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October 1976

TheJournalofPEDIATRICS 553

Delayed onset of hypopituitarism: Sequelae of

therapeutic irradiation of central nervous system,
eye, and middle ear tumors

Four children with short stature who received irradiation to the head in conventional doses had clinical
and laboratory evidence of hypothalamie-pituitary hormone deficiencies several years later. Growth
hormone was deficient in all. One patient also had evidence of TSH, A CTH, and gonadotropin
deficiency. Basal prolaetin levels and prolactin response to synthetic TRF were normal in all patients
tested. Treatment with human growth hormone significantly increased growth rate. We suggest that
children should have the hypothalamic-pituitary area shielded from irradiation. Periodic measurements
of hypothalamic-pituitary funetion should be performed in children who have had irradiation to the head,
in order to detect and treat hormonal deficiencies before growth and development are seriously

Gail E. Riehards, M.D.,* William M. Wara, M.D., Melvin M. Grumbach, M.D.,**

Selna L. Kaplan, M.D., Glenn E. Sheline, M.D., and Felix A. Conte, M.D.,
S a n F r a n c i s c o , Calif.

THE PROGNOSIS of many neoplastic diseases of child- head for tumors that did not involve the hypothalamic or
hood has improved with the introduction of more aggres- pituitary area. Shalet and colleagues 3 reported "inade-
sive radio- and chemotherapeutic regimens. The quate response" of plasma growth hormone to insulin
improved survival exposes more children to the risks and hypoglycemia in 11 of 16 children who had been treated
long-term effects of ionizing radiation to normal tissues. one to 12 years previously for intracranial tumors that did
Pituitary hormone deficiencies have been reported in not involve the hypothalamus or pituitary. All of these
several children 1-3 and two adults 4 after irradiation to the patients had both surgery and chemotherapy, in addition
to irradiation. Four of the 11 patients with inadequate
From the Departments of Pediatrics and Radiology, growth hormone responses were at or below the third
University o f California San Francisco.
percentile for height.
Supported in part by grants from the National
Institutes o f Child Health and Human Development
and the National Institute of Arthritis, Metabolism, Abbreviations used
and Digestive Diseases, National Institutes of Health, TSH: plasma thyrotropin
United States Public Health Service. TRF: thyrotropin-releasing factor
Studies conducted in the Pediatric Clinical Research LH: luteinizing hormone
Center were supported by the Division of Research FSH: follicle-stimulatinghormone
Resources, National Institutes of Health, United LRF: luteinizing hormone releasing factor
States Public Health Service. hGH: human growth hormone
*Recipient of a Research Fellowship in Pediatric
Endocrinology from the National Institute of Arthritis, This report describes clinical and laboratory findings in
Metabolism, and Digestive Diseases, National Institutes of
Health, United States Public Health Service. four children who manifested pituitary dysfunction
**Reprint address: Department of Pediatrics. University of several years after conventional external irradiation to
California San Francisco, San Francisco, Calif. 94143. tumors of the central nervous system, eye, or ear.

Vol. 89, No. 4, pp. 553-559

554 Richards et al. The Journal of Pediatrics
October 1976

~ ] t


Fig. 1. Diagrammatic representation of radiation fields for each of four patients as described in the text. Case 3 had two
different fields, as described.

