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The short movie constitutes the history of the World War II that focuses on the Japanese

Invaders invading the Philippines, which they entitled, “The Philippines Hell.” It all started with
the motive of Japan of world domination, and their conflict with the United States of America.

History is essential for the growth of the many, I believe that all that is happening inside this
small little bubble, called Earth, are all timed. My mindset is more on the spiritual side, I still
believe in it, why because this is what I believe, yes, cruelty and evil are given because humans
are considered animals to, they have a thirst to have dominion to those who is weaker than
them. The movie is a perfect example, Japan had a thirst for power, and this resulted to war.
Spain had a thirst for dominion, that’s why the Philippines went under it for 300 plus years.

This all happened for a reason. I am not patronizing what the other countries have done to each
other, but think of it, if it weren’t for these lapses in history, do you think the world is what it is
today? Do you think it is what the Philippines is today? I think otherwise because growth always
go together with mistakes and breakdowns. One will never grow if experiences are not present,
the only problem there is that some are not growing because they are still stuck contemplating
those experiences.

Japan did conquer the Philippines, but those are all in the past. I salute to those who have tried
to defend this great nation, I don’t disregard all that they have done. But I believe in the quote,
“The living must move on,” don’t be stuck in the past, the mistake of our ancestors is not the
mistake of those who are present. Live in the present, that way we can move on to the future.

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