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Usually my team lead will give me the work by sending a link to my lotus notes id
(IBM id) or client’s id ( If I click on that link it will take to GDMS
(Global Delivery Management System) database. It’s a repository which my client uses
i.e. AVAYA. But in the case of Nestle it is SDMS (Solution rest same as above). It
depends on the client. The entire project related information is stored there.

The specifications, which are sent, are called as SR’s (Service Request), which contains
both Functional Spec and technical spec. Now after we are assigned some SR then we
need to go thru the requirements and see if everything is fine, else send some
issues/doubts which u have come across while going thru the specs then put them in a
mail and send it to the onsite people to their mail id by putting a copy to our TL. If that
issue can be clarified by mail they will do it else every Monday evening we have a TRM
(Technical Review Meeting) a conference call with the onsite people and clarify the
issues. Once the issues are clarified and u r thorough with the requirements you start
coding and save it in a development class which is assigned to a request which has the
format of system id followed by K and number with 9 lakhs. Now when everything is
done u are supposed to release the task I mean the request id. So now go to SE09 by
giving ur user name and press enter now u will have the request number which is to be
released from Development box. Releasing is just nothing but just select the request
number and click on the Lorry in application tool bar in SE09. Your job is to only release
only but transportation will be done by onsite Basis people in our case.

Now when a request is released it is to be transported to Test Box so to do this you fill a
PPR (Post Production report) which is again a part of GDMS saying that so and so Task
Number is to be transported to test box that’s all from our side. Then when it is sent to
test box the testers (Functional people) test it. And again release the request and fill the
PPR and same process continues.

So once a request is released its not that it is gone a copy will be there in development
system also. So suppose say if an issue comes up while testing then the code is again
modified and new task is created and released as above paragraph and this process goes
on from Development to Test till everything is fine with the code and then from test to
production box and this whole process should happen in the delivery dead line given.

If u has any doubts u can ask Ur colleagues and if they are not able to solve then u can
consult Ur TL.

Here when creating have u observed there is two number difference between one request
and second request generated. So here one number is assigned to task and another one to
request, u will release the request only and fill the PPR database by using the Task
number. Hope everything is clear and doubts let me know.

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