PATIENTS AND METHODS pathologic specimen confirmed the diagnosis with exten-
Four children were referred for evaluation of short sion into the dura of the optic nerve. Irradiation was given
stature. Hypothalamic and pituitary function was assessed to the right orbit, using Cobalt-60 (fields: wedged antero-
by: evaluation of the capacity to secrete growth hormone posterior and lateral 4 x 5.5 cm) (Fig. 1) with 5,490 rads
by provocative testing with insulin, arginine, and to the tumor bed and approximately 4,050 rads to the
L_dopa 5. 6; ACTH and adrenocortical function by deter- hypothalamic-pituitary area. In retrospect, a diminution
mination of plasma cortisol before and 60 minutes after of growth rate may have occurred by 5 years of age (Fig.
administration of 0.1 U / k g crystalline insulin intrave- 2A). At 8 1/2 years, when he was evaluated for growth
nously. 7 Measurements of plasma thyrotropin were made failure, his weight was 4.8 SD below the mean value for
after an intravenous bolus of 200 ~g synthetic thyrotropin- age. Pertinent clinical and laboratory data are shown in
releasing factor, using Medical Research Council Stan- Tables I and II. After therapy with human growth
dard 68/38. ~ Plasma LH and FSH were measured before hormone (hGH), 2 mg three times a week, intramuscu-
and after intravenous administration of 100/~g synthetic larly, the growth rate was 6.2 cm/yr (normal) compared
luteinizing hormone releasing factor (LRF), using hLH with 2.1 before therapy.
(LER-960) and hFSH (LER-869) as standards for Case 2 was first evaluated at 5 10/12 years for clumsi-
radioimmunoassay. ~ (LRF and TRF were generously ness, weakness, involuntary movements of the left side of
provided by Dr. R. Guillemin of the Salk Institute, La the body, drooling from the left side of the mouth,
Jolla, Calif.) Plasma protactin was measured during the strabismus, and temper tantrums. Positive physical
TRF test, by means of human prolactin standard (No. findings were bilateral sixth and seventh cranial nerve
201-195-1), kindly supplied by Dr. U. J. Lewis of Scripps palsies, left hemiballismus, marked bilateral ataxia, and
Research Foundation, La Jolla, Calif. 16' 11 Bone age was, increased deep tendon reflexes on the left. Pneumoen-
evaluated by using the standards of Greulich and Pyle. 1~ cephalogram, ventriculogram, and arteriogram confirmed
Case 1 was well until 8 1/2 months of age, at which time the clinical impression of a midbrain tumor. Irradiation
the right eye was enucleated for retinoblastoma. The was started with 5,060 fads to the tumor area (36 fractions
Volume 89 Delayed onset of hypopituitarism 555
Number 4

Table I. Pertinent clinical data

Case 4..
Case 1: Case 2: Case 3." Rhabdomyosarcoma
Diagnosis Retinoblastoma Midbrain tumor Medulloblastoma right middle ear

Age (yr) 10 mo 6 4 8
Height (SD)* Mean -2 --I Mean
Dose (fads) 4,050 5,060 4,500 5,200
Growth evaluation
Age (yr) 8 6/12 13 5/12 10 14 3/12
Height (SD)* --4.8 -2.7 -3.6 -3.4
Age at onset of diminished growth 5 8 7 9

*Standard deviation from the mean value for height for age.

Table II. Laboratory data

Laboratory data Case l l Case 2 l Case 3 l Case 4 Normal values

Before insulin 17 tI ND 13 Increase of 10/Lg/dl or peak
After insulin 32 22 17 > 20/~g/dl
T~ 9.1 9.1 6.2 2.3 5.3-14.5/tg/dl
Before TRF < 0.5 < 5 ND 7.1 < 10./~U/ml
After TRF 9.6 9.6 28.6 > 7/~U/ml rise
Before TRF 5.1 11.2 ND 10.3 < 20 ng/ml
After TRF 12.7 20.8 37.3
Growth hormone (maximum)
After insulin 0_8 < 0.4 [.5 > 7 ng/mI
After arginine 1.0 < 0.4 2.3 > 7 ng/ml
After L-dopa 4.2 2.8 < 1.0t 1.4 > 7 ng/ml
LH (ng/ml)
Before LRF 0.75 1.3 1.0
After LRF 1.15 2.7 ND 1.7
FSH (ng/ml)
Before LRF 0_7 1.1 ND 1.7
After LRF 1.65 1.4 3.5
Bone age (yr) at endocrine evaluation 5 1/2 12. 1/2 13

ND = not done.
*Prepubertal children have an increase in LH of < 1.5 ng/ml after LRF. Pubertal children have a rise of > 1.5 ng/ml. The change from a prepubertal to a
pubertal response usually occurs before there are physical signs of puberty. The mean rise in FSH after LRF is 1.5 ng/ml without any differencebetween
pubertal and prepubertal children.
]-Tested on two occasions.

