Evaluation and Management of Autonomic Nervous System Disorders

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Evaluation and Management of Autonomic

Nervous System Disorders

Caroline M. Klein, M.D., Ph.D.1


Autonomic nervous system dysfunction may manifest with a variety of symptoms,

with orthostatic intolerance (including orthostatic hypotension or tachycardia) and sweat-
ing abnormalities (increased or decreased sweating) being common problems requiring
medical evaluation and treatment. Determination of the underlying diagnosis for these

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symptoms is critical in terms of classification of the disorder and its prognosis. Recent
advances in evaluation of patients with these conditions and treatment modalities have
enabled physicians to improve overall management of patients with these disorders. These
advances include testing for ganglionic acetylcholine receptor antibody in patients with
suspected autoimmune autonomic neuropathy and use of pyridostigmine for treatment of
patients with orthostatic hypotension or tachycardia.

KEYWORDS: Dysautonomia, orthostatic hypotension, postural tachycardia syndrome

A utonomic nervous system dysfunction may ance and syncope, for example, may be due to a variety of
manifest clinically with a variety of symptoms, including underlying causes, including orthostatic hypotension,
orthostatic intolerance (due to either orthostatic hypo- orthostatic tachycardia (which may be secondary to
tension or inappropriate tachycardia), change in sweat- volume depletion, deconditioning, anemia, hyperthyr-
ing, gastrointestinal complaints, pupillary abnormalities, oidism, anxiety, or postural tachycardia syndrome—only
sexual dysfunction, bladder dysfunction, or secretomotor the latter of which is an autonomic disorder), or neuro-
changes (dry eyes or dry mouth). Depending on the cardiogenic or vasovagal (reflex) syncope. Autonomic
clinical setting, these symptoms may represent a limited symptoms have a wide variety of causes, some of which
autonomic disorder, such as autoimmune autonomic are more common (neurocardiogenic or reflex syncope)
neuropathy, or indicate the onset of generalized auto- than others (pure autonomic failure, multiple system
nomic failure as part of a neurodegenerative process, atrophy, autoimmune autonomic neuropathy).
such as pure autonomic failure or multiple system
atrophy (Shy-Drager syndrome). One must determine
if there is autonomic dysfunction, its extent and severity, CLINICAL FEATURES
and what other clinical features help to establish the
overall diagnosis for the patient. Accurate character- Orthostatic Intolerance
ization of an autonomic disorder and its underlying Orthostatic intolerance, as a broad definition, includes a
pathogenesis is necessary for planning management variety of symptoms, which occur when the patient
strategies and long-term prognosis. Orthostatic intoler- changes body position, specifically from lying down to

Department of Neurology, The University of North Carolina School kleinc@neurology.unc.edu).
of Medicine, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Neuromuscular Disorders; Guest Editor, Ted M. Burns, M.D.
Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Caroline M. Semin Neurol 2008;28:195–204. Copyright # 2008 by Thieme
Klein, M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology, Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001,
The University of North Carolina School of Medicine, 3114 Bio- USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.
informatics, Campus Box 7025, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7025 (e-mail: DOI 10.1055/s-2008-1062263. ISSN 0271-8235.

sitting, or most likely, standing upright. Physiologically, Secretomotor Symptoms

due to gravitational forces, there is an abrupt shift in Secretomotor symptoms include sicca symptoms of dry
blood volume and consequently venous return to the eyes (xerophthalmia) and dry mouth (xerostomia).
heart with change in body position, which is compen- Patients do not usually volunteer these symptoms unless
sated for in the normal patient by virtue of intact they are severe, but with careful questioning, they may be
baroreflex mechanisms. Patients may develop symptoms elicited. Dysfunction of autonomic innervation may be
of dizziness, lightheadedness, blurred or tunnel vision, seen in autonomic neuropathies or part of generalized
headache, chest discomfort, nausea, cognitive slowing, autonomic failure, although more commonly seen in the
posterior cervical and shoulder pain, and diaphoresis former.
with change in body position. In elderly patients (age
65 or older), these symptoms may not be immediately
apparent to the patient, but instead occur as a subtle but Gastrointestinal Symptoms
consistent change in mental status noted by caregivers Gastrointestinal symptoms may include early satiety,
whenever the patient is in an upright posture. In the abdominal cramping after meals, frequent diarrhea or
most extreme circumstances, syncope or temporary loss constipation (or alternating bouts of both), nausea and/
of consciousness may actually occur. These symptoms or vomiting with meals.
may be reported in patients that have orthostatic hypo-
tension or orthostatic tachycardia. In both cases, deter-
mining whether the symptoms are secondary to systemic Genitourinary Symptoms
causes such as anemia, dehydration, relative decondition- Bladder dysfunction, in relation to autonomic disorders,

