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Time: 3 Hrs Marks: 75

PART A – (5X5 = 25 MARKS)

Answer ALL questions.

1. (a) Give an account of Event Handling in Java.

(b) Explain: (i) FilteredInputStream
(ii) PushbackReader

2. (a) Differentiate between Swing and AWT. Explain any two special components in
(b) Write the code for menus in Java.

3. (a) Write about Cookies.(OR)

(b) Explain implicit objects in JSP.

4. (a) Give short notes on RMISecurityManager.

(b) Write the difference between RMI and IIOP.

5. (a) What is Stateless and Stateful? Distinguish between Session Bean and Entity
(b) What is the specialty of Bean? Explain.

PART B – (5X10 = 50 MARKS)

Answer ALL questions.

6. (a) Explain Java Networking using UDP.

(b) Describe in detail Java Collection classes.

7. (a) Discuss about the various layouts in Java AWT.

(b) Write a detailed summary on JDBC.

8. (a) Discuss in detail Java Servlet.

(b) Explain in detail Java Server Pages.
9. (a) Describe the important aspects of RMI.
(b) Explain the steps involved in implementing RMI.

10. (a) Write detailed note on Properties in Java Beans.

(b) Describe the important aspects of EJB.

Time: 3 Hrs Marks: 100

PART A – (5X5 = 25 MARKS)

Answer ALL questions.

1. (a) Give an account of IOStreams in Java.

(b) Explain: (i) FileInputStream
(ii) ObjectReader

2. (a) Differentiate between Component and Container. Explain any two special
components in Swing.
(b) Explain the code snippet for popup menu.

3. (a) Write about Session Tracking in Servlets.

(b) Explain Actions in JSP.

4. (a) Give short notes on Naming class.

(b) Draw the architecture and layers of IIOP protocol.

5. (a) Explain (i) Introspection and (ii) Persistance.

(b) What is the specialty of EJB? Explain.

PART B – (5X15 = 75 MARKS)

Answer ALL questions.

6. (a) Explain Java Networking using TCP/IP.

(b) Describe in detail Java Utility classes.

7. (a) What are the various layouts in AWT.

(b) Write a program for Book Information using JDBC.

8. (a) Discuss in detail HTTP and Generic Servlet.

(b) Compare and contrast between Servlet and JSP.

9. (a) Describe RMI Registry and Security Manager.

(b) How to implement RMI in client and server side?

10. (a) Write detailed note on Events in Beans.

(b) Describe the important aspects of Entity Bean in EJB.
Time: 3 Hrs Marks: 75

PART A – (5X5 = 25 MARKS)

Answer ALL questions.

1. (a) Give an account of IOStreams in Java.

(b) Explain: (i) FileInputStream
(ii) ObjectReader

2. (a) Differentiate between Component and Container. Explain any two special
components in Swing.
(b) Explain the code snippet for popup menu.

3. (a) Write about Session Tracking in Servlets.

(b) Explain Actions in JSP.

4. (a) Give short notes on Naming class.

(b) Draw the architecture and layers of IIOP protocol.

5. (a) Explain (i) Introspection and (ii) Persistance.

(b) What is the specialty of EJB? Explain.

PART B – (5X10 = 50 MARKS)

Answer ALL questions.

6. (a) Explain Java Networking using TCP/IP.

(b) Describe in detail Java Utility classes.

7. (a) What are the various layouts in AWT.

(b) Write a program for Book Information using JDBC.

8. (a) Discuss in detail HTTP and Generic Servlet.

(b) Compare and contrast between Servlet and JSP.

9. (a) Describe RMI Registry and Security Manager.

(b) How to implement RMI in client and server side?

10. (a) Write detailed note on Events in Beans.

(b) Describe the important aspects of Entity Bean in EJB.

Time: 3 Hrs Marks: 100

PART A – (5X5 = 25 MARKS)

Answer ALL questions.

1. (a) Give an account of Event Handling in Java.

(b) Explain: (i) FilteredInputStream
(ii) PushbackReader

2. (a) Differentiate between Swing and AWT. Explain any two special components in
(b) Write the code for menus in Java.

3. (a) Write about Cookies.(OR)

(b) Explain implicit objects in JSP.

4. (a) Give short notes on RMISecurityManager.

(b) Write the difference between RMI and IIOP.
5. (a) What is Stateless and Stateful? Distinguish between Session Bean and Entity
(b) What is the specialty of Bean? Explain.

PART B – (5X15 = 75 MARKS)

Answer ALL questions.

6. (a) Explain Java Networking using UDP.

(b) Describe in detail Java Collection classes.

7. (a) Discuss about the various layouts in Java AWT.

(b) Write a detailed summary on JDBC.

8. (a) Discuss in detail Java Servlet.

(b) Explain in detail Java Server Pages.

9. (a) Describe the important aspects of RMI.

(b) Explain the steps involved in implementing RMI.

10. (a) Write detailed note on Properties in Java Beans.

(b) Describe the important aspects of EJB.

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