in 42 days, using a 1 meV x-ray unit; fields were 9 x 9 cm (Tables I and II). A diagnosis of growth h o r m o n e defi-
right and left lateral skull (Fig. 1). Neurologic a b n o r m a l - ciency was made.
ities resolved gradually over the next two years and there Case 3 was a 4-year-old boy who had ataxia, headaches,
was no evidence o f recurrent disease. At a b o u t 11 years, it and vomiting for six weeks prior to his first admission. On
was noticed that he was not growing normally (Fig. 2B). A physical examination, the h e a d tilted to the left and
review o f growth data indicated that growth may have rotated to the right. He also had bilateral p a p i l l e d e m a and
slowed by 6 years. At 13 5/12 years, his height was 2.7 SD an unsteady gait, A posterior fossa mass was seen on
below the m e a n value for age. The genitals were those o f a ventriculogram and removed; the pathologic diagnosis
boy in early puberty: testes 3 x 2 cm and penis 6 x 2,5 was medulloblastoma. Postoperative irradiation included
cm. There were a few pubic hairs, but no axillary hair 5,500 rads to the posterior fossa, 4,500 rads to the
55 6 Richards et al. The Journal of Pediatrics
October 1976

.,.S.. so

/~/..." . - - 1 SD
/ / //"~
../".i.- 10-

r 120-
/~~W Increment
(cm/year) AI
" /
"~ 4 6 8 10 1~2 114. 1~5 1'8 o "~ 4 ~ ~ 1'0 ll2 14 1~5 18
Age (years), AGE (years)
Fig. 2A. Linear growth (left) and growth velocity (right) for Case 1. Growth hormone therapy was begun at 8 10/12 yr.
Linear growth is height (cm) vs chronologic age (yr): . . . . 1SD above and/or below mean height at any given age; =
2.5 SD above and/or below mean height at any given age. Growth velocity is cm/yr plotted vs chronologic age. - - =
mean growth velocity; horizontal bars = period of time for which growth rate is calculated. Growth rate for this period
can be read from vertical axis at the level of the horizontal bar. The dashed line connects the midpoints of each

200- + 21/2 SD
+ 1 SD
--1 SD
160 - / ." ..'/-21/2SD

r 120" //2.-'" GR?.W.TH

i~ HORMONE (era/year)

""" 0 5-
80- D!ATI N
"~ 71 ~ ~ l b I'2 1~4 1'6 1'8 0 1'8
Age (years) Age (years)
Fig 2B. Linear growth (left) and growth velocity (right) for Case 2. Growth hormone therapy was given for six months
beginning at 14 10/12 years without any significant change in growth rate. See legend, Fig. 2A, for explanation

remainder of the intracranial contents, and 4,000 fads to lower segment ratio of 1.03 (Tables l and II). Urinary 17-
the spinal cord (fields: 17 x 6.5 cm opposed field skull, ketosteroids were 0.9 rag/24 hrs and urinary 17-hydroxy-
11 x 8 cm opposed posterior fossa, and 20 x 4 cm and corticosteroids were 1.7 m g / 2 4 hrs.
5.4 cm postero-anterior (Fig. 1). Growth may have been Case 4 had been well until 8 years of age when she
slow as early as 7 years. At 10 years of age, when he was developed right ear pain and right facial palsy. A diag-
evaluated for growth failure, significant findings included nosis of rhabdomyosarcoma of the right middle ear was
height 3.6 SD below the mean value for age (Fig. 2C), made. Over a period of one year she received vincristine,
posterior alopecia below the occipital protuberance, penis actinomycin D, cyclophosphamide, and 5,200 Cobalt-60
4 cm in length, testes 2.5 x 1.5 bilaterally, and upper-to- irradiation to the tumor area (fields: 8 x 7 cm over the
Volume 89 Delayed onset of hypopituitarism 55 7
Number 4

