Logical Reasoning Score: - Algebra of Logic Practice Exercises 2

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Logical Reasoning Score: __________

Algebra of Logic Practice Exercises 2

1. Simplify the following expressions. (10 points)

a. (P  ~P)  (~P  P) b. ~[(H  S)  ~(~H  S)]

2. Simplify the statement “The following statement is not true: (10 points)
Either he is here and she is there, or it is not true that either he is not here or she is there.”

3. Each of the following arguments, state the Rule of Inference by which its conclusion follows
from its premise or premises. (10 points)

a) A(B~C) b) (E~F)(~G~H) c) (IJ)(KL)

(B~C)D E  ~F ~(I  J)
A  D ~G  ~H   

__________________ _____________________ _____________________

d) M  ~N e) [A  (B  C)]  [(D  E)  ~F]

~N  O ~[(D  E)  ~F]
 (M  ~N)  (~N  O) ~[A  (B  C)]
____________________________ ____________________________

4. Supply the reason for each step. (10 points)

Statement Reason
1. A  (B  C)
2. ~A  [(D  E)  (F  G)]
3. (B  C)  [(~A  D)  (~A  F)
4. ~(B  C)  ~(G  D) /E  G
5. ~(B  C) ____________________________________
6. (~A  D)  (~A  F) ____________________________________
7. ~A ____________________________________
8. (D  E)  (F  G) ____________________________________
9. (A  D)  (A  F) ____________________________________
10. A  (D  F) ____________________________________
11. D  F ____________________________________
12. D ____________________________________
13. D  F ____________________________________
14. E  G ____________________________________

5. Using conditional proof, continue this formal proof of validity. (15 points)
(A  B)  (C  D)
(B  D)  (A  C)
A  C
6. Symbolize the following argument and construct a formal proof of validity using indirect
proof. (15 points)
If Mt. Pinatubo’s eruption caused the Increase of aerosols in the atmosphere, then it
Flooded the stratosphere with tiny droplets of sulfuric acid; and if aerosols can cause the ozone
hole to Grow large, then it can provide a surface for chemical reactions involved in the
Destruction of ozone. If the ozone concentrations over Antartica can become Low, then the
eruption caused the increase of aerosols in the atmosphere and the aerosols cause the ozone hole
to grow large. The ozone concentration over Antartica has been recorded lately to be low.
Therefore, Mt. Pinatubo’s eruption flooded the stratosphere with tiny droplets of sulfuric acid,
and aerosols can provide a surface for chemical reactions involved in the destruction of ozone.

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