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Materi pembelajaran Asking And Giving Opinion

⮚ Fungsi Sosial
Menjaga hubungan interpersonal dengan guru, teman dan orang lain.

⮚ Struktur teks

There are many ways to state an opinion when speaking in English. The exact
English expressions you use depend on how strong your opinion is.

▪ Giving your opinion neutrally

I think …..
I feel that …..
In my view…..
It seems to me that…..
In my opinion …..
In my experience…..
As far as I’m concerned….

▪ Giving a strong opinion

I’m absolutely convinced that ….
I’m sure that ….
I strongly believe that …..
I have no doubt that …..
There’s no doubt in my mind that …..

▪ Agreeing with an opinion

We use the following words and phrases to agree with someone else’s point
of view :
You’re absolutely right
That’s just what I was thinking
That’s a good point
I don’t think so either
That’s true
I agree with you entirely
I couldn’t agree more

▪ Disagreeing with an opinion

We use the following words and phrases to disagree with somene’s else
point of view:
I don’t agree with you
That’s not entirely true
I’m sorry to disagree with you, but ….
I’m afraid I have to disagree.
I’m not sure about that.

▪ English expressions for asking someone’s opinion

“What do you think?”
“What’s your view?”
“How do you see the situation?”
“What’s your opinion?”

Unsur Kebahasaan

           Verbs menyatakan pendapat/pikiran (I think, I suppose,  In my opinion..

           Linking Verbs such as appear, seem, look and get

● Adjectives such as the best, the most, nice, clean, good, bad, worse, terrible, etc.
● Phrases such as in my opinion, it is my opinion that …, I’m in the same opinion
that …, according to me …., as far as I’m concerned …

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