a public identity when
"Chris chamberlain"
"All though I'm a somewhat supporter of some of what his Church
"He and all his followers should be arrested."
"I'm signing because he lead a huge gathering that was against the
"Im signing this petition he needs to go to jail and same with his fol
"He is showing no respect for the law."
"Brian is a douche"
"I am sick and tired of these grifters and dangers to society getting
"This man is totally without care and thought as to the damage he
"He's so arrogant and I don't think his ideas are based on fact."
"He has endangered lives"
"The Police were present - why was he not arrested? I despair of B
"It's unethical and dangerous what he did"
"I strongly believe this is so wrong given the current covid restrictio
"I'm signing because he needs to be taught that the law applies to e
"He cannot hide behind his name or his church, treat his breach like
"He totally deserves to suffer the consequences of breaching this la
"He btoke the law and needs to pay for his crime"
"He is not above the law"
"he is out of line...has a screw loose."
"Broke the Level 3 Covid 19 law and should be held accountable for
"This idiot is a fraud. If he gets fined he will ask his followers for do
"The rules apply to ALL! Even Brian and his followers."
"He is making our country unsafe"
"He is the devil"
"This numpty deserves to be taken down a peg or 6"
"I sign this petition"
"This guy is an evil fool"
"Disgusting, selfish and irresponsible behaviour that needs to be tre
"I'm signing because this person is hazardous to my health. If he co
"He broke the rules.."
"I want my kids to go to school there's only so much I can teach the
"Hes an idiot who is selfish gready, attention seeking clown who is
"If he was serious about arranging a protest that adhered to the lev
"Hope god calls him home soon"
"They all broke covid regulations and should be made accountable.
"These muppets are putting everyone at risk"
"the guy is a moron.... everyone else working so hard to stay safe a
"We are in a lockdown people should not be gathering in masses an
"Brian Tamaki is a danger to humankind. A fraud and a liar."
"Because he’s an idiot"
"I believe he should be charged because of his total disregard for th
"Blatantly breached, should be treated as anyone else would be"
"He is irresponsible"
"Tamaki needs to be stopped in his tracks. He is a dangerous man w
"It's totally the wrong thing to do. To many businesses are close to
"Why is he above the law !!!!"
"hes broken the law. no one is above the law"
"He is not the law, he is not God, he is a twat..."
"Brian tamaki believes that he is above the law. He's a dangerous c
"Self entitlement isn’t welcome in this country. You deserve what’s
"Ego is not only ugly, it's not conducive to compassion."
"Fuck Brian Tamaki and his church! He is putting the country in jeop
"Because he is misleading vulnerable people"
"Silly billy...he knows better.."
"Brian Tamaki values his agenda over the health of the people of nz
"i think he should be jailed . what gives him the right to do the thin
"It's the tight thing to do. He insighted a protest that has put many
"The guy prays on the poor and uneducated"
"It's obvious"
"I can not stand the limp dick."
"So many reasonsI will just sign"
"Simply, he is breaking the law. Or is it that he thinks he is above it
"He ordered a rally that he knew was unlawful"
"Enough selfish egotistical reckless endangerment of others and ou
"Tamaki sucks, the self appointed Apostles is a Wolf in Sheeps cloth
"Jail this conman"
"As a Christian myself this is not what we are about and what Brian
"Because every Aucklander doing it tough and the idiot and freinds
"He must be prosecuted ASAP. He is thumbing his nose at us all, bu
"Because he is irresponsible and just a pig headed asshole"
"He's a fool! Plain and simple "
"Aucklanders doing the hard yards and the right thing let down by a
"This man needs be charged with breaking level 3 rules"
"This is the right thing to do and he is wrong!!!!!"
"NZ Police need their arses kicked for allowing this protest to go ah
"He did not only break the law he incited people to do so and as I u
" in a democratic society and he is not above the government
"It is so wrong for him to get away with this"
"Everyone has worked so hard. He broke the law!"
"This fella has been disrespectful to the hundreds of thousands of u
"If he doesn't face consequences he will do it again"
"We need one law for all New Zealanders."
"He's a dick head"
"I can and I am."
"This man is dangerous and needs to be held accountable for his m
"This was an arrogant act of stupidity and power"
"He thinks he’s a above the law! Not a very good role model"
"Its the right thing to do"
"I am desperate to visit my relatives in NZ, but this man's actions fl
"It was terribly irresponsible encouraging and inciting people to bre
"I disagree"
"Rules are rules"
"I completely disagree with incitation and flagrant disregard of rule
"He risked my life and everyone elses, he:he is arrogant & has a big
"He organised an illegal event for his personal gain and profile fine
"I firmly believe that someone's freedom, being valuable indeed, is
"He needs to take responsibility for his actions, he broke level 3 re
"Its wrong"
"Irresponsible and dangerous, covid kills people. He doesn't care ab
"I believe he has broken the law."
"Behaviour like this and anti Vaxers will keep NZ at ransome under
"He has broken the law."
"Ngaire and Victor Hopwood would like to see him charged"
"We are trying to do our best, and all want the lockdown to go. He
"We only have to look at history see where people like him lead pe
"Because I don't think he should be above the law just because he
"There are no words to express the frustration at this self serving m
"Jimmy Gifford, I totally agree he should be charged."
"this clown thinks he is God and should be held accountable for his
"He thinks he is above the law."
"Straight to jail"
"Brian Tamaki is a danger to public health!!!!"
"He needs to be taught a lesson and to stop being an arrogant prick
"how is this not a public health risk?"
"The rules must be followed!"
"Disgusting behaviour!"
"Fuck him"
"He is a con man crook"
"We want out of lockdown and acknowledge that with events like t
"He doesn't give a dam about anyone else's safety and wellbeing.H
"What he is doing is destroying the government and the efforts of m
"He needs to be jailed for the cost he risking the rest of the country
"beware of the false prophet"
"I signed because Brian Tamaki organised and fronted an illegal gat
"There needs to be a president set. He and all those that attended
"Definitely he needs to go to jail!!"
"He needs to be reined in along with the other leaders of "churche
"Tamaki has shat on the faces of 90% of Aucklanders who chose to
"What he did was totally wrong"
"I’m signing because this guy is an egotistical money grubbing wank
"We need"
"Law has been broken"
"Michael judd"
"He put everyone who has no choice in danger.Killing his own peop
"Khalid Rassool"
"This is a flagrant disregard for safety in level 3. It is irresponsible,
"I hate they way he thinks he god and has a different set of rules, h
"I'm doing my bit to keep my family and NZ safe. We don't need ign
"Ranjith Nanoo"
"This clown needs to get his facts right and face reality"
"I am angry he has put Aucklanders at risk"
"We have had a premature in nicu for almost 4 months now and ha
"The law should be enforced."
"He’s a complete idiot and grandstanded and should not get away
"He is not God. I've wasted weeks doing my bit for Delta as a Auck
"This man is a bottom feeder getting rich off people by telling lies a
"He blatantly broke the rules of the NZ Health orders"
"This man and organization needs to be adhere to the laws and not
"He put people at risk."
"He's an idiot!"
"Brian preys on the vulnerable."
"We need to get rid of people like him."
"A.C Perera"
"Brain Tamaki broke the law and the offices that let this happen sh
"He is praying on the vulnerable and making money off them, he de
"This ballbag is on a power trip he had somuch crack he believes hi
"He broke the law. One rule for all"
"The rules were put in place to protect New Zealanders. Everyone h
"I am sick of self centred assholes scamming less fortunate people
"I’m signing because we are all in this together and it’s illegal to be
"I hate the man ❤️"
"I am a Christian and this protest goes against caring for others and
"Common sense"
"God put rules in place. And God's self-proclaimed messenger is br
"This protest should never have taken place. We’re trying to get rid
"I’m signing because this bastard is so bloody thick.The bastard nee
"Because he's put the entire Auckland area in jeopardy. Selfish pric
"He needs to be held accountable for his actions - he knew exactly
"Everyone has to be held accountable rich and poor alike"
"Obvious reasons"
"20+ police officers sent to Pūtiki Bay to dismantle the peaceful occ
"Brian is a selfish muppet. He should be jailed for running his scam
"He is a dick"
"I’m a responsible resident!"
"I think it's pretty obvious 樂"
"Everyone needs to be vaccinated. He thinks he is above the law."
"People should abide by the rules of lockdown for other people's sa
"This idiot already thinks he's GOD he has put hundreds of people a
"Blatant disregard of lockdown rules that the rest of us are abiding
"It makes the whole community unsafe"
"He broke the law and he really really really deserves to be punishe
"He has been a very naughty little boy and need to be repreminded
"The vast majority of us have adhered to the restrictions requested
"He broke the law inciting others to follow & put no at risk"
"He is selfish"
"Public safety before precious ego. Completely irresponsible person
"Greedy so called bishop should be in jail !!!!"
"He put everyone at risk"
"He’s not above the law!"
"Why should he get away with breaking the rules and others don’t.
"What Tamaki has done is utter nuisance and disrespectful of other
"Justice needs to be served on this low life"
"I'm signing this because I'm disgusted with the actions of Brian Tam
"I'm signing because I want all of NZ to be vaccinated and Brian Tam
"I feel he should be arrested and charged with defamatory stateme
"He needs to be arrested !"
"Because he incited hatred by naming Ashley Bloomfield as a WW2
"He is a selfish egomaniac putting people's lives at risk for his own p
"He is selfish and an idiot!"
"Brian Tamaki & his followers have no right to put others at risk. H
"Because he is so so selfish"
"He should be prosecuted."
"The sooner people like him get the book thrown at them the soon
"I hate people who think they are above the law and doesn't respe
"I am a law abiding citizen and respect other people's well-being."
"This guy is sowing doubt amongst the very people who need to be
"Because he is an actual dick head"
"He has upset people with his selfishness."
"So wrong when the rest of us are law abiding and trying our best.T
"Brian Tamaki put himself before the rest of NZ."
"For my family and Aotearoa"
"He needs to be accounted for, everyone else has been doing their
"He's a threat to the NZ population with his directions to his believe
"Bell end"
"Please do something about this idiot and his absolute brain dead f
"This man puts himself above the law and is putting my own family
"Nobody should be above the law"
"He’s an idiot"
"He’s a fuckwit"
"The participants were not wearing masks not social distancing and
"Gutless from the police Gutless from the PM."
"It's a clear violation of the laws - caught on film and witnessed by
"Disagree with him breaking the law"
"It’s a experimental vaccine and we are not the govts test subjects"
"He's a dickhead."
"I think that the rules and boundaries are in place for all, not for so
"We all need to follow the rules to get out of this current outbreak.
"He is rude and has disrespected every person in New Zealand tryin
"Please die ASAP Verndora. Preferably of Covid."
"He is a disgrace."
"I could say alot but my language wouldn't be right"
"He's a twat"
"He broke the rules endangering my family & my community."
"He's a fuck wit"
"N Petterson"
"Hes a cult leader, and clearly thinks hes above everyone else"
"Lea-ann Higgie"
"This is dangerous"
"I think that breaching the lockdown restrictions is a crime"
"This circus clown needs to be held accountable"
"This idiot needs to be taken to task over his stupidity"
"He is a moron. A public figure should lead by example, not with th
"They should all have to follow the dam rules the same way the res
"He is a con man stealing money from those who can least afford it
"He doesn't care about people only their money. It's a disgrace tha
"I agree with the petition"
"He is putting lives at risk."
"I want nz to be safe and he's putting all nzers at risk especially in A
"He's the sort to hide a zombie bite. A pandemic is no time to put y
"Brian tamiki is a colt leader who tells a load of crap to his less privi
"No one is above the law and everyone should be treated the same
"Brian Tamaki is a dangerous zealot who deserves to have the book
"He needs to be made accountable for endangering his tithe paying
"Brian tamaki is an idiot"
"Put him down like the rabid dog that he is. Christian my arse whe
"It is an absolute outrage given the mammoth efforts of the people
"He is a very selfish man"
"There cant be two set of rules for people in this country"
"Just don't get him im a Christian and I'm ashamed that he calls him
"For flip sakes, my daughter needs to earn living."
"He is putting all of our hard work and mental health sacrifices in je
"This is so wrong spreading covard19 in Auckland poor Auckland 
"Brian Tsmaki as leader of the protest should be arrested. Everyon
"Brian Tamaki knowingly put over 1000 people, plus all their familie
"Mans just an idiot, init"
"After all this work we have done in Auckland he breaks the rules p
"Brian Tamiki is a dangerous moronic asshole"
"Blatant disregard for the spead of covid"
"I do not understand how he can think this is OK after all the sacrifi
"Rules are rules and a protest shouldnt be allowed to break rules th
"At what point is rules broken? Why can Some Do As they want ?P
"He's a prick"
"He broke the law when we are trying as a nation to try and get ou
"This sort of behaviour is absolutely unacceptable. Putting people a
"Lack of moral responsibility and contrary to the church's teachings
"Police will lay charges based on evidence - no worries about that.I
"I'm signing because I don't like anti vaxxing pastors that use too m
"No one is above the law"
"Brian Tamaki is a fuck head"
"He's ruining all the hard work and sacrifices of others. A complete
"I’m signing the petition because he is dangerous. He is portraying
"The meeting was illegal"
"He's a gumper who needs to go down!"
"He has put so many people at risk, their health, their life. He is me
"I’m signing because apart from stopping people getting covid, unv
"I'm signing because he a bitch"
"It’s simple, he broke the law, he pays the price like anyone else wo
"He has put everyone's lives at risk"
"I am signing because this stupidity needs nipping in the bud. It is p
"Hes a idiot!"
"This is a disgrace and it shows that he has no respect for the gover
"Nobody is bigger than society"
"I’m doing my part to stop Covid and who gives him the right to do
"He is an A...hole"
"We are all needing to work together to get through this, not work
"He has purposefully risked the lives and income of millions of peop
"This should not have been aloud to take place. The government sn
"Because this was one of the most irresponsible and disappointing
"Shit stirrer."
"He's a dick"
"He needs to be held acountable for breaking lockdown rules."
"The police need to make an example of him, why should he get let
"New Zealanders have done the hard yards – sacrificing their own f
"This fake preacher takes money from the less fortunate to run his
"I don't believe that anyone is above the law and it is immoral that
"I'm signing because Brian Tamaki is a fuckwit. Charge him."
"He proports to believe in something that he proports will save us..
"I hope he get home detention and fined"
"He’s needs to be locked inside and the key thrown in the ocean"
"Safety of our tamariki... Not our Tamaki Preacher please. Aue! Pai
"He's an idiot and now it's dangerous."
"He should be held to the same laws as me."
"He wasnt making it safe for all aucklanders sad alright"
"This organised protest may have undone all of the hard work that
"We all must do our bit! He’s a bad influence!"
"I believe Brian Tamaki has broken the law by encouraging more th
"He need ms to stick to the rules , no exceptions"
"He’s a wanker"
"This is so unnecessary."
"Because he is such a twat"
"Lynnette StebbingWho does he think he is causing stress with misi
"All should be held accountable for there actions no matter who th
"I think he doesn't care about new Zealand"
"The guys a dick head and so are his followers"
"So many people have sacrificed so much to stop Covid!! One stup
"Yasmin Khan"
"I thought NZrs had more brains than other countries . Seems not!
"Arse holes like tamaki are the reason we can't get rid of covid. Ma
"He's an idoit who has put the rest of Auckland at risk after all their
"Hes an idiot"
"It shouldn't be 1 rule for some and 1 for another, no different to th
"He’s an idiot. They charged billy Te kahika for similar"
"Brian Tamaki encouraged people to ignore our Lockdown require
"Come on - he gets an exception!?!We are all towing the line. He’ll
"It’s time SOMEONE held this guy to account."
"Any fine he gets will be paid by his followers.."
"He's endangered the lifes of many just to boost his ego. Charge him
"Brian Tamaki organised, attended and facilitated a mass, illegal ga
"Because he thinks he’s above the common good"
"This was totally irresponsible when we have all been doing our bit
"This is definitely not ok! Everyone is trying so hard to do what is ri
"People should have a moral responsibility to do what's best for the
"I live in south island why should he get off with it because of who
"He was doing a stupid thing and putting people's lives in danger"
"There is everything wrong with him and his "church." It's unmitiga
"I care for my fellow New Zealanders"
"This man is brain washing people, making lockdown longer for eve
"Brian is a non tax paying twit"
"He needs to be jailed, fined and withdrawn as leader of Destiny Ch
"As a health professional and wearing PPE gear every day to keep m
"Unthinkable that one person is allowed to put the whole country a
"Darren Hacche"
"He’s an egotist with no thought for anyone but himself"
"He must not get away with this and the NZ Police should charge h
"He broke the COVID rules"
"He needs to be held accountable for being brainless! & selfish!"
"He puts others at risk"
"He totally broke the law and is claiming the government subsidy. S
"People who don't value or comply with what we (as Aucklanders)
"Everyone has stuck to the lockdown and Brian Tamaki flagrantly b
"He clearly broke lockdown rules and encouraged others to do the
"Gay hating peice of shite deserves to be charged"
"Brain washing, scammer 'church'."
"If we can only have 10 people at tangihanga in L3 who was he to c
"Everyone should be treated equally"
"I am signing petition on the grounds of Brian Tamaki inticing the p
"Need to stand for justice"
"This vile man just wants to be able to get his followers back to chu
"Someone once said, " The only thing worse than being talked abou
"This selfish act has not contributed to reducing the risk of COVID f
"Give this cretin a reality checkhe is not above the law"
"He needs to be held accountable"
"Brian Tamaki has shown no regard for the health order and greate
"He isnan idiot"
"Brian Tamaki needs to know he can't do shit like that . Dick head."
"Annette Corban"
"This guy is a nut job who doesn’t care about anyone else but hims
"Brian Tamaki is a man who’s legacy is defrauding those of faith, th
"this killer is real we need to a vacation that help us all"
"Brian Tamaki must be held accountable as he tries to brain wash h
"I believe social distancing was not adhered to which is a huge issue
"I believe it will help"
"I'm signing because fuck this guy."
"Because it’s irresponsible and self serving."
"Rules apply to everyone."
"He seriously needs to learn some accountability,responsibility,be a
"He’s a threat to the health and safety of all NZ’ers"
"It was not safe for New Zealand"
"What Brian Dummyki fails to realise is that covid does not care ab
"Another recruitment drive for Tamaki's personal cash coffers. Disr
"That protest should never have happen"
"He needs to be accountable for exploiting the valnurable"
"He should be charged because it was illegal"
"This is an appalling display of disrespect and disregard for peoples
"What a selfish prick he is!Must be charged!"
"He’s an asshole and a right fake"
"Absolutely disgraceful  he is using people's faith against them! H
"I'm signing because I care and think about others."
"Because he is a dickhead"
"He's a complete & utter selfish wanker.... Praying on the poor...."
"Barb Fawthrop"
"Because the church do not break laws unless it comes stopping th
"He has now put more people at risk."
"This man need to held to account for endangering public health an
"Rules are rules and he flouted them. He should be made accounta
"Because he's a prick!"
"He should never have organised a protest and put lives in danger"
"Total disregard for any rules except for his own.You are the other
"He makes a mockery of law and order and puts New Zealand at ris
"Why should Brian Tamaki think public health regulations are for ev
"Brian Tamaki broke NZ’s covid regulations and encouraged others
"No one is above the law. Fake prophet or not"
"I care about New Zealand & our people."
"Rex Yee"
"I'm signing this today because so many people are doing the right
"Please charge"
"Hes a muppet"
"Attention seeking anti authority fool."
"Because religion shouldn't be weaponised or politicised. and ever
"How dare he! What makes him so special he above all the laws in
"My friends and famimy in Auckland are doing tbe right thing. This
"I am signing because we who follow the rules are slapped in tgevd
"Brian Tamaki is all about himself Not God !!!"
"Law should be obeyed. Super-spreader event should never have h
"I could give you a million reasons why this idiot needs to be prosec
"He’s an irresponsible person fines should go to hospo"
"Because the rules are the rules and what right does Brian Tamaki h
"You break the law, you need to be held accountable"
"He is in blatant view breaching restriction laws."
"He breached level 3 rules and needs to be treated the same as any
"Jacinda will do nothing because it would be deemed “racist”"
"he only thinks of himself and thinks he is above everyone else"
"Tax the churches"
"He is a danger to the public, and he KNOWINGLY AND BLATANTLY
"I believe Brian Tamake is persuading hundreds if not thousands, o
"He needs to be held accountable"
"This man is a threat to our safety."
"Katherine, Hi. "Should" outa be removed from the dictionary, cos
"Voiding covid rules is not ok"
"We are all responsible for keeping New Zealand safe."
"He has just crapped all over the good work the majority of Aucklan
"He is a hypocrite"
"Brian Tamaki should be charged for breaking health regulations."
"I value the lives of other New Zealanders, as well as offering and u
"It’s one rule , there is no egomaniac waiver"
"Charge this Clown"
"I think it is very wrong to use your powerful position to encourage
"I have family I’m longing to see and crazy actions like this make all
"I believe in the rule of law for everyone."
"Others are trying hard to stop spread. Medical staff putting them
"Dam right irresponsible. Aucklanderes doing it tough in lockdown
"He’d to believe some people can be so selfish and believe they are
"He's a dick"
"Don't encourage people to break the lock down. It's this kind of th
"This man acted illegally."
"Angela Cottrell"
"It's just not okay to risk people's lives and disregard the rules Char
"All New Zealand has done the hard yards only to have idiots like h
"Im a nursing student studying to save liveable in the future!! Covid
"He has shown contemp and broken the law"
"No man should be above the law and he deserves to be made acco
"Vile, one-dimensional and selfish behaviour with absolutely no reg
"Brian Tamaki is an evil gifted and manipulator."
"Why hasn't tamaki been arrested yet? His gathering was clearly ill
"He is just selfish"
"Protest should never had happened"
"This man is a bigot and his religion is the antithesis of care and lov
"What a doosh"
"What he did was completely wrong in the level 3 that we were in.
"He and others throughout NZ broke the law and put lives at risk an
"Brian is not helping the community in any way as he thinks of him
"He put lives in danger"
"He should know better"
"He should be put in prison and have barbed wire shoved up his ars
"This protest was illegal and caused the people of NZ to be in dange
"This was a breach of the current level putting Many lives at risk an
"That was just a idiotic protests by all"
"Law is law - for everyone."
"This Man is breaking the law and thinks he is a law unto himself."
"Domestic terrorist?"
"He is not above the law. He is a danger to society. He incited a ma
"He should be charges"
"Thoughtless egotistical twat needs to be imprisoned for this breac
"It's people like this human being.....anti vacinaters..........protestor
"He thinks he's beyond reproach because he has god on his side. Ig
"This is unacceptable behaviour and other get prosecuted for breac
"He needs to be stopped."
"Brian is a tosser!"
"TREASON .. �"
"Irresponsible behaviour and illegal public gatherings can become a
"Tamaki is an oderous individual who uses the same tactics as the c
"A law is law and he broke it and encouraged many others to follow
"It’s responsibility �"
"He not the prime minister. He should have known better ..control
"I want to support all the vunerable people that have been conned
"He’s an egotistical maniac who literally thinks he’s above us mere
"he's a dip shit, and should grow up. Be an adult and tell people to
"He's a false prof"
"Make him and his team to pay the cost for covid-19 subsidy."
"Arrest him & Charge him like all others that breached !!"
"I am signing because Tamaki performed and enaided an entirely ir
"After majority of New Zealanders particularly Aucklanders have do
"That so called protest completely disrespected Aucklanders sacrifi
"Because every legal Covid protocol was breached. He believes he i
"He's a poor leader! He should be held accountable!"
"Brian Tamaki is not above the law"
"This cult leader needs to be silenced"
"The guy is an ass-hat."
"His behaviour was incredibly unsafe. It put everyone at risk and I c
"He broke the law"
"He has total disregard for the safety of New Zealanders and the sa
"cause if he can organise a protest without being punish then why
"Terrible leadership. Putting people in danger."
"He thinks he’s above the law"
"Because he broke the law."
"He's not above the law and should go to court for breaking lockdo
"Behavior of total ignorance and disrespect to Aucklanders"
"Keeping kiwis safe in lockdown is a priority"
"He is a dick"
"Am fed up with the government being selective on who they choo
"He's put all honest Aucklanders at risk"
"It is clear it is the wrong what he do"
"What he did was illegal and plain stupid"
"He’s a dick who endangers other people"
"The guy hurts nz more then he has ever helped us"
"I believe this needs to be actioned."
"This man is a dangerous narcissist who is putting his own agenda b
"It was very irresponsible to hold a crowd gathering, breaching Lev
"Kevin Butler"
"The man's an idiot he gets away with murder no one does anythin
"To many folks are promoting their rights but don't hear them talki
"He is a disgrace."
"Brian Tamaki is not exempt from NZ law and inciting others to bre
"They should prosecute and judge should give him Jail…. Even if he
"Do the right thing!"
"He is a dick!"
"I am a Kiwi living in Melbourne and I am sick and tired of these idio
"What he done was so wrong. Putting people at risk"
"Complete disregard of the law…."
"I support Aucklanders and others doing the right thing to get out o
"Charge him he broke the health law...God save New Zealand it is g
"It's absolutely the truth. Most of us are doing the right thing by no
"It is deliberately dangerous behaviour"
"I believe in Vaccination for all"
"This evil man is a scourge to society and should be removed from
"Police should have done their job on the day and stopped it and ch
"Grandstanding promoting his own agenda putting other people at
"Hes a fake and phony idiot"
"I was most angry with his selfishness of putting thousands people
"I'm signing because of Brian Tamaki's despicable actions putting liv
"He's an asshole and needs to be punished"
"Law breaker & disrespectful"
"I’m embarrassed he’s a fellow kiwi"
"So many people have sacrificed so much to get where we are. How
"Wendg stent"
"Brian Tamaki endangered everyone else with his foolish actions.
"His beliefs are jeopardizing the rest of the country's health."
"It's a bad example for his followers"
"They were in breach of the regulations simple!!!And he's an Arrog
"Brian Tamaki thinks he is above the law... also I thinks he's a comp
"He is a selfish f*kwit"
"Brian Tamaki is a menace. He should be charged"
"This guy is breaking the rules"
"Because he not only broke the law, he enticed and endangered ot
"Absolutely deplorable and hypocritical. Taking government subsid
"Inciting and leading others in total disregard for public health and
"One law for every one!!!He could cost NZ millions of dollars and w
"I am sick of antivaccers and the like trying to make it difficult for e
"If you are going to lead a protest why wear a mask? Double stand
"This event should have never happened. Many Kiwi’s have been a
"It is not one rule for this self absorbed cretin and another for the m
"I have to"
"Because it is about protecting our whanau and our future. This is o
"I think a strong message with consequences needs to be sent and
"To think that not getting a COVID vaccine (when we get vaccinatio
"I think Brian Tamaki is deliberately putting people at risk of getting
"Brian Scamaki is a criminal. We lock criminals up. End of story."
"Brian will see this petition, unfortunately, as good publicity for his
"Tamaki is a dickhead 勞勞"
"Let him pay his & his parishioners ICU care.What a self centered in
"Why should Brian Tamaki be any different then anyone else for pu
"Brian tamaki has been totally irresponsible and should be upholdin
"The law is the law it has been put there to protect the people"
"The protest was illegal. It was also morally wrong."
"I'm signing it because Brian Tamaki is an idiot who is selfish. He do
"Simple fact is he broke the law. He organised an event during leve
"Such selfish behaviour that threatens all our lives and defies the la
"Lockdown level 3 means no mass gatherings. This puts us all in dan
"Tamaki is a dangerous self serving individual with no genuine conc
"Des Gilmore"
"I dont like cults"
"This idiot's equally moronic followers are putting the entire comm
"He needs to be held accountable for his actions. Not a measly fine
"Charge him, jail him and remove his tax exemption."
"I want to be able to travel to Auckland to see whanau not stay in l
"Its wrong"
"This man & all attendees breached the Lvl3 rules. All of them have
"He's an idiit"
"Utter stupidness off this man"
"He is a big I am that's for sure. People are sucked in by his so calle
"This behaviour is unacceptable and illegal and threatens everyone
"The police need to do their job. The vast majority of people have b
"This was irresponsible and with no regard for the hardship endure
"Very irresponsible. One rule for all. Instigating public to create law
"Everyone else in Auckland spends weeks following lockdown rules
"Blatant disrespect of the covid rules and the family of 5 million."
"Absolutely opposed to committing crimes under the banner of so-
"He deserves to be made accountable for his disgraceful disregard
"He & his Destiny Church are happy to claim the wage subsidy hand
"Because I think it's wrong that he gets to do as he pleases without
"Hes a selfish idiot"
"Encouraging people to break the Lockdown rules by gathering in s
"He broke the law!!"
"The guys a menace!"
"Opposing to this approach during the pandemic, this will only incr
"Stop this insanity. I want to see my Sister in the near future. I am i
"Brian Tamaki isn't above the law and therefore should be charged
"Brian is an arse and has put all of nz at risk..andnhe has plans for a
"This fuck wit needs to go"
"If I and the rest of NZ citizens need to obey the rules around covid
"He selfish all about himself  Stay the f#%k home"
"How can he be so irresponsible to put people in danger thru misin
"Down right disgraceful, selfish and stupid. He should be charged fo
"I fear God but this man is not Godly and his arrogance will harm go
"He put our health, freedom snd summer at risk. There are only so
"He risked people's life's"
"refuse to share the danger they brought to the public"
"Because he doesn't care about anyone but himself, and he should
"Because he has no respect for the majority only for himself there f
"Rules are Rules, we have been doing the right thing, he just does w
"He is holding the 5 million kiwis as hostage."
"Level3 and putting Auckland in more jeopardy to stay in this level
"We need Auckland at the same level as us !!! Missung ma whanau
"He's a fuckwit "
"The law is the law face consequences"
"Brian Tamaki is putting lives in danger with his fear mongering and
"I think stupid people need to be accountable for endangering eve
"He is not above the law"
"Arogance and don't give a toss off all Aucklanders efforts knocking
"Because Brian Tamaki is a narcissist and he preys on the weak and
"Because I am a Kiwi who would love to come home these people a
"He’s a dick!"
"Rules and guidelines are there for a reason and should be abided b
"Yes, let's him and his members know that they are not above the l
"He flouted the law. Do something or you could well be like us in M
"One rule should be the same for everyone. He is a trouble maker a
"No one is above the law , especially when it comes to public safety
"Because no one is above the law."
"We are doing everything to keep safe and Brian wants to play poli
"We need to protect each other from covid19 so our children and b
"Tamaki is an egotistical, narcissist cult leader who doesn't give a ra
"Brian Tamakl is a Idiot"
"As an Aucklander I have sacrificed so much and like so many of my
"The Tamakis are leeches. They pray on the weak to furnish themse
"He needs to be jailed"
"He believes he is more important than everyone and his followers
"Illegal protest"
"We need to stand together and fight virus this as one community
"Gina Maree Mills"
"He broke the law and encouraged others to do so."
"He's no use to society"
"Everyone should be charged for breaking the law no matter who t
"Robbie Greaney Hastings New Zealand"
"Damm idiot. Worried about his money. Don't care about other peo
"He has put his needs before the health of NZers. He has essentiall
"Everyone's life matters. Your freedom deprived other's rights to liv
"Fake eyebrows in a public place."
"And that is why lockdown will not be lifted"
"It's blatant favouritism for Maori protestors if they don't charge Ta
"Because of the health & safety compromised during his gathering!
"Simple. He broke the law, charge him. 1 law for all!"
"He is breaking the laws and needs to be held accountable."
"He is a self centered excuse of a man who thinks about nothing bu
"He is breaking the laws and needs to be held accountable."
"Arrogant disregard for the rest of Auckland, doing the time, weari
"He's endangered alot of people and broken the law"
"What Brian Tamaki did is illegal and he needs to made an example
"I am signing this because we in the south island are still in Level 2
"someone needs to be made an example of, and the higher their pr
"Because he broke the rules. Who does he think he is. Padded cell
"Because Brian Tamaki has put everyone at risk by holding this prot
"His actions were a slap in the face for aucklanders"
"This man is dangerous, a hypocrite, a homophobe, a predator and
"Arrogant & dangerous...."
"This lunatic has knowingly and recklessly endangered the public he
"Because he is a wanker of the first degree"
"This dudes a fuckwit"
"I'm signing cos off the safety & well being of my mokopuna .... blo
"because I'm sick of these idiots flouting the law and holding the re
"Muppet! Only out for himself..wait.... are those eyebrows tattooe
"I'm a law abiding citizen and expect the same from those who sho
"Im Signing because he needs to be jailed and stripped of all his ass
"I am signing because Tamaki thinks he is above the law, breachin
"We are a team of over 5 million. We have all sacrificed a lot to kee
"Destiny church is heading in the wrong direction,!"
"He broke the law and he's a fraud"
"What he did was soooo wrong....."
"Brian Tamaki and his people broke civil and moral law."
"Fine and jail!"
"I haven't been home in two years because of this virus. Tamaki ha
"I'm signing because everyone is treated exactly the same if that w
"One rule for everyone! He and all his fools have broken the law!"
"Not ok!!!!"
"This act put others health and lives at risk"
"I am signing because the current rule is not for the people. The go
"Because this selfush vain idiot has en dangered the whole country
"I think he needs to follow the law like everyone else"
"I believe Tamaki has incited division in the Motu.Tamaki is compro
"It is open disregard and flouting for rules to save people's lives. He
"this protest may cause peoples lives, mental health, or financial w
"He’s an absolute twat"
"This is reckless endangerment"
"Because he's a fuckwit I hate him"
"Brian Tamaki has blatantly flouted the lockdown protocols for leve
"Maybe the irony of contracting Covid 19, and a ventilator will silen
"i say so"
"I am of the opinion that we should all obey the Covid criteria in or
"Brian has problem and think only of himself"
"This person is ACTIVELY promoting the exact opposite of safe dista
"He calls himself a man of God but shows no empathy for the millio
"Consequence. He thinks he's above the Law and better than every
"Anne-lies Ridley"
"Level 3 means level 3. He has endangered thousands of people. He
"We all need to keep each other safe and well! This idiot is dangero
"people need to be held accountable for their actions"
"Brian tamaki is an idiot and an example needs to be made of him."
"This Guy is a criminal, if I did what he has done I would be jailed, lo
"His protest slapped our face. Lock him up and fine him as well."
"He's an idiot and brainwashing his followers. Having nearly 3,000 p
"he has put the whole country at risk"
"This is purely to be noticed again. He only does this because he wo
"He is a dangerous man"
"Encouraging people to be in that situation is selfish and grandstan
"I generally steer clear of controversy on social media and I’m not p
"I have whanau in Auckland that are finding it tough not being able
"Maybe the irony of contracting Covid 19 and a ventilator, will be t
"It was wrong what he did. Puts everyone else at risk"
"I can't understand why the actions of this shameful group of so ca
"Because Tamaki is an evil Mofo!!"
"He is a fraud, he is going to be so surprised when he meets his ete
"Encouraging a protest during a lockdown is totally irresponsible. I
"I'm signing this petition because of the totally irresponsible behav
"I’m signing because Brian Tamaki is not above the law. Although h
"Someone as destructive, manipulative and careless as Brian Tama
"I am signing because he is totally irresponsible and impedes public
"I run a small business thats going bust due to lockdowns.Tamaki h
"He is insulting our health system"
"Can't stand the guy or his wife, 100% do not support anything he s
"christine Hendry -Gaskell"
"He has broken the rules and needs consequences."
"Brian Tamaki is a twat."
"He's a cunt"
"Because he is an idiot and so entitled.. NZ doesn't need people like
"The NZ Govt. clearly has two sets of rules."
"Ya do it for the generations"
"I was an illegal gathering & a dangerous super-spreader event"
"Yes. He should be charged for breaking the law."
"Why u think?"
"what right did they have to further risk Aucklanders certainly not o
"He's just not doing the right thing.."
"Needs to be held accountable for his actions!"
"Lock the idiot up and all the sheep will stop following"
"His protest was damaging, selfish and entitled to feed his own ext
"As a leader of a community group he shows no respect for the wid
"Brian Tamaki thinks he is above the law & so far the police agree w
"Im signing this petition for the health, wellbeing and safety of my
"He's a dangerous dickhead"
"I'm signing because, apart from insulting the Auckland community
"He is an irresponsible, uncaring, insensitive, selfish, loud-mouthed
"Charge Aucklander Brian Tamaki who incited his followers to join h
"People like this bozo are the reason we're in this mess. They're too
"Fuck Brian tamaki and his conspiracies threatening our health"
"He's putting everyone at risk. He should be charged heavily"
"He was yelling “no more lockdowns” but has potentially put us in a
"He thinks he is the God! But just the cause of injustice.."
"He broke the law"
"Debbie Faith"
"It's disgusting"
"I think this Brian tamaki is a very stupid person that wasted lots of
"Brian Tamaki was responsible for breaking the lockdown rules. He
"He is been fake and safety comes first for us"
"Personal reasons"
"Not very christian-like what Brian has done. Some people deserve
"He broke the law"
"He broke the law!"
"Lisa Bullock"
"I'm signing because the law has been broken and if no prosecution
"He is crazy ande so are those that trust him!"
"Tamaki is no different than anyone else. CHARGE HIM"
"He broke the law and endangered us and our businesses."
"Cos he things he's higher then anyone else self appointment bisho
"We can't have one rule for the individual and another for a group.
"He's an idiot"
"He is completely out of his mind and very dangerous to human ea
"He's a Rip Off Merchant, and he is only in this Religous Bullshit for
"Brian Tamaki thinks he has some god given right to do whatever h
"He's a selfish twit"
"He needs to be stopped!"
"He deserves to be bought to account"
"I am in level 3 now, because of fuckwits like this."
"Brian Tamaki is an idiot that protests the torture and death of hom
"the gathering broke the law and was immoral as well"
"This event flouts the lockdown laws, encourages others to breach
"I'm signing this as there are those doing the right thing (staying to
"Hes rediculious and putting many at risk of catching and or spread
"Please charge this vile & revolting man for holding his super sprea
"It is NOT okay for this man to walk away without legal consequenc
"Brian and his church are fake"
"Irresponsible and idiotic mindset won't help in eliminating Covid"
"He’s a wanker"
"He needs to be charged for this."
"This is an example of ignorance & selfishness that’s harmful to the
"this Man and organisation in sighted citizens to protest during leve
"He's a total embarrusment to Christians and a dangerous cult lead
"Greedy Wanker"
"Been a long time coming! Charge him for sure!"
"He's not playing for the team of 5 million. Dislike."
"I want To come home soon... wthout restrictions."
"I'm against everything he stands for and he's FAKE .He thinks he's
"Surely, if Destiny Church used donations to finance an illegal gathe
"Brian needs to be held accountable for his extremely selfish behav
"It's horrible and disgusting for him to pull a move like that when so
"Irresponsible behavior that affects everybody else"
"He needs to be arrested like others have for disresting our country
"Selfish people putting everybody at risk from Covid. The police are
"This man is probably responsible for keeping Auckland in lockdow
"He needs to realise he isn't above the law and needs to have cons
"Had enough him and his group of followers put themselves before
"Brian Tamaki has no regard for public safety"
"Millions of people are trying to take lockdown as seriously as poss
"He is not above the law"
"He's broken the rules and needs to be held to account."
"This guy is utterly evil and thinks he's above the law. Charge him li
"He I doing unlawful things ,and he is inconsiderate."
"Another dangerous religious group that doesn't pay tax, should be
"He's an idiot."
"He doesn't care about the safety of others & he thinks the covid ru
"He's a fuckin tosser"
"Lance Davies"
"It's obvious isn't it!"
"He broke the rules"
"aholes like tamaki dont give a shite about anyone other than them
"Brian Tamaki puts himself up on his platform and professes he is a
"Awesome another 25,000 signatures folks we are nearly there"
"He risked the whole country’s health by a rash act. No fair on the o
"This is about pure greed. Tamaki and Mortlock do not really care a
"His action was illegal."
"He’s not above the law. Others have been charged so should he."
"His behaviour is inexcusable!"
"We all have been working hard from home with kids, limited every
"Brian Tamaki is an absolute idiot and his followers are brain dead
"NZ is not lucky forever due to his stupid and selfish decision. See h
"This guy’s a rule breaker and should be fined just like everyone els
"Coz he is crazy�"
"Because it's the right action to ensure fairness and rule of law."
"I care about New Zealand"
"I am sick and tired of individuals dictating our future through their
"He thinks rules don’t apply to him, that he is above anyone else. W
"The rules are designed to keep us safe - that means all of us. Come
"One rule for all."
"He has committed an illegal act and is getting away with it. As a lea
"He should be charged and treated as everyone else would be"
"Jail him and his wife"
"Brian Tamaki is a business. Lockdown means he cannot gather his
"I find he thinks he’s above the law"
"It’s irresponsible plus risking the health and safety of others"
"This event undermined the good work done by so many Aucklande
"I believe if you break the rules you suffer consequences in life. He
"Inciting the public to break lockdown laws is dangerous, arrogant
"Brian Tamaki must be stopped!!!"
"He should be in prison. Also, please remove that tax benefit."
"Brian Tamaki will do anything to get media. He is a poor example o
"keep us safe"
"He blatantly disregards safety of New Zealanders by disregarding t
"Wht a bloody selfish man to think he's above the law and to drag o
"Brian Tamaki should be charged for undermining all of the mahi d
"Risking public safety."
"He’s spreading lies and misinformation putting lives at risk and giv
"He’s baiting the police and government to do something but cowa
"By organising his church‘s people gathering together in the park, h
"Need protect everybody , everyone’s life is important"
"Careless about public safety"
"He broke the law and encouraged others to do so as well."
"He has put our lives at risk"
"Because Brian Tamaki is just soooo WRONG, and premeditatingly
"Mike O’Meeghan"
"This guy is no Christian, he is everything Jesus expressly warned ag
"He has is own agenda and needs to be made accountable for his in
"How disrespectful when most Aucklanders are struggling and play
"Because he is an selfish asshole …"
"I am very angry that this protest was allowed to go ahead. We ha
"I care about the safety of all NZers. We all have to work as a team
"I'm signing this petition cos I agreed with him."
"Th selfishness"
"Brian Tamaki & his church are traitors to NZ"
"This is an abuse of leadership that should be brought to justice"
"I strongly object to the selfish and irresponsible action taken by Ta
"This guy is a complete twatt"
"I am signing this petition because we don’t need people in position
"He has put Auckland and the rest of NZ at risk for his own glorifica
"I strongly object to Tamaki being so selfixh in holding this rally wh
"He's a total fraud and lives in luxury at other people's expense wh
"If he can do what he did it's not safe for Auckland"
"Cuihua zhang"
"Same rules for everyone"
"Lock him up or fine him $4000 per head that attended the protest
"Same rules for everybody, please!"
"Because Brian Tamaki is evil!"
"It should never had been allowed"
"Destiny Church claims to be Christian. Yet Jesus Christ taught that
"It was an illegal gathering and a lot of misinformation was spread
"Disgusting behavior"
"Walking jar of Vaseline posing as hero while he milks his sheep."
"He is a prat."
"This man takes money from the poor to make himself rich and now
"He is a total waste of space and anyway, does he think he is GOD?
"It matters."
"Despicable and sorry excuse of a low life who thinks of nothing oth
"Who does he think he is - GOD???? What an ignorant piece of sh#
"Brian Tamaki’s arrogance breaks the law & puts the whole commu
"Irresponsible and those that have attended if contracted by covid
"He is not above the law"
"I am sick and tired of people breaking the law and getting away wi
"He is an idiot"
"this man is a total fool"
"It’s simply not acceptable"
"Brian Tamaki openly broke the law and encouraged others to do t
"What a flagrant breach of the law in a well-known con-artist. How
"He showed us what an idiot he is. Then he blatantly lied on TV wh
"We are one team."
"Hang him and his cronies high!!"
"His actions have shown no regard for safety or rules. If I did that th
"Charge this MF!!"
"Undermining the plan with illegal activity and encouraging others
"Why should he get away with spreading covid? Irresponsible idiot
"That’s for sure"
"This is so unfair!! Silly man"
"Brian Tamaki is an ego statistical, homophobic, misogynistic cult le
"He is putting our people at risk"
"Everyone knows the rules, but one egotistical idiot doesn't, or cho
"He is not thinking of the safety of his fellow Aucklanders and he’s
"It shouldnt happen"
"Irresponsible, ignorance, illegal."
"Brian Tamaki is lawless"
"Not the first time he and his wife have disregarded other peoples
"Way to selfish, not caring about our country’s health or mental we
"His actions put all New Zealanders at risk - nothing makes him abo
"He broke the rules and convinced his followers to do the same ."
"Supporting those in Auckland who are following the rules"
"we should ALL obey the rules and science trumps religion."
"Arrogant behaviour undermining efforts of the majority of Aucklan
"There is one law for everyone"
"He should end himself. Jeezus"
"No one is above the law!"
"Broke rules"
"He's a cunt"
"I'm signing because Destiny Church does damage by spreading mis
"How inconsiderate for auckland doing the right thing"
"He's missing his tithe income during lockdown. He needs to be tre
"Putting him away will decrease the chance of him influencing mor
"Totally irresponsible, inconsiderate and unkind! What a narcissist
"He has no moral compass and his selfishness puts all of Auckland a
"He is a a disgrace to his faith and the people who put their trust in
"If it was anyone else they would have been charged already!"
"Brian Tamaki needs to be held accountable"
"Charge all the leaders involved, not just Brian. They’re flouting the
"And you should end your hatred!"
"He is against the rule"
"I'm all for this persecution, provided that the authors or "program
"They are putting NZ at risk"
"He's a con man who thinks he is God."
"We all try our hardest to role with the rules. He’s no exception"
"If he can do it so can I, we have sacrificed for the good of country
"He broke the law and encouraged others to do the same."
"We want a healthy community!"
"Because he has acted disrespectful and arrogant to all.Aucklander
"Brian Tamati is a menace to the whole of society and is in effect im
"He needs to understand he is not God even though he thinks he is
"I'm signing because no one should think themselves above the law
"One rule for some no way"
"His actions were totally irresponsible under the present situation"
"To keep everyone safe. Follow the rules. Stay home n stay safe."
"F*** this guy"
"Brian Tamaki should be treated the same as any other person brea
"Families need to connect, Businesses need to open.What is wrong
"It is against the protection of the country."
"Brian Tamaki is a dangerous vile man who uses people. He is a vile
"Destiny is nothing but a thieving cult preying on the vulnerable an
"His selfish act is putting everyone in danger."
"Large gatherings like this isn't helping the country keep Covid case
"Where was the police? Or is it within their agenda to give him scre
"He needs to face responsibity and be charged along with his wife..
"This process put other lives at risk of catching Covid."
"I am signing this petition because the safety of every person in thi
"these are the cancer in the society that waster very one else effor
"The blokes a dipstick of social anarchy ... when he’s locked up Cov
"no good man!"
"Tamaki is a dangerous cult leader who has endangered every NZer
"Consequences are expected if we break the rules. Why are these
"He actively breaks the law, and accelerates community spread of t
"This is a collective effort for every New Zealander to make irrespec
"The sheer arrogance. He is not our democratically chosen leader. N
"Idiot!!!!! Here is how to lockdown Auckland for another 4 weeks !
"He makes sick after all the sacrifice"
"stupid men!nobody want to be locked at home, but this is the on
"Brian Tamaki is an evil piece of shit who put 5 million people at ris
"Needs doing"
"Totally irresponsible, puts himself before the rest of the country!"
"Nobody want to be locked, but lock down is the only way to prote
"JESUS LOVES VACCINATION. If you love your neighbour, protect th
"He is a danger to the public"
"Colors violate regulations and incite activities."
"Aucklanders have done everything to help stop delta from taking o
"Cause he is an egg."
"We have tried so hard to keep Delta under control but there are p
"Tamaki is a grifter."
"The law must apply to all, without exceptions. The protest was ille
"These protesters are endangering the public"
"All the leaders of this protest need to be charged."
"Zheng Jun"
"This man is not what he saysge is. His church is NOT a christian as
"He’s a selfish prick!!"
"He is not above the law"
"He thinks he is a higher ruler than the government."
"Hi action's were not only illegal, but also immoral & against all eff
"He's a twat"
"He wasted our effort to stamp it out. For no gain"
"yeah lock this fella up"
"He’s putting both island at risk"
"He is a thief."
"What Tamaki did was a stupid potential super spreader event, and
"Because I belive in "my body my choise" and in Holy Spirit of Moth
"He did this wrong"
"It was a selfish protest."
"Those who live in society have to live by the rules n laws of that so
"The guy is a parasite"
"It’s idiots like this man that have no morals. Fine him heavily and s
".This is not a religious man but a corrupt charlatan determined to
"He is spreading misinformation and abiding his position of power w
"So worried about his own pocket. Selfish man."
"I could have caused mass suicide with his actions"
"Brian is a con artist and is not a law upon himself."
"He’s a douche bag"
"he has broken the law"
"Tamaki is a dangerous narcissist whose praying is preying!!"
"What he organized was unsafe"
"It's not only about the freedom, it's about the future for all of us."
"Hes putting our kiwis in jeopardy"
"This guy is running a gang not a church and is encouraging others
"Because it is the right thing to do and Brian Tamaki and his gang a
"Do the crime do some time."
"How do two people that fly to Wanaka get charged with a border
""He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy!" - Monty Python's
"Stop being selfish and silly"
"This man is a menace to public safety"
"I am concerned about the misinformation this man is spreading in
"Tamaki is a twat"
"Evil manEvil power hungryUnchristian"
"I'm signing because he should be locked up for putting Aucklander
"He should be held accountable."
"The arrogance and hubris of this guy to believe that he speaks for
"The focus should be on responsibilities not rights."
"Because he broke the law!"
"I'm signing because... Duh"
"The arrogance, wilful ignorance and egotistical selfishness of Bria
"I'm signing this because he's an entitled old git"
"No one is above this darned disease."
"Brain tamaki is a snake oil sales man, a parasite who lives a lavish
"His actions were irresponsible"
"Disgraceful behaviour. I doubt his God will be very pleased with hi
"Progress of public safety is paramount at this stage and these peo
"they are rediculious! Destroying all effects from whole locked dow
"This guy is a threat to his followers, especially around the issues o
"Selfish and deluded, feel for the people who will risk their health o
"he broke the law"
"The rules apply to everyone not just those who follow the rules. A
"Absolutely disgusting!"
"Iam signing this petition because he has no right to put his own ga
"It's totally irresponsible"
"The man is a dangerous couch bag"
"We've all made too many sacrifices to have this would be and self
"I'm signing because these people have clearly broken the law and
"it was illegal and selfish and not fair"
"He broke the law,protesting in lockdown unacceptable!!!"
"Oscar Emery, covid rules for all Aotearoa"
"He broke the law under vovud restrictions"
"This fellow & his cohorts are putting all of New Zealand at risk!"
"He is a law breaking tosser."
"He is an idiot!"
"I am signing, because he is a Lunatic who should be charged & thro
"This idiot is going against what we all need, vaccinations and freed
"He is an idiot."
"He is quite literally hurting people with his arrogant self centred g
"He broke the rules and needs to be fined."
"Brian Tamaki is a schister, babbling on in the name of God to swin
"Couldn't have said it better ego over public safety.He will do anyth
"His selfish actions puts our way out of these lockdowns at risk. Loc
"He’s a dick"
"Just because he has hoodwinked many gullible well-meaning folk
"I am fed up with people who lack any sense of responsibility for th
"The bebaviour will make the situation worse."
"Brian tamaki is jepodizing New Zealand and ruining everything we
"Brian Tamaki was wrong to do what he did!"
"He broke the law with the amount of people at his protest"
"Law is law"
"He is an idiot"
"Angry over selfishness of people."
"Because Brian tamaki broke the law and had no consideration for
"No one has the right to protest in this illegal manner"
"Definitely charge him - he’s a flouter!"
"Hope he is charged �"
"He broke the law and should be charged like anyone else. He is en
"I care about doctors, nurses and essential workers. Because I care
"This guy thinks he is above everyone else Charge him to the full ex
"He's a idiot putting the country at risk he's a dumb arse"
"He is a dick head with not an ounce of Christianity in his bones."
"Illegal actions should be punished"
"He's morally corrupt."
"Unacceptable, even idiots know better"
"hes endangering all our lives, and our childrens, should be right up
"I’m signing because It’s the right thing to do. Brian Tamaki will hur
"Mr Tamaki thinks he is above the law, and he endangered lives."
"This bloke and his fuck wit followers need a good kick up the arse.
"He barely makes any sense when he speaks and his Facebook post
"Apologies on behalf of sane, caring Christians everywhere. Tamak
"There should not be one different sets of rules for public figures"
"Because he broke the law, plane and simple"
"Shame on him."
"Michelke corban"
"I wish to say that Brian is a fool and evil."
"Hes a criminal"
"Destiny Church are breaking the law.They are not keeping the peo
"Please everyone lets get Auckland out of level 3. That means follow
"He is an egotistical maniac"
"who gives him the right to do this"
"Charge this piece of s*** of putting NZers health at risk. He thinks
"this is ridiculous"
"He needs to be charged for breaching"
"Totally unacceptable, should face appropriate charges….Dickhead
"He's a muppet and needs to be stopped, my kids miss their dad th
"Brian Tamaki is an irresponsible idiot and deserves to be charged,
"Idiots don't deserve any recognition just put in jail"
"He is the big dumb"
"He should be charged and treated like anyone else. If fact he was
"Brian Tamaki wilfully and intentionally broke lockdown restriction
"He has put all the hard work that the country has done at risk,and
"Idiotic behavior"
"They're killing people!"
"He broke the law !!"
"He is am absolute idiot. Spreading a lot of crap"
"He is breaking the law and placing others in danger as well as jeop
"He and his mob break the law. So can I and the rest of us. Why ar
"I don't like his egotistical money grabbing 'church' that fleeces peo
"I'm signing because I just dnt like this meathead."
"Its either sign this or assassinate him"
"I think his actions are selfish and ridiculous."
"I agree"
"He needs to feel the consequences...."
"Because he is a muppet, and a danger to society!"
"It’s a disgrace. A complete disregard for public safety and the grea
"one law for all"
"He is not God!! Needs to be made accountable!!"
"Brian Tamiki doesn't practice what he preaches and thinks he is in
"Because this man thinks he’s a law unto himself , has a total disreg
"He is a danger and a thief"
"Tamali is a dangerous fool."
"There has to be one, clear, concise rule for all. Maverick wannabe
"He is deranged and dangerous; he has a large following and he is e
"I care for nz! This protest was politically motivated Tamaki wants t
"I believe what he did was against all protocols, arrogant a great ris
"Hold him to account, he has taken tens of thousands of dollars fro
"He is an idiot and the demonstration was so irresponsible and the
"How will Tamaki feel if his illegal gathering of selfish fools ends up
"He broke the law. We are all trying our best for NZ with many sacr
"He should be charged for breaking the law"
"Can let morons endanger the rest of the community"
"Tamaki is a scourge on society!"
"Tamaki put us all at at risk of further lockdown. Not only should he
"he sucks x"
"I'm not with stupid"
"Brian Tamaki needs to be made an example of!!Am I free to break
"They can potencially kill hundreds of people"
"Patricia Hancock"
"Hes a halfwit"
"We are all law abiding citizens trying to keep our country safe, ok
"He should be charged, as far as I'm concerned this event that he h
"The 13th Apostle is doing Satan's work."
"If these rules are broken there must be consequences. We are liv
"graeme shirley"
"these people are cracked in the head"
"Brian should be charged."
"That guy is misleading and exploiting his followers; in doing so he
"What a dick head!."
"The irony of Brian Tamaki fighting for 'freedom' when he has tried
"Why should he break the rules when everyone else obeys the rule
"this man's stupidity in not seeing that spreading the virus futher w
"He put the safety of every nz at risk he should be made to pay bac
"he is an idiot"
"He blatantly flunted the law a saftey of 5 million peopleArrogance
"He should not be above the law."
"It's the eight thing to do"
"No one is above the rules set to keep up all safe"
"Brian Tamaki is a dork and should be charged by police"
"it's a waste of everybody's effort of following the governments's d
"This gathering was entirely unfair and irresponsible. The vast majo
"What Brian Tamaki did was criminal in my opinion..we have all sta
"I’m signing because this guy needs to be charged for carrying out a
"Because what he did was so wrong."
"They say "our bodies, our choice" but are against abortion. Brian (
"I'm signing."
"Brian Tamaki incited & organised a gathering that was illegal & in
"I'm signing this because i am so angry that this ego is shaming us w
"He's not interested in everyone health only himself. Atrocious beh
"This tool is a con-artist that should not be allowed to endanger pu
"Brian tamaki is a false prophet"
"He broke the law"
"Brian Tamaki is an attention seeking con man who doesn't care ab
"To get top side of covid we all need to be double jabbed. I am also
"Brian Tamaki is a self serving idiot. He does nothing unless it puts m
"He's put people's lives at risk.So selfish & irresponsible grrr"
"I respect the rule of law"
"Absolutely arrogant, irresponsible and Illegal behavour. Inexcusab
"He broke the law !!"
"Lock the arsehole up & anyone else who was their,then throw the
"Tamaki willfully broke the law, covid or not... that's enough"
"He thinks he's above the law,noone is"
"laws apply even to rich people"
"how can he get away with this"
"Individual sense of entitlement is dangerous."
"He’s talking the piss"
"Brian Tamaki is not an epidemiologist or a specialist in virus contro
"he's an idiot ! selfish and not backing our country and helping us t
"Religion shouldnt be involved in health care choices"
"You are not above the law. You set a bad example and you should
"Do the crime.. Do the time"
"this was a wrong choice to make . when so many are trying to do
"He's a fukn egg"
"Everyone should be held to the same standards, no matter how hi
"He blatantly disregarded rules that all other NZEr’s have to adhere
"This guy is a narcissistic prick."
"Selfish act that threatens lives."
"I respect the rule of law"
"Because he should be charged for putting people at risk"
"He is a stupid belligerent idiot !!!"
"Rules are there to protect us all , he breached those rules and use
"Nobody is above the law. He needs to be made an example of, and
"He is clearly out of control and this type of thing should be punish
"He thinks he's above the law"
"Brian Tamaki is a criminal for what he did and should have the boo
"Brian is wrong."
"Cos he is nothing but a scammer, free loading off donations. god b
"He needs to be bought into line, he lives a tax free life on the back
"You endangered thousands of New Zealanders with your reckless
"The Tamati's are parasites, they pray on the vulnerable for their o
"Jesus instuckted his disciples to folow the laws of the land and to b
"WE are all in this together, to protect ourselves and all those we lo
"He was totally selfish, irresponsible and out of touch with the real
"Because he is putting us all at risk"
"I feel Brian Tamaki is a very selfish and greedy person. No regard
"It was a criminal activity."
"He is a bloody wanker to put so many people at risk cause I am sh
"I am sick of these ENTITLED yobs."
"He's a dick"
"Sick of this wanker"
"As he is narcissist behavior and calling comparing Dr Ashley oomf
"His action was selfish, ill-informed, dangerous and illegal."
"He broke the rules with no remorse .why should he be treated diff
"There is a problem with people who disregard and disrespect othe
"A self proclaimed bishop ?A self absorbed, vain, arrogant lawbreak
"100% charge him for being a narcissistic egomaniac"
"Destiny Church is just a big money laundering operation filtering $
"Braking rules need to be addressed"
"Auckland is being held hostage to a small bunch of people who are
"He shouldn’t be able to get away with that behaviour"
"Everyone is responsible stand together to fight against covid"
"Wrong. He's all wrong. It's all wrong. Selfish behavior at its finest."
"He sucks"
"brian tamaki is scum"
"We're fed up with the rule breakers. Charge all the gang members
"Totally wrong"
"This twat is dangerous in many ways, and needs a reality check."
"he’s a cunt"
"Acting illegally"
"Time to get off your high horse Brian. Bloody nutjob leading other
"He should be charge and be in jail for breaching the lock down rul
"Because Brian Tamaki’s actions are totally out of order."
"I believe it was a very selfish act to hold a public meeting. He is a f
"The headline next to his face is so appropriate - "Ego over public s
"Mr Tamaki selfishly risked the hard work of five million people ove
"Because that guy is a i###t . He needs to be stopped. His mental h
"No body should be allowed to break the law and especially when t
"It is unfair on all the rest of Auckland and demeans the sacredness
"He put the hole country at risk."
"Why should he get away with breaking th rules when other have b
"Everything about the protest was wrong"
"Reap what you sow."
"Hes putting everything one in danger in the north island especially
"This needs to be addressed with police action"
"Brian Tamaki actions was Stupidity for what ? Exposing people to r
"Justice must be served."
"He’s a tool"
"And the guys not wearing helmet. If it good enough to charge gan
"Brian Tamaki sets himself up as a Christian leader, but he forgets t
"Because he's a fuckeit with no respect for anyone"
"Barbara Turner"
"It's not fair, hundreds of other people obey the covid rules, why sh
"Why should an individual be finned for seeing one friend, and this
"He is an idiot."
"Sick of all his s**t that he thinks he can get away with. put him in j
"Brian tamaki broke the covid rules , having a mass gathering"
"Rules apply to everyone."
"I agree with Dylan Calder comment.Preferably for a long time.Can
"You are using gods name to spread the wrong message…"
"What he does is absurd, no respect for law and a bludger of other
"This is no ok"
"Go Frank Park, help us charge and convict this lying charlatan."
"Why does he think he's so special??"
"This is not ok!"
"He's an egomaniac and doesn't care for the safety of our people. H
"Endangering lives."
"LYIN SCAMMAKI - He's a pig, who thinks he can do what he likes, a
"Tamaki is a Muppet."
"Fuck you Tamaki. Gonna be a little bit of some ultra violence next
"The cenotaph and Court of Honour in front of the Auckland War M
"Judith Delahunty"
"Because Brian Tamaki only thinks what's right for him and no rega
"This man is evil."
"He is a dangerous man for public."
"He knew what he was doing. And he intentionally went for it"
"This is not OK"
"100% totally agree Richard.His choice of the sacred area in front o
"He is an arrogant man who is a fraudster in my opinion who takes
"This person, wants, money, fame, and power for himself. For the g
"Because he has basically undermined the efforts every New Zealan
"He put the whole country at risk , needs to be made an example o
"He needs to be held accountable"
"Romans 13 1-3. (NLT) Everyone must submit to governing authoriti
"Brian's a cunt"
"He's putting so many people at risk, he thinks he's God himself"
"This man is a law to himself. The Team of 5million have to follow t
"What would Jesus do?"
"This is illegal and he deserves to be treated like the rest of us."
"Tamaki is a dangerous and reckless dickhead."
"Brian Tamaki needs to be sent a clear message that you cannot br
"He has deliberately flouted the rules and encouraged others to do
"brian tamaki is a selfish person who Is ruining all the hard work Au
"He is not leading by a good example. So many people following th
"Its people like this that put other people at risk, and hes broken th
"Leonie Hefferen"
"He is putting us all in danger, with his colt like protest"
"He is not a law unto himself although he thinks he is."
"One law for all - should be no exception for Brian Tamaki. We have
"Tamaki should already be in jail."
"He must be charged for endangering life's of millions . Every one h
"he's irresponsible and he should never have had the protest outsid
"One rule for all and he broke that"
"Brian Tamaki thumbed his nose at all of us.. NOT ON!!"
"The guy need locking up"
"he breaches many rules - thinks hes god - hes a scammer."
"I dont agree with his gathering duri g lockdown."
"I believe in protecting the vulnerable."
"He needs to be stopped."
"This nasty little fascist creep is inciting the public to defy the law"
"this is not the first time, and because Police need to grow some ba
"dont get me started!!!...I tire of Fwits like this!!!"
"His behaviour was reckless and unlawful"
"Because the total disregard of all the hard work from aucklanders
"If it is good enough to let this person pass without punishment an
"He needs to be put in jail and f#ckt in the ass"
"Moira Huch"
"Hes a dumb arse, risking pubkic safety"
"Put this idiot and his followers away. There is bigger things then h
"He put people in danger by breaking covid rules"
"Protest was unfair on all Aucklanders who have been sticking to A
"The police need to charge him for flouting the law and encouragin
"Because Tamaki is not above the law"
"I'm signing because he's irresponsible and reckless and doesn't d
"He needs for the law to come down hard on him. How dare he jeo
"Everyone should be fair while facing law."
"Putting other lives @ risk. Totally irresponsible ."
"I’m signing this because It’s not fair that religious people get exclu
"Because he is a fraud. But God will be his judge."
"I am signing because I am sick of the arrogance and one rule for on
"This guy is just wrong on so many levels!"
"This was an unsafe thing to do and undermined all those who have
"Brian Tamaki is putting the lives of his congregation, who are alrea
"He needs to be held accountable"
"He broken the rules by having all this church people coming in larg
"Brian put public health at risk, risked extending lockdown and all f
cut so why not. He's a rat bastard."
d me to do Staying home Staying safeHe just wanted to be back in the new
ut us in danger of extending lockdown? Not doing anything sends the mess

ules whilst I work on the front line"

e effort to contain and manage the cases there are in the community. For

ach hate."

to justice"

sed’ making sure everyone was obeying COVID practices they clearly were
e the law again. And he's greasy"
ng the law, (not a slap on the hand) !! Sick of people flaunting the rules."

e! The entire organization is a disgrace! Of course know one wants to be

dized this. Anyone else would be prosecuted. Everyone is doing it hard but
his is a law breaking event..check out wage subsidy collected by Destiny Ch

hat is asked of us. He is a complete idiot!!"

his group of people."

d in revelations. They take the money of the poor, their congregation, and

that he jeopardizing vulnerable NZ lives"

o help stop delta from taking over our country for many weeks, and many

y winding up so many people that they then broke the law !!!!’"

sk when we have been trying to keep safe for over a month now"
fore the good of his sheep followers"
viously it should be him"

ncern for parishioners"

bide and he put our health at risk and potentially getting out of lockdown. W

work endangering the life of his followers as well as fence sitters."

de is so arrogant."
all businesses and the future of aucklands alert level change to be comprom

reated like all phuq wits breaking the law, especially in a public health em

No one else is allowed a big gathering let alone 1000"

to us all"
o concern for the health of Aotearoa. He needs to be held accountable"

ested. He is a criminal, and must be held accountable and responsible, for

est of his henchmen!"

rganised and illegal gathering in the middle of lockdown makes a mockery

at risk in a desperate and vain attempt to be relevant. For too long Brian Ta
to keep people safe. It was an anti-govt protest with no care involved to k
group of more than 10 under level 3."
ne proven to have participated should lose and have to pay back any wage
d for him its okay for us. He is an evil person and need to pay the price for

w dare this self inflated person take such a risk with our wellbeing to puff
ne at risk with Delta Covid"
ther lockdowns and it is a flagrant breach of the rules"
what he likes. One law for all."
I have enough of seeing his face"

n that in no uncertain terms. He's dangerous and uncaring of the hard work

y other person who breaks the law so blatantly"

by the laws and rules. No one is above the law."

gets charged. This time he put the whole country at risk."

the right thing and he broke the law by breaking level 3 public health orde

read Delta and prevent the level drop Auckland desperately needs."
ore than 100 pple putting the millions of Aucklanders at risk."

inst everything we're all working hard to avoid and he clearly doesn't care
people who don’t think about the majority"
selfishness and recklessness in disseminating untrue information that puts
f more that 10 people."

spiracy nut job.. disgraceful dishonest lying prick!! How can he claim the s
etic and risk keeping hard working people in lockdown. Jail him and his lea
rally in Auckland during the current lock down restrictions breaks the law.

ki. Also he is putting all of us in danger of covid"

indefinitely, especially people like me who have immune system issues. W
ing. Destiny Church is a gifting cult who need to be held responsible puttin

d to with Coster. People's lives including medical staff & those who canno
More lockdown. Morons."

every person that took part."

ests have put this at risk."

he is not. How irresponsible can someone be? I feel sorry for all his followe
at he is above the law"
t would be disgusting to support it by not charging all.participents.New Zea
ople at an increased level of risk of further viral spread and ongoing lockdo
he right thing, people are suffering burying loved ones without family prese

doing all the work NZ has done. He is unrepentant and will not stop. Also IR

ople have given up so much to try to contain the virus and in one foul swo
to save lives, Brian Tamaki is a hypocrite, a con man and a predator."
A false self proclaimed profit who adds no quality to society. A greedy mo
o see family. Idiots like this ruin it for everyone!!"

ously putting our chances at risk and undermining all our sacrifices."

ole who should be shot taking advantage of the his parishioners and flouti

potentially deadly false information. He is an arse."

on at risk. He is a dangerous cockwomble."

e on society who blatantly breaks lockdown rules. Other people have been
of thousands of kiwis and thinks he's God. He should be arrested and charg

to happen. This clown and his wife seem to think they dont need to be ac
reaking lockdown rules. What he and his followers and other churches org
n tolerated given how hard the majority of us are working to remain safe a

selfish idiots could cost me my job."

t of NZ works hard to keep us safe he needs to be charged as would I if it w
health at risk and should be locked up"
e else."
d incited others to do so and he is a criminal."
the community the morning with"
tting out of lockdown"
be in gaol and charged!"
e doesn't care who gets hurt as long as he gets the dosh."
to lightly"
ping the rest of getting freedom back"

strictions! I have sat at home for 7 weeks… all I want is life to get back to s
er as he is running out of money as he can't put the plate around. What a
e people in danger of not only contracting but also spreading the virus"

- informed opinions with negative consequences for the entire population.

e were not allowed to arrange and conduct mass gatherings (masked or n
wife in jail and make them scrub the toilets. They’re cult con artists."

He should not be above the law."

oes he think he is, he is not above the law"

ced a group of people to break the law for his own sick satisfaction."

d to be arrested."

me. Play hard with the ball get hit with the ball."
ll want out of lockdown but gathering like that is not how we will get out"
edy people he is evil and needs to be charged for what he has done putting

is it out to maim youCovid loves you more than a god"

at is in place."
what he wants."
organised and run by Brian Tamaki on 2nd October 2021, in Auckland NZ, ju
event and dies do him for manslaughter.."
o much!"

g he shouldn't be able to get away with blatantly breaking the law and lau

hing. Exploiting the vulnerable and putting all of us at risk. Appalling leade
and above the law."
and by having this meeting he thinks he ie above the law and needs to be
we?Because he is wrong"

zen breaking of the health act 1956. Spreading lies and disease."
ars. Shut the doors to his church"

y were followed ….. he needs to be charged….. he is actually No one specia

nd prosecuted and this is just the icing on the cake 勞"

and he is endangering people by disobeying the rules."
germent...they arrested aguy in why not this narcissist..."

not ok. Calling for a protest during Level 3 is not ok. No social distancing is
tion should be illegal anyway"

wat "
t disregard of Covid 19 rules and guidelines."
with idiot criminals like him, it may cause us to be in level 3 longer. He brok
unfair to everyone in nz who is trying their hardest to stamp out covid and
ut not this way!!"
or the rules and working against the Government spreading lies."
t. He claims through religion that we need to care for each other.....then h
der". Brian's actions blows smoke in the face of authority, common sense

rrassing true Christians with their totally unacceptable behaviour and claim
ancially charged as well as imprisoned"
took the wage subsidy. Nothing about these people is Christian and they s
to Covid.This guy is risking all of us for his ego."

uencing the vulnerable, and putting us all at the biggest risk and in what w
i's protest amounts to civil disobedience resulting in a longer lockdown to

eak the law. He risked the lives of other NZers in a blatant illegal Act."

and to think that this guy thinks its ok to just disregard all the work we hav
is punished, preferably locked up"

breaking level lockdown rules, doesnt matter or not whether peaceful."

have a protest while the country is trying to get back to a form of normalit
f entitled way. Tamaki is an idiot"

rous behaviour by organizing the protest"

to get out of level 3 he is a very selfish person"

ecause they are a religious group or a gang does not mean we should be li
e showed scant regard for his people and the people of Auckland"
so too"
ng. Unbelievable that this can be allowed to happen with no consequence
ealand especially where there is public health risk at stake!"
break. He cares nothing for his believers and the community of NZ. He nee

else and being religious doesn't mean the rules don't apply to you. F you
should he and his followers!"

3 lockdown, which is illegal. He was made fully aware before the meeting

e may think he is. How dare he muck it up for the rest of us."
ajority in Auckland are doing it tough and abiding with lockdown rules, His
rposely broke it endangering our pandemic response and thereby putting

gant , vindictive ,power hungry people"

esponsibility to each other to ensure all peoples are safe during this pande
kland in jeapody for a level change. His arrogance is beyond belief."
n to hold a public protest, maybe he could help people instead of putting u
to attend a mass gathering under Alert Level 3 publicly stating that Covid i
y can just do as they please when we are all doing everything we can to ge
this make us in lockdown longer.. my kids won't be able to have Christma

tions. Especially when it affects the lives of the whole country."

us & everyone safe & it’s becoming a long time but we continue to do it…
killing people"

most vulnerable and ignorant of our society. he is actively poisoning nz. hol
houghtless gang have endangered all of us based in Auckland that are stic

r as the law goes, in fact as a so called 'leader' and role model among his f
day organised and involving Brian Tamaki"

e the right thing and those whom have lost much throughout this time."

at follows him! He’s a scam his church is a scam"

eader in encouraging hundreds of people to gather illegally and had no tho

nished like everyone else would be for what he has done"

ds to stand for and an enemy of the rest of society."

eeds to learn he is not an apostle nor above the rest of us here in NZ."

and encouraged others to do the same."

selfish gain"

on by people who think they are above the law."

s of businesses being closed and kids not being able to go to school - and f

hate and takes advantage of the poor and weak willed. Throw the book at
s directive come from to allow him and his ilk to get away with this? The m

th Orders without any repercussions."

erribly approhendable. He should 100% be arrested and made an example

lice when it comes to allowing or not allowing people to break the bloody

o sick of obeying the lock down rules for these people to do what they wa
ay with it."
by this man"
urch needs to be closed down and taxed from the day it opened its doors.
endangering the lives of ordinary NZers"

cale.. why are there no repercussions?"

want to follow the rules. Muppet"

on are likely to be among those families currently coping with COVID Delt
zer's.......absolute drop kick"

eak the law with no sanction."

ormatuon must be held accountable"

e added insanity of a fundamentalist preacher who believes he is above th
so.He is putting people in danger of contacting Covid 19."
et back to work."
that the rest of Auckland have had to do"
ctions and potentially endangered our community as shown in his conspir
ve the law."
d not others, especially when those others put so many peoples lives at risk

t and has put alot of peoples lives at risk"

s holding the rest of us hostage. He is a calculating narcissist who needs to
owd gatherings ."
ds to be for all."

is so called church & his pocket."

o lead a 2k strong- illegal - protest in Auckland during a lockdown. He spits
or disobeying the LAW after saying he would obey!"
welfare at heart, just his own ego!!"
d to look at his track record greed foyr himself and lining his own pockets"
s to do so"
and fear mongering for your own benefit"
kdowns doing what was asked of us this clown & his sheep jeopardize us! C

ze something so illegal and immoral as to gather a whole lot of idiots in on

g nz $$."
rly when the whole of Auckland have been trying really hard to get COVID
ment. He invited families without food to the domain under the guise of f
ect on the covid spread. He done this out just for selfishness also tooget ba

nding his protest were keeping distance and wore masks. He jepordised al
ment. He invited families without food to the domain under the guise of f

ng massive sacrifices and this is a risky behaviour showing blatant disregard

hip is disgusting and this isn’t the first time!"
s protest putting peoples lives at risk and his gate speech. Says he is for the
welfare at heart only his own ego!"
e current situation - also the church he heads seems to believe in the pand
k. His messages are ill-conceived and dangerous."
r if these idiots do this and the police allowed it!!!!"
rmation and dangerous information.He broke level 3 protocols."

rages individuals to put multiple peoples lives at risk. Living with a respira

to everyone"
he same. Despicable"
on where we’ve had to sign a petition to have a deliberate lawbreaker arre
are more of a cult than a church and should not enjoy charitable status. Th
Auckland who went to Wanaka. Should Brian and the others who organise
g Aucklanders at risk."

n't have any rights as he doesn't even pay tax. The man's a disgrace to NZ"
pped it."
nt and continues to allow people to break the law without any repercussio


been put into dementia care & I’m unable to attend any of this. Arrest this

pretty simple."

urne to see what happens when protests happen in lockdown"

ma amene!"

charged for dog whistling idiot's into illegal protests"

or his stupidity"

y was - did it anyway"

ther for law abiding people like myself? I haven’t seen my family for week
his assets for evading tax with his fake church"

k we in Auckland have done! His behaviour has put us all at risk and he sho
relief wage subsidies, to have a vax centre, testing station and whānau ora
isk.that are not able to have the choice to be vaccination. Prolonging lockd
his when I have done my bit and played my part for the team of 5 million. M

d their members"
ives in risk"

thering at the protest but before and afterwards as well."

rat like him! Disgusting disturbing behavior!"
was irresponsible and put the people of this country at risk"
h unrest with incorrect information. He was up north last week spreading

rules when we are all doing the right thing. He thinks hes above the law."
in our city to unite"
sucking it up and staying home. It's been really tough for many and Brian T
at he does"
e have sacrificed, worried, dug deep to do what was asked of us to keep N
d could potentially spread the disease amongst thousands who foolishly we
nerable and easily influenced."
covid outbreak"

tye situation its in, all his follows are sheep and hes praying on the weak.
nalties the same as everyone else"
n is arrogant, irresponsible, ignorant and endangers us all."
the people of Aotearoa New Zealand. He spreads Misinformation and fea
own for leaving City. This time creating and inciting protesting. Lock him u

eckless defiant self serving attention seeker."

e can do in different areas why we are in the middle of a pandemic.Brian T

d New Zealand safe..."
ravening the UN Human Rights Bill by ignoring local Covid-19 restrictions a
dangered the lives, health and financial security of all nz."

for the possible spread of covid, we have spent weeks in lockdown to try a
been fully vaccinated and stays home to keep my family and community sa
done to protect 5 million kiwis."
lse in Auckland !!"
untable for his actions"
besides himself and should be charged how everyone else gets charged fo

o achieve"
ountable for his recklessness and misinformation."
's hard work."

t rallying against it."

ng people's freedoms but is happy to collect over $100,000 in wage subsid

ly to communicate the seriousness of this major issue."

e others to break the law and put the country in danger"

part in the organisation of the assembly of protesters. He is only motivated

lead to us being in lockdown longer and potentialy spreading covid further

d if he’s not punished he will only go to break the law further."

ountry at risk. There is one rule for all"

should be charged"
is following the rules"


nd selfish"
of Auckland putting in the hard yards, no concern over others peoples hea

the organisers don’t face any consequences it makes a complete mockery

in Auckland are missing time with family but we are following the rules to

actions, especially if case numbers grow as a result of his protest"

nders have done to keeps others save. How dare he think he knows bette

eading misinformation about Covid and oganising what could become sup

be above the law and risk the safety of the collective. He is very self righte

n a further lockdown because he believes his rights and those of his cult fol
and mighty his lordship is..."

him this time but sadly it's his church goers who will be paying the fine no
ment loose lots credibility"

others who did so, should be charged."

aw. The fact that so many have lost so much on their own businesses and

he health regulations of Level Three, which is a limit of ten people, and the
out hurting feelings or been labeled as racists, rather than standing up aga

no regard to the law"

wn for weeks because of his ego."
otest today be charged… and made to be in MIQ for 2 weeks… at a cost to

l and ruined the hard work of 99.6% of the Auckland population. Disgustin
r. He unveils himself as a self serving person. Awful."

ese lockdown safely, these large gatherings are breaking the law."
outbreaks children like mine will end up waiting even longer than they hav
and general scumbag."

ws and restrictions as the rest of us"

y are struggling with this cerebral vacuum in the USA, but surely NZ is mor
d others we shall call "patriats", to gather them together in such a way tha
erning that an individual/church leader (so called) feels able to completely
e protecting peoples health"

y flouting covid restrictions is illegal. Encouraging others to defy covid restr

ation. He needs to be arrested."

the law."
t most kiwis have been so good at obeying. It's not the first time either."

ged,breaking the law ...shouldnt the law be same for everyone,not obeying

d a blatantly criminal act."

left/academia/lgbtq+/women/poc/indigenous rights."

s a spiritual leader."
out masks.Why should this self proclaimed preacher get away with it"

kdown requirements"
rotest with all his followers..."
s and this numpty is making a joke of the sacrifices people have made."
couraged others to do the same He should be arrested and charged"
ard of accountability as everyone else"

of us hard working New Zealanders. They don’t pay income tax, organise st

the law"

ches alot of crap/kaka takes hard earned money from his so called followe
man and take his punishment."

who have sacrificed our time without whanau, friends and work over the

a pandemic and not respecting lockdown regulations."

ch should be dealt with using the full force of the law."
or and how it’s being taken away from us."

those people like us who are making sacrifices to follow the rules sonwe ca
be stopped!"
y fined for their breach of current regulations."
, lots of whom are his own followers."
rest of us!"
conspiracy theories."
nally held a meeting that has the potential to cause great harm to our Nati

tinue to keep me away from loved ones"

a pair and make an example of him and the idiots who worship him."

ealth crisis"

a pandemic"

d if not NZ at risk. IRRESPONSIBLE!!!"

cases by organising demonstrations in Level 3."

e charged accordingly"
ey hungry dick."
has jeopardised all the hard work of the majority of Aucklanders trying to e

or his own personal gain and ego."

ing he can please himself chuck the book at him"

at he likes"
k, lock him up and throw away the key"
maki (nil police intervention for his behaviour placing our community at ris

d for the law that he called a gathering of around 2000 people to an illegal
eader he has put as usual, himself first, rather, than his people."
do the right thing to get us all out of lockdown. His protest will be the rea
health at risk . Idiot"
to us all."
es and livelihoods at risk."

ahi and this clown wants to play by his own rules! It has been made clear a
t he isn't."
g Auckland in lockdown, while the rest of us are doing our best. Enough."

ve been."

ded manand at worst a manipulative, narcissistic con-man getting rich of o

issist who cares for no one other than himself"

risk and undoes all the mahi we've done in this lockdown"
held accountable"

om his dangerous ideology"

ing of others that he can’t control with his cult mentality. He has his own a
ckdown in level 3, and endangering public health"
ego and takes what he has no entitlement to - lock him and her up"

ng the rules and organising a mass gathering."

uckland and should be held accountable."
omething that could kill people. Its bad enough he fleeces people on a dail
e tax system off and breaking the laws of level three"

would then lock him up in a mental health institute. Hes lost his mind alon
another for this one person…. He should be put in jail for his actions and o
urns into a super spreader event"

and should be charged with organising a super spreader event. Shame on

rom the vulnerable - and now effects how my loved ones are governed be

w Zealanders in beating Delta. He's a parasite too. Tax the bastard on all do
is a criminal, plain and simple. Aucklanders and New Zealanders have bee

puts all of us at risk...all while Destiny Church is claiming $120k in covid su

ng weakness and setting themselves up for a fall."

lf..he's selfish and self centered"

us all at risk. All our hard work could be for nothing because of their selfish
rly breaching the law!!!! A reckless person with far too much influence"
play on a different team."
ment to others"
nd his belief, don't get me wrong I have my own beliefs but my family com
ny comment."

ighty. No way."
& inciting a large gathering of people when the majority of Aucklanders ar
to loose there tax free status"

ior is irresponsible."

sefully organise illegal action and put medically vulnerable people at such
wm rules"
vents like this will happen"
y and then people do this crap."
selfish actions with no care for others."
we given him a platform at this time - during a lockdown?"

f covid lockdown laws.One law for all people of newzealand we cant just p
and this charlatan goes and starts a pathetic God driven protest. Up him a
s a business for Gosh Sakes!"
ge of other people purely for his own personal benefit. He is running one o

t for the money and attention. 郎郎郎"

very time!"

e breaking lockdown restrictions"

oing our part to keep ourselves and our fellow New Zealanders safe and th
and staying home. Each to their own, but not when you put so many othe
e arrested."

e leading to longer lockdowns & likely more COVID illness."

many Aucklanders are doing it hard during Lockdown - definitely charge him
see such people flaunt the law, get away with it and endanger all the good
dn't follow the level 3 guidelines"
? He broke the law - why should all other law abiding citizens suffer becaus

, these people have put us all in danger"

ure to be accountable for their failure for social accountability - effing relig
ts of so many and was instigated by him for his own personal gain"
op being "kind" and start being real"
a conman & a very very evil man!!!"

mass demonstration whilst in Lockdown level 3 restrictions is illegal. Moral

se they're doing "something right", that it is deemed the right thing to do.

over $1mil in wage subsidies they received from the "evil" govt they prot
r his unlawful action of encouraging and abetting a mass protest against A
should be jeopardizing the health and lives of so many. Brian Tamaki is an

obe challenged. He is just an ego driven charlatan who needs to understan

om the weak."

by the selfish. Human rights was never meant to be a mantra for the privil
ot part of our team of 5 million."

ties even if they are too dumb to save themselves. Get the vaccine"
veryone at risk"
tting others at risk"
cannot act more " christian" and encourage his followers to work for every
y to him or his followers. This event should never have happened and the s
eden prison until covid is over!!!!! I think its disgraceful that he has put us a
covid restrictions should be held accountable, regardless of who they are.

he a law to himself."
der even more pressure"
ach of the current regulations covering groups and gatherings."

accountable for these irresponsible, ignorant and pathetic “protests”"

organised a protest that was illegal and broke the rules of level 3 lockdown

nerals, missed their loved ones and suffered out of a sense of responsibilit
table for his actions."
accines, lockdowns and the need for masks but takes the wage subsidy. Su

ul to many others."

