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In continuation to Day 3’s assignment:

1. In the ‘Mark’ object created earlier, make changes as applicable according to the
details given below:

Student Name (Required)

Enrollment ID (Required and Unique)
Student Phone
Semester: 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th (Required)
Stream: IT or CS (Required)
Subjects: (Required)

- DBMS (only applicable for students in 5th and 6th Sem)

- Computer Networks (only applicable for students in 5th and 6th Sem)
- Advanced Java (only applicable for students in 7th and 8th Sem)
- Data Warehousing (only applicable for students in 7th and 8th Sem and
IT stream)
- Data Mining (only applicable for students in 7th and 8th Sem and CS
Hint: You will have to use dependent picklists’ concept to create a link between
semester, stream, and subject field. Take a look at how dependent picklists work
in the Day 4 training material’s Appendix and this article.

Exam Type: Mid Semester and Final Semester

Total Marks (Required): Default value ‘0’
Marks Obtained
% Marks obtained (for each subject)
Subject Code: (Auto populated)
- IF Stream = IT, Semester = 5th and Subject = DBMS then code = IT-5th-
- IF Stream = IT, Semester = 6th and Subject = DBMS then code = IT-6th-
- IF Stream = CS, Semester = 7th and Subject = Data Mining then code =
- IF Stream = CS, Semester = 8th and Subject = Data Mining then code =
- Same format for other values
Hint: You will have to use formula fields to auto-populate the values. Take a look
at how formula fields work in this article.

2. Create a Tab for the object

3. Create records for Marks for 3 students: Suresh, Mahesh, and Jay

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