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Case Assessment: Nutritional assessment of older adult

   I.    The WARNING SIGNS of poor nutritional health are often overlooked. Use this checklist to find out
if your "Grandparents" is at nutritional risk.

Circle the number in the yes column for those that apply to you or someone you know. For each yes
answer, score the number in the box. Total your nutritional score.


I have an illness or condition that made me change the kind and/or amount of food I eat. 2

I eat fewer than 2 meals per day. 3

I eat few fruits or vegetable, or milk products. 2

I have 3 or more drinks of beer, liquor or wine almost every day. 2

I have tooth or mouth problems that make it hard for me to eat. 2

I don’t always have enough money to buy the food I need. 4

I eat alone most of the time. 1

I take 3 or more different prescribed or over-the-counter drugs a day. 1

Without wanting to, I have lost or gained 10 pounds in the last 6 months. 2

I am not always physically able to shop, cook and /or feed myself. 2


Total Your Nutritional Score. If it’s _0_

0 – 2   Good! Recheck nutritional score in 6 months.

3 – 5   Moderate nutritional risk.   

6 or More High nutritional risk.

 If you got the score of 3 – 5, What will you do to improve their eating habits and lifestyle?

 If you got the score of 6 or more, List down all the food that needed.

 Compute for the BMI of your grandparents

2. Get 1 current research program regarding "Nutrition" for Elderly, Summarize and upload to canvas.
(Reference indicated using APA format)
Nutritional Status of Elderly people using Mini Nutritional Assessment Tool at selected rural
area of Chamarajanagara District


Introduction: Worldwide the elderly population gradually increasing and that will definitely
pose several challenges. Nutrition among elderly has emerged as a major public-health
problem. The evidence shows that more than 50% of the elderly population is underweight and
more than 90% has an energy intake below the recommended intake. Aims and Objectives: The
study aim to assess the level of nutritional status of the Elderly people of rural areas of
Chamarajanagar district by using mini nutritional assessment tool. Approach and design: An
Exploratory Descriptive Survey approach was used. Samples and sampling criteria: To assess the
level of nutritional status among 60 elderly people of rural areas of Chamarajanagar district
Non-probability, Convenient sampling technique was adopted. The level of nutritional status
was measured by using mini nutritional assessment tool. Result: The nutritional status of the
elderly as determined by the MNA tool of the 60 elderly 6.7% were found to be malnourished,
20% were at risk of malnutrition and 36% were found to be well nourished. Conclusion: Present
study reveals that 33.3% of elderly at risk for malnutrition and 6.7% of population are
malnourished. The care of the elderly should also include the nutrition components for better
addressal of the health needs of elderly and also screen and support elderly with malnutrition


The nutritional status of the elderly as determined by the MNA tool of the 60 elderly 6.7% were
found to be malnourished, 20% were at risk of malnutrition and 36% were found to be well


Present study reveals that 33.3% of elderly at risk for malnutrition and 6.7% of population are
malnourished. The care of the elderly should also include the nutrition components for better
addressal of the health needs of elderly and also screen and support elderly with malnutrition


Vinay Kumar G, Manjula, Prasanna Kumar(2021). Nutritional Status of Elderly people using Mini
Nutritional Assessment Tool at selected rural area of Chamarajanagara District

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