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Create a transaction with 3 screens

Screen 1
Screen elements:
 Material as mandatory field
 Plant
 Two radio buttons for material general data and plant data
 Two push buttons Next, Exit.
 When next button is pressed display screen 2 or screen 3 based on radio button
 When 2nd radio button is checked see to it that the plant field is having some
Screen 2
Screen elements:
 Material creation date, material type, material group, Base unit, Transportation
group from MARA table as display only fields
 Push buttons: First screen, exit
 When user presses first screen it should go back to screen1
Screen 3
Screen elements:
 Material number as display only field
 Plant no as input field(mandatory)
 Maintenance status, Valuation category , ABC indicator , MRP controller as
display only fields
 Push buttons : First screen, exit
 When user presses ENTER all the relevant data from MARC should be
displayed based on plant no
 When user clicks on first screen it should go back to screen 1
NOTE: If exit button is to quit the transaction

2) Create a transaction with one screen

Screen 1 :

 Entry fields : MARD-MATNR

 Display only fields: WERKS, LGORT, PSTAT from MARD
 Push Buttons: First record, Next record, Previous record, Last record, Modify,
 If “First” button is clicked, display the first record.
 If “Previous” button is clicked, display the record previous to the currently
displayed record.
 If “Next” button is clicked, display the record next to the currently displayed
 If “Last” button is clicked, display the last record.
 If first record is being displayed on the screen then “First” and “Previous”
buttons should be disabled.
 If last record is being displayed on the screen then “Last” and “Next” buttons
should be disabled.
 Exit to quit the transaction.
 Associate a user interface using menu painter to the screen with buttons
Modify and Save.
 If “Modify” button is pressed all display only fields should be made input
 Then if user presses “Save” button the current changes should be modified on
to the database table MARC. If user presses “save” before making them input
enabled display an appropriate message.
3) Create a dialog program to display the plant data for a material as per the
following requirements:
Selection Screen 100:
 Parameter: VBAK-VBELN
 Parameter: VBAK-KUNNR
Validate the user input with VBAK table and if no order is found display an
appropriate message otherwise display the details of sales order using VA03
transaction. User should directly goto second screen.
Activate the standard toolbar buttons, BACK and EXIT with suitable
functionality on screen 100.

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