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Expo Dacia

6 landscape movies


scripts/shooting locations
Director : Patrick Vandebroeck
Producer : Eric Vandecasteele

Nature & people give true emotions

On the next pages you find for each movie the script and elements that with the information we got
combined with what we found on the internet. For each movie location with interesting parts to film and
ideal timing of shooting.



SHOOTING LOCATION IN A VALLY / no people on ruins site ! Try to avoid as much as possible
houses .. cars .. . Nature should be as wild as possible .

SCRIPT/ the romans
The eagle was an important symbol for the Romans. Important eagle in Romania / Golden eagle

Intro of the movie. We fly with the drone over the hills in the neighbourhood and mix this with images of a flying eagle . We fly over
the ruins and give the feeling of landing. We see then an eagle sitting on a ruin ( stockimage) . And from there impressive close ups of
details of the ruins. Ideal moment ,late afternoon with sun , so we have long shadows. At the end we try to make a time- laps when
sun goes down over the hills and light falls and the valley goes darker. Fade out . Early morning or late evening in the open fields in
background the high mountains. A part of the old road of the romans which would lead to the “ city”. Leaves fall in front of camera
eventually in combination wit a tree with falling leaves in wind, a feeling of beginning of autumn. ( Postproduction!! ) Transition to the
painted background, eventually we make the old road of the Romans more visible. Civilians and traders travelling direction the city.
Fade out. Drone goes very low over the field, like an eagle who flies up and circles higher and higher over the valley.
Duration +- 3 min.

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Info shooting.
Flying with drone over the hills and area Sarmizegetusa / fly like an eagle and give the
feeling of landing on the ruines.
Late afternoon , long shadows.

At the ruins film interesting shots with cam and drone, use drone like a crane. ( no eagle
feeling ). Late afternoon/ long shadows. Fix camera / time-lapse sun goes down.

An old road of the Romans which goes to the ruins. Cam fix. Very early morning.
( is image for transition to illustration / civilians and traders travelling to the city. )

Drone in that area . Flies up, like an eagle who flies away , view over the vally ( nature ).
Early morning.

Atmosphere autumn / colours : red , brown, deep green,

orange . From late afternoon to night and early morning.


SHOOTING LOCATION ON TOP OF MOUNTAIN / no people on ruins site ! Try to avoid as much as
possible houses .. cars … Nature should be as wild as possible .

The wolf is a very important animal for the Dacians. The Dacians lived high in the mountains where it can be very cold.

Intro. Wide images above the hills above the forest were we will add fog in postproduction.Very grey, very early morning. Then on
the ground between the trees of the forest. Here and there some fog. Slowly moving, it is still pretty dark. We go between the trees.
Is like an animal who moves slowly and comes closer . We feel in the movement that we go climb on a hill. We arrive on top and
discover the ruins of Sarmizegetusa Reniga . Different close ups and views of the ruins. Here and there is still some fog bec of the
early morning. Wide shot drone of the ruins. Fade out. Impressive wide shot on the top of the mountains, where we also see the other
mountains. Transition with painting starts, snow parts are also painted and snow falls, the beginning of winter. A Dacia King and a
priestess appear in very warm clothes appear. The priestess has a golden jewel around her arm. Fade out. A wolf in the forest in the
snow. ( stockshot ) Drone images over a forest in the snow ( stockshot). Duration +- 3 min.

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Click on the still to play movie

Info shooting.
Flying with drone above the forests of the hill, feel as much as
possible nature and trees. Very slow movement. Almost still. If
possible start high and then go slowly lower. We will add fog in
front, so forest and hill appears. Fix camera, wide shot of he
forests and mountains. Early morning or late evening.

In the forest ( the forest should be as wild as possible ) feeling of

movement , climbing up on the hill in the forest, point of view wolf
. Moving camera ( low handheld ? ) and drone ( if drone is
possible in forest). Late evening, early morning, dark in forest.

Discover the ruins from high point. Cam. Close ups at the ruins
with cam, and fix drone shots. Everything stays a little dark, cold ,
grey. Where possible add fog in post.

Wide shot on top of the mountains, where we see also other

mountains in background. Early morning or very late evening. Fix
camera. / transition to painting (Transition with painting starts, snow parts
are also painted and snow falls, the beginning of winter. A Dacia King and a
priestess appear in very warm clothes appear. The priestess has a golden jewel
around her arm )
Here also some extra shots with drone.

