Reflection: IN-SEVICE TRAINING 2020-2021

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When I was in middle school, I had the fondest memory of living in worlds as I deem through

reading. I was a ninth grader when I delved into J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter books embodying a

Griffyndor wizard in me. I remember one of my favorite lines from Dumbledore, “Dark times lie ahead of

us, and there will be a time when we must choose between what is easy and what is right.” I couldn’t help

but go back to that moment when I realized what these dark times meant – trying times. I see a world

challenged by changes, compelled to set flexible way of living as we’re faced with question of certainty.

The answer is education. It is by learning that we create proverbial leaps amidst uncertainty. The

protagonist from the book, Harry Potter, learned what spells to cast, he learned how to survive and trust

other people – from experiences to formal education, it is essential to be taught, be informed, and be

encouraged. Over the course of time, our educational system has reshaped and dealt with changes due to

the pandemic. With sudden shift away from classroom, we’re left with few options. These ‘dark times’

gave birth to distance learning. Same as true with how teachers communicate, improve, and develop skills

essential with the new curriculum, through webinars.

In-Service Training (INSET) is an annual seminar workshop for teachers in response to their

teaching methods, classroom management, professional growth and skills enhancement. It acts as a

catalyst for teacher’s effectiveness and has been a driving force for improvement. Held from December

14-19, 2020, Mahinog National High School II set forth a journey to understanding changes and learning

the new normal. As it culminates, I was able to identify a number of essential points and insights that are

relevant in today’s time of need.

On online instruction. It is not a question why our system is trying to strengthen teachers

knowledge on how to mirror physical classrooms to online, creating safer and convenient spaces for

teaching-learning process to commence. Our training on creating Google Classrooms essentially just

enables such possibility. I came to realize that since these websites and online platforms are ready, it is

also time to broaden the connectivity and provide opportunities for remote learners living in outskirts and

highlands to use technology the same with those in cities and urban areas. Our gained knowledge like

creating presentations, presenting videos and assessing outputs are few of the skills on how to manipulate

online classes. It will be useful once connectivity becomes inclusive and widespread.
On health and safety. Ever since the Corona Virus 2019 stirred the globe with its dreadful

presence, we have heightened our protocols on health and safety standards. We continue to live in fear

despite all the regulations because our enemy is invisible and atrocious. In this regard, our training on

what to do and how to do things remains as our weapon. One of the things I took note of is to establish a

climate in work that encourages and does not stigmatize safe physical activities.

On ethical practices. The new norm in education sparked new ways for teachers. Our

conventional work processes and daily activities are in time replaced with more productive and outcome-

based endeavors. Despite of these changes, the moral principles that must be uphold by a public servant

remains paramount. The integrity to work diligently and fiber to observe principles that restricts and

bounds us remains imperative. As Socrates had it his way, “The secret of change is to focus all your

energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new”.


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