If you don’t like them either get the government to change their mind or c
He encouraged others to also break the health laws. He should be charged

thinks he can do what he wants to the detriment of everyone else!"

ad a lockdown."
or inciting these protests."
ng to get people sick or killed. Please send him for a long walk off a short p
put others at risk."
ur as a 'leader' is just disgusting."
the hard yards ..."
when people trying to get into the same bubble had to get 20 police officer
nd in violation of Covid 19 rules. This man has no conscience."

earned a dime or claimed government assistance, I have stayed home (ex

er to New Zealanders"
al events in level 3 either so why should Tamaki & his followers be able too
eech living off the vulnerable"
ect to the laws of the land and held accountable for his actions."

th him money grabbing hands. SCAMMER WHO ONLY CARES FOR HIMSEL

is stupid actions and must be held accountable"

eaking rules while the rest of Auckland are staying home so we can get rid
think that he is immune to the rules"
not a Church they are collectively as smart as a rubbish bag and a budget o
eserve wage subsidies nor entitled to charity tax benefits."
c safety"

e's a Tosser"
sk. He is a threat to public safety and wellbeing."
ot does this and will cause longer lockdown"
o everyone. Akl is in lockdown for a reason and this imbecile is staging a pr

with this. Makes a mockery of lockdown rules the majority follow."

pro-Covid publicity stunt"

o keep Auckland safe."
ose that have sacrificed everthing. The only reason he's protesting, is cause
ny lives with his protest actions and wilful spread of fake news."

not the people of Auckland. He doesn't care about anyone but himself and

. He and his protest pose a significant risk to the people and businesses of
nd to limit spread of covid and encouraged his flock to take part in a possib

downs have their drawbacks but it's for the greater good, for all."
e to the congregation and to the public."
e deliberately breaking the law and endangering lives."

example of him. It is not ok to break the law and have a large gathering of
ver 10 people in attendance allowed in level 3! Why was this allowed and f
d and all he and the other event organisers can think of is lining their pock
d as he states."
ves at risk for his own ends. He doesn’t care about others he only cares for

is just disgusting! He broke the law and should be locked up and his churc
influence and they are breaking the law."
old age home."

age of other people's respect towards public health."

should put others first instead of his wallet."

s a slap in the face for all the aucklanders who have stuck to the plan for al

quires his followers to tithe a large portion of their wages so he and his fam

ople at risk for pure financial gain"

uld be given"
land community and the health and well-being of New Zealanders. His beh

be taken down"
eedoms he deems wrong but he should have freedoms to make people sic

all the sacrifices everyday Kiwi's are making"

ountable. ALWAYS"
any position of power would willingly risk the lively hoods of our fellow au
he thinks he’s above the law show him he’s not"
are getting arrested or fined so why should he get special treatment"

ly created a super spreader event which could cost the health and lives of
the Covid regulations"

flock astray. What is he doing for those who are struggling? Look at other r
we have a life/death epidemic is NOT the act of "god" but more the act of

vestigate his scam of a “church” too. He’s preyed on people for his own sic
the price like everyone else has to ."
hes need to be shut down and banned."

reaking covid rules."

ammers who need to be held accountable."

utting everyone at risk,"

e laws of Level 3 and organising and encouraging others to do the same."

kland and to see this happening is just beyond belief!"

not been able to see because of lockdown. The hard work put into doing
t not good enough. He has to follow the rules like the rrst of us."

king it worse."
ty and health"
ent covid outbreak and Tamaki is not above the law and should be censure
lfishness of this group"
ovid spread."
ak and vulnerable. He is not above the law but he thinks he is."
ssive, maniacal dictator that has got away with to much for to long and ye

d not respecting lockdown rules."

a press statement. You can't pick and choose who you administer the law w
is a law unto himself and his brainwashing is dangerous"
e is just misleading so many people. His church should not have charitable
n to apocalypse and endangering true god fearing citizens."

g others"

ocked down for longer."

his country in danger."
ed God of the nation!! He's a colossal threat to the people and health of th
row a tanty every time they want to, why will anybody stick to the rules? T

e it less achieveable"
the law and instigated a super spreader event during a pandemic. He unde
hing happens to those who rebel."
mind the police could have closed the domain down and they wouldnt hav

wners here in Auckland; his illegal actions were a kick in the guts to us and
n self proclaimed Apostle, should also be a Fraud charge as well."
no matter how important they think they are. They're only safe because of
closed down forever and out him in prison"

s and kept to our bubble. Most of Auckland has listened to the advice from

due to stupid people"

tion to get him charged for breaking Level 3 restrictions"

ck him up"
person but I don’t want to kill someone spreading COVID to do it"

en most Aucklanders have made huge sacrifices to try and get on top of th

nd follow the rules"

g, the idea of protesting about freedom has put Auckland's future freedom
t covid vaccininations which will endanger the lives of the very people he p
n the vulnerable to pay for his own personal materials among other things
the wider commitment who have stuck by the rules"
more people at risk of spreading Covid and potentially lengthens the lockd
type of event."
ffence. This man and his family purport to do gods work all the while prey
them to help stop the spread of Covid 19. He needs to be held accountab
be acting like such a piece of shit"
rds as everyone else. The right to protest does not equal the right to enda

d put others health at risk."

for the good of all New Zealand"

s reckless behaviour."
eds to be charged."
has anything to do with Christianity. Send him to jail & make his organisatio
during Level 3 Lockdown"
n that he isnt above the law."
he law"
ering the affects of Covid 19. Does not care how much he ties up the hospit
ed New Zealand’s Covid battle by organising a potential superspreader eve
to level 2 .He is a disgrace"

anyone else breaking the law"


tter who they are. So many people are making sacrifices during this time an

s followers and his irresponsible actions have compromised the health of o

and to supporting family and friends who are ill or elderly, while we remain
o make sure our vulnerable are safe from covid and actions taken by Brian


e had in place for the last 7weeks to elimate covid 19 from our community
wn laws that we have been abiding to for 7 weeks. He should be charged a
ds to be the same rules for everyone. Anyone who attended this superspre
longed the lockdown in the process. Why is he allowed to get away with t
he consequences on his actions. Auckland has tried extremely hard to follo
have a very selfish minority spoil it for everyone else!"
is putting lives at risk"
break the law. He is not above it. Our police need to hold him accountable

w Govt advice. Get tested. Get vaccinated. Lockdown if necessary. Stay hom
n at him. He has risked all of our lives and should also be charged for any li

ons and endangers the greater good."

hen our lockdown, probably killing many people in the process. Needs to b
r spreader event during lockdown"

he's bigger than the law, time to show him he's not"

political statement.. & ultimately for his personal gain"

me and he broke the current laws that all other Aucklanders have to abide

join him"
ocritical, and antagonistic. We are all trying/struggling through this global

answer for breaking lockdown and putting all Aucklanders at unnecessary r

he work that the rest of our team are doing."
ockdown rules before. Enough is enough!"

of what's going on"

me time, due to the Auckland community transmission problem.We are b
elihoods over the lockdowns, and then people like Tamaki and his follower

me of our country's most vulnerable at risk, & potentially lengthening time


encouraging people to ignore government rules."

ep myself and others safe and well. It really annoys me that others don't."

y back into level 3.Unacceptable and selfish political agenda and not care f
's health and the economy was huge. Why is the law NOT being applied he
ng restrictions and encouraged thousand of others to do so too. He broke

rector of health to a person the was responsible for mass genocide Adolf H
with Christianity, preys on individuals who genuinely need help and procee
ules should be allowed to get away with it when the rest of us are doing th
reak the law along with him !!"
O respect for the efforts of the entire community. We are ALL sick of restric

lar act, but this is one we have blatant, extensive coverage of. Book him al
aws of the land. He only has one God and that is his bank balance. He’s gre
ple at risk for covid."

rules continue to be punished because of those that are not."

ryone else gets charged so should he"

nded people have been so irresponsible and they need to all arrested"

ed it's good enough for him and if he had a patch on he'd be charged with i

control ... in fact they have no right to have any control of anyone , he is a
h breaching lockdown rules. It's a sign of privilege to be able to do this and

agreed to & didn’t respect which was the use face coverings or masks & s
t public health orders and seriously jeopardised our country's progress aga

health of NZ under level 3 lockdown."

is careless ignorance towards our covid lockdown rules is selfish and reckle
ant breaches such as this put everyone at risk. Very unchristian. He needs

back to L1 and working and traveling"

he isn't charged, others will copy him and this will lead to a big increase in
down rules, by not charging this man it will allow others to breach the rule
e is a self aggrandising narcissist who through perverted use of his so calle

ck to those who have lost jobs, lost their businesses, lost family that they h
rights to health. No way!"
d, charged with the full weight of whatever the legal system can throw at t

ther, thereby jeopardising NZ people's efforts who are trying to help get N
preader because they’re also anti vaccine. This protest jeopardised our enti

ay to do it is to, at the very least, legally charge the organizers with a crime
dishonest and in breach of the current regulations."
oner before the protest the commissioner said it was allowed but Tamaki h

of me only to be torpedoed by this vain glory seeking self proclaimed mes

able close the church PUNISH him like you would anyone else that breaks
ckdowns over nz with such a large gathering delta could spread further."
ll themselves Christians? Disgusting behavior"
y to sit back & do nothing. Arrest his wife & all participants as well"

anders have put in. Absolutely terrible when business owners are strugglin
ng. Why did he and his church seek the wage subsidy? What a hypocrite!"

or law and believes he is immune to recieving any punishment, he is willing

eak the Covid regulations and put people in danger"

awful health department directive."

e lockdown protest. Very frustrating for the people following level 3 lockdo
ho don't follow the rules"
rd for public health and safety is not ok."
n't care about protesters."

rest of aickland given the hard yards we have all done. Total disregard for t
to all."
hat I can to get rid of Covid and this protest may have ruined all my effort."

d but still following the rules. If a restaurant opened fully up they would b

riots". Brian Tamaki leading this gathering is a kick in the guts to the rest o
ved are dickheads"

aw breachers are putting the team of 5 million at risk."

ng my share... and counting down the days for a haircut and a cuddle from

w Zealanders, particularly vulnerably communities."

p out covid so we can drop levels as fast as we can, and now this guy think
harlatan and a fake least of all a criminal according to NZ Law for breaking
ath Orders and constituted a heath threat to the people of New Zealand"
s egotistical fool"
e regulations around Covid lockdowns and encouraging others to endange
people who are doing the right thing!"

els like a spit in the face and is self serving. Gangs and cults are the weake
responsible. He is a dangerous man"
d his arrogance could hurt alot if people."

any New Zealanders living in Auckland."

orking together for. Blatantly for his own selfish reason disregard the publ
be stopped. He will be responsible for this virus spreading throughout the
dees of this gathering have wilfully & knowingly broken the Covid protocol
een named, shamed and prosecuted!? Why is he above the law?"
ces for anyone who so blatantly ignores regulations brought in to try to pro
ot just those who are constantly doing the right thing."

e Terri consequences"
al protest when he and Vinney were arrested. The movie The life of Brian c

t us all at risk."
s to do so is a terrorist."
own. My stepdaughter has had to postpone her wedding because of prat’s
tal disregard for others!!!"
p one at that."
se citizens who followed the rules, he has also used citizens and endanger
ey think they lets watch for outbreaks of delta."
danger he is disgusting charge him"
he poor."

on people's beliefs."
the law. He is a lawn unto himself and needs to be stopped"
e gets away with it. People’s lives/welfare are at stake. He makes a mocke
ntire country! The misinformation coming out of this man's mouth is crimin
ching the borders where is the outrage here"

most of us choose to follow"

w, he doesn't deserve to get away with it !!"

to risk by the protest."
er is potentially killing people and keeping our economy closed!"

h, else he will be above the law, and not even the powerful should be abo
ce so one day we can see our families again.Then along comes brainless pe

why are certain groups not following suit ."

d could very well have endangered the public. Any one else would be charg
p out the virus. Selfish people make my blood boil 郎郎郎"

herwise what message are we sending?"

w? What an arrogant man. His actions are highly offensive to those of us p

on't apply to him. But he is just the same as every other citizen in NZ. He d
at risk with his dangerous gathering. Please put him and this coalition behi

e my family. Its idiots like him that ruin it for everyone else. He deserves to
arged for violating health orders amd so should this POS"

e preaches is bullshit"
cause of his actions"
his brainwashed groupies and their UK counterparts, the sooner we’ll be ab
wn and tools like Brian Tamaki look for any way to stay in the limelight and

aland and he shouldn’t be exempt from any rules or laws, especially that o
se that not only break them but do so after being warned should face the f

able for his actions"

be acted upon"
ealing numpty cunt who needs being dealt to. Make him a prison botch al

st, but others who breach lockdown rules get punished?"

beliefs and having a tight to express those beliefs, but this man, along wit

h the spirit and the law of lockdown 3."

endangered the lives of all Aucklanders. Tantamount to terrorism."

more than they can afford, income, jobs, well-being, seeing loved ones, bu
ept of the team of 5 million and appears to be a deliberate attempt to incit
rabble, by spreading misinformation, to flout rules in place for the protecti
r for them!!"

r your status"

gainst him. He has put so many lives at risk with this stupid protest."
ryone else. His followers should quit throwing their money at him!"
eak you have consequences. As an Aucklander most of us obey the covid ru

ving a right to express those beliefs, but this man, along with City Impact le
untry. We are not your bitches. You were not hired to enslave and take ov
creates division and hate in society…He has more in common with hitler t

ty for his words and actions. He also needs to abide by the rules of the Ale

pletely irresponsible as alot of his community are vaccine hesitant. He has

cam.he is defrauding the.Taxpayer for running a scam religious CULT..."

nt rules for him & me."
lth of NZers. We much hope there are no deaths on his hands. We have law
the tens of thousands of dollars they have claimed from the wage subsidy
ntry, he’s being a complete wanker and put so many lives at risk! The whol

Traitor to New Zealand people trying to get through a hard time. Where is
nd not enough is being done about it."
one safe, if people break them they deserve to have consequences due to

cissistic rhetoric was flaunted in the face of all those who have upheld the
y with his wrong information therefore he should be arrested"

the Level 3 rules."

spitals for sinners lol"

d and hopeless. We aucklanders are trying hard to keep ourselves safe and
ed with the Health restrictions willingly to ensure we are all able to enjoy o
rested” to incite some sort of big drama to cause deflection from him brea
me are going out of business, but still playing the game, this guy openly org
s a pansy"

ointed himself an apostle. This grifter is a danger and parasite to New Zeal
fforts to stop the spread of covid and put all our unvaccinated under 12yea

a rally when we are trying to eliminate a virus"

s and parties. Its disgraceful"

ve the law. He needs to be prosecuted and as many of the other people tha
rying with all they have to follow the rules. Brian Tamaki you are not abov

eople at large. He is irresponsible to God that he preaches about, to the c

maniac only cares about himself hiding behind religion bloody moron"
his freeloading non tax paying muppet thinks he can wipe out all the loss w

nstitution, we need to see them enforcing the law equally. You can't arrest
-protest available, while maintaining social distancing and lockdown level

nd the rest of us are doing what's best for all of nz ."

te idiots like this daily."

e should be charged.He should also pay back the wage subsidy.Jail time fo

ere continue to organise huge gatherings then we'll continue either remain
an does what he wants"
land, not hold mass rallies during a public health crisis."
council should trespass him and other for congregating in a public space d

if vulnerable people and now he's putting them in danger."

llowing the rules and doing the right thing to help prevent the spread of Co
d be paying taxes. This man and his church are a blight on NZ society."
level 4/3? Thought we couldn't have that.. guess ut's who you know"
ll of us making sacrifices daily, especially those of us as frontline health wo
d peoples lifes in danger"
god,we will find out if anyone ov dat gathering ov 2000 turkeys got infected

reaking the law and should be charged with endangering the public."
ur collective effort to stamp out covid 19."

milton bunching together in the middle of the road in sympathy with Tama

ause of this 梁"

make money and break the law ."
nd, has done nothing but promote self interest and financial wealth.. Prop
for a smart Lawyer to progress the matter !Set up a 'raise the funds' page,
o right to keep his current position."
mpletely disregarded the rules and encouraged others to do the same."

charged with potential genocide"

d his actions are prolonging the Akl L3 lockdown by not following the health
wn restrictions that will than likely lead to spreading COVID. If I had done th
peaceful when it puts the lives of our vulnerable At risk."

klands wishes. They did the hard work and he's undone it!"

played by the rulesoften not seeing my family for weeks and this so called
Put him down"
ap on the face for all the people of Aotearoa who have been following rule
ments as non religious clubs"

and knowingly put vulnerable citizens at risk with this "protest". Auckland

eir part."
of public safety and community co-operation"
e required to self isolate for 14 days, as assumed close contacts."
m Delta covid by organising the gathering in breach of the level 3 lockdown
ning and encouraging a mass violation of the level 3 restrictions in Aucklan

are about others and is hiding behind religion to get his way. In fact he ne
made to pay for his actions and disregard for the law"
e a person who thinks he's God try to ruin it."
w him to put Auckland at risk"

country. Prove that he is not above the law."

fore it started"
ou think you are godlike or not. Pastor of muppets"

liberate flouting of rules that the majority of us adhere to is a belligerent a

he planet. He is a nobody who thinks he is a somebody. He is a bully and a

to be applied equally to all sectors of society. He deliberately flouted and
eople's lives at risk."

oo scared to do anthing and everyone else suffers."

h and reckless thing to do which puts our whole country in jeopardy "

ng during an AL3 lockdown and should be prosecuted."

ow suit, endangering the whole country with his selfishness."
putting our healths at risk and potentially prolonging lockdowns. Make him
nger by calling for a super spreader event that could result in a mass covid
body else to use in court if they are arrested or fined for breaching any lock
en the rule well known what he was doing was wrong"
aks the law"
ating the stupid."
l with the consequences regardless of who you are"

kland back from opening. Shame on him and his stupid brain dead follower
hinks he can be the exception. Sadly his flock will pay any penalty unless he
f with no regard for anybody else’s safety. Auckland has been in lockdown
g all of NZ at risk with Covid Protests. These Protests are a breach of curre
ok for this ridiculous man not to follow the rules!"
lockdown the rules even though it's the hardest thing I've ever had to do,
others are working hard at doing to go to level 2. This man needs to be ma
oing insane but we have done our part and would really like to get out of t
a kill his gullible followers."

g an illegal gathering en masse in a public space, contravening all Level 3 ru

the people."

t this wanker openly says a big F#%K YOU to all other New Zealanders"

is atrocious behavior"
ubt he has been vaccinated himself and will say he doesn't get sick becaus
rged so this man needs the book thrown at him."
wn rules by encouraging thousands of people to gather together to compl
of the general public"
Brian and all that attended should be charged. The only reason he wants h
, his freedoms should not jeopardize my family's health and safety nor any
nst the safety of the nation in these difficult times and against the rules the
e the majority of Auckland. Why should he get away with spreading lies it'
aking needs to stop and be punished He's putting himself above everything

ay with encouraging people not to?"

ockdown laws, what makes this man an exception!?"
follow him. This is not the first time he broke lockdown. Who does he thi
s a law unto himself"

w Zealanders at risk. Throw them all in the klink and throw away the key"
at risk and think they are above the law"

gain publicity"

and he thinks he and his followers are above the law. This needs to stop!"
c health order putting people in danger."
u let him get away with this?! Auckland will never get Covid contained unl
t this man?"
thou attitude. He is a racist and a misogynist. Let alone his medieval conce

to protect my family.And this piece of crap breaks what we're trying to do.

n your bubble and get vaccinated"

on the most vulnerable in the society and has a complete disrespect for t

e has put the community at risk"

the population of Auckland but the whole country at risk. He is command

public safety, they should be held accountable."

We can’t have one rule for Brian Tamaki and one rule for the rest of us. Arre
r his own selfish reasons grrrrr"
es to keep their fellow Kiwis safe. This selfish, egotistical act risks undoing

s at risk."
atching the Covid virus who will over run our already stretched health syst
uppose to be a good Christian but this is not what a good Christian does."
eople like this that are helping this bug spread and unnecessarily endange
he is using his position to cause harm to a vulnerable population"

re using the church to encourage people to endanger public heslth."

t action that he knows will be illegal."

ut to put people's lives at risk and defies the rules of our public health and
time we see guy and his false preaching"
actions. He has risked the lives and businesses of NZ. If he gets away with
od of everyone & stop forcing his misguided beliefs on others"
will follow and fray the edges of the lockdown."
w and all the hard work by law abiding Aucklanders and NZers in general."

views on the community."

at risk willingly and knowingly"

rd and this idiot is getting people together to protest illegally."

and put people at risk"

w does a protest help."

n for people's safety and Wellbeing during a pandemic..incredibly short sig

to risk the health of the public."

d across the country. Stop him in his tracks!"

on all of us."
and authorities giving certain groups and individuals favoured treatment w

vid restrictions.. simple as that.We're trying to keep it together in lockdow

en a problematic group. They take their religion and use it to do whatever

ople at risk"

e punishment"
doing it tough trying g to do the right thing. He is encouraging people not

actions are for his own soapbox and not to hp anyone else."

de to repay any money he / Destiny Church has claimed from the Covid reli

mounts of May during lockdown. He should be using his power to get vacc
kland citizens"
ing to keep safe and abide by the lockdown levels ,charge him, he is not ab

uld apply."

we have to ask for him to be charged when he's broken the law.He knew w
own selfish agenda, it's bad enough the government doesn't have the ball
mised all the hard work Auckland has undertaken to battle this pandemic. H

of people, some not wearing masks and most of them not social distancing

o do the right thing"

as fastest as possible"
d including not seeing family and friends for months and this man who has
nd endanger NZ lives."

aw anymore than anyone is. His actions are morally and ethically wrong an
e harm to Aotearoa covid response. The police are meant to protect societ
nz at risk"
ises the govt??? Self appointed hypocrite"
h this extended lockdown & to see Brian Tamaki insight this crowd to brea
ng the rules. If we all just did what every the hell we liked the country wou

one in Aotearoa at risk from further spread of Covid and more lockdowns"
a real bishop, either."

and believes he is already above the law."

break the law."

s. This was motivated by greed, ego and selfishness. Nothing more. It was
athering when he shouldnt have.."
out the rules most of us are abiding by, however we that are being vaccina

d he put the whole city at risk for his own self promotion."

his own gains and not the greater good of the Auckland populous"
her than himself."
veryone else"

y become a super spreading event putting us in even longer lock downs."

BS. He is putting lives in danger"
their areas, we have this man, of NO significance, organizing a mass gathe
ork the rest of the country has done."

e going to court how much more should he when insighting people to go a

w Zealand who are all cooperating and sacrificing during this pandemic. He
in your BUBBLE, reduce the numbers infected then he goes & does that!!
for over these long weeks. Who does he think he is - God!"
d our efforts for ego and mumbo jumbo."
w and bleeds everyone, the tax payers and all his followers!"
ot finger point. For example there was a cop; two lawyers etc...."
hen its cult or gang related...its not good enough"
s under this govt that he is entitled to do what he feels like."

rian Tamaki be a leader for your people offer them support during this tim

ent against Aucklands level 3 lockdown rules risking the life's of ordinary p
ally immoral."
ple of Auckland"

e game and doing what the need to do to help control covid"

quences for his actions."
age that this kind of behaviour from a church leader is wrong and won’t be
vulnerable people needs addressing. Placing our community at risk by um
d work to stop spreading the delta virus and he could have ruined our har
s and everyone else’s health and well being. He should be charged! No ex
ncouraged followers to desecrate a burial ground."
ght and treated like the criminal he is"

s protest to go ahead. Brian Tamaki should be charged as well as many oth

the law so must be charged. Prosecuted with the highest penalty, please!!
head with no arrests & no fines. Yet others that have breached Level restric

ding harmful misinformation. Those painted on eyebrows should also be il

rther lockdowns and more financial pressure"

so also putting us all at risk"

olutely no idea of the probable consequences to innocent people doing the

wish everyone else was too!!"
al glory above public good."
his could potentially harm many people even cause death"

fforts and putting lives in danger."

and back to near normal. Everyone needs to get vaccinated and until the

o cares absolutely nothing for his fellow man and is quite happy to see the

untry's efforts to combat Covid."

effects of this virus every day. Doesn't matter if you believe in it or not, it e
or our safety.Typical of this disrespectful idiot,to,put sensationalism first

uckland has put in through the last lockdown."

and tax payers"

ee my church family again too, but I can't, because people keep breaking T
s totally selfish!"
cause he put us all at risk."

aging and speaking at an unauthorized group gathering which is not allowe

e done our part, why can't he."
rules trying to flee to the South Island."

ures which has endangered thousands and potentially extended the lock d
jeopardized everything Aucklanders have over the past weeks, and I for o
r lives in New Zealand...He thinks a law within himself"
n Auckland at level 3 and totally irresponsible behavior"
Zealander who has done the right thing, he claims the subsidy with both o
eatment. Every1 else getting changed y not this dumb ars"

rything we have worked so hard for at risk"

ht to disobey the rules we in Auckland are living under. Put him in prison o
uld do the right thing: get educated and get vaccinated, and encourage the

‘freedom’ without taking the necessary measures . Listening to health exp

he vulnerable people he says he represents. Lock him up!!!!!"
needs meds!"
ay it and then claim back the tax as a donation. Lock him up"
This idiot isn't going to get us there..."

e safety of all NZers, our Govt & our freedom. Who the hell does he think i

en everyone else have stuck to the rules"

wed to go ahead when thousands of Aucklanders are making significant sa
ally gone to waste due to his selfishness. None of us enjoy lockdown but w
down so so selfish disrespectful you wanted your voice heard just do it thr

couraged is irresponsible and mainly because he’s a dick. Don’t be a dick B

reaking the Covid rules."
en following all the rules and this idiot could send them back to Level 4"
vid back hugely, and undo all the good work done by the team of 5 million
etting COVID."
just like everyone else"

eral public must be stopped."

irresponsible so-called pastor."
with it."

ough. Really tough. I want freedom too, but we gotta do what we gotta do,
y are now dangerously jeopardised by the selfish, careless actions of a few

aw, which he broke. He's setting bad examples."

s are not respectful."

hers have been charged with breaking level rules so he is no different and h

r at risk."

to himself only for as long as we stand for it"

it at home and dont encourage others to also put lives at risk also, of whic
f numbers in gatherings that involve gangs and many of likewise against th
nes, be with their hospitalized elderly, and this egoistic twit and his sheep
ll follow the respective covid level rules to give us the best option to elimin
g hard to kick this virus, at risk. Why should he be a law unto himself with p

t flouting of the law. Tamaki has the means to fight the lockkdown rules in
e New Zealander as a result."
able for his silly actions. This is all for money you greedy man. We want to c
other people are he has put people at risk"

one is above the law"

been arrested already?!!!"
at this virus. A few idiots will cause it to spread and prolong lockdown.Cha
s to be held accountable for his actions with the protest"

race that are trying to fight this pandemic and who have lost loved ones fr

his arrest, e.g. Billy TK"

when they are tax exempt"

nces why cant others??"

y. His protest pit many at risk and spreads misinformation. I don’t know wh
all of them wore masks he lied and said they all had them on"
maki holding this protest, he has set us back. He needs to be stopped."
, if any of his followers from the protests get Covid they should be declined

y. His protest pit many at risk and spreads misinformation. I don’t know wh
tines have been severely disrupted because of lockdowns and this puts us

l done so well to stick to the L4 & L3 rules!"

s of people are making lifestyle sacrifices while he treats it like a joke"
from holding any more unregulated protests."
other and the country safe and this piece of shit incites a mass rally He n

y with it."
d the safety of a lot of people. He needs to be prosecuted"

of lab! Lol I was told repetitively as a child just because everyone else is ju

protest against life saving measures. He uses appalling g coercive techniqu

ho is a leader of people. A supposed shepherd. The law must uphold the sa
d should be held accountable."
er putting hundreds of lives at risk."
ain on our health sector and under resourced police, which puts everyone'
fined for breaking lockdown rules"
uld volunteer for an ICU with Covid-19 patients?"
mily both here and in Australia."
hen all of it for nothing because of his actions... No good."

is not above the law."

e efforts of actual Christians who support their fellow citizens with kindne
health and wellbeing of those in Auckland and beyond who are doing all th
ffenses. In the media video they clearly went the wrong way up a one way

for his "church" while you're at it."

erals to farewell their loved ones due to the limit of 10 yet all these guys c

else has been sacrificing for. It was an absolute selfish slap in the face."

kdown but we are doing the right thing and doing our bit to help the natio

d a proper leader with actual knowledge"

g the rules. They put us all at risk."
ainst the greater good of people like me"


hard work and struggles of everyone in lockdown at risk. it's the law he MU
ur hard work"

ght thing"
or influence. This is wrong. Throw the book at him"
. I can't see my children or grandchildren because of lockdowns.. ."
should he get away with it."
this narcissistic grifter and his idiotic followers have put everything at jeop
vel 3 rules and is inciting riot and anti police and government"
e at this time in NZ"

sense of social responsibility. He is a dangerous man."

hers do the same then. One rule for everyone. I have a wedding coming up

nd staying home, and people like Brain Tamaki and his followers are ruinin
No thought or consideration to the majority of people sticking to the rules
e prosecuted to the full extent of the law. It endangered the lives and hea
wHim to break rules and put others at risk He has no respect or care for an
alth and safety of everyone especially those in Auckland who have worked
apply to guys as cool as he is"
efforts and the government rules of safety from covid delta virus, therefore

pouting his vile opinions."

follow rules … all should"

us in jeopardy just because he want a moment of fame, again."
in the public eye and create a media interest in himself and his church. If

s and putting New Zealanders at risk of further lockdowns and rising case n
community. Idiots who openly disregard the law and in doing so put the re
k in their own country, the only way we can do this is if we ALL take respon
ecause of who you are. MAN UP NZpolice and government. Arrest him. Im
ives of others. Compared to many other countries NZ has had a much easi
hen others that break the rules are charged."
others which Brisn Tamaki shows none. We are all at risk because of his se

ng body and they should have to take the consequences."

rogance & selfish behaviour & the health risk they posed to the public of A

ng away our freedoms and keeping us apart from loved ones with his selfis
ne who is doing the right thing. If you're going to charge individuals like th

& safety of not only his congregation, but for all NZ's"

gy and lack of respect for the rules of lock down"

New Zealanders by acting in a most irresponsible manner. He has to be in

ng covid rules an antivacers holding the country to ransom"

ed out"
ngerous precedents while promoting false innformation"

ells Angels were supporting him. He should go with them to hell instead of
nger after stating there would be masks worn"
ers at risk. He is happy to claim the wage subsidy but too narcissistic to foll
y creating a super spreader event"
business that cant operate until level 2 and he is putting that at risk."
get away with endangering Aucklanders "in the name of God" egotistic ass
ough. Inciting others to disregard public health is another level again. Time
can devalue the efforts I and others make everyday... and that is illegal .. n
d all be held accountable so the rest of us can start living life normally agai
n rules he can also be charged idddiioottt"
d takes advantage of those in unfortunate circumstances."
e community!!"
rian Tamaki and shame on the destiny church"
nd our businesses"
d leech."
he needs to obey the word of God."
st think of each other not just ourselves."

d income!"

self inflicted so called church leader. Even more disgusted with the Police C
s pandemic"
this really is a 'slap in the face'. He needs to be taken down off that pedest
d to work together as a city and a country to beat this lockdown"
oblems for all, needs to be taught he's not god"
nders hard work in jeporady having orgsnised a protest with no masks and
ulnerable people and his act this week was a blatant example of this."
ported him should be charged for breaking lockdown rules. It is not accept

ne but himself"
s in danger.."
hould no better,he needs to be charged just like anyone else one rule for e

an exemption from the rules. I think he should be charged"

ugh this even tho I don't agree with some of what is in place."
ders and he should have to pay for breaking the law."
consequences of their actions.Lockdowns are hard, but vaccinations are t
ave no respect for others why do some feel it’s there right to put the rest

wont protect other because he a selfish self money oriented preacher pre
other for others. It was illegal and justice needs to be equal"
or others"
eak the Covid laws and everyone who has been affected by our remaining
one against the health act"
and he is putting our well being as a nation at risk. Everyone there should b
d like any other breaker of the health orders he and his followers need to b
ould be doing their bit to beat covid and he has never taken anything serio
let to vent of how much of a w@nker I think he is"

ng his ego. He is an absolute twat."

etting away with it in the name of religion."
ce to Aucklanders and NZ. His ego knows no bounds!"

ways and this man is dangerous."

his own purpose. Brian TK is another Billy TK."

harged for endangerment"

e and can do what they want and to hellwith everyone else. Trouble is they
and put Aucklanders at risk of spreading more Delta??? Oh that’s right, thi
t was a disgrace"
ough he thinks he is."
thorities showing inaction for his blatant disregard are saying one rule for h

nyone breaking level 3 or 4 rules. My husband and I have vulnerable health

nyother person how organised a protest during a pandemic should"
etter. He is in a position of influence, his actions are arrogant, selfish and
so because he's a dick head."

tant than the best interests of the city and its people. Prosecute."
s into a longer lockdown!! Selfish prick !"

’s health"


her in NZ, damaging lives and livelyhoods."

our country deserves better. His actions demonstrate that he thinks that he
do the same."
fish and a , totally self motivated twat"

ple, and that’s not okay"

hucks it back in your face all the hard work down the drain because of selfe
reach the law, this clown disguised as a religious leader led this. No respec
not be above the law."
ed protests haven't worked anywhere else in the world actually just made
protest rally while in a lockdown is irresponsible. We worry about those w
did was unbelievably selfish and as far as.i am.concerned he broke the law
l in level 2 because of Covid cases in Auckland,these protesters are in Leve
the health and welfare of our country at risk"

believes he is above all"

ney from the poor to line his own pockets. He can’t deal with lockdown be

wn ego before every else. Typical thug mentality"

aw and risking Aucklands freedom"

good. Selfish"

elfish man. He showed no concern , respect or regard for the law or the sa
a person in position of power to a vulnerable group of our country"
e Auckland community. Anyone else would have been arrested, he is no d

ng more covid and he thinks he is above the law"

ndangerment of life. My family live in Auckland and have obeyed the rules
ce is beyond belief,Beware of false prophets."
nd health of countless New Zealanders at risk and may have ensured the e
iwis. Should he and his associates not be charged then we have two rules o

e vulnerable naive followers. It was not about the welfare of his followers

e possible economic carnage as Auckland might have to remain in level 3 b

rules and this man consistently breaks the rules over and over with no con

D taking there money too"

ad of covid and Aucklanders are suffering stay at home fatigue. And he is s

money using the reputation of someone who was a beggar. Morally defu
are trying very hard to follow the rules to control this dangerous virus and

they'll uphold the law."

the law abiding Aucklanders stu"

t the hard work of many others. Covid means your obligations to society a
p protect this country from COVID. This man and his mistruths and poor le
e the consequences"

ho broke the law"

doing all our hard work"

ot and get away with it"

ealth and safety."

nedy point Marina where arrested for protesting while in level 4 so why w
b the virus, even though we are all feeling lockdown fatigue. So what mak
d work we have done in lockdown for 7 weeks!"
complying with lock down who wish to see friends and family but can't an
ountable. It’s time he was lock up"
harge all organisers and protestors."
e to do our part to keep covid out, he is NO different."
be entitled to share their personal views, but NOT at the expense of those
the hard work of NZ right back in their faces. Hes a bloody lunatic and sho

he lives of others"

s he's a leader for gangs in his church instigating riots"

nd hypocrisy in having a huge anti lockdown gathering. Hypocrisy due to c
ndangering the public."
s all樂dont think so"

w the rules to make us safe this dick thinks he God!!"

country. Religious leaders should make a positive stance not one with dan
ation of what NZ is trying to do in the face of Covid. while every is trying th
fter all that has been sacrificed is inexcusable."
is not gonna help us and we don't need idiots like this putting us all in jeop
g this rally snd the truly awful words he spoke about Ashley Bloomfield."
ve to pay businesses for their losses for the extended lockdown."
ome police action over this."

d also look at how they handled this event. Shame on you."

and why should be able to break ther rules when everyone else is trying t

and the people doing it tough during this time. This has every possibility o
3 restrictions. This protest was a flouting of this and those organisers and
sted and taking them to court for overstepping the lock down rules this pe
ted gains - he is not for the common good - he owes to public NZ public a h
is pro or anti vaccination he broke the rules for level 3 in Auckland and sho
y rules over Covid19 is so important."
on TV. He needs to be locked up. And sent to hell."

many people at risk"

ng while many others are sacrificing in lockdown."
an idiot."
ny ways"
than any other Aucklander. This was a 'look at me' event to boost his own

o be held accountable"
carry consequences for those involved. They've put the entire country at
scent is against the public interest. This isn't one of those."
ven longer lock down just for news glory."
ame. Normal decent people wouldn’t get away with it so why does this hyp
es and the Government needs to act and be consistent"
der of his church and endangering the whole country"

against a virus need to be put in their place"

and want lickdowns to finish - this idiot has no doubt extended the numbe

e wants whenever he want whilst everyone else is doing the hard yards"

e able to do it and get away with it"

evel 3 restrictions."
his, wow. He needs to be stopped."
e trying to make our country safe."

o matter what he thinks."

erals and this idiot blatantly breaks the rules and puts us all in danger of m

first place....."
they are not above the law, Meanwhile, heir supporters and the rest of NZ
up as leaders and then lead their followers astray need to be put down qu

of some people. Why are New Zealanders esp. Aucklanders doing it hard.
y are telling us it’s to benefit us in the long run"
ur community."

r best to stick to the rules, regardless of what our personal beliefs are. Our

able. He would have been better channelling his energies into supporting t

We have sacrificed a lot in the lockdown."

wn restrictions and wanting this over."

ponse Act order for Level 3."
ll of NZ. Why does this clown & his followers think it doesn’t apply to them
wn rules that the rest of Auckland has to adhere to. We could end up with
n event in Auckland like this is just putting us all at risk of further lockdown
us who are abiding by the rules."

ght be a good idea for the IRD to do an audit on him too!"

oesn't. Lock down is lock down. "
e churches too"

rdising the hard work that Aucklanders are doing to reduce the spread of t
c future of our country. Hes homophobic and just a nasty piece of work."
Brian Tamaki and his congregation and that he’s getting COVID support to t
d put NZS at risk "

ult is holding the south island to ransom"

ders enduring our progress in the Auckland region regarding the eliminatio
nks he is above the law"
s and endangering lives."
isked lives"
g riots, breach of regulations, and if anyone dies, charge him with manslau
kdown which puts at risk people's health, lives and in many cases people's
y with it!"

Covid, and Brian Tamaki and his followers pull off a stunner.The damage t
n by Brian Tamaki and his followers"
about peoples welfare at all. He is not helping NZ get on track to eliminati
eaking the law"

hile the majority of New Zealanders are abiding by covid restrictions hopin
for their actions especially when they threaten others."

by cynical greed and a danger to public health"

and It’s against the health rules in place to protect us"

ntable for his selfish rhetoric."

's as simple as that. He needs to be prosecuted as an individual (as others
n further jeopardy and is a flagrant disregard for the laws that everyone els
otal mockery of the sacrifices us Aucklanders have done. From the very firs
he current rules. He should be paying a hefty fine and if this Muppet caus
ditions and has put NZers at risk. Please investigate him, nobody wants cov

stian at all, we need to get our lives back, huge concerns for mental health
d thing to do in the middle of a pandemic. The man is a nut"

law for his own Ego trip. The economic risk to Auckland is huge his actions
old this protest. And illegal. He needs to be held accountable. He's a charl

e should be aahamed"

e and risk the lives of many people..Disregards the safety of all NZERS..We

rate and illegal activities"

d. P.S Strip their charity status."

of the effort the intelligent majority of Auclanders have gone to to protect

hese times of health emergency"

their benefits and see what they think then."

law. It's time he was pulled up."
ullible sheep."

groups. Why should he be exempt. Follow the rules like everyone else is."
ves at risk."
rage is appalling. He needs to be help accountable for the stress and worr
y of everyone else. Plain and simple."
ood . Just gives licence to the other idiots we have all had enough - but the

funerals but the law alouds this chaos. Its so wrong :("
message to people."
o were locking down to end lockdowns. The very thing he wants"
all have to respect the law. I want him charged. There is not one law for hi
ering everybody else! Bullshit allowing it to even happen!"
e prosecuted or jailed for putting other New Zealanders at risk and breakin
w, involved others in his criminal activity and put all of us in danger by org
sitting they have all just cost us it.....thank you very much they should all be
utting our country more at risk spreading this terrible virus. Brian Tamaki an
do the right thing & he's out there doing what he pleases"

de effort to fight COVID is a serious crime and should have serious consequ
elf centered protest!"
law, especially when it comes to public health."

New Zealanders for a big old ego trip!!!"

een working hard to kick ,fucking retarded"
ourselves & others safe that they get away with this behavior. Its disrespec
lf above the legal moral and ethical rules the rest of New Zealand are adhe

er together."
der event with no thought other than himself. He has been using the wage

o spout forth his venom. How dare he and his followers put the rest of law
e are all trying to do our best,to get out of this...but he just thinks he's bett
es at risk"

er how many of his congregation have been vaccinated."

o his actions"

endangered New Zealand. I think he should face consequences!"

ers at risk and protest in Australia have caused more harm then good. Wa
he people in Auckland have done to keep NZ and it's people safe from the
ent from anyone else, not cool and he's put lives in danger"

did. He needs to help accountable for his actions."

o dangerous"

o further his power and influence - and fortune. Spreading misinformation

rous charlatans preying on vulnerable people. They are risking the spread o
and his idiot followers are putting everything that had been achieved in loc
t respecting government rules Brian Tamaki is a TWAT and is his followers
latantly encouraged people to break the Level 3 Lockdown rules. He has eff

gal protest on Sat 3/10/21."

are prosecuted for breaking them, why isn't he. He thinks he is above the
ve been charged .Even the police I:e Andrew Coster seem to be intimadate
d not helping the whole lock down situation"
ut of lock down but still doing what is right to get there ."

a tana ngākau ki te Runga rawa, te kauwhau i te rongo pai, ā mea rawa ake
t of lockdown"

ew Zealanders in danger!!!!"

couple. No mass gatherings Level 3. Police should be locked up too for "ag
sons to list"

,,why can't they."

division.Also, the public health he is putting at risk!"

g so much potentially all our hard work could be undone by his selflessness
he right to gather by law. They should all have been arrested. They should

ks and can't see whanau. He broke the rules and if he gets away with it, ot
o keep Auckland in lockdown longer creating additional stress on the peop
ountry at risk , this person cannot play God. He needs to be held accounta
se ) and Mum to a son with Down syndrome . I know first hand why we are
happen when so many are sacrificing so much during this lockdown! Irresp
spread of Delta and try and move into level 2, then this fool encourages a g
is a Lockdown, his followers are working less and his tithe amounts go do

n lockdown is a very loooooong time!!! Covid is rampant in south Auckland

eep their families safe and this just ruins it for everyone"
ouraged their members to join Tamaki's illegal protest. Encouraging Tama
well being of people."
s he has the right to put so many people at risk by holding this illegal prote

and beyond, by his selfish behaviour. He has put self interest above comm

d also be paying taxes."

unting LOCKDOWN affecting Millions of People doing the right thing and lo
hen the rest of NZ are trying to follow the rules."
t when selfish people like this encourage sheep to do the wrong thing."
ese protests but soon puts his hand out for wage subsidy from the governm
e rules even though it has meant that they cannot bury their loved ones bu
m God to pick and choose which laws he upholds and which ones he feels h
re being prosecuted for breaking them. What makes him different. The po

o attended! Auckland needs to get out of lockdown and people like this ar

he rules."
om this horrible virus, we have all made sacrifice for. He has no morals to
be held accountable for his actions."
e place under lockdown. Complete moron to have decided he could do w
event which was in total disregard for Akld Level 3 lockdown conditions."
ks he is above the law !!!"

wn agenda. Stay at home and think of other people other than yourself an

e rest of us. Thank you to those who are following the protocols to keep Ao

and now because of him and his followers gathering together there could
Auckland and then you and or stupid group have probably set us back from
land! Expecting his parishioners to tithe 10% of their earnings when they a
hould be made accountable."
der level 3 lockdown. He is putting everything that we have done in jeopar

sk. Hardly any of his Sheeple, were wearing masks in a densely populated p
one hand and endanger others with the other."
ining it for all of us and putting everyone lives in jeopardy. When will the g

to levels we have not liked it anymore than Brian tamaki has we are all try

are obeying the lockdown rules"

aw. He should be charged and imprisoned."

isk and avoid the consequences of breaking a law."
id, his drawing of the crowd was a slap in the face to Aucklanders. Power a
to safety not putting them and the rest of the country safe. The police are
charged and who is not."
as the financial standing to treat and look after his own family if they get eff

ct him! Let’s hope he gets charged for breaking the law…. No respect or ca
not the majority and put the majority at risk health wise, financially. The ru
tread spread of the disease and extending lockdowns fitter crippling econo
t say goodbye to loved ones Others are struggling. We are staying our dist

ect him or us from his megalomaniac ego."

wn hospital to take care of his pathetic followers"

he public at risk of catching co id"
ng NZ back from being covid safe. We need to send a message that this is u

evel 3 rules and guidelines because of the Delta strain of Covid. As a so cal

horrible position charge him"

ogant selfishness of him and his acolytes!"
breaches have been charged so someone who organizes a large gathering

d protest possibly causing a super spreader event while the rest of us staye
ng followers to blindly put everyone at risk."
all been trying our hardest in lockdown.So what gives him the right to brea

ning the health and welfare of this nation,yes charge him ,tax the church a

law which the vast majority liking it or not are abiding by. The authorities

ading those who depend on his leadership."

c health order."

people at higher risk. He thinks hes above the law and god will save him."
he is a fraud bet they are both vaccinated, he loves himself to much to rel
o put out his hand for the wage subsidy 郎"
eave behinds that come with it."

ogant and incredibly selfish."

people health in jeopardy"

ctions and abide by the law. No exceptions for anyone."

eir lockdown for nothing"
my comment 冷冷冷冷冷冷"
present govt is failing big time over issues like this and gang members doin

g as he agreed. Broke his agreement."

this the law would have charged them straight away ."
this self entitled scammer is risking that"
ockets and boost his ego."

y on Saturday in a sacred place that commemorates the bravery of fallen v

owns are not the answer. Open up the country and create COVID passport

etting a good example at this difficult time. Demonstrating Christian princ

s aswell. Textbook narcissist."
ont like it but are getting on with it. This gathereing could set us back. The
and for blatantly breaking the rules/law."
inks he is above the law"
o break the law."
grace and to the work of many, we now have vaccines to protect us from C
ks and he has probably just gone and undone everything. He isn’t above th

yes he needs to be held accountable."

ave been charged for doing the same thing."

an Tamaki flouting the Covid 19 rules which the vast majority of the popula

demonstrations. He is helping spread the virus. A dispicable man."

d, but as the instigator, he needs to be made an example of."

ost homes and businesses for nothing"

the law and is the opposite of the message his followers need."
aki needs to be charged!!"

uckland in further lockdown. He should definitely be charged."

ntries pandemic."
at risk and pretty much thrown everything us Aucklanders have done the
ney he can fleece RC off his misguided followers"
of people is treachery & without doubt should be charged immediatly for b

and selfish behaviour"

ould have all the people at the gathering.Should be the same rules for all"
g the high life and no consideration for others welfare and health. Could en

on who should be somehow excused from the consequences of his action

es which we are all doing."

king rules while in lockdown then so should he. Brain is a very selfish man
ke a difference, he's just making it worse for the rest of the auckland"
xactly what he wants even when it’s illegal."
ns and endangering public health and order"

ng the restriction rules.Charges and infringement penalties should be imp

hould be held to account like everyone else."
profile and nothing whatsoever to do with legitimate protest. He should de
lockdown, and totally resent that this idiot can undo everything that we ha
uring a pandemic in cities with active Covid-19 community cases, and ther
se. It only take one person to put us back where we started and quite fran
k. Idiot"
d blames everthing on God."

the ability to do anything about the gathering which is very annoying for t
d spreader."

home and obeyed the rules not only for my safety but for others. Brian Ta
ne to ignore the restrictions that millions of us have adhered to, just so he

eaches fear and hate."

the devils."
oyed to break up peaceful protestors at Pūtiki Bay (who weren't breaking A
l public."

nd to see this guy not get charged makes it all a bit of a joke"
id of covid. And he goes and blows it for all of us. Who gives him the right

were so close to changing levels"

tives on this issue. If only we all stuck to the rules we would have been out
safety, further harming the chances of getting out of level 3 plus he has ta

rests of his fellow human beings and the law."

y family around the North Island and it is starting to affect my mental healt

ment is glorifying his actions"

us have been sticking to. Without thought or care for fellow Aucklanders w
home detention with access to internet prohibited"

d above all has put NZ at risk by breaking the tules during Level 3 lickdown
tting Aucklanders around risk for catching Covid 29. Totally egotistical beha

eeds to be set a example of. O do so hope that this idiot hasnt caused a an
e was the main organiser of this event that could have catestrophic impac

d. It is absolutely unacceptable and Brian Tamaki needs to be held respon

at risk"

eople's lively hoods and mental health."

own rules ,putting everyone at risk"

anity to thieve from their followers. This time they have gone too far. The s
angering public safety"
table !"

oesn't care about anyone but himself, putting all those people at risk to ap
afety and having the elderly and infants participating in potential super sp

aw and putting the country at risk."

h this..."
onsible actions"

right to gather, just like the rest of Auckland!"

would be? Why didn't the police break it up?"
hat has played by the rules. Everyone has a right to protest but they still ne
ng so."
pleased. He’s breached borders and then gets his mass hysteria together. T
his was an extraordinarily selfish act from a greedy egotist."
ons covering groups and gatherings. By encouraging others to break the ru

rest of us?"
emed illegal, and the organizers should be immediately stripped of Covid w
else would he ave been charged already."
down rules but incited others to do so he is really a domestic terrorist char
jor lack of judgement. By doing so he has jeopardised the freedom & safet

s in violation of Level 3 restrictions. Brian Tamaki is spreading misinformati

e aggrandizement of his ego and in complete disregard for the law during t
d particularly the vulnerable people who listen to his uninformed bullshit"

fety and everything that Auckland has been in lockdown for the last 7 wee
ID has the highest case numbers and lowest vaccination numbers, particip
him think he is above the law."

3 rules which is putting stress on our staff and us to make sure we don’t br
his followers"
st him and charge him big."
ended the lockdown. He believes he is above the law, that he shouldn't ha
one else who breeches lockdown rules, not to mention hes an idiot"
k. Selfish ego."

ock down rules"

people to break the law, and putting the rest of NZ in danger.NZ police an
he freedoms of all New Zealanders, while the majority are putting in the h
hing. He would be the first to complain if he got delta and there wasn't a
people like him"
he science."
e maker with a personal agenda."

ge group of people during a Level 3 lockdown."

our genuine douche bag"
own longer."
er and ruin businesses because of selfish idealistic ideas. We would all love

s under the umbrella of the church. It's one great big cult!"

about people's safety and lives and current level rules. A true egotist"

ee this ILLEGAL and dangerous behaviour is a chargeable and unforgivable

religion to prey upon the poorly educated for their money!!!"

that everyone else must abide by."

hey were not and he was photo'd not wearing one when talking to a polic
he rules and putting everyone else in risk of further lockdown"
The court must act accordingly."
ht down a peg or 2"

g by example and obeying the laws of the land."

his loser is endangering our children and vulnerable people who can not be

of his Whanau or other NZ Citizens, who have given up so much, (both me

s the most his wallet"
the majority of thinking Kiwis & stoking his image PLUS be sure he made b
ealanders snd businesses who are suffering due to lockdowns."
away with breaking the law."
evel 3 putting people at risk."
n't see my family why can they protest"

e rest of New Zealanders in lockdown"

all yourself a leader...grow up!!"
ficed a lot and this turd has done nothing to help other than put out his ha

stupidity endangers lives!"

s appalling!"

e doesn't care about other charge him"

and they will have to stay home"
believe in him..."
e wrong message to our tamariki who struggle to see why they can't see th
arent protection from prosecution accorded to members of quazi religious
f his mouth especially when it comes to covid ..he will be firstto run to hos
yone else in auckland does !!! This isnt fair to those in Auckland who are sa
shit about everything other kiwis are doing to try save these stupid people
n Auckland and the rest of NZ are doing to keep everyone safe from this d
anders to control this virus. Idiot."
ng so many people."
t not only that both my children have. There is no end in sight to this lockd
s the law!!!!"
use of bloody idiots like him"
g all public health & safety rules whilst we are at L3."
pocket and not NZ as a whole."
his protest."
ely, all attendees to the event should also be charged"

e doing everything they can to abide by rules and he goes and holds a prot
ed, they would be charged. It's organized crime"
vened a Health Order. He put many people present in danger and has thre

ed immediately to save his followers and our community"

.everyone else is expected to be in level 3...why is he so special..."

idelines, why should a wealthy arsehole who intentionally breached them

a huge gathering during l3 which is against the law and is risking NZ citizen

everyone else’s right to open their business, see their families and enjoy th

other to combat covid."

isk and he encouraged a mass meeting of 2000 people to gather and many
d the other organizers have put all of that at risk."

e law, he should too!! He doesn't care about anyone but himself!!"

n’t go near them !!!"
d should be following NZ rules. Others are being charged for lot less than h


e country are getting vaccinated to keep themselves and others safe. Hope

a peg or two. Putting everyone else at risk is a joke."

level rules and to potentially endanger the safety of other New Zealanders

ople he brain washed to give him money."

is post knew the answer was in John chapter 13 but not the verse - here it
he majority of Auckland’s hard work!"

accine barrow to thousands of followers in your cult is quite another & sho
egal protest at the risk of others health and un did the efforts of the major

with it. Giving the wrong idea about life."

illegal and willfully irresponsible act by an attention-seeking, delusional sad

k is not on."
he is protesting against lockdown is that stops his 'church' gatherings and
lockdown he should be charged for it all just to hear his own pathetic view
risk is no way to promote a church. Very self serving."

by Delta and the need to remain in lock down longer and this in turn affec
d was a blatant denial of both legal and social agreements"

with behaving badly.we are all tired of lockdowns but we don't act like m
h at risk!"
ligious influence with hundreds of people to derail the Covid response and
for what the rest of NZ is trying to do. Anything to get his name in the pap

ome way already."

the wrong information"

NZ in lockdown even longer."
and anyone else in his position of power and influence who had aided in o
3 that all of us in Akl have been adhering to."

elfish and carried huge risk to Public Safety at this difficult time"

d people to break . Covid health restrictions. He should be held to account

and encouragement of others to break the law.Theteam of 4 million is bein

ental health and this man is dangerous putting everyones well-being at risk
aching the restrictions we have in place to stamp out Covid-19 himself, bu

egation. His church sucks money as 'non profit'. He spreads hate and misin

o be held accountable"

that lockdown will finish soon and he can see my family soon. It will also
great disruption in our countries efforts to get back to some form of norma

s just disgraceful"

ntravened the rules in place in front of Police, and has the potential to cost

ures and the organisers and attendees should be punished accordingly. Br

r Brian tamaki and another for everybody else, he needs to be held accoun

y with all the bullshit he pulls."

vent and put peoples lives in danger. What a muppet!"
r freedom back. Instead this Freedom and Rights gathering could be a po
ce has been flouting the law. It will encourage others to do the same. He n
e immense power he has over his deluded flock and put the whole of nz at
n Tāmaki Makaurau’s sacrifice. And he used it as a recruitment for a bigge
is filthy rich scum thinks he's above other people's rights to open their bus
have been allowed. It’s a slap in the face for those of us who follow the ru
ing vaccine."
us. Encouraging people to put others at risk with their selfish and ignorant


e, he is actively encouraging others to break the rules and continues to disr

ax views. Not helpful in the current situation"

eeks of hard work and sacrifices we have all made. Surely he can wait a few
the rules and put all our hard work at jeopardy !"
ng peoples lives at risk."

gotistical fool putting the health of Aucklanders at risk for his own self prom
tly show he is motivated by his ego."
s no respect for science,Doctors and the Government. Lock the b…. Up"
y people."
course. Rule of law needs to apply and a message sent to all that this beha
every New Zealander."
l the sacrifices Aucklanders have made during this pandemic."
rged so why not him?"
ble,idiotic and selfish behavior putting so many people at risk!!"

eoples lives. Feel for the aucklanders doing the right thing, to have him com
absolute half wit"
ticularly angered by Brian Tamaki's deliberate flouting of the law"

d people who think the law doesn't apply to them"

no regard for public safety."

is not above everyone else."

aterial he is a danger to society"

owing the rules for all of us but people who cant should be made an exam
ons when they deliberately risk public safety."

nwashing young familys and men to join his "gang" . This is not of God."
I am also extremely high risk of death from covid. I risk my own life to car

level 3."
harged like all other criminals"
llegally , but also completely immorally ."

made bishop it's a joke wot he and his followers have done"
s and his followers."
is ignorant followers to the detriment of our public safety."
been prescribed by the government and is been followed by the large ma
need to be held morally accountable to the society he is lying to and steali
fe's grandmother yet these fuckwits were allowed to protest, not right sho

respect the war memorial and showed utter contempt for common decen

d doesn't care about anyone except himself. He should be arrested for his b
others too the same"
ole of NZ"

ut COVID and it's spread (especially the Delta variant). This guy should be c
nvolved screaming insults at passersby on a loudspeaker, threatening the p

o arrest him."

n thinks it's ok he's someone special, one person in that crowd with Covid
thers at risk"
or nothing because of this Dick."
y doing our part and he reckons to do a protest the selfish prick!"
e is putting us all at risk instead of helping the situation."
kdown Going against a health order"

his idiotic, selfish acts which put so much people at risk in Auckland of Covi
broke the law & in doing so invoked all of his followers to follow suit. New
yone at risk."
ieves he is God. He is far from it"
...he needs to be called to the law"
was he allowed to get away with it., when others can't even get married o

down rules when the Wanana couple and others where charged!!"
e Covid rules. If those who go to Wanaka get charged then BT should be ch
d, we don't need people who feather there own nest through poor people
encourage others to go against it."

aking actions and spread of misinformation."

of all New Zealanders, as well as prolonging the suffering of Aucklanders in
uence and stupidity is dangerous"
d to police about Public Health Measures that would be in place."

misinformation and self interested lies."

ve been arrested or fined or both"

e to abide by including Brian Tamaki and his protest who broke our gather
level rules and government laws , set out to combat the delta variant and
cause a spike in Covid cases which will keep Auckland in lockdown. There a
law. He used his position to incite people to break the law."
with out It spreading anymore"
r inciting illegal acts which disrespect human decency."

our absolute best to abide by the really difficult continued restrictions... So

w. We shouldn't let him get away with it or he will keep doing it"
ly physically cause harm to people. This is only about money to him."
f the whole of Auckland!"

of a super spreader event."

t him?"
ons required to keep our people safe from this dreaded disease."
are all doing it tough, and whether we agree or not with the approach, it’s
should also be charged) put thousands of lives at risk and have potentially
d prosecuted just like anyone else who brakes the law"
event in the middle of a lockdown is selfish and uncaring. I've had a gutsf

the regulations and encouraging others to do so. This should not be the a
...not very Christian!"

nd narcissistic."

ositivity about the vaccinations and doing the right thing to get on top of th
s one of 4."

e out in society. Throw them both in jail. Him snd his wrinkled old wife."

respect for all the hard sacrifice everyone has made !!"

nterest is himself should not be allowed to be seen as a leader and it prove

health, life and further time I'm lockdown."
eople, broke the law, & put many at risk just to boost their own egos."
ches) to try and kick covid so how can the instigators get away with causin
hen the majority of kiwis are doing the right thingCharge him and his follo
whole country into jeopardy"
Brian fucking tamaki"

anizing and executing a mass gathering, when everyone else in Auckland h

potential to spread this further and keep Auckland in lockdown longer. He

o protect public safety. Especially someone who takes a high moral stand b
ep each other safe. It should be one law for all, and they broke it"
rules endangering so many people. Also a hypocrite of the worst kind."
e boundary are charged, so should someone who actively encourages brea
ary harm to those who stick by the rules."
own. And trust all experts involved. Frustrated about Destiny Church and C
ything. If this was a bunch 9f gang members you'd arrest them ."
the law, like every other person breaking laws and regulations over lockdo
auckland who have really struggled with this lockdown."

rds come out of his mouth and his actions aren't better either"
the hard work of aucklanders just for himself to stay relevant"
ack from seeing our Loved ones"
the same."
e for others I don’t agree that he or his church should be allowed to have

flout the rules"

r putting others at risk ."
an seeking stardom & donations"

ng misled by a man whose motivation appears to be totally governed by m

o one) should be allowed to flout the law; and if they do they should be pre
ys before he thinks the alert levels are about to go down, so he can then ta
So Special. One Rule for All. Arrest him and his LooneyTunes"
No other church I know would behave this way!!!"
is settign a terrible example. So many vulnerable people follow him into w
shness. That cannot come without repercussions."
be jailed for flouting the level3 rules while the rest of Aucklanders have pai
en hypocritical parasites"
be shown otherwise! He’s putting naive, sheep-like people at risk. Calls h

or the spotlight"
g into our country at a rapid pace. Stand up and be heard."
n society. He's not God!! He's not even a true Christian"
and this does not help."

think of the community as a whole."

le we are in crisis!!!"
in freedom of speech, no one should break the law to exercise this."
ely breaking lawful orders & spreading disinformation."


ered all"

ould therefore be charged."

hereby putting the lives of other law-abiding citizens at risk. He's arrogant

d be charged"
e the Law."
andards as everyone else. That and he needs to pay back every cent of the
want to go back to normal and when people like this break the rules we al
ore covid regulations."
the rest of us have locked down our businesses and lost money in order to
o slaughter. He has put all his followers at risk, while thumbing his nose at t

at him.."
s doing their part, there are people like him and his "followers" ruining it fo
g like this it will affect alot of people with his stupidity"
e in the covid pandemic"
osition of authority among many followers by encouraging them to do the

ur people. Don't listen to him! He only wants everyone's money! And this lo

selfish arrogant stance!"

egal! And that idiot Peter Mortlock from City Impact Church who told his fo
of his ego and bank balance."
just like all the other people who have broken lockdown rules"
e virus. He is selfish and a narcissistic ."

ut thousands of people at risk by organizing this stupid asf protest."

he government is doing the best it can trying to keep nz safe. Trying to save
sures to protect your precious flock"
s own thing and lie. He is a make believe church leader with no honesty."
at risk"

ol. Who finds ways to justify his narrative by twisting the word of God to s
trying really hard then this happens just so arrogant"

at risk. Literally bioterrorism."

perhaps the fire hoses could have been used to disperse the crowds. And o
sk of covid"

protest when Auckland is in lockdown."

th very little social distancing and risk of infection spreading. Hes a narcissi
nted narcissist. There are many other ways to protest without putting all th
think thety are God and can do as they please"
would have been arrested"
g lyrics self centered. I have been doing my bit to stop the spread of the vir
s determined to lengthen it for us all. Just wants his congregation back to
no freedoms due to the way the government has handled the pandemic. P

above everyone else. Charge him!!!"

e are prolonging this covid lockdown."

early went against COVID regulations, made a mockery of most Aucklander
his actions while the rest of Auckland does their best to keep Delta at bay."
hould be , not doing what he did."
to be stopped from organising any further "protests" which put vulnerable

all vulnerable. We need to get out of lockdown and unite with family and f
nformation about vaccines."

nd and New Zealand have been put at risk by this idiot"

t were three to"
officers out to Pūtiki to forcefully evict 4 peaceful kaitiaki off their land, yet
s. I cannot believe there is so many stupid people out there."
ple at risk"

all have to do mandatory safety actions ie wear a mask, sanitize and stay in
rules should be applicable to all people. His and his followers actions are p
e else selfish prick...him and his minions"

dead along with many other significant life events, yet these people were
ery of those doing the right thing."
others. He is abusing his position of power by encouraging mass gathering
ldn’t be there"
n what is worse is that he has influence encouraging others to break the la
e doing the right things and then these guys ruin their chances of getting o
an influencer of a certain voting demographic."

protest set ip on media"

st showed a self righteous disregard for the current Covid restrictions and
e all suffering so much with the lockdown and no one wants it but everyon

..he needs to be held accountable especially for encouraging others to bre

her for the rest of us"

his family wealth. They prey on people who are looking for help shame on

down by ministry of health, putting the community at risk.Mr Tamaki prea

aking level rules when others are taking it very seriously. Outrageous to me
bly exposed more people to the delta virus whilst the majority of us are ob

whole country is the right thing to do."

sted and charged.. why should he get away with risking public safety. Auck
to break the law and he created an event that could spread covid. He shou
ut down and Brian arrested for breach"

he spread of delta. Brian Tamaki and his followers are selfish and irrespons
s and thru his actions could cause more spreading of the Delta virus, he ne
ght for the safety of others"

ouraging mass protests . He spreads misinformation. He is flouting L3 lockd

ng inconsiderate to hold such gatherings."

pt. He is putting nz at risk"

al business workers to be out n about or gathering in large crowds. Brian T

e of vulnerable people and putting them at risk at a time when he should b

e by Tamaki. Time for this idiot and his senior henchmen to go."
other protesters!"
ot go unpunished"

re's hoping your delay is because you want to make it stick."

ntentionally acting in a way to cause harm to the community (both encour

anders at level 3 .we cannot have laws for some and laws for others."

he deserves to be charged"

ng the right thing. Not cool"

or others."
Also puts others health at risk, we are alert level 3. Its not okay."
s insurrection. Besides, he broke the law!!!!"
kOrganising aSuperSpreader event"
et together protest is the last thing that needs to happen."
d sooner"

measures designed to protect us all"

c brainwasher to do whatever he likes. And get the wage subsidy, and pa
him away!"

efore he should be charged! Just because of his "status" doesn't mean he s

ment- he not above the law - he a lair and theif"
more encouraging other idiots that’s endangering our team of 5 million!"
g other NZ at risk!"
gal event when Covid cases are rising. He should be arrested and charged a

For one individual to coordinate and undo all the work that everyone in N
ules despite their feelings. This guy should be held accountable"
followed covid guidelines, I'm hoping the authorities are planning meanin
s been a long time coming!"
tail waging the dog"

eral then this should have not taken place"

endangering the innocent."

on him."
n Christchurch where I live, for breaching the lockdown rules when it was

levant to most of nzers."

s morally bankrupt"
rings in other places.Remove all church tax benefits from this cult now."

of power over less educated people to feed them emotive libertarian nons

ed Covid restrictions and by this latest gathering has put people at risk and
s arrogance will have put us all back in lockdown 4 ...were the Police part o
w the lord will help with that"
virtually condoned Tamaki's christians holding a super-spreader event.Tam
i instigated it."
against the good of the whole."
Tax them and spend the money on healthcare/welfare. And to cover som
e law!! He has to be prosecuted and imprisioned for his reckless disregard
ade leader can show such arrogance and ignorance - and not for the first ti
has spent in level 4 and 3. So selfish"
le at risk and didn’t give a shit about anyone but himself/them self!!!"
he can put Aucklanders at risk by having a demonstration while others are

ahead with his so called protest he has put Auckland and thus all of New Z

he thinks the law doesnt apply to him"

an and his followers is beyond belief in this generally kind country."

yone else don't apply to him and his followers, I say we show him that he t
ublic safety and I’m not willing to further delay New Zealand’s economic re
d 100% illegal currently. He should be arrested like anyone else that did su
otest outside his church when we come out of lockdown"
ow and should be locked up"

hile she is ICU dye to Covid restrictions. Dick move Tamaki, dick move"
uraging his flock to stay safe."
SO selfish!!"

s situation. Disrespectful and selfish"

but also the whole of NZ."
e hard for those of us who are complying with covid rules by organising t

and the Police should have told him in no uncertain that it could not be h
e and fear. His misplaced concerns re human freedoms is being eroded by
ot the first time and he needs to be prosecuted and stopped."
e for his actions"

one else breaking the law. He needs to be charged and go before the cour

n for a reason and to risk a spread is irresponsible and ill conceived."

he covid rules,if he is not then anyone who has been charged for breaking

hurch and Brian Tamaki should be prosecuted."

y and a selfish approach to life holding New Zealands economy and lifestyl

egomaniac AND broke the law!"

acrifices and this low life does what he wants and brainwashes his misguide
all be charged how many of these will pass on covid-19 and the sacrifice'
acrifices and this low life does what he wants and brainwashes his misguide
one including him and his followers and his family"
hat they did on Saturday."

e actively continuing to hold to ransom the majority of New Zealand reside

d environment, with the exception of a few square metres behind jail bars
well being.. th muppet!"
make an example of him… or just charge him like any other New Zealander

t Covid under wraps. We haven't seen our nearest and dearest, businesse
kers sets a dangerous precedent!!!"
ccountable for his arrogant and dangerous actions."
h directives and laws put in place to protect the public."
rse about anyone"
art. Inciting a riot an breaking the law is not acceptable. He is collecting go

and encourages illegal behavior and needs to be held accountable. The law
ovid he was spreading the virus while the rest of us are trying so hard to st
hy should the rules be different. He broke the rules he should pay the pen

sonable thing, and the prohibitions against homosexuality are not IN the b

rable people for monetary and political gain."

alth of the nation. He's a hater."

ial risk."

his Tamariki"

think he is, with majority doing what's expected of us"

for every single person who they got to come together for this ridiculous
g event."
ealth they have given to Brian and his whānau enable him to access private
us in jeopardy! All of Auckland has struggled doing the right thing for so lo
her in this way."
over risk to lives - 'do no harm' principle applies."
cal, irresponsible move led by a self-centered, arrogant egomaniac who is

name it’s omg what’s he done this time"

otest and knew the rules.New Zealand is to soft.Everything revolves around

kery of lockdown rules. If he's not going to be charged then obviously it's O
a whole. He is deliberately encouraging unlawful behaviour and should be

flouting the rules in the name of Religion - arrest him and charge him just

ven to all those that break the law.. a man who is meant to be a leader sho
onal risk to others in the community that are abiding by the rules"
similar events become super spreaders and tie up medical resources"

pplies to all"

have been trying so carefully to maintain, the spread of delta! And deliber
he broke the rules. There are laws against that ."
th his super spreader antics. All the hard work done by the Aucklanders co
gering people he has influence over."
.. so far."

ealth and thinks he is above the law"

e subsidy when im sure he doesnt need it"
read the Scripture that says " YOU SHALL NOT PUT GOD TO THE TEST " GO
wers' to breach covid guidelines putting the entire country at risk. He must
ng to contain the virus.He was so arrogant on TV when you could see his fl

as he wishes while the majority of our citizens are doing as asked to help t
oral and irresponsible; and also another publicity stunt by Tamaki to feed
hment! He broke the law and could potentially cause another covid outbre

after he’s put the vulnerable at risk with his brain washing tactics!"

ng it for our country."

f NZ at risk."
us at covid level 3 longer"
asures in Level 3. When most of Auckland have been compliant. He should

all about him !"

ople at risk. Who does he think he id"
nd safety and definitely the law. Lock him up as his cult is going to kill a lot

he country is huge. Justice must be done."

or others safety or the law."

protect our children! elderly and vulnerable. We need our hospitals to fun

ld to account for endangering lives during the Covid-19 pandemic."

d well hopefully he changed if it was another person they would b its j
test during level 3 lockdown and he needs to be charged."
ehaviour (to be nice)."
afe and what Brian did went against this."

that think the law does not apply to them."

an all round arsehole who uses stand over intimidating tactics."

rest of us at risk because of their ignorance and stupidity!! This was an illeg
anger people. He is spreading misinformation and coercing people to mak

y are doing our part to eliminate this Delta variant and this man and his su
hey think they are Totally Above The Law."

he also needs to be reported to the IRD and the SFA for tax exemptions w
tant way. He is a threat to national security"
o the full extent of the law."

lives at risk"

people and putting our country at risk."

as that."

ople will he be allowed to kill or put in danger because the Govt is to weak

we must stop making excuses for arrogant opinionated idiots like Tamaki."
ckdown till Christmas. Irresponsible, selfish and unchristian behaviour."

and money driven."

tting lives around risk. There are legal consequences to breaking the law."
hould be thinking of the well-being of his church members. Collection pot
aw breakers will continue to hold the rest of the country ransom in lockdo
lack of thoughtfulness for other New Zealanders who are keeping to the ru

Disgusting behaviour"

sk of a super spreader of the virus!!"

do our best to meake sure that those are short and effective as possible. P
out being against the covid 19 vaccine and making alot of people risk thei
nity and the entire county in danger. Our health system will not cope yet if
know what's wrong with the cops time to pull your finger out"

ad of the virus what makes this man think he can make up his own rules."
the community and he arranged a high risk illegal event putting everyone

putting people at risk of catching COVID , he does think he is God

o with "freedom""
rant violations of the rules, and such blatant disregard for public safety."

way with putting others at risk because they have money."

ndangerment of others."
congregation do what he does. They should all be charged."

great harm to tāngata whenua. He is endangering their health by promoti

different set of rules for different parts of our community. He put people

m of 5 million and the essential workers that will have to deal with the afte
alert level 4.He doesn't care if the hospitals get overwhelmed with patien
hings worse. I do not wish him well, quite the opposite but he can't take u
ecessary risk"
d this is/was not one of them."

haps and go hog-riding with his pretend gang friends, to a super-spreader

nt disregard for safety and the commitment that our country has made to
deline pertains to Covid but worse still the govt are not doing what they st

the rules, then you have no grounds to charge anyone else"

so too."

ecause he is an opportunist preying on Aucklanders frustrations with lockd

d promoting ignorance and dangerous law-breaking."

to catching covid and to be preaching against vaccinations and encouragin

d is on level 3?! It's a mockery of all the hard mahi Aucklanders have been
an has personally made a mockery of the situation. Charge him!"

ht thing in Auckland..they only think of themselves selfish to the core"

the rest of the country in jeopardy, not to mention his followers. He will r
al so this should not go unpunished."

fish and egocentric. the rest of us Aucklanders who have been sacrificing to
ic safety. The rules apply to all and there should be no exceptions. If the W
ty of others & breaking level 3 lockdown rules...he must be stopped from i
the vulnerable and it's actually all for publicity not faith!"

charged - Someone needs to tell him he isn't god."

uring the protest. I'm signing this because multiple laws and regulations w
s above nz laws and put peoples lives in danger.He should be charged by p
nt and protect the public."
e to breach level 3 rules! Idiots"

nitely needs to be charged"

rule and regulations, we all are trying our best to get rid this situation and
ne him heavily and lock him up for a short time. Jacinda please don't castr
o this, when the rest of Aucklanders are complying with lockdown and sta
ortant’ participating in these actions should be held accountable!"
ned the petition. But there's an article people should read before signing: T
ew that many people would not wear masks and socially distance. The me

g for this protest showed a casual disregard for the social and economic w
d and colluded wrong Messages towards communities."

above the law in NZ and needs to be punished."

s health."
r Mortlock from City Impact church. Preying on those seeking help. Prosec
and country - He is only out to serve his own agenda - We as a country are

er should not place someone above the law. It's bad enough that he gleefu

health & safety precautionary approach to a pandemic.Egocentric actions

requires us to be vaccinated."
e who is listened to by those among the most vulnerable. And remember t
arly do not have consideration for the safety of others. He is not a fit leade

arging him, he is a narcissist individual, who does not care about the welfa

, potentially setting auckland health response back and creating anti vaccin

r his actions"
mind with his actions"

so-called man of God!! Arrest him and throw away the key."
hrough his mistruths, divisiveness, and connection to gangs."

d while collecting over covid while collecting wage subs $127,903.20 for 3
thering has the potential to be another super spreader. Wake up Destiny C
undreds of police apprehend one man in Hillsborough who acts alone. But
nd to remain in level 3 longer plus he is a vile narcissist"

hing. Charge him find him guilty he is nothing but a con man"

likes of him this country could end up in a worst situation."

thinks other people like me with health issues and fully vaccinated don’t m

uckland but I can't."

oose to put everyone at risk"
New Zealand public in danger by holding a potential Covid 19 super sprea

and getting vaccinated so we do not end up in this situation again. How d

at the very least, not encouraging face masks to be worn by the protestor
g an arrogant self entitled wanker, while the rest of Auckland are doing the
that the police haven’t done anything about him, suggests that he is indee

t the expense of thecrestvif Auckland. He and his Merry band if selfish shee
ki, and anyone else who was there!"
must be followed by everyone."
ders are following medical reason rules."

ening this sort of behaviour when we are all doing our bit to keep the comm
and have his church stripped of charity status. He's an arrogant hypocritica
kdown, businesses are struggling, families are struggling and then you get
ose who are vulnerable! Idiots like Brian really needs to be jailed for this!"

w Zeala ders at risk."

e for his stupid protest"

zens. With no thought to consequences"

lace for selfish people! Haven't seen my elderly parents for almost 2 years
together to eradicate this virus and this man is aming a mockery of all we a
against covid 19 lockdown"
level 3 restrictions and could keep Auckland locked down longer"

blamed for the spread of a lethal virus that could have been contained. Sh
o trial."
o protect all NZers, and has been proven to save lives. He needs to be cha
y at risk."
rules except this idiot and his “flock”"
are about anyone else's safety but their own and this protest shows that. A
e rules…"
we’ve all put in"
so level 2 gathering guidelines (there also was one in Wellington and I gues
y can cause huge damage. He is not above the law"

use auckland to have a super spreader"

good displayed by Brian Tamaki."
like this aren’t sticking to the rules. Everyone needs to be made to stick to
eader and sent Auckland into lock down for next 100 or so days like Sydne

makes it difficult for those that are following the level 3 rules. If he gets aw
. This is NOT OK. He should be charged, we would be…."
sheep are overtly giving the middle finger to the Government, Police and
it plays to the less educated and most vulnerable members of society. Its a
he won’t stop!!"
d friends who are doing the hard yards..doing the right thing for us ALL . T
ny did not follow the social distance rules. Why shall we pay the price for t

ore people catching the virus and resulting in prolo gi g and potentially res
ules and he seems to think he's above the law"
able for his actions"

f influence who is leading with ego rather than considering the needs of th
on't want to be at home working as I need to get back to normality. If it d

ngering lives and more potential economic harm"

ent to this protest."
pectful to the Aucklanders who have been following the rules of lock down

uld: "Brian Tamaki has flouted the rules since day one, he is actively encour
reaking the law. All who attended should be prosecuted. Their selfish and
anders by hosting this rally, charge him along with everyone who attended
to Lockdown rules level3 Which Auckland is in.and leading people to ignor
w far he could push the authorities. The City Impact dork and the restaura

ess actions"
ke the effort to keep everyone safe."
o all those who have sacrificed so much in this lockdown."

? ) Bishop!"
he still broke the law."
le for his reckless actions"
ty of others, he endangered everyone, future lockdowns etc."
eople at risk"
el 3 rules and gathered more people than was lawful if anyone else did it th
al notice, as well as directly contravening written advice given him by the P

entred behaviour - in a Covid safe way"

he right thing!!!The guy should be put in jail"
ave worked so hard to overcome"
nd should be accountable"

o needs my support. They won't let me into her village until we out of full lo
the same"

ced my family into danger. He needs to be held to account."

re putting others at risk due to his self-serving, uneducated propaganda"

vast majority of us do it because it’s for the greater good. We also know th

us all in lockdown."
g sacrifices to try and keep this virus from spreading and this cretin is going

rest (not that of his followers) to have his voice be heard more. In doing so
esponsibility. AND my children just had to Bury their father and I buried m
plying with NZs COVID rules and held a risky public meeting in total disrega

ngregation has flouted the Covid 19 restriction rules, and has put the risk o
for maximum people in one place and potentially exposed people to COVI

yed in lockdown!!!"
by certain factions are keeping our city in lockdown and causing mayhem a

re doing what's needed"

saftey of people"
omething needs to be done."
rest (not that of his followers) to have his voice be heard more. In doing so

ition to inveigle others to break the law"

em has no consequences."
are selfish, divisive and dangerous."

llion have had enough of idiots who refuse to listen to reason"

sting display of holding a protest gathering and doing his best to disrupt th
o endanger the health of the nation."
try safe. This man has zero concern for the general public and will continue
day should be charged"
o what we’ve been asked to do to help keep the country and fellow count
ays been fool how anyone would listen to anything he says is beyond me 
9 rules is deliberately putting the rest of us at risk and need to be prosecu
hese protests are NOT helping"
rificed go to waste because of one idiot? This has nothing to do with religi
ove the law."
led man of god,yeah right could do that"
tting them back."

lockdown for. He’s just looking for publicity to boost his coffers"
d this brainless idiot will keep them in lockdown longer and he should not

elfish. Get vaccinated and stay home to keep others safe."

ing home as told. Yet he has gotten away with it. Why should him and his

to endanger lives including infants"

cially wrong to hold, host, attend and participate in"

utting us all at risk."

e. Getting upset with health and government is misguided protest - our co

vulnerable communities that he claims to serve at risk"

ne else"
le without masks were all over the suburb with no regard for the safety of
r for those of us in the Team staying at home"

nd be shocked. Belongs in jail."

rotect myself and continue to work to care for New Zealander. Those that
oint, be kind, becomes be stupid."

wn rules and for some reason gets away with it."

munity, no matter your beliefs."

ce, crowd size too large and non wearing of masks"

solutely shocking"

an only be done in level 2 and idiots like this are preventing that happening
st a big headed egotistical allways has always will.But if you fine him his fol
d stupid and Auckland needs a break. Criminal activity."

the March happened jeopardizing everything.None of us want to be in loc

his own interests & ego ahead of the safety of the Country."
uld have priority over everything else."
abble rousers and MPs"
own rules are for everyone"
tive rights sometimes, like now, over rule the individual rights"

ousands of dollars he's taken for his fancy house, clothes, cars etc and wha
Z at risk"
cept handouts under the government Covid relief scheme but then breaks
ules when others have different."
in the spread of the virus at risk. They did not follow the very clear Level 3
d mental health at risk which also has an effect on our economy"
and at risk again."
at risk. We are all doing our part and there needs to be accountability."
irements for holding his meeting. He's not above the law."

an event ."

n the law."

hat egomaniacs like Brian are above the law & he ain't. Lock him up."
em consistently. This is clearly the largest abuse of the laws in NZ and noth
want to b free to move about but right now we need to look after everyon

aki and his supporters who selfishly breached the rules in place. The rules a
ed because Brian Tamaki wanted to feed his ego"

o anyone else"
r breaking them."

undermine the hard work by all during covid lockdown. No one likes lockdo
he reason for continual lockdowns be a part of the solution instead"

and if not the whole country at risk of staying in lock down for much longe
d for forever."
e instead of hindering it but I guess that would be against his moral compa

ot following them. If everyone had treated Level 4 correctly, this outbreak

n the community."
dly under minded our elimination strategy for living without covid. Thanks

as for the law and lockdown is organised crime. Not only has he put thous
hould he"
organise . What gives him the right !"
ght thing by isolating to stop the spread and his group has just made a joke
eryone. Dick."
despicable and anti Christian."

ned in NSW!!! Lockdown after LOCKDOWN!"

ly wrong to allow this to have happened"
g to do to fight Covid. He does this and other things, as part of a money m
o are safe and should be proud of what they did.... REALLY !! its mentioned
sn't care about anyones safety"
and risking the “rest of no” then he should be charged for risking Aucklan
ut what he has done. Put him behind bars with his henchmen and take the
of NZ in everything he does, and this was one giant step too far."
uffer more. Why did the government allow 2000 people together when w
y other Kiwi who breaks the law."

d the rest are putting us at risk"

nded lockdown when the vast majority of us have been doing our best to

putting us at risk"
him and therefore not get a jab putting themselves and others in danger o

jobs because protestors are causing lockdowns and level 3 to continue."

ights - this man and his followers are a threat to public safety"
bove the law."

anders are trying so hard for some normality in life here"

tained. This undoes weeks of isolation and loss of income to a lot of peopl

fter all our hardwork in lockdowns."

ing her part and this scum just goes out and breaks the law"
a church leader. How can non-gang members and associates not see that
s. He is irresponsible and endangering the freedom of us all."
If you do not act to uphold the law, you implicitly endorse Tamaki's crimin

any people under lockdown. Aucklsnders doing there very best and this clo

praying on the weak and feathering his nest with the money given, a wank
ned for flouting the rules. Most of us have been doing our bit."

g others and jeopardising others health"

his actions. If the Police say that driving to Hamilton breaches the Public He

ndemic rules? I thought it was $4000 fine or 6 months jail. He has risked th

i for using his influence to corrupt vulnerable people"

or all Aucklanders who have been doing their best in tough times"
en so many are struggling"

putting all of us who have followed the rules at risk became wants attentio
e laws in this country and not be politically motivated - one law that is appl
need to be held accountable for their actions - especially dangerous ones t

orm to rabble rouse at a critical stage in our country’s battle against Covid

king to the lockdown rules, ie only 10 people allowed at funerals."

public safety, purposely endangering lives during a global pandemic. It’s i

tion he should be charged"

he law! While most of NZ is doing the hard yards to get rid of Covid, Tamak

d've been locked up a long time ago."

New Zealanders"
above the law. He needs to be jailed and destiny church closed down."
onomy of the whole country!!"

up meeting then flouting the rules, ie no masks and anti vaccine messages
why not New Zealand?. Close his rip off he calls a church. I can't believe p

it's good for all"

he show cased this on Sat 2/10/21 He has no consideration for the rest o
of The self appointed Apostle Tamaki consistently blowing raspberries at
ll at risk? He should be charged."
and a safety perspective."
edly fomenting behaviour and misinformation whose destructiveness of ou

need a petition to arrest him. The rules are slack in this case. Is the govern

h and lives at risk."

when I heard about this protest event. My 80 year year old dad and 76 ye

amaki cannot be allowed to escape consequence for his deliberate law bre
t get us out of restrictions is living in cloud cuckoo land."
and should be prosecuted for this breach of the law. He has let all New Zea
n this complete idiot could send Auckland back into L4 or cause who know
l up! Charge him - what a dick!"
efforts and sacrifices of the majority of Aucklanders to manage covid."
. Anyone else in his position would be charged. Charge him now."

s for his reckless behaviour. Hold him to account and let him know that he
e times! He knew the rules, knew lives were at stake for those vulnerable c

ust because he is a "christian" He is giving us God fearer a bad name. Chris

one gets COVID-19 because of his protest and dies will he get done for man
y in NZ. This idiot and his lynch mob is undermining the hard work Aoterao
and public"
all of our lives, bui"
people at risk. This means City Life Church aswell!"
ed up for what he has done."
are about the Auckland economy, he takes enough money from the poor to

any differently to others."

s break the law"

is even slightly funny!!"

uired by his government & therefore his God & with total disdain for all Au
d want to be allowed out"
eeing level 3 lockdown to go to Te Anau in March!"
couraged staying at home so we could get out of lockdown faster."
ers at risk. He needs to be locked up."

s us all safe. Our death rate has been low because of the high level of com

most definitely held to account for distressing many, many Aucklanders as

es health in danger."
3 roles, he's not god"
d con artist that uses religion to make money off gullible people to contri
ck down"
ot this clown and his mates "

a rally when the rest of Auckland us unable to do anything. I’d organise a

ng anything, but got plenty of time to be dishing out speeding tickets, and

hould be treated the same as anyone else who has broken the law. I am a

tting everyone at rusk"

ryone - including Tamaki and his followers. He deserves punishment for fl

behalf of Aucklanders and also the country."

s he above the law? The police knew about it and did nothing to stop it."
e platform to get us out of this mess. This charlatan has a total disregard fo
ry doing their bit"
d as if he's broken the law, he should face the music anyway, regardless of

d the community he claims to support at risk. Stay at home!!"

dhere to in a covid outbreak. 2. He uses other people for attention and po

ous individual"

kdown and have a nice summer without too many restrictions. This behav

land and a money hungry selfish arse !!!"

ging Tamaki. They will need to get all their ducks lined up to make it stick b
tting lives at risk"
spreader event to push his looney ideology."
urn to our family in NZ. This idiot and his lynch mob are undermining the h
he sure doesn't"
e spread."
r than 'SERVING' God. Christian teaching does not incite breaking the law o
ging vaccination will damage our society and put everyone's lives at risk."

made accountable for his actions."

held accountable"
sorbed narcissist! On his big, big motorcycle. I am so angry right now that
rus. Brian has disregarded all our effort a bit of time in the spotlight"
return to normal, and this attention seeking asshat is thumbing his nose at

s not have a sense of community responsibility … sad to see when Aucklan

nd it's freedoms"

do this, while the rest of Aucklanders are doing there best to stay home!!

y to everyone."

uffs it up to pamperhis ego, tosser."

uch a stupid idiotic thing to do during level 3 when delta is running rampan
place for everybody else ."

anyone who doesnt follow his extremist ideals. He is another fanatical lead

a muppet who needs to be held accountable."


qually. Tamaki has broken the law, and encouraged others to do the same

th the shit he dose"

ne else adheres to the rules!"

much of a tithe as usual should not give him the right to help potentially s
bout the people who have flagged their 'rights' and selflessness to become
end funerals for loved ones without jumping through hoops, this clown ca
ng of the past!Those that flout the rules just extend the pain for all of us"

positive change and help rather than create further problems."

are abiding , then we have an ignorant individual like this screen behind a

ons which result in hospitalisation and his church doesn’t even pay taxes to

he show cased this clearly organizing this protest during level3 lockdown .H
majority of our people."

ng sacrifices."
respect my health ir my families health, they didnt even wear masjs"
s at risk and B. Making Christians look stupid. Putting people in danger of d
h lockdown putting us at further risk of being in lockdown longer."

the right thing to stay out of them. Duh."

hey all need to be charged. There are families banking on Auckland being

an Tamaki has no right to talk about personal freedom being taken away."
punished. He has also put Auckland at risk of another major outbreak of C

untable for his actions."

owers. He needs to be held accountable for his clear violations if the COVID
ble negative health and economic implications."

rently break these laws with no consequence. It's clear and simple - charge
s around lockdown risking Auckland community"
rom our family and friends, yet this man can get away with leading a 2000
this last seven weeks. It's sad that one person with his own agenda has pu

eakable - he represents anything Christianity is not. This is not something h

h occurs directly linked to this event then charge him for murder (NOT AC
der then that means EVERYONE . No even Jacinda is above the law so I don

ng lives and livelihoods at risk."

aker effecting thousands of lives"
his blot on the landscape. It was sheer stupidity and a danger to the very p
d Brian is a dangerous man that brain washes people's minds. He needs to

d the lives of other"

Not to mention the millions local businesses will lose."

e should comply with restrictions."

e fair to everyone who is making sacrifices at this time. Double standards d
maki! Is this how so-called religious leaders should behave - break the law a

e prolonged Auckland's lockdown etc."

most of us complied be it with difficulty, rule brakers need to be made acc

rly breaking restrictions.But I bet if 1 of his family got covid he'd be runnin
lot of new Zealanders in danger."
could have had a protest without meeting in a crowd and potentially spre
ts and sacrifices for his selfish wants !"
n least afford his tithing rules. One law for his bank account at risk of all NZ

cted by covid & broken the lockdown rulesHe should be prosecuted just lik
one else caught breaking rules would get charged. Why not him? Totally in
hes a cock"
ople at risk, not just his blind followers, but every one of the people they m

eaking lockdown rules would be prosecuted"

ve been allowed"
ck tamaki and fuck his church!"
ating money hungry scumbag."
ck down - everyone needs to play their part. Some people must love Lockd
re to do as he has we would so should he."
ucklanders at risk!"

g and he was calling on his followers to blatantly break the law."

e unfortunate people that follow him are so easily lead."
nvolved. I want to be able to go back to NZ without having to go into MIQ."
ply to us all."
gers. Could put the whole country at risk of Covid. Jail would be a good pla
rded the rules feeling he is somehow better than everyone else suffering."
e rules need to face consequences."

o protest. I hate this lockdown with a passion but we need to put up with s
ed in wage subsidies. This man preys on the most vulnerable among us and
s his own public flogging."

which I doubt) that may happen when he dies. Until then he MUST observ
rotests at Level 3. The rules are clear. There are alternative ways of protes
oing to be enforced, why have them?"
ho are going to stuff things up for everyone else."
nders have made"

and brainwashes the vulnerable. This protest is simply civil disobedience a

est of new Zealand in grave danger"
d involved his "flock". Thoughtless and selfish...."

eached lockdown protocols and community health ones as well. tamaki an

d! He should also have the wage subsidy rescinded as well as having to live

for the inflated egos of men like this. His actions have potentially caused f
ovid laws has consequences."
of been done on Saturday."

it anyway."
for others but his own agenda"
ing by the rules. It’s not fair. He is no different to other people who have
ould be held accountable."
against our level 3 lockdown. All he is showing is he has No respect for rule

raged people to breach lockdown rules. Other people who breach lockdow

bles of NZ."

people that are doing what needs to be done.They definitely need to be he

should lead by good example not a foolish media act. Then start on others
urch leader should be doing. His cult-like status is threatening the lives of h
g on the weak and vulnerable. He and his wife are a disgrace."

nce people."

my family can't bury our loved ones with family and friends"
own and arrest him for inciting willful spread of misinformation."

working hard to protect the vulnerable and our loved ones,everyone at th

evel three restrictions."

ring for vulnerable people in the community and that’s what Jesus would h
e is ruining it for us all. We all want to be out of lockdown."
mself before the safety and better good of all and risking the spread of covi
lives,at risk he must be charged"
e masses."

rge him."

d place. If they believe they are above the law then our government will fa

he COVID rules on Saturday should’ve all been arrested and charged for d
to be allowed to ignore all the laws and moral duties everyone else has fo
e so special!"
endangering public safety. He broke the law he needs to be charged."
care who he jeopardize's not only in Auckland but the rest of the country."

te to act in a way that affects others health and financial security ..... don't
m having any position in a place where people may be influenced by their
national crisis should massively overtake one man's ego and agenda. I'm a

d his wife are horrible people"

held to account. This is abuse of power in the worst way."
e this need to be punished for their actions."
uld he be allowed. Janet and lyn Trainer Auckland"
despicable behaviour. So much for Love Thy Neighbour!"
nd encouraged others to do so thus putting thousands at risk"
of Auckland at risk.He should be thrown in prison for his irresponsible beh
m and hi followers should be prosecuted"

akes himself rich,I would like to know how any of his staff actually got the p

money from the poor."

ns but we're doing it for the greater good, and this egomaniac and his follo
e law and he and his misguided supporters threaten to undermine our har
ur choice but I ask yourself this, is your choice for humanity or yourself? Th
see that the mass gatherings in any other country is where the most cases
on this idiot."

n one death results from the protest."

g all of nz at risk at a huge cost. hold them accountable please."
ting to Covid & keeping abiding citizens in lockdown."

hich is using the lord for monetary purposes, he's disgusting and 1 of the w
nd the law, we are tired of them ripping us off by taking wage subsidies w

e day. Why should he be able to get away with inciting this protest which i
aw and he should be held to account. We are all doing it tough and it’s a k
t risk of Covid-19.Most attendees were south Aucklanders where there are
d of New Zealanders"

ardless of the fact he thinks he is above the law. Plse feel free to arrest &

aw and put the rest of us at risk of community transmission and more lock
s sheep !"

d for lockdowns, disrupt more lives and ultimately cost lives, how very Chr
e done about him"
id any chance of Covid coming to my area."

he spread of covid."
esents everything religion should not be and because he's a dickhead"
OVID wage subsidy at the same time as endangering New Zealanders. A hy
t breached level 3 restrictions."
m of 500000"

otistical tosser"

ots and will be the ones who stop Auckland moving to level 2. Come on po
Tamaki being above the law!!Have no faith in a fair government at all!!"
k at him"
athering that could spread COVID-19 to those who attended during alert l

f National & Global crisis."

f us! Just because he has money from the people who tythe their hard earn
3 rules. He should be heavily fined. Students breaking level 4 rules were an

encouraging others actions which is basically ignore Covid-19 lockdown rul

oups of this size to be meeting in Auckland s current COVID-19 status"

n behalf of everyone."
preading the virus."
h actions"
nd safety of others! A very selfish and self centered actions taken by Tamak
all of us following the rules and struggling emotionally and financially!! Po

arrested - and his cult disbanded."

are doing to hardworking kiwis desperate to get their lives back"

quences of their actions. Believing in God does not give you free reign on
fter flaunting the law and putting more people at risk, after all of the depri

ble status of his business empire should be a target."

an example of"
our bit yet Brian Tamaki has organised in a Trump-like manner a disdain for

put so many at risk. Delta strain is way different to covid 19 2020."

ed. He is not beyond the law"

.Auckland is going through enough without this happening.Bloody idiot..."

Is this not terrorism. The church should also loose tax exemption."

f you or I broke the rules we would be brought to task within the limits of

utside level 3 COVID 19 guidelines set by the government that all other Au
e nations largest city at risk, because he is a narcissistic and evil person wh
ring and for jeopardizing everybody else's efforts to stay safe"

not following guidelines, and is vociferously advocating AGAINST vaccinatio

he law and the lives of Kiwis."

lands health is disgusting. Bishop my arse."

e authority must not practise double standards inforcement"

uckland are playing by the rules and no one is above the law"

al piggy bank."

blows it with his no masks etc"

lockdown for longer he is so selfish"

h, above all, needs to pull his head in and treat the rest of us with some res
eserving of the biggest punishment possible.He is an egotistical zealot.Fail

ot others. This is not fare nor legal."

has put Auckland residents at risk."

ined it for all law abiding citizens"

needs to be held accountable for his actions"

ers and officials have put in to combat covid 19"

e is not above the law."

the law"
is actions."
others to do the same. Fine him or lock him up."

g the rules to combat the Delta outbreak. Tamiki's protest has the potenti

ct Akld moving down to Level 2. Moving to Level 2 allows my whanau to t

he country and he does not have the right to protest and put my health at
oor and living in luxury. Hes a disgusting subhuman monster. If there was a
3 restrictions while others aren't as to protect Auckland against covid."
hing except his narssistic attributes."
more for his public status (cult leader) than everyone's safety! Asswipe putti
her through this time."

me and another for dicks like Tamati and the Gangs!!"

do whatever he pleases. Too bad that the Police let him believe this."
n.You are not above the law. You will behave.You honestly believe your be

hered so special, that the rules dont apply? Makes me so angry."


eated equally. He knew he was breaking the rules and putting himself and

his actions on Saturday completely undermined the efforts of the vast maj

le standards and it just adds fuel to the fire for others to do the same"

ellbeing. Only worrying about himself and his views"

hers to do the same."

danger with his actions"

his protest at this time in Auckland. He did it for his own gain and not that

of this country. Our government, scientists, and medical people are trying e
he should be charged with spreading misinformation and public endanger
lp to content the virus from spreading."
bove the law."

but it is not helped by those who break the law for their own means."

made aware of it within the law."

ound the world and see how well of we are in New Zealand. - STILL-"
sh air are asked to return home from the beaches or penalizes them with
e rest of us and I believe he is inciting the situation and this could lead up t
with Christianity"

nd delusional person. He shd be out helping “his” people who are starving

ht he achieves nothing, if he is wrong he has betrayed us all. He is a cult l

angerous and selfish illegal actions"

should be arrested"

g money every day we can’t trade and this idiot is allowed to get away with
which we are all called to abide by."

eoples lives at risk! Rules are rules"

re the needs of the vulnerable"

on to anti vaccination."
posing his preposterous ideas"

ences to his actions or he'll continue to put peoples lives at risk."

e the right thing"

ckdown rules"
ve Destiny Brian Tamati breaking our good work with holding that meeting
would get arrested. It appears 1 rule for some and another rule for others."

not help"

has put peoples lives at risk. He deserves to be locked up."

bove the law and claims to be an apostle. Blatantly breaches lockdown rest
is, work bubbles and the rest of New Zealand. Stick to your job as a so call
health system to be overwhelmed and lead to unnecessary deaths."
sidies - Employer Search, you will find that Destiny Church also claimed ove
or may not be a superspreader event but that’s a tremendous gamble cons
of God. He is nothing short of a criminal mastermind, a serial fraudster, an
es nothing for the rest of Nz"
n and are appalled at his arrogance and lack of consideration!"

Hilter in itself is just wrong. Ashley has done an amazing job to keep us sa
ollowers of his cult of personality and risking our health as a community."

is and putting us all in jeopardy郎"

t to save many more & Brian Tamaki believes his rights are greater then th
f 5,000,000"

rhetoric put everybody's hard work at risk, he will be the type to turn arou
w abiding Aucklanders down."

flout the rules without even 1 arrest or fine"

rity of Aucklanders abide by the rules to keep each other safe."

s not above ANY law don't like him what so ever he is evil"

ving real Christians a bad name!"

t so let’s lock him up. Just until Covid goes away."

ules and encouraging others to do the same"
$4000 per lockdown breach he is responsible for causing - this is an estima

bove anyone else. We all! Need to do out bit to keep everyone healthy an
man be so stupid as to endanger other people lives. The greed for money
ow Aucklanders"
eying the law"
what he has done. This is not ok!"
d putting other people’s safety at risk. His actions could result in Covid spre

veth. He is NOT the Apostle, he’s a very naughty boy. And must be held to

kland and NZ are making sacrifices…why is he an exception!"

ovid level"
the word I would like to use!"
man rights levels. It has to atop."
spread misinformation to the most vulnerable and intellectually challenge
ponsible, they made a mockery of the 7 weeks Aucklanders have endured
ed for a reason"

nd welfare of the majority in an unlawful manner - I don't think so!. How m

yone else in NZ"

worse is him and his church cronies has been claiming Govt handouts in th

ting twat. We all need to follow public health orders he is not above the la
rules so that we can get out of lockdown fast."

ers to do so too."
ts leading their lambs to slaughter. Throw the book at him. BTW, did you n
not pull apart."
ch are prosecuted too"
ers. Stand firm NZ we all need to do our bit."
others to do the same, there should be consequences."
al illness due to this lockdown being so long. Brian Tamaki showed he doe
ished for inciting such rage and hate. Anti vaxx bullshit"
elfish egotistical man."
me more. Stop gathering the communities into ur own ego. Be humble Stay
courage people to think they don't need to follow saftey rules put in place
reality . He had put alot of people in jeopardy cause his actions Covid19 w

done everything by the rules, have suffered emotionally and financially, w

delta covid. I also believe that what Brian Tamaki did was caused by his g
ed the lockdown should be charged with reckless endangerment. The ringl

ard and he isn’t"

bout himself not the welfare of this country"

No respect for fellow Aucklanders and the hard yards to beat the virus."

nd everyone who attended has put the health of the rest of us at risk."

gatherings during pandemic lockdowns and soliciting attendance at them s

ed to be charged."
ting ,Mr Tamaki needs to do some research on who Hitler actually was..rev
eryone as have the rest of Aucklanders. How dare this ritious arrogant m
e blatantly disobeying the law & putting us all at risk. Holding the rest of th
elievable, he is willing to mislead and risk immense damage to our health s
he delta virus"

d we are stuck in lockdown for longer I ain't gonna be happy"

aging people to break the law - plus he has put us all in danger with his idio
The country and its population are doing our best to beat Covid-19 and th

r the good of all New Zealanders."

gion and personal belief does not make you above the law."

