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Review TRENDS in Microbiology Vol.10 No.

5 May 2002 227

How do extracellular pathogens cross

the blood–brain barrier?
Xavier Nassif, Sandrine Bourdoulous, Emmanuel Eugène and Pierre-Olivier Couraud

Bacterial invasion of the meninges can occur as a consequence of bloodstream be investigated. The extracellular pathogens raise
invasion by some bacterial pathogens. Bacteria enter the central nervous different issues. Our knowledge of the mechanisms
system following a direct interaction with the luminal side of the cerebral by which these pathogens invade the brain remains
endothelium, which constitutes the blood–brain barrier. To breach the barriers incomplete, essentially for two reasons: (1) most of
protecting the brain, extracellular pathogens must cross a monolayer of tight these pathogens are restricted to humans, and animal
junction-expressing endothelial or epithelial cells. The limited number of models closely mimicking the human disease are not
pathogens capable of crossing these tight barriers and invading the meninges available; and (2) there is no good in vitro model of
suggests that they display very specific attributes. For Neisseria meningitidis, the human BBB. However, the availability of the
type IV pili have been identified as being essential for meningeal invasion and it complete genome sequence for some of these bacteria,
is believed other, as-yet-unidentified factors are also involved. as well as observations obtained from various models
and clinical cases, allows reasonable hypotheses to be
Published online: 10 April 2002 made regarding the mechanisms these pathogens use
to invade the meninges. Bacteria with a meningeal
Few bacterial pathogens are capable of invading tropism are not only capable of interacting with and
the brain owing to the protective effect of the crossing a monolayer of tight-junction-forming cells
physiological barriers between the bloodstream such as those forming the BBB, they can also induce
and the central nervous system (CNS). In some a high-grade bacteremia. The importance of the
circumstances, bacteria can invade the brain intensity of the bacteremia in meningeal invasion
not by crossing one of these barriers but by the occurring after the neonatal period has recently
dissemination of a localized infection (e.g. in been reviewed [5–7]. This review will concentrate
pneumococcal otitis media [1]) or dissemination via specifically on the mechanisms of extravasation
a neural route [2]. However, in most cases, invasion from the cerebral capillaries by the extracellular
of the meninges is a complication of bloodstream pathogens responsible for meningeal invasion after
invasion [3] that occurs secondary to nasopharyngeal the neonatal period.
(Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae
and Neisseria meningitidis) or gastrointestinal The structure of the barriers between the bloodstream
(Escherichia coli K1, Listeria monocytogenes and and the CNS
group B Streptococcus) colonization. Two different structures separate the bloodstream
Bacteria enter the CNS following direct from the CNS: the BBB and the blood–cerebrospinal
interaction with the luminal side of the cerebral fluid barrier (BCSFB), which is present at the
endothelia, which constitute the blood–brain barrier choroid plexuses.
(BBB). The limited number of pathogens capable
of crossing these tight barriers and invading the The blood–brain barrier
meninges suggests that they have very specific The BBB is formed by the endothelium lining the
attributes. Bacteria presenting a brain tropism are brain capillaries. This endothelium differs from
listed in Table 1; they are invasive pathogens that that lining other capillaries by the presence of
either multiply extracellularly (S. pneumoniae, intercellular tight junctions, the presence of pericytes
Xavier Nassif* N. meningitidis, H. influenzae and, in newborns, within the capillary basement membrane and the fact
Emmanuel Eugène
E. coli K1 and Group B Streptococcus) or that astrocyte foot processes ensheath the capillaries
Faculté de Médecine intracellularly, within macrophages (Mycobacterium [8,9]. The BBB is responsible for low-rate fluid-phase
Necker-Enfants Malades, tuberculosis and L. monocytogenes). endocytosis and the electrical resistance of the tight
Université Paris V,
It is likely that the intracellular pathogens junctions is extremely high (transendothelial
156 Rue de Vaugirard,
75015 Paris, France. invade the meninges using infected leukocytes as resistances >1000 ohm.cm2); these factors constitute
*e-mail: ‘Trojan horses’ [4]. This invasion could be a direct the principal barrier to the passive movement of
Sandrine Bourdoulous
consequence of the bacteria infecting a pool of fluid, electrolytes, macromolecules and cells via the
Pierre-Olivier Couraud leukocytes that recirculate through the brain; paracellular pathway. The permeability of the BBB
Institut Cochin, alternatively, the bacteria could alter leukocyte gene in physiological situations is regulated mainly by
Département de Biologie
expression such that the infected cells become capable astrocyte-derived factors that control both the
22 rue Méchain, of crossing the endothelium that lines the brain transport properties of the endothelium and the
75014 Paris, France. capillaries. However, these hypotheses have yet to organization of the tight junction architecture. 0966-842X/02/$ – see front matter © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S0966-842X(02)02349-1
228 Review TRENDS in Microbiology Vol.10 No.5 May 2002