Atmosphere / colours : grey, dark green, black, white,

grey blue . Give feeling of cold weather , fog and
some snow falling in post prod


SHOOTING LOCATION / Parts of the Delta and Donau at the area of Zimnicea. No people or other
boats. Try to avoid as much as possible houses .. cars .. . Nature should be as wild as possible .

Location / script / motivation
We situate the Getae around and on the Danube, because they also defended that area. I think it is the most interesting to keep
the Danube as a base for their movie, to also create a contrast with the others. The Danube is very long .. So we have to choose
where we film the Danube. One of the latest demands was to try film bulls in the delta area ( which can be ofcourse very nice ) and
to show a top view at Zimnicea ( Getian settlement ) with overview of the valley and the Danube. That means we will not go to
Gorge area( between the rocks).
That is why I propose to stay close with the river and give the feeling of following the river and go now and then on the borders of
river, where we hopefully can find bulls. I have also read somewhere that they probably had a connection with the greeks who
were at the seaside, so that is a good reason to follow the river because of trading. I would like to start in the Delta river
atmosphere and then go to the more open river at the Zimnecia area. In that area we give an overview of the valley and go
direction the painting illustration.

The Danube river is very important for the Getae. “ They lived around it and use it also to trade.“

Intro. We follow the river slowly in the Danube Delta area ( we ‘re on a slow boat ). Early morning, hopefully sun. At the borders we
see the wild nature and some geese which fly up ( stockvideo or real if possible.) . Drone images take over and the drone follows the
Danube Delta. Fade out. We ‘re now in another area of the Delta, if possible there film some Bulls in the Delta area. Fade out. Green
area around the Danube, Transition to the painting , warm golden sun. In the area appears a priestress in a white dress with a rhyton
in her hand and an all black bull with big horns beside/behind her. Fade out.
Fade in . We ‘re now in the area of the Danube at Zimnicea. We follow the very wide river in the almost flat landscape. Drone images
over the river. Fade out. We’re on the “hill” at Zimnicea .. Slow pano movement over the valley and the. Danube.

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Info shooting.

Delta area where we can find geeze ? Wild nature.

We ‘re on a little boat. Also where can we find the new Bulls ?
Overview green landscape and Danube.

Danube : follow Danube on a slow boat. In the area of Zimnicea,

There is a nice island “ Stariat Dab “ so you see the Danube goes
around it at both sides .. Is this interesting ? We don’t want to see
industry or houses ! Shots with cam on the boat and drone shots.

Point of view at Zimnecea , overview of the valley and the


Atmosphere / colours : golden atmosphere. Morning

sun and evening sun , very warm colours.


SHOOTING LOCATION GREEK COLONY HISTRIA no people on ruins site ! Try to avoid as much as
possible houses .. cars … Nature should be as wild as possible .

The Greeks are know for their philosophers, historians, knowledge, elegance, serenity, trading.. also known for trading by boat. And golden
jewellery craftsmen. They were situated at the border of the black sea.

Intro. Topshot of waves on open sea. Fade out. Fade in . ( on a bigger boat, so we feel we’ re moving faster, we don’t see the boat ) We ‘re on
open sea and go direction the land. Top shot drone flies over the coastline and we discover from high the greek ruin. Fade out . Close up of
interesting parts of the ruins. Fade out. Wide shot of the ruins. Fade out. Shot of the high cliffs with the sea. Cut. On top of the cliff foreground,
wide black sea in the back, transition to painting two women appear with white dresses, like they are talking about life. Some raven in
foreground. Fade out. Drone high so we see the whole cliff and the area. Top shot waves, we go slowly closer. Fade out. Fade in . Deep under
water we see a wine jug of the greek.

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Info shooting.

On a boat direction coast. Images on boat and witddrone.

Coast and sea as ‘ wild ‘ as possible . Also top view of sea.

Drone shots of the site. The Greece part in the foreground !

Close ups on the site and overview . Pay attention only Greece
parts in close up. Lots of elements are from the Romans !

From a nice cliff overview of the sea . Wild nature

Atmosphere / colours : can be warm daylight sun ,

summer feeling. Full deep colours.


SHOOTING LOCATION CELTS TRANSYLVANIA / no people! Try to avoid as much as possible houses ..
cars … Nature should be as wild as possible .