200- 15~
SD ~r
///'/,-- 1 SD
160- ..4/; so
S- /Y 10-
cm 120- Height
/;U..2r 4 " Increment
/,:,r (cm/year)
/(,7," 5-


??,,ON ~ lb 1~ 1~,
~ ~ ~ lb 12 14 16 1'8
AGE .(years) Age (years)
Fig. 2C. Linear growth (left) and growth velocity (right) for Case 3. See legend of Fig. 2A for explanation of

200- 15-

160- -- 1 SD
J.-'" .-"~--21/2 SD
cm 120- Increment
2; 't 5-
80- ////~ RADIATION
, ,- ,,,/,,
'~ / \ /\

40 , , RADIATION ; ,
'2 4 ~) 8 10 ll2 1~l 1()118 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Age (years) Age (years)
Fig. 2D. Linear growth (left) and growth velocity (right) for Case 4. See legend of Fig. 2A for explanation of

external auditory canal) (Fig. 1). At about 12 years of age, underlying pathology nor surgical intervention adequate-
a decrease in growth was noted (Fig. 2D). Growth appears ly accounts for the hypothalamic-pituitary deficiency.
to have slowed by 9 years. At 14 3/12 years, she was Although Case 3 had evidence of increased intracranial
evaluated for short stature, at which time height was 3.4 pressure, the transitory nature of this abnormality makes
SD below the mean value for age. There was no breast it unlikely that intracranial hypertension alone cvuld
development or pubic hair, and the right facial palsy account for the growth hormone deficiency in this patient.
persisted (Tables I and II). The earliest clinical finding in each patient was a decrease
in the rate of growth.
DISCUSSION In evaluating children who have had irradiation to the
Each patient showed both clinical and laboratory central nervous system, assessment of growth is critical. In
evidence of hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction related to our patients, short stature was not noticed until several
irradiation. Because of the location of the original tumor years after irradiation.
and the nature of the operation performed, neither the In retrospect, a decrease in growth rate could have been
558 Richards et aL The Journal of' Pediatrics
October 1976