ADE AGAINST HIM and those who CHOSE TO FOLLOW his selfish pigheaded

allowed to put us all further at risk"

hould other people do the right thing and he just blatantly ignores the rule
uld potentially extended lockdown for Auckland and has a total disregard f
he consequences. Book him."
How dare they carelessly and selfishly destroy all our hard angry."
w. He needs maximum charges to be laid against him. He is spreading false
all other New Zealanders"
happy to put the lives of our babies at risk, he's letting this virus spread thro
vilege in order to gain attention. He is endangering others, particularly the
to give back the money the happily took as government subsidies. What t
oted views and that he is seen as a role model by some - now I'm beyond d
dvantage of gullible people. He also claims government subsidies then atta
advantage of the poor and naieve"
rves to be arrested and remanded no bail"

nt line helping to battle the pandemic . This protest is destroying lives and b
are stuck at home while business fails Not cool dude"
at risk with organising this protest which the Police allowed to happen. The

be made accountable for his actions"

d to be upheld otherwise they are a waste of space."
harden up."
ential person (for some), he should be charged for breaking lockdown rule

on Saturday 2nd October, 2021, arbthe Auckland domain, should be prose

sibly, encouraging others to behave in a dangerous manner which could e
the guise of Christian belief. To promote rule breaking in blatant disregard

ble Status should not preclude conviction. Inciting others to break the law
ed all over the sacrifices the rest of the country has made!"
d risking the lives of others."
ence for his behavior!"

whelming of our health service and the deaths of our whanau"

a situation that could keep Auckland or indeed the country in Lockdown. H

Bloody idiot."

ink it's all about themselves. It is grossly unintelligent and shows little kno

ng to protect whanau and community and this fake fella has no right to bre
ock down protests, charges should be brought against him. Not only was th
government rules around lockdown. His behaviour is a disgrace."

and until his trial in 2045 through his buddies and wife in with him..put the
he same."

protest in Auckland threaten the health and lives of all of us. Charge Tama
kdown. Many of those who are sticking to the rules are suffering from the

y, dangerous in that Covid-19 could be spread, and I’m annoyed that this m
en broken. I myself want to be out of level 3 so am abiding by the rules. Th
oney, and lacks in any form of a responsible manner."

excuse for him to grandstand and nothing more.The protest strikes at the
well spread this terrible virus.Inciting people to do wrong needs consequen

e put in to stamp out the virus"

rking hard"
e gangs including this idot are not"
elfish he is. He needs to be stopped."

am artist making money out of weak people"

he majority of Auckland people who were doing the right thing and followi
rictions for his own PR stunt and not for any public good. If he truly believ
to put his followers knowingly at risk."

inform others, asking people to congregate at this time is wrong. Heighten

has strong influence over a lot of people has endangered the health and p
situation should be paramount"

ducated population of nz"

ble actions!"

d so much and Business have lost a lot .He is not following the Rules set b
ain, very selfishness shown, not thinking of others who is in favour of Vacc

thers to do so"
d be put ahead of individual freedom to endanger others. Brian Tamaki is
e worst aspects of religion. He dosen't speak for Nz, Aucklanders or Christi
mself. Seeker of power."
ublic health advice, and spread misinformation while putting thousands of
cult as well he thinks he's above the law . He needs to face consequences
he does as he chooses"
covid lockdown breaches and decide to turn a blindeye to this mass breach
need enforcement"

the leadership we need right now."

, he should be charged on contempt on civil law by agitating emotion of s
ed. As a Christian he does not stand for my beliefs and I dislike what he is d
not be exempt. He had a total disregard for everyone working hard to hel
as been charged, why does this idiot get away Scott free.I’ll bet half the id

ely thwarted sny thought for snyone but himself. He needs yto be shut dow
ould have signed a petition or had a virtual protest. Also this guy is a disgus
or the common good of the Auckland community."
residents in danger"
d puts Auckland further into lockdowns because of his stupidity. He shoul
sk. People are lock down then u have these think they can undo and put o
uld be the reason that lockdown is extended more than needed. He needs
er. He believes his beliefs put him above law and consequences"
he did hes a dick head."

ed out of self interest rather than the collective good.We ALL like to get ou
about their tithe money. They need that tithe money to have their celebri
his should be punished"

ho can ill afford his ghastly tithing theft.This protest was nothing more than

others at risk"

h the Delta virus, not to mention we are over lockdown."

her his own agenda is appallingly."

o care about our country and its people!"

more effective."
t even Brian Tamaki"
aland was put at risk by his intentional actions to breach ministry of health

Christians in NZ. I'm a Christian and have followed the rules set by our go

e, ashamed he has not considered his responsibility to pastoral care."

or not, for the current Level 3 restrictions."
our communities and particularly the vulnerable people of his church"
flock for a ride with their tithing, but the rest of us say “enough”."

law, encourages others to do the same and is a danger to others"

cancer and object to others breaking the law to put the likes of me in dang
r putting g us all at risk. Nit a good look for a pastor of a church!!"
. Over it"
like anyone else"

in danger for his own gain."

at risk. There's business closing there doors due to this lockdown and inste

afford to pay for his lifestyle"

as anybody else they would be."
t people's health and safety at risk. He needs to face the consequences."
ked other people"
r city at risk."
then this gives Covid-19 a huge platform for infecting me people"
community at risk. Shameful."
nows me’ when I hear the name Brian Tamaki:)The man has only one inter
would help us get back to whatevers normal these days "
isgusting behaviour of a small group of selfish individuals.Where are the p
e rule breaking of the 2000 protesters, then what has this lockdown even b
businesses and people are suffering"
nd acts in his own very misguided interests. It takes personal control and c
s. So the police go there to take photos and observe. Fuckin useless. I thin
eed to adhere to the rules & advice. Team of 5 million."

ge of vulnerable people. He has risked our Covid fight when most of us are


akes him and the rest of his lot so bloody special"

arrogant action? Was it all about personal freedoms or was it that Zoom m
uraged other to as well"
e should be charged for endangering the lives of not only his own support

hers to make selfish and uninformed choices which hurt our society."
safety of New Zealanders who have already suffered the ravages of COVID
at went."
blic safety. These marches are WHY lockdowns keep happening and idiots
ke one."

bide by the rules!"

needs to keep."

not during a pandemic. Recklessly putting others in a possible compromisin

l.I believe the person who used the word 'parasite' to describe him got it t

sh and unlawful. It was not a Christian act at all."

vel 3 lockdown"
preventing nz from returning to normal life. Get vaccinated and let’s get in
nated money from his followers that he pays it with. So Maybe some Jail ti
health mandate that is keeping the rest of us safe!"
rage NZ’er. A selfish irresponsible person who has too much influence ove
Destiny Church"
rules. This egotistic man and his associates flout the rules, and broadcast t
simple terms it’s NOT ok! At the end of a long extended lockdown too… rig
in love with himself to the detriment of all who have been swayed by his b
ing protest wuth averylarge number of people contravention the Covud 3
rgency legislation) & reckless endangerment"
s virus and this man may well have created a major event spreader. Should
Brian Tamaki needs to be held accountable"
eoples to better themselves he isn’t looking after people he is putting them

lete charlatan."
nders at risk of Death..."
egard for others. With closed churches, he must be running out of money

many of us have been working hard to keep New Zealand safe so this “prot

spins it"
the law. He has put so many people at riak with his beliefs."
of the hard work,pain and suffering that we have all gone through, not to m
as vunerable whanauat risk due to Brian Tamaki beliefs and politics"
veryone else ? No! So, Andrew Coster, why aren't he and his allies being a

anders in further danger."

shouldn't be getting away with it"

or my son and this guy thinks he can do what he likes!"

he would be appropriately enlightened!"

hey can all give themselves Covid 19. Hate this guy so much. Right up there
accountable and own their actions. These are actions of a person who love
l to the rest of New Zealand and everyone else who's trying to stamp out t
g us all at risk because of his ego trip."
of his followers and the rest of New Zealand all for his own narcissistic ben
2 jabs"

think: 'I should visit the museum when we get back to normality'."
on peoples health and extend the lockdown. Selfish and egotistical"

elaying the road out of lockdown"

do as he says. He has no respect for other people"
om much good for his community.What he does do is exploit the vulnerab

egard our governments rules"

and encouraged a large group of people to likewise. His self serving ego pu

this whole lockdown situation and he's ruining it"

e case."
of NZ and he should be held accountable."
been restricted for 7 weeks and community cases still occurring, was high

h, vaccines protect our people!!!"

hen .. stupid"

Why the hell should he get away with it & everybody else who attended tha
erings of people. He should be held accountable"
and broke the kaw"

ances and this crook needs jail time."

t if he is charged, it sets a precedent for others. I'm happy to help shut the

g the rules. And he doesn't face consequences for risking peoples lives."
What right has Brian Tamaki, or anyone else, to impose the risk of Covid-19

ke him pay taxes."

shown callous disregard for human life- the health system - nz economy, b

nd children. That is not what religion is all about. He is a phoney and shoul

is no I in we!"
n the efforts of the majority."
ourage his followers to have the vaccine. But he does the opposite!!! He i
disregarding public safety"
o follow the rules. Gatherings like this can undo all of the hard work"
us, he thinks he is above the law and is happily spreading bullsh!t and lies
above the law."
e to all New Zealanders."
one who has broken the law prosecuted..."

ming vaccinated and isolating to eradicate the virus for the remaining New

atant and dangerous flouting of lockdown rules is not OK. He is not above

does. We are talking about peoples lives here, how can he claim to be a g
best to keep people safe by following the guidance. I’ve seen in the UK wh
then stupid strikes"
o desperate congregations. His mate at City Impact church ‘Mortlock’ shou

ay argue that he does so much good for his community. I'd suggest he exp

e rules. How many of his people are vaccinated? The 29 case today and tw
nd the other 2000"
risk, the list is long"
g event. Blood on his hands! Make him pay!"
nsequences could be devastating for Auckland alert levels"

ongoing spread of misinformation and his encouragement of his congregati

ers, disrespected the rest of us"
o has put us all at risk. The police"
ckland has done it hard, and his actions could single handedly derail the e
ers but he is the most arrogant money hungry grub with no moral compass
at risk of further wider reaching lock downs."
le's lives in the middle of covid. Disgusting and very selfish act!!! From a p

nd broke the law"

health and safety of New Zealand and especially for Auckland! He does so

hcare and help. His breach if rules puts many at risk, including health worke
r weeks now and it's made no difference, if anything things are worse. W
e allowed to ignore the law, science, and the broader good just to further

protest over 'our' supposed freedom during level 3 lockdown when they a

ne the right thing by isolating ourselves and getting the vaccinations for the
se of his protest it impacts all Aucklanders. Many already suffering financia
from the rich and gave to the poor. If you financially exploit those who are
ave broken the laws and rules around COVID who been arrested and charg
level 3 the longer I won't get a hair cut"

and think that he is constantly above the law. This is truly crossing the line
he needs to be made an example of."

ot care about the rest of NZ."

cum on earth. Thanks to him and the idiots that turned up it now means Au
ance of seeing immediate family in NZ! Already it's been 18 long months!

s are all for nothing . Should never have negotiated in the first place , the p
e selfish and convincing his followers to go against Christian morals to serv
of lockdown rules."

ut all the hard work over the past 7 weeks at risk ."
ged. No one should be gathering. We all desperately want to get out of th
and wrongfully influencing his followers!"
TY of public lives ,"
rable people to risk their lives and those of others in our community."

doing the right thing so my health isn’t at more risk that it already is."

d can do as he pleases. I hope no one gets ill who attended that demonstra
ple in danger."

3 restrictions in a massive way."

ers for breaking the rules"

ers at further risk of Covid. And we have all be told Covid is a dangerous th

eople to be at risk and will cause more issues for the wider population"

doing it tough for themselves and for the rest of Aotearoa."


orget to throw away the key, such an unstable man in more ways than one
this idiot may have just stuffed it up for us all!! Put him away and throw aw
the lives of the citizens of New Zealand at risk by his actions in organising
n of God! He put everyone at risk! We’re all tired of Lockdown. Everyone n
aw unto himself & is risking peoples lives. Absolute moron."
as per Laws been set out. Christians supposed to be law abiding citizens"
gather in the midst of a lockdown against the protocols in place."

n from Delta taking over, as we will not survive if this gets away from us. th
at covid. And used as a platform to spread misinformation. After charging h

mask and distancing"

cked up for this. These people are further holding the country hostage."
health and safety of the rest of New Zealand"

wed the rules, He needs to be charged"

n get out of this level n be safe"
er… Ashley Bloomfield…”No matter if somebody thinks the government do
much to keep Auckland safe...this man is so fake and how dare he out our
vid. How dare he (they) potentially undo all of that."

He steals from the poor to make himself rich."

ially from someone that it supposedly a man of God."

of those who abide the rules around covid"

eopardising the health of NZders, after the sacrifices of many in lockdown.
e cost of everyone else, especially his followers. People like him need to b

nd & I are fully vaccinated but still have all the restrictions due to selfish ign

ent to anyone else breaking the law"

gal and irresponsible"
one else"
rable people of their already scarce income. Remove the tax-exmpt status
on National TV."
tions have consequences"

ction 70 orders in place for Auckland under level 3 restrictions and should
rect results of COViD overwhelming medical facilities and the long ongoing
spreading covid by having a protest in the middle of a pandemic .Who doe

s and encouraging others to do so. He’s an idiot"

is grifter wife should be banged up , pricks like these that pray on the wea

place preventing public gatherings to stop the spread of covid. He exposed

e the hard done by so many people. People have lost their lives and jobs f
e to call this rally. He needs to be charged."
established order in our society, not just with respect to Covid but society

of NZers his behaviour is criminal!"

heavy lifting on behalf of all NZ. Business is suffering. People have lost the
s above the law."

ed hundreds of people and will, no doubt, keep us in lockout even longer. H

is playing by the rules, why should they get away with breaking the rules ?
the current geakth laws"
only himself ..."
d should face the penalties like everyone else!!"
klands work and is a law breaker"

at risk."
d to all of our well being."
nment in claims and taxes."
at risk. If he really cared about his people he would not have organized the
with complete disregard for fellow Aucklanders in lockdown"

isk!! Can he also be charged with stupidity?"

nancial Take" from the many foolish followers, This protest is about getting
les of everyone else. People are dying or becoming seriously infected beca

ple's lives"

we're all in lock down"

is worth oh he might get his followers so nah give him a stint in jail"
said it was a kick in the teeth. After all our hard work."

aw! If you allow Brian Tamaki, next will be the gangs etc etc"

So many people have adhered to the rules so we can get back to some sor
is actions with his selfish event at The Domain"

at risk. He went against every law abiding citizen by trying to be relevant. I

ve to suffer because of these people."

nd are doing the right thing to protect themselves and their whānau. This h
aid out needs to be paid back!!!"
ganising this, I respect freedom of speech but this is not the way to do it. E
, he doesnt care because he is still being paid by the people that follow him
ew Zealand at risk."
nders. He is not a Christian and needs to be put in jail"

then extracts money from those who usually cannot afford to give away fu
vid. This is not caring about anyone elses health!"
s ruined the work of hundreds and thousands of aucklanders. He deserves

t he pay tax on his fortune?"

people have lost jobs lost businesses we are all doing our bit to stop the sp
own levels."

down rules and needs to be held to account"

wards after allThese weeks in lockdown."
t into hospital if swamped by anti vaccers! Very selfish!"
people, know nothing about health and safety and just want to be special

ed for illegal gathering"

ey above law"
rotected from consequences"

an example so as to stop others disrupting our lifestyle."

ortant than protecting the nation from the potential ravages of Covid as m
ew Zealand and have followed all the rules every dam day even tho I’ve ha

ublic of auckland. Accountability starts here"

is entitled to his opinion, but deserves to be charged. I'm sick of the also in
vulnerable people needs to be held accountable for reckless and irrespons
o in order to eliminate covid and this idiot con man has a protest, probabl

gainst our current lockdown rules, lacks empathy towards Aucklanders"

w Zealanders and will help keep Auckland in lockdown"

human rights but an affront to them."

ules, doesn’t care about anyone but himself, he’s dangerous to society."

of a church closed down"

ated as a regular citizen and not some pseudo messiah"
es he us above the law."

ho have done the right thing and stayed home. Charge him!"
nd and have had to stay in lockdown and for this to happen and have no p

n in prison"
s not, nor ever will be, a person to whom I would ever respect."

e cause of more deaths not jsut by covid by frsutrstiina of behaving in lock

ners etc are doing it tough. He has no special power to do such an irrespon
yle via the tax free income his misguided supporters provide. He needs to

afety by holding this protest and encouraging such a large mass gathering
ting others to break the law as well misleading vulnerable people. Babies in

essarily put people at risk.He has undone all our hard work with his inflated

r and needs to fave the consequences Iike the dozen or so other offenders
mplete disregard to the public and is actively harming the community."
spreader event."
people at risk"
age and complains about lockdown taking away human rights like he isn't t
. Anyone else would be arrested if they had 1 extra at a funeral"
mething about this dick head."
n as it was a terrible witness - He lied to police, he lied that every one ther
unished for it."
his flagrant breach of the rules we’ve all been following. Charge this atten
ng home!he is not and he also encouraged others to flaunt the rules!not fa
mself. What a very stupid and idiotic thing to do! They should have handcu

minority ruining all the hard work that has been done especially by the pe
ENTLY. He can never be allowed to abuse his uneducated, indoctrinated cu
a Reparation and paid back to Taxpayers"
s, Auckland's economic recovery and this would impact the lives and livelih
ople are doing their best to stick to the rules and get back to our normal liv
ut our nanny at risk."
t his “flock” vaccinated. Instead he used it only as an ego grab"
hould be doing the right thing."
an with little brain"
m but can't because clowns like this and those that follow him are putting
er. He believes his beliefs put him above law and consequences"
r people like this numpty has."
ucklanders following the Akert level 3 rules. We all have the right to protec
to me its close to treason"

ed like all law breakers."

e - we have all done it hard - he needs to suck it up as we have!!!!"

egal rally and should be punished like any one else would be. He is arrogan
huge sacrifices, and just comes along and undoes everyones hard work. H
he rules and Brian Tamaki has broken them and put many potential people

well as inciting people to break the law."

nsible for any leader to threaten the safety of the general public in this wa

enforced on everyone else. He broke the law and incited a revolt."

this dudebro thinks he’s above the law and puts everyone at risk."
this man's actions"
ng prick that needs to be held accountable"
n followers.... What 'man of god' does something this reckless."
ity. And no one is entitled to put the community at risk."
d and suffered through lockdown to protect New Zealand communities"
aw and encouraged his followers to do the same. He purportedly claims to
ax-free charity status, luxury cars, multiple houses. Flouts the law and puts

got the right that other Auckland people don't have."

much to keep delta at bay, why is it ok for one human who thinks he’s god
e those Tamaki and his supporters have forced upon us should not have co
get away with it."
head by this idiot"
��ℎ���!**�� "���� ������ ����� �����

e broke the law and even the PM stated that publicly."

ng out on money from his followers, he escaped Auckland before and wen

the rest of the country at risk he is not god as he may think he is he broke
society. He plays on gullible people, taking their money for personal gain a
here, and were inciting others to commit illegal acts"
r lives. He has to pay for his breaking of the law. There is not one law for h
e to flaunt the Level 3 lockdown conditions, and held an event where man

need to do to slow down the spread, not being able to see family because
ll of us not to mention the fact that we are all now at a much higher risk o

ves at stake"
les to suit their own agenda and put the rest of the community at risk."
ollowing the rules to get out of lockdown when it is safe to do so."
and. Too many people either don’t care or listen to these idiots. Charge h
le actions and needs to face consequences"

dy vulnerable with their health literacy. Where is the "Christianity" in that?

sk and just wanting to put his profile out there. How is he allowed to do th

by this person and exposes the wider community to unacceptable risk!"


danger others."

the law along with him."

wn - what right does he have to disregard rules"
masses bothering to follow lockdown rules."

ple ar risk ."

r Brian Tamaki" #hypocrite - he is certainly not an ordained Bishop or an a

have been peaceful but still puts others in danger"

d for his actions!!!"

oing it hard for all new Zealanders and this stupidity puts everyone at risk.

w Zealand. Unless we are all vaccinated there is no possible way that we ca

pect the public health guidelines that everyone else is."

d bars risking our country to line his pockets disgusting behavior"

s the legally elected government"

ed mega church leaders) have been abusing the system for too long! They

tayed on track. This person is a danger to Society."

land is in trouble.. hope you are willing to explain " you're rights" to the fa
problem need extra ordinary solutions. Entire world is facing this for the fir
on top of covid 19"
announcement. This reminds me of when I was younger. If 1 person in the
ntially cause greater harm"
n keeping with Maori culture - both of which believe in thinking of others b

ice commissioner for aidi f and abetting him"

he damage and poison the Destiny Church but more so the Tamaki's sprea
her in large groups"

encourages his delusional followers to defy the rules that everyone else in
l Warfare"
the spread of covid"
e safety of the wider community. Other people have been arrested for a lo
be protected from the likes of Brian Tamaki."

ble to sue him if his actions extend the lockdowns"

ny of those attendees."

i is risking lives and liviehoods"

19 and potentially spreading the disease and delaying Auckland of getting
. This egotistical clown & his wife need to be shut down."

owing the rules set out by our Government and MOHealth. This man and h

d in self adoration"
king money off the gullible and putting people at risk"

why not hold an online seminar with your congregation to support them ge

on the weak. He should be in prison."

ho stick yo the rules and suffer great finacial losses not to mention mental
get away with this . Everyone needs to be Answerable when they break th

may well become a super spreader event."

exactly that."
he virus and nothing else."
dingly. This was blatant disregard of the law and he placed all Aucklanders
this is not someone that cares about our future going forward. This man is

d. This this type of mass gathering potentially lives at risk, and ruins the ha
nds for. How dare he breach level 3 restrictions while most of the rest of N
on campaign and breaking lockdown laws."
e uses of religious precaution it's taking advantage of vounrable and most l
aughty boy. He and Hannah are missing the tithings of their followers. He’

nd my Church, this disregard of the law is blatant, and needs to be made an

lse. Absolutely disgusting"
im a different one for others. NZ police and labour need to grow a spine"

ng and this clown flouts the rules just to pander to his own ego"

oesn't then he will think he is untouchable and can do whatever he wants."

o be locked up."
sting to think he can put our nations safety at huge risk."

klanders who have been doing the right thing."

llowers think they are beyond the law and have put the rest of NZ at risk o
while at Alert Level 3 - then so should he!"
le safety,"
aching a public health order. I would also like the NZ Police to explain why
low are answerable and should be brought to justices"
he seems to think he is. If other people can be fined for breaking their bu
so hard to get to this point"

other gullible/vulnerable people to do the same."


e land and the power of Delta."

tions and to ensure no further protest can take place anywhere in NZ"
rules and if they don’t like in this case they must be charged heavily and po
ety of people at large."
ayed home and worn my mask. Brian Tamati, in one fell swoop has threate
putting people in danger. Brian Tamaki is an idiot and should be charged."

o be set, and sentencing needs to be heavy."

ders by holding a protest during a level 3 lock down. The potential for the
s, compulsive idiot"
up of selfish, entitled , ignorant, people. Charge them"
Covid infections resulting from this most dangerous gathering."
ra protests he has promised if he is in jail."

m of 5 million at risk!"
o think they can get away with it. He has flouted the rules twice now that I
what he did on Saturday and his followers"
he rules."

and encouraged others to do the same, endangering the lives of other LAW
nated this lockdown because I don't want people to unnecessarily die. Bri
of us uphold and follow"
this TWAT has just guaranteed that we will not be getting a much needed
n Tamaki and his trouble makers."
t risk just to boost his own ego. Is he going to financially and medically sup

n is dangerous for us all."

ting the 5 million they are breaking the Law"
who is exposing his people to potential harm. If he want to get rid of lockd
ments. It was an illegal gathering created by him."
ood and lives of Aucklanders. He should be charged."
doesn't stink and that he can do whatever he wants. Disgraceful behaviou
omplying and leading by example"
s at heart. Idiot."

ntially will cause us to be in lockdown longer. Unfair on people that are try

s playing with peoples lives."
at risk is unacceptable"
UNTOUCHABLE he thinks ..Well its time for we the people to have our
losed down"
fake. He acts like he is above reproach ... wow ... what a piece of work!!"

This means he is not above the law"

e covid-19 it here .plus he and his church pray on the people who are genu
der 12s. Lock him up!"
he spread of Delta-this selfish individual and his followers have jeopardised
his flock against vaccination, his protests exceed 100 people, half of whom
h of our community"
for being there during LD."

much better example, and encouraging his believers to get vaccinated whi
Z. Vaccinate or be very unwell or die."

ds and advice from doctors who are working for the health of our nation.C
the majority of Aucklander's are following them, nor putting people at risk

reason then his own ego."

s an example"
l the mahi to stay home and be safe whilst he put us back into risk"
followers are putting the entire Auckland Community at risk of a longer loc
gathering why then have no charges been laid as yet? As a law abiding citi

gullible followers into civil disobedience"

a total twat . What kind of Christian man leads his followers into the fire o

f grandeur put the health of all New Zealanders in danger last weekend."
ak lockdown rules. Show a backbone and charge him"
and need to be held account for their actions, otherwise what's the point i
top of the COVID lockdown problem. What Mr Tamaki is doing will have a

families can come home from overseas and we can have a family Xmas."
es for nothing but the money he gets from his followers."

viledged one,charge & jail him,guilty."

ve about what lock downs are doing... Protesting lock down and leaving yo

e team of 1998Very sad little man"

ng people."
ce for everyone who is trying to get rid of this covid virus, not spread it! Ge
roken the law."

d he said at a party "do you know where there is money to be made?... Re

pass, he preys on naive, vulnerable people and funds his lavish lifestyle by
s been 100% closed and 4 boys at home and he decides he's more importa

dual looking to remain relevant!"

he is a law unto himself. Lock him up!"

ost vulnerable are those in his church. Majority are Maori & rely on him fo
ve animals like him and his followers doing their own thing and effectively
? Doesn't he get enough from his church."

uch to get on top of this outbreak. I am so angry that This man thinks he is

he doesn't care about NZ citizens"

f care to his own congregation. He should be charged as any other person
t lock us all down with no plans for the future and expect us to be complia
er's lives at risk of getting Covid."

the public at risk. Should be fined heavily!"

ne by doing such a pointless thing."
his stupidity"

f me. Stayed home, wore a mask, got vaccinated, haven't seen my family o
up the fines to show they are serious but when it comes to using those pow
eds to be quarried now! The Police must charge this character to send a cle

and's chances of getting back to a normal life."

nd damage he does"
untable. I am fed up with lockdowns and these selfish idiots make everyth
afety. Though I wonder if he has a slight mental disability that could be the

out of level 3. If another group tried this they would be held accountable"
ing thanks to the narcissistic act of Brian Tamaki"

ny lives at risk."

s irresponsible actions."
n Level 3 lockdown where the rules are clear regarding gatherings. Brian is
and he has put all our effort in jeopardy totally irresponsible"
vely encouraging others too. No masks. Too many people. Just ruins all the
overnment, for God is the One who has put it there. ... So those who refus
to wake up!"

ars ago"
evel 3 lockdown."

s not exempt from the rules the rest of us mere mortals have to follow he

pineless police did nothing about it. I hope they get their sh*t together for

ne else is sticking to with covid, it makes everything else people are doing

ief fund and can thumb his nose at the rest of us. I'd make him pay it back
ial about him? Billy and Vinny got arrested home detention no internet. A
half.they have endangered all of us for there own gains.shame on you Bria
rules under the Health Act and means the authorities are sending a messa
sequences for this."
be locked up - jeopardising the whole country!"

-19 in Aotearoa. People running businesses have been making huge sacrifi
Zealanders when we have many compliant members of our families & hard

ople are suffering through these lockdowns, the Police are turning a blind
e held accountable"
gh level of vaccination to escape the worst effects of Covid."
lled for loving your neighbor. How do you claim to follow his teachings if y
dishonest man ...Dave Dobyn was arrested for enciting a riot so should this

erous fool who has deluded followers who deserve better!"

s to happen. Why are WE penalised because if these morons."

ng - it’s not Destiny Church - it’s Density Church - which for told me was bo

ll of those who are doing the right thing and following L3 guidelines. His ac

ds to be stopped."
irus is hitting Māori and Pasifika people hard. The protesters put their tru
without proper covid compliance."
olved in this illegal gathering..."

own congregation safe."

any other level apart from Level ONE! It appears 'we are all equal, but so

p under level 3 is illegal. He did not make sure they social distanced from e
was careful to be masked or distanced, but didn’t care if his followers were
a blatant breaking of the law n like any other New Zealander should face
n arrested so why should Brian Tamaki be allowed to break the law"

nst authority and putting thousands of peoples lives at risk."

l and Put Peoples lives at Risk Auckland is in Level 3 Lockdown"
ut the ones who can't be vaccinated our tamariki, moko puna"
stop covid.He has jeopardised this."

of an Illegal protest."
ctions if not prosecuted set a president for anyone to hold a thousand pers
lt to the people of Auckland region who the majority stayed home and the
nt man as the organiser of the Auckland rally. NZ ceases to be a team of 5

personal profits he makes from his congregation ahead of the health of ou

arcisistic leech has neither that nor a moral compass."
e's God but this is bloody ridiculous. Come on NZ police. Show us the guts
at risk."
aw. The police should charge him the maximum fine or offer him diversion

19 rules"
ristian. He is an absolute fake!"
ovid health orders"
er themselves, before the people around them who are struggling to make
as caused a large number of people to break the law designed to help prot
e who blatantly flaunt the rules and unfairly put the rest of us into further l
gance of this “ so called man of God”. He needs to be taught a lesson that
h beyond belief."
of others"

of an outbreak is dangerous."
inks he is above the law."
amily are immune compromised and this selfish man has put us all at risk.
cuse for a leader."
ki does not..."
y-grabbing cult leader!"
ce for all aucklanders"
ock him up"
what they have to to stay safe and it was starting to work, then this dropk

dised other Aucklander's health who have abided by the rules & wanting to

and does not have a Christian bone in his body. He is motivated only by his
why do we have two sets of laws? Are we in lockdown or not?"

ttention seeking actions. He needs to be made an example of along with a

ent should be given for this totally irresponsible action in the middle of Cov
ut this is the final straw. Also - City Impact Church encouraged their follow
reak the rules and flout the law. His actions were irresponsible. This man
putting the whole of NZ into more lockdown 郎"
ho purports to be in a leadership position. True leaders put their personal p

st advice."
allowed. wake up Jacinda!!!"
and Brian Tamaki’s determination to hold a rally in the middle of a Pandem
tive to a sensible Covid containment process."
he safety of others"

ent like this where more lives will now be at risk. Lock him up!"
nizing a protest of hundreds of people, many were not wearing masks and

are doing their bit and he does this."

nsafe purpose, putting their own supporters and the innocent public at risk
Bet most of the idiots that turned up weren't. He knowingly broke Covid re
I want or need are people doing stunts like this which can cause lockdown

opardy who da hell he think he is hez nfn but a false prophet ruining peopl
d businesses has been huge"

bligations to keep everyone in Aotearoa safe. Those who illegally break th

hould be charged with treason for his actions during this pandemic."
egardless of where you stand on Christianty, pretty sure we all agree that
He shouldn't be above the law."

ty would be a good start because what he did was not in the least bit char
n, which is the last thing NZ of the world needs at the moment..."
hindering the work NZ and Aucklanders in particular have done to help ke
of the whole population must take precedence over an ignorant vociferou
and stupid man most certainly needs to be charged!"
to account for endangering vulnerable people and hurting our economy"

ves of others."
open. It's unbelievable idiots like this haven't been penalised yet which wi
nd a big slap in the face to all the Aucklanders who are following the rules
o try and control Covid-19 taking over. Destiny Churches Brian Tamaki doe
ed them openly so he should face repercussions."
$100k of the COVID wage subsidy and still charged tithes at the gathering..

gathering while we are in lockdown !"
Tamaki be charged as well. Disappointed in the cowardly Government and

r but illegally!!"

down release."

ng covid money and at the same time not a team player - self entitled prick
ut down and prosecuted"
and with this sort of behaviour it’s never going to happen"
ctions will prolong lockdown and prevent that. Selfish little man."

to factor in self entitled narcissists like this :("

e majority safety."
uin it for the rest of us who are sticking to the rules."

gathering of people to protest when they are not meant to be in huge num
and 1st lockdown... a waste of oxygen..."
ests & greed above anything else. What he did wasn't just 'morally wrong'
king the rules must be sanctioned. How about letting this "bishop" and his

ning people in person."

y let alone the rest of the Auckland region. An appalling lack of leadership.
nnocent at the expenses of his belief and saying."
lice actually DO SOMETHING about such high-profile breachers, we will be
r. I was spoken to this morning about 7 people who turned up yesterday un

be charged and jailed."

g people to get balanced information and not encouraging them to break

ople's lives a risk, why is he allowed to get away with it? It has potential to
rks to undermine the health Service and the good people of Aotearoa, New
cal self serving rhetoric"
him. Is that good enough!!"
he law, you should be held accountable."
day he started"
being on lockdown for more than a month and it’s all ruined by HIM!"
being a complete waste of time and risking everything New Zealand is tryi
y, and extremely upset with this mentality and stupidness. I have a grandd
is a terrorist. IMHO"
y with no boundaries!! His choices have affected our choice!!"
is getting vaccinated. Along comes a 100% brainless idiotic moron, who th

’s the sacrifices of most Aucklanders who follow the rules hoping to end th


his scared flock . He must be prosecuted in a courtroom of New Zealand l


risk, just to feed his personal ego."

so many people. We gave up 8 weeks being in lockdown to have it nearly


to make money to live in luxury under the guise of religion. He is not a goo

d.. RUBBISH. He should be put away.."

es. If there are no church services, there are no tithes. If there are no tithe
w Zealanders over these last few months. Living in Auckland it has been m
oist should be made to realise the law applies equally to him and those wh
ds and stuck to lockdown rulings. This group of people have no regard for o
nt for his church remove charitablr status now"
ng, dangerous actions."
everyone safe. Self centered."

ld be accountable for thier stupidity actions that have put not only my fam
he laws.."

nd to encourage vulnerable people to participate. Same treatment for all

f the majority"

a picnic nor a bike ride in Napier under level 2 yet Tamaki can ignore all th
sticking the rules and he breaks them and even gets help from the police
king stunt, inhuman & money making act ���"
law and his influence on others when he does this really wrong and dange
e place, in this uncertain time with Covid 19 rife in Auckland."
her to as well"
ky virus. Unbelievable grand standing behaviour from BT!"
rganizing a rally that has impacted the outcome whether we come out of l

en Tamaki permission to protest, or believed Tamaki and followers would k

he worst, he encourages dangerous behavior under the name of religion an
sn’t apply to them. As the organiser he needs to be held accountable."

st of us."

he countries that have the backing of the people for lockdowns, isolating a

put by Auckland to stroke his own ego so he can steal more from the unde
and's hard work of lockdown. Put him in jail for a month !!"
ty should not be ignored and he should face the consequences."

risk for his own egoistic gain"

es. Wait until those that want to get vaccinated have done then he is free
masks in Auckland especially."
everyone at risk"
g at home and getting vaccinated, seems it’s too hard for some people."

vior of self righteousness is endangering the efforts of New Zealanders eve

gathering and putting the community at risk!"

that as the organiser of this protest he could be arrested if the gathering b
nal liberty is more important than love for and responsibility to others."
ly delusional human being!"
veryone who is sticking to lockdown rules."
gal and irresponsible"
rdest and this just preys on people."
d following the rules for the rest of us (I'm in the South Island). And then th
and the gangs are not only being treated differently to ordinary NZers but
tended and leaving many of us vaccinated with high risk of mental health
and despicable. Nobody is above the law."

are so selfish not to say stupid. They are in hospital with Covid in the US a
Auckland to no cases Waiheke Island to overwhelm a peaceful group, in th
high life"

are to keep this covid out, and he starts a rally.. he deserves to be charged

egal protest. Everyone else has stuck to the rules, why cant he stick to the

o be out of lockdown too but, protesting WITH NO MASKS on is not the wa

opardising the health of all Aucklanders and New Zealanders. He continues

he covid health order and encouraging others to do so as well."

nda to get his name in the media"
ves by his arrogant disregard of the advice given by all medical authority’s"
of lives at risk. Lock him up."

om people who can least afford it. Second of all I am tired of this lockdown
ack so far, allowing someone to promote anti vaccinations in a community

lement and total disregard to the wellbeing of others who have worked so
ffort done by all Auckland people expect him and that bunch of selfish ass

ing a mask in a public place and inciting fear into vulnerable people"

land community"
oesn’t deserve to come away scotch free jusf because of the position he ho

false propaganda by putting him in jail/house arrest and strip him of bein
the health of his community or country. Such arrogance when the majorit
ove the law!"

avior is bullshit really 2000 people ffs"

for this very reason. He has to be help accountable for his actions."
even MORE bloody annoyed by the complete lack of response from the N
keep Auckland in a longer lockdown! Pure stupidity!"
ople's lives. God not going to save you he has already proved this.and the ja
2000 people at the protest, it was nontheless an incredibly selfish and dang
Brian Tamaki are threatening this."

s collection plate around. We are fed up with following rules while the wea
ed the work and sacrifice that the majority of Aucklanders have made to ke

or lock downs to try and not make people feel forced or trapped but this is
e stopped from continuing to harm people."

e as a blank solution, that's are all we've got at the moment. Tamaki think
makes his money out of the weak and vonerable."
ust like the rest of us"

during Level 3. It was irresponsible and disgusting to watch, and to outrigh

ffects of COVID, not support superspreader events."
er 3 organisers of the protest have scored $2.5 million dollars off the NZ ta
losed off the gates to the Park. No VENUE = No Protest"

he received under the subsidy revoked. He should be ashamed."

nd freedoms of all New Zealanders. He is a traitor to the whole country, &

d done the right thing. Charge him and his cohorts"

rules that the rest of us keep. Plus he is influencing vulnerable people and
sk their health in that way."
try & could seriously affect all of us.He thinks he's a law unto himself."
e of interest with transmission because of these people. They care about n
to the country"
fish beliefs"

everyone else being a self proclaimed Bishop totally against the true teach
e rule apply to him too! Why is he any different to anyone else?"

on to the rule"
e country for ransom. Put his behind bars. No treatment all all those who p
cific communities. This will make them catch covid and all hell will break lo

our congregation and people, yet you have done anything but, selfish, unet

d for it!!"
ay’s society and he takes up other peoples precious oxygen."
e all struggling. We are doing our part to eradicate this virus"
n a time of crisis that is affecting the wellbeing of so many is outrageous. B
weight. Our parents had us vaccinated when we were children to protect
e protest and the whole thing shut down before it began"
more of a problem than the Wanaka pair."
stick to the rules so self righteous nothing yo do with Christianity all about
eader in lock down level 3 while everyone else does there bit to keep y'all
laws if the country they live in. Must have wanted more money!"

dy else"

charity status and make them pay back the wage subsidy he claimed"
d y are these people not being held accountable for elgal behavior Brian's
e country for ransom. Put him behind the bars. No treatment all all those
the public safe. This arrogant fool is not above anyone."
he has appointed himself as a leader."
cissistic self-belief is dangerous.if he is permitted to avoid consequences fo
eld to account"

prosecuted. An incredibly selfish act with no consideration for everyone e

ly endangered many more people"
erior to those who wish to keep their vulnerable loved ones safe & well. Su
velihood of Aucklanders and the rest of Nz"

n.So many other organizations are finding alternatives or waiting until lowe
er spreader event. What did he achieve in the end? He broke the law, he i

when laws aren't applied consistently."

r NZ public at risk."
urday. We should not have to endure the possible outcomes of their week

usands of people's lives and businesses at risk!"

has been nothing but trouble ever since he and his wife formed his Mong
or 8 weeks. Brian Tamaki does not make decisions for Auckland, nor the re
is current lock down...he looks to hook morepeople to feed his cult of pers

at risk."
ucklanders have done by being in lockdown, his protest could well be a su
s those freed from slavery."

don't apply to him .... dangerous man !!!"

f good governance"
an kill people is the opposite that a real bishop would do. Endangering all
will tell!"
r should have swallowed"
en egocentric, it is part of the attraction for the disillusioned, they all requi
lth and Economy."
s are dumb and selfish"
he should be charged. In the old days what he is doing would be treason."

by Brian Tamaki is a display of how Mr Tamaki prioritizes; wallets first, peo

rproductive to the goal of getting out of lockdown. Putting people at risk i

h on the tax payers money, and not to mention as homophobic/transphob

rest of the Country safe and then this could ruin everything. My child and
ely wrong 1. The Police Commissioner allowed it. 2. People actually follow
ut your own. And pay some tax to help your paritioners at the very least!"


dy else but his own egotistical ends"

an defy the law. We want Auckland out of level 3. It's killing jobs, employe
her muppet puppet of Cindys"
ase his political profile and then thinking he and his cult followers are abov
is just plain unreasonable for him not to be punished when so many peop
over ride the safety of the Team of 5 million"

o it on a Friday can spend the weekend in jail without his silk pillow. . He i
ttled the hard work done by the majority of Aucklanders"
ck to the rules"
nd a danger to his gullible followers he is dangerous to NZ he seriously nee
t of lockdown, why should this self-proclaimed messiah, get away with an

d this guy thinks he is God Almighty."

rosecuted for destroying what thousands of decent people are striving to a
happens we will end up like Melbourne"

charged with reckless endangerment"


ard work during Covid. This should be a criminal offense!"
ot understand why the authorities let happen. If I orbganised a bunch of pe

klanders. I’m over lockdown completely, and hopefully this clown isn’t res
t being studied gets you"

ould be charged."
kind of thing is really just offensive. Most Aucklanders are being considerat

ollowers that day broke the law by gathering in a group larger than allowed
putting us all in danger."
ders have done to keep everyone safe."
vertone to get money from innocent people."
m our government for his church. With this money he has done nothing bu

r than anyone else in fact he's worse than most"

self, he has a family, does he not worry about there future?? Persuading o

, let him be non vaxed we will never see him again because in a short whil

al health and wellbeing of the country let alone the mental health and fin

e be charged."
the majority at risk. He threatens the cohesion of our societal response to

d accountable for his actions."

cial distance or get vaccinated is extremely selfishHe broke through the ba
eck everything we have achieved."
e government, but his cult received 2 payments from the government. Tot

ki hold the whole country up from living a normal life"

sh people."
ple for every NZer that there are no consequences for breaking lockdown r
d to hold the protest."
he should be arrested, lets face it if we had done it we would have been"
should be charged."
the law."
f us are sticking to the rules."
althy thru many people who can't afford it. What makes him feel he is abo

or wider Auckland or to his own people.When we all know delta spread 10

for his own gain for too long. Now he is deliberately sabotaging the week
s to be shut down"
nyone?), narcissist, apostle (he must have a script writer), pastor - no a sca
hrown in jail. The woman has lost the plot and is destroying our beautiful
ey would if been locked up look at Billy tk for example ."

t be appropriate"
law organizer of his idiot followers to be in a crowd with no masks on"
ules, blatantly giving two fingers to authority like this is only going to encou
of accountability"

sh is only interested in his coffers being filled on Sundays. If it's good enou
t of us with their blatant disregard of covid laws. Noone is above the law. E
e safe, people breaking the rules need to be held accountable."
as a leader of a church. He has put his congregations health into jeopardy.
t encouraging people to break rules that are in place to keep everyone as s

aturday and should be charged for it."

d undo all the good work Aucklanders have done , make an example of him
k and disruptive menace posing as a Pastor. Aucklands fight to stamp out C

ch disdain after all the hard work of those that comply with the rules to ke
and overloaded. Covid unvaccinated people are the ones filling up hospita

ot about the self. We all want our freedom and thinking if others is first."
ly in keeping with the man himself"
ry to ransom . if god will decide for him let him get covid and go meet his m
an covid 19"
g putting Aucklanders at risk!"

blic of NZ."
go out"

rational and harmful messaging Brian Tamaki promotes and the potentially
d for all humanity - guess his coffers were running dry "

romises of eternal bliss while he lines his pockets with their suffering"
to do the opposite of the law. The law put in place for all New Zealanders
5m now are we Jacinda."

er just like his City Impact Church mate."

ble standards. My friend who opened the doors of his business to check a

demic arrogant people"

land at risk and likely attributing to an extended lockdown. Class A dipshit.

w the science folks."

eading these poor people. His followers are blindly being ripped off by thi

ed lock down rules which breaches the current regulations in Auckland so I

s been created by the government is pretty much what christianity is base

urday and saw these 2000+ protesters. I found it utterly confronting and w

Aucklanders in danger"
ount for holding events that put lives at risk."
eeds to be held accountable"
is in the public interest."
holding such a large crowd in the middle of a Pandemic when lot's of other

does he really think he is he's a disgrace..."

, Brian Tamaki does NOT represent me!! And he should know that we are

to get outta lockdown safely"

Disregarded the health and wellbeing of 1.5 million Aucklanders."

owed for gatherings."

t was illegal under Level 3 regulations"

e pandemic seriously."
ering my life, the lives of all those I love and lives of every single person in t
osing as a pastor. He is not above the law and to let him go unpunished se
families safe"
sends the wrong message and takes the piss out of our police system."
der, these actions speak more of an attention seeking narcissist."

for putting all the Aucklanders that are doing their part at risk and because

robably had his vaccine"

fety during Covid-19."

a self proclaimed apostle a mere man!"

the same laws as the rest. Because this event was a clear violation of publ
rying so hard to do the right thing nz is too pc in my opinion sort the bas
es, he should be charged"

ard-earned money and direction in life - nothing Christian about this action

people who are doing the hard slog to keep us all safe."
nd encouraging an event like that."
ne else off as it wouldn't be fear not to"
d allowing those with money and connections the opportunity to get away
around the different levels of lockdowns and why its necessary for every

at will affect us all in the coming weeks. Increased spread of Covid means m
he majority of Aucklanders have done to date."
o help stop delta from taking over our country for many weeks, and many
ho's doing the right thing at further risk so should face consequences. He's
ob & a danger to all New Zealanders."
one else, NOT helping NZ at all"
aged people that require us - the intelligent, community minded, regular h
mself and the money. Not public safety or of our most vulnerable."

ng this. We want out of lockdown and the only way is if people like Tamak
others to do so. Tamaki has also claimed thousands of dollars from the Cov

over the hard work of people have followed the rules and regulations in A
nd has just embolden this narcissistic idiot to do it again."
hould not be encouraging others to break a community health order to pro

nce and take money from a vulnerable part of our society"

cept it or not but the Covid-19 jabs are there to save lives and by not doing

a total loser"
and need to be enforced"

blic safety he has and as a leader that has many followers he should be he
regard of the health orders"

e organised it and should be held accountable"

aks the law."

we have been working towards"

be wasted by him."
e actions"
y exposed to this through these ridiculously selfish people. These aholes h

is. Needs to be reprimanded."

seriously around lockdown and then no one is held to account. Is this righ

gh we are not Labour supporters. They are doing the best they can under
do yours Brian."

a hate crime and against the New Zealand people."

r. He has put his own.people at risk for his over sized ego."
spering from a lot of poor people."
her for the rest of Auckland. He is a moron and why should we suffer becau

and has been doing to prevent the spread."

orts in vain."
der at greater risk from Covid."

the banner of religion he is still a gangster."

s from a position of influence and responsibility at the expense of public sa

e consequences for him."

aw not just Sovereign Law"

would care about his willful act of anarchy. But of course it is not. Just like
olding an event which likely will extend the lockdown no more than a pub

s sham Religion should face the full force of the Law"

ut the community at risk."
tion. They are an institution that has been making money from the vulner
d Levels. Not doing so, puts us ALL at risk."
brows freak!!"
ers to do it. He is not above the law and should be punished accordingly."

us disease."
message that actions like this will not be tolerated."
lockdown may have already made. He deserves to be charged for breaking
causing the Lockdown to be longer."

ree reign like this"

trying to influence people to be anti-vac and receiving no consequences f
and disrespect for the nation"
and this ego piece of shit is making it harder for Auckland to get out of leve

m to be overwhelmed with Covid cases and members of the population bei

did a runner down the island last time. Needs a lesson in working with us n

back he’s been let off for years."

keep safe and not spread this virus.. Brian Tamaki the dick head and his pro
held accountable for their actions."
church conn-man with no respect for the rest of the community apart fro
distancing laws at that illegal gathering"
the police is allowing 2000 people in a protest."
d, living by the lockdown rules to keep the family safe. Tamiki has no righ

, he indangered the well being and lively hood of law abiding New Zealand
st. He went against level 3 restrictions. Anyone else would have been done
e consequences"
have been doing all we can to control the outbreak and this idiot gets to ha
at protests and organises a gathering of 2000. Same rules for everyone"
Christian about spreading the virus?"
our country. Literally. One crime-lord who loves spreading the virus as a qu
he had brazenly and knowingly put others lives at risk."

cares about himself."

accountable for his actions - just like anyone else."
overy and health of Auckland. Him and his so called peaceful gang membe
protest made a mockery of everyone else's hard work"
y he can squeeze another $ from people is fine with him, a charlatan, false
ting an extension to the lockdown by gathering in a large, congested group
ng the team of 5 million to go along with you to do so too."
ng about "his people" other than that they pay their tithe to keep him and
ngering lives. He derserves to be arrested!"
the good people of Auckland have made so much of a sacrifice this disgusti
ical beliefs. J"
ss gathering!"
protest but at the risk of others is wrong"
down.We have all sacrificed so much and for him and 1000 of his idiot's to

e people of New Zealand."

s, and unto God the things that are God's""
n up groups that initially give people hope, until they are asked to give mo
id Act!"

ar message to the sometimes unintentionally but often wilfully misinforme

enate anti-vaxers but immediate medical safety should trump any potentia
o jeopardise innocent peoples lives. These are super spreader events and t
the rally, his warped ego demanded that he take centre stage at all times.
igh life of his followers"

his piece of shit thinking they don’t have to follow the rules/laws of our cou

ain this virus and he just undermines all our hard sacrifices. Jail him."
ave absolutely no mandate for political sway in this country to grab attenti
he majority of NZ."
is paritioners, but the wider community at risk. He has probably made it h
s, and unto God the things that are God's""
m people who don’’t have enough and spreading lies and misinformation
about the consequences to others that people might get sick."
et an example. If he gets away with it how can we prosecute other offende
roles lines at risk by inciting a protest that involved over 2,000 pistols all in
k aucklanders have done"

our communities at further risk. He is an idiot!"

do what they should anyway. However, anything I can do to get this horrib

erable people, this man of god, bull, even the Pope encourages all to be va
n whilst simultaneously contributing to the cause of lockdowns, violating th

all religious group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion an
y is doing it."
me and sell all his flash assets he obtained through his mostly hardworkin

eading others to do the same plus disobeying the Government."

e so negatively."
ave been trying really hard to get back to our freedom, he is nothing but an

nces for one should be the consequences for all!"

ally because he was encouraging other people to do the same"
s and the long lockdown we are experiencing"

with misinformation and encouraging public disobedience. He should be

the rest of Auckland, being a public figure he should be made accountable
as created a super spreader event during a Covid Level 3. Thus putting Auc
e rules, he has blatantly defied them !!"

r....who does he think he is..."

m. He broke the law and doesn’t deserve good treatment"
on would of been arrested and charged"
likes to make the rules up as he goes along even if it means taking the Bib
of hand. Close them down"
d to the same standard as everyone else"
fight againat covid"
eatens local economies."
is above the law and if the police do nothing that is sending him a message
Covid is just a hoax, how many people have died because they didn’t belie
being the organizer of a gathering of 2000+ people during a health epidem

tion and inciting crowd gathering"

ng health restrictions."
robably interfering with his income coming from donations at his churches
p will follow, putting lives at risk. He should have been charged on the spo
angers Aotearoa.He is a cult leader.He takes millions of dollars from the po
t to the rest of NZ who have been working together to combat the pandem
re on the day."
her rule for everyone else. This was a blatant violation of the rules"
d vexatious misinformation."

wers to undermine everyone’s huge efforts and sacrifices over the last few
d joined"
little boy!Irresponsible incitement of public disobedience."
d get the vaccine- not a role model in any way!!!"
ne else would be charged, covid has now spread because of people like hi

is selfish and irresponsible actions."

hey have made and it seems that if you aren't Pamela you can do what yo
ith his lies!!!"
tic ideas on to other people in a very challenging situation"
n he went to the South Island last year and nothing happened to him. A co

orts everyday aucklanders/kiwi have put into the elimination strategy."

get away with this when some individuals flouting the rules have been arre

h flouting rules then the same should be done with this man as well."
ir community not have to face the consequences of their actions.They sho
el, spreading the word of God, giving people proper understanding of the
are not talking about yours and mine - they are only talking about there o
is hypocrisy "
fishness of this man and all others not willing to do the right thing and thin
aks Covid related laws."

wrong. They deserve to be held to account, to the same standards as every

us freedom in a liberal democracy like Aotearoa-New Zealand. Brian Tama
ng everyone at risk ,so much for doing God's work."
ing the bible as his crutch"
businesses in danger."
his ain't it chief"
n the face to us holding it down in lockdown."
t's past time he faced penalties for what he's done and continues to do. H
ghts law."
with his un vaccinated followers and no travel insurance. Let's see him pro
ng. He has put people at risk of Covid19 spreading, not good enough. Jail hi
ations and they put people in danger of extending the lockdown and sprea
to hold the majority to ransom"

alth at risk. There are more ways to protest than instigating a public mass

e has not been arrested with police’s full awareness of this protest."

going to get away with it ...As usual"

est of the country, at risk and it could ruin the effort that our community h

rves a charge"
dents have tried to keep Covid under control. Shame on him and his church
ay in it"

g their bit. It's not right that he is spoiling it for others."

eaking the law."
reak the rules for their own selfish gains. Whilst the rest of us battle away
. He instigated a potentially lethal super spreader event and he needs to h
control the spread of virus"
'm sure are pretty pissed off by now. This moron isn't helping the situation

ering the lives of those that are a) following the rules b) not able to discern
ing the health and safety of Aucklanders. Prosecute Tamaki and his mob."

f the people he influences, and could well result in an extension of the lock
follow the Government rules."

ockdown I’m pretty angry over his selfish actions and why he gets let off. H
ng the best for OUR country. What makes him so special.Rules for some hu

nd only thinks of his own greed when organising this protest he is a terrible
ut his pocket"
thers to do so too"

d the long term impacts"

one like this, doing something like that."

d work that the team of 5000000 have been attempting to achieved"

ng covid."
ntial to cause a longer lockdown. People have been charged for less in Leve

y narcissist. Shame on you Brian."

es, amongst other things."

Romans 13:1-2 says: "Obey the government, for God is the One who has p

d on spreading misinformation. He broke the laws in place to keep the mos


The law says no big gatherings and him and his followers ignored this. The

ollow. This defiance really makes me mad. How many of the crowd will get
aw, and they’re harming the health of the whole country. Who does he th
own hard, trying to do the best they can to minimize the spread of the Delt
his reckless actions"

money grabbing self anointed idiot. He prays on the vulnerable in order to

vel 3 lockdown where he knows full well it was breaking the law"
money. If his congregations can't gather together then he's not making an
le spreading his messages of fear, hate and mis-information for his own pe
ant breach of the current Covid-19 regulations."
the Covid alert Level 3 rulesI will not trust and support him for now on bec

ut people's lives at risk because of it and encouraged/organised for many o

public safety"

d 100 per person or 6 months in jail"

h from some of the poorest"
the rules"
ockdown efforts, as well as put others at risk by flaunting his fat carcass ab

n and find this enormous gathering instigated by Brian Tamaki arrogant. se

t is keeping us in lockdown"
o be fined and/ or jailed. Millions have died the world over. Count yourself
nd undoing weeks of Aucklanders hard work in their bubbles"
nst level 3 restrition. How unchristian to potentially put people in danger"
all New Zealanders."
t in trouble for this and pay the consequences for his actions"

e could get away with this while the rest of us obey the rules!"
d have video so can identify the crowds, for attending.After the last month

e made an example of."

n. So why make it so it gets extended. Im not even in Auckland and i feel b

piece of shit"
ab for attention and notoriety. All of them have basically stripped away th
hy with lies. He has deceived and made fools of his people. There will be a
o do the same. An example needs to be made"
f his own stupid beliefs."

on all the hard work that Aucklanders have done to eradicate the Delta va
ter the kingdom of heaven. It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye

charged like anyone who breaks the covid restrictions"

es to get his minute of glory. Christian do not behave like this."
be a prophet."
ks he is beyond the law and putting aucklanders in danger."

harged he and his followers shd also be charged"

e health of other people and his total contempt of the laws that our fathers

nsible or acceptable."
his reckless disregard. About as in christian as you can get"

here his so called followers are the most vulnerable and he needs to be br

precedent for others if he isn’t prosecuted for compromising a public heal

money from the easterly led"
wers to endanger everyone. If he is allowed to do this it will make a mock

t label but clearly he has no knowledge or experience of the Love of God (t

han fair. Or He has to pikup rubish for 2 weeks. Him, not his followers. Him

o do the right thing have had a guts full of the arrogance of these people w
d seems to prevail. He needs to be held accountable for is actions as the m
ading covid"

dbye  to loved ones missed getting married missed so many special occa
he country"
nal behavior"
ney off already hard-up suckers"

ally bankrupt idiot,doesn't give a shit about the majority of people want."

himself and above the law, put him in jail"

ave done by staying home."

les and ignore public safety. Shame on you and your followers."
s the poor and most venerable to feed off and with the main intent of all h
ir lives yet still abide by the law for the country to move forward together
the rules like everyone else"

for breaking the Rules"

everything right. Charge hime"
undone by the likes of these people."
de by the rules,"
while others suffer to try to get down to lower covid levels!"
is totally unacceptable when in lockdown you encourage other residents t

rime minister said he has broken the law. I cannot understand why the pol
t attended. He is no better than or above anyone else in this world, as muc
aki did. He has a complete disregard for anyone but himself. He does not c
o consideration for anythi g but looking like a hero"
e anyone else..not a descent human being"
idies and then protesting against lockdowns. Shameful and ILLEGAL"

tecting ourselves and our whānau when this clown wants to go out like th

s fair , one rule for all"

he law"
een doing there part in lockdown. For also putting people's health and wel
s astounding"
yone else health. Yes he did say wear mask and distancing but no one did.

or his illegal actions.He is literally insighting something that will likely link t
vaccinated and abided by the rules so that we can all get out of this lockdo
t they think they are"
gal rally."
one but themselves. An opportunity for self promotion."

ds but he's perpetuating what he's protesting against! He has every right t
people do not care to make it worse."

charged over this incident"

y himself"
ad with us in Auckland due to him working in Level 3 while our son is high
way with his actions. He thinks he’s above the rest of the country."
against our people. Let home have it!"

kland rules and all of our safety"

nd he has taken to do what he wants and maybe put people at risk"

issing out on $$$ as well. It is beyond believe that he thinks he is right"

and not others."

nd only wants to promote his own selfish agenda. He will cost (probably d
s by Aucklanders and the rest of the country."

h being held was against the law"

rest of New Zealand has been making for the last 7 weeks! Hold him accou

st. He has slapped all of people in level 3 abiding by the rules, why cant h
eavily on my Auckland cousins trade and my Whanau all live in Auckland a
because there are idiots out there who are antivaxers."
to keep all of New Zealand safe and he has broken covid rules"
n he get away with this!! Charge him!!"
ship which is counter to everything that would protect the very people he
organising this protest during level 3"
ve the law. He scams impressionable people under the pretense of being s
an illegal gathering. It endangered the ignorant people that attended it, a
d be charged fines …. It’s simple…..or (send someone in that has delta and
re in a pandemic, no masks or social distancing"

or his own agenda."

he good folk of Auckland in an endless lockdown .Brainless!!"

and law"
ht thing. It was selfish."

t Aucklanders have been doing the right thing for the good of the people."
ngering themselves and others"
here taking obscene amounts of money from both the NZ govt and it's peo
millions at risk"
and invalidating the efforts of others to limit covid spread."
with his evil predatory lies any longer. Shut Destiny Down."
and the country at risk"
r humanity"
ve to live in our country"
ers have been arrested why not him ?"

es not have any empathy for his fellow human beings."

o be held accountable"
ous too!"
our and this individual should be charged"

wouldnt get so many speeding tickets"

ry at Brian Tamaki's bad attitude. As Christians, we are called to love our n
tions like this don't obey the rules. PROTECT OUR WHAKAPAPA"

one else they'd be in prison by now."

and is against covid legislation"
play God"

e best interests of New Zealand and new zealanders.."

help spread the virus"

s he's no charity, a disgrace to society. Tamaki has no mana. He's doing hi
y's life to live."
e he prosecuted."
risk category and in good health. I follow government’s rules and restrictio

er. Brian & everyone that went to that should be charged, hit him where it
er rule for the rest of us. How can we get out of lockdown when activities
against covid rules. Please charge him"
aviour will not taken lightly."

kiwi's 1. For an illegal protest 2. For holding it on the Auckland Museum W

ecuted for this. BUT ...only! if the Govt is going to grow a set and charge t
right thing and all the Frontline workers putting their health on the line"
be accountable for his actions. Conspiracy to commit murder."

y bloke breaking Covid restrictions and his abuse of peoples religious belief
ed others to get together and not wear a mask or keep their distance from
Aucklanders at risk"

ndangered the health and lives in Aotearoa. That have added unnecessary

esponsible, this protest has broken all covid 19 health restrictions, and has
lockdown without wearing the mask."
ding lockdown assemblies"
e hes only thinking of himself.... Putting everybody at risk actually the othe
ended and all of the businesses who have suffered - such a display of utter

eople's lives at risk"

d and rules are rules. 100 max outside. Noone wearing masks. Risk of pote

p covid and this that has a gathering grrrrr. Charge him!"

ng infected by Covid and giving false information."
others safety."
o feed their greed for power, money and have no conscience for their selfi
e's alaw under himself. Hides behind a church, taking money from poor pe
g citizens during the COVID delta strain outbreak.Auckland deserves better
ct by a person who has so much influence over vulnerable people"
he mob that follows him is dangerous and misinformed. Vey few months a
le disgrace putting people in serious danger of catching Delta all for his ow

n the community."
ets away with this."
flouting the rules for a bit of publicity. A totally thoughtless and selfish act

ence they can find.Deliberately endangering public health would be a good

to think they are above the law of the land for far too long. They are both
eam of 5 million"
E in Auckland who is making a sacrifice to their lives - to adhere to the rule
e arranged it. He needs to be charged."
isk. Charge him"
s self serving person causing strife....we would be prosecuted so he should
ting a huge breach of covid restrictions and rules. The effects on all of us co

d about but it's things like him that is keeping us in lockdown. He thinks he

bove the law."

aw.And with total disrespect for his fellow countrymen."

He broke the law he should be charged."
e locked down in Auckland and this idiot is making that less likely."
get fined for fleeing Auckland, he should be fined for having an illegal mas

hinks NZ laws don't apply to him anytime not only during a pandemic of a
th it & he will prove the law is an ass"
e doing our bit in the South Island We just want NZ to unite in Covid eradi
e sacrifices re jobs and businesses failing he and destiny should be change

imposes his nonsense on the less knowledgeable & fleeces them of their
plorable and displayed a flagrant disregard for the law and the hard work a
s lives."
distancing but did not"

bit hole. It's dreadfully sad."

he will just end up like the couple that went to Wanaka… swept under the

s. Must charge him"

all law abiding citizens lives at risk."
wealthy and influential. This man PUBLICLY broke the law. You have a mora

g it very hard & he doesn’t care."

and have to do the right thing,"

es while at the same time totally undermining the safety of this country."

ences that he cannot hide behind his fake faith."

es. The action of this man and his followers shows a lack of concern or res
ding the very people who need to be vaccinated to be safe. "And Jesus ans

thing short of dangerous, he broke the law and laughed about it again, ne
s fine or prison"

a Kiwi. This police force is an absolute disgrace ."

ep delta out and this clown puts everything at risk to gratify his own ego."
ong in every way the law is the law and that man seems to think he is abov

ked to be locked down. We’re doing it to save lives, stop people suffering
provision under the health act to charge him."

e, and evilly abuses their trust. He is a wicked man, must be stopped. Unfor
countable like everyone else! Otherwise Don't charge that akld couple who
w unto themselves, he needs to be prosecuted ."

Covid - then he might not be so keen with his "spouting off." Maybe he sho
y and th"
to the majority."

required of us."
both fools and donkeys."
outraheous claims"
l those working hard in Auckland to help keep covid numbers down at ris
an arsehole!."

adable, high fatality rate does he and his supporters not understand?"
everything that Aucklanders have worked towards and gone without over
n danger, no!"

and potentially made Aucklans's lockdown go for longer."

mass gatherings."

d also he is a terrible human being who preys on the poor and disenfranch
ered him Tamaki the right to endanger the many. He's definitely not part o
m for his personal political and religious benefit"
to us all"
people to gather during Covid Level 3 alert."
hieves from the poor to allow himself a lifestyle none of his followers coul
w that N. Zers are obeying with hardship."
was selfish and illegal."
aland. He only cares about himself. He encouraged this behaviour and so y

He needs the book thrown at him. If no charges are laid others will copy an
diots like him"
er’s health! It damaged our economic and puts pressure to our health syst
e choice to disregard what we were told to do."

ple at risk."

blic at risk."
k’ into an illegal super spreader. Probably because his tithe income is down

o thumb their noses at those who are helping us to contain the virus."
and this guys doing as he pleases!Make an example of him!"
ight thing!!!!! Brian Tamaki has organised this and needs to be held accoun
unning.This man needs to have some consequences for his illegal behaviou
t cost to others wellbeing. Lot people hurting and if he was truly a man of G
weeks sacrifice at risk"
ought to justice."

e reat of NZ!"
him the Wright to break them"
e poor . He’s a bad man"
ould set us back big time."

hink he is. His group that follow him are all nutters, led by the biggest scre

w and encouraging others to do so He is not above the law Charge and pro
nually harasses whereas this ridiculous and dangerous protest was allowed
d be fined!"
t risk with his arrogance."

from covid but also from the repercussions of lockdown, eg mental health
d to eliminate Covid. And Tamaki's selfish actions are endangering and und
ws creating additional hardship for all Auckland people."

and stopped from doing it again."

ng people over whom he seems to have Control and by extension all the pe
get away with because of his perceived importance to a community that c

ffecting so many of us especially those living in Auckland. We want out of lo

nited not divided by self-serving rhetoric."
businesses back up and running. Thanks to ignorant people they delay thi
have to stay in lockdown longer... wally"
ing the rules so why is this dickhead being let away with it. This has a high

ide by the rules to keep us and our communities safe.He broke the rules, o
stay in our bubble for weeks.And this dickhead..decides to arrange a prote

ed "Bishop" Tamaki was really seeking to promote himself and gain a platfo
VID. Not focus on self interest."

cklanders have done re lock down and he thinks it's his right to do what he

to go ahead. I feel for the people of Auckland that have done the right thi
their lives for real freedom 2 cos God helps those who use their God give
a high fatality rate" does he and his supporters not understand?"

father just Mr ) .. if you get covid then should you be treated? When you
e and causing extra financial stress on the country and needs to Made an e
nger due to miss information to build their own ego needs to be shut down
health of us all."
es about himself and money"
ld not be made to stand by looking embarrassed at not being able to do th

he law"
h" declared a criminal organisation."

ble if it’s a one rule for some, and one rule for others"

se the safety of others."

s to be held accountable"
n a (self-ordained) Bishop."
keep Auckland in lockdown longer. Lock Tamaki up and throw away the k
his latest selfish, publicity seeking stunt"

emely irresponsible for instigating a protest during level 3 and for encoura

d be far too long and very offensive "

ountry down."
and got away with it, each time becoming more cocky and dangerous!"
n and certainly no respect for law and order."
n Auckland of his irresponsible actions need to be punished."
ot only does this jeapodise peoples livelihood and / or businesses, it jeapod
ocked up."
s of many at risk. Rules are put in place by the government and the penalty
$120,000 in COVID relief funds (Wage subsidies)"
bove no one.Prays on the ignorant and poor.Parasite."
hristianity a bad rap!"
fake n does not know wot he's preaching"

lled Christian leader is inciting vunerable people to breach covid restriction

ld accountable"
lot of unnecessary damage and fare"

..... unless given special racial privilege LET OFF. Guarantee this happens. M

ces, but chose to go ahead."

charged. Arrogant prat he is as Yoda would say."

He is NOT above the law."
deal to covid,vaccinate asap."

e trying to hasten Armageddon?"

d to the mental wellbeing of country and especially Auckland being jeopar
nyone be able to just flout them and make everybody else suffer."

ht to put others at potential risk."

large gathering while delta variant is struggling to be controlled & there un

e rules in order to help protect other NZers lives but this really hurts"
es when everyone else is"

a brain cell in his head. It's all to please HIS masses"

red hard working Ashley Bloomfield to Hitler. Not only is this slanderous, it

of vulnerable people, in danger, and has hindered the relaxing of lockdown

c beliefs to anyone. Also tax his "church""
hers) for this pretentious slim ball to potentially undo everything. The amo
s well as everyone whom was there. Jacinda Arden do your job as head of
ns were totally irresponsible!! He should be supporting the other 4,999,99


ing what we's unbelievable this guy wouldn't be charged for org
fast enough to this bloke..."
wage subsidy but doesn't want to follow the rules.. We've all made sacrific
nfortunately has a following of vulnerable and/or stupid people."
's to Pay the price and hope he doe's get chucked in prison  cause he's s
alth to comply to lockdown and brian tamaki just ruined it"
e country are doing their part and abiding by the rules. Stop hiding behind
se prophets in the Bible. Tamaki makes a mockery of Jesus' 2nd command

our covid response by the government. Astonished that the public has to

New Zealand at risk!"
keep our people safe. This mass gathering is not helping our community o

safe from this ngangara. How dare he and his dumb followers put us all at
deliberately flouting the law and encouraging others to do so."
y break the law. Sounds like Trump!"
he virus"
s behaviour No way is he a ‘good Kiwi’"
regard to anyone or anything else except his own narcissistic views"

staying home . We wear Masks when we go out . We’re not mixing with p

atients from Auckland hospital and let them join in their protest: let's see if
m furious with the people who are putting the health of our precious child
t risk!!!!"
ve the law.If he is allowed to get away with this deliberate flouting of the l

ons of people's financial wellbeing for no good reason other than his own
ur, totally unfair to everyone who has worked hard to contain Covid-19!!"
n our society."
fully vaccinated, wear a mask and sign in with my ap. . Brian Tamaki does
rity through sheer stupidity"

It is dangerous. He should be treated as anyone else would be who was su

ded unprotected"

ves in jeopardy because of his selfishness."

in danger."
is guy has jeopardized that."
one else does"

uts lives (not just their own) at risk. This could be a super spreader event &
risk. Thinks he can do what he likes , taking the piss"
couragement to flaunt the laws and put our lives in danger"

He's fake as."

put vulnerable people at risk."

s taken"

s fellow muppets should all be hit with the appropriate charges. Bunch of
OD despite him thinking he is the FATHER. We all need to abide by the rule
ws and he blatantly disregarded it for freedom, we could have had that tom

the poor in their tithes while leading expensive lives. They pay no tax, hav


ngregation at risk, because he says it's ok. Not good."

ople to gather illegally in mass during level 3"
example of."
rotest when Auckland is in Level3 Lockdown putting the whole country at r

h members", or the cost to all businesses & workers.He gets his money by e
ged in future. It's one justice for all"
r his own benefit!! Idiot"

ne who poses as a leader!!"

reckless mass gathering."

nsible & put lives at risk!"

d COVID and keep us in lockdown."
life's at risk, he is a influencer and putting our life's at risk."
les while the rest of NZ is trying so hard to do the right thing to get us thro

y doing this protest"

ns about in the Bible"

gregation so less money in his pocket. He does not care about NZ . If he g
the lives of many and putting Aucklamd at further risk of extended lockdow
hem all"

dent allowing people to argue " if he got away with it why can't i"!"
onic behaviour. Gaol the idiot and as many of his idiot followers as possible
e? I am putraged on behalf of all of those people in Auckland who have giv
ave put into this lockdown. People have lost their livelihoods, homes."
d it fucks me off no end that selfish muppet holds a super spreader event w
ngered the people of Auckland."

ke any one else would be."

hard and then there's people like this twit !!!"
ould be charged"

ng there best and don't need him to undo everythink."

esult in harm and ongoing harm (in terms of a longer risk of a extended loc

therings like this negates our bit"

e the law."
KLANDERS AT RISK AND DID NOT WEAR MASKS. They believe they do not n

e abide by the rules and suffer. It is reckless behaviour!"

Auckland , he encouraged many people probably many unvaccinated to b

y the penalties. Otherwise we may as well all break the law and damn the
ealanders at risk"
obeying the rules in Auckland and he gets away with it disgraceful."
more than just this."
aking the laws"

tly impact the lives of a million people living in Auckland. Our already long
n the covid rules. If it was anyone else that broke the rule would of got cha

on needs to be held accountable."

ld consider themselves above the law and when a gathering is used to ped
e should be held to account to the fullest extent possible,"
ted the law and seemingly got away with it!!"
onsequences — otherwise why should anyone follow the rules?"
ental to public health"
ho have done their part. He breeched police guidelines... Time to be made

wat and needs to be imprisoned"

rom us who pay taxes and helping spreading Delta. I am a Christian and I su
events in the domain - no masks - large groups... the rest of us are making m
nt getting vaccinated."

o keep safe"
ting the health order, like that couple who gapped it to Wanka. His cult ne
meet in large groups or share bubbles. Also Brian T and Destiny Church is

afety was put at risk. Safety measures were not enforced by this moron, no
er people to."

go to level 2"

d not fair on those who have been compliant."

ovid 19 and let's see if God helps him"
n stopped before it took place!!!"

ers. Totally irresponsible, so sorry for Aucklanders who are following rules.

n space"

out of control"
arly high profile, feel they are above the law"
and I hope he gets it in prison."

ause of them we could be in lockdown for ages.. after all our hard work"
f all to be undone by a church leader and his followers."
e same rules, why should he be allowed to break rules?"
We have complied with Covid restrictions for the good of everyone in NZ . T
wn regulations he should be too"
as place the lives of everyone in NZ at risk of getting infected by delta."

ed, one law for all."

maki's incitement and reckless disregard for the rules designed to protect

r his own purpose."

eryone at risk and breaking the law."

ve given their all to rid this virus from the community.selfish and disregard
one else is sacrificing so much to follow it."
law and they are generating risk for everyone else in the community."

y Auckland family all sticking to the rules which is not easy. He deserves to

his actions"
d he has put the safety of a lot of people in jeopardy."
landers. His comment about lockdown suicides has no evidential base, just

m! Total scum"

er of a high risk activity get away with it when the rest of us have to miss im
d others"

himself...maybe just maybe a few thousand people can get through to a p

This is so crazy gathering when Covid is around. Please STOP these groups

d become a super spreader."

danger public health."

t to have it thrown in my face."

s done this to grandstand, and has risked many lives to do so."

se. He needs to be heavily fined then jailed as he has made a mockery of a

of the public safety. He and other organisers are not above the law"
h gutter"
ests are irresponsible and show a complete disregard for what we are all t
dealt with - hard !"
a celebrity?"
let us go down the levels of covid lockdown. What makes him and his follo
risk everyone?"
multaneously received Covid financial support has actively attempted to c

not happy with rules, talking is better than demo"

owed to go ahead. Not only was a super spreader event ALLOWED to go a
f rules to every other New Zealander. He shouldn't be allowed to be in a le
ge things then nothing will change. Be safe people.殺"
this by charging him."

veryone... Charge his religious zealot ass."

off with his arrogance and others like him"

test under the circumstances - at the expense of the overwhelming majori
..he's an absolute cunt.."

do whatever he wants."
s to do this unlawful gathering. On person commented that vitamin C will

olerated otherwise let it slip he will continue his antics & we will all suffer"
ruining everyone's freedom."
aviour, thinks he’s above the law. He is not God!"
hat are dangerous for everyone’s health as well as illegal."
eoples health at risk"

re disregarding the rules that the majority of NZ are following. It’s time for
ules, and then leading people down the path that is not legal. This is to ge

nd and NZ safe and well. What gives him the right to flout the.rules and en

ually awful wife, are a couple of self serving charlatans leeching off the po

who agree with him."

maki but his supporters of 2000."

downs. This guy shouldn't get different treatment."

d down he is inciting violence"
being of the whole country and deliberately flouts the law."
uch did they take in donations. Lets face it these people are only motivated
e one breaking the law Keep New Zealanders safe"
outbreak began? At a church gathering? So no, he and his followers are not
flout restrictions undermines the rule of law and the integrity of our collec
very least"
not only a flagrant defiance of the law, but an incomprehensible lack of ca

and arrogance"
s lover"

e the law."
c health requirements."
ntable for their blatant flouting of the laws, rules, restrictions and public sa

ople. This protest endangered so many"

ockdowns. Ok for one ok for all."

nd above social responsibility."

breach of level 3 rules and Brian Tamaki had nothing constructive to say! It
eaking of the law is deplorable"
h all his crap Hes just another Gangmember"
ng.. he is breaking government protocol, and risking thousands of lives, to
must be consequences."
tions - for this to happen and no consequences. Will this just encourage mo
far this time."
de effects just to have this quadruple chin cuck ruin everything for everyon

others they don't have to follow mandated public safety rules and is inciti
es so should he"
do what we love"
ng with Level3 restrictions was illegal but socially irresponsible. He holds
his fake church bullshit!!!"

eeds to be held to account for the blatant breaches made during the Auckl
troying the freedom of the majority of our country"
et away with it."
o. Goodness knows how many people have caught this awful virus from ei

ot to both our health and health system plus a fleecer of his sucked in follo

d help others in the community and our families and friends, flouting this
your fellow human - NOT!!"
regard for the safety of others"
for letting it go ahead"
ry for money"

wn level 3 is not acceptable when people and businesses are loosing thou
rmation and endangered the health of Aucklanders by organising a gatheri
nd abhor the entitled bombastic ignorance of those who put self aggrandis

erves punishment."

ecial! If this was your standard Joe Blogs member of NZ society, with seve

y and those who are suffering financial losses during lockdown."

nd welfare. It also means Auckland businesses have suffered and sacrificed

ganised this petition should be prosecuted."

disgrace to Maori. He is a disgrace to New Zealand.Also the police are a dis

tigated a protest in level 3."
hted others to do the sameNo different to the Two idiots travelling to Wan
trying to kill us for his own evil profit motive"

gating this mass gathering."

spread of Covid-19. Anyone else would be charged, why not him?"

ms to think he is above law !!!"

t risk. His "business" doesn't even contribute to society via tax so when he
into jeopardy"
all a sham."
ow much was taken in donations. This organisation is motivated by money.
to be legally put out of the way for the safety of others"
ng citizens at risk"
t a bunch of people at risk."
ove the law."
organized an illegal gathering. If no charges are put on him for having a big

t others can’t. Public safety beyond all else"

w and also influences people who must be plain stupid. Most of Auckland

genda. We should all be doing our best to follow the rules on this and nobo

le could hear is ranting."

et. Bloody twat"
d will have affect on the majority."
eader would instigate a protest of its kind. Too long has he knowingly caus
of us that are following the rules!"
etting go down business owners should there be an outbreak."

e covid restrictions while the rest of Auckland continue to observe the rule

t of us"

level best to maintain safety guidance and his behaviour if insulting and ill
ge the morons that went to the protest.No consideration for others, just th
emely selfish...."
nd’s lockdown and the safety of Aucklanders."

nd ran a high risk of spreading the virus. To self-serving, self-promoting pu

n government �"
as jeopardized the well being of so many people. He must be held to accou
, so there should be consequences for his and 2000+ other people that he
and the fact that this whole delta bs is nothing but BS ! I disagree with you
e rules while many have worked hard to stay safe"
r those that are following the rules stay strong we thank you.Brian Tamaki

e and not others!"

Bible and a betting slip"
d charge Tamaki for putting us all at risk."

ered law abiding Auckland citizens."

ery of those who do their part to keep us safe."
lity of people becoming infected with Covid,who attended the protest."

way from everyone else. Funny how it's always the objectors to something

e all can get back to semi normal life with all our friends and family."
do so is showing absolutely no consideration for all the efforts everyone in

ood lesson in sticking to the rules. A hefty fine at least"

ently around Covid should apply to ALL New Zealanders"
ly the same as everyone else."
at risk"
that he is God and can do whatever he wants, but unfortunately fir him he
e at risk when so many are trying so hard to do it right!!"
est while not social distancing nor wearing masks is hardly helping them in
e to pay the health system $1 million in case people do end up needing me
should face the consequenses"
ers in the face to meet his own selfish agenda 臘‍ ♂️"
s behavior is an insult to all right minded kiwis."
he safety of NZers"
Even when grieving and farewelling loved ones. Why should these people

caremonger and deserves to be punished for putting Auckland in danger!!"

gged mate."

olice so should he and all protesters that turned up."

e charged and he put so many people at risk especially Aucklanders"

made and example of. Us Aucklanders have been doing the right thing for a
lnerable followers too! Evil man"

ulnerable and putting them in harms way as well as the rest of us. Take ou

f nz and do not agree to them protesting of on behalf of all nzers"

e. Keep your beliefs to yourself!"
egard of public safety snd health"
ad to do what he did, to encourage his flock to give more monies to fund h
health and safety at risk.We have been in lockdown for weeks and him and
hamelessly and selfishly promoted it putting the rest of us at risk of further

ing misinformation."
w and could potentially spread the virus."
his zombie sheep and general ignoramus public"
he doesn’t care"
e should face serious consequences for putting aucklanders lives at risk"

d protest with no masks, no distancing, to me these protesters probably ar

to do it .all the poor people thar have been doing the lock down like they
er' this serious breach has not only put peoples health at risk but it is an ab

inking of the money he is loosing because of the lockdowns His farce of a c

to account"

untable for his actions"

the rest of Auckland working so hard to help the rest of NZ. He is an idiot"
ring Tamaki’s arrogance down, remember them fleeing in the hours before

, and to his inciting a gathering in total contradiction of level 3 requireme

s misleading the people of New Zealand . As a Christian I'm ashamed of Tam
be made to repay the wage subsidy... This individual preys on the gullible a

es religiously, excuse the pun, since the 17 August, then some self righte
wanted safer and sooner if he and his flock had just stayed home, it’s a ma
given up so much over the last 7 weeks while this selfish, egomaniac has p

all others named"

n rules and other aucklanders are making sacrifices daily."
hile we have obeyed the rules."

ing to stay safe so we can get back to normality, pathetic.."

e and another for another. Brian Tamaki should be charged for encouragin

ryone else. Time these type of people should be put in their place by the m
to protest..."
o control this virus not go against the advice given. Don't put others lives a
d but that does not excuse his irresponsible behaviour risking the health, m

een extremely irresponsible! Yes, he should be charged and it should have

reak the rules."

TUPID actions"
e who thinks they know everything but really doesn’t)"

held accountable for his actions! If there is a mass covid outbreak because
erate people, he cares nothing about others only about lining his own poc
ngering lives and business"

idding himself that has any Christian values. Charge him, imprison him"
of our society being held to ransom by a few egotists under the cloak of 'r

s well."
as. He could be using his platform to support lockdown, vaccinations and t

les lives at risk. Not Christian at all."

sing people to be mis informed"
eside in Australia but my family are still in NZ. We all need to play a part in

nd he put all our efforts at risk as well as people's lives."

s well."
virus hahaha. SAD."
Brian Tamaki organised are hindering our chances of eliminating the covid

be charged. Why should he be allowed to get away with preaching incorr

s well."
cord and misinformation and endangered the whole covid response."
ock him up"
the government and the people of NZ He thinks he is a law into his own an
ey have the right to put everyone else at risk. He should be charged for lea
at risk. He has no regard for anyone but himself"
the actions of these people could put us all at risk! Infuriating!"

spreading Delta by not gathering in large groups until all those wanting to
disagree with his selfish actions"
informed people not getting vaccinated. Plus when the same people cont
the he's a f*@#wit"
called religion. So unfair on all the Auckland residents, and the rest of the c
Not just those who flynto Wanaka. Auckland has worked so hard to get ou
ockdown rules..."
oney off of his loyal followers, who knows how many of those people were
government and well being of others"

his selfish and stupid action in flouting the current lockdown laws and incr

bible it says that you can demonstrate against the government, but to pray

ng peoples lives."
ng crap into peoples heads"


ic for good."
ave the right to control what happens to everyone else and damn the con

o sorry this twat did this. He needs to go to jail."

his idiot minions, have been trying our best to help reduce the risk of infecti
One rule for all people."
ng his followers are forced into."
s . TOO self centred . Must keep all safer ."

nd encouraged his ‘ followers’ to do the same. End of story"

ct that people behave with respect during these tough times. He behaved i

tions. He is no different from the general public - he is not a God, just a tr

him....Less people taking risks less Covid...."

ested! What makes him so special....I smell $$ and corruption 樂

ed a riot!!"
man thinks he is above the law and rules don't apply to him. 2000+ people,
ding miss information and endangering the lives of others."

nk of himself while putting the rest of us at risk :("

mined all the hard work that all Aucklanders have sacrificed. It makes the
thers to break it, risking Auckland to stay in further lockdown... that’s a re
held accountable. His antics annoy me. This is not the first time. Who does

each other"
ged too"

cklands level 3"

et away with everything"

getting Delta. He just likes the media attention. Wonder if he or any of his f
ne including parasitic (because they pray on weak and vulnerable), ego-cen
of Auckland who are doing what is right for everyone by staying home and
ovid 19 causing the rest of us lockdown pain."

vel 3 restrictions and possibly creating more cases in Ak. Plus we are all do
ned to protect us, Brian Tamaki and his co-partners in crime need be made
of Auckland have been in lockdown."
thinking of himself."

ated like anyone else who breaks laws."

of this event should be illegal"
US !!!!!"

law even though he obviously thinks it doesn't apply to him - charge him a

the hard yards!! Big slap in the face for our health care workers, front line

he lockdowns is to stay the course, break the transmission chain, and get e
g the protest, $12,000 for every person that turned up seems fair."
ody else. We all in this together"
g many lives at risk"
believe that the Destiny Church does more harm than good and is more of
& lockdown rules upheld"

ncouraging his church followers not to get vaccinated and hold back everyb

bove the law"

living under for public health and safety. Completely irresponsible from a
exclusion whatsoever."
should be charged ."

ng all of us at risk!"

.. Tamaki was so wrong to break all the lockdown rules. They are law and
tal disregard for his fellow NZers doing it so tough at this time. If no charge

so many levels! The majority of NZ are doing their part only for this dick to
cklessly endangering others safety."
he rules when businesses & families are hurting financially but they are stil

w breaking, but carried out for vainglory by a minister who supposedly ser
ne or prosecuted and so should he. But a fine isn't enough because money

d his followers have to hold this rally when the rest of us have been staying

eds to follow the rules."

crimes the same as everyone else. He is not above the law and may need

his actions and for breaking the law!"

with a heavy hand. Not exactly NZ’s police’s strength but no harm in at lea

us doing it tough and doing it right for all Aotearoa! Dicks!"

much crap,and gets around pretending he's some sort of bikie ripping off

cially when they are flouting national health policies, and promulgating da
hid under his God's underware and disobey the law of the land."

s wrong not getting enough church donations during the lockdown."

he law never mind a slap in the face to our health care workers"
ith flouting NZ rules and putting lives at risk by disrupting efforts made by
ick up"
ed his church followers to do the same. Others are adhering to the rules. S

ople so that he can profit off his parishioners again."

ons - do the crime do the time!"

ow that the devil comes in a number of guises"
hought for the greater good"
e who listen to him. Despicable."

n get away with in-sighting a large gathering while in level 3!! Ego all the wa
encouraging others to do the same."
ven himself not Just Another Fucking Aucklander - he is the ultimate JAFA."
axxer idiots"
ed, encouraged and supported a rally when restrictions for public safety fo
u follow. We are all suffering in lockdown, the only way out is to get vaccin

e normally plus open the boarder's"

the storming of the Whitehouse."
hing stupid people who help line his pockets. True or false."

e of illegal gatherings like this Destiny church get together. Charge Brian T
at risk and the rest of NZ."
for his stupid ideology, JAIL is where people like him need to be"

ike that .As a ensintial work I and fellow truck driver s feel let down as they

ure for Aucklanders, which is very irresponsible, especially as an “apparen

ockdown. He spouts misinformation and makes light of this very serious si
e and utter lack of sound judgement and wisdom that God blesses us with.
e are all doing our bit to get rid of this virus and he just kicks us all in the fa

g the rules better than anyone else...hes not thinking about others...h
mask or keep social distancing space should be prosecuted. I live outside
as other law breakers"
up paying it for him."
his to go ahead in Auckland. It only needed one person in that crowd to be
ets. He's a crook"
ople in danger"
at the rest of the country and Auckland are going through right now is wro
utrage was directed at those violating the border and escaping from AKL, t
ve been arrested. He is NOT above the law"
mask, keep 2 meter distance, and get vaccinated."
th of Aucklanders by holding an illegal mass gathering, which may well turn

d fining him as his followers will pay. Also prosecute everyone else at the p
mask or keep social distancing space should be prosecuted. I live outside
man of GOD. I know people that he destroyed. He needs to be stopped. Sh

f my family and friends in Auckland and New Zealand"

tions could have devastating consequences."

encouraging others to put everyone in jepody"

ted yet."
Why should the rest of us follow the rules to control this pandemic and he
p listening to him Covid will spread faster then Brian can run his mouth xox
held accountable and punished"

d to breach the law should be held accountable and they have compromise

se at jeopardy,if they are allowed to get away with it then everybody else

r a oandemic"
at risk by scare mongering about the vaccine."
5% of nz who think their rights are worth more than the other 95% of thos
nd his church/gang/cult.I look forward to seeing him court."

f getting covid 19, no masks no distance etc. Lock him up and though da ke
riting to ask you to change your mind, and use your platform to encourage

Policeman do your jon now!"