Table 1. Main pathogens capable of invading the meninges directly with the brain barriers has been obtained
for N. meningitidis. Postmortem examination
Pathogen Type of pathogenesis Period when meningitis
is usually observed of the brain of a patient who died of fulminant
meningococcemia showed numerous bacteria
Streptococcus pneumoniae Extracellular After 3 months of age interacting with the endothelium of both the
Neisseria meningitidis Extracellular After 3 months of age
choroid plexuses and the meninges [17]. The
Haemophilus influenzae Extracellular After 3 months of age
Escherichia coli K1 Extracellular Neonatal meningitis fact that bacteria were found interacting with both
Streptococcus agalactiae Extracellular Neonatal meningitis components of the brain/CSF barriers does not allow
Mycobacterium tuberculosis Intracellular After 3 months of age conclusions to be drawn regarding the exact site of
Listeria monocytogenes Intracellular All ages meningeal invasion. However, it does demonstrate
that a direct interaction between the bacteria and the
components of the barriers protecting the brain can
The blood–cerebrospinal fluid barrier take place. In addition, meningococcal interaction
The choroid plexuses contain permeable (fenestrated) with endothelial cells is not restricted to the brain
capillaries close to the basal layer of epithelial cells barrier endothelia. Indeed, N. meningitidis can
that secrete cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and control adhere to most vessels of the body (X. Nassif,
transport between the bloodstream and the CSF. unpublished), thus demonstrating that crossing the
Choroid plexus epithelial cells closely resemble a brain barriers is not a consequence of a specific
transporting epithelium. An occluding band of tight interaction with brain endothelial cells.
junctions close to the CSF side of the cells restricts To breach the brain barriers an extracellular
movement via the paracellular pathway, although pathogen must cross a monolayer of endothelial
these junctions are slightly more permeable than or epithelial cells expressing tight junctions. An
those of the BBB [10,11]. important question to be addressed is whether
bacteria use the trans- or paracellular pathway. The
The tight junctions former would require transcytosis, and the latter
The molecular composition of tight junctions has been opening of the tight junctions. The lack of suitable
the subject of intensive investigations over the past few animal models and of an in vitro model mimicking the
years [9,12,13]. To date, multiple integral membrane different components of the BCSFB in humans has
proteins localized in both endothelial and epithelial hampered the precise analysis of this step. However,
tight junctions have been identified: occludin, claudins indirect evidence suggests that both N. meningitidis
and junction-associated membrane (JAM) proteins and S. pneumoniae can use the transcellular route
[14,15]. Occludin and claudins (an expanding family of to cross tight-junction-forming monolayers. First,
16 members) contain four transmembrane domains in vivo, N. meningitidis has been localized inside
and a carboxy-terminal cytoplasmic domain that endothelial cells of the brain of an infected patient
mediates the interaction of these proteins with (Fig. 1), and second, N. meningitidis was observed
peripheral membrane proteins. Claudin-1 and -5 are to cross a monolayer of tight-junction-forming cells
expressed at the BBB and play a crucial role in the in vitro using the transcellular route and without
organization and function of the tight junctions, altering the organization of tight junctions [18,19]. In
whereas occludin appears to be dispensable. the case of S. pneumoniae, it has been demonstrated
JAMs, which are also expressed at the BBB, have that this pathogen can cross a monolayer of brain
a single transmembrane domain and belong to the endothelial cells, clearly showing it is capable of
immunoglobulin superfamily. However, it remains transcytosis [20]. If these extracellular pathogens
unclear whether JAMs are components of the tight cross host cell monolayers using the transcellular
junction strand or are localized between the strands. route this implies that they are internalized and then
Several peripheral membrane proteins underlying cross the cytoplasm to be exocytosed.
tight junction strands have been identified, including In the case of S. pneumoniae, all bacteria are
three proteins belonging to the membrane-associated capable of adhering to brain endothelial cells in vitro,
guanylate kinase homolog (MAGUK) family, ZO-1, although only those expressing a specific adhesin,
ZO-2 and ZO-3, which have been localized to the the choline-binding protein, can be efficiently
cytoplasmic surface of tight junctions. internalized and transcytosed through the
cell monolayer [20]. Furthermore, efficient
Interaction of bacterial pathogens with the internalization requires expression of the platelet-
blood–brain barriers activating factor (PAF) receptor by the endothelial
For most bacteria, the precise site of entry into the cells [21]. Following this internalization, bacteria are
CSF remains unknown. In the case of H. influenzae, either killed intracellularly and recycled in vacuoles
experimental data obtained in monkeys reveal a back to the luminal surface, or traffic through the
higher density of bacteria in the ventricular CSF cells to exit at the basolateral surface. S. pneumoniae
compared with the lumbar space, suggesting that can form opaque or transparent colonies. Transparent
bacteria enter the CSF at the choroid plexuses [16]. colonies harbor less capsular polysaccharide and
Proof that extracellular pathogens can interact more cell wall phosphorylcholine than opaque
Review TRENDS in Microbiology Vol.10 No.5 May 2002 229