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ing, or hyperthyroidism (with orthostatic tachycardia) is may include urinary incontinence, urinary frequency/
important. It is also important to determine whether urgency, and symptoms of urinary retention. Male pa-
lightheadedness or vertigo occurs when the patient re- tients may report symptoms of erectile dysfunction, and
ports ‘‘dizziness,’’ and whether the dizziness ever occurs in both male and female patients may report decreased
a supine position or with rapid change in head position, libido and inability to achieve orgasm with autonomic
in which case the symptoms may be due to vestibulop- dysfunction.
athy. How frequently the symptoms occur (daily versus
intermittently) and whether there is any diurnal variation
(worse in the morning, for example, which commonly Sleep Disorders
occurs in patients with orthostatic hypotension) in the A subset of patients may report sleep disturbances as part
symptoms are important clinical features. of their presentation of autonomic nervous system dys-
function. Specifically, patients with nightmares and
rapid eye movement (REM)-behavioral sleep disturban-
Sweating Abnormalities ces may have associated autonomic dysfunction in the
Sudomotor or sweating changes can also be features of setting of a diagnosis of multiple system atrophy.
autonomic dysfunction, implying changes in sweating
not related directly to symptoms of orthostatic intoler-
ance or presyncope. Patients may report either in- PATHOGENESIS
creased or excessive sweating, or decreased sweat The recent report by Vernino et al1 regarding isolation
output and heat intolerance, either globally, segmen- of a serum antibody against ganglionic acetylcholine
tally, or patchy in distribution. Many patients with receptors has led to better understanding and further
distal sweat loss report increased sweat output, which characterization of the pathogenesis of autonomic neu-
may occur as a compensatory response in unaffected ropathies, specifically autoimmune autonomic neuropa-
areas such as the head and upper torso, but which is thy, which was previously called idiopathic autonomic
perceived by the patient as excessive sweating. Sudo- neuropathy. Across a spectrum of patients with auto-
motor dysfunction may be due to abnormalities in nomic disorders—ranging from idiopathic autonomic
central control mechanisms (as in multiple system neuropathy to diabetic autonomic neuropathy to postural
atrophy), or more commonly in patients with auto- orthostatic tachycardia syndrome to pure autonomic fail-
nomic peripheral neuropathy, either as an isolated ure to multiple system atrophy—high levels of seroposi-
abnormality of postganglionic sympathetic nerve fibers tivity for this antibody were found. Ganglionic
only in hypohidrosis or global anhidrosis, or as part of a acetylcholine receptor antibodies were found in 40%
more generalized autonomic neuropathy, either pri- of patients with idiopathic or paraneoplastic autonomic
mary (autoimmune autonomic neuropathy) or secon- neuropathy and in a smaller percentage of patients with
dary (amyloidosis, diabetic peripheral neuropathy, or postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome or diabetic
small fiber sensory neuropathy due to Sjögren’s syn- autonomic neuropathy (< 10% for each group). Patients
drome) in nature. with other autonomic disorders were seronegative. The

subgroup of patients with idiopathic autonomic neuro- tachycardia syndrome, leading to a peripherally gener-
pathy with seropositivity for ganglionic acetylcholine ated hyperadrenergic state.8 Whether other genetic
receptor antibody were later further characterized by their mutations or polymorphisms are present in the general
clinical features, including sicca complex, pupillary light population of patients with postural tachycardia syn-
abnormalities, upper gastrointestinal symptoms, and neu- drome remains to be determined.13
rogenic bladder, in addition to orthostatic hypotension, An interesting and clinically challenging sub-
suggesting prominent cholinergic nerve fiber dysfunction group of patients with dysautonomia exhibits chronic
in this patient population.2,3 Patients with more limited autonomic failure with not only orthostatic hypotension
forms of autoimmune autonomic neuropathy (diabetic but also with supine hypertension. This combination
autonomic neuropathy, isolated gastrointestinal dysmo- may be seen in patients with multiple system atrophy or
tility, postural tachycardia syndrome) were found to have pure autonomic failure or in patients with Parkinson’s
lower, but positive, titers of this antibody.4 These anti- disease and orthostatic hypotension.14 Although the
bodies are not found in healthy control subjects,4 so that exact underlying pathophysiology is unknown, specula-
their presence appears to have not only diagnostic value tion is that it may be due to a combination of baroreflex
but also to provide information regarding pathogenesis in desensitization and residual serum catecholamines
these patients, particularly those with very high titers of interacting with hypersensitive peripheral adrenergic
antibody. Indeed, further testing with animal models has receptors.14 Goldstein et al15 found lower baroreflex-
provided evidence of pathogenicity.1,5,6 cardiovagal gain in patients with autonomic failure and
The pathophysiology of postural orthostatic ta- supine hypertension and lower plasma norepinephrine
chycardia syndrome (POTS) remains poorly understood, levels. Whereas patients with pure autonomic failure

