Technical Report Writing 2 Cri018

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Cagayan de Oro College-Phinma

Ms. Bonita Mae P. Calixtro


Section: C1-TRW-01

Lesson Title: Introduction to Technical Writing Report

Lesson Objectives:
1. Understand the Technical Writing Report
2. Differentiate Academic Writing Vs. Technical Writing
3. Understand the importance of Writing Skills


Introduction to Technical Writing Report

What is Technical Writing?
A technical report (Scientific Report) is a document that describes the process, progress, or
results of technical or scientific research or the state of a technical or scientific research
Technical reports are often prepared by sponsors of research projects.
Technical reports are today a major source of scientific and technical information. They are
prepared for internal or wider distribution by many organizations.
There are no absolute rules about the details of report production, because every report must
be totally adapted to the needs of its reader.
Flexibility and adaptation may be useful, but only to make the report more accessible to the
The objectives or a report identify exactly what information it covers, for whom it is written and
why it should be produces; these objectives should be clear to the writer long before the
process of writing starts. It is helpful to put down in note form the precise details of the
objectives and to check these details regularly until the last stages of production.
“Technical writing conveys specific information about a technical subject to a specific
purpose..The words and graphics of technical writing are meant to be practical: that is, to
communicate a body of factual information that will help an audience understand a subject or
carry out a task.” -Michael H. Markel (Director of Technical Communication, Boise State
Academic vs. Technical Writing
Academic Technical
Purpose Demonstrate what you know Getting something done
about a topic
Knowledge of Topic Less than teacher who is More than the reader
evaluating them
Audience Teacher Several People
Criteria for Evaluation Depth, logic, clarity, unity and Clear and simple
grammar organization of ideas

Academic Writing Technical Writing

Descriptive Writing Job Description, Incident Report, Resume,
Process Explanation
Narrative Writing Observation Report, Progress Report
Analysis Performance Evaluation, Feasibility Report
Cause and Effect Analytical Report, Product Field, Test Report
Compare-Contrast Product Comparison, Feasibility Report
Persuasive Writing Proposal, Action Plan

How is Technical Writing Different?

The information is organized, presented and communicated in a specific format.
The writing is concise, clear and accurate.
The writing takes into account the audience’s need, biases and prior understanding.
The writing presents information to help readers solve a problem or gain a better understanding
of situation. The reader is the most important person.
The writing conveys technical, complex, or specialized information in a way that is easy for a
non-technical reader to understand.
Technical writing is a natural partner to academic writing. It is descriptive, creative, and
expository, but the format is different and the standards are higher.
Technical writing requires 100% accuracy.

Types of Technical Reports/Communication

 Annual Report
 Books
 Computer Hardware Guides
 Magazines
 Newsletters
 Organizational Manuals
 Scholarly Articles/Journal
 Software Guides
 Technical Reports
Importance of writing skills:
Writing skills, which is one of the four basic skills in foreign language teaching, is the most
challenging skill for students and teachers. It is expected that two of the four basic skills,
speaking and writing, will be used in order to see how much students can learn and to evaluate
this process. Within these two skills, it is a known fact that the skill that students have difficulty is
writing skills. Writing can be defined as being able to produce the symbols and signs necessary
for the expression of thoughts in a motorized manner, putting structured information in the brain
into written form, and expressing feelings and thoughts with a number of signs (Tangpermpoon,
2008; Jordan, 2003; Stubbs, 1980). According to Nunan (2003), writing is the way in which
thoughts are revealed and expressed and presented to the reader in sentences and
paragraphs. Nordin (2017), on the other hand, considers writing as a skill that can be improved
by writing, and states that this is a process that involves research, reviewing and reorganizing
thoughts on a piece of paper. In other words, how and where the expressions should be
established, the order in which they should be placed and the parts that a meaningful whole
should consist of are the main factors that need to be known for a good written expression
(Hasan & Akhand, 2010). In addition, writing has three dimensions: cognitive, affective and
kinetic. The cognitive dimension is the mental process of interpretation of the acquired
information, sensations and observations. The affective dimension is the simplicity, fluency,
attractiveness, succinctness and readability of writing. Kinetic dimension is the coordination of
muscle movements in using notebook, paper, pencil and writing (Köksal, 1999). Writing, which
constitutes an important domain during both mother tongue and second or foreign language
learning, requires skills rather than knowledge. These skills are acquired through practice. Like
reading, writing has an important place in human life. Writing emotions, thoughts and
imaginations clearly and comprehensively requires various mental skills. Through these skills,
students learn to sort, limit and organize their thoughts, as well as determine the purpose of
writing and apply rules.

Self-Assessment: Read and Answer the following questions:

1. What is your level of writing skills? (From 1 to 10, 10 is the highest it means
Answer: 6
2. How do you develop your writing skills? (The question is “HOW”, it means you need
to elicits ideas)
Answer: In order to develop my writing skills, I need to understand first the word that
I am writing so that I can create a good sentence. I need to improve my vocabulary
by reading. I need to take note of some unfamiliar words that I encounter. And find
some research on the words that I do not understand.
3. What skills do you need to be a technical writer? (This question is referring to “YOU”)
Answer: To be a technical writer, I need the skill of writing and speaking because it
is the most basic skill out of the four skill in writing. I need writing and speaking skill
so that I can clearly express my thoughts and ideas.
4. Write at least 2 strategies you want to apply/develop in writing skills? (At least 2, not
only just 2)
Answer: Understanding, reading, listening, writing, speaking.

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