investigations [27–34]. The role of these components

(a) (b)
in meningeal invasion by virulent capsulated strains
of N. meningitidis remains to be identified precisely,
given that, as already mentioned, non-piliated
capsulated isolates are unable to interact efficiently
with the host cells. Type IV pili are thus the only
components that appear able to initiate the
interaction of virulent capsulated N. meningitidis
with the cellular components of the brain barriers.
However, following the initial interaction, the pili
retract and the meningococci appear non-piliated.
(c) (d) [35,36]. This suggests that other bacterial
components are involved in the interaction of piliated
capsulated meningococci with host cells. A reduction
of the production of the polysaccharide capsule
could, at this stage, allow the aforementioned outer
membrane components to mediate these interactions.
A proposed mechanism of internalization of
capsulated meningococci following pilus-mediated
adhesion is summarized in Fig. 2. Capsulated piliated
bacteria adhere to the apical surface of the cells
and only a small proportion of the bacteria are
Fig. 1. Interaction of Neisseria meningitidis with endothelial cells both in vitro with human umbilical internalized. This adhesion is associated with the
vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) (a) and (b), and in vivo (c) and (d). (a) Scanning electron micrograph formation of ‘cortical plaques’ beneath bacterial
of HUVEC monolayers. (b) Transmission electron micrograph of a HUVEC monolayer infected
by N. meningitidis for 4 h (localized adhesion). (a) and (b) show cellular protrusions engulfing
colonies on the apical surface [37]. These structures
meningococci inside endothelial cells. (c) and (d) show a section of a choroid plexus capillary from result from the localized polymerization of cortical
a postmortem examination of a pediatric patient who died of fulminant meningococcemia [(d) is a actin associated with the clustering of integral
higher magnification]. In (c), arrows point to diplococci (right) located inside a capillary endothelial
membrane proteins, such as intercellular adhesion
cell and one bacterium (left) adhering to the endothelial apical cell surface, probably in the process of
being engulfed. In (d) the arrows point to structures reminiscent of microvilli-like cellular protrusions molecule-1 (ICAM-1), CD44 and the epithelial growth
which are limited to the vicinity of the bacteria. These images demonstrate that N. meningitidis is factor (EGF) receptor, as well as ezrin, a member of
capable of interacting with the endothelial cells of brain microvessels. Scale bars = 1 µm. the ezrin-radixin-moesin (ERM) protein family [37,38].
These cytoskeletal modifications can lead to the
colonies. Bacteria that produce opaque colonies, formation of microvilli-like structures, as shown in
which survive better in the bloodstream than Fig. 1, which could then be responsible for bacterial
transparent colonies, are largely killed when internalization. Transmission electron microscopy
intracellular. Consistent with the in vivo observation analysis of sections of the choroid plexus capillaries of
that transparent forms of S. pneumoniae cause a brain tissue obtained from a fulminant case shows
invasive diseases, most of the bacteria capable of the presence of extracellular structures, reminiscent
transcytosis form transparent colonies. of epithelial microvilli, in the proximity of bacteria
in the process of being internalized and not at the
Meningococcal invasion surface of non-infected cells (Fig. 1). The use of a
Two virulence factors are essential for meningeal dominant-negative form of ezrin inhibits actin
invasion by N. meningitidis: the capsular polymerization, thus demonstrating the essential
polysaccharide, which is required for bacterial role of ezrin recruitment in these cytoskeletal
survival in extracellular fluids; and type IV pili, modifications [38]. This is consistent with the known
multimeric structures essential for the adhesion of function of the ERM proteins, which play a major
virulent capsulated N. meningitidis to host cells [22,23]. regulatory role in many of the morphogenic changes
This latter process appears to be caused by a tip- of the plasma membrane, including the formation of
located adhesin designated PilC [24]. The role of the microvilli [39,40], by acting as linkers between the
type IV pili was established by demonstrating that plasma membrane and the actin cytoskeleton.
meningeal invasion was associated with an increase ERM proteins interact with the cytoplasmic
in the expression of PilC [17]. Non-capsulated domain of transmembrane proteins (so-called ERM-
meningococci, as well as the closely related pathogen binding proteins), such as CD44 or ICAM-1, via their
Neisseria gonorrhoeae, use several mechanisms for amino-terminal domain, and interact with F-actin
host cell invasion [25,26]. These involve interactions by their carboxy-terminal domain. The cytoskeletal
of host cellular receptors with bacterial surface changes induced by pilus-mediated adhesion occur
components, including the Opa and Opc outer in a two-step process: (1) formation of the organizing
membrane proteins, the porins and the center of the cortical plaque, that is, recruitment of
lipooligosaccharide. Our understanding of these ezrin, moesin and ERM-binding transmembrane
mechanisms has benefited from numerous proteins; and (2) polymerization of cortical actin. The
230 Review TRENDS in Microbiology Vol.10 No.5 May 2002

