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This assignment was accomplished by group 11:

1. Fauza Nala Farhain (NIM 0304182121) TBI-2
2. Laila Anggraini (NIM 0304182133) TBI-1
3. Rizky Harianti (NIM 0304181028) TBI-1
4. Salsabila Utami (NIM 0304182148) TBI-2
5. Saudin Hamdani (NIM 0304183220) TBI-2

Example 1:
: Summary
: Evaluation
: Reflection
Maak, T. (2007). Responsible leadership, stakeholder engagement, and the emergence of social
capital. Journal of Business Ethics, 74, 329-343.

This article focuses on the role of social capital in responsible leadership. It looks at
both the social networks that a leader builds within an organisation, and the links that a
leader creates with external stakeholders. Maak’s main aim with this article seems to be
to persuade people of the importance of continued research into the abilities that a
leader requires and how they can be acquired. The focus on the world of multinational
business means that for readers outside this world many of the conclusions seem rather
obvious (be part of the solution not part of the problem). In spite of this, the article
provides useful background information on the topic of responsible leadership and
definitions of social capital which are relevant to an analysis of a public servant.

Example 2:

Manovich, Lev. (2009). The practice of everyday (media) life: From mass consumption to mass

cultural production? Critical Inquiry, 35(2), 319–331.

Manovich's article assesses the shift from a consumption-based media culture (in which media
content is produced by a small number of professionals and consumed by a mass audience) to a
production-based media culture (in which this mass audience is just as active in producing
content as in consuming it). He is skeptical of some of the claims made about this cultural shift;
specifically, he argues that the shift towards user-made content must be regarded as more reliant
upon commercial media production than it is typically acknowledged to be. However, he regards
web 2.0 as an exciting ongoing development for art and media production, citing its innovation
and unpredictability. The article is outdated in certain ways (it dates from 2009, before the
launch of Instagram, to give just one example). Nevertheless, its critical engagement with the
possibilities opened up for media production by the growth of social media is valuable in a
general sense, and its conceptualization of these changes frequently applies just as well to more
current social media platforms as it does to Myspace. Conceptually, I intend to draw on this
article in my own analysis of the social dynamics of Twitter and Instagram.

: the red color implies the descriptive annotation a.k.a summary.

: the yellow color implies the evaluative annotation that contains arguments and
personal evaluations.

: the green color implies the reflective annotation that the reviewer seemed to
consider the relevance and usefulness of this article.

Example 3:
 : Summary
 : Reflection
 : Evaluation

Hatnik, L., Calloway, S., Joy, N., Owen, F. A., & Constantine, G. A. (2017). Leadership

creativity as social action and transformation: A case study. International Journal of

Leadership Studies, 143), 72-78. doi: 1.1702/5l.21719

This article presents a case study that addresses the dificulty students have in connecting
class content with rea-life social problems. As a potential solution for this problem,
students enrolled in a university course on social, global, and environmental isues worked
on a creative project with a charity that aids women leaving incarceration. The course
coupled this community work with class readings, discussions, and guest speakers,
leading students to have a deeper learning experience that also benefitted the target
community. While the case study's conclusions provide potentialy helpful information,
the authora neglect to provide any hard evidence for the assumed difieulty in conneting
class content to real- ife problems. Furthermore, the authors admit at one point that a few
students doubted various aspects of the class, but this group is not addressed in the
conclusions section of the article. Despite a few shortcomings, the case study does
provide a useful strategy that can help young leaders gain real-world experience which
can be adapted to the high school setting I am researching.

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