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but what has evolved with clinical experience with these have peripheral sympathetic denervation, those with
patients is that this is truly a syndrome and not a specific multiple system atrophy have central sympathetic dener-
diagnosis, meaning that the underlying pathogenesis is vation; but both groups of patients very commonly have
variable, and different subgroups of patients who meet the combination of supine hypertension and orthostatic
the established diagnostic criteria have different under- hypotension, presumably as a result of baroreflex failure
lying causes.7–11 There is a subgroup of these patients from differing etiologies.15
with ‘‘neuropathic POTS,’’ meaning that they appear to
have a limited autonomic neuropathy underlying their
condition—as demonstrated by distal abnormalities on CLASSIFICATION
quantitative sudomotor testing and patchy denervation Dysautonomias can be classified into general categories
of sympathetic nerve fibers to the blood vessels in the based on their basic pathology (Table 1). Autonomic
lower extremities and the kidneys—leading to hypovo- neuropathy may occur as a very limited condition, such
lemia and abnormal vasoconstriction patterns as a cause as idiopathic hypo- or hyperhidrosis, limited impaired
for the postural tachycardia.8,11,12 A less common form is gastrointestinal motility, as part of a more generalized
that due to an increase in sympathetic outflow from the neuropathy such as with diabetic autonomic neuropa-
central nervous system, leading to a hyperadrenergic thy,12,16 or autonomic neuropathy in the setting of
state and orthostatic hypertension.8–11 Finally, a genetic amyloidosis12 or associated with Sjögren’s syndrome,17
mutation in the norepinephrine transporter protein has or sicca complex.12,16,18 In addition, there are hereditary
been identified in a kindred of patients with postural autonomic and sensory neuropathies.12,16 Autoimmune

Table 1 Classification of Dysautonomias by Symptomatology


Orthostatic hypotension þþ  þþ þþ  þþ
Orthostatic tachycardia  þþþ    
Secretomotor symptoms þþþ þ/ þ þ/  þþ
Pupillary abnormalities þþ     þ/
Gastrointestinal symptoms þþþ þ þ þ  þ/
Genitourinary symptoms þþ þ/ þþ þþ  þ/
Sleep disorder   þþþ þ  
CNS involvement  þ/ þþþ þþþ  
PNS involvement þ  þ/   
Sudomotor abnormality þþ þ þþ þ þþþ þþ
AAN, autoimmune autonomic neuropathy; POTS, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome; MSA, multiple system atrophy; PD þ OH,
Parkinson’s disease with orthostatic hypotension; CIA, chronic idiopathic anhidrosis; PAF, pure autonomic failure; CNS, central nervous
system; PNS, peripheral nervous system.

autonomic neuropathy, as recently highlighted, typically a prodromal illness, surgery, or trauma, lending to
has an acute or subacute (less than 3 months) onset and speculation that some forms of this syndrome may
may be limited or generalized.2,3,12 Paraneoplastic auto- have an autoimmune basis. A retrospective review of
nomic neuropathy associated with occult malignancy 152 patients evaluated over 10 years at the Mayo Clinic
may also occur, although rarely.12,16 Lambert-Eaton found that 15% of 42 patients of the group tested had
myasthenic syndrome is associated with autonomic dys- positive ganglionic acetylcholine receptor antibodies.11
function as well, presumably on the basis of a paraneo- Neurocardiogenic or reflex syncope may occur in patients
plastic syndrome or neurological autoimmunity with postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome or in
secondary to calcium channel antibodies.1,4,19 patients without other symptoms or signs of autonomic
Chronic autonomic disorders leading to general- dysfunction. Reflex syncope and carotid sinus hyper-
ized autonomic failure may be due to central neuro- sensitivity are more common causes of syncope and are
degenerative conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease with generally self-limited conditions.9,24
orthostatic hypotension or multiple system atrophy.
These conditions are progressive in their course, with a
relatively shorter prognosis for patients with multiple DIAGNOSTIC APPROACH
system atrophy. Studies evaluating sympathetic innerva- Patients with symptoms suggestive of autonomic dys-
tion to the heart with radioisotope neuroimaging tech- function require a thorough evaluation, starting with a
niques demonstrate preserved innervation in patients history and physical examination, including neurological
with multiple system atrophy in contrast to Parkinson’s examination. In all patients, performance of bedside
disease, where there is absence of sympathetic innerva- orthostatic blood pressure and heart rate monitoring is