ICAM-1 ErbB2-P
ErbB2 CD46
P P Cortactin-P

TRENDS in Microbiology

Fig. 2. Internalization of Neisseria meningitidis by endothelial cells. the analysis of the genome content of N. meningitidis
The first step requires interaction between bacterial pili and a cellular did not reveal a type III secretion system and the
membrane receptor, which is likely to be an ezrin-radixin-moesin
(ERM)-binding protein, the best candidate being CD46. This interaction
mechanism of activation of these GTPases by this
leads to the subsequent recruitment of ezrin, cortical actin and cortactin pathogen is unknown. The role of signaling following
and to the formation of microvilli. This signaling requires the activation the recognition of CD46 by pili remains to be explored
of two small GTPases, Rho and Cdc42. Another signaling event is linked
[44]. Another signaling event is associated with the
to the activation, at the site of bacterial interaction, of the tyrosine
kinase receptor ErbB2. The phosphorylation of ErbB2 provides a internalization of N. meningitidis by endothelial cells.
docking site for the cytosolic tyrosine kinase Src, which phosphorylates Indeed, ErbB2, a receptor tyrosine kinase of the EGF
cortactin and subsequently promotes bacterial internalization.
receptor family, is specifically recruited beneath
Recently, the cytosolic domain of CD46, a pilus receptor, has been
shown to be phosphorylated by an Src kinase; whether this is a bacterial colonies in the cortical plaques following
consequence of ErbB2 activation is unknown [51]. It should be pointed pilus-mediated adhesion [45]. ErbB2 is activated
out that the mechanism of activation of ezrin is unknown. Abbreviation: by homodimerization and is required for efficient
ICAM-1, intercellular adhesion molecule 1. Modified from [45] by
copyright permission of The Rockefeller University Press.
meningococcal internalization.
The internalization of N. meningitidis is likely to
first step is the consequence of the direct interaction promote its subsequent transcytosis through cellular
between the pili and a cellular receptor. It is tempting barriers in vivo. As previously mentioned, type IV pili
to speculate that this latter component might be an are the only bacterial components identified so far that
ERM-binding transmembrane protein, thus being are involved in the formation of the microvilli-like
responsible for ERM protein activation and the membrane protrusions induced by N. meningitidis.
subsequent recruitment of other transmembrane However, the fact that pili retract and disappear
proteins. Such a mechanism has been demonstrated following the initial pilus-mediated interaction
for Group A Streptococcus, and is responsible for ezrin strongly argues in favor of the involvement of
activation following the interaction of hyaluronic acid additional meningococcal components, such as Opa
with CD44 [41]. In the case of N. meningitidis, CD46 proteins, in both entry and transcytosis [46]. Recently,
has been proposed as a receptor for type IV pili [42]. the importance of the IgA protease in cleaving
Future work should further document the role of Lamp-1 and thus increasing intracellular bacterial
CD46 and its phosphorylation [51] in the recruitment survival was demonstrated [47]. The recent
of ezrin, with particular attention being given to the availability of the meningococcal genome sequence
ERM-binding site present in its cytosolic domain. [48,49] as well as genetic tools allowing the
The second step, actin polymerization, requires construction of libraries of random mutations in
