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a. Isikan identitas Anda ke dalam Lembar Jawaban yang tersedia dengan menggunakan pensil
2B, sesuai petunjuk.
b. Hitamkan bulatan didepan nama mata ujian pada lembar jawaban Ujian Semester Ganjil
c. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum anda menjawabnya.
d. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang jelas, rusak,
atau tidak lengkap.
e. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas ujian,bila diperlukan.
f. Tidak diizinkan menggunakan kalkulator, HP, tabel matematika atau alat bantu hitung
g. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian.
h. Lembar soal tidak boleh dicoret-coret

Question 1 – 5 : choose the best expression, statement or 4.

question that best describes what you see in the picture.

a. would you like to try this new car?

b. would you like a cup of coffee?
c. shall I open a window?
d. do you want something to eat
2. a. art show
b. Sport Festival
c. Craft fair
d. food Fair
In my opinion the boys
are handsome
c. they are going to dinner
d. I think he is wear a
beautiful dress

a. penpal letter
b. fan mail letter

a. I think she look beautiful today

c. farewell letter
d. congratulation letter
Question 6 – 16 : choose the The best expression in each question or statement

6. Hey Siti, ____________________ go star gazing tonight.

a. are you c. shall them
b. b. how about d. would you like to

7. Atilla : we will have a long holiday in the next semester,

a. I wish you all the best what are you going to do?
b. enjoy yourself Atalla : ………………………………………………….
c. get well soon Atilla : I do hope you have a nice trip. d. I hope it doesn’t rain
MGMP Mata Diklat - KELAS Berapa # PAKET – A atau B Page 1
13. A : What do you think about the film ?
a. I Dont know c. I am Thinking of going to B : I think .......................
Kiluan Beach. a. Thank you c. you forget it
b. I am Busy d.I will study b. i can’t hear you Xd. I like it
8. What shall we do today?____________________ we go 14. Andi : Shall I bring you some tea? Ina : Yes, please,
to the library. _______________. a. I don't want another helping
a. Shall I c. Why don't b. it is very kind of you
b. Let's d. Would you c. Why don't you
9. Wiro : I’ve Problem with my mobile Phone. what’s your d. Let's go
Idea? 15. Ira : I like Harry Potter movies because the magic seems
Sinto : ………………………………………….. Gilang : ____________. Harry Potter movies are just
Wiro : that’s good Idea. overrated.
a. I Think you should buy the new one. a. Almost everyone
b. How A pity you are. b. I don't agree with you
c. That’s not my Business c. Let's go
d. its good car d. Why don't you
10. ____________________ the washing , if you like. 16. Eric : I think our city is very hot at the moment. Eric : I
a. Can I c. I'll do don’t think so ................ our city is much cooler than
b. Would you d. Let's other cities in this country. a. I know it b. I am thinking
11. Andy : what do you think about our school? rudy :
c. He forget it
d. In my opinion.
Intan : I disagree about it, I feel that our school is the
Question 17 – 25 : choose the innappropriate structure
cleanest school in kedamaian. a. yes I like
in the following sentences or dialogs. 17. Let go to the
b. I think it’s a dirty school. do you agree Intan?
sushi restaurant for lunch.
c. I don’t think so A B C D
d. it is the best ever
18. I thinks the food was very tasty.
12. Carly: “I submitted my essay to the teacher few days ago, A B C D
but I haven't received any response from her.”
19. Do I get you a glass of juice ? A B C D
Edo:____________________ go and ask her? a. Shall us
Xc. Why don't you 20. Can you like another glass of juice?
b. I'll do d. I propose A B C D
21. Can I helps you take something? A B C D for her performance in Erin Brockovich. Her romantic comedies and
22. I hope that I am will wake up early every day. crime films collectively, brought box office receipts of over $ 2
A B C D billions, made her the most successful actress in terms of box
office receipts.
23. I totally agree with your that the chairs are of the low
Roberts was the first actress to appear on the cover of
A B C quality of the
Vogue. She was in People magazine’s “50 Most Beautiful
People in the World” eleven times, tied with Halle Berry.
In 2001, Ladies Home Journal ranked as her as the 11th
most powerful woman in America, beating out the
24. I wish that I will fulfill all my dreams. A B C national security advisor Condoleezza Rice and first lady
D Laura Bush.
25. The graphics were absolutely awesome. Doesn't you agree
A B C with me? 29. What is the topic of the 2nd paragraph?
a. Julia’s early life. c. Julia’s family.
Questions 26 to 36 refer to the following text!
b. Julia’s influence. d. Julia’s experience.

