What Is Heat?: Transferred To An Object in Order To Perform Work On, or To Heat, The Object) Following Are Typical

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Difference between heat and temperature.

Why heat is not a Thermodynamic

property while Temperature, Enthalpy, Entropy, Specific heat are thermodynamic
properties? Is temperature a form of energy? Why kelvin is thermodynamic
temperature scale?

What is heat?
Heat is a form of energy. [What is energy: energy is the quantitative property that must be
transferred to an object in order to perform work on, or to heat, the object] Following are typical
broad types of energy [1] kinetic energy of a moving object: The energy possessed by a body due to
its motion is called its kinetic energy [2] potential energy is stored by an object's position in a force
field like gravitational, electric or magnetic [3] chemical energy stored in bonds and released when
a fuel burns [4] radiant energy carried by light and [5] thermal energy – carried by heat flow. Heat is
thermal energy in transfer, not a property of any one system, or 'contained' within it. Heat is not a
property of matter. Heat is a path function. Path functions are properties or quantities whose
values depend on the transition of a system from the initial state to the final state. The two most
common path functions are heat and work. These two functions are dependent on how the
thermodynamic system changes from the initial state to final state. Heat and work functions are
introduced by the equation of ΔU which represents the change in the internal energy of a system,
ΔU = Q+W. Heat is not measurable. It is not a thermodynamic property.

Definition of thermodynamic property

It is a physical property which is measurable and whose value describes a state of a physical system.
A state function is simply one that depends only on the start and end point, and not the path.

Enthalpy and Entropy are thermodynamic properties



Let us take a simple case of water.

Water as liquid

For saturated water at standard atmosphere the specific enthalpy = 419 kJ/kg.

Water as saturated steam

For saturated water at standard atmosphere the specific enthalpy = 2676 kJ/kg


For saturated water at standard atmosphere the specific entropy = 1.3072 kj/kg

For saturated water at standard atmosphere the specific entropy = 7.3541 kj/kg

What does it mean?

Enthalpy and entropy are contained in molecule. These are the properties of given molecule in a
given state. When water is in the state of vapor its enthalpy / entropy are different than when it
stays as water in liquid state. These are state properties and independent of any path. Both these
properties are measurable. Therefore, Enthalpy and Entropy are thermodynamic properties.

Heat has neither of these characters to get classified as a thermodynamic property. I repeat, heat is
not a measurable property of matter. Heat is in mode of transfer. Heat is not contained in the mass
of a substance.

Are heat and enthalpy same? Heat is a transfer of energy due to a temperature difference.
Enthalpy is the change in amount of heat in a system at constant pressure. You can only use heat
and enthalpy interchangeably if there is no work being done to the system.

Why heat is not state function? State functions do not depend on the path by which the system
arrived at its present state. A state function describes the equilibrium state of a system and thus
also describes the type of system. For example, a state function could describe an atom or molecule
in a gaseous, liquid, or solid form; a heterogeneous or homogeneous mixture; and the amounts of
energy required to create such systems or change them into a different equilibrium state.
What is equilibrium state? Thermodynamic equilibrium is an axiomatic concept of
thermodynamics. It is an internal state of a single thermodynamic system, or a relation between
several thermodynamic systems connected by more or less permeable or impermeable walls. In
thermodynamic equilibrium there are no net macroscopic flows of matter or of energy, either
within a system or between systems. Systems in mutual thermodynamic equilibrium are
simultaneously in mutual thermal, mechanical, chemical, and radiative equilibria. Systems can be in
one kind of mutual equilibrium, though not in others. In thermodynamic equilibrium, all kinds of
equilibrium hold at once and indefinitely, until disturbed by a thermodynamic operation. In a
macroscopic equilibrium, perfectly or almost perfectly balanced microscopic exchanges occur; this
is the physical explanation of the notion of macroscopic equilibrium. What does it mean? It does
not mean that there is no mass or energy transfer [exchange] when two systems are states of
thermal equilibrium. A thermodynamic system in a state of internal thermodynamic equilibrium
has a spatially uniform temperature. Its intensive properties, other than temperature, may be
driven to spatial inhomogeneity. In systems that are at a state of non-equilibrium there are, by
contrast, net flows of matter or energy. If such changes can be triggered to occur in a system in
which they are not already occurring, the system is said to be in a meta-stable equilibrium. In a
system that is in its own state of internal thermodynamic equilibrium, no macroscopic change
occurs. It is not a state function.

Why heat is not a thermodynamic property?

Heat is a transfer of energy due to a temperature difference. Enthalpy is the change in amount of
heat in a system at constant pressure. Heat and enthalpy becomes interchangeable if there is no
work being done to the system.

Head line: Heat is thermal energy in transit between two systems. Heat is not a property of one
system. ΔQ can be measured while Q is not measurable

Heat is energy flows across a boundary as a result of a temperature difference. Within

thermodynamics, a physical property is any property that is measurable, and whose value describes
a state of a physical system. Heat is not property of matter. Heat is thermal energy in transfer
between two systems, not a property of any one system, or 'contained' within it. Work and heat are
not thermodynamic properties, but rather process quantities: flows of energy across a system
boundary. Temperature, Enthalpy, Entropy, Specific heat etc. are thermodynamic properties – all
these properties are measurable.

Why heat is neither Intensive nor Extensive property

Physical properties of materials and systems in thermodynamics can often be categorized as being
either intensive or extensive, according to how the property changes when the size (or extent) of
the system changes. Intensive property is one whose magnitude is independent of the size of the
system, whereas an extensive quantity is one whose magnitude is additive for subsystems.

Since heat is not a thermodynamic property it does not fall in either of these groups.