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tion to the heart.7,20,21 So, although these two neuro- important. Supine parameters should be obtained after
logical conditions may share some clinical features, the patient has rested quietly for a few minutes, followed
including autonomic failure, the underlying pathogene- by standing upright, if possible, with obtaining and
sis may be different, with preganglionic lesions in the recording blood pressure immediately upon standing,
case of multiple system atrophy and lesions in postgan- then repeating the process for the next 2 to 3 minutes
glionic sympathetic nerve fibers in Parkinson’s disease with a pulse rate obtained at the end of the standing
with autonomic failure.7,20,22 Pure autonomic failure, in period. It is best to use a manual blood pressure cuff to
contrast, is a very slowly progressive dysautonomia with- obtain these measurements, as it is more accurate than
out symptoms or signs of central nervous system involve- most automated devices. In addition, bedside assessment
ment. In this condition, sympathetic innervation to the of heart rate response to deep breathing can be easily
heart is reduced20–22 and patients have low supine or judged by having the patient breathe in and out at a rate
resting plasma norepinephrine concentrations.20,22,23 Of of six breaths per minute (5 seconds for inspiration,
these three causes for generalized autonomic failure, 5 seconds for expiration) while palpating the patient’s
pure autonomic failure has, overall, the best progno- pulse rate. Part of the physical examination should
sis.9,23 Mabuchi et al23 recently compared retrospectively include notation of dry oral mucous membranes, dry
a small group of patients with pure autonomic failure skin, skin temperature, vasomotor changes (i.e., acrocya-
and compared them to patients with multiple system nosis or livedo reticularis), and peripheral edema of the
atrophy. They found that patients with pure autonomic extremities.
failure presented initially with orthostatic intolerance or Further autonomic testing is valuable in obtaining
sudomotor abnormalities followed by constipation and objective and reproducible assessment of autonomic
syncope, with urinary complaints occurring much later in impairment.25 This testing may include heart rate re-
their course, and respiratory involvement not being sponse to deep breathing and peripheral skin potentials,
affected. In contrast, patients with multiple system which can be performed on many standard electromyog-
atrophy had early urinary tract dysfunction, followed raphy (EMG) machines. However, peripheral skin po-
by sudomotor abnormalities and orthostatic hypoten- tential responses are sometimes difficult to elicit and are
sion, with respiratory problems occurring late in the the end result of a centrally stimulated autonomic
clinical course. response to startle. Standardized autonomic testing of
Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome leads cardiovascular reflex pathways (beat-to-beat monitoring
to orthostatic intolerance and may be due to peripheral of heart rate response to deep breathing and Valsalva
or central pathological mechanisms, as noted previously. maneuver, and to head-up tilt table testing), in addition
In general, it is a condition that predominantly affects to direct iontophoretic stimulation of postganglionic
female patients between the ages of 15 and 50 years of sympathetic nerve fibers to measure sudomotor function,
age, and in most patients it is a self-limited or mono- is also available and accomplished with minimal dis-
phasic illness.10–12 It may manifest with more general- comfort to the patient in an autonomic laboratory with
ized autonomic dysfunction, including orthostatic testing expertise. A minimum of 5 minutes of head-up
hypotension, in younger patients.10 It may occur after tilt table testing is able to capture abnormalities in the

majority of patients with orthostatic hypotension,26 tients and their family members or caregivers about the
although some investigators propose that an additional nature of their condition and the approach to treatment.
population of patients with ‘‘delayed orthostatic hypo- Symptoms of dysautonomia, especially blood pressure
tension’’ may be missed on standard tilt table testing and heart rate, tend to fluctuate and are impacted by a
unless the duration of the tilt is extended beyond variety of other influences. Therefore, patients and their
10 minutes.27 Autonomic function testing is particularly families need to be aware of interventions that should be
useful in patients with suspected subclinical autonomic done routinely to help stabilize the patient, and those
involvement, as in patients with diabetes who present which may be adjusted depending on the circumstances.9
with complaints of orthostatic intolerance but who may For example, patients with orthostatic intolerance, from
have more generalized autonomic failure with testing. either tachycardia or hypotension, should always main-
Likewise, in patients with postural orthostatic tachycar- tain adequate salt and fluid intake daily, elevate the head
dia syndrome, autonomic function testing may not only of their bed 4 to 6 inches, and avoid situations that may
confirm the diagnosis on head-up tilt table testing, but precipitate or worsen their symptoms.16,28 On the other
also provide evidence of a hyperadrenergic state and a hand, dosing of medications to treat these conditions in
limited autonomic neuropathy with sudomotor testing. some cases may work optimally by day-to-day adjust-
Additional testing may also be directed in areas of ments, with higher dosages being given on certain days
clinically symptomatic autonomic dysfunction, including or certain times of the day, depending on the medication
urodynamic studies for bladder complaints and gastro- and the patient’s diagnosis. Other medications need to
intestinal motility studies for patients. be taken regularly as prescribed for optimal benefit. With
Additional screening laboratory tests should in- appropriate education and understanding of these issues

