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Kaitlin Whalen

Arizona State University

OGL 300: Theory Practice of Leadership

Prof. Terken Gupur

February 17, 2020

Describe in detail the primary leadership qualities identified in Transformational and

Authentic Leadership models [i.e., the primary characteristics of Transformational Leadership

Theory (Bass’, Bennis and Nanus’, Kouzes and Posner’s approaches) and that of Authentic

Leadership Theory (George’s approach)] and explain how they help us to understand

leadership. Please include all the approaches in your answer. 

           Within the Transformational Leadership model, there are three approaches, Bass, Bennis

and Nanus, and Kouzes and Posner, each with varying characteristics. Bass’ approach, first

developed in the mid-1980s put less attention on the leader, and more on the needs of the

followers (Northouse, 2019, p. 169). Transformational leadership builds motivation in followers

in 3 steps. First, they discover and highlight the significance and value of the followers’

individualized goals. Next, transformational leaders help the followers surpass the ideas they

have regarding their own goals and learn how they can further help the organization. Lastly,

this type of leader helps advance their capable followers to manage the higher-level needs of

the organization. A transformational factor Bass believed to be necessary for this type of

leadership includes idealized influence, or charisma, which helps provide the followers with a

vision to build motivation (Northouse, 2019, p. 170). Idealized influence is measured by both

attributional (attributes of the leader based on followers' perceptions) and behavioral

(observations of the leader made by the followers) components (Northouse, 2019, p. 171). Bass

also believed in the power of being inspirational and providing what he called “inspirational

motivation” to followers. This involves setting clear, high expectations of followers through the

organization’s shared vision. Within this factor, leaders use emotional appeals to motivate their
followers to achieve more than they normally would (Northouse, 2019, p. 172). The last two

factors in Bass’ approach are intellectual stimulation which involves a leader encouraging

creativity and innovation from their followers and individualized consideration which describes

a leader’s ability to coach and delegate tasks to their followers while maintaining a supportive

environment (Northouse, 2019, p. 172).

           Bennis, Nanus, Kouzes, and Posner interviewed various leaders to discover a more in-

depth understanding of transformational leadership. Bennis and Nanus discovered 4 strategies

utilized in transforming organizations (Northouse, 2019, p. 176). The first strategy involves

having a clear vision of the organization’s future that is not only engaging but also realistic. This

allowed followers to have a sense of direction and provided insight on how each individual fit

into that vision enabling a unified understanding. Second, transforming leaders maintain the

ability to shape their organization’s values, morals, or norms by being social architects. Third,

trust is created within their organization by being the leader remaining transparent regarding

their positions and remaining dependable by following through on commitments or obligations.

Lastly, leaders are self-aware regarding their strengths and weaknesses, yet consciously

highlighted and utilized their strengths rather than dwelling on what they considered weak.

           Through interviews with over 1,300 managers, Kouzes and Posner discovered five

practices made by transformational leaders within organizations (Northouse, 2019, p. 178).

These include modeling the way, inspiring a shared vision, challenging the process, enabling

others to act, and encouraging the heart (Northouse, 2019, p. 178). Modeling the way describes

the leader’s ability to lead by example and follow through on the commitments they make

toward their followers. Visualizing and communicating a positive organizational outcome while
encouraging and displaying how followers’ dreams can be achieved is the focus of inspiring a

shared vision. Challenging the process involves risk and innovation. According to Kouzes and

Posner, leaders must have a growth mindset and not be afraid to try new things. Enabling

others to act describes encouraging collaboration and teamwork within an organization.

Leaders support their followers and enable them to make their own decisions. Lastly, rewarding

accomplishments resembles encouraging the heart. Humans need recognition and support and

by providing praise to our followers, we create a stronger unity and morale.

           Authentic leadership is difficult to define, however, leaders displaying this theory provide

authenticity in their role. Bill George’s (2003) approach describes authentic leaders as

maintaining a desire to help others while being self-aware and leading based on their values

(Northouse, 2019, p. 200). George discovered five characteristics of authentic leaders. These

include maintaining a strong sense of purpose, having values regarding the right thing to do,

the ability to establish trust, displaying self-discipline, and demonstrating empathy toward

others (Northouse, 2019, p. 200). Maintaining a sense of purpose occurs when leaders have a

clear vision, are intrinsically inspired, and display a passion for their work. Authentic leaders

present behaviors that correspond to their values. In other words, leaders “know who they are,

where they are going, and what the right thing is to do” (Northouse, 2019, p. 201). George’s

third characteristic, establishing trust, involves building strong relationships and connecting

with others. This describes remaining open and willing to share but also reliably listens to

others. Self-discipline allows leaders to remain focused and determined. Under pressure or

stress, self-disciplined leaders stay calm, collected, and consistent. Followers gain a sense of

security from self-disciplined leaders because of the leader’s predictability. Lastly, having
empathy and displaying compassion and heart are important aspects of authentic leadership

because it increases sensitivity to other’s experiences, backgrounds, or cultures.