SH dingus."
tting us all at risk when we are doing what we need to do. Yes we would a

would be."
the poor. A thief.Should be jailed"
his unlawful protest gathering he has jeopardised public health in a pandem
ovid rules."

were stupid"
nd the very War Memorial where he set up his rabble-rousing event should

hare his values"

We are all doing the right thing. Who the hell do they think they are that th

ked the lives of many through his antics! Needs to be reminded he ain't ab
estrictions and encouraging public gatherings of more than a thousand peo
w Zealand."
e guise of freedom for all. Self serving idiot"

ve some boundaries."
ons. I sincerely hope he spends time in jail for his illegal actions because an
with this , why not him?"

vaccinated to keep the vulnerable of all ages safe"

mic and Tamati throws all my efforts to the wind. Charge him. Why should
s. No special treatment for any person or group should be allowed. Police n

vels 3 means he breached the conditions"

hem and jepodising our return to normality."

criminally charged."
e can call himself a Christian. Hes always been a theif. He 'borrowed thous
inated...what an idiot!"
sk, christian or not"

example of"
ows he has done wrong by encouraging his flock of sheep to gather and bre
Covid. He’s breaking the Health Order."
are maybe he is the new lord J"

t disregard for NZer's safety and ignoring the regulationsin place"

of his own pocket"

person in Auckland. Not to mention the already over whelmed health syste
t puts us all at risk!!!!!"

bove the law & must have their actions and attitudes held to account with
king huge sacrifices and he is blatantly breaking the law while making crazy

al parade. Health and harm to human life were/was disregarded all for a p
mbers, he should have advised his group to wear a mask and keep the 2 m

o far this time."

nal actions. God will not help him."

ge gathering to happen when he is a nobody with no authority to do so. S

xury himself with no conscience"

rules. I can't travel to visit my mum. I tried for an exemption but got turn
ble and exploting them. He does not run a church he runs a scan"
with this shit. How dare he!"
ow the guidelines, and Brian Tamaki and his group have potentially cut acr
hy con artist has no right to be exempt!"

tending the lockdown and causing other businesses to fail. That affects us

ealth of all Aucklanders that are already doing it tough, lock him up and thr
is main concern is the loss of revenue from his so called religious meetings
n. We should not tolerate this blatant flouting the rules."
he virus. He claims to be a man of God - not the God I serve, that's for sure
We have obeyed all the rules. Why should Mr Tamaki flaunt them?"
e ones safe"
charged , why is this any different"
rules., unless they are his"
ne in New Zealand he thinks he is god and is a cut above the rest."
oken the law,what makes him better than us"
s cult to live a lavish lifestyle, now endangering the lives of these people an
s a Dick"

xcept when it's putting lives and our countries freedom at risk. Boo, Brian.
and the sad part is there are many whanau who missed out on saying good

ant in July due to Australia's Covid outbreak financially effecting the Pacific

is a danger for our communities. And should be restricted for our safety."

n society."

ow the rules so we can all survive"

owed to get away with this when so many others are following the rules an

ing by."
ogant beliefs"
uencing people, with absolute lies and negative behaviour."
dising public nuisance"
ger lockdowns. He broke the law"
mote negativity towards those doing their best to support NZ manage Covi
ll New Zealanders, and there must be some sanction for rule breaches."

g to keep safe, is bad news. So many need to get vaccinated yet, and as far
of those who participated. Low life parasite"
d Anti Vaccination messages at an event at our venue last year."
heep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. By their fruit you

istance from others? I don’t socially distance only to protect me, I do so to

s a nation are all abiding too to keep everyone as safe as possible against D
clown wreck it all for us"
this person's behavior.He is putting people's lives at risk through his action
many others to break the law, placing our community at risk, and you stan

e face to all those who have struggled, but abided by the rules."

mself noticed.A very selfish ignorant person.Typical of his kind."

es lives? Nope, nope, nope. You are not brave Brian, we are not thanking y
eaching COVID safety rules. I am utterly appalled that this has been allowe
l made."

alander you break the rules. There are consequences for mass gatherings

esn't care at all what happens to his cult fellow members."

than 1 narcissist. Bet he's an ant-vaxxer too. Alas there is no cure for STUP

will likely cause more covid 19 cases and therefore impact on many busin
oubt be charged!"

to ransom."
arged with breaching the Covid-19 Public Health Response Act so Police ne

gathering without any consequences"

elfish and dangerous actions. Auckland has enough problems without havi

d accountable"

and lives at risk."

oved from the chance to repeat this and charged in proportion to the larg
e lockdown rules, potentially very dangerous, and the organisers including
stic terrorist unit."

tice that the lockdown breachers got for busting the cordon to fly to Wana
brain washed good real people..... may they be charged and put into jail

huge risk"
y the rules and so cause a super spreader event that will impact us all and m
people that are intellectually challenged."
to cause unrest at a time when Aotearoa needs to be united, in order to se
do the same."
alander you break the rules. There are consequences for mass gatherings

law far too many times and has taken advantage of the poor for his own p
ARCHY in and throughout this country."
d to help every one else"

s in lockdown."
entral dumb guy. You looked like a pack of bikey gangsters. Thanks for ho

stical twat"

tions are screwing shit up for the ones following the rules"
d putting not only all Aucklanders but all New Zealanders in danger"
is own ego."
charlatan and steals money from those who are not able to share in his la
exploits others for personal gain and inflation of his massive ego. That an
r. Sad that some are so selfish."
else has done for notoriety and self promotion. F+×==_*WIT"

u're rich. This man put (and continues to put) lives in danger with his dang
ger and negated what other people had scarifced to help get covid out of t

should be charged with their murder"

ce with his tantrums. They appear to be unwilling to enforce the law becau
s about looking after each other."
are.Is he going to pay for the people that covid-19 hospital care fine him th
g hard but a protest of 2000 people ignoring rules is wrong"

esults of this sort of nonsense are, and don't want it for my Kiwi brothers a
d others to do so."

ouldn't be one rule for us,and one for him and his disciples. Believing in Go
e worked towards to have a healthy community and country ! They are bre
d gangs"

t this one. But here's a good chance to throw the book at him. Thunk!!"
g been a disgrace to our nation. He profits because he targets people who
ed Auckland’s freedom. He is a law unto him self."
ding paranoia and conspiracy during these times. I'm also disgusted with p

what he likes!"

s to keep ourselves and others safe by isolating, while this man has willfull
me and following the protocols."
ther spread of Covid 19"
about his own ego"
n sooner and then you get people like this who don't give a dam about any
n. Also it happened on consecrated ground at Auckland Museum. They sho
king it more likely New Zealanders will be unable to enjoy the season nam
ole country at risk"
e law."

owly get back to normal living, businesses to flourish, people getting back
espect the law!!"

risk, and didn't follow the rules. He did it publicly and flagrantly and deser

quences charge him & his sheep"

with instead of making it harder for everyone else. Self-entitled muppet."

n charged by now- the police action should have been immediate!!"

mbarrassing to have a fellow church goer do this and make us all look like d
pacts the rest of us. B.....dy selfish."
eads just another gang who the Govt pussy-foot around. If I did this, I'd be
ble spread of the covid delta variant."
ules, no matter our position."
ave been fined and how many are going to want hospital when they get co
e stopped before he does more damage and we are back to square one."

overnment protocol and ruining the efforts of government and people to

to promote their selfish ideals."

police/court action but I am signing the petition because I think that this ar
f government to implement restrictions to protect public health. Mr Tama

ong thing."

osucute law breakers.... When did tha change ??"

e protest should all be prosecuted at the full extent of the law! If the police

down 3"

Queen St, Destiny Gathering..all politely observed by police. Epidemiologist

als who hold no regard for the safety and health of others."

d yards to keep us all safe. Go you guys! Thanks for supporting the team o

amily members and attend funerals for loved ones. But this idiot and his fo
anti lgbtq rhetoric"

encouraged to his event"

alanders by flouting the lockdown rules."

pect the rules and the safety of our country. He should be jailed. Disgusting

major jerk."

the careful work done by the government to date in managing the Covid
making trouble."
e has 2000 people"
re in a position of 'power' is abhorrent. This man is grotesque in his need t

inted by you know who. If this was an old lady doing 56km in a 50 km area
ainst the law. He is a dangerous egotist and needs to face the consequence
able. Others have been arrested for the same offense. Consistency is need
ace..will there be vax requirements for work ready beneficiaries? Think ab
rthy of anything."
The right to be safe from idiots"
s then the rest of NZ suffers when we can't get back to 'normal'"
to take lockdown measures seriously if a dickhead like Brian can get away

He needs to be made an example of for blatant, intentional flouting of Pub

oting his behaviour to his followers"
ade such big sacrifices."
ns to help the team of 5 million. Only interested in his own personal gain."

d the lockdown rules"

of the law for organising super spreader events during a Delta outbreak"

ublic health, a threat to New Zealand's economy and he prays on the wea

e law. He lacks integrity"

he broke the rules of lockdown so he should pay the price"
ontinues to discourage his followers from getting vaccinated"
did. The arrogance of the man"

. He's ruined thousand's of New Zealanders finances with his grifting, now

y 20. Holy as. Go figure."

entially spreader event whereby many attendees breached Level 3 regulati

rificed a lot. Tamaki and his followers can potentially destroy our efforts"
3 protocols when protesting over the weekend. Please charge him - this is


llow New Zealanders."

ng to Roto's when we first went into Lockdown...And now with the green li
ng it's first dose in those seven weeks; and useless people like him ruining
k of responsibility and breaking c-19 rules makes his actions prosecutable.
law. If he can, then we should be able to. He is not a God!"
eader’ and deserves to be severely fined."

ut he committed an illegal act and therefore should be charged. Anybody w

He is very self seeking"
and egotistical pricks like him are not part of the team."

o do so too. That's not right"

h everything"

m to infect others with disease.It's like arguing condoms are an infringemen

ng the thousands who are abiding by the rules so they can have a happy ch
ng doing not fair on nz"

misleading people in a worldwide pandemic"

ng but abiding by the rules so everyone is safe..He is the same as everyone
d to the levels in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19."

control, and he just throws it all back in our faces."


e held accountable."
tely flouted. There have to be consequences for this sort of behaviour or w
the people of New Zealand, and his flouting of our laws and wishes should
ant con artist. He needs to be stopped. And his mis-information needs to b
spend some time in prison."

vily punished"
smatic leader whose only mission in life seems to be to elevate himself to

es the limelight. Wake up to this con man people."

r! He needs to be accountable 李"
interested in making money"
evel 3 covid"

d accountable for his actions."

19 Health Laws , this man has made a mockery of other people’s sacrifice"
Christians a bad name."
s above the law"
wn would be charged"

elplessness of our Council, Govt and Police to control groups like this."

nd at risk."

hink he is. Dictating to people who trust him. Not the kiwi way."
and friends and get on with their loves"

the well-being of the people of NZ should be charged"

eople whatsoever. There is a clear difference between Rights vs. Responsib
history, a person who takes any opportunity to use rebellious and potenti
y people, how are easily led"
his Pratt and his cult of idiots get arrested but mainly because they broke t
ng the rules like the gangs etc while most of us are doing our best to comp

a potential super spreader event that could undo all the sacrifices many of
er people at risk of getting Covid. It’s that plain a d simple."

to himself in doing the so-called Lord’s work. What a germ in society. My g

ccountable. He is just an attention seeker"
ot God and play by the same rules as the majority."
doing stupid things like this could potentially undo all the work everyone h

doing their bit to stay safe. This is a joke, a monetary fine should be impos
own when most are trying really hard to have some form of control over c
g there jobs and business"

owed the rules to Crack down on those who blatantly havent"

the law. His actions are selfish with no consideration for others. Being a Ch

wn rules"
ge of others when they are in a vulnerable stage of their lives and this is ex

ocent people home destroying mongrel"

have been fined and charged. All of the people who attended also did this.
n as does the Police Commissioner."

o do the same. It's shocking he is getting away with this."


e lockdown law"

y spread and has run a large rally without any consideration of social dista
d have / may have spread Covid in the name of religion . It's not fair to the

ust thinks of himself chuck him in jail"

der of many"
se comments. Only report."
wers was wrong and needs to be made accountable.I believe in God and h

utting other lives at risk"

e of a level lockdown knowing full well he’s playing on people’s vulnerabil
This latest stunt is damaging to entire nation."

onest working people who pay their money to support his lifestyle. Time fo

k by organising this rally"

ples lives at risk. Absolutely selfish. Especially for the children!"

ules and this person goes on promoting to breach rules. Brought shame to
k, being one of the organization that organized this protest in auckland ag
s in such an egregious fashion. Or any fashion. Disgraceful and illegal."
ed and suffered hard in danger. No respect"

y endanger the lives of so many others. Giving "the bird" to a far greater m
oke The Law. This has affected my mental health and many other NZers. W

rom the government while urging his followers to reject vaccination"

rs will follow suit. The rules are in place for good reason. He & his cohort s
e. Breaches of the Covid rules has the real potential of causing serious har
o be held to account"

d 19 outbreak. Fine him or send him to prison to pray for his sins."
of a church he needs to be held accountable for his actions!!! While the m
ossible to enforce the current restrictions in any other situation. The law m
oliticians and evangilsts preaching to the masses."

break the law. The gathering was unlawful and plain disrespectful to the re
great harm! He should no get away with flauting the law ."
nd up against these thugs"

mote acts of terrorism against the community and the country."

he country only themselves."

majority of us have done our best to follow the rules regardless of if we like

se public influence to endanger the lives of all citizens."

other people"

lf and his power? And publicity. A dangerous man."

hen what he and his followers need to be charged!!"

loiting the vulnerable"

holding a mass gathering, unless they feel less for others and above the la

of Auckland and the rest of NZ have Sacrificed to keep us all safe What a t
te of air."

nstrate with Brian Tamaki not also be charged as well.He should definately
y Auckland"
, not only has he jeopardized public health and put businesses at further r

ndanger the safety of all new zealand"

ht to put community and nation at risk"

n our borders to international travel, but that won’t happen if people keep
d the country at risk."
our and charge him"
at was legislated by the government. Tamaki is saying that he is right and t

e. The government has named and shamed a few law breakers. If you are g
ckland who tried so hard to get rid of covid"
e accountable"
alse rhetoric and fleecing his congregation of their money."
ng people's lives."

as been, he's a has was, never been"

ead out of his ass"

erbally abuse people and possibly undo the hard yards that Aucklanders a
e are all effected in covid times."

are all doing the Mahi, he is not a priveledged person. We all need to follo

m told then SO DO YOU"

down rules and not others."

these atrocious protests too"

out of this in reasonable shape. Inciting public disorder and encouraging p

held accountable for his selfish grandstanding."

ve the law. He puts people at risk because he is so arrogant"
ance the book should be thrown at him. This act is a danger to our country
evels yet this guy and his minions can get away with it. Not on at all."
ut time he was held properly accountable for his actions and endangering t
gh money to pay so it’s not really a punishment. Maybe community service
ountry and everyone in it safe"
as risky rule breaking. This guy is throwing our hard work back in our faces
heir leader is obscene, arrogant and dangerous"

ore it happened. Its sends a very bad message to the populous"

isrespectful to Aucklanders and putting them at risk of remaining in level3
g and con man"
wn, going without sometimes the necessities to help stamp out Delta, this

d. I don’t agree with it but if we are allowed to take the law into our own h

he police failing to charge him over the laws he broke) are endangering the
ed. He has made a mockery of all of the sacrifices the rest of us has made."
as to follow government regulations"
an all be safe. He and his followerspu their needs before everyone else. Se
event and in less than 24 hours there are 87,000 signatures saying the blok

s he's a law unto himself and he does not need to follow the true law."
d thinks he can do what he wants and ignored the last lock down to "go hu

s form of religion only benefits him!!!"

nciting anti-authority behaviour. His actions undermine and has the potenti
e complying to the rules to stop the virus spreading."
el as God. Idiot"

ge of the weak and impressionable His actions are a complete eroding of th

rought into line.The more you let him get away with, the more he will take
spread it. He is doing more harm than good."
all at risk"

f the country…"
nd it puts us New Zealanders at risk of loosing our businesses while he line
yone else and laws for gangs and Tamaki!"
at risk"
able to see my family, this tosser thinks he's above the rules. He says it's to
one in the last lockdown too. He and his wife "escaped" level 3 lockdown a
k after his people not put them at risk.if this gathering fuels covid will he pa

d is not above the law"

wanks off his followers to fill his bank account"
organise something that puts the health and safety of others at risk, with
especially Auckland"

y grabbing hypocrite, me,me me, is his philosophy. Charge him and give h
lives. Tamaki isn't above the law!"

nt's covid restrictions to gather on mass and not wear masks. This has put t

nd 4, he can't have his church get together and resulting handing out of the

ves in Auckland, thanks for causing more job losses Brian, you didn't think

and his followers who risk the liberty and life of other NZers should be pro
a joke."

an keep his opinions to himself Freedom of choice!"

es most New Zealanders have made to keep us all safe. They should be loc

otal BS."

ntially put us all at greater risk of getting covid when so many people have
y, and as an Aucklander, im over the slap on the wrist mentality from the p

he lives of others at risk."

he needs to be stopped!"

s??? Hypocrite of the highest order.Investigate the charitable status of his

e’s untouchable and all of us have been in lockdown and done the nine yar
Brian Tamaki seems to think he is above the rest of us."
afe. He is just grandstanding and is putting people at risk. Selfish plonker!"
reater good. His object is to gather fame and wealth. He is a flouter of rule
y friends, my work colleagues and my fellow New Zealanders with his arro
es against all the kiwi ways we need people to embrace to get thtough thi


d then Jacinda is the enabler"

people following it?"
d and idiot and if the bullshit he said about gay people causing earthquakes
roke the law and he doesnt care about anyone else but himself"

blic safety"
the city of Auckland and New Zealand as a whole. He is a con man who rui

d he should be encouraging Maori vaccination rate not discouraging it for h

My loved ones in Auckland want the lockdown ended as much as he does, b

dy for reopening to the world safely!"

representing the rest of NZers that are potentially affected by the selfish
easily followed steps to protect yourself and others from covid-19."
ople's lives at risk."

kdown "rules""

can put its hand out for COVID-19 wage subsidies. While simultaneously b
hould be punished for risking public safety."
months in jail, in a concrete cell, no cell phone & hard labour."
erious threat to public health through his pointless nonsense. This egoman

ze a mass gathering during a lockdown."

esn't care about New Zealanders, he only cares about his bank balance!"

d irresponsible. We are all having to make huge sacrifices. These people d

ng to the supermarket and he can flout the restrictions like that he needs t
ho has such a high level of influence, particularly due what other people ha
the population."

deliberately encouraged his followers, many, many hundreds of people, to

be. If he was he would be taking people to get vaccinated for the good of

the general public at risk and the full force of the law should be brought do

gering the public"

hard for this for too long for it all to come to nothing because of one foolis
ke money from, end of story."

e trying to achieve and get Vaccinated and get out of this bloody lockdown
owed to get away with it."

ace with his arrogant attitude"

who have adhered to restrictions to contain this deadly virus."
? Money or position do not exempt anyone from prosecution."

s only right with all of New Zealand putting in the hard work to keep us saf
gant idiots should be prosicuted"
example to prevent people cotracting Dleta by being vaccinated"
ht and a heart to know what is wrong God gave us a choice and I am one
super spreading event."

hing as ludicrous as this"

tic idiot. I'll end up in Facebook jail if I did"

ailing businesses, mental torture for some"
ed the covid rules. He has deliberately flouted them."
ng locked up in jail, let’s actually strip him of his freedom and throw him in

and I'm not acting like a selfish arsehole! Those who are should be HEAVI
h this man."
nd fellow humans."
gods appointee, here on earth he is just another citizen."

hey go againt what the PM says is BEST for ALL of the country"
ally at all while covid is in the city"
g should have its consequences."

re putting the rest of auckland the country at risk of delta getting out of co
ood of the country. No one should be above the law."

of terrorism"
above the law. Also these protests could spread the virus widely as a supe

back into level 4, put him in prison."

re easily swayed with his egotistical narcissism"

morons.. THE END!!!!!!!"
s person who needs to begin being held accountable."

thing. We have all sacrifice our freedom."

y cant he .. if there are no consequences for his actions then he's just made
at risk by this man's influence in irresponsible and unlawful action. Threats
is not above the law, nor are his devote followers- ping them all!"
ves or dies he just wants their money. He should pay the penalty he deserv
ve the law"
he buble of 5 millions"

opulation of NZ but yet so easily and readily accept taxpayer funded Covid
ng the right thing. He constantly flouts the rules and is a complete menace.

au in danger"
atherings. A pretty obvious agenda."
flaunt Health & Safety rules."

vulnerable people and the wider community at risk."

nti lockdown but didn't mind having his hand out for government assistanc
is a terriorst and should be charge with the full force of the law"
that not happen? If it was anyone else bet they would have been arrested
rs who flouted the rules was."
n the Hospitals Turn them Away. Why Should they get a Bed When they D
d to account."
ns with level 3"
nd his followers. Prosecution is necessary"
dangering our citizens and he should know better - stupidity to the end!!!"

ll aucklanders who have been trying to combat covid"

w. He puts people at risk."

m a Christian, and a believer and I think his actions, and those of his churc
they did!!!"

munity is being potentially wasted by this activity condoned by Brian the idi
ke a liar and a thief he's a no body thats disrespectful to the faith of God"
merica and all the anti lockdown protests! Look how bad it has gotten there
guidelines should be charged and treated exactly the same"
mation and breaking lockdown rule's as well as holding it on the steps of a
sobedience. The only thing he is concerned about is his income. I bet he is

and he has now put people snd businesses in jeopardy. He is not the law"
Aotearoa. Treasonous!"

ith other Aucklanders not use this as an opportunity for Grand standing. T

above the law"

you a medical professional and overworked? Are you a parent whose chil
A parasite."

ealth by being arrogant, and ignorant."

driven debacle. He continues to demonstrate that his motives are ill conce

all Aucklanders doing their bit"

one else! There should be consequences."

others to put other peoples lives at risk illegally. He is a risk to the New Zea
He should be punished just as anyone else would be."

tor and the conspiracy theories about it.

d he has endangered many people's live"

arthquakes caused by gays, Christians can't get covid, etc. He's dangerous
ds have complied with the safety measures necessary to keep our citizens
stiny church brainwashes people. No science to back things"
ouraging others to not take the situation seriously"

aced liar. He said everyone was wearing masks when the TV cameras show
evastate people’s lively hood"
ly selfish and also outside of the law. He needs to be taken to task over hi

ve just done it on his social media and not put people at risk. Jail him"

legal limit of ten,he knew full well what he was doing,and he's a right dick

educate and influence people positively and smartly. Promote vaccination,

owing the rules we're all living under. Potentially they are causing more o
Health at risk"
. He is a community leader who should be leading by example."
to his fellow Kiwis"
else that can be identified."
n a risk."

and what he done was absolutely stupid."

t us to this point . Brian Tamaki and his supporters have deliberately incre

what the hell makes him and mates superior to those doing the right thing"
ut himself 郎"
o humanity. Not to mention pillaging the very people that have the least t

Enough of these antics and time to make him accountable for his rhetoric a
reaking the law and risking other people's lives by having so many people

about him and his cause and not what’s best for our country as a whole."
m and one law for us."
down who are obeying the rules"
s a dick. Plus he is getting wage subsidies for his Mickey Mouse church. Th
a very dangerous person."
Police and the wishes of the rest of us. He lacks moral and legal right. Pros
no matter who they think they are. Thousands of people have made an en

rged for less. He put people at risk and what for?"

ys flouted his own agenda and needs to be held accountable. Others have
eliberately broke the law. Charge the bugger"

d be held legally culpable for his irresponsible behaviour"

y soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God
a pandemic."
g families ❤"

e covid rules.Why would he want to risk the lives of his whanau and ours.V
then he does this to lock everyone down longer. Utter disrespect for the re
with law though.."
s. That demonstration was really unacceptable from a man in his position
ds to be accountable and have consequences for his blatant defiance to th
ould be charged, no special treatment."
d and its people like him to put my son in danger. We do not know the lon

erous ideals , the IRD would be interested in how he maintains his lifestyle
e five million"
sked of me to keep my family safe. This guy thinks he's above the law and

ules. Why should there be an exception to this? If there can be an exceptio

ong term best interests of New Zealanders. To intentionally breach these
and he preys on those who are often in the most vulnerable positions"
isk of spreading Delta. When the common person is doing all we can to he
pay back all the govt money hes now stolen since he believes COVID is a h
e stop teaching the false Gospel to his followers. As a Christian you abide b

tion? Where does that money go?"

all New Zealanders, by following the rules for the common good. This rule
e minded people with everyone standing at least 5 meters apart and wear

n NZ. I'm concerned that this man is still getting away with his destructive,
id Delta lockdown procedures. Come on NZ Police, do your job & fine the
istian. He is hiding behind the church for his gang. He should be fined and
his protest"
ed to respect others"

govt money back since he thinks COVID is a hoax"

ness on the back of his mantra, wealth before health"

selfish action s"

all at risk of being in this mess longer"


bove the law"

e Virus, does not discriminate, unless you believe, the people who got Cov
example. They should be part of the Team of 5 Million Kiwis. This is the tim

k gone into educating people."

an’t see he’s killing people. Sinner!!!!!!"
nated (before the lockdown started."

eat lack of consideration for the community and the law"

ouraging others to break a health law, when so many are losing businesses
n is proventing that and putting lives at risk"

rom society."
his actions. He has endangered the community and caused the many suffer
and, definitely to be ignored."
elieving people..Disgusted with him ..and he is not prosecuted."

UK and Australia."
for another. Charge them all. They all broke the rules. Him and his wife"
cts as if hes GOD"

t all Aucklanders have done. Total disrespect!"

maki you fuel a fire you will he put out with a bucket of water."
Can him."

don’t even believe in God. But at least I agree with Christian values"
are just as bloody thick.."
this event when everyone else is trying there best to get covid out. They a

s followers."
ers who broke public health restrictions have been charged. Yes, the right t
of us are trying hard to stamp covid out and he organized it the bloody id

ng with donation boxes said it all."

A jail term is warranted."
's loosing"
table for his actions. Doesn’t pay tax and hides behind the pretence of cha
putting all Aucklanders at risk!"

mself he ain't God he's evil. A law into his own. Make and example out of h

e them we sacrificed not seeing our families and everything and this idiot

red public safety"

rs to risk COVID 19, especially when he new some lockdown rules were go
ed others to do the same and puts whole country at risk"

rs like this who are putting their followers in terrible jeopardy."

ke this that will stop our beautiful country getting back to some form of no
o protest"
a longer lock down. What a awesome leader you are "
law and will continue to spread lies for more protest. With his actions our
t "government control"."

en the health and safety of the rest of us."

eliefs will cause more wide spread Covid. Police need to do their job & pro
ople not in the spotlight get charged and he flouts the law and gets away w
ur and his lack of thought for the majority of the population. Spreading mis
her lives are now endangered- he broke the law organizing this protest - he
right thing by playing by the rules. It just takes one idiot to ruin all of the h

sires to do. Hes ok with seeing one of his followers catch this and maybe e
regard for public safety of the citizens of New Zealand."
ends and everyone that care.."
st intentionally trying to rebel against Jacinda. He deserves to be charged.

tiny recruitment drive in covid clothing"

him breaking the public health order"

r people’s safety needs to be made an example of."

ublic in danger for his own political and monetary gain"

charges have not been laid against the organisers and leader of this event.
s and not charging him makes it look like he's above the law."
towards the people of Aotearoa/New Zealand, and their health and safet
-ahead in the first place? The sensible among us knew the protesters were
son for good. Get rid of him, your stupid choices have consequences, now
reaking act that only serves to increase the likelihood of harm for vulnerab
voking people to go against health act ruled"
nity. He should be banned from voicing his opinion."

not wear the protection we currently need to battle this terrible pandemic

l at risk . We must all be tired of being kept at home but if it stops the spre

the hard work the 5 million have done, others get prosecuted, why shou
cite public gatherings in the middle of a deadly pandemic."
Pasifika. Paradoxically they are his biggest supporters"
by idiots like this. Is it true that this church took the wage subsidy?"

es live's.And trying to incite a riot."

ppointing Brian Tamaki."

est . I have lost my 25 year career in aviation due to Covid 19. I am now ear
elf-entitled knob he is."

hould be fined for breaking the lockdown rules. My neighbour got fined fo

wn rules"
s to me made an example of"
ecome irrelevant when the greater good is at stake"
ves safe."

o hold this event. If I had a party of 10 I would be fined, the fine for 1000 p
his actions"
es and encourage others to. He is supposed to be a leader but will he look a

Destiny is a cult, and he is dangerous."

duals would have been charged already. Groups are let to go."
re anything else such as public safety, current restrictions which so many a

eaking the law"

d everyone else."
h and wellbeing of all those in Aotearoa."

r All of us. Together this can happen. A regard of the LL3Covid19 and Our H
and arrested for constantly break covud restrictions along with his followe

had blatantly disregarded all the sacrifices that Aucklanders have made, H
risk and broken the law if anyone else had done this they would have been
only his bank balance. He needs to be held accountable for putting thous

antage of using power."

ourne and look where they are now.People have to obey the rules or face
e majority who have kept to the rules"
k of a nation’s health system is NEVER acceptable or justifiable."
to abide by the law and how can this person be exempted 
rience in the UK, these types of actions put everyone at risk. Also, if he bro
ealth and safety of all NZers. He needs to be held accountable."

p the country and every citizen safe, is an enemy. Who is he to threaten ou

e at risk."

ot exempt."
he's doing. "
g people at risk of covid 19"

ed religious title"
d and loosing money so should HE!"

eryone else in NZ"
st of New Zealander. There will be more people do the same thing if he is
osing his followers to the risk of covid and the wider Auckland and NZ comm
people and he needs to show better compliance and intelligence and sho
ublicity ."

lap in the face for those who have done the right thing"
afety of us all"
stands for"

o allow this to go ahead"

outbreak! If it was an unlawful gathering l, they should all be charged."
ares only for himself and his own interests. We are all trying our best to be

ven right to flout all the rules"

ep NZ safe. Asshole"
lot of lives at risk"

that we’ve all worked so hard and made sacrifices for, then this guy goes
of NZ's are doing to try to stop Covid."

nd is inappropriately influencing society in a way that will do NZ harm"

r. Showing to respect for rest of country."

e to pay the price and so should he"
their actions and need to be punished as all people not obeying the rules s

y services, border staff, officers, this FOOL thinks he's our god. He's not. Th
ent drive for Bwyan and Delilah.....they want to go on holiday after lockdow

uts the church in a bad light.As far as I am concerned I'm ashamed of him

how much money he can stuff in his pockets. Protect the vulnerable and st

or the good ofN Z and the world instead of grandstanding to stroke his ego
s totally illegal."
in the pocket to fund the hospital's ."
an continue fleecing his followers"

otten gains"

munities - its unconscionable! He needs reining in."

trouble they why is this f$#k wit any different."
r spreding lies"
le, he should be responsible for what he did to society"

eone in a position of leadership and power"

ertainties and afraid of the same consequences. If entire industries have g
g my family, my young boys, at risk is absolutely not!"

tting others at risk including their followers."

on man and if their is a God he would strike him down as quick as look at h
he rest of Auckland."
ee license to put kiwis at risk. He is a business, the only business in Aucklan
the countries at risk."
s at risk"

een locked up and have obeyed the Covid rules. However just a smack on
nd quite detrimental to the well being of others other than himself and his

e compulsory"
he vulnerable."

lves. They all want locking up and throwing away the key. Disgusting"

m to all Kiwis by not vaccinating"

oken the laws of COVID and put so many lives at risk. So many people in Au
that only care about themselves!!"
hould be punished irrespective of position, state and religion."
ng people lives !"

s. He's selfish and spreading lies."

21-08/pope-francis-appeal-covid-19-vaccines-act-of-love.html the Pope w
e vulnerable and spreads misinformation. He is an extremely dangerous m
others don’t!"
n doing so has probably extended the time Aucklanders have to stay in leve

h his own life, he brain washes people with false information and he is putti
r the health and safety of the wider public of NZ in wilfully flouting the law
erent from other people and the event was not stopped"

ep our each other safe, this phoney, selfish preacher thinks he is above it a

doing the right thing and he’s out there causing COVID transmission. Idiot
out the rules because he thinks he is above the rules the rest of us stand by
les set by the Government to control the pandemic. Brian's actions are aga
reak the health rules as they are there to protect others. Brian Tamati thin

only making money ."

o are struggling and complying"
ese past weeks and he stuffs it up. Selfish man"

he rest of nz."
his wife broke the rules and went to southland to go hunting a now he is a

uting the rules and actively encouraging others to do the same."

ce being so misleading and essentially putting so many at risk"

e been charged. He is certainly not special to get away with it"

d by the double standard s being exercised by the enforcement agencies."

he law and putting lives at risk."

punish them with fines!"
wis doing the right thing following rules. This guy thinks his over the law an

pecial that he can get away with this? He is holding the country back from
hey also need to start taxing churches."
ame laws. Not rules for some and not for others"
to everyone’s safety."
esion. He needs to be charged!"

elfish greedy man"

ings he focuses on.Lock him up. Lock him up lock him up."

able safe and to get out of lockdown..."

omaniacs like Tamaki are hard for the legal sector to deal with. But I do th
athering which is irresponsible and dangerous"
s a petulent little egotistical child and does not care about anyone but him
e's above the law. Disgusting human."
hame on you. No one wants to be in lockdown, but all of Auckland have su

ple we will never get on top of covid."

has been fined, so he should b as well"
ering and have put Auckland's citizens in danger with their selfish arroganc
why he thinks its ok to put the rest of Auckland at risk of getting Civid"

aw breaker arrested and locked behind bars...and also his wife.The police
ng anything is legal if you can afford it."
amaki and everyone that can be identified need to be prosecuted, otherw
aders event and is a potential killer in doing so."
ur and encourages others to do the same. This needs to be challenged"
his actions"
oddy Christian representation, his half-arse Bishop title and his scare-mon
able communities a huge dis-service."

ng collecting money on Saturday and dragged in $12803 to maintain his lu

f the law"
ontracting Covid. He is showing total disregard for those that care about ou
ugh he thinks he is. He has put Auckland and the rest of the country in dan
going antisocial nonsense"

and this idiot has put all that at risk through pure selfishness."

he whole country's effort in fighting to the COVID-19."

e there should be charged"
d to encourage youngsters to break the law. No one should be above the l
lives at risk. Shut him in the COVID ward without any PPE...."

coring in a pandemic. The guy is not playing with a full deck of cards when
ple along with this man are making a mockery of the situation"
his COVID non- vaccination stance"
freedom. Vaccinations should be mandatory"
he hard yards!"
e most vulnerable of which are some of his followers. Will he stand by them
o does not respect the wise judgement of others, flouts laws or and willful

s arrogant and an idiot"

NOT anything that smacks of medieval Witchery."
vel 3 restrictions"
is? God?"
rom their generosity and they suffer both financially and health wise"
Why is he continuously allowed to get away with this crap?"

the current government rules and likley extends lockdown for Auckland."

onsequences too but believe in honouring God by obeying the Governmen

st....... You fill in the blank. Anything! He is an attention seeking show pony
e him he will just take the money off the congregation and not out of his ow
reedom. But not at the cost of one person’s own personal view along with
nts like that he is an idiot"

alanders are considerate of others, yet Brian Tamaki thinks he can do wha
ht thing & continue to do so for the good of all NZ. Why should one man &
d down doing our bit. Lock him up and close the churches.. people can wo
the Southern Baptist Evangelicals in the United States. He doesn't care ab

maki did is a criminal act and he shouldn't get away with it it."
and abide by the same rules as everyone else. They would make examples
he is a dangerous ego driven idiot."
his followers. The police should have prosecuted him. If a nobody did that,
his will not be tolerated and he be jailed and fined as an example since our
mergence from.restrictions. Brian Tamaki and his Ilk are putting our future
are. If you break them, you should be penalised."

le. His arrogance makes him believe he is above the law. Sadly, his faithful
ther and doing what’s right for the greater good. This was a flagrant abuse
le breakers loose to spread COVID"
ad by example not stirring up violence and he broke the rules as well."
d at home and played out part. We have made a lot of sacrifices and this ra

stay safe."

plus a fine"

He is not above the law and should be punished severely."

vel 3. It’s puts all Aucklanders health at risk"

general public and our medical staff."
a mask and sign in to do the essential shopping as the nominated shopper
has broken the rules."

must be accountable."

ting and getting crowds together thinking it would fix the problem, crowds
his selfishness"
e law. We need to send him and everyone there that this is not the case!"
ulnerable, and he knows it."
more likely gained from vaccination. If you care for your followers Brian re
re stopping other people from seeing loved ones. Charge him and anyone
be treated differently than other rule breakers purely due to his media pro

your own grand-standing!!"

nce and stupityWho does he think he isHe is a thief and a liar with an ego
e entire nation. He abused his power over others and acted completely irr
r people and is just making a mockery of the sacrifice made by most New Z
and thrown in prison for endangering all of Auckland"

n and the organizers have to be held accountable, more than anyone. Iden
don't want to over burden hospitals, we'd like to see our families, go back
trying to contain Covid"
lf appointed."
ules. This guy has broken the rules and should be made an example of the c
idual who likes to push boundaries and is succeeding."
en through too much to accept this"

His maker! Somebody remind him that he and those who have not vaccina
laws. Deliberately exposing his congregation and the community to harm"
n just do what he likes"
y not over the temporary loss of the ability to do things en masse"

ged with crime offenses"

going under and this guy thinks he’s above the law.About time the police g
han protesting lockdowns ."

as inciting his followers to endanger others."

g the lockdowns in place ���"
r a lot of people on a regular basis"
Who the hell does he think he is?"

danger of"

d recovery"
ke followers at risk but all of new Zealand. Breaking the law he is not abov
as got enough problems without a idiot like him."
to say shut up."

lockdown that many of us don't like it either but are considering the grea
is not above everyone else, he has the follow the rules"
need to follow the rules. God isn't going to save you with prayers if you ge
ople with money put him on jail"

at's fine but that does not give you the right to break the law, regardless of

n't have a chance to get him fined, but I have signed so you just never know
or their own agenda"

be a leader, not create an event where many many people could become
at whim"
nd City Impact Church too? He’s equally to blame"

at . Not to mention all of NZ if one of them is a carrier and it decides to spr

hould be charged"
above the law. No one is!"
t breaking the rules."
ng to abide by and keep to our bubbles and keep the virus contained."

lnerable communities and put Auckland at risk."

breaking the law just because he is a self appointed 'bishop. He is a twat

sted for breaching the lockdown rules. Why is this madman above any law
od work that NZ and Auckland is doing!!"

with tattooed eyebrows) to threaten the health & safety of NZ."

he law Hello!! That protest is gonna spread the virus 路‍♀️路‍♀️路‍♀️
eople's rights to be safe. Endangering more Aucklanders.Spreading mistrut
erything. He deserves to be arrested and imprisoned!"
ealth measures and is not above the law"
edom is never meaning to harm others into risk of affection of Covid-19."
of people flouting the rules, thinking they are above them!"
f as bishop just for increased power and authority(money)"
prosecute them big time"

000 from the GOVT over the lockdown perhaps he believes the longer the
an walk all over the NZ government and not be punished. An example need

he is thinking about all NZers when he held the rally. Also he broke the Le

p NZ get out of these Covid-19 Lockdowns, Brian Tamaki(a selfish egotist) i

ne for the rest of us."

an ill-afford it compounds his sins by spreading false information and lies. H

the demonstrators prior to the speeches. No mask wearing, no distancing.

is actions as these gatherings are not permitted in the current level. Shut h

r anyone else"
ave been arrested. The laws the law and he broke it and needs to pay the p
nger to society and should be jailed for instigating people not to get vacci
r on the rest of Auckland to be in lockdown. He should be charged and arr

eople. He should use that position responsibly, and not endanger others liv
breaking the rules. Not charging him will send the opposite message. Wha
ken to undermine everything loyal Aucklanders have done to comply with
undermining all the sacrifices that most of us are making"

om a community that can't afford to give him a percentage of their hard e

nd teaching all his followers to do the same not using the attitude lthe rule
f he can do what he likes, then fuck it, I'm no longer going to follow the res
accountable and made an example of."
a Christian person. This is not who we are in NZ"

his freedom to move around but loads of frail people has the right to be sa
. Ignorance and arrogance is not ok"

maki twisted the Word to suit his money making methods , he will answer
ithout this wreckless man encouraging super spreader events, forcing peo
public gathering which is lawfully wrong."

rs at risk from Covid"

hers to follow knowing fully well he is breaking the law. This is not an act o

the entire population of NZ. This was no mistake and a warning is not good
s idiot is deliberately breaking the rules."

d take advantage of vulnerable people with their persuasive charm, and p

him up to. Don't just fine him. The money he pays with is far from his. Ma

c safety at risk"
aw. Everyone is struggling, but abiding by the law for the sake of the coun
rison for 30 years"

g vulnerable people for his own ends and gain without spiritual dimensions

the hardwork we’ve done"

r a taste of what lockdown really looks like. Destiny is a brainwashing cult
not spread a deadly disease. Dispand that cult and make it pay taxes."
k and potentially keeping us in level 3 longer"
ut him in a place where he has to care for the people who have covid.."

king to the restrictions- very selfish"

ged several thousand people into an act of civil disobedience."
ockery of all of the Aicklanders trying to do the right thing for the greater g

There are people sick or dying and are not allowed more than 10 people w

en COVID free for months but are still in lockdown because of idiots like him
be if they broke the law!"

rts of nz at risk. Totally narcissistic behaviour."

ce watching."
g the economy by potentially putting us in lockdown for longer"


lth system at risk. Absolute dick head!!!!! Selfish individual. Absolute moro
lives at risk by his stupid actions."
e secretly enjoying the lockdown because they're doing all they can to spre

yone else would have who broke the rules."

pposed to do' and not going against the rules, then he should be charged fo
afety at risk"
s he think he has different rules"
then where’s the sense in that ????"

wrong with religion."

er main stream NZ, can have a voice in saying how unhappy I am with Bria
r his own ego. Hes rich enough to survive lockdown many others are not a

uld be held accountable. People are sticking to the rules he is giving all of N
of our population and he has to be stopped."
endangering the lives of nzers He absolutely MUST be held accountable an
earing these privileged mouthpieces spout their mistruths and twisted wo

dn't he. My father went to war to save our country. What's the difference?

ying citizens."

o organise this meeting ... wherexis the love?"


He continues to flout the law and rules that have been put in place to kee

eople to worship false profits and he broke the law"

is above the law."

He has endangered people's lives"

ny one else."

ve them off as punishment"

ne them the maximum limit no excuses, but I think I saw a pig just fly past
e of you !!"
him to make a public statement‼️Don't fcuk with unty Jah cindy‼️"

le to show up so they can tithe so he can fund his expensive toys.Zero tole
to be charged just like any other person who breaks the law does."

interest is cash and status at the expense of oothers.He cares nothing for

z just selfish"
e vulnerable and is a preadotor"

normal and people like this don't help."

ptions of their own narrative"

o do so too !"
ull out rule breakers"
a hand in this protest) need to be held accountable. However, I don’t think
untries and do not want my country to become one."
t to the majority of covid compliant people. So self-centered. Prosecute!"
w Zealanders."
ged for what he did it could have cost lives just becuase he wants more mo
ow in his footsteps, he needs to have punishment for this, and not just MO
he rich and one for the poor. What happened to the Wanaka duo? Nothing

its safety. It is irresponsible and selfish and as the organiser Brian should b
self serving. Justice needs to be seen."
gainst public health"
gating a potential superspreading event and breaking the laws of Level 3"
the covid lock down, not being able to a full funeral or tangi, these muppe

minate him for the 2021 Darwin award."

o break the current laws He should be charged!!"

nders have been obeying for 7 weeks."

e the law re lockdown level 3 laws and actively encouraged many other to

profile should not stop someone being charged with a crime"

tolerance of people and groups who feel that they have the right to behav
landers health! Its dangerous and unfair to let him continue umdeterred."

s for anyone. But to encite a large movement of people to break the law is
people are obeying the rules , Who does he think he is ?. ."
itizen would be."
uctions of our leader and governmeng, he goes against what has advised."
vileges above the average kiwi. As a cult, Tax these chumps too!"

he health laws regarding COVID-19"

‍ ️He’s Brian washing everybody �"

w Zealanders he should be held at least as accountable as an ordinary citiz
me and done a tour right down the country which was wreckless and utte

vid is a killer; of people and of health systems. Total disregard for our elder
th an offence when there is religion or race involved. Set an example of th
ne who thinks he is above the law."
while the rest of us are owing rules to get this lockdown over with, here h

k for my mum's funeral. How hard is it to conform and still protest ."
break the law deliberately no excuses - , and especially when it can cause
the logic behind what the health advisors to the government are doing. T
rk the majority of NZer's are doing"

ney off the plight of the uninformed"

t the moment."

r better than anyone else, others who broke rules get prosecuted, why no
any not going to make it through and this entitled twat holds a protest. He
wrong. Persuading people to gather when we are desperately trying to get
to all those in Aotearoa"
promoting dissention, and counteracting all the good work people have an
Zers won't put up with this. Tamaki is and always has been a f wording c w

trictions when people make their own rules"

orm he has, especially to spread misinformation and disorder"

ckdown means no destiny church gatherings therefore no money coming i
at keep everyone in lockdown longer."
would love to be out of lockdown asap so I can finally get back to my rehab

who are not thinking of anyone but themselves and what they want while
the same as the Wanaka couple!"
ed to be held accountable"
ople's lives at risk, forcing his opinion onto others."
ring other people’s lives"

est. He has broken the law of nz and should pay."

that those in a position of influence should be held accountable for action

questionable human being. I don’t even understand why people would loo
ning everyone’s life"
e locked up with no access to the outside world so he can't keep breaking

utely not on! As chief agitator, he needs the appropriate charge and if foun

r to the people who follow him and to the public."

uckland needs to start living again"

g in the public eye ahead of the safety of fellow human beings needs to be
that one egotistical maniac thinks they can speak on behalf of a team of fiv
at risk and they don't give a damn"

ke. Mouths like torn sacks and no brains to back themselves. I’m sick of the
avior is not ok"

ost New Zealanders , time , money and for some everything ."
t to flout the rules, and make it harder for Auckland to get out of lockdown

e same, and put Auckland at risk, thumbing his nose at all who have remain

tic prick who preys on the poor under the guise of religion to advance his l

hateful misinformation."

f level 3."

uitment campaign"
y with this protest with Health Regulations in place"
ing the rules for some and not others?! A charge of up to $4000.00 per pe
eligion he would have shown more caring and compassion for his countrym

allowed to have publicity. Lock him up so he can't influence anyone anymo

tmas is coming an so are summer holidays. Life will be rather boring if eve
ut in his place. Let him worship behind bars."
ne overboard and put people at risk with his stupidity "
his own personal gain. Just another excuse to be seen."
on our most vulnerable. His and his co-conspirators behaviour over the we

for us."

outside of his self centered universe.Hope he gets sentenced like a real cr

o think he is a law unto himself."

disgusting!!So many good people making lots of different and difficult sacr

money then put the same public at risk?"

and throw away the key for enticing so many others to break the rules."
atherings like this should not be happening."
ovid outbreak and do not need idiots like him to upset the apple cart. He s
can't respect that then practice his own demise in his home instead of po

han others. Let stick to the rules Brian Tamaki."

cially our vulnerable that can't get vaccinated yet"

r law must face charges for crimes committed. It is about upholding the law

past him!"
putting all of our health in danger.."
ople a false sense of security by promoting the guy in the sky as a complet
man race, hiding behind religion and profiteering from it,"

Tamaki wrongfully encouraged people to breach the regulations covering g

he lives of us waiting ror our 2nd or 1st jab all because he wanted promote

risk with no responsibility of the outcomes of the vunerable people they s

ful protest with covid 19, and the Delta version spreading around Auckland
ed it should be punished according to the law"
ants more money if he gets fined he will have his hand out for that too"
o-called Christian towards the law, and the potential harm to the whole po

, they knew they were putting the Auckland community at risk now they n

for all the dodgy and sick brainwashing he has done. Taking money from t
Covid next week after this super spreader event."
n to task why let them away with it.Please taje a stand"

the majority doing the right thing. His conceit is astounding."

y of not caring for anybody but himself"

nity. Prosecution for his criminal disregard for public health and safety is th
n to our society & business are held to account."

and endanger the broader community!"

esn't smell idot"
ople who follow him and one of the most unchristian people in New Zealan
nfections!Also the Mongrol mob should be charged!"
d Think it's okay. He needs to be taught a true lesson... jail time"
owns or not the fact is the Tamaki's irresponsible behaviour just means th
ding fear."

nable our country to open up & have our freedom again"

les? And get away with it? He is putting peoples lives at risk."
nd wider community. If he is not held accountable by the Police, they have
to be made aware he’s not"
dster and a Muppet"

rights", in reality there are no rights without responsibilities and we all hav


aritable status for inciting the vulnerable."

who were there supporting him."

ty of NZ citizens, this protest was just him trying to get money for his chur

eak under control, many of those people have lost wages and businesses b

llet. Bloody idiot"

nders, Tamaki should be arrested, prosecuted, Tax, he is a cult not a religio
s own ego. Dick"
nd other people who have broken the rules have been charged, so he shou
ve of those less fortunate Instead it does it for personal gain"
not above the law"
ntry. You can't behave like that with impunity."

hrough with was illegal. I do not understand at all why the police have not

by being a foolish plonker! He is a tyrant and willfully undermining us as a

he did was wrong and went against others in love and was not Christian lik

ho has breached & do the same to as many people there as you can."

his followers. Follow the rules so everyone can be out of lockdown soone

pandemic with the greatest urgency and commitment. To see anyone act i
g for Covid, then there's the ignorant!!"

f these actions are hugely disrespectful to the efforts we all have made. An
king COVid lockdown regulations ."

s get arrested for much less. Charge him with threatening to kill .... essenti

ust fo as they please. It's not good enough"

vantage of the most vulnerable people in New Zealand for his finical gain."
oth his followers and the wider nz public including me and my family."
s not take precedence over collective responsibility. My rights (as I am in a
s was ok!"

fety in having a demonstration during a level 3 lockdown without ensuring

s other Aucklanders have made"
uence over vulnerable people. Shameful!"
l pandemic which puts the general public in harm."
Aucklanders are doing the hard yards and this egotistical charlatan is puttin
en rest of New Zealand are doing our best to stamp out Covid. What a insu

egation are accepting wage subsidies and still paying him his percentage. W

ly breaking the rules that are made to keep us all safe, and especially when
n his place...prosecution of him..... along with as many as his fool hardy foll
his mans attitude is not helping at all"

need to keep all the community safe."

ption in these times and it's time to make an example and not just a slap o
ations covering groups and gatherings."

lf , taking care of them , making sure they get vaccinated. Especially becau
ng all the hard work & sacrifice others have put in to keep people safe.If in

was self serving"

ng his herd, putting others at risk"

t follow the alert level rules set by our Government."
maki and the destiny church with total disregard for public health!"

d putting others at risk. How dare someone of this status flout the law in th
ders doing the right thing."


n pocket"

made in this instance. If he is let off, there more and more rules bei
ed out of our country, for good!"

hen everyone else is!!"

his I would be charged so one rule for all please."

ckhead "
us through, even though I have had enough. Sick of selfish people spoiling

ght to account for a whole range of reasons"

pe with a mass rise in COVID hospitalizations!"

broke the rules of level 3. If there is no consequence for their action other
l guidelines and was not willing to be accountable for managing health and

ow his guide for his self worth and uses religion to hide it and take money

he put his followers at risk as such he should be given some home detenti

people's health & wellbeing"

he legislation during Alert Level 3 in accordance to COVID-19 Public Health

old to accountability"

rs following the law as that is what a health requirement is. Needs to be ch


a mask every time we go out."

h and undo all the hard work the rest of our populations has done this far A
stance from one another we can stop it spreading - its as simple as that. So
distance and wear a bloody mask! All the hard work wasted have the churc

ve really suffered in order to make this lockdown work. We ALL have benefi
king the law"
ave saved all New Zealanders from being harmed by this virus by respectin
o robs the desperate of their money without concious, so he and mutton w

are following the advice of the government to keep our community safe,

n Tamaki"

it was totally wrong in the level we are. Misleading people by Faust facts."
t disregard for the rules is ok - dangerous"
s disrespectful human"

who attended."

a Registered Nurse. Leaving Hastings for a month and going into a really u
nald Trump to do a dangerous thing. He needs to be held accountable."
ne at risk"

A system?"

Brian Tamati and his followers (gangs too)"

here the law applies to everyone."

ho are doing our best"
during this aweful time"
e face to all of us Aucklanders who are abiding by the law and public health

ther lives to build an over inflated ego. Jail time needed."

elfish actions, when so many others are sacrificing their freedom to fight c
es. Thinks he above anyone else. He deserves to be charged. I used to live i

ed doing this selfless act putting the rest of nz at risk an potentially keepin

He should be prosecuted just like all the people who have crossed the bord
ble rubes and prolonging this lockdown with his fleece the flock meeting."
ers or New Zealand"
eople to. Come on charge him"

k the law. As the Destiny Church and its trust got wage subsidy payments f
Government & Police because there is one set of rules for him and one set
a big finger up to the rest of the kiwis who have dug in"

l. He needs to be held accountable."

ple with out masks"

s to public health, public trust and the nation as a whole. That he hasn't be
quality etc. Who does he think he is"

e law but he has blatantly put lives at risk"


for us all"
& All for one” for all our sacrifices to work!"
ing all of us."

should be prosecuted accordingly."

et's not forget) is spreading misinformation about Covid vaccines in the m

et this clown and his followers ruin it for us without repercussions"
or one should be good for the other. People can't go doing whatever they w


th realism"
n a pandemic that costs lives"
all those attending held accountable."

his irresponsible behaviour."

ination! But no,encourages people not too!!"

e about New Zealanders and uses his position to incite irresponsible attitu
ver, he has got no reason to jeapodise the freedom of others coming out o
restrictions rules!!"
tter than endanger the public. Any other people would’ve been charged."

e sit on the peddle stool while alot of us are obeying the level rule's.He nee


ble people down the wrong path. He's a selfish, narcissistic egg!"

y self esteem is really low he voted labour proudly then shit on us all"
so, maintaining his own interests and disregarding public safety."
Zneeds everyone vaccinated."
ns have consequences. He needs to feel the full force of the law for his acti
tual offenders, they should be prosecuting the organisers behind the even

ight pose to the health and wellbeing of our country and made the inform
move and hes potentially put more lives at risk."

what he wants and to hell with the rest of NZ"

e at risk."
alanders, we were ALL asked to refraine why should he get away with this

eople of higher community stature get away with this!!!!"

e hard work that the rest of Auckland has done in the past 9 weeks. Seem

when we are all doing the hard yards to get out of this, all the businesses t

putting everyone at risk"

of us including those who served with the NZ forces no longer with us."
w and undermined the efforts of the large majority of Aucklanders. Plus u
wing many people to possibly get infected with a deadly virus This is mass
es in a pandemic needs to be held accountable. And punished severely to p

ck of respect for health and safety is criminal!!"

ople who have people die and cannot have more than ten people at the fu
minals in this Country have the law on there side"
of others"
done. They think they're the only ones with rights."
n mive forward and get back to seeing family, friends and doing what we lo

be as accountable as the rest of us. Tax, masks, govt rules etc etc etc"
wed by each and every citizen of this country."

nerable people that for some reason admire him."

ated mass assembly of endangerment."
oodwill of the nation."

ation, Tamaki has an abundance of both. He should be held accountable fo

es yet protesting against getting vaccinated."

dence of it being a Christian church, should be named and shamed for it's s
the country. I feel he is only out for himself"
for the well being of Aucklanders, who are doing so well to stamp out cov
stening to the vocal ignorant, lets not follow suit. Kia Kaha NZ"
erson has endanger getting Auckland from Level 3 to Level 2."
accountable for there actions!"

he rest of us have played by the rules while I’m watching my business go b

part of the destiny church will stop giving him money when their wallets ar

ays himself as a leader! He should be made accountable for his actions. If

bly hasn’t been able to “collect” his usual “donations”!! All about the mon
narchy by making Tamaki accountable for his actions. Otherwise any of us s

e up everything for the last 7 weeks to beat this bloody Virus ."
to do. There is so many people putting themselves out there to help others

y the police"
That shows his ignorance to the country. PUT HIM AWAY!!"

he law of the land but he is Breaking the law, full stop."

ery of all the people who are doing as they are asked, keeping social dista

t above the law"

le have been charged for not following the rules and this clown encourage

d that he gets away with what he does"

hinking of himself"

sition of responsibility"

em or not"
ards the law of the country and has shown no respect for those who have c
ys on the vulnerable"
off covid"
the public health teams needs to be censured for the public nuisance he i

nders at risk!"
ely to stay at level 3"

lations and potentially endanger the public."

anders are doing it very tough but abiding by the rules"

n people like this get away with this kind of carry on."
normal life"

ou are meant to honor your government and laws makers"

ries covid strategy at risk but he peddles misery by taking money from the
tions is not right."
about an important worldwide crisis.He should be financially and personall
pecially Aucklanders trying to do the right thing. Idiot, charge him."
1-2 says: "Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there.
nd all other attendees for breaking the law. If that was any other ethic gro
nely no reason at all"

e earlier we get rid of him the better for society."

ng at home, how selfish can you be Brian Tamaki. The reason we are gettin

e be treated as special"
s been allowed do to?!!When businesses are closing and families are suffer
g of the law, this country , and it’s people!!!" all those who attended should also be charged"

untry from the pandemic! I can’t believe his kind had even has a platform t
to hold this protest."
during lockdown level 3 is totally unacceptable. End of story."

ible and vulnerable people. He needs help!"

re livelihoods"
quences. He organised an illegal protest, inciting thousands to break the la

aw should apply to him , plus still get money off the government bloody di
selfish and disgraceful to put your own ego before the lives of thousands"
er in these abnormal times."
ussions for his shameful deeds/words and that needs to change"
onor the government and the leaders. Ministers are to pray.."

ckland is doing it really hard businesses, school kids NZCEA Students, elder

at risk and should be penalized!!!"

on to influence his followers & deliberately encouraged them to break the

hakapapa in Aotearoa ...."
t an absolute tosser."
ere dodnt need to be risk added"
is costing everyone so much in more than one way. He thinks he is above
wishes of our team of 5million"

f and has broken the law."

secute makes a mockery of the sacrifices most New Zealanders, particular

est proves it further. Please, please, please throw the book at him as he so
d for the foreseable future, all because of people who act like sheep!!!"
d as a charity but received $138000 for what exactly???? to get him thru C

has the potential to spread the disease."

and PM should address the nation on this issue as to what Govt is going to
n groups to protect our vulnerable whanau and health services. This was a
emic is not right."
ess and personal freedom at risk. Totally irresponsible"
mage than he is worth."
Pope?) has misled his flock for too long & risks many of them dying with hi
tect the vulnerable and get us back to a measure of normal for everyone’s
he law, fine the shit out of him"

ted. The worst part of it is the impotence of the police."

held accountable, in my opinion. They all choose to be there, so they all b

uckland has put in. White privilege at height. Why should he not be held a

untry at danger of a serious pandemic outbreak! Simple!"

just for him and his followers and was breaking the law. Im sick and tired o
er than the rest of the population and therefore should stick to the rules. W
t only his own need to be in the limelight and keep the collection boxes fu

nstantly flouts the law. Dont accept the cash payment that he will get his c

he Aoteaora in risk"
uld be held accountable"
e a consequence"
munity at large with his selfish behaviour."

This shit doesn't help anyone!!!"

any covid cases will arise from this gathering, keeping this country in lockd
eeds his humanity."
OVID vaccinator and Tamaki has stupidly and knowingly put our lives at risk

lot whilst he and his thugs do what they please. Arrest him!!!"
ime minister At least Brian is standing up for the best of NZ Stop this INSAN
rest of Auckland. Is he really protecting his followers?"

nd those who blindly follow him are putting all of us in danger."

and Brian Tamaki and supporters are not above the law."

t risk with no care than their own agenda"

n’t even need to have a petition to get this done."

e allowed to think he is a law unto himself and above others, Christmas is a

to attract membership from poorly informed people"
ceives government payouts and doesn’t pay tax. Perhaps it’s also time to s
g better precautions than this. This meeting was illegal and irresponsible."
lieve in him in danger. He is narcissistic and needs to feel the weight of the

minally stupid."

rs obey the rules during AL3 and I am disappointed that people like Brian u
circus closed."
blity. Time to make idiots accountable"
any normal person could be charged treat them the same charge them for
ly boy, running a racket via religion. His followers whenever I have observe

d twats thinking the rules don't apply to them! All they're doing is delaying
ve the power to preach about things they know nothing about needs to st

heavily. What they did was illegal they broke the law"
communities. He needs to take the consequences even if in his delusional
nd a public safety hazard."
d move"
. So should he. He is insighting a movement to have our nation riddled with

ng a fool who is lining his pockets with there hard earned money so he can

thers to follow suit"

else. Unless of course he wishes to run the risk of God's wrath."

required to."
uckland, in particular, have sacrificed to slow and attempt to eliminate the
t could cost lives."
he disadvantaged and vulnerable"

elf ego. Dumb"

king people have done and been through in order to get Covid-19 under co

egard for anyone but himself"

ckdown ... we are trying to get out of lockdown this display of total arrogan

ut don’t need idiots being careless and thinking they are except"

over by the dregs of nz."

d the safety of others, endangered the vulnerable, broke covid related regu
e how people can think they are so special that the rules don't apply to the
amaki broke the lockdown rules"
vulnerable people"
all the anti-vaxers that there are no consequences for breaking lockdown
elf promotion & has no interest in any way, shape or form in anyone’s wel

differently to the rest of us."

d I want my community to be safe. Brian Tamaki is breaking the law and p

uld be punished"

ot only public safety, but with complete disrespect for the sacrifices Auckl

gathering when individuals are getting penalised? Selfish, self entitled idio
ed his followers to join in."
if we all should be in lockdown for 7weeks and he organises a group gath

protest fully disobeyed lockdown rules"

e's an idiot!"
Philip Ansell"
ts us at further jeopardy. He misses his weekly tithes. He fled Auckland du
therings. He shouldn’t be above the law"
eople to bring this outbreak under control."
ple and takes there money"
reader. We do not need this kind of behavior."
ntry more harm"
th his view by encouraging and organising a gathering people like that, ma

yone else."

ain. Vaccines work!"

What these people done is stupid! They all need to be charged. Just becaus

all of NZ with his self importance ego, anyone else would be fined and in


ho thinks he is above the law. Time for him to be told he isn't"

should have laid charges on the day, it makes a total mockery of the Covid
l the efforts put in by the majority of New Zealanders in the efforts of tryin
ne else. Tosspot."
nd us straight back to it"
. Lock him up - all NZ will be safer."

es yet had the audacity to put vulnerable members of society at risk by hav
gree with what Brian has done. While the rest of Auckkanders have to suffe
mmunity by fear mongering the faithful"

t he's not."
What sort of message is he sending to people by flouting a Public Health Od

h antics like that"

plus he's an idiot!"

ealand at high risk with preaching that its best not to vaccinate"

and keep everyone safe, is for everyone to follow the rules. Of not there s
ng Risk was assessed and appropriate controls were in place to minimize a

e has no faith in what he preaches!! My whaanau matter and we have end

people at his gathering at risk for delta virus is not very godly just selfish"

e accountable"
ds to be held to account."
n at its best"

owers and look how he put all those people in danger. All we want is every

hould be protected."

t the team of 5 million. The good people sacrified a lot for the safety of the
onsidered messaging"

f-righteous, unChristian man!"

ower to influence people with misinformation is wrong"

rcussions from this event being held. Feel for all the people who have been
ant people to be like Brian"
to be held accountable for his antics, as he's not above the law"

ould be locked up"

a precedent that we can all ignore the rules."

spread false information about the benefits of vaccination against Covid."

eds to pay back his wage subsidy money"
e his name in lights in a very irresponsible way"
ugh times"

d restrictions"

gged , give him 30 strikes of a cane and he will whimper like a baby"
as broken, brazenly and publically. He has risked the health of all those pre
ckdown rules."

ing gronk, preying on some of New Zealand's most vulnerable communitie

ds to be disciplined"

was unsafe and irresponsible. Greedy selfish prick."

all and his description of the pandemic was the epitome of stupidity."
n to these noise merchants personally benefiting from their platform. This

ing would be in breach of the level 3 rules. Which jeopardises the health o
d for breaking lockdown rules! Why is Brian any different.I dont believe th

abuse of power Tamaki is manipulating people with low health literacy"

old saying “practise what you preach”...."

ovid lockdown rules and on the internet incites hatred of our government
g to go ahead no matter what and were trying to mitigate risk as much as p
much of Auckland hard work & sacrifices so they can gain cheap publicity &
Police to engorge law and ignorant entitled people prolonging the proces

se dumb asses"
ble for this illegal protest"

m however we are making sure we are part of the solution and not part of t
here is only one way we are going to get through it and that us vaccinatio

reak the law, he put people at risk. Company directors get fined and/or jai
eader and thinks he is above the law. While these kinds of people do these
ensibility and public health."

g home to try and stop the spread of this outbreak, then this moron goes a
uffer the full extent of the law as he is nothing but a money stealing fraud

of stayed at home"

e with the lockdown or not tou should do what is best for the whole count
air to those sacrificing their welfare for the sake of everyone else."
eeding his ego and damaging the health of our city and country."
a breach of covid regulations."
ore important than Joe Bloggs."
et another sickening 5 mins of Destiny fame. Where's cancel culture when

one. Thinks he is above the law."

have been arrested for that protest, one rule for EVERYONE."
trument for controlling Covid, and we should all be protesting against the
ld be prosecuted, so why not him??????"

berately breaking Government rules and direction."

all NZers"

he law and public well-being; it's unbridled arrogance"

afety and has probably extended Auckland's lockdown period. He is also sp

ublicly like this and undoing all the hard work others have done."
s stupidity. who does he think he is"
d to be held accountable."
s and be charged."
d 19. If he or others who attended this meeting get covid 19. Charge them
s safe as possible . There should be consequences for not abiding by them"
ng gathering and his endangering the the lives of New Zealanders."
siness to survive by dragging the level out.It must be hurting financially wit
d criminal activities by gang member such as Tamaki need to be prosecute
ed the lock down rules. He is missing the money from his church services."
unt for his "church" he shows no regard for the people who are doing the

rotocol to protect the community."

as fooled into following him I still wouldn't have made as much money as h
spreading Covid. This guy is dangerous and should not encourage people to

al to encourage the spread of disease."

rules and putting many peoples health at risk!!!"
nd he should be setting an example to all people "
mal health service at risk"

nd my staff protected, looked after and supported. I'm tired and stressed,
ubjected to the voice of insanity of Brian Tamaki all talked into anti-vax. Fo
people in danger"

ason not to get vacvinated is wrong!"

e were to going down a level. This is not driven by "Freedom" , but by mon
rules and should be arrested and fined like other people get!"
ould put the Auckland Health system on their knees if even half the protes

for his political agenda. Covid is a health crisis not political or religious. He

rest of the poor aucklanders, idiot"

ns. Aucklanders have made many sacrifices during this time & Tamaki mak

als, Christianity doesn’t come into it at all!"

ndear himself to the majority of Kiwis"

t comes to breaking it, so many are struggling in these harsh times, yet thi
o do the same! It is called sedition."

guided many people."

aking g the rules. He isn't part of the team of 5 million."
ricted for longer, when the rest of us are trying to play our part and do the

unnecessary risk and increased the likelihood of longer lockdowns"

s people and NZ economy at serious risk!"

vid-19 including Brian Tamaki, no exception!"

ntinue to make such huge efforts to protect New Zealanders and this guy t
ives at risk"
to take action"

om to go anywhere at any time for the exclusive benefit of the individual,
lse. This type of gathering only fuels the spread of Covid. He and his gathe
o one is above it."
e to do the wrong thing, and influence others to do the wrong thing"
k of out of control covid. Totally irresponsible. Throw him in jail."
ty leader"
ut they should have been wearing masks and social distancing.Brian Tamak
s God wouldn't of approve you actions.Stay home and save lifes"
get away with it."
During this time we need to all play our part to drop levels. If he continues

r the common good not undermine it. Not a freedom issue, a deliberate de
d control ppl. He is a piece of shit"
will probably result in fatalities."
and has put lives in danger."
er rule for us. If you break the law there MUST be consequences"
ment without any thought or care for anyone but his own voice ! And what
people before his own personal agenda. He has put our economy and our
d group. BUT the big question is the credibility of the Police Commissioner
rus but economical and social implications for people."

y in large a high risk group. They are putting the rest of us rule complyers a
rged why should he get away with it"
this is incredibly dangerous and criminal and will be treated as such"

ger no masks public distancing etc"

les and keeping my Auckland family in limbo"

d the safety of every NZer"

is putting the health of the public at risk."

s using this as a platform to spread rubbish about wanting to be free to cho

ho lives in the countey or is trying to return and for what some media atten
ople in."
gard the rules and be held accountable - then what is Brian Tamaki doing -

gnoring rules he ha committed to !"

public safety at risk. Apostle WTF???"

e people who do the right thing"
e on him"

ble and selfish."

someone else they would have been arrested and charged."

anger and he's ignorant, religiously and morally"

ng everyone’s life in danger including nurses, doctors in the middle of a blo

rite.Hate what he's doing to pple"

ns, even the self appointed 'bishop'"

lowing what we need to do...and yet his organised protest puts us back as
not for the safety of his followers, first and foremost. He's operated on the

or his greed"

hers need to be deterred from similar irresponsible activities"

eguard the citizens of NZ in contravention of the rules of lockdown in Auck
nally have some consequences for his actions"

th. He could have protested online, same way everyone else gets stuff do

he ill-informed into his web - and he collects tithes while he does it. It's no
d everyones freedom back. The freedim to come and go as we please. This

of covid-19 rules. He's irresponsible and disrespectful. So, law needs to s

gether to get this covid-19 removed and do the right thing and wear a mas
o ruin it for the majority of us who have been doing the right thing. We are
ule for everyone, same punishment."
NZ is making in pandemic by putting lives kiwis before money."
profit while praying on the weak."

ts, purely money grabbing, not caring for the people at all"
on to the vulnerable."
when they endanger the safety and rights of others - Brian was irresponsi
how much money he has conned out of people who can least afford it."

his followers are not an exception to the rule!"

o have been struggling together to fight Covid-19. He irresponsibility is crim

overnment let this shady organisation get away with it 類"
respect. He should be charged"

by the rules what gives this guy the right to break them doing what he wa
n fact he is the devils helper"
e semblance of normality!"

dangering my friends at home!"

and complete disrespect for those who are doing what is best for our who
He should not get away with it because he plays lord . He has put so many

d regulations that stipulate what we need to be doing to keep EVERY New

amaki,he gets away with breaking lockdown rules once again whilst the ma
d by this fraudster."

his ego"
akers whilst Joe public and small businesses do the hard yards."
own ego. Ignores public safety."

with his mindless cult followers."

Zealands Health"
ut a measly fine wont do the trick as we all know"

conmen has not only put the most vulnerable and indoctrinated by his pow

ach of L3 rules."

and his gid"

ut of lockdown restrictions"
people. He’s rotten to the core while masquerading as a religious saviour.

wer and wealth. Taking from his own people with no care"
's lives."
t hes doing Risking all aucklanders..jacinda has done her best to keep NZ sa
owed a lack of respect and care for people."

s kind of thing."
nd shows complete disregard for the wider community. As a so-called lead

th some very ignorant followers"

Delta. Hugely irresponsible."
ing, and then this f#@kw!t comes along."
h public health measures. He shouldn't get away with it."

h and lives at risk"

responsibility for his illegal actions. He is a danger to us all."

be better then everyone else that's been trying since August"

ike murder."
out covid."
at's not P.C"

e idiots that encouraged mass gatherings and ongoing disregard for lockdo
dn't travel level 4 or level 3 to be with her 6 hours from where I live. Brian t

l protest", this was a blatent flouting of lockdown rules, undoing the deter

the rest of NZ"

gets covid and his members"

o one should be divided!!"
away the key."

e same."
ckless behaviour"
opped. In excess of 2000 people congregating at Auckland Domain during

oved ones safe from COVID 19 delta and what they did put so many people
el 3 restrictions and posed a significant health hazard to the people of Auck
nt, encouraging people to break the level 3 rules."
at makes a mockery of those who are following the guidelines put in place
a self proclaimed bishop to encourage his followers to blatantly break cov
d not be allowed to flaunt the law the way they have been let to by our po

amaki to encourage people to gather like they did. I'm all for Freedom of S
he same, put The health amd well-being of Aucklanders at risk"

their best to kick Covid and keep others safe, then comes this guy who thi
e numbers spike weds, Thursday, Friday of this week. I will blame him rega

ak the law, Auckland is still in lockdown and the whole country is relying on
t taking a strong enough stance to charge all who dont follow rules."

ules & went against them. Being such a prominent religious leader, he is v
is gathering. As an essential worker in the medical profession, I am exhaus

ay at home, masks, working from home etc, you get this idiot and his follow

arn there’s repercussions for his antics."

rous consequences to the country, to Auckland and even the whole countr
ation which is contributing to the current covid situation that is holding the
eople, it’s all about his ego and money to finance his millionaire lifestyle."
hinking of the people of auckland that were doing the right thing he is a sel
ave had to sacrifice a lot for the rest of NZ. it is unfair for those who try an
ainst safety guidelines, endangering lives and undermining all the hard wor
afety zorder."
pay for his lifestyle at risk."
r at least attempted murder"
pless and wont act. GOVERNMENT IS A JOKE"

ountry's safety!!"
or my family and friends"
elf serving behaviour. Plus, the police have to set an example"
his reckless actions"
downs we've had in Auckland.This fraudster completely disregarded the sa

tion. What about the rights of the rest of the country to stay safe against C
isrespecting the majority of Aucklanders who have done the hard yards. H
st a man in blatant violation of the law?"
2 people flying to Wanamaker is bad."

people in danger."
for small business that are suffering"

vel 3. A joke. Govt a farce"

d he will continue to think he is above the law."
ificantly due to restrictions. What a selfish pig!!"

ey to fund his millionaire lifestyle. He doesn’t care about people."

should be held to account."
people, that couple from Auckland who fled to Wanaka were wrong to wha
d for the health and safety of the public by ignoring the Covid-19 precautio
s illegal."
lse would have had they of done what this idiot did! In the Bible it says fo

it is on the Bishop. This one arogant act undoes all the good that he has m

on and very selfish."

eld accountable"

prisoned not a fine that his misguided followers would be paying"

he way he preys upon the vulnerable. He led this outdoor protest and wen
es and putting lives at risk"
for attention could endanger mine or yours family members."
?? Lock him and his followers up"
ealand. Shame on you and you're followers for putting us all at risk!"
be charged and held responsible just like everyone else breaking the rules

sing auckland has been in lockdown for 6 going on 7 weeks delta is still spr
e under lockdown isn’t a genuine reason.He is a major factor in why Maori
ne else is following the rules. A slap in the face for us all."

jailed and left to rot under the inage of a devil"

ard the rules with no consequences"
blic safety, not his oversized ego. He blatantly disregarded the law and put
to be stopped"

and it does not help with these situations - I understand frustration, but d

or his irresponsible actions...this is just one of many.."

nerable people."
believe in, but once you start preaching to brainwash people that's another
ons and the actions of his followers. Plus calling Dr Bloomfield, Hitler Bloo

I would the powers that be look the other way."

e to gather during Auckland lockdown."
ng thing and clearly broke level 3 protocol by holding a protest"

breaching Covid lock down level 3 protocols.."

xample of"
oice more important than those professionally trained people that are wo

e Destiny Church is a fraud organisation."

put people at risk"

sicist asshole."

c safety and he deserves to be held accountable"

-19 and putting everyone at risk. We are all working hard to keep everyone

stor my arse郎郎郎郎郎郎 郎郎郎"

me locked down, and his nob and his followers have no regard for our sacr
is not charged it makes it very apparent that rules are not so. He can gath

ds to be made accountable"
ealand adhere to the rules, and yet this man and others think they don't h
kland and the rest of the country in a worse position and has put everyone
son in tamaki makaurau."
ect to every person that is struggling! You are not a man of god but a man
th and economy of all New Zealanders and broke level 3 rules."
ery upsetting to have all those people not wearing a mask or trying to keep
Brian Tamaki above the law?? I hope not."

e needs to be held accountable."

o do with freedom, science or love for fellow man. This is illegal, disrespec


to do the right thing and yes we are all struggling. Then you have this hap

his actions in the middle of a pandemic"

ng many lives"

e to her husband before he died and tried to break the boarder line to do s
ng to exert pressure on people who need to be vaccinated. He doesn't care

police prior to the event, the rules were contingent on everyone wearing
ules as the rest of nz has"
m of religion . Thieving from the poor and a shepherd to the ill educated a
ews, this was a deliberate breach of Alert Level requirements and he must

with before now is beyond me! He uses religion as a disguise to hide how a

he law. He was irresponsible and is doing thus because hopefully people ar

nities at risk. He needs to be stopped."

tistical "religious freedom" does NOT give him the right break laws and pla

d for the great majority of the general public. Plus he’s an egotistical and s
do the right thing he thinks hes above the law. He is not. So now the law sh
family. An Brian Tamaki is a completely selfish idiot."

e law upheld. He broke the law and he needs to be held accountable."

our “freedoms” because we know it will benefit us all if we act together. T
s breaking the law and putting peoples lives at stake"
aud who preys on the weakness of those who are in need of guidance and
onsible. To ignore and not charge him - sets a dangerous example to other
can get away with flouting the rules while the rest of us make big sacrifice
when it’s leader says things not very charitable and incites it’s members to


us. Plus this guy is a twat"

all of Auckland"
uldn't go unpunished"

osspot B. wanker C. self-entitled arsehole D. paid by thousands of losers to

actions! Charge Brian Tamaki and every single person who attended. The

the law. Same law for all New Zealanders."

e appropriately for someobe wuth influence over that number of people, p
the law"

with thousands of people!"

he family from this disease and live by the rules and get vaxinated"

sgraceful actions"

are the reason that we couldn't get our freedom. And he is violating the ru

incite people to break the law. Aucklanders have done the hard yards for

others to break the law and join him while in doing so they put the whole p
tically and Brain should not be above the law!"

puts the country at risk with his stupidity."

e especially celebrity people"
oes this."

others to do the same. In doing so they put others, the community and cou
powers of influence"
ple was unacceptable!"
ckdown. He has encouraged people to follow his brainless ideas of non va
nity based on his own personal greed and corrupt views."
nising a potential super spreader event"

nated to ensure a safe return to normal. Many people’s livelihoods and m

d to account."

own rules when others have sacrificed so much. He needs to learn a lesson
us. I can believe it was allowed to happen."
d up. Who does he think he is. It’s idiots like him that help spread the viru
he reat of the population that are living in true lockdown spirit."
osecuted to set an example to those who keep breaking the rules while the

there is a justice system. He's not above the law"

ckdown rules."

ung and old. The only way we know how to contain it,is to inoculate and k

n the people of Auckland whom have fought hard to combat this virus out
ing morons by removing their religious ‘charities’ tax exemption status? W
ublic identity when he is nothing but a domestic terrorist"

f what his Church does. Like his anti gay stance again he got this very wron

at was against the law, potentially causing more Covid infections."

d same with his followers they all broke the law when the rest of Auckland

to society getting away with ripping people off and spreading dangerous d
to the damage he has done in having, what could be, an illegal meeting. It
ased on fact."

ed? I despair of Brian Tamaki's stupidity."

ent covid restrictions"

he law applies to everyone, 6 months in prison might do that!!"
reat his breach like anyone else would get treated."
of breaching this law..thereby endangering us all"

eld accountable for the breach and endangering so many peoples lives thru
is followers for donations to pay it."
hat needs to be treated like any other breech and be prosecuted. This man
my health. If he considers himself above the law, let's see what New Zealan

uch I can teach them I'm just not that qualified"

king clown who is misleading the public and don't know the importance of
adhered to the level restrictions, he would have had volunteers handing o

made accountable."

hard to stay safe and he thinks that he can get away with non compliance"
hering in masses and breaking the rules"
and a liar."

tal disregard for the potential for the spread of Covid to innocent people.
e else would be"

a dangerous man with an insatiable ego who is putting public safety at risk.
esses are close to going broke. And this guy does not care."
He's a dangerous conman that needs to be stopped."
ou deserve what’s coming to you."

the country in jeopardy and it's not on!"

of the people of nz and should be shown that there are consequences for
ight to do the things he does ,,he is not a God, he is but a stupid ego man .
that has put many people at risk. He is misleading and brainwashing peop

hinks he is above it?"

nt of others and outright snake oil fraud from this massive c**kwomble and
Wolf in Sheeps clothing, who has no regard for anyone but himself"

out and what Brian Tamaki did was not only stupid but there was no conse
e idiot and freinds are trying to stop the hard work we done over the last 7
is nose at us all, but happily accepts wage subsidies and charitable status,
d asshole"

thing let down by an illegal protest"

3 rules"
is protest to go ahead."
to do so and as I understood it that is a serious crime.Punish this man. He
e the government we voted in"

s of thousands of us Aucklanders who have followed the directions of our g

ountable for his moronic behaviours. Auckland people have sacrificed so m

d role model"

his man's actions flouting the prevailing rules only lengthen that previous m
iting people to break the law and potentially undermine the hard work an

nt disregard of rules that are needed to keep all NZers safe."

rogant & has a big ego,he needs votes for nxt election,he thinks he's God,
in and profile fine the fucker"
valuable indeed, is limited when it comes in contradiction with the freedom
he broke level 3 requirements and encouraged others to also do so."

He doesn't care about his congregation let alone anyone else."

at ransome under lockdown"

m charged"
ckdown to go. He has potentially helped delay L2 coming. He prays on the
le like him lead people to"
w just because he is has set himself up as a religious leader."
this self serving man ."


ccountable for his actions"

g an arrogant prick."

t with events like these occurring this will potentially impact on our freedo

y and wellbeing.He's just pushing his own agenda to boost his ego.Ka pai i
and the efforts of most people and is inexcusable."
rest of the country"

onted an illegal gathering."

ose that attended should be treated just the same as if I was to have held a

aders of "churches" who encouraged their lot to go."

ders who chose to quietly sit out the lockdown and obey the rules."

ney grubbing wanker"

lling his own people."

t is irresponsible, an abuse of trust from a public figure and illegally puts p

rent set of rules, he blames earthquakes on the gays etc. If it was anyone e
We don't need ignorant antis undermining the importance of getting vacc

months now and have been living a very careful existence (even before lock

ould not get away with it"

or Delta as a Aucklander. Tamaki blows it out. Slap him in jail....over his st
ple by telling lies and intimidating. Him, his family and his protectors are th

o the laws and not consider themselves exempt."

let this happen should all be charged and jailed"
ney off them, he deserves to be punished"
ack he believes his on Bullshit."

anders. Everyone has been trying to do their part during this outbreak. He
fortunate people so that they can live a life of luxury."
nd it’s illegal to be out in public without a mask. We need to isolate not org

ring for others and putting others safety first"

d messenger is breaking them. Sort his shit out."

re trying to get rid of COVID. What the heck was he thinking."
ck.The bastard needs locked up."
pardy. Selfish prick"
- he knew exactly what the outcome would be and how to hide his intentio
oor alike"

e the peaceful occupation of 4 at Pūtiki. 2000+ 'protestors' showing up for

r running his scam."
is above the law."
r other people's safety. The sort of behaviour that has been seen by a fair
ndreds of people at risk with this stunt....he is not above the law WHY WO
t of us are abiding by."

rves to be punished for it"

to be repreminded. He has no rights to put others at risk and there should
rictions requested for the good of our fellow citizens and our families. This
no at risk"

responsible person as he usually is."

and others don’t."

respectful of other people"

ctions of Brian Tamaki."

ated and Brian Tamaki needs to be held to account for behaviour contrary
efamatory statements"

omfield as a WW2 Third Reich Chancellor!"

at risk for his own personal egotistical selfish gain !"

t others at risk. He is a menance to society!"

n at them the sooner we can get back to normal. He should be made an exa
and doesn't respect other people."
ple's well-being."
le who need to be on board with the fight against this virus"

d trying our best.This was a criminal act.He and the rest cannot get away w

s been doing their part in lockdown. He can't be the exception just becaus
tions to his believers promoting mass gatherings in a pandemic."

olute brain dead followers. A ton of people are paying an arm and a leg al
ng my own family in danger with his actions."

ocial distancing and were breaking the covid 19 response rules by gatherin

and witnessed by hundreds."

ovts test subjects"

e for all, not for some to pick and choose. One for all to protect the health
current outbreak. What Tamaki did ( and all the rest who went along), wa
New Zealand trying their best to abide by the rules. This is so wrong"


veryone else"

is a crime"

ample, not with the the threat of bioterrorism instead, stomping all over o
same way the rest of us have. We all want our lives back to normal."
can least afford it"
It's a disgrace that most of his followers and him was not wearing masks.

risk especially in Auckland"

is no time to put your ego above others. He constitutes a public danger."
rap to his less privileged followers. Tossa"
e treated the same. Others have been charged for breaching Level 3 or 4 re
s to have the book book thrown at him and be prosecuted to the maximum
ing his tithe paying flock. Not very smart of you Bishop Bool$hit"
stian my arse where was his Christianity putting others at risk Jesus be rolli
fforts of the people of Auckland. Why should the couple who went off for a

ed that he calls himself one . Every time he's braking the law if it not one th

alth sacrifices in jeopardy"

d poor Auckland "
arrested. Everyone else has to obey lockdown rules, so should he."
plus all their families that didn't attend in person, recklessly in danger witho

breaks the rules putting all the work in jeopardy"

after all the sacrifices we have made in Auckland."

ed to break rules that are designed to keep people safe during a pandemic.
o As they want ?Poor show of leadership"

n to try and get our covid numbers to zero."

e. Putting people at risk of contacting the virus and ultimately spreading is
church's teachings!"
orries about that.I’m signing because there are far too many people that a
ors that use too much hair product."
thers. A completely selfish idiot who only cares about himself and money"
. He is portraying himself as a leader to be followed and placing others at

their life. He is meant to be a leader"

getting covid, unvaccinated people are causing so many good hard workin

ke anyone else would have to!"

g in the bud. It is preying on the easily lead and endangering the public at l

spect for the government or the rules"

im the right to do this, he needs to be prosecuted and then maybe people

ugh this, not work against each other. And let your perceived self importan
of millions of people."
The government snd police should have stopped it. Toughen up police Why
and disappointing things to happen while we are all working so hard to kee

kdown rules."
y should he get let off when they have charged others who broke boarder
rificing their own freedoms for the greater-good of all.Meanwhile, Tamaki
rtunate to run his church. And also has no regards for other peoples safety
it is immoral that someone should hold themselves in a position of trust w
harge him."
ports will save us........however making money through others woes.......bit

wn in the ocean"
er please. Aue! Pai Kare!"

he hard work that aucklanders have done during the pandemic. It's illegal

couraging more than 2000 New Zealanders to break the lockdown rules w

ng stress with misinformation and breaking the law"

no matter who they are."

Covid!! One stupid person and his followers will stuff it all up for been so

ntries . Seems not! He needs to be jailed for endangering lives."

et rid of covid. Make them pay"
t risk after all their hard work.Charge him!"
r, no different to the idiots that flew to Wanaka who will be charged, excep

Lockdown requirements and broke the law doing so. He will have added to
wing the line. He’ll accept your subsidies, and wear a mask intermittently b

his ego. Charge him."

d a mass, illegal gathering, in breach of current NZ Health and Safety order

been doing our bit to follow the law - he should pay back all the subsidy an
rd to do what is right by getting vaccinated, keeping within the rules and s
what's best for their country. Keep hospitals free of covid patients"
t because of who he thinks he is"
s lives in danger"
urch." It's unmitigated fraud."

own longer for everyone…."

ader of Destiny Church."

very day to keep my mummas, pepi ^ whanau safe & healthy.... in so doin
he whole country at risk"

e should charge him to make an example and reduce the chance of this ha
less! & selfish!"

ernment subsidy. So he can’t disagree with it to much when he’s willing to

e (as Aucklanders) are trying to achieve are not worthy of our respect..."
amaki flagrantly broke the rules and spread misinformation"
d others to do the same."

3 who was he to call a protest rally for 100s. Plus he's a false prophet: self

maki inticing the people not to have the vaccination for Covid and breaking

owers back to church and tithing ...."

being talked about... is NOT being talked about. Hence the term, "Don't g
he risk of COVID from becoming a nightmare for Aucklanders"

h order and greater public safety. He still plans to protest again."

that . Dick head."

one else but himself and his crazy followers, and doesn’t care that his beh
g those of faith, throwing inexcusable homophobic remarks and now break

es to brain wash his cult followers & put so many people at risk."
hich is a huge issue and will certainly lead to more Covid infections"

,responsibility,be a good role model, I could go on!"

d does not care about your Bill of Rights freedoms and will in fact most like
l cash coffers. Disrespectful to our population and a desecration of the sac


regard for peoples health and safety. Shameful"

th against them! He has to be stopped!"

g on the poor...."

comes stopping the Gospel being preached..Brian purposely broke the law

ng public health and making a mockery of others efforts to minimize the sp

be made accountable for his actions."
ut lives in danger"
You are the other organizers potentially have set the counrty back weeks i
New Zealand at risk by encouraging stupid people to act stupidly!"
gulations are for everyone else? He deliberately defied level 4 regulations a
ncouraged others to do the same. These regulations have been implemen

re doing the right thing and to get out of lockdown we need to keep safe u

liticised. and everyone should be made accountable for putting others in d

ove all the laws in the land! He is a menace to society! Charge him like any
e right thing. This fool thinks the rules don't apply to him."
e slapped in tgevdace by hi. My partner is in auckland and I want to go see

ould never have happened."

needs to be prosecuted and shut down."

oes Brian Tamaki have to do what he did. I'm doing my best to bide by the

ed the same as anyone else that would be punished for breaching level 3 r
med “racist”"
everyone else"
Y AND BLATANTLY broke and encouraged the breaking of lockdown rules t
f not thousands, of people to ignore Covid 19 safety recommendations the

he dictionary, cos it's happened. The Government own the media, and now

majority of Aucklanders have done.Selfish antics and total disregard to oth

alth regulations."
l as offering and upholding the law. Mr Tamaki and his followers do not. 1

ition to encourage others to break the rules set by our elected Prime Mini
s like this make all our hard work be wasted and the restrictions last longe

staff putting them self at risk to care for sick . This makes a mockery of the
ough in lockdown and turkeys like this spreading the virus, making lockdo
nd believe they are above the law."

. It's this kind of thing that will cost a multitude of lives."

ard the rules Charge him and others"

o have idiots like him put controlling Covid19 in jeopardy. Few masks to be
the future!! Covid is making it impossible to get placement into hospitals

es to be made accountable."
h absolutely no regard for the community and public health efforts. The de

ring was clearly illegal. The evidence was on TV FFS."

sis of care and love. Vaccinations save lives and have done since invention

3 that we were in. It was not allowed or legal"

put lives at risk and the NZ police supported him in doing so."
s he thinks of himself as a periah that is just in no way humbling and I'm at

e shoved up his arse"

f NZ to be in danger. Any one who invited people to protest at this event, o
any lives at risk and the future of Aucklanders being able to get back to lev

aw unto himself."

y. He incited a mass gathering which could well become a supreme spread

oned for this breach of public safety"

ers..........protestor........ that us selfish for not wearing masks in pubic and n
god on his side. Ignorant. Many have made huge sacrifices, lost jobs and b
osecuted for breaching lock down rules so he should to"

ings can become a super spreader. Also totally reject his divisive and hate
me tactics as the christian right trumpsters.he appeals to the ignorant and
ny others to follow. People have been punished for less so he needs to kno

wn better ..control is all he got ..his followers are now in trouble to !,"
have been conned by him"
e’s above us mere humans and needs to be stopped influencing his brainw
and tell people to get the jab so we can all get out of lockdown."

d-19 subsidy."
ached !!"
aided an entirely irresponsible and dangerous action, His action was no bett
ucklanders have done to keep each other safe this ‘idiot’ has endanger tho
Aucklanders sacrifices during these lockdowns. The organisation that he is
d. He believes he is above the law."

yone at risk and I can't stand people who put their moronic conspiracy the
landers and the sacrifice Auckland residents and nz have made to keep ou
punish then why can't i"

or breaking lockdown and putting lives at risk"


on who they choose to expose as well as being too “kind “ regarding the g

g his own agenda before public safety."

ing, breaching Level 3 rules where most of Aucklanders had been working

one does anything"

n't hear them talking about responsibility to fellow man. This is a classic ex

iting others to break the law is highly irresponsible anyvtime and especiall
m Jail…. Even if he does get prosecuted he will just get a slap on the wrist.
d tired of these idiots on both sides of the ditch"

t thing to get out of lockdown"

New Zealand it is going down hill fast."
e right thing by not breaking the rules, and this moron thinks he runs this c

be removed from his position as leader of Destiny Church. He preys on the

d stopped it and charged those who were there. Seems to be 3 laws. 1 for
ng other people at risk"

thousands people in risk of catching Covid-19."

e actions putting lives at risk"

where we are. How dare he think he has the right to flout the rules!"

s foolish actions. Why should we suffer for his selfishness. We need busi
ry's health."

And he's an Arrogant, Self Righteous Pratt!!!"

thinks he's a complete that."
nd endangered others. He used his influence to convince those that are vu
overnment subsidies then claiming that same government is tyrannical. Pu
public health and in direct defiance of Covid restrictions. Shameful and no
ns of dollars and we end up like Oz"
ke it difficult for everyone else!! We are all suffering through this pandem
ask? Double standards there, he was grandstanding!"
Kiwi’s have been arrested and charged for lesser breaches. Tamaki’s action
d another for the majority. He broke the law!!!!"

our future. This is outrageous and ignorant and putting everyone at risk wit
eds to be sent and made for those who think the lockdown rules don't app
we get vaccinations all the time!) and not wearing masks?? Brian you are
le at risk of getting infected with Covid. It is always all about hinself. He lov
p. End of story."
od publicity for his church of never ending funding for personal gain. It’s a s

t a self centered inhumane low life."

anyone else for putting lives at risk at a time when Families Small Business
should be upholding covid restrictions not touting them."
ct the people"

ho is selfish. He does not care about anything or anyone. He is not thinking

event during level 3 lockdown and should be punished accordingly. This g
s and defies the law that has been instituted to protect us must not be op
is puts us all in danger."
h no genuine concern for others."

g the entire community at risk! He's broken the law and needs to be held
Not a measly fine either, prosecution!"

hanau not stay in lockdown"

s. All of them have totally undermined all the efforts made by the entire c

d in by his so called faith. He is the type of person who has the nerve to ca
hreatens everyone else's safety. Not ok on any level and extremely hypocr
y of people have been making sacrifices to help eliminate Delta. All that ca
e hardship endured by the Aucklanders doing the right thing. Just reckless
ublic to create law and order problems"
ng lockdown rules to help control this virus and this selfish idiot risks it all
mily of 5 million."
the banner of so-called freedom, it is time for the New Zealand police to t
graceful disregard for people's safety during a Covid-19 lockdown"
wage subsidy handout during lockdown, pays no tax & then puts everyone
he pleases without consequence, simply because of his position of "power"

s by gathering in such numbers should be seen to be punished."

, this will only increase the cases and jeopardize what we protected fir 2 ye
near future. I am in Australia with similar occurrences happening by selfish
should be charged accordingly."
nhe has plans for another I herd"

ules around covid then he needs to as well. Why should our chance of sta

danger thru misinformation He is not above the law !"

ould be charged for breaking the law"
gance will harm good Aucklanders."
There are only so menu dinners in life, he has no right to steal one of them

elf, and he should be locked up"

for himself there for jeopardising the rest of us ,lock him up."
hing, he just does what he wants and there are no consequences. Rules and

o stay in this level because of his silly choice "

ssung ma whanau !"

ear mongering and hate."

r endangering everyone around them"

rs efforts knocking covid in its butt he is a nutter"

s on the weak and the easily swayed with all his lies."
me these people are slowing everything down more important lives are at

should be abided by EVERYONE. If not impose heavy fines."

are not above the law, nor the respect that they owe the rest of NZ."
well be like us in Melbourne. The longest lockdown IN THE WORLD."
s a trouble maker and this gathering gave the wrong message in level 3"
mes to public safety"

wants to play political games putting all of us at risk. Yeah nah charge the
our children and businesses can go back to normal. Otherwise children wi
ho doesn't give a rats about anything other than money. No care for other

like so many of my fellow Aucklanders have struggled emotionally. No on

k to furnish themselves with a lifestye."

e and his followers are dumb enough to follow"

s one community not just spread lies and act like we are above the law lo

w no matter who they are."

re about other people."

. He has essentially put people in harm's way. People will lose businesses
other's rights to live safely. You deserve it!"
ey don't charge Tamaki."
ring his gathering! Its unfair everyone else except for him and his follower

s about nothing but money, is happy to take money from his congregation
ng the time, wearing the mask. He has endangered public health and that i

made an example of"

are still in Level 2 to support Aucklanders in mininising the spread of covid
the higher their profile, the better. Don't (just) fine him though - Home D a
he is. Padded cell best place for him."
by holding this protest! He is also breaking the law."

be, a predator and does not care about the collective health and well-being

gered the public health"

mokopuna .... bloody idiots"

and holding the rest of the country back from getting back to normal so th
eyebrows tattooed on?? 藍藍"
om those who should know better!"
ipped of all his assets and the money returned to his followers. This could
the law, breaching of the current regulations covering groups and gatheri
rificed a lot to keep New Zealand Covid free. Why should any New Zealand

al law."

s virus. Tamaki has made my Christmas trip even more doubtful."

the same if that was you or me would we get away with this life that lawye
broken the law!"

he people. The government is to be for the people."

the whole country and made a mockery of the fallen at the war memorial

.Tamaki is compromising his own whakapapa and the the whakapapa of e

e people's lives. He is acting as a catalyst to cause harm, misinformation an
alth, or financial wealth. sometimes we have to trust the government, espe

n protocols for level 3 thereby putting many people at risk of contracting C

ventilator will silence his narcissistic bullshit."