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clude complete blood count for anemia, serum protein on the part of the patient and their caregivers, the quality
electrophoresis with immunofixation and free light of life in patients with dysautonomia can be substantially
chain analysis for patients with peripheral neuropathy improved, in most cases.
and possible primary systemic amyloidosis, testing for
Sjögren’s antibodies, and testing for ganglionic acetylcho-
line receptor antibodies in patients with possible auto- Nonpharmacological Treatment
immune autonomic neuropathy. Obtaining supine and A variety of approaches can be instituted for patients
standing plasma catecholamine levels is not critical for with dysautonomia, particularly those with orthostatic
diagnosis but may be helpful in distinguishing patients intolerance (Table 2). Encouraging patients to main-
with multiple system atrophy versus pure autonomic fail- tain adequate daily salt and fluid intake is critical,10,16,29
ure, as the former has normal levels of norepinephrine, and can be easily monitored by checking 24-hour
whereas in pure autonomic failure the patient’s plasma urinary sodium excretion. In patients who are main-
norepinephrine levels are reduced.20 A baseline electro- taining adequate salt and fluid intake, the 24-hour
cardiogram (ECG) and possibly additional cardiac eval- urinary sodium excretion should be greater than
uation, such as Holter monitoring or echocardiogram, 150 and ideally greater than 170 mmol or mEq per
may be indicated in patients with orthostatic intolerance 24 hours,12 with a total 24-hour urinary output volume
or syncope. Testing for sicca complex symptoms (Schirm-
er’s testing for xerophthalmia, minor salivary gland lip Table 2 Nonpharmacological Management of
biopsy for xerostomia) may be indicated in patients with Dysautonomias
suspected Sjögren’s syndrome, particularly if the serolog-
Orthostatic intolerance
ical testing for anti-SSA and anti-SSB antibodies is
 Adequate daily salt and fluid intake
negative. A 24-hour urine sodium excretion test is useful
 Head of bed elevated 4–6 inches
in patients with orthostatic intolerance to determine if
 Lower body resistance isometric training exercises
their daily salt and fluid intake is adequate to maintain
 Compression stockings or abdominal binder
euvolemia. The target sodium excretion is 170 mmol/L
 Eat smaller, more frequent meals
per 24 hours, with a target urine output volume between
 Plan daily activities to occur later in the day
2000 and 2500 mL per 24 hours.12 For patients with
 Arise to standing upright slowly
suspected supine hypertension in addition to orthostatic
Secretomotor symptoms
hypotension, a 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure mon-
 Artificial tears
itor may be useful to document this abnormality, as its
 Over-the-counter oral mucous membrane moisturizers
presence may alter management decisions.
 Punctal plugging or cauterization
Sudomotor symptoms
 External cooling devices
 Avoidance of warm/hot environments if heat intolerance
One of the most important aspects of treatment of
 Use of antiperspirants (Drysol) for excessive sweating
patients with dysautonomia is careful education of pa-

of between 2000 and 2500 mL. This requires patients physical counter-maneuvers the patient can use—when
to consume between 5 and 10 g of salt per day and to he or she experiences presyncopal symptoms and cannot
drink between 2 and 3 L of fluid per day. Patients immediately sit down—to try and abort an impending
should be encouraged to read food packaging labels and syncope.33 In other patients, a more formal exercise
to use drinking containers of known volumes to esti- program using an exercise bench can be done with
mate what amounts of salt and fluid they are consuming even better results. In some cases, institution of an
daily. The 24-hour urinary sodium measurement exercise program can be implemented under the guid-
should ideally be done when the patient’s salt and fluid ance of a physical therapist.
intake are at steady state in terms of their day-to-day
consumption pattern, and can be easily checked during
times when the patient’s symptoms may be worsening Pharmacological Treatment
and it needs to be determined if the patient is main- Pharmacological treatment for dysautonomia has been
taining the target consumption levels. Patients should primarily focused on treatment of patients with ortho-
limit caffeine-containing beverages because of their static intolerance (Table 3). Medication should only be
diuretic effect and try to use various commercially prescribed to treat patients who are symptomatic (or for
available fitness waters or beverages containing sodium patients whose standing systolic blood pressure is 80 mm
to reach their daily goal. Recent studies have shown Hg or lower who may not be symptomatic but who are at
that simply drinking 300 to 500 mL of water has an increased risk of syncope) and who have adequately
acute effect on blood pressure, even beyond simple
volume expansion.16,30–32