Motivation script
When I think about the Celts in a way a world of imagination goes open for me. I think of Druids, wild boars, fire, forests , dark places , magic,
people close with nature and very strong, no fears and who believe in the power of nature in strong way, in unearthly things. It is sure that the
Celts where spread over a big area on the map. For this movie and for the contrast with the other movies, I wanna situate a part in the dark
forest to create the mystic and where they went hunting for wild boars. And another part in the valley where they had their towns and lived as
farmer. This village we have to create in a distance with the painting style. I would love to find for the shooting a primeval forests where you feel
that they had no fear of nothing. Those woods still exists in Romania.

Intro. Dark , green light lights up in close up, it is lightning bug. Movement over the ground in a dark forest. Wider shot of the dark forest,
lightening bugs fly around as little lights in the forest ( postprod). Fade out to black. Fade in we see some wild boars in the forest. ( stockvideo)
Fade out to black, fade in. We ‘re at the border of the forest , light comes in the forest from the full moon. Drone images of the overview at the
border of the forest. If it is possible to see mountains in distance, all stays very dark. Image in sky , a bird of prey flies trough the sky in front of a full
moon , while clouds are passing ( postprod). Wide shot direction a valley in the evening / night full moon. Transition to painting style. In a
distance we see a big fire and in silhouette a village. Fade out. Fade in. Painting ( Cremation scene / Warlord of Ciumesti with his helmet in his
hand or on his head ? Looks at the fire, flames in foreground, we feel some other people as silhouettes ) . Cut or fade out/ Fade in . top shot
direction the sky and full moon, fire sparkles go up in sky. Combination of live footage and post production.

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Click on the still to play movie

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Can it be for the valley shot at the Capra lake or

better at the Raven’s nest and no Lake ?

Info shooting.

The Forest is important that it looks scary but also mysterious !

For the valley the museum should decide if we go for a Valley
around Ravens nest OR with a valley with a lake . The advantage
of lake that it gives an interesting light with full moon in night .

Atmosphere / dark / full moon light also in woods..

should be mystic !


Dobruja, Danube Delta, wild horses on steppe-like meadows in Letea forest.

Scythians were nomadic equestrian people(s) that roamed the Eurasian steppe. Originally they came from Southern Siberia and spread east
and west in search for fertile pastures. In present-day Romania, they lived in the steppes in the north-east. They were herdsmen but also
fearsome warriors.A part of the steppe is close to the sea, so you have area’s where you also find some water. It is also a know place for wild
horses. Scythians were known for riding horses. Of course also other cultures ride horses in that time, but to make contrast with the other movies,
we show only in this film horses and also because this area is still known for wild horses. The steppe is also know for a very dry period in summer,
some parts even feel like a dessert. Would be nice to have some different feelings of the steppe with the shoot.

SCRIPT/ Scythians
Scythians were nomadic equestrian people(s) that roamed the Eurasian steppe and the wild horses were very important for the.

Intro. Early morning. Drone goes very low over the steppes, then slowly he goes higher so we get an impressive image how flat and how
big the steppes are. Fade out. Fade in. Fix camera. Wide shot over the steppe. Wind dust in front of camera ( post prod) In a distance
we see a group of wild horses. Cut . A few nice images closer now of wild horses in the steppe. Where necessary we add some extra
flying dust in post prod. Fade out. Fade in. Late evening sun, special light, soft pink blue, full low sun, eventually in post prod. Wide
images over the steppe. Transition to the painting style. In foreground we see a man on a horse ( with the golden protection on the
horse ) and a woman next to him with bow and arrow. Fade out to black. Fade in wide shot over the steppe. Timelaps from last sun till
night. In the night we see a movement of beautiful stars in the sky ( post prod). For this movie the light and place can change from
atmosphere .. depends where we find horses and at what time of the day. But the principal script stays the same.

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Info shooting.
Would be great to feel the difference here in the steps. Very dry area which almost feels like
desert. And places where is some water .. Here probably also where we find the horses ?

Combination of drone images very low also. And fix camera.

I would not fly over the horses with a drone .. because will scare them! And then we get running
horses scared of a drone.

Important that we can film very early and very late , till night falls.
So we have also a sky with stars.

Atmosphere / early mornings and late evening and night with stars magic. Feel the
dry desert.

Nature & people give true emotions


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