Covid criteria in order for it to do its job. I am a full time carer and would a
posite of safe distancing in numbers whilst being in a pandemic level alert
pathy for the millions of people of this country. What would Jesus do? Get
better than everyone else."

ands of people. He knew the rules but was attention seeking"

his idiot is dangerous and needs to be held accountable for his stupid actio

o be made of him."
would be jailed, lock this fucken idiot up and make an example of him!"
ne him as well."

ving nearly 3,000 ppl protesting in level 3 is just stupid!"

this because he would otherwise be invisible"

fish and grandstanding and morally wrong."

media and I’m not posting this in regards to anybody’s religious beliefs. This
ugh not being able to work or travel to see loved ones."
entilator, will be the only way to silence his narcissistic bullshit!!"

eful group of so called christians have been ignored. Therefore, I am suppo

n he meets his eternal master, it won't be God. Saying that, he will have h
lly irresponsible. If it was the Pope I’d want him prosecuted too!"
responsible behaviour of Brian Tamaki and his followers in times of Covid-1
he law. Although he thinks he is."
ess as Brian Tamaki cannot be allowed to simply continue to operate on a
nd impedes public safety."

ckdowns.Tamaki hurts my family."

port anything he stands for."

n't need people like him preying on the vulnerable"

preader event"

ders certainly not okay"

o feed his own extravagant ego"

respect for the wider community or his followers. He’s put people that trus
the police agree with him"
and safety of my kids and like many others that suffer from respiratory he

ckland community, he's endangering the community as well. The Delta var
fish, loud-mouthed bully!"
followers to join him in breach of the current regulations covering groups
s mess. They're too busy crying about how things affect them, they don't e
ing our health"
ged heavily"
tentially put us in a longer one where my autistic child is already finding th


hat wasted lots of our resources!!!"

ockdown rules. He has a big blooming ego and does not bother about othe

me people deserve to stay home and get well! Especially those who provide

d if no prosecutions are made it will send a message to others who wish to

appointment bishop and dangerous with his beliefs"
other for a group. You want to protest fine, but figure out a way to do it th

rous to human earthlings."

eligous Bullshit for the money. Everyone knows that, look at all the Expens
to do whatever he pleases . Hes putting our country and our people at ris

e and death of homosexuals."

s others to breach them, which endangers the lives of New Zealanders and
t thing (staying to our bubble wearing masks etc) and then you have these
hing and or spreading more covid around"
ng his super spreader event! Especially if it keeps Auckland in lockdown lo
t legal consequences following his breach of covid gathering rules. He put

liminating Covid"

at’s harmful to the health of othersHe should be locked up!"

protest during level 3 lockdown and must face full force of law for ignoring
angerous cult leader. This idiot could lead his flock to a tragic end. Yet the
KE .He thinks he's GOD SICK SICK SICK..CHARGE HIM 郎郎郎郎"
nce an illegal gathering, they should have their tax-free status revoked?"
mely selfish behaviour on 2nd October. Putting Auckland at even higher ri
e like that when so many Kiwis have sacrificed so much since lockdown firs

resting our country"

vid. The police are quick to prosecute gang members for breaches- why sh
ckland in lockdown"

eeds to have consequences"

themselves before, the rest of the people of New Zealand, time he was ma

s seriously as possible. He’s not only breaking the rules but encouraging ot

law. Charge him like you would charge anyone else. Endangering lives like

pay tax, should be investigated. I can't believe how many stupid people fo

thinks the covid rules don't apply to him & his dumb followers.Get a brain
e other than themselves."
d professes he is a bishop of his own church. He makes the rules. He make
e nearly there"
ct. No fair on the other 5million doing it right."
do not really care about suppose freedoms. That is just a cover to justify op

ed so should he."

kids, limited everything and no hope to meet our loved ones, having a sup
rs are brain dead twits. He is not an ordained Minister but a self appointed
fish decision. See how terrible the situation of COVID-19 in America, UK an
t like everyone else! Big disregard for people’s safety and to those who ha

nd rule of law."

ture through their selfish acts. I thought people calling themselves Christia
ove anyone else. Why do people fall this, unbelievable!"
ans all of us. Come on police. This is a blatant breach and must be treated

way with it. As a leader in his community he seems to be able to do anythin

else would be"

cannot gather his flock and extract cash off them. This protest had nothin

ty of others"
so many Aucklanders and spread mis-information"
quences in life. He should be no different."
ngerous, arrogant and has to be punished."

t tax benefit."
s a poor example of what Christianity is about."

s by disregarding the COVID restrictions and thinks he’s God. How dare he
e law and to drag others into his scheme How dare he put peoples lives a
g all of the mahi done by Aucklanders since Delta arrived on our shores.It i

ives at risk and given a free platform for it if there are no consequences. W
mething but cowardly Coster and Stalinda are all hot air!"
ether in the park, he has put the five million people‘s life in risk and waste

so as well."

d premeditatingly broke our NZ law, and let down the whole country with

xpressly warned against."

countable for his inability to comply with the guidelines of a World Pandem
truggling and playing by the rules."
go ahead. We have been doing our bit to help stop the spread of the viru
to work as a team for the best outcome."

ought to justice"
action taken by Tamaki and his followers."

d people in positions of power encouraging non vaccination. We need to b

or his own glorification"
olding this rally which could spread the virus"
ople's expense who go without to fund his luxury lifestyle He needs to be s

ended the protest"

Christ taught that the most important commandment is to love God with a
ation was spread byBrian Tamaki"

milks his sheep."

mself rich and now he is trying to use his influence to stop those people fr
e think he is GOD????"
inks of nothing other than his own bloated ego. Enough!"
orant piece of sh##"
the whole community at risk. His gathering could be a super spreader sin
ntracted by covid should not be hospitalised."

nd getting away with it. Putting peoples lives at risk is not okay."

ged others to do the same. He should be prosecuted. It was selfish and en

wn con-artist. How can this not be punished?"
ntly lied on TV when asked about people at his rally not social distancing a

ules. If I did that the police would have charged me.Police have double sta

ncouraging others to do the same."

rresponsible idiot needs a stint in jail. Others who break lockdown get pun

misogynistic cult leader who needs to be locked away for good."

iot doesn't, or chooses to break them.Jail or at least a huge fine.Who the h

klanders and he’s a dick head"
ded other peoples welfare in regards to Covid. If he is a man on god as he p
ealth or mental well-being."
ng makes him above the law!!"
o do the same ."
the rules"
ps religion."
majority of Aucklanders."

e by spreading misleading information and behaving in an unChristian way

He needs to be treated like anyone else breaking the rules to this extent"
m influencing more people who are already so inclined, and that's not wha
What a narcissist!"
ts all of Auckland at risk. The rules are for everyone. He is not above the la
o put their trust in him. He needs to learn to take one for the team of 5 mi
ged already!"

hey’re flouting the law and using false information and the gullibility of the
thors or "programmers" of this Virusmust face the same as much and as o

s no exception"
e good of country and he turns his nose up at everyone, not acceptable"
he same."

t to all.Aucklanders"
y and is in effect imposing illness and misery into the lives of everyone with
ugh he thinks he is. The rules are for EVERYBODY so time for him to pull his
lves above the law."

present situation"
ome n stay safe."

other person breaking the law."

pen.What is wrong with this person ??"

people. He is a vile man. A sad excuse of a human..."

the vulnerable and for all the gullible people who barely live mouth to mo

ry keep Covid cases down, more like super spreaders! We've been in lockd
da to give him screen time?"
ong with his wife...."

very person in this country is far more important than any one’s personal
ery one else efforts"
he’s locked up Covid vaccinate him as well!"

ngered every NZer's health, especially the most vulnerable groups. He is a

s. Why are these people exempt?"
munity spread of the dangerous virus in doing so. He is a grave public men
er to make irrespective! What is there not to believe that Covid19 is harmf

ly chosen leader. Noone has elected him to represent their choices. He is

another 4 weeks !!!!!"

e, but this is the only way to protect ourselves and our family."
illion people at risk to stroke his own ego. As a small business owner unab

st of the country!"
only way to protect ourselves and our families! He should to be jailed."
ghbour, protect them as you would they protect you."

delta from taking over our country for many weeks, and many of us Auckla

rol but there are people who, for different reasons, think that they are diff

he protest was illegal. Organisers must be prosecuted"

NOT a christian as it promotes egotistical expressions rather than humble.

al & against all efforts to stop it."

preader event, and serious contempt for all the hard work Aucklanders hav
Holy Spirit of Mother Nature"

es n laws of that society. This is their social contract. This is a give n take co

e him heavily and send him to jail."

an determined to breach the rules which most Aucklanders have adhered
position of power which is most likely going to result in the death of his fol
s preying!!"

uture for all of us."

ncouraging others to break the lawWe have been in a lock down sacrifiying
aki and his gang are not and should not be above the law putting Auckland

ged with a border breach but a guy who organizes a 2000 person protest C
" - Monty Python's Life Of Brian"

man is spreading in pursuit of his own agenda. Nothing to do with Christian

putting Aucklanders in jeopardy"

that he speaks for anyone more than a handful of followers and recalcitran

selfishness of Brian Tamaki is unbelievable, and very damaging to the com

who lives a lavish lifestyle off the hard work of others!"

ery pleased with him."

age and these people , organised by Brian Tamaki have threatened the eff
whole locked down of new zealanders."
ound the issues of covid19"
l risk their health on the will of this uninformed tosspot."

follow the rules. All those breaking the rules should be prosecuted includin

t to put his own gain over hospital beds that potentially will be lost for our

would be and self-proclaimed church leader risk it all by breaking the law.
roken the law and breached Level 3 lockdown rules. Shame on them!"


Zealand at risk!"

be charged & thrown in jail!"

inations and freedom to get our lives back."

gant self centred grift."

me of God to swindle unsuspecting people of their money to support hims

ty.He will do anything for a piece of the action.Nothing but a show off."
kdowns at risk. Lock him up and show him what a real lockdown is like!"

well-meaning folk into making him very wealthy should not place him abov
esponsibility for their fellow citizens and put them at risk to boost his own

ing everything we've done so far! He should be jailed..."

his protest"

consideration for the wider community"

yone else. He is endangering the country with his irresponsible actions"

ers. Because I care about the economy."
e him to the full extent of the law"
mb arse"
ty in his bones."

should be right up there with manslaughter"

an Tamaki will hurt and effect other people’s lives if he continues to keep u
ndangered lives."
d kick up the arse."
his Facebook post yesterday was so hard to follow with his rambling and p
erywhere. Tamaki is a moron."
or public figures"

ot keeping the people of New Zealand safe during Covid."

. That means following rules. He should never have been given permission

h at risk. He thinks he was appointed by God what a load of hogwash!!!!!"

harges….Dickhead !!"
s miss their dad they can't see in Auckland and I miss my mummie and sist
ves to be charged, as do a whole heck of a lot of people who attended the

lse. If fact he was worse by inciting a large gathering which was not allowe
kdown restrictions without a single exonerating reason, organised others
s done at risk,and he should be made an example of, So many funerals we
ger as well as jeopardising our public health response which other people
rest of us. Why are the Police NOT ARRESTING HIM???? One rule for EVE
h' that fleeces people .... also he is an egomaniac - has to be in the limeligh

afety and the greater good. Protection of the vulnerable, our health care w

and thinks he is invisible he should be charged"

, has a total disregard for community."

Maverick wannabe's like Tamaki need to be held to the same rules as for ev
llowing and he is encouraging those who listen to him to harm public safe
ed Tamaki wants to influence NZers He is a cult leader and needs to be see

rrogant a great risk to public safety."

ands of dollars from the government in subsidies but refuses to support N
sponsible and the wrong thing to do!"
lfish fools ends up with them getting the virus! What will he say then...? Ju
NZ with many sacrifices and he was very irresponsible."

Not only should he be charged, he should be imprisoned. The man is a pub

Am I free to break the rules now in relation to my freedom? Disrespectful

r country safe, ok so 7 wks is a long time in lockdwn, but then you get an id
his event that he held was illegal."

ences. We are living through a global pandemic."

rs; in doing so he is endangering the wellbeing of NZ citizens. Irresponsible

when he has tried to surpress the freedoms of women, muslims and the L
else obeys the rules"
the virus futher will spread the lockdown further"
e made to pay back any money he claimed his only agenda is to have his ch

y police"
e governments's dorection"
ble. The vast majority of Aucklanders are doing the right thing and being c
on..we have all stayed home and followed the rules!! His Ego needs to stru
d for carrying out an illegal protest and potentially risking others safety"

t abortion. Brian (and his followers) are hypocritical idiots."

at was illegal & in breach of the public health orders under Alert L3. This pr
go is shaming us who share a Christian faith. Contempt of this person for t
self. Atrocious behaviour"
ed to endanger public safety."

ho doesn't care about those he is misleading and putting in danger."

e jabbed. I am also unhappy that he has been given $100,000 for wages su
hing unless it puts more money in his pocket. He broke the rules and deser
onsible grrr"

havour. Inexcusable.He Must be prosecuted."

eir,then throw the key away!!!"
at's enough"

alist in virus control. He is an ignorant man infecting the people who follow
y and helping us the right way !!!!"

le and you should be prosecuted."

ny are trying to do the right by NZ"

no matter how high profile they are. And someone with a huge following
Er’s have to adhere to and endangered the lives of all of us. Morally he is d

e at risk"

hose rules and uses religion to justify what he does."

an example of, and his co-conspirators arrested."
should be punished. A fine wont hurt, i say chuck him jail."

hould have the book thrown at him"

ff donations. god bothering asswipe. Not happy, what a chump!"
ee life on the back of the misery of others."
with your reckless actions Brian."
nerable for their own wealthy gain."
of the land and to be kind to ya nabors and so on i do not know how this gu
and all those we love."
ouch with the reality of the danger he posed by organizing a stupid protest

erson. No regard for his fellow New Zealanders, apart from his uneducate

risk cause I am shore his god want save us."

g Dr Ashley oomfeild to Hitler. Then thinks he has a right to go above the

nd illegal."
d he be treated different than others"
nd disrespect others, to become popular with a few."
arrogant lawbreaking anti Kiwi bishop with an army of bully bikers. I find

peration filtering $$ to the fat cat Brian Tamaki , selfish money grubbing in

of people who aren’t following the rules and are opposing the governmen

against covid"
avior at its finest."

the gang members who act as if they are in level one too."

a reality check."

tjob leading others astray...Should be ashamed of himself but unfortunate

the lock down rule,"
f order."
meeting. He is a fool"
"Ego over public safety" - and over the interest of everyone else. Does he
million people over several weeks, for his self-indulgent party in the party
pped. His mental health checked"
d especially when they put at risk thousands of people"
ans the sacredness of the Cenotaph hat they gathered there. Shame, sham

when other have been arrested and fined for way less"

th island especially"

xposing people to risk and potentially an epic virus spreading event. Will he
ugh to charge gangs then make it a a level playing ground for all."
er, but he forgets the spirit of humility and service which Christians profess

covid rules, why should he be an exception!!"

ne friend, and this individual get away with creating this mass un masked p

y with. put him in jail for 3 months and make an example of him."
ass gathering"

or a long time.Cant understand the most Senior member of Police discussi

a bludger of others hard earned pay packets so he can live a luxury he wo

ing charlatan."

ty of our people. He cares only for the money they can accrue for him. Thi

do what he likes, and has been doing what he likes for far too long. A self-s

ltra violence next time you pull this shit. I hope u got the reference and sto
he Auckland War Memorial Museum was sacred land used to remember th

or him and no regard for anyone else in this country whom is struggling wit
ly went for it"

red area in front of the War Memorial Museum to have his vanity rally wa
opinion who takes advantage of the vulnerability of others."
r himself. For the good of his people is a lie.Get tested, get vaccinated, stay
s every New Zealander has put in over the past year or so to try to keep th
made an example of!!"

governing authorities. For all authority comes from God and those in positi

e's God himself"

on have to follow the rules why not him"

the rest of us."

hat you cannot break the Covid rules and get away with it, his actions only
raged others to do so also. All should be equal under the law."
l the hard work Auckland is doing for the rest of the country"
eople following the rules and he didn't put aucklanders safety first...just is
and hes broken the rules so he should be prosecuted like anyone else that

n Tamaki. We have all done the hard mahi and he is jeopardising the situati
lions . Every one has freedom of speech not at cost of society well being."
d the protest outside the war memorial. No respest, what a loser"

T ON!!"


c to defy the law"

d to grow some balls."

from aucklanders in this lock down. Noone should be exempt from charge
ut punishment and the boot smugglers then the Wanaka escapees should

gger things then him just wanting his fucking church opened ffs. Get a real

been sticking to Alert3 level rules. Protesters wore no masks and did no so
aw and encouraging others to do so."

ess and doesn't deserve clemency"

m. How dare he jeopardize the hard work by aucklanders to overcome this
s people get exclusion from the law."

and one rule for one and others get arrested.He's supposed to be a leader

all those who have worked hard to maintain social distancing."

tion, who are already often members of our most vulnerable communities

ople coming in large gatherings in the Auckland Domain. It not right and w
lockdown and all for his ego"
be back in the news"
ing sends the message that this kind of unacceptable behaviour is ok. Char

e community. For undermining efforts to encourage people to vaccinate."

s they clearly were not and is only going to extend the pain and suffering o

unting the rules."

w one wants to be locked down but my whanau I are doing our bit to ensur
s doing it hard but are obeying the government to get out of lockdown, he
ected by Destiny Church."
congregation, and lead exuberant lives. Arrest and throw away the key"

weeks, and many of us Aucklanders are furious that Brian Tamaki has don

aw !!!!’"

nth now"

out of lockdown. Why should I abide by the rules and be punished while h

e sitters."
nge to be compromised. He is a crazy money hungry imbecile"

a public health emergency"

ld accountable"

nd responsible, for his illegal actions. The powers that be must stand up to

makes a mockery of the rules & of all the hard work the rest of our count

or too long Brian Tamaki has pitted community against community for his o
care involved to keep people safe in a pandemic! Charge this moron!"

pay back any wage subsidies."

o pay the price for his actions."

wellbeing to puff up his ego."

ng of the hard work we have all put in to get through this."

public health order rules, I feel there needs to be strong consequences for

tely needs."

early doesn't care about the wellness and health of the wider population."

ormation that puts all people in our community at risk particularly the vuln

can he claim the subsidy for talking lies.. wake up labour ffs 臘‍♀️
Jail him and his leather clad comedy show."
ns breaks the law. It is selfish, irresponsible and potentially dangerous. He

ne system issues. We'll be isolating forever at this rate! Being in Auckland

responsible putting other people's safety first."

those who cannot be vaccinated were endangered."

y for all his followers that have such blind faith in him."

rticipents.New Zealanders are really struggling."

and ongoing lockdowns."
ithout family present, mental health is declining more every day we are lo

ill not stop. Also IRD need to audit him"

nd in one foul swoop this protest could make their efforts count for nough
d a predator."
ciety. A greedy money hungry horrible specimen."

r sacrifices."

shioners and flouting lockdown rules in the name of his bullshit beliefs"

people have been charged for breaking lockdown laws, so should he."
arrested and charged... was good enough for the wanaka rich couple it's go

dont need to be accountable to anyone.Absolutely shameful!"

other churches organized is illegal, plain and simple. He should be charged
ng to remain safe and get the country back on it's feet. If no action is taken

ed as would I if it was me who did this irresponsible protest."

ife to get back to some normality and protect those who can’t or do not w
e around. What a tosser"
ading the virus"

entire population. He thinks he has some kind of divine right."

rings (masked or not) Brian Tamaki should be treated the same way as any
con artists."


w we will get out"

e has done putting everyone at risk"
, in Auckland NZ, justifies him being charged under the full force of the Law

ng the law and laughing about it."

sk. Appalling leadership."

w and needs to be charged"


ually No one special !!!!!!"

this narcissist..."

social distancing is not ok. Causing potential harm to others is not ok."

l 3 longer. He broke the rules and there needs to be consequences"

tamp out covid and look after our vulnerable people"

ding lies."
ch other.....then he does this...hypocrisy!!!"
y, common sense and Aucklands safety."

ehaviour and claims. We are all unhappy with being in constant lockdowns

hristian and they should be charged like any one else breaking the rules. Se
risk and in what would have been unnecessary further restrictions"
onger lockdown to protect Auckland and New Zealand."

nt illegal Act."

ll the work we have all put in is just totally selfish Ironically enough he was

ether peaceful."
a form of normality"

an we should be lieient"

h no consequences."
unity of NZ. He needs to be stopped. He needs to know he is not above the

pply to you. F you Brian"

efore the meeting that this was illegal. He encouraged people to break the

ockdown rules, His actions have put not only Auckland but the entire coun
nd thereby putting vulnerable people at risk."

during this pandemic. Brian Tamaki and his cohort are putting vulnerable
ond belief."
nstead of putting us all at risk, stay home you fool"
stating that Covid is nothing more than a bad flu."
thing we can to get out of lockdown ms"
e to have Christmas like they know it"

ontinue to do it… Crazy to think he got all these people together to protes

y poisoning nz. hold this man to acct and put him where he belongs, prison
kland that are sticking to the rules by staying in our bubbles, wearing mas

model among his followers he should set a positive and law abiding examp

ghout this time."

ally and had no thought as to how many people may have get seriously ill f

s here in NZ."

o to school - and for what exactly?"

Throw the book at this arrogant mouth breather"

y with this? The man is a self-absorbed piece of rubbish that needs to be b

made an example of what you shouldn't do."

o break the bloody law!! It seems like if you're religious or rich you can get

o do what they want resulting in our lock downs being extended"

opened its doors. This man preys on vulnerable people."

g with COVID Delta ripping through their large households in South Auckla

eves he is above the law, with his very own selfish agenda. Shut him down.
own in his conspiracy laiden end times, fascist revolutionary stage show in

peoples lives at risk."

ssist who needs to be locked up for putting everyone in danger."

ockdown. He spits in the face of all Kiwis who have done their part (and ar

g his own pockets"

ep jeopardize us! Charge him to full extent of the law.....jail would be even

e lot of idiots in one place after us Aucklanders have been forced to stay ho
hard to get COVID under control. No thought what so ever to the poor bu
nder the guise of free food as well during the protest to make it look like th
ness also tooget back in the lime light. 2000 people at most attended well

s. He jepordised all Aucklanders health and safety."

nder the guise of free food as well during the protest to make it look like th

g blatant disregard for the safety of others, the economy, and the law."

h. Says he is for the people - but he is out for himself."

believe in the pandemic as it is claiming the subsidy. I would've thought M


ving with a respiratory disorder is scary but worse when people can preven

te lawbreaker arrested, especially one who has incited his followers to als
haritable status. Their bad example cannot go unpunished."
hers who organised the rallies, be above the same rules? No."
s a disgrace to NZ"

ut any repercussion."

of this. Arrest this law breaker & let the court decide. The police are here

my family for weeks! This waste of space is making things worse. He need
l at risk and he should face consequences for that. Just as all the other wh
n and whānau ora services whilst leading and promoting some false doctr
n. Prolonging lockdowns. Breaking the law."
eam of 5 million. My daughter and I have missed medical appointments th

st week spreading the same malicious information. Jail him."

es above the law."

r many and Brian Tāmaki is extremely selfish and reckless putting all of our

ed of us to keep NZ safe. He is selfishness personified. I’m gutted he got aw

ds who foolishly were in attendance as well. All who attended should have
ying on the weak. This prick needs to be taught a lesson"

formation and fear to vulnerable people while at the same time promotin
testing. Lock him up."

pandemic.Brian Tamaki had total disregard for those regulations for grou

id-19 restrictions and endangering the lives of the people of Aotearoa/New

n lockdown to try and stop this, charge the self appointed bishop hes an id
and community safe, for his self righteous agenda!!!"

se gets charged for breeching covid"

000 in wage subsidies. Lock him up & make him pay it back."

e is only motivated by money, no other reason, no regard for anyone else.

ading covid further. NOT ACCEPTABLE. There needs to be accountability fo

thers peoples health."

complete mockery of the law"

owing the rules to endure their safety"

is protest"
nk he knows better than all the expert scientists. He only xoes things to gra

could become super-soreader events. Arrest him, charge him, and start ta

e is very self righteous n self centred with no consideration for others. His

hose of his cult following mean more than those of us who choose to prot

paying the fine not him personally."

wn businesses and stayed within the law"

en people, and they definitely did not all wear masks or respect social dist
an standing up against an apparent man of god but belongs to a gang."

weeks… at a cost to them? If any of them get sick with COVID and require h

pulation. Disgusting actions by a supposed “leader” and “man of God”"

the law."
nger than they have already had too for specialist surgery."

ut surely NZ is more intelligent than this. Lock this guy up. He'd never get a
r in such a way that it would increase greatly the chances of a super spread
able to completely ignore the health and safety of fellow kiwis in this way."

to defy covid restrictions en masse is illegal."

rst time either."

eryone,not obeying..."

away with it"

le have made."
nd charged"

me tax, organise stupid rallies that put the rest of Aucklanders who have sa

s so called followers he even thinks he is an apostle and has now put 2000

nd work over the last 6 weeks."

the rules sonwe can be out of lockdown....this were selfish acts and should
t harm to our Nation and people"

worship him."

klanders trying to eliminate Delta. Shame on you!!!"

r community at risk) and another for the Protect Putiki protectors ( huge n

eople to an illegal protest, regardless of the fact that it could cause furthe
test will be the reason Auckland businesses will continue to suffer and kids

been made clear all breaches will be dealt with seriously. This was a large

ur best. Enough."

an getting rich of others ignorance and putting those people and others at

y. He has his own agenda.he must be penalised as this will set presidence w
and her up"

es people on a daily basis!!"

s lost his mind along with the rest of his brain washed church goers. Charg
or his actions and ordered to pay a fine of $20 million dollars to hospital ch

r event. Shame on him"

s are governed because of his vanity and stupidity. He should be taken to

e bastard on all donations to D Church"

alanders have been working HARD and sacrificing lots to try stamp out the

g $120k in covid support it's just beyond wrong!"

ause of their selfish act."
much influence"

but my family comes first, freedom or not"

y of Aucklanders are required to follow the rules of Level 3. He is not above

ble people at such risk"

and we cant just pick and choose who we charge."

protest. Up him and his pretend God."
He is running one of the oldest scams in the book and doesn't deserve to b

anders safe and this protest flies in the face of everything we have been as
put so many others at risk. No consequences for This???"

efinitely charge him!"

danger all the good work other people and communities have done"

zens suffer because of his selfish, stupid antics ?"

ability - effing religious morons."

sonal gain"
ns is illegal. Morally wrong and risks the health and safety of all Auckland c
e right thing to do."

vil" govt they protested against . They should also be blacklisted. They are
s protest against Auckland's Covid lockdown."
Brian Tamaki is an irresponsible egomaniac putting so many peoples lives

eeds to understand that there will be consequences for his irresponsible a

antra for the privileged to do what suits them. Human Rights emerged from

he vaccine"
s to work for everybody not just him."
appened and the selfish prick deserves to be charged and fined."
hat he has put us all in jeopardy, he needs to learn to obey the rules.. he d
s of who they are. Brian Tamiki and everyone who took part should be pen


tic “protests”"
f level 3 lockdown putting all of us at risk.."

nse of responsibility to their community, and this complete (I have no wor

e wage subsidy. Such a hypocrite."

nge their mind or change the government."

should be charged or at the very least fined!"

eryone else!"
g walk off a short pier."

et 20 police officers on them?"

e stayed home (except to go to the supermarket, have a daily walk and ge

owers be able too & put the rest of us in danger!!!!!"



e so we can get rid of covid, saves lives and businesses. We are all fed up w
bag and a budget one at that"

ecile is staging a protest to gain some points with his disciples while the ev

ity follow."

protesting, is cause he ain't receiving those donations."

e news."

ne but himself and his selfish wife. I would personally laugh if him or his w

and businesses of Auckland."

ake part in a possible super spreader event that puts all Aucklands at incre

d, for all."
arge gathering of people that are unvaccinated and no masks while all us d
this allowed and funerals not????"
is lining their pockets."

s he only cares for himself and his financial gain from others hardship. He

d up and his church closed."

k to the plan for all these weeks."

es so he and his family can have the newest cars and most expensive fashio
Zealanders. His behaviour shows he believes he’s above the law"

to make people sick, encourage dangerous behaviour and grift people with

ds of our fellow aucklands after 6 weeks of our sacrifice!! Fine him!! Stop g

al treatment"

health and lives of hundreds (if not thousands) of people and is just an outr

g? Look at other religions who are doing their best to serve their commun
ut more the act of ignorance, SELF respect and disgraceful. Thanks to his a

ople for his own sick personal gain for long enough. He’s a parasite, not to
to do the same."

ork put into doing the hard yards at level 4 and 3 in Auckland has now been
t of us."

should be censured."
s he is."
for to long and yesterday’s protest was unforgivable!!"

dminister the law with, no difference between border breaches or some o

ot have charitable status either."

le and health of the nation."

stick to the rules? This guy will literally be the death of us."
andemic. He undermined the efforts of millions of New Zealanders for his

they wouldnt have been able to get in."

the guts to us and everyone else here and he should be held accountable
e as well."
ly safe because of everyone elses efforts to stick to the bloody rules. This s

to the advice from our Goverment. The restaurant I manage has had no in

D to do it"

nd get on top of this virus. Who does this self entitled jerk think he is?"

nd's future freedom at risk!!!!!"

e very people he purports to care about."
mong other things."
engthens the lockdown, negatively affecting more small business owners a

all the while preying (not praying) on peoples hopes and wallets."
be held accountable for his actions"

l the right to endanger others by flouting public health orders"

make his organisation pay tax"

e ties up the hospitals and medical system and keep Auckland in lockdown
superspreader event - and preaching anti-vaccination rhetoric and encour

during this time and his actions are a kick in the teeth."

sed the health of our nation."

y, while we remain in Level 3.So many have made huge sacrifices to conta
ons taken by Brian Tamaki puts all our families at risk. He needs to conside

m our community."
hould be charged and have jail time"
ded this superspreader event should be prosecuted!"
to get away with that?"
emely hard to follow the rules. Also what makes him above the law."
him accountable or we will have anarchy in our midst."

ecessary. Stay home and stay safe."

charged for any life lost in the coming months."

process. Needs to be made an example of"

ders have to abide by."

hrough this global pandemic and brainwashing at this uneducated level pu

rs at unnecessary risk. You can only have 10 people attend funerals and w
problem.We are being held hostage, with no community covid in our islan
ki and his followers flout the rules!"

lengthening time in lockdown those of us who obey the laws. He must be

hat others don't."

nda and not care for what team 5million is trying to achieve."
OT being applied here?"
so too. He broke the law."

ss genocide Adolf Hitler which is unacceptable"

d help and proceeds to take their money weekly to live his lavish life. He t
of us are doing the right thing"

e ALL sick of restrictions but have stayed the course for everyone's sake. W

age of. Book him already, show NZ citizens that you actually take action aga
k balance. He’s greedy and self centred. No concern for the health or safet

o all arrested"

d be charged with inciting a illegal gathering"

of anyone , he is a genuine narcissist that needs his control power revoked

able to do this and its unfair on people in our community, especially minor

rings or masks & social distancing. I have a business With very little incom
ntry's progress against Covid-19. As many offenders who can be identified

s selfish and reckless"

hristian. He needs to be punished."

o a big increase in cases, which is the last thing our beautiful country need
to breach the rules and how can they be charged if he isnt"
d use of his so called ministry, preaches hate, anarchy and antisocial rhetor

family that they haven’t been able to farewell!"

em can throw at them, and be made to repay the wage subsidies they app

rying to help get NZ rid of this virus. He has undermined the law. All our eff
eopardised our entire country’s wellbeing"

nizers with a crime. Brian Tamaki is a major problem - his recklessness an

owed but Tamaki had to make sure masks were worn & people adhered to

lf proclaimed messiah."

e else that breaks the rules"

spread further."

nts as well"

wners are struggling and we are all trying to get out of this lockdown."
What a hypocrite!"

hment, he is willing to put others at risk and insite fear in the community t

wing level 3 lockdown rules"

otal disregard for the rules."

ined all my effort."

y up they would be in trouble. So why not these guys."

e guts to the rest of us who are abiding by the rules. Absolutely disgraceful

and a cuddle from my boyfriend and friends not in my bubble. �"

now this guy thinks it's ok to just protest in a high level and put so meany p
Z Law for breaking Covid lockdown and only thinking of his own pathetic eg
of New Zealand"
others to endanger the lives of other Aucklanders and indeed New Zealan

ults are the weakest link in getting our lives back to some sense of normalc

disregard the public order."

ng throughout the country!"
the Covid protocols for level 3. They should be charged and held accounta
the law?"
ught in to try to protect us all and encourages others to also ignore them."

e The life of Brian could based on his character. Bikes for God Hahaha."

g because of prat’s like him breaking the rules."

ens and endangered their lives to promote his own interests. He broke the
He makes a mockery of our government/laws. Unfair to Aucklanders tryin
n's mouth is criminal."


rful should be above the law"

comes brainless people thinking only of themselves to muck it all up for ev

lse would be charged for this crime."

ve to those of us patiently obeying lockdown rules. He should pay."
citizen in NZ. He deserved to be fined or sent to jail like anybody else that
this coalition behind bars."

lse. He deserves to be charged and does everyone else who attended the r
sooner we’ll be able to visit our elderly relatives in NZ."

the limelight and put people at risk!!! He needs to stop so the rest of us c

s, especially that of COVID."

d should face the full consequences."

m a prison botch already!! Thieving scum bag"

his man, along with City Impact leader Peter Mortlock have broken the law


eing loved ones, business security, all so we can save lives of strangers and
te attempt to incite civil unrest with total disregard for the science of this
ace for the protection of the rest of us."

pid protest."
ney at him!"
s obey the covid rules , therefore he and his followers should all be charge

with City Impact leader Peter Mortlock have broken the law and endanger
nslave and take over our rights to congratulate. To hug and to be with love
mmon with hitler than anyone I know. Has to be the most hated person in

he rules of the Alert levels like everyone else. It is not fair or just that he se

e hesitant. He has just extended Aucklands lockdown and put thousands m

ligious CULT..."

hands. We have laws use them"

m the wage subsidy as well."
s at risk! The whole protest will be a cluster in its own!"

ard time. Where is your god hmmm"

nsequences due to putting everyone at risk!"

o have upheld the expectations of level 3 in Auckland, and at level 2 nation

ourselves safe and this bullshit has put all of us down. He should be jailed.
all able to enjoy our freedoms again without risk to others. The organisati
tion from him breaking a health mandate. And his eyebrows look horrible.
his guy openly organised an event that breaks the law and puts people at

rasite to New Zealand. Shut him down."

nated under 12year old children and babys at risk"

he other people that can be identified should also be charged."

i you are not above the law and your actions have undermined the efforts

hes about, to the country that he lives in and to the lives of his followers.
oody moron"
e out all the loss we’ve had for the greater good by holding a rally and he d

y. You can't arrest people for camping in a bubble one week and then turn
nd lockdown level rules in Northland."

ubsidy.Jail time for this man"

tinue either remain in Lovkdown, spread Covid with risk of hospitalization,

in a public space during lockdown."

nt the spread of Covid in our community. He blatantly flouts the rules and
n NZ society."
ho you know"
rontline health workers."

urkeys got infected,den we can go at him wut eva we want 2 say,about bri

g the public."

mpathy with Tamaki, no masks or distancing, on the same day as Tamaki. I

ancial wealth.. Properties stashed away in his kids name , money obtained
e the funds' page, I'm sure ALL signaturies would donate $5 plus ! 20,000 ti

o do the same."

ollowing the health order. Charge him. Jail him."

VID. If I had done the same I would expect to be arrested, his actions were
s and this so called man of the churchdecides he & followers are free to ru

been following rules."

protest". Aucklanders have been through enough with this lockdown. He sh

e level 3 lockdown. He intends to organise more such events. He needs to
rictions in Auckland and undermining our chances of stamping out covid. T

way. In fact he needs a good fucken hiding too."

to is a belligerent and completely arrogant act!!!!"

He is a bully and a hypocrite. Brian and of course Hannah Tamaki only do

rately flouted and defied the law in this matter and should face consequen

in jeopardy "

ckdowns. Make him pay subsidies to businesses having to keep their doors
ult in a mass covid outbreak."
breaching any lockdown rules. Let's see what that Judge has to say who's

brain dead followers. They get covid and expect to be helped, Don't!!!!."
y penalty unless he is locked up."
been in lockdown for week and he has just jeopardised everyone"
e a breach of current regulations."

ve ever had to do, and then see someone like this selfishly push people to
an needs to be made an example of. I also want to see my family stuck in A
like to get out of this soon - how hard is it to just stay home? He organise

vening all Level 3 rules as put in place by our Goverment. He cannot live by

w Zealanders"
n't get sick because of his faith."

together to complain about the lockdown - in doing so they risked passing

reason he wants his sunday services running again is for the tithing money
and safety nor anyone else's. He is always unto himself and even God says
ainst the rules the government has put in place to try and protect our citiz
h spreading lies it's not freedom it's stupidity"
f above everything and everyone else and doesn't care as long as he gets w

. Who does he think he is? He is not God."

ow away the key"

his needs to stop!"

ovid contained unless you make an example of people like him!"

his medieval concepts"

we're trying to do. Don't ever speak for me Brian Tamaki"

te disrespect for the law"

k. He is commander in chief of the”thought police” or brainwash police."

the rest of us. Arrest him NOW and send a message to all idiots like him - y

act risks undoing all that effort. Bringing charges against him might discou

etched health system."

d Christian does."
cessarily endangering others."

ublic heslth."

public health and government with such ease."

f he gets away with it then others will follow suit.. rules are for everyone

NZers in general."

incredibly short sighted and irresponsible"

oured treatment while the rest of us, abiding by the rules, are making huge

gether in lockdown,and they now compromise the safety us all."

it to do whatever they like. They have put what all of Auckland has been fi

raging people not to vaccinate and they all jeopardised us getting out of le

from the Covid relief fund. I agree that the Police have handled this appalli

power to get vaccine done not increase the spread.Charge him and audit h
ge him, he is not above the law"

the law.He knew what he was doing, its not right"

esn't have the balls to tax his church, and every other one"
le this pandemic. He needs to be held accountable!"

ot social distancing, this is in clear contrast to the health order that they br

this man who has a God complex thinks he has the right to do whatever h

ethically wrong and in no way are his actions helping the very people he c
t to protect society"
this crowd to breach level 3 rules, prosecutions should be taken."
d the country would be in turmoil. We have rules and standards to keep th

more lockdowns"

thing more. It was a criminal act with zero thought for others."

t are being vaccinated are doing our bit trying to keep the people and thos


nger lock downs."

nizing a mass gathering! �. Of course there MUST be consequences!!! Wo

ting people to go against the law! The man goes against his own biblical pr
g this pandemic. He should be charged and jailed"
goes & does that!! NOT SMART but STUPID!!"

rs etc...."

ort during this time don't cause hurt and upheavel"

life's of ordinary people who are working together to rid this virus from th
wrong and won’t be tolerated"
unity at risk by umciting illegal gathering with health consequences is outr
ave ruined our hard work in one day CHARGE HIM"
be charged! No excuses from Police!"

s well as many others who attended and put Auckland at further risk of lon

t penalty, please!!!"
ached Level restrictions have had consequences. The Police had the oppor

ws should also be illegal!"

nt people doing their bit for our country."

ated and until then stay at home, wear masks and keep the 2m social dista

e happy to see them die so he can fill his bank account"

eve in it or not, it exists!!"

ensationalism first,before health."

ple keep breaking TEMPORARY rules and potentially spreading the virus!"
which is not allowed at level 3 and encouraged the spread of misinformatio

xtended the lock down by months."

weeks, and I for one am furious."

ubsidy with both of his greedy hands yet doesn’t do his part….. it’s disgusti

Put him in prison or throw him out of our city."

and encourage their followers to do the same ASAP to save lives."

ening to health experts and abiding by the rules is how we get that freedom
hell does he think is is playing with our lives like this. I want to be able to sp

aking significant sacrifices for the health and safety of us all. How do the g
oy lockdown but we are playing our part, if you cannot do the same prepar
heard just do it thru media at a safe distance"

k. Don’t be a dick Brian. Thanks"

back to Level 4"

e team of 5 million less these guys."
what we gotta do, for the benefit of all. The protest did not obey the socia
ess actions of a few because of this man. This absolutely should not be tole

no different and has placed as at risk of possible staying in lockdown furth

at risk also, of which I am positive they have done so by having this march,
likewise against the rules .... when every night Government try the fear fa

twit and his sheep should be charged before they put the innocent at risk a
est option to eliminate this from NZ. Get inoculated."
unto himself with put consequences"

lockkdown rules in court he has options and there was no immediate threa

man. We want to come out of lockdown not stay cause these muppets wa

ong lockdown.Charge him for backing the law."

e lost loved ones from this virus that has taken over the World & to have th

n. I don’t know why we need a petition to stop this person. He should be c

o be stopped."
should be declined any sort of health care from any setting, charge him an

n. I don’t know why we need a petition to stop this person. He should be c

ns and this puts us all at more risk."

s it like a joke"

a mass rally He needs to be held accountable"

everyone else is jumping off a bridge doesn't mean U have too do it. Mora

coercive techniques with some of the most vulnerable in society"

must uphold the safety of everyone, even those who don't seem to care ab

ich puts everyone's safety at risk."

tizens with kindness and doing the right thing."
ho are doing all the right things for the country."
way up a one way road,. Photos and video is available to charge them for

yet all these guys can get away with a protest."

ap in the face."

it to help the nation"

it's the law he MUST BE PROSECUTED! As should the Gangs and anyone e
kdowns.. ."

t everything at jeopardy just to get some attention."

wedding coming up and want my family and friends from Auckland here, p

ollowers are ruining it for the rest of us.He should know better. We would
ticking to the rules . It is only going to prolong the lockdown and business w
d the lives and health of the nation and is so irresponsible that if a single de
pect or care for anyone… money is his driver !!"
who have worked so hard over the last few weeks"

lta virus, therefore agree to the petition"

, again."
and his church. If he really was a man of God this would not of occurred. T

ns and rising case numbers."

doing so put the rest of us at risk !!"
we ALL take responsibility and STAY HOME. To stop the virus. Irresponsible
nt. Arrest him. Im ok with your thoughts on not getting vaccinated."
s had a much easier time. People in public life should show an example of

sk because of his selfish,egotistical actions.. His church should now be used

d to the public of Auckland in the middle of a deadly transmissible virus."

ones with his selfish and irresponsible actions.He is impacting the economy
individuals like the wanaka couple who pose little risk to the community t

er. He has to be in jail"

m to hell instead of trying to make hell on earth."

o narcissistic to follow the rules. Everyone who attended should be charged

that at risk."
God" egotistic asshole."
er level again. Time for some significant consequences."
nd that is illegal .. needs to be publicly charged."
g life normally again."

ed with the Police Commisioner and Police Minister for being so weak agai
wn off that pedestal he put himself on."

with no masks and no vaccinated people he definitely needs to be charged

ample of this."
es. It is not acceptable for anyone to put my family and other vulnerable p

else one rule for everyone."

vaccinations are the only way out and the only way to protect the vulnera
ht to put the rest of the population in danger of contracting Delta Virus. P

nted preacher preying on the valinurable"

d by our remaining at Level 3 should sue him! Come on Jacinda and Police,

one there should be treated like others have who have done far less dama
ollowers need to be locked up to protect the hard yards of the other Auck
aken anything serious Maybe if him or his family church got covid he might

lse. Trouble is they are rhe ones spreading covid"

Oh that’s right, this guy thinks he’s a god!!!!"

aying one rule for him and another set of rules for the rest of us, and that’s

e vulnerable health and have been following the government rules. I'd like
mic should"
ogant, selfish and totally irresponsible."


at he thinks that he can do whatever he likes, regardless of the law or the w

in because of selfesh ppl"

led this. No respect for anyone except his selfish self serving ego. Well ma
actually just made it worse why do it here"
orry about those who are immune compromised, the young and the elder
d he broke the law"
testers are in Level 3 & flouting the rules.Guys use what’s between your e

with lockdown because he can’t take as much money from the poor. He p

or the law or the safety of Aoteoroa...All of Aoteoroa are sacrificing so muc

our country"
rrested, he is no different"
e obeyed the rules. Why should he be exempt?"

have ensured the elimination strategy fails and people die. They can't get a
we have two rules or selective enforcement. He is not special and should b

are of his followers it was based selfish ego"

remain in level 3 because of his stupidity!!He has broken the covid rules an
d over with no consequences allowing everyone there isn't a point in follo

atigue. And he is saying he is going to do more! Police should have arrest

ggar. Morally defunct."

ngerous virus and along comes this twit who thinks he knows better than e

ations to society and the greater good should far outweigh the selfish righ
struths and poor leadership are endangering the most vulnerable sections
n level 4 so why wasn’t Brian Tamaki! What he did was illegal and put NZ a
gue. So what makes Brian Tamaki and his followers so special to think the

amily but can't and have people like Brian and his followers protesting for

e expense of those of us who are staying within the rules to try and keep o
dy lunatic and should be removed from society."
Hypocrisy due to claiming over $100,000 in subsidies for his workers."

e not one with dangerous consequences."

e every is trying their best he is sabotaging NZers efforts"

utting us all in jeopardy!"

ley Bloomfield."

yone else is trying to do the right thing. HE AND HIS LOT SHOULD NOT GET

every possibility of another big surge in community transmission and exte

ose organisers and attendees need to be held accountable - as do all those
down rules this person and associate organisers need be held account and
ublic NZ public a huge penalty for this corrupt behavior, we have all given
n Auckland and should be charged. To openly engage and preach that god a
t to boost his own ego."

entire country at risk and I'm furious."

why does this hypocritical “Christian”?"

xtended the numbers. Killing our businesses"

the hard yards"

s all in danger of more outbreaks."

and the rest of NZ pay a price for their anti-social behaviour."

to be put down quickly to stop them doing more harm."

ers doing it hard. Our work is all undone by people breaking the rules. Ye

nal beliefs are. Our country needs to be able to get out of lockdowns so tha

s into supporting the vaccination drive. And NOT in a park like this when th
esn’t apply to them"
could end up with COVID being spread…..also a lot of anti vaccers at the ev
f further lockdown"

uce the spread of the delta variant"

y piece of work."
COVID support to the tune of 200k really. Sell your stuff Brian and support

ding the elimination of the virus."

him with manslaughter too."

any cases people's economic viability. All for the sake of his own ego."

nner.The damage that could be done by staging that protest is huge."

n track to eliminating Delta."

restrictions hoping to get a summer. A very dangerous man"

dividual (as others have in NZ) and Destiny Church needs to be prosecuted
s that everyone else is doing their best to adhere to."
From the very first time I have heard his name it wasn't good news at all.
f this Muppet causes us to stay locked down longer his fine should increase
nobody wants covid and he must be made accountable."

s for mental health, people like this have ruined it for the rest of Auckland

is huge his actions totally not justified."

table. He's a charlatan."

y of all NZERS..We do not need his kind in Tamaki Makarau...or another pla

gone to to protect themselves and others."

everyone else is."

he stress and worry he causes for all NZ's. How dare he use a public memo

d enough - but the likes of him are stuffing it up . Need to have the book th

e wants"
not one law for him and another for the rest of us. And - he took away MY

at risk and breaking the law!"

s in danger by organising a super-spreader event. A law is not a law if it is
h they should all be charged no exemption we have all been in the same bo
us. Brian Tamaki and his supporters must be held to accountability"

ve serious consequences."
avior. Its disrespectful of other people's safety & well-being."
w Zealand are adhering to to try and beat this Attack on us.Charge the assh

en using the wage subsidy to pay his followers who will tithe a good perce

put the rest of law abiding citizens at risk. We have spent weeks in isolatio
ust thinks he's better than anyone else, bit he's not!!!"

rm then good. Watch the news!!!"
ople safe from the virus, Brian Tamaki you are a flea on a flea on a flea lost

ing misinformation and covid in the process ."

isking the spread of Delta and and significantly hindering the vaccination p
een achieved in lockdown at risk."
nd is his followers disgrace to human life"
wn rules. He has effectively has put the us all at risk of another Covid outbr
ks he is above the law. If he & his crew get away with it, the police can't en
m to be intimadated by this man...He has made the hard mahi of everyone

ai, ā mea rawa ake e kimi hōnore, kōroria mōna ake mehe Atua ia. Whaiw

ked up too for "agreeing to the protest" during Lockdown."

by his selflessness."
sted. They should have been sent home as they gathered with a fine payab

ets away with it, others will follow. Most of the gathering probably not vac
stress on the people and having a detrimental effect on the countries econ
be held accountable"
t hand why we are in lockdown for the sake of all but particularly protectin
is lockdown! Irresponsible and stupid!"
ool encourages a gathering to put the hard work at risk. He needs to be a
he amounts go down. I honestly think that's why he protested the Lockdow

in south Auckland areas … and they refuse to get tested!!! This is not acce

Encouraging Tamaki while staying under radar is their mode. Shine a light

ng this illegal protest."

terest above community interest. And is perpetuating conspiracy nonsense

e right thing and locking down. How dare this Religious Fanatic put himsel

e wrong thing."
from the government he is protesting against"
heir loved ones but this guy is out here organising protests. We have tupa
ch ones he feels he is exempt from. His influence can only be described as
m different. The police should have rounded up all of them it’s disgusting."

people like this are prolonging our pain. Send a strong message that it wo
has no morals to us all"

ded he could do what he likes and jeopardize the lives of others. He need

own conditions."

er than yourself and your bank account. Irresponsible and greedy"

otocols to keep Aotearoa safe."

gether there could be more delta outbreaks and people’s health at risk. He
y set us back from moving to L2thanks for nothing"
rnings when they are from some of the lowest socioeconomic communitie

ave done in jeopardy and breaking the law!"

ensely populated public place. Anyone identified protesting needs to be fin

dy. When will the government get their rules together and give us our lives

i has we are all trying while you half wits arent Shamefull"

cklanders. Power and money hungry with no social conscience at all!"

afe. The police are meant to be keeping us safe from people like him."

amily if they get effected, unlike others in his congregation."

…. No respect or care for anyone but himself and egotistical ways! It would
, financially. The rules are there for all and he and his followers are no exce
tter crippling economy snd individuals incomes"
re staying our distance apart. Then he takes it into his own hands CHARGE
ssage that this is unacceptable"

f Covid. As a so called preacher then the consequences of his actions he ca

s a large gathering breaching restrictions should be treated the same."

the rest of us stayed at home doing what we are supposed to be doing in l

m the right to break the rules .The people are not allowed to have that ma

m ,tax the church as well, could this be seen also in a time of National eme

y. The authorities are also bound by law to enforce it."

od will save him."

self to much to rely on god"
gang members doing whatever they want, shocking state of affairs"

bravery of fallen veterans."

te COVID passports"

ting Christian principles of compassion and care for the welfare of fellow ci

d set us back. There are other ways to protest"

o protect us from COVID-19. They bring hope to end the epidemic, but only
. He isn’t above the law"

ority of the population is upholding. He is endangering the health of his fo

ble man."
s need."

ers have done the last 6 weeks back in our face."

ed immediatly for breaking the law & inciting violation of the laws of NZ"

ame rules for all"

nd health. Could end up a super spreader of Delta."

ences of his actions. Especially when it could lead to the deaths of other pe

a very selfish man who dosent care about anyone but himself."
the auckland"

ties should be imposed on the spot."

otest. He should definitely be charged."

erything that we have tried to eliminate."
ity cases, and therefore unnecessary endanger the health of others, shoul
rted and quite frankly if you break the rules you should expect to take the

ery annoying for those who get a fine for lesser things.... it's appalling it w

or others. Brian Tamaki is an idiot and if anyone gets sick from his doing he
ered to, just so he can get publicity. He should be paying his employees ou
weren't breaking ANY laws in their bubble) than police at this protest. Our

gives him the right to do this ? Who does he think he is ?"

ould have been out of lockdown long ago."

vel 3 plus he has taken the wage subsidy when he does not deserve it."

ct my mental health"

ow Aucklanders who could now be kept in level 3 because of his arrogance

g Level 3 lickdown, he needs to be accountable for his actions."

ly egotistical behavior."

hasnt caused a anther cluster of covid"

catestrophic impacts."

to be held responsible for his blatant disregard of the rules that all other A

gone too far. The self centered, egotistical greasy twat needs to be jailed f

eople at risk to appease himself"

potential super spreader event . You are not above the law…"
est but they still need to abide by the rules"

hysteria together. Time to set an example of him. Take him out if picture h

ers to break the rules he is putting the entire country at risk and ignoring t

stripped of Covid wage subsidies to their companies, and the charity statu

estic terrorist charge him."

e freedom & safety of Auckland & New Zealand."

ading misinformation about public health and vaccines. He should be char

or the law during this pandemic."
nformed bullshit"

n for the last 7 weeks trying to achieve. What a twat."

numbers, participated in the protest by not staying in their local area."

e sure we don’t break them to avoid getting the 12k fine. Tamaki had just
at he shouldn't have to do what everyone else is doing and he's encouragi
es an idiot"

anger.NZ police and government need to send a message that this is not co
re putting in the hard Mahi."
nd there wasn't a hospital bed for him,never mind his actions"

. We would all love life to go back to normal but not at the expense of our

A true egotist"

e and unforgivable action"

n talking to a policeman. Self centred ego tripper."

ple who can not be vaxed."

so much, (both mentally and financially). In fact all he cares,about is lining

be sure he made big bucks too. He must be charged under the law , no exc
han put out his hand for govt cash and pays no tax"

hy they can't see their friends when things like this go unpunished."
s of quazi religious sects in Australasia.."
e firstto run to hospital when he gets covid.. l hope the door shuts in his fa
uckland who are sacrificing to protect the rest of New Zealand ."
hese stupid people from virus."
ne safe from this deadly virus"

sight to this lockdown and Mr Tamaki blatantly disregarded the rules and
es and holds a protest with unmasked people. Not fair at all. CHARGE HIM

anger and has threatened the health of not only Aucklanders, but all New

lly breached them and encouraged others to do so get away with it?"

is risking NZ citizens lives!!"

milies and enjoy their life. He is misleading his followers with false informa

o gather and many not wearing masks"

d for lot less than his arrogance"

d others safe. Hope if any protester get covid they don't get a hospital bed"

er New Zealanders."

the verse - here it is : Yet Jesus also said, “I give you a new commandmen

uite another & should be illegal"

fforts of the majority. Make an example of him!"

king, delusional sadsack."

ch' gatherings and therefore cuts into his financial rackets. He doesn't care
own pathetic views! Hes a wanker!!!"

nd this in turn affects mental and physical health as well as jobs. He needs

we don't act like muppets over it."

ovid response and he needs to be held to account. Public wellbeing is mor

s name in the paper and his face on tv"

who had aided in organizing a protest like this, would be charged."

lt time"

be held to account. Charge him."

of 4 million is being held to ransom by the gang of 1 million"

s well-being at risk"
vid-19 himself, but also encouraging others to do the same by spreading m

ads hate and misinformation. The only thing better than being charged wo

soon. It will also be very hard financially if my husband can not work if we
me form of normality whilst taking wage subsidy to pay his staff from our

e potential to cost the economy $100’s of millions if this leads to another

hed accordingly. Brian Tamaki is the epitome of selfishness."

to be held accountable for his choices and actions."
ring could be a potential super spreader event - thanks for further jeopard
do the same. He needs to be punished so others can see its not the approp
the whole of nz at further risk of spreading Covid-19. Totally irresponsible
itment for a bigger super spreader rally! Take his wage subsidies back too.
s to open their businesses and survive ."
s who follow the rules, are unable to work, see family and friends but we d

elfish and ignorant ways. If others have been charged, why not him?"

d continues to disrupt our Covid recovery efforts. He is actively encouragin

y he can wait a few more weeks to rattle the collection plate. Most severe

or his own self promotion."

ock the b…. Up"

o all that this behavior is not ok and indeed harms the public"

t risk!!"

ng, to have him come and undermine all their hard work."

f the law"

be made an example of and punished."

is is not of God."
my own life to care for my patients. That this foul, greedy individual can ri

ed by the large majority of the community."

lying to and stealing from."
otest, not right should be charged!"

for common decency."

e arrested for his blatant disregard for other Aucklanders who are sufferin
his guy should be convincing his flock to get vaccinated not organising a su
, threatening the public, and tearing up the grass on a public domain whic

crowd with Covid and how many infected in One hit?? Hate to think, have

sh prick!"

n Auckland of Covid 19 and this could potentially raise MORE cases."

o follow suit. New Zealand laws apply to EVERYONE not just the taxpayers!

even get married or mourn their dead like they want to."

en BT should be charged for this."
rough poor people."

g of Aucklanders in lockdown."

in place."

o broke our gathering rule. He should receive a fine!"

e delta variant and to protect us against wider community spread. Trying to
lockdown. There are far too many people suffering financially and mental

d restrictions... So standing by and allowing all of these people and their in

doing it"
oney to him."

the approach, it’s not Brian’s choice to openly flout these rules and put al
nd have potentially caused the current Auckland lockdown to be extended

g. I've had a gutsfull of him."

hould not be the attitude of a church leader. Shame on him."

to get on top of this virus, but no he uses his platform to spread negativity
nkled old wife."

leader and it proves the mind set of anti vaxers if they believe anything th

eir own egos."

t away with causing an unlawful gathering?"
e him and his followers"

else in Auckland had to stick to their bubble? The same rule applies to ALL

kdown longer. He should be charged just like anyone else."

high moral stand by masquerading under the disguise of 'Christanity'. Tam
y broke it"
he worst kind."
ly encourages breaching the orders."

stiny Church and City Impact shenanigans. Waste our time trying."
them ."
ations over lockdowns. Police need to understand that we are tired of peo


e allowed to have a mass get together whilst most of the public are abidin

ally governed by monetary gain. More freedom means big congregations m

they should be prepared to be held accountable. This man's act was one o
n, so he can then take credit with his followers. He should receive the high

e follow him into whatever wherever. Lunatic."

cklanders have paid great price for following the rules. Don't let him get aw

ple at risk. Calls himself a man of God, that’s a joke! Men of God care abo

xercise this."

d INCREDIBLY SELFISH.... I have missed out on weeks and weeks of not bei

risk. He's arrogant and dangerous"

k every cent of the wage subsidy he claimed."

eak the rules we all suffer. So the people that left Auckland are going befor

money in order to do our part and he doesn’t care less. Full force of the la
mbing his nose at the rest of us. We’re all doing it hard, but we’re doing th

owers" ruining it for them. Other people that break the rules get charged,

ing them to do the same."

money! And this lockdown is affecting that!!!!!"

rch who told his followers to attend the protest needs to be arrested too!

n rules"

asf protest."

safe. Trying to save lives. They need to change there mind set it's that simp
with no honesty."

e word of God to suit his own purpose. Where is the compassion and empa

the crowds. And of course the organisers and participants need to be char

ding. Hes a narcissist thug."

thout putting all the hard work Aucklanders have done at risk!"

e spread of the virus and I was expecting all NZ'ers to do the same."
gregation back to carry on the thieving...sorry tithing..."
ed the pandemic. Please put him in jail so that he knows what it is really lik

f most Aucklanders' hard-fought attempts to contain the virus, and potenti

keep Delta at bay."

hich put vulnerable people (including children and the elderly) at risk. Such

e with family and friends AND get businesses open"

i off their land, yet when 2,000 people plus this dickwad protest, nada"

sanitize and stay in our bubble. It's for the safety of our community and co
wers actions are putting others at risk and it's totally selfish, ignorant and h
these people were able to gather???? I don’t understand why any of them

ng mass gatherings, such a risky situation when delta is in the community"

ers to break the law also.Make an example of him PLEASE"

hances of getting out of level 3."

d restrictions and disrespect for the Auckland community and New Zealan
ants it but everyone else is doing the right thing and it feels like we are ge

aging others to break the law. Peaceful protest is a right but not at the expe

for help shame on them."

sk.Mr Tamaki preaches that he is all about whanau, so why would he put t

Outrageous to me that he does that, but then on the other hand is claimin
ajority of us are obeying the rules. If someone dies because of his actions h

public safety. Aucklanders have stayed home and sacrificed. Don’t let him
ead covid. He should be punished."

lfish and irresponsible and should be held to account. Shame of NZ govern

Delta virus, he needs to be held to account!!"

is flouting L3 lockdown rules abs putting people’s businesses abs employm

ge crowds. Brian Tamaki incited this group to be together, no social distanc

when he should be supporting and protecting them."

n to go."
unity (both encouraging the spread of COVID 19, and harming businesses b
s for others."

ot okay."

e subsidy, and pay no tax."

doesn't mean he should get away with things everyone else would have th
eam of 5 million!"

sted and charged as others have been for much lesser Covid crimes."

that everyone in NZ has done is disrespectful and will cost the govt billions
e planning meaningful consequences for bishop /apostle Brian Tamaki. The

rules when it was level three and four so he should most definitely be cha

m this cult now."

ve libertarian nonsense about 'freedom'. He should be doing the Christian

people at risk and could stop Auckland moving down a level by his selfish
re the Police part of His congregation????"
preader event.Tamaki obviously should be locked up until Level 1."

And to cover some of the cost of keeping "bishop" (yeah right) Tamaki in p
reckless disregard for all law abiding NZ citizens doing their best to keep C
d not for the first time. How dare he disrespect all the people trying to get

/them self!!!"
n while others are locked down at this time when Covid is in the communit

d thus all of New Zealand in danger of an escalation of the COVID virus."

nd country."
how him that he too needs to obey the rules as in this case he is risking ha
and’s economic recovery by organising protests in level 3"
one else that did such a thing would be"
ki, dick move"

es by organising that rally .Prosecute and fine please"

t it could not be held. Obviously they couldn't have. Tamaki should be cha
s being eroded by his personal agenda. Others are held to account for the

go before the courts"

rged for breaking the rules previously should have their charges dropped."
onomy and lifestyle to ransom. Since when did we allow a minority rule ov

washes his misguided followers. His influence needs to be ended"

and the sacrifice's Auckland people are doing and the rest of the country
washes his misguided followers. His influence needs to be ended"

ew Zealand residents by way of lockdowns, business closures, and travel d

res behind jail bars"

her New Zealander would be…"

dearest, businesses are going under and so much more. He broke the law.
He is collecting government money and at the same time attempting to u

ccountable. The law is there and the police must use it."
rying so hard to stop it. I have scrafficed so much not seeing my family and
hould pay the penalty."

ity are not IN the bible. The personality cult of Tamaki is not in the best int

for this ridiculous and damaging protest."

m to access private healthcare when needed. Regardless of what he preach

ight thing for so long and now they've held a super spreader event which w

egomaniac who is much more interested in his personal who that the safet

ng revolves around money for him. Take some off him or put him in jail. Ti

hen obviously it's OK to gather in large crowds not wear face masks no soc
our and should be held to account."

d charge him just like police told an old man they would if he went throug

to be a leader should encourage those that follow him to follow the law.
the rules"
cal resources"

delta! And deliberately encouraged thousands to jump on board with him

he Aucklanders could be of little use now"


ry at risk. He must be stopped, charged and his 'church' charitable status r
you could see his flock were not socially distant and not wearing masks. Hi

as asked to help the cause!Do your bit NZ Police �‍♀"️

by Tamaki to feed his bloated ego."
other covid outbreak!"

ng tactics!"
mpliant. He should get Covid and deal with it his way, not convince others

s going to kill a lot of people if even 1 person gets it due to the size of his g

our hospitals to function and covid19 risks this."

they would b its just as bad to guys with boot full of kfc or to ppl going aw

y!! This was an illegal protest and there must be consequences!!"
ing people to make bad decisions"

his man and his supporters are risking our safety by being selfish and incon

tax exemptions while at the same time getting tax payers wage subsidy th

he Govt is to weak to arrest him."

diots like Tamaki."

an behaviour."

reaking the law."

ers. Collection pot is probably a bit low in lockdown"
ransom in lockdowns for longer."
e keeping to the rules in level 3 so that we can move down levels for a mo

ctive as possible. Please keep the good work kiwis ! This guy is just throwin
of people risk their lives going to big place to get sick"
will not cope yet if Delta gets out of control!!"

up his own rules."

putting everyone at further risk"

he is God 酪"

or public safety."
health by promoting his anti vaccination ideas. We already have a low rat

ty. He put people's lives at risk."

deal with the aftermath of this irresponsible behavior"

elmed with patients nor care about the businesses and lives disrupted by h
but he can't take up a hospital bed."

a super-spreader event organised by his holiness himself, and my (actual)

untry has made to stay safe. He is power hungry and deeply narcissistic, th

doing what they stated. Fining obvious breaches of protocols!"

trations with lockdown."

ns and encouraging these protests makes them even more vulnerable."
landers have been doing."
ge him!"

sh to the core"

followers. He will resort to anything for self serving publicity."

been sacrificing to do the right thing in taking care of our most vulnerable
xceptions. If the Wanaka Couple can be charged then so should this man t
be stopped from inciting future protests as he has claimed he will do"

and regulations were broken during the event and I want to encourage th
ld be charged by police.No exception."
this situation and protests like this making more hard for community as w
please don't castrate the police, the crims are running the place."
lockdown and staying home to stop the spread. He has just jeopodized co
d before signing: Title: "Destiny Church isn't the Problem -- Giant white me
y distance. The meeting was a slap in the face for everyone that is trying to

al and economic welfare of their fellow New Zealanders and a blatant disg

eeking help. Prosecute them both and remove their tax-free status."
e as a country are fighting this together and his reckless endangerment is

ough that he gleefully rips the faithful off to his own self-aggrandising finan

Egocentric actions focused on INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS ignore CIVIL RESPONSIB

. And remember this was the dude, who with his wife, sneaked across the
He is not a fit leader of people - he is focused solely on himself and what he

re about the welfare of others."

creating anti vaccine sentiments. He must have consequences."

$127,903.20 for 36 staff at his auckland church trust and 6 trustees which
Wake up Destiny Church goers ... you are being conned by a very clever ch
who acts alone. But inciting murder is OK? If 2000 of us join together can w

vaccinated don’t matter. About time he was charged but doubt he will be."
vid 19 super spreading protest in level 3 lockdown. HE IS NOT ABOVE THE

ation again. How dare he breach the regulations and risk keeping us in lock
rn by the protestors. We all want freedom and part of that freedom is the
kland are doing their best to get out of this situation - you are creating divi
ts that he is indeed above the law."

band if selfish sheep should be prosecuted for breaching Covid 19 restricti

t to keep the community safe"

rrogant hypocritical pr**k"
and then you get a selfish person like Brian Tamaki and his group of follow
be jailed for this!"

for almost 2 years!"

mockery of all we are doing as a country. He's all put for himself."

n longer"

been contained. Shame on him."

He needs to be charged. I'm appalled that all our collective efforts to limit t

otest shows that. Anything to get they're downright idiots."

ellington and I guess around New Zealand too). The police HAS to do somet

be made to stick to the rules so that we can get COVID under control. Othe
so days like Sydney, or worse, Melbourne."

rules. If he gets away with not being prosecuted...who else will do it"
nment, Police and the team of 5 million and it was an illegal gathering - no
ers of society. Its a shame."

hing for us ALL . They're suffering but still doing their best for the greater
pay the price for that?"

and potentially result in death."

ing the needs of the people ought to be de-throned."

o normality. If it doesn't happen as we had 5 lockdown in Auckland, xmas

rules of lock down for the safety of our children, families, our vulnerable f

e is actively encouraging others to break the rules and continues to disrupt

d. Their selfish and illegal actions endangers lives and also will probably cau
one who attended, bunch of idiots"
ng people to ignore the Covid 19 pandemic"
k and the restaurateurs need to be included"

nyone else did it they would be punished So should he 1 rule for all!"
given him by the Police Commissioner who also advised him he would be c
ntil we out of full lock down and I am concerned about her welfare. Why a

ed propaganda"

d. We also know that if we don’t we’re breaking the law. How one person b

this cretin is going against science and against the law. We can’t help him

d more. In doing so, he is putting lives of his followers and the risks of us al
ther and I buried my husband after he died alone in an isolation room. No
ting in total disregard to the community."

d has put the risk of a super spreader event.No one or no organisation is ab

ed people to COVIDHe is spreading mis information and encouraging our m
causing mayhem and heartbreak for most Aucklanders who are doing thei

d more. In doing so, he is putting lives of his followers and the lives of us al

s best to disrupt the Covid-19/Delta recovery efforts."

c and will continue pursue his own fame at the expense of the country if s

y and fellow countrymen safe Whereas he has flaunted the safety aspect e
ays is beyond me "
eed to be prosecuted under the law. They are undermining the hardship t

ng to do with religion, it's just one man's ego putting everything Auckland h
and he should not be able to get away with things others wouldn't get awa

hould him and his followers get to flout the rules?"

ed protest - our common foe is the virus. Blatant flouting of alert levels tha

rd for the safety of others or the risk of creating a super spreader event. Th
ander. Those that follow destiny church will expect care when they fall sic

ting that happening"

you fine him his followers will have to pay because he has no income only ti

s want to be in lockdown but know that it is necessary at the moment."

s, cars etc and what more social good he could do. Can't understand why

me but then breaks all the rules protesting and putting more Aucklanders a
e very clear Level 3 rules for gatherings. They should be held to account."


Lock him up."

aws in NZ and nothing has been done. Meanwhile cops will breakup a fune
look after everyone. His actions prove he is super selfish and doesn't care a

n place. The rules are there to protect those not yet fully vaccinated, those

No one likes lockdown and people are over it. But he and his congregation
on instead"

wn for much longer now."

st his moral compass of helping others as his reason for existing is to help

ctly, this outbreak would be over. It is flouting regulations that has got us t

hout covid. Thanks for nothing!"

y has he put thousands of people at risk, his actions have affected all of Au

as just made a joke of mine and hundreds of others peoples efforts to get

part of a money making scheme"

LY !! its mentioned daily on the news our vaccination rate needs to be high
for risking Auckland It’s reprehensible that we have no issues charging nor
hmen and take their bikes and cars off them."
p too far."
together when we can have 11. I hope tamaki family all get covid real bad

doing our best to keep ourselves and everyone else safe. His behavior is sh

others in danger of Covid and all its consequences."

el 3 to continue."

e to a lot of people"
ciates not see that his ties to gangs are not based on any Christian principl

se Tamaki's criminal actions. Not only that, but you encourage taking the la

ry best and this clown goes and does that and makes money from it.???"

oney given, a wanker that should be jailed"

our bit."

aches the Public Health Orders then so does organising a rally where hundr

il. He has risked the rest of Auckland coming out of lockdown, including st

gh times"

me wants attention. Absolutely appalling."

ne law that is applied to all!"
y dangerous ones that lead to further misinformation being spread and po

attle against Covid. Plus this individual and all other people like him needs


bal pandemic. It’s inexcusable."

id of Covid, Tamaki blatantly flouts the regulations for his own ends. It's go

closed down."

vaccine messages."
h. I can't believe people actually follow him...... gullible!!"

tion for the rest of NZ !"

ing raspberries at every Aucklander staying at home and in their bubbles, b
structiveness of our real freedoms, health and wellbeing perhaps even he

case. Is the government afraid of the consequences in arresting him ."

old dad and 76 year old mum have heart disease and would be helpless in

deliberate law breaking"

has let all New Zealanders down badly."

or cause who knows what kind of damage."

manage covid."
him now."

him know that he does not speak for all New Zealanders."
those vulnerable communities in Auckland, and yet didn’t give a shit! Doe

a bad name. Christ wants us to follow the law not go against it"
e get done for man slaughter?"
hard work Aoteraoa has put in over the last few months…his inciting and i
ey from the poor to get by."

al disdain for all Aucklanders held a rally that should not be held right now"

own faster."

e high level of compliance. For many this has meant huge sacrifices. I accep

any Aucklanders as they watched the news and learned of their selfish min

le people to contribute to him and his wife to pay for his exstravagant lifes
ing. I’d organise a rally to make those non vac people get vaccinated! Tota
eding tickets, and equally upset with Jacinda for fobbing it off and telling u

en the law. I am a christian and he gives me and my fellow Christians a bad

punishment for flouting the rules and his total lack of consideration for ev

othing to stop it."

a total disregard for the rights of those of us (the bulk of the population) w

way, regardless of who he thinks he is."

or attention and power seeking."

ctions. This behavior is NOT helping in any way, its selfish."

p to make it stick because he will probably have a QC defending. Signing th

undermining the hard mahi Aotearoa has been through over the past few

breaking the law of the land. If congregation believe laws need to be chan
ne's lives at risk."

gry right now that I could be doing something that I could be charged with
he spotlight"
umbing his nose at them and the law."

see when Aucklanders are bearing the brunt of this lockdown at present."

est to stay home!! Lock him up and throw away the key!!!"

is running rampant still!!!"

other fanatical leader hiding behind religion to feather his own nest."
ers to do the same. He should be charged."

o help potentially spread Covid."

essness to become twice vaccinated."
oops, this clown can stage a protest with no consequences."
pain for all of us"

s screen behind a Church ? The man and his followers have no moral resp

t even pay taxes to support the health system!"

level3 lockdown .He has no consideration for the rest of NZ!"

n wear masjs"
ople in danger of death is illegal and that’s what he did so he should be cha
n longer."

n Auckland being out of Lockdown so they can spend time together over t

being taken away."

ajor outbreak of Covid. He is a disgrace"

ations if the COVID lockdown and soliciting his followers to do the same pu

and simple - charge the guy."

ith leading a 2000+ Protest, most without masks. He needs to be charged

wn agenda has put many at risk."

is not something he has not done before and this is definitely not his last ti
ve the law so I don't see why this church leader thinks he is"
anger to the very people he claims to guide."
minds. He needs to be stopped"

Double standards disrespect those who keep standards!"

ve - break the law and encourage as many other people to do so as possibl

ed to be made accountable for their actions"

vid he'd be running to the hospital"
nd potentially spreading Delta."

unt at risk of all NZ"

prosecuted just like others breaking the rules which are in place to protec
not him? Totally inappropriate and worse as a leader."

the people they may infect because of this."

le must love Lockdown! 勞"

he law."
ng to go into MIQ."

ould be a good place for him."

ne else suffering."

ed to put up with short term pain for long term gain. He needs to be made
able among us and is mainly upset that lockdowns are disrupting the mon

n he MUST observe and answer to the same laws us us other 'mortals'. A m

tive ways of protesting. This gathering will only serve to delay the return to

ivil disobedience and he must be jailed."

as well. tamaki and all the people that went to this protest put people at
ell as having to live with the ignominy of it all.Not only was it an illegal imm

otentially caused further loss of life and should be treated as manslaughte

people who have been prosecuted for breaking the rules. Gr…………"

No respect for rules OR our country and people!!! He should be punished l

ho breach lockdown rules are charged so Brian Tamaki deserves to be char

itely need to be held accountable.Not good enough"

en start on others within our community, cops and all, who stand defiant
ening the lives of his followers and those around them. He should be prose

nes,everyone at that rally should be held accountable and charged."

what Jesus would have done."

the spread of covid . He should be charged in my opinion."

government will fail."

and charged for doing so..WHY IS IT OK FOR THEM TO FLOUT THE LAW AN
eryone else has followed"

o be charged."
est of the country."

security ..... don't want immunisation fine, stay home, we all stay safe ....
nfluenced by their opinions which are not correct nor based on scientific ev
and agenda. I'm all for peaceful, political protests but NOT at a time wher

s irresponsible behaviour."

ff actually got the payout or did he pocket it all because hes a greedy low l

maniac and his followers may set us back to square one."

ndermine our hard efforts to defeat this pandemic."
nity or yourself? The choice is yours but please don't choose this Muppet.
ere the most cases of covid popup, and yet he is a special kind if stupid as h

ting and 1 of the worst type of fraudulent persons there is"
wage subsidies when they don't even contribute in taxes"

his protest which is against level 3 lockdown and knowingly risk a huge sp
t tough and it’s a kick in the teeth to see someone get away with making th
rs where there are concentrations of the virus.Very ill considered"

el free to arrest & prosecute him & his associates. No one is above the law

ion and more lockdowns"

ives, how very Christian !!!I’m signing this while awaiting karma"

's a dickhead"
w Zealanders. A hypocrite in every regard and a criminal"

vel 2. Come on police and government you are suppose to be there for us
ernment at all!!"

nded during alert level 3 where he knew his protest would gather more tha

the their hard earned cash to him should not put him above the law. Com
vel 4 rules were and this is worse."

d-19 lockdown rules. Blatant disregard for other people, topped with arro

VID-19 status"
ns taken by Tamaki and his followers! This should be treated no differently
nd financially!! Police need to cut this CULT off at the knees!"

es back"
you free reign on this earth and in this country"
fter all of the deprivations most people have suffered"

anner a disdain for the rest of us, showing his word is worth little."

d 19 2020."

ng.Bloody idiot..."

within the limits of the law. Why should this charletton be given any specia

t that all other Aucklanders are adhering to."

and evil person who preys on the weak and vulnerable to satisfy his own g

AGAINST vaccination."

of us with some respect."

otistical zealot.Fail to make an example of him and our country faces anarc
est has the potential to be a super-spreader and make cases get to the leve

ws my whanau to travel down from Akld to see me.- their mother and gran

d put my health at risk by not caring for the rest of us."

ster. If there was a god brian would have spontaneously combusted by now

d against covid."
afety! Asswipe putting all decent, law abiding citizens at risk!"

m believe this."
stly believe your better than everyone in N.Z. you are bang out of order.Pr

o angry."

utting himself and others at risk."

orts of the vast majority of Aucklanders. We all want the same outcome - a

do the same"
gain and not that of the NZ people"

people are trying everything they’ve got to keep us safe and a ‘free radica
nd public endangerment."

r own means."

and. - STILL-"
nalizes them with Fines and here's a genius gathering thousands of people
this could lead up to a riot!!"

e who are starving, in rent arrears, homeless etc because they foolishly tit

s all. He is a cult leader and will harm more people if he continues."

ed to get away with breaking the rules and risk further extension of the loc
s at risk."

olding that meeting at the museum in Auckland.on the 2nd October."

er rule for others."

ches lockdown restrictions. Fraudulently makes claims about freedoms bei

our job as a so called man of god and obey the rules like the rest of us. We
ary deaths."
ch also claimed over $127,000 to there so called Trust and Trustees. Intere
dous gamble considering the sacrifices made by law abiding citizens"
serial fraudster, and a gang leader, and should be prosecuted to the fulles

g job to keep us safe from wide spread covid. How dare you Brian, you're m
as a community."

re greater then the many millions who have a sacrificed so much!!! He pu

e type to turn around and say a covid death related to his actions is "gods

r safe."
- this is an estimated total of $8,000,000"

eryone healthy and safe and so we can get back to work."

e greed for money over prople"

esult in Covid spreading even more he should be arrested and charged."

nd must be held to account."

llectually challenged. There needs to be charges laid and suitable punishm

ders have endured in lockdown and encouraged thousands of others to act

t think so!. How many of those who attended and signed in, will be added
Govt handouts in the form of Tax Breaks and even the Wage Subsidy! Take

is not above the law. His protest could be the nail in the coffin for more A

m. BTW, did you notice how he wore a mask. So much for believing covid i

aki showed he doesn't not care about anyone else but himself. He is a dang

o. Be humble Stay home and save lives. You could've waited to lvl 2 then
rules put in place for all Aucklanders"
actions Covid19 we want to get out and move down a lvl."

and financially, with each lockdown and level restriction it gets worse for
was caused by his greed and not any caring for the health and future of fell
germent. The ringleaders should be charged with insighting murder"

o beat the virus."

st of us at risk."

endance at them should be held to account and charged."

r actually was..revolting."
ritious arrogant man jeopardize it all"
ding the rest of the country up for ransom & helping to ruin our economy
age to our health system, the workers within in it, and everyone who is sti

anger with his idiotic protest - whoDoes he think he is- I tell you what he is
at Covid-19 and the restrictions placed on us for the good of ALL!!!Every s

s selfish pigheaded ways."

ly ignores the rules"

a total disregard for everyone else"

d angry."
is spreading false information, which I thought was illegal too."

is virus spread throughout the country how long will it take before his beli
rs, particularly the most vulnerable. He needs to be stripped of his tax free
subsidies. What they did was a disgrace. And choosing to protest at a mem
- now I'm beyond disgusted and legal action is LONG overdue. Prosecute h
subsidies then attacks that same institution. Destiny money grabbers are n

stroying lives and being ignorant is definitely wasting our efforts to save liv
wed to happen. There should not be one rule for individuals, and one rule f

king lockdown rules"

n, should be prosecuted for his breach of Level 3 restrictions."

nner which could exacerbate the spread of Covid 19."
n blatant disregard of their fellow man is disgusting behaviour. He can ma

rs to break the law should come with a heavier penalty. He has potentially

ntry in Lockdown. He is in a position of power and others are following his

nd shows little knowledge of history and what has gone before. I am offen

has no right to break the rules just to feed his ego, make money and enda
im. Not only was this dangerous as a matter of but it was inflammatory an

n with him..put the prick in Bubba's cell."

of us. Charge Tamaki as the organiser and any other identifiable people. Su
suffering from the loss of family connection, access to healthcare, their job

annoyed that this man, who is no more a bishop than I’m an astronaut, has
ng by the rules. This has really angered me as this could jeopardize my kids

otest strikes at the heart of what most of NZ stands for."

g needs consequences."
t thing and following government orders. He took it upon himself to break
. If he truly believed in helping his congregation he would tell them to sta

is wrong. Heightening the risk of covid being caught by those people innoc
ed the health and prosperity of or country"

ng the Rules set by our Government and Ministry if Health"

is in favour of Vaccinations."

rs. Brian Tamaki is just a big ego looking for a reason to get on his pulpit an
klanders or Christians and NZ has had a gutsful of his bullshit."

tting thousands of people at risk."

ace consequences of his actions when he breaks the law."

to this mass breach and its not the first time Brian and Hannah Tamaki hav

ating emotion of some ignorant people."

dislike what he is doing in the name of Jesus Christ."
orking hard to help others. Charge him accordingly."
e.I’ll bet half the idiots that followed him there aren’t even vaccinated, & th

ds yto be shut down and held accountable"

this guy is a disgusting homophobe."

tupidity. He should be charged."

an undo and put others at risk"
needed. He needs to realise the consequences for his actions."

e ALL like to get out of lockdown and I would hope we all like to do it safely
have their celebrity lifestyle. Lock them up."

nothing more than a publicity stunt. Start taxing this morally bankrupt cre

ministry of health Covid Alert level requirements for his own and his partn

rules set by our government, as has my church. I'm also double vaccinated

astoral care."
of his church"

to others"
ikes of me in danger."

ockdown and instead of helping, this scum is making things worse. We hav


e people"

has only one interest… himself!"

s.Where are the police on this? Charges must follow."

s lockdown even been for... We may as well have been able to go out and

onal control and compliance on issues that have an impact on the total po
ckin useless. I think I'll do just what I want . Maybe I could be a law breakin

hen most of us are doing our best to stamp it out."

was it that Zoom meetings cannot provide an avenue to rattle the collectio

y his own supporters he but also the NZ public, and he is jeopardizing the

t our society."
e ravages of COVID already. God will not spare him if the innocent die beca

ppening and idiots like him encourage it."

ssible compromising position. Wait until lockdown is nolonger. Or set up a

escribe him got it totally right, he leaches off society."

ted and let’s get in with it."
Maybe some Jail time instead, with the o es who do t follow his stupid way

much influence over his followers."

es, and broadcast their antivax messages and need to be held to account"
lockdown too… right when there might have been some light at the end o
en swayed by his bizzare lack of understanding why we are all in lockdown
ntion the Covud 3 lockdiwn regulations. Why should he be above the law w

t spreader. Should be made an example of."

e he is putting them at risk"

ing out of money as he cannot tithe his followers. First church ever to hav

d safe so this “protest” was just a huge slap in the face. It was so unnecess

e through, not to mention the economic carnage and in some cases loss o
and politics"
d his allies being arrested and charged?? Otherwise we are in danger of m

uch. Right up there with Billy tk jrn. Idiots!!"

a person who loves the limelight not someone who is thinking of others. P
ying to stamp out this virus"

wn narcissistic benefit. He disregarded a health order and endangered man

d egotistical"
ploit the vulnerable and poor for his own gane. What's Christian about tha

self serving ego puts Aucklanders at greater risk of a further extended lock

ccurring, was highly irresponsible. City Impact Church should also be held

e who attended that protest. About time this so called ‘Man of God’ got pu
py to help shut them down. I'm signing because I believe in freedom, but N

g peoples lives."
he risk of Covid-19, and all the social and economic failures that it's already

em - nz economy, broken the law"

phoney and should be locked away for his callous disregard for others!"

e opposite!!! He is a wicked, evil man - a perfect example of a 'false proph

e hard work"
ng bullsh!t and lies."
the remaining New Zealanders and as a supposed man of god to conduct a

K. He is not above the law. Decent citizens who are pulling together to cur

he claim to be a good Christian person. No mater who or what he is law is

seen in the UK what happens when Covid spreads are not controlled. Peop

ch ‘Mortlock’ should also be held accountable for passing on this informati

I'd suggest he exploits the poor, needy, and vulnerable for his own person

case today and two babies are they part of his people. he has assumed Tr

nt of his congregation to blatantly go against our COVID safety protocols/ a

ndedly derail the entire thing. An example needs to be made."
no moral compass"

sh act!!! From a proud supporter of the government and an Aucklander w

kland! He does so many things that go against Christianity."

uding health workers. He is not a Christian. This was his way if collecting Su
ngs are worse. We have followed the rules, got vaxxed, closed our busine
od just to further his self aggrandisement."

down when they are very likely to have taken away Aucklanders freedom f

accinations for the good of other NZ's.This wasted space of a man is only t
y suffering financially & mentally. So very selfish."
ploit those who are looking for a sense of belonging and then have the aud
rrested and charged, why is Brian Tamaki exempt?!Not only has the prote

y crossing the line please please dont let him or his white collar crime coho
up it now means Auckland probably won't be moving down alert levels"
n 18 long months! Police need to take control here....they need to be supp

he first place , the police should never have allowed this to happen unless t
tian morals to serve themselves instead of others is abominable. Brian Tam

ant to get out of this level lockdown. Is this man going to pay my bills whe


t it already is."

ed that demonstration as you will not have Brain at your bedside. He dese
d is a dangerous thing so there should be a heavy penalty for the people in

er population"

ore ways than one, living of the good people that have been brainwashed
away and throw away the key"
tions in organising a protest and gathering of large numbers of people in vi
kdown. Everyone needs to do their bit. NO EXCEPTIONS!! He should be cha

abiding citizens"
in place."

ts away from us. this egotistical maniac has put thousands of lives at risk b
n. After charging him, get the wage subsidy back off the prick."
ountry hostage."

the government does a good or bad job, this insult is disgusting beyond wo
w dare he out our lives at risk. He's had no-one worshipping him in his chu

many in lockdown."
like him need to be removed from positions of power and influence."

ns due to selfish ignorant people."

e tax-exmpt status from religious organisations and throw this criminal in j

ictions and should be charged for not only that breach but for also inciting
d the long ongoing effect on communities because of anti mask, anti COVi
andemic .Who does this ??"

at pray on the weak are disgusting, there’s a special place for morons like t

covid. He exposed our communities to infection, potentially prolonging th

eir lives and jobs from the pandemic. I only ask for justice for the well bein

Covid but society in general. We do not need people like him left free to t

eople have lost their jobs or had reduced hours. Essential workers are over

kout even longer. He should be held accountable."

breaking the rules ??"

have organized the protest!"

est is about getting the money flowing back into his nonsense Church"
ously infected because of nasty people like him. Don't beat up politicians fo
stint in jail"

t back to some sort of normalality"

ng to be relevant. I heard he owes millions in taxes and needs money of his

heir whānau. This has jeopardized everything everyone is working so hard t

the way to do it. Ego busting dumb ass"

ple that follow him"

ord to give away funds which would be better spent on food, clothes and a
ders. He deserves nothing but to be prosecuted."

r bit to stop the spread of Covid and this clown goes out and has a mass g

want to be special. Hope you're enjoying being special when ur dead i gue
ages of Covid as much as we possibly can. You're an absolute plonker. To
ay even tho I’ve hated it I’ve done my part. For this twat to do his stupid litt

m sick of the also in the hand with a wet bus ticket"

kless and irresponsible behaviour."
a protest, probably feels like he hasn’t been getting enough attention"

ds Aucklanders"

erous to society."
pen and have no prosecution ruins our work."


of behaving in lockdown for him to do this shit"

o such an irresponsible thing. Shame on him!!!"
vide. He needs to be jailed...He has shown his contempt for the wellbeing

ge mass gathering during this pandemic. He shows zero regard for the sac
e people. Babies in maternity wards with covid 'Brain'"

ork with his inflated ego"

so other offenders have done over the pass 6-7 weeks. One rule for all!"
e community."

rights like he isn't trying to do the same thing. ALSO ILLEGAL PROTEST KEY

hat every one there used masks to the TV reporter. He needs to deflate hi
. Charge this attention seeking leech on society."
unt the rules!not fair on the rest of Auckland!!"
hould have handcuffed and put into safe houses ."

specially by the people of Auckland."

d, indoctrinated cult followers again."

the lives and livelihoods of ALL New Zealanders. Please also deregister his
k to our normal lives."

o grab"

w him are putting our chances of getting out of lockdown in jeopardy"


the right to protect, there is a time and a place."

we have!!!!"

d be. He is arrogant and self and a disgrace to say he is a man og god"

ones hard work. He is not above the law."
ny potential people's lives at risk. For a religious man very selfish indeed."

al public in this way. Lock him up, he thinks he is above the law, but he's no

d a revolt."
ne at risk."


nd communities"
portedly claims to be a Christian yet ignores the basic tenants of his faith b
ts the law and puts NZs recovery at risk. This is outrageous. This is immora

ho thinks he’s god to break the rules and put us all at risk , take your man m
should not have consequences of their own."
��� ������" #hypocrite - he is certainly not an ordained Bishop

nd before and went to Invercargill where the Mayor kicked him out. He nee

hink he is he broke the law now charge him and his followers!!!!!!!!!!"
for personal gain and feeding them Conspiracy theories about covid19 and

not one law for him and one for us."

n event where many were un-masked, also the location being the War Mem

see family because of it then this douche bag thinks he’s better then every
much higher risk of infection.Maybe the law needs to be changed so that a

munity at risk."
to do so."
e idiots. Charge him with Inciting ..... (sure there must be a charge that fi
ristianity" in that?"

he allowed to do this. They all should be charged for sure. So sorry to hea

cceptable risk!"

ned Bishop or an appointed Apostle, let alone a man of God, he is an arseh

s everyone at risk... Blatantly broke covid lockdown rules for his own ego t

ble way that we can get the better of COVID"


or too long! They need to be held accountable for their actions and also h

re rights" to the families who will be needing hospital help in the coming w
cing this for the first time and we all are doing whatever best we can with
If 1 person in the classroom did wrong, EVERYONE would get punished, n

hinking of others before yourself"

he Tamaki's spread by controlling their follows. Therefore I will do anythin

at everyone else in NZ are abiding by!"

en arrested for a lot less so I don't believe he should get away with it."
Auckland of getting out of lockdown. No one were wearing masks which is

th. This man and his I'll advised followers are not above the law. Mr Tama

o support them getting a couple of jabs rather than bring them together s

o mention mental health. We should make him pay for any losses due to e
hen they break the law ."

ed all Aucklanders at risk of further lock down due to his arrogance"

rward. This man is a very selfish self centered individual."

k, and ruins the hard work put in by millions of consciousness Kiwis."

ost of the rest of NZ is doing the right thing."

unrable and most likely frightened community members by encouraging th

heir followers. He’s putting his interests before the safety of his congregati

eeds to be made an example of.."

d to grow a spine"

wn ego"

hatever he wants."

rest of NZ at risk of contacting Covid- 19"

ice to explain why they have not charged him or those who gathered, and

breaking their bubbles and the law, then so can he."


where in NZ"
ged heavily and possibly put behind bars to avoid future protests as this is

swoop has threatened the effort of so many and the likelihood we could g
hould be charged."

e potential for the event to become a super spreader event high and dange


es twice now that I know of.I want too see family, new Gt Grandchildren an
e lives of other LAW ABIDING New Zealanders, whom have not been or are
ecessarily die. Brian Tammaki encouraging his cult to put those in vulnera

ng a much needed rest anytime soon - thanks for thinking of your own selfi

and medically support all the possible cases that arise from him stupid stu

to get rid of lockdowns he should hold a vaccination rally"

sgraceful behaviour!"

people that are trying to do the right thing and it hasn’t been easy. absolut
eople to have our say ..."

a piece of work!!"

ople who are genuine Christians and steel there money.Con man"

s have jeopardised the good that has been achieved through Auckland loc
ple, half of whom are not wearing masks and most are not social distancin

get vaccinated which is much more useful to them long run than participati

lth of our nation.Creating events that put others at risk is not the way to p
tting people at risk."

ck into risk"
risk of a longer lockdown."
s a law abiding citizen I want out of lock down asap and this will not happe

wers into the fire of a world wide pandemic. 郎郎郎郎郎"

er last weekend."

what's the point in trying to minimize the death rate"

s doing will have a detrimental effect. He needs to follow the rules like eve

e a family Xmas."

own and leaving your area while in lock down is only creating resentment a
s, not spread it! Get fully vaccinated, please!"

to be made?... Religion.""

s lavish lifestyle by spreading bullshit and this vaccine protest is just disgus
he's more important than all of us!"

ori & rely on him for leadership. Many give tithes & still cannot pay their e
ng and effectively giving the fingers to the rest of us! Well Mr Tamaki I giv

s man thinks he is above the law. I am also furious that there seems to be

any other person who flouts the law would be."

ct us to be compliant when Tamaki & Co get away with such a super sprea
't seen my family or friends since lockdown. Brian Tamaki has breached Co
to using those powers the Govt and Police are pussies and whimper away
acter to send a clear message his actions will not be tolerated when they t

diots make everything so much worse."

y that could be the cause of his ignorance."

held accountable"

atherings. Brian is a parasite."

le. Just ruins all the good work others have done."
o those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, a

have to follow he needs to be charged for this deliberate flaunting of the l

r sh*t together for the next one on the 16th October?"

people are doing wasting their time. selfish"

ke him pay it back he should never have qualified for it."

tion no internet. And have to go to court."
shame on you Brian Tamaki and your and your sheep"
e sending a message that they tolerate Brian Tamaki's irresponsible behav

making huge sacrifices for us all. Tamaki's breaking of the rules was deliber
our families & hard workers cannot even get MIQ accommodation & flight

are turning a blind eye to others such as gangs and Tamaki and his Church
w his teachings if you potentially and purposely exposing people to Covid ,
riot so should this scumbag"

for told me was both more appropriate for the numbskull antivaxxers and

3 guidelines. His actions have probably undone all the hard work."

esters put their trust in a wolf in sheep's clothing."

e all equal, but some are more equal than others'. People like this are selfi

al distanced from each other, nor to wear their masks to protect each othe
his followers weren’t."
ander should face the consequences. Can one imagine if the occasion beco
ak the law"


ld a thousand persons event at level 3"

yed home and the police commissioner allowed this to happen so called B
s to be a team of 5 million when such people are permitted to jeopardise t

of the health of our country. Couldn't think of a less Christian action and he

Show us the guts to stand up for the rest of us!!!!!"

offer him diversion if he gets (publicly) vaccinated"

struggling to make ends meet."

igned to help protect the people of New Zealand and endangered all of ou
of us into further lockdowns as a result of their behaviour!"
ught a lesson that we all live in this society and at times we need to follow

s put us all at risk. For a leader to do this during lockdown is unbelievable."

rk, then this dropkick decides he hasn't been on the news for a while and o

rules & wanting to move down to Level 2 & 1. Sheer stupidity & I agree bi

otivated only by his own personal greed and colossal ego. He is a truly desp
or not?"

ple of along with all the followers who accompanied him"

n the middle of Covid and restrictions in Auckland. It was arrogant, selfish

uraged their followers to attend this protest."
onsible. This man and his wife think they are above the law and need to b

ut their personal preferences aside in the interest of the good of their peo

middle of a Pandemic, where the science tells us that such organised mass

wearing masks and potentially caused a super spreader event. He should b

ocent public at risk."

ngly broke Covid restrictions & should be charged appropriately not just le
an cause lockdowns to go much longer than they need to. Yes we all want

phet ruining peoples lives fkn oath arrest him before someone shoots him

ho illegally break the law and put the rest of the community at risk, should
e we all agree that God doesn't defend Stupidity. Shut this moron down! If

n the least bit charitable."

ve done to help keep everyone safe in NZ!"
ignorant vociferous minority. The strategy of elimination is correct and ju

ng our economy"

alised yet which will only encourage others to do the same."

ollowing the rules and staying home."
Brian Tamaki doesn't give a toss about anyone else but himself and his ow

s at the absolute moron that will no doubt extend Auckland

y Government and Police response."