A great earthquake occurred at 6:58 a.m. local time

on 30. When did Julia Robert receive award nomination?
Sunday, 26 December 2004. It triggered massive tsunami (SOO- a. 1867 c. 1989
NAH-MEE) that affected several countries throughout south and b. 1990 d. 2001
Southeast Asia.
By December 30, 2004 the death toll from the Asian tsunami 31. “… her as the 11th most powerful woman in America, …”
disaster had risen to over 100,000 people and by 5 January 2005, (2nd paragraph). The word ‘her’ refers to …. a.Julia Robert
the number approached 150,000. c. Condoleezza Rice
b. Ladies Journal d. Laura Bush
26. In the Asian tsunami disaster, how much people were probably
killed by the end of December 2004? a. Less than It is very easy to operate the electric screwdriver. First, you have
100,000 c. Over 10,000 to put the plug into the socket, then switch on the power button.
b. More than 100,000 d. 150,000 After that, place the screw on the tip of the screwdriver. Next,
push this button while you install the screw to the intended place.
Release the button after you feel certain that the screw is strongly
27. It triggered … (paragraph 1)
attached to its place.
The word “it” refers to
Finally, take the plug out of the socket.x
a. Local time c. Tsunami
b. Southeast Asia d. Earthquake
32. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to
28. The antonym of the word “massive” in line 2 is … the text?
a. Big c. Small a. Before switching on the power button, put the plug into
b. Large d. Thin socket.
b. Take the plug out of the socket after placing the screw on
the tip of the screwdriver.
Julia Fiona Roberts was born in October 28, 1967. She starred the
c. After installing the screw to the intended place, release the
romantic comedy, Pretty Woman, which grossed $ 463 million
worldwide. After receiving Academy Award nominations in 1990
and in 1991, she won the Academy Award for best actress in 2001 d. After placing the screw on the tip of the screwdriver, push
the power button to install the screw.

PAKET C11– BAHASA INGGRIS Halaman2dari3Halaman

a. SG 813 c. SG 504
b. SG 622 d. SG 211
33. Why would you put the plug into the socket? 40. How long the flight to Medan if you take FL.No SG 506...
a. To place the screw on the tip of the screwdriver. a. 2 hours 15 minutes c. 2 hours 35 minutes
b. To switch on the power button. b. 2 hours 25 minutes d. 2 hours 45 minute
c. To push this button while you install the screw.
d. To release the button. Question 41 to 42 Arrange the jumbled sentences to make
good paragraph
41. 1. Request the honor of your presence at the

34. “… take the plug out of the socket.” (last sentence) 2. Mr. And mrs. Oliver durand The antonym of the word “take out” is … 3.
Sophie lynn to jeffrey matthew a. Put into c. Turn on 4. Marriage of their daugther
b. Switch on d. Press into a. 2 - 1 - 3 - 4 c. 3 - 1 - 2 - 4
b. 2 - 3 - 4 - 1 d. 3 - 2 - 4 - 1

An Elephant 42. 1. On July 10 at 1:00 P.M.

An elephant is the largest and strongest animals. It is 2. Jln. Mawar 100 a strange looking
animal with its thick legs, huge sides and 3. Please join us for our backs, large hanging ears, a
small tall, little eyes, long white 4. We’ve finally settled in tusks and above all it has a long noise,
the trunk. 5. Timika
The trunk is the elephant’s peculiar feature, and it 6. House-Warming Party has various uses. The elephant draws up
water by its trunk a. 4 - 1 - 2 – 3 – 5 - 6 c. 4 – 3 – 6 – 1 – 2 – 5 and can squirt it all over its body like a shower bath.
It can b. 3 - 1 - 2 – 4 – 6 - 5 d. 3 – 4 – 6 – 1 – 5 – 6 also lift leaves and puts them into its mouth. In fact the trunk
serves the elephant as a long am and hand. An elephant
Questions 43 - 50 are incomplete dialogues. Four answers
looks very clumsy and heavy and yet it can move very
marked (A), (B), (C), (D) are given beneath each dialogue.
quickly. You have choose the bes answer to complete the dialogue.
The elephant is a very intelligent animal. Its intelligence combined with its great strength makes it a very
useful servant to man and it can be trained to serve in A: Good morning. (43)... I have your ticket, please?
various ways such as carry heavy loads, hunt for tigers and B: Here you are, madam. even fight.
A: (44)... you have any luggage?

B: Yes, one suitcase.

35. The third paragraph is mainly about the fact that.... A: (45)... place it here.

a. elephants are strong c. elephants can lift logs A: Would you (46)... a window or an aisle seat?
b. elephants are servants d. elephant are very useful B: An aisle seat, please.

A: Ok, sure. (47)... anything else I can do for you?

36. The third paragraph is mainly about the fact that.... B: No, Thank you.

a.Its clumsiness c. its thick legs A: (48)... . Here is (49)... boarding pass. Please be at the
b.Its large body d. its long nose gate B, 30 minutes before boarding. (50)... flight!
B: Thank you.

44. a. Did c. Done b. Do d. Does

45. a. Pleasing c. Pleased

b. Pleasant d. Please

46. a. Will c. Like

b. Get d. Do
43. a. Will c. May

Question 37 - 40 : complete the following text with the words b. Is d. Do provided.

47. a. Is there
c. May I
b. Would You d. What is

48. a. Your Welcome c. Congratulation

b. Good Luck d. I Agree
37. What is text about?
a. flight schedule 49. a. Your c. Their

b. an advertisement b. You d. He

c. an estimated time of arrival

d. an estimated time of departure 50. a. Have a nice c. Don't Worry

38. If you want to fly to Medan at 11.00, you can take flight... b. Thanks anyway d. Take Care

a. SG 813 c. SG 504
b. SG 622 d. SG 211
39. The earliest flight departure to Manado is...

PAKET C11– BAHASA INGGRIS Halaman3dari3Halaman

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