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Ethical & Effective Leadership: Reflections & Exemplary Work

Kevin Phelps

University of San Diego

October 4, 2021

Ethical & Effective Leadership: Reflections & Exemplary Work

Modern-day law enforcement success is directly influenced by an organization's ability to

perform its duties ethically and with effective leadership. Ethics and leadership are the

foundational attributes needed by an agency to serve its community effectively. For this reason,

law enforcement leaders must ensure they root themselves with ethical and moral intentions and

support them with ethically invested decision-making. The agency must also focus on providing

effective leadership that inspires employees from all levels to support the agency's overall goal.

A key component to leadership is possessing the ability to understand the perception of

those who disagree with you. An effective leader can face criticism, take suggestions, and will

employ understanding to those who challenge them and push for reasonable change. In my first

paper, Law Enforcement and Race Relations, 2020, I simulated a speech I would provide to the

community after a few high-profile and controversial incidents occurred within my agency. In

this speech, I address the need for unity amongst the public during these trying times and suggest

cooperation between law enforcement and community members. I reinforce ideas that feelings of

injustice should not separate us but rather push us to work together to find solutions to the root

causes of the problems perceived by the community.

Use of force policies and applications will always be a controversial topic. Therefore, law

enforcement leaders must review and ensure their policies are grounded in ethical decision-

making. In my second paper, Use of Force Reform Memorandum, I review the carotid restraint

technique as it would apply to the use of force within my agency. This comes as the technique

has been publicly criticized and petitioned to be banned. Throughout the paper, I address how the

carotid restraint technique has been proven to be an effective tool in apprehending dangerous

subjects engaged in violent behavior. However, I establish that there have been documented

cases where people have died as a result of the application of the carotid restraint. Therefore, I

recommend, the carotid restraint be utilized only in a circumstance when lethal force would be

authorized to protect the public or an officer. This ensures we are not negligently applying a use

of force technique that could unintentionally cause excessive injury or death to a subject not

posing a threat worthy of lethal force.

In my last paper, Mindfulness in Your Agency, I discuss a recommendation I would make

to assist officers within my agency. I discuss the impact of the traumatic incidents law

enforcement officers are subjected to during the performance of their duties. I acknowledge the

impact mental health has on the physiological and psychological effects on law enforcement

officers. To ensure those under my command are presented with preemptive opportunities to

seek help, I would establish an annual meeting with a department contracted psychologist. The

officers would be required to attend as either part of their shift or during a scheduled overtime

shift. The officers would be required to attend the meeting, and nothing more. This creates a

situation and environment where officers are presented with the ability to discuss mental health

or other troubles with a professional without having to fear asking for assistance through an

Employee Action Program. These discussions between the professional will remain between

them and the officers to prevent officer's fear of the agency, knowing struggles or burdens they

may carry.

As every law enforcement leader should be, I am committed to ethical standards and

practices amongst my agency, subordinates, and community. I believe that developing systems

and policies based on ethical decision-making with the safety of my officers and the relationship

with the community in mind will influence substantial community relationships and mutual

community support.

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