- self entitled prick."

ttle man."

to be in huge numbers. A complete idiot who should be charged!"

ust 'morally wrong' it was illegal - and he must be charged. The governmen
is "bishop" and his "church" cover what this "show" had and possibly still w

lack of leadership."

eachers, we will be in Level 3 forever."

ed up yesterday uninvited l might add. Has that arsehole been spoken too

ing them to break the law"

It has potential to overwhelm hospital system, not fair to all the doctors a
e of Aotearoa, New Zealand. He led a criminal protest and thinks he is abo

ined by HIM!"
New Zealand is trying to achieve to gain attention for himself."
s. I have a granddaughter to help protect from covid"
otic moron, who thinks he's got the right to throw all our good work aside

s hoping to end the lockdown. His actions require swift, serious and public

m of New Zealand law for his blatant and disgusting disregard for the effort

n to have it nearly blow up with his stupid get together."

on. He is not a good man!"

f there are no tithes, Brian gets no money. Ergo, Brian hates lockdowns."
kland it has been mentally taxing - no extended family or seeing friends an
him and those who he has influence over."
ave no regard for others. It's low level behaviour. Throw the book at him...

ut not only my family in harms way but NZ."

e treatment for all who break the law/boundaries."

ki can ignore all the rules .."

p from the police to organise it! It’s disgusting"

y wrong and dangerous."

r we come out of level 3. Just like all Breachers....he ain't no different."

d followers would keep their word, Tamaki should be charged"

name of religion and freedom when it's just a lie to get bums in seats at his
d accountable."

downs, isolating are the countries that will be open soonest and survive. W

ore from the under privileged in his flock."


ne then he is free to do whatever he wants... or maybe not."

r some people."

ew Zealanders everywhere. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but t

d if the gathering broke the lockdown rules or the law. Both happened and
ility to others."

sland). And then these people decide to break them. I think everyone ther
ordinary NZers but also allowed to get away with these illegal large gather
of mental health problems. Not fair!"

h Covid in the US ans and Australia"

aceful group, in their bubble, protecting an environmental taonga against

rves to be charged.."

ant he stick to them?!"

KS on is not the way to do it!!!"

ders. He continues to flout the law, when the rest of us are struggling to do

as well."
medical authority’s"

d of this lockdown just like everybody else. If he has now extended it I will
ns in a community that is the primary spreader of the current outbreak. H

ho have worked so hard throughout the lockdowns."

unch of selfish assh***s"

able people"

the position he holds."

d strip him of being able to post/spread this nonsense! He’s causing civil u
e when the majority are doing their best to get through this crisis. Get the j

his actions."
sponse from the NZ Police. Maybe if we had a 'hard man' as Police Commis
oved this.and the jab is not going to save u either."
bly selfish and dangerous act. I could understand the cops being discrete ea

ules while the wealthy get away scot free."

rs have made to keep all NZ safe and allow us all a return to L1. A real kick

trapped but this is bullshit. How do you enforce anything and show you m

ment. Tamaki thinks he's above law, Police has done nothing and the PM is

tch, and to outright deny people weren't wearing masks... watch the foota
ollars off the NZ tax payers as wage subsidies …..WRONG"

whole country, & he belongs in jail."

erable people and misinformed them. He needs to be hel accountable"

unto himself."
. They care about no one but themselves. A large quantity of them were no

inst the true teachings. Lock the man up"

ne else?"

all all those who participated in this stupid rally if they get Covid."
all hell will break lose as their communities believe the vaccine is microchip

g but, selfish, unethical leadership."

ny is outrageous. Brian Tamaki’s behaviour is a clear transgression of the c

hildren to protect us from TB, Polio and other formerly deadly childhood d

hristianity all about himself"

re bit to keep y'all safe and you have this fella"

y he claimed"
al behavior Brian's decisions are putting people at risk"
tment all all those who participated in this stupid rally if they get Covid. Br
d consequences for his blatant disregard for law and order and the well-be

on for everyone else in Auckland trying to abide by the rules."

ones safe & well. Such arrogance & definitely not what Jesus would do."

r waiting until lower alert levels.This was a dangerous activity that could ha
broke the law, he is not above the law"

mes of their weekly little tantrums. They know what they was doing is illeg

e formed his Mongol lot in Black with his loud mouth getting about 2,000 f
uckland, nor the rest of New Zealand, yet he puts them in danger."
eed his cult of personality."

could well be a superspreader event. He needs to be charged"

o. Endangering all of us have tried to help end this curse is very wrong."

ned, they all require a shepherd. It’s the people that give him his power, t

would be treason."

s; wallets first, people later. What's more, this protest placed the wider Au
ng people at risk it’s appalling."

ophobic/transphobic as possible"
hing. My child and her family are in lock down with medical problems and
ple actually follow Brian 3. He thought of no one else but himself"
at the very least!"

ling jobs, employers and employees. Jail it for a year and throw a hefty fin

followers are above the law. It disgusts me. They must be held account or
hen so many people are hurting in order to do the right thing, and others a

is silk pillow. . He is not above the law. All those business that cant operate

NZ he seriously needs to pull his head in"

get away with an outright breach of the law ? - Lunacy !"
ple are striving to achieve. His a thug and a gang leader."

nised a bunch of people to meet and discuss or protest you can bet you life

his clown isn’t responsible for an extension"

e being considerate and adhering to the current level rules.When I heard o

arger than allowed by law in level 3 He needs to be charged for attempted

s done nothing but break the law, encourage law breaking and spread fals

re?? Persuading others against vaccination, that's his right to refuse but no

use in a short while he will not be able to go anywhere without a certificat

ntal health and financial situation many are facing! Wake up!!"

ocietal response to COVID."

oke through the barrier earlier in the lockdown to get to Rotorua and Quee

e government. Totalling over $100,000 this man is inbred."

reaking lockdown rules. Result = more people breaking lockdown rules!! O

would have been"

s him feel he is above the law. We might not like lockdown but I prefer it t

ow delta spread 10x faster this idiot just arranged a protest with similar id

botaging the weeks of sacrifice that Aucklanders and other NZers have und

r), pastor - no a scammer. Sounds like a criminal."

ying our beautiful country under a false pretext. People have FREEDOM OF

h no masks on"
only going to encourage others to bend them. It has to be shown that this i

s. If it's good enough to charge the Wanaka couple, its good enough to cha
is above the law. Especially this maniac!"
alth into jeopardy. It was also unlawful under level 3"
keep everyone as safe as possible from covid"

an example of him for encouraging people to break the Covid rules."

fight to stamp out Covid needs compliance not disruptive law breakers.He

with the rules to keep us safe."

es filling up hospitals and ICU units. Illegal, potential Super spreader, event

if others is first."

and go meet his maker"

and the potentially disastrous consequences for a vulnerable portion of o

heir suffering"
ll New Zealanders to help all New Zealanders. Will he pray or pay for all th

usiness to check a water leak was slapped with a $300 fee after taking a $3

wn. Class A dipshit."

g ripped off by this extortionist."

ns in Auckland so I feel he should be charged for unlawfully protesting."

christianity is based on. Feel sorry for my cuzzies who have joined destiny

y confronting and was deeply disturbed to see so many people flouting loc
when lot's of other people have been arrested and charged he is not specia

know that we are instructed to follow the laws of the land. He certainly sh


y single person in this country and potentially beyond."

go unpunished sends the wrong signal to his followers who don’t care for

police system."

at risk and because he has risked us spend more time at level 3 or 4. Selfish
ar violation of public health rules endangering the rest of the community. B
inion sort the bastard out"

n about this action. But he's a very puny player - let's also focus on the oth

tunity to get away with more than anyone else"

ecessary for every citizen to do their part to stop the covid-19 from spread

d of Covid means more pressure on hospitals, affecting everyone's access

weeks, and many of us Aucklanders are furious that Brian Tamaki has don
onsequences. He's high profile and could have been influencing people to g

minded, regular humans of Aotearoa, to get vaccinated, respect lockdown


people like Tamaki don’t break the rules and keep us in lockdown. I’m sign
ollars from the Covid wage subsidy scheme so is profiting from the very th

nd regulations in Auckland"

health order to promote their own political agenda"

s and by not doing so is tantamount to selfishness and endangering to oth

rs he should be held responsible for his actions."

le. These aholes have no common sense.�"

ccount. Is this right no way instant fines would be a start, caught again 28

st they can under these trying times, they don't need idiots putting the res

uld we suffer because of him."

xpense of public safety"

e it is not. Just like his entire history, his public utterances are only to serve
o more than a publicity stunt by a narcissistic moron"

ey from the vulnerable and they need to start paying taxes. It's a business

hed accordingly."
harged for breaking the law, the same any of us would as individuals"

no consequences for this behaviour."

d to get out of level 3"

the population being unable to access healthcare. These rallies take away
working with us not against us."

ck head and his protest will keep us in lockdown longer."

mmunity apart from his own agenda!! Needs to learn a lesson"

Tamiki has no right whatsoever to put these people in danger of Covid spr

ding New Zealanders to stroke his ego under a religious veil. Prosecute th
uld have been done for this. He should get the same..he is not above the la

this idiot gets to have a protest without any consequences."

es for everyone"

ng the virus as a quote unquote 'Gift from God' is enough."

aceful gang members spreading not only Covid but his usual damning vitrio

a charlatan, false prophet and verging on lunatic"

e, congested group! Tally ho, lads!”"

e to keep him and his family in luxury"

acrifice this disgusting event should never have happened!"

000 of his idiot's to do 5jis is sickening"

e asked to give money to the church. Feeding church has judged me due to

wilfully misinformed that they can do whatever they like because the law a

rump any potential concerns about creating a martyr here."

eader events and they contravene everything everyone else is doing to ke
stage at all times. He led it, so needs to be held accountable."

les/laws of our country!! Charge & convict him to the fullest extent of the

es. Jail him."

try to grab attention/headlines so needlessly during a global pandemic pla

probably made it harder for Aucklanders to get out of level 3. Absolutely s

nd misinformation about Covid and acting recklessly by having a mass gath

t sick."
cute other offenders"
2,000 pistols all in the one place, ignoring ING the social distance rules tha

o to get this horrible man prosecuted, I will."

ourages all to be vaccinated."

downs, violating the Health Act, putting people in danger and further dam

ccepted religion and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme

mostly hardworking low income parishioners he has made millions from an

e is nothing but an egotistical sod."

nce. He should be charged."

made accountable, if it had been any one of us we would of been arrested
3. Thus putting Auckland communities at further risk."

eans taking the Bible out of context, taking money from his own congregati

ding him a message he is. How dare he undermine the efforts of all of Auck
se they didn’t believe in getting vaccinated. How many people have died b
ng a health epidemic. What makes him so special."

ons at his churches. He's a selfish, egotistical idiot."

harged on the spot."
dollars from the poor and does nothing to help them.He evades taxes but t
ombat the pandemic"

f the rules"

es over the last few months."

se of people like him"

ou can do what you like."

pened to him. A couple who went this year to Wanaka are being charged"

ation strategy."

les have been arrested and punished. I just don't get it. Come on Jacinda, w

man as well."
r actions.They should be setting good examples and educating their peopl
derstanding of the Bible, setting good examples, and inspiring them to follo
king about there own entitled inconvenience."

ight thing and think of others wellbeing instead of obsessing over their ow

standards as everyone else."

aland. Brian Tamaki, and his associates. should be arrested, and face the f
continues to do. He is not God's word, he's not even a man of God. There i

e. Let's see him protest then"

ood enough. Jail him, he can preach to the unconverted in there, but that
ockdown and spreading the virus"

ating a public mass gathering especially when that meeting is clearly and kn

his protest."

at our community has put in."

him and his church."

of us battle away with the economic and social effects of Covid-19, Brian T
t and he needs to have consequences."

elping the situation at all 郎郎郎郎"

not able to discern that he is manipulating the facts"

maki and his mob."

tension of the lockdown in Auckland. It achieved absolutely nothing excep

y he gets let off. He is a hundred times worse then the couple that abscon
.Rules for some huh.Think youll need more than a god to save your arse o

test he is a terrible man and uses God to Back him. Shame on him"

to achieved"

ged for less in Levels 4 and 3."

the One who has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God

ce to keep the most vulnerable safe ."

s ignored this. The law says masks must be worn and they ignored it on his

the crowd will get COVID and want medical treatment ?"
y. Who does he think he is? Such childish behaviour from a community le
spread of the Delta Covid 19 variant while we get our countries vaccinatio

nerable in order to fund his opulent lifestyle. He should be jailed."

g the law"
he's not making any money through compulsory tything. He's disgusting! H
tion for his own personal gain"

him for now on because of him making misleading and false information on

ganised for many others to do the same."

g his fat carcass about like a puffed up pig. I'm guessing his eftpos machine

amaki arrogant. selfish and self-serving."

ver. Count yourself lucky you haven’t felt the true impact in your life. Peop

people in danger"

fter the last month, this is not ok"

ckland and i feel bad for those stuck in level 3"

y stripped away the sacrifice we've endured over the last few weeks."
ple. There will be a terrible cost."
dicate the Delta variant and he needs to be stopped."
s through the eye of a needle.""

ws that our fathers and forefathers fought to preserve. Freedom is not lice

he needs to be brought down and charged setting the example if others tr

ising a public health response."

will make a mockery of the law and everyone will think they can do what

the Love of God (the real God, not the Brian Tamaki god) I hope the police
his followers. Him."

e of these people who have no concern for anyone but themselves. But the
is actions as the manager of this cult. A true leader would not deny the ov

many special occasions miss once in a lifetime moments because they foll

of people want."

main intent of all his work being to look after himself."
forward together. This splashed water on everything done by everyone"

e other residents to abuse instructions. Throw the bloody book at him."

rstand why the police have not arrested him. By not arresting him the Polic
this world, as much as he thinks he is. He needs to be charged and held ac
self. He does not care that he puts others at risk. He could have stepped u


ts to go out like this and ruin it for the rest of us, doesn’t matter how many

e's health and wellbeing at risk"

ng but no one did. He should not have gone ahead with it probably causing

hat will likely link to another death.Charge him already!"

out of this lockdown state of existing. Then along comes Brian with"

He has every right to protest but not in this way that carelessly endangers s

ile our son is high risk, Brian Tamaki thinks it is OK to break the rules and e

ople at risk"

nks he is right"

ill cost (probably did...) our economy billions with this ignorant stunt."

ks! Hold him accountable to his actions"

e rules, why cant he. Is he a law unto himself, Totally ignorant and disresp
live in Auckland and i want to spend Christmas with them. WHAT U DID M
d rules"

he very people he purports to lead."

pretense of being some kind of holy man doing the work of God. He deserv
that attended it, as well as all of the law abiding Aucklanders who have sta
that has delta and lock the bloody doors.)"

ood of the people."

Z govt and it's people over lockdown and then cries that he's the one bein
alled to love our neighbour."

ana. He's doing his best to spread Covid for Christmas. https://news.berk
rules and restrictions relating to COVID and lockdown, to prevent spread a

d, hit him where it hurts. So so frustrating for us that comply with the law"
wn when activities like this are allowed to happen. This is not okay."

ckland Museum War Memorial"

a set and charge the gangs for their breach at the funeral in Auckland also
alth on the line"

ples religious beliefs for his own gain."

heir distance from each other. He isn't following the rules and should be c

dded unnecessary and undue stress on Tāmaki Makaurau and its people. S

strictions, and has possibly disrupted the recovery process of the greater A

sk actually the others should be charge too...we got to follow the rules so s
a display of utter selfishness"

masks. Risk of potential spread of covid."

ience for their selfish actions whilst trying to curb this latest pandemic. Th
oney from poor people."
nd deserves better, and Aotearoa deserves better. For as long as he is allow
le people"
Vey few months ago a similar situation, similar kind of call for 'movement'
Delta all for his own vanity. He should be fined and made an example of fo

ess and selfish act. Make an example of him."

h would be a good starting point"

ng. They are both a delusional, hypocritical and dangerous pain in the ass.
adhere to the rules ... to get CV19 under control ... He's a bloody FWIT!"

cuted so he should too!!"

ects on all of us could be very costly"

down. He thinks he is better than us. I don't know of a church leader that re

ess likely."
ving an illegal mass gathering"

ng a pandemic of all things. He's obviously in a team/dream of his own, not

nite in Covid eradication"

should be changed otherwise others will think they can do what they wan

eces them of their self worth, including any assets he can relieve from them
nd the hard work achieved by those who follow the rules!"
… swept under the carpet until the public forgets about it"

w. You have a moral obligation to prosecute. The police have a nasty habit

y of this country."

k of concern or respect for others"

afe. "And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man dece

about it again, needs to be locked up, junior Charles Mason"

tify his own ego."
to think he is above the law he should be charged and put in jail I hope th

p people suffering and to stop our health system from being overwhelmed

be stopped. Unfortunately he will feel empowered and enabled by the att

at akld couple who went to Queenstown...?"

off." Maybe he should go and live at Gloriavale if he craves being idolised f

umbers down at risk."

gone without over the past 6 weeks. He and his followers are very selfish"

or and disenfranchised"
efinitely not part of the Team of 5 million."

f his followers could ever have is deplorable.Breaking the law is breaking th

behaviour and so yes he should be charged! Any other person of society w

others will copy and all the hard work done will be undone"
to our health system. Very selfish and makes the lockdown worthless."

he income is down!"

ain the virus."

s to be held accountable."
his illegal behaviour."
was truly a man of God he would of thought about service to the wellbeing
by the biggest screw loose cannon. By whose authority does he do this."

aw Charge and prosecute"

otest was allowed with no repercussions"

, eg mental health and financial strife. He is not above the law"

dangering and undermining those efforts. All simply so he can increase his

extension all the people of Auckland and surrounding areas. The only purp
community that clearly doesn't want him."

We want out of lockdown and to be able to look forward to a Christmas w

ople they delay this happening."

h it. This has a high chance of keeping us in these levels for longer."

broke the rules, others have been charged because if it, so should he"
to arrange a Christians..who you confess to he.has a responsib

elf and gain a platform. As usual. He has no concern for anyone's welfare o

ight to do what he does grrrr"

done the right thing by staying at home. Brian Tamaki should be prosecut
use their God given free will to help themselves and others3"

eated? When your crying out for your mama coz your lungs are burning an
eeds to Made an example of as a message to other morons of the same el
ds to be shut down."

being able to do their job."

throw away the key"

3 and for encouraging anti-vaxxers and anti-mask mentalities. He is a crim

nd dangerous!"

usinesses, it jeapodises people's lives, health and our health system curren

nt and the penalty for breaking these rules should be enforced."

ch covid restrictions. He needs to be locked up. Disgusting behaviour."

ee this happens. Maori!."

kland being jeopardised."

se suffer."
ntrolled & there uneducated stance."

really hurts"

s this slanderous, it's rich coming from a petty demagogue who exploits gu

laxing of lockdown restrictions in Auckland and elsewhere in NZ."

erything. The amount of crime that was caused from this illegal rally and s
our job as head of our country and charge all those in attendance as This is
the other 4,999,999 Kiwis who want to get back to normal by promoting v

be charged for organizing this event...I would take a guess and say those ti

ve all made sacrifices."

on  cause he's stuffing it up for all us aucklanders playing our parts.. so i

Stop hiding behind a god!"

sus' 2nd command, treat your brother like you want to be treated.' Tamaki

t the public has to actually do a petition to have this man arrested and cha

g our community or the Healthcare workers who are already over worked

owers put us all at risk."

sistic views"

e not mixing with public people except going to the supermarket or chemis

protest: let's see if "prayer" will protect Destiny Church from that situation
our precious children at risk by their refusal to comply with government h
te flouting of the law, goodness knows what he and his minions have in sto

ther than his own grandstanding."

ontain Covid-19!!"

Brian Tamaki does not represent the bulk of churches and christians. He b

ould be who was suspected of being be guilty of acting against the public's

r spreader event & should have been PREVENTED. Now that its happened,
charges. Bunch of farkin a$$holes!"
o abide by the rules"
d have had that tomorrow!! Safely, easily."

hey pay no tax, have taken huge wage subsidy and resurgence support pay

whole country at risk!!"

gets his money by extorting from his vulnerable "congregation"."

hing to get us through this pandemic"

e about NZ . If he gets sick I wonder if hes going to clog up hospital for thos
f extended lockdownProsecute and hand down the harshest sentence"

hy can't i"!"
llowers as possible"
kland who have given up so much for so long!"
oods, homes."
er spreader event with 2000 other muppets, charge and arrest"

k of a extended lockdown in this area while the rest of Nz has the privilege

lieve they do not need to follow laws/ country rules."

unvaccinated to break the rules that we have been abiding by at significan

law and damn the consequences"


. Our already long lockdown could easily extend by a month as a direct res
e would of got charged straight away. So if the rule is done for one it's be

ering is used to peddle misinformation and false information it exacerbates

e rules?"

.. Time to be made accountable."

a Christian and I support this,"

of us are making massive sacrifices... why do politicians and police treat h
Wanka. His cult needs to lose its charitable status and needs ti start gettin
Destiny Church is a law into themselves and have been rallying their troo

d by this moron, no track and tracing system was produced. An arrogant an

are following rules."

ll our hard work"

everyone in NZ . This person completely undid all the community effort an

cted by delta."

esigned to protect the safety of others should be punished."

lfish and disregard to others. He MUST not get away with this"

e community."

asy. He deserves to be sent to gaol but I would hate him to become a mart
vidential base, just hyperbole,"

us have to miss important events in our lives!"

get through to a person taking vulnerable people down the wrong path"
STOP these groups."

ade a mockery of a system designed to keep us safe which we have follow

ove the law"

r what we are all try to achieve."

es him and his followers exempt?"

ely attempted to create a super-spreader event, and flouted the lockdown

ALLOWED to go ahead they were given a stage to push harmful misinform

llowed to be in a leadership position."

erwhelming majority of Auckland, and the country. Welfare of community

hat vitamin C will stop the virus. He is an idiot and people follow him."

we will all suffer"

owing. It’s time for the majority to take a stand! This is no longer acceptab
legal. This is to get his followers back to eating and giving more money to

ut the.rules and endanger the rest of us. Where is the godliness in that. He

eeching off the poor to prop up their extravagant lifestyle under the guise

are only motivated by money and ego. They pray on the vulnerable and lo

s followers are not protected. In their case, it's just a matter of time."
egrity of our collective response to the pandemic"
hensible lack of care fir ‘thy neighbour’ which is the basic tennent of our C

tions and public safety. All attendees should be charged but Brian should b

nstructive to say! It was shameless grandstanding on his part."

usands of lives, to show anti support against the virus. Charge him, & Lock

just encourage more of these ‘protests’ and we will have to live in restricti

rything for everyone."

y rules and is inciting division and unrest."

onsible. He holds himself up above the law, and proclaims what he tells hi

e during the Auckland protest he organised and was responsible for, as no

awful virus from either being involved in unlawful demonstrations or socia

his sucked in followers in the name of religion"

ends, flouting this is against humanity."

s are loosing thousands of dollars."
rganising a gathering contrary to Covid rules"
o put self aggrandisement above concern for others."

society, with several hundred mates, would have been dispersed of and a


ered and sacrificed so much for nothing."

the police are a disgrace for not moving in from the start."
s travelling to Wanaka"

y not him?"

via tax so when he and his followers spread the virus and require hospital

tivated by money. Ego and money. Take from those that have the least an

m for having a big gathering then the rest of New Zealand will think its ok.

Most of Auckland are following the rules and doing it tough."

es on this and nobody should be above the law. He should be fined to the f
he knowingly caused issues for the country without being held accountab


to observe the rules"

r if insulting and illegal in line with current covid criteria."

n for others, just thinking of themselves."

self-promoting purposes."

t be held to account."
her people that held a protest in level 3"
I disagree with you show mongering and putting lives at risk, p.s not your p

k you.Brian Tamaki needs to be held to account for once, he is a dangerous

ed the protest."

ctors to something that cause the harm. How would you feel if YOU caused

and family."
efforts everyone in Auckland especially is doing to keep this pandemic at ba

rtunately fir him he isn't. So just like any other kiwi who has broken the co

ly helping them in their cause to get rid of the alert level restrictions... The
end up needing medical treatment because of his stupid actions"
hould these people not be held accountable to the same level??"

ckland in danger!!"


he right thing for a long time now, and last weekends protest was an incred

rest of us. Take out the bully."

all nzers"

e monies to fund his lavish lifestyle. He's the real deal FAKE pastor, fake go
weeks and him and his cohorts could of blown all Auckland hard yards Plus
us at risk of further prolonged lockdowns"

ers lives at risk"

esters probably are not vaccinated either."

ck down like they are supposed to must be so sngry"

t risk but it is an absolute slap in the face to the rest of country who is abid

wns His farce of a church is not generating enough wealth for him and his w

NZ. He is an idiot"
n the hours before the lockdown started? He went on to tour the Country

level 3 requirements"
'm ashamed of Tamaki . He should be fined heavily and jailed for risking Au
ys on the gullible and vulnerable......"

n some self righteous idiot organizes a protest where over two thousand p
ed home, it’s a major screwup on his part, he had 2000 people ‘let us free’
, egomaniac has put himself above the rest of Auckland and the rest of NZ

ged for encouraging attendance and all those who attended charged for att

heir place by the majority of the population."

t put others lives at risk please."
sking the health, mental well-being and financial earnings for Aucklanders"

and it should have happened already."

d outbreak because of this gathering, Auckland and the rest of a New Zeala
lining his own pockets"

, imprison him"
nder the cloak of 'religion' or 'rights'."

vaccinations and the like as a way of getting all of us into a lower alert lev

ed to play a part in keeping each other safe."

minating the covid 19 delta variant."

h preaching incorrect information. Who does he think he is GOD..??"

vid response."

aw into his own and if he is not charged l guess he is????????????????"

be charged for leading an illegal gathering."


ll those wanting to be vaccinated have been."

same people contract the virus, I want to watch Brian Tamaki cure them,

nd the rest of the country."

d so hard to get out of lockdown he has no right to ruin that for the majori
those people were infectious at the time of this turn out!"

down laws and increasing the risk of spreading Covid 19."

nment, but to pray for your country's leaders. This man use to be a Christia

and damn the consequences. They think they are above the law as a chur

ce the risk of infections by following guidelines and laws designed to help k

mes. He behaved in a reckless and dangerous manner."

not a God, just a trouble-maker"

ption 樂"

im. 2000+ people, no social distancing, what an idiot. Deserves to be arres

ficed. It makes the last 7 weeks null and void. Im so angry!!!!"
down... that’s a reckless, idiotic and self righteous act."
rst time. Who does he think he is?"

if he or any of his family or church members have had vaccination but won
ulnerable), ego-centric self-imposed bishops and his cronies."
staying home and social distancing!!!!"
. Plus we are all doing our bit!"
me need be made accountable. If his flouting is ignored by the police and

him - charge him and stop this lunacy now!!!"

workers, front liners, grocery workers ect."

n chain, and get everyone vaccinated. Only then can we return to the free
seems fair."

ood and is more of a predatory business than a moral institution. I don't ne

d hold back everybody's chances of moving down levels to be with family a

esponsible from a leader of his status"

They are law and there for a reason. Tamaki needs prosecuting as would a
s time. If no charges are laid, it gives full licence for others to break the law

only for this dick to come along and ruin it! Charge the tosser!"

ly but they are still doing their bit for NZ. He should be charged & convicte

who supposedly serves Christ. Christ who enjoined us all to care for others
gh because money isn't an issue to him."

s have been staying home for weeks, isolated from friends and family for th

aw and may need reminded of this."

ut no harm in at least putting some intent in it."

of bikie ripping off his followers to live a lavished lifestyle with his family,pa

d promulgating dangerous conspiracy theories and anti-vax sentiments. Lo

he land."

e lockdown."
g efforts made by the majority of Kiwis"

ring to the rules. So should he."

el 3!! Ego all the way!!!!"

he ultimate JAFA."

for public safety for Covid 19 were in place. This action potentially spread
out is to get vaccinated. Stop spreading your rubbish opinion to the most v
her. Charge Brian Tamaki and all of his followers"

ed to be"

el let down as they can flout the law but we are following the law"

lly as an “apparent” church leader."

this very serious situation. It's time he is held accountable for his words an
od blesses us with. So which God is this fella and his church are worshippin
kicks us all in the face"

ng about others...hes not free to do what he many times can

uted. I live outside Auckland and do not want another large outbreak to oc

n that crowd to be infected and over the course of what, 2 hours approxim

h right now is wrong and unfair."

caping from AKL, then he needs to be sued to the full extent of the law and
which may well turn out to be a Covid super-spreader event."

ryone else at the protest who can be identified."

uted. I live outside Auckland and do not want another large outbreak to oc
s to be stopped. Shut that so called place that he calls a church. His entern

pandemic and he be able to do something so stupid"

run his mouth xoxo ❤️"

y have compromised others health and safety."

en everybody else should be allowed to have freedom"

other 95% of those who live in this country"

p and though da key away. He thinks he's bigger than the law."
tform to encourage people, whanau and your friends to get vaccinated as s

o. Yes we would all love to go to restaurants and shopping but we are doin

health in a pandemic and contributed to Auckland needing to extend its lo

using event should be dealt with forcibly."

nk they are that they can take the law in their own hands"

minded he ain't above anyone !"

an a thousand people unmasked and not social distancing"
actions because any fine he may be given, he will get his followers to pay,

e him. Why should he get away with it. Make my effort count."
be allowed. Police need to get some backbone."

e 'borrowed thousands of dollars off a friend of mine and never repaid it.
p to gather and break the level 3 restrictions. Truth be known, he has prob

sin place"

elmed health system"

ld to account with close scrutiny that further reduces his credibility."

while making crazy assumptions that it will not spread the virus. Please ch

egarded all for a parade of people who ignorant to the risk they were caus
k and keep the 2 meter rule"

thority to do so. So many people are doing the right thing while waiting fo
mption but got turned down"
s a scan"

potentially cut across all the work that Aucklanders have done in the past

ail. That affects us all!"

ock him up and throw away the key!"

religious meetings. He is holding NZ to random and getting away with it."

erve, that's for sure!"

unt them?"
the rest."

of these people and everyone else. There should be consequences"

at risk. Boo, Brian."

out on saying goodbye to their lost love ones die to the level restrictions."

ffecting the Pacific business. The lockdown are causing uncertainty and few

ed for our safety."

owing the rules and so should he be he is no different"

rt NZ manage Covid 19."
rule breaches."

ted yet, and as far as I am concerned, this is putting us all at risk."

st year."
By their fruit you will recognize them...Matthew 7:15 (low hanging fruit)"

otect me, I do so to protect all the people around me. I don’t understand w
possible against Delta variant of Covid 19. He needs to be held accountab

through his actions and misleading people."

t risk, and you stand by and do nothing. perhaps you feel he would welcom

e rules."

s kind."
are not thanking you. We are appalled and disgusted with you."
his has been allowed to happen and that nothing has been done about it. I
r mass gatherings under this level if it was any one else they would have b


act on many business needing to get out of lockdown, and many people in

se Act so Police need to show consistency. Brian Tamaki and cohorts need

lems without having to deal with an idiot like him!"

portion to the large scale potential damage caused."
rganisers including Brian Tamaki should be held responsible."

don to fly to Wanaka,"

ed and put into jail."

impact us all and maybe overwhelm our feeble health system."

ited, in order to serve his own agenda, putting peoples lives at risk with no

r mass gatherings under this level if it was any one else they would have b

poor for his own personal gain."

ers. Thanks for holding us business owners back. What a joke of a protest

s in danger"

e to share in his lavish lifestyle (all supposedly not his, but owned by the ch
ssive ego. That and he has put New Zealanders at risk by spewing a consta

nger with his dangerous antics."

p get covid out of the community."

orce the law because he'll raise a stink; this bullying of the police and the p
tal care fine him the cost of 1000 cases"

my Kiwi brothers and sisters"

les. Believing in God doesn't make him exempt from the rules we all have
untry ! They are breaking the law so throw the book at them !"

at him. Thunk!!"
argets people who can barely afford it to fund his excessive lifestyle.What

so disgusted with police commissioner for enabling it to proceed"

his man has willfully and arrogantly acted in the most dangerous and reckle

e a dam about anyone but themselves. Very selfish!!"

Museum. They should have been moved on."
oy the season named after the Founder.His protest is on behalf of the Delta

eople getting back to their jobs, children back in schools and all of us back

agrantly and deserves to be charged."

entitled muppet."

ke us all look like dicks"

If I did this, I'd be arrested. I am fed up."

al when they get covid after the demo"
k to square one."

ent and people to win over COVID-19. Government must have to take a le

I think that this arrogant fool should understand that the majority of New
c health. Mr Tamaki and these other people have trampled on others’ sacr

he law! If the police don't crack down on these illegal activities and actually

ice. Epidemiologists call this a war..where the hell is the people's army wh
porting the team of 5 million in stamping out this virus that nobody wants

his idiot and his followers have jeopardised public health measures agains

e jailed. Disgusting behavior from a grown man."


anaging the Covid situation in Aotearoa. Through his selfish, narcissistic an

esque in his need to fulfill his ego. This decision was not made for anyone e

km in a 50 km area she most certainly would have been given a ticket. Sha
e the consequences of his actions."
Consistency is needed."

ficiaries? Think about it... �"

Brian can get away with such an obvious breach!"

nal flouting of Public Health Orders, and for inciting others to do the same

wn personal gain."

Delta outbreak"

prays on the weak and gullible ."

h his grifting, now he wants to do it to our health too."

hed Level 3 regulations."

stroy our efforts"
charge him - this is not ok."

w with the green light from the goverment the motherfucker is at it again
le like him ruining our chances of going down a level, endangering vulnera
tions prosecutable."
harged. Anybody who get sick because they were part of the demonstratio

are an infringement of his rights to infect others with AIDS.What a comple

an have a happy christmas"

same as everyone else he shouldn't be above the law....his actions were d

t of behaviour or we will have anarchy."
and wishes should not be tolerated."
rmation needs to be curtailed dramatically."

elevate himself to a position of power over them to the point where they b

people’s sacrifice"
oups like this."

wi way."

ghts vs. Responsibility; yet somehow this muppet just can't see the big pic
ellious and potentially dangerous tactics to support political and egotistica

cause they broke the vivid laws that your average person would get arrest
g our best to comply and get back to normal as soon as possible."

sacrifices many of us have made for each other. This isn't about him, it's

rm in society. My granddaughter (9) saw the protest on TV and said is that

e work everyone has done by being in lockdown"

ne should be imposed."
m of control over covid."

r others. Being a Christian doesnt mean you stop using your brain!The rule

lives and this is exactly what this man and his cronies do"

nded also did this. Why was this allowed to proceed in clear breach of the
tion of social distancing or mask wearing"
It's not fair to the general public who wear masks?? He should be held ac

elieve in God and have faith too but it doesnt mean putting others at risk a

eople’s vulnerability and emotions I hope he’s charged( although church w

his lifestyle. Time for some consequences"

Brought shame to all Aucklanders."

est in auckland against all covid laws he should be imprisoned, not fined a
ul and illegal."

to a far greater majority of New Zealand people and businesses who/that

ny other NZers. We are all abiding by the rules. So why should Mr Tamaki

t vaccination"

. He & his cohort should be held accountable."

ausing serious harm to people financially and physically."

his sins."
ons!!! While the majority of us stay at home and do right by others he nee
tuation. The law must be applied without fear or favour. Otherwise my fr

espectful to the rest of Auckland! The rules should apply to everyone, no e


ardless of if we like it or not. Others would face consequences so why not

s and above the law at these times……..!!"

us all safe What a twat ( my on here public viewing nice words) he needs to
e should definately be charged for organizing the protest.No masks or soci

nesses at further risk, contributing to Auckland needing to extend its lockd

ppen if people keep acting like rebels without a real cause. People need to

at he is right and the government is wrong, so disregard anything they ma

eakers. If you are going to charge one you charge them all"
hat Aucklanders and the rest of NZ have done. He is not thinking of wants

We all need to follow the rules....even if we don't like them."

and encouraging people to break the law should be allowed to slide on by.

ger to our country."

Not on at all."
and endangering the population of Auckland and New Zealand because of
community service chosen by the court or prison time??"

k back in our faces making a joke of all the lost businesses and lonely peop

emaining in level3 or going back to level4.It is arrogance. I hope he, and al

mp out Delta, this clown just made a mockery of everyone's

aw into our own hands there will be chaos. What he did was selfish and th

re endangering their well-being!"

st of us has made."

e everyone else. Selfish."

res saying the bloke is an idiot. Does he really believe his god willl protect

w the true law."

ck down to "go hunting ""

and has the potential to undo a lot of hard work of so many NZers in fightin

plete eroding of the sacrifice Aucklanders have made over the last 6 week

e more he will take.Prosecute or the situation will get worse"

esses while he lines his pockets with gold not to mention the people who a
ules. He says it's to take back our rights. Do you think any of us want to be
level 3 lockdown and went to Rotorua."
els covid will he pay hospital fees etc."

thers at risk, with all the ongoing taxpayer expenditure on healthcare and

rge him and give him a few days locked up"

asks. This has put the public of New Zealand in danger of the delta covid st

handing out of the eftpos machines to his "parishioners"."

n, you didn't think of that did you, you're just an irresponsible fear monge

Zers should be prosecuted to the full extent of the legislation."

They should be locked up."

many people have been obeying the rules for the greater good of everyone
entality from the police for the white or the rich - Do your fucken job #nzp

itable status of his so called church while they're at it"

done the nine yards. This is the second time he has flaunted lockdown in
. Selfish plonker!"
e is a flouter of rules and a con artist mascarading as a decent human being
nders with his arrogance and total disregard for the safety of us all."
to get thtough this"

ausing earthquakes and now he’s out and about spouting bullshit and getti

a con man who ruins life's, and is probably missing the money he takes eac

discouraging it for heavens sake."

much as he does, but they are abiding by the rules because they aren’t enti
cted by the selfish actions of the 2000 followers of the self appointed bisho

e simultaneously breaking lock down laws, possibly extending the lockdow

ense. This egomaniac needs to be held accountable."

s bank balance!"

es. These people don't care about their friends or family members who ma

ke that he needs to be prosecuted"

at other people have given up in order to fight the Covid for the better of t

dreds of people, to assemble to protest against the Government and to spr

ed for the good of mankind. Instead it is all about him."

ould be brought down on him. Billy Te Kahika was arrested for a similar inc

cause of one foolish action."

s bloody lockdown and move on with our lives"

ork to keep us safe that this man and people in attendance breaching leve

oice and I am one of Gods biggest fans Brian Tamaki out himself his suppo

m and throw him in jail for breaking the law and jeopardising our society’s s

e should be HEAVILY fined for breaking the law!"

ta getting out of control."

us widely as a super spreader event."

hen he's just made laughing stock of the governments authority ... make a
ful action. Threats were made to the NZ Government in the form of a dicta
them all!"
e penalty he deserves"

payer funded Covid relief payments for his church and people…"
complete menace."

vernment assistance, even though they don't pay tax."

the law"
ave been arrested. Pisses me off!"

Bed When they DONT GET VACCINATED. Maybe the Aliens Will Come n P

dity to the end!!!"

those of his church, cast a bad light on us all."

ed by Brian the idiot tamaki"

the faith of God"
it has gotten there. Dumbasses should be ashamed of themselves"

it on the steps of a war museum."

ncome. I bet he is vaccinated!"

He is not the law"

Grand standing. Time for consequences !"

parent whose children are missing out on education? Are you a regular Kiw

otives are ill conceived, and his actions along with those of his misguided fo

risk to the New Zealand public and security"
tc. He's dangerous and leaches off the poor. A pompus knobend"
keep our citizens well and protect the vulnerable. A large disallowed gath

e TV cameras showed otherwise."

ken to task over his behavior or next time it will be something way worse t

risk. Jail him"

nd he's a right dick head."

omote vaccination, promote social distancing, educate people on the best

re causing more outbreaks of Covid. Their egotistic leaders should not be a


deliberately increased the covid potential to explode while breaking the la

ing the right thing"

at have the least to give"

e for his rhetoric and stupidity"

g so many people in one place at a time"

untry as a whole."

Mouse church. The church that takes from the poor and gives to the rich."
nd legal right. Prosecute him and his managerial group and anyone else wh
e have made an enormous effort to keep our country safe. Everyone who d

table. Others have been charged with breaking lockdown, why should this

power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.2 Whosoever t

whanau and ours.Very arrogant for a an who should be setting an example

srespect for the rest of Auckland"

man in his position."

ant defiance to the law and government putting the law abiding people in

o not know the long-term effects of children catching COVID-19 and I don’t

intains his lifestyle."

bove the law and has put us all at risk."

can be an exception then why do any of us have to abide by any rules?"

nally breach these and encourage others too is unlawful and he needs to be
able positions"
ng all we can to help contain the virus it is not fair to the people of Aucklan
lieves COVID is a hoax. 13 employees dont need nearly over 100 grand it’s
hristian you abide by the government rules except if they ask you to brake

on good. This rule breaker should be fined $50million as a contribution to

ers apart and wearing face masks, much like they do at the beach at this tim

th his destructive, egotistical behaviour."

our job & fine the clowns!"
ould be fined and shot or at least prison."
eople who got Covid aren't Christian, or like you stated the Gay people cau
Kiwis. This is the time to unite not protests. By protesting, their acts are jus

e losing businesses and their freedoms for the health of people who don't

ed the many suffering from mental health issues due to isolation further p

im and his wife"

stian values"

et covid out. They all need to help accountable."

ed. Yes, the right to protest is still a right,however this protest has the pot
ed it the bloody idiot"
he pretence of charity and God."

d example out of him"

hing and this idiot does this charge him"

own rules were going to be relaxed. Jail is the best punishment as he woul

to some form of normality."

With his actions our country will not recover from COVID and his follower's
do their job & prosecute ALL who do not follow rules designed to keep us
w and gets away with it."
tion. Spreading misinformation is senseless and irresponsible. He is not abo
ng this protest - he shouldn't get away with this"
t to ruin all of the hard work others have been doing for the rest of NZ"

h this and maybe even die."

es to be charged. Asshole"

ader of this event. It’s a middle finger to all of us and blatant law breaking

r health and safety. He broke the law. Please charge him. His Density Curc
he protesters weren't going to follow the rules anyway - that was just wish
nsequences, now how about you face them."
harm for vulnerable populations and disrespects all New Zealanders, parti

terrible pandemic. He has helped risk the lives of not only those attending

if it stops the spread of delta or covid then let's abide by the rules tamaki

ecuted, why shouldn't he"

e subsidy?"
d 19. I am now earning less than half what I used to earn. My income has b

hbour got fined for having one person over, not 1000 plus"

the fine for 1000 people should reflect this and be the maximum allowed.

er but will he look after his followers if they get covid. Put others at risk"

ns which so many are sacrificing so much for. He should be held just as acc
Covid19 and Our Health compliance is foremost mandatory for Our safety
ng with his followers. They will make the spread of covid worse!!!"

ders have made, He should get jail time, then his tattooed eyebrows can g
y would have been prosecuted"
e for putting thousands of cult followers lives at risk."

y the rules or face punishment."

ed "
risk. Also, if he broke the law then he needs to take responsibility for his a

s he to threaten our lives?"

same thing if he is free to go."
kland and NZ community"
ntelligence and show a better way for the greater good of the WHOLE com

all be charged."
ying our best to be safe and keep our fanau safe...Hes a dickhead. Should b

then this guy goes and undoes all our hard work."

ill do NZ harm"

obeying the rules should be"

r god. He's not. This is disgraceful."

oliday after lockdown but want you to pay for it..... Parasites"

m ashamed of him and he needs to be held to account."

e vulnerable and stupid!"

ng to stroke his ego."

e industries have given up their livelihoods and communities have given up

quick as look at him!"

business in Auckland given totally free reign to raise a finger to lockdown la

er just a smack on the hand! Also the Mongrel Mob were there from where
an himself and his followers. He is a menace to society and should be puni

y. Disgusting"

many people in Auckland are doing the right thing and then thinks he has

e.html the Pope wants people to get thr vaccine as an act of love, Brian Ta
emely dangerous man."
have to stay in level 3. He thinks he’s above the law and it sends a bad me

ation and he is putting peoples lives at risk!"

ly flouting the laws around Covid-19 Level3 lockdown and making a mocke

nks he is above it all and wishes to spread his ignorant misinformation alon

transmission. Idiot!!"
rest of us stand by"
an's actions are against the combined efort and sacrifices of Aucklanders."
. Brian Tamati thinks he's above the law, he needs to know he isn't."
nting a now he is at it again he needs to no he is not above the law"


ement agencies."

his over the law and untouchable total total disgrace and manipulating his

country back from getting back to normal. lock him away and make an ex
al with. But I do think he should face legal action."

ut anyone but himself!"

f Auckland have suffered and done all this and you jeopardise it for everyo

ir selfish arrogance."
getting Civid"

his wife.The police should have stepped in prior to the protest starting and

rosecuted, otherwise no point in having a law"

be challenged"

and his scare-mongering. And if he got wage subsidies, then that is disgusti

3 to maintain his luxurious lifestyle. Not bad for a few hours of fun and pho
that care about our lives and those in our Communities."
the country in danger"

uld be above the law. And anyone who breaks it should be penalised. No e

eck of cards when he is willing to put peoples lives at risk."


ll he stand by them if they get covid."

laws or and willfully encourages like minded people to do the same."
health wise"

wn for Auckland."

ng the Government"

eeking show pony."

nd not out of his own pocket."
al view along with his cult followers who are unable to make their own de

nks he can do what he wants. He needs to be held accountable for his actio
should one man & his followers think they are above the law and be treate
es.. people can worship at home. I'm not staying home with 5 kids and no l
He doesn't care about his fellow citizens of New Zealand. I'll bet he's had t

uld make examples of us the rules apply to him too. He's crossed the line."

a nobody did that, they’d be prosecuted I’m sure."

example since our government is weak."
putting our future of lowered restrictions at risk and risking the health of m

. Sadly, his faithful followers, many of whom are Māori, then believe the s
as a flagrant abuse of an entitled man who has no regard for his congregati

rules as well."
acrifices and this rally has set us all back. It was a blatant disregard for the

ominated shopper. For the most part of the last 7 weeks I have stayed at h
e problem, crowds is one of the factors that would send our country into a

is is not the case!"

r followers Brian recommend they take the COVID vaccine."

e him and anyone else they can that was there."
ue to his media profile."

a liar with an ego tooo big to even explain"

ted completely irresponsibly ."
ade by most New Zealanders"

than anyone. Identifiable people in attendance ought to be charged as we

r families, go back to work....."
an example of the crime. Lock him up. If I did it I bet I'd get locked up."

o have not vaccinated due to ignorance and have no medical reason not to
mmunity to harm"

en masse"

t time the police got some balls and start coming down on people like him
law he is not above ."

nsidering the greatest good for the greatest number."

h prayers if you get covid dick."

law, regardless of whether you agree with the law."

ou just never know?"

ple could become ill."

d it decides to spread ."

us contained."

shop. He is a twat and is inciting illegal and stupid behaviour putting oth
man above any laws. Letting him get away with it shows him that he is abov

of NZ."
.Spreading mistruths.Total fuckwit"

tion of Covid-19."

eves the longer the Lockdown becomes the better for him"
d. An example needs to be set. Throw the whole book at him. Imprisonme

so he broke the Level3 COVID rules - his rally was illegal."

(a selfish egotist) is going to ruin everything for everyone, the rest of us ca

ormation and lies. He also puts the very people he proclaims he is helping a

ing, no distancing. I stopped to asked the police why they were out of sigh
urrent level. Shut him and his church done"

needs to pay the price just like the rest of us would have to!!"
e not to get vaccinated and congregating in the mass protest, causing pot
be charged and arrested for knowingly putting peoples lives at risk. Everyon

endanger others lives"

site message. What he did was criminal; there should be consequences."
ne to comply with the restrictions"

age of their hard earned money. Wake up people. Stop giving him your m

e attitude lthe rules dont apply to the Destiny Church"

ng to follow the restrictions "not being enforced""
s the right to be safe from viruses"

ds , he will answer on the day of judgment for robbing the poor and enrich
vents, forcing people and businesses in to lockdown even longer, and wor

This is not an act of a leader."

warning is not good enough. When he's used his position to deliberatly un

asive charm, and place those people in an even worse, dependent situation
is far from his. Make an example of him."

e sake of the country . This man preys on the vulnerable, and how dare he
piritual dimensions as so many of these new 'church' leaders do, in popula

brainwashing cult protect our future kids from this fiend."

e it pay taxes."

ho have covid.."

g for the greater good of our community"

e than 10 people with them. I don't want to be in lockdown during Christm

use of idiots like him"


ual. Absolute moron. Highlighted by the individuals who attended this prot

all they can to spread the disease and ensure it all drags on and on."

ould be charged for leading otherss to do wrong. I thought he was suppos

ppy I am with Brian Tamaki. Main stream NZ usually stays quiet until they
ny others are not and he is jeopardising all the good that has been done jus

he is giving all of NZ the finger. Come on NZ Police charge him with somet

eld accountable and charged."

hs and twisted words. I’m over them using their position of power to prey

at's the difference?"

put in place to keep the country safe. He must be punished in a way that is
w a pig just fly past !!!.I think it'll be wet bus ticket time again"

ah cindy‼️"

sive toys.Zero tolerance for this guy"

law does."

e cares nothing for his followers or the safety of NZ."

wever, I don’t think its fair to call the police response “abysmal”. Any heavy
ered. Prosecute!"

he wants more money from the poor he steals from"

is, and not just MONEY, as he gets that from his congregation, time inside
naka duo? Nothing."

iser Brian should be held accountable for his treat to public safety."

e laws of Level 3"

tangi, these muppets go and do this... which means we all stay in lockdown

ged many other to do the same."

e the right to behave outside of the law in such a flagrant and arrogant ma
nue umdeterred."

o break the law is criminal."

?. ."

what has advised."

mps too!"

as an ordinary citizen. This man has caused harm to our citizens."

wreckless and utterly unnecessary."

egard for our elders and youngsters."

t an example of this fuckwit who prays on the vulnerable."

n over with, here he is trying to gather large crowds for his own notirioety"

till protest ."

when it can cause harm to others"
nment are doing. This behavior indicates others do not make that same cho

osecuted, why not him????"

holds a protest. He and his fellow muppets need to be held accountable fo
ately trying to get Auckland vaccinated & back to normal."

ork people have and are doing. And.. he is a grifter, all about himself, lives i
en a f wording c word. And I hope he sees the inside of a cell for a very lon

no money coming in to increase his wealth. I also see the mass Graves arou

back to my rehabilitation I need and it's stupid things like this that spread

at they want while others are trying to keep covid managed and contained
ountable for actions that fly in the face of those rules."

y people would look at his face let alone listen the bull**** that comes fro

an't keep breaking the law and spreading dangerous misinformation."

e charge and if found guilty, an appropriate penalty."

beings needs to be made to pay. There are words to describe this man but
half of a team of five million, and make ridiculous & offensive claims about

lves. I’m sick of these “entitled” creeps thumbing their noses at law and or

et out of lockdown"

l who have remained within the law, even when they have wished to be a

on to advance his lifestyle."

to $4000.00 per person in attendance same as everyone else to date that h
on for his countrymen. He's just in it for the riches he can glean off his par

nce anyone anymore!"

ather boring if everyone has to stay home over the summer."

aviour over the weekend is abhorrent. Plse start a petition to charge Peter

enced like a real criminal."

t and difficult sacrifices at this time and he just incites dangerous behavior
break the rules."

he apple cart. He should be jailed!!!!"

home instead of potentially creating a disaster scenario for tge rest of the c

t upholding the law and making a stand against harmful and unjust protesti

e sky as a complete answer to avoiding CV19."

ulations covering groups and gatherings."

e wanted promote his church and protect his in come. looked at camera an

able people they should be putting first."

g around Auckland, Brian did not care of spreading the virus to other peop

out for that too"

m to the whole population."

at risk now they need to suffer the consequences of those actions."

king money from the vulnerable and then using his undeserved corrupt po

lth and safety is the minimum he deserves."

ople in New Zealand. Note: there are others!!"

ail time"
iour just means the lockdown will be extended and that's exactly what's h

e Police, they have no right to hold anyone else accountable."

ities and we all have a "human responsibility" to act in the best interests o

money for his church"

s and businesses but they are still doing the right thing. Brian Tamaki is m
a cult not a religion,"

harged, so he should be as well. He's not above the law!!"

he police have not done something about this!"

dermining us as a community and society and as human beings, along with

was not Christian like he claims to be, the bible is very clear on submitting t

e as you can."

f lockdown sooner.He should be charged for breaking the rules!"

o see anyone act in such a derogatory manner as these protesters did is di

e all have made. And to have a lot of gang following at the event is corrupt
g to kill .... essentially, that's what he's doing to innocent people."

or his finical gain."

nd my family."
rights (as I am in agreement with vaccinations as most people are) and th

n without ensuring everyone adhered to the rules"

charlatan is putting the whole country at risk."

Covid. What a insult to us that are doing our best at our expense."

m his percentage. What he is advocating is dangerous and will likely keep u

nd especially when inciting others"

his fool hardy followers..will see rightful justice of them breaking of the la

nd not just a slap on the wrist."

d. Especially because a large percentage of his congregation are Maori and

ep people safe.If individuals who have broken the laws around the covid re
lic health!"

flout the law in this way. Disrespectful and selfish."


and more rules being broken. Before we know it, this latest sacrifice of loc

sh people spoiling it for the rest of us. Work with children on zoom or in a

their action other people will think they may as well do what they wants t
anaging health and safety at this event."

t and take money also from the people, foolish!! This is not the time to flo

ome home detention.. only fitting"

D-19 Public Health Response (Alert Level Requirements) Order (No 12) 202

t is. Needs to be charged."

has done this far And Brian Tamaki is pointless self appointed leader of no
s simple as that. Some idiots think mass gatherings with uninforced mask w
ted have the churches so far not showed you no one is safe our public hea

We ALL have benefited from that. Now this clown encourages thousands to

s virus by respecting government regulations set up to do so"

o he and mutton wife live a shameless materlistic life. If there was a devil.

community safe, especially thos"

ple by Faust facts."

oing into a really uncertain and scary situation like that was a hard. Then to
d accountable."
w and public health guidelines, making huge sacrifices for the benefit of ou

freedom to fight covid. Can't understand why there is any question of him
ged. I used to live in Auckland."

potentially keeping lockdowns here for a lot longer"

e crossed the border illegally"

he flock meeting."
ubsidy payments for lockdown, are they being taxed as a business? I think
or him and one set of rules for us. He should be in jail for what he has don

. That he hasn't been arrested is a crime against future generations."

vaccines in the middle of a pandemic. If he really cared about his follower
ng whatever they want,.without consequence's. Rules are in place for ever

rresponsible attitudes and behaviour."

thers coming out of this Auckland Lockdown and has no sensitivity to the v
ve been charged."

level rule's.He needs to be made accountable for his actions .It's like a slap

tic egg!"

shit on us all"
c safety."

the law for his actions"

rs behind the events."

d made the informed decision to protest, encouraging others to join him a

get away with this. Appaling"

st 9 weeks. Seems to be one rule for him and another for the rest of us. A

all the businesses that are suffering speechless 1 word covi-idiot"

longer with us."

ucklanders. Plus us he is a total dick."
virus This is massively irresponsible in my eyes."
ished severely to prevent copycats"
en people at the funeral for their loved ones had a slap in their face with th

d doing what we love doing in life. Prats like this screw it up for all of us

es etc etc etc"

held accountable for his actions!"

d shamed for it's stance and flouting of rules and regulations and putting p

ll to stamp out covid, self promoting twat"

g my business go backwards."

en their wallets are hurt and they loses everything because if his mindless

e for his actions. If the two who skipped the border are standing in front of

All about the money"

herwise any of us should feel comfortable breaking the law."

here to help others you selfish bunch of twats do this. Totally disgusted in
eeping social distance and staying away from loved ones. He seemed to th

s clown encouraged a large number of people to follow him."

r those who have committed to help stop the spread. A petition for the law

ublic nuisance he is. How disgusting. Civil disobedience can be dangerous a

g money from the poor to support his lavish lifestyle. Hes a POS"

ially and personally prosecuted"

arge him."
o has put it there. There is no government anywhere that God has not plac
ny other ethic group they would have been arrested. What makes them un

eason we are getting vaccinated is for the world to be safe, it's not about th

families are suffering... is this the right way?"

en has a platform to dictate!l"

nds to break the law. He should face jail time, not a fine, because the mon

ernment bloody disgusting."

ves of thousands"


EA Students, elderly people they are suffering and this idiot puts all their h

them to break the Level 3 requirements as well as he did."

thinks he is above everything and everyone"

anders, particularly Aucklanders, have made."

ook at him as he so deserves."

ct like sheep!!!"
? to get him thru Covid??"

at Govt is going to punish the law breakers"

ervices. This was an idiotic, unnecessary and dangerous event for the city.
them dying with his drivel.Enough is enough."
mal for everyone’s benefit.Doing nothing sends a dangerous message. Oth

here, so they all broke the law."

d he not be held accountable? Fine him. Jail him. And all those that joined

Im sick and tired of people breaking covid regulations."

tick to the rules. We don't want Covid to spread"
collection boxes full. :("

hat he will get his congregation to pay. Make him go to jail"

is country in lockdown even longer."

put our lives at risk , both medically and financially. He is no better than so

NZ Stop this INSANITY you are doing the wrong things wake up"


hers, Christmas is a time of celebration and family sharing and is jeopardise

s it’s also time to separate church and state properly."
nd irresponsible."
l the weight of the law that he has broken"

people like Brian undermined the government effort in curving the spread

me charge them for this it’s a deadly virus"

ever I have observed them carry an aura of spiritual bullying and filth abou

e doing is delaying everything!"

about needs to stop. Views that these people are sharing are incorrect an

f in his delusional world he claims to be an apostle. Ha what a load of crap

nation riddled with covid and having to live in a permanent level 4 structu

d money so he can live the dream and put a whole city at risk with his dum

s wrath."

pt to eliminate the pandemic from our land, this irresponsible, entitled idio
Covid-19 under control."

lay of total arrogance is disgusting. But hey happy to take hand outs Brian


covid related regulations and are generally reprehensible"

don't apply to them."
reaking lockdown. He has put the whole country at risk!"
m in anyone’s wellbeing but his own"

king the law and putting us all at risk."

he sacrifices Aucklanders have made."

h, self entitled idiot."

nises a group gathering he should be charged too"

e fled Auckland during March’s lockdown. Selfish man. Shameful."

eople like that, many without masks in a lockdown. He could buy ad time

arged. Just because they are in a group doesn't mean they have special rig

ld be fined and in jail! set an example or others will feel that NZ justice is s

ockery of the Covid rules and the people observing them."

the efforts of trying to rid ourselves of COVID. Delta."
ociety at risk by having a protest during lockdown. He breached lockdown r
nders have to suffer. Not able Todo much. Or anything at all for that matte

a Public Health Oder. Just who does he think he is. Wonder how many cas


es. Of not there should face the consequences."

place to minimize a highly contagious disease from spreading and managin

er and we have endured so much to ensure everyones safety and wellbeing

godly just selfish"

All we want is everyone to play there bit so we can avoid more lockdowns ,

or the safety of the team but he only care of himself and the people who fo

ple who have been doing the right thing."

he law"

tion against Covid."

like a baby"
alth of all those present, and potentially risked the spread of Covid in the w

erable communities."
e of stupidity."
heir platform. This is the Silent majorities opportunity take this scum bag d

rdises the health of the whole population"

nt.I dont believe the followers should be charged as they were simply shee

w health literacy"

f our government and false information around covid."

e risk as much as possible. No judgement there. But! An organised gathe
n cheap publicity & use religion to prey in vulnerable people - a totally non
onging the process"

on and not part of the issue!"

d that us vaccination"

et fined and/or jailed for breaches of health and safety law that put peopl
of people do these stupid protests, we will never be rid of covid as people
this moron goes and has a large gathering with his followers. We are all si
ney stealing fraud who takes money for himself and his Gucci wife from po

or the whole country and stop thinking about yourself"

yone else."

ncel culture when we actually need it?!"

esting against the government’s refusal to look at how other countries are

eriod. He is also spreading misinformation."

e done."

d 19. Charge them for their care to get better"

t abiding by them"
rting financially with no donations going in passive income. But there are
ed to be prosecuted."
church services."
who are doing their bit to fight Covid 19. I only hope none of his followers,
s much money as he has from his lies. Furthermore, I don't want to have to
ncourage people to break the law. Too many Aucklanders are hurting."

tired and stressed, I haven't seen my 17yo son who lives in Auckland for ov
d into anti-vax. For the rest of NZ who do care & get vaccinated."

dom" , but by money, that Brian isn't collecting from his parishioners."
ven half the protesters get infected. Shame the doctors and nurses can't re

al or religious. He broke the law and encouraged others to while increasin

time & Tamaki makes a mockery of us all."

arsh times, yet this man does as he chooses. Its not good enough also a sla

our part and do the right thing."

ders and this guy thinks he is above the law. It’s not ok he risks not just the

of the individual, - whether or not championed by God's [self] appointed a

. He and his gathering should be fined or they will keep doing this."

wrong thing"
m in jail."

ncing.Brian Tamaki should have reminded people and shown some respon
ave lifes"

els. If he continues to do this with his followers we will continue to stay loc

ue, a deliberate defiance of a public health issue."

n voice ! And what was done … nothing ! Arrest him !!"
economy and our lives at risk"
ice Commissioner. How duplicitous he was in allowing the gathering to go

us rule complyers at risk."

ated as such"

ng to be free to choose. People did not choose to die because of covid. Hav
some media attention for his cult???"
rian Tamaki doing - but disrepecting and disregarding safety of all Kiwis the

the middle of a bloody pandemic. The guy is SICK and he should be locked

est puts us back as a country grrr"

's operated on the edge of reality for a while now (in my opinion) and now

lockdown in Auckland."

e else gets stuff done in lockdown."

e he does it. It's not a church its a political party!"

o as we please. This self opinionated man is highly jeopradising this."

So, law needs to show its long and mighty arm. Hopefully."
ng and wear a mask, keep at home and think of your family. How would y
right thing. We are all missing our freedom and now it's further jeopardiae
rian was irresponsible and placed all our lives at risk."
n least afford it."

esponsibility is criminal."

doing what he wants when he wants jeopardising everything we have don

is best for our whole community. He is a charlatan who has shamelessly u

e has put so many life's at risk."

o keep EVERY New Zealander safe, why do these people get to do whateve
gain whilst the majority of people abide by the rules,time after time he us

trinated by his power agenda at risk. But has blatantly broken the LAW by

religious saviour. Ban his so-called church/cult. Prosecute and give him a
best to keep NZ safe and it takes a idiot like Brian Wanker Tamaki to break

As a so-called leader, and someone who is looked up to by vulnerable peo

sregard for lockdown rules, and as a consequence put everyone's health a
where I live. Brian tamaki and his followers are not above te ao Maori or m

undoing the determined good that had been done by a great many Auckla

nd Domain during Level 3. He's sending out the wrong message. Arrest a

put so many people at risk!"

the people of Auckland. The organizers need to face the legal consequenc
elines put in place for everyone’s safety"
blatantly break covid protection rules & put them at risk. He should be cha
en let to by our police - it’s made them think they are above the law. I wo

ll for Freedom of Speech but reckless disregard for those who will have to
s at risk"

es this guy who thinks he's above the law and every body else. It's disgusti
ill blame him regardless"

ountry is relying on them to stick to the rules to stop the spread of Covid a
ollow rules."

ous leader, he is very influential to his followers, therefore putting many a

ssion, I am exhausted. I am working so hard. Him getting in away with bre

idiot and his followers gathering in huge numbers across Aotearoa."

n the whole country."

that is holding the back the rights and freedoms of the rest of community
ionaire lifestyle."
ht thing he is a selfish man"
r those who try and do the right thing to watch people like him get away a
ng all the hard work of Aucklanders who followed protocols to get their cit

disregarded the sacrifices we have made just to get in the limelight"

stay safe against Covid. He should be prosecuted. The law apples to every
e the hard yards. He was warned but chose to flout the ruled. Please charg
t people."

were wrong to what they did but they were racked over the coals and rightf
Covid-19 precautions that prevent the spread of Covid-19 in our communi

the Bible it says follow the laws of the land! Practise what u preach!!"

ood that he has mananaged. Disgraceful act of indifference to every Auckla

be paying"

or protest and went against the rules. He needs to be charged, along with

us all at risk!"
breaking the rules."

eks delta is still spreading this man who prays on the weak minded.. dosnt
ctor in why Maori have terrible vaccination rates and will be the reason m

ed the law and put so many people in danger."

d frustration, but do it for the team !"

ople that's another story, Brian & all his followers should be made account
mfield, Hitler Bloomfield is a disgracefully insult."

eople that are working super hard to keep us all well and healthy."

d to keep everyone safe, clearly he just doesn't care."

regard for our sacrifices! AND it was illegal Derek L3 rules"

not so. He can gather 2,000 yet we can have only 10 at a funeral."

s think they don't have to follow the rules and are putting us all at risk."
d has put everyone's hard work to waste. Charge him with the highest fine

n of god but a man for yourself! I dislike that people pay you to be in your c
k or trying to keep their distance could undo everything we have worked f

is illegal, disrespectful, unloving and the guy should be arrested...."

you have this happen in our back yard? They all need to be punished ASA

oarder line to do so and got arrested. Why shouldn't for ignoring lockdown
ed. He doesn't care about anyone except himself."

everyone wearing masks, for which, as the organizer, he is personally respo

o the ill educated and gullible. He has shown tremendous disrespect for civ
ments and he must be held accountable."

guise to hide how awful of a person he is...he's pure scum."

opefully people are stopping the 20% if their wages going to him and his w

break laws and place other human beings at risk."

an egotistical and self centered and he broke the law."

So now the law should do the right thing by us. Charge the con man."
we act together. This is the basis the underpins our concept of laws even

d of guidance and support"

example to others. He has put our country at geat risk and has undermine
make big sacrifices during this lockdown."
es it’s members to break the law."

usands of losers to be a rich prick"

who attended. The rest of us are doing the right thing and being held to ra

umber of people, putting lives and the community at risk by his ridiculous a

e is violating the rule, as simple as that."

he hard yards for the rest of the country and he has endangered this. As a

ey put the whole population of NZ at further risk"

ommunity and country at risk. He should be charged for breaking the law.
ess ideas of non vaccination. A shocking person to get so much publicity."

livelihoods and mental health have been impacted by doing this. This prot

ds to learn a lesson."

elp spread the virus."

n spirit."
the rules while the rest of us do lock downs"

s to inoculate and keep your distance from people outside your bubble."

mbat this virus outbreak."

emption status? We are funding Bishop Bizza’s eyebrows ffs."

got this very wrong. He's picked $ over life & that will always be wrong."

e rest of Auckland are doing there part for the rest of New Zealand."

ading dangerous disinformation."

illegal meeting. It put the life and health of Aucklanders at risk."

o that!!"

y peoples lives thru lack of distance and face masks."

osecuted. This man has too much undue influence over a large group of pe
e what New Zealanders have to say about his behaviour."

the importance of the vaccinations... why do educated people even listen

unteers handing out masks to those attending. He had no intention of follo

h non compliance"

innocent people. He should be taken to starship and shown what happen

ublic safety at risk."

consequences for his illegal actions."
a stupid ego man .who likes to control people. He should be stoped"
rainwashing people who are venerable."

e c**kwomble and his cadre of the gullible, ignorant or callous followers a

t himself"

here was no consequences eithet"

one over the last 7. Weeks"
charitable status, thus avoiding paying tax. Destiny Church should be thor
unish this man. He been allowed to break the law so many times .Set an ex

directions of our govt and professionals for what? His own selfish few tho

ave sacrificed so much to contain this virus. This man is all about self glory

en that previous moment."

the hard work and sacrifices made by the majority of compliant Auckland

e thinks he's God, .. . ."

n with the freedoms and rights of others, - especially those who sacrifice A
also do so."

e else."
g. He prays on the vulnerable for his own benefit and agenda."

pact on our freedom & Christmas holiday period."

ost his ego.Ka pai if you don't want the VAC.But people have just gotta get
was to have held a raging birthday party with ALL my friends."

the rules."

and illegally puts people’s health at serious risk."

. If it was anyone else doing what he just done, they would be charged stra
nce of getting vaccinated and stopping the spread of the covid virus"

e (even before lockdown) in order to keep our son, all the babies and staff

in jail....over his stupidity."

s protectors are the lowest of the low scum."
this outbreak. He blatantly and publicly went against the rules and knew t

d to isolate not organise an illegal covid19-spreading protest. This man is c

to hide his intentions"

ors' showing up for Tamaki and no arrest?"

een seen by a fair few people using and abusing the rules of lockdown."
e the law WHY WOULDNT HE BE CHARGED??? Don't fine him either that m

k and there should be a consequence for such irresponsible behaviour."

d our families. This gathering is potentially a step backwards, and may resu

ehaviour contrary to this outcome and arranging an illegal protest."

uld be made an example of."

cannot get away with it or what pount is there in having a law?"

eption just because he's a leader of a popular cult"


n arm and a leg all over the world to receive a dose of inferior vaccines co

e rules by gathering"

protect the health and safety for all"

ho went along), was selfish, dangerous and thoughtless. He should be char
s is so wrong"

tomping all over our sacrifices!"

k to normal."

ot wearing masks. He shouldn't be encouraging people to not get vaccine

a public danger."

hing Level 3 or 4 regulations so why not him?"

ed to the maximum that the law allows"
t risk Jesus be rolling over in his grave."
who went off for a weekend in the South Island be publicly shamed and Br

law if it not one thing it's another with him. He needs to know hes not abo

should he."
sly in danger withoit a second thought.What sort of person does that & al

during a pandemic."

mately spreading is not responsible. This type of behaviour could lead to ma

many people that are anti-science and promote disinformation. This proble
mself and money"
placing others at risk ."

good hard working people, loose their businesses and life time savings!Bu

ring the public at large."

hen maybe people won’t break the health orders"

eived self importance get in the way!"

hen up police Why the media even gave the man and his followers oxygen
king so hard to keep each other safe."

who broke boarder restrictions! It’s a joke, lock the DH up.."

Meanwhile, Tamaki creates a gathering so he may announce he’s had a guts
ther peoples safety!"
position of trust while putting the lives of people in danger just to promot

others woes.......bit of adick"

ndemic. It's illegal at this time. Putting people's lives and livelihoods on the

e lockdown rules with his recent gathering in Auckland. He should be charg

all up for been sooo selfish!!!"

g lives."
be charged, except this is worse as there was a hell of a lot more than 2 p

will have added to the spread of Covid 19 in the community and must be h
sk intermittently but publicly protest with thousands, inciting civil disobed

h and Safety orders. His action directly endangered the medical, emotiona

k all the subsidy and resurgence money he has claimed - if he can’t follow N
hin the rules and staying home as much as possible. To have organised this
id patients"

althy.... in so doing I am compromising my family and sister who is having

e chance of this happening again. He hasn’t just let Auckland down he has
hen he’s willing to just take the money"
f our respect..."

false prophet: self promoted person that makes up harmful stuff and tries

Covid and breaking the law of covid by having this protest march when it w

the term, "Don't give it oxygen". So... Doesn't matter who the Dick Tater is

t again."

t care that his behaviour could have compromised others health with his s
arks and now breaking laws repeatedly to satiate his own ego. This is is a d

e at risk."

ill in fact most likely strip those away by making you bedridden or in hospi
ecration of the sacred whenua of the Domain and War Memorial Museum

sely broke the law"

to minimize the spread of covid."

unrty back weeks in its plans with COVID. Whilst I believe in freedom, you
evel 4 regulations and must pay the consequences like anyone else."
ve been implemented to keep us all safe. The gathering was selfish and stu

need to keep safe until more vaccinatdd"

putting others in danger"

harge him like any other wilful criminal! What a low life!"

nd I want to go see him but I cant"

best to bide by the rules, why should he and his followers get away with br

breaching level 3 rules"

f lockdown rules to spread misinformation and potentially cause a supersp
ommendations thereby putting the NZ populace and economy at risk"

he media, and now the narrative has gone from "Eliminiation', to "Transfo

al disregard to others."

ollowers do not. 1 Peter 2:12, Matt 22:39"

elected Prime Minister . It is wrong to encourage others to break lockdown

trictions last longer."

s a mockery of their hard work"

us, making lockdown longer. Not to mention public safety."

. Few masks to be seen & more than 100 people present."

ent into hospitals which will ultimately lead to alcohol student nurses bein

alth efforts. The deliberate actions of one to undermine not only the state’

one since invention, spouting hate has segregated people in every society s

umbling and I'm atheist and his views on every religion apart from Christia

test at this event, or spoke out in favour of this event should be held to acc
e to get back to level 1 sooner"

a supreme spreader from which people could die. He should be held to ac

asks in pubic and not having the COVID Vaccine......along with all his follow
ces, lost jobs and business 's. He knows better than the experts apparently

s divisive and hate filled politics"

o the ignorant and uneducated"
so he needs to know his actions are not ok"

trouble to !,"

uencing his brainwashed followers who believe what he tells them is gosp

action was no better than that taken by arsehole Trump on 5 jan"

has endanger those he incited to join him and those who are bright enoug
nisation that he is apart of should have the book thrown at them."

nic conspiracy theories ahead of scientific and medical experts."

e made to keep our country safe. If anyone from that protest gets covid th

d “ regarding the gangs and their total disregard for quarrantine rules - tim

had been working hard to abide by in order to hopefully get back to what w

This is a classic example. No one is above the law"

time and especially in a pandemic. Perhaps incarceration would reset his v

slap on the wrist. A $4k fine is nothing for someone who scams so much m
hinks he runs this country and can do whatever the hell he chooses with al

h. He preys on the vulnerable and needy both emotionally and financially

to be 3 laws. 1 for common public. But him and gangs get away with every

ut the rules!"

ss. We need businesses to get back to normal not just personal life or his
e those that are vulnerable that his way is the right way. He should be trea
ent is tyrannical. Putting peoples lives as well as the entire economy at risk
s. Shameful and not how NZers want to be or be portrayed. Section to men

ough this pandemic and should be at one with what is necessary to keep c

es. Tamaki’s actions have undermined our entire national covid response. W

veryone at risk with more outbreaks and people at risk."

wn rules don't apply to them. Nobody wishes to be in lockdown. It's difficu
ks?? Brian you are an idiot!"
bout hinself. He loves his power and uses this for his own gain. above all el

ersonal gain. It’s a sad day that a petition is required for the moron we hav

ies Small Businesses most are suffering including the Country .? Totally wr

. He is not thinking about what his little stupid gathering can cause. Busine
accordingly. This guy is consistently selfish, destructive, and offensive."
us must not be openly and arrogantly flouted."
needs to be held accountable!"

ade by the entire country to date. So many of us have our lives & business

as the nerve to call himself a Christian. There is nothing Christ like about h
extremely hypocritical!"
te Delta. All that can be undone now by the wanton criminal acts of this co
hing. Just reckless."

fish idiot risks it all to blow his own trumpet."

Zealand police to take action"

hen puts everyones lives at risk with a no social distancing protest march w
position of "power" if you can call it that. All I all I think he is a money greed

e protected fir 2 years"
appening by selfish individuals"

our chance of staying safe be ruined by this idiot?"

o steal one of them from us!!"

quences. Rules and rules and he just suffer the consequences."

portant lives are at risk"

rest of NZ."
ssage in level 3"

ah nah charge the fool"

erwise children will be uneducated and majority will lose income and may
No care for other people and all the Auckland ers having to stay in lockdow

motionally. No one is above the law, and Tamaki should be prosecuted an

e above the law look how America and Australia have turned out. How d

ill lose businesses and family because of his stupidity surely he knows the
m and his followers were keeping to the covid rules at such a time. I have f

m his congregation who did not have money to give him in the first place. L

c health and that is a crime."

he spread of covid. But NOT to support people who act in a way that jeopa
though - Home D and/or community service"

alth and well-being of our community… only lining his pockets, spreading h

ck to normal so that he can get his church donations like the conman that

lowers. This could relieve them of all the debt burden they have created p
groups and gatherings and encouraging others to do so as well."
d any New Zealander be treated any different to anyone else? We all have

this life that lawyer hannah rawnsley and her boyfriend with mummy the

the war memorial who made the ultimate sacrifice to keep generatuons o

he whakapapa of everyone living in Aotearoa.He (along with others) are NO

misinformation and division. Lock him up!"
government, especially when we can see the example of the rest of the w

sk of contracting Covid. This outrageously arrogant behaviour should be pu

carer and would absolutely love to be out and about but I value our safety
andemic level alert 4 etc. Knowing there could be covid yet to be located in
ould Jesus do? Get a jab and stay home to protect others. Think about it yo

for his stupid actions!"

xample of him!"

igious beliefs. This is about a person who preys on vulnerable people to fe


refore, I am supporting this petition in an attempt to bring justice that is o

hat, he will have had a good, dishonest life in this world. It is sad how gull
uted too!"
in times of Covid-19 level 3 lockdown."
ue to operate on a platform that he uses to be divisive and to discriminate

ut people that trust him at risk, there are much safer ways to have a voice
rom respiratory health issues let alone end up with covid cause of some ig

well. The Delta variant loves mass gatherings, especially unmasked ones an

ns covering groups and gatherings. The police and press were watching an
them, they don't even think how it affects those they love."

already finding this difficult! So selfish! Please people, stick to the rules!"

bother about other people. He should be charged for instigating heaps of i

those who provide for families when no one else can. Brian just wants peo

others who wish to do the same that it is ok."

ut a way to do it that doesn't pose a public health risk."

k at all the Expensive Chattels he has bought with all his Followers Money.
d our people at risk by organizing protests during a strict lockdown. He's a

ew Zealanders and has significant economic impact by extending measures

en you have these people undoing all the good work that's been done in

nd in lockdown longer than it needs to be."

ring rules. He put so many lives at risk and encouraged others to do the sa

of law for ignoring a lawful Health order to stay home stay in your bubbles
ragic end. Yet the weak non back boned police commisioner couldn't give
tatus revoked?"
d at even higher risk."
since lockdown first started.Pull your head in!I hope that if anything, this p

r breaches- why should Tamaki and his thoughtless followers et a free pass

nd, time he was made aware that as a New Zealander he and his followers

but encouraging others to and putting tens of thousands of peoples lives at

dangering lives like he always does. One day sucking money from those wh

y stupid people follow such an idiot and give the Terd money."

lowers.Get a brain Brian your not a God ffs. Jail this prick & his stupid follo
the rules. He makes the law. He is bigger than God and the Law ... Prison

cover to justify opening up their churches to lemmings so that they can ex

ones, having a super spreader event is definitely a slap on our face"

but a self appointed minister.The corona virus is real and each of the peopl
in America, UK and Australia is. We Kiwis have no more capital to show off
d to those who have worked so hard to keep this variant at bay!"

hemselves Christians were instructed to obey the laws of the land!!!"

d must be treated as such to be fair to everyone who is helping keep us sa

able to do anything he likes. Preach anti vac messages and organise illiega

protest had nothing to do with rights but purely his ability to earn money
God. How dare he!!"
put peoples lives at risk"
d on our shores.It is outrageous for him to say that "everyone was wearing

o consequences. What is the point of having laws in place if an act this flag

in risk and wastes the huge money that the government spend to suppor

hole country with his selfish , narcissistic, unintelligent actions to attempt t

of a World Pandemic"
spread of the virus here in Auckland and this individual could have undone

tion. We need to be rid of this virus so life can go back to normal and vacci

e He needs to be stopped."

to love God with all your ability and to demonstrate that love by loving yo

op those people from making their own choices and causing disruption at
super spreader since no one wore masks."

ot okay."

was selfish and entitled behaviour."

social distancing and not wearing masks he stated "i did not see anyone br

ce have double standards and dropped the ball."

lockdown get punished so him and his followers need to be made accoun

r good."

uge fine.Who the he'll does he think he is???Frigging dickhead."

man on god as he professes then surely he should be trying to help people

an unChristian ways especially as the leaders live in grand style off the bac

es to this extent"
and that's not what NZ/the world needs today."

is not above the law."

r the team of 5 million"

he gullibility of their congregations to put us all at risk! They are not above
as much and as openly!"

not acceptable"

es of everyone with his egotistical rants. He should be locked up."

e for him to pull his ego into line"

y live mouth to mouth while the Tamaki's live in a mansion!! drive and ride

We've been in lockdown long enough and should be concentrating on vaccin

ny one’s personal right to express THEIR supposed freedom to break regul

ble groups. He is a narcissistic grifter who's ego, and bank balance are bols

a grave public menace."

t Covid19 is harmful and kills our vulnerable? Look at the entire global effe

heir choices. He is just a charismatic leader who has developed an almost

siness owner unable to open I am disgusted to say the least. He needs to b

uld to be jailed."

many of us Aucklanders are furious that Brian Tamaki has done this egotis

k that they are different from the rest of us and put us all at risk by spread
her than humble. He is dangerous as shown by this gathering putting selfis

rk Aucklanders have been doing"

is a give n take contract. In today's world it is almost impossible for an ind


ers have adhered to at great cost to their livelihoods and mental health. It
he death of his followers who are vulnerable."
k down sacrifiying our freedom for the good of all and not for such person
w putting Aucklanders at risk."

0 person protest Covid breach does not?"

o do with Christianity"

ers and recalcitrants.His delusions include that he is at the same level as th

amaging to the community given the hold he has on his misinformed and g
threatened the efforts of the community"

rosecuted including gangs and religious gatherings."

will be lost for our elderly people and our people who are chronically sick t

breaking the law. Jail him!"

me on them!"

ey to support himself. Certainly not "a man of god" he's a self centered che
but a show off."
ckdown is like!"

not place him above the law. A true leader would protect his followers, not
k to boost his own selfish ego. He is a "leader" and should protect those wh

onsible actions"

continues to keep up his bad actions, especially with a deadly disease like c
his rambling and poor spelling. Why does anyone listen to this idiot?"

n given permission to hold a protest."

d of hogwash!!!!!"

y mummie and sister."

who attended the gathering"

ich was not allowed. Disgusting"

organised others to do so, and he ought to be charged, the same as other
many funerals went ahead without complete families present to abide by
hich other people have worked so hard for."
? One rule for EVERYONE."
o be in the limelight ' person - so self opinionated"

, our health care workers and our community is of vital importance."

ame rules as for everyone else. If he is convicted here, it carries a potentia

o harm public safety."
nd needs to be seen as that!"

fuses to support New Zealander's who are doing the hard yards to elimina
l he say then...? Judgement day is coming for you Tamaki - you loser !"

d. The man is a public menace."

om? Disrespectful and self absorbed"

then you get an idiot who thinks god is going to protect his ass from covid

zens. Irresponsible activity results in pandemic mass spreading eventually

muslims and the LGBTQ community with hate speech is disgusting. Someo

da is to have his churches open so he can preach and get money out of pe
t thing and being compliant. Those who aren’t deserve consequences for
s Ego needs to struck Dow!!"
g others safety"

der Alert L3. This protest could have been done via an online petition. Give
of this person for this ego hiding behind Religion."

g in danger."
0,000 for wages subsidy."
he rules and deserves to be punished for doing so."
people who follow him with misinformation. He is potentially putting thos

h a huge following should be held to an even higher standard due to their i

us. Morally he is despicable - please charge Impact Church guy too!"

t know how this guy and his gang call them selfs Christians, actions speak l

ng a stupid protest that serves no one else but his own warped ego. Charg

om his uneducated morons whom he encourages to worship him. He and

ht to go above the law and our government with a mass gathering that cou

bully bikers. I find it despicable that he used the sacred area of the War M

money grubbing individual purporting to be "HELPING" people , put him aw

ng the government’s appeal for us to beat the pandemic through vaccinati

elf but unfortunately he's lost in his own lies!"

one else. Does he even read his Bible. Oh, I forgot, his ego is so big that he
party in the party. He must go."

here. Shame, shame, shame"

ding event. Will he look after anyone if they become infected? Will he cov
d for all."
Christians profess to follow. He has power over his followers which he co

mass un masked protest, if one person there had delta ...then they went a

e of him."

r of Police discussing this with him.He should be gone as well the clown."

ive a luxury he would otherwise not afford."

accrue for him. This was in direct defiance of public health safety measures

ar too long. A self-serving, self-entitled asshole who worships only his ego

e reference and stop fucking kids."

ed to remember those who died in war, not for Brian Tamaki and his coho

m is struggling with the effects of covid ,I despise him"

his vanity rally was despicable.Kel Smith"

et vaccinated, stay home. Stop being greedy thinking of yourself. Put othe
o to try to keep the virus at bay. Hang the bastard!"

and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. So any

it, his actions only encourages others to break the rules."

safety first...just is own ego."

e anyone else that breeches the rules."

pardising the situation and being very irresponsible"

ociety well being."
t a loser"

xempt from chargers"

a escapees should only get a warning."


asks and did no social distancing 臘‍♀️"

to overcome this pandemic He is so arrogant. Would love to know if he

sed to be a leader he is a legalised law breaker."

able communities, at risk."

It not right and we have to stay in the lockdown a lot longer."

haviour is ok. Charge him please."

ople to vaccinate."

ain and suffering our small businesses are going through by keeping us in lo

ng our bit to ensure we get through this. My Industry in Hairdressing are

ut of lockdown, he is not immune."
w away the key"

an Tamaki has done this selfish act!"

e punished while he breaks them and nothing happens to him."

e must stand up to him. He is not a Christian Leader; he thinks he is Christ a

e rest of our country has put in. This man’s actions are outrageously irresp

ommunity for his own personal gain. It’s time to charge him with reckless e
e this moron!"
g consequences for this for potentially putting us all at risk"

wider population."

articularly the vulnerable."

r ffs 臘‍♀️"
ally dangerous. He should not be above the law."

Being in Auckland it's too scary to even go out anymore."

very day we are locked down yet these clowns are risking all of us, if I coul

ts count for nought. Prosecute him."

bullshit beliefs"

so should he."
a rich couple it's good enough for him"
should be charged."
no action is taken, what message does this send to everyone else?"

o can’t or do not wish to get vaccinated."

e same way as any other person breaking the law."

ull force of the Law and Covid-19 Restrictions Brian Tamaki should have h
hers is not ok."


onstant lockdowns but we have to do what is necessary to save the people

eaking the rules. Set a standard!!"


ally enough he was still happy to take the covid payment from the governm
e is not above the law. His followers need to be freed from his hold so the

eople to break their bubbles, to travel unnecessarily across Auckland to ga

ut the entire country at risk.. His Destiny Church is a tax free haven, yet th

putting vulnerable people at risk of severe illness or even death. That, to m

together to protest what… it’s LIFE!!!"

he belongs, prison."
bles, wearing masks and doing the right thing. He has gone on long enoug

law abiding example. Instead he is using his followers to put all law abiding
ve get seriously ill from covid. He should be charged because as a leader he

that needs to be brought down to size."

or rich you can get away with anything!!!"


lds in South Auckland. He is inciting people to break the law and should fa

a. Shut him down."

nary stage show in the domain."


their part (and are still doing their part) to keep us all safe from Delta Cov

jail would be even better."

n forced to stay home to get through this pandemic! Pathetic Muppet "
ver to the poor businesses, hospitals, medical staff, schools etc the list is e
make it look like there was a great turn out. This thief also needs to be tax
ost attended well all I have to say is bleep u"

make it look like there was a great turn out. This thief also needs to be tax

y, and the law."

ould've thought Mr Tamaki could afford to support his parishioners by givi

people can prevent risk but choose not to."

his followers to also break the law. On top of that, why the heck should the
he police are here to up hold the law!"

gs worse. He needs to be stopped."

as all the other who have breech health orders."
g some false doctrine of his rise to financial independence along with covid

al appointments that we need . I have missed the birth of my first niece. M

ss putting all of our hard efforts at risk for further lockdown. Idiot!"

m gutted he got away with it. Gutted."

ended should have been arrested, the event should have been shut down!
me time promoting civil disobedience. He needs to be stopped."

egulations for groups and gatherings by inciting his followers to a outdoor

e of Aotearoa/New Zealand."

d bishop hes an idiot"

d for anyone else. How heartbreaking for all those in Auckland who have w

e accountability for these actions!!!!!"

y xoes things to grab headlines. Worse than being a Kardashian."

e him, and start taxing this parasite."

tion for others. His agenda is his alone"

who choose to protect others by vaccinating ourselves and abiding by lockd

respect social distancing!"
ngs to a gang."

OVID and require hospital care… will they be taking up the beds and time o

“man of God”"

p. He'd never get away with it here in 97% vaccinated Niue. His God is just
s of a super spreader after effect"
w kiwis in this way."
anders who have sacrificed so much for the rest of us."

has now put 2000 people at risk of contracting COVID which inturn puts th

fish acts and shouldnt be allowed nxt time. It made us angry. "
protectors ( huge numbers of police involved to arrest protectors)."

could cause further outbreaks of the Covid Delta virus in the community."

e to suffer and kids will be kept home instead of being able to go to school

y. This was a large event and totally deliberate to disobey the government.

ople and others at risk."

ill set presidence which is dangerous going forward."

hurch goers. Chargw him lock him up and throw away the key."
llars to hospital charity ☠️"

should be taken to account."

o try stamp out the covid fire and Brian has taken a steaming dump on all t
l 3. He is not above the law"
oesn't deserve to be rewarded for it."

ng we have been asked to do. Businesses and individuals are suffering. Bria

have done"
ty of all Auckland citizens and potentially the rest of New Zealanders. Subs

acklisted. They are not the team of 5 mil but a bunch of psychopathic bio t

many peoples lives and livelihoods at risk. He needs to be prosecuted"

his irresponsible actions"

ights emerged from WW2, and although there is an intent to limit the reac
nd fined."
bey the rules.. he doesnt agree with what the government is doing but yet
part should be penalised, for going over having a group of more than 10. Th

ete (I have no words for the trembling green slime) dolt just spits in our fac
a daily walk and get my covid shots). Yet Bishop Brian Tamaki has flippantl

We are all fed up with lockdown, doesn't give you the right to be idiots."
ciples while the event could be a superspreader - last thing we need while

ugh if him or his wife got covid through there stupidness."

Aucklands at increased risk after all the sacrifices made to keep the comm
masks while all us decent Aucklanders are doing all we can to get out of lev

hers hardship. He needs to be held accountable for his actions, just becaus

st expensive fashions. He is dangerous and his wife is not much better. He

the law"

nd grift people without consequence while complaining he lives in a tyrann

! Fine him!! Stop giving him any subsidies!! And make him tell us his vaccin

and is just an outright DICKHEAD!!"

rve their community in a time of crisis. Not making things worse like this ir
ful. Thanks to his act of stupidity and greed, he could well be the CAUSE of

a parasite, not to mention a very real danger to New Zealand."

land has now been disrespected and the goal of reaching level 2 threatene
reaches or some one blatantly putting 1000s of lives at risk and putting a fi
Zealanders for his personal gain. His “church” is a scam built with the sole

held accountable."

bloody rules. This shows weakness in governments approach yet again. Th

nage has had no income for 7 weeks. 99 % of our staff have had their vacc

rk think he is?"
business owners and their employees"

d wallets."
kland in lockdown by deliberately being a superspreader... Charge him for
hetoric and encouraging disobedience from the general public."

sacrifices to contain Covid and then mass events like this can potentially u
e needs to consider others and not just his own selfish ambitions."

ove the law."

neducated level put all of us at risk. Personally and financially"

nd funerals and weddings but he thought it was ok to host thousands of p

y covid in our island for nearly 1 year.This idiot, self proclaimed preacher, h

e laws. He must be held accountable."

his lavish life. He thinks he is above the law and needs to be dealt with."

everyone's sake. Why should HE be allowed to get away with it?"

ally take action against crime, or it will only inspire more."

he health or safety of others"

rol power revoked."

y, especially minority groups"

th very little income & a mother in a rest home I haven’t seen for 2 month
o can be identified should be prosecuted and given appropriate custodial

utiful country needs"

d antisocial rhetoric which will now hurt all New Zealanders. Whilst you ca

subsidies they applied for last year."

the law. All our efforts could have been for nothing."

his recklessness and lack of respect for anyone other than himself is full on
people adhered to social distancing. Tamaki didn't do that so should be ar

his lockdown."

n the community to get his own twisted beliefs out there."

olutely disgraceful"

bubble. �"

and put so meany people at risk with out considering anyone's health or w
his own pathetic ego.BRING HIM TO JUSTICE, he's a criminal in all ways.."
ndeed New Zealanders. He ought to be charged just as others have been fo

e sense of normalcy."

and held accountable."

also ignore them."

