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Case 5.

1 –The pink dilemma

This case is designed to briefly introduce the student to the simplest and most cost effective method of
collecting information that is relevant for a research study and that is secondary data sources. The case
talks about the rivalry between two competing television channels. The case discusses about the change in
the leadership position- with Star Plus gaining in terms of number of programmes viewed as compared to
Sony entertainment television. The case ends with Sony trying to figure out how to reestablish itself as the
first choice amongst their women audience.
Ans.1.The data cited in the case has made use of some secondary sources. The student need to be asked to
identify what could be those sources. Whether the ones are internal or external sources of data. In
case some students point towards internal sources they must be guided to understand how the

statistics cited are beyond the organizational scope and thus cannot be internally collected.

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Amongst the external then the student must identify what could be the data sources in terms of

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government, non-government or syndicated sources. The case data actually draws on all three.

The data on TV owner ship across type of households could be obtained from the Census data.
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Also when we look at the description of television ownership and cable TV penetration, then one
can look at multiple Non government sources. This kind of data could be available from
companies like Price Waterhouse Cooper, IMRB, Nielsen and others. The students can be asked

to do a search on what could be the sources for this kind of data. Next the students should be
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asked to evaluate the data given by different agencies. Ask them to explore the similarities /
differences between them and what do they perceive could be the reason for this. Which data
source would they like to go with? How do they identify what data source is more reliable than
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the other? For media viewing habits the case could have made use of NRS data. For the television
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rating performance the data source could be IMRB, Nielsen etc. At this stage the instructor could
ask the participants to debate the advantage of a TRP rating with NRS data. Also to ask them

about the highlights of the panel data that is being used. This would be possible if they are asked

to review the methodology used by each of these sources.

The question on whether or not Sony’s dominance can be taken as correct depends on the
transparency of the methodology followed by the rating agency which is citing it as number one.

As once the students examine the source, the students might find that the panel is skewed
towards the viewers who follow Sony more or deliberately the slots which have a clear
dominance of Sony soaps and shows is being used as the benchmarking slot. Thus the accuracy
has to be authenticated through unbiased or multiple sources.

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Ans.2. To be able to help Sony in understanding what Indian women want the discussion could range
from academic to industry data and syndicate data. Some examples could be
 Refereed articles about studies on psychographic profiling and segmentation of Indian women
 News paper articles on Indian women
 Published books like- We are like that only by Rama Bijapurkar or others.
 Media habits syndicate sources like NRS
 IMRB data on programme viewership
The instructor needs to guide the participants to understand that to identify what could be probable
sources of primary or secondary data the researcher must be able to identify the information need and
then see whether to seek it through primary or secondary sources and next evaluate the two in terms of
accuracy, accessibility and cost of attaining it.

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