Provide a comparison and a contrast of the key differences and similarities between these

two theories. 

           There are many similarities and differences between the transformational and authentic

leadership theories. First, although each of these theories are developed over time,

transformational leadership takes practice whereas authentic leadership is developed by the

leader’s personal experiences. Transformational leadership describes factors, strategies, and

practices that can be implemented to further advance the technique, whereas authentic

leadership describes characteristics the leader must obtain. 

            Each theory does require a clear vision of the future. With transformational leadership, a

clear vision is a necessity for the organization to collectively come together and collaborate

based on the organization’s main objective. Authentic leadership relies on the leader having a

vision based on their individual sense of purpose and what they are passionate about. This will

align with the organization’s vision if the authentic leader is passionate regarding their work. 

           Although each theory is people-focused rather than task, authentic leadership theory

focuses on the leader and what characteristics they can provide to the organization, whereas

the transformational leadership theory puts more emphasis on the followers. A

transformational leader is expected to understand the needs and goals of their individual

followers in order to unite those goals with the goals of the organization whereas an authentic
leader displays the behavior they want their followers to possess and focuses on building

relationships with compassion, self-discipline, and purpose. 

Identify an experience involving each of these models and provide details as to whether the

positive experiences related to HOW support or direction were given AND/OR matching your

developmental level. If you are recounting a negative experience, was it due to HOW support

or direction was given AND/OR a mismatch with your developmental level.

           When analyzing my past leadership experiences, it is difficult to identify a

transformational or authentic leader. Most of my leaders have not been “leaders” at all, rather

managers that focused on completing tasks to move the organization forward instead of the

people. This is why a high employee turnover rate and low job satisfaction were the norms for

most of my previous jobs. From my experience, being a transformational or authentic leader is

not an easy process.

           One leader who came close to hitting the mark of a transformational leader is the owner

of a children’s facility where I first began teaching classes nearly 6 years ago. I was hired after

having surgery that ended my anticipated performing career. My leader’s name was Mindy, and

she knew I needed a bit of direction both personally and professionally, therefore she quickly

became a mentor and a friend. Mindy was extremely charismatic and clearly an outgoing

people-person. She helped me develop a vision within myself that suited what I wanted the

next 5 and 10 years of my life to look like and merged it with the organization’s objectives. I

have worked my way up to a director position thanks to her individualized consideration of my

goals and capabilities, the direction she provided in developing my critical thinking skills, and
the intrinsic motivation she helped me gain to reach this point. Mindy has also helped

encouraged my efforts to return and succeed in school after my short performing career

created an educational hiatus. Leadership has become a passion of mine since watching and

learning from Mindy and I hope to gain the ability to help others that end up in my position. 

           Because my developmental level in the position in which Mindy hired me was low, I

needed both direction and support from my leader. Mindy did an exceptional job providing

both making my followership under her a positive experience. She identified my need for

encouragement and guidance and provided the tools necessary to help me not only succeed

but excel. Thanks to her, I have fine-tuned my abilities to lead a team and am a forever student

searching for new techniques to apply to my repertoire.

           A leader whom I believe to be as close to an authentic leader as I have known is my

current manager of a personal training studio where I work. Chris is beyond passionate about

fitness and truly believes his facility makes a difference in the lives of his clients. He has

developed a clear sense of purpose in helping others better their health and lives through the

programs he provides. He also displays passion when leading his team of trainers and helping

us become as passionate and driven as he is. Leading by example is something Chris prides

himself on as he would never ask his trainers or clients to do something he wouldn’t do himself.

His core values of living a healthy, fit lifestyle exemplify what he teaches his clients, and his self-

discipline and consistency are displayed not only through his hard work in the facility but also

through the work he puts in to better his own body and mindset. Chris can tell you the name

and goal of all 400 members in our facility because he displays a need to build connections and

relationships with those who entrust him with their health. Chris also has the largest heart and
displays empathy with both his clients and his team. If I am late to work, tired on the job, or do

not understand a task that needs completing, he doesn’t reprimand, he shows empathy and

understanding. He asks questions regarding my personal life outside of work and is always

willing to help. Chris is the type of person that would wake up at 3 am to pick you up from the

side of the road if your car breaks down, no questions asked. He shares his personal struggles

and triumphs to build a relationship and show understanding of my hardships which, in turn,

creates a stronger bond. Through the pandemic, Chris has remained cool, calm, and collected

putting the trainers' and clients' minds at ease as we transitioned from one adjustment to

another. There was consistency in the workouts whether we were doing them online, outside,

or in our studio.

           Chris provides hope and comfort by displaying authenticity in his role as a leader. He

directs when needed but immediately turns into a supporter when skills are proven, and his

followers' confidence has grown. His values align with what he is working toward and he

displays empathy, self-discipline, and passion in every aspect of his work. I have had only

positive experiences working with Chris because of his authenticity.


Northouse, P. G. (2019). Leadership: Theory and Practice (8th ed.) [Perusall Edition]. Los

Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications. Retrieved February 17, 2021.

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