God Hahaha."

rests. He broke the law he should be charged."

o Aucklanders trying hard to abide the rules."

muck it all up for everyone else."

should pay."
anybody else that breaks the rules. Just because he believes in God does

who attended the rally"

so the rest of us can get back to some kind of norm!!!!"

ave broken the law and endangered the lives of fellow New Zealanders. Th

s of strangers and not put our health professionals through traumatic wor
he science of this pandemic. Thousands broke Covid laws at the request o
hould all be charged."

law and endangered the lives of fellow New Zealanders. They should be h
and to be with love ones."
st hated person in NZ"

ir or just that he seems to be absolved of any wrong doing or rule breakin

nd put thousands more at unnecessary risk"

nd at level 2 nationwide. He and those who helped organise his illegal gat

e should be jailed. He has no right to put the community to risk..."

ers. The organisation of this protest puts the future freedoms of all of us a
ows look horrible. Vain poser. How he has followers is beyond me. Bet he
nd puts people at risk. He has a history of this type of carry on and should
rmined the efforts of all in Auckland. Absolutely appalled by your behavio

s of his followers. Everyone help to flatten the curve and he could have ins

ing a rally and he doesn’t even pay tax!"

week and then turn a blind eye to a religious leader inciting an outdoor gath

of hospitalization, long covid or even death"

outs the rules and encourages others to support him! He should be made t
ant 2 say,about brian,I can't say anything bad,"

me day as Tamaki. It's not just Auckland who affected. We want a Christma

, money obtained from poor weak people desperate for a solution.. As an

e $5 plus ! 20,000 times 5 should well do it. !!"

, his actions were appallingly reckless and deliberate"

wers are free to ruin everyone's hard work..What a selfish act to impose on

his lockdown. He should be charged to the fullest extent of the law."

vents. He needs to be be prevented from repeating the offence and should

mping out covid. This is grossly irresponsible and puts the public at risk. Th
ah Tamaki only do thing in the favour of Brian and Hannah Tamaki. Their lo
uld face consequences."

o keep their doors closed."

e has to say who's son was caught breaching the rules ....looks like one rule

elped, Don't!!!!."


hly push people to break social distancing and mask wearing rules as well a
my family stuck in Auckland, doing everything right. And then you have this
ome? He organised this, he needs to be penalised just like anyone else wo

. He cannot live by his own rules when Auckland is in extended lockdowns

hey risked passing the virus on to others, therefore extending the lockdow

the tithing money he receives there. A rule is a rule and it should apply fo
and even God says follow the laws of the land! Lock him up and throw awa
nd protect our citizens"

s long as he gets what he wants.This rally should never have happened in

ke him!"
rainwash police."

all idiots like him - you are not more important than the rest of us"

t him might discourage others and send a positive message about vaccina
s are for everyone."
s, are making huge sacrifices. We are prevented from seeing our loved one

y us all."

uckland has been fighting for, against COVID-19, in jeopardy and they, alon

us getting out of level 3. There should be severe consequences for this oth

andled this appallingly bad, and so has Jacinda by doing absolutely nothing

rge him and audit him also."

order that they breached. If he is not charged it will encourage more of th

t to do whatever he wants and to encourage his followers to do the same.

e very people he claims to be supporting, but rather undermining the calls

be taken."
andards to keep the country under control. This guy and his followers are

e people and those around us safe and for life to return to normal asap, w
nsequences!!! Would the normal person get away with it. How rude to jeo

his own biblical principles "Romans 13:1-2 says: "Obey the government, fo

d this virus from their community."

nsequences is outrageous."

t further risk of longer lockdown"

olice had the opportunity... We have been in lockdown in Auckland for so lo

the 2m social distancing where possible."

eading the virus!"

d of misinformation that could delay our vaccine efforts, he should be cha

part….. it’s disgusting and he should be held accountable!!!"

ave lives."

we get that freedom back."

ant to be able to spend Xmas with my family, hug my kids again,catch up w

s all. How do the govt and police react when anyone else breaches Level 3
o the same prepare to be penalised"
not obey the social distance rule & everyone wasn't masked up. Too many
should not be tolerated by our Gov."

g in lockdown further."

having this march, luckily no trouble broke out but guarantee the ego has
ment try the fear factor on not doing the right thing"

e innocent at risk again"

no immediate threat to those people."

these muppets want to get together. I want to see family 臘‍♀️

World & to have this clown go & destroy everyone's hard efforts in matter

on. He should be charged and locked up."

tting, charge him and everyone there. No jab, no health care. You protest, y

on. He should be charged and locked up."

ave too do it. Moral or story use your own judgement!!"

n society"
n't seem to care about themselves, or disagree with the law itself."
to charge them for many offenses."

angs and anyone else who breaks the law! HOLD THEM TO ACCOUNT. Peop
m Auckland here, plus Christmas."

better. We would like to be out of lockdown, and the likes of Bryan Tamak
own and business will suffer."
e that if a single death case can be linked to it he and any identified attend
not of occurred. The reason the police have done nothing is to help make

virus. Irresponsible people like Brian Tamaki should be held responsible for
ow an example of care and responsibility"

hould now be used quarantine and vaccination centers"

nsmissible virus."

acting the economy by prolonging level restrictions and is a hypocrite as he

o the community then Tamaki's actions should be dealt with way more sev
should be charged."

being so weak against implenting the law to which they blantly did."
eds to be charged"

other vulnerable people at risk for the sake of their ego and publicity."

protect the vulnerable in our society. ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for
ting Delta Virus. Put him and others like him behind bars and forget about
acinda and Police, show us a backbone."

done far less damage. Im losing faith in my govt. Over this issue"
of the other Aucklanders."
got covid he might think differently"

est of us, and that’s NOT ok!!"

ment rules. I'd like to see my family again soon. Why should Tamaki and hi
of the law or the welfare of others. Rights come with responsibilities!"

ving ego. Well many essential workers would have liked a warm spring da
ung and the elderly. Such a shame he has put himself,his followers, and th

’s between your ears (a brain if you’ve got one ) think about others & not

om the poor. He puts everyone at risk for his own financial gain. He even

sacrificing so much to bring an end to Delta and to keep their loved ones s
ie. They can't get away with it scot-free!"
ecial and should be treated the same as the Wanaka Wanders."

n the covid rules and didn’t even wear a mask. His arrogance is disgusting!
sn't a point in following the rules if you're rich you can get away with anyth

should have arrested / jailed not negotiate, very poor on their part. Far far

nows better than everyone else and puts the whole Country in danger by

igh the selfish rights of the few."

ulnerable sections of our society."
llegal and put NZ at risk!"
pecial to think the rules don't apply to them?"

wers protesting for nothing."

s to try and keep our communities as safe as possible. This event may well
his workers."


nsmission and extending the level 3 lock down because of his anti authority
le - as do all those who have breached the rules, including the top cop's br
e held account and get the highest sentences for organising and promoting
we have all given up so much for him to flaut the rules now!"
d preach that god alone will prevent covid is even more of a reason to char
aking the rules. Yes we are taking away the rights of people forcing them i

f lockdowns so that we can try and get some normality back into our lives

rk like this when the rest of the Auckland population are so restricted. He s
ti vaccers at the event who could potentially get COVID & end up taking up

Brian and support your flock. Take them to your church when they get sick
his own ego."

test is huge."

s to be prosecuted as a business. How is it fair others breaking the law are

good news at all. As a church leader why is he intervening in the affairs of

fine should increase since his money seems to matter so much to him"

e rest of Auckland , there should be consequences"

au...or another place"

use a public memorial to our heroes to push his own agenda."

o have the book thrown at them ."

- he took away MY RIGHT to live in a Covid-free Auckland. He knowingly h

is not a law if it is not enforced."

een in the same boat and only a few break the boundaries but this utter di
us.Charge the asshole"

tithe a good percentage of their income to him to subsidies his lavish lifest

nt weeks in isolation snd have gone without to halt the spread of a nasty vi
a flea on a flea lost in the dust, take action NZ before he sucks the life out

g the vaccination programme. It's important for right-thinking New Zealan

nother Covid outbreak by creating a super spreader event ."

the police can't enforce the law with anyone else. This country is becomin
mahi of everyone who obeyed the level 4&3 lockdown on NZ a total joke

he Atua ia. Whaiwhai pīhau ngana reme. Mōhio tātou ki te mutunga iho o

d with a fine payable at time or car taken and sold to pay fine. Selfish peop

g probably not vaccinated either."

the countries economy."

articularly protecting our vulnerable . Saturday’s event were a disgrace ."

He needs to be accountable and prosecuted."
tested the Lockdown. Greed."

!!! This is not acceptable that he shouldn’t be able to get away with this …

ode. Shine a light on them, too."

onspiracy nonsense. We have these regulations on place to safeguard the c

Fanatic put himself above good honest people living in a good honest City.

sts. We have tupapaku that are sitting on ice until we can return them hom
nly be described as cancerous."
em it’s disgusting."

message that it won’t be tolerated!"

f others. He needs to be charged under law."

d greedy"

’s health at risk. He can’t get away with his selfish act"

nomic communities in Auckland! Scum! Go to jail Brian!"

ting needs to be fined and put on house arrest ASAP for their sheer stupidi
nd give us our lives back. Double standards and if he is not stopped when i

cience at all!"
eople like him."

cal ways! It would be fantastic to see he’s held accountable, and our PM n
lowers are no exception…. Set a example for the future please"

wn hands CHARGE HIM Im sure you would of charged me I believe in freed

of his actions he can certainly afford to pay the penalty for having this prot

ted the same."

ed to be doing in level 3. He’s arrogant and basically did it just because he

ed to have that many people at a Tangi so why should he & his wife get aw

e of National emergency as a terriorist org.DEisband it and also take his m

e of affairs"

welfare of fellow citizens would have been in order."

epidemic, but only if they are available to all and if we collaborate with on

he health of his followers and others."

f the laws of NZ"

deaths of other people. And especially when they've taken $91k in assista
th of others, should be held accountable for their actions."
expect to take the consequences of doing so. Freedom of speech and prot

. it's appalling it was even allowed to go ahead!"

k from his doing he should be held accountable. We are all feeling the pain
g his employees out of the millions he's scammed from his followers and th
at this protest. Our police commissioner, whether he's aware of it or not, fe

not deserve it."

se of his arrogance."

ules that all other Aucklanders are expected to abide by. He is not above th

eeds to be jailed for blatantly putting all the hard work done by Aucklande
im out if picture his lambs may see differently"

risk and ignoring the sacrifices already made by Aucklanders."

d the charity status removed by the IRD"

He should be charged any future protests shut down immediately with for

heir local area."

e. Tamaki had just broken the rules and gets away with it. Why do we both
and he's encouraging others to join him."

e that this is not condoned, and people need to be held accountable for th

he expense of our less fortunate people!!"

res,about is lining his own pocket. He blatantly broke Covid Restrictions an

er the law , no excuses!!"


door shuts in his face.. he is a lier and a greedy man..he gives men a bad na
aland ."

rded the rules and as a result has now put tens of thousands of lives and li
t all. CHARGE HIM‍♂️‍♂"️

nders, but all New Zealanders"

way with it?"

with false information"

get a hospital bed"

ew commandment: love one another. Just as I have loved you, you must a
ts. He doesn't care about people just the bottom line on his bank account"

as jobs. He needs to realise actions have consequences."

ic wellbeing is more important than the right to protest your ignorance of

e charged."
me by spreading misinformation and convincing people that lockdown dow

being charged would be if he got covid, gets terribly ill and permanently i

can not work if we go back into level 4"

his staff from our supposed useless govt"

s leads to another couple of days, let alone weeks, of lockdown."

for further jeopardising our freedom - Freedom and Rights movement?"
e its not the appropriate thing to do"
otally irresponsible and in my view criminal behaviour. I’m so indescribably
subsidies back too. He prays on the most vulnerable."

d friends but we did it because it’s the right thing to do for every one."

hy not him?"

actively encouraging non social distancing, non mask wearing, and we are a

plate. Most severe penalty required.. Selfish idiot"

dy individual can risk the life and wellbeing of thousands just to line his poc

rs who are suffering and for breaking the law."

not organising a superspreader event in the middle of a pandemic. Just wh
ublic domain which is sacred land where we honour the dead, even after b

Hate to think, have a voice but do it right, too many people working soooo

MORE cases."
ust the taxpayers!!"
ty spread. Trying to spread the other disease we’re seeing around the glob
ncially and mentally because of lockdown, it has to end soon.Tamaki's mor

people and their incendiary volatile leader to flout the rules in such a publ
se rules and put all our hard work in jeopardy. LOCK HIM UP TO SHOW WE
wn to be extended."

o spread negativity and incites a protest that can potentially become a sup
elieve anything that he has to say."

rule applies to ALL Aucklanders under level 3. Prosecution is a must!!!"

f 'Christanity'. Tamiki is a fake and a fraud, a liar and a thief. Yes there wil

me trying."
we are tired of people not being held accountable. It’s fine if you don’t wan

e public are abiding by what’s required during this pandemic"

big congregations means bigger collections means more income for the pa

an's act was one of self grandisement, not one of duty or care for his fello
d receive the highest possible fine as well as jail time - because afterall, a fi
Don't let him get away"

en of God care about the safety of those that are in trusted to them. He cle

d weeks of not being able to see and hold my daughter. But if I can HANDL
nd are going before the court why isn't this dick head"

Full force of the law and a huge fine would be fair."

but we’re doing the right thing…..short term pain for long term gain"

rules get charged, he needs to aswell."

o be arrested too! They're dangerous idiots."

nd set it's that simple."

mpassion and empathy for the people of Auckland sticking together united

ts need to be charged as well."

at risk!"

o the same."
what it is really like. And then throw away the key."

e virus, and potentially endangered lives. If he is not held accountable, mo

derly) at risk. Such gatherings create the need for longer lockdown. These

protest, nada"

community and country. Brian Tamaki is supposed to be a leader if a churc

fish, ignorant and hiding behind God to say it's ok to do this is an out of con
d why any of them should get away with it."

n the community"

ty and New Zealand as a whole!Until we ALL respect the law we will ALL su
eels like we are getting nowhere. Huge slap in the face"

but not at the expense of other's rights to life and health."

why would he put them at risk of endangering their lives is beyond me.The

her hand is claiming wage subsidy etc. make him pay for his actions"
use of his actions he should be done for pre meditated murder!"

ced. Don’t let him get away with it!!!"

hame of NZ government and NZ police for allowing it to take place."

esses abs employment at risk. He’s a stain on humanity and unethical and

er, no social distancing, no masks causing what could be potentially fatal co

rming businesses by causing a likely lockdown extension)."

else would have the book thrown at them for!"

ovid crimes."

st the govt billions. He talks of mental health, well being and freedom. Ma

Brian Tamaki. The time for kindness is done. Thanks"

st definitely be charged for leading this protest And blatantly flouting the l

doing the Christian thing and caring for the poor, sick and needy."

evel by his selfish actions."

til Level 1."

h right) Tamaki in prison."

heir best to keep Covid away. Narcissist idiot"
eople trying to get through this as quickly and safely as possible."

s in the community? He seems to think there is a rule for everyone else bu

he COVID virus."

ase he is risking harm to others intentionally"

maki should be charged as believe it or not he isn't God. Please sign this to
to account for their behaviours why not his? When all the people who pay

charges dropped."
w a minority rule over our sovereignty? We Enough is enough, these people

e ended"
est of the country are doing. Put him where he should stay behind bars."
e ended"

sures, and travel disruption because of their selfish and utterly unscientific

He broke the law. Simple. I am incredulous."

me attempting to undo everybody's hard work and sacrifice to get Delta co

eing my family and he just has a mass gathering to spread fear and break t

not in the best interests of the people of New Zealand nor of the people w

of what he preaches he doesn't live in the same world as many of the peo
ader event which will put us all back weeks! If others have been charged f

who that the safety and well-being of his whanau and community. Time fo

r put him in jail. Time to set an example"

face masks no social distances what a wonderful way to spread Covid-19 f

if he went through the cemetery gates to be with his wife of 60 years as h

o follow the law. He needs to be held accountable. Just like everyone els

on board with him, putting many at risk and causing further divide in our c
charitable status removed."
wearing masks. His reply was that he "could see everyone's wearing masks
ot convince others to unlawful measures such as a protest."

to the size of his gatherings. Do the crime, do the time. Nit just a shirt sent

or to ppl going away on a holiday it shouldn't of happen"


g selfish and inconsiderate.....time for action from our law enforcers!!"

rs wage subsidy that he doesn't pay taxes."

wn levels for a more normal life. Not cause a potential super spreader eve

guy is just throwing all the efforts already done."

ady have a low rate of vaccination in tāngata whenua. Disadvantaging the

ives disrupted by his actions if another outbreakhappens. He led a great n

elf, and my (actual) children can't ride their bikes on the driveway with the
eply narcissistic, therefore a danger to us all"
ore vulnerable."

ur most vulnerable communities health alongside our healthcare workers a

should this man too."
med he will do"

nt to encourage the police to take action as soon as possible."

or community as well as our country. ��"
he place."
just jeopodized coming out of level 3, most of the people at that protest w

m -- Giant white megachurches are getting away with *far more* than Desti
ne that is trying to keep our country healthy and get back to as normal as

and a blatant disgregard for the protocols that the majority of New Zealan

ree status."
endangerment is putting tens of thousands of lives at risk !!!!!"

aggrandising financial benefit. That he also gleefully exploits tax exemptio

e CIVIL RESPONSIBILITIES within our social & ecological environments."

sneaked across the Auckland southern border just before an earlier lockdo
mself and what he can extract from others for his own gain."


nd 6 trustees which he's happy to do, so charge him"

by a very clever charlatan. Covid is real, Brian Tamaki is not."
oin together can we just enter the country and ignore MIQ?"

doubt he will be."


keeping us in lockdown longer"

at freedom is the right to live in a safe community."
u are creating division. Hopefully people will see right through the bs"

g Covid 19 restrictions."

his group of followers just giving everyone the finger. There needs to be c

ve efforts to limit the impact of a global pandemic have been undermined

downright idiots."

e HAS to do something about this and enforce the rules and use that resol

nder control. Otherwise lockdown is pointless!"

else will do it"

egal gathering - not charging him will mean total disrespect for the rest of

est for the greater good. Yes It's fine to have your own beliefs (no matter

in Auckland, xmas will be disappointing and also people who live oversea

s, our vulnerable family members."

ontinues to disrupt our Covid recovery efforts.""

o will probably cause lockdown to be extended, which will hurt many local
rule for all!"
him he would be charged and face court action if he did so contravene."
er welfare. Why are people jeopardising this for everyone in Auckland. Its

How one person believes they are above the law is beyond me and what t

We can’t help him regarding flouting the science as he is clearly ignorant,

nd the risks of us all in NZ at risk."

solation room. No because he had covid but because he might."

o organisation is above the law, including religious gatherings.The police ha

encouraging our most at risk population not to be vaccinated"
who are doing their best to contain this outbreak under under huge duress

nd the lives of us all in NZ at risk."

of the country if something isn't done. He broke the law and must face th

the safety aspect entirely by organising a mass gathering"

ning the hardship that the majority of us are enduring being compliant. The

rything Auckland has done in jepody. The fact that the police even let this
s wouldn't get away with. He is evil"

g of alert levels that are trying to keep us safe, is putting lives in danger, w

spreader event. This is entirely on Mr Tamaki for organising this event and
e when they fall sick which will be done.. . I find their attitude selfish and th

as no income only tithe"

t the moment."

t understand why anyone supports him in any way"

ore Aucklanders at risk - hundreds of thousands are following the rules an

held to account."

will breakup a funeral."

and doesn't care about those who follow him or the rest of us. While they

y vaccinated, those who are compromised and our children who can't yet g

d his congregation have set Auckland back possibly a couple more weeks at
existing is to help himself. NZ Police he needs to be charged"

ns that has got us to where we currently are."

e affected all of Auckland as this may now be another cluster. Hold this mo

oples efforts to get back to normal."

e needs to be higher too be safer and how many locations may now be com
ssues charging normal people for breaches so why not gangs and cult lead

get covid real bad."

e. His behavior is shameful."

y Christian principles. Remember, these are the same gangs that are know

ourage taking the law into our own hands by whatever means necessary."

oney from it.???"

rally where hundreds gathered with little social distancing or wearing of m

down, including struggling businesses and risked people’s health and/or liv
ing spread and possibly more risk of infection"

ple like him needs to be dealt with harshly."

s own ends. It's got nothing to do with peoples liberties, but rather is abou

d in their bubbles, by going and doing as he pleases."

g perhaps even he can't foresee the risk to. Folloowers have been infected

rresting him ."

ould be helpless in the face of Covid."

n’t give a shit! Doesn’t care about the sacrifices Auckland businesses have

ainst it"

…his inciting and inciting defiance could be the very reason our NZ border
be held right now"

e sacrifices. I accept that police may have wanted to avoid the violent conf

of their selfish mindless actions. Its a shame they didn't learn how to wear

s exstravagant lifestyle.This was all a publicity stunt for him to be in the pa

t vaccinated! Totally ridiculous to allow it to happen. Too soft policing."
g it off and telling us that it is up to the Police. Really these lockdowns are

ow Christians a bad name."

onsideration for everyone in the region."

the population) who have done our bit to keep the country, including him
fending. Signing this shows that we support the police doing this."

over the past few months. He is inviting and inciting defiance which could

ws need to be changed, they are encouraged to lobby for that change 'FOLL

d be charged with if I only had chance to have words with this clown right
kdown at present."

is own nest."
have no moral responsibility and should be made an example of ."
o he should be charged. Not to mention the financial losses that will be fel

me together over the wedding and holiday season and this numpty is ruini

to do the same putting the rest of Auckland in harms way. Selfish blind an

eds to be charged."

nitely not his last time to do the same. We pray that the Police will do the
to do so as possible?"
in place to protect everyone."
needs to be made an example of that the rules apply to EVERYONE."
isrupting the money he’s receiving from his congregation…"

other 'mortals'. A man in his position should lead his sheep, whoops I mean
delay the return to normality. Love thy neighbour - get vaccinated, wear a

test put people at risk and have ensured we stay in lockdown- he should be
as it an illegal immoral protest, it was right by the domain near auckland h

ed as manslaughter."

es. Gr…………"

ould be punished like any other person would be who breaks the rules. Sim

eserves to be charged too!"

who stand defiant of reason."

He should be prosecuted as have other people breaching the conditions of
nd charged."

LOUT THE LAW AND GET AWAY WITH IT.!!!There’s rules for one lot of peo

we all stay safe ....."

sed on scientific evidence. In fact their illegal actions should be liable for p
OT at a time where a deadly virus is pinging around a country woefully un

hes a greedy low life"

oose this Muppet. He will take your money and lead you a stray."
l kind if stupid as he goes out and gets a movement organised."
ngly risk a huge spread of covid. What is going on that it even went ahead
way with making this lockdown longer for us."

ne is above the law."

g karma"
to be there for us and punishment must be administered."

ld gather more than 100 people that is NOT allowed. His intention was bad

bove the law. Come on Jacinda Ardern and Andrew Costa show some supp

, topped with arrogance"

ated no differently to driving while drunk!"

orth little."

e given any special exemption. He broke the rules, and needs to feel the sti
o satisfy his own greed."

ountry faces anarchy."

ases get to the level of Sydney and Melbourne. Yes we all want lockdown t

r mother and grandmother. I can also travel there as well."

combusted by now"
ng out of order.Prat."

same outcome - an end to the lockdown, but this was absolutely not the w
and a ‘free radical’ like Tamaki is risking all our efforts."

ousands of people. No mask No social distancing. On the contrary instigati

e they foolishly tithe to feed and clothe him and his family."

e continues."

xtension of the lockdown through his illegal gathering."

2nd October."

bout freedoms being taken away. All the while he is more than happy to cl
the rest of us. We want our freedom as well but you and your lot are goin

nd Trustees. Interesting?"
ding citizens"
cuted to the fullest extent of the law."

you Brian, you're more Hitler than Ashley is."

so much!!! He put us all at risk!!"

is actions is "gods will". He only cares about 2 things, control over his follo
ed and charged."

d suitable punishment given before the public take matters into their own
nds of others to act in opposition to our national strategy to eliminate tran

d in, will be added to his database and asked to tithe to the vulture's that
age Subsidy! Take our Taxpayer dollars back and put this theiving cretin in

e coffin for more Auckland businesses if he seeds a super spreader event."

or believing covid is nothing. Finally, our police commissioner needs to gro

mself. He is a danger to the community."

aited to lvl 2 then do your protest."

n it gets worse for us but we continue because its the right thing to do and
h and future of fellow New Zealanders."
ting murder"

ruin our economy! He should be in jail with the keys thrown away."
everyone who is sticking to the rules to beat this dreadful virus. Just to sati

tell you what he isint and that’s a Christian"

od of ALL!!!Every single one of them should face the full arm of the law. Es

gal too."

ake before his beliefs claim the life of a child"

pped of his tax free status and heavily fined."
to protest at a memorial that commemorates men and women who literal
erdue. Prosecute him!"
ney grabbers are not a church!"

r efforts to save lives."

uals, and one rule for Preachers spreading misinformation and unlawful acti

aviour. He can make choices for himself but he should NOT be telling othe

He has potentially put a lot of lives at risk."

s are following his poor judgements! He is not God and shouldn’t play roul

before. I am offended because my father gave so much during WW2 whic

e money and endanger lives."

s inflammatory and unnecessary."

tifiable people. Such freedom he espouses is like the freedom of a drunk d

ealthcare, their jobs and businesses and basic freedoms. Meanwhile this go

m an astronaut, has such arrogance that he can receive government subsid

jeopardize my kids Christmas holidays. Brian not only blaintantly ignored m
n himself to break the rules and endanger everyone else, he should be fine
ld tell them to stay at home and get vaccinated."

those people innocently connected to the stupid people attending the pro

get on his pulpit and fleece his flock. He should be subjected to the same la
annah Tamaki have thumbed their noses at lockdowns ie: Wanaka in Febr

en vaccinated, & there the reason we’re still in lockdown.Brian Tamaki do

l like to do it safely and without putting anyone at risk of getting Covid and
orally bankrupt creep."

s own and his partners self serving self gratification and ego. His preaching

double vaccinated. Please don't label all Christians according to what this
ngs worse. We have all lost some freedom lately and its because of idiots l

able to go out and catch up with our friends and family for the last 8 weeks

act on the total population to be able to enjoy freedom in the future. He i

ld be a law breaking Bishop, gets you everywhere and anything."

rattle the collection jars?"

s jeopardizing the ability of the NZ economy to continue as best that it can

innocent die because of his wickedness!"

onger. Or set up a petition like this. Safety and health first."

low his stupid ways .."

held to account"
e light at the end of the tunnel!! Charging him is the least that should be do
are all in lockdown. He needs to be punished"
be above the law when everyone is trying do do their best to stamp out th

church ever to have an EFTPoS machine."

t was so unnecessary, I mean the least they could’ve done was put on a m

some cases loss of businesses and homes that has already happened. The
are in danger of more people thinking they can flout the law and Covid ru

inking of others. Pure arrogance."

d endangered many to spread mis/disinformation."

Christian about that?!!!"

ther extended lock down."

ould also be held responsible."

Man of God’ got put in his place."

e in freedom, but NOT the way he sees it."

res that it's already causing. Damn him to where he belongs..."

gard for others!"

le of a 'false prophet'"
of god to conduct a mass protest is totally inconsiderate and irresponsible

ng together to curb the Delta outbreak are being undermined by selfish ac

or what he is law is law in Aotearoa/NZ"

ot controlled. People die unnecessarily. Flouting the law risks the same her

g on this information and calling his ‘people’ to attend."

for his own personal gain.There's nothing Christian about that!"

he has assumed Trumpian morals and I am grumpy. Last lockdown he and

safety protocols/ advice. There needs to be consequences for this behavio

d an Aucklander who has been sacrificing our freedom to eliminate covid."

way if collecting Sunday money gir his pocket."

, closed our business like many others losing a shit load of money, and for

klanders freedom for longer (by greatly risking a longer lockdown) by not fo

e of a man is only there to grab money from his pathetic followers and don

then have the audacity to put the populous at risk to feed your ego then y
only has the protest that he orchestrated jeopardised the Auckland region

e collar crime cohorts get away with this."

wn alert levels"
ey need to be supported by Government to do so! It is purely political so d

to happen unless they intended to gather identification methods and char

minable. Brian Tamaki does not fight for our freedoms, he fights for his ab

o pay my bills when I can’t work due to a major outbreak??"

bedside. He deserves to be charged, the rich and famous are not above th
ty for the people involved in this UNLAWFUL demonstration. The Police's

been brainwashed by him."

bers of people in violation of the health Act and contrary to the requiremen
!! He should be charged for flouting the law!"

ds of lives at risk by inciting people to protest he should pay big time for th
gusting beyond words and totally inappropriate.Shame on you Brian Tama
ping him in his churches and stroking his ego so had to find it elsewhere...u

nd influence."
w this criminal in jail where he belongs."

ut for also inciting others to breach the orders"

nti mask, anti COViD and freedom rhetoric and people just not trying to sq

e for morons like these, what a disgrace"

tially prolonging the restrictions for over a million people just to allow two
ce for the well being of our country."

ke him left free to thumb their nose at authority with impunity. Lock him u

al workers are over worked and put their health at risk. Kids haven't gone t
sense Church"
at up politicians for lockdowns. Beat on people like Tamaki."
needs money of his flock to pay it"

s working so hard to eliminate COVID."

ood, clothes and a better standard of living for their family."

t and has a mass gathering. He needs to be held accountable for breaking

when ur dead i guess, have fun."

solute plonker. Together with your mate Peter Mortlock it appears."
to do his stupid little protest and ruin it for all of us and have no punishme

ugh attention"
t for the wellbeing of all N.Z. This guy is a local terrorist."

regard for the sacrifice businesses have made for the good of NZ in adheri

One rule for all!"


needs to deflate his huge ego. although he may use being charged as an ex
also deregister his organisation as a charity if you haven't already."

n in jeopardy"

a man og god"
y selfish indeed."

he law, but he's not."

nants of his faith by putting himself above the collective needs of his comm
ous. This is immoral. And on top - gets 'kid glove' treatment by the NZ Polic

k , take your man made money making cult somewhere else…. Bring on jud
n ordained Bishop or an appointed Apostle, let alone a man of God, he is a

ed him out. He needs to be held accountable."

about covid19 and vaccinations. Charge him!"

being the War Memorial made it quite a sacrilegious act for an idiot who o

better then everyone and breaks the law"

changed so that anyone breaking the law like that gives up the right to he

be a charge that fits)."

e. So sorry to hear as most of the Auckland people stayed in lockdown, w

God, he is an arsehole and a criminal, period..."

s for his own ego trip... People can't even attend loved ones tangi... He is n

actions and also have their tax free status taken away!!!"

lp in the coming weeks because or your encouragement for all to rebell ag

best we can with our sense. Some things might will not improve the situa
ld get punished, no matter how much they stuck to the rules. A life lesson

re I will do anything I can to help close him down."

away with it."

ng masks which is against the law in level 3 & 4 as well."

the law. Mr Tamaki and anyone else there should all be prosecuted for infi

g them together so they can get a free dose of COVID."

any losses due to extended Lockdown because of this protest"


sness Kiwis."
by encouraging them to put them selves in harm's way it's morally and et
y of his congregation and he (and the gangs) are flouting the rules others a

who gathered, and why the gathering was not broken up.Similar other prot

e protests as this is causing our lockdowns to extend when 99% of the pop

elihood we could get some control over this virus. Who does he think he is

ent high and dangerous"

Gt Grandchildren and also my 91 year old mother who is not well."

ve not been or are not able to be vaccinated on medical grounds. This gat
ut those in vulnerable health in danger by superspreading at the Domain is

g of your own selfish needs you idiot!"

rom him stupid stunt. Idiot should abide by the covid laws like the rest of t

been easy. absolutely taking the p&s@ by going against government yet h
Con man"

ough Auckland locking down and people losing their businesses and livelih
not social distancing. He is flagrantly disobeying the law and should be arre

un than participating in a protest."

s not the way to protest this current pandemic process."

this will not happen when things like this are allowed to occur."

w the rules like everyone else or be seen to pay the consequences"

ating resentment and feeding frustrating.... Thia man needs to be charge fo

otest is just disgusting on so many levels. 郎郎"

cannot pay their electricity bills!"

ell Mr Tamaki I give you the finger right back!"

there seems to be no consequences."

uch a super spreader event"

ki has breached Covid-19 rules AND encouraged others to do the same. He
nd whimper away like scared dogs"
erated when they threaten the Collective well being of this Country."
sing to obey God, and punishment will follow.""

e flaunting of the law and if hes not then the right to charge anybody else

responsible behaviour. This undermines public confidence in the Governm

e rules was deliberate, and I believe that failure to hold him accountable fo
mmodation & flights to come home to rebuild our beautiful safe country. Pl

aki and his Church members. They should all be fined at the very least and
g people to Covid ,especially elderly and volnurable?"

ull antivaxxers and a cool BTTF reference. Way to go invisible imaginary sk

ard work."

ple like this are selfish and inconsiderate."

protect each other.I cannot go and visit my mother who will shortly be 95

the occasion becomes a super spreader the health of all other New Zealan
happen so called Brian Tamaki doe sent pay any tax and thinks he can do w
tted to jeopardise the health, safety & goodwill of the majority."

stian action and he deserves to not only be charged, but have his tax exem

ndangered all of our lives."

we need to follow the rules for the greater good. Also deny him any public

wn is unbelievable."

ws for a while and organises a demo. Now looks like Au kland will have to s

upidity & I agree big ego over public safety. He should be fined."

. He is a truly despicable and odious life form."

s arrogant, selfish and plain stupid. Does he want the virus spread through
law and need to be made responsible"

e good of their people."

ch organised mass protests are giant Petri dishes for those followers unvac

event. He should be heavily fined for any and all laws they broke. If this go

priately not just left to live it up renting Judith Collins house."

o. Yes we all want the lockdowns to end, but this isn't the way - getting va


nity at risk, should be held accountable."

is moron down! If this situation in Auckland blows up, all eye are on you!"

n is correct and justified."

himself and his own self important ego. Please charge the man Police, and

t extend Auckland and NZ's lockdown with this brainless gathering."


d. The government and police can't keep turning a blind eye to this charla
and possibly still will cost, like police, potential related infections, etc.. We

e been spoken too. That would be a NO"

o all the doctors and nurses who are left with the consequences....he shou
nd thinks he is above the law. Arrest him please"
r good work aside and spread the Delta variant! For this he's earned the ri

serious and public consequences. He has done real damage to our collecti

gard for the efforts of the people of Auckland whom have sacrificed enoug


ates lockdowns."
r seeing friends and it has made me absolutely furious that this selfish man

the book at him..."

t no different."
bums in seats at his sermons to gather more profit for his selfish "church".

nest and survive. We all have a responsibility to protect our Sisters, Brothe

own opinion but they are not entitled to put me or my family in danger."
oth happened and the evidence is not hard to get so when is the arrest ta

hink everyone there should be charged and forced to watch and read abou
llegal large gatherings. We in Auckland have had enough of them!"

tal taonga against well funded business interests, saying the purpose was t

are struggling to do what’s right so we can enjoy some semblance of norm

w extended it I will lose my sanity."
urrent outbreak. His spiel that lockdowns are affecting business income .....

He’s causing civil unrest and is very close to being a religious terrorist."
his crisis. Get the jab and shut your trap BT."

n' as Police Commissioner, instead of the weak, lily-livered, 'woke' useless A

ps being discrete earlier in the pandemic but now's the time for those who

n to L1. A real kick in the face and needs to be punished for it just as other

ng and show you mean it without taking action against people like this? Wh

hing and the PM is again perched on the fence, not using her powers to ma

... watch the footage which clearly shows otherwise. This man is a conman
el accountable"

ty of them were not wearing masks and wandering around the shopping s

get Covid."
accine is microchips"

nsgression of the covid safety mandate for level 3"

deadly childhood diseases. It is now our turn to assume the same responsi

they get Covid. Brainless idiots"

der and the well-being of New Zealanders, The Police have some explaining

esus would do."

tivity that could have had spread covid.I want him to be expected to follow

y was doing is illegal but went ahead anyway. For the protection of our co

tting about 2,000 folks to join him and their money for him I would recomm
n danger."
is very wrong."

e him his power, the people that have no self respect… Ooooh it is simply

laced the wider Auckland Community at risk of serious harm, and these ac
ical problems and they don't need selfish people like this putting them at
t himself"

d throw a hefty fine at it."

be held account or the efforts of the other 5 million of us are for nothing."
thing, and others are being punished for far less!"

s that cant operate under level 3 your hearts must be breaking."

ou can bet you life I would be charged."

les.When I heard of this protest, I was appalled. This is selfish, thoughtless

rged for attempted manslaughter his actions were knowingly against the la
ng and spread false information to his followers. Absolute blatant disrespe

ht to refuse but not to try and turn the country against it, he not GOD"

without a certificate !!!!"

ke up!!"

Rotorua and Queenstown for tithing eventsPlease prosecute."

lockdown rules!! One set of rules for the general public and no rules for cu
wn but I prefer it to a coffin."

est with similar idiots. What about us? Our kids? Elders and more vaunara

her NZers have undergone to keep each other safe, and risked dragging loc

have FREEDOM OF SPEECH and that crazy bitch should never interfere wit

e shown that this is not acceptable."

ood enough to charge this charlatan."

Covid rules."
e law breakers.He needs to be arrested however I would urge caution beca

er spreader, events endanger all New Zealanders as they reduce our healt

erable portion of our population"

ay or pay for all those that get covid and have to isolate and can’t work be

ee after taking a $30k hit coz of lockdowns. How can this act of Brian Tama

ully protesting."
ave joined destiny they've turned into brainwashed eggs. Something about

people flouting lockdown when so many other people are doing the right t
ed he is not special"

nd. He certainly should not be deliberately putting others at risk by inciting

who don’t care for anyone else."

level 3 or 4. Selfish prick!"

f the community. Because allowing no criminal liability sets a dangerous pr

o focus on the other huge white-supremacist 'churches' also spreading div

id-19 from spreading. How can he flout the law and rules so blatantly for h

everyone's access to medical care. People have been prosecuted for lower

an Tamaki has done this selfish act. Working in healthcare and having seen
encing people to get vaccinated and/or stick to the rules for the greater g

, respect lockdown procedures and protocols - to allow us all to get back t

lockdown. I’m signing this because I am totally sick of selfish stupid people
g from the very thing he is supposedly protesting against. Other individual

ndangering to others in our society"

t, caught again 28 days In prison. We in nz look like a joke our justice syste

ots putting the rest of us at risk!"

es are only to serve his ego and, more importantly, his wallet. You just kno

xes. It's a business, they take money from its members and must be accou
s individuals"

rallies take away my rights to safety in the community and enhance the p

anger of Covid spreading even more than it is already in Auckland. He nee

veil. Prosecute this man."

is not above the law."

sual damning vitriole putting himself above everything. Throw the prophe
s judged me due to who I love. A protest disrespecting other people's nee

because the law apparently doesn't apply to them"

else is doing to keep their communities safe."

llest extent of the law so others may think again before inciting disobedien
obal pandemic placing thousands of lives at risk."

vel 3. Absolutely selfish behaviour. Attention seeking and not on anyone's

having a mass gathering in a public place during a Lockdown."

l distance rules that are in place for the people of Auckland. It's a disgrace

r and further damaging the NZ economy. Billy TK was arrested for less. NZ

people as extreme or dangerous"

de millions from and help them instead of grandstanding . If he is a servan

d of been arrested and prosecuted immediately"

his own congregation to keep himself and his family rich, people like him ju

fforts of all of Aucklanders"

people have died because some idiot went to a protest about lockdowns ec

evades taxes but takes a subsidy for Covid."

re being charged"

Come on Jacinda, what are you scared of? Losing votes?? Bit too late for th

ucating their people not blatantly breaking the rules.Aucklanders have give
piring them to follow God's will and do what's right in the eyes of the Lord.

ssing over their own rights."

ted, and face the full force of our laws. They are an insult to our Christian
an of God. There is not one rule for him and one rule for others. Lock him

in there, but that would depend on if they wanted to listen."

ng is clearly and knowingly in violation of the law"

of Covid-19, Brian Tamaki and his cronies get away with putting Public heal

tely nothing except publicity for his radical views, and hurt to the commun

ouple that absconded to Queenstown."

o save your arse on this one."

me on him"

nywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey th
ey ignored it on his say so."

om a community leader."
ountries vaccination rates high enough to protect the vulnerable (immune

be jailed."

. He's disgusting! He's doesn't care about people, he cares about himself!"

alse information online including the Covid Vaccines.He deserves to not be

his eftpos machine was doing the rounds collecting what he could from hi

t in your life. People like you are putting your vulnerable shanty, neighbou

t few weeks."
Freedom is not licence to do harm to others."

xample if others try this nonsense."

they can do what they like."

d) I hope the police find the b@!!s to shut this fella down before he does e

hemselves. But there’s no consequences, what is the actual point of us be

uld not deny the overwhelming volume of evidence for the pandemic."

s because they follow the rules If he's not charged that means all of countr
one by everyone"

y book at him."

esting him the Police are stating it is optional to follow the law of the land.
harged and held accountable instead of being led to believe he is above th
uld have stepped up and encouraged others to get vaccinated. Instead he s

t matter how many deaths we’ve had there still PEOPLE!!"

it probably causing more covid infections in Auckland"

s Brian with"

elessly endangers so many people and could set back the progress we have

eak the rules and endanger everyone and prolong these circumstances. Wh
norant stunt."

norant and disrespectful"

of God. He deserves more than anyone to be prosecuted for inciting his fo
nders who have stayed at home to stop the spread of Delta. Brian Tamaki i

t he's the one being unfairly treated due to the lockdown existing at all. He"
o prevent spread and protect those who are in high risk category.What Bri

mply with the law"

s not okay."

al in Auckland also.The problem here is actually that the police couldn't or

es and should be charged"

u and its people. Shame on him. Brian's freedoms to speak his mind and ac

ess of the greater Auckland areas, Brian Tamaki has flouted the rules and t

ollow the rules so should they..."

test pandemic. They need to be taught there are consequences for their a

s long as he is allowed to continue his dangerous and childish behaviour, t

all for 'movement' ended up in violent mob takeover of US capitol. This is n

e an example of for breaking the rules. Sue Holland"

ous pain in the ass."

a bloody FWIT!"

urch leader that requires body guards."

am of his own, not the 5 million trying to do the right thing here!"

do what they want and bugger the rest of us"

n relieve from them."

have a nasty habit of only prosecuting people who are not well connected.

d that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am C
put in jail I hope the police do something about it."

eing overwhelmed."

enabled by the attention he is getting, but enough is enough."

ves being idolised for giving the wrong messages to the public!"
s are very selfish"

e law is breaking the law. Saying it is wrong does not out a person above th

erson of society would be!"

own worthless."

e to the wellbeing of people."

does he do this."

he law"
he can increase his own power and wealth at the expense of those vulnera

eas. The only purpose for this seems to be to maintain the financial flow fr

rd to a Christmas with family and friends."

or longer."

, so should he"
he.has a responsibility to Obey the Law."

nyone's welfare other than his own, not matter what he says. Everything T

hould be prosecuted."

ungs are burning and you can't breathe should you be treated?? Same que
ons of the same elk"
alities. He is a criminal."

alth system currently and in future."

ng behaviour."
ue who exploits gullible, disadvantaged Kiwis using second rate rhetoric an

re in NZ."

s illegal rally and slander of public figures seems this man far from Christia
ttendance as This is just flouting the rules that everyone else has stuck too.
mal by promoting vaccinations!!"

ess and say those tithes are missed huh...and a cash business can't really cl
ing our parts.. so i 100% agree he need's to pay for what that idiot did jaci

e treated.' Tamaki is the antiChrist"

n arrested and charged by the police! Why did the police not stop and arre

eady over worked and under paid."

rmarket or chemist"

from that situation."

with government health directives that protect us all."
minions have in store for New Zealand in the future."

nd christians. He broke the law and needs to be held accountable."

gainst the public's best interests, or inflaming others to defy the "rules" c

that its happened,please prosecute him & everyone there for putting the w
gence support payments, and now this. Jail them, make churches exempt

up hospital for those who did not have choice."
hest sentence"

Nz has the privilege of some return to normalcy for this to be disregarded a

ding by at significant financial and mental cost"

onth as a direct result of his selfishness. Because of his need for attention.T
one for one it's beta for all"

tion it exacerbates the original conceit."

and police treat him differently?"

eeds ti start getting taxed too"
rallying their troops and spreading false information about vaccinations a

ced. An arrogant and naracist illegal act that will only stall Auckland's progr
ommunity effort and pleased themselves by organising a mass protest . He

to become a martyr in this fiasco"

the wrong path"

ch we have followed and he and his blind brainwashed sheeples have flou
uted the lockdown rules.Take away Destiny Church's tax exemptions and b

harmful misinformation about the Vaccine!"

are of community goes further than yourself and your immediate commun

le follow him."
no longer acceptable."
ng more money to him weekly"

odliness in that. He's just a self appointed egotistical nuisance. People like

le under the guise of being "good Christians". Hope they will be prepared

e vulnerable and lonely. As Trump would have said and still does "LOCK HIM

atter of time."
c tennent of our Christian faith"

but Brian should be penalized at a way higher level for his part in organizin
Charge him, & Lock him up."

e to live in restrictions longer as a result."

ms what he tells his followers is the truth. It was not."

ponsible for, as nothing he assured the Police Commissioner in his meetin

nstrations or social gatherings, & how many innocent people who've done
dispersed of and arrested on the spot. Embarrassing and foolish display of
d require hospital services, everyone else is paying for their selfishness - w

t have the least and give, cars, bikes, houses. The list goes

nd will think its ok.CHARGE him"

ld be fined to the full extent."

ng held accountable, thinking he is above the law. Anyone else would of be

risk, p.s not your people in DC lives, but the lives of us out here doing our

, he is a dangerous man."
feel if YOU caused someone's family member to die"

his pandemic at bay. How selfish can you be"

has broken the covid law, he 5oo should be charged."

l restrictions... The sooner they abide by the rules, the more likely it is the
e level??"

otest was an incredibly disrespectful and selfish act."

AKE pastor, fake god, and so full of it, period. Brian Tamaki should be charg
nd hard yards Plus he is a prize wanker"
ountry who is abiding the lockdown rules and is making sacrifices to fight

th for him and his wife to live their extravagant lifestyle thats the real reas
o tour the Country! It’s time to Charge him."

ailed for risking Auckland community."

ver two thousand people congregate. How selfish after all that time everyo
people ‘let us free’ so far as of writing more than 75400 disagrees with his
and the rest of NZ with his irresponsible behaviour ( and with no consequ

ded charged for attending. The vast majority of Aucklanders have been com
gs for Aucklanders"

est of a New Zealand could lose billions of dollars, not to mention loved on

o a lower alert level quicker. But, instead, he's chosen to grandstand. He'
e is GOD..??"


amaki cure them, As I dont want them attending a scientifically based faci

that for the majority."

use to be a Christian, but pride has taken over in his life, so I don't see him

e the law as a church which is not showing any christianity to those outside

designed to help keep the nation safe. This labour Government has shown
eserves to be arrested."
accination but won't tell you."
by the police and courts, it's only fair that everyone else charged for the s

e return to the freedom we've enjoyed for the past year. Freedom has a p

titution. I don't need to see Brian Tamariki Charged, I would prefer that th
to be with family and friends"

ecuting as would anyone else who broke the rules."

rs to break the law."

charged & convicted."

to care for others above ourselves. "Love one another; as I have loved you

ds and family for the good of everyone."

e with his family,pack of budgets,lock him up"

vax sentiments. Lock him up"

potentially spread the disease that many people have worked tirelessly to a
nion to the most vulnerable in society, actually be a leader."
ng the law"

le for his words and actions especially given he's gotten away scott free so
rch are worshipping? Charge him with the maximum penalties. His actions

ow many times can he do what he wants before something is done..."

ge outbreak to occur as that increases the chances of it spreading around

t, 2 hours approximately 500 people would be walking out into the commu

tent of the law and all of those who were with this idiot."
ge outbreak to occur as that increases the chances of it spreading around
church. His enternaining evil actions and unruly behaviour. We expect our
get vaccinated as soon as possible. There are many vulnerable people that

ng but we are doing what is needed."

ing to extend its lockdown at Level3. Reckless and selfish. Prosecute him to
s followers to pay, people that can least afford to part with their money."


d never repaid it. Why should he be above the law when the rest of NZ is t
nown, he has probably passed the plate around so he can line his own poc

s credibility."
he virus. Please charge him."

isk they were causing others - fine him and jail him"

ng while waiting for vaccinations. How is this ok? It's not. He should be m
e done in the past few weeks. He is not above thr law of the land and need

tting away with it."


evel restrictions."

uncertainty and fewer interviews are tapping, reducing my chances of emp

ll at risk."

ow hanging fruit)"

on’t understand why that is a limitation of freedom because, if it is, then n

be held accountable, as everyone else is who have broken the rules. The ru

l he would welcome the charges and publicity so you are reluctant to 'rew

ith you."
en done about it. I had up until this point been a fan of Jacinda and her COV
they would have been convicted Now is the time to show the New Zealand

nd many people in vulnerable communities."

i and cohorts need to also be charged as this breach of the law was blatan

ives at risk with no care or concern. He should be prosecuted to the full int

they would have been convictedNow is the time to show the New Zealand
a joke of a protest ."

ut owned by the church.........) I hope he is feeling some remorse for the da

y spewing a constant stream of weapons grade BS."

he police and the public must stop."

e rules we all have to follow."

sive lifestyle.What he did was unfair to the majority of New Zealander"


ngerous and reckless manner thinking it his right. He needs to be punished

behalf of the Delta variant: the 'freedom to roam' event."

and all of us back to enjoying family time especially Diwali and Christmas f
st have to take a legal action against him."

e majority of New Zealanders who have obeyed the rules for the greater g
led on others’ sacrifices in this protest."

tivities and actually show the country that this kind of thing will not be tole

people's army while our homegrown terrorists run over this town? Shame
hat nobody wants. How egotistical is this guy to lead 2000 people that are

h measures against restrictions that are keeping us safe. He should be char


fish, narcissistic and illegal actions he has incited his followers into anarchi

made for anyone else except himself!"

given a ticket. Shamefull!"

ers to do the same."
ucker is at it again by holding this cult event in Level 3. My thoughts are wh
dangering vulnerable people including for those who aren't eligible to get
f the demonstration please go straight to his house rather than the hospita

DS.What a complete dickhead."

.his actions were disrespectful and selfish"

point where they blindly follow him and are incapable of seeing what kind
an't see the big picture."
tical and egotistical ambition, hiding behind and using thier prominence as

n would get arrested for so this guy shouldn't be any different. In fact they

n't about him, it's about our community and country pulling together to st

TV and said is that in Auckland mummy?When the reply came back yes, M
our brain!The rules are there for everyone to stay healthy and stay safe fro

lear breach of the health order. They are spreading misinformation and Br
should be held accountable for his sillyness he is suppose to be a leader o

ng others at risk and not following the rules like majority have been. There

although church will pay the fine"

soned, not fined as he will make his followers pay this the only way we can

sinesses who/that have sacrificed so much for the common good."

should Mr Tamaki or any of his followers be allowed to do this?"

ht by others he needs to know that what he did is wrong."

. Otherwise my friends and I can have a small 50 person protest at my pla

y to everyone, no exceptions. It’s unfair for everyone else who is following

ences so why not him?"

words) he needs to be held accountable !!!"

t.No masks or social distancing. The PM is asking everyone to help but givi

to extend its lockdown at Level3 ... he has wasted the time and efforts ove

e. People need to be punished for breaking the rules!"

anything they mandate and do as you wish!"

thinking of wants good for the people, instead, his only interest was for h

wed to slide on by."

ealand because of his self centered and entitled actions."

es and lonely people who are doing the right thing"

e. I hope he, and all others involved in organising it, are charged with incitin

ne's sacrifices....charge him!"

was selfish and thoughtlesdnb"

s god willl protect his followers?"

any NZers in fighting the spread of this virus, further risking many more live

ver the last 6 weeks.He pays no tax. Is funded by a community that can't aff

n the people who are struggling to feed there families at this time."
ny of us want to be locked down? It's the lesser of two evils, I'd much rathe

on healthcare and social welfare, without being held accountable."

f the delta covid strain spreading. It was a deliberate and irresponsible act

nsible fear mongerer and a disgrace to the Christian faith"

r good of everyone!!! So angry about his rally!!"
ur fucken job #nzpolice"

nted lockdown in the governments face and Aucklanders as well. He need

ecent human being."
ty of us all."

g bullshit and getting people to break level 3 rules without even facing a cr

money he takes each and every Sunday! Lock him up!"

use they aren’t entitled narcissists."

elf appointed bishop Brian"

nding the lockdown."

members who may be vulnerable and die if they get covid. Suck it up and
d for the better of the wider community."

rnment and to spread false information about Covid & vaccinations."

ed for a similar incident so why the different treatment?"

nce breaching level 3 restrictions should be convicted and fined."

himself his supporters and all of us at risk he is entitled to his point of view

sing our society’s safety & efforts to contain the deadly virus, and let’s see
uthority ... make an example of him."
the form of a dictatorial ultimatum. People were incited to this unlawful a

ens Will Come n Pick the. UP"

re you a regular Kiwi who just wants to see friends and family? Fear not, Ta

of his misguided followers put our health and well-being at risk."

ge disallowed gathering blows up the care and aroha the majority have sho

ething way worse that he will believe he is above the law"

eople on the best actions we can take to be able to live with the virus with

ers should not be able to expresstheir "misguiding" views. inciting people t

hile breaking the law with their gatherings. Accountability for this sits squa

d gives to the rich."

nd anyone else who can be recognised without a mask."
fe. Everyone who doesn't adhere to the rules of lockdown should be charg

n, why should this guy be any different!"

God.2 Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance o

setting an example to youth."

abiding people in New Zealand at a high risk."

VID-19 and I don’t want my son finding out the hard way. This isn’t a game
e by any rules?"
and he needs to be held accountable."

people of Auckland to risk all their sacrifice"

over 100 grand it’s unethical"
y ask you to brake one off the 10 commandments. This is why he is in this p

a contribution to assisting the programme of vaccinating the disadvantag

he beach at this time. The police were consulted and agreed to the stipula
the Gay people caused the earthquake in Christchurch, bro if that's your kn
g, their acts are just adding to the problem. All the Team of 5 Million Kiwis

people who don't care. Charge him for organising it."

isolation further problems."

rotest has the potential to impugn other people’s rights to stay healthy an
shment as he would ask his followers to pay any fine."

and his follower's will believe in his false allegations"

esigned to keep us safe."

sible. He is not above the law. His behavior is inappropriate and childish. H

the rest of NZ"

atant law breaking"

m. His Density Curch is a sham."

that was just wishful thinking! If Billy Te Kahika was charged and jailed, th
w Zealanders, particularly Aucklanders, who are struggling yet still choosin

nly those attending but all those that these people will come into contact w

y the rules tamaki should be fined along with other rule breakers"
n. My income has been severely affected . And this man slaps my life’s wor

maximum allowed."

ut others at risk"

be held just as accountable as the young couple who went to Wanaka!"

ory for Our safety and well being. Especially for our children. Disregard me

ed eyebrows can grow out!"

ponsibility for his actions."

f the WHOLE community."
dickhead. Should be locked up. No one is above the Law."
ities have given up their freedoms for the sake of others....protesting with

ger to lockdown laws without consequence."

e there from wherever they came."
nd should be punished for his actions. He broke the law!!! And encourage

then thinks he has the right to turn their world upside down with what he

ct of love, Brian Tamaki wants his followers to catch it and spread covid aro
it sends a bad message if he does what he wants without censure."

nd making a mockery of all that the rest of Auckland have endured to keep

isinformation along with COVID. Charge and prosecute to the fullest exten

s of Aucklanders."
ow he isn't."
ve the law"

d manipulating his followers. Should Be Charge."

ay and make an example of him he is not above anyone else. he encoura

ardise it for everyone. Ironically risking more and longer lockdowns. Wha

rotest starting and arrested them all"

hen that is disgusting. and as someone who believes in Jesus... his behavio

urs of fun and photo shoot is it?"

be penalised. No exceptions!"

do the same."
make their own decisions!"

ntable for his actions."

law and be treated differently to the rest of us?"
with 5 kids and no life out of these walls for inconsiderate arses to think the
. I'll bet he's had the vaccine and just wants to get his name in the papers

crossed the line."

ing the health of many"

then believe the same and quite literally put their whānau in harm's way.
d for his congregation or NZ as a whole"

disregard for the rules and extremely selfish"

I have stayed at home! Because the boarders are closed we have been ab
our country into an even worse of a situation"

be charged as well. If they are not, then everyone else in the country migh
et locked up."

dical reason not to can go too!"

on people like him."

viour putting other people's lives at risk."
him that he is above the law"

t him. Imprisonment fines the works!"

e, the rest of us can't allow this to happen!"

aims he is helping at risk of dying from Covid-19. In the words of the Old Te

ey were out of sight around the back of the museum & not breaking up the

rotest, causing potential harm to public safety . I hope he get's Delta Covid
ves at risk. Everyone in NZ should be treated the same under the law. A re

e consequences."

giving him your money."

he poor and enriching himself"
n longer, and worse causing possible deaths."

n to deliberatly undermine everything we've all done he needs to have an

ependent situation, and this is a perfect example of that."

, and how dare he put the rest of us at risk"

ders do, in populations traditionally with low vaccination rates and he and

wn during Christmas, if we are it's your fault Brian."

attended this protest."

on and on."

ght he was supposed to be a 'do gooder' and he leads others astray."

ys quiet until they are infuriated, and that is what I and my family are now
has been done just to get his face on tv. He should be charged and made

ge him with something"

n of power to prey on people. And that’s before we even get to the COVID

ed in a way that is meaningful that he cannot escape by paying some mon

ysmal”. Any heavy handed action on the day could have led to scenes like
ation, time inside where he will be taught what is wrong and what is right

blic safety."

all stay in lockdown for longer....."

t and arrogant manner !"


his own notirioety"

make that same choice."

eld accountable for breaking the law."

bout himself, lives in luxury, while his 'flock' struggle."

a cell for a very long time"

e mass Graves around this country as a result of the influenza epidemic dur

ke this that spread the virus!! Ou leaders need to be leading by example no

ged and contained"

*** that comes from his mouth."


cribe this man but they would end up being edited out because they are n
nsive claims about people who are trying to help this country get back to th

noses at law and order, and I’m sick of the nanny state and those at the top

ave wished to be able to be with family and friends"

else to date that has been charged. Oh of course everyone signed in?????
an glean off his parishioners. He should be held accountable with a jail term

on to charge Peter Mortlock also. He’s cut from the same cloth and also da

angerous behavior like it's a game.Selfish egotistical wanting to be heard.P

or tge rest of the country. This is about his personal ego and self appointe

and unjust protesting. Otherwise, not charging him is setting a standard w

oked at camera and lied about mask being worn."

virus to other people at all and needs to be accountable for his actions"

ose actions."

eserved corrupt power to convince his church goers that it's their own cho
's exactly what's happened."

he best interests of our communities and our race - the human race. Follow

Brian Tamaki is making a mockery of this and if he isn't prosecuted now h

beings, along with exploiting people for their money under the guise of re
ar on submitting to authorities that are appointed by God.-Romans 13:1Ro

he rules!"

protesters did is distressing to most New Zealanders and they should be he

he event is corrupt"
t people."

people are) and therefore freedoms are going to be delayed by selfish peo

nd will likely keep us at these alert levels for a long time"

m breaking of the law of the land !"

ation are Maori and are highly susceptible to the virus."

around the covid restrictions have been prosecuted then this man should b

est sacrifice of lockdown will have been a waste of time and we will be like

en on zoom or in a bubble with just a few kids, they are all struggling gettin

what they wants too. It is the vulnerable that will suffer."

not the time to flout this ... get vax'd and get in line and let's get this sorte

Order (No 12) 2021. He should be made example of flouting legislation! A

ointed leader of nothing good"
uninforced mask wearing and appropriate distance keeping, is ok. If othe
safe our public health system can’t cope look at aussie if you don’t think th

rages thousands to break the rules, possibly putting the whole project bac

there was a devil. He is it."

was a hard. Then to see that happen was an insult to all our hardwork that
or the benefit of our vulnerable members of society. He must be charged. H

any question of him being charged. Charge him !"

a business? I think I'll appoint myself Archbishop of my own church."
r what he has done. Funerals can only have 10 people???"

about his followers, he would be doing the opposite."

re in place for everyone's health and safety. Follow the rules and the gove

sensitivity to the value of other people's safety whilst we have this Delta v
tions .It's like a slap in the face a joke.Definitely he needs to be brought to

others to join him also."

or the rest of us. And to top it all off he claims over 100k in wage subsidies

n their face with this a hole been able to do this and not be charged. Charg

t up for all of us 郎 stay in your bubble Muppet, it ain't rocket science!"

tions and putting people at risk."

use if his mindless grandstanding"

tanding in front of a judge, so should he."

otally disgusted in you, there were other ways to be heard. Your a muppet
s. He seemed to think it was fine to get a massive group together."

petition for the law to be enacted shouldn't be necessary but if that is wha

can be dangerous and he thinks he's Trump. Vile endangerment. Loves fee
es a POS"

at God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the
hat makes them unique?? Nothing!! We are all New Zealanders!!!!"

fe, it's not about the individual's right to choose, its about ensuring the wo
because the money would come from the poor people who he has brainw

diot puts all their hard work at risk."

event for the city."
rous message. Others who helped organise the event and encouraged thei

l those that joined him"

s no better than someone with AIDS having sex with someone else."

wake up"

g and is jeopardised by this thoughtless behaviour."

curving the spread of covid-19 virus. This is completely unacceptable."

ying and filth about them... They try to intimidate. Brian has incited people

ng are incorrect and dangerous."

what a load of crap! A charlatan exploiting our most vulnerable people."

nent level 4 structure. He will cause deaths."

t risk with his dumb stunts."

nsible, entitled idiot puts himself ahead of the greater good! This is wilful,
e hand outs Brian for doing what? Take tax payers money but pay none yo
could buy ad time on tv and radio - it's safer."

ey have special rights to congregate while everyone else is complying to ke

that NZ justice is set on sand not concrete."

eached lockdown rules for his own gratuitous self promotion"
t all for that matter. Brian should not be treated any different than any oth

der how many cases will be spread through his selfish actions throw the bo
ading and managing potential harm in the community. Completly irrespon

afety and wellbeing. The law is the law...Bubbles mean stay home "

more lockdowns , how does a person as influential as he is not understand

the people who follow him."

d of Covid in the wider community."
ke this scum bag down. Damn god botherers!!"

were simply sheep following a leader who very well knew he was BREAKIN

An organised gathering was wrong at L3 and he should be made to answer

ople - a totally non Christian move that is the opposite of what I learnt wh

law that put people at risk so why the hell wouldn’t this idiot get similar co
of covid as people like this fool, will continue to spread it. He is one of covi
wers. We are all sick of lockdown and the rules, but we STAY home. Jail hi
Gucci wife from poor people that choose to give to him and go hungry the
other countries are living safely with COVID ,he should definitely be charge

me. But there are real people out there who just need to get back to what

ne of his followers, him or his family get Covud because I would stand stro
n't want to have to see his 1850's oil baron lookin' ass plastered over my fe
s are hurting."

in Auckland for over 2 months now, and he's stressed about year 12 exam

and nurses can't refuse to help him and his fellow protesters when they ge

to while increasing chances of a super spread of covid. He takes governme

d enough also a slap in the face to the thousands of others that are stickin
e risks not just the people he brought to the protest but everyone."

s [self] appointed alleged representative outweighs the right to oxygen an

doing this."

hown some responsibility"

ontinue to stay locked down, specially Auckland."

he gathering to go ahead. Being nice and kind PATHETIC"

cause of covid. Have respect for the whanau who have lost loved ones to c
fety of all Kiwis then Please prosecute he is not beyond the Law"

should be locked up."

y opinion) and now shows he has little regard for the safety of his follower

adising this."

mily. How would you feel if you gave your family members the virus and it
further jeopardiaed with foolish actions like this."
ything we have done all for a stupid protest Auckland has done the longest

has shamelessly used the most gullible in our society to promote his own

get to do whatever they want? Also why do they get to protest against the
me after time he uses the excuse of religion to boycott rules and laws that e
roken the LAW by which most NZ's have stood by for the good of our citize

ute and give him a custodial sentence for his illegal activities."
er Tamaki to break it. Chuck him in for 6 months"

by vulnerable people, it sets the very worst sort of example and counters
veryone's health and freedoms at risk, should be held accountable for thei
e te ao Maori or mate korona guidelines."

great many Aucklanders."

message. Arrest and charge the idiot. Maria Cooper"

legal consequences of their actions to safeguard our citizens."

He should be charged. It's a serious breach of trust & law."
bove the law. I would like them to get the jailTermInstead of a fine and th

e who will have to care for those who get sick is unfair. The majority of Auc

y else. It's disgusting that he would put others safety on the line and with

e spread of Covid and misinformation"

ore putting many at risk."

g in away with breaking the law is a slap in an the face to us in Auckland. It

s Aotearoa."

rest of community."

ike him get away at things like this."

cols to get their city out of lockdown. He is a pitiful egotistical, selfish huma

he limelight"

aw apples to everybody. What were the police doing letting him go ahead
uled. Please charge him."
the coals and rightfully charged, Brian Tamaki does 1000 times worse and
19 in our communities."

at u preach!!"

nce to every Aucklander who cannot have a funeral, rebooking their wedd

harged, along with others who broke the law"

ak minded.. dosnt beleave in vaccination thinks by causing a roit in the mis
ll be the reason many of his followers die.Remember, even the Pope is vac

d be made accountable and charged for breaking the rules....Its !!!!NOT OK

d healthy."

g us all at risk."
th the highest fine possible."

you to be in your church. I dislike that you keep popping up whenever you

we have worked for"


o be punished ASAP"

ignoring lockdown rules and invited not dozens but hundreds to an area.
is personally responsible. This did not happen. His actions and right to free

s disrespect for civil society and is a danger to public health. A toxic man d

ng to him and his wife."

the con man."

cept of laws even if at times as individuals we find them annoying/inconve

and has undermined the huge sacrifices of others."

nd being held to ransom. There has to be consequences to breaking the la

by his ridiculous actions"

dangered this. As a south islander I am so angry with him. Can he not see th

breaking the law."

o much publicity."

oing this. This protest was so out of line with all that so many have done a

de your bubble."
ways be wrong."

ew Zealand."

at risk."
a large group of people and needs to be kept accountable."

people even listen to this Clown who is wasting our oxygen"

no intention of following the rules as evidenced by his statement to his foll

own what happens when covid gets into a children's hospital. If he was a
d be stoped"

callous followers and yes men. ENOUGH!"

rch should be thoroughly investigated."

ny times .Set an example you useless goverment"

wn selfish few thousand followers."

all about self glory and idiolisation at the expense of the communities of A

ompliant Aucklanders!"

ose who sacrifice A LOT to keep our country safe, happy and and genually"

have just gotta get it...The VAC will not save your life.It may minimize the s
uld be charged straight away. It shouldn't be any different for him. Teach h
covid virus"

e babies and staff safe. People breaking lockdown rules like this man has i
e rules and knew there would be consequences therefore the consequenc

otest. This man is corrupt and should be jailed. He may have undone all the
es of lockdown."
e him either that money comes from vulnerable whanau lock the him up fo

ible behaviour."
ards, and may result in more cases. Our health workers deserve our respe

gal protest."
g a law?"

nferior vaccines compared to the ones that we are literally giving away. I am

He should be charged."
to not get vaccines, something should be done about him breaking the ru
cly shamed and Brian Tamaki get away with his disgraceful actions."

o know hes not above the law. Chris should us to humble our self compassi

son does that & all in the pursuit of attracting more followers & boosting h

ur could lead to mass spreading that could lead to 100s to thousands of liv

mation. This problem needs to be addressed."

ife time savings!Businesses they may have initiated themselves, certainly p

s followers oxygen tells me a lot about our woke media."

nce he’s had a gutsful – choosing his own personal agenda well above that
ger just to promote their own narcissistic agenda. A true Christian or a ind

livelihoods on the line. Disgusting."

He should be charged for this breach of covid regulations."

a lot more than 2 potential covid spreaders!"

unity and must be held accountable."

citing civil disobedience?Hypocrite - that capitalises on the lost sheep tithi

medical, emotional and economical wellbeing of the whole population of N

if he can’t follow Nz law he shouldn’t be eligible for subsidy help"

have organised this rally with 2000 people attending us a kick in the face to

ster who is having chemotherapy. This rally was selfish & thoughtless to th

kland down he has let the whole of NZ down."

mful stuff and tries to pass it off as the truth to vulnerable and gullible peop

st march when it was lockdown to keep people safe. 3/4 were not wearing

ho the Dick Tater is... Adolph, Trump, Putin on the Ritz crackers Kiss my rin

rs health with his self act"

n ego. This is is a dangerous and disgusting man who should be charged no
dridden or in hospital. It takes a little sacrifice now for a huge gain later, did
Memorial Museum. For shame.I do support the Police for not going in and
e in freedom, you and your associates have gone about this the wrong way

nyone else."
was selfish and stupid and showed no respect or compassion for others in

s get away with breaking the law and going against the health act!"
lly cause a superspreader event. His actions have put Auckland and thr en
onomy at risk"

ation', to "Transformation" or something equally as banal. Where does thi

to break lockdown rules because you enjoy the limelight and because you
tudent nurses being declined despite all our efforts we needn’t practicals w

not only the state’s order but millions of people’s sacrifices should surely b

e in every society since the idea of community existed … this person is a lia

apart from Christianity is why he has no place being a voice or leader"

ould be held to account. This is a form of terrorism, and should be treated

hould be held to account."

g with all his followers of his colt that are not jjust keeping Aucklanders at r
experts apparently! "

tells them is gospel"

p on 5 jan"
ho are bright enough to stay away. He has a right to his opinion, no issue, b
at them."

otest gets covid they should isolate at Destiny Church or any of the Bishop

rrantine rules - time to get tough"

get back to what we used to know as "normal". This also displays a lack of

n would reset his values."

o scams so much money off the poor and then doesn’t pay taxes because h
he chooses with all disregard to the citizens of NZ, especially our children w

ally and financially for his own selfish motives. Also he is flagrant rule-break
et away with everything."

personal life or his church - I know that is his business but I think he is a bit
He should be treated no differently to anyone else that has deliberately a
e economy at risk, a disgusting human being."
ed. Section to mental health unit until further notice."

ecessary to keep covid at bay!!I'm double vaccinated!!Lockdown will cease

al covid response. Will he take personal responsibility for any of the delta c

ckdown. It's difficult and challenging on many many levels and it was likely

n gain. above all else."

the moron we have as a police commissioner to grow some balls and charg

untry .? Totally wrong!"

can cause. Businesses is already struggling to keep their doors open. He w

and offensive."
ur lives & businesses disrupted & on hold right now, & these reckless peop

Christ like about him."

minal acts of this conman."

ng protest march while the rest of NZ obeys the rules to reduce Covid spre
e is a money greedy, egotistical, corrupt, self entitled human being and ho
e income and may become homeless."
g to stay in lockdown because of people like him."

d be prosecuted and jailed."

urned out. How dumb are we"

rely he knows the risk. He is hungry for power yet blames rhe governmen
uch a time. I have family in Auckland that I would love to see and celebrate

in the first place. Lock him and his wife up and throw away the key. Blood

n a way that jeopardizes the safety of others"

ockets, spreading hatred and preying on vulnerable people to champion m

e the conman that he is. Lock him up."

ey have created paying unrealistic tithing to this evil greedy man and his w
as well."
e else? We all have rights but we also have an obligation to be safe. By not

d with mummy the judge the system needs to stop being one sided and he

eep generatuons of Kiwi's safe."

with others) are NOT above the law and should be charged with breaking it

of the rest of the world in the matter"

viour should be punished, not with a fine which he could easily pay but wi

t I value our safety above all else"

yet to be located in Auckland yet still allow the gathering to happen, big mi
s. Think about it you self centered bigot!!"

erable people to feed his greed and is prepared to put the health and welfa

ng justice that is owed to Aotearoa, specifically the people of Auckland. I c

It is sad how gullible some poor souls are."

nd to discriminate against people, while taking advantage of a vulnerable d

ays to have a voice. He is a narcissist!"

d cause of some ignorent person/people."

unmasked ones and even more if they're unvaccinated. He's a danger to a

were watching and recording their illegal behaviour."

tick to the rules!"

stigating heaps of innocent people to also break the lockdown rules"

rian just wants people to go back to church so he can take their money to
Followers Money.!!"
t lockdown. He's a very selfish person"

xtending measures to control the highly contagious Delta outbreak. His ac

at's been done in past 7 weeks! Clearly doesn't care on the impact to hosp

others to do the same. I saw photos of protesters without masks - Unbeliev

tay in your bubbles and wear masks  no mass meetings ."

oner couldn't give a dam"
t if anything, this petition is a wake-up call for those that have been suppo

wers et a free pass when they breach public health rules."

and his followers are not above the laws of this country, and should be he

of peoples lives at risk."

ney from those who can least afford it to line his own pockets, the next end


k & his stupid followers."

the Law ... Prison should knock him back a peg or 2"

so that they can extract tithe again. They need to top up their coffers beca

on our face"
each of the people who have been vaccinated have more braincells than
capital to show off . Enough. People need to put him to trial."
t at bay!"

of the land!!!"

helping keep us safe. Delta is not a joke"

and organise illiegal covid spreading events in a lockdown."

ty to earn money and support his lifestyle."

ryone was wearing a face mask" when it could be clearly seen on the TV sc

e if an act this flagrant is allowed."

nt spend to supports the lockdown process. His behaviours are very selfish

ctions to attempt to lead others down a path of destruction. Very Christian

could have undone all those weeks of work in one afternoon. Not only is h

o normal and vaccination is our only hope."

at love by loving your neighbour as yourself, ie to treat others the way you

sing disruption at the same time. He must be stopped. He is not the voice
not see anyone breaking the law" when it was happening right in front of

o be made accountable!"

ing to help people not encouraging them to be an idiots like himself."

d style off the backs of the poor."

They are not above the law however much they think they might be."
cked up."

on!! drive and ride the latest model vehicles!! live the life of luxury by con

entrating on vaccinations so we can get back to normal."

dom to break regulations that are designed for the safety of the general pu
k balance are bolstered off the backs of his gullible science illiterate congr

e entire global effective!"

eloped an almost cult like following.For him to decide he is above the law

ast. He needs to be jailed!!!"

as done this egotistic, arrogant and selfish act! Using his religion as an excu

ll at risk by spreading it. Do they think that all of the scientists and medica
hering putting selfish self interest over public health."

possible for an individual to live outside its norms because we depend on

d mental health. It cannot be one rule for us and another for him and his c
ot for such person and his gang to spoil all our achievements"

he same level as this counties leaders and experts."

misinformed and gullible adherents. An event such as this can do untold h

e chronically sick through no fault of their own."

a self centered cheater with no regard for anyone's health and welfare, jus
t his followers, not exploit them. Arrest and prosecute this crook."
d protect those who look up to him. I am not impressed with this person."

eadly disease like covid."

to this idiot?"

the same as others who have wilfully and intentionally violated our necess
resent to abide by the rules laid out for everyone and this areshole is no d

carries a potential penalty of 2 years imprisonement.Whilst that would no

d yards to eliminate covid. He is disgusting."

ki - you loser !"

his ass from covid he and his cohorts, yes all his idiots that pays his wages

eading eventually."

disgusting. Someone who believes earthquakes are caused by gays clearly

t money out of people for nothing hes nothing more than a legalized croo
consequences for their actions. This includes Mr Tamaki even though he a

line petition. Given the Tamaki’s stance on vaccination, it is highly likely th

ntially putting those same people and their loved ones at risk of getting cov

dard due to their influence."

rch guy too!"
ns, actions speak louder than words."

warped ego. Charge him and throw the book at him. He did a protest durin

rship him. He and his wife have no social conscience.His Enterprises payin

gathering that could cause covid to these inocent people that believe him

area of the War Memorial Museum for his vanity rally. He knew what he w

people , put him away for a long time please."

c through vaccination. Tamaki falls into both categories and it would show
go is so big that he is either blinded or is prepared to use anything to serve

ected? Will he cover the expendature for hospital admission and treatmen
owers which he could use for good, but he prevents true discipleship throu

...then they went and ruined our safety..."

well the clown."

th safety measures."

ships only his ego and manipulates the sheeples for his own pocket. There

maki and his cohorts to use for there own selfish purposes while the rest o
yourself. Put others first."

ere by God. So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against wh

STYLE LIFE. A grieving daughter here just wanting to travel to see my mum

ove to know if he is vaccinated. A revolting selfish individual"

by keeping us in lockdown郎"

n Hairdressing are suffering and can't go back to work until Level 2, the ign
o him."
hinks he is Christ and "leads" his people, and the whole Aotearoa New Zea

utrageously irresponsible, disrespectful to all of us playing our part in keep

him with reckless endangerment."

g all of us, if I could wring his bloody neck myself I would! Ignorant asshole
ryone else?"
maki should have his organisation shut down for defrauding the governme
to save the people of our country from this terrible virus. He needs to be a
from the government"
om his hold so they can think for themselves and feel free to get vaccinate

oss Auckland to gather together. This very action is likely to lead to the spr

x free haven, yet they have claimed massive Government COVID payouts. W

n death. That, to me is a violation of our peoples rights to safe communitie

one on long enough with all his other shenanigans and he should now be h

put all law abiding NZers at risk.His actions should not be tolerated."
ause as a leader he has a responsibility to care for others and doing what h
law and should face consequences. I hope his God believes in justice!"
afe from Delta Covid. His actions are selfish, political, and a fucking DISGRA

thetic Muppet "

ols etc the list is endless."
lso needs to be taxed and held accountable for deception and scamming m

lso needs to be taxed and held accountable for deception and scamming m

parishioners by giving back their tithes.Megan Jenkins"

he heck should the rest of us have to carry the fallout from this idiot?"
ce along with covid conspiracy. Then, to break protocols and agreements t

of my first niece. My mother had eye surgery and I couldn’t be there to hel

wn. Idiot!"

e been shut down!"


wers to a outdoor protest. He needs to be held accountable for his selfish

ckland who have worked so hard and given up so much."

nd abiding by lockdown rule. It is a collective effort that will allow this coun
he beds and time of doctors/nurses that could and should be treating the p

ue. His God is just an excuse for his lazy and selfish brain."
hich inturn puts the whole NZ at risk so Ae charge the bastered he has eno

ngry. "

the community."

ble to go to school. His "church" has been able to claim covid subsidies wh

y the government. "

e key."

ming dump on all that we have done. Not charging him will encourage othe
are suffering. Brian Tamaki and his so called church are behaving like dom
w Zealanders. Subsequently the consequence of not being held to account

psychopathic bio terrorists ."


nt to limit the reach of government, it is not about ensuring freedoms to s

nt is doing but yet he is happy to take the resurgance and wage subsidies..
of more than 10. They are flouting the sacrifices the rest of Auckland and th

just spits in our faces and risks the lives of his followers and all of us. Hoha
amaki has flippantly and potentially spread the virus within the community

ght to be idiots."
ing we need while trying to get the population vaccinated. He needs to go

to keep the community and hospitals safe."

an to get out of level 3. This selfish act will result in all of Auckland being p

ctions, just because he’s wealthy he thinks he’s above the law, we are all e

ot much better. He uses the bible to justify everything he does. Including th

he lives in a tyrannical society and claiming govt help in the wage subsidy."

m tell us his vaccination status!! I bet he's had both jabs!!"

gs worse like this irresponsible fool has. Lock down is hard, damn hard but
ll be the CAUSE of another outbreak! OF COURSE HE SHOULD BE FINED - A

g level 2 threatened by the actions of Brian Tamaki and others by gatherin
isk and putting a finger up to the law and law abiding citizens."
built with the sole purpose of making himself and his awful wife rich of the

oach yet again. This is the sort of stuff which creates hate and unrest. If th

ave had their vaccinations and can't wait to get back to work.... and then I
r... Charge him for breaching the gathering rules of the pandemic. He's not

s can potentially unravel all we have worked so hard to achieve."

ost thousands of people for a protest"
laimed preacher, has severely jeopardised all alert levels in NZ, being lowe
o be dealt with."

with it?"
t seen for 2 months & these people are threatening to undo everything & u
ropriate custodial sentences to emphasise the seriousness of their actions

ders. Whilst you can might get away with saying what you want, you shoul

n himself is full on narcissism at its finest. Pull him in."

hat so should be arrested. It's all on him especially if anyone gets or passes
yone's health or well being"
inal in all ways.."
thers have been for breaking the laws around COVID Alert Levels."
lieves in God does not make him special."
New Zealanders. They should be held accountable for their illegal and imm

ugh traumatic work loads. This action just takes a massive dump on everyo
ws at the request of this man."
. They should be held accountable for their illegal and immoral behaviour

ng or rule breaking when others are being prosecuted for less."

anise his illegal gathering/s should be charged to the full extent of the law

y to risk..."
doms of all of us at risk."
eyond me. Bet he funnels dirty gang money through his scam"
arry on and should be punished."
d by your behaviour and you need to be held accountable"

d he could have instilled the need to wear a mask."

ng an outdoor gathering for the purposes of spreading misinformation in

e should be made to be accountable for his actions!"

e want a Christmas out of lockoen."

or a solution.. As an atheist who has studied the Bible and religion at the U
sh act to impose on so many people & so many lives at risk."

of the law."

offence and should therefore be charged."

he public at risk. They need to be held accountable."
ah Tamaki. Their love of money and ego is something evil. But they MUST
.looks like one rule for the rich and fake church leaders and one rule for th

ring rules as well as assemble in protest. Just wrong and really disappointin
then you have this self proclaimed Bishop organizing protests with a coup
ke anyone else would be."

tended lockdowns and most people are abiding by the rules and staying at
nding the lockdown and putting people's lives and livelihoods at risk. Oth

it should apply for all."

up and throw away the key!"

have happened in these times.Fine him 5 billion dollars that will cover the
rest of us"

age about vaccination."

eing our loved ones, we’re losing our livelihoods, anxiety levels and menta

ardy and they, along with their associates, need to be held accountable for

uences for this otherwise people will start to not follow the rules. This man

absolutely nothing as usual."

ourage more of this behaviour, putting NZ lives in danger.Not acting here m

rs to do the same....he needs charging along with the rest."

dermining the calls for vaccination and other health responses to the pand
his followers are no better than a gangs"

to normal asap, we also have a right to live in a safe envoirment, Mr Tama

it. How rude to jeopardize fellow country people's health. HOLD HIM RESP

he government, for God is the One who has put it there. ... So those who r
n Auckland for so long, absolutely insane that this protest was allowed to g
, he should be charged."
ds again,catch up with my friends. Doing nothing about his actions is totally

e breaches Level 3 restrictions?"

sked up. Too many people doing what the hell they like!!"

antee the ego has been feed and there will be more"
y 臘‍

d efforts in matter of hours is a Public outrage."

are. You protest, you get charged."

law itself."
TO ACCOUNT. People's businesses are failing under lockdown."
kes of Bryan Tamaki are keeping us in lockdown."

y identified attendee should be charged with murder!"

ng is to help make this go away. It was all a publicity stunt"

eld responsible for their actions!!!"

s a hypocrite as he has claimed large sums of money through the wage sub
with way more severely."
blantly did."
and publicity."

hatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, y
s and forget about them. Oxygen thieves all of them."
is issue"

ould Tamaki and his followers be allowed to flout health and safety guideli

a warm spring day out at the parks with their whanau. What makes Auckl
s followers, and the rest of Auckland at risk."

bout others & not just yourselves"

cial gain. He even had the cheek to claim over $150,000 in wage subsidy. H

p their loved ones safe...YET here we have a minority group that cares noth

ance is disgusting!!!"
et away with anything"

their part. Far far worse than the couple that went to Queenstown and w

ntry in danger by inciting public disobedience. He needs to be stopped!!"

his event may well result in a surge in the outbreak, and organisers (not jus
of his anti authority behaviour. It is so wrong! Public figures like him should
ng the top cop's breach of which we have been told nothing"
ing and promoting flaunting the rules and as such knowingly spreading a d

of a reason to charge him. We have too many Maori and Pacific people sca
ople forcing them into lock down and strongly advising vaccination But the

back into our lives."

so restricted. He should be prosecuted."

& end up taking up hospital beds!!!"

when they get sick not the hospital"

eaking the law are fined and not him or his business (or Church)? His follow

ng in the affairs of the government? His anti-vaccine beleif should be shov

much to him"
d. He knowingly hosted a super spreader event. I want him sued by the Cit

es but this utter disregard for everyone is disgusting 郎"

dies his lavish lifestyle. Easier for a camel tmo pass through the eye of a ne

pread of a nasty virus, this gathering has cemented our stay at level 3 or h
sucks the life out of more fellow New Zealanders"

inking New Zealanders to speak up and say we don't find this acceptable."
ountry is becoming racist"
on NZ a total joke !!"

te mutunga iho o ngā reme樂"

y fine. Selfish people. Investigation required why police let them. Then peo

were a disgrace ."

t away with this …. it’s against the law to have this many people in one are

to safeguard the community. He broke the law!"

good honest City. Arrest B Tamaki and wife and take their assets, that m

n return them home. I don’t agree with the protest.I acknowledge that my
their sheer stupidity...."
ot stopped when is it. Aucklanders are holding the country ransom as well

able, and our PM needs to lead, and show us that this isn’t acceptable! Shu

e I believe in freedom but I don’t believe in putting others in danger"

or having this protest. Charge him and his little lambs."

d it just because he can"

e & his wife get away with this .Breach of conduct ."

nd also take his motor cycles he has ."

ollaborate with one another...Getting vaccinated is a simple and profound
ken $91k in assistance from the government."
of speech and protestation can all be achieved without being thoughtless t

all feeling the pain."

his followers and the tax he avoids, not dipping into taxpayer/government
ware of it or not, feeds into discrimination and is doing a poor job of actua
He is not above the law and must be charged."

done by Aucklanders at risk, by his selfish actions."

mediately with force if necessary!"

t. Why do we bother?!"
accountable for their actions, regardless of how much money they take fro
vid Restrictions and should be made accountable."
gives men a bad name"

ands of lives and livelihoods at risk. To not charge him for this reckless beh
d you, you must also love one another” (John 13:34). The apostle Paul goe
his bank account"

your ignorance of the impact of Covid."

that lockdown down restrictions are a political move, hurting their freedo

and permanently impacted and had to admit to his congregation that he w

hts movement?"

m so indescribably angry!"

for every one."

aring, and we are at risk of a superspreader event. He has knowingly broke

just to line his pockets from gullible cult members is abhorrent. NZ police
pandemic. Just when Auckland may have got it under control. What an idio
dead, even after being asked to stop by council staff."

ple working soooo hard to get rid of Covid so that life can go back to some
ng around the globe - that of misinformation, ego and profit; before the sc
soon.Tamaki's morals or lack thereof are well-known. He robs from the po

ules in such a public and intentional way without any repercussions is an in


tially become a super spreader. He's an idiot and he's dangerous - time to s
on is a must!!!"

hief. Yes there will be consequences if he is prosecuted. The consequence

ne if you don’t want to be vaccinated - that’s your choice and your right - b

income for the pastor."

or care for his fellow man."

ecause afterall, a fine only punishes the poor and thanks to him taking 10-
ed to them. He clearly does not. Rules are rules, arrest him!"

But if I can HANDLE having to make do with video calls for the mean time.
ng term gain"
ng together united as a team. Self righteousness is not righteousness. Migh
d accountable, more people will take this as a sign that this kind of behavio

r lockdown. These people don't see the big picture. They are focused on t

e a leader if a church but he is blantely ignoring the advise if the medical pr

this is an out of control ego"
law we will ALL suffer an extended recovery. Very very disappointed!"

is beyond me.The man is not God, and never will, and God zone does not

r his actions"

take place."

and unethical and immoral!!"

potentially fatal consequences for Akd, Nz."

g and freedom. Many of us have family outside of Auckland and NZ. We to

antly flouting the level three lockdown rules"

d needy."

r everyone else but not him and his followers and they certainly weren’t k
Please sign this to show that we do have Justice in this Country."
he people who pay tithes to him. Have no jobs or are dead what us he goin
ough, these people are committing economic and social treason. They are

tay behind bars."

utterly unscientific refusal to take anti-virus precautions, especially vaccin

fice to get Delta contained. This is about his need for power and his ego."

ad fear and break the rules while the rest of us have followed it. I can't stan

nor of the people who believe him. He is a danger to our society, bringing

as many of the people who fund his business."

ve been charged for breaking the rules, then he should too...oh, and chuck

ommunity. Time for the NZ Police to step up and enforce the laws of our c

o spread Covid-19 far and wide."

ife of 60 years as her coffin was lowered into the ground !!"

t like everyone else. Religious leader or not"

her divide in our commubities-call this a leader?!!! Hammer yes, leader, n


ne's wearing masks".Thow shall not lie. Yeah right!"

Nit just a shirt sentence either because he doesn't care. He will do it again
aw enforcers!!"
uper spreader event with displaying illegal activity on the roads and footp
Disadvantaging the disadvantaged."

s. He led a great number of people who do not fully understand the conse

driveway with the neighbours kids? What a disgrace-hypocrisy of the high

althcare workers and the work they put in everyday for those patients figh
le at that protest weren't even waring masks! May not have been so bad

r more* than Destiny - but no one cares. Because they're white. " Please r
ck to as normal as possible."

ority of New Zealanders have signed to manage this pandemic"

sk !!!!!"

loits tax exemption (which is supposed to help separate church from state

e an earlier lockdown kicked in."
hrough the bs"

here needs to be consequences for his actions."

been undermined by this selfish and senseless act that is driven by ego and

and use that resolve. This isn't on. If they were able to charge a small grou
ect for the rest of us obeying the rules"

beliefs (no matter whether we agree or not) BUT he has NO right to put e

e who live overseas need to leave as My Sister is one of them."

will hurt many local businesses."

so contravene."
ne in Auckland. Its no longer about ourselves its about keeping everyone s

ond me and what they’ve done is set us back even longer. We all have lock

s clearly ignorant, but flouting the law has consequences and to date he’s


rings.The police have cracked down hard on individuals that have breeche
under huge duress."

w and must face the consequences."

ing compliant. Their illegal and thoughtless actions will likely mean an exte

police even let this happen is a joke!"

lives in danger, which is criminal."

sing this event and it was entirely self serving."

ttitude selfish and they have no consideration for our health system . For ot

owing the rules and he does that! Fine him!"

st of us. While they protest for freedom they have taken ours away."

ren who can't yet get vaccinated. We're all probably over lockdowns but w

ple more weeks atleast in Level 3. How can this happen and go unpunishe
uster. Hold this mongrel accountable for his selfish actions and show other

ns may now be compromised in their travels. We've done the hard yards in
angs and cult leaders"
angs that are known to have covid, the same gangs that for years have bro

means necessary."

ing or wearing of masks."

’s health and/or lives."

but rather is about Tamaki liking the sound of his own voice!! Everyone w
have been infected by the misinfomation and disinfomation virus. Will the

d businesses have made. He couldn’t even be bothered wearing a face mas

son our NZ borders remain closed for a longer period."

id the violent confrontations that occurred in Australia but Brian Tamaki n

learn how to wear a mask correctly before claiming they were all masked u

him to be in the papers and stay relevant.Covid is real, we are all trying to d
oo soft policing."
ese lockdowns are costing a billion dollars of our money every week and we

ntry, including him & his safe. His actions may have put many people at ris
oing this."

fiance which could be the reason NZ remains under a longer period of lockd

r that change 'FOLLOWING LEGAL PROCEDURES OF THE LAND'. This civil di

th this clown right now."

mple of ."
sses that will be felt if we have to stay in lockdown because of him."

his numpty is ruining those chances."

ay. Selfish blind and lacking any consideration of the damage they are doin

Police will do the RIGHT thing."


ep, whoops I mean flock, in a positive way which reinforces community va

vaccinated, wear a mask, follow the rules!"

down- he should be jailed and made an example"

in near auckland hospital. How stupid can you possibly be. He should be ta

reaks the rules. Simple!!!!"

g the conditions of lockdown"

for one lot of people in NZ who get away with breaking the law,and differ

ould be liable for prosecution!"

untry woefully unprepared to control outbreaks. Just look at what's happe

a stray."
even went ahead when police had plenty of warning AND consultation wi
s intention was bad for the community and he us not doing his part as a N

a show some support for all the law abiding citizens of Auckland"
needs to feel the sting of his actions. How many signatures do we need to b
l want lockdown to end but gathering to protest is not the way to end it, in
bsolutely not the way to go about it. If he cared so much about others, wh
e contrary instigating people not to get vaccination but Police or Governme
e than happy to claim wage subsidies from the same Government he claim
d your lot are going to ruin our hard work."
ntrol over his followers and his bank account"
ers into their own hands."
y to eliminate transmission of Covid Delta variant. He needs to understand

the vulture's that feed on those pressured to support his personal crusade
s theiving cretin in prison"

r spreader event."

ioner needs to grow a pair and make an example of these a-holes."

ht thing to do and we would undoubtedly be punished if we didnt, so why

own away."
ul virus. Just to satisfy his own ego, his own selfish personal interests, and
arm of the law. Especially Brian Tamaki!!!"

women who literally gave their lives to protect our freedoms - disgusting."
n and unlawful activity."