What is internal energy:


In thermodynamics, the internal energy of a system has two parts [1] the energy contained within
the system contained primarily within intermolecular bonds [ this excludes the kinetic energy of
motion of the system as a whole, nor the potential energy of the system and [2] average energy
of the translational, vibrational and rotational motions of matter's particle constituents
(atoms and molecules). Explanation: Imagine you are heating water. Along with
heating, temperature rises and along with rise in temperature its average energy of the
translational, vibrational and rotational motions of matter's particle constituents
(atoms, molecules) increases, as KE is proportional to T. Along with increase in T,
pressure increases assuming there is no increase in volume. Increase of pressure stops
when internal pressure equals to surrounding pressure. When pressure stops rising and
T stops increasing. Simultaneously, when T stops increasing, there is no more
consumption of energy for the translational, vibrational and rotational motions of
atoms / molecules. The heat received by water till its temperature stops rising is the
sensible heat. This is the boiling point of water, 373.16K at 101,3 Pa; This is one part of
internal energy. We continue heating till water begins boiling but T remains constant.
Water still consumes heat to break its inter molecular (H bonds). This is what we call
latent heat. Latent heat consumed by water is part 2 of internal energy. In this case,
internal energy change , ΔU is sum of sensible heat and latent heat received by water.
ΔH = ΔU + PΔV[work]. ΔH is enthalpy change in water. If we assume that while heating
water, no work was done by water or on water [water is non-compressible] , ΔH = ΔU,
enthalpy change of water equals to internal energy change in water. ΔU is the total
heat of water at 373.16K and 101,3 Pa

Mode of heat transfer

Brief description

There are four ways by which physical systems can exchange heat, [1] thermal
conduction [2] thermal convection [3] thermal radiation, and [4] transfer of energy by
phase changes. While these modes have own characteristics, they often occur
simultaneously in the same system.


It is microscopic exchange of kinetic energy of particles through the boundary between

two systems at different temperature until both systems reach same temperature. The
thermal conductivity of a material is a measure of its ability to conduct heat.


It is bulk flow of a fluid (gas or liquid) that carries heat along with the flow of matter in
the fluid or sometimes by buoyancy forces. All convective processes also move heat
partly by diffusion, particle - particle kinetic energy transfer.


It is the transfer of energy by means of photons in electromagnetic waves

Phase change

It is the exchange of energy between system and surrounding when a thermodynamic

system changes its phase from one to another. Essentially the heat exchange involves
addition or subtractions of internal energy of matter stored in the form of
intermolecular bonds

Unit of heat

Generally, in the SI system, all forms of energy are measured in terms of joules. Since
heat is form of energy, its unit is joule.

What is Temperature?
Temperature is our sensory feeling of how hot or cold a substance is. In
thermodynamics, temperature is a measure of the average energy of the translational,
vibrational and rotational motions of matter's particle constituents (atoms and
molecules ). Temperature is defined by the equation, E = 1/2Kb Tk where: E is the mean
kinetic energy in joules (J) kb = 1.3806504×10^−23 J/K is the Boltzmann constant, T is
the kinetic temperature in kelvins (K) Boltzmann constant is a physical constant that
relates the average relative kinetic energy of particles in a gas with the temperature
of the gas. E is directly proportional to T [temperature in kelvin]

Is temperature a form of energy?

Temperature T =2E/Kb T signifies only external motion of atoms and molecules.

Heat is total energy [assuming no work] = KE + intermolecular bond energy.

What happens when an object is heated?

Average energy of the translational, vibrational and rotational motions of matter's

particle constituents (atoms and molecules) increases as KE is proportional to T. T
increases until the object reaches a thermal equilibrium with surrounding. At
equilibrium, each degree of freedom will have on average the same energy, ½ K b Tk ,
kb is Boltzmann constant, and T is the kinetic temperature in kelvins (K)

Temperature is a state function and heat is a path function

A state function is a property whose value does not depend on the path taken to reach
that specific value. In contrast, functions that depend on the path from two values are
called path functions.

Heat for example is a path function. Heat transfer between two pants would depend
what path it followed like conduction, convection or radiation. Each path would offer
different resistance to heat flow.

Temperature is a state function. If a fixed amount of heat is applied to a given object it

will always have same temperature irrespective how heat was applied.

Temperature is an intensive property

In short, an intensive property is a bulk property, meaning that it is a local physical

property of a system that does not depend on the system size or the amount of
material in the system. Whether it is cup of 100 ml water or a pond at 373.16 K
temperature will have same kinetic energy. KE is independent of mass.

Thermodynamic unit of temperature, Kelvin

The kelvin is the base unit of temperature in [SI] system of units. Its unit symbol is k.
The current definition Kelvin in terms of Boltzman constant is k = 1.380649×10^−23 J/K.
This value has been arrived only on the basis of universal constants and not on any
physical facts. Kelvin is therefore called thermodynamic scale of temperature free from
any physical phenomenon. Kelvin connects temperature with heat. K is expressed as

Boltzman constant: Boltzmann's constant, k or kB , defines the relation between

absolute temperature and the kinetic energy contained in each molecule of an ideal gas
Zero point of kelvin scale is absolute zero, the hypothetical unattainable temperature
at which matter exhibits zero entropy. 0 K is −273.15 °C. The temperature of the triple
point of water is the upper end of kelvin scale, defined as 273.16 K and 0.01 °C . Each
unit is 1 part in 273.16 parts of the difference between absolute zero and the triple
point of water. This is the same size unit as the Celsius degree. The difference between
the freezing and boiling points of water is 100 degrees in both the Kelvin and Celsius
scales; thus, the Kelvin has the same magnitude as the Celsius degree

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