the activation of the GTPase Rho and its downstream bacterial genes should allow the precise identification
effector Rho kinase; Cdc42 is also involved in this of the factors required for these steps and facilitate
process, as expected for the formation of microvilli- the understanding of the cellular mechanisms
like structures, which, unlike ruffles, do not require involved in bacterial survival and transcytosis.
Rac activation. Whereas other bacterial pathogens
responsible for dramatic cytoskeletal modifications The importance of bacteremia
inject bacterial proteins with exchange-factor activity A specific aspect of the pathogenesis of extracellular
into the cytosol via a type III secretion system [43], bacteria capable of invading the meninges is the
Review TRENDS in Microbiology Vol.10 No.5 May 2002 231

presence of high-level bacteremia. The importance has been made in our understanding of the
of bacteremia in meningeal invasion was initially mechanisms of pathogenesis, numerous questions
demonstrated for H. influenzae. Using animal remain to be answered, such as the adaptation
models, it was shown that meningeal invasion to extracellular growth and the mechanism of
directly correlated with the intensity and/or length of transcytosis. A major remaining question is why
the bacteremia [3,50,16]. The bacterial factors known do some bacteria invade the meninges? Without
to participate in the in vivo multiplication of bacterial antibiotic treatment, bacterial meningitis is a lethal
pathogens include (1) the capsule, which is essential; disease; the factors responsible for invasion of the
(2) the lipooligosaccharide; and (3) the iron-chelation meninges thus cannot participate in bacterial
systems. However, these attributes are not restricted dissemination, especially when one considers that at
to extracellular neuroinvasive bacteria, but are least some of the pathogens responsible for bacterial
shared by most extracellular pathogens. One might meningitis are restricted to humans. This suggests
X.N.’s and E.E.’s laboratory speculate that these attributes are more efficient that the factors responsible for breaching the
is supported by INSERM, in allowing extracellular growth of neuroinvasive blood–brain barriers serve an important purpose
the Université Paris V bacteria compared with other extracellular other than killing the host. For Haemophilus,
René Descartes, the
Ministère de la Recherche
pathogens. Alternatively, these bacteria could express meningococci and pneumococci, an important step
(PRFMMIP) and the some as-yet-unknown virulence factors or metabolic in their life cycle is nasopharyngeal colonization.
Direction Générale des pathways that could be responsible for the adaptation A popular hypothesis is to consider that the
armées. S.B.’s and P-O.C.’s to extracellular growth. characteristics required to interact with the brain
laboratory is supported
by CNRS, INSERM, the
barriers might have been selected initially to interact
Université Paris V René Conclusions with nasopharyngeal cells; if this is the case,
Descartes, the Ministère Invasion of the meninges by extracellular pathogens meningeal invasion might simply be an unlucky
de la Recherche
appears to be a consequence of their ability to induce a consequence of the expression of virulence factors in
(PRFMMIP) and the
Direction Générale des high level of bacteremia and to interact directly with the bloodstream that were initially designed to allow
Armées the brain barriers. Even though significant progress mucosal colonization.
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Bacterial avoidance of phagocytosis