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Table 3 Pharmacological Treatment of Dysautonomias
Mechanical elevation of the head of the patient’s
bed is important to diminish natriuresis, which occurs Orthostatic intolerance—orthostatic hypotension
particularly in patients with orthostatic hypotension  Pyridostigmine, 15–60 mg TID or SR 180 mg daily

overnight, leading to increased urinary output and wor-  Midodrine 2.5–15 mg TID

sening the drop in blood pressure when the patient gets  Fludrocortisone 0.1–0.2 mg daily or every other day

up the following morning.9,12,14,33 This should be done  DDAVP (Desmopressin) 0.2–0.4 mg daily at bedtime

with cinder blocks under the head of the bed frame to  Erythropoietin 2000–10,000 units subcutaneously, weekly,

maintain a constant elevation of at least 4 inches above titrated for hematocrit of 50%
the horizontal when the patient is lying in bed. Orthostatic intolerance—orthostatic tachycardia
Use of compression stockings is also important in  Pyridostigmine, 15–60 mg TID or SR 180 mg daily

patients with orthostatic intolerance.9,10,12,14,16,33,34  b blocker (metoprolol, nadolol, propranolol)

These stockings are available in a variety of forms, and  Midodrine 2.5–15 mg TID

it has generally been found that stockings that extend  Fludrocortisone 0.1–0.2 mg daily or every other day

from toes to mid-thigh provide the best benefit,  Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

although some patients find putting on such stockings  Erythropoietin 2000–10,000 units subcutaneously,

daily cumbersome, and this reduces compliance. Patients weekly, titrated to hematocrit of 50%
should be strongly encouraged to wear these stockings as  Phenobarbital 15–60 mg qhs

much as possible, especially on days when they are more Autoimmune autonomic neuropathy
symptomatic, as that is when they will add the most  Plasmapheresis

benefit. A moderate degree of compression, between 30  Intravenous immunoglobulin, repeated courses if necessary

and 40 mm Hg, for the stockings is ideal,10 although  Oral prednisone or other immunosuppressants for

again any degree of compression is better than the chronic recurrence

patient not wearing anything. In elderly patients with Sudomotor abnormalities
arthritis or other medical issues that may reduce grip  Hypo/anhidrosis

strength and their ability to pull on compression stock- o Intravenous methylprednisolone or oral prednisone if skin
ings, a milder degree of compression, 15 to 20 mm Hg, biopsy demonstrates inflammatory response
can be considered. Abdominal binders to reduce blood associated with sweat glands
pooling in the splanchnic vascular beds can also be used  Hyperhidrosis

successfully in selected patients.12,14,33 o Botulinum toxin A subcutaneous injections, if localized to

An exercise program for patients, including aero- palmar or axillary regions
bic and isometric exercises, is important for maximizing o Oral anticholinergic agents, including amitriptyline
lower body muscle tone, which improves venous return 10–50 mg at bedtime, glycopyrrolate 1–2 mg TID orally or
in the upright posture.9,10,33 Depending on the patient, 0.5–4% compounded cream TID, scopolamine patch;
simple exercises such as repetitively standing on tiptoes hyoscyamine 0.125–0.25 mg every 4 hours; belladonna
to contract calf muscles or performing repetitive deep tincture
knee bends. These movements can be translated into TID, three times a day; SR, sustained release; qhs, at bedtime.

