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What do age, gender, social status, and race have to do with taste and evaluating art?

One thing I can say of about art, is that everyone, yes, I meant everyone is connected or has something to do
with art, which also means everyone has specifics on what kind of art or how they associate their selves into an
art. The age, gender, social status, and race are just a few of the things that distinguishes tastes upon evaluating
art. For example, a kid would probably prefer anything that is associated with bright, fun and playful colors as
they are engaging to more outgoing environment as they are still developing. Hence, if you think about people
that are more mature, they would look at the art in depth perspective as they start to find its deeper meaning,
however tastes in art constantly changes as persons emotions is also constantly changing. Particularly, because
it also varies from their emotions and even their behavior, also depending on how they appreciate the art from
their own perspectives. Of course, they have something to do with how they pick their art because everyone
has different ideas, preferences and mostly, different cultures. Culture in which their beliefs on how they read
or perceive certain things, on how it symbolizes or represents something, and what does it makes them shape
to be the person that they wanted to be, which is to feel liberated.

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