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A. Choose the best answer to complete each of following sentence
1. Bye! I ……………………… you when I .................................... home.
A. phoned / get B. will phone / will get
C. phone / get D. will phone / get
2. I often go abroad.................................... business.
A. to B. by C. for D. on
3. A: Is Mr. James this week?
B: No. He’s.................................... holiday.
A. on / in B. at / in C. in / for D. at / on
4. A: Why did you open my letter?
B: I’m sorry. I did it .................................... mistake.
A. with B. at C. by D. on
5. The doctor will be ready in ten minutes. Take a seat while you …………………….
A. are wait B. will wait C. are waiting D. wait
6 ...................................... you’ve read the newspaper, can I have it?
A. Until B. After C. Before D. Till
7. I stopped .................................... my book and went to bed.
A. to read B. read C. will read D. reading
8. A: Hello, darling. I’ve got a present for you.
B: For me?
A: Don’t look so ..................................... I often buy you presents.
B: But it isn’t my birthday!
A. bored B. exciting C. tiring D. surprised
9. When I was young, I .................................... ice-skating.
A. went to B. go C. used to go D. going
10. Their house is .................................... mess! I don’t know how they live in it.
A. so B. such an C. so many D. such a
11. I .................................... "Chicken soup for the soul" but I haven’t finished it yet.
A. read B. am reading C. have been reading D. was reading
12. Alan took a photograph of Sandra while she………………………
A. didn't look B. wasn't looking C. hasn't looked D. hadn't looked
13. I ..................................... my key. Can you help me look for it?
A. lose B. lost C. had lost D. have lost
14. Last night Tine .................................... in bed when suddenly she heard a scream.
A. read B. was reading C. had read D. had read
15. We ..................................... a party next week. Would you like to come?
A. have B. will have C. are having D. will have had
16. The Red River .................................... very fast today-much faster than yesterday.
A. flows B. is flowing
C. will flow D. is going to flow
17. While mother ..................................... dinner the phone rang.
A. cooked B. had cooked C. has cooked D. was cooking
18. Fish .................................... on earth for ages and ages.
A. existed B. are existing C. exist D. have existed
19. The phone..................................... constantly since Jack won the first prize this morning.
A. has been ringing B. rang
C. had rung D. had been ringing
20. The earth .................................... on the sun for its heat and light.
A. is depend B. depending C. has depend D. depends

B. Underline and correct the mistakes in the following sentences

21. Thanks to TV, people can enjoy interesting programs in a inexpensive and convenient way
22. Would you mind to come and visit me next summer?
→ .............................coming.......................................................................................................
23. She has started learning to drive two weeks ago.
→ ............bỏ........................................................................................................................
24. Unless she will study hard, she will fail the exam.
→ ...................studies.................................................................................................................
25. She felt tired but she went to bed earlier than usual.

A. Choose A, B, C or D to fill in each of the corresponding gaps.
Babies sleep for up to eighteen hours a (26)................................... Mrs. Thatcher and
Napoleon both said they only (27).................................. to do it three or four hours a night.
Sleep. No one can live without it. But how much do we really need?
Research by the National Sleep Foundation (28).................................. Washington says
that we all need eight hours’ sleep every night. Scientists have found that people
(29).................................... sleep for less than six and a half hours a night are more often ill
(30) ................................. people who sleep for eight hours. Going without sleep also increases
the chance of serious illness. ‘Workaholics’ who sleep (31) .................................. less than five
hours often die young, and do worse at work. The scientists found that on average adults
(32).............................. for seven hours a night, with thirty-two percent sleeping less than six
hours. It also (33).......................... that the idea that we need less sleep as we get older is
completely untrue. ‘People have (34) ............................ idea how important is to their lives’ Dr.
Thomas Roth, director of the Foundation says. ‘Good (35) ............................ needs good sleep’
26. A. day B. week C. month D. year
27. A. need B. needs C. needed D. needing
28. A. at B. in C. on D. under
29. A. what B. which C. who D. where
30. A. than B. as C. of D. for
31. A. of B. for C. with D. at
32. A. to sleep B. slept C. sleeping D. sleep
33. A. to say B. say C. says D. saying
34. A. not B. no C. none D. nor
35. A. health B. healthy C. healthful D. healthily

B. Read through the text and choose one answer for each question
Despite the fact that too much fat can be harmful, a moderate fat intake is actually
essential to the maintenance of good health. Some of the symptoms of fat deficiency include
flaking skins, emaciation, reduced functioning of the immune systems, and fertility problems.
Recent studies have linked fat free diets to increase stress aggression, and note that those who
try to eliminate fat completely from their food intake may be at risk for developing eating
disorders: a small amount of fat in a meal will produce a feeling of satiety which lasts much
longer than the sensation of fullness produced by protein or carbon hydrates.
At least two teaspoons of fat per day is needed in order for the digestive system to absorb
vitamins A, D, E and K, which are fat soluble. These vitamins are essential for healthy hair,
skin, teeth and eyes. Without the ability to absorb these vitamins, children run the risk of
developmental and neurological disorders. Adults need these vitamins to manufacture fertility
Some types of fat actually help to reduce harmful cholesterol levels. Polyunsaturated fats
like chicken fat and olive oil, seem to lower blood cholesterol, while saturated fats-those found
in red meat, dairy products and tropical oils-seem to raise the level of the kind of cholesterol
which accumulates as plaque on arterial walls. Paying attention to the type of fat consumed if
just as important as reducing total fat intake.
36. What did the paragraph preceding this passage most likely discuss?
A. Health problems linked to fat consumption
B. Moderate fat intake
C. General health guidelines
D. Methods of reducing one’s percentage of dietary fat.
37. What is the author’s main purpose in the passage?
A. To discuss some positive aspect of dietary fat.
B. To compare three kinds of cholesterol
C. To prove that a low fat diet is inherently harmful.
D. To analyze recent studies linking fat intake to disease.
38. All of the following are mentioned as signs of fat deficiency except ……………….
A. flaky skin B. fertility problems
C. reduced immunity D. a feeling of satiety
39. According to this passage, the most harmful type of fat would be found in ………
A. fish and vegetables B. steak and cheese
C. corn oil and olive oil D. chicken fried in soybean oil
40. According to the passage, an individual who wishes to stay healthy should ……….
A. eat a fat-free diet
B. eat equal amounts of the three different types of fat
C. take vitamins supplements
D. eat a small amount of fat each day

A. Complete the sentences using suggested words
41. Before/ give/ evidence, / you/ must/ swear/ say/ truth.
→ Before giving evidence, you must swear to say the truth
42. He/ last/ have/ eyes/ test/ ten months ago.
→ He last had his eyes tested ten months ago
43. It/ unusual/ Mrs Carol/ get angry/ staff.
→ It is unusual for Carol to get angry with her staff
44. man/ sentence/ 15 years/ prison/.
→ The man was sentenced to 15 years in prison
45. After/ he/ finish/ the report, he/ submit/ it/ the director.
→ After he had finished the report, he submitted it to the director

B. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their original meaning

46. He can answer all my questions.
 All my questions can be answered by him
47. Because of the bad weather, we cancelled our trip to Tam Dao.
 Because the weather was bad, we …..
48. It is a month since she last wrote to me.
 She has not written to me for a month
49. Is it necessary to bring warm clothes with me?
 Should I bring warm clothes?
50. “Why don’t you ask her yourself?”.
 He suggested that I should ask her myself

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