implemented nonpharmacological measures. For patients day. For the initial dose of the medication, because of the
with orthostatic hypotension, there are two U.S. Food risk of denervation hypersensitivity of the peripheral
and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved medications adrenoreceptors, the patient should take a dose of
available: fludrocortisone, a synthetic mineralocorticoid, 2.5 mg while being medically supervised with the patient’s
and midodrine, which is an a-adrenergic receptor ago- blood pressure recorded 2 hours after taking the dose.
nist.9,14,33,35 Pyridostigmine is a medication that has not been
Fludrocortisone works to increase salt and thereby FDA-approved for treatment of orthostatic intolerance,
water retention, thus increasing plasma volume. It is but has recently been found to be useful in patients not
dosed once or twice daily and, due to its long half-life, only with orthostatic hypotension but also patients with
may also be dosed on alternate days. Common side orthostatic tachycardia.36–38 Pyridostigmine (Mestinon)
effects include hypokalemia, peripheral edema, and in- is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor that is thought
creasing intraocular pressure; therefore, it should be used to benefit patients with orthostatic hypotension by in-
with caution in patients with congestive heart failure or creasing acetylcholine neurotransmission at peripheral
glaucoma.33 It may also worsen supine hypertension in autonomic ganglia, thereby increasing peripheral vaso-
patients with a combination of supine hypertension and constriction via sympathetic nerve fiber transmission.
orthostatic hypotension as part of their dysautonomia. Patients with orthostatic tachycardia benefit from the
Fludrocortisone is not a first-line agent and should be drug’s effect of increasing vagal cardiac input.36–39 Not
reserved for patients who are unable to maintain adequate only is the medication well-tolerated by most patients,39
daily salt and fluid intake on their own, or for patients but it also does not worsen supine hypertension.36–38 Its
with refractory orthostatic hypotension on maximal duration of action is 4 hours, similar to midodrine, so

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therapy.12 The therapeutic dosing range is narrow, with that patients can take up to three doses during the day to
effective doses being between 0.1 and 0.2 mg daily.12 help to alleviate symptoms occurring when they are
Midodrine is a peripherally acting a-adrenergic upright. The most common side effects are increased
receptor agonist that has a short duration of action, only salivation, sweating, and increased gastrointestinal mo-
4 hours, and is beneficial in patients who can be educated tility,37,39 all of which are usually beneficial in patients
on how the medication affects their blood pressure and with dysautonomia.39,40 Rarely patients may experience
when to use it properly to manage their symptoms. muscle fasciculations, which are benign and are due to
Midodrine can be useful in patients with either ortho- increased neuromuscular junction transmission. The
static hypotension or tachycardia. It is typically used at usual dose of the medication is 60 mg up to three times
much lower doses in patients with postural orthostatic a day, although I usually start patients at a lower dose,
tachycardia, as it has some action on veins and can reduce such as 15 mg three times a day, titrating to the target
venous pooling in the lower extremities in these patients, dose as needed.
thereby improving their orthostatic symptoms. Side Additional medications that have been used in
effects of the medication are due to its mechanism of patients with orthostatic hypotension include desmo-
action and include scalp paresthesias and ‘‘goose bumps’’ pressin, or DDAVP, which can be administered at night
due to piloerection at the skin surface, supine hyper- to reduce nocturnal diuresis and, subsequently, ortho-
tension, and urinary retention.33,35 Patients should be static hypotension in selected patients by its antidiuretic
advised not to take the medication within 4 hours of hormonal effect.28,33,41 However, serum sodium levels
lying supine, as it may lead to supine hypertension. and osmolarity must be closely monitored when using
Typically this medication is given in higher doses in this therapy.33 Erythropoietin subcutaneous injections,
the morning, when patients with orthostatic hypoten- given weekly, have also been used successfully and are
sion commonly have more severe symptoms, with lower thought to improve orthostatic intolerance not only by
doses in the afternoon, when orthostatic hypotension is increasing blood volume by increasing red blood cell
usually less severe, and no doses given within 4 hours of counts, but also by a direct vasoactive effect on peripheral
the patient’s bedtime.12,33 Generally, patients may have vasculature.9,10,16,28,42
some control of their doses so that on days when they For patients with orthostatic hypotension and
are more symptomatic and their orthostatic blood pres- supine hypertension, striking a balance between these
sure drop is more severe, they may take a higher dose of two states is particularly challenging to the clinician and
the medication. For patients with severe orthostatic does require vigilance on the part of the patients and
hypotension, taking a dose 30 to 45 minutes before their caregivers. Obviously, during the day if the patient
they attempt to get out of bed in the morning can be has an elevated blood pressure while seated or reclining,
very helpful, although they must be sure to get up by that then sitting or standing up will bring the blood pressure
time frame or risk worsening supine hypertension once down again. However, if the blood pressure drops too
the medication takes effect.33 Typically, doses of this much and/or the patient becomes symptomatic, then use
medication range from 2.5 to 15 mg up to three times a of medications to increase the patient’s blood pressure is
day, with the average dose being 5 to 10 mg three times a required. In contrast, at night, the patient is in a reclined

