Assistant Dirctor

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Assistant Director ppsc

1. Total member of Asian

2. Israel captured East Jerusalem

3. Marco Polo was

4. Largest bird in the world

5. World War 1 started in which year

6. Sky speak Court agreement

7. Man is born free but everywhere in chain

8. Who described the class struggle in society

9. Jamal Abdul Nasir was

10. Which is not a fruit

11. Fertile Crescent refer to

12. Horticulture refer to

13. Third battle of Panipat

14. Mujaddid alf Sani belong to which concept

15. Agra agreement signed in which year

16. Agra city was founded by

17. Khalat join Pakistan in which year

18. In Pakistani flag green colour represent

19. Mohammed Khan junejo took oath office office

20. Indian Independence Act announced on

21. Largest land border between?

22. Suez canal owned by?

23. Iberian Peninsula is part of?

24. Kheurwa Mines total reserves?

25. Gawadar connects which part of china ?

26. Pakistan connects with china?

27. Durand line border between?

28. Which country is in the east of Pakistan.?

29. Kartarpur corridor in which districts of Pakistan?

30. Bhanjosa lake is in which area?

31. Nile of Pakistan?

32. Most papupous city of Pakistan?

33. Rekodeqeck has reservers of which mineral?

34. Ran of katch is between?

35. Tim cock is the CEO of which company?

36. Recently which country banned on free social media?

37. 25 years strategic program partnership has been signed between china and?

38. Who is current foreign minister of Afghanistan?

39. 135th labour day observed in which year?

40. 75th UNGA year?

41. Olympic 2021 will be held in which city?

42. Sugur per captica consumption in Pakistan?

43. How much pangolin are exterted from Pakistan due to criminal and killing exporting?

44. Livestock share in the economy of Pakistan?

45. I.A Rehman died on?

46. M. Ali sadpara was ?

47. Battery acid?

48. Pancreas create?

49. Lunar escape?

50. Primerry producer ?

51. Study of stars?

52. Animal long cold sleep during winter is called?

53. Electricity and magnetism were discovered by?

54. Cyclone are?

55. The research study is an eye-opner and attempts to equainst us with the problems of poor nation?

56. Gumption antonym ?

57. Which of the following is not a hashtag?

58. Which of the following is use to convey proportion?

59. He is ………..M.A English?

60. When she goose outside she takes ….. umbrella?

61. I don not look fauilt………others?

62. Neither the students nor the teacher …….kept their promise?

63. The boy was such a nive…….grab the lizard in such a way tales of lizard broke……… hands?

64. His means for his family …………not enough

65. As of …… , i prefer that people decide……..?

66. …….body is readly to help me. I have to ……… myself?

67. He was walking ………..road side?

68. It is…………… and me?

69. ……….that vague for us?

70. Total number of rows in ms execel ?

71. Pane available in power point?

72. Ms word end of the line command?

73. By default all the deleted files stored in?

74. Crop is used for?

75. Ratio between 2.80 and 40 paisa?

76. A clock strikes once at 1 o'clock, twice at 2o'clock , thrice at 3 o'clock and so on. How many times

will it strikes in 24 hours?

77. The sum or two numbers is 37 and the difference of thier squares is 185, the difference of the two

numbers is

78. The mean weight of 100 students in a class is 46 kg. The mean weight of boys is 50 and of girls is 40

kg. Therefore, the number of boys is:

79. The sum of two numbers is 36 and their difference is 63. What are the two numbers? Let's start by

calling the two numbers we are looking for x and y.

80. The average age of A, B, C, D and E is 40 years. The average age of A and B is 35 years and the

average of C and D is 42 years. Age of E is :

81. If A and B are in the ratio 3 : 4, and B and C in the ratio 12 : 13, then A and C will be in the ratio

82. If a 36 inches long strip cloth shrinks to 33 inches after being washed, how many inches long will

the same strip remain after washing if it were 48 inches long?

83. [ ‫ ابو عیسی بن موسی کا ان میں سے کون سا حدیث کا مجموعہ ہے‬11 ‫سوال نمبر‬
‫جامعہ ترمذی‬
‫ حضرت ابراہیم علیہ السالم کے عالوہ حضور کی باقی اوالد کس زوجہ محترمہ سے ہے‬12 ‫سوال نمبر‬
‫حضرت خدیجہ رضی ہللا تعالی عنہ‬
: ‫ ان میں سے کون سا مذہب تثلیث کا عقیدہ رکھتا ہے‬13 ‫سوال نمبر‬
‫عیسائیت آیت‬
: ‫ جنگی یا ماما کس کے خالف لڑی گئی‬14 ‫سوال نمبر‬
‫مسلمہ کذاب‬
[ ‫ جنگ حنین کس جگہ کے لوگوں کے خالف لڑی گئی‬15 ‫سوال نمبر‬
[: ‫ ذہنیت کی وجہ سے کس زوجہ محترمہ کی تربیت کا انتظام حضور صلی ہللا علیہ وآلہ وسلم‬16 ‫سوال نمبر‬
‫نے علیحدہ سے کیا‬
‫حضرت حفصہ رضی ہللا تعالی عنہ‬
[: ‫ کے اوپر سب سے پہلے رائے کس نے دی‬Z‫ مدینہ میں اذان دینے‬17‫سوال نمبر‬
‫حضرت عمر رضی ہللا تعالی عنہ‬
‫ کرتارپور کس مذہب سے تعلق رکھنے والوں کے لئے اہم ہے‬18 ‫سوال نمبر‬
‫سکھوں کے لیے‬
‫سوال نمبر شناس دان اور پوش ‪:‬‬
‫سوال نمبر مرزا غالب کی شہرت شاعری کے عالوہ کیا تھی‬
‫سوال نمبر اردو کے بابا آدم کسے کہتے ہیں‬
‫ولی دکنی‬
‫سوال نمبر ان میں سے کون سا ٹھیک ہے‬
‫السالم علیکم‬
‫سوال نمبر ان میں سے کونسا پروین شاکر کا شعری مجموعہ ہے‬
‫کوئی نہیں‬
‫خیالستان ان میں سے کس کا افسانوی مجموعہ ہے‬
‫سجاد حیدر یلدرم‬
‫سوال نمبر ان میں سے کس شاعر نے ہجرت کو اپنا موضوع بنایا‬
‫ناصر کاظمی‬
‫سوال نمبر بال جبریل کا پنجابی ترجمہ کس نے کیا‬
‫اسیر عابد‬
‫سوال نمبر کسی کی برائی عیب کرنا وغیرہ کیا کہالتا ہے‬
‫سوال نمبر بچوں کو صبح کے وقت سکول میں پڑھائی جانے والی اقبال کی کون سی نظم ہے‬
‫بچے کی دعا‬






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