discerned earlier by careful evaluation of sequential provocative stimuli in 10 children who had surgery,
growth rates. An insidious diminution of growth rate one irradiatign, and chemotherapy for intracranial tumors
or more years after irradiation should be viewed as a sign that did not involve the hypothalamic or pituitary
of possible growth hormone deficiency. Patients also area.
should be studied carefully for evidence of other hypo- The prevalence of growth hormone deficiency after
physiotropic-pituitary deficiencies. hypothalamic-pituitary irradiation may be greater than
Case 4 had a low plasma thyroxine and basal TSH and published reports indicate. In adults, growth hormone
a normal pituitary TSH reserve by TR~ testing. The deficiency may have no obvious clinical manifestations;
normal evaluation of plasma TSH evoked by TRF thus provocative testing is required to determine the true
suggests that the patient had tertiary or hypothalamic incidence of this complication. Few patients have been
hypothyroidism and the hypothalamus rather than the evaluated prior to irradiation of the head to detect
pituitary was the main site of injury. In addition, she had a hypothalamic-pituitary hormonal deficiencies caused by
subnormal increase in plasma cortisol following insulin- the original disease process, or periodically after irradia-
induced hypoglycemia (Table II), indicating impaired tion. Advances in radioimmunoassay techniques and the
ACTH reserve. Her plasma gonadotropin roeasurements availability of synthetic hypothalamic releasing factors for
after LRF did not increase to the levels expected in a 14- assessing the secretory reserve of pituitary hormones now
year-otd girl, which we interpreted as evidence of dimin- permit a more accurate assessment of these deficiencies.
ished readily releasable gonadotropin reserve for her The long-term effects of external irradiation to the
chronologic and bone age. hypothalamic-pituitary axis are unknown. Several au-
Delayed onset of hormonal deficiencies rarely has been thors 1~-1"have concluded that doses of 3,000 to 6,000 rads
reported as a complication of irradiation; however, the to this area are safe and without significant clinical
true prevalence of postirradiation hypothalamic-pituitary sequelae in children; only a few cases of hypopituitarism
deficiency is probably much higher than published have been reported following these doses, including one
reports indicate. All four patients Were evaluated for short of our patients previously mentioned. 17 The true risk of
stature, and each had a history of irradiation to extrahy- pituitary hypofunction following external irradiation,
pothalamic-pituitary neoplasms. Growth hormone defi- especially in the child can be obtained only by prospective
ciency was documented in all; one also had evidence of study before and after radiotherapy to the central nervous
diminished reserve of other hypothalamic hypophysio- system. The possibility of other subtle neurologic dysfunc-
tropic hormones. In each instance, the hypothalamic and tion, such as disabilities of learning, should also be
pituitary were within the treatment field and received a considered in the long-term care of children who have
dose of radiation that was considered to be within the safe received central nervous system irradiation. In addition,
tolerance limit. Irradiation and not the underlying primary hypothyroidism 2 may result from irradiation
disease, however, seemed to be the cause of the later onset when the thyroid is included in the treatment field.
of hypothalamic-pituitary hormone deficiencies. We recommend that children should have the pituitary
Tan and Kunaratnam~ described a 23-year-old woman gland and hypothalamus shielded from irradiation, if
who had irradiation for nasopharyngeal carcinoma at age such shielding does not compromise treatment, and that
12, and clinical evidence of growth hormone and gonad- careful assessment of growth and hypothalamic-pituitary
otropin deficiency. Larkins and Martin ~ reported two function and tests be done before and especially at annual
patients with hypopituitarism after irradiation for carci- intervals after irradiation of the head. In view of the latent
noma of the nasopharynx and maxillary sinus, respective- period between treatment and the onset of clinical mani-
ly; both patients had evidence of hypothyroidism, hypo- festations, the physician must be aware of the possibility
gonadism, and cortisol deficiency. One patient had docu- of progressive loss of pituitary function.
mented growth hormone deficiency and there was
evidence for hypothalamic rather than pituitary damage
in one: he had an elevation of plasma TSH after intrave- Since this manuscript was submitted, an additional four
nous T R F and an increase in plasma cortisol values in patients have been studied. The results are summarized in
response to vasopressin but not to hypoglycemia. These Table A.
findings are similar to those of our Case 4. Fuks and In addition, pituitary and/or hypothalamic dysfunction
Glatstein 2 discuss a boy with growth hormone deficiency~ was found in 14 of 15 adult patients studied at least eight
documented eight years after irradiation for rhabdomyo- years after irradiation for various tumors of the head and
sarcoma of the nasopharynx. Recently, Shalet and neck (Samaan NA, and Bakdash MM: Ann Intern Med
colleagues 3 noted impaired growth hormone responses to 83:771, 1975).
Volume 89 Delayed onset o f hypopituitarism 559
Number 4

T a b l e A. Additional patients with post-irradiation h y p o p i t u i t a r i s m

irradiation Evaluation Onset of GH Cortisol
diminished after Response response Response
At At growth insulin, to TRF to to L R F
age Ht Dose age Ht approximate arginine, I hypo-
Patient Sex Diagnosis (yr) (SD) (rad) (yr) (SD) age L-dopa PRL I TSH glycemia LH FSH

G.C. M Medulloblastoma 7 -3.5 4,250 11-2/12 -4.8 9 + N ~* N N N

G.B. M Aneurysmal bone 9-8/12 + 1 3,858 10-11/12 Mean 10-1/2 + N N N N N
cyst of
G.P. F Esthesioneuroblas- 13-4/12--1 5,730 17-7/12 --1.5 '[ N N N N N
toma of
J.C. F Medulloblastoma 4 -2.8 4,500 8-9/12 --4.7 7 ~ N N N N N

*Baseline TSH of 10/~U/mlwith peak level of 123, consistent with compensated primary hypothyroidism. Plasma T4 6.4/~g/dl.

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data for Case 3. Hypothalamic-pituitary regulation of puberty in man:
evidence and concepts derived from clinical research in
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