position (head of bed elevated 4 inches) but may have addition, there have been case reports of improvement
unacceptably high blood pressure even in this position. in patients with immunomodulatory therapy, including
These patients should record their blood pressure in plasmapheresis,46 infusion of intravenous immunoglo-
the resting position in bed before they go to sleep or bulin (IVIg),47–51 and use of oral immunosuppressive
in the morning before they get out of bed; if their medications for long-term therapy.49 Interestingly, this
blood pressure is consistently or frequently greater than approach to therapy has been shown to be of benefit not
180/100 mm Hg, then an antihypertensive medication, only in the acute setting, but also in patients who have
ideally one with a short duration of action, might be had symptoms for months or even years.46,49 A similar
taken at bedtime so that their orthostatic hypotension is approach may also be considered in patients with
not worsened the following morning. The reason to treat autonomic neuropathy associated with Sjögren’s syn-
supine hypertension is to reduce adverse long-term drome, as presumably the neuropathic features of this
effects on the brain and heart caused by 6 to 8 hours of condition are on an autoimmune basis and may respond
hypertension daily. Commonly used medications include to immunomodulatory therapy. Clearly, additional re-
oral hydralazine (10 to 50 mg), clonidine (0.1 mg), and search into the benefit of this type of therapy in this
nifedipine (10 to 30 mg) given at bedtime if needed, population of patients with dysautonomia is needed
depending on the patient’s blood pressure.43,44 Nitro- to determine the best approach and to determine for
glycerin paste (1/2 to 1 inch) may also be used for some which patients immunomodulatory therapy may be
patients.14,43,44 None of these medications are ideal,43,44 most successful.
and it is very important to counsel patients that if they Other symptoms of dysautonomia that are ame-
use an antihypertensive agent at night, they cannot get nable to treatment include sudomotor and secretomotor

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up out of bed to urinate due to the increased risk of abnormalities. Patients with hypohidrosis should be
worsened orthostatic hypotension secondary to the strongly cautioned about the risks of heat intolerance
effects of the antihypertensive medication. A urinal at and the need to avoid hot environmental temperatures.
the bedside for male patients and a bedside commode or Patients with acute idiopathic anhidrosis or hypohidrosis,
a bedpan for female patients are the alternatives. which may be a form of limited autonomic neuropathy,
For treatment of orthostatic tachycardia, use of should have a skin biopsy performed within the affected
b-blocker medications in low dosages—to avoid an region to be examined pathologically for lymphocytic
excessive drop in blood pressure and worsening exercise infiltration around sweat glands and their ducts. If
intolerance—is generally effective,10,11 particularly for positive, then consideration should be given to possible
patients with a more hyperadrenergic state. Many differ- short-term treatment with oral prednisone or intravenous
ent b blockers can be used with success, but metoprolol is methylprednisolone, based on case reports that this may
recommended as it can be administered in either a short- be effective.52 Hyperhidrosis, if localized, may respond to
or immediate-acting form or a long-acting form, and treatment with subcutaneous injections of botulinum
both tablet formulations can be divided. Start with a low toxin to denervate sweat glands.16 Patients with more
dosage, such as 12.5 mg once or twice a day, and titrate generalized hyperhidrosis may benefit from oral medica-
as tolerated to a target dose of 50 mg of the long-acting tions that have a strong anticholinergic side effect, such as
formulation once or twice a day. Patients should be amitriptyline or glycopyrrolate. Topical treatments for
monitored closely for orthostatic changes in blood pres- excessive sweating include aluminum chloride (the active
sure, particularly if their orthostatic intolerance symp- ingredient in antiperspirants) and topical compounded
toms actually worsen. Caution should be used in patients cream formulations of glycopyrrolate. Treatment for
with a history of asthma. If the patient has a history secretomotor abnormalities includes punctal plugging
of severe asthma requiring hospitalization, this type of for xerophthalmia and use of artificial tears and cyclo-
medication is relatively contraindicated. Low doses of sporine eye drops locally, and administration of fish oil
midodrine may also be helpful in selected patients,10,11 supplements systemically. Chronic, severe dry eye has a
with administration of the medication usually being risk of development of corneal abnormalities and should
most effective earlier in the day. Additional choices be treated aggressively. Xerostomia may be treated with
include low doses of selective serotonin reuptake inhib- over-the-counter agents to control symptoms of dry
itors (SSRIs),9 fludrocortisone10 and phenobarbital.11 mouth; pyridostigmine may also increase salivation as a
Pyridostigmine has been recently shown to be of benefit side effect, as mentioned previously.
in this population of patients, not only to reduce the
patient’s orthostatic tachycardia, but also to improve
symptoms.10,36,45 REFERENCES
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