Jean Celli and B. Brett Finlay

Phagocytosis constitutes the primary line of host innate and adaptive defence Phagocytosis can be viewed as either an opportunity
against incoming microbial pathogens, providing an efficient means for their or an obstacle for microbial pathogens. Although
removal and destruction. However, several virulent bacteria that do not pathogens with an intracellular ‘lifestyle’ have
function as intracellular pathogens have evolved mechanisms to avoid and developed many sophisticated strategies to enter
prevent phagocytosis that constitute an essential part of their pathogenic and survive within phagocytic cells, other bacterial
capacity. Some of these mechanisms include preventing recognition by pathogens have evolved mechanisms to prevent their
phagocytic receptors or blocking uptake by professional phagocytes. Recently, phagocytosis as part of their pathogenic profile. Such
the molecular mechanisms of such antiphagocytic properties have been mechanisms allow the organism to avoid destruction
elucidated for some pathogens. Such mechanisms illustrate the diversity of via degradative endocytic pathways and in some
mechanisms bacterial pathogens use to avoid phagocytic uptake. instances block phagocytic responses, thereby
impairing the development of cellular immunity and
Published online: 21 March 2002 enhancing extracellular survival. In this review, we
focus on some bacterial pathogens, the antiphagocytic
Phagocytosis is a normal receptor-mediated process properties of which have been characterized at the
that uses an actin-based mechanism to internalize molecular level, and discuss the strategies and
particles such as bacteria and yeasts (~0.5–5 µm mechanisms these bacteria use to escape phagocytosis.
in diameter) into phagocytic cells. Professional
Jean Celli phagocytes, including neutrophils and macrophages, Diversity of phagocytosis mechanisms
B. Brett Finlay* are characterized by their ability to express a set of A fundamental step in phagocytosis is the receptor-
Laboratory, University
phagocytic receptors designed to recognize, bind mediated recognition of an extracellular particle
of British Columbia, to and trigger internalization of foreign objects, destined for phagocytosis. Different phagocytic
Room 237, 6174 including pathogens, debris and apoptotic cells. receptors can be involved in particle recognition,
University Boulevard,
Following uptake, internalized particles are depending on whether or not opsonins are involved
Vancouver, BC,
Canada V6T 1Z3. destroyed as they progress along the degradative in the phagocytic process. Opsonin-dependent
*e-mail: bfinlay@ endocytic pathway, cumulating in mature phagocytosis involves either Fcγ receptors (FcγR) or phagolysosomes. Resident macrophages, which complement receptors (CR1, CR3 and CR4), which
Jean Celli reside in tissues, and neutrophils, which migrate bind particles that have either IgG or complement
Centre d’Immunologie, from the blood to the site of infection, constitute the bound to their surface, respectively [1]. Opsonin-
primary line of innate defence against most bacterial independent phagocytosis is triggered by engagement
Case 906, 13288 Marseille pathogens by providing a means for their removal and of a variety of cellular receptors capable of recognizing
Cedex 9, France. destruction [1]. and binding molecular motifs directly on the surface 0966-842X/02/$ – see front matter © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S0966-842X(02)02343-0

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