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Altair Engineering India| Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks

S. No. Tips and Tricks Page No.
1 HyperMesh – Loading visualization through contour. 2
2 HvTrans – Convert any Result file format to H3d format. 3
3 Hyperform & Inspire form - Exporting HF and IF formed blank to 4
CAD format.
4 Training Schedule for February. 5
5 Latest HyperWorks Suites. 6

Altair Engineering India| Tips and Tricks

1. HyperMesh – Load visualization through contour

Product – HyperMesh
Topic Details – Sometimes it is difficult to visualize the loading if there are too many loads
on a single face. So, to visualize such loading you can take help of contour loadings.

Steps to visualize the loading through contour plot

• Go to BCs Drop menu and select contour Loads.

• Select the desired load collector from the browser area and click on Accept.
• Now, click on contour after selecting the desired loads from the panel area.

Altair Engineering India| Tips and Tricks

2. HvTrans – Convert any result file format to H3d format.

Product – HvTrans.

Topic Details – To convert any result file format to h3d format.

Steps to convert file to H3d format

• Click on file open any result file. All the subcases automatically loaded.
• You can customize the h3d file according to your requirement and click on Translate.

Altair Engineering India| Tips and Tricks

3. Exporting HF and IF formed blank to CAD format.

Product – Altair Hyper Form & Inspire Form

Topic objective – Exporting the Inspire form and Hyperform formed blank to CAD format.
Topic details – To export the blank from .sta format to CAD format using Hyperform surface
creation from FE option.

➢ While using HF for simulation:

• Import the formed blank in HF in .sta format as a solver deck file.

(Note: During forming operation use fine mesh size).

• Now, Go to Geometry > Create > Surfaces > From FE.

• Select all the elements as displayed and toggle the Auto Detect Features to Feature

• And select all the feature edges as displayed (if you created any or even with no edges).
• And then click on Create button for creating the surfaces on the mesh.

Altair Engineering India| Tips and Tricks

➢ While using IF for simulation:

• During result visualization right click on the blank component and select export blank.
• It will save the blank in .stl format in your save directory.
• Import the .stl file in HF as solver deck and follow the same process as above for
generating the surface.

Altair Engineering India| Tips and Tricks

Training schedule of February: Altair Engineering India | New Delhi

For Training registration go to the below link

Altair Engineering India| Tips and Tricks

Latest HyperWorks Suites

• HyperWorks Desktop-2019.1
• Mechanical Solvers-2019.2
• CFD Solvers- 2019.1
• SimLab-2019.2
• Simsolid-2019.3
• Inspire -2019.3.2
• HyperWorks CFD Solvers-2019.1
• Inspire Cast-2019.3
• Inspire Extrude Metal-2019.3
• Inspire Extrude Polymer-2019.3
• Inspire Form-2019.3
• Inspire Render-2019.3
• Inspire Studio-2019.3
• Compose-2019.3
• Activate-2019.3

Note – All the above executable can be downloaded at Altair Connect. It is always recommended to
check for the latest executables in the below link.

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