Problems On Principle of Inclusion Exclusion

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Problems on Principle of inclusion Exclusion

1) In the survey of 260 college students, the following were obtained

64 had taken mathematics course.
94 had taken a computer science course.
58 had taken a business course.
28 had taken both mathematics and business course.
26 had taken both mathematics and computer science course.
22 had taken both computer science and business course.
14 had taken all three types of courses.
a) How many students were surveyed who had taken none of these types of courses?
b) Of the students surveyed, how many had taken only computer science course?

2) In the class of students undergoing a computer course, the following were observed
out of the total 50 students.
30 knows Pascal.
18 knows Fortran.
26 knows COBOL.
9 knows both Pascal and Fortran.
16 knows both Pascal and COBOL.
8 knows both Fortran and COBOL.
47 knows at least one of the three languages.
From this, we have to determine
a) How many students know none of these languages?
b) How many students know all three languages?
c) How many students know exactly one language?

3) One hundred students were asked whether they had taken course in any of these areas
as sociology, biology and history. The results were
45 had taken sociology.
38 had taken biology.
21 had taken history.
18 had taken sociology and biology.
9 had taken sociology and history.
4 had taken history and biology.
23 had taken no course in any of the three areas.
a) Draw a Venn diagram that will show the result of the survey.
b) Determine the number of students who had taken classes in exactly
i) One of the areas
ii) Two of the areas
4) A survey of 500 television watchers produced the following information.
285 watch football game.
115 watch basketball game.
45 watch football and basketball game .
70 watch football and hockey game.
50 watch basketball and hockey game.
50 do not watch any of the three kinds of game.
Find a) how many in the survey watch all three kinds of games.
b)how many watch exactly one of the sport game?
c)draw a Venn diagram showing the result of the survey.

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