NOT be telling others what the should be doing."

houldn’t play roulette with others lives!"

h during WW2 which allowed these selfish people to have lived an over ind
edom of a drunk driver to endanger the lives of others. Lock them up."
Meanwhile this government offers two options: lockdown or 90% vaccina

overnment subsidies on the one hand and then call a protest meeting aga
aintantly ignored me when I said hi in public (I was a member of his church
e, he should be fined and sentenced."

e attending the protest."

cted to the same law as everyone else and be criminally charged for his acti
e: Wanaka in February"

n.Brian Tamaki do something useful & tell people to get vaccinated, your p

f getting Covid and or dying. We can't do that if individuals are allowed to

ego. His preaching, full of blasphemy, are akin to the rhetoric of a con man

ording to what this man does."

because of idiots like this that we aren't yet out of lockdown. What he did

or the last 8 weeks..."

in the future. He is delusional and a threat to the health of the country an


as best that it can."

t that should be done."

est to stamp out the virus and get Auckland and rest of NZ back some fredo

ne was put on a mask but they couldn’t even do that! So disappointed."

dy happened. The longer we are in lockdown the more the suffering will b
e law and Covid running rampant."
and irresponsible to the whole NZ population."

mined by selfish actions like those of Brian Tamaki. He must be held as an

risks the same here. It’s wrong and dangerous"

ut that!"

lockdown he and Hannah defied the rules and traveled sount!"

es for this behaviour."

o eliminate covid."

of money, and for what? This idiot do do whatever the hell he likes!"

ockdown) by not following safety rules! Is Brian that arrogant that he think

followers and dont care about anyone else other than his wife and himsel

ed your ego then you deserve to get smacked with the hardback book of Jo
he Auckland region from moving down a level, but it is unlikely that the res
urely political so don't blame the frontline."

methods and charge tamaki , the church as a business and any and of its s
he fights for his ability to snatch the earnings of his followers to fund his la

us are not above the hard work class. Oh I better stop there, this man just
tion. The Police's response is very disappointing to say the least."

to the requirements of Level 3 lockdown. Brian Tamaki and his employees

pay big time for this murderous action."

on you Brian Tamaki – you just proved that you are really, really uneducate
find it elsewhere...unbelievable selfishness."
st not trying to squash this pandemic. It’s real, the sooner we all stand tog

e just to allow two thousand to gather."

punity. Lock him up!"

Kids haven't gone to school and can't see their friends. Health workers are
table for breaking the lockdown level 3 rules."
k it appears."
have no punishment is a huge slap in the face to us all. Lock him up and n
ood of NZ in adhering to the lockdown conditions. Throw him in the slamm

g charged as an excuse for martyrdom. He may even be motivated becaus

t already."
needs of his community."
ent by the NZ Police. ENOUGH!"

else…. Bring on judgement day brother ….. you just might find yourself at t
man of God, he is an arsehole and a criminal, period..."

for an idiot who ordained himself as an apostle."

s up the right to healthcare !!"

ed in lockdown, what for when you have someone like him doing what he
ones tangi... He is not above the law"

t for all to rebell against freedom restrictions. Our hospitals will not cope, w
improve the situation as we wanted but that doesn’t mean we stop trying
rules. A life lesson taught to kids about how 1 person's actions affects othe
prosecuted for infighting such behaviour that adds more to the threat of t
it's morally and ethically wrong and a misuse of leadership he should be h
g the rules others are having to live by."

.Similar other protests have been broken up and fines issued - for example

en 99% of the population is following the rules and because of the 1% we a

does he think he is?"

not well."
l grounds. This gathering on SACRED ground no less than at the War Memo
ng at the Domain is not acceptable to me."

ws like the rest of the country."

government yet has still claimed hundreds of thousands of dollars off that
inesses and livelihoods. He should not get away with this brazen flouting o
and should be arrested and prosecuted to show he can't make a mockery
o occur."


eds to be charge for in sighting negative behavior"

o do the same. He needs to be held responsible, as the rest of us would be

his Country."
arge anybody else becomes invalid"

ce in the Government's Covid 19 response and the move to vaccinate over

him accountable for his actions makes a mockery of everything we are doin
ful safe country. Please leave our shores if you don’t want to help save & r

the very least and Tamaki should be arrested and punished accordingly."
sible imaginary sky father!"

o will shortly be 95 soon because of the behaviour of him and other selfish

l other New Zealanders would be at risk ."

thinks he can do what he wants"

t have his tax exempt status removed ASAP.Happily takes the wage subsid
eny him any public treatment if he gets sick with COVID related viruses."

land will have to stay at level 3 and people like me who live in Northland s

e fined."

rus spread throughout the country?"

se followers unvaccinated particularly."

ey broke. If this goes unpunished the general public will loose faith in the

he way - getting vaccinated is!"

l eye are on you!"

he man Police, and the others who organised this toxic Covid-19 spreader

eye to this charlatan."
nfections, etc.. We 5 million now have to pay for such stupidity?"

quences....he should face consequences."

he's earned the right to sit and rot in jail!"

mage to our collective effort. Rights come with obligations!"

ve sacrificed enough already with lockdown"


hat this selfish man has done this. He needs to be accountable for his actio
s selfish "church". He should be held accountable just like any other perso

our Sisters, Brothers and world family from this world wide threat. COVID.

amily in danger."
hen is the arrest taking place."

tch and read about the consequences of rampant Covid in communities ju

h of them!"

the purpose was to 'protect the protesters from Covid', (that the very Pol

emblance of normality."
usiness income ..... yes his! is insulting to businesses that are doing it tough

ous terrorist."

ed, 'woke' useless Andrew Coster, stuff may get done. Hell, even some cop
me for those who continue to risk our health to finally face some consequ

for it just as other rule breakers have been."

eople like this? Why was this protest ever approved? 2000 people all in on

g her powers to make a statement of strong leadership for this nation. Billy

s man is a conman and a liar causing Auckland more grief when we don't w
nd the shopping strip ignoring the well-being of locals. There are right and
the same responsibility to ensure today's population do not fall victim to th
ve some explaining to do when they are quick to prosecute lesser level bre

expected to follow the rules of every other New Zealander."

rotection of our communities, this cannot be allowed to go on."

him I would recommend that the best place for this mongol is behind Bars
Ooooh it is simply hilarious to me, Brian the Prophet, hahahaha,"

arm, and these actions need to be answered with prosecution by the Crow
s putting them at risk. So many other have had to pay the price for breach

s are for nothing."

elfish, thoughtless and unfair to all those who have been following lockdo

ingly against the law and he continued to encourage people to gather at a

te blatant disrespect for the law, science and for those of us who are follo

t, he not GOD"

and no rules for cult leaders and gangs. How does that make any sense?"
and more vaunarable people in this community. We just want this to end

risked dragging lockdown out even longer."

never interfere with that. And all you brainwashed sheep should be asham
urge caution because that’s exactly what he wants ….. to become a marty

y reduce our health system's ability to help those who seek non covid med
and can’t work because he told them to follow him to a mass spreader ev

s act of Brian Tamaki be justified?"

. Something about way he talks makes you wanna headlock the kent which

e doing the right thing. It is not okay that there is one law for tax paying la
s at risk by inciting disobedience, regardless of personal views held about
ets a dangerous precedent."

also spreading division and suffering."

s so blatantly for his own needs and ego? Auckland is suffering already, th

osecuted for lower-risk rule breaches - why not for this?"

e and having seen the affects covid has on people first hand. He has poten
es for the greater good."

us all to get back to a relatively normal COVID liftstyle of freedom. Tamaki

lfish stupid people not giving a damn."

t. Other individuals flouting the law have been charged and he should not
ke our justice system is a joke!!!"
allet. You just know that liars like this have got the vaccine while encourag

and must be accountable for that. Also the city impact church."
and enhance the potential for harm to those more at risk from Covid19 ie c
Auckland. He needs to be punished. He has broken the rules set out by o

Throw the prophet in jail and leave him there until we come out of lockdo
other people's needs disgusts me, while in stuck at home"

inciting disobedience."
d not on anyone's best interests"

and. It's a disgrace and he should be punished for it"

rested for less. NZ Police must set a precedent to prevent this type of luna

g . If he is a servant of God he has failed God miserably with his selfish cen
, people like him just disgust me."
bout lockdowns ect… and bought the virus back to their home and their co
? Bit too late for that."

klanders have given up a lot so that the rest of New Zealand is safe."
e eyes of the Lord.As a Christian myself, I would rather inspire people to ge

lt to our Christian heritage."

r others. Lock him up!"
putting Public health measures at risk and seem to be getting away with bl

urt to the community of Auckland. Shameful."

o refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishm
lnerable (immune compromised, those whom cannot be vaccinated due to

es about himself!"

deserves to not be trusted anymore."

t he could from his Density derpwad followers."

e shanty, neighbours and community at risk. Put your ego aside and look at
n before he does even more damage to people. Thanks for putting my ente

tual point of us being in lockdown?"

the pandemic."

means all of country should just do want they want because if he can do th
he law of the land. The Police Commissioner needs to resign"
eve he is above the rules."
nated. Instead he saw an opportunity to pander to his own ego. He also pa
e progress we have all suffered for!"

circumstances. Why would anyone follow the restrictions if it is OK for him

ed for inciting his followers to breach the covid restrictions at the expense
lta. Brian Tamaki is always looking for attention to feed his narcissistic per

n existing at all. He should be in jail for his part in flaunting lockdown rules
category.What Brian Tamaki and protestors did was selfish and inconsider

police couldn't or would do anything.We must retain the right to protest

ak his mind and act a fool, end where others rights to health and safety st

ed the rules and this could have possibly infected a number protester in in
quences for their actions."

ildish behaviour, the more at risk our community and health services beco

US capitol. This is no different. There is a need to stop his misleading actio

ing here!"
ot well connected."

ame, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many." (Matthew 24: 4-5)"
a person above the law.Endangering human life during Covid needs to be
se of those vulnerable people he claims to represent."

he financial flow from his supporters. Surely his behaviour breaches the CO
e says. Everything Tamaki does is for the greater glory of Tamaki."

eated?? Same question for all your pooh brain supporters."

nd rate rhetoric and marching balckshirts through our streets. Here is Bloo

n far from Christianly."

else has stuck too."

ness can't really claim anything back...get it sorted."

t that idiot did jacinda is just tryna keep us safe and he wants to go and be

e not stop and arrest all who did not follow the covid rules such as no large

o defy the "rules" currently in effect to protect us from Covid-19."

re for putting the whole of NZ at risk. We are all told how bad this variant i
churches exempt from charity tax exemptions, audit them and help the po
o be disregarded and causing harm in this way is of absolute risk to the pu
eed for attention.The police and the courts need to arrest him, charge him
out vaccinations and Covid-19"

ll Auckland's progress."
mass protest . He flouted the rules and breached regulations making a mo
sheeples have flouted."
exemptions and benefits, investigate the high probability of a pyramid sch

mmediate community when your actions have much further reaching cons
sance. People like this need to be used as an example and spend time in j

y will be prepared to fully except the consequences if/when Delta spreads

till does "LOCK HIM UP". Divisive and criminal."

his part in organizing and rallying this so called protest"
oner in his meeting prior were delivered upon, so please throw the book a

eople who've done nothing wrong have or will be victim to Covid."

d foolish display of respect for the kaupapa that is trying to control the spre
heir selfishness - wrong on so many levels"

uses. The list goes on. Divisive and criminal. Must be related to that Ameri
ne else would of been charged. Previous lockdown him and his wife took o

out here doing our best to get rid of the damn thing. I don't trust man, I do
more likely it is the restrictions would be lifted sooner. Protesting in this ma
aki should be charged and prosecuted to the full extent of the law."
sacrifices to fight the Delta outbreak. I hope the NZ Police treat him the sa

thats the real reason for his defiance of the covid law"
all that time everyone has put in to try and knock the numbers of Covid do
disagrees with his stance what a dumbass!!!"
d with no consequences from the Police- just as frustrating!)"

ders have been compliant in an effort to get back to levels 2 and 1. It doesn
o mention loved ones!!! What makes Brian Tamaki above the law!!?? Noth

o grandstand. He's not even complying with his own handbook - see Rom
tifically based facility - like say a Hospital. Cops doing their jobs - not hold
so I don't see him as a Christian anymore. That's why I am signing this."

ty to those outside their church."

rnment has shown themselves to be weak by turning a blind eye to the sh

e charged for the same thing be let off with an apology."

. Freedom has a price, Brian!"

ould prefer that the tax exemption status of the Destiny Church is revoked
as I have loved you". ... John 15:12: This is my commandment, that ye love
orked tirelessly to avoid by following set rules."
away scott free so many times."
nalties. His actions lack love and compassion for others. He is demonic and

ng is done..."
spreading around the rest of the country as well."

ut into the community to continue the spread. Just unbelievable the polic
spreading around the rest of the country as well."
ur. We expect our Goverment to keep our families safe. But New Zealand
erable people that you have the power to reach with this affirmative mess

h. Prosecute him to the full letter of the law."

ith their money."

n the rest of NZ is trying so hard.Lock the bastard up!"

an line his own pocket and then he will get his followers to pay for his lawy

ot. He should be made accountable for his foolish actions."

the land and needs to show leadership by adhering to the guidelines that
my chances of employment. This protest and others who have broken the l
ause, if it is, then not being allowed to drink and drive is a limitation of free
en the rules. The rules are from the government and are for everyone's saf

e reluctant to 'reward' him. unfortunately he'll just do it again. Then you a

acinda and her COVID policy unfortunately now it appears that there is one
w the New Zealand public that Brian Tamaki is not above the law"

the law was blatant and could have dire consequences."

cuted to the full intent of the law."

w the New Zealand public that Brian Tamaki is not above the law"
remorse for the damage he has done by jeopardising Auckland's release to
ew Zealander"

eds to be punished."
ali and Christmas family time. firstly Brian Tamaki has breached covid regu
es for the greater good, are against his actions."

ing will not be tolerated, then why should anyone follow the rules? All it w

this town? Shame Ardern"

00 people that are not following the rules with the wrong message, not a

He should be charged!!"


owers into anarchistic actions which threaten the welfare of the people of
My thoughts are why wasnt this event shut down from the get go by the go
en't eligible to get the vaccine: it's absolutely disgusting and selfish, guy sh
er than the hospital. He will be able to pray over you and cure you!!! Yeh r
f seeing what kind of monster he really is. I see others have called him a lia
ier prominence as a "religious" leader for selfish gain. While tolerance tow

erent. In fact they should make an example out of him..wanker"

ling together to stop the spread of Covid-19 and it's devastating effects on

came back yes, Miss 9 said ‘oh no, now that will keep us in lockdown long
hy and stay safe from Covid."

nformation and Brian Tamaki appears to think he is above the law."

se to be a leader of the community."

y have been. There's always another agenda for Brian and he uses his follo
he only way we can set the rules he is not above the law"

mon good."
do this?"

n protest at my place on Saturday and that would be way less an issue than

e who is following the Level 3 rules . It was unsafe and could be a Superspr
ne to help but giving these special privileges. This should not happen."

me and efforts over the last 7 weeks of the majority our community. What
interest was for his own grandiose Peacocking."
harged with inciting others to commit an illegal activity"
ing many more lives and risks putting more businesses out of work."

munity that can't afford to house their chdren or feed them and has the gau

this time."
vils, I'd much rather be safe in my bubble for the time being, than be expo


d irresponsible act that only served himself, and not God."

rs as well. He needs to be charged and made accountabe for his defiance b
ut even facing a crime. What the fuck. Let’s put this tosspot where he belo
vid. Suck it up and follow the rules and we'll fight this thing faster and be a

nd fined."
to his point of view but not to lead others into potential danger that is not

virus, and let’s see how he compare then! This is absolutely the type of per
d to this unlawful action that placed their lives and the lives of others, in da
amily? Fear not, Tamaki does what he wants and ZERO FUCKS GIVEN to ho

g at risk."

e majority have shown towards each other. Wipes out our work and worth

with the virus without succumbing to it. Instead he used his power to nega

ws. inciting people to break the law, while hoping to cause an outbreak of d
ty for this sits squarely on the Tamaki leadership. There should be a prosec
wn should be charged."

th the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves da

y. This isn’t a game, our children’s lives are at risk."

s why he is in this predicament at the moment. He should take responsibili

g the disadvantaged, remotely distanced or otherwise not yet vaccinated

reed to the stipulations as stated. THEN Destiny Church hijacked it and turn
bro if that's your knowledge, God help your followers."
of 5 Million Kiwis should be part of the solution."
to stay healthy and covid free due to breaches to public health rules. With
iate and childish. He is only attention seeking and attempting to put himse

rged and jailed, then why the hell isn't Tamaki being charged too? I despis
ng yet still choosing to do the right thing for the people of Aotearoa"

ome into contact with."

slaps my life’s work in the face, and all the efforts of my fellow Aucklander

ent to Wanaka!"
dren. Disregard means no hope for a present future. At your own risk the L
s....protesting without any precautions, restrictions and protocols was very
!!! And encouraged others to do so!!!"

own with what he is doing. WRONG on so many levels."

nd spread covid around."

ut censure."

e endured to keep us all safe. I hope justice is served."

to the fullest extent of the law."

e else. he encouraged the crowd so needs to be held responsible"
r lockdowns. What a tool."

Jesus... his behaviour is shameful."

e arses to think the rules don't apply to them. Nz and Auckland deserve be
ame in the papers. Does he care if his followers get ill and die?"
au in harm's way. He should be held accountable for this harm."

d we have been able to grieve the loss of a loved one with whānau in Chris
n the country might a well go out and do whatever they please to"
words of the Old Testament - you are an abomination!"

ot breaking up the illegal gathering due to Covid restrictions. I was told qu

he get's Delta Covid and feels the pain of those who have it...100 times wor
nder the law. A real Maori leader sets an example to keep her or his peop
needs to have an example made of his behaviour"
n rates and he and those gathered broke the law designed to protect every
thers astray."
my family are now. Brian needs to change his ways and join the team of 5
harged and made an example of."

n get to the COVID misinformation. I have family in the UK who have suffe

paying some money."

led to scenes like we have seen across the ditch - and Brian Tamaki being
g and what is right, and see how he is when he gets out of there??????"
enza epidemic during the early 1900s.."

ding by example not risking lives... it's ridiculous"

because they are not polite!"
untry get back to the way it was. He needs to be stopped. His absurd behav

nd those at the top letting this happen. Here’s the line - cross it at your per
one signed in?????? Surely not another breach? So therefore hold the one
able with a jail term, not a fine which would be too easy for him."

e cloth and also dangerous."

nting to be heard.Put him in jail asap!!!!"

o and self appointed righteousness"

tting a standard where Mr Tamaki feels entitled to break the law as he ple
for his actions"

it's their own choice when actually they aren't chosing for themselves bec
human race. Following the rules and getting vaccinated are our "human re

prosecuted now he will just get more confident, arrogant and powerful."
nder the guise of religion!"
od.-Romans 13:1Romans 13:2 "Therefore whoever resists the authorities r

d they should be held accountable."

yed by selfish people like BrianTamaki."
this man should be punished accordingly."

and we will be like NSW, if not worse!"

all struggling getting further behind in their learning. Also unvaccinated pe

let's get this sorted with a level of national protection"

uting legislation! Anyone else would already be before the courts him, his
ping, is ok. If others are charged for braking rules why hasnt Brian Tamaki
you don’t think this is real"

whole project back to square one."

our hardwork that everyone has done from not only just in Auckland. But a
must be charged. He is not god, and he is not above the law."
own church."
ules and the government needs to implement these."

e have this Delta variant spreading in the Community. The sooner he keep
s to be brought to justice.No excuses.?"
k in wage subsidies."
be charged. Charge the selfish individual."

rocket science!"
rd. Your a muppet sir, no brains at all."

y but if that is what it takes these days for the majority to be heard I'll do m

erment. Loves feeling that he can manipulate and exploit the vulnerable."
obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will fol

ut ensuring the world gets through this together as one."

who he has brainwashed."
d encouraged their parishioners to attend should face censure also.Thousa
meone else."

has incited people to break the law, using the God he describes to them, t

erable people."
ood! This is wilful, criminal endangerment of the lives of others to keep the
ey but pay none yourself?"
is complying to keep others safe. I'm annoyed at what they done. Pissed o
erent than any other citizen who breaks the rules of lockdown. This man s

ctions throw the book at him please and while you are at it remove the ch
ompletly irresponsible."

tay home "

e is not understand that"

ew he was BREAKING THE LAW !!!"

e made to answer for his actions"

of what I learnt when I went to church."

idiot get similar consequences. Why don’t people see this for what it is, h
t. He is one of covids best friends. He blatantly flouts the law on many occa
STAY home. Jail him, and close the church down."
and go hungry themselves."
efinitely be charged"

o get back to what they do so well and earn a real income."

I would stand strong to refuse them hospital care. He is making a mockery

astered over my feed. Mask up not just for my health, but for my eyes too

bout year 12 exams. While I fully support freedom of choice, throwing pet
sters when they get sick from COVID! Prosecute the lot of them."

He takes government money illegally. I could go on."

ers that are sticking to the rules. What makes him the exception???"
t everyone."

right to oxygen and life itself for our babies and our elders, many of the la
ost loved ones to covid. Social distance,stay safe."
the Law"
ety of his followers"

ers the virus and it ultimately kills them!!"

s done the longest lock down this guy should be held accountable for his s

o promote his own ego."

protest against the Government while putting a hand out for the COVID su
les and laws that everyone has to follow by.I wish he would loose all the m
e good of our citizens and caregivers. Shameful."
mple and counters what were are being asked to do legally to prevent the s
ccountable for their actions. They think they're above the law and repeated
ad of a fine and the maximum of 6 months- their followers are welcome to

he majority of Aucklanders have done the hard yards but everyone pays fo

the line and with one's doing this it will also delay Auckland coming out of

o us in Auckland. It's simply not on. Can I host be an event if 1,000, no cons
stical, selfish human with total disregard for the safety and health of other

tting him go ahead!."

0 times worse and gets nothing?"

ooking their wedding, hasn't seen loved one in months, has closed their bu
ng a roit in the mist of these unfor sean times with thousands on NZ ander
ven the Pope is vaccinated and supports it while Tamaki opposes. Beware

es....Its !!!!NOT OK!!!!!"

g up whenever you can get media! You do display qualities of a complete id

ndreds to an area. He believes he is a law of his own. Arrest him and his wif
ns and right to free speech has put lives and livelihoods in danger."

alth. A toxic man desperate to be noticed ."

annoying/inconvenient or we strongly disagree. Very unfair for BT and his

to breaking the law."

m. Can he not see that unless people comply with lockdowns and get vaccin
many have done and put such huge pressure on containing this outbreak.
atement to his followers "let's get arrested""

spital. If he was a responsible citizen he would be advising his gang memb

communities of Aoteoroa."

and and genually"

may minimize the severity of how it will effect you if you become COVID po
nt for him. Teach him a lesson."

like this man has is completely unacceptable in our books."

re the consequences should be enforced."

ave undone all the work of Auckland’s lockdown and needs to be punishe
lock the him up for 6 months. Oh hang on Destiny is banned from the pri

deserve our respect, unlike the gathered mob and it's organisers."
lly giving away. I am a devout Christian and this science denying, fear mon
m breaking the rules."
ful actions."

e our self compassion. Hes needs to respect and think of everyone  we

owers & boosting his ego. Disgusting"

o thousands of lives being lost"

mselves, certainly putting heir heart and soul into, as well as giving employ

da well above that of our team of 5 million and each individual person with
e Christian or a indeed any member of any other religion would seek to un
he lost sheep tithing. Wanker"

ole population of New Zealand. I cant think of a more deliberate risk to our

sidy help"
a kick in the face to us all. "

& thoughtless to the extreme. By all means have your beliefs but DON'T p
e and gullible people."

4 were not wearing masks and not keeping distance. Especially when every

ackers Kiss my ring Tamaki. They are allowed to breathe. What's the answ

ould be charged not only for his actions as an individual but as a public figu
huge gain later, did he forget we had a rare and world-envious zero covid c
r not going in and shutting it down because a riot would play into Tamaki's
this the wrong way."

ssion for others in the community including health care workers."

health act!"
uckland and thr entire country at risk - he needs to face the concequences

al. Where does this term "Woke" come from ? Is that an American thing ?

t and because you like to stir up decent . You have no respect for life , othe
needn’t practicals which we can’t have ave with Covid. These people are ris

ces should surely be more than enough to hold him to account?!"

… this person is a liar an anti humanist and a scourge on the earth."

oice or leader"

should be treated as such."

ng Aucklanders at risk but endangering the whole of NZ. He is the ring lead
opinion, no issue, but I also have a right not to hear his poisonous rubbish!"
r any of the Bishop's properties"

o displays a lack of respect towards not just the leader of this country, but

ay taxes because he runs a ‘church’. He’s a moron."

cially our children who have no protection whatsoever against the delta va

flagrant rule-breaker. He will be one of the reasons we are in lockdown fo

ut I think he is a bit twisted about what a church us supposed to be - not a

has deliberately and knowingly broken the law."

ockdown will cease when everyone is!!"

r any of the delta cases that may ensue? Or for the sudden fraying of our r

els and it was likely and is currently likely our best chance of curbing the sp

me balls and charge this idiot. To the judge that delivers the sentence, ple

r doors open. He will be the cause of level 4 again"

hese reckless people with not a thought for anyone but themselves have b

reduce Covid spread! He’s an egotistical mongrel who should be behind b

uman being and how he got so many people to follow his idiotic ways is be
es rhe government for what he does himself. Hr us probably having troub
see and celebrate with but until it's safe enough we just have to go with t

way the key. Bloody trouble maker talking g people out of getting vaccinat

ple to champion misinformation that will ultimately lead to the deaths of s

edy man and his wife. It's time the Serious Fraud Office stepped in and we
n to be safe. By not charging him sends the message that there are no cons

g one sided and held accountable"

ed with breaking it and sentenced to punishment.Tamaki is a self declared

d easily pay but with a prison sentence so he has time to reflect on what ha
to happen, big mistake Mr "BRIAN make rules of my own TAMAKI".Absolu

e health and welfare of the largest city of our nation at risk, holding a mas

ple of Auckland. I can't help but wonder if this was another group, would th
e of a vulnerable demographic of people"
He's a danger to all NZers."

down rules"

ke their money to pay for his lavish lifestyle... never mind the well being of
a outbreak. His actions are anti New Zealand and he should be locked up f
the impact to hospitals and businesses people of nz!"

ut masks - Unbelievable!"
t have been supporting him. Over 120,000 people saying "No!""

, and should be helded accountable for there actions last Saturday"

ckets, the next endangering the lives of the community with irresponsible
p their coffers because the lockdown has affected their income stream. It is

re braincells than Brian and all his followers put together.As far as I'm con
seen on the TV screen that there were quite a few violaters in the crowd.

urs are very selfish and against the public‘s interests."

tion. Very Christian if you mate!!!! "

noon. Not only is he breaking the rules he is encouraging others too."

thers the way you want to be treated. How would Brian Tamaki like it if I d

He is not the voice of God !"

ng right in front of him."
like himself."

ey might be."
e of luxury by conning money from their own people!! disgusting ....they b

y of the general public and installed by legitimate governing process . The

nce illiterate congregation so he can feel relevant. Disgusting! Charge him a

e is above the law of the land, and can use his position and influence to do

religion as an excuse for his pathetic and stupid action to endanger our sa

entists and medical experts are wrong?"

use we depend on what other members of society give to us.Therefore wh

r for him and his cronies… which is how it currently appears."

his can do untold harm and make nonsense of the sacrifices made by the m
th and welfare, just lining his own pockets."
his crook."
with this person."
violated our necessary covid public health responses."
his areshole is no different to anyone else Why should he get away with flo
hilst that would not be the penalty applied, it would then mean that Austr
hat pays his wages an give freely of their well earned money ,well Gud for

sed by gays clearly has no scientific knowledge about Covid-19. He is uned

an a legalized crook throw him in jail"

ki even though he appears to think he is above the law."

it is highly likely that a large number of the people who attended this prot
t risk of getting covid and maybe dying from it. This is irresponsible. We all
did a protest during the first lockd and now again. How dare he assume to

Enterprises paying no tax in the disguise of so called charities."

e that believe him He is causing more havoc than good"

He knew what he was doing.Throw the book at him fellow New Zealander

and it would show no respect for the rule abiding public for the Govt/polic
e anything to serve his own interest. At least he has not been seen holding

sion and treatment, testing, isolation stays or funeral costs ? Will he pay th
e discipleship through his own egotistic actions. He is a false leader in the

own pocket. There's nothing that he's ever done for anyone else but himse

ses while the rest of us do our part to stay home, stay safe."
belling against what God has instituted and they will be punished"
vel to see my mum down Taranaki and it's FUCKERS LIKE YOU THAT FUCK I
ntil Level 2, the ignorance of this Muppet will just prolong that!"
Aotearoa New Zealand community, into "evil" and danger. He is a Cult Lea

ng our part in keeping us all safe while we battle this virus."

d! Ignorant asshole"
ding the government funding for Covid-19 Wage Subsidy, and for illegal Tax
s. He needs to be arrested and charged now!!!"
ee to get vaccinated against Covid 19."

y to lead to the spread of Covid and as such lead to longer lockdown for Au

t COVID payouts. Why is he and his cronies getting Government & police s

o safe communities during this time and is irresponsible to say the least."
e should now be held accountable for his actions. We need to start showin

be tolerated."
s and doing what he did, he obviously doesn't care."
ves in justice!"
d a fucking DISGRACE to NZ and to Māori. Brian Tamaki may be Māori - bu
on and scamming money off his congregation."

on and scamming money off his congregation."

om this idiot?"
and agreements to host a protest that was nothing more then an ego wan

n’t be there to help her. Because I’m abiding by the laws. This man had en
able for his selfish actions."
will allow this country to return to a covid safe normality, that is our norm.
ld be treating the people that ARE thinking of others in our communities.
astered he has enough money to pay for him and all of his 2000 flock"
covid subsidies when families are struggling to get through each day. His b
will encourage other people to do what he did knowing there is no consequ
behaving like domestic terrorists and they need to accept that they are no
ng held to account will undoubtedly fuel his desire to hold a second demon

ring freedoms to some that reduce the freedoms of others. It seems so ob

d wage subsidies... bloody moron"
of Auckland and the country have made, they are risking peoples health a

and all of us. Hoha. Bloody hoha."

hin the community with his reckless behavior, organizing a protest in centr
ed. He needs to go to jail!"
f Auckland being punished when it should be Brian Tamaki that should pay

he law, we are all equal in this fight against Covid and we are all responsib

e does. Including the time he and his wife left Auckland the night before th
the wage subsidy."

rd, damn hard but he just made it worse. Fool"

OULD BE FINED - AND MORE as far as Im concerned"
others by gathering in large numbers, many without masks to protest aga
wful wife rich of the backs of ignorant, desperate people. He’s nothing mor

e and unrest. If they dont get prosecuted, why should anyone else get pro

work.... and then I see this on the news. What the bloody hell...? Why???
pandemic. He's not the Apostle he thinks he is. He should be locked up for

s in NZ, being lowered. He needs to be charged with putting our people an
ndo everything & us ever seeing any normality!!"
ess of their actions."

ou want, you shouldn’t get away with doing what you want - especially if it
one gets or passes COVID because of the protest"
ert Levels."
eir illegal and immoral behaviour and the ridk this poses to the health and

ve dump on everyone’s efforts, struggle, pain and sacrifice. It is a statemen

mmoral behaviour and the risk this poses to the health and safetyof our co

or less."
extent of the law.... he has deliberately endangered the lives of everyone
misinformation in the middle of a pandemic and expect the public to have
d religion at the University of Auckland, one of the most important of the
il. But they MUST live with the consequences of their actions."
and one rule for the rest of us"

really disappointing to see no reprocussions for his actions."

otests with a couple of thousand people. And I object to where he held it.

ules and staying at home. He jeopardises the health & safety of Auckland r
hoods at risk. Others who have committed less serious offences relating to

that will cover the countries nxt wage subsidy from being in another lockdo
y levels and mental health issues are increasing.The Prime Minister says th

eld accountable for holding and supporting this illegal protest"

the rules. This man is a criminal and should be locked up."

r.Not acting here makes the lockdown mute.Not acting here will encourag

onses to the pandemic puts them at greater risk."

voirment, Mr Tamaki protest has possibly compromised younger children

. ... So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey G
t was allowed to go ahead breaking all L3 restrictions. So unfair to all law
his actions is totally sending out the wrong message to everyone who’s dea
ough the wage subsidy.We want him to be held accountable. Charge Brian
d sisters of mine, you did for me.’"
and safety guidelines without repercussions?"
What makes Auckland angry, this behavior does. Not the first time Destiny
in wage subsidy. He’s a con man!"

up that cares nothing for the safety of their fellow man, let alone the safe
Queenstown and was vilified in the media."

s to be stopped!!"
organisers (not just Brian Tamaki) should be held accountable."
res like him should be made an example of."

ingly spreading a deadly virus."

d Pacific people scared to get vaccinated and this type of protest and preac
accination But they are taking away MY rights to live in a clean safe covid f
Church)? His followers also need to be prosecuted."

eif should be shoved unto his ass not unto our faces- we can choose for ou
him sued by the City of Auckland as well for contravening our rights to a Co
ugh the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. H

stay at level 3 or higher. What a prat."

d this acceptable."
let them. Then people or government fired."
y people in one area so close together 郎!"

heir assets, that might make him sit up and take notice."

knowledge that my whanau walk strong with the lord and with destiny but
try ransom as well as the govt I’ve got family dying who I can’t see ."

n’t acceptable! Shut him down once and for all."

rs in danger"
mple and profound way to care for one another, especially the most vulner
being thoughtless toward other people. There are other platforms to use t

ayer/government wage subsidies."

poor job of actually protecting Aotearoaians."
money they take from financially insecure people. If he was in Melbourne, h
r this reckless behaviour is insulting and completely wrong. The personal c
he apostle Paul goes on to tell us “Love does no wrong to a neighbor. Love,
urting their freedom. His actions are directly, negatively affecting the rest o

regation that he was wrong."

as knowingly broken the current laws in Level 3, actively encouraging othe
horrent. NZ police need to step up and POLICE the law."
ntrol. What an idiot!"

n go back to some sort of normal, and that is life without the lockdowns :(
ofit; before the science, caring for the vulnerable, and the health and well
e robs from the poor, preys on the lesser intelligent, and feathers his own n

percussions is an insult to us all and sends dangerously mixed messages to

ngerous - time to shut him up. He disobeyed the alert level rules during th
The consequences of condoning his criminality are far more destructive t
e and your right - but don’t afflicted yourself views on everyone else but pu

s to him taking 10-15% of his followers earnings, hes not poor. Every identi
or the mean time. THEN BRIAN TAMAKI couldve done all this via SKYPE or
ghteousness. Might be time to get on your knees and ask Jesus to soften y
his kind of behavior is acceptable, and we can kiss any hope of normality i

y are focused on their own selfish "rights"."

se if the medical professionals and government of the mandatory safety pr


od zone does not need people like this man, who is all about himself.Sham
and and NZ. We too want to have freedom to see our families with the kno
certainly weren’t keeping 2 metres apart and most weren’t wearing masks
ad what us he going to do?"
treason. They are promoting social and economic damage."

, especially vaccination."
wer and his ego."

owed it. I can't stand this man!!!!"

r society, bringing the blind faith that is ripping the USA apart, to the stree
too...oh, and chuck him in jail because he'll only get his congregation to pa

e the laws of our country. Come on Andrew Coster!"

mer yes, leader, no. (and has no shame in escalating the situation, adverti
He will do it again and again."
e roads and footpaths whilst in use by pedestrians."
derstand the consequences of their actions."

pocrisy of the highest order."

those patients fighting covid. Only for you and your stupid followers to jeo
have been so bad if they were only allowed to attend if fully vaccinated, b

e white. " Please read this article:

church from state...) while instigating politicised law breaking, is beyond t

s driven by ego and misinformation, and fuelled by ignorance."

harge a small group in level 4, there is NO excuse to let this slide."

s NO right to put everyone at risk. What message do we send if he isn't ch
eeping everyone safe."

r. We all have lockdown fatigue but we don’t all arrange stupid protests to

s and to date he’s been allowed to do what he likes ! He’s bowing to hold

that have breeched the lockdown so why havnt they done so for Brian Tam
ikely mean an extension of the lockdown period and a continuation of the
lth system . For others that will die not of Covid but once delta numbers in
ours away."

er lockdowns but we're doing it because it's best for our country. This kind

and go unpunished. It's like Brian Tamaki holding his middle finger upto th
ns and show others that this will not be tolerated."

ne the hard yards in Auckland, we don't need this kind of behavior."

for years have brought hard drugs into our communities, and have spread
voice!! Everyone who broke the law with him should have been arrested a
tion virus. Will the anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers be turning down ICU trea

wearing a face mask, just wrapped a tshirt around his chin. A real leader w
but Brian Tamaki needs to be held to account."

y were all masked up!!!"

e are all trying to do our best and crap protests and carrying ion will just p
every week and we can allow this to happen."

many people at risk. He should be hit to the full extent of what the law can
ger period of lockdowns and our borders remain closed �"

LAND'. This civil disobedience is mean-spirited, shameless showmanship a

use of him."

mage they are doing for the rest of the country."

ces community values. He MUST be charged and prosecuted. The guys in P
be. He should be taken out the back and shot."
the law,and different rules for everyone else.!!!"
ok at what's happened in the last 24 hours - its conceivable that one of the
ND consultation with him ."
oing his part as a New Zealander to keep us all safe. We are all doing our pa

es do we need to bring this about? How much public support will be need
he way to end it, in fact it might make lockdown drag longer if someone w
h about others, why didn’t he organise an online petition?"
Police or Government allows him to mislead and break all the covid rules a
vernment he claims is denying peoples "freedoms". Obviously has no conc
eds to understand that actions that put whole communites at risk will hav

s personal crusade. It's all about Brian!!!"

se a-holes."

f we didnt, so why should these people be allowed to get away with such b
onal interests, and his grandiose desire for publicity. Christian?? Pahh!! I th
oms - disgusting."
e lived an over indulged life."
Lock them up."
wn or 90% vaccination, while they allow some members of the community

otest meeting against that government. To cap it all, there’s no common s

mber of his church) but now has also broken the law. What a man! I will b
charged for his actions."
vaccinated, your problem is you love the sound of your own voice"

als are allowed to not only undermine this aim but active setting a precide
etoric of a con man maskerraiding as a prophet to extort money from the
own. What he did was against the law and he deserves everything he get

h of the country and moving out of level 3.."

NZ back some fredoms"

o disappointed."

the suffering will be !!! This illegal gathering should never have been able t
must be held as an example of what happens to those who endanger public

hell he likes!"

ogant that he thinks we can't all think for ourselves and he has to speak ou

his wife and himself. "

hardback book of Johnny law!"

nlikely that the rest of NZ will go down a level either.If only this man and h
nd any and of its senior leaders . Then troll through footage and fine every
wers to fund his lavish lifestyle and he fights for his own infamy. Let’s use p

ere, this man just makes my blood boil!"

he least."

and his employees should be charged under the law for this deliberate bre
y, really uneducated with no moral compass and no idea of the world.The
ner we all stand together against it, the sooner we can take it out. Tamaki

ealth workers are flat out trying to reach the hesitant and marginalized. M
Lock him up and now."
him in the slammer and throw away the key! Absolute disgrace of a man!

motivated because HIS church's tithes are down and needs the money."
ht find yourself at the wrong gate"
him doing what he wants, outrageous"
tals will not cope, we are struggling to cope now ( while locked down) case
ean we stop trying, and lockdown, masking and etc helps us reduce the ch
actions affects others. The people who break the rules, and in this case the
e to the threat of this Covid outbreak."
hip he should be held accountable he will and most likely has caused covid

sued - for example Billy TK. The NZ public deserves an explanation as to w


use of the 1% we all have to suffer!!!"

n at the War Memorial, which in itself is appalling enough, has the potentia

s of dollars off that same government. He’s a parasite"

s brazen flouting of the lockdown rules!"
t make a mockery of the 1000s of Kiwis to do their bit to get rid of covid 19
rest of us would be!"
e to vaccinate over 90% of the population. It places all of us at risk - not jus

ything we are doing to protect pone another."

nt to help save & rebuild for our children’s future."

hed accordingly."
m and other selfish just like him."
s the wage subsidy from the government but won't do the bare minimum
related viruses."

live in Northland still can't go see our grandchildren in the rest of the coun
l loose faith in the police and we're all going to be worse off."
Covid-19 spreader march."
ntable for his actions."
e any other person who would encourage rule breaking during these incre

ide threat. COVID. I don’t want to see my family die do you?"

in communities just about everywhere else in the world. The suffering of p

(that the very Police were the biggest chance of them getting it), they bett
t are doing it tough. Conducting a protest to effectively increase his income

ell, even some cops treat him with derision. Do your bloody job Andrew &
ace some consequences."

00 people all in one place hundreds of bubbles affected by this and the po

or this nation. Billy TK was arrested for much less. Why is Brian Tamaki spe

ef when we don't want nor need it!"

There are right and wrong ways to go about making yourself heard (looks a
not fall victim to this latest pandemic disease."
ute lesser level breakers. Why on earth did Andrew Coster permit the gath

go on."

gol is behind Bars after a very short trial"


cution by the Crown, for the health and wellbeing of the people of Aucklan
he price for breaching laws why is this group above the law."
n following lockdown rules. Brian Tamaki needs to face consequences. Des

ople to gather at a risk of passing Covid 19 on to others in the community.

of us who are following the law outlined by the government."

make any sense?"

t want this to end but with your dumb action you might have just created a

p should be ashamed of yourselves."

o become a martyr for his cause of civil disobedience."

eek non covid medical assitance. You just need to look at Melbourne's swa
mass spreader event?"

ock the kent which ain't right!"

w for tax paying law abiding rule obeying NZ citizens and another law for t
views held about Covid and vaccinations."
ffering already, this man and his followers are only making matters worse!

and. He has potentially put the health of many at risk for selfish reasons a

f freedom. Tamaki is a money hungry, self serving, selfish and stupid fake p
and he should not be above the law."
ne while encouraging others "question" the experts. A total conman."

k from Covid19 ie children under 12 and those unable to be immunised"
e rules set out by our Government."

ome out of lockdown! Let him preach from the cells!"

nt this type of lunacy in NZ."

with his selfish centred ego"

home and their community. Too bloody many, that’s why I’m signing this
and is safe."
nspire people to get vaccinated by giving them positive portrayals of vaccin
tting away with blatantly and arrogantly flouting the rules in place to prote
God, and punishment will follow.""
e vaccinated due to healt reasons and the children too young to be vaccina
o aside and look at the science."
or putting my entertainment business at even more risk Brian."

use if he can do this without consequences so can everyone elseThats why

wn ego. He also passed a bucket around amongst those gathered for their
ns if it is OK for him to do this?!"
ns at the expense of public safety"
his narcissistic personality disorder. Bet his church has claimed the Wage S

ng lockdown rules, and should stay there longer due to telling others to do
fish and inconsiderate. These protests increase spread, number of infection

he right to protest but not at the risk of others."

ealth and safety start. Do better Brian."

mber protester in inwhich will infect a number of innocent person that beco
ealth services become. Lock this loser up, he does not deserve his freedom

s misleading actions."
hew 24: 4-5)"
Covid needs to be a crime punishable by prison time"
ur breaches the COVID - 19 level protocols and therefore he needs to be ch
reets. Here is Bloomfield's CV
wants to go and be stupid to break it.. so yup im signing this petition"

es such as no large group gatherings, not wearing masks etc. Extremely dis

w bad this variant is, there can be no excuse for deliberately risking lives, a
em and help the poor people who believe in his brand of bulls@hit"
lute risk to the public who call this area of nz their home. ~Aurora"
st him, charge him, and take enough money off him to make an example t
ations making a mockery of Covid regulations . He should be charged !!"
ty of a pyramid scheme, and bill Tamaki personally for all resulting costs an

her reaching consequences. So disappointing"

nd spend time in jail and be heavily fined. Let's face it, his church should h

hen Delta spreads through their congregation due to their arrogant action
e throw the book at him!"

to Covid."
to control the spread of Covid."
ated to that American chap. Recent defeated Presidential candidate. "LOC
and his wife took off around the country before the border closed.. just a s

n't trust man, I don't trust you."

otesting in this manner is only going to achieve the opposite of their inten
of the law."
ce treat him the same as any other kiwi who organises a protect during a p
mbers of Covid down."

ls 2 and 1. It doesn't matter that it was outdoors, it doesn't matter that so

e the law!!?? Nothing! He is not!"

ndbook - see Romans 13: 1-2.Freedom to protest is one thing; responsibili

heir jobs - not holding my breath,"
am signing this."

blind eye to the shenanigans of these clowns and the gangs. Time for a pol
Church is revoked due to public endangerment."
ment, that ye love one another, even as I have loved you. John 15:17: The
He is demonic and must be delivered!!James 3:13-15Who is wise and und

elievable the police allowed this to happen. I know the government is una
But New Zealand we need to take a stand. This man is getting rich from th
s affirmative message. God Bless!"
to pay for his lawyer."
he guidelines that everyone else has to. If he won't, and actually hasn't, he
o have broken the law are extending the shutdown and leading me to finan
a limitation of freedom as well. If I get Covid and I suffer from it: my fault
for everyone's safety."

again. Then you are going to look like you are lacking in good judgement..

rs that there is one rule for some and another for others particularly if you
e the law"
the law"
uckland's release to freedom and the selfish way in which he behaves. Not
eached covid regulations and should be prosecuted, given no government
w the rules? All it will prove is that the threats of consequences for breakin
ng message, not a great leader. And for the followers, just feel safe, redesi


e of the people of New Zealand"

e get go by the goverment/police. Ass holes should have or should be arre
and selfish, guy should be either prosecuted or issued a heafty fine"
d cure you!!! Yeh right …."
ave called him a liar, a dick, arrogant etc. personally I would call him an evi
While tolerance towards this sort of behaviour has been exercised previousl


astating effects on people's health and livelihoods."

s in lockdown longer and I just want to see my cousins’ 沈 Way to go so ca

ve the law."
nd he uses his followers to do it. Stop using God's name in vein."
y less an issue than the 1000 Brian rounded up."

ould be a Superspreader event ."

d not happen."

community. What arrogance to think that he has that right!! What arroga
ut of work."

em and has the gaul to claim the wage subsidy.This man is the devil and I d
eing, than be exposed to covid because of some dickhead who is only conc
e for his defiance because he’s making a fool of everyone as are all the pro
pot where he belongs and remove the tax free status of his church."
ng faster and be able to get back to semi-normality sooner."
danger that is not a good shepherd"

ely the type of person who has no place in our society and the world!"
ves of others, in danger, through propaganda and misinformation. Brian Ta
FUCKS GIVEN to how it impacts everyone else."
ur work and worth."

his power to negate all the all work we have done to help Auckland and N

e an outbreak of disorder and gain publicity."

should be a prosecution as no one is above the law of the land."
e to themselves damnation."
d take responsibility for his actions and ask for forgiveness."

ot yet vaccinated New Zealanders. Fining is far more effective than arresti
hijacked it and turned it into a Tamaki worship-fest."
c health rules. With rights come responsibilities and consequences."
pting to put himself up front in the view of the population. He is not a role

arged too? I despise both of them."

of Aotearoa"
fellow Aucklanders in the face for the sacrifices we have all made. He has
your own risk the Law should be able to do their job humanely when possi
protocols was very unfortunate. I can't imagine what's going to be the feel
ckland deserve better then prolonged lockdowns because of a bunch of id
nd die?"
s harm."

th whānau in Christchurch. Reward those who are complying and not flouti
please to"
tions. I was told quote ‘move on’. My thought was - Disappointing, Weak &

e it...100 times worse"

ep her or his people safe...and he is not a great Maori leader."
ed to protect everyone and he used misinformation and ignorance and ego
oin the team of 5 million and get this damned country back on it's feet as

UK who have suffered through 18 months of this, a few weeks and a large g
rian Tamaki being heralded as a “martyr”."
of there??????"
d. His absurd behavior is putting us all at risk, and even worse, slowing dow

cross it at your peril I say."

efore hold the one and only accountable! His decision! His rules! His respo
for him."
k the law as he pleases."
for themselves because they are just going by his orders in the first place.
are our "human responsibilities" that will lead to our ability to enjoy our "h

nt and powerful."
ts the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist wil
o unvaccinated people are jeopardizing the health of the young children w
he courts him, his wife and lambs are not above the law! While the majori
asnt Brian Tamaki been charged!"

in Auckland. But all over the motu."

he sooner he keeps to his immediate family bubble of maximum 10 person
to be heard I'll do my bit"

it the vulnerable."
unishment will follow.""
ensure also.Thousands of us have done to much to have people just throw
escribes to them, to do it. The Public health act has purpose, unlike Brian. H
others to keep the money rolling into his own pocket. He should be charge
they done. Pissed off actually!! I want to get back to some kind of normalit
kdown. This man should be charged or locked up for 6months. Plain & sim

t it remove the charity status from his Church so that he becomes a tax pa
his for what it is, he broke the law, that’s all, it’s got nothing to do with ‘Hu
e law on many occasions. Time he was stopped!"
making a mockery"
ut for my eyes too thanks xoxo"

oice, throwing petrol on a Molotov cocktail is stupid!"

of them."

ers, many of the latter not protected by the vaccine, even when they've se
countable for his selfish actions"

ut for the COVID subsidy? This is ridiculous! Not charging them at this poin
ould loose all the monetary gains he/destiny church receive from the gover
lly to prevent the spread of covid."
e law and repeatedly slip out from under any kind of rules or consequence
ers are welcome to join them.Come on NZ smash the 150,00.00Out !!!"

ut everyone pays for the selfish actions of a few."

land coming out of lockdown"

nt if 1,000, no consequences? I think not."

and health of others."
has closed their business, cannot pay their rent or their mortgage, is waitin
sands on NZ anders who clearly dont appreciate what sacrifice other NZ a
opposes. Beware the wolf in sheep clothing"
es of a complete idiot and that people follow you, makes me believe you b

est him and his wife!!!!"

in danger."
nfair for BT and his mob to put the rest of as at risk because he doesn’t like
wns and get vaccinated our economy and mental health will suffer. Is he w
ing this outbreak. If we don’t say no, this is not right, to this one, what else
ng his gang members and all the hangers on to get vaccinated and abide b
become COVID positive.It may also save the people you love, care for.It w
eds to be punished. Set a precedent and convict him."
nned from the prisons aren't they? Feed him to the lions."

denying, fear monger is not a representation of our faith. Letting him and t
f everyone  we all need to get back to work, we all not is lucky like him.
l as giving employment to other good hardworking family people. This self

ividual person within.Tamaki should no longer stand upon a pulpit – but in

n would seek to unite their followers for the common good of everyone an
liberate risk to our country"

eliefs but DON'T put others who are relying on the health professionals at
ecially when everyone else is doing there best to kick Covid out."

e. What's the answer. ? Well, are there any billionaires with a spare island

but as a public figure and serious regard should be taken for the precedent
nvious zero covid country after having beat it once before?? The infamous
play into Tamaki's sick anti-community strategy. But arrest him soon!!"
the concequences of his actions, and those actions need to be more than a

n American thing ? Pardon my ignorance. Too much Lenny Bruce, sorry. I m

spect for life , others or codes of conduct in society . Shame on you !"
hese people are risking our entire future and it can’t not be allowed"


he earth."

He is the ring leader and along with others charged for their vulgar rally.o
oisonous rubbish!"
f this country, but to those of us who have been doing our part, working to
gainst the delta variant of covid. Shameful to allow this to happen."

are in lockdown for longer."

osed to be - not a source of income for him."

en fraying of our resolve? Probably not. But some of us will pay for this - w

e of curbing the spread of delta variant. With lots, read that as 85- 90 % o

s the sentence, please make it a condition that while in jail no rope is allow
hemselves have been allowed to flout all the rules the rest of us are expec

hould be behind bars!!!"

s idiotic ways is beyond me. The people in the protest have simply been lea
bably having trouble converting new people."
t have to go with the plan."

of getting vaccinated, people he doesn't give a toss about whether you live

d to the deaths of so many people, mostly Maaori ."

stepped in and went through all the " charities" books. He has to be charg
there are no consequences for breaching the rules. There are not two rul

ki is a self declared prophet. He is a Narcissist and clearly anti social.....look

reflect on what harm he has done to the Auckland community who have
wn TAMAKI".Absolutely no responsibility, he should be charged for what he

risk, holding a massive demonstration during a level 3 lockdown, putting p

her group, would they have been dealt with differently. What power do the
d the well being of your own people!"
ould be locked up for our protection."
g "No!""

st Saturday"

with irresponsible stunts like this. Lock him up!"

ncome stream. It is about money, pure and simple."

r.As far as I'm concerned him and his fellow bikie mates need to all be lock
aters in the crowd.Do the right thing!"
g others too."

Tamaki like it if I did something that could potentially make him, and his w
disgusting ....they both need to be jailed and the charitable status revoked

ning process . The Police need to Stand Up to protecting us as is mandated

sting! Charge him and his wife."

nd influence to do as he wishes, to the detriment of others is criminal. His

to endanger our safety is unacceptable and should be punished by law."

o us.Therefore what Brian Tamaki n his followers are doing goes against th
ces made by the majority. He has blatantly disregarded the current legal
e get away with flouting the rules, there's nothing in his Maori culture that
n mean that Australian regulations for example would prevent him visiting
oney ,well Gud for him, but yeah throw his arse in jail, no law abiding citize

vid-19. He is uneducated and delusional, as are his followers."

attended this protest were unvaccinated. Tamaki has put all these people,
esponsible. We all want freedom but putting in the mahi is how we get the
dare he assume to represent all of Maoridom. MUTT."


ow New Zealanders."

for the Govt/police to allow this sort of behaviour. Likewise the gangs in H
been seen holding his Bible upside down in front of the press - or has he al

sts ? Will he pay the carers wages? (I think not) Definitely charge him for t
alse leader in the community."

one else but himself. He's basically the religious mafia and he thinks he's th
er. He is a Cult Leader. He has not just acted on his own, he has lured hund
, and for illegal Tax Avoidance. He needs to face penalties including a term
er lockdown for Auckland. I believe he should be charged, and fined to fulle

ernment & police support while others suffer??"

to say the least."

eed to start showing the country that every action has a consequence - reg
may be Māori - but he clearly has no mana. The police need to send a stro
re then an ego wank deserves reprimand. Aucklanders deserve justice."

s. This man had endangered him self and so many others. He needs to be r
, that is our norm.This man thinks nothing of the number of Maori and Pas
our communities. All it has shown by such a ‘oh well… we’ll stand back and
his 2000 flock"
ugh each day. His behavior is nothing short of disgusting and he should be
here is no consequence."
pt that they are not behaving in the interests of the whole population of N
ld a second demonstration of which Brian Tamaki is already planning."

ers. It seems so obvious really. Which should trump: the freedom to move
g peoples health and lives"
g a protest in central Auckland on 2 October 2021. I would like to see him
aki that should pay!"

e are all responsible for each other’s welfare, health and safety and he sho

he night before the last lockdown and now to flout covid laws and mandat
asks to protest against rules which a large number of NZrs are following no
He’s nothing more than another worthless gang leader."

nyone else get prosecuted? Its setting a very dangerous message of selecti

y hell...? Why??? Unbelievable. I sign this petition it was bloody stupid!!!"

d be locked up for endangering the lives of a whole Nation without batterin
tting our people and country at risk, as well as the police answering to the f
ant - especially if it’s dangerous and against the law."
to the health and safetyof our community. Their is a very real potential th

ce. It is a statement of arrogance and entitlement, self above others. It epi

nd safetyof our community. There is a very real potential that people could
e lives of everyone.. what a selfish and dangerous person he is."
the public to have any faith in the police system.He needs to be charged fo
t important of the ten commandments, is obay man's law and respect thy
where he held it. Very disrespectful."

afety of Auckland residents by his blatant disregard."

offences relating to the lockdown have been prosecuted. Brian Tamaki sho

g in another lockdown because of him."

me Minister says this is a slap in the face for Aucklanders (and the rest of N
here will encourage Aucklanders to take lockdowns less seriously and flau
younger children who are not being vaccinated yet due to the age constr
refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow." So is he now saying he
o unfair to all law abiding citizens & extremely disappointing no enforcem
veryone who’s dealt with isolation for so long & got vaccinated for our tea
table. Charge Brian for insighting the biggest breach of restrictions we have
e first time Destiny 'church' breached the law. Will be interesting what des
let alone the safety of themselves and their own loved ones....If it had bee
protest and preaching is misleading"
a clean safe covid free environment. Our penalties need to be tougher. Let
e can choose for ourselves and we choose to protect others too by protecti
g our rights to a Covid-free city life."
dom of heaven. Hypocrite Brian Tamaki"
d with destiny but this ain’t it whanau."
I can’t see ."
ly the most vulnerable. I pray to God that each one of us can make a small
platforms to use that don't need large group gathering's."
was in Melbourne, he would be been arrested as soon as he put a foot out h
ong. The personal cost of people’s incomes and businesses is at risk here an
o a neighbor. Love, therefore, is the fulfillment of the law” (Rom. 13:10). So
affecting the rest of our efforts to stamp out Covid-19, and are detrimenta
encouraging others to do same, with no regard for the health of the rest o
t the lockdowns :("
he health and well-being of others in this country. Hypocritically, NOT very
feathers his own nest with gold, frankincense and myrrh.That he has dupe

mixed messages to the general public. These actions will undoubtedly resu
vel rules during the first lockdown and he's done it again in this one. Charg
more destructive to our attempts to maintain a safe, stable society."
veryone else but publicly flouting the law and gathering en masse and then

poor. Every identifable person who attended should also be hit with a fine
l this via SKYPE or FB-Live. #ChargeHimAuckland"
k Jesus to soften your heart and cleanse your mind."
hope of normality in Auckland goodbye."

andatory safety prodicols and encouraging his followers to do so too. He is

bout himself.Shame on him, for giving his iwi, Maori, and NZers as a whole
milies with the knowledge that Covid is not rife in our communities and w
n’t wearing masks."
apart, to the streets of New Zealand. And on this issue he is as wrong as h
ongregation to pay the fine for him!"

e situation, advertising that he will see everyone back for more in2 weeks ti
pid followers to jeopardise all our collective hard work so close to the end.
fully vaccinated, but doubt this was even considered.""

eaking, is beyond the pale. There need to be consequences and the tax exe
this slide."
e send if he isn't charged?The Police spoke with him in tge week prior but s
e stupid protests to boost our own egos."

e’s bowing to hold more rallies …. Stop this in its tracks immediately. We al

ne so for Brian Tamaki and his congregation.They know full well the lockdo
ontinuation of the hardship. This is unacceptable and I would expect them
e delta numbers increase those waiting for life saving surgery treatment fo
country. This kind of rebellious behaviour helps no one - it just makes thos

ddle finger upto the community and authorities holding up the middle fing
, and have spread their own anarchy around NZ for years.You have to be n
ve been arrested and charged!"
ing down ICU treatment and lifesaving oxygen when they get covid, or will

in. A real leader would be using his venue to immunise his community and
ying ion will just prolong the levels, wonder how many cases will come ou
f what the law can deliver."
ss showmanship and completely disrespectful to the people of the Aucklan
uted. The guys in Pare would benefit from his 'company'."
ble that one of these attendees caused either the infections in Raglan and
are all doing our part, so what is so special about Brian Tamaki?! The police
pport will be needed to bring him in line to face the law like any everyday
nger if someone who attended the protest has covid."
ll the covid rules and regulations. PLEASE EXPLAIN THIS DOUBLE STANDAR
viously has no concept of irony. Clearly loves greed and hypocrisy."
tes at risk will have serious consequences for the perpetrator. I consider th
et away with such blatant disregard of the restrictions in place without bein
ristian?? Pahh!! I think NOT - More like a thug."
of the community to live life at Level 1, holding the rest of us captive in th

ere’s no common sense in anything he’s saying!"

hat a man! I will be changing my place of worship!"
own voice"

e setting a precident to flout the law."

t money from the gullible and on top of this he actively encouraged peopl
everything he gets. Shame on him."
er have been able to go ahead."
ho endanger public health"
he has to speak out for us!"

nly this man and his band of merry men put their efforts into organising m
age and fine every single idiot there. Should be easy to get plate numbers
infamy. Let’s use public interest to uncover what Brian Tamaki is really ab
this deliberate breach and given his position should face the full conseque
a of the world.The stupidity of all the Anti-Vaxxers to call anybody anything
ake it out. Tamaki flagrantly broke the law in place to protect New Zealand

nd marginalized. Mr Tamaki and his supporters have not only broken the la
disgrace of a man!"

eds the money."

locked down) cases are turning up unexpected already.. But Brian says reb
s us reduce the chances of getting covid and beside no country in the wor
nd in this case the law, need to feel the consequences of their actions, bec
y has caused covid 19 to spread time will tell all and he should be jailed fo

xplanation as to why public health orders are optional for some."

h, has the potential to be a super spreader event!This disgrace of a human
get rid of covid 19. He is making a mockery of the system"
f us at risk - not just of Covid, but of us or our loved ones not being able to
he bare minimum to combat the pandemic. Lock him up."
he rest of the country. This loser only thi ks about himself!!!"
during these incredibly tense times. Aucklanders have suffered for weeks
d. The suffering of people who get it, the loss and grief in their families and

etting it), they better stand by their processes and break up a pointless an
ncrease his income is both condescending and hypocritical."

ody job Andrew & support your front-line officers!"

by this and the police deem it fine? That's not how it works."

s Brian Tamaki special?"

self heard (looks around at"
ter permit the gathering in the first place?"
e people of Auckland."
consequences. Destiny Church and City Impact Church need to face conseq

n the community. If anyone dies as a result of a connection to this gatherin

have just created a new Shame on you Brian Tamaki.have some
t Melbourne's swamped hospitals at the moment."
d another law for the rest!"
ing matters worse!"

r selfish reasons and should be punished."

h and stupid fake person. Thanks to all of you in Tamaki Makarau for the m
otal conman."
be immunised"
hy I’m signing this petition."
portrayals of vaccines, vaccinations, health and safety protocols, and hope
es in place to protect us all."
oung to be vaccinated. We have also taken into account that if ICU beds a

one elseThats why"

gathered for their donations. Tax free income for him! Throw the book at h
laimed the Wage Subsidy as well!"

telling others to do the same."

number of infections, longer restrictions and public unrest.All of the above

nt person that become victims in which these action may cost innocent live
serve his freedom when he uses it to abuse the freedom, rights and safety
e he needs to be charged"
wiki/Ashley_BloomfieldHere is Hitler addressing his supporters https://ww
this petition"

etc. Extremely disappointed that the police and the government have not
tely risking lives, all for the sake of his ego."
f bulls@hit"
e. ~Aurora"
make an example to the other low-life that profit from dividing people usin
d be charged !!"
ll resulting costs and fines."
his church should have all its assets frozen and be banned from holding fac

eir arrogant actions."

al candidate. "LOCK HIM UP""
der closed.. just a selfish individual.."
osite of their intended result."
protect during a pandemic. If he is not stopped this time or given consequ
sn't matter that some were wearing masks. This was a mass gathering. The
thing; responsibility to protect is another. Brian Tamaki and those who ar
ngs. Time for a political revolution I feel. And what the heck is with Tamaki
u. John 15:17: These things I command you, that ye may love one another
ho is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him sho

government is unable to tell the police what to do but for F@#KS sake the
etting rich from the poor."
actually hasn't, he should be charged."
eading me to financial ruin. He needs to be prosecuted to the fullest. A tot
r from it: my fault. If I get it and spread it to someone else: my fault and n

good judgement...slippery slope to resignation from there I think."

s particularly if you have gang affiliations."

h he behaves. Not the sort of Christian behaviour I'm familiar with.
en no government financial support, nor be allowed to brainwash people u
uences for breaking lockdown rules are a joke and that anyone with a third
st feel safe, redesign your thinking of the leader you are following. I want
e or should be arrested as they entered the cult event. Brain and his follow
heafty fine"
uld call him an evil cult leader who’s dangerous behaviour is aimed at strip
exercised previously on numerous occassions. This latests political and selfi

沈 Way to go so called philanthropic person you call yourself."

n vein."
ght!! What arrogance to think that he has that right to risk putting us in a s
is the devil and I dearly hope there is a heaven because if there is that me
d who is only concerned about not filling his churches to fleece his patrons
e as are all the protesters"
his church."
nd the world!"
ormation. Brian Tamaki used his position of influence over people to incite
elp Auckland and NZ fight the impact of Covid. And he did this while breaki
he land."
ective than arresting (allowing martyrdom claim)"
on. He is not a role model to our young. Charge him."
e all made. He has no respect ."
manely when possible and necessary. After all we're in this Together for a b
oing to be the feeling if this ends up being a spreader event."
se of a bunch of idiots who don't care about the health and well being of o
lying and not flouting the rules. Open the borders to those who are fully v
appointing, Weak & Pathetic. I know the real & I’m sure the majority of N
ignorance and ego. He does not represent all that is highest in spirt or hum
ack on it's feet as soon as possible!! There, the usually quiet one has her s

weeks and a large government subsidy is too much for you? I have friends
worse, slowing down the journey to normality in NZ."
His rules! His responsibility and he's accountable!"
in the first place. He is a sleaze ball that runs his ugly mouth purely for clo
lity to enjoy our "human rights". Let's do the right thing and put the "unity
hose who resist will incur judgment.""
e young children who relying on adults to keep them safe."
! While the majority of Aucklanders are following the strict guidelines"
maximum 10 persons the better."
people just throw it back in our face."
ose, unlike Brian. His and his "church followers have willfully endangered m
e should be charged and locked up: not just fined. And his 'church' (aka th
me kind of normality. Today not 4 weeks later cause if them and their selfis
onths. Plain & simple."

e becomes a tax payer."

hing to do with ‘Human Rights’ or religious beliefs."
en when they've seized the chance to have it and so keep other people saf
g them at this point is purely criminal."
ive from the government as far as tax exemtions due to religious organizati
es or consequence. As the bafoon once said "Enough is enough"."
0,00.00Out !!!"
mortgage, is waiting extra months for urgent medical treatment, mental h
acrifice other NZ anders have gone through .. businesses that will never op
s me believe you believe your own shit! You are not bigger than nature an
ause he doesn’t like the law."
will suffer. Is he willing, with all his wealth, to help out all the businesses i
this one, what else will we allow? Risking everything we have worked for?
inated and abide by the lockdown rule. The man is a fraud. His church sho
love, care for.It will allow the world to get back to some kind or normal.Th
h. Letting him and the bottom feeding gangs that break the rules is making
t is lucky like him.brain wash people he gets a pay check every week not th
ly people. This self serving Pratt needs to think a little deeper and really th

on a pulpit – but instead be held responsible for his actions."

od of everyone and not just for the notoriety that their position and stance
h professionals at risk."
vid out."

with a spare island out there, where they could join hands, and praise their

for the precedent such a case will bring."

re?? The infamous Wanaka couple have been charged, why not Brian?????
rest him soon!!"
to be more than a slap on the wrist."

ny Bruce, sorry. I must admit though, I'm getting a little tired of seeing "Ou

ame on you !"

be allowed"

their vulgar rally.on Sunday 3/10/21"

our part, working together to keep everyone safe."
to happen."
will pay for this - with our lives. If only he knew…Or maybe he did. And did

that as 85- 90 % or more vaccinated we may be able to handle this virus d

ail no rope is allowed on Brian’s soap."

est of us are expected to follow. Arrest & charge everyone they can identi

ave simply been lead astray by his conspiracistic lies and not just anybody w
ut whether you live or die so long as younkeep feeding him money "

He has to be charged."
ere are not two rule books!"

y anti social.....look at how this is working out for the US right now.Aotearo

munity who have worked so hard to get out of lockdown."

harged for what he is doing.Knowing Auckland is in lockdown, holding an U

ckdown, putting peoples lives at risk to satisfy his own narcissism."

What power do they have over the government/police for no charges to be

need to all be locked up and the key thrown away. They also need to be m
ake him, and his whanau, very sick?"
ble status revoked immediately!"

us as is mandated in Their Sworn Warrant . The leaders of this shambolic

ers is criminal. His actions have the potential to cause harm to many and m

unished by law."
ing goes against this principle of social contract.They must confirm to socia
the current legal restrictions as if he thinks he is untouchable. Please sho
Maori culture that allows that as far as I'm aware Hit him hard and make s
revent him visiting Australia on that basis."
o law abiding citizen shit stirer"
ut all these people, & their children, at risk. He should be prosecuted & acc
i is how we get there."
wise the gangs in Henderson/Kumeu did their funeral. It’s not fair or just th
press - or has he already?"

ly charge him for this senseless egotistical action"

nd he thinks he's the Godfather. He should be ashamed of himself and wha
, he has lured hundreds of others - en masse - to break the law. He is no be
es including a term of imprisonment for putting Auckland people and may
d, and fined to fullest extent of the law. I also question why his organisatio
consequence - regardless of who you are!!"
eed to send a strong message to all of Aotearoa, that the sacrifices of ever
eserve justice."

s. He needs to be reminded that there are consequences for his actions."

er of Maori and Pasifika people who are more at risk than others due to co
e’ll stand back and just keep an eye on it approach’… is welcoming more o
and he should be charged for breaching the covid regulations"
ole population of New Zealand"
ady planning."

freedom to move about the community without the risk of disease and de
uld like to see him charged for negligence and have to be accountable for h
d safety and he should be held accountable for his actions"

d laws and mandates by organising this "rally" while claiming subsidies add
rs are following not because they want to but have to. Why should there b
message of selective law enforcement. Do something before its too late."

s bloody stupid!!!"
on without battering an eyelid."
answering to the fact that they did nothing to disperse these stupid peopl
ry real potential that people could die as a result of their actions. There is n

bove others. It epitomizes ugliness and greed. So gutted. I believe in freedo

l that people could die as a result of their actions. There is no reason that
ds to be charged for endangering public health and undermining the gover
w and respect thy fellow man's rights"
. Brian Tamaki should definitely be charged over this. He has encouraged
(and the rest of New Zealand, I would add). The PM needs to stop shifting
seriously and flaunt the health."
e to the age constraints on the vaccine, we can only hope that there was n
he now saying he's above his own beliefs! Pride comes before the fall Bria
nting no enforcement of L3 restrictions by the Police"
cinated for our team of 5 millions safety."
estrictions we have seen. This can not go unpunished. Everyone will now h
teresting what destiny this regime will have bestowed on them from God a
ones....If it had been ANY OTHER gathering in Alert Lvl 3 it would have bee
to be tougher. Let's do this hard so we can get on with our lives I am so ov
ers too by protecting ourselves. What kind of leader does not understand
s can make a small gesture of love. No matter how small, love is always gra
he put a foot out his front door."
es is at risk here and he gets to do what he likes. He is a criminal and what
w” (Rom. 13:10). So Brian Tamaki has not behaved according to this scriptu
nd are detrimental to the physical and mental wellbeing of New Zealande
health of the rest of the country."
critically, NOT very ‘Christ-like’ for a so called Christian organisation."
h.That he has duped the poor with the promise of a "free feed" just to get

undoubtedly result in further infection and possible longer restrictions.... B

n in this one. Charge him for sure - in fact don't just throw the book at hom
ble society."
en masse and then getting away with it."

o be hit with a fine/time."

to do so too. He is getting away with his actions and it is unacceptable by
d NZers as a whole, a bad name, in the fight against a world wide pandem
ommunities and we and not passing it on to others."
he is as wrong as he is on almost every other."
r more in2 weeks time?!!!! Shut this clown down!)"
o close to the end. Shame on you people!"
ces and the tax exempt status of US-style evangelical megachurches needs
ge week prior but still he selfishly went ahead. Shame on him and those th
mmediately. We all have to live under the same laws."

full well the lockdown rules . There are alternatives such as zoom to hold g
would expect them to be charged under the law, no matter who they are"
rgery treatment for cancer will not get it. Why are we allowing these few h
- it just makes those of us who have done as we were asked very bloody m

up the middle finger at us by allowing the event to go ahead"

rs.You have to be nothing more than sheep to just believe all the rubbish h
y get covid, or will they be begging for it and displace those who prepared

his community and prevent them from harm. A true leach that only wants
ases will come out of this."
ople of the Auckland communities."
tions in Raglan and Hamilton or caused 2 babies to be infected with COVID
amaki?! The police should charge him for defying the alert level 2 rules."
like any everyday person would be face?"
trator. I consider this an act of aggresion rather than ‘selfishness’."
place without being held accountable!"
of us captive in this covid petrie dish. Provide a plan B or charge the peop
encouraged people to join him to breach the Covid 19 alert level public he
s into organising max vaccination in the pockets of NZ that are unvaccinate
get plate numbers of all those fake gangsters on motocycles"
Tamaki is really about."
e the full consequences of his actions."
anybody anything related to the terrible Nazi-Regime makes me sick.Peop
otect New Zealand and it’s population."

only broken the law but given us the finger. That's what it boils down to."
But Brian says rebell stand up? He can... he will have plenty of money for
country in the world has a medical infrastructure to handle even double th
f their actions, because EVERYONE will be punished if this turns into a supe
should be jailed for human endangerment. I am also mad that our governm

or some."
sgrace of a human being should be held accountable for his actions. The r
s not being able to get the medical treatment we need because Tamaki and
uffered for weeks and deserve the respect they have earned, that starts w
their families and the devastation of medical personnel trying to deal with

k up a pointless and actually Covid dangerous gathering such as the Tamak

eed to face consequences.When I hear of someone so blatantly risking so

tion to this gathering charges should be outright Murder."

Tamaki.have some self dignity"
Makarau for the mahi and strongitude you are showing. Kia Kaha Aucklan
otocols, and hope they'll follow God's footsteps."
t that if ICU beds are overrun with Covid, the others whom need that care
hrow the book at him!"
st.All of the above cause mental and financial loss to both public and the g

y cost innocent lives."

m, rights and safety of others."
ernment have not reacted quickly to keeping the team of 5 million safe!"
ividing people using fear, uncertainty, and lies."
d from holding face to face meetings for at least a.year"
e or given consequences, HE WILL CONTINUE to risk the health of others a
ass gathering. The Destiny Church has happy taken a substantial sum as w
and those who arranged this event should learn the difference."
eck is with Tamaki's eyebrows?!?!"
love one another."
onduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom. But if you have

or F@#KS sake the endurance of lockdown for 6 weeks is all for nothing no
o the fullest. A total idiot thriving off the control of his moron followers."
se: my fault and not their fault.”"

ere I think."
miliar with. 樂 Needs to face consequences....pronto !!"
brainwash people under the guise of religion, or be allowed to spread misin
nyone with a third of a brain cell like Brian Tamaki can get away with destr
e following. I want my freedom, I am following the rules to get out of lock
rain and his followers/wife are nothing but killers they all know how dang
ur is aimed at stripping free will from those he professes to champion. Un
s political and selfish move, has not only put a huge number of people in p
sk putting us in a similar situation to NSW!!How long before his unlawful “
if there is that means there is a hell and that is where he deserves to burn
o fleece his patrons out of their hard earned cash. If the couple that left auc
ver people to incite them into unlawful and dissident behaviour. To do this
d this while breaking the law.. he is encouraging people to break the law w
his Together for a better NZ Aotearoa"
and well being of others!.. show the country there's consequences otherw
ose who are fully vaccinated and have a negative Covid test!"
e the majority of NZ can work out the real reason,... the demonstrators we
hest in spirt or humanity."
quiet one has her say!"

ou? I have friends in the UK who are still suffering the effects of COVID afte
mouth purely for clout and has put many good citizens in potential danger.
and put the "unity" back into "community"!"
ict guidelines"
lfully endangered many, many people for his pointless, overinflated idea o
his 'church' (aka the brian tamaki benefit fund) should be deemed to not b
em and their selfish actions...."
p other people safe. Lock idiocy down."
religious organization and is made to earn his own income and wealth wit
eatment, mental health counselling, dental treatment or just get their hair
that will never open again because of delta .. bankruptcy for some.. what
ger than nature and a virus! You are in fact a bacterial host! We all are! So
all the businesses in danger of going under?"
have worked for?"
ud. His church should have their tax exemption status revoked"
kind or normal.This is why I did it.And that's not to mention the mandate
he rules is making it harder for people to trust the government and the po
k every week not thinking of his followers. Will soon see what he did in the
eeper and really think about the affect his declarations are having on other
position and stance afford to them. An example needs to be set and the law
s, and praise their lord, and spread the dis ease... ? and the word was... ?"
why not Brian??????"
tired of seeing "Our Cindy", being part of our "5 millon team", with her com
be he did. And didn’t care. But we do."

handle this virus differently in the future. Send him a strong message. We
ne they can identify as being in breach. Absolutely not good enough! How

not just anybody would be able to lead that much people to do something
im money "
right now.Aotearoa deserves better."
down, holding an UNAUTHORISED gathering. This gathering was over 100 p


or no charges to be laid yet?"

y also need to be made an example of and given a fine to teach the brain d
of this shambolic gathering and those who attended let us all down , disca
arm to many and maybe even cause death.Premeditated, planned, and ma
ust confirm to social norms. This the right thing to do by society."
chable. Please show him that nobody is above the law and charge him app
m hard and make sure he pays."
prosecuted & accept responsibility for his actions. We are in lockdown sta
’s not fair or just that they can flout the rules without fear of retribution."
of himself and what he is."
he law. He is no better than the Late Cult Leader, Bert Potter; he should be
d people and maybe others around NZ at risk for contracting Covid-19. Th
why his organisation is deemed to be exempt from paying tax and eligible fo
e sacrifices of everyone else are not to be undone by ONE unhinged man a
s for his actions."
n others due to covid, we are the most vulnerable group alongside the eld
welcoming more of this. Please Follow-through, or your laws are powerle
k of disease and death, or the freedom not not wear some cloth on my fac
e accountable for his irresponsible actions. Because of his public profile he
ming subsidies adding up to more than most people earn in a year is beyon
Why should there be any exemptions for the Tamaki cult and followers?"
efore its too late."
these stupid people."
actions. There is no reason that they couldn't express their opinions in an

. I believe in freedoms but not at the expense of others."

is no reason that they couldn't express these opinions in another way tha
ermining the governments lockdown measures."
He has encouraged people to ignore the government and medical professio
eds to stop shifting the blame. The PM and the authorities over which her M
e that there was no one in the crowd that was contagious, this was reckle
before the fall Brian Tamaki!"
veryone will now have to live with the consequences of his stupidity"
n them from God after this incident."
3 it would have been shut down immediately and all involved moved on ...T
our lives I am so over covid."
es not understand that? I am distressed by his actions; he should be respon
, love is always grand. Small gestures for a better future." Pope Francis Aug
criminal and what he has done is unforgivable. Please charge him to send
ding to this scripture. And while I have broken this command too, Brian I th
g of New Zealanders"
e feed" just to get his attendance numbers up, is testimony to this man's s

ger restrictions.... Brian Tāmaki MUST be charged for his dangerous choice
w the book at home throw the whole library!"
s unacceptable by all ethical and moral standards hence why he should be
orld wide pandemic."
egachurches needs to be legally reconsidered too."
n him and those that selfishly put us all at risk of Covid and longer lockdow
h as zoom to hold gatherings.Please hold Brian Tamaki and his church to ac
tter who they are"
lowing these few hold the rest of New Zealand to ransom"
ked very bloody mad!"
ve all the rubbish he spouts. By flaunting covid rules, you are literally shee
ose who prepared? Will BT?"

h that only wants to take the income for himself from the hard work of ot
ected with COVID 19. Utterly reprehensible."
ert level 2 rules."
or charge the people breaking the rules. I’m sick of law abiding people bein
lert level public health requirements, putting their health and the health o
at are unvaccinated and most at risk, we could regain freedom!"
makes me sick.People like these would have been dealt with the same nigh
it boils down to."
enty of money for medical insurance like Trump....but jo blogs who needs a
dle even double the people in ICUs than they used to before 2020. Freedom
is turns into a superspreader, as well as extending lockdown."
d that our government has shown no back bone when it has come to deali
r his actions. The rest of us have already sacrificed so much already to sit b
ecause Tamaki and his followers have spread the disease and all available
rned, that starts with holding this self centered spewer of homophobic vit
trying to deal with it. Kia kaha everyone in Level 3 areas. Keep going!"

such as the Tamaki circus. There is ample evidence, lay charges."

latantly risking so many lives, it just makes me feel upset that he isn't alrea
. Kia Kaha Auckland, the rest of the country appreciates the difficulties, I ca
om need that care for non covid reasons (heart attacks, car accidents etc) s
h public and the government. Those in protests who will require medical t
of 5 million safe!"
health of others and continue this very unkiwi and very unchristian behav
bstantial sum as wage subsidy - hypocritical."
m. But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do n

s all for nothing now.Crucify the bastard. He wants us to join jesus, send h
moron followers."
wed to spread misinformation."
et away with destroying all the hard work and effort the rest of Auckland h
s to get out of lockdown, 2nd vax today, be safe everyone! I am doing it fo
all know how dangersous this virus is and yet he took it upon himself to ho
s to champion. Unfortunately his followers do not even understand the ha
mber of people in potential danger and probably caused an extention of Au
fore his unlawful “protest for freedom” site will become a “location of inte
e deserves to burn forever."
couple that left auckland can be absolutely ridiculed and hauled over the c
haviour. To do this in the name of Christ, is grossly offensive to all the Chris
to break the law while believing he is above it. He must face the full brunt
sequences otherwise no one will follow rules and the country's death rate
demonstrators were predominantly Maori with the Mongrel Mob & we w
ffects of COVID after months of government inaction and f@#$ery. We sho
potential danger. He deserves to be in jail for this at least !"
overinflated idea of himself. A sad little boy. Charges MUST be laid, and if
e deemed to not be a church and taxed accordingly."
me and wealth with the same taxes all of us normal new Zealanders have t
r just get their hair cut. Shame on you. Your God made the scientists, the c
cy for some.. what a shellfish person to Brantley put people in danager.. w
ost! We all are! So stay the F…. Home! Feel into your absolute vulnerability
ntion the mandate our government has put in place for some jobs, travel e
rnment and the police who are supposed to keep us safe."
what he did in the weekend who will be paying wont be him. Hes Satan w
re having on others. Jesus wanted to help people- not cause them ill will"
o be set and the law is there for a reason."
the word was... ?"
eam", with her communication skills, giving us so much information, when
rong message. We will not tolerate devisive behavior"
good enough! How dare these people do this to the rest of us! Enforce th

le to do something so idiotic, he abused and manipulated his audience and

ing was over 100 people, people were less than 2m apart, no masks, some
o teach the brain dead idiots a lesson"
us all down , discarded the regulation .broke the law in the process ,and h
d, planned, and massive potential for chaos and catastrophe as a possible o
nd charge him appropriately."
are in lockdown stalemate now, & those that choose not to be vaccinated w
ar of retribution."
otter; he should be told so, held accountable for his criminal actions, and a
cting Covid-19. The Police need to prosecute him for his activities, to set a
g tax and eligible for government Covid subsidies since he is obviously not
NE unhinged man and his followers. We should not tolerate this kind of une
alongside the elderly and young persons, he does not care but for his ego
laws are powerless and pointless. It is double standards. I am a solo work
me cloth on my face? When I see the protestors today claiming a rights mo
is public profile he should be using that to encouraging his congregation to
n in a year is beyond an abuse of power. Arrest this man!"
and followers?"
heir opinions in anither way that doesn't endanger the lives of others. The
n another way that doesn't endanger the lives of others. They have shown
d medical professionals' advice to keep themselves safe from Covid."
es over which her Ministers hold ministerial portfolio responsibility, need t
us, this was reckless and the majority of people signing this petition were o
his stupidity"
olved moved on ...This kind of self centered the law doesnt apply to me be
e should be responsible for any hospitalization / death that comes out of t
" Pope Francis Aug, 2021."
harge him to send the right message to all of us because I am personally at
mand too, Brian I think is doing this is not for a Biblical reason. Heck - Jesus
ony to this man's skulduggery.That there have been to date, no consequen

dangerous choices and their impact on the larger Auckland community."

why he should be charge for his actions. This is not about freedom of spee
nd longer lockdown!!! CHARGE THEM!!!!!"
nd his church to account."
u are literally sheep that's been led to the slaughter. And you put your chi
he hard work of others."
biding people being the only people who are punished."
h and the health of their families, social contacts and their communities an
with the same night back in the dark times."
blogs who needs appendix surgery when the hospital system is majorly ov
fore 2020. Freedom is never absolute, it has limitation. If my freedom is di
has come to dealing with this situation, I'm starting to feel like Jacinda ha
uch already to sit back and watch this parasite get away without charge."
e and all available hospital beds are taken with unvaccinated idiots"
of homophobic vitriol accountable for potentially undoing all there hard w
s. Keep going!"

t that he isn't already facing consequences."
the difficulties, I can assure you."
car accidents etc) stand a chance of missing out on that level of care. The y
l require medical treatments, that taxpayers will have to cover for and add
unchristian behaviour."
n your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. This is not the wisdom

o join jesus, send him on his way."

rest of Auckland has put in. Personally, I hope he loses his charitable statu
e! I am doing it for my adult children & my mokupana grandchildren that
upon himself to hold that cult event and his followers attend the cult event
understand the harm he is doing to them. Brian Tamaki should be jailed fo
an extention of Auckland lockdown, it was also an illegal act of defiance an
e a “location of interest” Brian Tamaki is not above the law"
hauled over the coals publicly, then this dumbass should too. It is not one
sive to all the Christian people of NZ. His influence over people is in a cult b
face the full brunt for his actions"
untry's death rate will climb."
ngrel Mob & we want enter into an in counter."
d f@#$ery. We should be glad we managed to have a relatively normal yea
UST be laid, and if they aren't somebody better have a damn good excuse f
Zealanders have to pay.he constantly takes the piss and gets away with it
he scientists, the clinicians who developed the vacine you are dismissing in
ple in danager.. we are so lucky as a country not to have many deaths .. se
olute vulnerability in the face of this virus and pray you are not infected fr
ome jobs, travel etc...Remember, mandate does not mean compulsory."
him. Hes Satan walking. Not happy at all,and his sheep are so blind, hope
ause them ill will"
nformation, when half the country can't make their minds up, whether to
t of us! Enforce the law & enforce the rules. Crikey - you can be arrested fo

d his audience and he should suffer the same consequences/charges that

rt, no masks, some were having food. All good. Want proof, see the covera
the process ,and have to face the judiciary of the implications of their acti
phe as a possible outcome. Almost sounds like terrorism. But attempted m
to be vaccinated will ultimately pay the price for their choice. Look at wha
minal actions, and arrested."
s activities, to set a precedent for all people, irrespective of religious affilia
he is obviously not following the rules. Don’t even get me started on his cal
ate this kind of unethical, disrespectful, DANGEROUS behaviour."
are but for his ego.Please do something about Brian Tamaki and his next t
s. I am a solo working mum with a child with special needs. Lockdown is so
aiming a rights movement they look to me like children having a tantrum.
his congregation to go and get the vaccine. Instead he has put them all in
ves of others. They have shown a blatant disregard for the lives of others a
. They have shown a blatant disregard for the lives of others and need to b
from Covid."
ponsibility, need to wake up and realise they are the ones doing the slapp
his petition were offended that there seems to be unwillingness to hold hi
nt apply to me behaviour is insufferable when the REST of NZ is pulling tog
hat comes out of the cluster he will be bringing forward out of this stupid p
I am personally at breaking point at the moment. Thank you."
ason. Heck - Jesus gave His life so others could be saved - the very reason
ate, no consequences for breaching lockdown rules, is sending a clear me

and community."
ut freedom of speech or freedom to do what he wants. This k outside the b
d you put your children at risk by dragging them along. And our children a
eir communities and the whole nation at risk of exposure to the delta varia
ystem is majorly overloaded and drs/nurses/ etc are flogged out will be in r
f my freedom is directly impacting others in a bad way thats where my fre
eel like Jacinda has dropped the ball I'm so disappointed and angry"
without charge."
ated idiots"
ng all there hard work."
evel of care. The you get a narcissistic parasitic cultist like this whom does
o cover for and add more strains to health are system. Sincerely,Maria"
s is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritua
his charitable status and has to pay back all the money he has been given b
randchildren that are outside of my border, I miss them, that do not have
end the cult event knowing dam well that there could be a possiable trans
should be jailed for his actions under the Public Health Act and also for his
l act of defiance and our country leaders should not be scared to procecut
d too. It is not one rule for one and another for someone else. We're all in
people is in a cult belief, that elevates him as a solitary figure in power wit
latively normal year, glad that although the government hasn’t had all the
amn good excuse for the Public ... Sick � f this air theif clown."
d gets away with it"
u are dismissing in ignorance, your God has allowed millions of deaths of e
e many deaths .. seriously did he even think!!! I have no words!"
are not infected from your bike ride to the museum because if I was your
ean compulsory."
are so blind, hope they see the real him before its to late."
ds up, whether to speak Maori, or any other language for that matter. ! It
u can be arrested for trying to cross the border & drive thru Auckland moto

nces/charges that anybody else would suffer had they been found to have
oof, see the coverage on the news. People without masks. He's pushed th
ations of their actions . POLICE , GET TO WORK , and stop putting in the too
m. But attempted murder also not a far stretch."
hoice. Look at what happened when measles got into the Pacific Islands. V
e of religious affiliation,."
e started on his calling Ashley Bloomfield ‘Ashley Hitler’ - utterly disgusted.
maki and his next two protests, they are illegal and not withstanding a heal
ds. Lockdown is so extremely hard… I am struggling. Allowing this to happe
having a tantrum. It is an insult to the civil rights movements that have act
has put them all in danger and then, with a ripple effect those people at th
he lives of others and need to be held accountable for this."
hers and need to be held accountable for this."
es doing the slapping."
lingness to hold him to account."
of NZ is pulling together as ONE....He is not beyond the law, and should be
out of this stupid protest."
- the very reason we should get the jab. I believe that the police did not d
sending a clear message to New Zealanders that law and order, public safe
This k outside the box."
And our children at risk by then sending them to school and daycare. You
e to the delta variant of Covid 19 while we have active cases of this global
ged out will be in real trouble.Plonker...charge him!"
hats where my freedom stops. And those people who do not even believe
d and angry"
ke this whom does this to stoke his own ego. Yeah, prosecute!"
earthly, unspiritual, demonic."
he has been given by the Government in wage subsidies. And to all those w
, that do not have the option to keep safe from this virus. Keeping them s
e a possiable transfer of COVID...It only takes one person to have it and sp
Act and also for his treatment of others under the Human Rights Act. I do n
cared to procecute because of the potential violent backlash from its follo
e else. We're all in this together."
figure in power without restraint. Please charge him to the fullest and maxi
hasn’t had all the answers at least they bloody tried. He is an affront to a
ions of deaths of every faith to die. I believe he has given us the solution y
ause if I was your ICU nurse Id really not show you much care!"
or that matter. ! It just seems to me that she's riding the Covid wave. Anyw
hru Auckland motorway without stopping with out permission & documen

een found to have caused a pandemic breach of that scale."

ks. He's pushed things too far this time people. The law is there for a reaso
p putting in the too hard basket ."
he Pacific Islands. Vaccines are there to protect us, our whanau & our comm
- utterly disgusted."
withstanding a health risk to every person in Aotearoa who has sacrificed m
owing this to happen today honestly makes me feel it’s a complete mocker
ents that have actually had a cause."
those people at the protest will go home to infect their families."
law, and should be made an example and be accountable for his actions ."
he police did not do anything due to the fact that if they had there would
order, public safety and well-being and the spread of Covid is a farce - tha
and daycare. You put your elders at risk, and all the people who are sick in
ases of this global pandemic in our communities. He needs to face consequ
o not even believe in covid and rather believe in conpiracies, they have no
And to all those who attended the protest-you are a disgrace. If anybody
s. Keeping them safe & not have to deal with looking at them struggling in
n to have it and spread it around. To everyone outside of that Cult...Take c
n Rights Act. I do not want to call his followers brainless but I do want to c
klash from its followers? The law is the law aand we have democratic elec
he fullest and maximum strength of the law. Please prevent him organising
e is an affront to all New Zealanders and Christians. Your God won’t save y
n us the solution you are so carelessly dismissed. Escalation of Delta is on
Covid wave. Anyway, that's my 10 cents worth. ;^) Thanks Katherine, (wit
ission & documents, and yet this lot flout all the rules & get away with it!
is there for a reason. It should not be messed with. Please Jacinda, do the
hanau & our communities."
ho has sacrificed much with the lockdown to get to where we as a country
complete mockery to those that are looking out for their families and com
ble for his actions ."
had there would be more protests and they would not have been peacefu
ovid is a farce - that only the greater population of Auckland which is being
ple who are sick in one way or another. I hope your blind devotion was w
ds to face consequences and penalty that reflect the severity of of his ill d
cies, they have no sense left."
grace. If anybody contracts Covid 19 from this protest, you have no one to
them struggling in an isolation ward is my goal, knowing that we have all
f that Cult...Take care and be safe!"
but I do want to call them brainwashed by a Egomaniacal ‘leader’ and his
ve democratic election of leaders for a reason if we give into this sort of se
ent him organising the next planned protests, to protect the people from N
r God won’t save you this time. But I suppose your money might."
tion of Delta is on your head and will affect your misled followers to which
nks Katherine, (with a "K") of Aragon."
get away with it! I want justice!!!"
ase Jacinda, do the right thing. He needs to be shown.He is NOT god.He is N
re we as a country need to be. It is the collective that prevails in this instan
ir families and communities health and livelihoods. I know many that have
have been peaceful and the chance of more being infected. It would have
land which is being used as a scapegoat, should be punished i.e. punish tho
nd devotion was worth putting those closest to you at risk."
verity of of his ill deeds of harm"
you have no one to blame but yourselves and your incredible stupidity."
ng that we have all protected them!"
cal ‘leader’ and his cronies for their own financial gain. It’s very sad to see t
into this sort of self elected illegal behaviour then God help us all. He need
t the people from NZ in what is a matter of national security in the welfare
followers to which you must take the blame"
e is NOT god.He is NOT the prime MinisterHe does NOT make the rulesDoe
evails in this instance. Please do not let one idiot who has a misinformed f
ow many that have been unable to attend funerals of loved ones, grieve as
ted. It would have been Melbourne or some of the cities elsewhere in the
shed i.e. punish those who are doing the right thing but let the sinners run
dible stupidity."
’s very sad to see that in a free society vulnerable people can be treated so
help us all. He needs to be proscuted."
urity in the welfare and survival of our peoples. Pleas consider what can be
make the rulesDoes his taringas? Perhaps he could get his checked.Charge
as a misinformed following that he has influenced undo the good that has
ed ones, grieve as a family together. Seems strange and unusual to say… b
elsewhere in the world all over again. Well done the Police Dept."
let the sinners run free.This pseudo preacher man repeatedly runs amok in
e can be treated so badly all under the guise of a so called church."
nsider what can be done in his cult practices over people. It is about respon
is checked.Charge him, fine & prison time. Take the shine of his smile."
the good that has come from following covid restrictions. We will never as
unusual to say… but if I was to call a funeral a democratic peace"
olice Dept."
atedly runs amok in this country, from his avoidance of paying taxes to his
ed church."
. It is about responsibility over rights. The right to life is the most"
e of his smile."
s. We will never as a"
paying taxes to his preachin"

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